CDP 4666
CDP 4666
CDP 4666
CastoDur Diamond ®
CDP 4666 premium wear plate is manufactured in 4’ x 9’ Low and Medium carbon XHD® 66 electrode
sheets that can be cut, formed, or rolled to desired shapes. steels; high strength, low
CDP 4666 is easily bolted or welded into place. For custom alloy steels.
fabrication, please contact Eutectic Technical Services.
Alloy steels; manganese XHD® 6868 680CGS
steels; hardened steels. (3/32” dia. (2.4mm))
Attachment weld may be overlayed with XHD Abratec N6715 to protect
against abrasive wear.
Overall Approx. Wt.
Thickness Base Overlay per sq/ft
3/8”(10mm) 6mm 4mm 16 lb.
1/2”(13mm) 8mm 5mm 21 lb. GMAW (Wire)
3/4”(19mm) 12mm 7mm 31 lb.
Statement of Liability: Due to variations inherent in specific applications, the technical information contained herein, including any information as to suggested product applications or results, is presented without rep-
resentation or warranty, expressed or implied. Without limitation, there are no warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Each process and application must be fully evaluated by the user in all
respects, including suitability, compliance with applicable law and non-infringement of the rights of others, and Eutectic Corporation and its affiliates shall have no liability in respect thereof.
4666 03/16 © 2008, Eutectic Corporation, ® Reg. T.M., Printed in the U.S.A.