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Arthrocentesis As Initial Treatment For TMD's

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Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery xxx (2013) 1e6

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Arthrocentesis as initial treatment for temporomandibular joint

arthropathy: A randomized controlled trial
L.M. Vos*, J.J.R. Huddleston Slater, B. Stegenga
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Head: F.K.L. Spijkervet), University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen,
The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective: To determine the effectiveness of arthrocentesis compared to conservative treatment as initial
Paper received 23 January 2013 treatment with regard to temporomandibular joint pain and mandibular movement.
Accepted 17 July 2013 Patients and methods: In this randomized controlled trial, 80 patients with arthralgia of the TMJ (clas-
sified according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders) were randomly
Keywords: assigned to one of the two treatment groups. One group received arthrocentesis as initial treatment
(n ¼ 40), the other group received conventional treatment including soft diet, physical treatment and
occlusal splint therapy (n ¼ 40). Follow-up was after 3, 12 and 26 weeks post treatment. Prior to
Initial therapy
treatment, and at every follow-up assessment, pain intensity was measured (VAS 0e100 mm at rest, and
Pain VAS 0e100 mm during movement) and maximum mouth opening (MMO) (mm interincisor distance).
RCT Furthermore patients were asked to fill out several surveys concerning the impact of mandibular
impairment on their daily life, and psychosocial aspects.
Results: After 26 weeks, the TMJ pain (mm VAS at rest, and mm VAS during movement) had declined
comparably in both groups (arthrocentesis n ¼ 36; conservative treatment n ¼ 36) and MMO (mm
interincisor distance) had slightly improved. GEE models showed significant differences between
arthrocentesis as initial treatment and conservative treatment, indicating that the arthrocentesis group
improved more rapidly with regard to TMJ pain (VAS at rest p ¼ 0.008; regression coefficient b ¼ 8.90
(95% confidence interval 15.50, 2.31), VAS during movement p ¼ 0.003; regression coefficient b ¼
10.76 (95% confidence interval 17.75, 3.77)) and MMO (p ¼ 0.045; regression coefficient b ¼ 2.70
(95% confidence interval 5.35, 0.06)) compared to conservative treatment.
Conclusions: Arthrocentesis as initial treatment reduces pain and functional impairment more rapidly
compared to conservative treatment. However, after 26 weeks, both treatment modalities achieved
comparable outcomes.
Trial registration number: NTR1505.
Ó 2013 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

1. Introduction clicking and crepitation, as well as internal derangements

frequently occur (Stegenga, 2010).
Arthropathy of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is often a The synovial fluid of inflamed TMJs often contains elevated
chronic degenerative process, leading to destruction of essential levels of degradation products, pro-inflammatory interleukins,
molecules of the lubricating system, the articular surface lining of matrix degrading enzymes, and reactive cytokines (Haskin et al.,
fibrocartilage and, eventually, the subchondral bone (Stegenga, 1995; Kim et al., 2012b). Treatment of TMJ arthropathies usually
2001). Due to secondary inflammatory components, the most focuses on reduction of the joint loading by prescribing a soft diet,
prominent symptoms are pain in and around the joint, and physical exercises, and oral appliances (Milam, 2005; de Souza
restricted mandibular movement. Furthermore, joint sounds like et al., 2012; Machon et al., 2011). Recuperation of the joint initi-
ated by this pursued force reduction starts with phagocytosis of
degeneration products. This process takes time, is dependent on
* Corresponding author. Hanzeplein 1, P.O. Box 30 001, 9700 RB Groningen, The
Netherlands. Tel.: þ31 (0) 50 361 38 44; fax: þ31 (0) 50 361 11 36. patient compliance, and its outcome and duration are clinically
E-mail address: (L.M. Vos). unpredictable. By contrast, arthrocentesis or lavage of the joint

