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The word personality is derived from a Greek word “persona” which means “to speak through”.
Personality is the combination of characteristics or qualities that forms a person’s unique identity.

It refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. The
study of personality focuses on two broad areas: One understands individual differences in particular
personality characteristics, such as sociability or irritability. The other understands how the various parts of
a person come together as a whole.

“Personality is that which permits a prediction of what a person will in a given situation”-R.B.Cattle

G. W. Allport defined it as “a person’s pattern of habits, attitudes, and traits which determine his
adjustment to his environment.”

The determinants of personality can perhaps best be grouped in five broad categories: biological,
cultural, family, social and situational.

1. Biological Factors
2. Cultural Factors
3. Family Factors
4. Social Factors
5. Situational Factors
Biological Factors:
The study of the biological contributions to personality may be studied under three heads:

➢ Heredity:
Heredity refers to those factors that were determined at conception. Physical stature, facial
attractiveness, sex, temperament, muscle composition and reflexes, energy level, and biological rhythms are
characteristics that are considered to be inherent from one’s parents.
➢ Brain:
The second biological approach is to concentrate on the role that the brain plays in personality. The
psychologists are unable to prove empirically the contribution of the human brain in influencing personality.

➢ Physical features:
A vital ingredient of the personality, an individual’s external appearance, is biologically determined.
The fact that a person is tall or short, fat or skinny, black or white will influence the person’s effect on
others and this in turn, will affect the self-concept.

Cultural Factors:
Among the factors that influence personality formation is the culture in which we are raised, early
conditioning, norms prevailing within the family, friends and social groups and other miscellaneous
experiences that impact us.
The culture largely determines attitudes towards independence, aggression, competition, cooperation
and a host of other human responses.

Family Factors:
The culture generally prescribes and limits what a person can be taught, it is the family, and later the
social group, which selects, interprets and dispenses the culture. Thus, the family probably has the most
significant impact on early personality development.

The parents play an especially important part in the identification process, which is important to the person’s
early development.

Social Factors:
There is increasing recognition given to the role of other relevant persons, groups and especially
organisations, which greatly influence an individual’s personality. This is commonly called the socialization

Socialization starts with the initial contact between a mother and her new infant. After infancy, other
members of the immediate family – father, brothers, sisters and close relatives or friends, then the social
group: peers, school friends and members of the work group – play influential roles.

Situational Factors:
Human personality is also influenced by situational factors. The effect of the environment is quite
strong. Knowledge, skill and language are obviously acquired and represent important modifications of
An individual’s personality, while generally stable and consistent, does change in different
situations. The varying demands of different situations call forth different aspects of one’s personality.

Allport in his study identified as many as 17,953 traits. Realising the need for reducing such large
number to a manageable one, Catell first isolated 171 traits and then the same reduced to 16 traits. Here they
said about 16 distinct types of personality traits.

1. Reserved Vs. Outgoing.

2. Less intelligent Vs. More intelligent.
3. Affected by feelings Vs. Emotional more stable.
4. Submissive Vs. Dominant.
5. Serious Vs. Happy-go-lucky.
6. Expedient Vs. Conscientious.
7. Timid Vs. Venturesome.
8. Tough-minded Vs. Sensitive.
9. Trusting Vs. Suspicious.
10. Practical Vs. Imaginative.
11. Forthright Vs. Shrewd.
12. Self-assured Vs. Apprehensive.
13. Conservative vs. Experimenting.
14. Group dependent Vs. Self-dependent.
15. Uncontrolled Vs. Controlled.
16. Relaxed Vs. Tense.

The Big Five personality traits, also known as the five factors model (FFM) is a widely
examined theory of five broad dimensions used by some psychologists to describe the human personality.

❖ Openness
❖ Conscientiousness
❖ Extroversion
❖ Agreeableness
❖ Neuroticism
Trait Description

Openness Being curious, original, intellectual, creative and open to new ideas.

Conscientiousness Being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement-oriented and dependable.

Extraversion Being outgoing, talkative, sociable and enjoying social situations.

Agreeableness Being affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind and warm.

Neuroticism Being anxious, irritable, temperamental and moody.


The main types of personalities are,

Type of Personality


Type A and Type B

Judging and Perceptive

1. Introversion/Extraversion personalities

2. Type A and Type B Personalities

3. Judging and perceptive personalities

Introversion/Extraversion personalities:

Introverts Extroverts

Like quiet for concentration Like variety and action

Tend to be careful with details, dislike sweeping Tend to work faster, dislike complicated procedure
Have trouble remembering names and faces. Are often good at greeting people

Like to think a lot before they act, sometimes Often act quickly, sometimes without thinking
without acting
Work contentedly alone. Like to have people around.

Have some problems communicating Usually communicate freely

Tend not to mind working on one project for a Are often impatient with long slow jobs.
long time uninterruptedly
Often do not mind interruptions of answering the
Dislike telephone intrusions and interruptions telephone

Type A and Type B Personalities:

Research regarding type A and B theory was conducted by Friedman &Rosenman (1976)

Type A Type B
Competitive Relaxed

Time Urgent Patient

Hostile and Aggressive Easy going

Judging and perceptive personalities:
Judging Type Perceptive Type
Work best when they can plan work and follow Adapt well to changing situations
the plan
Do not mind leaving things open for
Like to get things settled.
May decide things too quickly. May have trouble making decisions.
May not notice new things that need to be done. May start too many projects and have
difficulty in finishing them.
Want only essential things needed to begin their Want to know all about their work

Tend to be curious and welcome new

Tend to be satisfied once they reach a judgement
on a thing or situation or person information on a thing or a situation or a

Researchers have developed a number of personality theories and no theory is complete in itself.
The theories of personality can be conveniently grouped under five heads:

Type Theory

Trait Theory

Self -Theory

Social Learning

1. Psychoanalytic Theory
2. Type Theories
3. Trait Theories
4. Self-Theory
5. Social Learning theory
Psychoanalytic Theory:

Sigmund Freud is credited with the psychoanalytic theory. In his 40 years of writing and clinical

➢ ID: The id, the largest part of the mind, is related to desires and impulses and is the main source
of basic biological needs.

➢ EGO: The ego is related to reasoning and is the conscious, rational part of the personality; it
monitors behaviour in order to satisfy basic desires without suffering negative consequences.

➢ SUPER EGO: The superego, or conscience, develops through interactions with others to conform to
the norms of society. Freud suggested that the three structures, i.e. id, ego, and superego can be
depicted diagrammatically to show how they are related to the conscious and unconscious.

Type Theories:
The type theories represent an attempt to put some degree of order into the chaos of personality
theory. The type theory represents an attempt to scientifically describe personality by classifying individuals
into convenient categories. Two categories of type theories are explained below,

❖ Body Theory: William Sheldon has presented a unique body-type temperamental model that
represents a link between certain anatomical features and psychological traits with distinguishing
characteristics of an individual and his behaviour.

❖ Psychological factor- Extrovert-introvert Theory: The way to type personality is in terms of

behaviour or psychological factors. Introvert and extrovert types are an example.

Trait Theories:
Allport in his study identified as many as 17,953 traits. Realising the need for reducing such large
number to a manageable one, Catell first isolated 171 traits and then the same reduced to 16 traits

The Big Five personality traits, also known as the five factors model (FFM), is a widely examined
theory of five broad dimensions used by some psychologists to describe the human personality.
❖ Openness
❖ Conscientiousness
❖ Extroversion
❖ Agreeableness
❖ Neuroticism

Trait Description

Openness Being curious, original, intellectual, creative, and open to new ideas.

Conscientiousness Being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement-oriented, and dependable.

Extraversion Being outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoying social situations.

Agreeableness Being affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind, and warm.

Neuroticism Being anxious, irritable, temperamental, and moody.

Carl Rogers is credited with self-theory of personality. This theory is also described as
“phenomenological “which studies individual’s subjective experience, feelings and his concepts of world
and self.

➢ Self-Image: Every person has certain beliefs about what or who he/she is. In other words, self-
image is one’s image of oneself. This is how one sees oneself
➢ Ideal-Self: The Ideal-self refers to what one would like to look like. The basic line of difference
between self-image and ideal-self is that the former indicates the reality of a person whereas the
latter implies the ideality of the person.
➢ Looking Glass-Self: This refers to how others perceive the individual. In other words, this means
the way an individual thinks people perceive about him and not the way people actually see him.
➢ Real-Self: The real- self is what one actually is. The first three self-concepts relate to an
individual’s perception about himself/herself. They may be the same or differ from the real-self.
Social Learning Theory:

Through learning, one can acquire knowledge, language, attitudes, values, manual skills, fears,
personality traits and self-insight.

Therefore, a study of the process of learning throws more light on understanding human’s activity.
There are two ways of learning,

• Reinforcement that is direct experience

• Observing others.

The social learning theory focuses on behaviour patterns and cognitive activities in relation to the
specific conditions that evoke maintain or modify them.


A great overall personality is very important in the life of an individual. Everyone is influenced by an
attractive personality. The person having a good personality can move through the difficulties with more
confidence. However, the importance of personality development includes:

Gives Confidence:

A great personality tends to give a boost to your confidence. Knowing the right things to say and
how to conduct yourself will increase your confidence. It leads to a situation of easiness for you and you are
able to control all your anxiety and fears and perform fearlessly.

Improves Communication Skills:

A lot of emphases is given to improving communication skills during personality development.

Possessing good communication skills is very important both for personal and professional life. People are
more receptive to what you say if they are impressed with your personality. Verbal communication skills are
also part of personality development.

Helps to develop Positive Attitude:

Positive attitude is really important for one to progress in life. A person with a positive attitude
always looks at the brighter side and is always on a developmental path. An individual with a negative
attitude finds a problem in every situation. Developing a positive attitude even in a hopeless situation is the
part of personality developmental program.

Makes you Credible:

It is very important to have a proper dressing sense and picking up right dress for you. Despite the
saying that you don’t judge a book by its cover, people do tend to judge people by their clothing and how it
is worn. Also, your dress plays a great deal of role in your overall looks and your confidence as well. you
must know what to wear and you must be aware of other aspects of enhancing your physical features.

Improving Personality:

Competition is increasing day by day and there is no less of talented individuals possessing high
academic results and willing to work hard to achieve their goals. You cannot win by talent and hard work
alone these days apart from these two there is a strong need of good personality too. Personality
development is a crucial ingredient for success that you must obtain to be successful in your life. Personality
development helps you develop an impressive personality and makes you stand apart from the rest. However
few tips to improve personality include:

❖ Gain Knowledge:

As the saying goes, knowledge is power. It is very true that knowledge is power, and is very
important in today’s competitive world. Nobody is impressed with a person who doesn't have
the knowledge about his work as well as surroundings and doesn’t even know what is happening around the

❖ A Healthy Body:

An important part of personality is your appearance and your physical health. It is very important to
maintain a good physical health for a good personality as well as for a healthy life. A body burdened with a
disease may get pity for others but it is very difficult for that person to maintain an attractive personality.

