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Incidence of Hypocalcemia Following Near Total Thyroidectomy and Total Thyroidectomy

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

12(01), 466-470

Journal Homepage:

Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/18142


Koli Nikhil Vanura1 and Arun Kumar T.2

1. MS (General Surgery), Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, ESIC Medical College and
Hospital, Kalaburagi, Karnataka.
2. MS (General Surgery), Professor, Department of General Surgery, ESIC Medical College and Hospital,
Kalaburagi, Karnataka.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History Objective:Our study was conducted at ESIC Medical College and
Received: 11 November 2023 Hospital, Kalaburagi, aimed to evaluate the incidence of hypocalcemia
Final Accepted: 14 December 2023 following near-total and total thyroidectomy over a 2-year period from
Published: January 2024
November 2021 to November 2023.
Keywords:- Methods: A total of 120 patients above 12 years undergoing
Near-Total Thyroidectomy, Total thyroidectomy were included. Pre-operative assessments, including
Thyroidectomy, Transient clinical history, examination, fine needle aspiration cytology, thyroid
Hypocalcemia, Permanent function tests, ultrasound neck, and indirect laryngoscopy, were
conducted. Blood samples were collected pre-operatively and post-
operatively. Hypocalcemia was defined as serum calcium below 8
mg/dL and ionized calcium below 4.4 mg/dL, with transient
hypocalcemia lasting less than 6 months and permanent hypocalcemia
persisting beyond 6 months. Biochemical and laboratory tests,
including thyroid function tests, were performed, and management
involved calcium supplementation with or without vitamin D.
Results: The study revealed an overall incidence of hypocalcemia at
21.6%, with 7.5% progressing to permanent hypocalcemia. Malignancy
was more prevalent in males (60%), while benign disorders were
common in females (60% in the age group 20-50 years).
Conclusion: Postoperative hypocalcemia, though a frequent
complication after near-total and total thyroidectomy, can be mitigated
through proper planning, meticulous surgical techniques, and the use of
advanced technologies. Regular monitoring and early intervention are
imperative for patient well-being, emphasizing the importance of
attention to surgical details in minimizing complications.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2024,. All rights reserved.

Permanent or temporary hypoparathyroidism is a well-known complication of total thyroidectomy. Excision of
parathyroid glands and vascular insufficiency are the main causes of this complication.Identification of the
parathyroid glands and meticulous surgical technique to preserve parathyroid circulation are essential during near-
total/ total thyroidectomy

Corresponding Author:- Koli Nikhil Vanura 466

Address:- MS (General Surgery), Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery,
ESIC Medical College and Hospital, Kalaburagi, Karnataka.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(01), 466-470

Aims and Objectives:-

This study aims to evaluate the incidence of hypocalcemia(bothtransient and permanent)following near-total
thyroidectomy and total Thyroidectomy.This study will include the following:
1. Incidence of hypocalcemia following Total and Near-TotalThyroidectomy.
2. Follow up of patients upto a period of 6 months.

Materials and Methods:-

Source of Data:
ESIC Medical College, Kalaburagi.

Study Design:
Prospective Case Series Study.

Study Period:
November 2021 to November 2023.

Sample Size:

Inclusion Criteria:
1. Patients who give written informed consent after reviewing the informed consent document.
2. Patients undergoing total thyroidectomy above 12 years.

Exclusion Criteria:
Patients with contra-indications for surgery and general anaesthesia and those who were not in a euthyroid state.

Patients in this study underwent pre-operative assessment to confirm the diagnosis which included
(1)Full clinical History.
(2)Clinical examination.
(3) Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology.
(4) Thyroid function test (TFT).
(5) Ultrasound Neck.
(6) Indirect laryngoscopy to assess vocal cord status.

After the initial assessment and planning for surgery, blood was collected in a plain sampling bottle pre-operatively
for serum total calcium and ionized calcium levels. Another sample of blood was collected between 24 to 48 hours
post-operatively and submitted to the same to lab. If Signs and symptoms of hypocalcemia presents early estimation
of serum and ionized calcium done at regular intervals. After discharge patients were followed up for duration of 6
months with estimation of serum and ionized calcium done.

Hypocalcemia for the study was defined as serum calcium level below 8 mg/dl and ionized calcium below 4.4mg/dl.
Transient hypocalcemia was defined as serum calcium level below 8 mg/dl for a period of less than 6 months and
Permanent hypocalcemia for more than 6 months.

All the patients included in this study were subjected to biochemical and laboratory tests like routine hematological
investigations, blood sugar, serum electrolytes, renal function test, and liver function tests. Additional tests like the
Thyroid function test were conducted which included serum TSH, serum-free T3 and T4.

Management of hypocalcemia was done using oral or intravenous calcium supplementation with or without vitamin
D and assessing the outcome of medical management of hypocalcemia. (November 2021 to November 2023).

