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published: 03 March 2022

doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2022.848565

A Descriptive Comparative Analysis

of the Surgical Management of
Adrenal Tumors: The Open, Robotic,
and Laparoscopic Approaches
Hassan Al-Thani 1 , Noora Al-Thani 2 , Maryam Al-Sulaiti 1 , Abdelhakem Tabeb 1 ,
Mohammad Asim 3 and Ayman El-Menyar 3,4*
Department of Surgery, Hamad General Hospital, Doha, Qatar, 2 Department of Internal Medicine, Hamad General Hospital,
Doha, Qatar, 3 Department of Surgery, Clinical Research, Trauma and Vascular Surgery, Hamad General Hospital, Doha,
Qatar, 4 Department of Clinical Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical School, Doha, Qatar

Background: Currently, adrenalectomies are trending toward minimally invasive

approach including robotic and laparoscopic surgery. We aimed to describe the clinical
presentation and outcomes associated with the 3 different surgical approaches in
patients who underwent adrenalectomy for adrenal mass at a single tertiary center.
Edited by:
Mahesh C. Misra,
Methods: A retrospective descriptive observational study was conducted to include
All India Institute of Medical all patients who underwent surgical interventions for adrenal gland mass between 2004
Sciences, India
and 2019. Patients were categorized into three groups according to the interventional
Reviewed by:
approach (open, robotic vs. laparoscopic adrenalectomy) and data were analyzed
Vandana Soni,
Max Super Speciality Hospital, India and compared.
Krishna Asuri,
All India Institute of Medical
Results: A total of 124 patients underwent adrenalectomies (61.3% robotic, 22.6%
Sciences, India open, and 16.1% laparoscopic approach). Incidentally discovered adrenal mass was
*Correspondence: reported in 67% of patients, and hypertension was the most prevalent comorbidity (53%).
Ayman El-Menyar The tendency for malignancy increased with increasing tumor size while the functioning
tumors were more in the smaller tumor size. Larger tumors were more common in
Specialty section: younger patients. The robotic approach showed shorter surgical intensive care and
This article was submitted to hospital length of stay. Patients in the open adrenalectomy group frequently presented
Surgical Oncology,
a section of the journal
with abdominal pain (p = 0.001), had more nonfunctional adrenal mass (p = 0.04), larger
Frontiers in Surgery mean tumor size (p = 0.001), and were frequently operated on the right side (p = 0.03).
Received: 04 January 2022 There was no post-operative mortality; however, during follow-up, 8 patients died (3
Accepted: 27 January 2022
open, 3 laparoscopic and, 2 robotic approach). The median follow-up was 746 days
Published: 03 March 2022
(range 7–5,840).
Al-Thani H, Al-Thani N, Al-Sulaiti M, Conclusions: The study explored the three surgical adrenalectomy approaches
Tabeb A, Asim M and El-Menyar A
(2022) A Descriptive Comparative
in a dedicated center for patients with adrenal pathology. It showed that robotic
Analysis of the Surgical Management adrenalectomy could be safe and effective surgical approach for patients with benign
of Adrenal Tumors: The Open, functioning adrenal tumors of a diameter <6 cm. However, the choice of a surgical
Robotic, and Laparoscopic
Approaches. Front. Surg. 9:848565. approach varies according to the adrenal mass presentation, patient fitness for surgery,
doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2022.848565 type and sizes of the tumor, surgeon’s experience, and hospital resources. Open surgery

Frontiers in Surgery | 1 March 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 848565

Al-Thani et al. Surgical Approaches for Adrenal Tumors

is considered the first choice for larger, ruptured adrenal tumor or malignancy. However,
the recent restructuring of the surgical department resulted in selection bias in favor of
the robotic surgery. Further studies are required to address the risk factors, selection
criteria for appropriate management, cost, and quality of life.

