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© 2019 JETIR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)

A Study on Stress Management among Employees

Kashish Peswani, Dheeraj Kalani
St Xavier’s College, Jaipur,
Dr. Salim Khan
Management St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur.
Stress is a universal phenomenon that essentially manifests itself in humans as a result of pressure emanating
from several experiences or challenging situation. Delay in job completion, deterioration of the power of
organization and planning, increase in error rate during manipulative and cognitive task, depression and feeling
of helplessness and over sensitivity are the major impact of stress on the productivity of professionals. In order
to minimize stress, delegating some work, share burden with colleagues, leave and time off work with family
and loved ones, as well as reducing work overtime ranked highest as strategies for stress management. Based
on the findings, it was concluded that stress has a great impact on the professionals and thereby affects the level
of productivity. It was therefore recommended that professionals should exhibit self-control and good self-
esteem; engage in continuous professional development on skills for better organization, integration of work
within specified project constraints and delegation of assignments, authority and breaking work into manageable
parts so as to be able to cope with stress. An attempt has been made through this research paper to know the
reasons of stress among the employees and the ways used by employees to cope with the stress generated at
workplace. In the second part of the article some stress coping strategies, such as gaining social support, taking
advantage of the programs targeting on stress coping, reduction of stress in the workplace by improving work
environment and work organization, are explained.
Keywords: Stress, Stress Management, Industries, Workplace, Factors.

1. Introduction

An ever-increasing number of employees are encountering stress at work. They might be adapting to an excess
of work load, long working hours or quick changes in innovation, deadlines to meet evolving needs. The Nature
of business has now changed and the possibility of an occupation forever has been supplanted by an accentuation
on execution. Stress is currently perceived as a legitimate wellbeing and security issue at work. Stress can
prompt a scope of terrible and incapacitating emotions and manifestations, for example, cerebral pain, spinal
pain, stomach upsets, nervousness and lethargy. This thus prompts absence of profitability, wear out and long
term ailment if not averted. In this way, to oversee the pressure got significant for each association. Stress
Management is getting to an ever-increasing extent consideration nowadays, especially in the private sector.
There is nothing of the sort like peaceful activity. Everybody in their work is presented to pressure and tension
as they overcome the obligations delegated to them.
The research shows that a large number of employees are confronting high pressure due to their work and the
explanations for this pressure incorporate long working hours, improper reward framework, job struggle,
absence of employment independence, authoritative Culture, etc. The principle reason is absence of the
executives backing to representatives. The workers can take note various side effects demonstrating significant
level pressure among them. Be that as it may, if these side effects are most certainly not seen in the beginning,
they can cause genuine wellbeing issues among employees, for example, sadness, heart issues, diabetes and so
forth. Health as well as individual life of employees is likewise being influenced on account of high occupation
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© 2019 JETIR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6 (ISSN-2349-5162)
stress, most workers are incapable to invest energy at home or with family. Notwithstanding, with the assistance
of legitimate administration methods by the board, the financiers feeling of anxiety can be decreased to an
incredible degree.
An ever-increasing number of employers are turning to Stress Management to handle these issues. Stress
Management can empower individuals to improve their response to stress and can lessen the environment
stressors. It not only helps in reducing the level of stress at an individual level but also at organizational level.

1.1 What is Stress?

Stress is the "wear and tear" of our minds and bodies understanding as we endeavor to adapt to our persistently
evolving condition. Stress is commonly characterized as: "A versatile reaction to a circumstance that is seen as
trying or on the other hand threatening to the individual's prosperity." Stress is likewise a physiological and
mental condition that prepares a person to adjust to a domain that is unfriendly or compromising. Stress is
natural factor, depicting the results of a handicap to respond properly to physical or emotional dangers to the
creature, regardless of whether real or on the other hand, envisioned.
● According to Richard S. Lazarus, “Stress as a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives
that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.”

● According to Hans Selye, “Stress is the body‘s nonspecific response to a demand placed on it.”

1.2 Causes of Stress-

There are different reasons for pressure.

1. Organizational:
elements like differentiation in pay structure, severe rules and guidelines, peer pressure, objectives clashes/
objectives uncertainty, ineffective communication, less career openings, absence of workers investment in basic
leadership, excessive control over the workers by the directors, and so on.
2. Individual:
Elements like, different desires which the relatives, companion, prevalent and subordinates have from the
worker, inability to see such desires, job struggle which thus causes representative pressure. Other personal
components causing pressure are different character qualities for example, being anxious, feeling time pressure,
forceful, inflexible, and so on. Also, the family issues, individual monetary issues, unexpected profession
changes all lead to stress.
3. Job related:
Factors like, dull nature of occupation, hazardous and undesirable working conditions, absence of secrecy, work
disappointment, absence of employment association, and so forth.
4. Extra-authoritative:
Elements like in present day modern technology savvy world, stress has expanded, inflated, mechanical change,
social duties and quick social changes are other extra authoritative variables causing pressure.

1.3 Stress Management:

Stress Management is the need of the hour. Notwithstanding hard we attempt to go past a stress situation, life
appears to discover better approaches for worrying us and tormenting us with uneasiness assaults. Stress
Management is to distinguish the sources of stress in your life starts with and to maintain distance from them.