❖ Dress Smartly:

As told earlier, physical appearance plays an important role in your personality. A smartly dressed
person is admired everywhere. By observing successful people in any field, you will come to the conclusion
that most of the successful people in almost every field have a keen taste for good dresses. At the same time
it is also important that you should not try to copy someone else, instead, make a style statement of your
own and choose the clothing that you feel comfortable with. Good dresses also prove a stimulus for the
wearer, the person feels more confident and relaxed.

❖ Speaking Style:

To have an engaging conversation, it is very important that you maintain a good speaking style and
expressions as well. Most of the successful persons maintain a unique style of speaking. They speak clearly
and forcefully. Be careful that you have a good command of the language you speak. Speaking power is an
essential trait of any good person.



Self-Awareness is Knowing one’s own Attitudes, Opinion, Feelings, Emotion, Motives, purpose,
Desires, needs, Strengths, weaknesses and Accurate self-assessment.

Self-awareness means the habit of paying attention to the way you think, feel and behave. More
specifically: In short, self-awareness means paying attention to and trying to learn about our own


Self-awareness is a state of being where you consciously manage your thoughts, emotions and
behaviours. It’s a deeper insight into who you are as a person so you can live on purpose rather than
unconsciously. It helps you understand how your thinking, feelings and behaviours affect you and others so
you can live positively.
There are two types of self-awareness. They are as follows,

❖ Internal self-awareness: “how clearly we see our own values, passions, aspirations, fit with our
environment, reaction and impact on others.”
❖ External self-awareness: “understanding how other people view us, in terms of those same factors
listed above.”

Self-awareness is an important tool to help you succeed at a higher level. When you understand
yourself well, you live your life consciously rather than just letting it happen to you. Here are seven
examples of the importance of self-awareness:

❖ Connect more easily with other people.

❖ Treat people with kindness and compassion and have them do the same for you.
❖ Follow your true path in life.
❖ Build a career you love based on your natural talents and abilities.
❖ Live authentically and openly.
❖ Resolve your inner issues so they don’t get in the way of your progress.
❖ Be yourself at all times instead of pretending to be someone else.

Self-awareness offers many benefits to help you live a happier, more fulfilling and genuine life. They
are as follows,

❖ Better relationships:

It’s difficult to ask for what we want and need in a relationship when we’re not very clear about
those things ourselves. What’s more, the less self-awareness we have, the easier it is to get defensive in our
interactions with people, which is a recipe for disaster in any type of relationship. If you want to improve
your relationships, start by trying to become more self-aware.

❖ Improved moods:

Our mood and how we tend to feel hour-to-hour is largely dependent on how we choose to think and
behave. When we improve our awareness of the relationship between thoughts, behaviour, and emotion, it
becomes easier to regulate our feelings and moods.

❖ Clearer thinking and better decision-making:

Poor decision-making often comes from muddled thinking and strong emotional reactions. When we
become more aware of our habits of thought and feeling, we can more easily distinguish between short term
impulses or desires and long term values and goals.

❖ More effective communication:

Achieving a clearer sense of what you believe and what you really want makes it far easier to
communicate in any aspect of life, whether it’s with a spouse, manager at work, or best friend. The better we
know ourselves, the easier it is to communicate assertively, to be honest about what we would like and
respectful of the wishes of others.
❖ Increased productivity:

The most common cause of procrastination and poor productivity isn’t a lack of effort or
commitment, its interference from ourselves. When we struggle to get to work, it’s usually because on some
level our own thoughts, emotions, or habits are getting in the way. Improving self-awareness can help
eliminate many of these hidden obstacles to productivity.


Before knowing anything else, you need to know yourself first. You need to know your weaknesses,
strengths, beliefs and desires in life. Keeping in touch with your emotions means, you have to be self-aware.
Here some of the ways to develop self-awareness.

1. Know your strengths and weaknesses:

Knowing your strengths and coping with your weaknesses, will help you improve self-awareness.
Each of us has strengths and weaknesses that compose of who we are and this will help you shape how to
reach your goals. You should take ownership in assessing yourself because it is for your own personal

2. Ask for feedback and listen:

This might not be easy, most especially if you are close minded and defensive to people who give
critiques to you. Although no one enjoys it, but we should try to view criticism as a useful feedback to
improve ourselves. It will help you learn more about the traits that you need to develop, personally and

3. Know your emotional triggers:

Identifying what exactly emotionally triggers you can be challenging but getting to know and
understanding it, can help you improve yourself. As long as you noticed that you are emotionally reacting,
you just have to shift your emotional state in order to think through it.

4. Set boundaries:
Keeping your boundaries firmly will help you maintain the integrity of your goals and the work you
put in it. Also, it takes courage and support but is a skill you can master that will help you develop yourself

5. Practice self-discipline:
In every area of your life, you need to practice self-discipline. This will help you develop your
potential and improve yourself awareness, since self-discipline help you form habits to attain your goals in

6. Keep an open-mind:
One of the most difficult things to practice is to keep an open mind. Understanding someone’s point
of view even if you disagree can change and free your mind. Change the way you think and don’t get stuck
in a mind-set that makes you frustrated or helpless.

7. Try new experiences:

Exploring new things will teach you a thing about yourself. This is all about stepping out of your
comfort zone and trying to do something you’ve never done before. Unfamiliar things will help you respond
in different ways that you never thought is possible. Travelling alone is also another way to discover things
about yourself.
8. Motivate yourself:
Feeling less motivated too often has been unhealthy. Motivating yourself and viewing life in a
positive side will help you develop your potential and self-awareness. In addition, awareness of your
psychological needs can increase your motivation by helping you understand and seek out the reward that
you desire.

9. Meditate:
Meditation is a practice of improving your moment-by-moment awareness. Meditation usually
begins with appreciating of, focusing on, inhaling and exhaling. Just simply find a few seconds to focus on
your breathing, often before sleep. Also, meditation can be helpful if


SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and Threats through this analysis we can know that whether we have interest in one thing or
not and whether it give success or not


“Become addicted to constant and never-ending self-improvement.” - Anthony J. D’Angelo

SWOT is an acronym for ‘Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat’ applied to evaluate your
personal self with the aim of self-improvement and pursuing career goals.


❖ One can find out their positives and negatives by SWOT analysis
❖ It helps to plan the capability
❖ Planed capability gives success.
❖ It helps to develop skills.
❖ It helps to develop self-confidents.
❖ It helps to individual's growth.
❖ Helps to learn new things practically.
❖ It drives away inability
❖ It brings success.

❖ In finding self-weaknesses
❖ To find out capability
❖ To respect others skills
❖ In understanding ones abilities and areas of weakness and for being honest and objective about these
❖ In solving nearer problems
❖ In converting weakness into Opportunities
❖ In developing strengths
❖ In using Opportunities
❖ In self-analysis
❖ In self development

They are the attributes of a person which are helpful to achieving the objective. If also gives strength
to face problems.

They are the attributes of a person which are harmful to achieving the objective. We must try to
change the weakness into capability or try to drive away the weakness by learning or experiences of others.
Sometime learning or experiences of others. Sometime one’s strength can drive away his weakness

These are external conditions that are helpful to achieving the objective. One must use the
opportunity in correct way and in correct time

These are the external conditions which can damage one’s performance. We must bold against

Strengths Weaknesses
•Skills, competencies, knowledge •Personal nature or tendencies
•Education •Lack of education
•Strong personality •Lack of work experience or expertise
•Confidence •Less resources
•Commitment, enthusiasm, and passion •Hygiene issues
•Achievements •Lack of career direction or focus
•Personal resources •Negative work habits
•PR and connections

Opportunities Threats
•Favorable job or work trends •Job insecurity
•Developed Improving economy •Downsizing and restructuring
•Job vacancies and openings •Changing market trends
•Training opportunities •Fewer job opportunities
•Technology advancements •Unrest
•Demand for Expertise and skills •Emerging competition
•Changing professional standards


Life without goal is meaningless. Without goal one cannot live life with fulfilment and
achievements. People who set goals have a clear direction towards their chosen destination. A goal is a
target, the end result or achievement. Goals are essential for every success.


The definition of goal setting is ”The process of identifying something that you want to accomplish
and establishing measurable goals and timeframes”.


❖ Gives practical structure of our imagine.

❖ It makes our life fulfilment.
❖ It brings out our talents.
❖ It helps to develop our talents.
❖ It develops our self-confidents.
❖ It put our name in great achievers list.


❖ Goal must be in honest way.

❖ Correct plans should be made to achieve goal.
❖ They must be short time plans.
❖ We must give importance to most important things of goal.
❖ To get group success, our goal must be accepted by others.


The basic principle of Goal setting is explained in terms of SMART. They are explained as follows,
S – Specific (or Significant) --- What you want to achieve is clearly stated

M – Measurable (or Meaningful) --- Identify the progress of goal, when it is completed

A-Attainable (or Action-Oriented) --- It should be within your reach

R– Relevant (or Rewarding) --- Reaching the goal will make you feel good

T – Time-bound (or Trackable) --- The goal should have a time limit that is reasonable

It helps you to manage and plan the work.


Goal that must be our interest. What we like that should be our goal. In which we have no interest
that cannot be a goal.
1. Action plan:
One should plan the actions to reach goal.
2. Positive goals:
Only positive goals will give expected effects. It also helps us to reach goal quickly.
3. Attainable goals:
Goals must be easy to reach.
4. Motive goals:
People trying to do their work very perfect. There may be failure sometimes. But what they
try is the encouragement for the work. That is their effort is the encouragement for them to move
towards the goal. This encouragement must for everyone to develop their action skill.


❖ Fear of failure:
If negative thinking is raise in our mind, it is confirm that we are in fear of failure. Success
increases our self-confidence. Failure increases our weakness.
❖ Setting easy goals:
Short time goals are very ordinary. So they did not show our skills. These goals did not give
real or good result.
❖ Nature of goal:
Goals are changed on the basis of time changing. So, we must re-analysis our goal often
which helps us to correct our mistakes.



Self-monitoring is a personality characteristic that makes an individual pay closer attention to

a social situation so that they can change their behaviors to fit that situation.


1. Personality:

Personality is the basic components of Self-Monitoring.This is all about knowing human

thought,success,failure and nature.

2. Interest:

Mostly people are engaged in Face book, what’s-App, email, Google, You tube and internet in this
computer era. This is all about assessing ones interest in the above said all or something else.

3. Ability:

Everybody has his own talent in a particular field. Everyone has to identify his own field in which he is
expert and competent. For instance one may have mastery over sports or arts or literature.


It is quite natural for everyone to give importance to something in accordance with the situation
he lived in. It is to analyse what an individual gives importance to.

For instance, the importance one gives may be earning money or reputation, or attaining higher
social status.


