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Errors and Debugging - Isaac Computer Science

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Errors and debugging

You will often encounter errors when you write code. Every programmer, even the most experienced programmers, will need to resolve errors and
debug their code. It is all part of the programming process.

Debugging is the process of finding and correcting existing and potential errors (also called bugs) in software code. Bugs can cause software code
to behave unexpectedly or crash.

The term 'bug' is sometimes attributed to Grace Hopper. She was a mathematician and a pioneer of computer programming who joined the United
States Naval Reserve and worked at Harvard University during the Second World War. In 1947, when a computer she was working on at Harvard was
malfunctioning, her team found a bug — an actual insect — in the machine. They taped the bug into their logbook, writing "First actual case of bug
being found". This incident helped popularise the term 'bug' within the computer science industry. The team's logbook, complete with the bug, is held at
the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.

The team's logbook entry with the moth

U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph NH 96566-KN (Public domain) 1/11
2/5/24, 10:42 AM Errors and debugging — Isaac Computer Science

All stages Syntax errors

When you first get started with coding, you will probably make lots of syntax errors. These are errors that occur when you have not followed the
rules of the language, and they will be flagged by the translator. A program with syntax errors will not run.

Most IDEs (integrated development environments) highlight syntax errors when you try to run your code. Below is some Python code that contains
a syntax error.


1 user_name = input("Please enter your name: "

2 print(user_name)

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Figure 1: A Python program with a syntax error

The IDE in Figure 1 has helpfully drawn attention to the error and displayed a message to explain that the bracket was never closed. If you press
'OK', it leaves the cursor at the point where the error was thrown (where the program identified the error), so that the problem can be quickly
identified. Different IDEs offer different levels of feedback and help when syntax errors occur. To find out more about the different types of IDE,
visit the IDEs topic.

Below is another Python program, this time with a different syntax error.

Python 2/11
2/5/24, 10:42 AM Errors and debugging — Isaac Computer Science

1 name = input("Please enter your name: ")

2 if name == "Ada"
3 print("Hi Ada, you are one of my heroes!")
4 else:
5 print("Hello ", name)

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Figure 2: A Python program with a syntax error

In Figure 2, a different IDE has been used. It has identified the syntax error, but also has an 'Assistant' window on the right-hand side, which is
giving the user more information about the error. Notice that the error message also tells you what line of code the error has occurred on; this is
particularly useful when finding and identifying errors in large sections of code.

Below is the same code, this time written in C#, with a different syntax error.


1 Console.WriteLin("Please enter your name: ");

2 string name = Console.ReadLine();
3 if (name == "Ada") {
4 Console.WriteLine("Hi Ada, you are one of my heroes!");
5 }
6 else {
7 Console.WriteLine("Hello " + name);
8 }

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Figure 3: A C# program with a syntax error

In Figure 3, the IDE has identified that there is an error on line 9 of the code and has highlighted that the issue is related to the piece of code
WriteLin, which should actually be written WriteLine.

As you become more experienced, you will probably be able to recognise and correct syntax errors quickly. However, if you make syntax errors
frequently, you may find it helpful to use an IDE with autocomplete features, such as automatically closing brackets and automatic indentation.

Common causes of syntax errors

Spelling or typing errors
Missing parentheses, ( ) or { }
Missing colons, :, or semicolons, ;, in statements in which they are required by the language
Missing or unexpected indentation in Python
Printing a value without declaring it 4/11
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All stages Logic errors

Logic errors are errors that cause a program to work incorrectly or unexpectedly. With a logic error, the program can be run without failing, but it
does not return the expected result.

Logic errors are typically more difficult to detect and find than syntax errors, as the IDE will not be able to pick up the issues or produce clear
error messages.

Consider the following program and look at the output that it produces when the function is called in Python, Figure 4, or in C#, Figure 5.

Python C#

1 def add_vat (amount):

2 RATE = 20
3 vat = amount * RATE
4 with_vat = amount + vat
5 return with_vat

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1 public static double AddVat(double amount) {

2 // Calculate the vat and add to the amount
3 int RATE = 20;
4 double vat = amount * RATE;
5 double withVat = amount + vat;
6 return withVat;
7 }

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Figure 4: A Python program in which VAT has been calculated by multiplying the amount by 20, rather than 0.2 5/11
2/5/24, 10:42 AM Errors and debugging — Isaac Computer Science

Figure 5: A C# program in which VAT has been calculated by multiplying the amount by 20, rather than 0.2

VAT is a consumption tax that is applied to the purchase of goods or services. The standard rate of VAT is 20% (in the UK), so the constant
should be assigned a value of 0.2 (or 20/100) in order to calculate the amount of VAT correctly.

With this particular example, a user would hopefully be able to spot that the result is incorrect, but this is not always the case. Therefore, it is very
important that you test every program you write.

Debugging logic errors often involves tracking the values of variables, as code is executed step by step. Many IDEs offer a 'Watch' window that
allows you to specify one or more variables to watch. Dry running, which is where the programmer goes through the code line by line using a
trace table, is a manual approach to the same task.

