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International Business and Trade Jonnard Claude

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and Trade
Theory, Practice,
and Policy

Claude M. Jonnard
^.KF0RD PUBL|c library

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Jonnard, Claude M

traedenati0nal busi'n^ and


Rockford, Illinois

uu l i o ld98
I nternational
and Trade
Theory, Practice,
and Policy

Claude M. Jonnard

St. Lucie Press
Boca Raton Boston London New York Washington, D.C.


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

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ijonnard, Claude M.
'International business and

Table of Contents

Preface . v
Acknowledgments . ix
About the Author . x


1 Corporate Challenges ... 3
2 A Philosophy of Business for the Twenty-First Century . 15
3 International Business Operations . 27
4 The Monetary System ...... 41
5 The Balance of Payments . 55
6 Foreign Exchange and Foreign Exchange Management .. 67


7 International Trade Practices: The Parties . 83
8 The Legal Environment of International Business . 91
9 Product Warranty and Product Liability Issues . 99
10 Protection of Intellectual Assets .. 105
11 International Trade Logistics . 113
12 Financing Trade: The Banking System . 125
13 Financing Trade: Payments and Collections . 137
14 International Letters of Credit . 147
15 Foreign Manufacturing and Assembly . 155
16 International Licensing and Franchising . 163
17 Strategic Alliances . 173
18 Foreign Investments . 181


19 Trade^ Regulation and Restrictions . 191
20 Investment Restrictions ... 199

iv International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

21 U.S. Policies: Taxation and Related Programs . 207

22 U.S. Trade and Investment Support Organizations . 225
23 International Systems and Organizations . 245






Chapter 1. Corporate Challenges. Readers are introduced to the major

changes that have taken place in the last two centuries. They are also
introduced to the challenges that may be facing large, globally oriented
businesses, acting as economic surrogates of society, in the twenty-first
Chapter 2. A Philosophy of Business for the Twenty-First Century. In
this chapter, three major competing philosophies are reviewed in order
to analyze which ideas may be best suited to the management of society
in the new century. Some leading corporate philosophies are also ana¬
lyzed to examine how the business community sees itself blending into
the emerging world order.
Chapter 3. International Business Operations. In this chapter, the
various forms of cross-border activities in which large multinational cor¬
porations, along with smaller companies, engage are reviewed in sum¬
mary form.
Chapter 4. The Monetary System. The monetary system governing the
short- and long-term financial management of trade and investments can
be traced back to the early nineteenth centuiy. It evolved from the
monetization of gold as a nation’s holder of value in due course and
coincided with the increasing use of paper currency in the twentieth
century. The themes of this chapter are to show how the current mon¬
etary system developed into its current form, how it affects all aspects of
a company’s global activities, and what shape the monetary system may
have in the future.
Chapter 5. The Balance of Payments. In this chapter, international
trade, business, and investments are analyzed from the perspective of the
flow of cross-border exchange of debits, credits, and payments among

VI International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

nations. These exchanges are recorded in a country’s national accounts

statistics, called “the balance of payments.”
Chapter 6. Foreign Exchange and Foreign Exchange Management. The
understanding and management of foreign exchange has become a major
preoccupation for multinational corporations. The concept and operation
of the foreign exchange market and how companies manage their foreign
currency assets to minimize the risk of sustaining foreign exchange losses
are discussed in this chapter.
Chapter 7. International Trade Practices: The Parties. The parties
involved in the practice of international trade and how they interface to
create and complete an import-export transaction are reviewed in this
chapter. Merchandise exports and imports are said to be the crankshaft
of all international business operations, although they are no longer the
primary reason for the pursuit of global enterprise.
Chapter 8. The Legal Environment of International Business. In this
chapter, the legal environment of international business practices is ex¬
amined. Questions concerning the rights and obligations of those partici¬
pating in cross-border transactions are addressed.
Chapter 9. Product Warranty and Product Liability Issues. The vari¬
ous aspects of companies’ rights and obligations in product warranty and
liability situations are discussed in this chapter. Product warranties are
promises by a manufacturer that its products will perform as stated in
published literature. They can be explicit or implicit. Warranties are
explicit when a manufacturer includes a written statement describing
what guarantees it offers in the event of product performance failure and
for how long a period of time those guarantees are good.
Chapter 10. Protection of Intellectual Assets. The nature of intellec¬
tual assets and their importance to companies doing business internation¬
ally are explored in this chapter. The protection of these assets is grow¬
ing in importance as goods and services are being produced, marketed,
and traded on a global scale. Intellectual assets and goodwill consist of
patents, trade names, trademarks, and copyrights, the sum of which
identify a company’s goods and services as belonging to it.
Chapter 11. International Trade Logistics. Often ignored by business
executives in planning international business strategies for their compa¬
nies is the transportation environment. In this chapter, the specialized
terminology used in international trade to define the rights and obliga¬
tions of all parties to a transaction is reviewed. In-transit insurance,
without which the physical distribution of goods internationally would be
riskier than it is, is examined closely.
Preface VII

Chapter 12. Financing Trade: The Banking System. The international

banking system and documentation that must be prepared by interna¬
tional traders as shipments proceed to their destination are described in
this chapter. The paperwork, which includes the seller’s commercial
invoices, is commonly called “documentation.” Its accurate and timely
preparation and distribution (the collection process) enable importers to
receive their goods and make it easier for exporters to receive on-time
Chapter 13. Financing Trade: Payments and Collections. The focus of
this chapter is the more popular payment terms used by companies in
the export business. The role played by the international banking system
in providing an operating environment that makes it easier for exporters
to receive on-time payment for their shipments is also closely examined.
Chapter 14. International Letters of Credit. The focus of this chapter
is payment risk minimization through the use of letters of credit. It will
also be seen that these documents may be used to finance international
Chapter 15. Foreign Manufacturing and Assembly. Turnkey systems,
management contracts, and contract manufacturing agreements, used as
means of introducing high-technology systems and/or goods produced in
other countries expediently and without long-term foreign direct invest¬
ments, are discussed in this chapter.
Chapter 16. International Licensing and Franchising. In this chapter,
the international transfer of technology and know-how through arrange¬
ments called licensing and franchising agreements is explored. These
agreements are contracts through which owners of intellectual properties
such as patents, trademarks, trade names, and copyrights are able to
temporarily rent, through a “lease” or “license,” their rights to those assets
to a licensee in return for a fee or royalty.
Chapter 17. Strategic Alliances. This chapter illustrates how busi¬
nesses can use strategic alliances in an international environment to
mutual advantage. Strategic alliances are intercorporate agreements be¬
tween two or more companies designed to achieve various degrees of
vertical and horizontal integration. This vertical/horizontal integration is
also possible with wholly owned subsidiaries, where expansion takes
place through merger, acquisition, and joint ventures.
Chapter 18. Foreign Investments. This chapter takes a close look at
foreign direct investments in the form of joint ventures and wholly owned
subsidiaries. Foreign direct investments are investments into other coun¬
tries with the objective of owning partially or entirely an economic
VIII International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