Advantages Disadvantages
1. They make use of available opportunities They don't make use of available opportunities
2. Success rate is high Success rate is low
3. capable of changing critical situations favourable They are incompetent
4. They maintain higher social status with self esteem They face complications in public life
5. They give importance to other's view They emphasize their own views
6.They don't face considerable loss They face considerable loss
7. Chances are less to hurt other's feelings Chances are more to hurt other's feelings


1. They adapt themselves with the situation They never change themselves
2. They realize themselves They don't realize themselves
3. Highly sensitive Not sensitive
4. Follow many ways in problem solving Follow only one way
5. Agree with others Turn a blind eye towards others
6. Make use of available resources Not interested
7. Success rate is high Success rate is low


➢ People of high self-monitoring are interested in taking up different tasks approaching with
initiative and so many techniques. Those who are low self-monitoring engage themselves in
monotonous work.
➢ High self-monitors are more talented. They are highly self confidence as they identify and bring
out their interest, esteem and personality by themselves or with the help of the trainers.They are
able to develop their personality as they know their weaknesses.
➢ High self monitors always score good marks in interviews.
➢ High self monitors are able to realize themselves completely along with their likes and dislikes.
➢ High self monitors go ahead positively in their career and get succeeded with promotion.



Perception is a cognitive process through which people select, organize, interpret, retrieve and
respond to information. It is nothing but the information gathered through five senses of organs such as
sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing are experienced through sense organs.

For example: It is a sense that you hear a noise. The understanding of the noise to be of an aeroplane is


According to H. J. Reitz , “Perception as the process of receiving information by an individual about his
environment through seeing, hearing, feeling and smelling”.


 Perception is due to previous experiences habits, customs and attitudes.

 Perception differs from person to person, from time to time and from situation to situation.
 Perception is influenced by the novelty, motion, sounds, size and proximity.
 Unfulfilled desires and expectations influence the Perception.
 Environment or situation
 Culture
 Politics
 The society to which one depends.
 Time
 One’s Mindset
 Sense of muscles
 Sense of organs
 Nature of perception
 Nature of situation


1. Reception:

➢ We become aware of the world around us through our sense organs.

➢ Namely eyes, nose, ears and mouth
➢ The process of receiving stimuli is by seeing, hearing, smelling tasting and touching

2. Symbolic process:

Red is considered as the symbol of caution. Whereas, white is for peace. These symbols are
required to explain something

3. Unification:

Perception is possible through unification of the different sensations. Smell, color and form of a
rose are experienced by the sense organs and unification of sensations of smelling and seeing give view to
perception that it is rose.

4. Intensity:

According to the intensity principle of attention the intensity of an external stimulus determines it
probability of being perceived.

In human life perfection can lead to peace of mind. Something may be bigger or smaller, superior or
inferior comparatively, but perfection is experienced most

5. Clarity:

Human needs depend on the emotion and stimulations experiencing his elaborately are the

6. Experience:

Comparison of two events happened in one’s life or comparison of similar things heard makes
experience. This is perceptual experience.
Perception process may result in a person making errors in judgement or understanding of others
persons. Misunderstanding the formation received through sense of organs is known as perceptual errors.


1. A rope lying on the ground may look like a snake.

2. One may misconceive others voice as his friends voice.

1. Illusion:

Illusion is a distorted form of perception where by one sees things not as they truly are. The
simple definition of illusion is “not perceiving things as they are “The above cited examples explain the

A) Vertical – Horizon illusion:

The tendency of over estimating the length of a vertical line relative to a horizontal line of the
same length by the observers is the vertical horizontal illusion

Both the Horizontal line and the vertical line are same in length. Vertical line
But the vertical line seems to be lengthier than the horizontal line.
This perceptual error is called vertical – horizontal illusion.
Horizontal line

B) The Mullar - Lyer illusion:

A --

B --

Which one of the horizontal lines is longer? Your Visual system tells you that B is longer, but your scale
would confirm that both A and B are equal in length.

The reason behind the lineA looking smaller is due to the inward arrows at the ends. As this illusion was
explained by German psychiatrists Franz Muller and Lyer. This came to be called as Muller – Lyer

2. Hallucination / Hallow Effect: fee

The process where by a person’s perception is formed on the basis of a single favorable trait or
impression is known as Hallucination.Something that is not real is assumed to be real like mirage in this
Hallucination. The effect was first reported by the US psychologist Frederick Lyman Wells (1884 -1964)
3. Projection:

Projection is defined as individual’s attribution of their own feelings, attitudes and perception to
others. Individuals can project their feelings such as fears, hatreds, anxieties and resentments onto others
whom they view as less powerful. One’s style, attitude get reflected among others. One can compare
himself with others.

4. Stereo type:

Stereo typing is tendency to assign attributes to someone solely on the basis of a category of
people to which that person belongs.

5.Contrast Effect:

Evaluation of a person’s characteristics compared with others of the same characteristics is called
contrast effect.


Sometimes our eyes and ears may cheat us. Inquiring into something clearly and completely
would bring out the facts.

Assuming a rope as a snake is the example for perceptual error. Perceptual errors are due to
misunderstanding othersand discrepancies in communication. Perceptual errors can be avoided by
developing one's ability through properunderstanding and perception.

a) Be empathetic:

Being able see a situation as it is experienced by others is amust in order to understand the other
individual For achievingthis correct empathy that means putting oneself in the shoesof other individual,
One has to develop sensitivity to the needs of others. This would help avoid perceptual errors.

b) Communication:

Itis not enough to watch out one's own perceptual biases. The individual has to encourage effective
communication to minimizeperceptual biases and to dispel misperceptions. Hallucination inperceptual
errors is avoided through effective communication.

c) Accurate perceiveness:

Every individual must know how he views himself andalso how he thinks other see him.
Knowing, perceiving andunderstanding oneself accurately are the basic pre requision for accurate

d) Positive Attitude:

Consciously getting rid of the negative attitudes enables theindividual to enhance his perceptual
skill. It is very important forevery individual to develop positive attitude to look at things events and
people in his environment as attitudes and values are directly related to perception.

An attitude is a positive, negative or mixed evaluation of an object that is expressed at some level
of intensity. It is an expression of a favourable or unfavourable evaluation of a person, place, thing or
event. These are fundamental determinants of our perceptions and actions toward all aspects of our social
environment. Attitudes involve a complex organization of evaluative beliefs, feelings, and tendencies
toward certain actions.


According to Doyle, Attitude is defined as an organization of concepts, beliefs, habits and motives
associated with a particular object.


Unlike personality, attitudes are expected to change as a function of experience. Attitude

formation depends of howpeople form evaluations of persons, places, or things. Forinstance, let there be a
ten rupees note lying in road. One who hasn’t had a square meal in his life time and the other who gives
Rs.10 tips for a single tea would definitely differ in their attitude.

Environment causing formation of attitude:

(Environment influencing attitude)

1. Personality Factors
2. Mass Communication
3. Family
4. Vicarious learning
5. Different Experience
6. Association of Experience
7. Peer Groups Link


There are four types of attitudes found among human being

A. Positive Attitude
B. Negative Attitude
C. Neutral Attitude
D. The 4 type way attitude

A. Positive attitude:
Attitude is a mental positun relative to a way of thinking orbeing; a leaning towards what you
A positive attitude is, therefore, the inclination to generallybe in an optimistic, hopeful state of
mind being confident onourselves, our abilities others and their abilities leads to positiveattitude.
Characteristics of positive attitudes are furnished hereunder.

Positive frame of mind:

▪ Self-discipline
▪ Self-control
▪ Self interest
▪ Self confidence
▪ Good will
▪ Agreeing on the facts
▪ Will power
▪ Patience
▪ Being without jealousy
▪ Clarity
▪ Politeness
▪ Honesty
▪ Reasonable aspiration
▪ Being well-wishers of others
▪ Understanding other's feelings
▪ Respecting others
▪ Seeing the good in others
▪ Avoiding gossip
▪ Being trust worthy
▪ Expecting always good things to happen
(Being optimistic)
▪ Having consultation with others

B.Negative Attitude:
A negative attitude really does affect one's quality of life. Sometimes it takes control of one's life
and he sees everythingin the worst possible way. He is not happy and the people around him are not
happy either. One can change his negativeattitude into positive through education and experience.

Negative frame of mind:

▪ Indiscipline
▪ Lack of Self control
▪ Lack of interest
▪ Lack of confidence
▪ ill will
▪ Disagreeing on facts
▪ Lack of will power
▪ Impatience
▪ Perplexity
▪ Impoliteness
▪ Dishonesty
▪ Lack of Self confidence
▪ Greedy
▪ Selfishness
▪ Hurting other's feelings
▪ Disrespecting others
▪ Finding flip side of theirs (Finding faults with others)
▪ Engaging gossip
▪ Being unreliable
▪ Being pessionist
▪ Not having consultation with others.

C.Neutral Attitude:
Neutral attitude people are intermediate in position. Theyare poised, adjustable and adaptable.
They never expose their real nature.

Neutral frame of mind:

▪ They are broadminded
▪ They are slow and careful
▪ They are not interested in argument
▪ They are consultative
▪ They have clarity of though

D.The 4 type way attitude:

1 Being self-satisfied Being satisfied with others

(I am OK) (Others are OK)
2 Being self-satisfied Being unsatisfied with others
(I am OK) (Others are not OK)
3 Being not self-satisfied Being satisfied with others
(I am not OK) (Others are OK)
4 Being not self-satisfied Being unsatisfied with others
(I am not OK) (Others are not OK)

1. Thurstone Scale:
The method of equal appearing intervals of the TurnstoneScale was developed in 1929 by
Thurstone for measuring a core attitude when you have multiple dimensions or concerns around that
This kind of scale is used to measure people's attitude towards a fairly clear and unidimensional
concept, using a number of statements that very in how they express a positive of negative opinion about
the main concept.
This scale is made up of statements about a particular issue and each statement has a numerical
value indicating respondent’s attitude about the issue, either favorable or unfavorable. People indicate
which of the statements win which they agree and the average response is computed.
This scale is used to measure attitude on an individual, work place, managers or income
computing the average from attitudes that are favorable to unfavorable.

2.Guttman's Scale:
Guttman attitude scales involve the researcher constructing a set of hierarchical statements
relating to the concept under investigation, Guttman measures attitude by receiving six types of answers
from the respondents as follows.

▪ I agree surely
▪ 1 don’ t agree surely
▪ I agree
▪ Idon’ t agree
▪ 1 agree superficially
▪ I don't agree superficially

3. Bogardus Social Distance Scale:

The Bogardus Social distance Scale measures attitudes about how close or distant people feel
towards other people. EmeryS.Bogardus prepared a list of 60 single sentence descriptions,nearly all of
which were heard in ordinary conversations wherea person was expressing himself about other persons.
These Statements represent different types of social groups suchas family, neighborhoods,
churches, schools, play groups transportation groups, occupational and business groups, political or
national groups.
Boagardus measures attitudes towards members of social or ethnic group by receiving 7 types of
answers form the respondents as follows

▪ I agree a little bit

▪ I agree surely
▪ I don't agree surely
▪ I agree
▪ I don't agree
▪ I agree superficially
▪ I don't agree superficially

4. Likert’s scale:
Likert's scales were developed in 1932 as the familiar five point bipolar response format. These
scales always ask people to respond how much they agree or disagree, approve or disapprove, believe to
be true or false. Likert measures attitudes by receiving the following answers from the respondents.

