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Using Itrilogi

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i-TriLOGI for Ladder Logic Simulation

You may download the required software from the following link:

Once you have downloaded and run the SetupTL6Edu.exe, you will be prompted for a setup password. Please
enter the following:

Setup Password: LadderBasic2009

Please note that installation password is case-sensitive. You will have to enter them exactly as shown above.

Unlike with VisiLogic where you need the actual hardware to do simulations and testing, you can use i-TriLOGI
for simulating your ladder logic diagrams (LLD). However, it has limited functions available.


• Input/output
• Relays, timer (time delay), counters
• Set/reset

Limitations: i-TriLOGI DOES NOT HAVE the following functions you use in VisiLOGIC:

• Comparators (> , < , >= , <= ,=)

• Math functions
• Time extend (TE) and time accumulate (TA)

How to Use
i-TriLOGI interface looks like the image below.

Figure 1 i-TriLOGI interface

Adding contacts and coil
To insert LLD elements, click Circuit > Insert Circuit (Fig 2). It would show the different elements you can use
(Fig 3). Just click on any of these to add it to your LLD. Note: The numbers on the lower right of the elements
are keyboard shortcuts.

Figure 2 Click Circuit > Insert Circuit to show element list

Figure 3 This appears after doing Figure 2

I/O Table - Input, Output Relay, Timer, Counter

When you add any element in the LLD, the I/O Labels dialogue box appears (Fig4). From the I/O Labels, you
can choose what time of function you (Input, Output Relay, Timer, Counter) want as shown in Fig 4. This is also
where you label your different elements. Note: Names should be unique. You can’t have two “PB1”.

If you just want to see the I/O Labels again, just click the I/O Table button (Fig 5).

Figure 4 I/O Labels Figure 5 Click the I/O Table

button to show the I/O
Set/Reset Coil, Increment and Decrement Counter
In VisiLogic, you use and for set and reset of coils. In i-TriLOGI, use the function element [Fn] as
shown in Fig 6. The table below summarizes the functions you use in VisiLogic and how to implement them in

Figure 6 Use [Fn] for other functions

VisiLogic Function VisiLogic Symbol i-TriLOGI Function

Set (S) coil #7 Latch
Reset (R) coil #8 Clear
Reset counter #2 RSCtr
Decrement #1 DNCtr

Increment #3 INCtr

To simulate the simple LLD in Fig 7, click Simulate > Run (All I/O Reset). Then, Programmable Logic Simulator
(Fig 8) would show up.

Figure 7 Sample LLD with two pushbutton and one output

Figure 8 Programmable Logic Simulator

To press the input buttons, left-click on it. To hold the input, right-click on it. Fig 8 shows that when both PB1
and PB2 are pressed, the output O1 turns on.

Counter – A bit different from VisiLogic

There is a difference in the functionality of how counters work in VisiLogic and i-TriLOGI. In general, when
counters reach a preset value, its corresponding contact turns ON.

Sample #1
In the sample LLD below, whenever PB1 is pressed, the counter value changes. When it reaches the preset
value of 5, RLY A turns ON. PB2 resets the counter.

In VisiLogic, you use the INC (increment) or DEC (decrement) block to add or subtract the counter value. With
VisiLogic, it usually starts from 0 and counts-up to the preset value. It can even go beyond the preset value.
When the counter reaches the preset, that’s when it turns ON.

In i-TriLOGI, you can use an output coil for the counter. The default is that it starts from the preset value and
counts-down to 0. It doesn’t go below 0. When the counter reaches 0, that’s when it turns ON.

VisiLogic i-TriLOGI
• If C1 >= 5, RLY A turns ON • If C1 == 0, RLY A turns ON
• PB2 resets C1 • PB2 resets C1
Sample #2
If you want to add and subtract values to the counter in i-TriLOGI, use the [Fn] ([INCtr], [DNCtr]). Take note, if
using the [Fn] for counter, you can’t use the output coil ( ).

Unlike with the previous sample where the value of C1 remains at 0 unless it resets, using [Fn] cycles the value
between 0 and the preset. This mean, when the value reaches 0, decrementing again makes the counter value
equal to 5. When the value is at 5, incrementing again makes the counter value equal to 0.

The problem with using this is that the contact corresponding to this counter does not necessarily turn ON
when the value is 0. There are two ways that can turn on the counter. From the sample i-TriLOGI LLD below:

• If using [INCtr], RLY A turns ON when C1 == 0.

• If using [DNCtr], RLY A turns ON when C1 == 5.

When you run the sample below, you’ll also notice that RLY A turns ON after 6 presses (either PB1 only or PB2
only), not 5.

VisiLogic i-TriLOGI
• If C1 >= 5, RLY A turns ON • If using [INCtr], RLY A turns ON when C1 == 0.
• If PB1 is pressed, add 1 to • If using [DNCtr], RLY A turns ON when C1 == 5.
the value of C1. • If PB3 is pressed, reset C1.
• If PB2 is pressed, subtract 1
to the value of C1
• If PB3 is pressed, reset C1.
Timer Implementation
The time delay function in VisiLogic is the same as the timer function in i-TriLOGI. There are no time
accumulate (TA) and time extend (TE) in i-TriLOGI.

In using i-TriLOGI, just take note that the speed timer is not accurate. The i-TriLOGI runs much faster. A 5-
second counter may finish in 1 second. Don’t worry too much about this as long as you the diagram is correct.

VisiLogic i-TriLOGI

Sample: Traffic Light from Exercise 3 Problem 2

You are to implement a traffic light control system with some basic control capabilities.
- Upon power-up, the stoplight should be OFF.
- Pressing the start pushbutton initiates the stoplight to STOP. Once the stoplight starts
working, the start pushbutton should have no effect.
• The sequence is STOP – GO – CAUTION then cycles.
• The duration of STOP should be 5 seconds
• The duration of GO should be 7 seconds
• The duration of CAUTION shall be 3 seconds.

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