enterprise for the purpose of establishing market share and generating

revenue and profits. Foreign portfolio investments are investments into
financial instruments such as stocks and bonds, where the goal is not to
engage in business but to generate dividend income, interest income, and
capital gains.
Chapter 19. Trade Regulation and Restrictions. The regulatory envi¬
ronment of international trade and investments and the impact of restric¬
tions on the conduct of international business transactions are examined
in this chapter.
Chapter 20. Investment Restrictions. In this chapter, the regulatory
environment of international investments and its impact on the conduct
of international business transactions are examined. Beyond a government’s
responsibility to regulate trade is said to lie an obligation to guide invest¬
ments into areas of economic activity seen as necessary to promote
economic growth and development. Governments fulfill this obligation
through a mix of fiscal (tax) and monetary (interest rate and foreign
exchange manipulation) policies.
Chapter 21. U.S. Policies: Taxation and Related Programs. U S. trade
and investment policies have tended to encourage the nation to export,
import, invest overseas, and invite investments from abroad. The general
official attitude has been, from the countiy’s beginnings, that trade and
investments are good for the economy in an overall, long-term sense.
U.S. government policies and programs embodied in a number of tax
laws that specifically support private sector involvement in international
trade and investments are analyzed in this chapter.
Chapter 22. U.S. Trade and Investment Support Organizations. In this
chapter, the roles played by key U.S. government organizations in assist¬
ing business in doing business overseas are examined. The focus is on
four support groups: the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the
Export-Import Bank of the United States, the U.S. Small Business Admin¬
istration, and the United States Agency for International Development.
Chapter 23. International Systems and Organizations. The trend to¬
ward international economic cooperation through the creation of trade
blocs, euphemistically called the “regionalization” of trade and invest¬
ments, is reviewed in this chapter. The roles played by international
organizations like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
in assisting nations to grow their economies through international trade
and investments are also examined.

The author is privileged to acknowledge the contributions of those who

have made this book possible. A word of thanks goes to my family for
their patience, along with a special expression of gratitude to Professor
J. Griffith for much of the research and writing that went into completing
this work. Most of the information contained in the book was obtained
either from hard copy references or through the Internet, from publica¬
tions by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Department of State,
the Small Business Administration, the United States Agency for Interna¬
tional Development, the Export-Import Bank of the United States, the
Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the U.S. Internal Revenue Ser¬
vice, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, Chemical Bank
(now Chase Manhattan Bank), and Dun & Bradstreet Information Services.

About the Author

Claude M. Jonnard is a professor of economics and international busi¬

ness at Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison, New Jersey. He is also
vice president of The Horizon Trading Company, a family-owned secu¬
rities and equipment sales and financing business. He has a master’s
degree from New York University and is a member of the National
Association for Business Economics.

International Business
Theories and Concepts
Corporate Challenges

The major changes that have taken place in the last two centuries are
introduced, as are the challenges that will be facing globally oriented
businesses functioning as economic surrogates of society in the twenty-
first century.


How the world has changed. Were one to ask how many changes have
occurred in the past 200 years, it would be possible to list an almost
endless number, beginning with the invention of the telephone and
combustible engine and ending at the end of this millennium with the
computer, space travel, genetic engineering, and artificial intelligence. At
a very personal level, the world has come a long way since the days of
the fan and wood-burning stove as means of climate control and flags,
smoke signals, and the pony express as means of communication.
There have also been macro changes in the past century. Demo¬
graphic patterns of growth and development have forged a path from
rural life barely touched by urban communities to the point where the
populations of most societies live and work within an urban-suburban
environment and surrounding rural communities either provide comple¬
mentary services or sink to the status of economic backwaters.
An evolution in behavioral ideologies. Major political, social, and
economic philosophies have emerged in that same time frame to postu¬
late the key theories of human organization and behavior that order

4 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

society today. Most belief systems regarding resource development and

allocation, wealth and income creation and distribution, political struc¬
tures, and social interaction stem from ancient ideas articulated into
working theories in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Technology and control over resources. It can probably be argued
that two factors can be given credit for bringing about many of the
changes, constructive as well as destructive, that have affected humanity.
The first factor is a long-term movement toward the concentration of
resource development and use and the organization and conduct of
economic activity in the hands of monolithic, globally oriented private
sector businesses known as multinational or transnational corporations.
The second factor is the accelerating pace of technological change. It is
reasonable to suspect in this connection that the momentum of tech¬
nological change is being increasingly fueled by market-driven corpo¬
rate entrepreneurial initiatives, with infrastructure support provided by
The force of private enterprise and the state as surrogate of society.
The channeling of effort in most areas of the world to achieve market-
driven goals is accelerating economic growth and development in many
societies which a few years ago might have been consigned to perpetual
It is also altering traditional ideas about relationships between the
individual, the community, the corporate business, and the sovereign
state. The concern is whether there will be room for the state to con¬
tinue, as it has in the past century, as the surrogate of society if private
business becomes responsible by fiat for operating an economy and its
competitiveness on a global scale.


Fuzzy distinctions between domestic and international businesses. Sepa¬
rating business into domestic and international components for discus¬
sion purposes is largely irrelevant today. Businesses become large and
prosperous when they adopt a global vision and strategy in matters
ranging from the allocation of resources to the production and marketing
of their goods and services.
The option of staying small and thinking “local” can be fatal. Even the
smallest community-oriented enterprises, like the neighborhood pizza
parlor, the local clothing store, the village cleaner, the corner market, and
Corporate Challenges 5

the independently owned pharmacy, wittingly or unwittingly rely on the

global sourcing of the goods and services they sell. Knowledgeable local
retailers and wholesalers will routinely attend the major trade shows
where their industries are featured in order to remain current and com¬
petitive. Those who attempt to move foiward wearing blinders usually go
out of business in short order. There is very little sold in the United States
or in any other country that is not at least partially made elsewhere.
Big business is a relatively new phenomenon. There were few large
privately owned businesses in the United States or in the world before
the American Revolution or before the Industrial Revolution in Europe.
The few large commercial entities that did flourish did so under close
government control or ownership. Interestingly, among the first enter¬
prises to operate fairly autonomously of government control were finan¬
cial institutions, perhaps because many of them started as offshoots of
powerful and aristocratic titled families who acted as moneylenders to
their royal overlords.
Private ownership is a contemporary idea. The concept of private
ownership also was not clearly established, even in land ownership, until
the nineteenth century. Acceptance of the idea that the factors of produc¬
tion could be owned by private stockholders and could be worked by
private citizens hired and supervised by professional managers on behalf
of those stockholders became rooted in the United States after 1800 and
then spread to other areas. Even in Adam Smith’s England, the ancestral
home of the Industrial Revolution, the concept of private ownership of
large enterprises that stretched out across national borders was not well
recognized. It was generally accepted that the government (crown) owned
all the factors of production (especially land and its resources) and that
while those factors could be managed by private individuals, a temporary
license or franchise first had to be granted by the state.
Privatization is a trend. The trend today, following the dynamic growth
of private enterprise in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, is to
encourage even more privately owned and controlled business. This is
a response to observations that a government does not have the where¬
withal to micromanage society. It is also a response to a general feeling
that the management of human resources enjoys greater efficiency when
left in private hands.
The global vision thing. Even the smallest business establishments in
the smallest towns are directly impacted by world events influenced by
multinational businesses and governments. The time when a growth-
oriented enterprise could base itself and operate within the borders of a
6 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

single country and prosper is probably over. Corporate growth and sur¬
vival today require a global perspective and strategy. The principles of
business behavior in a global environment are as important to master
today as economics, accounting, and mathematics if managers of eco¬
nomic enterprise are to succeed in this new arena of global competition,
interaction, and interdependence.