1010-5182/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Vos LM, et al., Arthrocentesis as initial treatment for temporomandibular joint arthropathy: A randomized
controlled trial, Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery (2013),
2 L.M. Vos et al. / Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery xxx (2013) 1e6

directly removes not only most of the degradation products, but

Patients with
inflammatory mediators as well (Laskin, 2009; Machon et al., 2011). possible TMJ
Success rates up to 91% have been reported for the use of arthro- arthropathy
centesis in anterior disc displacement without reduction (Sorel and
Piecuch, 2000). Although evidence is not conclusive, it seems that
arthrocentesis has indeed a beneficial effect on pain and impair- 2 weeks NSAIDs
ment of mandibular motion (Currie, 2009; Nitzan et al., 1990, 1991;
Dimitroulis et al., 1995; Al-Belasy and Dolwick, 2007; Monje-Gil No pain
Pain still present Exclusion
et al., 2012). Al-Belasy and Dolwick even concluded that arthro-
centesis is a highly efficient procedure with low morbidity (Al-
Belasy and Dolwick, 2007). Baseline assessment
Contemporary therapeutic strategy consists of initially conser-
vative treatment including soft diet, physical treatment and
occlusal splint therapy, which is followed by minimally invasive Anaesthesia of the
techniques like arthrocentesis when patients are non-responsive to TMJ
this approach and the arthropathy appears to be persistent. How-
ever, since there is no definite evidence that loading of the articular Pain still present
No pain Exclusion
surfaces is indeed reduced by conservative therapy, and arthro-
centesis seems to be highly efficient in patients that did not benefit
sufficiently from conservative treatment, minimally invasive tech- Randomization
niques could be applied in an earlier stage. We reported promising
results using arthrocentesis as initial therapy (Huddleston Slater
et al., 2012). However, that study was not designed to investigate
Arthrocentesis Care as usual
the effectiveness of arthrocentesis as initial treatment. Therefore,
the objective of this randomized controlled trial was to determine
the effectiveness of arthrocentesis as initial treatment with regard
Follow-up assessment at Follow-up assessment at
to TMJ pain intensity and mandibular movement compared to 3, 12 and 26 weeks 3, 12 and 26 weeks
conservative treatment.

2. Material and methods Analysis

2.1. Study design Fig. 1. Flow chart of the enrolment procedure and treatment arms.

This randomized effectiveness study was conducted at the

University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG) from January 2009 to 2.2. Sample size calculation
June 2012. Approval of the ethical commission of the UMCG was
obtained prior to patient recruitment (METc 2008/197). All patients A sample size calculation was performed for the main outcome
signed a written informed consent. Patients were recruited from measure. In order to obtain a power of 0.80, 72 patients were
the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the UMCG. required (estimated effect size ¼ 0.20, 5 predictors), which resulted
Because the main target of the investigated therapeutic approaches in 36 patients per group. To account for loss of information from
is reduction of symptoms, the inclusion criteria were formulated dropouts, a 10% increase in sample size resulted in two groups of 40
likewise. patients each. Predictors included in the model were treatment,
Inclusion criteria were: age, gender, duration of symptoms before inclusion and mouth
 Minimum of 16 years of age
 Pain in the TMJ region, aggravated by protrusion, maximal
mouth opening and/or lateral excursions of the mandible and 2.3. Participants
 Pain still present after two weeks of ibuprofen 600 mg three 80 patients who conformed to the inclusion criteria were
times daily (exclusion of acute inflammatory pain) included and randomly allocated to one of the two treatment
 Pain disappears after intra-articular injection (Ultracain forte, groups (Table 1). One group received arthrocentesis as initial
Aventis Pharma, Hoevelaken, The Netherlands) (exclusion of treatment (11 men and 29 woman, mean age 38.3, SD 15.9) and the
myogenic pain) (Tjakkes et al., 2007) (see Fig. 1). other group was treated as usual (9 men and 31woman, mean age
36.1, SD14.3). Treatment allocation was concealed from partici-
Exclusion criteria were: pants, treating physician and researchers in sealed envelopes until
the enrolment procedure was completed. At this point an inde-
 Systemic rheumatic disease pendent nurse revealed the group allocation. Follow-up assess-
 Bony ankylosis of the TMJ ments were three (T1), 12 (T2) and 26 (T3) weeks after the last
 Incompetence to speak the Dutch or English language treatment session. Prior to the treatment (T0) and at every follow-
 Pregnancy up assessment, pain intensity was measured at rest and during
 Concurrent use of anti inflammatory medication, steroids, maximum mouth opening (MMO) using a visual analogue scale
muscle relaxants or antidepressants (VAS, 0e100 mm). MMO (interincisor distance in mm) was
 Medical contraindications measured as well. These measurements were performed by one
 Unwillingness to receive one of the study treatments examiner who was ignorant of the treatment allocation. The
 Prior open TMJ surgery examiner had no contact with the participants other than during

