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TB Manual 7 Dec19

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Manual 7

Design of Clay
Masonry for
This manual is intended for use by a structural engineer.
While the contents of this publication are believed to be
accurate and complete, the information given is intended
for general guidance and does not replace the services of
professional advisers on specific projects. Local or State
regulations may require variation form the practices and
recommendations contained in this publication. Think Brick
Australia disclaims any liability whatsoever regarding the
contents of this publication.

This publication, its contents and format are copyright ©

2019 of Think Brick Australia and may not be reproduced,
copied or stored in any medium without prior, written
authorisation from Think Brick Australia. ABN 30 003 873 309.

First published October 2009. Revised and republished

December 2019.

The Standards referenced in this manual were current at the

time of publication.

Cover: ‘Currigan Residence’ by Klopper & Davis Architects

Entrant - Horbury Hunt Residential Award 2019
Brick Used: Recycled Brick

Currigan Residence explores ideas of reuse and renewal.

The architects focused on maintaining a connection of the
existing home and its place in the suburban context. To
facilitate this, they explored ways to reuse existing material.
The design uses pure, platonic forms to give emphasis to the
repurposed materials.

PO Box 275, St Leonards NSW 1590 Australia

Suite 7.01, Level 7, 154 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 Australia
Telephone +61 2 8448 5500
Technical hotline 1300 667 617
ABN 30003873309

1 Introduction 7
2 The Use of Clay Masonry in Structures 8
2.1 General 8
2.2 Houses 8
2.3 Multiple-occupancy domestic units 8
2.4 Low-rise commercial and industrial buildings 8
2.5 Multi-storey framed structures 8
2.6 Types of masonry elements 9
2.6.1 General 9
2.6.2 Load bearing walls 9
2.6.3 Veneer walls 9
2.6.4 Cavity walls 9
2.6.5 Single-skin walls 10
2.6.6 Masonry infill panels 10
2.6.7 Piers 11
2.6.8 Freestanding elements 11
2.6.9 Other wall types 11
3 Masonry Properties 12
3.1 General 12
3.2 Masonry units 12
3.2.1 Category and type 12
3.2.2 Dimensions 12
3.2.3 Compressive strengths 12
3.2.4 Lateral modulus of rupture 13
3.2.5 Salt attack resistance grade 13
3.2.6 Coefficient of expansion 13
3.3 Mortar properties 13
3.4 Masonry properties 13
3.4.1 Compressive strength 13
3.4.2 Tensile strength and masonry 14
3.4.3 Shear strength of masonry 14
3.4.4 Elastic modulus 14
3.4.5 Density 14
3.4.6 Bedding 15
3.5 Wall ties and connectors 15
3.6 Damp-proof courses and flashings 15

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 3

4 Causes of Masonry Cracking 16
4.1 Introduction 16
4.2 Cracking due to external effects 18
4.2.1 General 18
4.2.2 Moisture movement in reactive soils 19
4.2.3 Differential settlement of foundations 20
4.2.4 Mine subsidence 20
4.2.5 Extreme loading 21
4.3 Cracking from dimensional changes in masonry 21
4.3.1 General 21
4.3.2 Thermal changes 21
4.3.3 Wetting and drying changes 21
4.3.4 Long-term permanent expansion
in clay products (brick growth) 21
4.3.5 The influence in render 23
4.4 Cracking from interaction with
other structural elements 24
5 Design to Avoid Cracking 25
5.1 General 25
5.2 Foundation design 25
5.3 Masonry quality 26
5.3.1 General 26
5.3.2 Bond strength 26
5.4 Masonry detailing 27
5.4.1 General 27
5.4.2 Locations of articulation joints 27
5.4.3 Detailing of articulation joints 29
5.4.4 Control joints 30
5.5 Isolation and slip joints 30
6 Crack Repair Techniques 31
6.1 Introduction 31
6.2 Stabilisation of the cause of cracking 31
6.3 Repair methods 31
6.3.1 Raking and re-pointing 31
6.3.2 Reconstruction of selected areas 31
6.3.3 Epoxy injection 32
6.3.4 Fibre-reinforced plastic 32
7 Design for durability 33
7.1 General 33
7.2 Masonry units 34
7.3 Mortar 35
7.4 Ties, connectors and lintels 36
7.5 Reinforcement 37
8 Robustness 38
8.1 Design principles 38
8.2 Limiting dimensions for robustness 39

4 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

9 References 42
1. Crack types in masonry 17

2. Typical cracking from a doming foundation 20

3. Typical cracking from a dishing foundation 20

4. Cracking at offsets and corners caused by expansion 22

5. Oversailing of DPC caused by expansion 22

6. Failure of biscuit bricks caused by bowing and

restrained expansion 22

7. Effect of foundation movement on articulated walls

(doming foundation) 27

8. Effect of foundation movement on articulated walls

(dishing foundation) 27

9. Typical methods of sealing articulation and control joints 29

10. Typical flexible masonry anchors for articulation joints 29

11. Typical split joint between brickwork and a concrete slab 30

12. Salt attack damage to clay masonry units 34

13. Salt attack damage to mortar 34

14. Corroded tie exposed by a failure during the Newcastle earthquake 36

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 5

1. Tolerances in masonry construction 16

2. Masonry wall damage classification 18

3. Relative differential movement limits for footings

and rafts supporting houses 25

4. Recommended maximum spacing of articulation joints

in walls up to 4m high 28

5.1 Durability Requirements 35

1. Robustness limits for clay masonry walls supported on four edges 39

2.  Robustness limits for clay masonry walls supported on

three edges and with the top free 40

3. Robustness limits for clay masonry walls with one side free 40

4. Robustness limits for clay masonry walls supported on two edges 41

5. Robustness limits for clay masonry walls supported

at top and bottom 41

6 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

1. Introduction

This manual provides guidance for the serviceability The following movements should be considered in design
design of clay masonry in buildings. The guidance for serviceability:
is of a general nature and represents industry
recommendations for good practice. Alternative • Expansion or shrinkage of the masonry caused by
methods, where they exist, might be preferred in some moisture
situations for architectural, geographical or other
reasons. • Thermal expansion or contraction

In conjunction with this manual, appropriate reference • Deflection, creep and other movements in associated
should be made to the National Construction Code (NCC)1 materials
and the various relevant Australian Standards, including
Masonry Structures AS 3700² with its Commentary3, and • Foundation movements
Masonry in Small Buildings – Construction AS 4773.24.
• Deformations during the construction process
For structures to remain serviceable, their deflections
and any tendency to crack must be controlled. Little Calculation of deflections in masonry structures must
guidance is given in the standards on appropriate be in accordance with accepted engineering principles
deflection limits, however the robustness provisions and the relevant properties of the materials. The code
in AS 3700 designed to restrict the sizes of members AS 3700 gives values for elastic modulus that can be used
to ensure that serviceability will remain satisfactory. for serviceability design.
There are also a range of semi-empirical procedures to
minimise cracking from external effects and these are The primary means of controlling cracking in masonry
discussed in this manual. structures are the use of footings with adequate stiffness
and the inclusion of control joints, the design of which
Appropriate load factors and the design provisions is discussed in this manual. While some minor cracks
provided in AS 3700 should be used to check serviceability can often be tolerated, crack widths should be kept to a
limit states for particular load conditions imposed on the minimum for aesthetic reasons and to avoid jeopardising
structure, such as serviceability wind loading. durability, especially in reinforced masonry.

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 7

2. The Use of Clay Masonry in Structures

2.1 General are common in Australia and two-storey semi-detached

townhouses are becoming increasingly popular. In these
Clay masonry is a versatile medium that is used for a buildings the masonry walls usually support concrete
wide variety of structures. Design for serviceability is floor slabs and the roof structure, and the wall sizes are
important for all types of structures, although different determined accordingly. However, wall designs can be
aspects of design will assume primary importance for governed by resistance to out-of-plane forces, especially
different structural types. The following summarises the in the upper storeys.
various types of construction where clay masonry is used
and the various structural elements that are employed. In these structures, the masonry walls must also provide
the resistance to lateral in-plane (shear) forces from
2.2 Houses wind or earthquake, with the floor and roof acting as
diaphragms to distribute forces to the walls. This requires
The most common form of domestic construction a cellular form of structure.
in Australia is the single-occupancy house. The vast
majority of these are clad with clay masonry, with brick- When serviceability problems occur with these
veneer the most popular form of construction in the structures, they tend to be related to differential
eastern states. Full-brick cavity construction is popular movement (dimensional changes) or durability, these are
in Western Australia and single-leaf construction using discussed later in this manual.
hollow units is popular in north Queensland. Because the
walls of houses generally support only a light roof load 2.4 Low-rise commercial and industrial
or no load at all, the critical design condition is usually buildings
lateral load from wind or earthquake.
Where masonry panels are used as cladding for
In a veneer- wall house, the frame (timber or steel) commercial and industrial buildings their structural
is relied upon to resist the main forces, including design is usually governed by resistance to wind and
vertical (gravity) forces and lateral shear from wind and earthquake forces. Economy in design is vital for these
earthquake. On the other hand, in a cavity-wall house walls. The design flexibility, aesthetics and excellent fire
and single-leaf construction, the masonry walls must resistance of masonry make it an ideal material for those
provide the resistance to all lateral forces, usually by in- applications.
plane shear. The latter can be the governing action where
earthquake forces are high. In these buildings, the frame of concrete or steel provides
the overall resistance to lateral forces and walls must
The most common serviceability problems with masonry have sufficient flexural resistance to span between
houses are cracking (caused by foundation movements) frame members and supports. Deflection compatibility
and durability failures. Means of preventing these are between frames and walls is an important consideration
discussed later in this manual. and, if not treated properly, is the main cause of
serviceability problems for these structures.
2.3 Multiple-occupancy domestic units
2.5 Multi-storey framed structures
Load bearing masonry structures greater than four
storeys in height are common in other parts of the world Masonry cladding is popular for multi-storey structures
(for example Europe) and those that have been built in where the frame is made of reinforced concrete or steel.
Australia are less than five storeys in height. In these cases, the walls provide the envelope to protect
the interior against the weather and are only required to
Multiple-occupancy domestic units of load bearing resist lateral out-of-plane wind and earthquake forces,
masonry (commonly called three or four-storey walk-ups) which are then transferred by the connections to the

