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Phy Pp2 Quick Revision Series Exams 2

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Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)



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For marking schemes and more Post Mock papers for all subjects

(a) Write your Name and Index Number in the spaces provided above.
(b) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
(c) This paper consists of two Sections; A and B.
(d) Answer ALL the questions in sections A and B in the spaces provided.
(e) All workings must be clearly shown.
(f) Non-programmable silent electronic calculators and KNEC Mathematical tables may be used.
Section Question Maximum Candidate’s
Score Score
A 1 – 13 25

14 10

15 13

B 16 12

17 8

18 12

Total Score 80

Physics Paper 2 – Form 4 Page 1


Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided:

1. State two conditions under which a pinhole camera may form an image on its screen which
has the same size as the object. (2mks)


2. The figure shows a ray of light incident along the normal. The mirror is rotated at an angle
of 15º in a clockwise direction without changing the position of the incident ray,

Determine the angle between the reflection ray and the incident ray. (2mks)

3. A steel is to be magnetized by electrical method as shown below. Identify the pole P and Q of
the resulting magnet. (1mk)

Physics Paper 2 – Form 4 Page 2

P: _________________________________________________________________________

Q: _________________________________________________________________________

4. A small chain is often seen hanging at the back of a petrol carrying lorry. State and explain
its significance. (2mks)


5. The figure below shows two waveforms representing the same wave motion.

Determine the velocity of the wave. (3mks)

6. An object O is placed in front of a concave mirror and on the principal axis, as shown in the
figure below. Complete the light ray diagram to locate the position of the image. (3mks)

Physics Paper 2 – Form 4 Page 3
7. Arrange the following radiations in order of increasing wavelengths. (1mk)
Infrared, blue light, ultraviolet, radiowaves, -rays.

8. The figure below shows a block diagram of a p-n junction diode.

On the same diagram, show how a cell may be connected so that it is reverse biased. (1mk)

9. A girl standing at a distance claps her hands and hears an echo from a tall building 2
seconds later.
If the speed of sound in air is 340m/s, determine how far the building is. (3mks)

10. What do you understand by polarization as used in a simple cell? (1mk)


11. State how the defect mentioned in question 10 above is minimized in a simple cell. (1mk)


12. A current-carrying conductor AB is in a magnetic field as shown in the figure below.

Physics Paper 2 – Form 4 Page 4
(a) Indicate the direction of force F acting on the conductor. (1mk)

(b) State two factors that determine the direction of the force F. (2mks)


13. You are given three resistors of values 5, 8 and 12. Show in a circuit diagram how you
would connect them so as to give:
(a) An effective resistance of 9.8. (2mks)

(b) The least effective resistance. (1mk)


Answer question in this section in the spaces provided.

14. (a) Define refractive index. (1mk)

Physics Paper 2 – Form 4 Page 5


(b) The critical angle of a certain material medium is 43.2º. Determine the refractive
index of the material. (2mks)

(c) (i) What do you understand by the term accommodation? (1mk)


(ii) The diagram below shows a certain defect of vision. Name the defect. (1mk)


(iii) On the figure below show how the defect can be corrected. (2mks)

Physics Paper 2 – Form 4 Page 6

(d) An object is placed 40cm in front of a concave lens of focal length 20cm; determine
the position of the image. (3mks)

15. (a) (i) State Lenz’s a law of electromagnetic induction. (1mk)


(ii) A bar magnet is moved into a coil of insulated copper wire connected to a
centre-zero galvanometer, as shown in the figure below.

i. Show on the diagram the direction of induced current in the coil. (1mk)

ii. State and explain clearly what is observed on the galvanometer when the S-pole of the
magnet is moved into and then withdrawn from the coil. (4mks)


(b) A transformer has 800 turns in the primary and 40 turns in the secondary winding.
The alternating e.m.f connected to the primary is 240V and the current is 0.5A.
(i) Determine
I. The secondary e.m.f (2mks)

Physics Paper 2 – Form 4 Page 7

II. The power in the secondary if the transformer is 95% efficient. (2mks)

(ii) Explain how energy losses in a transformer are reduced by having:

I. A soft-iron core. (2mks)


II. A laminated core. (1mk)


16. (a) (i) Distinguish between thermionic emission and photoelectric emission. (2mks)


(ii) State one factor which affects the rate of each of the above types of emission.
Thermionic emission. (1mk)


Photoelectric emission. (1mk)

Physics Paper 2 – Form 4 Page 8

(b) Sodium has a work function of 2.3eV. Given that: Planck’s constant h = 6.63  10
-34JS, velocity of light in vacuum, C = 3.0  108m/s, 1 electron-volt (1eV) = 1.6  10-19 C and mass of

an electron, me = 9.1  10-31kg, calculate:

(i) Its threshold frequency. (2mks)

(ii) the maximum velocity of the photoelectrons produced when the sodium is
illuminated by light of wavelength 5.0  10-7m. (4mks)

(iii) The stopping potential V, with the light of this wavelength. (2mks)

17. (a) State two advantages of using a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (C.R.O) as a voltmeter
over the ordinary voltmeter. (2mks)

Physics Paper 2 – Form 4 Page 9


(b) An X-ray operates at 30000V and the current through it is 2mA. Given that the
charge of an electron is 1.6  10-19C, h = 6.63  10-34JS, speed of light, C = 3.0  108m/s,
(i) The maximum kinetic energy of the electrons when hitting the target.(2mks)

(ii) The number of electrons hitting the target per second. (2mks)

(iii) The minimum wavelength of the X-rays emitted. (2mks)

18. (a) A radioactive carbon-14 decays to nitrogen by beta particles as shown below.
14C =  N + 0 e
6 7 y
Determine the values of  and y. (2mks)

Physics Paper 2 – Form 4 Page 10

(b) The graph below shows the activity (disintegrations per minute) of a sample of
carbon-14 against the time in years.

(i) From the graph determine the half-life of carbon-14. (2mks)

Physics Paper 2 – Form 4 Page 11

(ii) A mass of 100g of carbon-14 decays and the mass taken after 15000 years.
Determine the mass that remains. (3mks)

(c) The figure below shows the cross-section of a diffusion cloud chamber used to
detect radiation from radioactive sources.

(i) State the function of the following:

I. Alcohol. (1mk)


II. Solid CO2. (1mk)


(ii) Explain briefly how the diffusion cloud chamber can be used to detect and
identify alpha particles. (3mks)

Physics Paper 2 – Form 4 Page 12

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

232/2 Paper 2
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For marking schemes and more Post Mock papers for all subjects

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Candidate’s Signature ………………….…...…………………………..Date ……………………………………

Instructions to candidates
(a) Write your name, index number in the spaces provided above.
(b) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
(c) This paper consists of two sections: A and B.
(d) Answer all the questions in sections A and B in the spaces provided.
(e) All working must be clearly shown.
(f) Silent non-programmable electronic calculators may be used.
(g) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
For Examiners Use Only

Section Question
A 1 – 12
B 15

Total Score 80

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided

1. The following diagram shows the path of light after striking two mirrors at an angle.

200 200

Determine the angle between the two mirrors. (2marks)

2. The figure shows the eye defect

(a) Name the defect (1mark)

(b) State how the defect can be corrected. (1mark)
3. Explain why a plain sheet of paper and a plane mirror both reflect light yet only the plane mirror forms
images while paper cannot form images. (2 marks)
4. What property of light is suggested by the formation of shadows? (1 mark)

5. An object placed 15 cm from a convex lens forms an upright image which is magnified two times. Determine
the focal length of the lens. (3 marks)

6. State one advantage of a lead-acid accumulator over a nickel-iron accumulator. (1 mark)


7. An electric bulb rated, 40W is operating on 240 V mains. Determine the resistance of its filament.
(3 marks)


8. Explain why earthing is necessary in the domestic wiring circuit. (1 mark)


9. A positively charged rod is brought near the cap of a leaf electroscope. The cap is the earthed momentarily
by touching with the finger. Finally, the rod is withdrawn. The electroscope is found to be negatively charged.
Explain how this charge is acquired. (2 marks)

10. The force on a conductor carrying a current in a magnetic field can be varied by changing, among others, the
magnitude of the current and the magnetic field strength. Name any other factor that can be changed to vary
the force. (1 mark)

11. The table below carries information on the type of radiation, detector and use for some of the electromagnetic

Type of radiation Detector Use

Microwave Crystal detector, solid state diodes ......................................................

...................................... Thermopile, blackened bulb thermometer Warmth sensation

Fill in the blank spaces. (2 mark)

12. The figures below show a convex mirror and a plane mirror of equal aperture

By sketching a pair of incident and reflected rays for each(a) and (b) show how the convex mirror provides
to the eye, a wider field of view than a plane mirror. (2marks)

13. Water is flowing in a very narrow stream from a water tap (faucet). A negatively-charged plastic strip is held
close to the stream of water, as shown in the figure below.

The stream of water moves towards the plastic strip. Explain why this observation. (2marks)

14. a) Distinguish between transverse waves and longitudinal waves. (2 marks)

b) Plane water waves travels from a deep end into a shallow end in a swimming pool at a
velocity of 4m/s. if the wavelength of these waves in deep end is 6cm and in the shallow end
is 1.5cm, determine the velocity of these waves in the shallow end. (3 marks)

c) State one factor that affects the velocity of sound in a solid. (1mark)

d) A disc siren with 200 holes is rotated at constant speed making 0.5 revolutions per second. If
air is blown towards the holes, calculate:
i) The frequency of sound produced. (3marks)
ii) The wavelength of the sound produced if velocity of sound in air is 340ms-1 (2 marks)
c). State one way of reducing echoes in a room? (1 mark)

15. a) State one advantage of an alkaline accumulator over lead acid accumulator. (1 mark)
b) Figure below shows resistors in a circuit.
Calculate Current through the 4  resistor. (3 marks)
c) The graph below shows the Voltage current relationship for a certain battery.

Voltage (V)




0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Current (A)

(i) The e.m.f of the cell. (1mark)

(ii) The internal resistance of the cell. (3marks)
(e) Two coils T and S are wound on a soft iron core as shown. T has 1000 turns while S has 600 turns and
resistance of 100Ω

Calculate the maximum current measured by the ammeter. (3marks)

16. (a) The fig. shows as simple form of cathode ray tube, which produces a sharp shadow of a Maltese
cross on a fluorescent screen.

(i) Explain what is meant by cathode rays. (1mark)

(ii) What property of cathode rays does the fig. above illustrate (1mark)

(b) State one factor that affects photoelectric emission from a given metal surface. (1mark)

c). A graph of K.E of photoelectrons emitted by metal surface A against the frequency of radiation used
is as shown below

From the graph;

i) What is the significance of the gradient of the graph? (1mark)
ii) What is the significance of OX (1mark)
d) The threshold frequency for potassium is 5.37 x 1014Hz. When the surface of potassium
is illuminated by incident radiation from a source, photoelectrons are emitted with the speed of 7.9
x105m/s. Given that h=6.62 x 10-34 JS and me=9 x 10-31kg, calculate:
i) The work function for potassium (2marks)

ii) The frequency of the incident radiation from the second source. (3marks)
17. Figure below shows the features of an X-ray tube.

a) Name the parts marked with letters A and H (2marks)
b) Why is tungsten or Molybdenum metal most suitable materials for making part C (1mark)
c) Why is part B made of thick copper metal (1mark)
d) Why should the machine should be surrounded by material G? (1mark)
e) Why is the tube evacuated? (1mark)

f) What effect will increasing current at F have on x-ray produced? (1mark))

g) What effect will increasing the p.d. between at B and F have on the x-rays produced (1mark)
h) State one way in which cooling is achieved in this X-ray machine. (1mark)

18. .(a) State one difference between a capacitor and a cell. (1mark)
(b) Sketch the electrostatic field pattern due to the arrangement of the charges shown (1mark)

(c)The diagram shows a parallel plate capacitor with a dielectric material in between the plate.

State how each of the following quantities are affected when the dielectric material is pulled out of the
parallel plates.
(i) The p.d across the plates. (1mark)
(ii) The charge on the plates. (1mark)
(iii) The capacitance of the system. (1mark)
(d)Three capacitors of 1.5µF, 2.0 µF and 3.0 µF are connected in series to p.d. of 12V. Find the total
charge stored in the arrangement (3marks)
(e)The figure below shows a capacitor C being charged.

State what would be observed on the following when the switch is closed:
(i) The milliameter (1mark)
(ii) The voltmeter (1mark)
(iii) Explain how the capacitor is charged. (2marks)
(c) On the axis provided, sketch the graph of voltage (V) against time (t) (1mark)

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

232/2 Paper 2
CONTACT US ON: 0724351706/0726960003
For marking schemes and more Post Mock papers for all subjects

Name …………………………………………….……… Adm Number………………………….

Candidate’s Signature ………………….…...………. Date ……………………………………

Instructions to candidates
(a) Write your name, index number in the spaces provided above.
(b) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
(c) This paper consists of two sections: A and B.
(d) Answer all the questions in sections A and B in the spaces provided.
(e) All working must be clearly shown.
(f) Silent non-programmable electronic calculators may be used.
(g) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
For Examiners Use Only

Section Question
A 1 – 12
B 15

Total Score 80


Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided.

1. Figure 1 shows a ray of light incident on a mirror at an angle of 450. Another mirror is placed
at an angle of 450 to the first one as shown

Sketch the path of the ray until it emerges (2 mks)

2. Figure 2 shows a soft iron bar AB placed in a coil near a freely suspended magnet.

Explain the observation made when the switch is closed. (2 mks)


3. Table 1 shows radiations and the irrespective frequencies.

Type of radiation Yellow light Gamma rays Radio waves Micro waves

Frequency (Hz) 1 x 1015 1 x 1022 1 x 106 1 x 1011

Arrange the radiations in the order of increasing energy. (l mk)


4. State the reason why electrical power is transmitted over long distances
at very high voltages. (1 mk)


5. A boy standing in front of a cliff blows a whistle and hears the echo after 0.5s. He then moves
17 metres further away from the cliff and blows the whistle again. He now hears the echo after
0.6s. Determine the speed of the sound. (4mks)

6. Figure 3 shows a human eye with a certain defect

Normal near
point Eye lens

Figure 3

(i) Name the defect (1 mk)


ii) On the same diagram, sketch the appropriate Len and rays to show how the defect can

be corrected. (2mks)

7. Polarisation is a defect of a simple cell. State how it reduces the current produced and how this
defect can be minimized (2mks)

8. The figure below shows container loader which uses electromagnet to offload containers from a

(i) Why should the container be made of iron or steel (1mk)


(ii) State two ways in which the loader can be made to lift heavier container (2mks)


9. Two 12V lead acid accumulators are rated 60Ah and 70Ah. State two physical differences
between the accumulators (2mks)

10. The diagram below shows part of a wave form. The numbers on the diagram show scales in
meters. If the speed of the wave is 20ms-1, determine the frequency and wavelength of the wave.


