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Annual Energy Production Estimation For Variable-Speed Wind Turbine at High-Altitude Site

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3, May 2021

Annual Energy Production Estimation for

Variable-speed Wind Turbine at High-altitude Site
Dongran Song, Songyue Zheng, Sheng Yang, Jian Yang, Mi Dong, Mei Su, and Young Hoon Joo

—This letter presents a systematic approach to esti‐ power production of a variable-speed WT is affected by its
mate the annual energy production (AEP) of variable-speed operation, which relies on the geographical condition.
wind turbines erected at high-altitude sites. Compared with the To be specific, for a certain WT, its rated wind speed is
existing empirical-model based approaches, the proposed ap‐
proach models the influence of the air density on the power pro‐ determined by the air density of the wind site, while the lat‐
duction while employing the theoretical power curve. Conse‐ ter relies on the site altitude. Accordingly, the site altitude
quently, the proposed approach provides a precise estimation of will unavoidably affect the power production of turbine, but
AEP, which can serve as a foundation of the optimum turbine- this effect is not covered by the empirical power-curve mod‐
site matching design at different-altitude sites. els. Meanwhile, the power coefficient at the point of the rat‐
Index Terms— —Variable-speed wind turbine, annual energy ed wind speed and the upper wind speed that offers the max‐
production, high-altitude site, turbine-site matching. imum power coefficient may change due to the decreased air
density. Hence, the AEP estimation based on the empirical
power-curve models may be imprecise, especially for the
I. INTRODUCTION WT erected at the high-altitude site with a low air density.

M ANY great efforts have been made towards the site- To improve the AEP estimation of the variable-speed WT
matching design for wind turbines (WTs) in recent at the high-altitude site, this letter explores the influence of
years [1]. In this context, different performance indexes have the air density on the power output. Based on the theoretical
been proposed, including annual energy production (AEP), model of the power output, three key parameters, including
capacity factor, WT performance index, cost of energy, annu‐ the rated wind speed, the corresponding power coefficient,
al net profit and so on [2]. and the upper wind speed offering the maximum power coef‐
As the basic indicator in evaluating the turbine perfor‐ ficient, are derived and analyzed. It is revealed that these
mance, the AEP is served as the foundation of the optimum three parameters are affected by the site altitude. Taking into
account the three parameters in the power curve modelling,
turbine-site matching design. The standard approach of esti‐
the proposed approach is capable of precisely estimating the
mating the AEP is to multiply the averaged power output
AEP, and thus sets up a foundation of the turbine-site match‐
with the probability density function of the wind speed at
ing design at different-altitude sites.
the wind site [3]. Therefore, the empirical power curve mod‐
els, formulated as the functions of the cut-in, rated, and cut-
out wind speeds and the rated power of turbine, have been
proposed and widely used. They have shown convenience in
application due to the independence of the turbine-specific A. Influence of Site Altitude on Power Production of
parameters [4]. However, it is commonly observed that the Variable-speed WTs
The operation of variable-speed WT relies on the wind
Manuscript received: April 10, 2019; accepted: March 5, 2020. Date of Cross‐ speed and can be divided into three modes: idle, partial pow‐
Check: March 5, 2020. Date of online publication: July 22, 2020.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of Chi‐ er, and rated power. Accordingly, its power output is [2]:
na (No. 61803393), the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province (No.
2020JJ4751), and the Basic Science Research Program through the National Re‐ ìP f (v) v i £ v £ v r
search Foundation (NRF) of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education (No. P(v) = íP r vr < v £ vo (1)
NRF-2016R1A6A1A03013567). ï
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribu‐ î0 v < v i or v o < v
tion 4.0 International License (
D. Song, S. Zheng, J. Yang, M. Dong, and M. Su are with the School of Au‐ where v is the wind speed; v i, v r, and v o are the cut-in, rated,
tomation, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China (e-mail: songdon‐ and cut-out wind speeds, respectively; and P f (v) and P r are
gran@csu. edu. cn; zhengsongyue@csu. edu. cn; jian. yang@csu. edu. cn; mi.; the partial power and rated power, respectively.
S. Yang (corresponding author) is with the School of Energy Science and En‐ The partial power P f (v) is calculated by:
gineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China (e-mail: ceshy‐ P f (v) = 0.5ηρπR2 C p (λ)v 3 (2)
Y. H. Joo is with the School of IT Information and Control Engineering, Kun‐
san National University, Kunsan 573701, Korea (e-mail:
where η is the power generation efficiency; ρ and R are the
DOI: 10.35833/MPCE.2019.000240 air density and the rotor radius, respectively; C p (λ) is the

