Group 1 Accounts
Group 1 Accounts
Group 1 Accounts
Note: Page Number Reference are from “Padhuka’s Ready Referencer on Accounting for CA IPC (Group I)”
Nov 2014.1
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2014 CA IPCC Accounting – Group I
1. Principle: As per AS–9 “Revenue Recognition”
(a) Revenue should be recognized by an Advertising Agency, only when the service is completed.
(b) For advertising agencies, Media Commission will normally be recognized, when the related advertisement or
commercial appears before the public and the necessary intimation is received by the Agency.
2. Analysis and Conclusion:
(a) The advance of ` 2,40,000 received and the amount balance to be received on 10.04.2014 of ` 60,000 shall be
recognized in the financial year ending on 31.03.2014 as the publication appears before public on 10.03.2014
(within the Financial Year).
(b) If the publication is delayed and the advertisement appears only on 02.04.2014, the Income of ` 2,40,000 should
be recognized as Revenue only in Financial Year 2014–2015. The amount received on 10.03.2014 should be
disclosed as an Advance Received on 31.03.2014.
1. Principle: Abnormal Amounts of Waste Material, Labour or other Production costs are excluded from cost of
inventories and such costs are recognized as Expenses in the period in which they are incurred.
2. Analysis and Conclusion: Normal Waste is 4% of 12,000 MT = 480 MT & Abnormal Waste is 630 MT (–) 480 MT= 150MT.
(a) Cost of Normal Waste 480 MT will be absorbed in the Cost of Production and included in determining the Cost of
Inventories (Finished Goods) at the year end.
(b) Cost of Abnormal Waste will be charged in the Profit and Loss Statement.
3. Computation:
12,000 MT ×` 150 18,00,000
(a) Effective Material Cost of Output = = = ` 156.25 per MT
12,000 MT - 4% Normal Waste 11,520
(b) Cost of Abnormal Waste = 150 MT × ` 156.25 = ` 23,437.50
Alternatively, this may be taken at 150 MT × ` 150 = ` 22,500
Nov 2014.2
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2014 CA IPCC Accounting – Group I
1. Principle
Re–classification of From: Long Term Investments From: Current Investments
Investments To: Current Investments To: Long term Investments
(a) Cost or a) Cost or
Transfers are made at (b) Carrying Amount b) Fair Value
whichever is less, at the date of transfer. whichever is less, at the date of transfer.
2. Treatment:
Invt Transfer at ` Lakhs Treatment of difference between Book Value & Transfer Amount
Carrying amount = Transfer amount = ` 6.5 Lakhs. Hence no adjustment
A Lower of 8.5 or 6.5 = 6.5
necessary, (since already permanent decline is recognized)
B Only at Book Value = 7 Carrying amount = Transfer amount = ` 6.5 Lakhs. Hence no adjustment necessary.
C Lower of 10 or 12 = 10 Carrying amount = Transfer amount = ` 6.5 Lakhs. Hence no adjustment necessary.
D Lower of 15 or 14 = 14 15–14 = ` 1 Lakh debited to Profit and Loss A/c as Loss.
Question 2: NPO – Preparation of Receipts and Payments A/c and Balance Sheet 16 Marks
The following information relates to Country Sports Club for the year ended 31.3.2014. You are required to prepare the Receipts
and Payments Account for the year ended 31.3.2014 and Balance Sheet as on that date.
Expenditure ` Income `
To Salaries 3,36,000 By Subscriptions 8,40,000
To Repairs and Maintenance 88,000 By Receipts for Annual Sports 3,25,000
To Ground Upkeep 1,66,500 Less: Expenses for Sports 2,75,000 50,000
To Electricity Charges 82,600 By Entrance Fees 1,80,000
To Sports Material Used 1,48,000 By Interest on 10% Government Bond 12,000
To Printing and Stationery 42,200 By Rent on Hire of Club Ground 84,000
To Groundsman Wages 80,000 By Profit on sale of Sports Material 10,500
To Depreciation 1,36,000 By Sale of old newspaper 3,500
To Prizes distributed (Net of Fund Income) 4,000
To Surplus carried to Capital Fund 96,700
Total 11,80,000 Total 11,80,000
Additional information:
Balances as on 01.04.2013 (`) 31.03.2014 (`)
Fixed Assets (Net Block) 6,36,000 7,20,000
Stock of Sports Material 1,24,000 1,38,000
Investment in 10% Government Bond 1,20,000 1,20,000
Subscription Received in Advance 64,000 72,000
Outstanding Subscriptions 1,24,000 88,000
Creditors for Sports Material 78,600 62,500
Salary paid in Advance 32,000 28,000
Prize Fund 2,40,000 2,40,000
Prize Fund Investments 2,36,000 2,36,000
Bank Balance 54,500 ?