Please cite this article in press as: Vos LM, et al., Arthrocentesis as initial treatment for temporomandibular joint arthropathy: A randomized
controlled trial, Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery (2013),
L.M. Vos et al. / Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery xxx (2013) 1e6 3

Table 1 of the arthrocentesis procedure, anaesthesia of the TMJ was ach-

Patients’ baseline characteristics. ieved using intra-articular anaesthesia and anaesthesia of the
Characteristics Arthrocentesis (n ¼ 40) Care as usual (n ¼ 40) overlying skin (Ultracain forte, Aventis Pharma, Hoevelaken, The
Gender (female), n (%) 29 (72.5) 31 (77.5)
Netherlands). Two 18 gauge needles were inserted in the upper
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) joint space, and communication between the needles was estab-
Age, years 38.3 (15.9) 36.1 (14.3) lished. The joint was then lavaged with at least 300 ml isotonic
VAS rest 19.3 (21.5) 24.5 (27.5) sodium chloride. No additional substances or drugs were used. All
VAS movement 51.6 (18.9) 54.0 (25.4)
arthrocentesis procedures were performed by the same physician
MMO 34.7 (8.2) 38.6 (8.8)
MFIQ 0.5 (0.1) 0.5 (0.2) (BS). Participants who were assigned to the conservative treatment
SCL-90 116.5 (28.1) 123.8 (36.1) group were treated following a strict protocol (Fig. 2). First they
OHIP-49 26.6 (21.0) 35.7 (28.4) were instructed to use a soft diet (A) for at least 3 weeks. After 2
weeks the effect of the soft diet was evaluated. If the symptoms had
Physical functioning 27.2 (5.7) 26.2 (6.3)
Social functioning 8.9 (1.7) 8.3 (1.9)
improved (improvement of at least 20 mm on the VAS during
Role limitations 1.0 (2.1) 2.8 (3.2) movement, compared to baseline (Stauffer et al., 2011; Melzack and
(physical problem) Torgerson, 1971)), the soft diet was continued for another 4 weeks.
Role limitations 0.7 (1.6) 2.1 (2.5) If the patient complained about a restricted mouth opening, addi-
(emotional problem)
tional physical therapy (B) was offered which involved a home
Mental health 23.4 (4.6) 23.5 (4.8)
Vitality 15.9 (3.7) 16.5 (3.6) exercise program, joint mobilisation, and physical treatment mo-
Pain 43.5 (9.5) 41.4 (11.1) dalities. The physical treatment was performed once a week and
General health perception 18.1 (3.2) 18.6 (4.5) included ‘joint play’, stretching and dry needling of triggerpoints. If
Health change 3.2 (1.0) 3.2 (0.8) the pain had not improved, an intra oral hard acrylic splint (C) was
SD ¼ standard deviation. made, and patients were instructed to use this oral appliance
during the night, and one or two hours during the day to get used to
the unusual jaw position. Treatments A and C were performed by
the measurement procedures. Furthermore, at baseline and every
the same physician (JHS), and all physical treatments (B) were
follow-up assessment, patients were asked to fill out several
performed by two physiotherapists who were specialized in head
questionnaires concerning the impact of function impairment on
and neck therapy. The duration of the conservative treatment
their quality of life. This is described in more detail below. Addi-
program was six weeks in total. The participants of both groups
tionally, at baseline a psychosocial profile was assessed. X-ray ex-
were instructed to use pain medication (Ibuprofen 600 mg) when
amination was performed at baseline and after 26 weeks follow-up
(T3) in order to detect any bony changes during follow-up period
using orthopantomography (OPT), transpharyngeal recordings ac-
cording to Parma, and transcranial radiographs according to 2.5. Outcomes
Primary outcome variables were pain in the TMJ, at rest and
2.4. Treatment procedures during movement, and the mandibular range of motion. Pain was
scored using a continuous scale (0e100 mm VAS), and mandibular
Participants were randomly allocated to the arthrocentesis range of motion was determined using the maximum active mouth
group, where arthrocentesis was performed as initial treatment, opening (MMO, interincisor distance in mm). Secondary outcome
or to the conservative treatment group (see Fig. 1). At the start measurements were: mandibular function impairment (assessed