Six billion and growing. More than 6 billion people inhabit the planet
today (1998) compared with about 1.5 billion 100 years ago or about 4.4
billion in 1980. This makes the world a more crowded place in which
to live, work, and play. Until this decade, total world population had
been growing at an increasing annual rate until it peaked in the 1980s
at about 2%. The current annual rate of population growth is 1.7%.*
World population will grow, decline, or stay the same? There is a
division of opinion as to whether or not global population growth has
peaked. An extreme-case scenario at a 2% annual growth rate would mean
a doubling to more than 12 billion people by the mid-2030s. More con¬
servative scenarios see the world’s population peaking at less than 9
billion people by the mid-2050s. There is also a doomsday scenario that
suggests the start of a precipitous decline as societies industrialize and
families bear fewer children. One may indeed observe among those
countries that have high-income populations, or are moving rapidly to
become high-income societies, a real consistent decline in their birth rates.
Population pressure on resources and facilities. Whatever direction
population will take, any change must be anticipated by government
and the private sector to enable societies to maintain and improve the
living standards of their constituencies. A stationary or expanding popu¬
lation will call for more efficient utilization of resources and consider¬
able investments in education, technology development, and expansion
of business and employment. A declining population will require seri¬
ous planning to provide social services for greater numbers of the aged
and infirm while still maintaining economic growth and development

* World Bank, World Development Report, 1996, Table 4, pp. 194-195, Oxford Uni¬
versity Press, New York, 1996.
Corporate Challenges 7

The major challenge for the next 50 years. The major challenge for
the twenty-first century will probably be to support large and increasing
populations with enough resources and infrastructures to sustain eco¬
nomic growth and development without destroying the environment.
This can be translated into “people” issues such as food and energy,
shelter, healthcare, education, welfare and social services, transportation
and communications, production and distribution, money and banking,
and income and employment.
The smallest and largest countries of the world. The World Bank, in
its 1996 publication World Development Report, lists 209 countries. Some
are tiny, like Grenada with a population over slightly more than 92,000.
Some have large populations, like China and India (1.2 billion and 914
million, respectively, in 1997).*
A few countries cover vast territories and are demographically sparse
(Mongolia with 2.4 million), and a few countries (Indonesia with 190.4
million and the Netherlands with 15.4 million) occupy small land masses
and support very large populations. With the exception of the Nether¬
lands, whose population growth is relatively static (0.7%), most countries
have significantly increased their numbers since 1994. For example, as of
this writing, China has over two billion people, while India has reached
the one billion mark. It is probable that these two nations now account
for about 50% of the world’s population.*
Who is growing and who is not. Popular literature still talks about
“industrial” societies and “developing” countries. The World Development
Report classifies countries as low-income, middle-income, and high-in-
come economies. All areas with an annual per capita gross national
product (GNP) of more than $9,000 are included among the high-income
These societies account for about 20% of the world’s population and
are growing at an average of 0.5% annually. All other non-high-income
countries account for 80% and are growing at an average of 2 to 3%
annually, depending on the region. It is estimated that if current trends
persist, 90% of all people will be living in developing areas.
There is another dimension to high rates of population growth. In
many countries, over half of the total population is under 21 years of age.
If demographic trends continue, over half of the population of these
countries will be under the age of 16.

* World Bank, World Development Report, 1996, Tables 1 and la, pp. 188, 189, 222,
Oxford University Press, New York, 1996.
8 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

The richest and the poorest. The five richest industrial countries in
terms of annual per capita GNP are (1997 figures) Switzerland ($40,000),
Japan ($36,000), Denmark ($29,000), Norway ($28,000), and the United
States ($27,000).
The five poorest countries are Rwanda ($80), Mozambique ($90),
Ethiopia ($100), Tanzania ($140), and Burundi ($160).


Part of the world is developing rapidly. Many developing nations are
rapidly moving their economies ahead and are catching up with high-
income societies, many of which are themselves surging ahead. In many
areas, people are better off today than ever before and have been enjoying
the fruits of sustained economic growth and development for several
Part of the world remains an economic backwater. Unfortunately, the
level of material affluence seen in parts of the world has not spread to
many countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. There
has even been some economic regression in parts of Eastern Europe and
in the new republics of the former Soviet Union. With incomes rising
rapidly in so many countries, the gap between the so-called “haves’5 and
“have-nots” remains glaring.
In short, everyone in the world may be getting richer, but the rich are
becoming richer faster! One tends to observe this situation when making
cross-border comparisons. However, the phenomenon of growing in¬
come disparity is a problem within highly industrial and technology¬
intensive societies such as the United States.
Two-class societies. The trend in income distribution patterns in many
parts of the world is toward greater inequality. Globally, an average of 30%
of all populations accounts for 70% or more of earned income. Income
inequality is more askew among poorer countries and least askew in the
higher income Scandinavian nations. Some countries, such as Cuba, have
achieved income equality but nevertheless remain poor.
Changes in the income gap over time. It is interesting that the ratio
of “rich to poor” societies has not really changed over the years. Some
areas have indeed become developed, but they tend to be geographically
and demographically small units like Singapore. Somewhat larger nations,
like Taiwan and South Korea, have developed, to be sure, but mainly by
virtue of their special relationship with the United States. In most other
Corporate Challenges 9

cases, the distance between the affluence of a small part of the global
village and the relative poverty of many of its parts remains great.

Corporate Responsibility
The charge to multinational corporations in this era seems to have evolved
to include three areas of responsibility that are much broader and com¬
plex than their nineteenth century focus on economic power and domi¬
nation for the sole benefit of their owners. John Rockefeller and Henry
Flagler grew their oil, real estate, and railroad empires without much
regard for the constituencies they served and the environments they

The Three-Cornered Hat Concept

Things are different today. A large corporation today can be said to wear
a three-cornered hat that shelters all its constituencies. Each corner re¬
flects an area of critical responsibility.
Obligation to the stockholders. The first area of corporate endeavor
is to protect the interests of its stockholder owners by making its best
efforts to generate reasonably expected returns on their investment. This
is an important activity because not only must earnings be created to
meet stockholder expectations, but additional earnings must be forthcom¬
ing to help keep the business going and growing and to meet its two
other significant obligations or responsibilities.
Obligation to the human resources. The second area of responsibility
is to the employees, the human resources without which the enterprise
cannot exist. It is now generally recognized that companies have an
obligation to provide a safe and wholesome working environment, with
equal pay for equal work along with a compensation package that allows
human resources a commonly acceptable standard of living and a fair
opportunity for advancement.
Obligation to the community. The third area of responsibility is to the
communities that corporations serve through the production and sale of
their goods and services and in which they operate. The idea that busi¬
nesses can pollute environments and physically harm people is rapidly
becoming universally unacceptable. No argument is made for banning
noxious processes and driving under companies that produce important
10 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

products. The argument is that these processes must be changed through

new technologies to eliminate environmental and human damage and
that private enterprise must be held accountable for making the neces¬
sary changes.