(b) During the year, the Club purchased Sports Material of ` 1,80,000, out of which 75% was credit purchase.
(c) 25% of the Entrance Fees is to be capitalized.
(d) As per the Club’s policy, any excess of expense for prized distributed over Prize Fund Income is to be charged to Income
and Expenditure A/c and vice versa:
Prize Fund Income earned during the year `36,000
Prizes distributed during the year `40,000
(e) Interest on Government Bond is received half yearly on 30th June and 31st December each year.
Nov 2014.3
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2014 CA IPCC Accounting – Group I
A. Receipts and Payments Account for the year ended on 31st March 2014
Receipts ` Payments `
To Balance b/d 54,500 By Sports materials Purchased (Cash) 45,000
To Prize Fund Income 36,000 By Salary 3,32,000
To Annual Sports Receipts 3,25,000 By Repairs and Maintenance (WN7) 77,000
To Entrance Fees (1,80,000 = 75%,
So, Total is 1,80,000/75%) 2,40,000 By Prize Distribution 40,000
To Interest on Government Bond 12,000 By Ground Upkeep (as per Inc. & Exp. A/c) 1,66,500
To Rent on Hire of Club Ground 84,000 By Electricity Charges (as per I & E A/c) 82,600
To Sale of Sports Materials (WN3) 28,500 By Printing & Stationery (as per Inc. & Exp. A/c) 42,200
To Sale of Old newspaper 3,500 By Annual Sports Payments 2,75,000
To Subscriptions Received (WN1) 8,84,000 By Groundsman’s Wages (as per Inc. & Exp. A/c) 80,000
By Fixed Assets Purchase (WN 5) 2,20,000
By Creditors (Amount paid) (WN 6) 1,51,100
By Balance c/d (bal fig) 1,56,100
Total 16,67,500 Total 16,67,500
1. Subscription Account
Particulars ` Particulars `
To balance b/d (Opg. Bal. of Subs. Receivable) 1,24,000 By balance b/d (Opg. Bal. of Subs. Recd in Adv) 64,000
To Income and Expenditure A/c – Subs. Income By Receipts and Payments A/c. – Subs.
8,40,000 8,84,000
recognized during the year Received during the year (Balancing fig)
To Balance c/d (ClgBal of Subs. Recd in Adv.) 72,000 By balance c/d (Clsg. Bal of Subs. Rec’ble) 88,000
Total 10,36,000 Total 10,36,000
2. Salary Account
Particulars ` Particulars `
To balance b/d 32,000 By Income and Expenditure A/c (given) 3,36,000
To Bank A/c – Salary paid (bal. fig.) 3,32,000 By balance c/d 28,000
Nov 2014.4
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2014 CA IPCC Accounting – Group I
4. Balance Sheet as on 01 April 2013 (To find out Opening Balance of Capital Fund)
Capital and Liabilities ` Properties and Assets e`
Capital Fund (balancing figure) 9,33,400 Non–Current Assets:
Non-Current Liabilities: Prize Fund 2,40,000 Fixed Assets 6,36,000
Current Liabilities: Govt. Bond Investments 1,20,000
Subs. Received in advance 64,000 Prize Fund Investments 2,36,000
Expenses Payable 13,500 Current Assets:
Creditors for Sports Materials 78,600 Subscription Receivable 1,24,000
Interest on Govt. Bond Rec’ble (3 Mths) 3,000
Stock 1,24,000
Advance Salary 32,000
Cash and Bank Balances 54,500
Total 13,29,500 Total 13,29,500
Nov 2014.5
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2014 CA IPCC Accounting – Group I
WN 1: Debtors A/c
To Balance b/d 45 By Bank A/c (Collection) (balancing figure) 49
To Sales A/c (135×40%) 54 By Balance c/d 50
99 99
WN 2: Creditors A/c
To Bank A/c (balancing figure) 42 By Balance c/d 21
To Balance c/d 23 By Purchases A/c ( 80% of 55) 44
65 65
WN 3: Redemption amount of Debentures = Face Value + 10% Premium = 20 + 10%= ` 22 Crores. Settlement By Equity
Shares = ` 15 Crores, So, Settlement by Cash = ` 7 Crores (balance)
Nov 2014.6
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2014 CA IPCC Accounting – Group I
Nov 2014.7
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2014 CA IPCC Accounting – Group I
Note 2: Reserves and Surplus (showing appropriations and transfers) (all figures for this year)
Particulars Opg. Bal. Additions Deductions Clg. Bal
General Reserve 10,50,000 Nil Nil 10,50,000
Prelim Exp. fully w/off (Refer Note) = 38,000
(Given before considering
Surplus (P & L A/c) Nil Proposed Dividend) = Audit fees = 25,000 4,33,500
8,00,000 Out of Pocket Audit Expenses = 3,500
Proposed Dividend = 3,00,000
Total 10,50,000 8,00,000 3,63,000 14,83,500
Note: Audit Fees and Out of Pocket Audit Expenses is not considered in Preliminary Expenses. It is deducted from P&L, Separately.