11. A gold leaf electroscope is positively charged as shown in the diagram below where C is the
cap and L is the gold leaf. State and explain what happens to L when a positively charged rod is
brought near C without touching it. (2mks)


SECTION B (55 Marks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided
12 a) Figure 8 shows graph of potential difference V (volts) against a current
(ampere) for a certain device.

From the graph

(i) State with a reason whether or not the device obeys ohms law (2marks)

Determine the resistance of the device at
(I) 1 = 1.5A
(II) 1 = 3.5A

From the results obtained in (ii) translate how the resistance of the device varies as the
current increases (1mark)

(iv) State the cause of this variation in resistance (1mark)


b) Three identical dry cells each of e.m.f. 1.6V are connected in series to a resistor of
11.4Ω. A current of 0.32A. How is the circuit? Determine:
(i) The total e.m.f. of the cell (1mark)

(ii) The internal resistance of each cell (3marks)


13 (a) State the meaning of the term ‘principal focus’ as applied in lenses (1mark)

You are provided with the following apparatus to determine the focal length of a lens:
- A biconcave lens and lens holder
- A lit candle
- A white screen
- A metre rule
(i) Draw a diagram to show how you would arrange the above apparatus to
determine the focal length of the lens (1mark)

(ii) Describe the procedure you would follow

(iii) State two measurements that you would take (2marks)


Explain how the measurements in (iii) would be used to determine
the focal length.

An object is placed 30cm in front of a concave lens of focal length 20cm. Determine
the magnification of the image produced. (4marks)

14 (a) State what is meant by ‘electromagnetic induction’ (1mark)

(b) Figure 9 shows a simple electric generator

(i) Name the parts labeled P and Q (2marks)

(ii) Sketch on the axes provided a graph to show how the magnitude of the

potential difference across R changes with the line I

State two ways in which the potential differences produced by such a generator can be
increased. (2marks)
(c) In a transformer, the ratio of primary to the secondary turns is 1:10. A current of
500mA flows through a 200Ω resistor in the secondary circuit. Assuming that the
transformer is 100% efficient; determine;
(i) The secondary voltage (1mark)
(ii) The primary voltage (2marks)

(iii) The primary current (2marks)
15 (a) State two differences between cathode rays and electromagnetic radiations
(b) Figure 10 shows the main features of a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO)

(i) Name the parts labeled M and N

(ii) Explain how electrons are produced in the tube.
(iii) When using the CRO to display waveforms of voltages state where the following
should be connected
(I) The voltage to be displayed on the screen
(II) The time base volume
(iv) State why the tube is highly evacuated

(c) Figure 11 shows the waveform of a voltage displayed on the screen of a

CRO. The Y gain calibration was 5V per cm
(i) Determine the peak-to-peak voltage of the Y input
(ii) Sketch on the same figure the appearance of the waveform after the
voltage of the input signal is halved and it’s frequency is doubled (2marks)
16. a) It is observed that when ultra – violet radiation is directed onto a clean Zinc plate connected to the
cap of a negatively charged leaf electroscope, the leaf falls.
i. Explain this observation. (1mark)
ii. Explain why the leaf of the electroscope does not fall when infrared radiation is directed
onto the zinc plate. (1mark)
b) State the effect on the electrons emitted by the photoelectric effect when the intensity of
incident radiation is increased. (1mark)
c) The maximum wavelength required to cause photoelectric emission on a metal surface
is 8.0 x 10 -7 m. The metal surface is irradiated with light of frequency 8.5 x 10 14 Hz.
(Take lev = 1.6 x 10 -19 J , c = 3.0 x 10 8 m/s , h= 6.63 x 10 -34 Js)

i). The threshold frequency. (2marks)

ii) .The work function of the metals in electron volts. (2marks)
iii) .The maximum Kinetic energy of the electrons. (3marks)


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INDEX NO. ……….……….…SCHOOL………………........SIGNATURE………………

CONTACT US ON: 0724351706/0726960003
For marking schemes and more Post Mock papers for all subjects

• Write your name, admission number, index number, name of school and signature in the spaces
provided above.
• This paper consists of two sections A and B
• Answer all questions in section A and B in the spaces provided
• All working must be shown in the spaces provided.
• Mathematical tables and non-programmable electronic calculators may be used



A 1-14 25
15 14
16 12
B 17 13
19 09
18 07

This paper consists of 14 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain
that all pages are printed as indicated and that no pages are missing.


Answer all the questions in the spaces provided

1. Figure 1 shows a ray of light incident on a plane mirror. The mirror is rotated anticlockwise
through an angle of 100.

Figure 1

Determine the angle between the incident ray and the new reflected ray. (2marks)

2. Figures 2 (a) and 2 (b) show two circuits with identical cells and bulbs.

(a) (b)
Figure 2

State, with a reason, in which circuit the bulbs will be brighter. (2 marks)

3. Figure 3 shows a wooden rod placed between two bar magnets.

Figure 3

Sketch the resulting magnetic pattern in the arrangement in figure 3. (1 mark)

4.Figure 4 shows a circuit used by a student to investigate the effect of current on a coil.

Figure 4

(i) The coil feels warmer after closing the switch. Explain. (1 mark)

(ii) The ammeter and voltmeter reading in figure 4 is 1.5A and 4.1V respectively.
Calculate the energy developed in 1 minute. (2 marks)

5.Give the difference between Infra-red and Ultraviolet radiation in terms of their production

(1 mark)

6. On the grid provided below, show the display on the CRO screen of an AC signal peak voltage 400V and
a frequency 50Hz when the time base is on. (Y-gain at 200V/div, time base at 5ms/div) (2 marks)

7. Figure 5 shows a virtual image I formed by a convex mirror.

Figure 5

Draw a ray diagram to locate the object. (3 marks)

8. The figure 6 shows a cathode ray beam entering a magnetic field, perpendicular to the plane of the
paper. Complete the diagram to show the path of the beam in the field. (1 mark)

. . 4 .

Cathode rays
Figure 6

9. Uranium 235 was bombarded with a neutron and fission took place in the following manner.
𝟐𝟑𝟓 𝟏 𝟗𝟎 𝐚 𝟏
𝐔 + 𝐧→ 𝐑𝐧 + 𝐗 + 𝟏𝟎 𝐧
𝟗𝟐 𝟎 𝟑𝟖 𝐛 𝟎

Determine the values of a and b (2 marks)

10. Figure 7 shows bulbs connected in a household.

Figure 7

(i) Identify any mistake in the circuit. (1 mark)

(ii) Draw the correct connection of the circuit. (1 mark)

11. The resistance of a metal conductor increases with increase in temperature. Explain
(2 marks)

12. State what is meant by the term doping as used in diode. (1 mark)

13.Two students stand 300m from a wall. One bangs two pieces of wood together and at the same time,
the other starts a stop watch. They hear an echo after 1.8 seconds. Determine the speed of sound in air.

(2 marks)

14. Define wavelength as used in longitudinal wave. (1 mark)


Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

15 a) Figure 8 shows the parts and circuit of a modern X-ray tube.

Figure 8

(i) State and explain how the following changes affect the nature of X-rays produced:
I. increasing the potential across MN. (2 marks)

II. increasing the filament current. (2 marks)

(ii) The material of Q should withstand a lot of heat. State the source of heat in the tube.
(1 mark)

(iii) State the property of lead which makes it suitable as a shield. (1 mark)

(iv) Give a reason for the shape of part R. (1 mark)

b) A 5F and a 3F capacitor are connected in series with a 6V battery.

(i) Sketch and label the circuit diagram showing the arrangement. (2 marks)

(ii) Determine;

I. The potential difference across the 5F. (4 marks)

II. The charge stored in the circuit. (1 mark)

(d) State one use of a charged gold leaf electroscope. (1 mark)

16.(a) State what is meant by the term mutual induction. (1 mark)

(b) Figure 9 shows two coils wound on a laminated soft iron core. It is connected to a 300V mains

Figure 9

(i) Identify the type of the transformer in figure 9. (1 mark)

(ii) The transformer in figure 9 loses 20% of the input energy into heat per second.
Determine the maximum current measured on the ammeter, if the input current is 2A.
(3 marks)

(iii) Explain how energy losses in the transformer in figure 9 are minimized by having:
(I) a soft iron core. (1 mark)

(II) a laminated core. (1 mark)

(b) Figure 10 shows two identical copper coils X and Y placed close to each other. Coil X is
connected to a DC power supply while coil Y is connected to a galvanometer.

Figure 10

i) Explain what is observed on the galvanometer when the switch is closed. (4mks)

ii) State what is observed on the galvanometer when the switch is opened. (1mk)

17. (a) Apart from light moving from an optically denser medium to less dense medium, state the other
condition for total internal reflection. (1 mark)

(b) Figure 11 below shows the path of light through a transparent material placed in air.

Determine the refractive index of the transparent material. (3marks)

Figure 11

c) (i) Figure 12 shows an object O placed in front of an objective lens Lo whose focal length fo is less
than fe the focal length of the eye piece lens Le. Complete using ray construction how the arrangement
would produce the final image. (3 marks)

Figure 12

(i) An object is placed 25cm from the objective lens of focal length 15cm.On the other side of the
objective lens another converging lens of focal length 30cm is placed as the eye piece lens. The
distance between the two lenses is 52.5cm. Determine;

I. The position of the first image. (3 marks)

II. The position of the final image from the eye piece lens. (3 marks)

18. State two factors which determine the speed of photoelectrons emitted from a metal surface.
(2 marks)

c) Figure 13 shows a graph of the square of the maximum velocity (Vmax)2 of the emitted
photoelectrons against the frequency (f) of the radiation causing photoelectric effect on a
clean zinc plate.

Figure 13

(i) Determine the slope of the graph. (2 marks)

2ℎ 2ℎ
The equation of the line is V2 = f – fo where m = 9.11 x 10-31 kg
𝑚 𝑚

(ii) From the graph determine the:

(I) minimum frequency of the radiation that will cause emission of electrons from the zinc
surface. (1 mark)

(II) Planck’s constant. (2 marks)

(III) minimum amount of energy required to just emit electrons from the zinc surface.
(2 marks)

19. Figure 14 shows a set up for observing interference of waves from two sources S 1 and S2. The points C
and D represent positions of the constructive and destructive interference respectively as observed on the

Figure 14

(a) If the observation was made in a ripple tank, describe:

(i) How the two sets of coherent waves were produced. (2 marks)

(ii) How the constructive and destructive interferences are identified. (1 mark)

(b) Explain how the constructive interference C and destructive interference D patterns are
produced. (2 marks)

(c) Draw:

(i) The line joining all points where waves S1 and S2 have travelled equal distance. Label it A.

(1 mark)

(ii) The line joining all points where waves from S2 have travelled one wavelength further than the
waves from S1. Label it B. (1 mark)



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Candidate’s signature................................................ Date..................................................



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For marking schemes and more Post Mock papers for all subjects
Instructions to candidates

(a) Write your name and Admission number in the spaces provided above.
(b) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
(c) This paper consist of two section A and B.
(d) Answer all the questions in section A and B in the spaces provided.
(e) All working must be clearly shown.
(f) Mathematical tables and electronic calculators may be used.
(g) This paper consists of 11 printed pages.
(h) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are
printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.

For examiners use only.

Question Maximum Candidate’s
score score
SECTION A 1-14 25
16 12
17 11
18 9
19 10

1 232/2- Physics

Answer all questions in this section
1. Figure 1 below shows an object O placed in front of a plane mirror. A ray of light is drawn coming
from object O and striking the mirror at P. After striking the mirror, the ray of light is reflected


(i) Which of the four dots represents correct position of the image of O? label this dot Q (1mk
(ii) By drawing a line on the diagram above to represent ray at P, mark the angle of reflection and
label it r. (1mk)

2. A charged conductor is slowly brought near the cap of a positively charged electroscope. The leaf
first collapses and then diverges. State the charge on the conductor (1mk)

3. Give a reason why it is necessary to leave the caps of the cells open when charging an
accumulator. (1mk)


4. Figure 2(a) and 2(b) below shows a simple experiment using a permanent magnet and two metal bars
A and B. The permanent magnet was placed close to the iron fillings as shown in Fig 2(a) and then
removed. The metal bars attracted the iron filings as shown in Fig 2b.

Fig 2b

State with a reason which bar is made from a soft magnetic material (2mks)


2 232/2- Physics
5. Figure 3 below shows two parallel current carrying conductors P and Q placed close to one another.
Current flows in the opposite directions

Sketch on the figure the magnetic field pattern formed by the two conductors (1mk)

6. Figure 4 below shows two identical lamps lamps L1 and L2 connected to a battery.

Fig 4

(a) Using an arrow, indicate on the diagram above the direction of the convectional current (1mk)
(b) State the effect if any, of closing switch S on L1 (1mk)

7. Figure 5 below shows a ray light incident on water-kerosene interphase

Fig 5

State which one of the two liquids has a higher absolute refractive index (1mk)

8. The table in figure 6 below shows part of the electromagnetic spectrum in order of decreasing

Fig. 6

3 232/2- Physics
(a) How are waves C produced? (1mk)

(b) State one use of the wave D (1mk)

9. The source of sound and two listeners are position close to a tall building as shown in the fig.7
Tall building
Listener A
Listener B

Fig 7

Source of sound

(i) State the property of sound by which Listener A is able to hear the sound produced (1mk)


(ii) Listener B is moving directly towards Listener A and has a problem hearing the sound produced.
Explain (2mks)


10. A house has a lighting circuit operated from a 240V mains supply. Four bulbs rated 40W, 240V and
six bulbs rated 100W, 240V are switched on for 5 hours a day. Determine the monthly bill for the
consumer given that the cost of electricity is at Kshs.5.50 per unit.
(Take 1 month= 30 days and the standing charge is sh.150) (3mks)

11. State two properties of x-rays similar to those of visible light. (2mks)


4 232/2- Physics
12. State any one condition under which a pinhole camera may form an image on its screen which has
the same size as the object. (1mk)

13. (a) Define the term work function (1mk)

(b) Explain how the intensity of radiation affects the photo-electric effect (1mk)


14. Figure 8 below shows an eye defect

Fig 8

Use a ray diagram to show how the defect above could be corrected (2mks)


15. a) An object O stands on the principal axis of a concave mirror as shown in figure 9 below

(i) By drawing suitable rays, show the position of the image (3mks)

(ii) Determine the magnification of the image formed (3mks)

5 232/2- Physics

(b) In experiment to determine the focal length of a concave mirror, a group of form two students
collected some data and used the results to plot the graph shown in figure 10 below.

