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Metrology Lab Manual January 2024

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MFB1033: Manufacturing Technology 1

January 2024

Workshop Practical Manual

Student Name: Megat Muhammad Haziel bin Mohd Faiz Student ID: 2001353

Lab Work
Actual Group Attendance
Date Manual Piece
Number (Technician’s Stamp)
Marks Marks
CNC Lathe
Metrology 31 February 2024 1
Conventional Lathe
Conventional Milling

……………………...CUT THIS SECTION…………………....


Megat Muhammad Haziel bin Mohd Faiz 2001353



I, named as below, fully understand all the regulations pertaining to the Health, Safety and
Environment in the laboratory as listed in Appendix I of this manual, and therefore shall
abide and follow all the rules and instructions.

Name : Megat Muhammad Haziel bin Mohd Faiz

Matrix No : 22001353

IC : 040831100173

Date : 5 February 2024

Signature :


Welcome to our in-depth investigation of metrology, a fascinating field where precision reigns supreme and accuracy is the name
of the game. In this comprehensive report, we invite you to join us on a voyage across the complex environment of measurement
science, where every inch, centimeter, and millimeter is significant. Metrology, often known as the art and science of
measurement, refers to a wide range of techniques, instruments, and technologies designed to precisely quantify every aspect of
our physical reality.

Metrology is fundamentally concerned with ensuring quality, dependability, and consistency across a wide range of industries and
sectors. Whether it's manufacturing, healthcare, aerospace, or beyond, the principles of metrology underpin the cornerstone of
growth and innovation. Metrology is critical in driving excellence and innovation, from the precision machining of complex
components to the accurate calibration of medical instruments.

In this article, we'll look at the complexities of metrology, exploring its many facets and explaining its far-reaching impact on our
daily lives. From the simple tape measure to cutting-edge laser scanning equipment, we'll look at the wide range of measurement
tools and procedures used by metrologists around the world. Furthermore, we'll go over the critical steps that must be taken before
beginning any measurement project, such as carefully selecting instruments based on the characteristics of the object being
measured, understanding instrument capabilities and limitations, and proficiency in instrument operation and result interpretation.

But our trip does not stop there. We will also highlight the astounding breakthroughs that are defining the future of metrology, such
as the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning and the emergence of quantum-based measuring technology.
Through illuminating case studies and real-world examples, we'll demonstrate how metrology continues to push the frontiers of
what's possible, spurring innovation and transforming industries in previously inconceivable ways.

So join us on this intriguing journey through metrology, where accuracy meets possibilities and the pursuit of greatness knows no
limitations. Let us solve the mysteries of measurement and discover the limitless possibilities of metrology.

Project Report: Metrology

1. Surface Plate
Function A surface plate offers a level, stable, and level platform for precise workpiece

Resolution Surface that is smooth, level, and barely deviates from a true plane.

Procedure 1. To guarantee precise measurements, clean the workpiece and surface plate.

2. Gently place the workpiece on the surface plate.

Results of

Applications Make sure the workplace has a reliable platform for measurements.

Discussion 1. Usually composed of granite because of its solidity and low thermal expansion.

2. Vernier caliper
Function Accurate measurement of interior and external dimensions, as well as linear dimensions,
is its main application.

Resolution 0.02 mm

Procedure 1. The caliper's jaws were made sure to close.

2. Based on the marks on the main scale, the suitable unit of measurement has been
selected, either millimeters or inches.
3. By tightening them around the object, the larger, exterior jaws were used to
measure the distance between two ends, and the smaller, internal jaws were used
to measure the internal diameter by putting it into the opening.

4. When the zero on the vernier scale matched that of the main scale, the main scale
was read as a full number.
5. The mark that corresponds with the main scale counterpart was used to read the
vernier scale.
6. To get the final measurement, the readings from the main scale and the vernier
scale were summed.

Results of
Reading : 49.42 mm

Applications It is utilized in science labs, steel companies, aerospace industries, educational sector, and
for medical applications.