Note 6: Inventories
Particulars This Year Prev. Yr
Raw Materials 2,50,000
Finished Goods 10,00,000
Total 12,50,000
Nov 2014.8
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2014 CA IPCC Accounting – Group I
Nov 2014.9
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2014 CA IPCC Accounting – Group I
2. Reconstruction A/c
Particulars Particulars
To Current Assets A/c (Tax paid) 1,00,000 By Equity Share Capital A/c 1,20,00,000
To Fixed Assets A/c (written down) 50,00,000 By 6% Cum. Pref. Share Capital A/c 40,00,000
To Current Assets A/c (written down) 1,10,00,000 By 5% Debentures A/c 24,00,000
To Investments (written down) 1,00,000 By Sundry Creditors A/c 16,00,000
To Profit & Loss A/c (written off) 12,00,000
To Capital Reserve A/c (balancing figure) 26,00,000
Total 2,00,00,000 Total 2,00,00,000
Nov 2014.10
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2014 CA IPCC Accounting – Group I
Question 4(b): Self balancing / Sectional Balancing System–Creditors Ledger Adjustment A/c 4 Marks
From the following particulars, prepare the Creditors’ Ledger Adjustment Account as would appear in the General Ledger of
Mr. Satish for the month of March 2014.
Date Particulars
1 Purchase from Mr. Akash 7,500
3 Paid 3,000 after adjusting the initial advance in full to Mr. Akash
10 Paid 2,500 to Mr. Dev towards the purchases made in February in full
12 Paid advance to Mr. Giridhar 6,000
14 Purchased goods from Mr. Akash 6,200
20 Returned goods worth 1,000 to Mr. Akash
24 Settled the balance due to Mr. Akash at a discount of 5%
26 Goods purchased from Mr. Giridhar against the advance paid already
29 Purchased from Mr. Nathan 3,500.
30 Goods returned to Mr. Prem1,200. The goods were originally purchased for cash in the month of February 2014.
Refer Q. No 11, Page No. A.2.38
Creditors Ledger Adjustment Account (in General Ledger)
Particulars Particulars `
To balances b/d (Advance to Akash)(7,500–3,000) 4,500 By balance b/d (Dev) 2,500
To General Ledger Adj A/c (in Purchase Ledger) By General Ledger Adj. A/c (in Purchase Ledger)
Cash paid to Akash 3,000 Credit Purchases:
Cash paid to Dev 2,500 Akash 7,500
Cash paid to Giridhar 6,000 Akash 6,200
Purchase Returns to Akash 1,000 Giridhar 6,000
Cash paid to Akash [(6,200–1,000) less 5%] 4,940 Nathan 3,500
Discount Received (Akash 260) 260
To balance c/d (Nathan) 3,500
Total 26,900 Total 26,900
Note: Returns to Prem not considered as it is a Cash purchase.
Nov 2014.11
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2014 CA IPCC Accounting – Group I
Dr. 1. Memorandum Trading Account (1st Apr 2013 to 31st Aug 2013) Cr.