power coefficient, which is a nonlinear function of the tip Accordingly, v u can be calculated by:
speed ratio (TSR) λ when the WT operates below the rated v u = ω u R/λ opt = min(ω r  T gr /K )R/λ opt (9)
wind speed; and λ = ωR/v, where ω is the rotor speed.
Similarly, the rated power is calculated by: From (9), when the rated value of rotor speed is lower
P r = 0.5ηρπR2 C pr v 3r (3) than the limit imposed by the rated generator torque, the up‐
per rotor speed is the rated value, and the upper wind speed
where C pr is the power coefficient at the rated wind speed. is a constant (ω r R/λ opt). Otherwise, the upper rotor speed is
As shown in (1), the power output of the WT relies large‐ the one depending on the generator torque, and the upper
ly on the rated wind speed, and the latter can be obtained by:
wind speed is T gr /K R/λ opt, which goes up due to the de‐
v r = (2P r /(ηρπR2 C pr ))1/3 (4)
creased optimal torque gain.
Based on (4), the rated wind speed will be different for In the region between v u and v r, the rotor speed is main‐
the same WT when the air density varies. According to the tained at the rated value ω r or follows the wind speed to
International Standard Atmosphere (ISO) [5], the air density vary between T gr /K and ω r. Therefore, regarding λ = ωR/v,
is relevant to the site altitude h alt and can be estimated by:
C p (λ) is solely determined by the wind speed. With the
ρ = 1.225(1- 0.0065h alt /288.15)4.2561 (5) curve fitting, it can be fitted as:
Using (5), the air density at the sites with different alti‐
C p (λ) = C pmax∑a i v i

tudes is obtained and shown in Table I. v Î[v u v r ] (10)

TABLE I where a i (i = 01...n) is the fitting parameters; and n is the
order of the polynomial.
Using (10), the power coefficient C pr at the rated wind
h alt (m) ρ (kg/m3) h alt (m) ρ (kg/m3)
speed v r can be easily calculated as:
0 1.225 2000 1.006
C pr = C pmax∑a i v ir
1000 1.112 3000 0.909 (11)

Based on (4), (9) and (11), the three key parameters v r, v u,

It is obvious that there is a low air density for a high-alti‐ and C pr can be calculated. Then, by substituting (3), (7), (10)
tude site. Based on (4) and (5), two discussions can be made: and (11) into (1), the power curve modelling of a variable-
1) For the high-altitude site with decreasing air density,
speed WT on the high-altitude site can be expressed as:
the rated wind speed is increased.
2) Following the increasing v r, the power coefficient C pr ì0 v < vi
goes down, which further increases v r. ïP r (C pmax /C pr )(v/v r ) 3
vi £ v < vu
Therefore, the power production of turbine will be notice‐ ï
P(v) = íP r (C pmax /C pr )(v/v r )3∑a i v i v u £ v < v r
ï n

ably affected by the site altitude, and this effect should be (12)
thoroughly considered in estimating the AEP of the WT at ï i=0
ïP vr £ v £ vo
the high-altitude site. ï r
ï0 vo < v
B. Power Curve Modelling of Variable-speed WTs î
Considering Increased Rated Wind Speed Based on (12), the power output of a WT can be estimat‐
To consider the influence of the increased rated wind ed in a precise way. To achieve that, some knowledge about
speed on the power production, (2) is reformulated as: the geography of the WT and site is required, including the

fitting parameters of the power coefficient, the rated power,
ηρπR2 C pmax v 3 /2 v i £ v £ v u
P f (v) = (6) and the site altitude.
ηρπR2 C p (λ)v 3 /2 v u < v £ v r
C. AEP Estimation for Variable-speed WTs at High-altitude
where v u is the upper wind speed, at which C p (λ) is main‐ Sites
tained at its maximum C pmax. C pmax is determined by the
blade aerodynamics and can be obtained from the WT manu‐ After obtaining the power curve of the WT, its energy pro‐
facturer. duction during one year can be estimated by:
The upper wind speed v u relies on the upper rotor speed AEP = tP m (13)
ω u constrained by the hardware limitation of the WT. For a where t = 8760 hour, as there are 8760 hours in a year. The
variable-speed WT, the rated rotor speed and the rated gener‐ mean power production P m during one hour is calculated by:

∫ P(v) f (v)dv
ator torque are the two limitations. Under these two limita‐ ¥
tions, ω u can be calculated by: Pm = (14)
ω u = min(ω r  T gr /K ) (7) where f (v) is the Weibull distribution, which is a function of
K = 0.5ρπR C pmax /(Nλ )
5 3
(8) the wind speed expressed as [7]:
f (v) = (k/c)(v/c)k - 1 exp(-(v/c)k ) (15)
where T gr is the rated generator torque; λ opt is the optimal
TSR determined by the blade aerodynamics; K is the opti‐ where c and k are the scale parameter and the shape parame‐
mal torque gain [6]; and N is the gearbox ratio. ter, respectively.