Keywords: adrenal, laparoscopic, robotic, incidentalomas, open surgery, tumor

INTRODUCTION Vinci Surgical Systems installed in Saudi Arabia; 6 in Qatar;

3 in the United Arab Emirates; 2 in each of Kuwait and
The prevalence of adrenal masses has significantly increased Lebanon; and only 1 in Egypt (18). Apart from the comparison
over the past few decades along with the advanced diagnostic of laparoscopic and open surgery in a small sample size, no
tools (1). Most of these masses are clinically silent and published data is comparing the 3 surgical approaches for
discovered incidentally upon imaging studies performed for adrenal pathology from the Arab Middle East (19). The present
other indications that are not related to adrenal diseases and study aims to describe the frequency, clinical presentation, and
therefore referred to as incidentalomas (2–4). Adrenal adenomas outcomes associated with the 3 surgical approaches in patients
can be presented as unilateral or bilateral masses which may also who underwent adrenalectomy (open, robotic, or laparoscopic)
develop due to metastasis from other primary cancer, infectious for adrenal pathology.
process, lymphoma, and neuroblastoma (5). In addition, some
genetic conditions may increase the susceptibility for adrenal
tumors (6–8). METHODS
Data on adrenal incidentalomas are often derived from
autopsy studies which reported a prevalence rate of 1–8.7% A retrospective comparative observational study was conducted
depending on the age, tumor size, as well as the imaging to include patients who had adrenal mass and presented to
tool (0.8–5%) (2, 3, 9). Notably, the tumor size may predict the general surgery department at Hamad General Hospital
the risk of malignancy as patients with larger tumor sizes (HGH) between January 2004 and December 2019. All adult
(>4 cm) are more likely to have a malignant disease and higher patients of any gender who underwent surgical interventions for
morbidity (10). Also, advanced age is a risk factor as the adrenal mass were included in the study. Indication for surgical
frequency of incidentalomas which are higher (7–10%) among intervention based on the clinical presentation, functionality of
the elderly as compared to the young adults (0.2%) (11, 12). The the adrenal lesion (whether adenoma or hyperplasia), patient
functionality of adrenal mass is another important aspect to be fitness, and the finding on CT imaging. Regarding the clinical
considered before planning the management. In some selective presentation, all functional adrenal lesions referred from the
cases, surgical resection is the only possible option. Therefore, endocrine clinics were offered a minimally invasive surgical
investigation of specific biochemical markers, selection of approach in the form of laparoscopic or robotic-assisted surgery
appropriate imaging modality, and tailored therapeutic and as the first option unless there is a contraindication. The robotic-
surgical interventions play an important role in the patient assisted surgery (da Vinci surgical robot system) was installed
management and outcome. at the HGH in 2009 and becomes the approach of choice.
Over the past few decades, the management of adrenal Laparoscopic surgery was introduced in 2005 in our hospital.
tumors has shifted from open radical adrenalectomy to advanced Patients who presented with hypotension secondary to ruptured
minimally invasive robotic and laparoscopic surgery (13). adrenal mass with hemorrhage underwent open transperitoneal
Notably, patients with uncomplicated adrenal tumors may have adrenalectomy. The option of angioembolization for active
comparable outcomes with the laparoscopic as well as robotic bleeding was done on a selective basis depending on patients’
surgical approaches (14). However, complex adrenal disease general condition, availability of surgeon, and interventional
characterized by large tumor size (i.e., >8 cm), right-sided radiologist. A benign lesion on a CT scan, especially the cystic one
tumor, large phaeochromocytoma, or paraganglioma may have was mostly treated with minimum invasive surgery regardless
a better outcome with robotic surgery (15, 16). Moreover, a of the tumor size. Any large lesions on the CT scan (>6 cm) or
multidisciplinary team with proper communication between suspicious of malignancy were offered open surgery.
the anesthesiologist and the surgeon is important for safe Retrieved data from the surgical database and electronic
surgical management (4). A previous study from our center medical records included patients’ demographics, clinical
revealed that one out of 100 patients who underwent abdominal presentation, comorbidities, radiological findings, size and
computed tomography (CT) scanning had incidental findings of laterality of the adrenal pathology, functional status of the
adrenal tumors (17). Of note, adrenal tumors require a better tumor, surgical approaches (robotic, open, and laparoscopic),
understanding of the management approach and its associated operation time, blood loss and transfusion requirement (intra-
outcomes in our region in the Middle East. A recent review and post-operative), complications, surgical intensive care
from the region showed that the total number of Robot-assisted unit (SICU) length of stay and total hospital stay, in-hospital
surgery in the Middle East is still low and there are 19 da mortality, follow-up outcome, and cause of death.

