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Waweru, Dianne Wanja - Thesis

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Investigating Social Vulnerability in Flood Prone Areas

Dianne Wanja Waweru

A thesis submitted
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science
(Environment and Sustainability)
in the University of Michigan
April 2022

Thesis Committee:
Professor Joshua Newell, Chair
Dr. Kathleen Bergen

Flooding is a deadly and expensive natural disaster. In the United States, the Federal
Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
provides federal flood insurance, on a property-by-property basis, to residents to reduce the
burden of addressing damage and property losses after a flood event. Despite this mission,
in many regions of the country flood risk mapping is sparse, outdated, or undercounts the
number of properties exposed to the 100-year floodplain. In addition, housing type and other
sociodemographic factors can impact the ability to prepare for and adapt to natural hazard
events. This study uses a high-resolution flood risk data set, FEMA undercounts and
bivariate Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA) models, to identify areas where high
flood risk and a high proportion of properties are unaccounted for by FEMA. Then
regression modeling is used within four high flood risk subregions (the Pacific Northwest,
Central Appalachia, the Gulf Coast, and the Southeast Atlantic Coast), to identify socially
vulnerable communities in flood-prone areas. The results illustrate that undercounted
regions by FEMA coincide with high flood risk and that in large swaths of the four regions
socially vulnerable communities will face unprecedented challenges. In all four regions,
some housing types, especially mobile homes and multifamily units correlate with high flood
risk. In Appalachia, a region where FEMA systematically undercounts properties, poverty
and lack of vehicle access correlate with high flood risk. These findings align with previous
flood vulnerability studies yet provide a more detailed analysis of regional differences in
communities vulnerable to flooding. We also identify pathways in these subregions to
reduce the procedural injustice associated with the NFIP.

First and foremost, I would like to thank Dr. Dimitris “Jim” Gounaridis for his mentorship and
guidance throughout the development of this project. Your feedback and encouragement
over the past two years have been indispensable. I would also like to thank my advisor and
thesis chair Dr. Josh Newell for his insight and kind support during my time at SEAS. I would
also like all members of the Urban Sustainability Research Group for being so welcoming
and providing thoughtful commentary on this work each week.

Thank you to my family and friends both here in Ann Arbor and around the country for your
fierce support and the joy you have steadfastly given me while writing this thesis. Nathan,
Jessica, Doug, Yasmeen, Dede, Haley, and Kaila, I would not have come this far without
your friendship and support.

Lastly, I would also like to thank my instructors at SEAS, in particular Dr. Derek Van Berkel,
Dr. Paige Fischer, and Dr. Kathleen Bergen, as well as my colleagues and supervisor at the
EPA: Jeremy Martinich, Mike Kolian, Lauren Gentile, and Kevin Rosseel. You have shaped
my understanding of resilience, vulnerability, risk, and climate impacts and helped me build
the skills necessary to complete this work. I am deeply grateful your guidance.

Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................ ii

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................ iii

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Data & Methods ................................................................................................................................ 4

2.1 Flood risk data ............................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Socio-demographic data .............................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Spatial analysis ............................................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Selecting subregions ................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Regression models of sociodemographic variables .................................................................... 8

3. Results .............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Spatial Association of FEMA Undercount and Flood Risk ........................................................... 9
3.2 Relationship of flood risk and social vulnerability ........................................................................ 9
3.2.1 Central Appalachia ............................................................................................................. 10
3.2.2 Pacific Northwest................................................................................................................ 12
3.2.3 Gulf Coast .......................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.4 Southeast Atlantic Coast .................................................................................................... 16

4. Discussion ...................................................................................................................................... 18

5. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 21

Literature Cited .................................................................................................................................. 22

Supplemental Information ................................................................................................................. 28

Table 1. Variables used in multinomial linear regression ................................................................ 28
List A. Counties in study subregions................................................................................................ 29
List B. Communities in high flood risk, high FEMA undercount clusters not participating in NFIP (as
of 3/29/2022).................................................................................................................................... 30

1. Introduction
Over the last three decades, flooding events have caused the second-highest number of
weather-related fatalities in the United States (Smith, 2022). Apart from the detrimental loss
of human life, these events can result in severe and costly destruction to society by
damaging infrastructure, residential property, and agriculture. Between 1980 and 2021, for
example, the National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI) reported that non-
tropical cyclone-related inland flooding has resulted in 624 fatalities and over $164.2 billion
in damages (Smith, 2022). These ravages suggest that climate adaptation strategies should
consider not only the historic frequency and destruction of flooding but how these trends are
shifting across the United States. Moreover, future climate scenarios predict an increase in
inland flooding along with an increased intensity of hurricanes and heavy downpours in the
United States that, in turn, are expected to escalate potential damage (Lall et al., 2018;
Mudd et al., 2014; Wobus et al., 2017).
The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP) is the current flood protection program set in place by the US federal
government to provide insurance and encourage the development and adoption of flood risk
mitigation projects in US communities (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2020). A
key aspect of FEMA’s NFIP is the development of flood insurance rate maps (FIRM) which
outline flood risk zones in a community, such as the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).
The SFHA indicates areas with a 1-percent annual chance of flooding, also known as the
100-year floodplain. For communities participating in the NFIP, all properties backed by a
federal mortgage must acquire flood insurance (Federal Emergency Management Agency,
2020). Furthermore, homeowners and renters in communities with an NFIP also have the
option of acquiring federal flood insurance.
Despite the FEMA NFIP serving as a mechanism to minimize financial losses due to
flood damage, the quality and accuracy of FEMA FIRM maps are inconsistent across the
US, particularly in non-coastal regions and within “lower-order” stream networks (Bates et
al., 2021; Woznicki et al., 2019). In response to the limitations of the NFIP and other
national-level flood risk maps, a recent flood risk data set was created by the non-profit
research and technology group First Street Foundation which incorporates fluvial, pluvial,
and coastal flood risk into property-level flood risk assessment (First Street Foundation,
2020b). Previous studies have found that ~11 million people live within the FEMA 100-year
floodplain (Huang & Wang, 2020) and First Street’s improved modeling has found that