8 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

supporting frame. Often, the inner leaf is an infill wall 2.6.3 Veneer walls
tied to the frame. The external leaf is usually a veneer, Unreinforced masonry is widely used as a veneer in
supported by angles or nibs on the floor slabs. Masonry is residential, light commercial and multi-storey framed
also extensively used for internal partition walls in these construction. Veneer walls consist of a single skin of
buildings. masonry attached to a timber or steel frame by wall ties.
Clay brick is by far the most common choice of masonry
The walls in the upper storeys of multi-storey buildings for veneer walls.
can be subjected to high wind loads because of their
height above the ground and this will usually govern As the name suggests, the veneer is non-structural, so
their design. that the backing frame must be designed to resist the
total applied load. Although they are non-structural,
The main sources of serviceability problems for masonry veneers are nevertheless subject to wind and earthquake
in these structures are improper treatment of joints, loading. In particular, the seismic performance of
inadequate tying between the masonry and the veneers is important because of their widespread use
structural frame and insufficient provision for differential and the high cost of repair if their performance proves
movement, especially relating to long-term moisture to be inadequate. Any lateral loads on the veneer must
expansion of clay masonry. be transferred to the structural frame by the wall ties,
which therefore play an essential role. The ties must
2.6 Types of masonry elements have adequate strength and stiffness, and be located at
an appropriate spacing to transfer the load effectively.
2.6.1 General Attention must also be given to the durability of the tie
Various types of masonry elements are used to make material.
up a typical masonry structure. These include walls
(which might be a veneer, cavity solid or diaphragm A veneer wall relies on flashing and damp-proof courses,
construction), piers and freestanding elements such as in conjunction with weep-holes, to act as an effective
parapets and chimneys. These various types of elements barrier to moisture entering the building. The presence
behave in different ways and their design must take into of flashing and a damp-proof course will influence
account their particular characteristics. behaviour under lateral load.

The types are briefly described in this section as It is important to note that although veneer walls are
background to the later discussion of serviceability non-structural, they still have the potential to crack from
design. the causes described in Section 4, and must be detailed
and constructed accordingly.
2.6.2 Load bearing walls
Load bearing walls rely on their compressive load 2.6.4 Cavity walls
resistance to support other parts of the structure. Cavity wall construction is a traditional form of building,
Buckling and crushing effects, which depend on the which is still common in some parts of Australia. It
wall slenderness and interaction with the slab or roof provides a wall having good thermal and strength
above, determine the compressive capacity of a wall. properties, without the need to maintain an external
Compressive strength is influenced by the shape of coating. Cavity walls are constructed of two leaves
the units, particularly the presence and size of hollow of masonry separated by a cavity, which is typically
cores. External load bearing walls will usually be a cavity 50mm in width and is intended primarily to prevent
construction (see Section 2.6.4) to ensure adequate water water penetration into the building. The two leaves
penetration resistance, but single-skin walls are used in can be of different materials and thicknesses. As for the
some areas. case of veneer walls, the non-load bearing leaf must be
adequately supported by wall ties so that lateral loads are

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 9

effectively transmitted to the load bearing leaf. In cyclonic areas, hollow clay units can be used to permit
partial or full wall reinforcement by incorporating
In resisting applied loads normal to the face, cavity walls reinforcing steel in the cores of the hollow units.
rely on the interaction between the two halves through
the ties. Behaviour of the whole system is complex and a Hollow units also accommodate the roof tie-downs that
detailed structural analysis would be required in order to extend from the roof to the footing system.
predict accurately the forces in individual components.
This is usually impractical and simplified rules are Single-skin walls rely on the external coating to provide
employed to design the masonry leaves and the ties. moisture penetration and durability protection but they
Essentially, the ties act as springs to transmit axial forces must be correctly detailed to avoid cracking from the
only. causes outlined in Section 4.

Proper detailing of flashings, damp-proof courses and 2.6.6 Masonry infill panels
weep-holes is essential to ensure that the cavity wall Unreinforced masonry infill panels have the potential
remains an effective waterproof barrier. As for the case of to add considerably to the strength and rigidity of a
veneer walls, the presence of flashing and a damp proof framed structure if they are designed and detailed for
course will affect behaviour under lateral load. composite action. The extent of composite action will
depend on the level of lateral load, the degree of bond
Cavity walls must be suitably detailed to avoid distress or anchorage at the interfaces, the geometry, and the
and cracking in the masonry from the causes described in stiffness characteristics of the frame and infill masonry.
Section 4. The possibility of mobilising the infill, especially to resist
seismic loads, can be considered in design.
2.6.5 Single-skin walls
This form of construction has been used in recent years, However, this is not usually done in Australia and it is
particularly in northern Australia, utilising hollow generally considered good practice to leave gaps at the
clay units similar to traditional hollow concrete units. vertical edges and top of infill panels to allow for long-
A single load bearing leaf of masonry is used for the term movements in the masonry. The infill panels are
external walls and water penetration is prevented by secured to the frame by ties, which permit the desired
the use of suitable coatings or render on the surface relative movements, and flexible sealant fills the gaps. In
of the masonry, often combined with a roof system these cases, composite actions will not occur until large
incorporating overhanging eaves. frame deflections have taken place.

10 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

If not designed for composite action, infill wall panels
must be correctly detailed to avoid serviceability
problems from unintended structural interactions.

2.6.7 Piers
Masonry piers can either be isolated (supporting a slab)
or engaged (providing enhanced load resistance to a
wall). Isolated piers are designed for compressive load
capacity in the same way as loadbearing walls. The effect
of engaged piers is taken into account by the use of an
effective thickness for the wall/pier combination.

2.6.8 Freestanding elements

Parapets and other freestanding elements are commonly
used in unreinforced masonry structures. Because of the
low flexural strength of the masonry, these elements
have little resistance to lateral load and must rely
on gravity for stability. The presence of a flashing or
damp-proof course at base exacerbates the situation.
In addition, these elements are usually located at or
near the top of the structure where the wind loading is
highest and the effects of seismic ground motion are
magnified by the dynamic response of the building.

It is desirable to avoid the use of freestanding elements,

or if they must be used, for them to be supported or
locally reinforced to provide flexural strength.

2.6.9 Other wall types

There are various other structural forms for walls,
including diaphragm walls, zigzag or chevron walls, fin
walls, and walls with staggered engaged piers in a cavity
space. These forms are usually used when it is necessary
to achieve a high resistance to lateral out of plane load.

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 11

3. Masonry Properties

3.1 General • Clay

This section summarises the important properties of • Concrete

masonry and its constituents, particularly as they affect
its serviceability performance. Masonry units, mortar, • Calcium Silicate
assembled masonry, wall ties and connectors, and
damp-proof courses and flashings are each considered • Autoclaved aerated concrete
separately. This subject is discussed in greater detail in
TBA Manual 2 The Properties of Clay Masonry Units5. • Natural stone

3.2 Masonry Units 3.2.2 Dimensions

Masonry unit dimensions can vary within a range
3.2.1 Category and type according to the masonry unit standard AS/NZS 4455.16.
While the terms brick and block have been traditionally All design calculations are based on the work size
used to describe masonry units, recent trends towards dimensions nominated by the manufacturer and used to
highly perforated clay units have made precise definition determine strength ratings. The work size dimensions
of these terms increasingly difficult. Consequently, AS are the length, width and height, as well as the face-shell
3700 does not use the terms and refers only to masonry width for hollow units.
units. To distinguish between units of different behaviour
(and treatment in design) they are categorised as solid, 3.2.3 Compressive strength
cored and hollow. In masonry design, the most commonly used property
is the compressive strength of the masonry units.
Solid units can contain recesses (frogs) up to 10% of The symbol used for the characteristic unconfined
their volume, whereas cored units have holes that are compressive strength of units is f 'uc for clay units, values
intended to be oriented vertically in the wall. Both solid of this property can range from about 5 MPa to 50 MPa
and cored units are laid with full mortar bedding. There (Table 3.1 of AS 3700) or more.
is no limitation on the area of cores in a cored unit; the
category depends on the manufacturers intention as to Like other materials, masonry units expand laterally
how the units are laid, and the units must be tested in when subjected to vertical compression forces. Because
that orientation. of the wide difference between the tensile strength
and the true compressive strength of the material,
Hollow units also have holes that are intended to be failure occurs by tensile splitting caused by this lateral
oriented vertically in the wall. These units are laid with expansion.
mortar strips covering the face shells only, not the cross
webs, a practice known as face-shell bedding and this The compressive strength used for units is called an
ensures that the correct design capacities are obtained unconfined strength because the effects of platen
for the masonry members. restraint have been eliminated by introducing a factor
based on the height-to-thickness ratio of the face shell
Horizontally cored masonry units are becoming and is usually 1.0.
increasingly popular. These units have holes that are
intended to be oriented horizontally in the wall. They are The dimensions used for finding the aspect ratio factor
laid with full bed joints. are the work size dimensions of the unit. It is important
to use the right dimension for hollow units, where
There are a number of different types of masonry units the face shells might be tapered but the manufacturer
that are classified by the type of material that they are nominates a single work size dimension.
manufactured with. AS37002 classifies these as:

12 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

3.2.4 Lateral modulus of rupture have proved to be of little value for typical design and
When a wall is loaded in out-of-plane flexure caused by construction and would only be specified in exceptional
wind or earthquake, the masonry units are subjected circumstances. Tensile bond strength is strongly affected
to forces on the surface of the wall that induce bending. by mortar type and is usually enhanced by the presence of
The strength in this mode of bending is referred to as the lime, and may be reduced by workability admixtures.
lateral modulus of rupture. Values of this property can
vary from less than 1 MPa to over 2 MPa, depending on AS 3700 is entirely based on mortar classification3 of M1,
the shape, core pattern, and material of the unit. A value M2, M3 and M4; it gives typical mixes deemed to achieve
of 0.8 MPa is permitted by AS 3700 in the absence of test these classes. The masonry designer should choose an
data. appropriate class for the mortar and specify it on the
documents. In many cases, the actual composition of the
3.2.5 Salt attack resistance grade mortar mix can be decided on site to suit the required
The resistance of masonry units to salt attack is classification and the available cement and sand types.
measured by a standard salt cycling test and the Design for durability of mortar is discussed in Section 7.3.
requirement for a particular job should always be
stipulated by the designer and given on the documents. 3.4 Masonry properties
The available grades and exposure. Requirements for
various exposure conditions are given AS 3700 and 3.4.1 Compressive strength
AS4773.17. The mechanism of salt attack and measures to The compressive strength of masonry is a function of
prevent degradation are discussed in Section 7.2. the masonry units, the mortar composition and the
slenderness of the member. Even without slenderness
3.2.6 Coefficient of expansion effects, the compressive strength of masonry is usually
Clay masonry units expand after manufacture because less than that of the units alone.
of an irreversible time-dependent dimensional change
in the material caused by absorbing moisture into the Although mortar is substantially weaker than the
structure of the brick. Moisture in the atmosphere is masonry units, failure of masonry in compression does
usually sufficient for this mechanism. The magnitude not occur in the mortar. This is because the mortar joints
of expansion depends on the particular clays and usually have a lower elastic modulus than the units, and
manufacturing process and is assessed by a standard therefore a higher Poisson’s Ratio. The tendency of the
test to measure coefficient of expansion. The movements mortar joints to expand laterally under load to a greater
are accommodated by the use of control joints, which degree than the units induces tensile stresses in the
can be placed at nominal spacing or designed based on units, causing them to split.
the material properties. If the spacing of control joints
is calculated from a coefficient of expansion, the value This effect is provided in AS 3700 by relating compressive
should be given on the documents to ensure that the strength of masonry to the strength of the masonry
units used for construction are appropriate. Design of units and the type of mortar, resulting in a masonry
control joints for clay masonry expansion is discussed in compressive strength f 'mb. The value of f 'mb is adjusted
TBA Manual 9 Detailing of Clay Masonry8. by a factor that expresses the effect of the mortar joint
thickness relative to the masonry unit height. This factor
3.3 Mortar properties is 1.0 for traditional brick sized units of 76 mm height
with mortar joints of 10 mm thickness. For units with a
Mortar has traditionally been specified in a prescriptive greater height, where a smaller number of joints will be
way by giving the proportions of cement, lime and sand. used in a given wall height, the strength of the masonry
Properties such as compressive strength and workability, is referred to by the symbol f 'm.
while having some value in a research environment,

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 13

For most cases, the values for f 'mb given in AS 3700 will be At interfaces between masonry and other materials, the
adequate. These values are based on the characteristic tensile strength is usually taken as zero, but it is possible
unconfined compressive strength of the unit, the to derive a value from the results to tests with the actual
material of manufacture, and the class of the mortar, and materials to be used in the construction.
have been established from a lower bound fit to a wide
range of tests carried out in Australia. 3.4.3 Shear strength of masonry
Similar to the case for tensile strength, shear strength is
3.4.2 Tensile strength of masonry related to the bond at the unit/mortar interface.
Tensile strength of masonry can only be relied upon It is usually taken as direct proportion of the flexural
when the action is flexure caused by transient loads such tensile strength and is identified by the symbol f 'ms.
as wind and earthquake. In all other cases, the tensile For bed joints to masonry built with clay units, the shear
strength should be assumed as zero. strength f ‘ms is taken as at least 0.15MPa or 0.35MPa at
most. For the default value of f 'mt equal to 0.2 MPa, shear
When a masonry unit contacts a mortar bed, moisture is strength f 'ms will therefore be 0.25 MPa.
drawn from the mortar into the unit by its suction. This
movement of moisture carries with it some of the fine At interfaces between masonry and other materials and
particles of cement, lime and sand, which enter the pores at damp-proof courses and flashings, the shear strength
on the surface of the unit. As hardening of the mortar of the interface is taken as zero unless it is based on the
occurs by hydration of the cement and other chemical results of tests with the actual materials to be used in the
reactions, the products lock into the pores in the units construction.
forming the tensile bond strength. This clearly requires
a fine balance between the mortar properties, such as The other contribution to the overall shear strength on a
water content and presence of fine material, and the unit horizontal plane is through the shear (or friction) factor.
properties, such as short-term and long-term suction. This value of shear factor for mortar bed joints in clay
masonry is 0.3. Factors are also tabulated in AS 3700 for
Because of this complex mechanism of bond formation, various interfaces and damp-proof courses. These values
the flexural tensile strength of masonry is influenced have been derived from tests carried out in Australia. This
by many factors, including the unit suction and surface shear factor is combined with the vertical compressive
characteristics, the sand grading, mortar composition force across the bed joint to calculate the frictional
and water content, as well as the conditions at the time component in the overall shear strength.
of laying. Even under closely controlled conditions, there
is still a high level of random variation in strength from 3.4.4 Elastic modulus
joint to joint. It is important to remember that flexural Values for elastic modulus are required for calculation
tensile strength is usually measured by the bond wrench, of deflections and relative movements in a structure.
as specified in AS 3700 Appendix D. If the masonry is assumed to behave in a linear-elastic
way, that is, at working stress levels, and if test data
The characteristic flexural tensile strength is referred to is not available, tabulated values in AS 3700 can be
as f 'mt. Values up to 0.2MPa are permitted to be used in used. For unreinforced masonry these are related to the
design without on-site quality control testing. However, compressive strength of the masonry f 'm. Different values
the designer should be satisfied that the strength chosen are given for short-term and long-term loading.
can be achieved with the available materials under the
site conditions prevailing. Higher values of strength, up 3.4.5 Density
to 1.0 MPa, can be used provided site tests are carried out Where the density of masonry is required and in the
during construction. The masonry is then classified as absence of more accurate data, the values given in
Special Masonry for tensile strength. Appendix A of AS/NZS 1170.19 can be used as a guide. For
example, in the case of solid burnt-clay brick masonry

14 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

the mass can be taken as 0.19 kN/m² for each 10 mm can be used for any smaller cavity. The ratings are Light
thickness. Duty, Medium Duty, and Heavy Duty.

3.4.6 Bedding The grade of tie required in a particular application is

The other important parameter assumed in design is the a function of the type of wall, the loading and the tie
bedding of the units (with either full bed joints or face spacing. For most common applications, medium duty
shells only). It is important that the bedding assumed ties are adequate. AS 3700 includes tables giving mean
in the design is consistent with the manufacturer’s strengths of veneer ties and cavity ties that can be used
intention and with the actual construction. The testing for design. AS4773.17 contains tables showing the required
on which the manufacturer has based the nominated ratings for domestic construction.
unit strength will have been carried out consistent with
the intended form of construction. For a given type of For other types of connector, such as ties connecting
unit, testing by full bedding and face-shell bedding will masonry walls to columns and beams, the strengths
give quite different strengths. should be obtained from the manufacturer. A wide range
of such connectors are available.
Solid and cored units are intended to be laid with full
bedding; hollow units are intended to be laid with Designing for durability of wall ties and connectors is
face-shell bedding. Any raking of the joints must also be discussed in Section 7.3.
allowed for in design as a reduction in the bedded area.
3.6 Damp-proof courses and flashings
3.5 Wall ties and connectors
The documents for a job should indicate the type of
Wall ties are the most common accessories built into materials used for damp-proof courses and flashings,
masonry walls. They are of two basic types: their locations and the requirement that the materials
must comply with the relevant standard AS/NZS 290411.
• Cavity ties, which connect two leaves of a cavity wall Recommended locations for damp-proof courses and
to ensure that the out-of-plane lateral force is shared flashings are given in TBA Manual 9, Detailing of Clay
between the leaves; and Masonry Walls.

• Veneer ties, which connect a leaf of masonry to a

structural framework.

Other types of connectors are used to tie masonry walls

to columns and beams of structural frames, and to tie
across control joints. These are designed to transfer
forces in the principal direction, while allowing freedom
of movement in the other two orthogonal directions.
Ties and connectors cannot generally be relied on to
transfer shear forces across a cavity.

The properties of wall ties and connectors are controlled

by the manufacturing standard AS/NZ 2699.110. A test
procedure is applied, leading to the establishment of a
strength rating for the ties based on their performance
under tensile and compressive load. This rating is
determined from tests for a particular cavity width and

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 15

4. Causes of masonry cracking

4.1 Introduction AS 3700 outlines allowable tolerances for masonry walls

resulting from its CONSTRUCTION STAGE. Defective
Minor cracking of masonry is relatively common in construction can lead to masonry cracking, which would
domestic construction. It is difficult to generalise on the in turn lead to misalignment in the masonry structure.
significance of cracking because, provided the cracking
does not have structural implications, the assessment
of the impact of a crack is subjective and influenced by
aesthetic and other factors. For example, a 1 mm crack in
a rendered and painted wall will be much more obvious
than a crack of similar size in the joints of a face-brick

Table 1. Tolerances in masonry construction

Item Tolerance

Horizontal position of any masonry elements measured +- 15 mm

at the base of each storey

Vertical alignment of loadbearing components in +- 10 mm

adjacent storeys

Deviation from plumb within a storey, measured -+ 10 mm per 3 m of height OR 0.05tw,

vertically through the base of the member whichever is less

Deviation from plumb for the total height of the +- 25 mm

building, measured from the base

The ‘bow’ of a masonry member, measured in accordance +- 5 mm

with Appendix F in AS 3700

Deviation of bed joint from horizontal +- 10 mm in any 10 m AND +- 15 mm in total

Deviation from specified thickness of bed joints +- 3 mm

Minimum perpend thickness 5 mm

Deviation from specified thickness of perpend joints +- 10 mm

Deviation from specified width of cavity +- 15 mm

This is a summary based on information given in Table 12.1 of AS 3700

16 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

An extensive study on cracking in brick and block These crack types are shown diagrammatically in Figure
masonry was published by Sorensen and Tasker in 197613. 1. The cracking pattern is influenced by many factors,
Crack types were identified as: including the relative strength of the joints and the
masonry units, the presence of openings or other points
• Vertical – extending through perpends and masonry of weakness, the degree of wall restraint, and the cause
units. of the cracking itself. A more detailed description of the
causes and effects follow.
• Horizontal – along a bed joint

• Stepped – through bed and perpend joints

• Cogged – following bed and perpend joints in a

vertical direction

Figure 1. Crack types in masonry

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 17

4.2 Cracking due to external effects Alternatively, the masonry itself can be designed to act as
a deep beam and span across displaced area. The danger
4.2.1 General in this latter approach is that if the masonry does crack,
Cracking in this category can be caused by excessive the crack is likely to be large. If the masonry walls are
movement of foundations resulting from external ground articulated and thus able to tolerate some foundation
movements. If the extent of these ground movements movement, the stiffness of the footings can be reduced.
can be predicted, the footing can be made stiff enough to The main causes of ground movements are outlined in
accommodate the expected movements and thus avoid the following sections.
subjecting the masonry to excessive deformations. This
is the philosophy adopted in AS 2870. Some guidance on the significance of crack size is given
in the Residential Slabs and Footings Code AS 287012 and
Similarly, the Concrete Structures Code AS 360014 limits summarised for masonry walls in Table 1. These limits
the deflection of beams and slabs supporting masonry provide a basis for an objective assessment of damage,
walls to span/500 where provision is made to minimise although crack width is not the only factor that should be
the effects of movement, or otherwise span/1000. The considered, where the cracking occurs in plasterboard or
Steel Structures Code AS 410015 recommends the same similar, the limits can be 50 percent higher.
limits, and the standard AS/NZS 1170.016 Structural Design
Actions: General Principles16 recommends a limit of
span/500 for floors supporting masonry walls.

