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Personal View

Precision psychiatry: a neural circuit taxonomy for

depression and anxiety
Leanne M Williams

Lancet Psychiatry 2016; Although there have been tremendous advances in the understanding of human dysfunctions in the brain circuitry
3: 472–80 for self-reflection, emotion, and cognitive control, a brain-based taxonomy for mental disease is still lacking. As a
Published Online result, these advances have not been translated into actionable clinical tools, and the language of brain circuits has not
April 14, 2016
been incorporated into training programmes. To address this gap, I present this synthesis of published work, with a
S2215-0366(15)00579-9 focus on functional imaging of circuit dysfunctions across the spectrum of mood and anxiety disorders. This synthesis
Department of Psychiatry and provides the foundation for a taxonomy of putative types of dysfunction, which cuts across traditional diagnostic
Behavioral Sciences, Stanford boundaries for depression and anxiety and includes instead distinct types of neural circuit dysfunction that together
University, CA, USA reflect the heterogeneity of depression and anxiety. This taxonomy is suited to specifying symptoms in terms of
(L M Williams PhD)
underlying neural dysfunction at the individual level and is intended as the foundation for building mechanistic
Correspondence to: research and ultimately guiding clinical practice.
Dr Leanne M Williams,
Department of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences, Stanford Introduction causes of disability and lost productivity, with a staggering
University, 401 Quarry Road, Technical and conceptual advances in brain imaging economic cost in the USA of US$42–53 billion per year.8
Stanford, CA, 94134–5717, USA
have provided new insights into the brain circuits that Other medical specialties, such as cardiovascular medicine,
underlie complex cognitive, emotional, and self-reflective face similar challenges in translating complex biological
functions,1–4 the very functions that define human signals into clinical care models,9 but are further ahead in
experience. Dysfunctions within and between these linking a taxonomy based on the organ of interest to
circuits give rise to the symptoms that characterise subjective symptoms and treatment indications. For
mental disease. Understanding these dysfunctions offers example, electrocardiography can be used to quantify types
the opportunity to specify symptoms at the level of the of arrhythmia due to electrical circuit dysfunctions (too
organ that generates them—the brain. By doing so, the fast, too slow, irregular) and to indicate specific treatments
notion of mental disease could be revolutionised and (pacemaker), and angiography can be used to quantify
treatments could be tailored according to individual types of blockage due to coronary heart disease (clots,
experiences and underlying neural disconnections. stroke, heart attack) and to indicate treatments (lifestyle
Why therefore is there such a gap between these changes, medications, surgery).
advances and their application in practice? In psychiatry,
language about brain circuits has not been incorporated A neural circuit approach to mental disorder
into clinically meaningful taxonomies, training pro- As a broad hypothesis, it is proposed that specific
grammes do not provide doctors with training in neural dysfunctions in the functional and structural connectivity
circuit terminology, and practitioners do not have of large-scale circuits that govern emotional, cognitive,
neuroscience-based tools to inform their decision and self-reflective functions define unique biotypes of
making. This gap remains despite substantial efforts on depression and anxiety. These biotypes will probably
many fronts. Federally, the US National Institute of differ from traditional diagnostic categories and are likely
Mental Health is pioneering the Research Domain to overlap, interact, or co-occur in individual patients. A
Criteria project, the aim of which is to generate a neuro- single mechanism is unlikely to underlie a broad
biologically valid classification for mental disorders.5 The descriptive diagnosis such as depression. Two people in
aim of the White House’s BRAIN Initiative is to develop whom major depressive disorder is diagnosed might
neurotechnologies for demystifying brain disorders, share only one symptom. The current symptom-based
including depression.6 The National Institute of Mental categories arguably conflate several types of individuals
Health and American Psychiatric Association worked in whom diverse brain dysfunctions drive symptoms. If a
hard to develop the new, fifth edition of the Diagnostic taxonomy based on brain dysfunctions is articulated,
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), and then it can be mapped onto the profiles of symptoms to
to incorporate neuroscience not covered in previous which these dysfunctions give rise.
editions.7 Mental disorders have not typically been thought of as
In this Personal View, I propose that the development of brain disorders. Instead, the term brain disorder
a neural circuit taxonomy suited to clinical actions is one normally refers to a neurological condition associated
way to address the gap between brain imaging advances with a discrete lesion or degenerative process. This usage
and practice. There is a compelling need for change, in might reflect limited understanding of the real-time
view of the escalating burden of mental disease. Globally, coordination of the brain. With the advent of brain-
405 million people experience depression, and 274 million imaging techniques with sufficient spatial and temporal
have anxiety disorders.8 These disorders are the main resolution to quantify neural connections in vivo, now is