Particulars ` ` Particulars ` `
To Opening Stock 1,20,000 By Sales 3,10,000
To Purchases 2,40,000
Less: Cost of Drawings by Proprietor (20,000)
(25,000 less 20%)
Less: Goods sent to Consignees (18,000) By Stock on the date of fire 1,41,500
Less: Free Samples Distributed (2,500) 1,99,500 (balancing figure)
To Wages (75,000 – 5,000) 70,000
To Gross Profit = 20% on Sales 62,000
Total 4,51,500 Total 4,51,500
Closing Stock on the date of fire 1,41,500
Less: Salvaged Stock 27,000
Net Claim 1,14,500
PolicyAmou nt 75,000
Admissible Claim=Net Claim× =`1,14,500× 60,689
Value of Stock 1,41,500
Working Notes
Particulars Computation Result
1. No. of Bonus Shares (5,000 + 20,000) ÷ 5 5,000 Shares
2. No. of Rights Shares eligible (20,000 + 5,000 + 5,000) × 10,000 Shares
3. No. of Rights Shares Renounced 10,000 ÷4 = 2,500 Shares at ` 3 will be taken to P&L `7,500
4. No. of Rights Shares subscribed 10,000 – 2,500 = 7,500 Shares at ` 15 `1,12,500
Nov 2014.12
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2014 CA IPCC Accounting – Group I
2. Computation of Goodwill
Goodwill = 1 year purchase of 3 years’ Average Profits
Nov 2014.13
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2014 CA IPCC Accounting – Group I
Particulars `
Total Book Profits for the past three financial years (2,20,000+2,32,000+3,30,000) 7,82,000
Less: Adjustment in respect of errors in the last financial year – Refer P & L Adjustment A/c (93,500)
Total Corrected Profits for the last 3 years 6,88,500
Average Profit=6,88,500÷3 years 2,29,500
Goodwill of the Firm (Average Profit × 1 Years) 2,29,500
Note: Weighted Average Profits may also be followed in the above calculations
Goodwill Adjustments–
Particulars Anuj Ayush Piyush
Creation (2:2:1) 91,800 Cr. 91,800 Cr. 45,900 Cr.
Reversal (1:1) – 1,14,750 Dr. 1,14,750 Dr.
Net effect 91,800 Cr. 22,950 Dr. 68,850 Dr.
Working Notes:
3. Determination of Final Capital balances of Ayush and Piyush.
(a) Total Assets expected after Retirement 11,03,500
Plant 7,08,300 + Stock 97,000 + Bank 1,50,000 + Debtors 1,48,200
(b) Total Liabilities expected after Retirement 4,96,600
Creditors 2,26,000 + Anuj’s Loan (By Preparing Capital A/c) 2,70,600
(c) Net Capital Balance required 6,06,900
(d) Capital Balance required
Ayush 6,06,900×1/2 =3,03,450
Piyush 6,06,900×1/2 =3,03,450
Nov 2014.14
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2014 CA IPCC Accounting – Group I
1. As per AS – 10, expenditure on improvements / repairs that increases the future benefits from the existing asset
beyond its previously assessed standard of performance should be capitalised. Other expenditures should be charged to
the Statement of Profit & Loss.
2. The following is the breakup of Revenue and Capital expenditure in this case – (in ` Lakhs)
Particulars Reasons / Explanation Total Revenue Capital
Maintenance of assets, rather than increase
(a) Routine Repairs 5.00 5.00 Nil
in future benefits.
Replacement of defective parts, does not
(b) Partial replacement of Part of Machine. 1.00 1.00 Nil
lead to increase in future benefits.
(c) Replacement of Part of a Machinery Improvement in asset functionality, which
10.00 Nil 10.00
(which will improve efficiency) will create benefits of enduring nature.
Total 16.00 6.00 10.00
Nov 2014.15
Gurukripa’s Guideline Answers for Nov 2014 CA IPCC Accounting – Group I
Refer Illustration 7, Page No. A.2.22 – M 11
Pre–Payment for savings in Interest: Interest p.a. = ` 85000 × 12% = 1230 (for 365 days)
To save Interest of 588, he must pay an interest of (12,310–588) = ` 642
Let the number of days after Average due date to get interest as ` 642 be “X”
Then, X / 365 × 12% × 85,000 = 642 = 23 days from 17th Aug (appx.). Hence, payment should be made on 09/09/14, which is 21
days from 30/09/14.
Nov 2014.16