People Issues
The continued success of private multinational enterprise may depend
upon how well these nerve centers of economic activity address the basic
needs of all societies. Global business’s big challenge will be to success¬
fully meet those needs and still be able to turn a profit. The fundamental
problems that directly affect the individual, the community, and society
at large (to name a few constituencies) are education, food and energy,
healthcare, income and employment, money and banking, shelter, trans¬
portation and communications, and welfare and social services.
Education. The great majority of the world remains undereducated
and functionally illiterate. Existence of and access to college- and univer¬
sity-level programs are limited. On average, in most developing areas,
less than 5% of young people between the ages of 19 and 23 attend
college/university programs. By contrast, participation rates range from
30 to 70% in developed areas.* *
Food and energy. The industrialization of food production coupled
with advances in the agricultural sciences has enabled supplies to keep
pace with population growth. Yet food distribution and availability re¬
main problems in many areas where low-income societies are unable to
meet local demand through domestic production and cannot afford for¬
eign imports. Daily caloric intake remains under 2,000 calories in many
areas, compared to over 3,500 calories among the richer countries.**
Energy resource allocation also suffers uneven distribution. A full 75%
of all energy resources produced in any given year is consumed by that
25% of the world’s population which inhabits industrialized areas.
Healthcare. This remains an eyesore in many countries. Human lon¬
gevity in the richer areas reaches an average of 80 years in comparison
to 40 to 50 years in the poorest societies. Average life span is 39 years
in Guinea-Bissau, 42 years in Sierra Leone, and 48 years in Ethiopia.
Availability of physicians to the general population is also a good indi-

* World Bank, World Development Report, 1996, Table 7, p. 200, Oxford University
Press, New York, 1996.
* World Bank, World Development Report, 1992, Table 28, pp. 272, 273, Oxford
University Press, New York, 1992.
Corporate Challenges 11

cator of the status of healthcare. Among industrial countries, the range

is from 200 to 500 inhabitants per physician. In Third World areas, the
lack of physicians becomes acute. There is one physician for every
32,000 people in Ethiopia, and the situation is even worse in other
countries.* *
Income and employment. It is estimated that unemployment rates for
industrial countries range from 2 to 15%, depending on the country and
the state of its economy. In many developing areas, the combined un¬
employment and underemployment rate is over 50%. This means that in
much of the Third World, although people toil extremely hard in sub¬
sistence economic activities to stay alive, there is little permanent full¬
time, value-adding work for most of the teenage and adult population.
It is estimated that a full 40% of the world’s adult labor force works for
menial wages and/or produces its own sustenance.**
Money and banking. The world of credit and finance, as it is known in
many high-income countries, is beginning to expand its ground in the rest
of the world. The pace of expansion will have to quicken if demand is to
be stimulated to encourage investments to spread faster to developing areas.
A comprehensive technology-intensive financial sector that can be con¬
tinually tapped as a resource for investment funding is critical to acceler¬
ating the economic growth and development of countries. It is estimated,
as this century draws to a close, that over 50% of the world’s adult
population engages in barter and functions outside of the money economy.
It is also estimated that only 20% of this same group uses a checkbook.
Shelter. It is estimated that over 50% of people in developing areas
live without permanent shelter. In terms of solid numbers, this means
that two billion people sleep in makeshift dwellings without running
water or heating, cooking, and sanitary facilities.
Transportation and communications. Mass transit and intercity transit
for goods and people are well established in developed countries, but
they are woefully lacking in the Third World. In Haiti, for example, a
drive from Port-au-Prince to Cape Haitian, some 130 miles to the north,
can take up to 12 hours. That same distance between Newark Airport
and Atlantic City can be covered in less than three hours. In the United
States, there are probably more telephones than people. In most coun¬
tries, the average is one phone per hundred people.

* World Bank, World Development Report, 1992, Table 28, pp. 272, 273, Oxford
University Press, New York, 1992.
* World Bank, World Development Report, 1994, p. 6, Oxford University Press, New
York, 1994.
12 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Welfare and social services. Social security insurance and all sorts of
other social services and annuities which have been taken for granted for
so long among industrial nations barely exist in many developing areas.
There, the extended family is the major source of welfare and social
service for non-self-supporting individuals such the very young, the aged,
and the infirm. In the villages of many countries, such as India and
Bangladesh, for example, a young couple entering marriage learns that
they must rear as many as eight children or more if there are to be two
surviving offspring as the couple approaches old age. Each surviving
offspring would then be able to accept an aging parent into his or her
extended family.

Corporate Challenges
Turning problems into opportunities. Multinational businesses might, at
first blush, take the position that problems faced by much of the world
are too great to be resolved by the private sector and that they should
stick to the traditional bread-and-butter markets of the industrial coun¬
tries. However, the rush by large corporations to tap Third World markets
anywhere they may exist testifies to the fact that a potential exists for
both market share and profits.
Taking the long view. Investors and professional managers are taking
the long view that these new markets will some day be industrialized and
prosperous. It is therefore the responsibility of the multinationals to
maintain a presence in and to participate in the economic growth and
development of all emerging regions.
The environmental challenge. It is clear that the processes of eco¬
nomic change impact the environment. How long the planet can con¬
tinue to endure the battering of its infrastructure is a matter of argument.
There is nevertheless general agreement that technologies must be devel¬
oped and brought into play that will minimize environmental damage
and perhaps even repair damage already done. Hence, corporate actions
will have to balance stockholder enthusiasm and financial viability with
the need to operate environmentally friendly businesses.
The resource and technology challenge. There is a school of thought
that maintains that resources are finite. That may not be the case how¬
ever. The material resources employed in the distant past are no longer
utilized in the same manner today. Ships were once made of wood and
used human labor for locomotion. Today, they are made of plastic and
steel and are propelled by diesel fuel or nuclear energy. The plastics
industry itself is a testament to the creation of synthetic resources as a
Corporate Challenges 13

function of the development of new technologies. Developing and then

implementing these new technologies to meet the needs of a changing
world is probably one of the more daunting tasks faced by the multina¬
tionals. Successfully accomplishing those tasks will require the cultivation
of a critical mass of skilled and educated human resources.


The inadequacy of the food supply in many parts of the world perpetu¬
ates chronic hunger, malnutrition, and diseases that slow both mind and
body and eventually reduces human productivity. The lack of permanent
shelter dims the promise of sanctuaiy at the end of a day’s labor. Limited
access to energy means limited or no power and light at home or at
work. Poor healthcare means more untreated diseases and ailments,
which also saps human productivity and shortens life. Poor education
hinders a society’s ability to have a critical mass of skilled workers to
compete in the global marketplace. Poor transportation and telecommu¬
nications systems slow down the movement of goods and services.
Finally, high unemployment coupled with large numbers of undereducated
young people and a generally unequal distribution of income threatens
political stability. Unless these challenges are successfully met, develop¬
ment in many areas will remain stunted and threaten the survival of the
rest of the world.