Patients assigned to
conservative treatment
group, n=40

Soft diet and explicationa

2 weeks interim evaluation

Pain decreased Pain not decreased

Determination of most Determination of most

prominent symptom prominent symptom

Pain Restricted Pain Restricted

mouth opening mouth opening

Continuation soft diet, Additional physical Additional splint Additional splint and
n=36 therapyb, n=7 therapyc, n=15 physical therapyb,c, n=2

Explication of the pathology was provided in order to enhance patient’s understanding and thereby improve compliance.
Physical therapy was performed once a week and included ‘joint play’, stretching and dry needling of triggerpoints.
Splint therapy consisted of an intra oral hard acrylic splint which patients were instructed to use during the night, and one or two
hours during the day to get used to the unusual jaw position.

Fig. 2. Flow chart of the conservative treatment protocol.

Please cite this article in press as: Vos LM, et al., Arthrocentesis as initial treatment for temporomandibular joint arthropathy: A randomized
controlled trial, Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery (2013),
4 L.M. Vos et al. / Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery xxx (2013) 1e6

with the Mandibular Function Impairment Questionnaire; MFIQ)

(Stegenga et al., 1993), oral health related quality of life (assessed
using the Oral Health Impact Profile; OHIP-49) (van der Meulen
et al., 2008), and quality of life in general (assessed with the
RAND-36 health survey) (Hays et al., 1993). Patients were asked to
fill out these questionnaires at baseline and at every follow-up
evaluation. Any bony changes were scored as ordinal variable on
OPT, Parma and Schüller X-rays at baseline and after 26 weeks.
Potential confounding psychosocial factors related with chronic
pain were scored using the 90-item Symptom Checklist (SCL-90)
(Arrindell and Ettema, 1986) which patients were asked to fill out at
baseline. All questionnaires were checked on missing values when
collected to make sure that they were filled out completely.

2.6. Statistical procedures b

During data analysis, the analyst (LMV) was ignorant of which
patients had received arthrocentesis and which patients had
received conservative treatment. For all analyses a significance
level of alpha ¼ 0.05 was used. In order to create effect models,
univariate analyses were performed for each variable. If variables
were found to be significant, the P-value was used in further
development of the model. Predictors with a P-value less than or
equal to 0.1 were simultaneously entered into a multivariate model.
To correct for the dependency of repeated measurements in the
longitudinal data analysis, generalized estimated equations (GEE)
multivariate models were used. All procedures were performed
using Stata version 11.0 (Stata Corp., College Station, TX, USA).
Analyses were executed using the intention-to-treat principle. GEE
models were designed for MMO, VAS at rest, and VAS during
movement (Fig. 3). Time was defined in days after the last treat-
ment session, based on the actual consultation dates. For all ana-
lyses, treatment group (i.e. arthrocentesis vs. conservative
treatment) was the first predictor variable to be entered into the
model. The hypothesis of interest was whether the pattern of
progression of the outcome variables over time differed between
the two treatment groups.