When the disorder affects both lobes, total or near-total thyroidectomy is mandatory, especially in younger persons,
to obviate suppressive therapy and possible relapse.Ambrosi et al found that recurrence was inversely related to the
extent of resection. An advantage of near-total thyroidectomy over subtotal thyroidectomy is that the thyroid

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(01), 466-470

remnant of about 2 g renders it accessible to I-131ablation if cancer is found in the specimen and obviates
reoperation for completion thyroidectomy.

Permanent or temporary hypoparathyroidism is a well-knowncomplication of total thyroidectomy. Excision of

parathyroid glands and vascular insufficiency are the main causes of this complication.Identification of the
parathyroid glands and meticulous surgical technique to preserve parathyroid circulation are essential during near-
total thyroidectomy which were done by consultants or under their guidance in my study.So currently in our
department we prefer to use near-total thyroidectomy over total thyroidectomy for the treatment of benign
enlargement of both lobes of the thyroid.

Table I:- Age distribution in the study.
Age in Years Colloid Goitre MNG Toxic Goitre Carcinoma Thyroid
10-20 3 3 - -
20-30 - 14 1 5
30-40 2 20 6 7
40-50 1 22 4 6
>50 1 13 4 8

Table II:- Sexdistribution in the study.

Sex Colloid Goitre MNG Toxic Goitre Carcinoma Thyroid
Male 3 1 3 16
Female 66 7 13 11

TableIII:-Distribution ofhypocalcemia among age groups ofpatients in the study.

Age in Years Hypocalcemia
Transient Permanent
10-20 1 1
20-30 3 -
30-40 2 2
40-50 5 1
>50 15 5
Total 26 9

Table IV:- Distribution of hypocalcemia in the study among the diagnoses & procedures performed.
Transient Permanent
MNG 8 1
Colloid Goitre 1 -
Toxic Goitre 2 2
Carcinoma Thyroid 15 6
Near Total Thyroidectomy 11 2
Total Thyroidectomy 6 2
Total Thyroidectomy with MRND 9 5
Total 26 9

Table V:- Distribution of signs and symptoms of 9symptomatic patients.

Signs and Symptoms Patients
Chvostek 3
Paraesthesia and Numbness 5
Trousseau 3

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(01), 466-470

Myalgias 5
Facial spasms 4
Carpal Spasms 2
Pedal spasms 1
Total patients with hypocalcemia, n=26
Symptomatic patients=9 (34%)
Statistical Analysis:
Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Chi-square test for categorical data, unpaired student's
t-test for continuous data. p-value < 0.05 is considered statistically significant. Statistical package SPSS-20 was used
for analysis.

In our study which is a prospective type, 120 patients were includedover a period of 2 years from November 2021 to
November 2023. Regarding the sex distribution in this study, as per Table-II, there were 23 males(19.2%) and 97
females(80.9%),thus we can infer that thyroid disorders are overwhelmingly more common in the fairer sex.But
malignancy of the thyroid gland was more common in male gender(60% of cases), probably male gender being in a
greater risk for malignancy as per the AGES/AMES criteria for thyroid malignancies.But the benign disorders of the
thyroid were more common among females in age group of 20-50 years (60%) as per Table-I. Malignant disorders
of thyroid were more common after 50 years of age.The incidence of hypocalcemia in our study was 26 cases out of
120 operated (21.6%).

Out of the 26 cases that developed hypocalcemia in our study 9 patients(34.6%) went in for permanent
hypocalcemia or hypoparathyroidism which is defined as hypocalcemia persisting after 6 months of surgery, so we
can put it in another way by saying that 35% of 72 patients with transient hypocalcemia went in for permanent
hypoparathyroidism requiring lifelong calcium and/or vitamin D3 supplementation.So the incidence of permanent
hypocalcemia in our study is 7.5%.

Postoperative hypocalcemia is the most common and sometimes the most severe and potentially debilitating
complication observed after Near-total thyroidectomy and Total thyroidectomy. The incidence of
hypocalcemia(transient) in our study is 21.6% and permanent hypocalcemia requiring lifelong calcium and/or
vitamin D3 supplementation is 7.5%.So proper planning and meticulous surgical technique with special emphasis in
localization and preserving the vascularity of at least one parathyroid gland will go a long way in reducing this
complication.We should employ newer techniques like auto-transplantation of parathyroids, use of Ultrasonic shears
and enhanced bipolar diathermy which may help in bringing down the incidence of post-operative hypocalcemia.
Proper post-operative monitoring and early detection by performing a serum calcium assay and even an intact-iPTH
assay(if available and affordable) are mandatory to prevent post-operative distress to patients.Adequate and timely
calcium and /or vitamin D3 supplementation is advised in patients at risk for developing post-operative
hypocalcemia and for the treatment of all symptomatic patients.

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