▪ Strongly agree
▪ Strongly disagree
▪ Agree
▪ Disagree
▪ Nothing to say


The expected change in attitude is from favorable one to unfavorable one especially in
commercial enterprises, family and society. Barriers to changing attitude are furnished here below.

1. Insufficient Information:
Insufficient information acts as a major barrier to change attitudes. Some time’s people simply see
any reason to change their attitude owing to inadequate information

2. Escalation of Commitment:
When people feel a commitment towards a particular courseof action that has already been agreed
upon blind thus itbecomes difficult for them to change or accept the new way to functioning. Escalation
of assigned commitment in a family or work place is due to the prior commitment. This is alsoconsidered
to be a barrier that comes in the way of changingattitudes.

3. Cognitive Dissonance:
Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involvingconflicting attitudes, beliefs or behavior. This
term is used to describe the feeling of discomfort that result fromholding two conflicting beliefs, when
there is a discrepancy between beliefs and behaviors, something must change in order to eliminate or
reduce the dissonance.

Example: Smokers find all kinds of reasons to explaintheir unhealthy habit. The alternative is to feel a
great deal ofdissonance.

This is also a barrier in changing the attitude.


▪ Higher authorities can make change in attitudes of their employees by explaining the
consequences of anegative act.
▪ If the higher authority is an exemplary role model with positive attitude, the employees also can
change themselves to be positive in attitudes accordingly
▪ The negative attitude caused due to misinformation could be changed into positive attitude with
the right information.
▪ Giving up drugs or alcohol would make constructivechange in one’s attitude.
▪ High quality feature films, documentarıes play a key role in changing attitudes in a positive way.
▪ Developing a strong sense of self-respect can help change attitude.
▪ A word of encouragement can bring changes inattitude.
▪ Making one free from ignorance would help himchange his attitude to be positive.
▪ Education plays a vital role in changing one'sattitude
▪ Good friends inculcate positive attitude.
▪ Making one feel afraid can cause change in attitude.


Assertiveness is the skill of expressing how you feel asking for what you want without being
aggressive. It is anability to defend one’s rights without hurting those of others.

An assertive person is usually a self-confident person with ahigh self-esteem without sacrificing
his own wants and needsjust to please others.

Assertiveness is an important personality trait that everyone should develop.


To understand assertiveness in communication, Let's study the following Communication styles.

➢ Passive Communication
➢ Effective Communication
➢ Assertive Communication
➢ Balanced Communication
➢ Positive Communication
➢ Nonverbal Communication (or) body language
Passive Communication:

 People who communicate passively usually have poor eye contract.

 They tend to speak softly or apologetically,
 They allow others to interfere in their rights
 They are inexpressive of their feelings and desires
 They don't express progressive views,
 They discount own rights and needs yielding to someone else's preferences.

Effective Communication:

Characteristics of people under this category are givenbelow.

 They give importance to others rights.

 They are never forceful in achieving their needs violating other's rights.
 They agree with others
 They don't hesitate to express their feelings openly
 They express their views frankly.
 They are expressive of their wants.
 They are soft spoken.
 They don't find faults with others.
 They have no expectations.

Assertive Communication:

 Assertive people have high self-esteem.

 They are very respectful of the rights of others
 They are spiritually oriented
 They clearly express their opinions, feelings, wants and desires.
 They feel connected to others respectfully.
 They maintain good eye contact.
 They are in control of their emotions.
 They socialize profusely and create a respectful environment for others.
 They are good citizens in the society.

Balanced Communication:

Some body may behave in a bid to make us lose temper during discussions. By these times, we
need to be poised, patientand balanced without losing temper. Exposing Anger irritation and depression
should be avoided. This type of balanced communication makes assertiveness in communication skills
Positive communication:

In a discussion, if you find one's views wrong, don’t say you are wrong. Instead you can say| don't
agree with youat this point of view without hurting his feelings. It you feelyour inability on something,
say 'No' without giving any emptypromises. Others wise you will get discredited.

Nonverbal communication or body language:

When we interact with others, we continuously give and receive wordless signals or nonverbal
communication-the gesture we make, the way we sit, how fast or how loud we talk, how close we stand
how much up eye contact we make that send strong messages.

When your nonverbal signals matchup with the words youare saying, they increase trust, clarity
and rapport

The ability to understand and use nonverbal communicationor body language is powerful tools
that can help you connectwith others, express what you really mean and build better, relationship. Biting
nails, combing hair, playing with fingersthat send negative nonverbal signals must be avoided.

People differ in their characters due to their assertiveness. One can develop his personality and
communication by adopting assertive techniques.

▪ Accepting criticism.
▪ Realizing one’s own limitations
▪ Realizing other's limitations.
▪ Doing repeatedly unit all achieving success.
▪ Fulfilling your needs by asking repeatedly.
▪ Being punctual on duty improve performance and professionalism.
▪ Maintaining good eye contact and facing the person directly without shifting or fidgeting make
self-confidence and self-efficacy.
▪ Sitting up straight in chair increase positive mood. (Sitting in slumped posture, crossing legs,
folding legs
▪ show tension)


Assertiveness offers many powerful benefits as follows,

▪ It makes you become better problem solver.

▪ It helps understand other's feelings.
▪ It develops good rapport.
▪ It helps gain self-esteem.
▪ It helps improve communication skills.
▪ It helps gain self-confidence and success.
▪ It creates self enhancement, a type of motivation that works to make people feel good about
themselves and to maintain self-esteem.
▪ It never let you get affected with criticism.
▪ If creates amicable social harmony.
▪ It develops good friendships.
▪ It provides opportunities for skill development.
▪ It causes social development.
▪ It makes get rid of inferiority complex.
▪ It increases dignity.
▪ It fulfills expectations


One can improve his assertiveness by adopting the following tips.

▪ Being self-confident.
▪ Using will power
▪ Being courageous
▪ Being open hearted
▪ Understanding others feelings.
▪ Abandoning anger, shines, laziness etc.
▪ Being self-controlled.
▪ Having self-awareness.
▪ Behaving in such a way that feelings of others as well as yours are not hurt.
▪ Keeping good eye contacts.
▪ Expressing your point of view in a way that is clean and direct.
▪ Expressing yourself effectively and standing up for your rights while also respecting the rights and
beliefs of others. Being able to persuade others whole heartedly on your decisions.
▪ Being able to persuade others whole heartedly on your decisions.



Team building is the process of turning a group of individuals into a cohesive team to work together
independently and corporately to reach a common goal.

Types of Teams:

1. Formal Team
Team organized with a certain purpose of accomplishing a particular task in a formal way are known
as formal team

2. Informal Teams
These teams are set up on the basis of common interest entertainment and welfare of the team
members without any specific goals or duties

3. Open Team
Members of this team are not subject to any criteria, laws or any rules and regulations

4. Lead Team
This team leads and manage from bottom to top. This team helps educationists; research scholars an
industrialist achieve their goal.

5. Problem solving teams

Problem solving team are consisting of 5 to 12 employees from the same department. Members of
this team meet for a few hours each week to discuss how the quality, efficiency and the work environment
can be improved. Organizations depend on these teams to find solutions for organizational problems.

6. Team work
Team work is a crucial part of business where it is necessary for collegues to work well together
using their individual skills and providing constructive feedback despite any personal conflict between

7. Management Team
The team is made up of leaders form varied departments. The goal of management teams are
generally aligned with the mission and vision of the company. This team plays a constructive role of
consultative and supervisory responsibilities over workers.

8. Virtual Team
Virtual Teams are comprised of members belonging to different localities who use technology and
specific skills to achieve a common goal. They allow people to collaborate online whether they are only a
room apart or separated by continents.

Benefits of Team Building:

• Team members get motivated in a team through mutual cooperation.
• Team building helps develop good rapport.
• Team sets the stage for trust, synergy and collaboration through establishing to member identity.
• Team helps improve sell confidence and self-esteem of its members.
• Team helps accomplish the tastes expeditiously.
• Team uniform helps others identify the team members.
• Skills and knowledge of individuals are given due respect in a team.
• An individual is appreciated and recognized for his efforts through his team.
• Team helps integrate individual skills, talents and personalities.
• Team ensures proactively its member to operate in a secure environment
• Team building activities play a large role in increasing productivity.
• Team building activities pave way for personality development among team members.
• Team building activities help in finding solutions for organizational and administrative problems.
• Team members or employees are more benefitted through team building activities.

Importance of Team building:

Team building encourages the improvement of interpersonal skills such as communication,
negotiation, leadership and motivation that result in great achievement an individual cannot attain by his

• Individual's skills and talents are improved.

• Team members feel secured.
• Team building activities provide opportunities for social development.
• Getting to know each other.
• In improves social awareness.
• It paves ways for social integration.
• It get us to know various views of others.
• It get us to know all kinds of techniques form others.
• Historical changes, success and events have been possible through team building activities.

Creating Effective Team:

1. Fundamental qualities
• Team members need to respect other’s feeling
• Keeping patient on listening to others
• Agreeing the response
• Helping others.
• Making study on the way to success of the team
• Accepting one's strengths and weaknesses.
• Being committed and dedicated with willing to make sacrifice.
2. Common Purpose
Every team has its own common goal to achieve.The team members work together towards achieving
the common goal.

3. Common Communication
To achieve the common goal, the team members have communication openly and effectively through
seeking to understand all angles, taking responsibility for being heard and understood and working to clear
up misunderstanding quickly and accurately.

4. Training
Team coaching helps team members understand how to work better with others. Team coaching is an
effective method of for showing teams how to reduce conflict and improve their Working relationship in
order to make the team focus on its real work and achieve its objectives. The training given to the team
members with the focus on interpersonal skills and interactions plays an important role in effective team

5. Support
Cooperative ox collaborative learning is a team process where members support and rely on each
other to achieve to common goal. The cooperation among the team members that refers mutual support it
essentially desired to avoid interpersonal conflict among members. When individuals believe that there is
mutual support within the team, they are more likely to rely on one another when they are facing with an
unexpected situation mutual cooperation and support among team members result in effective team

6. Efficiency of the Team Leader

An effective team leader has a variety of traits and characteristics that encourage team members to
follow him. Team leaders naturally possess certain qualities such as compassion and integrity that inspire the
trust and respect of the team and stimulate production within the work place.

