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Tafdil 2

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Hadith of tafdil.

Detailed analyses.
By the slave of Allah, the one most in need of His mercy.
Abu Ali Abdullah ibn Abi Effendi al-Ujare.


Praise is to Allah, who promised his faithful slaves victory and support by saying, "and helping the
believers is ever incumbent on Us"1.
I bear witness that there is none to worshipped save Allah, One, with no partners. He sent His Messenger
Muhammad (sallalahu alayhi wa ala alihi sallam) with guidance and the religion of Truth to cause it to
prevail over all religions even though the unbelievers may detest it. And I bear witness that our Master,
Prophet, and Beloved Muhammad (sallalahu alayhi wa ala alihi sallam) is the Messenger of Allah, He is the
Imam of the Pious, the Master of the Messengers and the Mercy to the worlds. And after this.
The main problem and difference between two main streams in Islam, is a question of superiority of
companions. Which one is best!? That’s was a main question between tashayu of first generations and ahle-
Praise to Allah that we have very heavy proof that Abu Bakr and Umar, were superior to Ali (may Allah be
pleased with them). We have words of saydina Ali.

Imam Abdullah ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal narrated in his book “Sunnan” (#1312) from al-Hakim ibn Jahl, that
Ali ibn Abu Talib said: “No one would put me upon Abu Bakr and Umar (may Allah be pleased with them),
except I would lash him with punishment of slanderer”. (Chain is weak. Hadith also present in book “al-
Fadhail as-sahaba” #49; Ajurri “Sharia” #1764; Beyhaki “Itikadat” p 358; Ibn Abdul-Bar “al-Istiab” 1/297,

Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari narrated in his “Saheeh” (manakib, #3395) from Muhammad ibnul
Hanafiyah: “I asked my father ('Ali bin Abu Talib), "Who are the best people after Allah's Apostle ?" He
said, "Abu Bakr." I asked, "Who then?" He said, "Then 'Umar. " I was afraid he would say "Uthman, so I
said, "Then you?" He said, "I am only an ordinary person”.

Ibn Asakir in “Tareeh madinatul dimashk” (30/361) narrated that: “A man came to Ali and said to him: "O
the best of the people after prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa salam)". Ali asked:" Have you seen Abu
Bakr and Umar?" He said: "No". Ali said: "If you would reply positively I would implement hadd upon
you". And the he said: "The best of this nation after prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa salam) are Abu
Bakr and Umar, and we are ahle-bayt no one can compared with us”.

Imam al-Bazzar narrated from Shaqiq that Ali was asked: “Would you not appoint successor for yourself?”
He answered: “Prophet (sallalahu alaihin wa ala alihi wa sallam) didn’t appoint anyone as a successor, so
(how can) I appoint? If Allah Tabarraka wa Taala would wish good for people, He would gather them
(after me) around best from them, as He gathered them around the best one, after prophet”. (al-Heythami in
“Majmau zawaid” #14334 said: “Narrated al-Bazzar and narrators from narrators of Sahih, except Ismail ibn
Abu Harith, and he’s thiqat”; Hakim narrated similar hadith in “al-Mustadrak” #4467, and he said it’s
saheeh, Dhahabi agreed with him).

It’s important to comment words of our master that prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam) didn’t
left anyone as his successor.
Imam Ibn Abi al `Izz al Hanafi in his comments to “Aqaidatu Tahawiya” said: “We affirm that the caliphate
after the Prophet was, first and foremost, deserving of Abu Bakr, believing in his superiority and seniority
over the rest of the Ummah.

Ar-Room 47 verse.

This is our opinion. However, the Ummah disagreed over the nature of Abu Bakr’s succession. Was it by the
Prophet’s command, or was it simply a choice? Hasan al-Basri and a group of people from the Ahl al-Hadith
believe it was by dint of command, although subtle and indirect, coming from the Prophet (sallalahu alaihi
wa ala alihi wa sallam). Some of them in fact have said that it is proven by the texts. However, some others
of the Ahl al-Hadith. the Mu’tazilah and Ash’ariyyah have said that it was established by choice and
As a matter of fact, we have some reports that suggest that the caliphate of Abu Bakr was by the dint of a
command from the Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam). One of them is in Bukhari, narrated by
Jubayr b. Mut’im who said: “A woman came up to the Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam). He
told her to come back to him later. She asked, ‘What if I came and didn’t find you?’ (She meant, if he was
dead). He replied, ‘If you didn’t find me, go to Abu Bakr.’” There are other reports supporting this one
which can be said to be the text in support of his succession.
Then there is the hadith of Hudhayfah b. al-Yaman who reports that the Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala
alihi wa sallam) said: “Follow the two that will come after me: Abu Bakr and ‘Umar.” The traditionalists
have preserved this report.
The Sahihayn also have reports narrated by ‘A’isha about her father. She says: “The day the Messenger of
Allah took ill, he entered into my house and said, ‘Call in your father and brother so that I write down in
favor of Abu Bakr, for Allah and the Muslims will not accept anyone but Abu Bakr.”
Reports about the Prophet preferring Abu Bakr over others are well known. In one of them he said: “Ask
Abu Bakr to lead in the Prayers.”
Trustworthy compilations also have another report recording the Prophet as having said from his pulpit:
“Were I to take someone a Friend from among the people of the earth, I would have taken Abu Bakr as the
Friend. Let there not be a door opening into the (Grand) mosque. Close them all, except for Abu Bakr’s
As for those who held the view that the Prophet did not appoint Abu Bakr as his caliph, not at least through
a proven hadlth, they have argued with the report of Ibn ‘Umar who reported ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab as
saying: “If I nominate a successor after me, then one who was better than me, that is, Abu Bakr, nominated a
successor after him. But if I don’t nominate, then one who was better than me, that is, the Prophet (sallalahu
alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam), did not name a successor after himself.” ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar adds: “When he
mentioned the Prophet, I knew that he was not going to nominate his own successor.”
What seems likely, although Allah knows best, is that the Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam)
did not issue a written edict to the effect that Abu Bakr would be the caliph after him. He did intend to do
that, but changed his mind, saying, “Allah and the Muslims will accept none but Abu Bakr.” This indeed
was a stronger manner of appointing him his successor, the Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam)
let know the believers his own preference of Abu Bakr as his successor, and led them to accepting his
preference through his various words and deeds. He also spoke of his appointment in favorable terms,
expressing his own satisfaction. Were his hints insufficient to announce where his choice lay, he would have
spoken out more explicitly, leaving no room for excuses and doubts… (end of quote from Ibn Abi al `Izz al
Hanafi )

Sayidina Ali said that best people of this nation after prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam) are
Abu Bakr and Umar. This was narrated from him in mutawater form by 32 people. Tawatur of these words
were noticed by shaykhul Islaam ibn Taymiya (“Minhaju sunna” 6/137; “Majmual fatawa” 35/124), ibn
Kathir (“al-Bidaya wa nihaya” 7/346, 8/14), ibn Baz (“Majmual fatawa in Baz” 3/324).

Narration from Abu Tufayl.

Way #1.

It was narrated by Tabarani in “Mujam al-Awsat” (#5601) via chain: Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Hadrame -
narrated to me - Abdurrahman ibn Uyena al-Basre - narrated to me - Umar ibn Yunus al-Yamame - narrated

to me - Muhammad ibn Jabir - from - Salamah ibn Kuhayl - from Abu Tufayl - from Ali, which said: “Best
one in this nation after it’s prophet, are Abu Bakr and Umar”.

