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“Type of particle that has the greatest penetration due fo thelr small coss- ‘ecion. Gamma Itis the time it takes forthe concentration ofthat substance to fll to haf efits Tnilal value, Hale 3. What will happen when fission is not controlled? Explosion “4. Part ofa nuclear power station that contol the chain reaction that star ance The fission is done, Nuclear reactor 5. Proton: postive charge; Neutron: lectically neutral 6. Who introduced molecular theory thal is based on the molecule? Amadeo ‘Avogadro 7. What do you call an energy that is associated with changes in the atomic nucleus? nuclear the smallest unit of matter. atom ‘8. Ik fs a unit for expressing the masses of atoms, molecules, or a subatomic paticle, AMU-atomiemass unit 10. Electron that orbits in the outermost shell ofan ator, Valonee electron 44. _ This occurs when a neuiton slams into a larger ator, forcing i o excite and Split into two smalleratoms. Fission 12. Type of radiation that is quickly absorbed by the matter. Alpha radiation 13. This part of nuclear power station controls the heat in the plant. Hoat oxchangi 14. This system leads the engine exhaust gas outside the building and discharges Ttinto atmosphere. Exhaust system 18, This system minimizes the wear of rubbing surfaces of the engine, Lubricating ‘system 16. This is an arrangement to rotate the engine initaly, while stating, unt fring “ars and the unit rane with its own power. Engine starting system 17, TRUE or FALSE. The plant can only generate smal power, TRUE 18, TRUE or FALSE. The overall cost of diesel power station is much less than That of steam power stalion of the same capacity. TRUE 18, TRUE or FALSE, Diesel plants have design and layout that are complex. False 20. [Lis an impulse ype of turbine and is used for high head and low discharge. Paliron turbine 21, tls areaction ype of turbine forlow heads and large quantities of flow. Kaplan Turbine 22, It ls a reaction type of turbine for medium high to medium low heads and ‘medium smallfo medium large quantities of water. Francis Turbine @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘supplied by the water at the inlet ofthe turbine. Hydrai ee ee 23. Define as the ration of power developed by the runner of a turbine to the power lic efficiency 24, tis define as the ratio of power available at the shaft ofthe turbine to the power ‘supplied by the water atthe inlet ofthe turbine. Over-all efficiency 25. _ Agenerating station which ullizes the potential energy of water at a high level Tor the generation of electrical energy. Hydro-olectric Powor Station 26. TRUE or FALSE. Hyco Stations involves high capital cost due to construction of dam. TRUE 27. The whole area behind the dam, draining into a stream or river across which ‘the dam has been built at a suitable place. Catchment Area 28. The by jing in which the turbines, alternators and the auxliary plant are housed in a hydroelectric station. Power house 29. High head power plants have heads about and above. 100m 30. These plants are required to supply a constant power when connected to the ‘grid. Based-load plants 31. ‘TRUE or FALSE, The capital cost on a nuclear plantis very low as compared To other types of plants, False 32, TRUE or FALSE, There are large deposits of nuclear fuels available all over The world. True 33. TRUE or FALSE. Nuclear power plants are well suited for varying loads as the Teactor does respond fo the load fluctuations efficiently. False 34. This system supplies necessary air to the engine for fuel combustion. Alr intake system 35. Agonerating station that uses a diesel engine as a prime move, Diesel Power Station © scanned with OKEN Scanner Problem Solving. Solve the following problems completely. Use short bond paper for your solution Use FOUR (4) decimal places for your solution and answer. Do not write any solution at the back of your answer sheet. (20pts each) ‘A100 MW power plant has a heat rate of 2.88*10*6 calories per KW-Hr. It is a base load plant and runs al full load 24 hours a day. How many tons of coal is needed per day? A diesel engine power plant has one 700 kW and two 500 kW generating units. The fuel consumption is 0.38 kg per kWh and the calorific value of fuel oil is 10200 kcal/kg. Estimate (i) the fuel oll required for a month of 30 days and (ii) overall efficiency. Plant capacity factor = 38%. diesel power station has fuel consumption of 0.38 kg per kWh, the calorific value of fuel being 10,000 kcal/kg. Determine () the overall efficiency, and (i) efficiency of the engine if alternator efficiency is 96%. What is the power ouput of a ocU reactor if it takes 30 days to use up 2 kg of fuel? Given that energy released per fission is 200 MeV and Avogadro's number = 6-023 x 10” per kilomole. © scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘adequate promotion of consumer interest, ERC Energy Regulatory Commission 2. This is created in pursuant to the provisions of Section 41 of RA 9136, Magna Carta for Residential Electricity Consumer 3. When did ERC adopt the Magna Carta for Residential Consumers? June 8, 2008 4, Whenever the electic service is cisconnected due to non-payment of electric bills, the DU must reconnect their service within if there is ne approved compliance plan. 24 hrs 6. The electricity bill must be paid within a specific time before the DU will give a disconnection notice. 9 days from the date of receipt How many hours belore the disconnection of meters due to none payment will be effective? 