Frontiers in Surgery | 2 March 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 848565

Al-Thani et al. Surgical Approaches for Adrenal Tumors

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical of the adoption of robotic surgery, but it did not impact the
status classification system was used for assessing the fitness of patients’ s outcome.
patients before surgery.
The study was conducted in full conformance with principles
TABLE 1 | Demographics, clinical presentation, management, and outcome of
of the “Declaration of Helsinki,” Good Clinical Practice (GCP),
patients with adrenal mass underwent surgical treatment (n = 124).
and within the laws and regulations of MoPH in Qatar. The
Medical Research Center (MRC-01-20-254) at Hamad Medical Variables Value Variables Value
Corporation has approved the study with a waiver of consent
as de-identified data with no direct contact with the patients Age 45.6 ± 12.4 ASA classification (n = 119)
were collected retrospectively. This study follows the STROBE Males 65 (52.4%) I 4 (3.4%)
checklist of items that should be included in reports of Females 59 (47.6%) II 74 (62.2%)
observational studies (Supplementary Table). Qatari 25 (20.2%) III 40 (33.6%)
Body mass index 29.1 ± 6.5 IV 1 (0.8%)
Statistical Analysis Clinical presentation Extra-adrenal 5 (4.1%)
Data were presented as frequency, mean ± standard deviation, Incidental 83 (66.9%) Surgical approach
and median and range, whenever appropriate. Patients were Abdominal pain 45 (36.3%) Open adrenalectomy 28 (22.6%)
categorized into three groups according to the interventional Fatigue 24 (19.4%) Robotic adrenalectomy 76 (61.3%)
approach, that is, open, robotic, or laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Muscle 24 (19.4%) Laparoscopic 20 (16.1%)
Differences in categorical variables were analyzed using χ 2 test weakness/cramping adrenalectomy
and Yates’ corrected Chi-square if the expected cell frequencies Headache 28 (22.6%) Additional procedure 8 (6.5%)
were below 5. The continuous variables between different groups with adrenalectomy
were compared using Student’s t-test or one-way analysis of Palpitations 7 (5.6%) Any conversion 2 (1.6%)
variance (ANOVA) test for more than 2 groups. Receiver Back pain 14 (11.3%) Operation laterality
Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was performed Weight loss 2 (1.6%) Left 76 (61.2%)
for the optimum tumor size cutoff, plotted against the open Hirsutism 3 (2.4%) Right 47 (38%)
surgical intervention. Patient groups were also compared based Seizures 1 (0.8%) Bilateral 1 (0.8%)
on the different tumor size. The area under the curve (AUC) Spine stress fracture 1 (0.8%) SICU admission 34 (27.4%)
and the C-statistic were calculated to evaluate the performance Multiple endocrine 3 (2.4%) SICU days 2 (1-6)
and discriminatory power of the tumor size. Two-tailed p values neoplasia type 1
< 0.05 were considered as significantly different. Data analysis
Previous abdominal 22 (17.7%) Blood loss (ml) 100 (20-5250)
was carried out using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
version 26 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, United States).
History of other 9 (7.3%) Transfusion 16 (12.9%)
RESULTS Co-morbidities Intra-operative 16 (12.9%)
Hypertension 66 (53.2%) Post-operative 2 (1.6%)
During the study period, a total of 124 patients with adrenal mass Diabetes 24 (19.4%) Operation time 185.6 ± 68.8
underwent adrenalectomy. Table 1 represents the demographics, Coronary artery disease 6 (4.8%) Length of hospital 5 (2-36)
clinical presentation, comorbidities, management, and outcomes stay (days)
of the study cohort. The mean age of patients was 45.6 ± 12.4 Hypotension 5 (4.0%) Duration of follow-up 746 (range
years and 52% were males. Adrenal tumors were incidentally (days) 7-5840)
discovered in 67% of the patients. The modalities of diagnosis and Radiological Post-operative 0 (0.0%)
ASA classification are shown in Table 1. investigations mortality
Figure 1 shows the nature of the adrenal mass in terms of CT scan 113 (91.1%) Death during 8 (6.4%)
functionality and hormone production. The mean tumor size was follow-up

7.04 ± 5.1 cm. The median tumor size was 3.5 cm (range 0.6– MRI 53 (42.7%) Cause of death