Developed countries. Nations whose economies are expanding more
slowly and whose incomes are significantly higher than those of other
countries. Examples would be the United States and Japan.

Developing countries. Nations whose economies are expanding faster

than those of their more mature, industrialized partners. They are some¬
times called newly industrializing countries. An example would be Ma¬
laysia. Most of the world’s developing countries are classified by the
World Bank as “low-income,” “lower middle-income,” and “high middle-
income” states.

Globalization. A process of corporate enterprise that involves the pro¬

curement of resources from the best available source worldwide and the
production and sale of goods and services in the widest possible markets.
14 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Key people issues. Education, food, energy, healthcare, income, employ¬

ment, money and banking, shelter, social services and welfare, transpor¬
tation and communications, a pollution-free environment.

Know-how. The application of technology to effectively produce goods

and services.

Macro changes. Changes that affect an entire society.

Micro changes. Changes that affect a part of society (e.g., a single family,
community, or business enterprise).

Multinational company. A corporation that produces and sells its goods

and services in many countries simultaneously.

Private ownership. Legitimate possession of assets by individuals and their

representative corporations as a basic right of life and social existence.

Privatization. A process of transferring the ownership of assets and the

factors of production from the state to the private sector.

Technology. Ideas brought together into applications to create new goods

and services or to improve on existing goods and services.

Three-cornered hat. A corporation’s three basic areas of responsibility: an

obligation to reasonably maximize stockholder returns, an obligation to
provide its human resources with an adequate standard of living, and an
obligation to behave for the common good of the communities it serves.

1.1 Describe and explain the ways in which the world has changed
since the end of the eighteenth century.

1.2 Describe and explain the ways in which the world has remained
basically unchanged since the end of the eighteenth century.

1.3 Explain the state as the “surrogate of society.” Will that change? if
so, to what? If not, why?

1.4 Explain what corporations, the state, and communities must do if the
private sector is to effectively wear its three-cornered hat.

1.5 Describe and explain some of the challenges presented by a growing


1.6 Describe and explain some of the challenges presented by a declin¬

ing population.
A Philosophy of Business
for the Twenty-First Century

It is generally agreed that the main challenge of the twenty-first cen¬
tury will be to develop the infrastructures and economic enterprises
necessary to maintain large numbers of people in political order at
acceptable living standards without destroying the environment. Busi¬
ness, as society’s surrogate for economic progress, has a central role to
play in meeting this challenge. This is irrespective of whether it is
envisioned as an arm of government, seen as an independent force, or
sandwiched somewhere between state and private ownership. Three major
competing philosophies are reviewed in this chapter to see which ideas
are best suited to the management of society in the new century. Some
leading corporate philosophies are also analyzed to examine how the
business community sees itself blending into the emerging world order.


Three competing philosophies have captured the imaginations of
policymakers and thinkers in the twentieth century: capitalism, commu¬
nism, and the mixed economy.

16 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

This philosophy posits that societies should be less macro- and micromanaged
by governments. It suggests that more faith and reliance should be
placed in less regulated and controlled approaches to human affairs. The
conceptual basis of capitalist thinking can be traced from the seventeenth
and eighteenth century physiocrats and mercantilists through Adam Smith,
Thomas Malthus, and David Ricardo in the late 1700s and early 1800s to
John Stuart Mill in the mid-1800s and finally to Keynes in the 1900s.
These ideas call for a fundamental freedom of entrepreneurial action in
which the role of government is minimized except to encourage and
protect private sector economic activity.
Several neo-Malthusian and Darwinesque theories have emerged in
recent decades. They suggest that the key to organized and continued
economic growth and development may be through more “laissez-faire”
non-interventionist public policies in which the private sector is given
maximum latitude in determining the course of economic affairs. This
could even be at the expense of pulling away support systems from less
fortunate populations. Societies would self-manage their populations. Only
the best, the strongest, and the ablest would survive the bloodied and
bared fangs of this new economic liberalism.

Often called socialism, this philosophy perceives the tasks of economic
growth and development as the obligatory domain of government in
representing the state in discharging its responsibilities to the people
living within its borders. The factors of production are to be owned and
managed by the state through special government agencies to reach
prescribed goals such as full employment at a given standard of living.
Communist ideology is as old as capitalist philosophy. Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels were its cardinal advocates in the nineteenth century,
although its ideas can be traced back through Hegel, Kant, and Hobbes
to Plato. It remains today a doctrine of sociopolitical order in many parts
of the world. The private sector may exist and indeed prosper, but only
in a manner subordinate to state policy.

The Mixed Economy

A more pragmatic and balanced philosophy has evolved in the last 30
years. It seeks to synthesize the extreme positions of capitalism and
A Philosophy of Business for the Twenty-First Century 17

communism. It accepts the socialist proposition that larger and more

interdependent population groupings need more comprehensive and
interactive central planning to harmonize human affairs for the good of
everyone. Hence, a certain amount of central government planning,
intervention, and even ownership of productive assets may he essential.
However, it also embraces the capitalist notion that the productive ca¬
pability and capacity of society are best stimulated when left in the
hands of private entrepreneurs who know best how to manage risk and
wrestle with unpredictable market forces.
The mixed economy calls for more public and private sector coopera¬
tion. It allows for a balance between public and private policy. Government
is charged with the responsibility of macromanaging the economy to
reduce the friction and discord that result from totally unregulated activ¬
ity. Private capital would be charged with the obligation of micromanagement
by generating market-inspired and profit-oriented enterprises.


Large corporate enterprises among the world’s high-income countries
tend to classify themselves as multinational in the sense that they func¬
tion in many countries simultaneously. It is not unusual for their annual
reports to indicate that they have plant and office locations in 30 or 40
countries and distributorship arrangements in many more. Many of these
companies call themselves “global” businesses.
Despite the very wide scope of their activities, most large enterprises
organize their affairs along three overlapping modes. Companies function
as ethnocentric, polycentric, or geocentric (global) organizations. Each
system involves a set of attitudes that impact a company’s management of
human resources, research and development, production and purchasing,
marketing and sales, and finance and accounting.

Ethnocentric Corporations
These are large businesses whose equity base is usually concentrated in
a given geographic area (e.g., the United States). Corporate stockholders
and stockholder groups are mostly of a single national origin. Corporate
boards of directors also tend to reflect a particular national ethos. This
creates a strong inclination for top management to develop and imple-
18 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

ment policies and programs that are skewed to the needs and wants of
the national community hosting the corporate center without giving the
same equal weight to international markets and opportunities.

Human Resource Development and Management

Ethnocentric corporations tend to depend on home nationals for most
executive positions in both domestic and foreign markets. Implicit in this
approach is the belief system that home nationals are best qualified to
reflect the special culture and interest of the corporate center and the
society in which it is situated. The same ideas and practices that work
so well domestically are transported with investments overseas through
the widespread use of expatriates, employees from the home office who
are assigned to duty tours with the company’s foreign affiliates.
Thus, it would be considered natural for the chief executive officer of
Company A in the United States to be an American. It would also be seen
as natural for the CEO of Company B, Company A’s Belgian subsidiary,
to also be an American, transplanted to Europe with spouse and family
for a two- or three-year assignment. This would ensure that policies,
programs, and strategies carefully crafted in the home country will be
effectively executed in the host society.