nearly 6 million at-risk households are unaccounted for in FEMA’s estimated bounds (First
Street Foundation, 2020a). While Huang & Wang, (2020) identified no racial bias in FEMA’s
100-year floodplain and found that other open-source floodplain models tend to
underestimate the exposure of Black residents and overestimate the exposure of white
residents, none of these models incorporate information about the depth of flooding a
property may experience (Huang & Wang, 2020). To remedy this, our analysis focuses on
the risk of experiencing at least 15 cm of flooding in order to identify areas that may
experience more damage due to deeper flood waters entering their homes. According to the
National Flood Services, 2.5 cm of flooding can potentially result in $26,807 of combined
damages to the home and personal property but 15 cm of flooding can potentially result in
$52,037 of combined damages (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2019). This is
particularly pressing since 15 cm of flooding is expected to affect socially vulnerable
populations across the country who will bear a disproportionately heavier cost and have
limited capacity to rebound.
Social vulnerability to flooding, and natural hazards more generally, is defined as “the
sensitivity of a population to natural hazards and its ability to respond to and recover from
the impacts of hazards'' (Cutter & Finch, 2008). While the application of the word
“vulnerability” to communities based merely on demographic metrics can be contentious
(Haalbloom & Natcher, 2012), we find that this term allows us to consider the varying
components that may contribute to a community’s risk. Understanding the social
vulnerability of US residents to flooding can inform how well we can prepare for and adapt to
the current and future risk of flooding. Given the potential financial and mental health
impacts of flood events (Lowe et al., 2013), several studies have focused on understanding
the vulnerability of US residents to flooding. Researchers have leveraged FEMA’s existing
FIRM maps (Qiang, 2019; Remo et al., 2016), alternative 100-year floodplain products
(Huang & Wang, 2020), and others have used more advanced, higher resolution models
that encapsulate the different components of flood risk in the United States (Tate et al.,
2021). In these efforts, it was found that a higher prevalence of mobile homes, Black
residents, and Native American residents were correlated with high flood risk in socially
vulnerable areas in the United States (Tate et al., 2021). Furthermore, it has also been
found that in the future, the risk of flooding will remain concentrated along the Atlantic and
Pacific Coasts but will increase in areas where Black communities currently live (Wing et al.,
2022). This is expected since mounting research has shown that low-income and minority
residents are more likely to move into high-risk zones (Bakkensen & Ma, 2020). Due to this,

there is a great need to pinpoint the places in the US where the greatest flooding is likely to
occur. Continued efforts to do so can help ensure that mitigation and adaptation efforts meet
the specific needs of current and future flood zone inhabitants.
Despite the general relationship between social vulnerability and resilience to natural
hazards, this relationship is not experienced in the same way in all regions of the US
(Bergstrand et al., 2015). It is therefore essential to leverage the power of big data and
spatial analyses to examine important relationships and to map and quantify climate-related
risks for vulnerable populations. In this study, we will answer two research questions:

1. Where do areas of high flood risk and high FEMA underestimation co-occur?
2. Are there socially vulnerable populations in these high-risk regions and how do the
characteristics of communities in these regions vary geographically?

We use flood risk data on approximately 142 million buildings across the contiguous
United States (CONUS) to estimate flood risk at the census tract-level as well as the
proportion of properties in each county unaccounted for in FEMA’s SFHA. We also identify
hotspots of FEMA undercount and flood risk using spatial clustering models. With this
information, we select two major hotspots and combine it with two coastal areas of high
flooding risk. We then use a suite of sociodemographic variables and regression modeling to
examine the spatial correlation of risk and social vulnerability and to understand the specific
sociodemographic factors that impact the risk of exposure to flooding following Tate et al
Our models indicate that housing type correlates with flood risk in all four regions. In
addition, we find that vulnerable communities will face unprecedented challenges due to
flooding and FEMA omissions. We highlight where exactly segments of the population face
elevated risks and their specific attributes that need attention. Such an analysis is expected
to guide policymakers and emergency planners to respond to the unique needs and cultures
of vulnerable communities. While our findings coincide with existing studies, we anticipate
that using data at a higher spatial resolution, would augment neighborhood-level
vulnerability assessment and provide a more nuanced understanding of vulnerability to
flooding across the US.