Using the graph above, determine:

(i) The object position when the image position is 45cm (2mks)
(ii) Slope of the graph (3mks)
(iii) The focal length of the mirror. (2mks)

6 232/2- Physics
16. (a) Students set up a mass attached to a spring such that when it oscillates it taps on water surface in
a wide shallow tank as shown in figure 11 below.

The students measured time for 20 oscillations and found that the mass takes 36 seconds
(i) The periodic time of mass (2mks)
(ii) The frequency of the waves produced on the water surface (1mk)
(iii) The speed of the waves if the students counted four ripples between the mass and end B
of the tank (3mks)

(b) State any one factors that would increase the speed of sound in air (1mks)


c) It was noted that for the circuit diagram below when S was open the voltmeter gave a reading
of 12V but when the switch was closed the voltmeter reading drops to 10V.

7 232/2- Physics

i) Explain why there is a difference in the reading on the voltmeter when the switch is open and when it
is closed. (2 mks)

ii) Name one example of a non ohmic coductor (1 mk)


iii) If the ammeter gave a reading of 0.8A when S is closed, determine the value of R. (2 mks)


17. (a)(i) Define capacitance of a capacitor. (1mk)

(ii) Figure 12 below shows a pair of parallel plates of a capacitor connected to a battery

Fig 12

State with a reason the effect of moving the positive plate on the capacitance. (2mks)
(I) Vertically downwards


8 232/2- Physics
(II) Horizontally to the left (2mks)

(b) The circuit diagram in figure 13 below shows four capacitors connected between two points
A and B


2µF 4µF

i) Determine the capacitance across AB (3mks)

(ii) Calculate the total energy stored in the 4μF capacitor (3mks)

18. (a) A student is provided with two resistors of value 2Ω and 6 Ω
(i) Draw a circuit showing the resistor connection that provides the greatest current flow (2mks)

9 232/2- Physics
(ii) Calculate the total resistance of the circuit (assume negligible internal resistance) (2mks)

(b) Given that the battery in your circuit in a(i) has an e.m.f of 3V and internal resistance 1.2Ω.
Calculate the current through
(i) The 6Ω resistor (3mks)

(ii) The 2Ω resistor (2mks)

19. The graph in the figure 14 below shows the relationship between the attractive forces of an electro
magnetizing current

Fig 14

(a) Give reasons for the shape of the graph by domain theory (3mks)

(b) On the same fig.14, sketch a graph for the case where the soft iron core is replaced with steel. (2mks)
(c) Two similar razor blades were placed one on a wooden block and the other on an iron block as shown
in figure 15.

10 232/2- Physics

Fig. 15

State and explain the observation on the razor blade;

(j) On the iron block (3mks)

(ii) On the wooden block (2mks)


11 232/2- Physics
Name:…………………..........…………………....…Index No……………………….......

232/2 Candidate’s Signature…………………………

PHYCICS PAPER 2 Date…………...........

Time: 2Hrs.


CONTACT US ON: 0724351706/0726960003
For marking schemes and more Post Mock papers for all subjects
• This paper consists of TWO Sections: A and B.
• Answer ALL the questions in sections A and B in the spaces provided.
• ALL workings MUST be clearly shown.
• Mathematical tables and electronic calculators may be used.

For Examiner’s Use Only

Section Question Maximum Score Candidate’s Score

A 1 – 12 25

13 12

B 14 9

15 11

16 10

17 8


Section I (25 marks)

1. Figure 1 shows a pencil lying in front of a plane mirror. The pencil is moved 2cm towards the
mirror in the same orientation.

Figure 1

Determine the distance between the new position of the tip of the pencil and its image. (2mks)

2. a) State the basic law of magnetism. (1mks)

b) Figure 2 shows two bar magnets, one whose poles are labelled and a second one whose poles
are labelled X and Y. Iron nails are attracted to the lower ends of the magnets as shown.

Figure 2
Identify pole X

3. State the reason why convex mirror is preferred over a plane mirror for use as driving mirrors in
cars. (1mk)

4. Figure 3 shows the displacement-time graph for a certain wave.

Figure 3
a) Determine the frequency of the wave. (2mks)

b) On the same diagram, draw a wave with half the amplitude and twice the frequency of the one
shown. (1mk)

5. a) State the main difference between primary chemical cells and secondary chemical cells. (1mk)

b) State how the design of a dry Lechlanche cell reduces polarization. (1mk)

6. Figure 4 shows a wave incident on a narrow opening.

Figure 4

Draw the appearance of the wave after passing through the opening. (1mk)

7. A student stands between two classroom walls and claps. After 0.6 seconds, she hears the first
echo and hears the second echo after 0.8 seconds. Determine the distance from the student to the
further wall. Take speed of sound in air = 320m/s. (3mks)

8. The list below is some radiations in the electro-magnetic spectrum. Red light, Gamma rays, Ultra
violet radiations and Blue light. Arrange the radiations in order of increasing wavelength. (1mk)

9. A controlled amount of pentavalent (donor) impurity atoms added in to a pure semi conductor
such as silicon to improve its conductivity.
a) Give name to the process above. (1mk)

b) What type of semiconductor is obtained in the above process? (1mk)

10. Figure 5 shows the cross-section of two bar magnets and a current carrying conductor held
between them. The direction of current is into the paper.


Figure 5

a) indicate with an arrow the direction of force experienced by the conductor. (1mk)

b) State one way in which the force on the conductor above can be reduced. (1mk)

11. a) State the reason why electrical power is transmitted over long distances at very high voltage
and low current. (1mk)

b) An electric bulb is labelled 100W 20V. Determine the resistance of its filament at its operating
temperature. (2mks)

12. a) State Ohm’s law. (1mk)

b) Figure 6 shows an electrical circuit.



5V Switch
Figure 6
Determine the Ammeter reading in a closed circuit. (2mks)

SECTION B (55 Marks)

13. a) State Lenz’s law of electromagnetic induction. (1mk)

b) Figure 7 shows stationary magnet and a solenoid being moved as shown.

Figure 7

i) State with a reason the direction of deflection of the galvanometer. (2mks)


ii) State one way through which the size of deflection of the galvanometer can be decreased.

c) State how energy losses in a transformer through eddy currents is minimized in its

d) Figure 8 shows two identical coils C and D made of insulated copper wires and are placed
close to each other. Coil C is connected to DC power supply and Coil D to a galvanometer.

Figure 8

(i) State and explain what would be observed on the galvanometer immediately switch S is closed
and then opened. (2mks)

ii) How would the observation made in d(i) differ if the number of turns in coil C were doubled
but those in D remain unchanged? (1mk)

e) The primary coil of a transformer has 250 turns and the secondary coil has 50 turns. The
primary coil is connected to a 120V AC supply.
i) State with a reason the type of transformer described above. (1mk)

ii) Determine the voltage in the secondary coils. (1mks)

iii) Given that the current in the primary coil is 0.50A and in the secondary coil is 2.0A.
Determine the efficiency of the transformer. (2mks)

14. a) State the law of electrostatic charges. (1mk)

b) Figure 9 shows a highly positively charged glass rod being brought slowly near the cap of a
negative charged gold leaf electroscope. It is observed that the leaf initially falls and then rises.

Figure 9
Explain this observation. (1mks)

c) Figure 10 shows an electric circuit used to charge a capacitor C. When switch is closed, it is
observed that, the millimeter records some current which gradually reduces to zero with time.

Power Supply

R mA

Figure 10
Explain the observation (1mks)

d) Figure 11 shows an electrical circuit with three capacitors of 10F, 2F and 3F capacitance
connected to a 240V supply.



Figure 11 240V

i) The effective capacitance of the capacitor combination. (2mks)

ii) The charged stored in the circuit. (2mks)

iii) The potential difference across the 2F capacitor (2mks)

15. a) State one condition necessary for total internal reflection to occur. (1mk)

b) Figure 12 (a) shows a ray of light travelling in an optically denser medium to an optically rarer
medium. The angle of incidence i and angle of refraction r are also shown.

Figure 12 (a) Figure 12 (b)
Complete Figure 12 (b) to show the path of refraction ray when the angle of incidence is
increased to reach critical angle. (1mk)

c) An optical pin placed at the bottom of a glass measuring cylinder filled with a liquid and
appears to be 11.4cm below the surface of the liquid. If the refractive index of the liquid is 1.48.
Determine The height of the column of the liquid in the measuring cylinder. (2mks)

d) i) State one reason why glass prisms are preferred to plane mirrors in their use in periscope.

ii) Figure 13 shows two right angled glass prism arranged to be used in a periscope.
An object is placed besides one prism as shown.


Figure 13
Complete the diagram by showing the path of rays of light from the object until they reach the
eye. (1mk)

e) In an experiment to determine the focal length of a lens, you are provided with the following
- A converging lens and a lens holder
- A lit candle
- A metre rule
- A white screen
i) State one measurements that you would take in the experiment. (1mk)

ii) In another experiment similar to the above, a graph showing the relationship between and
was plotted as shown in figure 13.

- Use the graph to determine the focal length, f of the lens. (2mks)

e) Figure 14 shows a defeat of the eye

Figure 14

i) State two possible causes of the defect. (2mks)

ii) Explain how the defect is corrected. (1mk)

16. a) i) In an X-ray tube explain why
I. The anode is made up of copper. (1mk)

II. The cathode and the anode are connected to a high potential difference between them. (1mk)
ii) State the adjustments made in an X-ray tube in order to decrease the intensity of X-ray. (1mk)

iii) State the property of X-rays that makes it used in detecting foreign objects in human bodies.

b) i) Explain the meaning of the term photoelectric effect. (1mk)

ii) A monochromatic light frequency 6.25 x 1014 Hz is incident on a metal surface. The minimum
frequency that can cause photo emmission on the metal surface is 5.5 x 10 14Hz. Given that
Planck’s constant, h is 6.63 x 10-34 Js.
I. The energy of the source light. (2mks)

II. The work function of the metal surface. (2mks)

III. The average kinetic energy of the photo electrons. (2mks)

17. a) Figure 15 shows some features of a cathode ray tube.

Figure 15
i) Name parts E & F (2mks)

ii) The process through which electrons are produced. (1mk)

b) i) Alpha () particles cause more ionization in a gas compared to Beta () particles. Give one
reason for this. (1mk)

ii) The following is part of radioactive decay series. The symbols do not represent the actual
symbols of the nuclides.

234  a  230
83 X 84Y b Z
Determine the values of a and b (2mks)

iii) A radioactive Isotope has a halflife of 5.25 years. Determine the fraction of the original
mass in a sample that will remain after 42 years (2mks)

NAME………………………………………………. ADM NO ……………………………………

SCHOOL…………………………………………… SIGNATURE………………………………


TIME: 2 hours


CONTACT US ON: 0724351706/0726960003
For marking schemes and more Post Mock papers for all subjects
Instruction to The Candidates
a) Write your name and ADM number in the spaces provided above.
b) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
c) This paper consists of two Sections A and B.
d) There are 13 printed pages, with 18 questions check to confirm that your paper is complete.
e) Answer all the questions in sections A and B in the spaces provided.
f) All working must be clearly shown in the spaces provided.
g) Mathematical tables and electronic calculators may be used.
For Examiners Use Only

Section Question Total Score Candidates Score

A 1-12 25
B 13 08
14 09
15 11
16 11
17 08
18 08
Total 80

1 PHYSICS 232/2 Turn Over

Answer all the question in this section in the space provided.
1. Sketch the magnetic field pattern given by a current carrying conductor in the magnetic field
shown in the figure below. Also show the direction of the forces produced on the conductor
(2 mks)

2. State any two ways in which energy is lost in a transformer, and briefly explain each loss can be
minimised. (2 mks)
3. Below is part of the electromagnetic spectrum in order of increasing wavelength
A B C Visible light infrared D C
How are waves A Produced (1 mk)
4.a) State one similarity and one difference between a camera and a human eye. (2 mks)

2 PHYSICS 232/2 Turn Over

b) The figure below is a concave mirror used to form a virtual, magnified image. Complete the ray
diagram to show the position of the object (3 mks)

5) The figure below shows a ray of light incident on a glass prism

Given that the critical angle of the glass is 390, sketch on the diagram the path of ray through the
prism until it exits the prism (2mks)
6. A sharp point of a pin is held over a positively charged electroscope. State and explain the
observation made on the electroscope (2mks)

3 PHYSICS 232/2 Turn Over

7. The figure below is a circuit of 3 resistors connected to a 12v battery

Determine the P.d across the 3  resistor (3mks)

8. The figure below shows a magnet. Point A and B are in front of the magnet

On the axis provided sketch a graph showing how the magnetic field strength changes the A to B

4 PHYSICS 232/2 Turn Over

9. The figure below shows a beam of beta particles entering a magnetic field whose direction below

Complete the diagram to show the path of the beta particles as they pass through magnetic field
and out of it (1mk)
10. A girl standing 400m from the foot of a high cliff claps her hand and the echo reaches her 2.32
seconds later. Calculate the velocity of sound in air using this observation. (2mks)

11. Explain two of ways of dealing with defect of polarisation in a simple cell (2mks)

12. The figure below shows an a.c source connected across diode D and Resistor R

On the axis provided sketch the output voltage as observed in the CRO (1mk)

5 PHYSICS 232/2 Turn Over

13.a) The figure below shows a system of capacitor connected to a 100v d.c supply.