472 Vol 3 May 2016

Personal View

the right time to reformulate understanding of mental both hypoconnectivity and hyperconnectivity, within the
disorders as neural circuit dysfunctions. broad diagnostic categories of depression and anxiety.
These variations might show the contribution of multiple
Which large-scale circuits? biotypes of underlying neural circuit dysfunction that cut
Researchers have identified an intrinsic neural circuit across existing diagnostic categories. Group-average
architecture that might underlie domain-general results might reflect different combinations of these
processes of self-reflection, salience perception, and dysfunctions depending on the nature of the sample
attention, as well as sensorimotor, visual, and auditory being investigated. Because future clinical translational
function.1,3,4,10 The universality of this intrinsic architecture applications will rely on a system for classifying
has been demonstrated with large-scale functional individual patients, neural biotypes are conceptualised
connectivity analysis of hundreds of brain regions here as extremes of hypoactivation or hyperactivation
encompassing every major brain system at rest and across and connectivity within and between underlying neural
64 task-evoked states.1 These brain regions have been circuit dimensions (figure 2). Structural anatomical
identified with parcellation and meta-analysis.1 During abnormalities can also ground or contribute to neural
rest, the default mode circuit tends to be upregulated, and circuit biotypes defined by functional activation or
other circuits downregulated.1,2 This intrinsic architecture connectivity, or both, as noted in early important work on
might also have a major role in shaping task processes— the subgenual cingulate.21
such as controlling cognition—or reaction to threatening
or rewarding stimuli, with a smaller amount of variance Default mode circuit
contributed by extrinsic task-general and task-specific The default mode circuit (typically known as the default
evoked changes.1,11–15 This extrinsic architecture has been mode network) is defined by the anterior medial
shown by conjunction analysis of multiple datasets with prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate cortex, and angular
multiple tasks.15 Task-general profiles include a down- gyrus.22 Connectivity between these regions has been
regulation of within-circuit functional connectivity during observed under task-free conditions when participants
task performance and an anticorrelation between default are asked to rest and reflect on their thoughts.22,23
mode and circuits involved in attention and cognitive Independent-components analysis suggests that the
control,1,15 although there could be positive correlations anterior and posterior regions define sub-networks of the
with demanding shifts in task sets.16 Task-specific default mode circuit.23 This circuit also has a basis in
activations and connectivity correlate with overt structural matter connections between the same
behavioural performance.17,18 regions.24
In this Personal View, I focus on six circuits that have
been implicated in dysfunctions expressed in Default mode Salience Negative affect
depression and anxiety: default mode, salience, negative aMPFC dACC ACC/MPFC
affect, positive affect (reward), attention, and cognitive
Insula Insula
control (figure 1). I summarise available evidence as a aI aI
basis for proposing putative biotypes of dysfunction TP TP
that might account for the natural heterogeneity of SLEA SLEA
Amygdala Amygdala
these disorders. AG PCC AG