1) Abu Tufayl, Amr ibn Waseela. He was the last one to die from companions of prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa
ala alihi wa sallam). (Ibn Hajar “Taqrib” #3111).
2) Salamah ibn Kuhayl, Abu Yahya al-Koofe. Thiqat. (“Taqrib” #2508).
3) Muhammad ibn Jabir. I am not sure which one is this. In “Taqrib” and other books I found 3 persons with
such name and father’s name.
4) Umar ibn Yunus ibn al-Qaseem al-Yamame. Thiqat. (“Taqrib” #4984).
5) Abdurrahman ibn Ueynah. I couldn’t find him in books of rijal. Al-Heythami said that he don’t know him
(“Majmau zawaid” #13852).
6) Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Hadrame. He was great hafidh (“Tazkiratul huffaz” 2/662).

Narration from Abi Juhayf Wahb ibn Abdullah as-Suwayu.

Way #1.

Narrated Abdullah in zawaid to “Musnad” (#834) via chain: Abu Salih Hadiyat ibn Abdulwahab - narrated
to us - Muhammad ibn Ubayd at-Tanafisi - narrated to us - Yahya ibn Ayub al-Bajli - from - ash-Shabe -
from - Wahb as-Suwayu, which said: “Ali ibn Abu Talib addressed to us, and said: “Who is best in this
nation after its messenger (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam)?”. He was answered: “You are, o
commander of faithful”. He said: “No, best in this nation after its messenger (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa
sallam) are Abu Bakr, and then Umar, may Allah be pleased with him…”

Shaykh Shuayb Arnawut said: “Chain is strong”. Shaykh Ahmad Shakir said chain is saheeh.

1) Wahb ibn Abdullah Abi Juhayf. He was from young companions of prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi
wa sallam). (Mizzi “Tahzib al-kamal” 31/#6760)
2) Shabe, that’s Amir ibn Shurahbil, thiqat. (“Taqrib” #3092).
3) Yahya ibn Ayub al-Bajli. It was reported that ibn Maeen said he’s weak, and in other report from him he
said that he’s not bad (laysa bihi baath). Abu Dawud said he’s thiqat (Dhahabi “Mizanul itidal”
4/362/#9460). Ibn Hajar in “Taqrib” (#7510) said that he’s not bad.
4) Muhammad ibn Ubayd at-Tanafisi was thiqat in the eyes of ibn Maeen and Ahmad, who also noticed that
he use to err. Dhahabi said he’s saduq (“Mizanul itidal” 3/639/#7916). Ibn Hajar said he’s thiqat (“Taqrib”
5) Hadiyat ibn Abdulwahab. Abu Bakr ibn Abu Aseem said he’s thiqat, ibn Hibban mentioned him in
“Thiqat” (“Tahzib al-kamal” 30/#6554). Dhahabi said he’s thiqat in “al-Kashaf” (#5943).

Way #2.

It was narrated by Abdullah in zawaid to “Musnad” (#833) via chain: Salih ibn Abdullah at-Tirmizi -
narrated to us - Khammad - from - Aseem ibn Abi Nujud - from - Zirr ibn Khubaysh - from - Abi Juhayf.
And second way: Ubeydullah al-Qawarere - narrate to us - Khammad, Qawarere in his narration said, that
Khammad said - narrated to us - Aseem ibn Abi Nujud - from Zirr ibn Hubaysh - from Abi Juhayf.

Shaykh Shuayb Arnawut said: Chain is good. Shaykh Ahmad Shakir said chains are saheeh.

1) Zirr ibn Khubaysh. Thiqat, muhadram (the one who believed in prophet, sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa
sallam, when he still was alive, but didn’t see him). (“Taqrib” #2008).
2) Aseem ibn Abi Nujud, that’s Aseem ibn Bahdalat. He was saduq with errs, and hujjat (proof) in reciting
of Quran. (“Taqrib” #3054). Ahmad and Abu Zurah said he’s thiqat. Dhahabi said he’s hasanul hadith. As

far as I understood main problem was in his memory, Daraqutni said: “There is something in the memory of
Aseem”. Ibn Sad said he’s thiqat, but he erred a lot in ahadeth. (“Mizanul itidal” 2/357/#4068).
3) Khammad ibn Zayd ibn Dirham al-Azde. Steady thiqat, faqih. (“Taqrib” #1498).
4) Under this number we can see two narrators. In one chain it’s Salih ibn Abdulah at-Tirmizi. He was
thiqat. (“Taqrib” #2871). Second one is Ubeydullah ibn Umar ibn Maysarat al-Qawarere. Thiqat. (“Taqrib”

Way #3.

Narrated Imam Ahmad in “Musnad” (#835) via chain: Ismail ibn Ibrahim - narrated to us - Mansur ibn
Abdurrahman, it’s mean al-Ghadani al-Ashl - from ash-Shabe - narrate to me - Abu Juhayf, which was
named by Ali Wahb al-Khayr, he said: “Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “O Abi Juhayf! Should I
tell you about best in this nation after its messenger?” I said: “Of course”. He said: “And I didn’t see anyone
better than him”. He continued: “Best in this nation after its prophet Abu Bakr, and after Abu Bakr - Umar,
may Allah be pleased with him, and after them last third one”, and he didn’t name him”.

Shaykh Shuayb Arnawut said: “Chain is saheeh upon the condition of Moslem, narrators thiqat, people of
shaykhan except Mansur ibn Abdurrahman, he’s from people of Moslem”.

1) Ismail ibn Ibrahim, that’s most likely ibn Muqsim Abu Bishr al-Basre. Known like ibn Aliya, he was
thiqat. (“Taqrib” #416).
2) Mansur ibn Abdurrahman. Ibn Maeen and Abu Dawud said he’s thiqat. Abu Hatim said: “Not strong, his
ahadeth should be recorded, and he’s not to be relied upon”. Nasai said: “He’s not bad”. Ibn Hibban
mentioned him in “Thiqat”. Ahmad said he’s salih. (“Tahzib al-kamal” 28/#6198)
3) ash-Shabe. He was presented earlier.

Way #4.

It was narrated by Abdullah in zawaid to “Musnad” (#836) via chain: Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shayba - narrated
to us - Sherik - from - Abu Ishaq - from - Abi Juhayf from Ali: “Best in this nation after its messenger is Abu
Bakr, them Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, if I want to say you third one, I would do that”.

Ibn Abu Shayba narrated it in his “Mosanaf” (#31950).

Shaykh Shuayb Arnawut said it’s saheeh. Same opinion shared shaykh Ahmad Shakir.

1) Abi Ishaq, that’s Amr ibn Abdullah. He was thiqat upright, but known for his tadlis. This narration he
transmitted in muanan form, it’s mean without making clear that he hear it himself directly from Abi Juhayf
or not.
2) Sherik ibn Abdullah an-Nakhai. He was saduq, erred a lot, and had extremely weak memory. (“Taqrib”
3) Abu Bakr Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Shayba, al-hafidh, thiqat. (“Taqrib” #3575).