3. Results

80 patients were included and randomly allocated to one of the

two treatment groups, which consisted of 40 patients each. In both
Fig. 3. Progression of mandibular movement (MMO), pain (VAS) at rest and pain (VAS)
groups, 4 patients dropped out. At T1 6 patients (arthrocentesis
during movement. T0 ¼ baseline assessment, T1 ¼ 3 weeks follow-up, T2 ¼ 12 weeks
n ¼ 2, conservative treatment n ¼ 4) did not show at follow-up, at follow-up, T3 ¼ 26 weeks follow-up.
T2 7 patients (arthrocentesis n ¼ 4, conservative treatment n ¼ 3),
of which 3 were the same as at T1, and at T3 a total of 15 patients
(arthrocentesis n ¼ 9, conservative treatment n ¼ 6) did not show at
follow-up, of which 5 had not showed at one or both of the previous added as predictors. No confounders or effect modifiers were
assessments as well. 4 patients reported mild transient swelling of added. A significant association of MMO was found with MFIQ
the TMJ immediately after arthrocentesis. scores, therefore MFIQ scores were added to the model. No con-
In the conservative treatment group all patients received a soft founders or effect modifiers were identified. Estimated regression
diet (A). 7 patients received additional physical therapy (A þ B), 15 coefficients and P-values for the different GEE models are displayed
patients received additional splint therapy (A þ C), and 2 patients in Table 2. No significant bony changes were seen on the X-rays
received all 3 treatment modalities (A þ B þ C). during the follow-up period.
After 26 weeks, the TMJ pain (mm VAS at rest, and mm VAS
during movement) had comparably declined in both groups and 4. Discussion
MMO (mm interincisor distance) had slightly improved. GEE
models showed significant differences between arthrocentesis as The results of this study indicate that progression in TMJ pain
initial treatment and conservative treatment, indicating that the reduction and improvements of the mandibular range of motion
arthrocentesis group improved more rapidly with regard to TMJ differ between arthrocentesis as initial treatment, and conservative
pain and MMO compared to CAU. treatment. Progression of the primary outcome variables seems to
VAS at rest was associated significantly with MFIQ-, and SCL-90 be most pronounced relatively soon after arthrocentesis as initial
scores. Furthermore RAND-36 (Social functioning) was added as a treatment, whereas progression after conservative treatment
confounder. No effect modifiers were added to the model. VAS seems to occur more gradually. However, over time, both treatment
during movement was associated with MFIQ scores, which were modalities appear to achieve comparable outcomes.

Please cite this article in press as: Vos LM, et al., Arthrocentesis as initial treatment for temporomandibular joint arthropathy: A randomized
controlled trial, Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery (2013),
L.M. Vos et al. / Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery xxx (2013) 1e6 5

Table 2
Regression coefficients and P-values as derived from GEE analysis.

Model Variable Primary multivariate model Adjusted for confounding

b (95% CI) P-value b (95% CI) P-value

MMO Treatment 2.70 (5.35, 0.06) 0.045

MFIQ 11.42 (16.34, 6.50) 0.000
VAS rest Treatment 9.83 (16.41, 3.25) 0.003 8.90 (15.50, 2.31) 0.008
MFIQ 36.90 (23.74, 50.05) 0.000 34.93 (21.60, 48.26) 0.000
SCL-90 0.17 (0.07, 0.28) 0.001 0.13 (0.01, 0.25) 0.041
RAND-36 (social functioning) 1.54 (3.63, 0.55) 0.149
VAS movement Treatment 10.76 (17.75, 3.77) 0.003
MFIQ 78.23 (64.19, 92.26) 0.000

b ¼ regression coefficient.
CI ¼ confidence interval.