Types of neural circuit dysfunction underlying Positive affect Attention Cognitive control
depression and anxiety dACC/vMPFC msPFC DLPFC DLPFC
The summary of existing evidence is based on published LPFC LPFC
meta-analyses and reviews and on circuits and circuit aI aI PCG PCG
dysfunctions that have been identified in at least two well aIPL aIPL
powered studies. So far, the focus of brain imaging DPC DPC
Striatum Striatum
research has mainly and appropriately been on case-
control comparisons, in which mood and anxiety
disorder are defined by traditional criteria. Activation Figure 1: Large-scale intrinsic and task-evoked circuits identified in published
within specific brain regions of interest was also a focus. work
In the past 5 years, there has been an escalation in the aMPFC=anterior medial prefrontal cortex. AG=angular gyrus. PCC=posterior
cingulate cortex (includes precuneus). dACC=dorsal anterior cingulate cortex.
study of dysfunctions in connectivity within and between aI=anterior insula. TP=temporal pole. SLEA=sublenticular extended amygdala.
circuits in depression and anxiety, partly as a result of ACC/MPFC=dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (includes dorsal ACC and vMPFC,
advances in precision imaging and analysis techniques, including ventral—subgenual and pregenual—and rostral ACC). msPFC=medial
including those developed within the Human superior prefrontal cortex. LPFC=lateral prefrontal cortex. aIPL=anterior inferior
parietal lobule. MPFC=medial prefrontal cortex. vMPFC=ventromedial prefrontal
Connectome Project.19,20 cortex. OFC=orbitofrontal cortex. ACC=anterior cingulate cortex.
Existing findings tend to be inconsistent, and reveal DLPFC=dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (includes anterior prefrontal cortex and
profiles of neural hyporeactivity and hyper-reactivity, and inferior frontal cortex). PCG=precentral gyrus. DPC=dorsal parietal cortex. Vol 3 May 2016 473

Personal View

Putative biotype 1: rumination Putative biotype 2: anxious avoidance

Resting-state analyses of depression have shown a Insula hypoconnectivity within the salience circuit has
consistent profile of functional overactivation and been noted in depression, social anxiety disorder, and
hyperconnectivity of the default mode circuit in panic disorder (figure 2).23,30 It has been inversely
depression.25,26 Hyperfunctioning of the default mode associated with symptom severity.23 Insula–amygdala
circuit in major depressive disorder has been associated hypoconnectivity, which is correlated with anxious
with higher levels of maladaptive rumination about avoidance, has also been observed (figure 2).23 Hyper-
depressive thoughts (figure 2).26 Anatomical ab- connectivity between the insula and anterior nodes of the
normalities might contribute to default mode circuit default mode circuit (figure 2) has been reported in both
hyper-function. Structurally, major depressive disorder depression23 and social anxiety disorder.30 Dorsal nodes of
has been associated with disruptions to both grey matter27 the salience circuit show both hyperconnectivity and
and white matter28 within the default mode circuit, hypoconnectivity with the posterior precuneus node of
particularly within the posterior sub-network. the attention circuit (figure 2).31 The direction of altered
connectivity between salience and attention circuits can
Salience circuit fluctuate with the nature of interoceptive or external
The so-called salience circuit is defined by core nodes in events, consistent with the view that the salience-circuit
the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), anterior insula, and guides the switching of attention according to stimulus
sublenticular extended amygdala4 (figure 1). This circuit importance. These salience circuit dysfunctions might
detects salient changes in the environment, both contribute to so-called anxious avoidance biotypes
interoceptive and external. When these changes are characterised by difficulty distinguishing relevant salient
detected, the salience circuit might signal the need for cues and an avoidance of situations that could generate
additional processing and initiation of appropriate interoceptive or environmental stimulus overload.
cognitive control.4,29
In addition to the salience circuit, a distinct cingulo- Negative affect circuit
opercular circuit has also been defined. The circuit is The circuit engaged by negatively valenced stimuli
defined by nodes in the anterior medial prefrontal cortex, comprises subcortical nodes in the amygdala, brainstem
dorsal ACC, anterior insula, frontal operculum, and regions, hippocampus, insula, and both dorsal and
anterior thalamus, and is implicated in the detection of ventral prefrontal nodes—ie, dorsal medial prefrontal
potential mismatches and conflict.4 These regions and cortex, dorsal ACC, ventral medial prefrontal cortex, and
functions show overlap with the default mode and ventral (subgenual and pregenual)-rostral ACC
salience circuits even though the cingulo-opercular connections (figure 1).14,32 Dorsal and rostral nodes have
circuit is articulated as a distinct circuit.4 been preferentially implicated in appraisal and expression