From this circuit determine:

i) Its effective capacitance (2mks)

ii) The charge through the 6F capacitor (2mks)

iii) The p.d across 8F capacitor (2mks)

b) State any two factors that affects the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor (2mks)
14.a) The figure below shows the features of an x-ray tube

6 PHYSICS 232/2 Turn Over

i) Name the parts labelled A and B (2mks)
ii) Explain the effect of increasing the potential P on x-rays produced (2mks)
iii) During the operation of the tube, the target become very hot. Explain how this heat is caused
b) In a certain x-ray tube, the electrons are accelerated by a p.d of 12kv. Assuming that all energy
goes to produce x-rays, determine the frequency of x-ray produced (h=6.62×10-34Js and e-
=1.6×10-19C) (3mks)

15. The figure below shows a connection to a 3 pin plug as viewed from its back

i) Name the terminal pin labelled A (1mk)

ii) State any two mistakes with wiring of his 3pin plug (2mks)

7 PHYSICS 232/2 Turn Over

iii) Give any two reasons why the earth pin is normally longer than the other two pins (2mks)
b) The figure below is graph of K.E of electrons against frequency of radiation in photo – electric
effect in cathode metal plate

From the graph, determine

i) Threshold wavelength (  )of the cathode metal surface (2mks)
ii) Plancks constant (h) of cathode (2mks)
iii) Work function of cathode in ev (2mks)
16.a) The figure below shows a simple cathode ray tube

8 PHYSICS 232/2 Turn Over

i) Explain how the electrons are produced in the tube (2mks)
ii) State one function of the anode (1mk)

iii) At what part of the cathode tube would the time base be connected? (1mk)
b) The figure below represent a displacement time graph for a wave moving with a velocity of

Determine the wave

i) Frequency (f) (2mks)

ii) Wavelength ( ) (2mks)

9 PHYSICS 232/2 Turn Over

c) A ray of light traveling through air in to medium 1 and 2 as shown in the figure below.

i) Calculate the refractive index of medium 1 (1mk)

ii) Angle of refraction r2 in medium 2 (2mks)

17.a) State the lenz’s law of electromagnetic induction. (1mk)

b) A bar magnet is moved into a coil of insulated copper wires connected to a centre zero –
galvanometer (G) as shown in the figure below

10 PHYSICS 232/2 Turn Over

i) With arrows show the direction of induced current in the coil (1mk)
ii) Explain clearly what is observed on the galvanometer when the south pole of a magnet is moved
into the coil and then withdrawn (2mks)
c) A transformer has 1600 turns in the primary coil and 80 turns in the secondary coil. If the
transformer is 80% efficient and its primary coil is 240v with a current of 0.75A, determine
i) The secondary e.m.f of its coil (2mks)

ii) The output power in its secondary coil (2mks)

18.a) Define the term radioactivity (1mk)


11 PHYSICS 232/2 Turn Over

b) The figure below shows tracks formed in a diffusion cloud chamber given by a certain
radioactivity sample

State the type of radiations emitted by this sample, explain your answer (2mks)
c)i) The figure below shows radioactive decay of iodine

ii) What fraction of this iodine will have decayed after 3 half – lifes (2mks)
d) The average count rate of a radioactive material sample is 92 counts per second. After 420
seconds, the count rate had dropped to 29 counts per second. Given that the background count rate
was 20 counts per second, determine the half life of this sample. (3mks)

12 PHYSICS 232/2 Turn Over

NAME……………………………………………… INDEX NO………………………


TIME:2 Hours
CONTACT US ON: 0724351706/0726960003
For marking schemes and more Post Mock papers for all subjects

. Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above
. This paper contain two sections; Section I and Section II.
. Answer all the questions in section I and II. In the spaces provided
. All workings and answers must be written on the question paper in the spaces provided
below each question.
. Marks may be given for correct working even if the answer is wrong.
. Calculators and KNEC Mathematical tables may be used EXCEPT where stated
. Show all the steps in your calculations, giving your answers at each stage in the spaces
below each question.


A 1-13 25
B 14 10
15 10
16 08
17 09
18 10
19 08



1. Give a reason when light strikes a mirror at 900, it is reflected along the same path
(1 mark)

2. The figure below shows an electroscope that is being charged.

If the final charge on an electroscope is positive

a) State the method of charging that produces the above electroscope to be
positively charged (1 mark)
b) Explain how the final charge was acquired (2 marks)
3. Give the formula relating to the Emf of a cell, the internal resistance, r, and the
terminal voltage, V and the current, I in a closed circuit (1 mark)
4. Give a reason why parabolic reflectors are used as car headlight lamps. (1 mark)
5. A current of 2A flows through a conductor for 2.5minutes. If the electronic charge is
1.6 x 10-19 C, calculate the number of electrons involved. (3marks)


6. Give one reason why Ultra sound is used in pulse echo techniques in determining the
depth of the sea. (1 mark)
7. The figure below is drawn to scale. Use this information on the figure to answer the
questions that follow;

Determine the refractive index of the glass material. (2 marks)

8. a) i) What is a virtual image? (1 mark)
ii) Complete the ray diagram in figure 3 below so as to form an image. (3 marks)

9. Three capacitors of capacitance 20μF are arranged as shown below. Find the
Reading on the voltmeter across the 20μF shown in the following diagram. (3 marks)
10. In an experiment to magnetize two substances P and Q using electric current, two
curves were obtained as shown below. State with a reason which substance will be
used as an armature in an electric bell. (2 marks)

11. State the function Argon and Nitrogen in a fluorescent lamp. (1 mark)
12. Distinguish between thermionic emission and photoelectric effect. (1mark)

13. The following is part of a radioactive decay series.


𝟐𝟑𝟒 𝝱 𝒂 ∝ 𝟐𝟑𝟎
𝑩𝒊 → 𝑿 → 𝒀
𝟖𝟑 𝟖𝟒 𝒃

Determine the values of a and b (2mark)

14. a) Explain in terms of flow of electric charges why a thin wire feels warmer than
copper leads in the same current (1 mark)
b) i) State the main energy changes that take place in a filament lamp (1 mark)
ii) Name any two factors affecting the heating effect of an electric current (2 marks)
iii) Give a reason why tungsten wire is used in a filament bulb. (1 mark)
c) A light bulb is found to have a resistance of 950Ω. When operating normally on a
240V mains.
i) Power rating of the Bulb (2 marks)
ii) Electric energy converted to heat and light when the bulb operates for 2 hours
(3 marks)
15. (a) The mirror AB and CD are at right angles to each other.

Complete the diagram to show the path taken by the ray PQ after reflection at
both mirrors. (2 marks)

(b) The figure below shows two point sources of light with an opaque object placed
between them and the screen.

Complete the diagram to show the nature of the shadows formed. Label the
shadows. (2 marks)
c) State the changes that would occur in the size and brightness of the image formed
i. The object distance is made large (1 mark)

ii. The length of the camera is made longer (1 mark)



iii. The single hole is replaced by four pinholes close together (1 mark)

d) The diagram below shows sound waves passing through air. Study it and answer
the questions that follow.

Label the following (3 marks)

i. Compression
ii. Rarefaction
iii. Wavelength

16. a) State the functions of carbon brushes in an electric motor. (1 mark)

b). Why are carbon brushes and commutators made of graphite in an electric motor?
(1 mark)
c) The figure below shows a conductor carrying current placed in the magnetic field
and moves in the direction shown


Identify the polarity of end X. (1 mark)
X – …………………………………………………………………
d) The figure below shows a simple electro magnet for lifting heavier container loads
in the kilindini port in Mombasa city in Kenya.

i) Which material is Y made from? Explain why it is a preferred choice for its use in
the above diagram? (2 marks)
ii) State the polarity of B (1 mark)
iii) Explain one way in which the electromagnet can be made more powerful (1 mark)


(e) In an experiment on use of semiconductor diodes, it was noted that bulb X in figure below
lights while bulb Y does not. Explain. (1mark)

17. a) State the properties of X-rays, which makes it possible to detect cracks in bones.
b) Figure below shows the features of an X-ray tube.

Oil in

Oil out

i) Name the parts marked with letters A and B (1mark)
ii) State and explain which material is suitable for part C. (1mark)


iii) State the reason why the machine should be surrounded by D. (1mark)
iv) State one way in which cooling is achieved in this X-ray machine. (1mark)

c) The figure below shows the trace on the screen of an a.c signal connected to the
y-plates of C.R.O with time base on.

Given that the time control is 5ms/div, and the y-again is at 100V/div, determine:
i) The frequency of the a.c signal. (2marks)
ii) The peak voltage of the input signal (2marks)

18. a) (i) Name one type of electromagnetic radiation whose frequency is greater than
that of visible light but less than that of gamma rays. (1mark)
(ii) Arrange the following in order of increasing frequencies: Red, Green, Yellow,
Blue. (1mark)
b) The figure below shows an object placed in front of a convex lens.


i) On the same figure indicate a point X where the object distance is equal to the image
distance of the lens. (1 mark)
Use the point X in (a) above to determine;
ii) The radius of curvature (2 marks
iii) Focal length of the lens (1 mark)
iv) Calculate the magnification of the mirror at point X from the graph (1 mark)

c) The figure below shows the waves starting from two coherent sources S 1 and S2



What would be observed at K if the waves are;

(i) light waves. (1 mark)
(ii) Sound waves. (1 mark)
c) Complete how the wave fronts emerge from the concave lens below. (1 mark)

Deep shallow Deep

19. a) The figure below shows a circuit diagram for a photocell.

i) Name the part labeled A (1mark)



ii) Why is the milliammeter showing a deflection when ultraviolet light is shown
on the photocell? (1mark)

iii) State how the milliameter reading is affected when the intensity of light is
increased. (1mark)

(b) The graph below shows the relationship between the emf (E) and the current I
flowing through a cell of internal resistance, r.



Voltage (V)






0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
From the graph determine; Current (I)
i) Emf of the cell (1 mark)

ii) the internal resistance r of the cell (2 marks)



(c) Two coils T and S are wound on a soft iron core as shown. T has 1000 turns while S has
600 turns and resistance of 100Ω

Calculate the maximum current measured by the ammeter. (2marks)



Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
NAME……………………………………………CLASS……..…ADMN NO…………




i) Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above.
ii) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above
iii) This paper consists of TWO sections A and B.
iv) Answer ALL the questions in section A and B in the spaces provided.
v) All working MUST be clearly shown.
vi) Non programmable silent calculators may be used.
vii) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
Constant: g=10N/kg or 10m/s2


A 1 – 12 25
13 11
14 10
B 15 10
16 14
17 10

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1.The figure below shows a ray of light incident on a plane mirror at an angle of 65o to the surface of the first
mirror as shown below.



Sketch the path of the ray until it emerges and state the angles. (3 marks)

2. State the reason why an increase in leaf divergence is the only sure way of determining whether an object is
negatively charged using a negatively charged electroscope. (1 mark)
3. State two measurements that should be taken for one to decide whether a lead acid accumulator is due for
charging. (2 marks)
4. (a) State the basic law of magnetism. (1 mark)

(b) The figure below shows how magnets are stored in pairs with keepers at the ends.
Keeper Keeper
Bar magnets
Explain how this method of storing helps in retaining magnetism longer. (2 marks)

5. Why is a convex mirror better than plane mirror when used as a driving mirror? (1 mark)

Page 2 of 9
6. You are provided with the following apparatus: connecting wires, a soft iron rod, a battery of 3 cells, a switch,
a long-insulated copper wire and a rheostat.
(a) Using a suitable diagram, show how an electromagnet can be made with the given apparatus. 1mark

(b) State two ways by which the strength of an electromagnet can be increased. (2 marks)
7. (a) Distinguish between a transverse and a longitudinal wave. (1 mark)

(b) Determine the frequency of the wave shown below. (2 marks)

Displacement (m)

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Time(s)


8. When a germanium crystal is doped with arsenic it becomes an N-type semi-conductor. Explain how this
change occurs.
(Number of electrons in the outermost shell for germanium=4, arsenic=5) (2 marks)
9. A nuclide X with mass number 234 and atomic number 92 decays to nuclide Y with mass number 218 and
atomic number 84. Determine the number of alpha particles emitted. (2 marks)

10. State how the intensity of x-rays in an x-ray tube can be increased. (1 mark)

11.The figure below shows part of the lighting circuit in a house.

Page 3 of 9
State two errors in the wiring circuit. (2 marks)
12. Calculate the energy of photons associated with radiation of frequency 4.8 × 1014 Hz, stating your answer
in 𝑒𝑉 . (3 marks)



Answer all questions in this section

13. a) State Lenz’s law. (1 mark)

b) A magnet is driven into a coil such that the direction of flow of current in the coil.
Is as shown in the diagram below. Indicate on the diagram the polarity of the magnet, and the direction in
which it is driven into the coil. (2 marks)

c) Electrical energy is transmitted at very high voltages and low current.

I. Describe how the high voltages are attained. (1 mark)

II. State two reasons why thick aluminium wires are preferred to copper wires for transmission over long
distances. (2 marks)

Page 4 of 9
d) A student has some colored bulbs rated 60W, 240V to be connected for decorations.
I. State the number of such bulbs that can be connected normally to a 240V supply through a 5A fuse.
(2 marks)


II. If the cost of electric energy is ksh.3.00 per kWh, determine the cost of running the bulb in (d) I above
for 5hours daily for 20days. (3 marks)

14. (a) State Ohms law. (1 mark)
b) The cell in the figure below has an e.m.f of 2.5V and negligible internal resistance.

Determine the
(i) Total resistance in the circuit. (2 marks)

(ii) Current in the circuit. (2 marks)

(iii) Reading on the voltmeter. (2 marks)

c) Three resistors of resistance 2.0Ω, 4.0Ω and 6.0Ω are connected together in a circuit.
Show the combination which gives;
(i) Effective resistance of 3.0Ω. (1 mark)
(ii) Minimum resistance. (1 mark)

Page 5 of 9
d) Define electrical resistance and name the S.I. unit. (2 marks)
15.(a) State any two uses of echoes . (2 marks)
(b) Water waves are observed as they pass a fixed point at a rate of 30crests per minute. A particular wave
crest takes 2s to travel between two fixed points 6m apart. Determine for the wave:
(i) The frequency. (3marks)


(ii) The wavelength. (2 marks)


(c) The figure below shows two loud speakers L1 and L2 connected to a signal generator.


0 C


(i) Why are the speakers connected to the signal generator? (1 mark)


(ii) An observer walks along XY. State what is observed and give reason for the observation. (2 marks)

(iii) Another observer walks along OC. State what he observed. (1 mark)
Page 6 of 9
(iv) What is the effect on the observation if the frequency of the signal is increased? (1 mark)

16 (a) State the use of the eye piece lens in a compound microscope. (1 mark)
b) Figure shows a defect of vision in a human eye

(i) State the type of defect shown. (1 mark)


(ii) Identify one cause of this defect. ( 1 mark)


(iii) State the type of lens that can be used to correct this defect. ( 1 mark)

c) Figure 11 shows a graph of image distance (V) against the object distance (U) obtained in an experiment
to determine the focal length of a concave mirror

Page 7 of 9
(i) Identify and mark a point X on the graph where V = U.

