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Alzheimer’s & Dementia 12 (2016) 1014-1021

Review Article

Big data to smart data in Alzheimer’s disease: The brain health

modeling initiative to foster actionable knowledge
Hugo Geertsa,*, Penny A. Dacksb, Viswanath Devanarayanc, Magali Haasd,
Zaven S. Khachaturiane, Mark Forrest Gordonf, Stuart Maudsleyg, Klaus Romeroh,
Diane Stephensonh, on behalf of the Brain Health Modeling Initiative (BHMI)
In Silico Biosciences, Inc., Berwyn, PA, USA
Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation, New York, NY, USA
Exploratory Statistics, AbbVie, Souderton, PA, USA
Orion Bionetworks, Inc., Cambridge MA, USA
PAD2020, Potomac, MD, USA
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Ridgefield, CT, USA
VIB Department of Molecular Genetics, Institute Born-Bunge, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
C-Path Institute, Tucson, AZ, USA

Abstract Massive investment and technological advances in the collection of extensive and longitudinal in-
formation on thousands of Alzheimer patients results in large amounts of data. These “big-data” da-
tabases can potentially advance CNS research and drug development. However, although necessary,
they are not sufficient, and we posit that they must be matched with analytical methods that go beyond
retrospective data-driven associations with various clinical phenotypes. Although these empirically
derived associations can generate novel and useful hypotheses, they need to be organically integrated
in a quantitative understanding of the pathology that can be actionable for drug discovery and devel-
opment. We argue that mechanism-based modeling and simulation approaches, where existing
domain knowledge is formally integrated using complexity science and quantitative systems pharma-
cology can be combined with data-driven analytics to generate predictive actionable knowledge for
drug discovery programs, target validation, and optimization of clinical development.
Ó 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Association. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Keywords: Brain disorders; Alzheimer’s dementia; Complexity theory; Systems pharmacology; Systems biology; Drug
discovery and development

1. Introduction brain injury, or pain) will affect one in five individuals in their
lifetime with an associated cost of more than 2 trillion US dol-
Among all the enduring disabling conditions of our
lars annually in the United States and Europe alone [1]. This
increasingly aged society, chronic brain disorders, such as de-
exceeds the annual combined burden of cardiovascular dis-
mentia/Alzheimer’s disease (AD), are the leading contributors
ease, cancer, and diabetes, and it is expected to rise with
to spiraling health care costs as well as individual and care-
increasing life expectancy. Among these brain disorders, de-
giver burden. Leading health organizations across the world mentia represents one of the largest burdens to our aging soci-
have estimated that brain disorders (neurological, psychiatric,
eties [2], afflicting more than 35 million people worldwide [3].
Today, there are no effective therapies for these conditions,
despite enormous financial and research investments. This re-
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 11-267-679-8090; Fax: 11-484-802- ality has galvanized a global effort launched by the G8 Sum-
E-mail address:
mit on Dementia in 2014; however, we suggest that the large
1552-5260/ Ó 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Association. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
H. Geerts et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia 12 (2016) 1014-1021 1015