D. Implementation of Proposed Approach level altitude, there are reduced ratios of the AEP about
Based on above preparations, the proposed AEP estima‐ 6.7%, 12.9 %, and 19.6 % for the other three high altitudes,
tion can be implemented and its flowchart is shown in Fig. 1. respectively. Therefore, these results agree with the fact that
the high altitude of the site has a significant effect on the
Collect site parameters: Collect turbine parameters: power output of the WT, and this effect has been carefully
c, k, halt R, Cp max, λopt, ai, Pr, Tgr, ωr
included in the proposed AEP estimation model.
Calculate vr, vu, Cpr using
Calculate ρ using (5) TABLE III
(4), (9) and (11)
Calculate Weibull
Calculate P(v) using (12) h alt (m) v u (m/s) v r (m/s) C pr
distribution using (15)
0 7.52 11.0 0.4235

Calculate Pm using (14) 1000 7.52 11.6 0.3982

2000 7.52 12.4 0.3610
Estimate AEP using (13) 3000 7.52 13.6 0.3028
Fig. 1. Flowchart of proposed AEP estimation.


The presented AEP estimation is applied to an industrial
variable-speed WT [8], [9], of which the relevant parameters
are summarized in Table II. Simulation and experimental re‐
sults are presented and discussed.
TABLE II 0 1000 2000 3000
Fig. 2. AEP estimation with proposed model at different altitudes.
Symbol Value Symbol Value
Pr 1.5 MW vo 25 m/s
Figure 3 shows the comparison results between the pro‐
R 38.55 m n 4
posed model and four empirical power-curve models, includ‐
ωr 1.824 rad/s a0 -2.84
ing the linear, quadratic, cubic, and general models.
T gr 8185.1 N × m a1 1.18116 s/m
λ opt 8.5 a2 -0.1231 (s/m)2 40
C p max 0.483 a3 5.043×10 (s/m) 3
η -7.348×10-5 (s/m)4
Above proposed model (%)

0.93 a4
20 Linear model
vi 3 m/s N 100.48 General model
Quadratic model
10 Cubic model
A. Simulation Results
In the simulation, Weibull distribution parameters are set
to the wind condition of six representative wind sites in Chi‐ -10
na [10]. k is set to be 1.9, and c is set to be 7.5 m/s. -20
To check the influence of the site altitude on the operation
of the WT, the three key parameters are calculated using (4), -30
0 1000 2000 3000
(9) and (11) and their values are presented in Table III. Altitude (m)
When the altitude halt varies from 0 m to 3000 m, the rated Fig. 3. AEP comparison among different estimation models.
wind speed is quickly increased from 11.0 m/s to 13.6 m/s,
while the power coefficient at the rated wind speed is de‐
creased from 0.4235 to 0.3028. The upper wind speed re‐ By taking the proposed results as the references, it is ob‐
mains unchanged due to the rated rotor speed lower than the tained that the linear model constantly overestimates the
limit imposed by the rated generator torque. These results AEP by 27%, and the cubic model underestimates the AEP
show that the influence of the site altitude on the turbine op‐ in a range between 6.2% and 25.2% with the largest discrep‐
eration is significant, and confirm the two discussions in Sec‐ ancy at the highest altitude. By comparison, the general mod‐
tion II-A. el presents less deviations that are decreased from 8.5% to
Figure 2 shows the AEP estimation results with the pro‐ -2.5% for the increasing altitudes, and the quadratic model
posed approach. With the proposed model, the estimated presents similar but the least deviations. Therefore, the result
AEP is 4555.5 MWh, 4270.2 MWh, 3967.7 MWh, and provided by the quadratic models is closest to that of the
3661.2 MWh for the altitude of 0 m, 1000 m, 2000 m, and proposed model, and these observations are consistent to the
3000 m, respectively. Compared with the result at the sea- investigation made in [4] and justify the proposed model.