Discussion Advantages:
• It is a multipurpose tool that can measure a wide range with accuracy and precision
• It is reasonably priced and long-lasting due to its stainless steel construction
• It is highly durable as most vernier calipers are made of this material.

• Individuals must possess the ability to interpret it prior to collecting measures.
• Since reading requires concentration when repeating measurements a few times, there is
a large chance of errors arising.
• Digital calipers are among the more precise tools that are now accessible.

It offers 0.01 mm (10 micrometers), or one thousandth of an inch, of precision in the
industry. They come in sizes that go up to 1828 mm in length.

3. Screw thread micrometer
Function It is a high-precision measurement instrument used to determine a thread's pitch directly.

Resolution 0.01 mm

Procedure 1. Verify that the micrometer is well-maintained and clean.

2. Make it zero.
3. Give the measuring component's threaded portion a thorough cleaning.
4. Slide the threaded portion between the anvils of the micrometer.
5. Rotate the micrometer until the thread flanks are touched by the anvils.
6. Check and note the micrometer's measurement.
7. To ensure accuracy, repeat steps 4-6 several times.
8. Check that the measurement satisfies the thread specifications.
9. Keep the micrometer clean and in a safe place.

Results of

Applications It is employed in research and development, manufacturing and quality control, the
production of threaded fasteners, the automotive and aerospace industries, machining and
tooling, maintenance and repair, and metrology and calibration labs.
Discussion Benefits:
• Offer excellent precision and accuracy when measuring dimensions
• Extremely long-lasting and unlikely to require repair or replacement
• As pressure is delivered uniformly, potential errors are decreased.

The following are some of its drawbacks:

• Its measurement range is only 25 mm and 1 inch
• High-precision models can be quite expensive when compared to simpler models
• Accurate readings can only be obtained with ability and expertise.

It measures tiny increments of a screw's thread. The scale divisions on the sleeve, which
rotates to move the spindle, allow for a measurement accuracy of (0.01) mm.

4. Outside micrometer
Function Small objects' exterior diameter or thickness can be measured with outside micrometers.
Because of their great accuracy/resolution and user-friendliness, these measuring
instruments are considered industry standard.
Resolution 0.0001 mm

Procedure 1. Place the measurement object in place. Hold the micrometer in your dominant
hand with the frame in your palm while holding the object you are measuring in
your nondominant hand. Place the item on the micrometer's fixed measuring face,
or the avail.
2. Place an item between the spindle and the anvil. With the ratchet speeder, rotate
the thimble until the spindle is in close proximity to the object. When you get
close to the surface that needs to be measured, turn the ratchet carefully and keep
turning it until the spindle stops moving.
3. Take a measurement using the thimble and sleeve scales. Examine the entire
millimeter value listed on the primary scale. Take note of the extra value obtained
from the thimble (spinning sleeve) scale. To obtain the final measurement, sum
the two figures at the end.

Results of

Applications There are numerous uses for outside micrometers in a variety of professions and
industries. Engineering and manufacturing are two common application areas. It
guarantees that the parts are produced in accordance with exact standards, tolerances, and
specifications. In addition, metalworking. Metal rods, shafts, bolts, and other components
can have their diameter measured using outside micrometers. Not to be overlooked is
woodworking. The diameter of turned parts and wooden dowels can also be measured
with an external micrometer. This makes it easier to guarantee proper dimensions and
perfect fits in woodworking tasks.
Discussion Benefits:
1. Exact measurements are guaranteed by high accuracy, which is often measured to
thousandths of an inch or hundredths of a millimeter.
2. User-friendly.
3. Measurements that are reliable and consistent.