7. Rewards
Rewards are recognition; these days is a familiar concept and is being used by most organizations as
a tool for employee motivation. Rewards and recognition offered to the team members lead to sustained
excellence in performance. It motivates all the team members to achieve the best talent that the organization
requires for its growth and continued success. It makes the team become effective, result oriented and


According to Wendwell Davis leadership is defined as the motivation of those who have positive
thoughts to work enthusiastically.
Leadership Skills:
Leadership is the parts of the management Leaders are not born. Leadership qualities one has make
him become a leader. A good leader develops leadership qualities in accordance with the situation and needs.
Leadership is highly essential in every country to lead the people. A leader must embrace all. To lead an
organization or team, the following qualities are required.

• Being honest
• Being without bias
• Avoiding conflicts
• Keeping patience
• Leading others
• Avoiding postponement
• Adhering punctuality and time management
• Making decisions after contemplating with patience
• Knowing personal strength and weaknesses.
• Understanding others views clearly.
• Being clear on your objectives.
• Avoiding problems & being able to overcome problems.

Leadership Styles:
Leadership styles can be classified into the following categories according to their functioning style.

1. Democratic Leadership
2. Autocratic Leadership
3. Laissez faire Leadership
4. Formal Leadership
5. Intellectual Leadership
6. Popular Leadership
7. Task Leadership
8. Benevolent Leadership

1. Demoratic Leadership
The Leadership elected by the team members unanimously is known as democratic leaderships
Democratic leadership encourage collective decision making. This leadership enjoys full cooperation of the
team members.

2. Autocratic leadership
The autocratic leadership style allows managers to make decisions by their own without the input of
others Manager possess total authority and impose their will on employees. This leadership style benefits
members who require close supervision.

3. Laissez faire Leadership

Laissez faire leadership lacks direct supervision of its members and feels to provide regular feedback
to those under its supervision. This leadership style works out only for the highly experience and trained
members, who require little supervision.

4. Formal Leadership
The members follow the directions of the leadership to accomplish those goals. This leadership
reviews results and trains or corrects the members when they fail to meet the goals. This leadership provides
rewards. or punishments..

5. Intellectual Leadership
Intellectual leaders are knowledgeable experienced, professional and experts in their field. The
members who follow intellectual leaders respect their leaders for their expertise, seek their advice and are
eager to listen and act.

6. Popular leadership
This leadership style gathers followers through didn’t of personality and charm rather than any form
of external power or authority.

7. Task leadership
Task oriented leadership typically focuses on completing work tasks efficiently and effectively.

8. Benevolent Leadership
A benevolent leader understands personalities, how different personality types react to situations,
how to motivate each personality. He is always looking for the opportunity to praise to encourage repeated
desired performance. Benevolent leadership style keeps members happy and in harmony

Theories of leadership:
People have long been interested in leadership throughout human history. Let’s look into the
following there leadership theories.

1. Traits Theory

2. Behavioral Theory

3. Situational Theory

1. Traits Theory
The trait leadership theory believes that people are either born or are made with certain qualities that
will make them excel in leadership roles. According to this theory, following characteristics are required

• Responsible
• Duty conscious
• Courage
• Honesty
• Ready to face challenges
• Disciplined
• Progressive in thought
• Simple
• Sincere
• Patient
• Wisdom
• Physical features
• Cooperative
• Self-confident
• Tolerant of stress
• Creative
• Fluent in speaking
• Inner motivation

2. Behavioral Theory
According to this theory leadership is the result of effective role behavior. This theory attempts to
describe leadership in terms of what leaders do instead of what they are.

3 Situational Theory
Situational theory proposes that leader choose the best course of action based upon situational
variables. According to this theory, the environment and the readiness of followers determine, to a large
extent, how leaders will tend to function.

Qualities of a leader:

1. Flexibility
An effective leader needs to adapt new surrounding and situations doing his or her bets to adjust. He
is always expected not to be adamant.

2. Ethics and values

Leaders need to remember that values are not ethics, for the former leads to the later. Considering
how our actions as leaders affect others is foundational to an understanding of our ethical behavior. An
effective leader needs to adopt values and ethics so as to be exemplary model for his followers

3. Ability to analyse
A good leader must have the ability to analyse to become an effective problem solver. He needs to be
alert and aware always.

4. Ability to integrate
The leader must be capable of integrating the members to work together towards achieving goal and

5. Appreciation ability
A exceptional leader appreciate and recognize the efforts of the members or employees in order to
encourage them for bringing out best performance and output.

6. Handling emotions
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage one's own emotions and those of the
people around him. Emotional intelligence is highly essential for successful leaders,

A perfect leader never lets his temper get out of control under any circumstances.

7. Communication skills
Effective leaders communicate clearly through quality verbal and written communication so that the
workers or members understand better.

Being effective in communication skills, leaders listen to the input of others. Effective leaders with
exceptional communication skills lead the team to success.

8. Self confidence
An effective leader is confident in his abilities as well as confident in the abilities of his team
members. Self-confident leaders could accomplish their team's tack successfully within a short span of time
through motivating and inspiring their team members.

9. Ability to guide
A good leader must have the ability to guide his team members in their tasks to get accomplished
with his suggestions.


Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise or
agreement is reached while avoiding and dispute.

A successful negotiation requires the two parties to come together and hammer out an arrangement
that is acceptable to both.

Objectives of Negotiation:
Negotiation skills include the following objectives

1. Both parties must get benefitted

2. Negotiation must be fair
3. There must be credible witnesses.

Principles of Negotiation:
• Both parties must decide the necessity of negotiation
• Both parties must take part in negotiation.
• Everyone has equal right and power in a negotiation
• There must be an opportunity for both parties
• Both parties must be open minded
• All aspects and objectives must be discussed
• Conflicts must be settled.
• Negotiation must be accepted by all

Types of Negotiation:

1. Management Negotiation
The issues are settled down through negotiation between the top brass of the management and
employees. Such negotiation in known as management negotiation.

2. Legal Negotiation
Legal negotiation is the process where by an attorney acting on behalf of his client as an advocate or
advisor seeks to obtain a favourable out comes.

3. Commercial Negotiation
Commercial negotiation involves negotiating contracts an managing projects for the maximum return
as well as identifying and developing new business opportunities.

Process of Negotiation:

1. Preparation and Planning

Before entering into negotiation, both parties organize and accumulate the information necessary to
have an effective negotiation. Both parties should investigate each other's history before going for

2. Communication
Both parties need to explain, clarify, bolster and justify their original demands. There is no need for
this to be confrontational. Rather it is an opportunity for educating each other on the issues why they are
important and how each arrived at their initial demands.

3. Strategic operation
Both parties must nave the following procedure and techniques before negotiation.

• During some research beforehand on different situations that may occur.

• Goal setting
• Efficacy
• Setting a time frame
• Mutual understanding
• Finding areas of difference that can be amplified
• Having your package ready that you believe satisfies both side of the table.
4. Closure and Implementation
The negotiation process ends with the formalization of agreement to be implemented. On agreeing
the details and confirming the agreement legitimate contract is signed by both parties.

Common Errors in Negotiation

• Not taking up conflicts to be settled down
• Not showing the favourable aspects.
• Not being prepared with all the information needed to settle
• Getting emotional
• Mocking at the other panty
• Putting aside other party's expectations and taking control
• Trying to win the negotiation that fail to bring transaction together on regular basis without finding a
win-win solution.
• Giving importance to persons instead of issues to be solved
• Finding faults with others.
• Focusing on personal likes and dislikes
• Not focusing on mutual beneficial means for both parties.


Wherever people, there always will be conflict. We simply define conflict as a disagreement through
which the parties involved perceive a threat to their needs, interests or concerns.

Dealing with conflict sensibly, fairly and efficiently is known as conflict management

Type of conflicts:
Conflicts can be classified into two categories as

1. Functional conflicts and

2. Disfunctional conflicts

For many decades we had been taught to view conflict as a negative force. However functional conflict may
actually encourage great work effort and task performance.

i) Functional Conflicts

• Functional conflicts provides the following out-comes

• Creation of an environment for self-evaluation and change
• Improved quality of decisions
• Development of emotional maturity
• Stimulation of creativity and innovation
• Encouragement of interest and curiosity
• Getting out of rut.
• Provision of medium for problem solving
• Change in style of functioning

i) Disfunctional Conflicts

• Outcomes are from Dysfunctional Conflict as follows

• Setback in honesty and integrity
• Development of hostility
• Unwanted tension
• Mental stress and depression
• Physical health problems
• Distraction and hindrance on the way of achieving goals and objectives.

Conflict Management:
Conflicts and inevitable in day to day life especially in workplace. Effective conflict resolution or
management skills can help decrease the odds for non-productive escalation. It would be easy to combat
conflicts by adopting the following tactics

• Accepting facts
• Agreeing facts
• Clear Communication
• Informative Communication
• Keeping contentious issues at bay
• Turning a blind eye to criticism
• Being apologetic
• Compromise
• Changing the environment
• Making understand others with pleasant smile that you take it easy
• Providing opportunities for eligible and efficient members.
• Utilizing all opportunities on cyclic order
• Getling help form experts.

Levels of Conflicts :
Conflicts emerge in human life at all times. Conflicts occur among individuals and groups in various

1. Goal oriented Approach

The principal level for the emergence of conflict is in the intension of achieving goal at any cost without
bothering about others grievances.

• Results oriented
• Alternative consequences
• Deterioration in inter personal relationship
• Hindrance in finding permanent solution
• Goal oriented approach will not be successful under all circumstances.
• Under current of hostility exists.

2. Accommodating
In this stage conflict is resolved through adjustment of adaptability.


• Interpersonal relationship is improved

• Bad consequences are avoided
• Permanent solution is not arrived at
• Other's position is elevated

3. Compromise
Compromise is considered as an important level in resolving conflicts. Give and take approach through
compromise helps in resolving the conflicts. Mutual cooperation is improved.


• Solution would be fair

• Solution would be permanent
• Inter personal relationship is improved
• Bad consequences are avoided

4. Soft Approach
Resolutions of conflicts are approached softly giving respect to ever one without hurting any one's feelings.


• Putting aside one's courage

• Compromising on one’s own goal
• Amicable environment is created
• Solutions are not permanent

5. Collaboration
At the collaborative level, looking at all the needs and opinion of a situation and using the best of
those ideas solution is arrived at. In this level every one accepts and agrees with the final solution.


• All are satisfied

• In takes much time for finding solution
• Solutions are permanent
Resolution of conflicts:
Conflicts arise often in work place. Following conflict management techniques are used in handling

1. Smooth Policy
• Giving more importance to other's feelings
• Giving more importance to other's relationship
• Compromising on own goals
• Giving importance to relationship rather than goals
• Behaving without spoiling relationship while facing conflicts.

2. Forcing policy
• Not understanding other's feelings
• Not respecting other's feeling
• Being assertive on own goals
• Concentrating on own success
• Not compromising on own goals
• Being ready to do anything for success

3. Compromising Policy
• Understanding and respecting other's feelings
• Taking care of their feelings without getting affected
• Taking care of other's relationship
• Reaching goals with other's help.

4. Avoidance Policy
• Avoiding to face conflicts
• Thinking that none is to help
• Not being confident on themselves
• Being unable to handle others
• Thinking escapism is the best way on conflicts.