Research and Development

Ethnocentric organizations tend to jealously guard their research and
development facilities and efforts by concentrating all work in the domes¬
tic market. The R&D effort is geared to generating new technologies to
create new products geared to meeting home market demand. Products
found suitable for and successful in the domestic market may then be
marketed overseas.
This “over-the-shoulder” approach to managing R&D output was stan¬
dard practice for most U.S. multinational corporations until the last few
decades. It can be credited for many marketing successes in the 1960s
and 1970s. Procter & Gamble’s Pampers, which captured the U.S. market
before establishing significant market share in the rest of the world, is a
good example of that success. But the company also endured difficulties
in the late 1970s and 1980s when other of its toiletry and soap products
were introduced in Germany and Eastern Europe.
A Philosophy of Business for the Twenty-First Century 19

Production and Purchasing

The classical view of managing these functions has been to centralize

them in the home country to avoid logistic problems. There was, and
there still remains, a generalized feeling that the domestic resource base
is large and diverse enough to accommodate most material needs. Sourc¬
ing materials from within therefore makes good sense, good politics, and
good economics.
This “buy American” attitude evolved out of World War II, when
economic self-sufficiency was a military necessity. It became more en¬
trenched in the decades following the war, when it was obvious that
most of the world, because of the generalized chaos as a result of the
war, did not have the production and technological capacity to supply
the United States with the mix of industrial and consumer goods it
Many of the industrial nations had been reduced to rubble, while new
countries, emerging from colonial status, were still far from achieving any
competitive economic potential. The United States, by process of military
triumph, became the world’s supplier of goods, services, technology, and
financial capital.
Ethnocentricity in production and purchasing is not an exclusively
American experience. Its practice was common in European societies
impacted by the Industrial Revolution and their quest for world empire
through the processes of colonization. Countries like England and France
had passed laws encouraging the manufacture of finished and semi¬
finished goods in exchange for raw materials from vassal states (colonies)
that were forbidden to engage in value-added production.
The emerging political independence of most national societies after
1945 made it only a matter of time before technology and know-how that
were confined to a few industrial states became available to all. With
political independence came economic emancipation for many people
who have come to develop and manage their resources effectively in
competition with the United States and other market leaders.
Hence, the practice of single-source purchasing and single-nation
production quickly became obsolete. Corporations came to realize that
productivity, followed by enhanced competitive positioning, led to greater
profits. It was noted that productivity always seemed to rise as enter¬
prises engaged in multiple-source purchasing, outsourcing, and by having
multinational production facilities.
20 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Marketing and Sales

The classical ethnocentric organization relied on domestic brand and
product managers to develop the plans and budgets that would be
executed by highly trained sales forces primarily in the domestic market.
Whatever worked at home would then be replicated in overseas markets
through a network of import distributors, import agents, contract manu¬
facturers, licensees, and a few joint venture arrangements and wholly
owned subsidiaries.

Finance and Accounting

An ethnocentric attitude can also be detected in financial and accounting
practices. U.S. rules and procedures vary in concept and substance from
those practiced in many other countries. The GAAP (General Accepted
Accounting Procedures), a standard in North America, requires modifica¬
tion or reconciliation with systems used in other societies. Definitions of
financial agency, assets and liabilities, appropriate debt-equity relation¬
ships, and the nature and use of interest, to name a few, are ideas not
universally shared. Difficulties in achieving cross-border corporate coop¬
eration arise when managers insist upon having affiliate financials mirror
home office methodologies.
There is also a tendency to require all foreign-source earnings to be
repatriated as rapidly as possible. More often than not, an ethnocentric
company regards foreign markets as cash cows that can be fed technol¬
ogy and know-how already in use at home and then milked for sheer

Polycentric Corporations
These companies tend to organize themselves in a conglomerate mold
with far-flung and diversified operations in many different parts of the
world. The focus of effort is less upon the development of core busi¬
nesses to achieve overall market share and earnings and more on allo¬
cating bottom line responsibility to regional affiliates, whatever their
particular enterprise might be. The classic example is ITT (International
Telephone & Telegraph), which at one time simultaneously was in tele¬
communications, baked goods, the car rental business, and hotels.
Management control therefore tends to be more decentralized. Often,
equity ownership is spread out over several or many countries, as in the
cases of Royal Dutch Shell and Unilever.
A Philosophy of Business for the Twenty-First Century 21

Human Resource Development and Management

Polycentric corporations tend to depend on host country nationals for
most executive positions in foreign markets. Senior positions may or may
not be reserved for home country expatriates. Implicit in this approach
is the belief that host country nationals are more qualified to reflect the
needs of the local culture and are better connected with their society’s
power structure. While some home office training and indoctrination are
usually provided, the foreign affiliate is usually left to its own devices as
long as it continues to generate prescribed financial returns and reaches
its announced goals.
Thus, it would be considered natural for the chief executive officer of
Company A in the United States to be an American. It would also be
considered natural for the CEO of Company B, Company A’s Belgian
subsidiary, to be a Belgian. The subsidiary’s policies, programs, and
strategies would be drafted in Belgium for final approval by the U.S.
“parent” and then returned for execution by the Belgian cohort. The
plans would not be initiated in the United States.

Research and Development

Polycentric organizations tend to establish technology and research and
development facilities in many countries in order to tailor their efforts to
the needs of the local market. The R&D effort is geared to generate new
technologies to create new products geared to meet individual national
market demand. Products found suitable for and successful in one market
may then be introduced elsewhere, although that usually happens on an
ad hoc basis and does not follow a given policy. This is the approach
taken by Colgate-Palmolive in the development of its technology centers
in key areas of the world.

Production and Purchasing

The polycentric approach is to decentralize these functions down to the
local level, with an emphasis on local sourcing and with little control or
oversight from the home office. It is only in recent years that practice has
shifted to global sourcing (best-source purchasing). The idea of local
sourcing differs little from its ethnocentric partner, home country sourc¬
ing, where the goal is to avoid logistic problems. As in home country
sourcing, buying materials locally makes good sense, good politics, and
good economics.
22 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Marketing and Sales

A polycentric organization allows for a diversity of marketing strategies,
each suited to a particular area. A home country marketing plan might
be used, but it often has been altered beyond recognition to suit the local
environment. Reliance is less on home country brand and product man¬
agers to develop and implement plans and budgets than on host country
marketing executives.

Finance and Accounting

Polycentric companies typically shift responsibility for financial account¬
ability to their foreign affiliates. Local standards may be applied if bottom
line performance can be translated back into a meaningful earnings
picture for the parent company.
The need to require all foreign-source earnings to be repatriated as
rapidly as possible is not as urgent for polycentric corporations. This may
in a sense reflect the greater national diversity of their major stockholder
groups, whose residency may not be concentrated in any one country.