1. Outside micrometers of superior quality can be costly.
2. Restricted scope.

All things considered, exterior micrometers are invaluable instruments for precision
measurement applications where repeatability, accuracy, and dependability are critical

5. Inside micrometer
Function Inside micrometers are precision measurement tools used to measure the internal diameter
of objects, such as cylinders, pipes, and holes. The main function of an inside micrometer
is to accurately determine the diameter of these internal features with high precision.
Resolution ranging from 0.025 mm to 0.0025 mm

Procedure 1. Prepare: Clean the micrometer and the object. Choose the right size rods or anvils.

2. Insert: Put the rods or anvils inside the object, making sure they touch the walls.

3. Zero Setting: Close the micrometer until it touches lightly, then set it to zero.

4. Measure: Open the micrometer until it touches firmly, then read the measurement.

5. Record: Write down the measurement with the units.

6. Check: Make sure the measurement meets the requirements.

7. Maintain: Clean and store the micrometer properly after use. Occasionally check and
recalibrate it.
Results of

Reading : 0.372 mm

Applications Inside micrometers measure the insides of things accurately, like holes or cylinders.
They're used in making sure parts are the right size, checking quality, designing,
maintaining machines, making tools, fixing cars, and doing research. In essence, they help
ensure things fit together and work properly.
Discussion Advantages:

Precise: Inside micrometers give very accurate measurements for internal sizes.
Versatile: They can measure a wide range of internal diameters, making them useful in
different jobs.
Durable: Good inside micrometers last a long time and can handle tough conditions.


Short Reach: They can't measure very deep or hard-to-reach spots without extra tools.
Skill Needed: You need to know what you're doing to get accurate results.
Fragile: Some are delicate and can break if you're not careful.


Inside micrometers can be very accurate if used right, typically within a few thousandths
of an inch or hundredths of a millimeter. But they need to be well-maintained and used
properly to get the best results.

6. Depth micrometer
Function a tool used to measure how deep a hole or recess is in something. It's really accurate and
can measure depths very precisely. It has a scale to show the depth, and some newer ones
even have a digital display for easier reading. You can adjust it to the depth you want to
measure and lock it in place. It's versatile and comes in different sizes for different jobs.
Overall, it helps make sure things are made with the right measurements.
Resolution The resolution of a depth micrometer is usually around 0.01 millimeters or smaller,
depending on the model.
Procedure 1. Adjust: Set the depth you want to measure on the micrometer.
2. Place: Put the micrometer on the surface you're measuring, making sure it's
3. Lower: Gently lower it until it touches the bottom of the hole or recess.
4. Read: Look at the measurement shown on the micrometer.
5. Record: Write down the measurement if needed.
6. Reset: Put the micrometer back to its starting position.
7. Clean and Store: Wipe it clean and keep it in a safe place

Results of

Reading : 6.66 mm

Applications Depth micrometers are used to measure depths accurately in industries like
manufacturing, woodworking, metalworking, and more. They ensure that holes, cuts, and
other features are the right size, helping to make quality products and parts.
Discussion 1. Accuracy: How precise depth micrometers are in measuring depths and ensuring
the correct dimensions of holes, slots, and other features.

2. Usability: Tips and techniques for using depth micrometers effectively, including
proper calibration, handling, and maintenance.

3. Applications: Sharing experiences and insights into how depth micrometers are
used in various industries such as manufacturing, woodworking, metalworking,
automotive, and healthcare.

4. Comparisons: Comparing different models of depth micrometers, including

traditional analog ones and modern digital ones, discussing their features,
advantages, and limitations.

5. Innovation: Discussing advancements and innovations in depth micrometer

technology, such as improvements in resolution, accuracy, and ease of use.