These findings are consistent with currently available evidence used for TMJ evaluation, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging
that arthrocentesis is an efficient and effective treatment modality, (MRI) and Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). However, in
although these studies did not investigate arthrocentesis as initial order to detect the relatively small intra-articular bony changes,
treatment (Monje-Gil et al., 2012; Al-Belasy and Dolwick, 2007). CBCT may not be accurate since its precision is limited by the voxel
With regard to the effectiveness of the conservative treatment size. Furthermore, MRI is mainly used for evaluation of the soft
approach, the results of this study confirm that in particular TMJ tissues (Roh et al., 2012).
pain improves over time (de Souza et al., 2012). However, conser- Contemporary therapeutic strategy consists of initially conser-
vative treatment, and in particular splint therapy, may be more vative treatment, which is followed by minimally invasive tech-
effective when combined with arthrocentesis (Machon et al., 2011). niques like arthrocentesis, when patients are non-responsive to this
The relatively rapid improvement after arthrocentesis compared approach and the arthropathy appears to be persistent. In this study
to conservative treatment may be explained by the immediate arthrocentesis was used as initial therapy. Since the results of this
removal of pro-inflammatory interleukins, matrix degrading en- study indicate that arthrocentesis as initial treatment reduces pain
zymes, reactive cytokines and degeneration products, giving the and functional impairment more rapidly than non-invasive therapy
joint a head start in the recuperation process. However, favourable with low morbidity, the statement that non-invasive treatment
substances like hyaluronic acid and lubricin may be removed from should be used as initial treatment because it would be less
the joint space as well by the lavage therapy (Laskin, 2009). harmful, is at least doubtful.
Furthermore, arthrocentesis is less dependent on patient compli-
ance compared to conservative treatment since the treatment 5. Conclusion
consists of a one-time lavage of the joint that is performed by the
treating physician. Possibly, this may have contributed to the rapid Arthrocentesis, as initial treatment, reduces pain and functional
improvement after arthrocentesis as well. impairment more rapidly compared to conventional initial therapy.
Strengths of this study were the randomized allocation to the Progression of the reduction of TMJ pain and functional impairment
different treatment groups, the blinded follow-up observations and seems to be most explicit relatively short after arthrocentesis as
analyses, a sufficient sample size, and the extended psychosocial initial treatment, whereas progression after conservative treatment
patient profiling by means of several validated questionnaires. The seems to develop more gradually. Over time, both treatment mo-
main weaknesses of this study were the generalizability, and the dalities appear to be equally effective.
relatively large number of patients lost to follow-up.
The generalizability of this trial may be limited due to the in-
Conflict of interest statement
clusion procedure. Patients were selected using intra-articular
The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest with
anaesthesia, which excluded patients with mainly myogenous
respect to the authorship and/or publication of this paper.
symptoms. Therefore, the results of this study may be representa-
tive for a select group of TMD patients, since TMD patients usually
present mixed, arthrogenous and myogenous, symptoms (Kim Acknowledgements
et al., 2012a).
In this trial, the number of patients lost to follow-up was This paper was supported by the Department of Oral and
equally distributed among the two treatment groups. Therefore, Maxillofacial Surgery of the University Medical Center Groningen.
association of patient compliance and treatment group is unlikely.
However data about reasons for loss to follow-up were not Appendix A. Supplementary data
collected. Since the number of patients lost to follow-up increases
with time and in both groups symptoms tend to decrease over Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
time, possibly compliance is associated more with the severity of
the symptoms.
At baseline and at 26 weeks, X-ray examinations were per-
formed in order to detect any bony changes. Differences between
the two treatment groups were not likely to occur, since treatment Al-Belasy FA, Dolwick MF: Arthrocentesis for the treatment of temporomandibular
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Please cite this article in press as: Vos LM, et al., Arthrocentesis as initial treatment for temporomandibular joint arthropathy: A randomized
controlled trial, Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery (2013),
6 L.M. Vos et al. / Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery xxx (2013) 1e6

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Please cite this article in press as: Vos LM, et al., Arthrocentesis as initial treatment for temporomandibular joint arthropathy: A randomized
controlled trial, Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery (2013),

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