1 Rumination 2 Anxious avoidance 3 Negative bias 4 Threat dysregulation


aI aI
Insula Insula Insula Insula Activation
Hy al
Ty r


Amygdala Amygdala Amygdala Amygdala


Default mode
Precuneus PCC
Negative affect
5 Anhedonia 6 Context insensitivity 7 Inattention 8 Cognitive dyscontrol Positive affect
DLPFC Cognitive control

aI aI
OFC OFC Connectivity
aIPL Hyperconnectivity
DPC DPC Typical connectivity
Striatum Striatum Striatum Striatum PCC
Precuneus Precuneus Hypoconnectivity

Figure 2: Proposed taxonomy of putative biotypes of neural circuit dysfunction for depression and anxiety based on published work
The proposed phenotype associated with each proposed neural dysfunction is mentioned above each type of dysfunction. aMPFC=anterior medial prefrontal cortex.
AG=angular gyrus. PCC=posterior cingulate cortex (includes precuneus). dACC=dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. aI=anterior insula. TP=temporal pole.
SLEA=sublenticular extended amygdala. ACC/MPFC=dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (includes dorsal ACC and vMPFC, including ventral—subgenual and pregenual—
and rostral ACC). msPFC=medial superior prefrontal cortex. LPFC=lateral prefrontal cortex. aIPL=anterior inferior parietal lobule. MPFC=medial prefrontal cortex.
vMPFC=ventromedial prefrontal cortex. OFC=orbitofrontal cortex. ACC=anterior cingulate cortex. DLPF=dorsoateral prefrontal cortex (includes anterior prefrontal
cortex and inferior frontal cortex). PCG=precentral gyrus. DPC=dorsal parietal cortex.

474 Vol 3 May 2016

Personal View

of emotion and can be thought of as an aversive ACC has been observed in major depressive disorder.47
amplification sub-network,32 whereas the ventral nodes An ongoing state of poor emotion regulation might also
are implicated in automatic regulation of negative contribute to the often-noted loss of hippocampal grey
emotion.14,33 These sub-networks can be engaged even in matter in depression and anxiety.48
the absence of conscious sensory awareness.13,14 In view of
their commonly observed coactivation,14 the negative Positive affect circuit
affect circuit might subserve the perception of negative Reward-processing components of the affective circuits
emotion cues and the salience circuit—the arousal are defined by the striatal nucleus accumbens and ventral
aspects of feeling these emotions. tegmental areas (collectively referred to as the striatum)
and their projections to the orbitofrontal cortex and medial
Putative biotype 3: negative bias prefrontal cortex12 (figure 1). These regional components
Several studies of negative-affect-circuit dysfunction can be preferentially engaged by different types of reward
suggest biases that are congruent with altered subjective processing, including sensitivity to the presence of salient
mood. These biases are elicited during the processing of reward stimuli and the anticipation of these stimuli.
stimuli such as negative facial expressions. Heightened Evidence so far suggests distinct profiles of dysfunctional
insula activation has been observed in major depressive positive-affect processing in depression and anxiety.
disorder in response to mood-congruent facial emotion
stimuli such as sadness and disgust (figure 2).34 Putative biotype 5: anhedonia
Individuals with generalised social anxiety disorder also Consistent findings of striatal hypoactivation in some
show exaggerated insula activation and insula–ACC people with depression49 suggest a distinct loss of
hypoconnectivity when attending to emotional faces.35 sensitivity to reward stimuli that characterises an