5. Confrontation Policy
• Thinking to be superior to others always.
• Identifying the problems initially
• Taking right decision in the right time
• Taking care of maintain good relationship.
• Achieving their goals
• Handing the opponents in a pleased way.



Communication refers exchange of information from one place to another. Visual communication refers it
communicate through visual medias. Through this, they read the news and they see through vision and they

In two ways, visual communication were done by man

1. Visual – Pictures, Symbols, Colours

2. Sound – Speech, by using sound

Few authors speaks about visual communications as follows

Alan: To make understand man speak, observe, understand in an continuous process these were included
in visual communication

Summer and new man: Visual communication means two or more members exchange their news, facts,
information and sense.

➢ Man's society were raised
➢ It made the capacity to think
➢ One can plan easily
➢ To make the contact with the outsiders.
➢ Intelligence views were shared
➢ Different of opinion were removed and made a cordial relationship
➢ Time saved and wastage of things were reduced
➢ At right time, it makes to take right decision.


Sender Encoding Channel Decoding Receiver

"Communication Mediator" or "Communication Messenger was the key factor for communication.
By oral or by written they communicate. It is the first to relate to communication. They sent the news
which were understood by the receiver.

When the news were send, it were send according to their thinking, culture and Mentality of a man.
At that time, news were meaningful, pictures, actions, language, or words.

Sender send news through letters, telephone, Mobile, Internet, Mail, WhatsApp, face book,
According to situations, exchange of views and ways were differ.

The message sent by the sender were accepted and they once again they change as news. The
changed news must be inform the first message.

Receiver receive message but the Receiver may accepts or rejects the message according to their

It helps to confirm that the received message were understood or not by the receiver. So that we
come to know about the plus and minus of the particular fact.


Communication methods were divided into two types.

1. Verbal Communication

2. Non – Verbal Communication




Verbal Communication:
There were different types of verbal communication. It is seen by letters and speech.
1. Formal Communication:

The message sent to the receiver normally. While they communicate, rules and regulations are
followed properly and they express their ideas.

For example,

Administrative head sent the information through circular or through notice board to their member

2. Informal Communication:

The receiver did not get the news properly. Sometimes the news may be extra or it minimize. They
did not follow rules and regulations. These news are not send through communication tools.

For example,

Reviews, commands, gossip and notice were included. In this, it is not true and it gives false

3. One way communication:

The upper class people, made the rules and regulations without consulting the lower caste people
and they did not respect their feelings and ideas. They forced whether they like or not.

4. Two way communication:

The upper categories ask the ideas and respect their feelings and they accept their views. It is two
way communications.

5. Communication net:

If a person know a message means, it goes like a net communication and the message were spread
from one person to another is called as communication net. For example, if a labour is affected by their
superior, the message spread from one labour to another like a net and is called as communication net. To
make address in communication net.

Non-verbal Communication
Through body language, Actions, face expressions and symbol, they express the news to others. It
is useful applicable to deaf and dumb.

1. Posture:

A man do action like standing, walking, stretching the hands and legs, through these ways they
convey their message. Face appearance, self-confidence look, smart look, straight walk were attracted by
others. It makes a person as self - confidence.

2. Guesters

Sometimes, we give guesters. or signals to the vehicle which were coming behind. Sometimes we
stop the vehicle by give guesters. So in right path guesters make right message. It is benefit to deaf.
3. Facial expression:

When we are smiling, it expresses our friendship. If our eyes turn red, it shows we are anger, we
can express through our face many message to others.

4. Eye contact:

If a person sees one’s eye means it express how it is conveying the message. The eyes show the
mentality of a particular person. Among other organs, Eye plays an important role in communication. We
can say that according to situation, they change. Ex. When anger the eyes open broadly when the eyes are
wet, it shows pity.

It was divided into five types

1. Circle Network

2. Wheel Network

3. Chain Network

4. Formal Network

5. Informal Network

Circle Network:
Under this network two persons communicate with each other. Say Mr. ‘A’ sends message to Mr.
‘B’. After receiving message Mr. ‘B’ communicates the feedback message to Mr. ‘A’. So communication
takes the form of a circuit. Therefore it is known as circuit network. It is similar to vertical network but in
circuit network ‘A’ and ‘B’ are not necessarily superior and subordinates.

Wheel Network:
Here all subordinates receive commands from one superior. This is highly centralized type of
communication network where each subordinate receives commands or instructions from a single authority
or superior ‘A’ and wants the immediate feedback.
Chain Network:

This network of communication follows the organisational hierarchy and chain of command. All
subordinates receive commands or instructions from their superior. B, C, D and E, F, G are the
subordinates to A in the organisational hierarchy and receive commands from ‘A’ which follows the way
shown in the diagram.

Formal Network:
Communication system, were comes under administrative laws, The message will send on time. It

is called formal communication network

Informal Network:
It is informal. It is not true. It may be as rumour. It is chance for wrong information. It is called

informal network.

Two person were consider as important in communication.

1. Sender

2. Receiver
There is a many obstacle between the two persons. The false information affects the mentality of as person.

Each message or news were framed on the basis of destination. The message without destination is like a
message without communication


Personal barriers:
The sender or the receiver did not know the language or some words if it is difficult to understand.
So they neglect the news, unsatisfied and it will not give more important

Psychological Barriers:
This is psychological barrier, is based on the receiver feeling, the news can change as positive or
negative aspect. Wrong evaluations, span of attention were some of psychological barriers. It is related to
mentality. All the message related to feeling.

Language Barriers:
If news were translated mistakenly, it made as an informal communication. Pronunciation of words,
method of usage, symbols were consider as obstacle for language barriers. Those who having the
knowledge in particular language can translate the news.

Administrative barriers:
In industries or government administration, the plans were made in practice according to their rules
and regulations. When they make into practice if they face obstacle, it is called as administrative barrier.
Different of opinion, informal communication, late communication, communication will not come directly
but it come by third person, it is consider as administrate barrier.


The responsibility to remove the obstacle in communication were sender and receiver

Responsibility of a sender:
➢ Clear information must be given.
➢ We must see communication must not affect by sense.
➢ Speak gently.
➢ If it is important information, we must avoid through letters and e-mail.
➢ The message should be in a simple language. So that the receiver will understood.
➢ It should be sent as very easy to understand by receives through information and pictures.
➢ We have to check whether the messages were reached and they understood.

Responsibility of a Receiver:
➢ We have to understood the message according to a sense
➢ We must clarity our doubt

Analysis of Relationship between the person is called transactional analysis. This theory were
announced by psychological author Erne borne in 1959

It each person, three types of mentality were seen

1. Mental Ability
2. Ability to Know
3. Ability to work

It is a outcome of personality. It takes place in an individual person.

The English term "Ego" denotes. "I”, it is divided into three stages.

1. Parent Ego Stage

2. Child Ego stage

3. Adult Ego stage

1. Parent Ego stage:

Men do things on mentality based on parents, elders, Religion, Tradition and culture is called parent
Ego stage.

2. Child Ego stage:

In child stage, they get experience in child stage and it reflects at their later age. It is called as child
Ego stage.

3. Adult Ego stage:

In life, we come across many experience. On the basis of this, we analysis which is right, which is
wrong and we take a right decision at a correct time. It is called adult Ego stage.


It is three types:

1. Join Transactional analysis

2. Conflict Transactional analysis

3. Introspection Transactional analysis

1. Join Transactional analysis:
To make a friendly relationship, speech is essential. To make a good relation it differs and it is not
based on age, Experience or their status. If a father has some responsibility based on work, the mother
takes the responsibility in family. Now it made as tide. It is called join transactional analysis.

2. Conflict Transactional analysis

In a dialogue were taken place between two person, makes differences. of opinions, Controversy
makes irritation, it is called conflict transaction. It makes no peace and no confidence.

3. Introspection Transactional analysis

They interact with each other, with inner view. Two persons had two opinions, two aims. So there
is two person inner view were seen and it is called Introspection Transactional analysis


It helps to analysis the person's in negative thing. It is based on two different views. The basis of Johari
window was, to develop the good relationship, by understanding.

1. A person must know how much he/she know about himself.

2. A person must check how much others know about him.

By doing Johari window, we come to know about man's personality.

Open Self Unknown Self

Known to Others 1.Open Self 1.Blind Self

Me and Other Others Know about

Unknown to Others 2.Hidden Self 2.Unknown Self

Me but Not other Not me and Not other

1. Open Self:
It says that what others and I know about myself. Like one’s name, occupation, nativity, martial
status were included. People do not share all information with others. When if the relationship grow and
they had good friendship, they share all the details. There is no controversy.

2. Hidden Self:
It contains the details of one person. But the details were not known by others. They underestimate
the person because some details were not known by them. He/she does not share all details; it does not
maintain good relationship. If they did not share with others, it make a controversy.

3. Blind Self:
He did not know about himself. But others know about himself. It express about the positive,
negative of one person. But others known. But this continue, it made as a controversy. It is not good.

4 Unknown self:
It is very dangerous stage. One did not know anything about himself and others also did not know
him. They were unconscious. It made controversy, and others can't understand.

Stages of life based on experience. Our life consists of many stages. Sometime, some incidents
recorded in our mind deeply, it travels with us throughout the life. So, we get the following answers on
positive and negative in our life

I am Ok You are not OK

I am OK You are OK
I am not OK You are OK
I am not OK You are not OK

Here I am Ok – You are OK. Were correct. Others are not correct. It shows immaturity.

Emotional Intelligence means based on one's emotional, related to their life. Love, affection,
sympathy were positive feeling. Anger, hesitate were negative. Positive made to unity but negative made to


Joc Mayer : Emotional intelligence as the capacity to understand the social emotional information and
to reason with emotions.


1. Emotional Awareness:
We should separate negative thinking persons. Then we have to rectify why they are like that. This
is emotional awareness. To respect and accept others emotions, awareness are must.

2. Self-Motivation:
Those who having an aim may cross failures, and obstacles in their life. The skill of facing these
were called as self-motivation.

3. Emotional:
It was identify how they know and how they take any particular issue.

4. Social Relationship:
If we use others emotions and feelings carefully there will be a good change in society. Talk nicely and get
benefit, give support to others, were consider as skill in social relationship.

5. Self-Regard:
The person who except self-respect, will perfect in their work and get good name. This type of person were
satisfies in their life.

6. Self-Management:
A person's sincerity, self-clear, emotion, are self-management.

7. Stress Management:
Stress management is the facing skill, when we are in stress. They face problems and failures with

8. Problem solving:
The skill of facing struggle, analysing and finally getting a solution for problem is problem solving.
Child has knowledge normally if the situation is not favourable to study, they will not shine. If they
had situation to educate, a child must become as a genius. It affects the features of emotional Intelligence.

We can see some of the features of emotional Intelligence

• It Includes individuals feels and thinking’s.

