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03.sources of Energy

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UNIT - 3
We do different activities in our daily life. We run vehicles, machines, motors and others, for this all
activities, we need energy. Energy is capacity to do work. Due to increase in population growth,
urbanization and industrialization, the demand of energy is increasing day by day. So in this chapter we
will discuss:
Types of sources of energy, energy crisis, alternative sources of energy and conservation of energy.
The substances that react chemically with another substances to produce heat or produce heat by nuclear
reaction are called fuels.
Coal, petroleum, solar, nuclear fuel, biomass are some examples of fuel.
On basis of consumption, the sources of energy are of two types:
Primary sources of energy:
The sources of energy which are used in the same form in which they occur in nature are
primary sources of energy. Examples; Wood, coal, natural gas, solar energy
Secondary sources of energy:
The sources of energy which are derived from the primary sources of energy are called
secondary sources of energy. Examples; petroleum products, hydroelectricity,

On basis of replacing period, the sources of energy are of two types:

Renewable sources of energy: Non-renewable sources of energy:

I. The sources of energy that can be used I. The sources of energy that can not be
again and again and do not get used again and again and get exhausted
exhausted are called renewable sources are called non-renewable sources of
of energy. energy.
II. They are environment friendly. II. They are not environment friendly.
III. They can not be stored. III. They can be stored.
IV. They do not cause pollution. IV. They cause pollution.
V. Examples: Hydroelectricity, Solar V. Examples: Petroleum products, nuclear
energy, Biomass fuel, tidal energy, wind energy, coal
energy, geothermal energy.
Fossils Fuels:
The sources of energy obtained by the decomposition of dead bodies of plants and
animals that lived thousands and millions of years ago are called fossil fuels.
They are of two types:
Fossil Fuels

Petroleum products Coal

i. Petroleum gas
ii. Petrol
iii. Diesel
iv. kerosene
v. Lubricating oil, grease, paraffin wax
 How were fossil fuels formed? SOURCES OF ENERGY
 Millions of years ago, when the dead bodies of plants and animals were buried below the Earth crust,
they were decomposed under high pressure and temperature in the absence of oxygen. Soft part of their
body change into liquid and gases called petroleum products and hard part of their body changed into
solid called coal. In this way fossil fuels were formed.
 How were coal formed?
 Millions of years ago, due to the natural disasters like earthquake, volcanic eruption may have buried a
whole dense jungle below the earth crust. Under high pressure and temperature below the earth crust,
the major components of plants like cellulose and lignin were decomposed by the bacteria into carbon
dioxide, oxygen and water then the residue majorly contains carbon. This residue finally converts into
brown hard solid known as coal. In this way coal were formed.
 Why coal is known as non-renewable source of energy?
 It takes millions of years for the formation of coal and also it is present in limited amount on the Earth
therefore coal is called non-renewable source of energy.
 How many types of coal are there? What are they?
 There are four types of coal. They are lignite, sub-bituminous, bituminous and anthracite.
Nuclear Energy:
The source of energy obtained from the nuclear reaction is called nuclear energy.
Nuclear reaction: when two or more light nuclei combine to form a heavy nucleus or a heavy nucleus
breaks down into two or more light nuclei then it is called nuclear reaction
They are of two types
Thermonuclear Fusion Thermonuclear Fission
a. When two of more light nucleus a. When a heavy nucleus breaks down into two
combine together to form a heavy or more light nuclei with the production of
nucleus with the production of enormous energy then it is called
enormous energy then it is called thermonuclear fission
thermonuclear fusion b. This is decomposition reaction.
b. This is combination reaction. c. It occurs in nuclear power station, atom bomb.
c. It occurs in Sun d. U235 + n1 Ba 141 + Kr92 + 3 n1 +Energy
92 0 56 36 0
d. 41H1 2 He 4 + 2 eo + Energy
Mass energy relation SOURCES OF ENERGY