48 hrs ‘Tolerance for error in electric meter. Less than 2% I meter reading is delayed because of fortuitous event, the DU has a no violation of what article of the Magna Caria? Art 47 9 Elapsed time between two succeeding meter readings, at least 28 days apart but not exceed 31 days. month 10. Specific or addtional requirement for a residential consumer to have a electricity connection from DU, Proof of ownership 11, The Magna Carta shall apply to this type of consumer. Residential consumer 12. As defined by Magna Carta, customer who has a valid service contract wth the electric istrbution utility, Registered customer 13. Interconnected network for delivery of elecsicty from production to end-user. grid 14, Any electric cooperative, private or public, which has exclusive franchise to distrbute electriciy to end user. Distribution utility 15. tis the unbilled electricity due to ilegal use of electricity as described by the aw Differential billing 16. Amount charge to consumer for uncharged electricity due to defect of meter. Bling adjustment 17. Required from customers by distibulion uliies of new andlor additonal service equivalent to the ‘estimated biling for one month. Bill deposit 18. The point of connection ofthe user system or equipment to the dstbution system. Connection point 19. Its the entty which administers the operation of the WESM? Market operator 20. The person who holds the legal nght of possession or ile to a building or real property. owner 21 2 watlen statement that promises the good condition of a product and states ihat the maker Is responsibie for repairing or replacing the product usually for a certain period of time after its purchase, warranty 2. ‘are defined as a company’s legal financial debts or obligations that arise during the course of business operations. Liabilities 28. Itis a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain oss, Insurance —__—_ © scanned with OKEN Scanner 24. ___ is given without consideration but insurance is not possible without premium. It provides security and safety to an individual and to the society although it is a kind of business because in consideration of premium it guarantees the payment of loss. charity 25. |s a written statement that promises the good condition of a product and states that the maker is responsible for repairing or replacing the produet usually for certain period of time after its purchase. Warranty 26. It is a presumed assurance in product sales. The assurance is treated as a warranty whether or not the product seller has given assurances of the same either in writing or even orally. Implied Warranty 27. Its the period of time that warrant free repair and adjustment services in case of a malfunction occurred under normal use that has followed instruction manuals. Warranty Period 28. Defined as a company’s legal financial debts or obligations that arise during the course of business operations. Liabilities 29. Is the granting of a property right by a sovereign authority to an inventor. This grant provides the inventor exclusive rights to the patented process, design, or invention for a designated period in exchange for a comprehensive disclosure of the invention. Patent 30. A patent that protects its aesthetic appearance and prevents others from using, selling or manufacturing the appearance of your product. Design Patent © scanned with OKEN Scanner 1. Year when Presidential Decree No, 1096 National Building Code was approved. 197 fob19 “The independent regulatory body crated by RA 9138, ERC Interconnected network for delivery of electricity from production to end-user. GRID PGC stands for Philippine Grid Code Wha the meaning of the acronym TRANSCO? National Transmission Corporation How many national Grids are in Phiippines according to Philippine Grid Code 3 ‘A warming issued by the System Operator tothe users regarding a planned demand reduction. Red Alert Warning ‘A notice issued by the system operator when the contingency reserve Is less than the ‘capacity of the largest synctonized generating unit. Yellow alert 9. Anotice issued by System operator to notiy the grid user that an alet state exist. Alert Warning 10. This code shall apply to all distribution Utites, which includes Electric Cooperatives, private distributors, government-owned utlties and existing lacal government units that ate franchised to operated distribution systems. Philippine Distribution Code 11. The product of RMS voltage and the RMS current. Apparent Power 12. Anolice issued by the System Operator when a tropical disturbance is expected to make landfall within 24 hours. Blue alert 13, Amechanical switching device, which is capable of making, carrying, and breaking ‘current under normal crcut conditions. Circult breaker 14. An electric cooperative or private corporation that has an exclusive franchise to operate a cisiribution system. Distributor 16, This s the highest voltage backbone system of interconnected transmission lines, ‘substation and related facilities for conveyance of bulk power. Grid 16. An olecrical aquipment or ently that consumes electrical energy. Lead 17. Voltage leve! not exceeding 1000 volts. Low Voltage 18. In what chapter of National Building Code can you fnd the electrical and mechanical regulations. 13 19, Thiss also known as PD No. 1096. National Building Code of the Philippines 20. Fire prevention month inthe Phisppines. March 21. Any liquid having @ flash point at or above 37.8 degree Celsius. Combustible Liquid 22. Anormally open device installed inside air duct system which automatically closes to restrict the passage of smoke or fre. Damper 23. A bulding that is unsafe in case of fre because it will bum easily or lack of adequate RSTO mrs © scanned with OKEN Scanner 24. Apiece of metal or an electrical conductor used to bypass a safety device in an electrical system. Jumper 25. The active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light combustion. Fire 26. According to Fire Cade of the Philippines of 2008, this is defined as any person actually occupying and using a building. Occupant 27. Refers to the sale, disposition, change and transfer of ownership and control of assets and IPP contracts from the Government or a government corporation to a private person or entity. Privatization 28. Refers to any person or entity authorized by the ERC to operate facilities used in the generation of electricity. Generation 29. Refers to the set of rules and regulations governing the safe and reliable operation maintenance and development of the high voltage backbone transmission system and its related facilities. Grid code 30. The point of connection of the user system or equipment to the distribution system. Connection Point © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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