• The intelligence may vary to every Person
• It can seen by birth.
• It is related to person’s ability.
• Those who have emotional intelligence, get victory in their department and in their life.
• Through this, we can calculate the depth of the work of one person.
• It made as a symbol of their achievement.
• They have positive aspects and they respect others. There is no negative thought.
• The children having this, were talented in studies.


Emotional Quotient were increase when increase the age and mentality. The situations of a society,
depression, stress, brain disease, due to this reason emotional quotient affected. If the society made good
environment, one's emotional quotient will developed.

Man's primary education stage, may affected according to the circumstances of a family, parents'
education and Economic situation.

1. Self-Awareness:
First, a person must know about himself and then only the facts are understood. Which is my
strength? Which is my weakness? Then only we apply emotional quotient.

2. Mind over emotion:

We have to control over our mind. Then only we can get a clear idea.

3. Flexible:
In life, problem of a man will not come to an end. When we are facing the problem, we have to face
and tackle the problem.

4. Reducing Speed:
We are living in a computer world and led a busy life. So when we are using emotional quotient, we
reduce the speed and we use our intelligence and we work.

5. Moral Values:
If we want to get good relationship. We have to develop, love, affection, sincerity, trust, sympathy.
All these are the features of emotional quotient. To develop good conduct is a key factor.
In a man's life, there is good and bad. We have to take good and evils at an equal ratio it will give
good results.


A condition which disturb the normal physiological and psychological functioning of an individual.
Too much of stress will detract from happiness.

A man has to face many problems in his life. Unexpected failures, inability in finishing work and
worries make stress. Because of this stress extra hormones secreted and affected the brain. It causes some
disorders in health condition of the man

For example

1. Nerves system 2.Heart

3. Blood circulation 4. Asthma

5. Heart attack 6. Paralysis

7. Sugar 8. Cancer

9. Pains

➢ When see an accident get fast heart beat and fall on faint.
➢ On seeing fights feel the same like above.
➢ Exam fever by fear on exam.
➢ Increased sweating due to hot condition.

This stress is formed due to the following reasons.

➢ During heavy work.

➢ On seeing natural disasters.
➢ On seeing harassment against children
➢ On seeing sufferer (e.g.) old people
➢ During failure
➢ During illusion.
➢ On the traffic jam

The above psychological stress is understood by their behaviour and emotion. This stress is more serious
than physiological stress.
Stress makes loss of strength and time. Stress may rise from any way of our life.

1. Working place:
➢ Work burden makes stress.
➢ Leave one from work makes him stress.
➢ Contrast with colleague.
➢ Doing same work since many years.
➢ Disturbance on healthy or mentally make stress.
➢ Dismiss or transfer order cause stress.

2. Family:
➢ Joint family problems.
➢ Death or accident of very close relative.
➢ Money problem or income loss
➢ Problems between husband and wife or parents.
➢ Impatience of separation
➢ Health problems.

These are the sources of stress in family circle.

3. Environmental Sources:
➢ Changes of Weather
➢ Noise pollution
➢ Houses without gap
➢ Living in un safety place, These also make stress to man.

4. Other reasons:
➢ When thinking about future.
➢ Emotions during fights.
➢ When one lose his confidence
➢ During un safety travel in vehicles
➢ When one angry with other
➢ On participating in festivals, Stress is formed.

People can know the stress level. When they fell unhealthy. Un healthy feel is formed by two ways.
They are physically and mentally.

Physical symptoms:
➢ Nervous problem
➢ Muscle constrict
➢ Biting nail
➢ Chillness of hand and legs.
➢ Strength less
➢ Difficult in excretion.
➢ Back pain
➢ Gas problems
➢ Chest pain
➢ Blood pressure
➢ Alcer
➢ Un hungry

Mental Symptoms:
➢ Loss of thinking capacity
➢ Irritation in mind
➢ Using drugs
➢ Lose confidence
➢ Lose their self-respect
➢ Showing hate, angry and worry.
➢ Impatient, contrast and enmity with others.
➢ Changes in sleep and meals
➢ They do not share their worries with others.
➢ They like loneliness

Spiritual Symptoms:
➢ Some body hating God. They loss faith on God. They not interfere in spiritual riots.
➢ Somebody suddenly fall over spiritual riots for their peace.

Stress changes man's behaviour from his normal stage. Some examples are given below

1. Psychological consequence:
➢ Mind depression.
➢ Get angry
➢ Always fight with others.
➢ Live separately from others.

2. Physical Consequences:
➢ Nervousness
➢ Pains and aches
➢ alcer
➢ Not enough sleep.
3. Behavioural Changes:
➢ Become chain smoker.
➢ Using drugs
➢ Become drunker
➢ Become lazy
➢ No interest in anything.
➢ Break the rules in traffic
➢ Do not go for duty


There is a salvation for any problem in world. Like that stress can be solve by proper exercise. It
makes mind and body relax. Running, Swimming walking and cycling are the best exercises.

Due to meditation oxygen consumption is reduced while glvanic skin resistance increases, the blood
flow is even throughout the body. So, one can gain confidence in their ability to clam their body and mind.

Sharing the worries:

Share your worries with your good friends or your close relatives like mother father.

Visiting Peaceful Places:

Something visiting to holy places will give mind relax. Sometime natural sceneries give mind relax.
So, to relax one may go to seashore.Park and hill stations.

Planning the time:

Spend your time by useful engagements. One must clear how to spend the time after duty. Also
plan to spend time like, where?, When?, with whom? and how? It will reduce our stress.

Sleep Well:
Sleep enough time. It will give freshness to our mind and body. So, Stress will be reduce.

Balanced food:
Balanced food will help to maintain our health. So, avoid over sweet, Fat and salt. Take vegetables,
fruits and grains.

Acceptance Mind:
If you face any sorrow, do not upset. Think, it is happened for some other also. This will pass one
time and happy will Come in future.
Spend some time for your hobby. Hobbies are the happiness for everybody. They, avoid stress, and
give freshness to our mind. When you are in stress involve yourself in any hobby. It will reduce your

➢ Some hobbies are given here.

➢ Drawing
➢ Gardening
➢ Cooking
➢ Playing Music Instruments.
➢ Collecting Stamps or Anything
➢ Go to film
➢ Go outing or Shopping
➢ Spend time on whats App
➢ Face Book
➢ Games
➢ Hearing Music.

Stress is a common problem that affects almost every individual at some point in their lives. We should
identify the stress level and what is stressing us. And try to reduce Stress by one of the above.



Social graces is defined as a person should active within a limit in public place.

1. Manners:
Manners are the positive habits which should be follow in public life. It also known as social
disciplines. Public life or common life is the society or office on which one depending for his life.

It shows one's correct habits. It is acceptable. There no special laws, punishments and practices.
But manners will change when society changes. One should change his manners respectively when
society changes.

2. Deportment:
Disciplines for individual in public places where people are in crowd. There different types of
people are seen. So, one should behave with this disciplines.

3. Fashion:
Fashion is one's distinct style and dressing sense. It depends upon one's culture, classic and
genetic changes.


When a man grow he should follow some acts appropriate the situation. That only gives healthy
environment. Those particular acts are the unordered laws for a person. This will develop personality of a


1. Manners during Assemblies:

➢ Punctuality to the Assembly.
➢ Wish everybody who look you in the hall.
➢ Call the person by his name there.

2. During Introduction:
➢ When you introduce one say about his positives with his name
➢ To who you introduce and whom you introduce, should be introduced by their relative with you.
For Example, He is my principal, She is my wife so on.
➢ During the introduction, it must be in higher level. For Example job status must be in mind.
➢ When a person is introduced to you, your answer must be honest, simple and short.
3. During Travel:
➢ Don't spit in public place
➢ Don't speak loudly
➢ Don't smoke
➢ Don't speak your own life story loudly.
➢ Don't disturb others.

4. Talking on mobile or phone:

➢ When hear ring tone, start to speak with smile
➢ Reduce the volume or ring tone when you are in public place
➢ Speak soft and short.
➢ Speak clearly.


A man should follow three ways to live a great life in society.

1. Family life is one of the best parts of social grace. So, relations in family should be good. This will
make a path to social grace.

2. Schools and offices make new friendships. They are the good lessons for future social graces

3. Relation with unknown person, will teach social grace.

One who follows the above will get the social grace. One's sight, speech and behaviour will show
if he has social grace or not. A person with social grace is a respectful person.

Hungry bellies have no ears'. Man cannot live without food .Food habits are differ from place to
place and society to society. Every religion has separate disciplines and principles for everything. These
all are good for healthy life. Eating discipline is included in these disciplines. Each family or group sets
its own Standards for follow the rules.


In the globalised world it is necessary to know themselves with the universally acceptable table
manners, the essence of which is given below.

Using utensils: (International level)

Food dish should be in the left and glass should be in the right. Place the napkin in left at the end.
Forks are at the left near the plate. Spoons and knife are put at the right side. Once, spoon or fork or knife
is picked up from the table it never put on the table again. Place it on the plate during you eat. At last left
them on the plate
How to use napkins
Unfold the napkin and place it on your lap. When you start your meal. The napkin remains there
until the end of the meal. At the end place your napkin partly folded at the left of your plate.

During eat the meal:

In gatherings of six or less people, begin eating only after every one is served. For larger groups,
such as banquets, start eating after four or five people have been served.

Eat in small bites and slowly. Don't blow in your food to cool it off. If it is too hot to eat, wait
until it cools. Never continue to eat long after others have stopper. So, try to eat faster if you are a slow
eater. It you have serious dietary restrictions or allergies, ask your host to know about food before you sit.

The finish:
When you finished your meal, place spoon, fork and knife beside each other on the plate
diagonally from upper left to lower right. This is a signal to the waiter that you finished your meal. The
spoon, fork and knife should be placed upside inward on the plate.

Do's and Don’ts of Table Etiquettes (Manners):

One's style, dress and good behaviours will increase his respect and value in society. In this way table
manners rise one's personality, some table manners are given here.

Don 'ts:

1. Don't sit slouch or lean in your chair.

2. Don't speak when you are eating.

3. Don't use mobile

4. Don’t watch TV

5. Don’t eat big place of meal.

6. Don't chew food with sound

7. Don't eat fast.

8. Don't keep your elbows off the table.

9. Don't spread the utensils over the table.

10. Don't eat food disorderly

11. Don't complaint for small mistakes in food or serving.

12. Don't sneeze before food.


1. Sit up straight

2. Cut meat and salad in small pieces

3. Keep smiles your face.

4. Finish your meal with positive note.

5. If you must leave the table say your excuse.

6. Before and after drink wipe your lips,

7. Use please' and Thank you' if necessary

There is a proverb in Tamil about dress. That is "Dress half, manners half make a full man". Dress
covers the body. Clothing preforms a range of social and cultural functions such as individual,
occupational, sexual differentiation and social Status. Dressing sense differs from country to country and
from culture to culture. Weather also makes difference in dressing between hot and cool places. Uniform
for Civil authority figures Such as police, military persons, transport department and nurse may help to
identity, them easily. Every religion has its own dressing culture.