investment in research and development can substantially conducted too late in the course of the disease, a failure in
benefit from integrative predictive modeling. the trial design rather than the targets, and that the solution
From 2002 to 2012, 99.6% of the clinical trials of disease- is to conduct trials in prodromal conditions [11]. However,
modifying treatments for AD have failed [4]. In stark the assumption that “reducing beta-amyloid load” leads to
contrast, between 1995 and 2010, approximately 300 inter- cognitive improvement is probably a major oversimplifica-
ventions were reported to reduce pathology and/or improve tion of the complex biology of beta-amyloid in the human
behavior in transgenic AD mouse models [5]. Although AD brain that we are gradually starting to understand.
changes in preclinical animal research design might some- Recent studies indeed document different aggregation dy-
what improve the predictive value of these animal models namics [12], different formation and clearance in the human
[6], rodents will continue to be fundamentally different brain [13], different neuroprotective versus neurotoxic prop-
from humans [7]. erties of the shorter versus longer amyloid peptides [14], and
AD is inherently a multifactorial syndrome, and individ- the complex nonlinear interaction of co-medications and ge-
ual patients present with a wide variety of pathologies, as a notypes on clinical cognitive readouts [15]. In other words,
consequence of comorbidities, life history, and genotypes even if beta-amyloid is the correct therapeutic target, suc-
(Fig 1). In fact, neuropathologic evidence suggests that cessful drug development will likely require a more sophis-
different pathologies converge in the brains of elderly people ticated understanding of its complex dynamics. In addition,
with dementia [8,9]. This suggests that the biological nonamyloid processes such as tau pathology, neuroinflam-
processes driving the clinical phenotype can differ mation, and oxidative stress interact with beta-amyloid
markedly from patient to patient. In addition, up to one- physiology resulting most likely in an idiosyncratic cogni-
third of nondemented, high-functioning seniors may harbor tive trajectory for each AD patient.
underlying pathology to an extent that would be expected to With the development of systems biology, the concept of
cause dementia. So far reductionist molecular biological ap- circuit and network insights was combined with multivariate
proaches have failed to explain this phenomenon [9]. analyses, resulting in an integrative approach that starts with
The complexity of clinical trials for AD has also contrib- the patient. It “is about putting together rather than taking
uted to the therapeutic failure rate. The clinical outcome met- apart, integration rather than reduction. It requires that we
rics related to cognition and function are highly variable, not develop ways of thinking about integration that are as
only due to the inherent variability in the pathological pro- rigorous as our reductionist programs, but different.It
cesses (see above), but also the impact of co-medications means changing our philosophy, in the full sense of the
and genotypes both within and across patient groups, neces- term” [16]. Quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) goes
sitating large sample size and treatment duration to detect one step further by adding formalized domain expertise about
remediation. New modeling efforts such as the precompeti- the biological nature such as enzyme kinetics and interaction
tive consortium, the Coalition Against Major Diseases, can between drugs and targets of the different parts of key circuits
help develop tools to optimize the efficiency of clinical trial and pathways. In this way, causation is explicitly integrated in
design [10]. Biomarkers can quantify neuropathology and its the modeling. In the case of central nervous system (CNS)
progression but the use of single molecular biomarkers in disorders, QSP also integrates this information into bio-
isolation has unfortunately not successfully predicted the physically realistic neuronal networks, the firing properties
functional and cognitive outcomes relevant to patients. of which can be associated with a clinical phenotype [17].

2. From reductionism to integration 3. From big data to smart data

The prevailing paradigm for scientific inquiry in the As part of the new approaches to reduce clinical trial fail-
neuroscience field has used classical reductionism, an ure rates, global efforts are now shifting toward a focus on
approach wherein explanation of entire systems is predi- gathering “big data” [18]. The integration of large clinical
cated in terms of their individual, constituent parts, and their data sets is viewed as a potentially powerful approach to
interactions. This molecular biology approach, often based expedite medical discovery, and there is justifiable enthu-
on data-driven correlation analysis, is basically a bottom- siasm based on results of global studies of disease progres-
up strategy, where the resulting outcome is defined usually sion and large-scale genomics efforts [19]. Advanced deep
as a consequence of a single set of linear assumptions. analytical approaches have been developed and are covered
This often negates the many nonlinear interactions between by other publications in the field of bioinformatics [20,21]
subsystems and the appearance of emergent properties that and pharmacology [22]; however, specific case studies for
cannot be reduced to a single target. brain disease are limited and these publications are typically
The case of beta-amyloid modulation as a therapeutic written for a very narrow specialty audience.
approach for AD illustrates the problems associated with a These large-scale data collection efforts, such as the Alz-
statistical approach that correlates a clinical phenotype heimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) consortium,
with genetic information. The most optimistic perspective and the European initiatives (
on the failure of this approach is that these trials have been uk/site/scripts/download_info.php? fileID52273) will yield
1016 H. Geerts et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia 12 (2016) 1014-1021