Use the point X to determine:
i. The radius of curvature r. (1 mark)

ii. The focal length of the lens f. (2 marks)


d) On the space provided, draw a ray diagram to show how a convex lens forms a magnified real image.
(3 marks)

17. (a) It is observed that alpha (α) particles have a lower penetrating power than beta (β) particles. Explain this
observation. (2 marks)
(b) A radioactive substance has a half-life of 12 years. Determine the time it would take to
decay to 12.5% of its original value. (2 marks)


(c)A Geiger Müller (GM) tube is used for detecting radiations from a radioactive source
State the function of
I. The mica window. (1 mark)

II. Bromine gas in the tube. (1 mark)

Page 8 of 9
(d)In a diffusion chamber, explain why some of the tracks formed are observed to

I. Short. (2 marks)

II. Straight. (2 marks)


( e) State two advantages of using a GM tube instead of a diffusion cloud chamber to detect radiations from
radioactive substances (2 marks)


Page 9 of 9
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NAME……………………………………………CLASS……..…ADMN NO…………




i) Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above.
ii) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above
iii) This paper consists of TWO sections A and B.
iv) Answer ALL the questions in section A and B in the spaces provided.
v) All working MUST be clearly shown.
vi) Non programmable silent calculators may be used.
vii) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
Constant: g=10N/kg or 10m/s2



A 1-13 25
B 14 07
15 11
16 12
17 11
18 07
19 09

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SECTION A 25 Marks
1. The figure1 below shows three point source of light with an opaque object placed between them and the

State and explain the nature of shadow formed a long B and C (2marks)

2. The diagrams below show a positively charged acetate strip and a negatively charged polythene strip freely
suspended and isolated.

Two rods X and Y are brought up in turn to these strips. X attracts the acetate strip but repels the
polythene strip. Rod Y does not repel either the acetate or the polythene. State the type of charge on each
X .................................................................................................................. (1 mark)
Y .................................................................................................................. (1 mark)

3. (a) State any one way of reducing the magnetic force of attraction of a magnet (1mark)
(b) Show the direction of the magnetic field in the conductor carrying current shown below.

4. The diagram below shows waves generated from a tuning fork. If the wave takes 0.1 second to move from
point A to B. determine the frequency of the wave. (2marks)

5. Other than current state one other factor that affect the magnitude of force on a current carrying conductor
placed in a magnetic field. (1mark)
6. A student connected the set up below in the laboratory. Explain the observation made on the bulb when the
set-up below is taken to a dark room (1 mark)

7. A radioactive carbon – 14 decays to nitrogen by beta emissions as shown.
6 C → X7 N + Y0e
Determine the values of X and Y in the equation
X=…………………………………….. …………………….. (1mark)
Y = …………………………………………………………… (1mark)
8. (a) state the reason for topping up a lead-acid accumulator with distilled water. (1mark)
(b) State one quatity that is used to determine whether accumulators require charging or not.
9. Figure 8 shows wave fronts of water waves approaching a concave surface.

(i) Complete the diagram to show the wave fronts formed after striking the surface.
(1 mark)
(ii) What is the effect on velocity of the above if it moves from shallow to deep region
10. A person standing 110 m from the foot of a cliff claps his hands and hears a sound 0.75 seconds later. Find
the speed of sound in air. (2 marks)
11. Figure 9 below shows light travelling from more optically dense to less optically dense medium.

a) On the same diagram, sketch a ray to show the direction of the refracted ray. (1 mark)

b) If the refractive index of the denser medium is 1.42, calculate the angle of refraction.

12. Eleven (11) images are formed when two mirrors are inclined at an angle between them. Determine the
size of angle between the inclined mirrors (2 marks)
13. (a) The figure10 below is part of electromagnetic spectrum.

Name one detector of A (1 mark)

(b) Define focal length of a curved reflecting surface (1 mark)

14. a) (i) State any one condition necessary for two sources of waves to be coherent ( 1 mark)
(ii) A student walking on a straight perpendicular to two coherent signal generators hears alternating loud
and soft sounds. Explain why at some point the sound heard is softer
b) Explain why radio wave signals are easier to receive than TV waves signals in a place surrounded
by hills. (1mark)
c) In an experiment using a ripple tank the frequency, f of the electric pulse generator was reduced to
one third of its original value. How does the new wave length compare with the initial wavelength?
d) In a double slit interference experiment, explain the effect on the appearance of the fringes of: (i)
Reducing the separation of the slits but keeping the width of each slit constant.
(iii)Making each of the two slits wider but keeping the slit separation constant. (1mark)
e) The figure 11 below shows wave fronts before and after passing through an opening.

State what would be observed on the pattern after passing the opening if the wavelength of the wave is
increased. ( 1 mark)
15. (a) The figure 12 below shows a X-ray tube.

(i) Name the part labelled C (1 mark)

(ii) State the property of the material labelled B on the diagram which makes it suitable for use in the
X-ray tube. (1 marks)
(iii) Why is C inclined at an angle of 45o? (1 mark)
(iv) State the adjustment that can be made to vary
I. The quality of X-rays (1 mark)
II. The quantity of the X-rays. (1 mark)
(v) An x-ray tube has an accelerating potential of 100KV. Determine the maximum frequency of the
x-rays produced.(Plank’s constant = 6.63 10 -34 Js, e = 1.6 × 10-19C)
(2 marks)
(b) In a CRO, waveform given below was displayed on the screen when the sensitivity at the Y plate
was10V/cm and time base set at 20 milliseconds/cm.

(i) The peak voltage (2marks)
(i) The frequency of the signal (2marks)

16. (a) 226

88𝑅𝑎 decays into
86𝑅𝑛 by emission of an alpha particle. Write a nuclear
equation for the decay (1 mark)
b) i)What do you understand by the term half-life of a radioactive substance? (1 mark)
ii)A G.M tube registers 20 counts. When a radioactive source is brought close to it, it registers 3220
counts and 120 counts 30 hours later. What is the half-life of this substance?
(2 marks)
c) The figure 14 below shows a G.M tube.
Anode Aluminium casing

Mica window

Argon gas mixed

with little bromine

Scalar or ratemeter
i) Explain the purpose of the bromine (1 mark)
(ii)Briefly explain how the Geiger Muller tube works to detect radiations. (2 marks)
(iii) When beta and alpha radiations are passed through a magnetic field, the beta radiations are deflected
more than the alpha radiations. Give a reason for this observation. (1 mark)

(d) The figure below is a circuit with two identical bulbs and components, Diodes 1 and 2.
D1 D2

L1 K L2

(i) State and explain the observation made when switch K is closed. (2marks)
(ii) On the axes provided below, sketch the graph of output voltage against time for a full wave rectifier


(iii) A capacitor is now connected across the output. Explain its effect on the output. (1mark)

17. (a)You are provided with a rheostat, 2 cells, a voltmeter, an ammeter, a switch and a fixed resistor.
i) Draw a circuit diagram that can be used to verify Ohm's law. (2 marks)

ii) Describe how the above set up can be used to determine Ohms law.
(c) Study the circuit diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

Calculate the current through the 4Ω resistor (3 marks)


(d) (i) An electrical emersion heater is rated as 240V, 500W. What does this information mean?
(ii) Calculate the resistance of the element used in the heater. (2marks)
18. (a)A ray of light travelling from water to glass makes an angle of incident of 300. Find the angle of
refraction in the glass. Refractive index of water . Refractive index of glass
(2 marks)
(b) State one necessary and sufficient condition for total internal reflection to occur
c) The graph below shows the variation of 1/V and 1/U in an experiment to determine the focal
length of the mirror. Determine the focal length. (2marks)

d) The figure below shows a human eye defect.

i) State one possible cause of this defect. (1 mark)

ii) On the diagram, show how the defect is corrected. (1 mark)

19. a) A bar magnet is moved into a coil of an insulated copper wire connected to a zero- centre-
galvanometer as shown below

(i) Show on the figure above the direction of the induced current in the coil
(1 mark)
(ii) State what is observed on the galvanometer if the south pole of the magnet was moved into and
then withdrawn from the coil. (1 mark)
(b) A transformer has 800 turns in the primary and 40 turns in the secondary winding. The alternating
voltage connected to the primary is 240V and current of 0.5.A. If 10% of the power is dissipated as
heat within the transformer, determine the current in the secondary coil.
(2 marks)
(c) The diagram below shows a three-pin plug.

(i) Name the colour code of conductors Q (1 mark)

(ii) Why is the earth pin longer than the rest in the three-pin plug shown above?
(1 mark)
(iii) Give one advantage of a circuit breaker instead of a fuse in domestic wiring.
(iv) State one modification can be done to the fuse wire to give it a higher rating?

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
NAME……………………………………………CLASS……..…ADMN NO…………




i) Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above.
ii) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above
iii) This paper consists of TWO sections A and B.
iv) Answer ALL the questions in section A and B in the spaces provided.
v) All working MUST be clearly shown.
vi) Non programmable silent calculators may be used.
vii) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
Constant: g=10N/kg or 10m/s2
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A 1 - 13 25






SECTION A (25 marks)
Answer ALL questions in this paper

1. A ray from a source X makes an angle of 30° with a plane reflector and a ray from a source Y makes
an angle of 60° to the same reflector at the same point M as shown below. Find the angle through
which the reflector at the same point M as shown below. Find the angle through which the reflector
must be rotated about M such that the ray from the source Y falls on the source X. (3 marks)
Light from
Light from
source x
source y

Fig 1.0
30° 60°
M Reflector


2. The figure 2.0 below shows a sharp pin fixed on a cap of the electroscope. The electroscope is highly
charged and then left for sometime.

Sharp pin

Fig 2.0

Explain why the leaf collapses. (2 marks)


3. The figure 3.0 below shows a coil and a magnet being removed from the coil.
Fig 3.0 Motion

a) State the polarity gained at end B. (1 mark)

b) Indicate the direction of flow of current on the coil. (1 mark)
4. Below is part of radioactive decay series of Uranium 238.
238 234 b 234 C 239 230
U a Pa U Th
92 ⎯
⎯→ 90 ⎯
⎯→ 91 ⎯⎯→ 92 → 90

Identify isotopes from series above. (1 mark)


5. The figure 4.0 below shows the cloud chamber tracks of a certain radioactive emission.

Fig 4.0

State three properties of the radioactive emission producing the tracks shown in the figure above.
(3 marks)


6. State what happens to the depletion layer when

a) A diode is forward biased. (1 mark)

b) A diode is reverse biased. (1 mark)

7. The diagram in the figure 5.0 below shows an object O placed infront of a converging lens.


Fig 5.0

Using ray diagram determine the position of the image. (3 marks)

8. Explain why the cathode of a CRO is coated with oxides of metals such as Barium and Strontium
(2 marks)




9. Why is repulsion the surest way of testing for polarity of a magnet? (1 mark)



10. Find the combined capacitance between points A and B of the arrangement shown in the figure 6.0
below. (2 marks)


11. Give one reason why sound is not classified as an electromagnetic wave. (1 mark)



12. State how polarization is reduced in a simple cell. (1 mark)



13. Explain why it is not advisable to use a 10A fuse for a hair drier rated 2.5Kw, 240V. (2 marks)




SECTION B (55 marks)

Answer ALL questions from this section.

14. The figure 7.0 below shows the construction and circuit of the modern physics X-ray tube.
High voltage

Fig 7.0
Cooling fins

a) Indicate on the diagram the path of the x-ray beam. (1 mark)

b) Name the part marked C and state its function (2 marks)


c) Name the metal used in parts A and B and state why they are suitable for use in the tube. (4 marks)





d) Why are cooling fins necessary? (1 mark)

e) Form four students performed an experiment in photoelectric effect and drew the graph below from
the data collected.

K.E Stopping potential (Vs)




Fig 8.0 1.0


2 4 6 8 1104 12 14
Frequency(x10 Hz)

From the graph determine

i) threshold frequency. (1 mark)


ii) Planks constant . (Take charge on an electron, e = 1.6×10 -19C) (3 marks)




15.a) State ohm's law. (1 mark)



b) A wire was connected to a battery and it was found that the energy converted to heat was 30J when
20 coulombs of charge flowed through the wire in 5 seconds


i) The p.d. between the ends of the wire. (2 marks)



ii) The current flowing through the wire. (2 marks)


iii) The resistance of the wire. (2 marks)


iv)The power developed in the wire. (2 marks)

c) Two resistors whose resistance are R and 5 are connected in series to a battery of 24V and internal
resistance of 1. If the current in the circuit is 3A. Find the value of R. (3 marks)





16.a) A person standing behind a wall hears a bell ringing although he cannot see the bell. What
property of sound enables him to hear the sound? (1 mark)



b) The figure 9.0 below is a sketch of ripples caused by a vibrator in a ripple tank whose frequency is

Fig 9.0


Using the above information, determine the speed of the wave motion. (3 marks)



c) The speed of sound in air determined on a warm day is 330m/s. Explain any difference you would
expect in the results if the measurement is done on a cold day. (2 marks)


d) In an experiment to determine the speed of sound, an observer stood in front of a high wall at a
distance of 80m. He clapped two boards together at such a rate that each clap coincided with the echo
from the wall. A second observer noted a time of 9.5 seconds starting with first clap and ending with
the 21st clap.

i) Calculate the speed of sound under these conditions. (3 marks)




ii) Describe one probable source of error in this experiment. (1 mark)


iii) State one way in which sound wave differ from light waves. (1 mark)



17.a) State Lenz's law of electromagnetic induction. (1 mark)

b) The primary coil of a transformer has 1200turns and the secondary coil has 60 turns. The transformer
is connected to a 240V a.c source.


i) The output voltage. (2 marks)

ii) The output current when the primary coil has a current of 0.5A (Assume there is no energy losses)
(3 marks)


iii) One of the primary ways in which power is lost in transformers is through eddy currents. State
how eddy currents can be minimized. (1 mark)

c) Determine the cost of using an electric iron rated 1500W, for a total of 30 hours given that the cost of
electricity per kwh is kshs 8. (3 marks)





18. The figure 10.0 below shows a ray of white light dispersed in a triangular prism. The speed of violet
light in the prism in 1.88 × 108m/s.
Glass prism

Fig 10.0


White light

a) Explain how glass disperses white light into red and violet bands. (1 mark)

b) Determine the refractive index of the prism material for light (take speed of light in vacuum =
3×108m/s (2 marks)



c) Show on the figure the critical angle C for violet light and determine its value. (3 marks)



d) Given that r =21.5° determine the angle . (3 marks)

e) On the same figure, sketch the part of red light after white light strikes the prism if the prism was
replaced by another of similar shape but lower refractive index. (Use a dotted line for the answer)
(1 mark)

10 | P a g e
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NAME……………………………………………CLASS……..…ADMN NO…………




i) Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above.
ii) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above
iii) This paper consists of TWO sections A and B.
iv) Answer ALL the questions in section A and B in the spaces provided.
v) All working MUST be clearly shown.
vi) Non programmable silent calculators may be used.
vii) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
Constant: g=10N/kg or 10m/s2

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Section Question (s) Max. Score Candidates Score
A 1 – 12 25
13 11
14 14
15 11
16 10
B 17 9

Total 80

1. An incident ray makes an angle of 250 to the mirror as shown below.

Fig 1


Complete the diagram to show how the ray is reflected after striking the mirror hence calculate angle of
reflection. (2 mks)
2. Give the reason why insulators do not conduct electric current. (1 mk)
3. A positively charged glass rod is brought near the brass cap of a negatively charged electroscope. Explain
why the leaf falls. (2 mks)
4. What causes a freely suspended magnetic needle to always point in the north south direction? (1 mk)