Ali ibn Jad narrated it in his “Musnad” (#2109, muasasat nadir, Beirut, 1410) via slightly different chain:
Sherik - Abu Ishaq - Amir (ibn Shurahbil ash-Shabe) - Abi Juhayf.

Way #5.

It was narrated by Abdullah in zawaid to “Musnad” (#837) via chain: Mansur ibn Abi Muzahim - narrated
to us - Khalid az-Ziyadat - narrated to me - Awn ibn Abi Juhayf from his father.

Shuyab Arnawut said: Chain is strong. Shaykh Ahmad Shakir said chain is saheeh.

1) Mansur ibn Abi Muzahim, Abu Nasr at-Turki al-Baghdade. Thiqat. (“Taqrib” #6907).
2) Khalid az-Ziyadat. Imam Ahmad said: “I don’t see problem in him”. (“Ilal wal marifatul rijal” #3129,
maktabatul Islami, darol Hani, Beirut, Riad)
3) Awn ibn Abi Juhayf. Thiqat in the view of ibn Maeen, Nasai and Abu Hatim. (“Tahzib al-kamal”

Way #6.

It was narrated by Abdullah in zawaid to “Musnad” (#871) via chain: Muhammad ibn Sulaiman - narrated
to us - Khammad ibn Zayd - from - Aseem - from - Zirr - from - Abi Juhayf.

Shaykh Shuayb Arnawut said chain is good. Ahmad Shakir said chain is saheeh.

Muhammad ibn Sulaiman, that’s ibn Hubayb, al-Asade, Abu Jafar al-Alaf al-Koofe. Thiqat. (“Taqrib” #5925).

Way #7.

It was narrated by Abdullah ibn Ahmad in zawaid to “Musnad” (#878) via chain: “Wahb ibn Baqiya al-
Wasete - narrated to us - Khalid ibn Abdullah - from - Bayan - from - Amir - from Abi Juhayf, which said:
“Ali said: “Should I tell you about best of this nation after its messenger, (that’s) Abu Bakr, then Umar, then
other man”.
Shuayb Arnawut said: “Chain is saheeh upon conditions of Moslem, narrators thiqat, from people of
shaykhan, except Wahb ibn Baqiya, and he’s from people of Moslem”. Shaykh Ahmad Shakir said chain is

1) Wahb ibn Baqiya al-Wasete was thiqat. (“Taqrib” #7469).

2) Khalid ibn Abdullah, that’s ibn Abdurrahman ibn Yazeed at-Tahhan al-Wasete, and he was thiqat.
(“Taqrib” #1647).
3) Bayan, that’s ibn Bishr al-Akhmase al-Bajli, Abu Bishr al-Koofe. And he was thiqat. (“Taqrib” #789).
Amir that Amir ibn Shurahbil ash-Shabe imam, we talked about him before.

Way #8.

It was narrated by imam Ahmad in “Musnad” (#879) via triple chain: Yahya ibn Adam - narrated to us -
Malik ibn Migval - from - Hubayb ibn Abe Thabit - from - Abd Khayr - from - Ali, and (Hubayb again) from
ash-Shabe - from - Abi Juhayf - from - Ali, and (Hubayb again) from - Awn ibn Abi Juhayf - from - his father
- from - Ali.

Shaykh Shuayb Arnawut said: “Chains saheeh, narrators thiqat, people of shaykhan, except Abd Khayr, and
he’s from people of authors of sunnan”. Ahmad Shakir said chains are saheeh.

1) Yahya ibn Adam, that’s ibn Sulaiman al-Koofe, Abu Zakariya, thiqat, hafidh. (“Taqrib” #7496).
2) Malik ibn Migval. Steady thiqat. (“Taqrib” #6451).
3) Hubayb ibn Abe Thabit. Thiqat and faqih, but he narrated a lot of mursal reports, and made tadlis.
(“Taqrib” #1084). Unfortunately this narration he transmitted in /muanan/ form, but without doubt it’s
saheeh due to other ways of transmission.

Way # 9.

And imam Ahmad narrated it via double chain (#880): narrated to me - Sufyan ibn Ueyna - from - ibn Abi
Khalid; and narrated to us Abu Muawiyah - narrated to us - Ismail - from - Shabe - from Abi Juhayf.

Shaykh Shuayb Arnawut said: “Chain is authentic upon conditions of two shaykh (Bukhari and Moslem)”.
Shaykh Ahmad Shakir said: “Chains are authentic, Ismail, that’s ibn Abi Khalid”.

There is no need in the introducing Sufyan ibn Ueyna, that’s famous Imam, muhadith. Shabe that’s Amir
ibn Shurahbil, imam of this nation in ahadeth.
1) Abu Moawiya Muhammad ibn Khazim. He was thiqat, and he memorized ahadeth from al-Amash, and
erred in ahadeth of others. (“Taqrib” #5841)
2) Ismail ibn Abi Khalid al-Ahmase al-Bajli, thiqat. (“Taqrib” #438)

Way #10.

Imam Tabarani narrated in “al-Awsat” (#1004, shamela) via chain: Ahmad - narrated to us - al-Heytham ibn
Jamil - narrated to us - Fudayl - from Furas - from - Shabe - Abi Juhayf.

Ahmad, that’s Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal.

1) al-Heytham ibn Jamil, Abu Sahl Antake. Ibn Shahin said he’s thiqat in “Tareeh asma thiqat” (#1550).
Daraqutni, Ahmad and Ijli said he’s thiqat. (“Mizanul itidal” 4/320/#9293). He was criticized by ibn Adi.
2) Fudayl ibn Marzuq al-Koofe. This man was disputed. Ibn Maeen, Sufyan ibn Ueyna said he’s thiqat. Ibn
Adi said: I hope that there is no problem in him. Nasai and Uthman ibn Saeed said he’s weak. Ibn Hibban
said: His ahadeth are extremely rejected, from people who erred upon thiqat. (“Mizanul itidal” 3/362/#6772).
3) Furas ibn Yahya al-Hamadani. Nasai and ibn Maeen said he’s thiqat. (Mizzi “Tahzib al-kamal” 23/#4712)

Abu Nuaym narrated it in “Masaneed Abu Yahya Furas ibn Yahya al-Maktub al-Koofe” (Mataba ibn
Taymiya, Cairo, 1413, #12) via chain: Sulaiman ibn Ahmad - narrated to us - Ahmad ibn Masood - narrated
to us al-Heytham ibn Jamil… Rest of the chain is similar to above one.

Way #11.

It was narrated by imam Abdullah in “Fadhail as-sahaba” (#41) via chain: Amr ibn Muhammad ibn Bukayr
an-Naqad - related to us - Isa ibn Yunus ibn Abi Ishaq - narrated to me - ibn Dirham, Abu Abdurrahman
said: I think he’s Arif ibn Dirham said: I heard ash-Shabe - narrated to me - Abi Juhayf.

1) Amr ibn Muhammad was thiqat, hafidh, erred in ahadeth. (“Taqrib” #5106)
2) Isa ibn Yunus was thiqat. (“Taqrib” #5341)
3) I found one person with name Arif ibn Dirham, and he’s weak. (Ibn Hibban “Majroohen” 2/#836). Allah
knows best.

Way #12.

It was narrated in “Fadhail as-sahaba” (#44) of imam Ahmad, via chain: Muhammad ibn Jafar - related to us
- Shubah - from - al-Hakim, which said: I heard Abi Juhayf.