2. Data & Methods

2.1 Flood risk data
This study utilizes flood risk data produced by the First Street Foundation. The First Street
Foundation Flood Model estimates the probability of flooding from fluvial, pluvial, coastal,
and storm surge flood risk for ~142 million properties across the contiguous 48 states (First
Street Foundation, 2020a). Using 1980-2010 as a baseline, the model analyzes multiple
environmental possibilities under greenhouse gas emission scenarios with high, medium,
and low uncertainty bounds. The output stems from an ensemble of 21 Global Circulation
Models (GCM) to account for uncertainty. Where possible, this dataset also accounts for the
increased stormwater infiltration rates caused by the implementation of both grey and green
infrastructure projects (First Street Foundation, 2020b). This helps supplement the hydraulic
characteristics derived from natural streamflow alone and better depicts local adaptation
strategies. First Street Foundation’s flood risk dataset has been leveraged in recent flood
risk assessments (Rhubart & Sun, 2021; Wing et al., 2022) and has been found to have
greater coverage than the FEMA FIRM model (Bates et al., 2021)
We downloaded the flood risk data through First Street Foundation’s Probability API
(version 1.2.0) using Python. This dataset provides the likelihood of flooding at the property
level for every five years between 2020 and 2050, at three different thresholds, and under
three different emissions scenarios. For this study, we did not look at future risks and
focused on the 2020 estimates. Due to our interest in regions currently exposed to high
flood risk, we focused specifically on flood risk at or below the 15-centimeter threshold in
2020 under the “mid” scenario of the RCP 4.5 emissions curve.
After downloading the data we then geocoded the location of each property using the
coordinate pairs listed for each record and projected the derived point layers into a common
projected coordinate system (WGS 84/Pseudo-Mercator). This projection was selected to
align with the sociodemographic data used in this analysis. Since area calculations were not
utilized in this assessment, the results were not distorted as would be expected by using the
Pseudo-Mercator projection on the national scale. To convert the data into a continuous
surface across the study area, we used the Multilevel B-spline algorithm (Lee et al. 1997) to
spatially interpolate the flood risk values. This resulted in 100-meter spatial resolution raster
surfaces for every state in the CONUS. We then merged the raster surfaces (n = 49) into a
continuous raster surface covering the entire CONUS. Finally, we calculated the average
2020 flood risk at the census-tract (n = 72,338) and county (n = 3,170) levels across the
study area, using zonal statistics (Figure 1).

To identify discrepancies between the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area and the
100-year floodplain, based on the First Street Flood Factor model, we utilized a publicly
available dataset from First Street Foundation’s Zenodo data repository. This dataset
provides summary statistics for First Street’s Flood Factor Model (version 1.3), such as
counts of the number of properties within a given flood zone and aggregates the data to
several jurisdictional levels for comparison with FEMA’s SFHA (First Street Foundation,

Figure 1. Estimated 15-centimeter flood risk for CONUS in 2020 under the medium
emissions trajectory of the RCP4.5 curve. Highest flood risk is noticeable along the coasts,
as well as hotspots in the Pacific Northwest, Appalachia, and the southern portion of the
Mississippi River Basin.

2.2 Socio-demographic data

In the natural hazard vulnerability literature, multi-level socioeconomic data, gathered by the
U.S. Census Bureau serve as a comprehensive and authoritative dataset on understanding
sensitivity across the United States. As such, the census tract-level socioeconomic variables
selected for this study were primarily selected due to their use in the Center for Disease
Control’s Social Vulnerability Index (CDC SVI) and the Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI)
created by Cutter et al. (2003). SoVI incorporates a variety of socioeconomic variables that
reflect the ability of communities to prepare for and respond to a natural hazard event. Rufat

et al. (Rufat et al., 2015) have noted that these common socioeconomic variables, such as
age or vehicle ownership, may contribute differently to sensitivity at different phases of a
flood event. To be more comprehensive, we also included two variables used in the Census
Bureau’s 2019 Community Resilience Estimates, access to broadband internet and access
to health insurance. These variables are included in our model as they contribute more
information about how well a community can endure and rebound from a disaster event,
however, we merely analyze these variables at the census tract-level rather than using small
area estimation techniques (Small Area Estimates Program, U.S. Census Bureau, 2021).
All variables used in this study were selected from the 2014-2018 American
Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates (Table 1 in SI). Given that census tracts across
the country are not equal in terms of the total population, a simple calculation of ratios would
cause bias to our estimates. To adjust the socio-demographic data, originally expressed in
population counts, into a common scale, we first divided the total population of each census
tract by 1,000. We then divided each variable by the normalized total population (Tascón-
González et al., 2020). This process resulted in normalized rates per census tract for each

2.3 Spatial analysis

Our first research question focused on identifying clusters of counties with high flood risk in
2020 that also had a high proportion of properties that FEMA did not include in the SFHA.
These properties that were not included in FEMA’s SFHA but were identified by the First
Street Foundation as being within the 100-year floodplain will be referred to hereafter as
“undercounted properties''. To locate significant clusters of high risk and undercounted
properties by FEMA, we used the Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA) modeling
with neighbors weighted based on the first-order Queen’s rule of adjacency (Anselin, 1995).
For the analysis, we used a 0.005 significance level, and the queen contingency was set to
5. The model identified the significant bivariate clustering of counties based on the 2020
flood risk and the proportion of properties that were undercounted by FEMA.