30), 8.0 cm (range 1.5–19), and 9.0 (4.5–30) in the functioning, PET CT scan 8 (6.5%) Cardiac arrest 2 (25%)

non-functioning, and malignant masses, respectively. MIBG scan, 2 (1.6%) Advance-adrenal 3 (37.5%)
iodine-131-meta- carcinoma/metastasis
Robotic adrenalectomy (61.3%) was the most frequent
surgical approach followed by open (22.6%) and laparoscopic
Pre-operative biopsy 7 (5.6%) Hemorrhagic shock 1 (12.5%)
adrenalectomy (16%). Eight (6.5%) patients had additional
Pre-operative 3 (2.4%) Advance breast 1 (12.5%)
procedures along with adrenalectomy and two (1.6%) had a embolization carcinoma
conversion. About 61% of patients had left-sided, 38% had right- Functional adrenal 66 (53%) Advance colon cancer 1 (12.5%)
sided operation, and one patient was operated for bilateral tumor. mass
Adrenal carcinoma was discovered in 5 patients and metastasis Nonfunctional adrenal 58 (47%)
from extra-adrenal cancer was found in another 5 patients. mass
There were 2 cases that required conversion to open surgery Tumor size, cm 7.04 ± 5.1
due to bleeding from the adrenal vein during the early phase (range 0.6–30)

Frontiers in Surgery | 3 March 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 848565

Al-Thani et al. Surgical Approaches for Adrenal Tumors

FIGURE 1 | The distribution of adrenal mass in terms of functionality and hormone production.

Frontiers in Surgery | 4 March 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 848565

Al-Thani et al. Surgical Approaches for Adrenal Tumors

TABLE 2 | Demographics, clinical presentation, and hospital course based on the TABLE 3 | Clinical characteristics and surgical approach based on tumor size.
surgical approach.
Tumor size
Open Robotic Laparoscopic P-value
(n = 28) (n = 76) (n = 20) ≤ 4 cm >4–6 cm >6 cm P-value
(n = 45, (n = 22; (n = 57;
Age 40.9 ± 9.4 46.3 ± 12.8 49.4 ± 13.4 0.04 36%) 18%) 46%)