Table 2. Masonry wall damage resulting from footings failure classification

Damage Category Typical damage and consequences Approximate crack width limit

Negligible 0 Cracks are hairline only. <0.1 mm

Very slight 1 Fine cracks that do not need repair. < 1 mm

Cracks are noticeable but easily filled.

Slight 2 < 5 mm
Slight sticking of doors and windows.

Cracks can be repaired and minor

replacement of wall is needed. 5 mm to 15 mm (or a group of
Moderate 3 Sticking of doors and windows. several cracks 3 mm or more)
Possible disruption of service pipes.
Impairment of weather tightness.

Extensive repair work and

replacement of wall sections.
15 mm to 25 mm
Distortion of window and doorframes.
Severe 4 (or a group of several cracks
Noticeable distortion of walls
8mm or more)
Loss of bearing in beams.
Disruption of service pipes.

This is a summary based on information given in AS 2870.

18 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

4.2.2 Moisture movement in reactive soils Otherwise, the wall will crack and follow the curvature of
Reactive (or plastic) soils comprise clays and very fine the beam.
silts that swell and shrink as their moisture content
increases and decreases. These movements can be quite To eliminate the effects of soil reactivity either the
large. Sorenson and Tasker13 indicate that movements of moisture variation must be stabilised, or the foundations
50 mm are common, and in extreme cases movements must be supported by underpinning (or both). Variations
as high as 100 mm have been recorded. The soil moisture in moisture content can be reduced by the removal of
content near the surface is influenced by seasonal offending trees, addition of suitable drainage systems,
changes in rainfall, watering of gardens, leakage from and the placement of an impermeable ground moisture
water pipes, the presence of trees and shrubs, and solar barrier around the building. If desired, a vertical barrier
radiation. can also be installed to a depth at which the soil moisture
content is constant.
The moisture content of the soil beneath a building
will not be uniform. In particular, the moisture content
around the edges of a building will be more variable.
If the soil is reactive, large relative movements can
be expected in the soil, producing either a ‘dishing’ or
‘doming’ of the soil profile under the building.

Doming will occur when the soil around the outside of

the building shrinks on loss of moisture, in comparison
with the soil beneath the building. Dishing will occur
when the soil around the edges expands with moisture. If
the footing is too flexible, distress can be expected in the
masonry as a result of these movements.

Cracking related to this distress can be vertical or

stepped depending on the wall geometry and the
presence of openings. Because the segments of masonry
between tracks will rotate as rigid elements with the
footing, the varying width of the crack will be consistent
with this rotation (that is, larger at the top or bottom
depending whether doming or dishing has occurred.)
Typical cracking patterns are shown Figure 2 and Figure 3.

The presence of a horizontal damp-proof course near

the base of the wall has an important influence on this
mechanism, as it acts as a plane of weakness. Tests at the
University of Newcastle17 on typical domestic masonry
walling systems have shown that with increasing beam
curvature the masonry cracks and separates along the
plane of the damp-proof course, with the courses below
this plane deflecting with the foundation beam. If the
masonry is capable of spanning across the void created
by the beam deflections, no further distress occurs.

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 19

Figure 2. Typical cracking from a doming foundation

Figure 3. Typical cracking from a dishing foundation

4.2.3 Differential settlement of foundations of coal removal has been by the ‘bord and pillar’ system,
Differential settlement of foundations can result from a where initially only 30% to 40% of the coal left is mined,
variety of causes, including non-uniform consolidation, with substantial pillars of coal left to support the strata
construction of the building over variable ground above. These pillars may then be removed later as part
conditions, and local shear failure of part of the foundation. of the secondary extraction process. Subsidence of the
surface will occur shortly after this secondary extraction
Cracks resulting from uneven settlement can take several is complete.
forms, but are usually a combination of stepped and
vertical cracks. They are similar in many respects to the A more recently developed alternative process is ‘retreat
mechanisms described in Section 4.2.2, although the long wall mining’ in which the complete coal seam is
extent of the distress will depend upon the location and temporarily supported by a moveable propping system.
nature of the differential settlement. This temporary propping system advances with the
longwall and surface subsidence occurs progressively18.
4.2.4 Mine subsidence Mine subsidence can subject houses and their footing
Several areas of Australia have, or can expect to have, coal systems to severe movements. The ground movements
mining under residential areas. The traditional method include lateral strains, settlement, curvature and tilt.

20 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

A typical sequence of events as a house is undermined by 4.3 Cracking from dimensional changes in
the longwall process is for upward curvature (doming) masonry
to be followed by tilting, downward curvature (dishing),
and finally a return to level at some distance below the 4.3.1 General
original ground profile, as the subsidence wave moves Masonry will undergo changes in dimensions due to
beyond the dwelling. variation in temperature, cycles of wetting and drying,
and long-term changes associated with moisture. If the
Cracking in masonry walls resulting from mine wall detailing is such that these dimensional changes are
subsidence will often have a form similar to that restrained, then cracking can result. The main sources of
resulting from soil shrink-swell, as upward and movement are briefly described below. Further details are
downward foundation curvatures are involved. In this given in the Australian Masonry Manual23. This subject is
case, the influence of tensile ground strains can also also discussed in the TBA Manual 2, The Properties of Clay
be significant, particularly if the footing system is not Masonry Units.
isolated from the effects of these strains. The effects of
ground strains can be minimised by keeping the footings 4.3.2 Thermal changes
as shallow as possible to avoid keying into the grounds, The thermal expansion coefficient of masonry units
and incorporating slip layers to isolate the footing from depends upon the material, the method of manufacture
the ground movements19, 20. In order to reduce the effects and the colour, and is likely to be in the range of 0.008
of curvature, the same philosophy of footing design to 0.01 mm/m/0C. Cracking from thermal effects can
should be adopted as that used for footings subjected result from the differential thermal movements caused
to soil shrink-swell. That is, the stiffness and strength of by temperature fluctuations between the external and
the footing are designed to accommodate the expected internal components of the building. Temperature
curvatures so that distress to masonry walls above the gradients through the wall thickness may also produce
footing system is kept within acceptable limits12. flexural cracking.

4.2.5 Extreme loading 4.3.3 Wetting and drying changes

An additional potential source of cracking in masonry All masonry units expand on wetting and contract on
housing is from severe loads caused by an unusual event drying. The magnitude of these movements is less of clay
such as a severe storm or an earthquake. Although the than for concrete and calcium silicate products. This is
likelihood of these events in the life of the structure a reversible process, which normally does not require
might be small, the consequences can be large. For consideration in common design of masonry.
example, the total cost of damage from the 1989
Newcastle earthquake exceeded $1 billion, with the bulk 4.3.4 Long-term permanent expansion in clay
of the damage being to masonry21. products (brick growth)
All clay products undergo a permanent long-term
Although it might not be economical to design domestic expansion, which for practical purposes is irreversible.
structures to emerge unscathed from this level of The change is the result of chemical reactions between
loading, the extent of damage can be minimised by water and certain minerals in the clay. This moisture
good design, detailing and construction practices. This expansion, or growth, occurs at a higher rate initially
was illustrated by the Newcastle experience, where a and gradually diminishes, with approximately 50% of
significant proportion of the damage to masonry in the total growth occurring in the first 6 months. The
housing was the result of lack of tying of walls, bad vast majority of the growth will have occurred within a
workmanship, poor detailing and general building period of 15 years. Growth occurs in both the horizontal
deterioration22. and vertical directions. Cracking patterns from brick
growth are usually quite distinctive and reflect three

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 21

1. Differential movement between walls Figure 4. Cracking at offsets and corners caused by
2. The restraining effects of surrounding elements

3. Relative movements between sections of the same


Expansion occurs both horizontally and vertically, so that

the effects of restraint in the vertical direction can be
just as important as restraint in the horizontal direction.
The rate of growth in restrained walls is less than in
unrestrained walls such as parapets.

Cracking patterns characteristic of brick growth include:

• Vertical cracks or distress close to the corners of long


Figure 5. Oversailing of DPC caused by expansion

• Over-sailing of upper portions of walls over lower

• Bowing and arching of parapets or walls where

expansion is restrained

• Distortion of window frames and doorframes

• Diagonal cracking adjacent to openings, caused by

differential movements within different sections of
the wall

Some examples of problems that can occur if expansion

is not properly accommodated are shown in Figure 4,
Figure 6. Failure of biscuit bricks caused by bowing and
Figure 5 and Figure 6.
restrained expansion

In recent years, a more complete understanding of the

mechanism of brick growth has been obtained and
AS 3700 requires that appropriate control joints be placed
in masonry to prevent possible adverse effects.
A 4-hour accelerated test24 can be performed to predict
the 15-year characteristic unrestrained expansion value
for brick units (em) and manufacturers can provide these
values when required. This coefficient of expansion can
range from 0.3mm/m to 2mm/m in some extreme cases,
typical values are between 0.5mm/m and 1.5mm/m.