Geocentric Corporations
These companies tend to organize themselves around a single decision¬
making center that regards the world as a single market to be ap¬
proached with a unified strategy that does not necessarily reflect the
interest or the image of a single national group or perspective.
The spirit of the geocentric executive is perhaps best captured by the
worlds of two people two centuries apart. Thomas Jefferson was reputed
to have said in 1806, “Merchants have no country. The mere spot they
stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which
they draw their gain.” In 1989, Gilbert Williamson, then president of the
National Cash Register Company, was quoted as saying, “I was asked the
other day about United States competitiveness and I replied that I don’t
think about it at all. We at NCR think of ourselves as a globally competi¬
tive company that happens to be headquartered in the United States.”

Human Resource Development and Management

Geocentric corporations tend to seek, develop, and then manage the
most qualified human resources available from anywhere in the world.
A Philosophy of Business for the Twenty-First Century 23

They are not committed to either home or host country nationals for any
particular position within their operations.
Thus, senior positions may or may not be reserved for home country
or host country nationals. It would not be unusual for the manager of
a U.S. geocentric corporation’s Singapore office to be a third-country
expatriate, say from Brazil. Implicit in this approach is the objective of
global best-source procurement. As in the case of polycentric companies,
home office training and indoctrination are provided. Being no fools,
geocentric companies also rely on key host country employees who are
qualified to reflect the needs of the local culture and are better con¬
nected with their society’s power structure.

Research and Development

Geocentric organizations tend to establish technology and research and
development facilities in many countries of the world to meet global
objectives. The R&D effort is geared to generate new technologies to
create new products geared to meet specific market demand that may
exist in many countries simultaneously. Products like wireless communi¬
cation devices (cellular telephones) are developed to attract buyers and
users in a global setting based upon a commonality of demand.

Production and Purchasing

The geocentric approach is to centralize decision making in these func¬
tions to maximize global sourcing opportunities, referred to above as
“global best-source procurement.” Host and home country sourcing is de-
emphasized except when it becomes politically necessary or when it can
be shown that local sourcing makes the most sense on a cost—benefit
analysis basis.

Marketing and Sales

A geocentric organization encourages the development of a single global
strategy designed to achieve a worldwide target and market share. The
single-strategy approach might still allow for different marketing strate¬
gies spun off from the master plan, each suited to a particular area. A
home countiy marketing plan might be used, but it often will be altered
beyond recognition to suit the global perspective. Reliance is less on
24 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

home or host country brand and product managers and more on man¬
agers with global profit-and-loss responsibility to develop and implement
plans and budgets.

Finance and Accounting

Geocentric companies typically shift responsibility for financial account¬
ability to the decision-making center, wherever that might be. Criteria for
financial performance are how well disparate parts of the enterprise
throughout the world contribute synergistically to the well-being of the
whole. It might be acceptable, for example, for the U.S. affiliate to lose
money in order that the Mexican affiliate show a profit, hence encour¬
aging some transfer pricing policies, if, in the final analysis, the overall
after-tax profitability of the entire geocentric enterprise is enhanced. The
need to require all foreign-source earnings to be repatriated quickly to
the U.S. parent is not paramount in such instances.


Corporate executives do not suddenly awake in the morning, stare into
a mirror, and declare their companies to be polycentric or geocentric
effective immediately. Nor are companies wholly one way or another. It
is probably also unwarranted for any corporation to puritanically seek a
particular operating philosophy. The successful multinational companies
are what they are and where they are often because of a mixture of
happenstance and design. They are successful in achieving objectives by
virtue of smart and flexible management. It is entirely possible for an
ethnocentric company to operate in a geocentric fashion in some areas
and in a polycentric or geocentric manner in others. The key is what
works best for the company in the wearing of its three-cornered hat and
in achieving its specific objectives. A mix-and-match philosophy can
often be the best approach.
The same approach can apply to the particular “ism” that dominates
the macro environment. Choices need not be made between socialism or
capitalism or something in between the two. Multinational companies
have proven remarkably adaptable to working with both centrally planned
societies with totalitarian governments as well as countries with little
government control and interference. Again, the versatility of corporate
management, adaptability to change, and the effective harnessing of key
competencies and technologies to utilize resources and penetrate markets
wherever they are may be the real ingredients of global success.
A Philosophy of Business for the Twenty-First Century 25


Capitalism. The private ownership and management of economic enter¬
prise with minimum or no government involvement.

Communism. Government ownership and/or control of economic enter¬

prise and all factors of production.

Ethnocentric corporations. Large businesses whose equity base is usu¬

ally concentrated in a given geographic area (e.g., the United States).
Corporate stockholders and stockholder groups are mostly of a single
national origin. Corporate boards of directors also tend to reflect a
particular national ethos. This creates a strong inclination for top man¬
agement to develop and implement policies and programs that are skewed
to the needs and wants of the national community hosting the corporate
center without giving the same equal weight to international markets and

Geocentric corporations. These companies tend to organize themselves

around a single decision-making center that regards the world as a single
market to be approached with a unified strategy that does not necessarily
reflect the interest or the image of a single national group or perspective.

Mixed economy. A balanced philosophy that seeks to synthesize the

extreme positions of capitalism and communism. It accepts the socialist
proposition that larger and more interdependent population groupings
need more comprehensive and interactive central planning to harmonize
human affairs for the good of everyone. It also embraces the capitalist
notion that the productive capability and capacity of society are best
stimulated when left in the hands of private entrepreneurs.

Polycentric corporations. These companies tend to organize themselves

in a conglomerate mold with far-flung and diversified operations in many
different parts of the world. The focus of effort is less upon the devel¬
opment of core businesses to achieve overall market share and earnings
and more on allocating bottom line responsibility to regional affiliates
that are left to their own devices in their particular markets.

2.1 Describe and explain how resource development and management
theories and practices can differ among ethnocentric, polycentric,
and geocentric organizations.
26 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

2.2 Describe and explain how the thrust and organization of a company’s
research and development effort can differ among ethnocentric,
polycentric, and geocentric organizations.

2.3 Describe and explain how purchasing, sourcing, and production

differ among ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric organizations.

2.4 Describe and explain how marketing and sales differ among ethno¬
centric, polycentric, and geocentric organizations.

2.5 Describe and explain how finance and accounting differ among
ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric organizations.

2.6 Explain the distinctions in political organization, social objectives,

and economic enterprise among capitalism, socialism, and the mixed
Business Operations

International business operations cover a range of activities from import-
export transactions to foreign direct investments and foreign portfolio
investments. Some of these operations are oriented toward the produc¬
tion and marketing of goods and services. Some are financially oriented
and deal with the cross-border movement of funds. The various forms of
cross-border activities in which large multinational corporations, along
with smaller companies, engage are reviewed in summary form in this
These activities include merchandise importing and exporting (inter¬
national trade), contract manufacturing, licensing and franchising, turnkey
systems, management contracts, strategic alliances, and foreign direct
investments in joint ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries. They also
include foreign portfolio investments in stocks and bonds and a multi¬
tude of other financial transactions designed to maximize corporate after¬
tax profitability and return on invested assets.