2.4 Selecting subregions

Our overarching objective was to identify spatial clusters of FEMA underestimation and high
flood risk and to examine whether those clusters, and other high flood risk areas in the
CONUS, are home to socially vulnerable populations. To do so, first, we calculated the 80th

percentile of county-level flood risk across CONUS. From there, we selected all counties in
the study area with a flood risk at or above the 80th percentile (n=622). Through the LISA
analysis, we identified two “hotspot” clusters of high property undercount and high flood risk
in the Pacific Northwest and Appalachia. We also selected two high flood risk regions along
the Gulf and Atlantic coasts for comparison. Parts of these coastal regions were also found
to be among the most flood-exposed habitable areas in the CONUS (Tate et al., 2021).
Ultimately, we identified four distinct groupings of high-risk counties across the study area:
the Pacific Northwest (n=45), Central Appalachia (n=162), the Gulf Coast (n=45), and the
Southeast Atlantic Coast (n=28) (Figure 2).
The Pacific Northwest was selected as it was found to have a high proportion of
properties undercounted by FEMA. It also contained a mixture of coastal and rural, inland
counties. These more rural, inland counties may have more socially vulnerable populations
such as individuals living in mobile homes, than urban areas. Central Appalachia was also
included in this study due to the high proportion of properties undercounted by FEMA and
the prevalence of socially vulnerable communities throughout the region. Including regions
with high FEMA undercount and away from coasts will provide a comparison of how well
FEMA accounts for non-coastal flooding impacts.
Two coastal regions, the Gulf and Southeast Atlantic coasts, were included in the
model because they are at high risk of sea-level rise and tropical cyclone-induced coastal
flooding which both exacerbate local flood risk (Marsooli et al., 2019; Wing et al., 2022).
Unlike the Pacific Northwest and Central Appalachia, the high flood risk properties in the
Gulf Coast and Southeast Atlantic Coast were found to be well accounted for by FEMA.
Their inclusion in this analysis allows us to compare the make-up of the populations living in
the most flood prone areas of the CONUS. By studying these four regions, we can assess if
there is a difference in the populations living in high flood risk areas where FEMA
undercounts and accurately accounts for property-level risk. For instance, both coastal
regions have a greater proportion of racial minorities than the Pacific Northwest (24% of
residents identify as a racial minority) and Central Appalachia (7% of residents identify as a
racial minority). In the Gulf Coast, 50% of residents identify as a racial minority while in the
Southeast Atlantic counties nearly 42% of residents identify as a racial minority. Given this
racial diversity, examining these regions can provide insights into the relationship of race,
flood risk, and FEMA undercounting.

Figure 2. Counties of the four regions analyzed in this study: the Pacific Northwest, Central
Appalachia, Gulf Coast, and the Southeast Atlantic Coast.

2.5 Regression models of sociodemographic variables

We ran multinomial regression models to determine which sociodemographic variables were
significant predictors of flood risk in each of the four high-risk subregions. We conducted the
analysis at the census tract-level for each of the four regions. To minimize skewness we
opted to use the weighted least squares regression model using the normalized population
as universal weights. To fine-tune the models we started with 17 sociodemographic and
resilience variables and manually selected the model with the best fit, reducing the
covariates to 11. The Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) was calculated for each model using
the regclass (v1.6, Petrie, 2020) package in R, to assess multicollinearity between the
variables (Thompson et al., 2017). All the factors used in the model have a VIF score less
than 5.

3. Results
3.1 Spatial Association of FEMA Undercount and Flood Risk
Figure 3 shows the areas where high FEMA undercounts spatially coincide with the top 20%
flood risk according to the First Street models. Our analysis identified two major spatial
clusters, the Pacific Northwest and Appalachia as distinct locations with a significant co-
occurrence of a high 2020 flood risk and a high percentage of properties excluded from the
FEMA SFHA. This finding aligns with previous studies that utilized the high-resolution First
Street flood data (Bates et al., 2021; Rhubart & Sun, 2021; Wing et al., 2022). There was
not a clear pattern of spatial association between undercounted properties by FEMA and
flood risk along the Gulf Coast and the Southeast Atlantic Coast. Most counties in these two
subregions have high flood risk but low undercounting by FEMA.

Figure 3. County-level spatial clustering analysis of flood risk and FEMA undercounted
properties. High-High denotes high flooding risk coinciding with high FEMA undercounts;
Low-Low denotes low flooding risk coinciding with low FEMA undercounts; Low-High
denotes low flooding risk coinciding with high FEMA undercounts; High-Low denotes high
flooding risk coinciding with low FEMA undercounts.

3.2 Relationship of flood risk and social vulnerability

Applying the regression model to the four subregions, we identified key dynamics between
socio-demographics and exposure to flooding. We identified varying inequalities due to
housing type in all four regions (Table 2 in SI). Within areas with the highest FEMA
undercount, we found tracts within Appalachia with more individuals experiencing poverty

who were also more exposed to flood risk, but this was not observed in the Pacific
Northwest. On the contrary, we found that higher-income areas were more likely to
experience flooding in the two coastal regions. Despite the diversity of significant
sociodemographic indicators across the regions, housing type, either whether one lived in a
mobile home or multiunit housing, was found to have a significant relationship to flood risk in
each of the four regions. The following sections describe the different characteristics of the
communities most likely to be affected by flooding in each subregion.