E = mc2
Propounded by: Albert Einstein in 1905 AD
Symbol Meaning
E = Amount of energy produced
m = mass of substance
c = velocity of light
It explains that a large amount of energy can be produced by destruction of small amount of mass.
Example: Let
Mass of substance = m = 1 gm = 1/1000 = 10-3 kg
velocity of light = c = 3 x 108 m/s2
Then, Amount of energy produced
E = mc2 = 10-3 x (3 x 108)2
= 10-3 x 9 x 1016
= 9 x 1013 Joules of energy
Advantages of Nuclear energy: SOURCES OF ENERGY
 A large amount of energy can produced from small amount of raw material.
 It can be produced according to desire and demand.
 It can be produced in industrial scale
Disadvantages of Nuclear energy:
 It requires huge capital and highly skilled man power to established and maintain the nuclear
power plant.
 It produces radiations like α-rays, β-rays, γ-rays which are very harmful for living beings on
 There are radioactive by-products of nuclear reaction which are difficult to dispose on any part
of earth.
Radioactive elements:
The radioactive elements are the unstable isotopes that releases subatomic particles or energy as
they decay. They produce harmful radiations like α-rays, β-rays, γ-rays.
Examples: Uranium (92), Plutonium (94), Americium (95)
The heat and light energy obtained from the sun is called Solar energy
Mass: 1.99 x 1030 kg
Diameter: 1,392,000 Km
Surface temperature: 57000C
Inner core temperature: 1.3 x 107 0C
Source of energy on Sun: Thermonuclear Fusion
Amount of energy produced on Sun: 4 x 1026 Joules per second.
Amount of energy received on earth’s surface: 1.4 kW per square kilometer.
Conditions for nuclear reactions on Sun:
i. There is large abundance of hydrogen gas on sun.
ii. There is extreme temperature required for splitting of hydrogen into protons and electrons.
iii. There is very high pressure required for combination of protons
iv. There is presence of helium gas formed by combination of hydrogen.
How energy is produced on sun? SOURCES OF ENERGY
Energy is produced on sun by thermonuclear fusion
1 + 1H1 1H
2 + 1 eo + Δ
2 + 1H1 2He
3 +Δ
4 + 21H1 + Δ
41 H 1 2He
4 + 21eo + Energy
H1 - Hydrogen atom, H2 – Deuterium, He3 - Helium-3
1 1 2

2He – Helium Δ - Energy


Under very high pressure and temperature, hydrogen and hydrogen

combine together to form deuterium and positron. These deuterium
atoms further combine with another hydrogen atom to an isotopes of
helium. The helium-3 combine with another helium-3 atom to produce
helium. In each of the above steps, a large amount of energy is
produced .

Advantages of Solar Energy:

 It is the perpetual source of energy.
 It does not cause pollution and are environment friendly.
 It is cheaper and long lasting.
Disadvantages of Solar Energy :
 It can not be produced according desire and demand.
 It can not be produced in very large scale to fulfil the demand of large industries.
 It is received in very small amount on earth surface and difficult to store.
The group of elements with same atomic number but different atomic mass are called
Example: Hydrogen (𝐻11 ), Deuterium (𝐻12 ), Tritium (𝐻13 )
Hydroelectricity SOURCES OF ENERGY
The source of energy obtained from fast following water is called hydroelectricity.
Hydroelectricity in Nepal
First hydropower plant was established in 1911 AD (1968 BS) Named Chandrajyoti Hydro-
electric Power Station (Currently known as Pharping Hydropower Station ) by Chandra
Samsher. It has installed capacity of 500 KW.
It is opened to public by 2010 AD as considered as living museum.
Nepal is self supposed to have second largest hydropower capacity of 83000 MW according to
PhD of Dr. Hari Man Shrestha (1966 AD)
Present Situation (2020 AD)
Total Demand: 24911 MWh
Produced by NEA: 10881 MWh
Produced by IPP: 12641 MWh (Independent Power Producers) Total Demand 24911
Total Produced 23522
Import: 1329 MWh
Import – Export 661
Export: 668 MWh (Source: Lacking - 728
Biomass Energy
The source of energy obtained by the decomposition of organic matter like animal dungs,
kitchen waste is called biomass energy.
Examples: wood, biogas, Charcoal,
The government gives loan and subsidy to the farmers to established Biogas plant
Advantages of Biofuel:
 It is cheaper and can be easily established at domestic level.
 It is environment friendly and does not cause pollution.
 It is renewable source of energy.
Wind energy:
The source of energy obtained from fast flowing air is called wind energy
Tidal energy:
The source of energy obtained from rise and fall of water in sea and ocean is called tidal energy.
The rise and fall of water in sea or ocean by gravitational force of sun or moon is called tide.
Geothermal Energy
The source of energy obtained from the core of earth is called geothermal energy.
Natural phenomenon by which geothermal energy can be obtained
 Hot spring water
 Volcanic eruption.
Increase in temperature
 300C in every km in normal places
 800C in every km in Volcanic places
Disadvantages of Geothermal energy
 It requires high skilled manpower.
 It requires high technology.
 It is expensive to establish.
Sun – Ultimate source of Energy
Almost all the sources of energy present on Earth directly or indirectly
depends upon solar energy so Sun is considered as ultimate source of energy.