Hyper-responsivity of the amygdala has also been anhedonia biotype (figure 2). Striatal hypoactivation in
reported in response to sad faces, consistent with a these patients is apparent in response to socially
mood-congruent negative bias (figure 2).36–38 rewarding stimuli (such as happy faces) and during
At rest, hyperconnectivity between the anterior (sub- reward-motivated decision making.49 Anatomically,
genual ACC and dorsal medial prefrontal cortex) nodes a loss of striatal grey matter might contribute to a
of the negative affect circuit and the default mode has functional anhedonia biotype.50 Anhedonia has also
been observed in depression.25,26 This state of intrinsic been associated with greater activation of the
hyperconnectivity is thought to drive rumination and the orbitofrontal cortex (ventral medial prefrontal cortex)
negative attributions that underlie negative biases. during the processing of happy faces51 and reward
outcomes,52 which might reflect compensation for
Putative biotype 4: threat dysregulation striatal hypoactivation. Anhedonia might encompass
Several diagnoses have been associated with amygdala negative-affect-circuit dysfunction as suggested by
hyperactivation and cortical hypoactivation elicited by reports of amygdala hypoactivation to happy faces in
threat-relevant negative emotion stimuli. Amygdala unmedicated major depressive disorder,53 generalised
hyperactivation during non-conscious threat processing anxiety disorder,54 and panic disorder.55
has been reported in current depressive disorder,39
generalised anxiety disorder,40 generalised social phobia– Putative biotype 6: context insensitivity
anxiety disorder,40–42 specific phobia,43 and panic disorder.40,43 In remitted depression, overactivation of the anterior
ACC hypoactivation during threat processing has been cingulate and midfrontal region has been observed
observed in generalised anxiety disorder33,44 and during the anticipation of primary rewards.56 These
generalised social anxiety,44 and task context-dependent findings suggest a context-insensitivity biotype of neural
ACC hyperactivation in anxiety disorder.33 dysfunction (figure 2), in which there is a heightened
Correspondingly, reduced connectivity between the anticipation of reward without sensitivity to the
amygdala and ventral prefrontal nodes (subgenual– surrounding context or the capacity to differentiate
ventral ACC) has been noted during implicitly processed emotional context. This dysfunction can persist even
threat in unmedicated major depressive disorder,45 during remission.56
generalised social anxiety disorder,46 and generalised
anxiety disorder.32 Amygdala–ACC connectivity correlated Attention circuit
with anxious symptoms for threat-related faces in a task- The frontoparietal attention circuit is defined by nodes in
specific manner.32 the medial superior frontal cortices, anterior insula,
This profile of altered activation and connectivity anterior inferior parietal lobule, and precuneus
suggests a core dysfunction of threat dysregulation (figure 1).57 It is implicated in alertness, sustained
(figure 2). Anatomical abnormalities might contribute to attention, and the support of recollection.57 A close
threat dysregulation. A reduction in the uncinate interplay between the attention and default mode circuits
fasciculus white matter connections that support could be important to configuration of the switching
functional communication between the amygdala and between resting and task-context processing.57 Vol 3 May 2016 475