3.2.1 Central Appalachia

Central Appalachia was the only region where educational attainment and poverty are
significantly related to residential flood risk and are undercounted by FEMA (Table 1).
Specifically our models show that areas with more people without a high school diploma and
living below the poverty line will also face higher probabilities of flooding. These hotspots of
flood risk and poverty were found in eastern Kentucky, southwestern West Virginia, and a
small portion of southwestern Virginia (Fig 4a). Moreover, we found that areas with more
people having disabilities live in high risk of flooding. In terms of housing and transportation,
we found that areas where more households do not have access to a vehicle are more likely
to experience flooding. These areas are found in eastern Kentucky and western West
Virginia (Fig 4b). Interestingly, areas with more households lacking broadband internet
access are less likely to experience flooding, despite nearly 43% of households in the region
not having access to broadband internet (US Census Bureau, 2019). Similarly, areas with
more individuals without health insurance, who would be considered “less resilient,” are less
at risk of flooding.

Figure 4. Cluster map of flood risk and vulnerability factors in Central Appalachia. (a)
Census tract clusters of flood risk and poverty prevalence. High-High denotes high flooding
risk coinciding with high proportion of residents in poverty; Low-Low denotes low flooding
risk coinciding with low proportion of residents in poverty; Low-High denotes low flooding
risk coinciding with high proportion of residents in poverty, High-Low denotes high flooding
risk coinciding with low proportion of residents in poverty. (b) Census tract clusters of flood
risk and household vehicle access. High-High denotes high flooding risk coinciding with high
vehicle access; Low-Low denotes low flooding risk coinciding with low vehicle access; Low-
High denotes low flooding risk coinciding with high vehicle access, High-Low denotes high
flooding risk coinciding with low vehicle access.

3.2.2 Pacific Northwest

Our results showed that in the Pacific Northwest, areas where more people identified as
minorities are less exposed to high flood risk. In this region, however, only 24.2% of
residents identify as racial minorities (US Census Bureau, 2019). Nevertheless, there are
still clusters of high flood risk and a high proportion of minority residents in central
Washington (Fig 5a). In terms of housing, we found that areas with more mobile homes are
also more exposed to flood risk. Clusters of high flood risk and a high proportion of
households living in mobile homes were identified in southwest and northeastern Oregon,
along Washington’s Pacific Coast, and in central Idaho (Figure 5b). On the contrary, areas
with fewer multiunit housing structures are more likely to experience flooding (Table 1).
Furthermore, we found that areas where more households did not have broadband internet
are more likely to reside in higher flood risk areas.

Figure 5. Cluster map of flood risk and vulnerability factors in the Pacific Northwest. (a)
Census tract clusters of flood risk and minority residents. High-High denotes high flooding
risk coinciding with high proportion of minority residents; Low-Low denotes low flooding risk
coinciding with low proportion of minority residents; Low-High denotes low flooding risk
coinciding with high proportion of minority residents; High-Low denotes high flooding risk
coinciding with low proportion of minority residents. (b) Census tract clusters of flood risk
and mobile homes. High-High denotes high flooding risk coinciding with high prevalence of
mobile homes; Low-Low denotes low flooding risk coinciding with low prevalence of mobile
homes; Low-High denotes low flooding risk coinciding with high prevalence of mobile
homes; High-Low denotes high flooding risk coinciding with low prevalence of mobile

3.2.3 Gulf Coast

Within the Gulf Coast region, we found that in areas where individuals earn a higher per
capita income there is higher flood risk. This may be due to larger homes being located
around scenic water bodies. These areas are found in tracts around Lake Borgne in
southeastern Louisiana and southwestern Mississippi, in Vermillion Parish, LA, and the
Florida Keys (Fig 6a). The model also revealed that minorities are significantly less likely to
experience flooding. This is surprising, as 50% of Gulf Coast residents are minorities, nearly
3.5 times higher than the national average (US Census Bureau, 2019). Interestingly, our
models show that areas with more multiunit housing structures are more exposed to flood
risk. These areas include Biscone Bay in Miami and in Gulf and Franklin counties along
Florida’s Forgotten Coast. Like the Pacific Northwest and Central Appalachia, areas with
more mobile homes are also more likely to experience flooding (Table 1). Looking at the
resiliency factors, access to health insurance is not a significant predictor of flood risk for this
region. However, areas where more households do not have a broadband internet
connection are more likely to be in flood-prone areas.

Figure 6. Cluster map of flood risk and vulnerability factors along the Gulf Coast. (a) Census
tract clusters of flood risk and per capita income. High-High denotes high flooding risk
coinciding with high per capita income; Low-Low denotes low flooding risk coinciding with
low per capita income; Low-High denotes low flooding risk coinciding with high per capita
income; High-Low denotes high flooding risk coinciding with low per capita income. (b)
Census tract clusters of flood risk and multi-unit housing structures. High-High denotes high
flooding risk coinciding with high prevalence of multi-unit housing; Low-Low denotes low
flooding risk coinciding with low prevalence of multi-unit housing; Low-High denotes low
flooding risk coinciding with high prevalence of multi-unit housing; High-Low denotes high
flooding risk coinciding with low prevalence of multi-unit housing.