22 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

Once the coefficient of expansion is known, the drying rate, the greater the likelihood of cracking.
spacing, size and location of suitable control joints
can be determined to ensure that the expansion of the • The cement content of the mix – shrinkage tends
brickwork can occur without distress. These procedures to increase with higher cement content, higher
are described in TBA Manual 9, Detailing of Clay Masonry. temperatures and more finely ground cements.

4.3.5 The influence of render • The sand grading – this significantly affects the mix
Cement-based render is a commonly used finish in – water demand and the plastic properties of the
domestic masonry construction, and the choice of mix. The water demand influences the subsequent
an appropriate render is important if it is to perform behaviour of the render, particularly its shrinkage
adequately in service. Failure of render can occur either characteristics.
by loss of bond with the backing wall (drumminess) or by
cracking. It is also possible for render shrinkage to cause • The standards of workmanship, the accuracy of
distress in the masonry backing. Whether or not failure batching of the materials and the possible abuse of
occurs by loss of bond or cracking will depend upon the plasticising and other additives.
degree of shrinkage of the render, the quality of the bond,
and the movement of the backing. Where the adhesion In addition to these shrinkage effects, cracking of cement
of the wall will absorb a proportion of the shrinkage renders can result from:
stresses, the remainder of the stresses are dissipated by
cracking. A good review of render properties has been • Structural movements.
given by Jones25.
• Restraints provided by intersecting walls, door and
Rendering is a wet process with a high content of water window openings.
to provide workability. Drying after placement causes
shrinkage in the render, which creates tensile stresses • Joints in the background material.
that may cause the render to crack. The potential degree
of cracking depends upon: • Interaction with the background masonry
(particularly if the render undergoes dimensional
• The amount of water in the mix – the higher the variation at a different rate from that of the
water content, the greater the potential degree of masonry).

• The rate of water loss from the mix – the faster the

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 23

4.4 Cracking from interaction with other • Corrosion of embedded steel - Steel fitments in
structural elements the form of lintels, arch bars and bolts are commonly
embedded in masonry. If corrosion occurs, the
Cracking in masonry is sometimes caused by interaction rusting process increases the volume of the steel,
with other structural elements rather than by the causing local displacement and cracking of the
properties of the masonry itself. In most cases, the masonry in its vicinity. The resulting cracking
potential for cracking can be eliminated by appropriate is usually horizontal or stepped, and generally
detailing. originates from the point of embedment. Cracking
of this type can be avoided by using steel fitments
External effects that might lead to cracking include the having appropriate corrosion resistance rating.
following: This can be determined from the provisions of
AS 3700, Section 5 Durability, which specifies the
• Shrinkage of concrete slabs - Concrete slabs required corrosion resistance rating as a function
supported by or supporting masonry walls will of geographical location and proximity to the sea or
undergo drying shrinkage and, if they are bonded to sources of industrial pollution.
the masonry, this will lead to undesirable stresses
in the walls. This distress will act to exacerbate the • Termites infection - While masonry is a termite-
effects of simultaneous moisture expansion of clay proof material in accordance to the NCC, an infection
masonry. Cracking of this type can be avoided by will still affect the structural integrity of timber
incorporating a suitable slip joint between the slab framing structures. This makes masonry veneer
and the wall. In the case of a wall supported on a slab houses more at risk of termite attacks compared to
or beam, the inclusion of a slip joint acts as a bond cavity brick houses, however the prevention method
breaker, which will prevent unintended composite is simple. Termite management measures should be
action that can crack the wall (see Section 5.5). installed in accordance to AS 3660.1 34

• Thermal movements of associated elements -

If steel trusses or beams are attached to masonry
walls with no provision for relative movements,
the expansion, contraction and deflection of the
members can cause distress in the masonry similar
to that described above.

• Spreading of pitched roofs - Pitched roofs,

particularly if tiled, have a tendency to spread and
cause flexural stresses in the supporting masonry
walls, which could lead to cracking. Strutting should
be provided to avoid this problem. Alternatively,
the wall could incorporate a reinforced ring beam
designed by an engineer to resist these lateral roof

24 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

5. Design to Avoid Cracking

5.1 General hence its stiffness) will depend upon the materials and
construction of internal and external walls, the number
If the causes and mechanisms of cracking are and location of articulation joints, and the length and
understood, masonry can be constructed to perform play layout of walls. The required beam stiffness increases
satisfactorily and remain essentially free of cracks for its with increasing soil reactivity and decreasing structural
design life. Many of the problems described in Section 4 ductility. In most cases the deemed-to-comply provisions
can be avoided by good design and detailing, combined of AS 2870 can be applied.
with acceptable standards of workmanship.
Alternatively, if a first-principles soil-structure
5.2 Foundation design interaction analysis is to be performed, the approach set
out in AS 2870 can be utilised.
Provided it is possible to define the external effects to
which a house is to be subjected, a foundation system Table 2 summarises the appropriate differential
with the required stiffness and strength can be designed movement limits for footing and rafts supporting houses
using the principles and details given in AS 2870. with various forms of construction.

For these procedures to be effective, it is imperative Appropriate design and construction of a footing
that the degree of soil reactivity be established with does not necessarily guarantee a trouble-free life for
a reasonable degree of certainty. A consistent set of the structure. It is essential that the foundation be
assumptions must be made with regard to the degree maintained and guidance is available on means to
of soil reactivity, the footing system (for example strip accomplish this26.
footings or slab on ground), the structural system, and
the form of masonry construction (articulated or non- Provided the influence of ground strains can be
articulated). eliminated by suitable detailing19, the design of a
foundation system for a house to be subjected to
The deflection that can be tolerated in the footing (and mine subsidence would follow procedures similar to

Table 3. Relative differential movement limits for footings and rafts supporting houses

Maximum sagging or
Deflection limit as a
Construction hogging movement
proportion of span

Clad frame L/300 40

Articulated masonry veneer L/400 30

Masonry veneer L/600 20

Articulated full masonry L/800 15

Full masonry L/2000 10

This is a summary based on information given in AS 2870.

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 25

those described (if they can be predicted) could also be The bonding mechanism is critically dependent on the
considered in a similar manner. chemical and mechanical processes that take place at the
microscopic scale at the interface of mortar and brick.
5.3 Masonry quality In most cases, units should be laid dry and high water
demand should be balanced by adding extra water to the
5.3.1 General mortar, or by including lime in the mix. In a few cases,
Cracking results from tensile and/or shear stresses the units may have to be wetted before laying. A methyl-
induced in the masonry. The causes of cracking have been cellulose water-thickening additive can also be used to
described in Section 4. The ability of the masonry to resist offset the effects of high suction units.
cracking under a given set of circumstances is directly
related to its tensile strength. For typical clay masonry, the Mortar composition
tensile bond strength of the joints is significantly lower A mortar must have adequate workability during laying
than compressive strength of the masonry units. The and adequate strength and durability in service. With
achievement of a good bond between the mortar and the the exception of proprietary thin-bed mortars, mortar
masonry units is therefore essential, if cracking is to be should be mixed from cement, lime and sand, with the
minimised. proportion of cement, lime and sand, prepared according
to the manufacturer’s instructions. Overdosing with
5.3.2 Bond strength plasticising additives compromises bond strength and
The bond strength between mortar and masonry units is affects the mortar durability. Clear evidence of this was
influenced by many factors, of which main ones are: given in the examination of damaged buildings after the
Newcastle earthquake22.
• Initial rate of absorption (suction) of the masonry
units. Workmanship
Poor workmanship practices can drastically affect
• Water retention properties of the mortar. masonry bond strength. Mortar ingredients should be
accurately volume batched using a box or bucket (not
• Composition of the mortar and the presence of a shovel) or by adding a fixed volume of cement (for
additives. example 20 kg bag) to a mixer of known volume. The
mixing process should be controlled, particularly the
• Standards of workmanship. use of additives. Bonding surfaces should be clean, both
bed and perpend joints should be completely filled, and
Values of bond strength can vary widely because of these freshly laid units should not be disturbed after initial
effects (particularly workmanship) but characteristic placement.
flexural tensile bond strengths will usually lie in the
range of 0.2 MPa to 0.5 MPa. However, if workmanship Termite control
is poor and the mix is overdosed with plasticiser, there Termite control measures are supplied to AS 3660.1 34.
is no guarantee that this level of bond will be achieved. The standard requires any structural material vulnerable
The various factors are discussed in what follows: further to termite attack to be protected. This includes any
guidance on bond strength is given in TBA Manual 10, timber framing for walls and roofs. Common termite
Construction Guidelines for Clay Masonry27 and the protection barriers include ant-caps, mesh barriers, as
Cement and Concrete Association Technical Note 6528. well as chemical coatings. Consult your termite barrier’s
supplier for installation details.
Unit suction and mortar water retention
An effective match of the suction properties of the Tying and support of masonry
unit and the water retention properties of the mortar Masonry is a brittle material with relatively low tensile
is essential if good bond strength is to be achieved. strength. It must therefore be adequately supported

26 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

to ensure that any applied loads can be resisted cracking can be avoided by the provision of various forms
satisfactorily, and that cracking does not result. Masonry of control joints and adequate detailing. The nature,
veneer walls, which are non-structural, must be location and spacing of the joints will depend upon the
adequately supported by ties that will transfer the loads movements for which they are inserted, and in many
to the supporting structure. It is essential that these ties cases can compensate for several types of movements
have adequate strength and stiffness, and be spaced and will also function as expansion joints for clay masonry.
installed correctly. Ties for domestic construction are This section gives a brief overview of suitable jointing
usually either light or medium duty as categorised by AS/ and detailing techniques. Further guidance can be found
NZ 2699.110. Deemed-to-comply details for tie placement in TBA Manual 9, Detailing of Clay Masonry.
are given to TBA Manual 4 Design of Clay Masonry for
Wind and Earthquake29. The durability requirements 5.4.2 Locations of articulation joints
for wall ties are particularly important if the structure Articulation joints are used in conjunction with a
is located near the coast or industry, because ties with foundation to control the effects of ground movements.
inadequate protection can be destroyed by corrosion. The joints articulate the masonry components of the
Design for durability is discussed in Section 7.4. building into separate elements, which undergo rigid
body rotations as the footing deflects, without causing
5.4 Masonry detailing distress in the masonry. The more flexible the footing,
or the more susceptible the surface finish is to cracking,
5.4.1 General the closer the required spacing of the joints will be.
Apart from effective tying and support, masonry must Articulation not only limits cracking of walls, but also
also be detailed correctly if cracking is to be avoided. avoids the potential jamming of windows and doors
Provided the masonry is of sufficient quality, masonry caused by foundation movement.