All narrators are upright.

1) Muhammad ibn Jafar al-Huzale al-Basre al-Qandar, thiqat. (“Taqrib” #5787).

2) Shubah ibn al-Hajjaj commander of faithful in the hadith.
3) al-Hakim ibn Uteybat, Abu Muhammad al-Koofe. Thiqat, al-faqeh. (“Taqrib” #1453).

Narration from Abd Khayr al-Hamadani.

Way #1.

Imam Ahmad narrated in his “Musnad” (#909) via chain: Abdullah ibn Awn - narrated to us - Mubarak ibn
Saeed, brother of Sufyan - from - his father - from - Hubayb ibn Abe Thabit - from Abd Khayr al-Hamadani.

Shaykh Shuayb Arnawut said: “Chain is strong”. Shaykh Ahmad Shakir said: “Chain is saheeh”.
1) Abdullah ibn Awn, that’s ibn Abi Awn ibn Yazeed al-Hilale al-Kharaze. He was thiqat. (“Taqrib” #3520)
2) Mubarak ibn Saeed ibn Masruq ath-Thawri. Ibn Hajar in “Taqrib” (#6463) said he’s saduq. Ibn Maeen said
he’s thiqat. (“Mizanul itidal” 3/431/#7044).
3) Saeed ibn Masruq at-Thawri. Thiqat. (“Taqrib” #2393)
4) Hubayb was discussed earlier.
4) Abd Khayr. That’s ibn Yazeed al-Hamadani, Abu Ammarat al-Koofe. Muhadram and thiqat. (“Taqrib”

Way #2.

It was narrated by Abdullah ibn Ahmad in zawaid to “Musnad” (#922, #1030) via chain: Wahb ibn Baqiya
al-Wasete - told to us - Khalid - from Ata, that’s ibn as-Saeeb - from - Abd Khayr - from - Ali.

Shuayb Arnawut said it’s saheeh. Ahmad Shakir said chain is good.

We have already mentioned Wahb ibn Baqiya and Khalid. See way #7 from Abi Juhayf.
Ata ibn as-Saeeb was thiqat, but he got confuse in the end of his life. Imam Ahmad said: “Who heard from
him in the past, it’s saheeh, and ahadeth of those who heard from him recently (in the end), have no value”.
(“Mizanul itidal” 3/70/5641). This chain is good (hasan) because it’s not clear when Khalid heard this from
Ata. Allah knows best.

Ibn Mardaweyh narrated via his own chain till Ata ibn Saeeb. He narrated it in “Juzz fehe ahadeth ibn
Hayyan” (#58) via chain: Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Suwar - narrated to us - Ahmad ibn Abdullah ibn
Yunus - narrated to us - Abyad ibn Abban - from - Ata ibn as-Saeeb - from - Abd Khayr.

Abyad ibn Abban wasn’t strong, as said Abu Hatim. (“Mizanul itidal” 1/78/#270). In “Jarh wa tadil”
(2/#1169) noticed that Abu Hatim said he’s not strong, his ahadeth should be recorded, and he’s shaykh. Ibn
Hibban mentioned him in “Thiqat” (#6837). Daraqutni said that there is no problem in this narrator.
(“Muasasat aqwal Daraqutni” 5/149, Saeed Abul Muate an-Noore, shamela)
Ahmad ibn Abdullah ibn Yunus al-Koofe, was hafidh and thiqat. (“Taqrib”#63).
Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Suwar al-Hashime was saduq. (“Sualat Hakim” #116)

Way #3.

It was narrated by Abdullah in zawaid to “Musnad” (#926, #1032) via chain: Wahb ibn Baqiya al-Wasete -
narrated to us - Khalid ibn Abdullah - from Haseen - from - al-Musaib ibn Abd Khayr - from his father.

Shuayb Arnawut and Ahmad Shakir said chain is saheeh.

1) Haseen that’s ibn Abdurrahman as-Sulame, Abu Huzayl al-Koofe. He was thiqat, but his memory
became worse in the end of his life. (“Taqrib” #1369). Imam Ahmad, Ijli, Abu Zurah, Abu Hatim said he’s
thiqat. (“Mizanul itidal” 1/551/#2075)
2) al-Musaib ibn Abd Khayr. Thiqat. (“Taqrib” #6676).

Way #4.

It was narrated by Ahmad in “Musnad” (#932) via chain: Sufyan ibn Ueyna - from - Abu Ishaq - from Abd
Khayr - from - Ali.

Shuayb Arnawut said: “Chain is saheeh, narrators from people of shaykhan, except Abd Khayr, he’s from
narrators of authors of sunnan, and he’s thiqat”. Ahmad Shakir said chain is saheeh.
Abu Ishaq as-Sabei was upright narrator, but known for his tadlis, and this hadith he narrated in /muanan/
form. Allah knows best.

Way #5.

Narrated by Ahmad in “Musnad” (#933, #1040) via chain: Wakiah - from - Sufyan and Shubah - from -
Hubayb ibn Abe Thabit - Abd Khayr.

Shuayb Arnawut and Ahmad Shakir said chain is saheeh.

Wakiah, that’s imam ibn al-Jarrah al-Koofe, thiqat, worshiper, hafidh. (“Taqrib” #7414).
Shubah ibn al-Hajjaj, Abu Bistam al-Wasete then al-Basre, commander of faithful in ahadeth, thiqat, hafidh.
(“Taqrib” #2790).
There is no need to introduce imam Sufyan ath-Thawri.

Way #6.

It was narrated by imam Abdullah in zawaid to “Musnad” (#934) via chain: Narrated to me Suwayd ibn
Saeed - narrated to us - as-Sabiu ibn al-Ashath - from Abu Ishaq - from Abd Khayr.

Shuayb Arnawut said: “(Hadeeth is) saheeh, and this chain is weak”. Ahmad Shakir said chain is saheeh.
Shaykh Arnawut was right, because ibn al-Ashath was weak. Dhahabi in “Mizan” noticed that he has
manaker, and there is weakness in him. (“Mizanul itidal” 2/308/#3861)

Way #7/1.2

It was narrated by imam Abdullah ibn Ahmad in zawaid to “Musnad” (#1031) via chain: Narrated to me -
Abu Bahr Abdulwahid al-Basre - narrated to us - Abu Awanah - from - Khalid ibn Alqama - from - Abd

Shuayb Arnawut and Ahmad Shakir said chain is saheeh.

1) Abu Bahr Abdulwahab ibn al-Ghiyas al-Marde al-Basre. Abu Zurah said he’s saduq. Al-Hateeb said he’s
thiqat. Ibn Hibban mentioned him in “Thiqat”. (Ibn Hajar “Tahzib at-tahzib” 6/388)
2) Abu Awanah, that’s Wadah ibn Abdullah, steady thiqat. (“Taqrib” #7407).
3) Khalid ibn Alqama. Saduq. (“Taqrib” #1659)

And second chain till Khalid ibn Alqama, we can find in book “Sunnan” by imam Abdullah ibn Ahmad
(#1390). It runs: narrated to my father - narrated to us - Abdurrahman ibn Mahdi - narrated to us - Sufyan -
from - Khalid ibn Alqama - from Abd Khayr. Chain is hasan as noticed Muhammad Saeed Salim al-Qahtane

in his notes on “Sunnan”. No need to introduce first 3 narrators, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Abdurrahman ibn
Mahdi and Sufyan, known scholars of Islam.