3.2.4 Southeast Atlantic Coast

Similarly to the Gulf coast, along the southeast Atlantic coast, our model shows that higher
income residents are at a higher risk of experiencing flooding. This includes communities
along North Carolina's southeast coast and in Georgetown County, SC. However, our
bivariate model shows that there are also clusters of areas along the southeast Atlantic
coast where lower income people experience higher risk (Figure 7a). Areas in the region
where more people have a disability are at a lower risk of their homes being flooded. Unlike
the three other regions, the prevalence of mobile homes does not give any insight into the
likelihood of flooding an area would experience. However, Southeast Atlantic census tracts
with more multiunit housing structures are in more flood-prone areas (Figure 7b). One
hotspot in Florida was identified in Broward and Palm Beach counties. Lastly, households
without broadband internet are also more likely to be exposed to flooding.

Figure 7. Cluster map of flood risk and vulnerability factors along the Southeast Atlantic
Coast. (a) Census tract clusters of flood risk and income. High-High denotes high flooding
risk coinciding with high per capita income; Low-Low denotes low flooding risk coinciding
with low per capita income; Low-High denotes low flooding risk coinciding with high per
capita income; High-Low denotes high flooding risk coinciding with low per capita income.
(b) Census tract clusters of flood risk and multi-unit housing structures. High-High denotes
high flooding risk coinciding with high prevalence of multi-unit housing; Low-Low denotes
low flooding risk coinciding with low prevalence of multi-unit housing; Low-High denotes low
flooding risk coinciding with high prevalence of multi-unit housing; High-Low denotes high
flooding risk coinciding with low prevalence of multi-unit housing.

Table 1. Multinomial regression model results for the four subregions. The weighted least
squares model was used with data at the census tract-level. The total population of the
census tract was used as weight. Asterisks indicate significance at: ***p ≤ 0.001, **p ≤ 0.01,
*p ≤ 0.05.

4. Discussion
In our investigation of the first research question, we found that the Pacific Northwest and
Appalachia are two hotspots of high flood risk and a large proportion of SFHA excluded
properties. Identifying these two areas as having high flood risk aligns with previous studies
(Rhubart & Sun, 2021; Wing et al., 2022) that utilized First Street’s flood risk data. Beyond
being a region with a high proportion of residences excluded from the SFHA, there are 14
communities in high-high clusters in the Pacific Northwest that are included in hazard areas
but do not participate in the program (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2022; List
B in SI) In Appalachia, there are 48 communities in counties in high-high clusters that do not
participate in the NFIP. Not only is the NFIP undercounting at-risk communities in these
areas, but many communities that it has identified in the 100-year floodplain are not active
participants in the program. This finding poses an opportunity for FEMA to leverage its
connections with state, local, and tribal authorities to increase these communities'
participation in the program. These non-participating communities are missing out on federal
and state investments and may have a lower barrier to entry since they are already
identified as at-risk by the agency. It is important to recognize that tools like the Rural
Capacity Index have found that communities in these areas of the CONUS may be under-
resourced when it comes to the professional staff needed for climate adaptation planning
and implementation (Headwaters Economics, 2022). Grants that support not only the project
implementation phase but also the planning and discovery phase will be essential for
assessing and addressing flood risk needs in these areas. While we did not explore why
these communities do not participate in the program, further research into why communities,
especially those at risk, choose not to participate will help provide those at risk with the
necessary coverage.
In addition to identifying hotspots of high flood risk and high property-level SFHA
exclusion, our analysis focused on identifying whether socially vulnerable communities live
in flood prone areas. Using the same model to assess the relationship between different
sociodemographic variables and flood risk in the CONUS highlighted the difference in the
makeup of these communities. Our findings speak to the reality that a “one-size-fits-all”
solution to mitigating flood risk is not practical for the entire country. For instance, along the
Gulf Coast and along the Southeast Atlantic Coasts, communities with higher incomes were
more at risk of flooding yet in Appalachia, higher poverty rates correlated with higher flood
risk. On the one hand, the findings in Appalachia align with previous national-level findings
that identified high poverty rates as a distinguishing factor high flood risk and high social