7. Precision square
Function In mechanical and manufacturing operations, precision squares are mostly used to
measure and confirm the squareness or perpendicularity of edges and surfaces. Its main
purpose is to guarantee that structures or parts are perfectly oriented at right angles, which
helps to produce precise and excellent workpieces.
Resolution The graduations on a precision square's measuring blades often indicate the resolution of
the tool. Since these graduations are usually expressed in millimeters or inches,
measurements of angles and perpendicularity can be made with accuracy.
Procedure 1. Decide which workpiece or component has to have its squareness confirmed.
2. Verify that there are no particles or impurities on the precision square or the
workpiece's surfaces that could compromise the accuracy of measurements.
3. Press the precision square up against the workpiece's reference surface, making
sure that the surfaces being measured are touched by both of the square's legs.
4. Verify that the workpiece's edges and the square's blade line up precisely. Any
overlap or gap suggests that the angle is not exactly right.
5. Turn the square over and examine the alignment on the other side for more
confirmation. It is likely that the surfaces are square if the square remains in the
same alignment.

Results of

Applications 1. Applied to manufacturing and machining operations.

2. Applied in woodworking and carpentry.
3. Applied to precision control and metalworking.
Discussion In industries where accuracy and precision are essential, precision squares are
indispensable tools. Correct angle checking guarantees that parts function as intended and
fit together in a range of applications. Precision squares need to be calibrated often in
order to maintain accuracy. Furthermore, variations in material composition, temperature,
and wear and tear can all affect how reliable a measurement is.

High degrees of accuracy can be achieved using precision squares, but users should
handle and store them carefully to prevent damage or misalignment. Squareness estimates
can be more accurate when statistical techniques like averaging and repeating
observations are used. Ultimately, the use of precision squares improves production
quality overall by making a significant contribution to the creation of accurate and
dependable mechanical components.

8. Height gauges
Function A height gauge, also known as a height gage or height comparator, is a precision
measuring equipment that can accurately calculate the height of objects or the distance
between surfaces.
Resolution 0.01 mm (0.0001 inches) to 0.1 mm (0.001 inches) or even finer, depending on the
specific model and intended application.
Procedure 1. Place the height gauge on the surface plate.
2. The height gauge and the thing being measured were cleaned.
3. The height gauge's calibration was tested.
4. The upper (measurement) and lower (reference) surfaces were identified.
5. The measuring surface was lowered to establish contact with the reference surface.
6. The object was positioned to be measured beneath the height gauge.
7. The measuring surface was lowered to the highest point of the workpiece.
8. The height gauge was carefully adjusted so that the measuring surface was in contact
with the object.
9. The measurement on the height gauge was read and recorded.
10. Multiple measurements were collected from various points on the object to verify
uniformity and accuracy.

Results of

Applications The height gauge is commonly used for quality control in manufacturing, metrology and
calibration, machining and metalworking, aerospace, automobile manufacture,
electronics, and research and development.
Discussion Height gauges are versatile instruments that can be utilized in a variety of applications,
including manufacturing, aircraft, and healthcare. They contribute to quality by ensuring
that components meet specified design standards.

These gauges provide exact measurements, catching even little height fluctuations. Their
accuracy is critical in areas where precision is required to produce high-quality products.

Calibration processes offer a reference point for height gauges, ensuring their reliability.
This ensures that measurements are consistently accurate over time. Traceability to known
standards lends legitimacy to the measurements.

Modern height gauges use electronic readouts for real-time measurements and data
logging. These innovations increase efficiency and output in businesses that require
precise measurements.

9. Pitch gauge
Function Pitch gauges, often referred to as thread pitch gauges by some, are frequently used to
measure the thread pitch and quantity of threads in a screw or drilled hole. It can also be
used to determine a screw's angle.
Resolution 0.01 mm

Procedure 1. The right pitch gauge must be selected based on the individual pitch size of the
screw or tapped hole being measured.
2. The pitch gauge was selected and then placed up against the target. Next, the
gauge is adjusted to match the object's pitch. In the event that it is unfit, a
different pitch gauge size is utilized.
3. Measurements made while consulting the label of the pitch gauge being utilized.

