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at = Cee Me Re PaO BEC as la) Black Belt Academy 2 , - Learning items t complete: > Pre-Requiste for Stage-2: Complete your certification for Black Belt Switching Deployment Stage 1 Learning Map > Compete all the imperative learning materia inluing the quizes for ing Dep ning Mi ‘After completing the above Learning tems, Submit your Switching Deployment Stage 2 Application here: > Submit vali Ceo Sales Order Number** snd Low Level Ossgn document. Peas nse thatthe Sales Order Number submited for Stage 2 conteaton should nat be oer than months rom the date of submission (xcepio ll be given for upto 12 months with ald extenuating ‘reumstances Vv > ssi Poof efdeloment sane 2 Sessa iosees sm psn DW ae othe Des stl deployment confirmation ma fram custome/sgn off from customer Incase youhave any queries, lease cesta ike using he lack Bo Parnes Academy Suppor & Fedoack Forms 9 ‘The validation & Program team wil vaidate the traning & ater pre-equstes for clearing Stage? and mark you Catton status as Compete witha 7 COMET ee Tuc ha Tease Nu MCT i) Black Belt Academy Pre-Requisites: Congrotlations on completing the IT othe raining within the Platinum Leeming Library any, mapped to Black Be Switching Deployment Stage 2 > PreRequlste for Stage: Complete Your certfcsonfor lek Bet Switching Deployment Sage Note:eules Coe Teate/Lnring Pater dentin. Paton yous Geo Ths resent to deteminyour gt toparptein th wack Fora penton tue erage ones onan gron Sosa reach Poe hae Saab OM ‘After completing the above Learning tems, Submit your Switching Deployment Stage 2 Application here > sparta Asassment Cetera! for ths Learning map Snapshot/Proo! of LT Partipaion/ eompltion cetiieste of Invtaton copy With traning name, ‘ate end location) to attend the tinng For Lt lenere only > snapahos ofthe competed Platinum earning courte modules Crtifeation of completion For PLL learners only Sut vali Co Sales Order Number" ap Lowrtevel Design document Plesesensure thatthe Sales Order Number submitesfr Stage erfeaton ould not be older than’ menthsfrom the at of submision(aceptionwilbe gen for upto 12 months with vad extenuating circumstances) or > submit roa of deployment - example: successful deployment confemaion email rom customer/sig off fom cusiomer The validation & Program tear wil val ark your Cartication status 5 Compete win 7 Business dys Incasevou hve any queries, please crestea ticket ung the lsckl arne eam Sungor Feedback Fm,

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