Fig. 1. Illustration of different pathological processes (by no means exhaustive) occurring in the AD brain and how they putatively interact to lead to the same
clinical phenotype. Such drawings are often used by scientists to “formalize” their hypotheses and identify the relationship between different processes. It in-
tegrates information from big data studies (e.g., GWAS) with insights about the underlying neurobiology. The purpose of mechanism-based modeling and simu-
lation is to bring these relationships to life by simulating time-dependent and concentration-dependent changes based on equations that describe the specific
biochemical processes and ultimately constrained by a number of clinical phenotypes (right side). For instance, synaptic activity dependent formation of
beta-amyloid peptides can be simulated (see text) using data constrained by human SILK studies, appropriate enzyme properties, and the forward and backward
rate constants of peptide oligomerization. Such models could, in principle, also simulate in a quantitative fashion the impact of therapeutic interventions at
specific points in the diagram and therefore support drug discovery and development programs.

maximal impact if they are combined with advanced predic- on physical principles to generate knowledge from the
tive modeling approaches where existing domain expertise massive amount of information (100 terabytes/day) gathered
is formally integrated. We call this approach “turning big in large particle accelerators to better understand the com-
data into smart data” with the idea of generating actionable plex nature of the universe.
knowledge that could help us in developing new treatment In pharmaceutical industry, mechanism-based modeling
paradigms. This provocative title is intended to highlight and simulation have become mainstream in other disease
the link between the world of “data-information” and the indications such as metabolic disorders, toxicology, and
realm of actionable “knowledge”—thus the concept of oncology. Physiology-based pharmacokinetic modeling,
smart data. which uses mechanism-based equations rather than empir-
ical methods [23], is now part of the growing toolbox of the
pharmaceutical industry and is increasingly being accepted
4. Modeling and simulation in pharma and other
by regulatory agencies [24,25]. As an example, DILISym,
a complex physiology-based computer model or QSP
Across many fields of science and physics, modeling and model of liver injury [26], has been tested extensively
simulation have come to complement theory and experiment and is used by pharmaceutical companies to detect early
as a key component of the scientific method. Computer aided signs of liver toxicity. Although hard numbers are difficult
design is a technology commonly used in many engineering to come by, informal testimonies reveal that this QSP
disciplines to generate in silico prototypes that are exten- approach can accelerate clinical development by several
sively simulated before the actual prototype is built and months while substantially increasing the probabilities of
lead to much higher success rates and shorter cycle develop- success. In another example, a mechanism-based QSP
ment times in automotive, aeronautics, and micro-electronic model of cognitive impairment correctly predicted an un-
industries. High-energy physicists use computer models expected clinical proof-of-concept for a clinical candidate
such as Geant4 (, based for AD and identified a back-up compound that could
H. Geerts et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia 12 (2016) 1014-1021 1017

possibly have saved a complete clinical development system dynamically settles into one of several states, and
program [27]. “escape” rates can be affected by disease state (such as
The fact that large pharmaceutical companies see value in “perseverance”). These studies suggest a novel hypothesis
computer-based mechanistic modeling is further under- to explain some of the nonlinear dose-responses observed
scored by the recent announcement that Rosa, a company in the clinic, especially around dopamine modulation [30].
providing modeling and simulation capabilities, has signed On the other hand, the clinical observation from deep brain
a multiyear worldwide multi-indication contract with Sanofi recordings in Parkinson’s disease patients that motor symp-
Global R&D ( toms are not related to firing frequencies, but to complex
rosa–co-announces-multi-year-world-wide-physiopd-rese oscillatory behavior of local field potentials [31] is an
arch-agreement-with-sanofi-300089963.html). example of an unexpected emergent property that cannot be
reduced to a single target. This has led to a better understand-
ing and optimization of deep-brain stimulation protocols.
5. The brain and complexity theory
Other examples of this nascent field include the associa-
The examples of CAD and high-energy physics illustrate tion of brain health with fractality of the alpha rhythm of hu-
the power of applying first principles based on the under- man EEG [32,33], the realization that chaotic behavior of
standing of the nature of the processes and formalized in a neuronal networks is associated with healthy functioning
mathematical manner to elucidate emergent properties that [34,35], and the global emergence of cognition from social
are difficult to relate to one specific and unique process. and neural cooperation [36].
This form of complexity theory includes tipping points (mo- Complexity science can help researchers to understand
ments when unique phenomena become commonplace) and the causal relationships between molecular events (lower
emergence (the idea that new structures can emerge unex- levels of complexity) and clinical expression of neurodegen-
pectedly from complex systems). eration (higher level of complexity; see for example Fig 2),
For example, experimental electrophysiological data on by developing simulation platforms that link the pathogen-
pharmacological manipulations of working memory [28] esis of dementia with the clinical features of the disease
can best be explained by attractor dynamics [29], where the such as cognitive impairment.