5. A ray of light travelling towards a concave mirror passes through its centre of curvature. State how the ray is
reflected after striking the mirror. (1 mk)
6. Fig 2 below shows a magnetic compass placed near a conductor in an electric circuit.
Plotting compass

a) State what happens to the magnetic needle when the switch is closed. (1 mk)
b) Explain why the needle behaves as described in (a) above. (1 mk)
7. What are longitudinal waves. (1 mk)

8. An echo sounder in a ship produces a sound pulse of frequency 24.8 KHZ. An echo is received from sea bed
at a depth of 175m after 0.25 seconds. Calculate the wave length of sound in water. (3 mks)

9. The critical angle of a ray of light travelling from medium A to air is 440.
a) Define the term critical angle. (1 mk)
b) Calculate the angle of refraction, when the angle of incidence is decreased to 400 (give your answer to 3
decimal places.) (3 mks)

10. A circular wave is incident on a straight reflector as shown in fig 3 below.


Complete the diagram to show how the wave is reflected. (2 mks)

11. Fig 4. Below shows a circuit consisting of capacitors and a battery

Determine the charge stored in the circuit (3mk)

12. a) Sketch a graph to show the variation of the current against time for a discharging capacitor in axis below.
Current (1 mk)


b) State two ways of increasing the capacitance of a capacitor. (2mk)



13.a) State two factors that determine the heat produced by a conductor when connected to an electric circuit.

b) The electrical power is given by

P= V I where V= Pd across a conductor
I= Current through a conductor.
Show that electrical power can also be given by
P=V2/R where R=resistance. (3 mk)
c) What property does a fuse wire have that makes it suitable for its use in a circuit. (1 mk)
d) An electric heater rated 1.2 KW, 240V supplies 5.5 x 105 joules of heat energy to water in an insulated
i) For how long is the heater switched on.(Give your answer in minutes and to 2 decimal places) (3 mks)

ii) Determine the resistance of the heater coil (2 mks)
14. a) (i)Using a ray diagram show how a convex lens forms an image when an object is placed between it and
its focal point. (3 mks)

(ii)Name one optical device that makes use of the above set up. (1 mk)
b) In an experiment to determine the focal length of a converging lens, several values of image distance V and
corresponding values of object U were obtained.
Object distance (U) cm 10 15 20 25
Image distance (V) cm 40.0 17.1 13.3 11.8
1 -2 -1
/U x 10 (cm )
/v x 10 -2 (cm -1)

i) Complete the table. (2 mks)

ii) Plot a graph of 1/v against 1/U and produce it to cut both axis (4 mks)

iii) Find the intercepts at /u. = _______________ (cm-1) (1 mk)

/v = ______________ (cm-1) (1 mk)

iv) Determine the average value of focal length of the lens from the graph (2 mks)

15. (a) The table below shows an arrangement of electromagnetic spectrum.

Radio waves Micro waves A Visible light B X rays Gamma rays
i) Name the radiation represented by B. (1mk)
ii) Name the human organ that detect radiation A. (1mk)
iii) State one application of gamma rays. (1mk)
b) Fig 5. Shows a dry cell (the paper that covers the dry cell is not shown)

Mixture of carbon powder

and manganese iv oxide

i. Name the parts labelled A and B

A: ………………………………….. ( 1mk)

B: …………………………………… ( 1mk)

ii. State and explain the importance of manganese (iv) oxide in the cell (2mks)

iii. Explain why large currents should not be drawn from the cell for a long time (2mks)
c) State with reasons whether the dry cell is classified as primary or secondary type of cell (2mks)

16. a) Explain what is meant by non-Ohmic conductors (2mks)

b) State the reason why electromotive force of a cell is always higher than the potential difference (terminal
voltage) (1mk)
c) Fig 6, below shows three identical bulbs A, B, and C connected in a series – parallel circuit.


i) State the bulb with the highest potential difference. (1 mk)

ii) If current through Bulb B is 0.85A, determine the current through bulb A. (2 mks)

d) State two factors that affect a resistance of a metal conductor (2mks)

e) i)In the axis provided below sketch a graph to show the relationship between the resistance( R) and
temperature of a thermistor (1mk)


ii) Explain the curve of your graph in (e) (i) above. (1mk)
17(a) What is meant by the term diffraction of a wave (1mk)
b) State two factors that determine the extent of diffraction of a given wave (2 mks)
c) Two identical loudspeakers connected to the same audio-frequency generator are placed some distance away
from each other as shown below.

i) Briefly describe the sound experienced by:

a) An observer moving along line AB. (1mk)
b) i) An observer moving along CD. (1mk)
ii) Explain the sound experienced by the observer in (b (i)) above (2mks)

d) i) State with reason the effect of increasing the frequency of the audio generator on the sound heard along
line CD (2mks)
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
NAME……………………………………………CLASS……..…ADMN NO…………




i) Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above.
ii) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above
iii) This paper consists of TWO sections A and B.
iv) Answer ALL the questions in section A and B in the spaces provided.
v) All working MUST be clearly shown.
vi) Non programmable silent calculators may be used.
vii) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
Constant: g=10N/kg or 10m/s2
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For Examiner’s use only
Section A 1-13 25
Section B 14 14
15 16
16 9
17 8
18 8


Answer all the questions in this section.
1. State the property of light that a pinhole camera illustrates. (1mk)

2. A positively charged rod is brought close to the cap of a gold leaf electroscope. It is observed that the
gold leaf diverged. Explain this observation. (2mks)

3. The figure below shows a magnetic field pattern between magnets P and R.



a) Identify the poles A and B. (1mk)

A -
B -
b) State which of the two magnets, P or R, is stronger. Explain. (2mks)

4. State the purpose of Manganese (IV) oxide in a dry cell. (1mk)

5. The chart below shows an arrangement of different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Radio waves A Infra-red Visible B X-rays Gamma

light rays

i) Name the radiation represented by B. (1mk)

ii) Name a device the can be used to detect radiation A. (1mk)

6. The figure below shows a wire carrying current whose direction is out of the paper. The wire is placed
in a magnetic field.

a) Indicate on the figure the direction of the force F, acting on the wire. (1mk)
b) State what would be observed on the wire if the direction of the current is reversed, ( i.e. into the
paper). (1mk)

7. A policeman standing between two high walls fires a gun. He hears the first echo after 3 seconds and
the next 2 seconds later. What is the distance between the walls? (Take velocity of sound= 330 m/s)

8. The following reaction is part of a radio- active series

210 210 𝑥
83𝐴 z 84𝐵 γ (Gamma) 𝑦𝐶

a) Identify the radiation Z. (1mk)

b) Determine the values of X and Y. (1mk)

9. The figure below shows two ways of biasing a p-n junction diode.

mA mA

In which circuit will the current flow? Explain. (2mks)

10. In a three pin plug, why is the earth pin normally longer than the other two pins? (1mk)

11. An electric bulb rated 12V, 36W allows a current to pass through for 30 minutes. How much electric
energy is dissipated by the bulb? (3mks)

12. The figure below shows a series of wave fronts, one wavelength apart, approaching a gap between two
barriers in a ripple tank.

Show on the figure what happens as the waves pass through the gap. (1mk)

13. A student holds a large concave mirror of focal length 1m, 80cm from her face. State two
characteristics of her image in the mirror. (2mks)

SECTION B: 55 MARKS(Answer all the questions in this section)

14. a) The figure below shows a narrow beam of white light onto a glass prism.

(i) What is the name of the phenomenon represented in the diagram? (1mk)

(ii) Name the colour X and Y. Give a reason. (3mks)

(iii) What is the purpose of the slit? (1mk)

b). The figure below shows the path of rays of yellow light trough a glass prism. The speed of
yellow light in the prism is 1.8 x 108 m/s.

Θ r

(i) Determine the refractive index of the prism material. (Speed of light in a vacuum,
C= 3.0 X 108 m/s). (3mks)

(ii) Show on the same diagram, the critical angle C, and hence determine its value.

(iv) Given that r= 31.20, determine the angle Ѳ. (3mks)

15. a) State one property of electric field lines. (1mk)

b) The figure below shows part of a circuit containing three capacitors.

4 µF


3 µF

2 µF

(i) Calculate the effective capacitance between A and B. (3mks)

(ii) Given the potential difference (p.d) across AB is 10V, what is the total charge flowing through
the circuit? (2mks)

(c)The figure below represents an X-ray tube. The anode is made up of the copper metal while the
target is tungsten.
- +

Low voltage

Copper anode

(i) Name the parts labeled A and B. (2mks)

A ………………………………………………………………
B ………………………………………………………………
(ii) Explain how X-rays are produced from the tube. (3mks)

(iii) Why is tungsten used for the target in the tube? (1mk)

(iv) What adjustments need to be done in the tube in order to produce more X-rays?

(v) The energy of the X-rays is 3.8 x 1014 Joules. Given that the speed of light is 3.0 x 108 m/s and
planks constant is 6.63 x 10-34 Js. Determine the wavelength of X-rays produced.

16. a) State how an increase in thickness affects the electrical resistance of a conductor.

c) The figure below shows a 6V battery connected to an arrangement of resistors.




(i) Determine the effective resistance in the circuit. (2mks)

(ii)Determine the current flowing through 2Ω resistor. (2mks)

c) Explain why a cathode ray tube is evacuated. (1mk

d) The figure below shows the waveform displayed on the cathode ray oscilloscope screen when an
alternating voltage is applied on the Y- input. The time base is set at 1ms/cm and the Y gain at 10 v/cm.


i) The amplitude of the a.c input voltage. (2mks)

ii) The frequency of the ac input voltage signal. (1mk)

17. (a)The figure below shows a ray of light entering a human eye which has a defect.

i) Name the defect. (1mk)

ii) State two possible causes of the defect. (2mks)

(b)An object of height 10cm is placed 30cm from a converging lens of focal length 18cm.
i) On the grid provided, draw a ray diagram to locate the position of the image formed.

From the diagram in part (i), determine the:

I. Image height. (1mk)

II. Image distance. (1mk)

18. a) The graph in the figure below shows the displacement of a pendulum bob from its position of rest as
it varies with time.

Displacement (cm)

0 3.0
1.0 2.0
Time (sec)


(i) Determine the amplitude of the oscillation. (1mk)

(ii) Determine the periodic time. (1mk)

(iii) On the same graph, draw a sketch graph which represents a pendulum swinging with half the
amplitude and twice the frequency. (2mks)
c) The energy of a photon of light is 2.21 eV. (Electronic charge is 1.6 x 10 c and planks constant, is
6.63 x 10-34 Js.
i) Express the light energy in joules. (1mk)

ii) Determine the frequency of light that produces the photon. (2mks)

c) State one way in which energy is lost in a transformer. (1mk)

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
NAME……………………………………………CLASS……..…ADMN NO…………




i) Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above.
ii) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above
iii) This paper consists of TWO sections A and B.
iv) Answer ALL the questions in section A and B in the spaces provided.
v) All working MUST be clearly shown.
vi) Non programmable silent calculators may be used.
vii) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
Constant: g=10N/kg or 10m/s2
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A 1-13 25
14 12
15 10
B 16 11
17 12
18 10

Page 1 of 6
1. State one property of image formed by a pinhole camera. (1mk)

2. Other than density, state another factor that affect the speed of sound in a solid. (1mk)
3. A radio wave has a frequency of 3MHz and travels with a velocity of 3.0 x10 8 m/s. Calculate its
wavelength. (2mks)

4. Draw a circuit diagram to show P-N junction diode in the reverse biased mode. (2mks)
5. Explain why the walls of studio are padded with woolen materials (1mk)

6. (a) Define the term ‘’radioactivity’’ (1mk)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(b)The figure
below shows a radioactive element placed in an evacuated glass chamber. The element produces
alpha,beta and gamma emissions. The three emission pass through an electric field

Complete the diagram to show the path of each of the emissions. (3mks)

7. Explain why radio waves signals are easier to receive in a place surrounded by hills.

8. State two ways of minimizing electrical power losses during transmission of electric power.

9. Give a reason why convex mirror is preferred to a plane mirror for use as a driving mirror
Page 2 of 6
10. State two ways of minimizing local action in a simple cell. (2mks)
11. The figure below shows a defect of vision being corrected by concave lens placed infront of the eye.

(i) Name the defect. (1mk)

(ii) Complete the rays to show the effect of the lens. (2mks)
12. State one use of microwaves . (1mk)
13. Determine the speed of light in water given that the speed of light in air is 3.0 x 10 8 m/s and the
refractive index of water is 1.33 (3mks)
Answer all questions in this section.