Figure 7. Effect of foundation movement on articulated Figure 8. Effect of foundation movement on articulated
walls (doming foundation) walls (dishing foundation)

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 27

The effects of articulation are shown diagrammatically
in Figures 7 and 8. A comprehensive guidance document
on articulated walling techniques has been published
by Cement, Concrete and Aggregates Australia
(Technical Note 61)30. Table 3 gives a simple summary of
recommended maximum spacing of articulation joints
for walls up to 4m high, for various levels of soil reactivity.
For further details, refer to Technical Note 61 30, AS37002,
AS 4773.1 and AS 4773.2.

The location of articulation joints will be governed by the

maximum spacing dictated by the conditions and also
the proposed joint width. Joints should also be included

Table 4. Recommended maximum spacing of 10mm wide articulation joints in walls up to 4m high

Site class Masonry Wall Construction Joint spacing (m)

A and S Any not required

Face finish or sheeted 6.0

M, M-D
Rendered and/or paint finish 5.5

Face finish or sheeted 5.5

H1, H1-D
Rendered and/or paint finish 5.0

Face finish or sheeted 5.0

H2, H2-D
Rendered and/or paint finish 4.5

E All engineering assessment required

This is a summary covering simple cases. For more information, refer to AS3700, AS4773.1 and CCAA TN 61.

Site classes are as follows (refer AS2870)
A= Most sand and rock sites
S= Most silt and some clay sites
M= Moderately reactive clay sites
D= Dense reactive clay sites
H1 = Highly reactive clay sites with high ground movement due to moisture changes
H2 = Highly reactive clay sites with very high ground movement due to moisture changes
E= Extremely reactive clay sites

For E class sites, a footing design prepared by an engineer is required together with a complementary articulation
joint spacing.

28 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

at positions where potential concentrations or variations Flexible masonry anchors should be installed between
in the wall stresses might occur, for example at changes the masonry panels on either side of the joint. These
in wall height and thickness, at window and door anchors are capable of transmitting shear forces across
openings, and at the intersection of dissimilar materials. the joint from loads normal to the wall, but still allow
the joint to open or close. Typical types of anchors are
Articulation joints might also be required for internal illustrated in Figure 10.
walls. With good planning, the joints can be incorporated
at full height openings such as doorways.
Figure 10. Typical flexible masonry anchors for
Where joints are unavoidable, for example in long articulation joints
unbroken lengths of wall, they should be of the same
form as joints in the external walls. More details of these
aspects are discussed in Technical Note 61 30.
5.4.3 Detailing of articulation joints
For obvious reasons, articulation joints must be capable
of expanding or contracting to cater for the rigid body
displacements of the walls as they rotate with the
footings. As wall rotation is involved, the joint thickness
will vary with height and open or close at the top and
bottom of the wall depending on whether the footing
is subjected to ‘doming’ or ‘dishing’ curvature (see
Figure 7 and Figure 8). The joint is usually packed with a
compressible filler to provide a backing for the flexible In many cases, articulation joints will also serve as
sealant compound applied to the surface of the joint. expansion or contraction joints. In clay masonry walls,
brick growth will occur over time and tend to close the
Alternatively, a circular polyethylene backer-rod can be joint. The initial joint size must allow for this effect
used as backing for the sealant. It is extremely important and would usually be larger than the common 10 mm
that the joint be free of mortar droppings of other joint width. A width of 20 mm would be typical for this
obstructions that will impede the closing of the joint. situation, but should be determined by considering the
Typical methods of sealing joints are shown in Figure 9. need for control joints (see Section 5.4.4).

The use of full height openings for doors and windows is

Figure 9. Typical methods of sealing articulation and an effective means of articulation. Full height windows,
control joints or windows with infill panels below the sill, eliminate
the need to form an articulation joint in the masonry.
Openings for external doors should also be the full height
of the wall if possible. Full height door openings provide
an excellent location for articulation joints, which can be
covered by the architraves.

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 29

5.4.4 Control joints Figure 11. Typical slip joint between brickwork and a
Control joints are required in clay masonry to relieve the concrete slab
effects of long-term expansion of the units. The detailing
of these joints is similar to that for articulation joints.

The mechanism of brick growth has been previously

described in Section 4.3.4. The expansion is irreversible
and takes place in both the horizontal and vertical
direction. Control joints must therefore be inserted to
absorb this expansion and avoid damage to the masonry.
The problem is well understood, and once the long-term
expansion value (em) for the brick is known, suitable
control joints can be designed. Guidelines for design
and location of control joints are given in TBA Manual 9,
Detailing of Clay Masonry.

Corners are particularly prone to damage as the growth

occurs in orthogonal directions in the two intersecting
walls. For this reason, a control joint should be located at
or near a corner if long lengths of brickwork are involved.
As described previously, where articulation is required
for other reasons, the articulation joints can also be
designed as control joints. In most cases, the need to
place control joints in internal walls can be avoided by Where an isolation joint is necessary to isolate a wall
the use of storey-height openings and by selecting bricks from the surrounding structure, control joints can be
of low characteristic expansion (less than 0.8 mm/m). used for this purpose. Flexible anchors such as those used
for articulation joints should be incorporated across the
5.5 Isolation and slip joints joints if transverse wall loads have to be transmitted to a
supporting frame.
Masonry distress can also be caused by interaction
with other structural elements. To avoid this problem,
some form of slip joint or isolation joint is required.
Where a concrete slab or other element bears on the
top of a masonry wall, or where a masonry wall rests
on a concrete slab, there is a potential for longitudinal
and transverse relative movement between the slab and
the wall. In these situations, slip is desirable between
the dissimilar materials, but resistance to sliding is
necessary for the lateral stability of the wall. The solution
is to provide a joint that slips under the large forces
generated when differential movement is restrained,
but has sufficient friction to resist the smaller forces
resulting from applied loads. This can be achieved by the
use of neoprene placed between the slab and wall23.
A typical slip joint arrangement is show in Figure 11.
The same principles should be used to provide an
isolation joint between new and old construction.

30 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

6. Crack Repair Techniques

6.1 Introduction 6.3 Repair methods

As described previously, masonry cracking can result 6.3.1 Raking and re-pointing
from a variety of causes such as ground movements, Raking and re-pointing is often carried out when
dimensional changes in the masonry or interaction with cracking occurs in the mortar joints. The procedure is
other structural elements. Sometimes the cracking will also used to make good the surface of joints that have
be structurally significant; in other cases, it will only be been eroded by exposure to a degrading environment.
aesthetic. The process requires a skilled tradesperson and involves
the raking out of the mortar in the joint to a certain
When cracks occur, the most suitable method of repair is depth and making the joint good with compatible
determined to some extent by the nature of the cracking. mortar.
If the bond between mortar and brick has been broken
and the structural integrity of the walls is threatened, the Hand pointing of joints to a depth of 15 mm can be
aim of the repair should be to restore adequate strength effective if the repair is only for cosmetic reasons.
to the cracked area (particularly tensile strength). If the However, it is usually ineffective if the bond strength of
crack is not of structural significance, then re-pointing of the cracked joint must be restored. It is very difficult to fill
the joint might be sufficient. Various repair methods are the joint completely and to generate the required suction
briefly described as follows. of the unit on the mortar, using mortar of relativity stiff
consistency. In addition, shrinkage of the fresh mortar
6.2 Stabilisation of the cause of cracking will often cause cracking to recur at the same interface.

Before repair of the cracked area can be carried out, Best results are achieved if the joint is raked to a
the cause of the cracking must be identified and the significant depth (50 mm to 60 mm) and then pressure-
movement stabilised to avoid recurrence. This might filled with a polymer-modified cement mortar, which
involve any of the following: has better penetration and bonding characteristics than
a conventional mortar. To allow for colour matching of
• Underpinning of foundations. the finished joint, a conventional mortar can be used.
This has provided good results in repairs of brickwork
• Stabilisation of soil moisture content by adequate damaged in the Newcastle earthquake.
drainage and provision of ‘apron’ paths around
perimeter walls, removal of offending trees, or the 6.3.2 Reconstruction of selected areas
placement of an impermeable moisture barrier For obvious reasons demolition and re-building of a
around the building. damaged section of masonry should restore its structural
integrity. However its problems are often encountered
• Insertion of suitable control joints to cater for at the junction of a new and existing work to create a
expected masonry movements. key. In these cases, similar problems to those described
in raking and re-pointing can be encountered, as a bond
• Bracing of the structure if cracking is being caused has to be established at the junction of the new and old
by excessive movements of the roof or other framing masonry.
A bond can usually be achieved in the bed joints below
These remedies are described in some detail by Sorenson the bricks in the toothed area. However, at the vertical
and Tasker13. junction of the last perpend joints and the existing

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 31

construction and below the existing masonry above,
bond depends upon the effective placement of the
mortar for the full joint depth and thickness. Unless
polymer-modified mortars are used, this is very difficult
to achieve.

As for the case of re-pointing, mortar shrinkage can also

create subsequent cracking at the interface of new and
old. For effective repair work, it is therefore important
that skilled tradespeople and the correct materials are

6.3.3 Epoxy injection

This method has been used effectively in repairs to
damaged masonry housing in Newcastle following
the 1989 earthquake. However, it is a skilled operation
requiring specialist equipment and personnel, and is
usually more expensive than the more conventional
repair methods described above. Despite the extra cost,
there is full penetration of cracks and effective bond can
be achieved. The technique also has the advantage of
being applicable to cracks in the masonry units as well as
the mortar joints.

If epoxy repair techniques are to be used, it is important

that the correct epoxy mix is chosen. The epoxy must
have adequate penetration and wetting characteristics,
have sufficient bond capacity, and be of compatible
stiffness to the material being repaired. The last of these
requirements is to avoid the creation of local regions of
high stiffness, which might create local concentrations
of stress under subsequent movements from thermal and
other causes. Mixes with the appropriate characteristics
are available.