Common causes of logic errors

Not correctly understanding what the program needed to do
Using the incorrect logical operator in a selection statement
Missing or incorrect positioning of brackets in mathematical calculations, which means that the incorrect result is returned
Loops that execute more or fewer times than intended 6/11
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A Level Semantic errors

Semantic errors occur where there is improper use of a program code statement, and they are flagged by the translator.

In the Python example below, you will see the statement z = a + x

This statement has correct syntax, but you are not allowed to use an undefined variable when adding two values.


1 def create_error():
2 x = 2 * 23
3 z = a + x
4 print (z)

Figure 6: A traceback as a result of a semantic error

Figure 6, in Python, shows a traceback. It provides useful information to help you debug the error.

Notice that it starts by stating: most recent call last. This means that you will probably find the most useful part of the traceback at the end. In
this instance, on the final line of the traceback, it clearly states: name 'a' is not defined. Moving up through the traceback, you can see on the
previous line that the error occurred on line 4 of the function create_error in the file It can be very helpful to start at the end
of the traceback and step back through it, if you have long chains of procedure calls.

There are two semantic errors that you will frequently encounter. The first is a type mismatch, which occurs when the operation is not allowed for
the type(s) of data being used For example, if you tried to add a string variable to a number type variable.


1 def type_mismatch():
2 '''force a type mismatch'''
3 a = 3
4 b = '2'
5 print (a + b) 7/11
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Attempt to add string '2' to integer 3

Another very common error is index out of range, which occurs if you attempt to access a position in an array or list that does not exist.


1 def out_of_range():
2 '''force index out of range error'''
3 array = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
4 print (array[10])

Figure 7: Attempt to print the contents of a non-existent index

In the Python example above, there is a list with six elements. An attempt has been made to access the tenth element and you can see the result
in Figure 7. With just two lines of code, this is fairly easy to debug and fix. However, in most instances the index will be a variable that has been
calculated elsewhere, which means that it may require a lot more work to track down the source of the error. 8/11
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All stages Runtime errors

Runtime errors occur when the program is run, as the name suggests. They are sometimes also referred to as execution errors. These errors
occur when the code is valid according to rules of syntax and semantics (ensuring that a compiler can understand the source code), and is also
logically correct, but the environment that the program is being run in or the input provided causes an error to occur.

You may have encountered runtime errors when writing programs. Below is a program that asks the user to input a number.

Python C#

1 number = input("Please enter a number: ")

2 number = int(number)
3 print(number)

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1 Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number:");

2 int number = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
3 Console.WriteLine(number);

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This is a perfectly functional program if the user types in an integer value, such as "8". However, if the user types in something like "eight" or
"8.0", this will result in a runtime error (in Python this specific error is called a ValueError, or in C# an ArgumentException) because the program
does not know how to convert the input into an integer.

These types of runtime errors can occur because the user has made a mistake or misinterpreted what they need to input, or potentially because
of malicious input. Whatever the cause, programmers should be able to anticipate this situation occurring. Programming languages provide a
way to handle such errors (usually known as exceptions). Exception handling is a method for reducing the occurrence of runtime errors.

Next, consider the following example. A game program provides a way to see users' high scores, and it stores that information in a file named
'highscores.txt'. To read the scores from the file, the code might look like this:

Python C#

1 with open("highscores.txt", "r") as file_object:

2 lines = file_object.readlines()
3 print(lines)

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1 string lines;
2 using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("highscores.txt")) {
3 lines = reader.ReadToEnd();
4 }
5 Console.WriteLine(lines);

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This code contains no syntax or semantic errors. However, the code can potentially result in a runtime error because it is reliant on the existence
of the 'highscores.txt' file. If this file does not exist in the folder at the time the code is run — the code might have been moved to a different folder
or the file may have been deleted accidentally — then a runtime error will occur. 9/11
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Common causes of runtime errors

Trying to access a list item that does not exist
A mathematical calculation that results in the program trying to divide by 0
Trying to perform numerical operations on strings
Linking to a file or resource that has been moved or no longer exists 10/11
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A Level Rubber duck debugging

The rubber duck debugging method is as follows:

1. Obtain a rubber duck (the sort you might use in the bath).
2. Place the rubber duck next to your computer and tell it that you need some help.
3. Explain to the duck what your code is supposed to do; give an overview and then explain your code slowly and carefully, line by line. You
must speak out loud — the duck needs to hear your explanation.
4. At some point you will realise that what you are telling the duck that your code does, is not what it is actually doing. Or, that what it is doing
is not what it is supposed to do. Now you can fix the problem!
5. Thank the duck sincerely for its help.

Thank the duck sincerely for its help

This sounds an unlikely approach to debugging, but it often works. How many times have you asked your teacher for help, only to realise that you
know what the problem is as soon as you start to explain?

The science behind rubber duck debugging is that, in being forced to explain things line by line, you challenge everything that you are taking for
granted. You have a view of how your code works. However, you also know that there is something wrong. In explaining what you think you are
doing, slowly and carefully, you will realise that you are not actually doing what you say you are doing.

All teaching materials on this site are available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated. 11/11

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