Fig. 2. Illustration of the multimodal processes that describe the complexity of going from a single gene (in this case, the huntingtin gene) to fully understand the
pathology that leads to the multiple clinical phenotypes in Huntington’s disease patients. The increasing complexity when going from one level to the next
necessitates the introduction of advanced mathematical modeling and simulation approaches that fully embraces nonlinear and stochastic descriptions of
the neurophysiological processes that ultimately leads to clinical phenotypes. For example, although the basic driver of the pathology is the mutated huntingtin
gene, its effects on behavior are related in complex nonlinear ways to other processes to the point that is not clear what the optimal target modulation approach
would be. In addition, environmental factors or other genotypes likely affect the relative contribution of these pathologic processes to the clinical phenotype.
1018 H. Geerts et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia 12 (2016) 1014-1021

6. Defining the questions to be asked in AD 2) What biomarkers can be used to help identify patient
subgroups, differential diagnosis, and disease progres-
It is also important to realize that several scientific ques- sion? Can the integration of complexity models with
tions need to be addressed with different levels of detail in
other analytical methods help identify biomarkers that
various models. For purely empirical relationships (e.g.,
will distinguish between subgroups to differentially
what genotypes drive a specific phenotype), deep analytical
predict disease progression, predict disease risk in
approaches based on sound statistical modeling and
asymptomatic populations, design more robust clinical
machine-learning principles are probably sufficient. For
trials with relatively homogeneous and clinically more
more predictive and biological questions that are not readily
relevant populations, and identify patient subpopula-
apparent from existing databases (e.g., how to therapeuti-
tions most likely to benefit from a given therapeutic?
cally affect biological processes that will impact the clinical 3) How can we support the discovery of new therapeutics
phenotype in a specific patient population), extensive neuro-
that appropriately modulate key pathways associated
biological domain expertise needs to be fully and formally
with specific biomarkers that define a patient subpop-
integrated. Fig 1 illustrates a possible strategy on how the in-
ulation and therefore will most likely be of benefit? In
formation from big data analytics can be combined with
what direction and to what degree do we need to affect
mechanism-based modeling to generate an advanced and
specific pathway(s) to generate a clinically significant
realistic computational platform for AD. The purpose of
improvement? In view of the limited efficacy of high-
the modeling is to bring the arrows (relations) between
ly selective therapeutic interventions, how can we
different agents in the pathology to “life,” by using first prin- optimize combination therapies that have a substantial
ciples about the underlying biology and explicitly simulating
impact on the cognitive trajectory?
their time-dependent and concentration-dependent impact
4) How can we conduct trials on virtual human patients
on the whole network. This will help to better define the cau-
to improve development of drugs for AD patients
sality between different biological processes and in relation
with different co-medications and genotypes?
to the different clinical phenotypes. Further constraining the
parameters with clinical data will improve the predictability
of such models. 7. Brain Health Modeling Initiative: Rationale
The heterogeneity of AD suggests that interventions to We strongly believe that generating actionable knowl-
treat or prevent it will be effective in some but not all patient edge from these data sets is essential to develop new
subpopulations. For example, the omega-3 fatty acid doco- and effective treatment paradigms. To this end, we have
hexaenoic acid (DHA) has been tested as a therapy to treat established the Brain Health Modeling Initiative
or prevent AD. Trials have generally failed, but secondary (BHMI). The objective of this initiative is to accelerate
analysis of a clinical trial in AD patients reported that biomarker and therapeutic development by raising the
APOE ε2/ε2, APOE ε2/ε3 carriers benefited, whereas awareness of integrative analytics and mechanism-based
APOE ε2/ε4, APOE ε3/ε4 and APOE ε4/ε4 carriers did not computational approaches that optimize the use of com-
[37]. Additional evidence from observational studies [38], plex big data to generate a more accurate and actionable
animal studies [39], and DHA pharmacokinetic experiments understanding of the disease. This may in turn lead to
in humans [40,41] indicate that the APOE genotype alters the development of more effective therapies or more effec-
the response to DHA supplementation and should be tively screen for patients with AD-specific pathology or an
considered in clinical trials testing the efficacy of DHA for improved match between therapeutic targets and bio-
AD treatment or prevention. Although this finding was markers that might help effect the promise of “precision
based on a statistical post hoc modeling of clinical results; medicine” [42] and therefore help deliver the right drug
the challenge is to turn this into a better understanding of to the right patients.
the biological processes driving this outcome, so that We propose to address these issues by rationally inte-
possibly new targets can be identified and validated. grating advanced modeling and simulation approaches
Below are some concrete objectives for which the inte- with analytical algorithms from big data studies. Deep ana-
gration of bioinformatics, statistical modeling, complexity lytic approaches can identify complex relationships from
science, and deep analytics could revolutionize therapy mining existing clinical data, whereas mechanism-based dis-
development. ease modeling using complexity science can simulate how
the emergent properties of a system (e.g., the clinical syn-
1) What biomarkers or combinations of biomarkers hold drome of dementia) emerge from the interaction of these
most promise for tracking with clinically meaningful diverse-related variables so that the right target for the pa-
change in AD trials? For example, what changes could tient population with that specific biomarker can be identi-
be detected in a 3-month period in patients and how fied, validated, and optimally modulated.
can this help us better understand the longer term clin- As an example whereby mechanism-based modeling ap-
ical trajectory of AD patient subgroups, develop ther- proaches can be combined with insights from bioinformat-
apeutics, and design clinical trials? ics, a computer model to identify vulnerability nodes of
H. Geerts et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia 12 (2016) 1014-1021 1019