14. (a) State the Ohm’s law (1 mk)

b) Give one factor that affect the resistance of a metallic conductor. (1mk)

c)The figure below shows three resistors connected to 12V supply of internal resistance
of 0.2Ω.

i) The effective resistance. (3mks)

Page 3 of 6


ii) The total current in the circuit. (2 mks)




(d) (i) Define the term ‘ doping’ (1 mk)



(ii) Briefly explain how silicon is used to make an p-type semi-conductor. (3 mks)





(iii)State one application of a diode. (1mk)


15.(a) Why is the cap of the gold leaf electroscope circular? (1mk)
(b)A match stick is lit near the cap of a charged electroscope.State and explain the observation made.
(c)State one factor that affects the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.(1mk)
(d)A 10µF capacitor is charged to potential difference of 300V and isolated.It is then connected in parallel
to a 5µF capacitor.Calculate:
(i) The resultant potential difference. (3mks)
Page 4 of 6
(ii)The total energy in the two capacitors after connection. (3mks)
16.(a)State the Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. (1mk)
(b)Give two factors that affect the magnitude of the induced em.f (2mks)
(c)A transformer with primary coil of 400 turns and secondary coil 200 turns is connected to 240 V a.c mains.
(i) Calculate the secondary voltage . (2mks)
(ii)If the primary current is 3.0 A and secondary is 5.0A.Calculate the efficiency of the transformer
(d)State how the following are minimized in a transformer . (2mks)
(i) Hysteresis loss……………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………
(ii)Eddy currents…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(e) Explain why the alternating voltage is used in a transformer. (1mk)
17(a)Define the term ‘work function’ (1mk)
(b)Distinguish between thermionic emission and the photoelectric emission. (1mk)
(c)State one factor that determines the velocity of photoelectrons produced on the metal surface when light
shine on it. (1mk)
(d)The threshold wavelength of a photoemissive surface is 5.55x10-7 m.(Take speed of light C=3.0x108
m/s,plancks constant h=6.63 x10-34 Js and mass of an electron Me=9.1x 10-31kg.) Calculate:
(i)Its threshold frequency (3mks)
(ii)The workfunction of the surface (3mks)
Page 5 of 6
(e)The maximum speed with which a photoelectron is emitted if the frequency of the radiation is 6.2 x10 14 Hz
18.(a) State one similarity between cathode rays and X-rays. (1mk)
(b) Give two uses of X-rays in medicine (2mks)
(c)In a T.V set magnetic fields are preferred for use as deflection system instead of the electric field. Explain
(d)The figure below represent a cathode ray oscilloscope (C.R.O).

i)Name the parts labelled A and C (2mks)

ii)What is the function of part labelled D (1mk)
(iii)Explain how electrons are produced in the C.R.O. (1mk)
(iv) State the reason why the part labelled F has variable potential difference. (1mk)
(v)Give a reason why the tube is evacuated. (1mk)

Page 6 of 6
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NAME……………………………………………CLASS……..…ADMN NO…………




i) Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above.
ii) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above
iii) This paper consists of TWO sections A and B.
iv) Answer ALL the questions in section A and B in the spaces provided.
v) All working MUST be clearly shown.
vi) Non programmable silent calculators may be used.
vii) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
Constant: g=10N/kg or 10m/s2

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A 1 – 12 25

B 13 10

14 12

15 11

16 11

17 11


1. The diagram below shows two steel pins held at the poles of two magnets.

(i.) State the polarity at P ________________________. (1mk)

(ii.) (i) By what process are the pins magnetised? (1mk)

(ii) State the law illustrated by the two pins (1mk)

2. The figure below shows an object in front of a plane mirror.

Sketch the image of the object using the mirror shown (2mks)

3. The figure below shows an object in front of a concave mirror and its image.

Locate the position of its principal focus (2mks)

4. State the use of Manganese (Iv) Oxide in dry cell (1mk)

5. The figure below shows conductor carrying current in a magnetic field and the conductor moves in
the direction shown by the arrow.

(i.) Identify polarities X and Y (1mk)

(ii.) State the law used to determine the direction of movement of the conductor (1mk)

6. A man standing between two parallel walls fires a gun. He hears the first echo after 1.5 seconds and
the second echo after 2.5 seconds and the third echo after 4 seconds since firing the gun respectively.
Determine the separation of the walls. (take velocity of sound to be 340m/s (3mks)

7. A positively charged rod is brought near the cap of a leaf electroscope. The cap is then earthed
momentarily by touching with the finger. Finally the rod is withdrawn. The electroscope is found to
be negatively charged. Explain how this charge is acquired (2mks)

8. A wire is stretched between two fixed points such that when it is plucked, it produces sound.
Explain why the pitch of the sound produced may become lower when the temperature of the
surrounding rises. (2mks).

9. The chart below shows an arrangement of different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Name the radiation represented by A. (1mk)

10. State two differences between X - rays and gamma rays in the way in which they are produced

11. (a) A nuclear reaction is represented by the following reaction.

(i.) Determine the values a and b (2mks)

A is _________________________
B is _________________________
(ii.) What is meant by the term work function as used in photo electricity (1mk)

12. An electrostatic generator sets up a current of 20mA in a circuit. Calculate the charge flowing
through the circuit in 15 seconds (2mk

13. (a) State Ohm’s law (1mk)

(b) The figure below shows a 6v battery connected to an arrangement of resistor.

Determine the current flowing through the 2Ωresistor. (3mks)

(c) The figure below shows an electronic circuit with three capacitors A, B and C of
Capacitance 4𝜇F, 5𝜇F and 3𝜇F respectively connected to a 12v battery.

(i.) The combined capacitance of the three capacitors. (2mks)

(ii.) The charge of the capacitor A (2mks)

(iii.) The potential difference across capacitor B (2mks)

14. (a) A vertical object is placed 20cm in front of a convex lens of focal length 5cm.
(i.) The image distance (2mks)

(ii.) The magnification (2mks)

(b) In an experiment to determine the refractive index of a liquid, the liquid was poured into a
measuring cylinder. A pin was placed at the bottom of the cylinder and another pin was used to
locate the apparent position of the first pin. The real depth and apparent depth were measured and
recorded. The experiment was repeated with other values of real depth. For the tabulated
measurement of real and apparent depths the following graph was drawn.
From the above graph, determine the reflective index of the liquid (3mks)

(c) The figure below shows a displacement – time graph for a progressive wave

(i.) Determine the frequency of the wave (3mks)

(ii.) Given that the velocity of the wave is 20m/s determine its wavelength. (2mks)

15. (a) The figure below shows a magnet being moved towards a stationery solenoid. It is
Observed that the pointers of the galvanometer deflects.

(i.) Give a reason for the deflection of the pointers of the galvanometer (1mk)

(ii.) State two ways that can be used to increase the magnitude of the deflection of the pointer
of the galvanometer (2mks)

(b) The figure below shows a simple electric generator.

(i.) Name the parts labelled P and Q (2mks)

P is__________________________
R is_________________________
(ii.) The emf generated as the coil rotates is represented in the graph below.

Give a reason for the changes in the emf as the coil rotates from 0 to 90 and 90 to 180. (2mk)

(c) The primary coil of the transformer has 1200 turns and the secondary coil has 60
turns. The transformer is connected to a 240v a.c source
(i.) The output voltage (2mks)

(ii.) The output current when the primary coil has a current of 0.5 a. (assume there are no energy
losses) (2mks)

16. (a) State the differences between cathode rays and electromagnetic radiations (2mks)

(b) The figure below shows the main features of a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO)

(i.) Name the parts labelled M and N (2mks)


(ii.) State how electrons are produced in the tube (1mk)

(iii.) When using CRO to display wave fronts of voltages. State where the following should be
I. Voltage to be displayed on the screen. (1mk)

II. Time base voltage (1mk)

III. State why the tube is highly evacuated (1mk)

(c) An x ray tube operating at 12kv delivers a current of 8 mA per seconds. Calculate the number of
electrons hitting the target per second (Take = 1.6 x 10-19 c) 3mks.

17. (a) State two ways of minimizing power losses during the transmission of electric
Power (2mks)

(b) An electronic cooker is rated 2.5kw, 250v. state the meaning of these values (1mk)

(c) A consumer has the following appliances in the house

Electronic iron rated 1500v
A water heater rated 500w
An electric cooker rated 2500w
Three bulbs each rated 60w
The house is filled with 12A fuse.
Determine the resistance of the heating element used in the electric cooker (3mks)

(d) State how heating is achieved in a resistance wire (1mk)

(e) The lighting in a house has 20 lamps each rated 60w, 240 v. determine the rating of the fuse
that maybe used in the circuit. (4mks)

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
Name ……………………………………………..……… Index ……………………………..
Student’s Signature……………………….…………. Date…………………………………

 Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.
 Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided.
 This paper consists of two sections, A and B.
 Answer all the questions in section A and B in the spaces provided.
 All workings must be clearly shown.
 Mathematical table and silent non programmable electronic calculators may be used.
 Candidates should answer the questions in English.

For Examiner’s Use Only

A 1 – 10 25

11 10

B 12 11

13 08

14 07

15 09

16 10

This paper consists of 13 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to
ascertain that all pages are printed as indicated.
And that no questions are missing

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1. One defect in simple cells is local action. State a ways in which it can be minimized apart
from use of pure zinc electrode. (1 marks)


2. The figure 1 below shows the path of light passing through a rectangular block of perpex,
placed in air.


Calculate the refractive index of the Perspex. (2 marks)


3. A wire of length 1.5m offers resistance of 6.5Ω to the flow of current through it. If the cross
section area is 5.0×10-6m2.calculate the resistivity of the material. (2mks)
4. The figure 2 below shows parts of a simple electric motor.

(a) Show the direction of the forces F acting on sides QR of the coil. (1mk)

(b) State the function of the devices; (2mks)

SMARTFOCUS 0724351706
(i) A


(ii) B


(c) State two ways of increasing the rotation of the coil. (2mks)


5. i) Arrange the following waves in order of decreasing wavelength; infrared, X-rays, micro-
waves and visible light (1mk)

ii) State one application of visible light. (1mk)


ii) An electromagnetic radiation whose wavelength is greater than that of microwaves has a
wavelength of 306.1224 m. Take speed of light in air, c = 3 x10 8 m/s. Calculate its frequency.

6. You are provided with two rods, a conductor and an insulator. Describe how you would use a
charged gold-leaf electroscope to distinguish between the insulator and a conductor.
(2 marks)
7. A pin-hole camera of length 10 cm is placed 0.5m away from a goalpost. A sharp image of
the goalpost 15 cm high is formed on the screen. Determine the height of the goalpost.
( 2 marks)

SMARTFOCUS 0724351706

8. Figure 3 below shows a bar magnet attracting steel pin as shown

Figure 3 N

Steel pin

State and explain what would happen when a North pole of a bar magnet is brought near
the tips of steel pin X and Y. (2marks)


9. Determine the equivalent resistance between P and Q for the following resistors shown in
Figure 4. (2marks)

Figure 4 30Ω

P 19Ω Q



10. Explain how temperature affects the speed of sound is gases (1 mark)
11. Three identical lamps X, Y, Z are connected as in figure 5. The E.m.f applied in the circuit 3.0
Figure 5.

SMARTFOCUS 0724351706

(i) State which lamp is brightest when circuit is closed? (1 mark)


(ii) Explain your answer in part (i) above. (2marks)



11. a) State what is meant by absolute refractive index of a medium. (1 mark



b) I. The speed of light in diamond is 1.24 x 108 m/s. Calculate the refractive index of
diamond given the velocity of light in air is 3 x 108m/s. (2 marks




II). Light is seen at an angle Ɵ2=300 when an underwater source illuminates a swimming pool
viewed from above a horizontal distance d = 2m as shown in the figure.
Calculate the depth (h) of the swimming pool (Refractive index of water n =1.333)
(3 marks
FIG. 6

SMARTFOCUS 0724351706




A student connected a circuit as shown in figure 7 below hoping to produce a rectified out put

Fig 7

D2 R

(a) Sketch the graph of the output on the CRO screen (1mk)


(b) Explain how the output above is produced (2mks)


(c) Name other one uses of a junction diode (1mks)


SMARTFOCUS 0724351706

12. The figure 8 below shows the parts and circuit of a model X-ray tube.

FIG. 8

(a) Name the part labeled Q (1 marks)


(b) State the suitable material for use in Q and give a reason for your answer (2marks)
(c) State the function of part R (1 marks)

(d) Describe how electrons, hence X-rays, are produced in the tube (2 marks)


(e) Explain why the glass tube is evacuated (2 marks)


(f) What property of lead makes its suitable material for shielding (1 mark)

SMARTFOCUS 0724351706


(g) State how the following changes affect the nature of X-rays produced
(I) Increasing in potential across MN (1mark)
(II) Increasing the filament current (1 mark)


13. (a)The figure 9 below show the displacement time graph of a wave traveling at 400cm/s.

FIG. 9

Determine for the wave the:

(i) Amplitude (1mk)


(ii) Period (1mk)


(iii) Frequency (2mks)

SMARTFOCUS 0724351706


(iv) Wavelength (2 mks)


(b)The human ear can distinguish two sounds as separate only if they reach it at least 0.1s apart.
How far from a wall must an observer be in order to hear an echo when he shouts? (Speed
of sound in air = 330ms-1) (2mks)


14. The figure 10 below represents a cathode ray oscilloscope (C.R.O)

SMARTFOCUS 0724351706
P a g e | 10

i) On which part is the time -base connected (1mk)

((b) i) Distinguish between cathode rays and light rays (2mks)
(ii) State the function of A (1mk)
(iii) An alternating p.d is applied across the Y-plates. State what is the effect on the Position of
the spot on the screen? (1 mark)

v)The tube of the CRO is coated with graphite. State two functions of the graphite coating
(2 mks)
15. (a)State one difference between a concave lens and a convex mirror (1 mks)

(b) A lens forms a focused image on a screen when the distance between the object and the
lens is 100cm. The size of the image is twice that of the object.

10 | P a g e
SMARTFOCUS 0724351706
P a g e | 11

(i) What kind of lens was used? Give a reason (2mks)


(ii) Determine the distance of the image from the lens (2mks)


(iii) Determine the power of the lens (2 mks)


c) Using appropriate rays, show how long sightedness in human eye can be corrected. ( 2

16. a) The following is part of radioactive decay series.

234 α
83 Bi a
84 b Y
Determine the value of a and b (2marks)

a ……………………………….. b ……………………………….

b) The half – life of cobalt – 60 is 5years. How long will a sample take for the activity to
decrease to 1/16 of its original value. (3mks)

11 | P a g e
SMARTFOCUS 0724351706
P a g e | 12


c) The graph below shows radioactive decay of iodine.

Use the graph to determine the:-

(i) fraction of the amount remaining after 16.2 days. (2mks)


12 | P a g e
SMARTFOCUS 0724351706
P a g e | 13

(ii) Determine the half – life of iodine. (2mks)


(iii) Mass remaining after 20.3 days. (1mk)


13 | P a g e
SMARTFOCUS 0724351706
P a g e | 14

14 | P a g e
SMARTFOCUS 0724351706
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
NAME……………………………………………CLASS……..…ADMN NO…………




i) Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above.
ii) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above
iii) This paper consists of TWO sections A and B.
iv) Answer ALL the questions in section A and B in the spaces provided.
v) All working MUST be clearly shown.
vi) Non programmable silent calculators may be used.
vii) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
Constant: g=10N/kg or 10m/s2

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A 1-12 25

B 13 12

14 11

15 14

16 11

17 07



1 The figure below shows an incident ray between two plane mirrors placed parallel to each other.
Determine the angle of reflection on M2. (2marks)

2 State one application of electrostatic charges (1mark)

3 The figure below shows an electric circuit. Bulbs B1, B2 and B3 are identical bulbs and S1, S2 and
S3 switches.

State and explain the observation that will be made when all the switches are closed (3marks)

4 The figure below shows a method of magnetisation


(i) Sketch on the axes below a graph to show how the strength of a magnet being created varies
with the number of strokes (1mark)

(ii)Hence explain the shape of your graph above in (i) (1mark)

5 The figure below shows a conductor carrying current placed in a magnetic field

(i) Show the resulting magnetic field pattern (1mark)

(ii) On the diagram, show the direction of force (1mark)
(iii) State the rule used to determine the direction in (ii) above (1mark)
6 Name the type of curved mirror which is applied in:


(i) Barber shops (1mark)
(ii) Car headlights (1mark)
7 An echo sounder in a ship produces sound waves of frequency 25 kHz. An echo is received from
sea bed after 0.5 seconds. If the velocity of sound in water is 1400 m/s, determine the depth of the
sea (2mark)
8(a) State the reason why:
(i) The bulb filament is made of tungsten (1mark)
(ii) The glass envelope of the bulb is filled with nitrogen and argon gas (1mark)
9.(a) Arrange the following waves in order of increasing wavelength
Gamma rays, radio waves, infrared, UV and X-rays (1mark)
(b) State one application of infrared rays (1mark)
10 A transformer in a welding machine supplies 6V from a 240V main supply. If the current used in
the welding is 30A, determine the current in the mains. (Assume the transformer is 100%
efficient) (2marks)
11 The figure below shows straight wavefronts approaching a straight barrier. Complete the
wavefronts to show how the wave moves after striking the barrier. (2marks)

12(i) State what is meant by accommodation as applied to human eye (1mark)

(ii) The figure shows an object O placed near an eye which has long sightedness defect.