Way #8.

Abdullah ibn Ahmad in zawaid to “Musnad” (#1052) via chain: Abu Salih al-Hakim ibn Mosa - narrated to
us - Shihab ibn Hirash - narrated to me - Yunus ibn Habab - from al-Musaib ibn Abd Khayr - from Abd

Ahmad Shakir and Shuayb Arnawut said that chain is weak. Problem in Yunus ibn Habab al-Koofe, ibn
Hajar in “Taqrib” (#7903) noticed that he was saduq, that erred and was accused in rafd. However correct
opinion that he should be abandoned. Yahya ibn Saeed accused him in lie. Ibn Maeen said that he was
weak. Ibn Hibban noticed that it’s not permitted to narrate from him. Nasai said he’s weak. Bukhari said
he’s munkar al-hadith. (“Mizanul itidal” 4/479/#9903)

Way #9.

Abdullah in zawaid to “Musnad” (#1060) via chain: Zakariya ibn Yahya Rahmaweyhi - narrated to us -
Umar ibn Mujashi - from Abu Ishaq - from - Abd Khayr.

Shuayb Arnawut said it’s saheeh due to other ways. Ahmad Shakir said chain is saheeh.

1) Zakariya ibn Yahya ibn Sabeeh, Abu Muhammad al-Wasete. Ibn Hibban mentioned him in “Thiqat”. (Ibn
Hajar “Tajil al-manfat” p 139, #134; Ibn Hibban “Thiqat” #13294). Ibn Abe Hatim mentioned him in “Jarh wa
Tadel” (3/601/#2715) without any praise or critic. Ibn Hajar said he’s thiqat. (“Lisanul mizan” 2/484-485).
2) Umar ibn Mujashi al-Madani. Ibn Abe Hatim mentioned him in “Jarh wa Tadel” (6/135/#737) without any
praise or critic. Yahya ibn Maeen said: “Shaykh, there is no problem in him (la bath behe)”. (“Tareeh al-
Baghdad” 11/#5895). Ibn Hibban included him in “Thiqat” (#9584).

Way #10.

Narrated Tabarani in “al-Awsat” (3/365/#3417) via chain: Narrated to us - al-Hasan ibn al-Abbas ar-Raze -
narrated to us - Sahl ibn Uthman - narrated to us - Ubayd ibn Hisab al-Sayadlane - from as-Salat ibn Bahram
- from Abd Khayr - from Ali.

1) Al-Hasan ibn al-Abbas ar-Raze, that’s ibn Abi Mikhran al-Muqre. Thiqat. (Ibn al-Jazri “Ghayatu nihaya fi
tabakat al-kurra” #986, shamela). Hateeb said he’s thiqat. (Safidi “al-Wafi bil wafiyat” 4/148, under Jamal al-
Muqre, shamela)
2) Sahl ibn Uthman ibn Faris al-Kindi. Abu Hatim said he’s saduq. Ibn Hibban mentioned him in “Thiqat”.
(“Tahzib al-kamal” 12/#2618)
3) Ubayd ibn Hisab, I couldn’t find any info on him. ( ‫) عبيد بن حساب الصيدالني‬
4) As-Salat ibn Bahram al-Koofe, Abu Hashim. Ahmad and ibn Maeen said he’s thiqat. (“Tahzib at-tahzib”

Way #11.

Narrated ibn Abi Shaybah in “Mosannaf” (#37053) via chain: narrated to me - ibn Numayr - from -
Abdulmalik ibn Saba` - from - Abd Khayr, which said: “I heard Ali saying: “Prophet, sallalahu alaihi wa ala
alihi wa sallam died upon such goodness, didn’t die upon such, any messenger between prophets. Abu Bakr
succeed to him, and he made deeds of prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam) and act upon his sunnah, then
Abu Bakr died upon goodness, such one, that no one died upon such, and he was best in this nation after its

prophet. Then Umar succeed, and act upon their deeds and sunnah, then he died upon goodness, such one,
that no one died upon such. And he was best in this nation after its prophet and Abu Bakr”.

All narrators are upright.

1) Ibn Numayr, that’s Abdullah ibn Numayr, Abu Hashim al-Koofe. He was thiqat from great companions
of hadith. (“Tazkiratul huffaz” 1/327)
2) Abdulmalik ibn Saba. I couldn’t find such person between shuyukh of ibn Numayr. There is an error in
that print that I am using. That should be Abdulmalik ibn Salee`n al-Hamadani, father of Musahar. Ibn Abi
Hatim mentioned him in “Jarh wa tadil” (5/#1668) without any praise or criticism. Ibn Hibban included him
in “Thiqat” (#9197). Ibn Hajar said he’s saduq. (“Taqrib” #4183).

Narration from Abdullah ibn Zayd al-Gafiqe.

Way #1.

It was narrated by ibn Abu Aseem in “Sunnan” (“Zilalul jannah” #1214) via chain: Umar ibn al-Khattab -
narrated to us - Abu Saleeh - narrated to us - ibn Luheyah - narrated to me - Abdullah ibn Hubeyrat - from -
Abu Tamem al-Jayshane - from - Abdullah ibn Zayd.

1) Abdullah ibn Zayd, that’s in reality ibn Zareer al-Gafiqe al-Misre. Ibn Sad and Ijli said he’s thiqat. Ibn
Hibban mentioned him in “Thiqat”. (“Tahzib al-kamal” 14/#3272)
2) Abu Tamem, that’s Abdullah ibn Malik al-Misre. Ibn Maeen said he’s thiqat. Ibn Hibban mentioned him
in “Thiqat”. (“Tahzib al-kamal” 15/#3514).
3) Abdullah ibn Hubeyrat, that’s ibn Asad, Abu Hubeyrat al-Misre. Thiqat. (“Taqrib” #3678).
4) Abdullah ibn Luheyah was weak. He was saduq, which got confuse after his book burn. (“Taqrib” #3563).
5) Abu Saleh, that’s Abdullah ibn Saleh al-Misre. Ibn Hajar in “Taqrib” (#3388) said that he was saduq
himself, but erred a lot, he was steady when narrated from book, and negligence was apparent in him.
6) Umar ibn al-Khattab, that’s Sijistane. He was saduq. (“Taqrib” #4889).

Obviously in itself this chain is weak, however hadith is saheeh due to many other hasan or saheeh chains.

Narration from Abdullah ibn Salamat.

Way #1.