B. Experimental Results [4] T. P. Chang, F. J. Liu, H. H. Ko et al., “Comparative analysis on pow‐

er curve models of wind turbine generator in estimating capacity fac‐
The studied WT is located in a wind farm on Yunnan- tor,” Energy, vol. 73, pp. 88-95, Aug. 2014.
Kweichow Plateau, China, and the site altitude is about 2800 [5] M. Cavcar, “The international standard atmosphere (ISA),” Anadolu
University, Eskişehir, Turkey, 2000.
m. The Weibull distribution parameters k and c are 1.95 and [6] D. Song, J. Yang, Z. Cai et al., “Wind estimation with a non-standard
9.03 m/s, respectively. The data collected by the supervisory extended Kalman filter and its application on maximum power extrac‐
control and data acquisition (SCADA) system is compared tion for variable speed wind turbines,” Applied Energy, vol. 190, pp.
670-685, Mar. 2017.
with the results from the five estimation models. [7] J. V. Seguro and T. W. Lambert, “Modern estimation of the parameters
Figure 4 shows the comparison results between the SCA‐ of the weibull wind speed distribution for wind energy analysis,” Jour‐
nal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, vol. 85, no. 1,
DA data and the five power-curve models. By checking the pp. 75-84, Mar. 2000.
real power curve, it is seen that the rated wind speed is [8] D. Song, X. Fan, J. Yang et al., “Power extraction efficiency optimiza‐
around 13.2 m/s, which is consistent with the theoretical re‐ tion of horizontal-axis wind turbines through optimizing control param‐
eters of yaw control systems using an intelligent method,” Applied En‐
sult. Meanwhile, it is obvious that the power curve estimated ergy, vol. 224, pp. 267-279, Aug. 2018.
by the proposed model fits the real one much better than the [9] D. Song, Q. Li, Z. Cai et al., “Model predictive control using multi-
other four models. Based on these results, the AEP is esti‐ step prediction model for electrical yaw system of horizontal-axis
wind turbines,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 10, no.
mated with the proposed, linear, quadratic, cubic, and gener‐ 4, pp. 2084-2093, Oct. 2019.
al models, and the result is 5221.4 MWh, 6153.8 MWh, [10] Y. Li, X. Wu, Q. Li et al., “Assessment of onshore wind energy poten‐
tial under different geographical climate conditions in China,” Energy,
5031.9 MWh, 4286.2 MWh, and 5081.3 MWh, respectively. vol. 152, pp. 498-511, Jun. 2018.
By comparison to the actual AEP averaged during the last
five years, which is 5310.5 MWh, the estimation error is
-1.68%, 15.88%, -5.25%, -19.29%, and -4.32%, respective‐ Dongran Song received the Ph. D. degree from the School of Information
Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China, in
ly. The above results are consistent with the simulation re‐ 2016, where he has been an Associate Professor since 2018. He was a Se‐
sults, and further confirm the effectiveness and preciseness nior Engineer with China Ming Yang Wind Power Group, Zhongshan, from
2009 to 2017, where he took part in designing 1.5 MW-6.0 MW series wind
of the proposed estimation model in the real wind farm. turbines. His research interests include designs, controls and optimizations
for wind turbines, power electronics and renewable energy generation sys‐
Electrical power (kW)

1200 Songyue Zheng received the B.S. degree at the School of Information Sci‐
ence and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China, in 2017.
1000 He is currently working toward the master degree at Central South Universi‐
SCADA data ty. His research interests include advance control algorithms and designs for
800 Linear model wind turbines.
600 Quadratic model
Cubic model Sheng Yang received the Ph. D. degree from the School of Chemistry and
400 General model
Proposed model Chemical Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou,
200 China, in 2017. Since 2018, he has been an Associate Professor at the
School of Energy Science and Engineering, Central South University, Shang‐
0 5 10 13.2 15 20 25 sha, China. His research interests include energy systems and engineering.
Wind speed (m/s)
Jian Yang received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Uni‐
Fig. 4. Experimental curves of electrical power versus wind speed in dif‐ versity of Central Florida, Orlando, USA, in 2008. He was a Senior Electri‐
ferent estimation models. cal Engineer with Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc., Los Angeles, USA from
2007 to 2010. Since 2011, he has been a Professor at Central South Univer‐
sity, Changsha, China. His research interests include motion control, power
IV. CONCLUSION electronics and its applications in wind energy generation systems, and pho‐
tovoltaic systems.
This letter presents an AEP estimation approach for the
variable-speed WTs at high-altitude sites. The influence of Mi Dong received the Ph. D. degree at the School of Information Science
the low air density at high-altitude sites is considered in the and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China, in 2007,
where she has been a Professor since 2006. Her research interests include
presented power curve model, so that a precise AEP estima‐ control application, solar photovoltaic power generation system, and power
tion is achieved. Based on the proposed model, other perfor‐ grid power quality.
mance indexes can be evaluated, and the turbine-site match‐
ing design can be applied for WTs at different-altitude sites. Mei Su received the Ph.D. degree at the School of Information Science and
Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China, in 2005, where she
has been a Professor since 2006. Her research interests include matrix con‐
REFERENCES verter, adjustable speed drives, and wind energy conversion system.
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[3] S. J. Huang and H. H. Wan, “Determination of suitability between
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