vulnerability (Tate et al., 2021). However, the notion that wealth is not a valid proxy for flood
risk (Kinzer et al., 2021) better describes our findings since we see higher income per capita
correlated with flood risk along the coasts. As Kinzer et al. (2021) point out, political “mental
maps”, or general presumptions held by the public about who lives in floodplains, have
guided the policy surrounding the enforcement and reform of the NFIP. Our regression
analysis chips away at potential bias in the NFIP by providing additional evidence that both
higher-income communities and communities living in poverty are both susceptible to the
damages of flooding. This is further supported by the LISA analysis which pinpoints clusters
of communities experiencing high flood risk but being at different ends of the sensitivity
spectrum (high-high vs. high-low clusters). In 2019, it was found that the average annual
flood insurance premium cost was $700 (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2021).
To provide more equitable insurance premiums for policyholders, the NFIP’s Risk Rating 2.0
program was phased in during October of 2021 (Risk Rating 2.0, 2022). However, 77% of
policyholders saw an increase in their premiums (Options for Making the National Flood
Insurance Program More Affordable, 2021). The federal program focused on “equity in
action” does not incorporate a resident’s ability to pay for flood insurance into its new
metrics. As calls for a means-testing affordability program continue (Options for Making the
National Flood Insurance Program More Affordable, 2021) and if FEMA strives to address
procedural inequalities in the NFIP, this analysis highlights where residents with the highest
flood risk and highest financial barriers reside.
The results of our study align with previous findings indicating that the prevalence of
mobile homes coincides with high flood risk further indicating the value of tailoring flood
mitigation efforts to meet the needs of mobile home residents. Additionally, the prevalence
of mobile homes was the only factor with a significant, positive relationship with flood risk in
the majority of our study subregions. Past analyses have also found that the prevalence of
mobile homes has been linked to flooding vulnerability (Lim & Skidmore, 2019; Rumbach et
al., 2020) and assert that it may be driven by the tendency for mobile homes to be sited on
lands within floodplains (Rumbach et al., 2020). While there are existing federal flood
insurance protections for mobile homes (Protecting Manufactured Homes from Floods and
Other Hazards, A Multi-Hazard Foundation and Installation Guide, 2009), this finding
emphasizes the need for state and county-level mitigation efforts to support the needs of
individuals who live in this unique housing structure. For example, a case study of post-
disaster recovery from a 2013 flood in Colorado found that a state-run, federally funded
program offered to buyout homeowners based on the pre-flood value of their property while

mobile home park residents were only offered buyouts based on the post-flood value of their
property (Rumbach et al., 2020). As FEMA flood mitigation programs, like the Swift Current,
are established with the specific goal of assisting disadvantaged communities who
frequently experience flood loss (Flood Mitigation Assistance Swift Current for Fiscal Year
2022, 2022) tracking how these funds are allocated within vulnerable communities can limit
the perpetuation of procedural injustices.
Furthermore, we found that areas where greater proportions of the population have
disabilities in Central Appalachia were more likely to experience flooding. In the American
Communities Survey, one may identify as disabled due to hearing, vision, cognitive,
ambulatory, self-care, or independent living difficulties (US Census Bureau, 2021). Given
this, the ability of individuals to adapt during a flood may vary depending on the nature of
one's disability (Alexander, 2015). Disasters can also disrupt access to medical care for
individuals with disabilities or impact their ability to evacuate pre-disaster. We cannot
disentangle which disabilities individuals in the area may be experiencing based on the
ACS. This is primarily due to the level of data aggregation and potential privacy concerns.
This hurdle, paired with our findings, highlights a need for emergency management
professionals in this region to work with residents and local health care institutions in the
area to incorporate flooding adaptation and mitigation strategies focused on residents with
disabilities into emergency response plans. Doing so may help meet the unique needs of
people with disabilities in Central Appalachia.
Limited by the scope of our flood risk data, we did not assess the intersection of
vulnerability and flood exposure in Hawai’i, Alaska, or any United States territories. As our
study has shown, the characteristics of the most at-risk communities in the contiguous
United States vary spatially. Based on these findings, it is appropriate to assume that similar
patterns exist within these outlying states and territories. Future efforts to expand flood
vulnerability analyses within these regions provide an additional opportunity to better work
with communities in these areas to reduce flooding vulnerability. This is of particular
importance as many of these regions are exposed to flooding due to storm surge and sea
level rise.

5. Conclusion
This study used high-resolution, flood risk data to identify where residents are excluded from
the National Flood Insurance Program’s 100-year flood plain. Using bivariate cluster
mapping and regressions, we found that the characteristics of the communities in the
highest flood risk areas of the contiguous United States vary. Poor communities are more
likely to be exposed to flooding in Central Appalachian communities, while wealthier
communities are more likely to be exposed to flooding along the coasts. In Central
Appalachia, the Gulf Coast, and the Pacific Northwest, mobile homes were positively
correlated with flood risk. By considering flood risk as it relates to fluvial, pluvial, and coastal
flooding, we uncover a more nuanced, regional understanding of flood vulnerability.
Rebuilding connections with at-risk communities and customizing disaster preparedness
policies and practices that are inclusive of vulnerable communities will be necessary to
reduce the community-level impacts of flooding.

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Supplemental Information
Table 1. Variables used in multinomial linear regression
Socio-demographic Spatial Year Source
factor Resolution

Socioeconomics Below Poverty Census 2018 CDC Social

Level Tract Vulnerability Index

Unemployed Census 2018 CDC SVI


No High School Census 2018 CDC SVI

Diploma Tract

Per Capita Income Census 2018 CDC SVI


Household With Disability Census 2018 CDC SVI

Composition Tract

Minority & Language Minority Census 2018 CDC SVI


Housing Type & No Vehicle Census 2018 CDC SVI

Transportation Tract

Mobile Homes Census 2018 CDC SVI


Multiunit Housing Census 2018 CDC SVI


Community No Household Census 2014- American

Resilience Broadband Internet Tract 2018 Community Survey

No Health Census 2014- ACS

Insurance Tract 2018

List A. Counties in study subregions

Pacific Northwest
Idaho: Custer, Idaho, Latah, Owyhee, Valley
Oregon: Baker, Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Gilliam,
Grant, Hood River, Josephine, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Polk, Sherman, Tillamook,
Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, Wheeler
Washington: Chelan, Clallam, Columbia, Garfield, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Lewis, mason,
Pacific, Pierce, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Thurston, Wahkiakum, Whatcom