Imam Abdullah ibn Ahmad narrated in his “Sunnan” (#1396) via chain: narrated to me - Uthman ibn Abe
Shayba - narrated to us - Hashim - narrated to us - Haseen - from - Amr ibn Murra - from Abdullah ibn
Salamat - from Ali, which said: “Best (khayr) of this nation after its prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa
sallam) - Abu Bakr then Umar, and if I want I would name your third one”.
Chain is saheeh as noticed Muhammad Saeed Salim al-Qahtane.
1) Uthman ibn Abe Shayba, that’s ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Uthman al-Abase, Abul Hasan ibn Abe
Shayba al-Koofe. Thiqat, famous hafidh who have some errs. (“Taqrib” #4513).
2) Hashim ibn Basheer steady thiqat, done a lot of tadlis. (“Taqrib” #7312). His tadlis isn’t a problem in this
chain, because he narrated it with clear mention of /samaa/. He narrated this hadith from Haseen ibn
Abdurrahman. Abu Dawud narrated from imam Ahmad, that he said: “No one’s ahadeth from Haseen are
more authentic than Hashim”. Yahya ibn Saeed al-Qahtan and Abdurrahman ibn Mahdi use to say:
“Hashim is more steady in ahadeth from Haseen, than Sufyan and Shubah”. (“Tahzib al-kamal” 30/#6595).
3) Haseen ibn Abdurrahman as-Sulami, Abu Huzayl. Thiqat, his memory changed in the end of this life.
(“Taqrib” #1369)
4) Amr ibn Murra ibn Abdullah ibn Taraq ibn al-Harith, Abu Abdullah al-Koofe. Worshipper, thiqat, never
made tadlis. (“Taqrib” #5112).

5) Abdullah ibn Salamat al-Koofe al-Marde. Saduq. (“Taqrib” #3364). Some scholars mistakenly mixed him
with Abdullah ibn Salamat - shaykh of Abu Ishaq. However this shaykh was disputed.

Narration from unknown companion of Ali.

Imam Abdullah narrated in “Fadhail as-sahaba” (#42) via chain: Amr ibn Muhammad an-Nakad - related to
us - Isa ibn Yunus - related to us - my father - from - his father - from - man from companions of Ali.

We already mentioned that Abu Ishaq as-Sabei, grandfather of Isa ibn Yunus narrated this hadith from Abd
Khayr and Abi Juhayf. It’s possible that here he was narrating from one of them. All narrators till Abu Ishaq
are upright. Father of Isa, that’s Yunus ibn Abu Ishaq, and he was saduq with a few errors. (“Taqrib” #7899)
Allah knows best.

Narration from Abu Majlaz Lahiq ibn Humayd ibn Saeed.

Ibn Abu Aseem narrated in his “Sunnan” (“Zilalul janna”#1200) via chain: Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Qatiy -
narrated to us - Hammad ibn Saeed al-Baraa - narrated to us - Abbas ibn Abbad ibn Alqama al-Mazani -
from Abu Majlaz, which said: “I heard Ali ibn Abu Talib said: “Messenger of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wa ala
alihi wa sallam) didn’t die until we understood that best between us after him is Abu Bakr, and messenger
of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam) didn’t die until we understood that best after Abu Bakr is
Umar, and messenger of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam) didn’t die until we understood that
best after Umar - last man”. Abu Bakr (one of the narrators) said: “He mean Uthman”.

1) Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn Abu Hazm, az-Zai al-Qatiy, he was saduq. (“Taqrib” #6382)
2) Hammad ibn Saeed al-Baraa. Bukhari said: “Munkar al-hadith”. (“Mizanul itidal” 1/590/#2249)
3) Abbad ibn Abbad. Saduq. (“Taqrib” #3133).
4) Abu Majlaz was thiqat. (“Taqrib” #7490).

Narration from Abu Ishaq as-Sabei


Abu Nuaym in “Tasbit al-imama wa tartib al-khilafa” (#68, p 73, shamela) narrated: narrated to us - al-
Qadhi Abu Ahmad Muhammad ibn Ahmad - narrated to us - Muhammad ibn Shuayb - narrated to us -
Abdurrahman ibn Salamat al-Ashare - narrated to us - Bashaar ibn Qiraat - from - Israel - from - Abu Ishaq,
which said: “I went with my father to mosque for the Friday pray, and he said to me: O my son, do you
want to see Ali (may Allah be pleased with him)?”. I said: Yes. He said to me to stand up, I stood up and
seen shaykh on the pulpit, with white head and beard, and he had some baldness. He said: “Best of this
nation after its prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam) are Abu Bakr then Umar, may Allah be
pleased with them”.

Ibn Qiraat was accused in lie. (“Mizanul itidal” 1/310/#1178)

There is other way of similar narration from Abu Ishaq.


It was narrated by Abu Nuaym in “Hilliyatul awliya” (7/200) via chain: narrated to us - Muhammad ibn al-
Muzafar - narrated to us - Muhammad ibn Sulaiman ibn Abdulkarim - narrated to us - Ali ibn Abdullah ibn
Abdurabih - narrated to us - my father - narrated to us - Ghazafar, and we were sitting in the company of
Shubah ibn Safwan - from - Shubah - from - Abu Ishaq, which said: “I heard Ali ibn Abu Talib said…”.

Some narrators in the chain are unknown for me.

Narration from Abu Musa al-Ashare.

Tabarani narrated in “al-Kabir” (1/87/#175, shamela) via chain: al-Abbas ibn al-Fadl al-Asfaate - narrated to
us - Musa ibn Ismail - narrated to us - Hammad ibn Salamah - from - Ali ibn al-Hakim - from - Abu Uthman
- from - Abu Musa al-Ashare - from - Ali.

All narrators are upright.

There no need in the introducing Abu Musa al-Ashare, famous companion of prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa
ala alihi wa sallam).
1) Abu Uthman, that’s Abdurrahman ibn Malan an-Nahdi. He was thiqat, and obviously he was muhadram.
(“Tahzib al-kamal” 17/#3968).
2) Ali ibn al-Hakim, that’s Abu Hakim Lubnane al-Basre. And he was thiqat. (“Tahzib al-kamal” 20/#4057)
3) Hammad ibn Salamat ibn Dinal al-Basre. Thiqat, got confuse in the end of his life. (“Taqrib” #1499)
4) Musa ibn Ismail, Abu Salamat, thiqat. (“Taqrib”#6943)
5) Al-Abbas ibn al-Fadl. He was saduq. (“Sualat Hakim” #143)

Narration from Amr ibn Harith.

Tabarani narrated in “al-Kabir” (1/87/#178) via chain: Ali ibn Abdulaziz - narrated to us - Abu Nuaym -
narrated to us Haroon ibn Salman al-Faraa, mawla of Amr ibn Harith - narrated to me - Amr ibn Harith -
from Ali.

1) Amr ibn Harith ibn Amr ibn Uthman al-Kurashe, he was from young generation of sahaba. (“Taqrib”
2) Haroon ibn Salman, and it was said ibn Musa al-Kurashe al-Mahzume, Abu Musa al-Koofe. Abu Hatim
and Nasai said that there is no problem in him. Ibn Hibban mentioned him in “Thiqat”. (“Tahzib al-kamal”
3) Abu Nuaym al-Fadl ibn Dakin al-Malai, thiqat. (“Taqrib” #5401).
4) Ali ibn Abdulaziz al-Baghavi. Shaykh of haram, hafidh, saduq. (“Dhahabi “Tazkiratul huffaz” 2/622)

Imam al-Bazzar in his “Musnad” (#488, shamela) narrated it via chain: Abu Kurayb - narrated to us - Abu
Muawiyah - narrated to us - Haroon ibn Salman - from Amr ibn Harith.

1) Abu Kurayb, that should be Muhammad ibn al-Ala ibn Kurayb al-Hamadane al-Koofe. He was hafidh
and thiqat. (“Taqrib” #6204).
2) Abu Muawiyah ad-Darer, Muhammad ibn Hazm. He was thiqat, which erred in ahadeth others that al-
Amash. (“Taqrib” #5841)

Narration from ibn Abi Layla.