Males 17 (60.7%) 40 (52.6%) 8 (40.0%) 0.36 for all

Age (mean ± SD) 49.1 ± 13.1 46.9 ± 10.5 42.3 ± 11.9 0.01
Females 11 (39.3%) 36 (47.4%) 12 (60.0%)
ASA classification (n = 119)
Body mass index 26.9 ± 6.7 29.7 ± 6.4 29.6 ± 7.0 0.20
I–II 27 (65.9%) 14 (66.7%) 37 (64.9%) 0.988 for all
Qatari patient 1 (3.6%) 15 (19.7%) 9 (45.0%) 0.002
III–IV 14 (34.1%) 7 (33.3%) 20 (35.1%)
Incidental finding 20 (71.4%) 52 (68.4%) 11 (55.0%) 0.44
Surgical approach
Abdominal pain 19 (67.9%) 23 (30.3%) 3 (15.0%) 0.001
Open adrenalectomy 0 (0.0%) 1 (4.5%) 27 (47.4%) 0.001 for all
Palpitation 1 (3.6%) 5 (6.6%) 1 (5.0%) 0.83
Robotic adrenalectomy 35 (77.8%) 16 (72.7%) 25 (43.9%)
Hypertension 8 (28.6%) 47 (61.8%) 11 (55.0%) 0.01
Laparoscopic 10 (22.2%) 5 (22.7%) 5 (8.8%)
Diabetes mellitus 5 (17.9%) 17 (22.4%) 2 (10.0%) 0.44 adrenalectomy
Functional adrenal 10 (35.7%) 44 (57.9%) 12 (60.0%) 0.10 Functional adrenal 37 (82.2%) 11 (50.0%) 18 (31.6%) 0.001
mass mass
Nonfunctional adrenal 19 (67.9%) 31 (40.8%) 8 (40.0%) 0.04 Malignancy 0 (0.0%) 1 (4.5%) 16 (28.1%) 0.001
Tumor size (cm) 13.4 ± 5.2 4.8 ± 2.8 5.1 ± 3.4 0.001
ASA classification (n = 119) non-functional adrenal mass (p = 0.04), larger mean tumor size
I 1 (3.6%) 3 (3.9%) 0 (0.0%) 0.001 for all (p = 0.001), frequently were operated on the right side (p = 0.03),
II 15 (53.6%) 56 (73.7%) 3 (20.0%) and had prolonged SICU stay (p = 0.001).
III 12 (42.9%) 17 (22.4%) 11 (73.3%) Table 3 and Figure 2 show the surgical approaches based
IV 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (6.7%) on the tumor size. The tendency for malignancy increased
Pre-operative biopsy 3 (10.7%) 3 (3.9%) 1 (5.0%) 0.41 with increasing the tumor size while the functioning tumors
Pre-operative 2 (7.1%) 1 (1.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.17 were more in the smaller tumor size. Larger tumors were
embolization more in younger patients. Gender distribution, pre-operative
Additional procedure 1 (3.6%) 6 (7.9%) 1 (5.0%) 0.69 angioembolization, and operative time were comparable for all
with adrenalectomy the groups. The open group had the highest median blood loss (p
Any conversion 0 (0.0%) 2 (2.6%) 0 (0.0%) 0.52 = 0.001) and transfusion as compared to the other groups.
Operation laterality The ROC curve to define the optimum tumor size for open
Left 13 (46.4%) 46 (60.5%) 17 (85.0%) 0.03 for all surgery showed that tumor size greater than 4 cm had an AUC of
Right 14 (50.0%) 30 (39.5%) 3 (15.0%) 0.94 (95% CI 0.902–0.986) with sensitivity and specificity of 100
Bilateral 1 (3.6%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) and 47%, respectively (Figure 3 and Table 4).
SICU admission 14 (50.0%) 17 (22.4%) 3 (15.0%) 0.008 Table 5 shows the in-hospital complications, hospital
SICU days 2.5 (1–6) 1 (1–2) 2 (1–3) 0.001 course, mortality, and follow-up. Seven patients developed
Blood loss (ml) 700 100 150 (50–750) 0.001 complications which included bleeding from the adrenal vein
(50–5250) (20–2000) (2 cases), post-operative pneumonia (2 cases), diaphragmatic
Intra-operative 12 (42.9%) 2 (2.6%) 2 (10.0%) 0.001 injury (1 case), pleural effusion (1 case), and renal artery
occlusion (1 case).
Post-operative 2 (7.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0.03 The length of stay in the SICU was significantly lower in
patients with robotic surgery in comparison to other procedures.
Operative time 164 (60–340) 174 (60–385) 165 0.62
The median follow-up period was significantly higher for the
laparoscopic group (p = 0.001) than the other groups. Eight
patients died during the follow-up period (3 open, 3 laparoscopic,