6.3.4 Fibre-reinforced plastic

A recent development is the use of fibre-reinforced plastic
(FRP) strips bonded to the surface of, or embedded
within the masonry. While still in development, this
method shows great promise for restoring significant
strength to cracked masonry.

32 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

7. Design for Durability

7.1 General the mean high-water mark.

For a structure to remain serviceable, it must be durable • Industrial – within 1 km of major industrial
throughout its life, assuming a reasonable level of complexes producing significant acidic pollution.
building maintenance is carried out. The main causes of
durability failure are corrosion of embedded steel items • Moderate – areas within 50 km of the coast and more
and the effects of crystalline salts in the masonry. Salts than 1 km from a non-surf coast, AND 10 km from
can be drawn in from the ground, or be present in building a surf coast. These are considered to be subject to
materials such as the sand used to mix the mortar. light industrial pollution and/or very light marine
To ensure adequate serviceability, AS 3700 requires that
members and structures have the necessary durability • Mild – typically inland, more than 50 km from
to withstand the expected wear and deterioration the coast and away from industrial areas. This
throughout the intended life without the need for environment has been subdivided as follows:
excessive maintenance. For any building element,
the required durability depends on the exposure • Mild-tropical – within the tropical climatic zone (for
environment, the location within the building and the example, Katherine and Mt Isa).
importance of the structure. A typical design life is 50
years. • Mild-temperate – within the temperate climatic
zone (for example, Dubbo and Mildura).
While AS 3700 is not explicit about the intended
life or the importance of the structure, it gives • Mild-arid – within the arid climatic zone (for
extensive deemed-to-satisfy solutions for each of the example, Alice Springs and Kalgoorlie).
wall components and for a range of environmental
conditions. In order to satisfy the requirements, each The locations referred to in Table 5.1 of AS 3700 are
component must be graded in accordance with its described in Clause 5.4 of the standard. They are as
respective durability. follows:

AS 3700 separates the exposure environment of the • Exterior – exposed to the environment on the
structure as a whole and the location of the masonry outside of a building (for example, an exposed leaf
within it. Durability requirements are stipulated for of masonry, including the cavity space and wall ties,
each combination of environment and location. The Mild and components embedded in an external wall,
climatic zone is subdivided based on a climatic zone map including lintels and tie-down straps).
(Figure 5.1 of AS 3700).
• Exterior-coated – exposed to the environment on the
The exposure environments referred to in Table 5.1 of AS outside of a building but protected by a weather-
3700 are described in more detail in Clause 5.3 of the resistant coating (if above the damp-proof course)
standard. They are as follows: or membrane (if below the damp-proof course).
The standard describes painted systems that are
• Severe marine – up to 100 metres from a non-surf considered acceptable for the weather-resistant
coast and up to 1 km from a surf coast. The coast is coating but not for the membrane.
defined as the mean high-water mark.
• Interior – enclosed within the building, once
• Marine – between 100 metres and 1 km from a non- completed (for example, internal walls and the inner
surf coast and between 1 kilometre and 10 kilometres leaf of a cavity wall).
from a surf coast. As before, the coast is defined as

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 33

The design of each of the components of masonry to Table 5.1 in AS 3700 gives the required grade for various
provide the necessary durability is discussed in the locations and this should be specified on the documents
following. for each job and specified to the manufacturer when
units are ordered. If there is any doubt about the
7.2 Masonry units suitability of units for a particular environment, the
manufacturer should be consulted before ordering the
When masonry absorbs moisture containing dissolved units.
salts, either from the atmosphere (for example, sea
spray) or from the ground, it can suffer damage when
the moisture subsequently dries out. This damage will Figure 12. Salt attack damage to clay masonry units
usually be either to the mortar joints (if the mortar is
soft) or to the units, and sometimes to both.

The mechanism operating is that the dissolved salts

crystallise just below the surface as the moisture
evaporates and the growth of the crystals causes physical
stresses leading to particles being dislodged from the
surface; this is referred to as salt attack.

Figure 12 and Figure 13 show typical damage to clay

masonry units and mortar from salt attack. Erosion,
whether of the masonry units or the mortar joints, will
become severe aesthetic problem long before it becomes
a structural one.

A standard salt cycling test is given in AS/NZS 4456.1031

to measure the resistance of masonry units to salt attack.
The available grades, in order of increasing resistance, are Figure 13. Salt attack damage to mortar
Protected, General Purpose and Exposure.

• Protected grade bricks are usually used for internal

walls above a damp –proof course.

• General Purpose grade bricks are suitable for use in

external walls in mild exposure environments and
normal (non-wet area) interior walls.

• Exposure grade bricks are suitable for saline

environments and should always be used below the
damp-proof course and in other locations of severe

34 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

7.3 Mortar durability provisions.

The resistance of mortar joints to degradation during the Table 5.1 in AS 3700 sets out a range of exposure
life of a building is related to surface hardness, which is conditions and lists the required mortar grade for each.
strongly related to cement content. Low hardness will Deemed-to-satisfy proportions are given in AS 3700 Table
lead to progressive erosion of the surface of the joints 11.1 for achieving the various grades of mortar. AS 3700
by physical damage, wind action, insect attack and the Appendix E, includes a test method for mortar durability32
effects of salt crystallisation. and acceptance criteria for the various mortar grades are
given in Table 11.2. The resulting scratch index correlates
Mortar is classified in AS 3700 as grades M1, M2, M3 or well with the cement content of the mortar and is also
M4. These grades are used for durability requirements strongly affected by joint tooling and the presence of
as well as for strength properties. Mortar of type M1 fines, such as lime, in the mortar mix. The operation of
can only be used for restoration work to match existing the test is described and illustrated in TBA Manual 10
construction and therefore has no corresponding Construction Guidelines for Clay Masonry.

Table 5.1 Durability Requirements

1 2 3 4 5 6
Salt attack Reinforcement
Durability class of
Exposure resistance grade of cover
Location Mortar Class built-in
environment masonry units (see Clause 5.9.2)
(see Note 7) (mm)

Clay M2

Normal Protected Concrete R1 5

or Calcium M3
Interior Silicate

Subject to non-saline
wetting General Purpose M3 R3 15
and drying

Subject to saline wet-

Exposure M4 R4 25
ting and drying

Clay M2
Above a DPC Protected Concrete R1 5
or Calcium M3
Exterior-coated Silicate
(see Note 1)
Clay M2

Below a DPC Protected Concrete R2 15

or Calcium M3

Below a DPC Non-aggressive soils General Purpose M3 R3 15

or in contact
with the ground Aggressive soils
Exposure M4 R4 25
(see Note 2)

Clay M2

Mild-arid Exterior Protected Concrete R1 5

or Calcium M3

Clay M2

Mild-temperate Exterior Protected Concrete R1 5

or Calcium M3

Clay M2

Mild-tropical Exterior Protected Concrete R2 15

or Calcium M3

Clay M2
Moderate Exterior Protected Concrete R1 5
or Calcium M3

Industrial Exterior Exposure M4 R4 25

Exterior General Purpose M3 R3 15
(see Note 3)

Severe marine
Exterior Exposure M4 R4 25
(see Note 4)

Exterior (See Note 5) (See Note 5) R5 (See Note 5)
(see Note 5)

NB: Notes for Table 5.1 are on the following page

35 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 35
1. Exterior-coated exposure requires protection 7.4 Ties, connectors and lintels
in accordance with Clause 5.4.2. The coating
requirements are different for locations above and Wall ties are readily available for a range of exposure
below a DPC. environments in galvanised steel, stainless steel and
polymer. Designers and specifiers should consider
2. Soils in marine or severe marine environments shall carefully the consequences of failure during the design
be considered as aggressive. Where sulfate attack life of the building and choose the materials accordingly.
from groundwater is possible, Type SR cement shall Ties and connectors are very expensive to replace if
be used. Type SR cement may be either blended or they fail, much more so than many other building
portland cement. components and many times their original cost.

3. All external elements in contact with freshwater or A measure of conservatism is therefore warranted in the
subject to non-saline wetting and drying shall be use of ties; jeopardising the integrity of the building for
treated as for a marine environment. a saving of a few dollars does not make sound economic
4. All external elements in contact with saline or
contaminated water or subject to saline wetting The Newcastle earthquake in 1989 exposed many cases
and drying shall be treated as for a severe marine of corroded wall ties, leading to catastrophic collapse
environment. of the masonry. The problem of corroded wall ties is
exacerbated by the fact that they cannot be seen until an
5. Requirements for especially aggressive environments extreme event such as an earthquake or high wind causes
depend on the nature of the corrosive agents and failure, by which time it is too late. Even examination of
cannot be defined. Units, mortars, covers or coatings the cavity using an endoscope is not sufficient to reveal
shown by test, or known by experience, to be the damage, because it tends to be worst just inside the
resistant to the particular corrosive agent shall be mortar joint on the cavity side. A typical example of a
used. corroded cavity tie is shown in Figure 14. The small extra
investment required for stainless steel ties would prevent
6. Joints exposed in marine, severe marine and special these problems and ensure a lifetime commensurate
environments shall be tooled to give a dense, water with that of the clay masonry units.
shedding finish (see Clause 4.9.2).
Figure 14. Corroded tie exposed by a failure during the
7. Means for determining salt attack resistance grades Newcastle earthquake
for masonry units are given in AS/NZS 4455.1 and
AS/NZS 4456.10.

8. Cover requirements for uncoated reinforcement shall

be satisfied where grout cover is in accordance with
column six, otherwise use the durability class in
column five of Table 5.1.

9. M2 mortar is not permitted for concrete and calcium

silicate masonry. There are also limitations on the
constituents of M3 and M4 mortars for calcium
silicate masonry (refer to Table 11.1).

When a mortar mix not complying with the mix
proportions given in Table 11.12 is used, AS 3700 Clause Wall ties and other built-in components such as
11.4.3 requires a scratch test to be performed to verify that connectors for control joints, connectors for attachment
the mortar meets the durability requirements of Table 5.1. of masonry to building frames, and lintels, are required
to have a rating for durability (called a durability class).
The durability ratings required by AS 3700 are R0, R1, R2,
36 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability
R3, R4 and R5. Table 5.1 in AS 3700 sets out the required • R0 and R1 - green.
durability rating for each exposure environment and
location using the symbols R0 to R5. It should be noted • R2 - yellow.
that Table 5.1 does not include the R0 durability rating.
Information for R0 can be found in Appendix I of AS 3700. • R3 - red.