It was narrated by Abu Nuaym in “Hilliyatul awliya” (7/199) via chain: Muhammad ibn al-Muzzafar -
narrated to us - Yahya ibn Muhammad ibn Saa`d - narrated to us - Isa ibn Abdullah at-Taylase - narrated to
us - Dawud ibn Mihran - narrated to us - Dawud ibn Zabirqan - narrated to us - Shubah - from - al-Hakim -
from ibn Abi Layla.

Abu Nuaym himself noticed that ibn Zabirqan stayed alone in narrating this from Abdullah ibn Abi Layla. I
say: This ibn Zabirqan was liar. (“Tahzib al-kamal” 8/#1759)

Narration from Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyah.

We have already talked about first way, and presented it in the introduction. That was hadith from al-
Bukhari. Just repeating it here.

Way #1.

Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari narrated in his “Saheeh” (manakib, #3395) from Muhammad ibnul
Hanafiyah: “I asked my father ('Ali bin Abu Talib), "Who are the best people after Allah's Apostle ?" He
said, "Abu Bakr." I asked, "Who then?" He said, "Then 'Umar. " I was afraid he would say "Uthman, so I said,
"Then you?" He said, "I am only an ordinary person”.

Way #2.

Imam Abu Bakr al-Hallal narrated in his “Sunnan” (#356) via chain: narrated to us - Ali - related to us - Abu
Masood az-Zujaj - from Abu Sad - from - Abu Yala, which said: I asked ibn al-Hanafiya who are best of the
people? He said: “You asked me about same thing, that I asked my father, and he said: “Abu Bakr and
Umar”, then he said: “Your father a man from the moslems”.

Editor of the book Atiyah az-Zahrane said chain is good, but I don’t think it is correct opinion.

1) Abu Yala, that’s Munzir ibn Yala ath-Thawre. Ibn Maeen, ibn Khirash, ibn Sad, Ijli said he’s thiqat.
(“Tahzib al-kamal” 28/#6187)
2) Abu Sad, that’s most likely Saeed ibn Marzuban. He was abandoned by al-Falas, ibn Maeen noticed that
his ahadeth shouldn’t be recorded. Abu Zurah said he’s saduq, mudalis. Bukhari said: Munkar al-hadith.
(“Mizanul itidal” 2/157/#3271)
3) Abu Masood az-Zujaj. Abdurrahman ibn al-Hasan. Abu Hatim noticed that he shouldn’t be relied on.
(“Mugni fi duafa” #3553)
4) Ali ibn Harb ibn Muhammad ibn Harb. He was thiqat. (“Tahzib al-kamal” 20/#4037)

There is also third way of transmission from ibn al-Hanafiyah. It was narrated by Tabarani in “al-Awsat”
(#7622), and other one in “Tabakatul Muhadithin” by Abu Shaykh al-Isfahane (3/416/#961. shamela)

Narration from Zayd ibn Wahb.

It’s in “Mojam ibn al-Arabe” (#1978, shamela) via chain: al-Harithe - narrated to us - Abu Muhammad ibn
Mansur - narrated to us - Jafar ibn Sulaiman - narrated to us Abdulmalik ibn Khalid ibn Wardan - narrated
to us - Ismail ibn Abi Khalid - from - Zayd ibn Wahb.

1) Zayd ibn Wahb, Abu Sulaiman al-Juhane. Thiqat. (“Tahzib al-kamal” 10/#2131)
2) Ismail ibn Abi Khalid al-Bajli. He was thiqat. (“Taqrib” #438)
3) Jafar ibn Sulaiman, that should be Dabbe. He was saduq from shias.
Rest narrators are unknown for me.

Narratation from Suwayd ibn Qaflat.

It was narrated by Abu Shaykh al-Isfahane in “Tabakatul muhadithin” (3/328/#902, shamela) via chain:
Ammar - narrated to us - Ibrahim ibn Rashid Al-Adame - narrated to us - Dawud ibn al-Mufadhal ibn Saeed
al-Azde - narrated to us - Jarer ibn Abdulhamid - from - Abdulmalik ibn Umayr- from - Suwayd ibn Qaflat.

1) Ammar, that’s ibn Ibrahim ibn Ammar, Abu Muhammad, shaykh, thiqat. (“Tabakatul muhadithin”, ibid)
2) Ibrahim ibn Rashid ibn Sulaiman, Abu Ishaq al-Adame. He was thiqat. (“Tareeh al-Baghdad” 6/74/#3108)
3) Dawud ibn al-Mufadhal. Dhahabi said he’s saduq. Azde said munkar al-hadith. Ibn Hibban mentioned
him in “Thiqat”. (“Mizanul itidal” 2/21/#2649)
4) Jareer ibn Abdulhamid. He was thiqat, it was said that he erred when he narrated from his memory in the
end of his life. (“Taqrib” #916)
5) Abdulmalik ibn Umayr. He was thiqat. (“Taqrib” #4200)
6) Suwayd ibn Qaflat was thiqat. (“Tahzib al-kamal” 12/#2647).

Other way of transmission from Suwayd present in “Tareeh madinatul dimashk” (30/369).

Narration from Ibn Abbas.

It has been recorded in “Mujam ibn al-Muqre” (#455, shamela) via chain: Narrated to us – Abul Abbas
Ahmad ibn Abdullah ibn Sabur ad-Daqqaq – narrated to us – Abu Nuaym al-Halabe – narrated to us – al-
Mutamar ibn Sulaiman – from – Layth ibn Abi Sulaim – from – Mujahid – from – ibn Abbas.

There is no need in the introcudtion of imam Mujahid, so we would start from next one.
1) Layth ibn Abi Sulaim. He was a scholar, saduq, but his ahadeth were mixed, he got confuse in the end of
his life. (“Mizanul itidal”3/420/#6997; “Taqrib” #5685).
2) al-Mutamar ibn Sulaiman, Abu Muhammad al-Basre, thiqat. (“Taqrib” #6785)
3) Abu Nuaym al-Halabe, that’s Ubayd ibn Hisham Jurjane, saduq, he got confuse in the end of his life.
(“Taqrib” #4398).
4) Abul Abbas ad-Daqqaq was thiqat. ( Daraqutni “Sualat Hamza” #137, maktabatul Maaref, Riad, 1404, 1-st

Chain in itself not strong, but it could be stenghten by other way of transmission from ibn Abbas, which was
recorded by ibn Asakir in his history (44/213), and by Abul Qasem Hamza ibn Yusuf al-Jurjane in his
“Tareeh al-Jurjan” (1/#406, alamul kutub, Beirut).

Narration from Alqama ibn Qays.

It was narrated by Beyhaki in “Itikadat” (1/382/#343, shamela) via chain: reported to us – Ali ibn Ahmad ibn
Adaan – narrated to us – Ahmad ibn Ubayd as-Saffar – narrated to us – Muhammad ibn Fadl ibn Jabir –
narrated to us – Hakeem ibn Mosa – narrated to us – Shihab ibn Khirash – narrated to us – al-Hajjaj ibn
Dinar – from – Abu Muashar – from – Ibrahim – from – Alqama.
And imam Abdullah ibn Ahmad narrated it in zawaid to “Musnad” (#1051) via shorter chain: narrated to us
– Abu Salih Hakeem ibn Mosa – narrated to us – Shihab ibn Khirash – narrated to me – al-Hajjaj ibn Dinar –
from – Abu Muashar – from – Ibrahim – from – Alqama.
Shaykh Shuayb Arnawut said chain is strong. Ahmad Shakir said chain is saheeh.
Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Nasir at-Toose narrated it in his “Muhtasar al-ahkam mustahraj toose ala
jamial ahkam” (#198, 1/316) via chain: narrated to us Abdullah ibn Muhammad – narrated to us Hakeem ibn
Mosa – narrated to us – Shihab ibn Khirash – narrated to me – al-Hajjaj ibn Dinar – from – Abu Muashar –
from – Ibrahim – from – Alqama.