Results of

Applications Pitch gauges are extensively used in many different industries, including engineering,
carpentry, metallurgy, construction, and automotive. It is employed in construction to
determine the exact pitch of stairs and roofs. Pitch gauges are widely used in engineering
to measure screws or drilled holes precisely and to calculate angles.
Discussion Benefits:
• Pitch gauges are accurate and precise because the value they measure is constant and
• Pitch gauge is also effective to use because it requires few and easy steps to operate.
• Pitch gauge also saves money because it helps to ensure that measurements are taken

• The pitch gauge is susceptible to manipulation, primarily as a result of human error in
terms of location or eye level.
• The pitch gauge's range is likewise restricted; anything outside of it cannot be measured
or inferred.

Overall: Due to its affordability and ease of use, pitch gauges are still a useful tool for
measuring angle, thread count, and pitch.

10. Bevel protractor
Function In metrology and engineering, a bevel protractor is a precise measuring tool used to
measure angles with accuracy. Determining the angle between two surfaces—such as the
slope of a surface or the tilt of a workpiece—is its main use. This instrument is necessary
to guarantee accuracy in angular measurements.
Resolution With its high resolution and frequent markings in both degrees and minutes, the bevel
protractor allows for precise measuring of angles. The protractor's quality and design
determine how much resolution it has; some models have finer graduations to provide
more precise readings.
Procedure A bevel protractor must be placed on the surface that has to be measured for an angle in
order to be used. Next, the protractor blades are adjusted so that they perfectly line up
with the surfaces that are being considered. After then, the angle measurement is taken
straight from the protractor's scale, making the process of getting angular values simple
and effective.

Results of

Applications Bevel protractors are used in many different industries, such as mechanical engineering,
woodworking, and metallurgy. They are used for tasks like measuring and establishing
angles when fabricating and assembling components. Bevel protractors are frequently
used by engineers and machinists to create exact angular alignments that guarantee
accuracy in production operations.
Discussion The quality and calibration of the instrument affect how accurately measurements made
using a bevel protractor can be taken. Maintaining accuracy over time requires frequent
maintenance and calibration. Certain bevel protractors may have extra features, including
a magnifying glass, which makes it simpler to see angle graduations and improves the
tool's overall usability. All things considered, the bevel protractor is a highly adaptable
and essential instrument for attaining accuracy in angle measurements in a variety of
industrial settings.


Before initiating the inspection process for a workpiece or product, several crucial preparatory steps must be meticulously
undertaken to ensure accurate and reliable measurements.

Firstly, the selection of appropriate measuring instruments is paramount. This decision hinges upon a comprehensive
understanding of the dimensions and characteristics of the workpiece or product under scrutiny. Different measurement
tools cater to varying types of dimensions, such as length, width, depth, and even more specialized parameters like surface
roughness or electrical conductivity. Careful consideration must be given to factors such as precision requirements, surface
finish, and the material composition of the item being measured. By choosing the most suitable measuring instruments, we
can optimize the accuracy and efficiency of the inspection process.

Secondly, it is imperative to fully grasp the capabilities and limitations of the selected measurement instruments. Each
instrument possesses its own unique range of accuracy, resolution, and tolerance levels. Understanding these specifications
is essential for interpreting measurement readings effectively and discerning whether they fall within acceptable
tolerances. Additionally, awareness of factors such as environmental conditions, calibration status, and potential sources of
error enables us to mitigate inaccuracies and maintain the integrity of the measurement process.

Lastly, proficiency in the operation and utilization of measurement instruments is indispensable. This encompasses not
only knowing how to physically manipulate the instruments but also possessing a comprehensive understanding of their
operating principles and functionalities. Adequate training and familiarity with measurement techniques ensure that
measurements are performed correctly and consistently. Furthermore, the ability to interpret measurement results
accurately enables informed decision-making regarding the conformity of the workpiece or product to specified

In summary, before embarking on the inspection of a workpiece or product, careful consideration must be given to the
selection, understanding, and utilization of measurement instruments. By adhering to these preparatory steps, we can
enhance the accuracy, reliability, and efficiency of the measurement process, ultimately contributing to the overall quality
and integrity of the end product.


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