Table 2 compares the demographics, clinical presentation, and 2 had robotic surgery). No mortality was directly related to
and hospital course based on the surgical approach. Patients in the operation as all the deaths occurred after 465 days (range
the laparoscopic adrenalectomy group were more likely to be 465–5,548 days). The cause of death was cardiac arrest (n =
older (p = 0.04), had a higher frequency of ASA classification 2), advance adrenal carcinoma metastasis (n = 3), hemorrhagic
III (p = 0.001), and frequently underwent left-sided operations shock (n = 1), advanced breast (n = 1), and colon (n = 1) cancer.
(p = 0.03) as compared to the other groups. The significantly
higher proportion of patients with hypertension (p = 0.01) and DISCUSSION
ASA classification II (p = 0.001) had robotic adrenalectomy and
this group had a smaller mean tumor size (4.9 ± 2.7 cm) than This is primarily an observational comparative study of
the other groups. Patients in the open adrenalectomy group were managing patients with adrenal pathology in a dedicated
frequently presented with abdominal pain (p = 0.001), had more center. Adrenal gland surgery has progressed over the past

Frontiers in Surgery | 5 March 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 848565

Al-Thani et al. Surgical Approaches for Adrenal Tumors

FIGURE 2 | Study design for surgical approaches based on tumor size, functionality, and malignancy.

approaches for adrenalectomy (open, robotic, and laparoscopic)

should be tailored based on criteria that vary according to
the adrenal pathology presentation, patient fitness, surgeon
skills, and hospital resources. The present study presents our
local experience in the surgical management of the adrenal
pathology and the changes that had happened during the past
few years. The HGH is the largest teaching hospital in Qatar,
with Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education–
International (ACGME-I) accredited surgical programs. All the
operations are used as an opportunity to teach the residents and
fellows the operative techniques which may impact the overall
operative time. During the study period, there was a restructure
of the surgical department resulting in subspecialty development.
This had resulted in streamlining the adrenalectomy to two
surgeons (one from the general surgery and one from the urology
department; both had experience in robotic-assisted surgery).
All the open adrenalectomy was done by the general surgeon,
whereas the robotic approach was done by both the general
and urology surgeons. This led to the wide adoption of the
robotic adrenalectomy approach at the HGH. The present study
is unique from an Arab Middle Eastern country to analyze the
clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with adrenal
FIGURE 3 | The receiver operating characteristic curve for tumor size cutoff to tumors treated with different surgical approaches. In addition to
predict the use of open surgery rather than non-open surgical approaches
the long follow-up, the present study has several key findings.
(robotic or laparoscopic). Area under the curve is 0.94 (95% confidence
interval: 0.902–0.986), p = 0.001. Incidental detection of adrenal mass was frequent, but its
proportion was comparable among the different study groups.
The study showed that robotic surgery is feasible in most of
the adrenalectomies of variable sizes. Large tumor size (>6 cm)
few decades but is still a challenging procedure that needs were removed by open (47%), robotic (44%), or laparoscopic
to be performed by specialized surgeons. The three surgical (9%) approach. Small tumor size (<4 cm) were removed by