We knew when we wear what dress for which occasion. To remove un equality uniform is weared
by students in school. People wear white dress for worship; They wear black dress in sad situation. To
show affection to our friends we use green colour dress.


The Dress code has built in rules or signals indicating the message which give a person’s clothing
and how it is worn. This message may include indications of the persons' gender, income, occupations
and social class, political, ethnic and religious affiliation, attitude etc.

Dresses are differ for different occasions. For example, there are special dresses for exercise,
office, travel, parties and for sleep.

Dress for exercise:

Present days every man has to be do exercise for healthy life. So, they wake up early in the
morning and go to do exercise. They wear banian and track suit, because it suck the swept and the dress is
very free to do exercise.
Dress for work:
A work dress code is a set of standards that, companies develop to help their employees with
guidance, about what is suitable to wear for work.

Sports dress:
Sports dresses are designed as comfortable for play or run. The colours of sports dress helps to
identify the team. The symbols and slogans are printed on the dress are belongs to sponsor company.
They are acceptable matters.

Uniform is schools make unity between rich students and poor students. It replace un equality. In
working place uniforms are helpful to work comfortably. In a team all members wear uniform dress for

Innovative dresses:
New types of dresses are introduced by fashion designers through fashion shows. The media and
cinema also make people to like new trend dresses.


Suitable dresses take a great part in man's personality. So, man or woman should wear suitable dress for
an interview. There are different in interview. There are different in interview dress for man and woman.
Further, there are some rules for interview to there are some rules for interview to do and don't

They are given below.

Interview dress for man:

• Pant and full hand shirt.
• Tie all the buttons in shirt include hands
• Wear tie, belt and black polished shoe or matching colour shoe.
• Take a small suit-case or office bag in your hand.

For woman:
• Light colour dress
• Near hair style. Hair must not be fall on your face
• Suitable small size ear- ring
• File bag in hand

Don't take with you are

• Mobile
• Chewing gum
• Jeans pant
• Tight dress
• Cloth made bag.

Some members or some persons or co-workers meet face-to-face and exchange information or
attempt to reach a decision on shared problems is known as Group discussion.

The group discussion used as a tool to measure the talents and personality of the members. A
group may have 8 to 10 members. One of the members will emerge as a leader particular time may be
allotted for group discussion. Within that time they must find out a salvation for their problem.


Members of a group must have the following traits for group discussion.

➢ Everyone must has a knowledge of the topic

➢ During discussion information which related to the topic only exchanged.
➢ Negative information must be avoided.
➢ Positive information should be taken and discussed
➢ Skill of clear speech is important for group discussion,
➢ Skill of English language is must
➢ It will help to speak with other language person.


Group discussions are in practical in every department. Through the discussion many problems
are solved. There are no definite steps or rules for group discussion. But there are certain processes
involved in it. In democratic countries many decisions are taken through group discussion. At present all
are on web connection. So group discussions are conducted in necessary places.

Initiating the Discussion:

In the initial phase leader welcome all and say about the topic for discussion. Then he divided the group
into several teams. The teams work separately. These are conducted under the following concepts

1 Personality development seminars

2. Research seminars

3 Medical seminars

4. Workshops or refresher trainings.

5. Club members’ conferences, etc.

6. Social conflict conferences, etc.,

Discipline rules:
➢ There are 8 or 10 members in a group
➢ One of them should be a leader
➢ Each member should understand the stages of discussion
➢ For the successful discussion, a friendly co-operation is necessary in the process of discussion.
➢ Members of the group should evolve their knowledge and analytical ability during discussion.
➢ They should conclude the discussion within the fixed time
➢ Members should not be selfish.
➢ The suggestion taken must be the decision of all

Action of leader:
There may be differences in opinion during group discussion. At the time of conflict the leader
should not be a silent spectator. He should handle the conflict by providing positive guidance to the group

Creating co-operative atmosphere:

When the leader and the members of a group are in a friendly co-operation their discussion reach a
complete success. In this atmosphere all the participants can speak freely with other members

Group discussion techniques:

During the discussion, making of questions, tables, statements, etc. are good for a successful
discussion. The discussion should not turn from the topic. At the time of closing the discussion, the leader
should summaries the progress made by the group. He should also focus the common points of agreement
and disagreement. After getting suggestions the leader can conclude the group discussion.

Some important points:

➢ If there is negative points please be silent
➢ Don't discuss angrily.
➢ Don't speak long time
➢ Should be agree with others.
➢ Should be social responds.
➢ Should be intelligent in making decision.
➢ Should be co-operative with others.


Group discussion gives a best result when the group work in unity by avoiding selfishness. Whole
group members talents together give a success in group discussion but through a group discussion skills
of individual comes out. It develops the personality of each member. The ways, by which the talents of
individual are bring out, are given below.
➢ Individual's personality trait improved by group discussion.
➢ Each member gets responsibility.
➢ Inferiority complex of individual is vanished.
➢ Self-confidence and thinking capacity are improved.
➢ Every member has a chance as leader.
➢ Every member gets self-awareness.
➢ Get skill in making decision.
➢ In help to develop trait of a leader
➢ Every member gets importance for their opinion
➢ Every member gets a choice to bring out their opinion.
➢ They get traits like equality, brotherhood and respecting others.
➢ Because of working with other groups individuals skills are developed.
➢ Negative thoughts of individual disappear
➢ Make a way to do social services.
➢ Somebody get best friends, through group discussion.
➢ Members get a knowledge of social problems and the salvations to them.


Group discussion topics are divided into six types. In every meeting, any, one type of the topic is
selected on the basis of the concept. The six types are given below.

1. Abstract Topic:
Members mostly like abstract Topics. Because it is discussed in short time. It is very easy to

2. Factual Topic:
Factual Topics are related to the social conflicts or everyday problems of human life. The topic
may be social or economically.

3. Problem based Topic:

In this type, commonly social, political or economic problems are discussed. In this type the
members of the group must have an awareness on that particular problem.

4. Ideal Topic:
In this twenty first century this type of topic for discussion is impossible. At present this type of
topic is not taken for discussion. It many end in controversy. Sometimes end without a decision.

5. Case study:
Under this type of topic the discussion is taken about an individual. The particular of the person is
on hand. So, there is not necessary for special awareness about the discussion. The discussion end with
perfect decision and end within short period
6. Controversial Topic:
Controversial topics are mostly argumentative in nature. They are meant to generate controversy.
In group discussion members make noise. This shows that how much the members are matured in handle
the controversy by patiently.

There is nothing without interviews in selecting candidates for job, for admission in schools and
colleges and in selecting candidates under skill based system, interviews are very helpful.

In medias and magazines to issue about a very important person interviews are used. In this
competitive world talented person only selected for everything. For this selection interviews are used as


Interviews are conducted for select talented persons to work in an office or company. The following
matters are expected in interviews.

➢ Candidate must satisfy the person who conduct interview.

➢ Should obey the rules of the company.
➢ Punctuality
➢ Experience
➢ Honest, responsible sincere and confident
➢ Good conduct
➢ Co-operation with others.
➢ Work hard and work long time.
➢ Knowledge of new techniques.
➢ Good leading traits.
➢ Nature of give and take
➢ Friendly with others.
➢ Special skill in good finishing of work.
➢ Skill in solving problems.
➢ Take it easy policy during failure special skill in speech.
➢ Creative skill
➢ Best aim and managing capacity.
➢ Confident is starting.


Interview is the last steps for the selection of a candidate. So, interview is very important.
Planning is the key component to successful interview. Planning for the interview is done in four stages.
1. Preliminary Phase:
➢ Collecting the information's about the company which conduct the interview.
➢ Know the services, products and mission of the employer of the company.
➢ Know about the person who conduct the interview and know how many candidates may attend the

2. Arriving for the interview:

➢ Wear simple and clean dress.
➢ Have self confidence
➢ Should be with clear mind.
➢ Avoid perfumes.
➢ If you have to travel very long distance, please reach the spot earlier.
➢ If you will be late to interview for an unexpected reason, please contact with the interview team
by Phone.
➢ Take yours call letter and certificates with you.

3. Reaching the spot:

➢ Avoid tension
➢ Avoid biting the nail rubbing the head, shaking leg and adjusting dress.

4. Entering the Room:

➢ Knock the door and enter after getting permission.
➢ Enter with confidence and smile.
➢ Wish with smile,
➢ Sit after you are asked to sit and say thank you.
➢ Keep with you a file only.
➢ Sit in chair fully and strait.
➢ Avoid to sitting with cross leg.
➢ Don't say anything before they ask.
➢ Listen the questions carefully and answer to them
➢ If you don't know the language, ask them to speak in your language
➢ Say excuse for unknown answer.
➢ Say 'thank you' at the end of the interview.
➢ Shake hands only if they do it.


1. Closed ended questions:

This type of questions are asked to get information's about the candidate's experience and interest
on the particular work. If your answer is yes or no, then add a brief piece of valuable information.
For example:

Are you experienced in sales?

Ans: Yes, I have five years experience.

2. Open ended questions:

When interviewer expected more than yes or No answer they use this type or questions.

For example:

Why are you interested in the posted position?

What are your most remarkable skills?

3. Questions related to skills :( Hypothetical Questions)

These types of questions are used to assess your problem - solving skills and reply speed is also

For example:

What are the weaknesses of you?

To this question don't answer I have no weakness, in anything. The best way to answer is say,” I have
enough capacity to do given work, or " I will do my best in given work."

4. Leadership or Leading Questions:

The idea of this type of questions is to get a specific response from the candidate. The interviewer
may by asking a leading question with a negative emphasis. Always go for positive answers.

5. Behavioural questions:
This type of questions used to check the behaviour of candidates. They ask to know what a
candidate will do in a critical situation. They will ask about a past experience. They will ask more and
more details and it would be impossible to keep a lie going on. So, you must prepare answer for this type
of question.

For example: For the problematic position to which what they or that company want and what
skills are required for the position are should be research.

6. Multi-Barrelled questions:
They check your reasoning skills. These questions are linked in such way that suddenly seems to
be one question but actually two or three questions about the same topic. Do not give an answer till you
truly understand the questions.
The purpose of job interview is basically to evaluate the skills of the candidate and match them for
jobs. They have classified these skills into three broad categories namely. Self-Management skills, Work
contents skills and Transferable or Functional skills.

The self-Management Skills:

These are nothing but the, "Personal qualities. These skills are also known as Personality traits or
characteristics. From these questions, it is estimated that, a candidate is suited for a particular job or not.
Another way which job is suitable for that candidate.

Work content skills:

Some body is very talented in a particular job. They know some secrets about the work and they
used them is needed place. These types of candidates are known as job experts or specialist. These skills
are the work content skills.

Functional or Transferable Skills:

Functional skills are the skills that are transferable from one field to another field such as problem
solving, organizing, Communicating etc. These skills can be inculcated though education, work and
leisure time activities


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