On the same figure show how the rays move after the lens to form an image (1mark)
13(a) Define the term critical angle as applied in prisims (1mark)
(b) The figure below shows a ray of light incident on the face of a cube made of glass of refractive
index 1.50

(i) The angle r (3marks)
(ii) The critical angle for the glass air interface (3marks)
(c) The figure below shows a ray of light incident on a glass prism. Given that the critical angle for
the glass is 390, sketch on the diagram the path of the ray through the prism. (2marks)


(d) The figure below shows a tall jar containing some liquid at a depth of 20cm.

When the bottom of the beaker is viewed vertically above the liquid surface, it appears 11cm from
the bottom. Determine the refractive index of the liquid (3marks)
14(a) State two ways through which the magnitude of induced current can be increased in an A.C
generator (2marks)
(b) The figure below shows a circuit comprising of the resistors 3Ω, 5Ω and 10Ω and coil P. Another
coil Q connected to a galvanometer G is placed near coil P. Two coils have negligible resistance.

(i) Explain the observation made on the galvanometer when switch S1 is closed (4marks)

(ii) State the observation when the switch S1is then opened (1mark)


(iii) Determine the ammeter reading when
(I) S2 is opened and S1 is closed (1mark)
(II) Both switches are closed (3marks)
15(a)(i) Define capacitance of a capacitor (1mark)
(ii) State two factors that affect the capacitance of a capacitor (2marks)
(b)(i) Three capacitors are arranged as shown below

Determine the capacitance of X if the effective capacitance of the combination is 1.8µF (3marks)
(ii) Determine the
(I) Charge stored in 2µF capacitor (2marks)
(II) P.d across 4µF capacitor (2marks)


(iii) Sketch a simple circuit diagram that contains a capacitor, a two way switch and a load resistor that
can be used for charging and discharging a capacitor (3marks)

(iv) Sketch a graph of current against time for discharging a capacitor (1mark)

16(a) A lens forms a focused image on a screen when the distance between the object and the lens is
100cm. The size of the image is 3times that of the objet
(i) What type of lens was used (1mark)
(ii) Determine the focal length of the lens (3marks)
(iii) Determine the power of the lens (2marks)
(b) The figure below shows an image formed by diverging lens


Construct a ray diagram to locate the object (2marks)
(c) The figure below shows a set up that can be used to determine the focal length of a converging

Explain how the set-up can be used to determine the focal length of the lens (3marks)

17(a) The figure below shows a displacement-time graph for a wave. On the same axes, sketch a graph
for a wave with half the amplitude and twice the frequency to the one shown. Show at least one
complete wave. (2marks)


(b) The figure below shows two rays of monochromatic light incident on the adjacent slits S1 and S2

(i) Explain how the dark and bright fringes are formed (2marks)
(ii) Explain what happens when white light is used (1mark)
(c) The figure below shows a water wave moving from region A to region B

Giving a reason identify the region where the wave is moving faster (2marks)



Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
NAME……………………………………………CLASS……..…ADMN NO…………




i) Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above.
ii) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above
iii) This paper consists of TWO sections A and B.
iv) Answer ALL the questions in section A and B in the spaces provided.
v) All working MUST be clearly shown.
vi) Non programmable silent calculators may be used.
vii) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
Constant: g=10N/kg or 10m/s2
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For Examiner’s use only



1 - 13 25
14 11
15 13
16 10
17 11
18 14


1. A white paper is a good reflector of light but does not form an image like a mirror. Explain this
observation. (1mark)

2. State and explain the observation made when an uncharged metal sphere is brought close to a negatively
charged electroscope. (2marks)

3. (a) When is a lead acid accumulator said to be fully charged? (1mark)

(b) A form one student at Daima High School connected a simple electric circuit as shown in the figure




State and explain the observation made when switches S1 and S2 are both closed.

4. A magnetic material was heated and then cooled in a magnetic field. After cooling, it was found to be
magnetized. Explain this using domain theory.
(2 marks)

5. The diagram in figure below shows a narrow beam of white light incident on to a glass prism.

White source R
of light

Page 2 of 13
(a) Complete the diagram to show dispersion of white light. (1 mark)

(b) Explain the observation made on the screen. (1 mark)

6. The potential difference across a lamp is 12V and a charge of 10C passes through it. Determine the
electrical energy changed to heat and light by the lamp. (2 marks)

7. The figure below shows a connection to a three-pin plug.

Earth wire Y

(a) Identify the cable labelled X in the plug. (1 mark)

(b) State the use of the component labelled Y in the plug. (1 mark)

(c) Give one reason why the earth pin is normally longer than the other pins.
(1 mark)

8. The table below shows the arrangement of electromagnetic waves in the order of increasing energy of

Page 3 of 13
State one use of the wave marked C (1 mark)

9. The figure below shows point source of light with an opaque object placed between it and a screen.

Point source

Opaque object B

Explain the nature of the shadow formed along AB. (2 marks)

10. The figure below shows the cross-section of a conductor held between two bar magnets and a
current carrying conductor in the direction shown.


(a) Indicate with an arrow on the diagram the direction in which the conductor will move
when it is released. (1 mark)

(b) State one adjustment that can be made on the diagram to increase the magnitude of the
force on the conductor carrying current. (1 mark)

Page 4 of 13
11. The figure below shows a block diagram of a P–N junction diode. On the same diagram, show how a
cell may be connected so that it is reverse biased. (1 mark)


12. An observer standing d metres from the foot of a high wall claps her hands once and an echo reaches her
after 0.5 seconds. If the velocity of sound in air is 330m/s, determine the value of d.
(2 marks)

13. Complete the ray diagram below to illustrate how a concave mirror can be used as a shaving mirror.
(2 marks)


14. (a) In an experiment to observe interference of light waves, a double slit is placed close to
the source.


Source of white

Double slit
(i) State the function of the double slit. (1 mark)

Page 5 of 13
(ii) State and explain what is observed on the screen. (2 marks)

(iii) State what is observed on the screen when;

I. the slit separation S1S2 is reduced. (1 mark)

II. white light source is used in place of monochromatic source.

(1 mark)

III. State and explain the difference in the patterns observed on

the screen other than the difference in colour when the source of red
light is replaced by a source of violet light. (2 marks)

IV. In a Young’s slit experiment using sodium light, seven fringe

spaces were found to occupy 2.8mm when viewed through a
microscope eye piece. Calculate the fringe separation.
(1 mark)

(b) A real image, half the size of the object is formed by a lens. If the distance between the object
and the image is 45cm, determine the focal length of the lens.
(3 marks)

15. (a) (i) State Lenz’s law. (1 mark)

(ii) A power station generators 10kV at current of 5A. The voltage is

stepped up to 200kV before being transmitted through cables.
Assuming the transformer is 80% efficient. Determine the output power in the
secondary coil. (2 marks)

Page 6 of 13
(iii) State with reason which coils are thicker in the step up transformer
(2 marks)

(b) The diagram below shows a simple alternating generator ( a.c )rotating in clockwise
direction just passing horizontal position.

(i) Name the parts labelled X and Y (2 marks)

X _____________________________________________


(ii) State the function of feature labelled Y. (1 mark)

Page 7 of 13
(iii) On the same diagram show the direction of the induced current in the
rectangular coil. (1 mark)
(iv) State two ways in which the induced e.m.f. in the coil be increased.
(2 marks)

(v) On the axes below sketch the variation of induced e.m.f,E0, against angle
of inclination ∅ of the coil for one revolution starting from vertical
position. (2 marks)

e.m.f, E0

0 90 180 270 360Angle of inclination

Page 8 of 13
16. (a) The diagram below shows cathode rays going through a magnetic field.
Complete the diagram to show the path followed by the cathode rays. (1 mark)

     
Cathode rays      
raysrays      
     

(b) The time base setting of a CRO is set at 5 ms/division while the y-gain is at
50 V/division. In the grid provided, sketch the graph of an a.c signal with a peak
voltage of 200V and frequency 50Hz. (Show at least one cycle). (3 marks)


1 division

(c) (i) State Ohms law. (1mark)

(ii) Figure below shows a simple electric circuit used to investigate the relationship between
the internal resistance r of a cell and the electromotive force, E , of the cell.

Page 9 of 13
I. Show that the terminal voltage of the cell is given by;
(2 marks)
V =E − I r

II. Several values of current and voltage were collected and the
graph was drawn as shown below.

Use the graph to calculate the internal resistance of the cell. (3 marks)

17. The diagram shows a picture of a machine that produces X-rays. Use it to answer the questions that

Page 10 of 13
(a) Explain how the X-rays are produced (2marks)

(b) (i) The machine is almost entirely surrounded by a metal shield. Name this metal
and explain why this metal must surround it. (2marks)

(ii) State the reason why the cathode is concave shaped (1mark)

(iii) Explain the function of the radiator fins in facilitating the cooling of the anode target
(1 mark)

(c) (i) State the adjustment that should be made in order to produce X-rays of higher strength.

(ii) The tube operates at 50KVand the tube current is 20mA. Calculate the number of electrons hitting
the target per second (2marks)
18. (a) The diagram below shows one of the detectors of radiation.

Page 11 of 13
(i) Identify the device. (1 mark)

(ii) Name the parts labelled A and B. (2 marks)

A -

B -

(iii) Explain how radiation entering the mica window is detected. (2 marks)

(iv) A small amount of halogen vapour is usually present in the tube. What is its purpose
(1 mark)

(b) The set up below shows UV light striking a zinc plate placed on uncharged

(i) State and explain the observations made. (2 mark)

ii) In an experiment using a photocell, U.V light of varying frequency but constant intensity was
made to strike a metal surface. The maximum kinetic energy (KEMax) of photoelectrons for each
frequency, f, was measured. The graph shows how KEMax varies with f.

10-19 Page 12 of 13

F x 1015 (Hz)

Given that K.EMax = h f - Ø, determine the values:

(I) Constant, h (2 marks)

II) Constan ,Ø (2 marks)

Page 13 of 13
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

Name ………………………………………………… Admission number ……………………

Candidate's Signature…………………………………Date……………………………



Write your name and admission number in the space provided
Sign and write the date of the examination in the space provided above
This paper consists of two sections A and B.
Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
All working must be clearly shown.
Mathematical tables and electronic calculators may be used.

For examiner’s use only

A 1-13 25
B 14 11
15 13
16 11
17 10
18 10


Section A + section B =

This paper consists of 9 printed pages

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Turn over
Physics paper 2
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
1. Locate the position of the image of the object placed in front of a plane mirror shown below. (2 mks)

2. Show the magnetic field pattern of the current carrying conductors shown below. (2 mks)

3. State two factors that determine the strength of an electromagnet. (2 mks)

4. State two advantages of using a convex mirror as a driving mirror. (2 mks)
5. State two factors that affects the resistivity of an electrical conductor. (2 mks)
6. The figure below shows a wave in progress.

Determine the
Page | 2
Physics paper 2
a) Amplitude (1 mark)
b) Frequency (2 marks)

7. The figure below shows light travelling from less dense to more dense medium.

a) Show the direction of the refracted ray. (1 mark)

b) If the refractive index of the more dense medium is 1.4, calculate the angle of refraction. (3 marks)

8. A current ,I, flowing through a wire of resistance ,R, is increased by seven times. Determine the factor
by which the rate of heat production was increased. (3 marks)

9. The wavelength of a radio wave is 1km. Determine its frequency if the speed in 3 x 108ms-1 (2 marks)

Page | 3
Physics paper 2
10. State two uses of gold leaf electroscope. (2 marks)
11. Give a reason why soft iron is used as a core of the coil of an electric bell. (1 mark)
12. State two differences between pinhole camera and the human eye. (2 marks)
13. State two types of waves. (2 marks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
14. a) Define the following terms.
i) Capacitor (1 mark)

ii) Capacitance (1 mark)


Page | 4
Physics paper 2
b) Three capacitors are connected to a 10v battery.

i) the effective capacitance (3 marks)

ii) the total charge (3 marks)

c) State three factors that determine the capacitance of a capacitor. (3 marks)




Page | 5
Physics paper 2
15. a) Define a resistor. (1 mark)

b) The figure below shows three resistors connected to 12v supply of internal resistance of 0.2Ω.

i) the effective resistance. (3 marks)

ii) the total current in the circuit. (2 marks)

iii) the current through the 4Ω resistance. (3 marks)

c) If the current flows for 2 minutes calculate the total energy dissiparted. (2 marks)

Page | 6
Physics paper 2
d) State two applications of resistors in real life situation. (2 marks)

(i) ..............................................................................................................................................................


16. a) Explain briefly how a material acquires a positive charge. (3 marks)

b) A steel pin is placed on the cap of a highly charge electroscope.

State and explain the observation that will be made on the gold leaf. (2 marks)
c) State a reason why a candle flame is blown away when a highly charged metal is brought close to it.
(2 marks)
d) Explain briefly why it is not advisable to take shelter on a tree when it is raining. (2 marks)
e) State two dangers of electrostatic charges. (2 marks)
Page | 7
Physics paper 2
17. a) State two methods of magnetisation. (2 marks)

b) Why is repulsion the surest way of identifying a magnet. (2 marks)

c) Complete the diagram below to show the magnetic field patterns. (2 marks)

d) i) The figure below in a U-shaped iron core. Indicate the polarity at X and Y. (2 marks)

ii) State two applications of such an electromagnet. (2 marks)

18. a) A pin is placed at the bottom of a beaker containing a transparent liquid. When viewed from the top
the pin appears nearer the surface than it actually is. Explain the observation. (2 marks)


Page | 8
Physics paper 2
b) The table below shows the results obtained from such an experiment.
Apparent depth (cm) 2.21 3.68 5.15 6.62 8.09
Real depth cm 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0
i) Plot a graph of real depth against apparent depth. (5 marks)

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Physics paper 2

Page | 10

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