Frontiers in Surgery | 6 March 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 848565

Al-Thani et al. Surgical Approaches for Adrenal Tumors

TABLE 4 | Sensitivity and specificity of different tumor size (TS) cutoff in favor of TABLE 5 | Complications and outcome based on the surgical approach.
open surgery (vs. non-open surgical approaches).
Open (n = 28) Robotic Laparoscopic P-
TS >4 cm TS >5 cm TS >6 cm (n = 76) (n = 20) value

Sensitivity 100% 96.4% 96.4% Complications 1 (3.7%) 4 (8.0%) 2 (11.8%) 0.59

Specificity 47% 58.3% 69% (n = 119)
Renal artery 2 cases 1 case of
occlusion Bleeding from diaphragmatic
secondary to the adrenal injury repaired,
pre-operative vein required and chest
robotic (78%) or laparoscopic (22%) approach. However, 73% angio- conversion to tube inserted,
of the intermediate-sized tumors (4–6 cm) were removed by embolization open surgery. 1 case of
robotic approach as it has better handling and manipulation for rupture 1 case of post-operative
of the tumor than the laparoscopic approach. Although ROC adrenal tumor Pleural effusion pneumonia
with bleeding required and abdominal
and AUC showed that tumor size greater than 4 cm is an drainage, collection
indicator for open surgery, other factors should be considered 1 case of
such as tumor functionality, malignancy, surgeon experience, post-operative
and physical fitness of the patient. A higher proportion of pneumonia
patients with severe systemic disease and not expected to survive Length of hospital 7 (2–22) 4 (2–29) 9 (3–36) 0.001
stay days (median
without the operation, as per the ASA classification, underwent
and range)
laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Patients who had open surgery were
Death during 3 (10.7%) 2 (2.6%) 3 (15.0%) 0.25
more likely to be admitted to the SICU with a longer length of follow-up
stay. The longer intensive care length of stay and increased rate Duration of follow-up 224 692.5 5,292 0.001
of bleeding in the open surgery group could be related to the (median and range) (13–3,832) (7–4,708) (1,451–5,840)
presence of larger and right-sided tumors. days
However, prolonged hospital stay was observed in patients
treated with laparoscopic approach as well. This may reflect the
tendency to adopt more robotic surgery in fitter patients as a
consequence of the restructuring of our surgical department. suggested that laparoscopic adrenalectomy could be replaced by
Although there was no post-operative mortality in the 3 groups, open surgery in patients with tumor size >5 cm. Moreover, the
patients in the laparoscopic group were more likely to die during retroperitoneal laparoscopic group had a shorter operative time,
the follow-up. However, all deaths that occurred during the quicker bowel recovery, and shorter hospital length of stay in
follow-up were not related to any of the surgical approaches. comparison to the open adrenalectomy group (26). However,
Notably, adrenal incidentalomas are common especially with this study had no giant tumors. Contrarily, in our study, open
the advanced age (20). A pool of 25 studies which included 87,065 surgery was preferred for larger tumor size to overcome the
autopsies showed that the prevalence of adrenal adenomas was technical difficulties. One patient had a tumor size of 30 cm which
5.9% (range 1.1–32%) (21). Also, the findings of abdominal CT turned out to be adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC). Seven patients
scan revealed a prevalence of adrenal incidentaloma (4%) (3). In underwent preoperative percutaneous biopsy, as recommended
the present study, all patients with incidentaloma underwent a by the AACE (22). Percutaneous fine-needle aspiration (FNA)
thorough evaluation to assess the functionality and susceptibility is recommended for patients known to have primary carcinoma
for malignancy before surgery, as per the guidelines of the to confirm the pathology of the adrenal mass. However, it
American Association of Clinical Endocrinology (AACE) (22). is not recommended for suspected cases for ACC due to
Evidence suggests that larger tumor size (>4 cm) is a predictor the risk of tumor seeding along the needle pathway (22). A
of malignancy, and it is recommended to resect such tumors systemic review of 32 studies addressing indication and yield
irrespective of the functional status (22, 23). In the present of adrenal biopsy concluded that FNA is preferred in patients
study, the average tumor size was 7 cm (0.6–30 cm) and patients with extra-adrenal tumors but not recommended for diagnosis
with larger tumor sizes mostly underwent open adrenalectomy. of adrenocortical carcinoma (27). Adrenal tumors can be rich in
Consistent with our findings, it has been suggested that vascularity and may cause significant blooding and so adrenal
conventional open technique should be considered for adrenal artery embolization is indicated to overcome this complication.
masses greater than 6 cm or suspected for malignancy upon In our study, 3 patients had pre-operative embolization; 2 had
radiological imaging (24). open surgery, and one underwent robotic surgery. Sormaz et
A comparative study between robotic and laparoscopic al. (28) reported 3 cases of perioperative embolization for giant
resection of large adrenal tumors concluded that robotic surgery tumors (ranging 8–17cm), which revealed that this intervention
had shorter operative time and less conversion than laparoscopic could reduce the intraoperative blood loss.
resection (25). Notably, the tumor size was comparable in the 2 In our study, one patient had bilateral open adrenalectomy
intervention groups. Another study by Zhu et al. (26) compared and two patients from the robotic surgery group converted
open vs. retroperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy for patients to open surgery secondary to bleeding from the adrenal vein.
with large pheochromocytoma (range 5–10 cm). The authors This lower rate of conversion is in line with the previous

