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Sacred Face Lakota Songs To Women

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Andrea Long www.buffalogoddess.


Your Sacred Face:

A Selection of Songs dedicated to all Women

Sacred Face
Song List

1. Buffalo Directional Song

2. Your Sacred Face
3. White Buffalo Calf Woman Sundance Song
4. Remembrance Song
5. Sacred Woman Song
6. Women's Love Song
7. White Buffalo Calf Woman Pipe Song
8. Star Nation Song
9. Butterfly Song
10. Turtle Song
11. Bear Song
12. Spider Song (very old)
13. Divine Goddess Thank You

Songs are sung in the feminine form so if you are a man learning then endings would
be “yo” instead of “ye”. All songs on Sacred Face are presented without the call and
response. If you wish to sing them with the call and response then the first singer
would need to call out the first line while other singers would repeat the first line
one more time. All songs may be used in a traditional inipi (sweat lodge) and some
for canupa (Pipe) ceremonies. This recording is dedicated to ALL WOMEN.
Andrea Long

Your Sacred Face:

A Selection of Songs dedicated to all Women

1. Buffalo Directional Song

Wiohpeyata kiya tatanka oyate wan wa wani yelo

Taku wakan wau welo wayank u yelo
Waziyata kiya tatanka oyate wan wa wani yelo
Taku wakan wau welo wayank u yelo
Wiyohiyanpata kiya tatanka oyate wan wa wani yelo
Taku wakan wau welo wayank u yelo
Itokagata kiya tatanka oyate wan wa wani yelo
Taku wakan wau welo wayank u yelo
Wakan Ta tatanka oyate wan wa wani yelo
Taku wakan wau welo wayank u yelo
Makata kiya tatanka oyate wan wa wani yelo
Taku wakan wau welo wayank u yelo

Towards the west a buffalo nation appears
Something sacred is coming
Towards the north a buffalo nation appears
Something sacred is coming
Towards the east a buffalo nation appears
Something sacred is coming
Towards the south a buffalo nation appears
Something sacred is coming
Up above a buffalo nation appears
Something sacred is coming
Towards the earth a buffalo nation appears
Something sacred is coming
Andrea Long

Your Sacred Face:

A Selection of Songs dedicated to all Women

2. Your Sacred Face

Wayankeyelo Wakan yan eywayiktelo (2x’s)

Pte Sa Wokun Chanupa a maca eca yuha
Wakanyan ewayiktelo
Wayankeyelo Wakan yan eywayiktelo

Take a look, your face is sacred the way it is
W.B.C.W. brings pipe, feeds knowledge
Your face is sacred
Take a look, your face is sacred the way it is

Sacred Face is a song that pertains to all women. Regardless of what form you have come
into this life, your face is sacred the way it is. This song is describing you as a woman. As you
look to the thunder beings, they bring forth the thunder. As you bring the canupa to Earth,
you feed the white buffalo. Bring yourself on this Earth with the canupa. The spirits are
feeding you with knowledge and you are being fully recognized by the thunder beings. You,
yourself, as a woman ARE that white buffalo calf. You are sacred. Feel it in your mind and in
your heart. This song is sung harmoniously. Put your heart and emotions into it. This song is
describing YOU and will show you a lot about yourself.

Songs are sung in the feminine form so if you are a man learning then endings would be “yo”
instead of “ye”. All songs on Sacred Face are presented without the call and response. If you
wish to sing them with the call and response then the first singer would need to call out the
first line while other singers would repeat the first line one more time. All songs may be
used in a traditional inipi (sweat lodge) and some for canupa (Pipe) ceremonies. This
recording is dedicated to ALL WOMEN.
Andrea Long

Your Sacred Face:

A Selection of Songs dedicated to all Women

3. White Buffalo Calf Woman

Pte San Wi wan chanupa maya kutra White Buffalo Calf Woman carrying her Pipe
Yuha hoye wayelo Bringing her voice
Mitakuye ob waniktleo So I may live with my relatives
heya hoye wayelo I keep sending voices

4. Remembrance Song

Unci Maca Tunkashila Grandmother Earth Grandfather
Wica Wiksu yelo I remember you
Taku wakan wa unspe makia pelo Sacred things you have taught us
Hena wiksu yelo Those are what I remember
Hena wiksu yelo Those are what I remember

Songs are sung in the feminine form so if you are a man learning then endings would be “yo”
instead of “ye”. All songs on Sacred Face are presented without the call and response. If you
wish to sing them with the call and response then the first singer would need to call out the
first line while other singers would repeat the first line one more time. All songs may be
used in a traditional inipi (sweat lodge) and some for canupa (Pipe) ceremonies. This
recording is dedicated to ALL WOMEN.
Andrea Long

Your Sacred Face:

A Selection of Songs dedicated to all Women

5. Sacred Woman Song

Winyan Wakan wi wakan hoyinktelo The woman is Sacred
Chanupa kile yuha hoyinktelo As she brings the sacred Pipe
Winyan Wakan wi wakan hoyinktelo The woman is Sacred

Winyan Wakan wi wakan hoyinktelo The woman is Sacred

Pejuta kile yuha hoyinktelo As she brings the medicine
Winyan Wakan wi wakan hoyinktelo The woman is Sacred

Winyan Wakan wi wakan hoyinktelo The woman is Sacred

Oyate ki skan skan ginktelo As the people are still alive
Winyan Wakan wi wakan hoyinktelo The woman is Sacred

6. Women’s Love Song

Wicasala wan There was a man
Tewahila kun I loved so dearly
Wan weglakin kta hunse ho Yes, I will see my man again
Andrea Long

Your Sacred Face:

A Selection of Songs dedicated to all Women

7. White Buffalo Calf Woman Pipe Song

(3 x) Translation:
Oyate wamayanka po Nation (People) look at me
Le canupa kile wakan yelo This is a Sacred Pipe
Oyate wamayanka po Nation (People) look at me

(1 x) (1 x)
Oyate wamayanka po Nation (People) look at me
Le canupa kile wakan yelo This is a Sacred Pipe
Oyate yanipi kte lo hey Nation (People) will live

8. Star Nation Song

Wicahpi Oyate wan

Wicahpi Oyate wan maka ya sitomni wayelo hey
Mita wayelo canupa kile makakipazo hey
Wicahpi Oyate wan tanyan yuza yo maka kipazo hey
Canupa kile omni wa wani waci yelo hey
Wicahpi Oyate wan tunkan mimeya omakiya yelo hey
Canupa wan hoye chici ya pelo tanyan yuza pelo hey

Oral Translation from Elder- Prayer to the Star Nation around the
Earth, with the Sacred Canupa, we want to live, circling stones, for
help to live better lives. To be sung in a winter women’s inipi (sweat
Andrea Long

Your Sacred Face:

A Selection of Songs dedicated to all Women

9. Butterfly Song

Wicahpi oyate wamayanka ye Star nation take a look
Kimimila wi tiyam pelo hey A Butterfly woman is appearing
Pejuta wakan miyelo yo hey A medicine she has given to me
Ikce wicasa waniyelo hey A common man is saying this

10. Turtle Song

Keya wakan wan, Kola wayelo A sacred turtle is my friend
Cewaki yelo I pray to it
Keya wakan wan, Kola wa yelo, A sacred turtle is my friend,
Kola wayelo is my friend
Keya wakan wan, Keya wakan wan A sacred turtle, A sacred turtle

Wakan yelo, Lila wakan yelo is sacred, it’s very sacred

Mitakuye ob unwanjila pi kta ca I want to be one with all relatives
Hecel wacin yelo I want it this way
Keya wakan wan, Kola wa yelo, A sacred turtle is my friend,
Kola wayelo is my friend
Keya wakan wan, Keya wakan wan A sacred turtle, A sacred turtle
Wakan yelo, Lila wakan yelo is sacred, it’s very sacred
Andrea Long

Your Sacred Face:

A Selection of Songs dedicated to all Women

11. Bear Song

Tunkasila wamayankiye u welo Grandfather take a look
Tunkasila wamayankiye anpetu Grandfather take a look, on this day have
kile onsimalaye compassion
Mato sapa oma wani wamayankiye Black bear nation take a look
Tunkasila wamayankiye anpetu Grandfather take a look, on this day have
kile onsimalaye compassion
Mato sapa oma wani wamayankiye Black bear nation take a look

12. Spider Song (Very old)

Maka sitomniyan, okiya wau welo All over this world I come to help
Iktomi wan heyaya uwelo A spider says these things as she comes
Miye mawakan yelo Me, I am sacred
Andrea Long

Your Sacred Face:

A Selection of Songs dedicated to all Women

13. Divine Goddess Thank You

Mastincila Wiki San pilamayaye White Moon Rabbit (D.G.) thank you
Pilamayaye, pilamayayelo Thank you, thank you
Wiconi Waste pilamayelo Life is good, thank you
Mitakuye ob cante waste lo My relatives are happy
Pilamayaye, pilamayayelo Thank you, thank you
Wiconi Waste pilamayelo Life is good, thank you
Pilamayaye, pilamayayelo Thank you, thank you

Songs are sung in the feminine form so if you are a man learning then endings would
be “yo” instead of “ye”. All songs on Sacred Face are presented without the call and
response. If you wish to sing them with the call and response then the first singer
would need to call out the first line while other singers would repeat the first line
one more time. All songs may be used in a traditional inipi (sweat lodge) and some
for canupa (Pipe) ceremonies. This recording is dedicated to ALL WOMEN.

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