1) Alqama ibn Qays ibn Abdullah Nakhai, thiqat, abid. (“Taqrib” #4681).
2) Ibrahim an-Nakhai famous imam.
3) Abu Muashar, Ziyad ibn Kulaib al-Koofe. Thiqat. (“Taqrib” #2096)
4) Al-Hajjaj ibn Dinar. There is no problem in him. (“Taqrib” #1125). Same opinion shared Ahmad and
Yahya. Abu Hatim said that he’s not to be relied on. Daraqutni said that he’s not strong. Ibn Mubarak,
Yaqub ibn Shayba and Ijli praised him. (“Mizanul itidal” 1/461/#1732)
Shihab ibn Hirash ibn Hawshab ash-Shaybane, Abu Salat al-Wasete. Saduq, which erred. (“Taqrib” #2825).
5) Abu Salih Al-Hakim ibn Mosa, Abu Salih al-Qantare. Saduq. (“Taqrib” #1462).
(chain of imam Abdullah ends here).

Narration from Yahya ibn Shaddad.

It was narrated by Lalekai in “Sharhul usulu itikad ahles-sunnate wal jamaa” (#2001) via chain:
Abdurrahman ibn Umar – narrated to us – al-Hussain ibn Ismail – narrated to us – Saeed ibn Muhammad
ibn Sawab – narrated to us – al-Azhar – from – ibn Awn, which said: “I heard Yahya ibn Shaddad said: “I
heard Ali said: “Abu Bakr best among us”.

Yahya ibn Shaddad was weak, as said Nasai in “Duafa”. Muhib at-Tabare in “Riyad an-nadeera” (1/63,
shamela) quoted such athar from Musa ibn Shaddad. Allah knows best.

Narration from Shaqiq ibn Salama, Abu Wail.

Imam al-Bazzar narrated from Shaqiq that Ali was asked: “Would you not appoint successor for yourself?”
He answered: “Prophet (sallalahu alaihin wa ala alihi wa sallam) didn’t appoint anyone as a successor, so
(how can) I appoint? If Allah Tabarraka wa Taala would wish good for people, He would gather them (after
me) around best from them, as He gathered them around the best one, after prophet”. (al-Heythami in
“Majmau zawaid” #14334 said: “Narrated al-Bazzar and narrators from narrators of Sahih, except Ismail ibn
Abu Harith, and he’s thiqat”; Hakim narrated similar hadith in “al-Mustadrak” #4467, and he said it’s
saheeh, Dhahabi agreed with him).

In conclusion:

Tafdil of shaykhan upon Ali, from Ali himself was also narrated by: Abu Jad (“Tareeh Madinatul dimashk”
30/373), Harith (ibid 30/373), Zirr ibn Hibaysh (ibid 30/370), Abu Hurayra (ibid 30/360), Anas ibn Malik (ibid
30/361), Haroon ibn Sulaiman al-Farae (ibid 30/361), Amr ibn Harith (ibid 30/361), Musadad al-Bajli (ibid
30/373), Hallal al-Antake (ibid 30/374), Abdurrahman ibn al-Isbahane (ibid 30/375), Abu Mukhalad (ibid
30/375), Talha ibn Musrif (ibid 30/381), an-Nazal ibn Saburah (ibid 44/214) and many others.

We can see many shias which in their attempt to prove that Ali was a best among companions, usually
quoting many ahadeth from our sources. Let alone that most of their quotations are not authentic, even if we
would accept that all their “proofs” are authetic, they would be proof for fadhail of Ali, but they can’t be a
proof that he was afdhal. Because as we have seen in the very same sources, we have mutawater report from
him, that shaykhan were better than him. Those who claim that those ahadeth in his praise could be a proof
that he’s best among the companions, could understand them even better than Ali himself, because he
didn’t see in them a proof for his absolute superiority.
The main so called shia evidence for supreme right of Ali to ruling is hadith Gadir-hum. It was authenticly
narrated in mutawater form, that prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam) said: “To whomever I’m
mawla, Ali is his mawla”. All other additions to this hadith are not mutawater, mainly they were
transmitted via weak chains, and scholars have authenticated some of them due to shawahid. Many
additions are not authentic at all, and pure fabrications. But even if we would accept all of them as

authentic. Would that be a proof that Ali should be first caliph? Wallahi no! Because in the very same our
sources there are clear cut proofs that sayidina Ali himself didn’t think that he would be ruler right after
prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam). Below I would list some of them.

Imam of all moslems, Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari (rahimuhullah) narrated in his book from ibn
Abbas: “Ali bin Abu Talib came out of the house of Allah's Apostle during his fatal illness. The people
asked, "O Abu Hasan (i.e. Ali)! How is the health of Allah's Apostle this morning?" 'Ali replied, "He has
recovered with the Grace of Allah." 'Abbas bin 'Abdul Muttalib held him by the hand and said to him, "In
three days you, by Allah, will be ruled (by somebody else ), And by Allah, I feel that Allah's Apostle will die
from this ailment of his, for I know how the faces of the offspring of 'Abdul Muttalib look at the time of their
death. So let us go to Allah's Apostle and ask him who will take over the Caliphate. If it is given to us we
will know as to it, and if it is given to somebody else, we will inform him so that he may tell the new ruler to
take care of us." 'Ali said, "By Allah, if we asked Allah's Apostle for it (i.e. the Caliphate) and he denied it us,
the people will never give it to us after that. And by Allah, I will not ask Allah's Apostle for it”. (“Saheeh al-
Bukhari” kitab al-Maghazi, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 728)

This hadith in itself is a great proof that there was no any appointment in Gadir-hum. Because if there was
such, Ali wouldn’t answer in this way, he would say that there is nothing to ask about, because he already
was appointed, as shias claim. I understand that this hadith isn’t hujja upon shias, but in reality I don’t care
about it much. Shias should understand that we can’t accept those ahadeth in our sources that they using
against us, and close eyes upon all other ahadeth, which are not hujja upon them, because they are hujja in
our view. We should combine ahadeth that shias using with all other stuff in our books. Was there speech in
Gadir-hum? Yes. Was there any appointment in those words, which was said in Gadir-hum? No. Because if
there was such, we should say that shias understood those words of prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi
wa sallam) better than Ali himself. Because as we can see from this authentic hadith, Ali didn’t think that he
was appointed to rule after prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam).
Same situation with question of superiority. Did Ali has great merits? Of course. Does they mean he was
best? No, because he himself said that shaykhan were best.

May Allah send abundant blessing of peace upon our master, Muhammad, upon his family and his
companions until the Day of Judgment.

Finished 26 Ramadan, 1431.

Ibn Abi Effendi.
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