Personal View

Putative biotype 7: inattention dyscontrol biotype (figure 2). Hypoactivation of the

Hypoconnectivity within the frontoparietal attention dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and dorsal anterior
circuit has been noted in major depressive disorder and cingulate cortex has been observed in depression.61,62
in social anxiety,58 and suggests the presence of an Such hypoactivation persists with later-life depression,63
inattention biotype (figure 2). In anxiety disorder, fronto- suggesting that a cognitive dyscontrol biotype might
parietal circuit hypoconnectivity has been correlated with have a trait-like status.
a specific behavioural profile of false alarm errors59 ACC and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex hypoactivation
consistent with disruption to sustained attention. during an inhibition task has been associated with
slowing of the time to inhibit responses for people with
Cognitive control circuit higher anxiety.18 Problems with selective inhibition in
The cognitive control circuit comprises the dorsolateral depression could also be suggested by problems
prefrontal cortex, ACC, dorsal parietal cortex, and suppressing default mode rumination, and a profile of
precentral gyrus (figure 1). Together these regions and positive correlation (rather than anticorrelation) between
their interconnectivity are implicated in the support of dorsal prefrontal cognitive control regions and posterior
higher cognitive functions, such as working memory and cingulate default mode regions.25,64
selective attention.11,60 Under task-specific demands the
cognitive control circuit is implicated in cognitive Exploratory biotypes of neural circuit dysfunction
flexibility.17 Emerging lines of evidence suggest additional neural
circuit biotypes that for now might be deemed more
Putative biotype 8: cognitive dyscontrol exploratory. Although most studies suggest default mode
Dysfunction of the cognitive control circuit during hyperconnectivity in depression and anxiety, default
effortful selective processing of relevant stimuli while mode hypoconnectivity has been noted in some.25,65 Default
inhibiting irrelevant stimuli suggests a cognitive mode hypoconnectivity has been correlated with
overgeneral autobiographical memory65 and social
Default mode Salience Negative affect anxiety,58 and might reflect impairments in self-re-
aMPFC dACC ACC/MPFC presentation. Future studies might explore dysfunctions
on the basis of interactions between negative and positive
Insula Insula
aI aI affective circuits given, for example, that the striatum of
TP TP the reward circuit has also been implicated in aversive
Amygdala Amygdala processing.13
AG PCC AG With regard to attentional dysfunction, hypercon-
Mindfulness, Serotonin Cognitive
nectivity (rather than hypoconnectivity) of the fronto-
self context reuptake behavioural parietal attention circuit has been observed in social
therapies, TMS inhibitors, DBS therapies anxiety.66 The attention circuit shows hypoconnectivity
with the positive affect circuit, and together these
Positive affect Attention Cognitive control dysfunctions might reflect an exploratory hypervigilance
dACC/vMPFC msPFC DLPFC DLPFC biotype. Within the cognitive control circuit, task-evoked
LPFC LPFC dorsolateral prefrontal cortex hyperactivation (rather
aI aI PCG PCG than hypoactivation) has been observed in the absence of
aIPL aIPL behavioural performance deficits in unmedicated
Striatum Striatum DPC DPC depression.67 This dysfunction might show a com-
pensatory form of cognitive dyscontrol associated with
cognitive overdrive or a distinct dysfunction dependent
Dopamine– Attention Cognitive
noradrenaline training, training, TMS
on task demands.
reuptake stimulants
inhibitors Use of neural circuit dysfunction to guide
Figure 3: Speculative connection between neural circuit biotypes for
depression and anxiety and potentially suitable interventions To advance a neural circuit model, it is essential to
aMPFC=anterior medial prefrontal cortex. AG=angular gyrus. PCC=posterior understand how neural-circuit-based biotypes relate to
cingulate cortex (includes precuneus). dACC=dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. interventions. In the future, on the basis of increasingly
aI=anterior insula. TP=temporal pole. SLEA=sublenticular extended amygdala.
precise evidence about the mechanistic actions of each
ACC/mPFC=dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (includes dorsal ACC and vMPFC,
including ventral—subgenual and pregenual—and rostral ACC). msPFC=medial circuit and which dysfunctions predict response to
superior prefrontal cortex. LPFC=lateral prefrontal cortex. aIPL=anterior inferior treatment, I envision that these neural circuit biotypes
parietal lobule. mPFC=medial prefrontal cortex. vMPFC=ventromedial prefrontal could be used to help guide choice of intervention
cortex. OFC=orbitofrontal cortex. ACC=anterior cingulate cortex.
DLPF=dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (includes anterior prefrontal cortex and
(figure 3). I present three examples focused on
inferior frontal cortex). PCG=precentral gyrus. DPC=dorsal parietal cortex. pharmacotherapy, because drugs are the most common
TMS=transcranial magnetic stimulation. DBS=deep-brain stimulation. type of intervention for both depression and anxiety.