Fig. 3. Steps for building predictive models. Starting from integrated databases, causal relationships can be identified using not only statistical analysis but also
approaches where domain expertise is formalized. These relationships can be tested in biological experiments, together with clinical neuroimaging and neuro-
pathology data and quantitative complex computer models can be developed. Parameters of this model are constrained by clinical data, and predictions can then
be tested against actual clinical outcomes. We anticipate a series of interactive steps that will ultimately result in more complex and predictive models.

tau neurophysiology was developed [43] based on biological The analytics toolbox aims to provide high-level explana-
principles, but where the constraints for the transition rates tions of various computational algorithmic approaches avail-
between the different tau states are informed by an a priori able today.
identifiability approach [43,44] commonly used in Case studies will highlight valuable examples in which
bioinformatics studies. predictive modeling tools ranging from statistical modeling
Fig 3 shows a general overview on how to bridge the and deep analytics over pathway-guided correlation analysis
world of experimental observation to deep analytics and to mechanism-based modeling have already been applied for
insight-providing modeling and simulation, in an iterative the identification of prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers
cycle to generate better knowledge. and clinical outcomes of new therapies in CNS disorders.
The mathematical toolbox for applying this network Operational challenges, such as data standardization and
systems biology conceptual framework to brain diseases quality control, will address actionability with the aim of
is still nascent and requires investment to realize its full defining the big data requirements of clinical trials (experi-
potential. mental data) and epidemiology/demography/public health
In a series of perspective articles, we will explore the sci- (observational data), outline the respective resource-
entific, operational, and computational challenges and op- infrastructure requirement of these two worlds, and suggest
portunities to use these approaches for brain-related data a roadmap to bridge the gap between these related endeavors.
and chart a path to implement these novel technologies to Modeling applications will illustrate the viewpoints of
accelerate the discovery of new and effective therapeutic in- pharmaceutical companies, regulatory agencies, and other
terventions. The ultimate goal is to combine the best tools of major stakeholders regarding the use of predictive modeling
the various computational approaches to develop a multi- in rational drug discovery and development, combination
scale complex predictive modeling platform. therapies, and the repurposing of old drugs.
These position articles will discuss the rationale for
8. Conclusion
generating actionable knowledge from the many databases
that are currently being collected, the unique data chal- Around the world, unprecedented amounts of data are be-
lenges, as well as new opportunities. ing collected with diverse content ranging from the genetic
1020 H. Geerts et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia 12 (2016) 1014-1021

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