Hydroelectricity is obtained from fast flowing water in river, water flows in

river due to water cycle like evaporation, formation of clouds, rainfall or snow
fall and melting of snow. All these phenomenon are conducted by solar energy.
So hydroelectricity is direct outcome of solar energy.

Fossil fuels are obtained from dead bodies of plants and animals that lived
thousands and millions of years ago. Animals depend upon plants for their
food and plants prepare their food from solar energy so fossils fuels are
indirect outcome of solar energy.
Energy Crisis:
The future scarcity of non-renewable sources of energy due to its over exploitation is called
energy crisis. Energy Consumption
Present situation of energy consumption: 40%

35% 34%
Coal: 27%
Mineral oil: 34% 25% 24%

Natural gas: 24% 20%

Hydroelectricity: 7% 15%

Nuclear energy: 4% 10%


5% 4% 4%
Others 4%
Causes of energy crisis: Coal Mineral Oil Natiral Gas Hydroelectricity Nuclear Energy Others

 Over population growth

 Industrialization, urbanization, modernization
 Random use of non-renewable source of energy
Alternative sources of Energy
The sources of energy that can be used instead of non-renewable sources of
energy and push the energy crisis into future are called alternative sources of
Solar energy, Hydropower, Biofuel, wind energy, tidal energy, geothermal
Methods to push the energy crisis into future
 Wise use of non-renewable sources of energy.
 Development of more alternative sources of energy.
 More use of alternative sources of energy.
 Control the over population growth.
Energy Saving: The conservation of non-renewable sources of energy for the
future use is called energy saving
 Write any two best alternative sources of energy for Nepal?
 The best alternative sources of energy for Nepal are Hydroelectricity and solar energy.
 Hydroelectricity is the best alternative source of energy for Nepal? Give two reasons.
 Hydroelectricity is the best alternative source of energy for Nepal because
• There are more than 6000 fast flowing rivers in Nepal.
• These is vast difference in altitude within short distance so that more than one projects can be
established in single river.
• It is renewable source of energy.
• It is cheaper and long lasting.
• It is environment friendly and does not cause pollution.
 Solar energy is the best alternative source of energy for world? Give two reasons.
 Solar energy is the best alternative source of energy for world because
• It is renewable source of energy.
• It is cheaper and long lasting.
• It is environment friendly and does not cause pollution.
 Urbanization is the major cause of energy crisis, justify with two reasons.
 Urbanization is the major cause of energy crisis because
• There will be random use of non-renewable source of energy.
• There will be excessive use of non-renewable source of energy.
 It is difficult to produce hydroelectricity in Nepal, why? Write two reasons.
 It is difficult to produce hydroelectricity in Nepal because
• Uneven land topography.
• Political instability.
• Lack of capital, lack of skill manpower, lack of long term plans.
 Scientist are busy in development of equipment based on solar energy, why? Write
two reasons.
 Scientist are busy in development of equipment based on solar energy because
• It is renewable source of energy.
• It is cheaper and long lasting.
• It is environment friendly and does not cause pollution.
 Nepal government is giving subsidy to establish biofuel plants, why? Write two reasons.
 Nepal government is giving subsidy to establish biofuel plant because
• Nepal is agricultural country and most of the people have domestic animals in their house.
• It is cheaper and long lasting sources of energy
 Nepal is suffering from Load shedding. Write two causes and one effect.
 Nepal is suffering from Load shedding because
• Lack of capital and skill manpower.  Nepal government is hiking the price of
• Political instability. petroleum products, how does it help to push the
energy crisis? Give two reasons.
The effect of load shedding may be
 There will be less use of petroleum products.
• Effects in industrial development of country
 There will be proper use of petroleum products.
 What is use in LPG to identify its leakage?
 Ethyl Mercaptan is used to identify the leakage of LPG.
 Write any two steps that you do in your house for conservation of energy.

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