476 Vol 3 May 2016

Personal View

Search strategy and selection criteria

I first did a scoping search to determine the extent of the primary (activation OR connectivity) AND treatment OR drug OR brain
research literature and seminal articles on brain-imaging-defined stimulation AND (depression OR depressive disorder OR mood
neural networks or circuits in human beings. This scoping search disorder OR anxiety OR anxiety disorder OR generalized anxiety
provided key words for neural networks or circuits. I then OR social anxiety OR phobia); cognitive control OR central
searched PubMed for articles published before Jan 5, 2016, with executive AND (activation OR connectivity) AND (depression OR
the terms default mode AND (activation OR connectivity) AND depressive disorder OR mood disorder OR anxiety OR anxiety
(depression OR depressive disorder OR mood disorder OR anxiety disorder OR generalized anxiety OR social anxiety OR phobia);
OR anxiety disorder OR generalized anxiety OR social anxiety OR cognitive control OR central executive AND (activation OR
phobia); default mode AND (activation OR connectivity) AND connectivity) AND treatment OR drug OR brain stimulation AND
treatment OR drug OR brain stimulation AND (depression OR (depression OR depressive disorder OR mood disorder OR anxiety
depressive disorder OR mood disorder OR anxiety OR anxiety OR anxiety disorder OR generalized anxiety OR social anxiety OR
disorder OR generalized anxiety OR social anxiety OR phobia); phobia); intrinsic OR resting AND (activation OR connectivity)
salience OR cingulo-opercular AND (activation OR connectivity) AND (depression OR depressive disorder OR mood disorder OR
AND (depression OR depressive disorder OR mood disorder OR anxiety OR anxiety disorder OR generalized anxiety OR social
anxiety OR anxiety disorder OR generalized anxiety OR social anxiety OR phobia); intrinsic OR resting AND (activation OR
anxiety OR phobia); salience OR cingulo-opercular AND connectivity) AND treatment OR drug OR brain stimulation AND
(activation OR connectivity) AND treatment OR drug OR brain (depression OR depressive disorder OR mood disorder OR anxiety
stimulation AND (depression OR depressive disorder OR mood OR anxiety disorder OR generalized anxiety OR social anxiety OR
disorder OR anxiety OR anxiety disorder OR generalized anxiety phobia); extrinsic OR task AND (activation OR connectivity) AND
OR social anxiety OR phobia); negative affect OR negative (depression OR depressive disorder OR mood disorder OR anxiety
emotion OR threat OR limbic AND (activation OR connectivity) OR anxiety disorder OR generalized anxiety OR social anxiety OR
AND (depression OR depressive disorder OR mood disorder OR phobia); extrinsic OR task AND (activation OR connectivity) AND
anxiety OR anxiety disorder OR generalized anxiety OR social treatment OR drug OR brain stimulation AND (depression OR
anxiety OR phobia); negative affect OR negative emotion OR depressive disorder OR mood disorder OR anxiety OR anxiety
threat OR limbic AND (activation OR connectivity) AND disorder OR generalized anxiety OR social anxiety OR phobia);
treatment OR drug OR brain stimulation AND (depression OR prefrontal cortex OR DLPFC or MPFC OR anterior cingulate OR
depressive disorder OR mood disorder OR anxiety OR anxiety ACC OR insula OR amygdala OR striatum OR nucleus accumbens
disorder OR generalized anxiety OR social anxiety OR phobia); OR posterior cingulate OR PCC OR precentral OR precuneus AND
positive affect OR positive emotion OR reward AND (activation (activation OR connectivity) AND (depression OR depressive
OR connectivity) AND (depression OR depressive disorder OR disorder OR mood disorder OR anxiety OR anxiety disorder OR
mood disorder OR anxiety OR anxiety disorder OR generalized generalized anxiety OR social anxiety OR phobia); prefrontal
anxiety OR social anxiety OR phobia); positive affect OR positive cortex OR DLPFC or MPFC OR anterior cingulate OR ACC OR
emotion OR reward AND (activation OR connectivity) AND insula OR amygdala OR striatum OR nucleus accumbens OR
treatment OR drug OR brain stimulation AND (depression OR posterior cingulate OR PCC OR precentral OR precuneus AND
depressive disorder OR mood disorder OR anxiety OR anxiety (activationOR connectivity) AND treatment OR drug OR brain
disorder OR generalized anxiety OR social anxiety OR phobia); stimulation AND (depression OR depressive disorder OR mood
attention OR fronto-parietal AND (activation OR connectivity) disorder OR anxiety OR anxiety disorder OR generalized anxiety
AND (depression OR depressive disorder OR mood disorder OR OR social anxiety OR phobia). In the resulting references I
anxiety OR anxiety disorder OR generalized anxiety OR social prioritised meta-analyses and reviews and empirical findings
anxiety OR phobia); attention OR fronto-parietal AND reproduced in at least two well powered studies.