Frontiers in Surgery | 7 March 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 848565

Al-Thani et al. Surgical Approaches for Adrenal Tumors

reports. Agcaoglue et al. (25) reported 1 conversion in the the laparoscopic and robotic approaches; however, the hospital
robotic group and 4 in the laparoscopic group. Aliyev et al. (16) length of stay was better in the robotic group in a meta-analysis of
compared laparoscopic and robotic interventions for patients 21 studies (37).
with pheochromocytoma; 1 out of 25 patients in the robotic
group and 3 out of 40 in the robotic group were converted
to open surgery. In our study, the average body mass index LIMITATIONS
(BMI) was 29.1 ± 6.5 and it did not differ significantly among
The retrospective design is one of the limitations of the
the 3 groups. Like our findings, Aksoy et al. (29) reported
present study. Being single center, the frequency of patients
no significant differences between the laparoscopic and robotic
who underwent adrenalectomy in different groups in our study
groups in patients with BMI ≤ 30 and > 30 kg/m2 .
are higher as compared to other published studies. Internal
Colvin et al. (30) prospectively reviewed 20 robotic surgery
and external validation of the study findings would be of
and 16 laparoscopic surgery cases and found no difference in
value in prospective and multicenter studies in the region.
the hospital length of stay in the two groups. Zhu et al. (26)
Our hospital is the only tertiary government not-for-profit
reported a shorter length of hospital stay in the laparoscopic
facility in the country. In addition, most of the earlier studies
group in comparison to the open surgery group. On the contrary,
mainly focused on two surgical approaches while we compared
our study showed prolonged hospital stay in the laparoscopic
the three surgical intervention groups. The follow-up period
adrenalectomy group than the open group. Notably, 80% of
was long and was justified to come up with conclusions
patients in the laparoscopic group had ASA III (severe systemic
about the immediate and long-term complications of the 3
disease) or IV (a severe systemic disease that has a threat to life)
approaches. Also, the present study did not address information
which may attribute to the observed differences. A systematic
regarding the hospital and surgeon volume, experience, and
review including 27 studies found that the robotic approach
skill of surgeons as it could relate to the patient’s outcomes.
had a significantly shorter hospital stay and longer operating
However prior data showed that surgical sub-specialty did
time compared to the laparoscopic approach; however, both
not significantly influence the perioperative results, but the
approaches had similar clinical outcomes in the selected set of
learning curve and volume workload play an important role
patients (31). A meta-analysis including 9 studies (32) showed
in the outcomes (14). Selection bias cannot be ignored as
that the operative times were similar, with no difference in
the compared groups in the study did not adjust for some
conversion rates or complication rates, but a significantly higher
factors such as the comorbidities, disease under treatment,
estimated blood loss and hospital stay were identified in the
and grade of anesthesia. To minimize the selection bias in
laparoscopic group compared with the robotic group. Notably,
terms of the surgical approach, we adopted the European
the laparoscopic group patients were more obese (32).
Society of Endocrine Surgeons recommendations for the surgical
In our series, open surgery resulted in more blood loss
management of adrenocortical carcinoma. Minimally invasive
followed by laparoscopic and robotic surgery, and the need
surgery was performed for Stage I or II with a diameter <10 cm
for intraoperative and post-operative blood transfusion was
(38). It appears that there is an immediate adoption of the robotic
also higher in the open surgery group. Brandao et al. (33)
platform for adrenalectomy, whereas some literature suggests a
reported that 1 out of 30 patients in the robotic group had
more gradual trend in the use of the robotic platform. Of note,
intraoperative and 2 had post-operative transfusions; whereas 4
the robotic approach has continued to increase among surgical
out of 46 patients in the laparoscopic group had intraoperative
procedures and hospitals that have adopted robotic surgery
and 2 had postoperative transfusions. In our study, one patient
programs had an immediate and diffuse increase in robotic
in the open intervention group had renal artery occlusion
surgery with a relative decrease in the laparoscopic approach (39).
secondary to preoperative angioembolization for rupture adrenal
Generally, open adrenalectomies were done for emergency cases
tumor with bleeding. Diaphragmatic injury and abdominal
presented with bleeding or large adrenal mass suspected to be
collection were reported in the laparoscopic group, and the
adrenocortical carcinoma.
robotic group had bleeding from the adrenal vein in 2 patients-
−1 had post-operative pneumonia and 1 had pleural effusion.
Consistent with our findings, an earlier study reported similar CONCLUSIONS
complications (34). In our study, none of the patients died post-
operatively; however, during clinical follow-up, 8 patients died. The study explored the three surgical adrenalectomy approaches
An earlier study reported lower 30-day mortality (0.5%) post- in a dedicated center for patients with adrenal pathology. It
laparoscopic adrenalectomy (35). A recent systematic review (36) showed that robotic adrenalectomy could be safe and effective
including 17 studies showed that although open surgery is the surgical approach in patients with benign functioning adrenal
gold standard approach, there were no significant differences tumors of a diameter less than <6 cm. However, the choice of
observed in the rate and time to recurrence and cancer- surgical intervention depends on the case presentation, patient
specific mortality between laparoscopic and open approaches fitness for surgery, type and sizes of the tumor, surgeon’s
(especially for tumor stage I-II). Although the robotic approach experience, and hospital resources. Open surgery is considered
has several advantages compared to the laparoscopic, the specific the first choice for larger, ruptured adrenal tumor, or malignancy.
indications of robotic approach in adrenal carcinoma remain However, the recent restructuring of the surgical department
unclear (36). The perioperative safety was found to be similar in resulted in selection bias in favor of robotic surgery. Further

Frontiers in Surgery | 8 March 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 848565

Al-Thani et al. Surgical Approaches for Adrenal Tumors

studies are required to address the risk factors, selection AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
criteria for appropriate management, and impact on cost and
quality of life. HA-T and NA-T: conceptualization, study design, and
manuscript writing and review. MA-S and AT: manuscript
review. MA and AE-M: data analysis, manuscript draft,
DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT and review. HA-T, NA-T, MA-S, and AT: data collection.
MA-S, MA, AE-M, and AT: interpretation. All authors have
All data had been shown in the results section, tables, and figures. a substantial contribution in the study and approved the
Access to raw data will need agreement from the medical research manuscript submission.
center at HMC, Doha (
ETHICS STATEMENT We thank the staff in the Surgery Department team of the Hamad
The study was conducted in full conformance with principles General Hospital, Qatar.
of the “Declaration of Helsinki”, Good Clinical Practice (GCP),
and within the laws and regulations of MoPH in Qatar. The SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
Medical Research Center (MRC-01-20-254) at Hamad Medical
Corporation has approved the study with a waiver of consent as The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
de-identified data with no direct contact with the patients were online at:
collected retrospectively. 2022.848565/full#supplementary-material

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Frontiers in Surgery | 10 March 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 848565

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