Central Appalachia
Kentucky: Bath, Bell, Boyd, Breathitt, Carter, Casey, Clay, Clinton, Cumberland, Elliott,
Estill, Fleming, Floyd, Greenup, Harlan, Jackson, Johnson, Knott, Knox, Lawrence, Lee,
Leslie, Letcher, Lewis, Magoffin, Martin, Menifee, Morgan, Nicholas, Owsley, Perry, Pike,
Powell, Rowan, Whitley, Wolfe
North Carolina: Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Caldwell, Cherokee, Clay, Graham,
Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Swain, Transylvania, Watauga,
Ohio: Adams, Athens, Gallia, Hocking, Jackson, Lawrence, Meigs, Monroe, Pike, Scioto,
Vinton, Washington
Tennessee: Anderson, Blount, Campbell, Cannon, Carter, Claiborne, Clay, Cocke,
Hancock, Hawkins, Jackson, Johnson, Lewis, Macon, Marion, Meigs, Monroe, Polk, Rhea,
Roane, Scott, Sevier, Smith, Sullivan, Unicoi
Virginia: Alleghany, Bath, Bland, Botetourt, Buchanan, Buena Vista, Carroll, Craig,
Dickenson, Floyd, Giles, Grayson, Highland, Lee, Montgomery, Norton, Patrick, Pulaski,
Rockbridge, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, Wise, Wythe
West Virginia: Barbour, Boone, Braxton, Cabell, Calhoun, Clay, Doddridge, Fayette,
Gilmer, Greenbrier, Hardy, Harrison, Jackson, Kanawha, Lewis, Lincoln, Logan, Marion,
Mason, McDowell, Mercer, Mineral, Mingo, Monongalia, Monroe, Nicholas, Pendleton,
Pleasants, Pocahontas, Putnam, Raleigh, Randolph, Ritchie, Roane, Summers, Taylor,
Tucker, Tyler, Upshur, Wayne, Webster, Wetzel, Wirt, Wood, Wyoming

Gulf Coast
Florida: Bay, Charlotte, Citrus, Collier, Dixie, Escambia, Franklin, Gulf, Hernando,
Jefferson, Lee, Levy, Liberty, Manatee, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Pinellas, Santa Rosa,
Sarasota, Taylor, Wakulla, Walton
Louisiana: Cameron, Iberia, Jefferson, Lafourche, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St.
Mary, St. Tammany, Terrebonne, Vermillion
Mississippi: Hancock, Harrison, Jackson
Texas: Aransas, Brazoria, Calhoun, Cameron, Galveston, Jefferson, Kleberg, Matagorda,

Southeast Atlantic Coast

Florida: Brevard, Broward, Duval, Flagler, Indian River, Martin, Nassau, Palm Beach, St.
Johns, St. Lucie, Volusia
Georgia: Camden, Chatham, Glynn, Liberty, McIntosh
North Carolina: Brunswick, Carteret, Currituck, Dare, Hyde, New Hanover, Pender
South Carolina: Beaufort, Charleston, Colleton, Georgetown, Jasper

List B. Communities in high flood risk, high FEMA undercount clusters not
participating in NFIP (as of 3/29/2022)
Source: FEMA Community Status Book Report, 3/29/2022
Pacific Northwest
Idaho: City of Plummer, City of Crouch, City of Placerville, City of Franklin, Idaho County,
City of Grand View
Montana: Town of Thompson Falls
Oregon: City of Adair Village
Washington: Hoh Indian Tribe, City of Dupont, City of Ruston, Town of Woodway, Town of
Northport, City of Tenino

Georgia: Town of Tiger
Kentucky: City of Owingsville, Casey County, Cumberland County, City of Sandy Hook,
City of Bellefonte, City of Pippa Pass, City of Blaine, City of Concord, City of Campton,
Wolfe County
North Carolina: Town of Mills River
Ohio: Village of West Union, Village of Chauncey, Village of Coolville, Village of Leesville,
Village of Conesville, Village of Nellie, Village of Plainfield, Village of Freeport, Village of
Batesville, Village of Dexter City, Village of South Salem, Village of Otway, Village of Bolivar,
Village of McArthur
Pennsylvania: Borough of Atwood, Township of Burrell, Borough of Elderton, Borough of
Ford Cliff, Borough of West Kittanning, Borough of Carmichaels, Township of Lincoln,
Borough of Bear Lake, Borough of Cokeburg, Borough of Green Hills, Borough of Long
Branch, Township of North Bethlehem
South Carolina: Town of Salem, Town of West Union
Tennessee: Town of Normandy
Virginia: Town of Clintwood, Town of Troutdale
West Virginia: Town of Thurmond, Town of White Hall, Town of Carpendale, Town of
Brandonville, Town of North Hills

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