Choice of pharmacotherapy is based on clinical interview consistent with a negative bias biotype might also help to
at present, and typically only around 30% of patients identify individuals who are unlikely to respond to
recover with the first drug they are prescribed.68 alternative types of antidepressants such as a dual-avction
In seminal studies, anterior insula hyperactivation serotonin–noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor.53
during resting metabolism (quantified by PET and Relevant to the threat dysregulation biotype, response
relevant to the negative bias biotype) has been identified to fluoxetine has been associated with improved
as a differential biomarker of remission on citalopram amygdala–ACC connectivity during an implicit emotion
(vs cognitive behavioural therapy).69 These findings show task.70 In a biomarker prediction study, pre-treatment
that neural circuit biomarkers can be assessed for their hyporeactivity of the amygdala during implicit emotion
clinical utility with metrics such as number needed to threat processing was predictive of subsequent response
treat (3·6 in this case69). Another large biomarker to escitalopram and sertraline, and normalised after
prediction study suggests that amygdala hyperactivation treatment.53 Vol 3 May 2016 477

Personal View

Patients with a striatally mediated anhedonia biotype of hypoconnectivity of cognitive control circuits, is
dysfunction might benefit from antidepressants that predictive of response to transcranial magnetic
facilitate plasticity in striatal dopamine pathways. For stimulation (figure 3).74 Deep-brain stimulation of the
example, pramipexole has antidepressant efficacy for subcallosal cingulate has been associated with a
depression and, in animal models, PET shows that it persistent normalisation of hyper-responsivity to
binds to extrastriatal dopamine receptors and modulates negative emotion stimuli that might characterise
striatal function when probed by a reward task.71 negative bias biotypes (figure 3).75 Investigation of new
Bupropion is also thought to act on dopamine and lines of evidence implicating additional neural circuits
modulate striatal function.71 A relation between positive- in treatments for depression and anxiety is also
affect-circuit dysfunction, dopamine-related plasticity, important. For example, connectivity of visual circuits
and a phenotype of anhedonia might explain why could distinguish treatment-resistant patients from
antidepressants that act on serotonin do not seem to treatment-sensitive patients.74
improve anhedonia.71
Future directions With the escalation of insights into large-scale neural
Future studies might escalate progress towards a circuits that govern the flexibility of human self-reflective,
clinically applicable neural circuit model of mental emotional, and cognitive functions, a foundation has
disorder by pursuing several issues. First, quantitative been laid upon which a neural circuit taxonomy for
metrics should be used to define cohesive groups of mental diseases such as depression and anxiety can be
people on the basis of their brain dysfunctions and then built. A neural circuit taxonomy can be used to close the
to identify the specific symptoms generated by these gap between insights about the mechanisms of mental
dysfunctions irrespective of traditional diagnostic disease and delivery of these insights into the hands of
categories. Second, large, multisite investigations clinicians as an actionable brain-based system for
should be done using standardised protocols, integrative improving treatment outcomes. By using such an
analytic models, and shared databases. These approach, we can also undertake novel prospective
approaches have been implemented in several imaging investigations of neural-circuited guided treatment
studies.61,72 Standardised imaging protocols will be delivery in real-world settings.
essential for the future viability of routine scans for Contributors
mental health assessment.73 LMW conceived and wrote this Personal View.
Third, advancing an understanding of biotypes suited Declaration of interests
to the clinic is essential, and can be achieved by I have received fees from Brain Resource and Humana for projects not
establishing metrics (such as Z scores) for the normative related to this work.
distribution of neural circuit variables in healthy people Acknowledgments
and across dimensions of familial risk. Methods to I thank Andrea Goldstein-Piekarski (Stanford, CA, USA) for comments
on an early draft, and Nowreen Chowdhry (Stanford, CA, USA) and
establish the reproducibility of imaging data across Katherine Grisanzio (Stanford, CA, USA) for their contributions to
people, sites, and time are also needed.72 Fourth, the referencing and to figures. I was supported by a National Institute of
relations between activation, connectivity and structure, Mental Health grant (R01MH101496).
and the more nuanced interactions between circuits References
within the same patient samples, need to be elucidated. 1 Cole MW, Bassett DS, Power JD, Braver TS, Petersen SE.
Intrinsic and task-evoked network architectures of the human
Information about brain-behaviour and symptom brain. Neuron 2014; 83: 238–51.
correlations should be incorporated, as should the 2 Fox MD, Snyder AZ, Vincent JL, Corbetta M, Van Essen DC,
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