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1.4 Importance of Stress Management:

Stress Management aims at making a win-win situation for both parties, the workers and the managers.
A) Employee Benefits:

• Decrease pressure

• Less non-attendance because of stress-related disorders

• Less unpleasant, increasingly proficient work environment

• Help with kid/eldercare plans

• Improved spirit

• Less negative pressure

• Better relationship both on and off the activity

B) Organizational Benefits:

• Employee fulfillment

• Measured increment in responsibility

• Better cooperation and correspondence

• Attract/hold workers

• Decrease work turnover

• Increase worker efficiency

• Improved reputation or Goodwill

2. Review of Literature:

Charu M. (2013), he stated that higher stress is directly proportional to the quality of work life for IT
professionals. He outlined a few factors namely fair pay structure, steady role demands, supervisory support,
congenial job environment, capability fit of the job, role autonomy and stress that directly affect the quality of
work life. Sinha V. and Subramanian K.S. (2012), the study highlights that various levels of organization
experience different kind of organizational role stress. It also states that stress is influenced by various factors
like shortage of resources, inadequacy within a person, and overload with a role, stagnation of a role and
isolation and expectation of a role. Cobb (1975), has the opinion that, “The responsibility load creates severe
stress among workers and managers.” If the individual manager cannot cope with the increased responsibilities
it may lead to several physical and psychological disorders among them. Subha and shakeel (2009), described
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“Higher level of stress existed with no managerial concern for solution consequently lowering the employee
performance, staking organizational reputation and loss of skilled employees, these situations call for immediate concern
from organization management for employing effective stress management practices to increase employee satisfaction
and overall employee performance.” Work overload & time pressure to complete too much work in a short span of time
is a big source of stress which decrease the performance of employees. N Kathirvel (2009), Stress is the reaction that
people take due to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them. It arises when they worry that they cannot
cope. Stress is a demand made upon the adaptive capacities of the mind and body. D‘Souza (1993): Today‘s leaders not
only live and work at a faster pace but also must also deal with uncertainty and change. They need effective methods
for coping with the kind of stress that affects anyone in leadership positions. People popularly identify managing directors
or chief executive officers as those most susceptible to stress and disease. However, people at all levels of management
find themselves exposed to comparable pressures. Jha (1988) in his study on J̳ obs Stress and Employee Strain in India
Executives ‘explains the pattern of stress and strain in three workgroups, namely production, personnel and data-
processing divisions in an organization. Results indicated that job future ambiguity had negative effect on job satisfaction
in all the three groups. The patter of stress in the three groups was different among different levels of management. Among
different levels of managers, the diddle level managers had more role ambiguity than others did. Berhem et al (2004) in
their study on ̳A New Model for Work Stress Patterns ‘describes the role of ambiguity is the main source of work stress
and self-knowledge as the main coping strategy to overcome work stress. Work stress is believed to be one of the most
important factors affecting productivity. Singh and Sehgal (1995) in their study on ̳Men and Women in Transition:
Patterns of Stress, Strain and Social Relations‘highlight the patterns of stress and strain among men and women as well
as single- and dual-career couples. They found that male and female managers did not differ significantly on
various stress dimensions. Difference in gender was however found in strains.

3. Objectives:

A lot of research has been conducted into stress over the last hundred years. The main objective of the present research
work is as follows-
1). The effect of stress on individuals life.
2). Importance of stress management.
3). In which extent stress management techniques is successful in managing stress.
4). To identify the different methods & techniques of reducing stress.

4. Research Methodology:

The study is based on secondary sources in the form of research papers and websites. On the basis of this secondary data
the problem which is Stress Management among employees in different industries has been discussed in this paper. A few
of self-observations have also been mentioned in context to Stress Management.

5. Findings:

A vast majority of the employees dread with the way that the lack of quality work puts weight on them.
Expectations for everyday comforts that are related with increasing horizon of new aptitudes, weight of higher
profitability and nature of work, time constraint and hectic employments are expanding pressure among the
workforce. Interpersonal connections, authority over condition, emotional factors, work task, additional time
obligation, broadened work. The feelings of anxiety among the workers contrast in their jobs and what's more,
obligations, and furthermore individual pressure bearing limit is unique in relation to their respective groups.
Stress and Performance conversely corresponds to each other.

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6. Conclusion:

It is inferred that in the present situation everybody i.e., a school going child or a worker have stress at various
places. An excessive amount of pressure isn't useful for wellbeing. The executives needs to make a sound
environment at work place and furthermore give vital preparing at all levels so that the stress can be limited and
it prompts thriving and profitability. The entire management team can conduct various fun yet motivational
activities in the organization. Instead of going for an annual excursion, it could be shifted to quarterly getaways.
More psychological games should be introduced to know the exact feelings of an employee so that necessary
measures could be taken. Weekly meditation and yoga sessions could be another way in dealing with stress
because reason could be unlimited but problem will be the same.

7. References:

 Ashford S.J. (1988). Individual Strategies for Coping with Stress during Organizational Transitions.Journal of
Applied Behavioural Science.24, 19-36
 Beehr T. A. & Newman J. E. (1978).Job Stress, Employee Health and Organizational effectiveness: A facet
analysis, model, and literature review.Personnel Psychology 31(4),665-699.
 Cooper C.L. & Payne, R. (1978).Stress at Work. Chichester:Djebarni R (1996) the impact of stress in site
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 Cooper CL, Marshall J. Occupational sources of stress: a review of the literature relating to coronary heart disease
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 Lazarus S, Folkman S. Stress, appraisal and coping . New York: Springer, 1984. A comprehensive account of the
transactional model of stress and its management.
 Olpin M. & Hesson M (2007).Stress Management for Life: A Research-Based Experiential Approach. California:
Wadsworth Publishing Company.

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