AS/NZS 2699.110 includes test procedures for establishing • R4 - white or blue.

durability ratings for wall ties10, connectors and
accessories and lintels33. However, these tests are not
intended for routine use on individual projects. AS/ 7.5 Reinforcement
NZS 2699 is a manufacturing standard and it is the
responsibility of manufacturers to establish ratings for Reinforcing bars can be provided with a corrosion-
their products. This should be done at the time of product resistant coating to achieve the required durability
development, before bringing the product to market. To rating, but will usually rely on a minimum grout cover
ease the burden on manufacturers, the standard contains to ensure an acceptable level of resistance. The required
deemed-to-satisfy durability ratings for steel ties covers, which do not include the face shell thickness
manufactured from sheet and wire. These provisions will of the unit, are given in Table 5.1 in AS 3700. For this
be relied upon in most cases and provide simple means of purpose, the grout is required to have at least 300 kg/
satisfying the requirements of AS 3700. m3 cement content, and a characteristic compressive
strength of not less than 12 MPa.
Durability class R5 is intended for critical applications in
special situations such as tidal and splash zones or areas Reinforcement embedded in mortar joints must have
of heavy chemical pollution. No test criteria or deemed- corrosion protection to achieve a durability rating of
to-satisfy solutions are given for the R5 rating. R0 to R5, as for ties and accessories, plus a minimum
cover of 15 mm of mortar to the outside of the masonry.
Wall ties manufactured from non metallic materials The requirement for separate protection to provide the
such as polymers are also available and can be used durability rating is in recognition of the fact that mortar
provided they have been shown to satisfy the exposure does not give the same degree of protection to the steel
conditions set out in AS/NZS 2699.1 corresponding to the as does the cement-rich grout. Similarly, in prestressed
requirements of AS 3700. masonry, unbonded tendons must be protected to give
the required durability rating. Clause 5.9 of AS 3700
AS/NZ 2699.110 requires all ties to be marked on the provides guidance on reinforcement in mortar joints and
packaging and on individual ties with the durability unbonded tendons.
rating. For the packaging, this must consist of a reference
to AS/NZS 2699.1 and a rating (Ro to R5). For individual
ties, they should be stamped with o to 4, indicating
the corresponding rating Ro to R4, or colour coded as

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 37

8. Robustness

8.1 Design principles Robustness of isolated piers is controlled by an equation,

which gives a limit on height for one-way spanning
AS 3700 requires masonry members and their members as follows:
connections to have an adequate degree of robustness,
regardless of the level of load to which they are subjected,
but it does not define what is meant by robustness.

Walls Where –
The principle is that even if a wall is designed to satisfy
all the prescribed loads, it should not be so slender as H = Clear height of the member (in metres)
to fail under some unintended or accidental load and it t r = minimum thickness of the member
should have adequate stiffness. If the wall is capable of Cv = Robustness coefficient for vertical span. For piers
withstanding a minimum level of lateral load of 0.5 kPa, unreinforced vertically – 13.5. For piers reinforced
it is deemed to have the necessary robustness. vertically or pre-stressed - 30.

It is important to realise that the walls, irrespective of The stiffening action of engaged piers is only taken into
their level of loading (and including non-loadbearing account for walls in pure vertically spanning walls. Even
walls) must satisfy the robustness requirements of AS then, the piers must be quite substantial before they
3700. are effective. Note that an engaged pier has insufficient
strength and stiffness to provide lateral support to
It is also important to consider the effects of chasing the wall. Both leaves of a cavity wall are considered to
and the presence of openings in walls when assessing act together for the purposes of robustness, unlike for
robustness. The edge of an opening is usually considered compressive strength design.
to be an unrestrained edge of the wall.
The design rules can be expressed as limiting heights and
Piers lengths for a given wall thickness. These are shown as
Unreinforced isolated piers are more vulnerable than charts for various wall configurations in Section 8.2.
walls and the limiting slenderness ration for an isolated
pier is therefore approximately half the value for a similar The charts for walls with side support (leading to two-
wall. A pier has both length and width less than one-fifth way bending) show a smooth curve, unlike the cases
of the height. with only top and bottom support, and this recognises
the importance and effect of having at least one vertical
support to stabilise the wall.

38 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

8.2 Limiting dimensions for robustness Where the icon shows hatching along an edge, the
corresponding edge of the wall is laterally supported.
The following charts show limiting heights and lengths
for single leaf and cavity walls constructed with clay The chart for walls supported only at the top and bottom
masonry units of common sizes. Support conditions and (chart 5) show the transition to limiting heights for
the applicable slenderness coefficients are indicated by isolated piers when the length falls below five times the
an icon on each chart. thickness at the left-hand side.

Chart 1. Robustness limits for clay masonry walls supported on four edges

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 39

Chart 2. Robustness limits for clay masonry walls supported on three edges and with the top free

Chart 3. Robustness limits for clay masonry walls with one side free

40 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability

Chart 4. Robustness limits for clay masonry walls supported on two edges

Chart 5. Robustness limits for clay masonry walls supported at top and bottom

Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability / 41

9. References

1. National
 Construction Code Volume 1: 14. AS 3600-2009, Concrete structures, 25. Jones, I. Render – The Technologists
Class 2 to Class 9 Buildings and Volume Standards Australia, Sydney, 2018. Viewpoint, External Rendered
2: Class 1 and Class 10 Buildings (Housing 15. AS 4100-1998, Steel structures, Surfaces Symposium. Cement and
Provisions). Australian Building Standards Australia, Sydney, 1998. Concrete Association of Australia,
Codes Board, Canberra, 2019. Sydney, May 2001.
16. AS/NZS 1170.0:2002, Structural
2. AS 3700-2018 Masonry structures, design actions Part O: General 26. B
 uilding Technology File 18: Foundation
Standards Australia, Sydney, 2018. principles, Standards Australia, Maintenance and Footing Performance:
Sydney, 2002. A Homeowners Guide (formerly
3. AS 3700-2012 Supplement 1, Masonry Information sheet 10-91) CSIRO
structures – Commentary, Standards 17. Page, A.W.: Kleeman, P.W & Bryant, Division of Building Construction
Australia, Sydney, 2012. I. Development of Serviceability and Engineering, Melbourne 2003.
Criteria for Masonry Structures – a
4. AS 4773.2:2015 Masonry in small Preliminary Report, Proceedings of 27. Manual 10, Construction Guidelines for
buildings – Construction, Standards the 6th North American Masonry Clay Masonry, Think Brick Australia,
Australia, Sydney, 2015. Conference, Philadelphia June 1993. Sydney, February 2008.

5. Manual 2, The Properties of Clay 18. N

 SW Coal Association Mine 28. B
 ond Strength in Masonry
Masonry Units, Think Brick Australia, Subsidence – A Community Guide, Construction, Technical Note 65,
Sydney, 2009. Department of Minerals and Cement and Concrete Association
Energy and the Mine Subsidence of Australia, Sydney, 2001.
6. AS/NZS 4455.1:2008 Part 1: Masonry Board, 2007.
units, pavers, flags and segmental 29. Manual 4, Design of Clay Masonry for
retaining wall units – Part 1: Masonry 19. Hanson, R.G Designing for Wind and Earthquake, Think Brick
units, Standards Australia, Sydney, Subsidence, Mine Subsidence Board Australia, February 2013.
2008. Annual Review, 1988-1989.
30. A
 rticulated Walling, Technical
7. AS 4773.1:2015 Masonry in small 20. H
 olla, L. The Response of Domestic Note 61, Cement. Concrete and
buildings – Design, Standards Structures to Ground Movements Aggregates Australia, Sydney,
Australia, Sydney, 2015. Caused by Mining Subsidence, 2008.
National Structural Engineering
8. Manual 9, Detailing of Clay Masonry, Conference, The Institution of 31. AS/NZS 4456.10:2003, Masonry units,
Think Brick Australia, Sydney, 2008. Engineers, 1987. pp 472-477. segmental pavers and flags – Methods
of test, Method 10: Determining
9. AS/NZS 1170.1:2002, Structural design 21. Melchers, R.E and Page, A.W The resistance to salt attack, Standards
actions Part 1: Permanent, imposed and Newcastle Earthquake, Proceedings Australia, Sydney, 2003.
other actions, Standards Australia, – Civil Engineering Structures and
Sydney, 2002. Building, V94. May 1992, pp. 143-156. 32. Lawrence, S.J., & Samarasinghe,
W. A New Method for Assessing the
10. AS/NZS 2699.1:2000, Built-in 22. Page, A.W. The Design, Detailing and Service Life of Masonry Mortars,
components for masonry construction, Construction of Masonry – The Lessons Rehabilitation of Structures:
Part 1: Wall ties, Standards Australia, From the Newcastle Earthquake, Proceedings of the 2nd
Sydney, 2000. Australian Civil Engineering International RILEM/CSIRO/
Transactions, The Institution of ACRA Conference, Melbourne,
11. AS/NZS 2904:1995, Damp-proof Engineers Australia, VCE34, N4. September 1998:pp.481-488
courses and flashings, Standards December 1992, 99.343-353.
Australia, Sydney, 1995. 33. AS/NZS 2699.3:2002 Built-in
23. B
 aker. L. R, Lawrence, S.J & Page, components for masonry construction,
12. AS 2870:2011, Residential slabs and A.W Australian Masonry Manual, Part 2: Connectors and accessories,
footings – Construction, Standards NSW Public Works Department Standards Australia, Sydney, 2002.
Australia, Sydney, 2011. and Association of Consulting
Structural Engineers of NSW, 34. AS 3660.1:2014, Protection of
13. Sorenson, C.P & Tasker, H.E. Sydney, 1991. buildings from subterranean termites,
Cracking in Brick and Block Masonry, Part 1: New Buildings, Standards
Technical Study 43, Experimental 24. AS/NZS 4456.11:2003, Masonry units, Australia, Sydney, 2014.
Building Station, Sydney 1976. pavers and flags – Part 11: Determining
coefficients of expansion, Standards
Australia, Sydney, 2003.

42 / Design of Clay Masonry for Serviceability





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