Corporations engage in any number of these activities not only to maxi¬
mize market opportunities and earnings, but also to capitalize on an array

28 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

of variables such as transport and production costs, taxes, and a never-

ending assortment of risk factors. Selecting the appropriate international
activity mix often makes the difference between running a project at a
loss or a profit.

Most smaller firms begin to sell their products internationally through
exporting. These firms may also typically import goods to complement
their product lines for sale in the home market. The export sale trans¬
action becomes the end unto itself, the objective being to record a sale
on company books for the same reason that motivates the domestic sales
Sales eventually become revenues to cover costs and generate profits.
Companies may engage in importing for much the same reason, but here
the process is more subtle. Importing is a procurement function in which
the objective is not buying per se, but buying to meet local sales targets.
Importing has become a function to achieve a separate objective, whereas
exporting for many companies is both a function and a goal.
Most multinational corporations today no longer treat exporting as a
revenue-producing function in its own right. The cross-border movement
of merchandise is looked upon as one of several means to achieve
broader and more complex ends. Companies are more interested in
global market share targets, and exporting may or may not play a sig¬
nificant part in attaining them.

Rapid Market Access Through Exporting

The simplicity of exporting provides it with two distinct advantages. The
first is that the cost of establishing and maintaining elaborate manufac¬
turing operations in one or several countries is shifted to investors who
are more comfortable doing business from a large fixed asset base. The
second advantage is that exporting can help companies achieve experi¬
ence curves and location economies. For example, by buying goods in
one location and exporting them to another, it is possible to realize
significant economies of scale as the result of global sales volume. It is
also easier to switch to another industry when existing product lines
achieve maturity.
Unfortunately, there are two major disadvantages to concentrating
one’s efforts on commodity trading. First, exporting from a firm’s home
operations can become inefficient if there are lower cost locations for
International Business Operations 29

manufacturing the product elsewhere. This is not an argument against

exporting per se but rather against stubbornly producing a product and
exporting it from a firm’s home country without considering alternatives.
For example, many U.S. firms have moved their operations to places
where they can get low-cost yet highly skilled labor (like Mexico) and
then export the products back to the United States and all around the
The second disadvantage to exporting is that high transport costs and
national and regional trade restrictions can make it uneconomical. This
is one of the reasons why countries like Japan produce some of their cars
in the United States. Because these goods are produced on American soil,
there are no transport costs and no import tariffs on the final product.

Export Trading Companies

Export trading companies (ETCs) are very large companies that are ba¬
sically international traders and whose principal sources of income are
derived from import-export activities. They tend to specialize in given
industries and commodities and are highly knowledgeable in their mar¬
kets as well as in the intricacies of international trade.
Some ETCs are risk takers, taking title to commodity inventories and
then reselling them partially or in whole to high bidders in a worldwide
marketplace. Some have exclusive arrangements with producers to handle
select product lines. ETCs tend to concentrate their efforts on bulk com¬
modities such as agricultural products and textile and petrochemical raw
materials and intermediates.

Direct Exporting to End Users

Exporters have several options in choosing specific foreign entry strate¬
gies. One is an international version of direct marketing called direct end-
user exporting. This approach involves developing an end-user customer
base through mailing lists and local telephone directories.
Direct exporting offers the advantage of bypassing the local trade
channels and permits more flexible price and payment arrangements
between buyers and sellers. Relatively inexpensive and over-the-counter
goods that are easily merchandised through magazine or newspaper
coupon advertisements and require payment by check, money order, or
credit card lend themselves to direct exporting techniques, as do high-
technology products like printing presses in areas where distributorships
and/or dealerships are not established.
30 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

The disadvantage of direct exporting lies in the absence of an after¬

sales service organization in the customer’s region to extend manufactur¬
ers’ warranties and service customer needs. This problem is not so ap¬
parent with consumables. It is more apparent with durable goods and
high-technology processes (e.g., appliances, equipment, printing, and
general imaging). The lack of a well-trained distributor-dealer organiza¬
tion in markets where such products are sold can slow a manufacturer’s
market inroads.

Exporting Through Foreign Import Distributors

The standard approach for exporting finished goods for small and large
companies is to work with local import distributors or dealers. These
trade organizations are often affiliates of the exporter (a licensee, joint
venture partner, or wholly owned subsidiary) or they can be unrelated.
The difference between a distributor and a dealer is usually size.
Distributors are direct importers that cover a relatively large region (e.g.,
a country or an area within a countiy, like a large city). They purchase
directly from an exporter and then resell the goods to their own dealer
organization. For example, BMW of North America is a wholly owned
subsidiary of its German parent and performs what is basically a distribu¬
torship function. It imports vehicles from BMW Germany and/or orders
vehicles from the BMW plant in South Carolina and then sells the auto¬
mobiles to BMW dealers, which in turn sell them to consumers.
If foreign markets are small enough, as in the Caribbean and West
Indies, a single distributor that is also a dealer may be sufficient to cover
a given area. Some markets, like Russia, are so large and segmented that
exporters may sell to dealers in some places and sell directly to distribu¬
torships in others.
There are two advantages to exporting to overseas distributors. The
first is service; the second is financial. A well-developed distributor-
dealer organization provides ongoing after-sales service to customers.
This is important when the products involved are of a technical nature.
The financial advantage lies in the fact that distributors and dealers make
a direct purchase from a manufacturer from a published price list or sales
agreement, setting up an accounts receivable for the seller and an ac¬
counts payable for themselves. Because the exporter-manufacturer no
longer owns the goods, payment can be expected in accordance with the
payment terms set forth in the price list or sales agreement.
The only disadvantage to selling to overseas distributors is if they are
totally independent of control by the manufacturer-exporter. The fact
International Business Operations 31

that they buy a product from an exporter means that they have title to
the item. This technically allows them to apply any markup or markdown
and to sell in any territory, which may end up being outside their specific
zone of operation. Court decisions in the United States and elsewhere
have tended to favor the rights of independent distributors and dealers
over those of manufacturers.

Exporting Through Foreign Import Agents

The distinction between an import agent and an import distributor or
dealer lies in the implications derived from the word “agent.” There is in
most societies considered to be a fiduciary relationship between a prin¬
cipal and an agent who is presumed to act on behalf of the principal.
The general understanding of an import agent is that the agent does
not purchase goods from a principal (in this case an exporter), but
accepts goods on consignment. This means that no sale is made from
export seller to import agent. A physical transfer of inventory without a
title change merely takes place. Title to the goods remains with the
exporter until the import agent sells them to a customer. That is when
title flows directly from the exporter to the agent’s customer.
Import agencies are normally established in free trade zones and other
similar duty-free or in-bond warehousing areas where specialized or
general materials management functions that have little directly to do
with sales or marketing are needed. In these situations, a manufacturer
wants to maintain total control over merchandise without making a branch
or subsidiary office investment. Import agencies are also important where
manufacturers’ products require trademark, trade name, and territorial
protection. Since a manufacturer owns the goods placed in an agent’s
facility until they are is sold, maximum marketing control over pricing
policy, selling strategy, territory of operation, and after-sales service is

Contract Manufacturing
The best definition is by way of example. Cosmetics companies often
offer specialty soaps and facial cleansers as extensions to their lines of
perfume products. Many of these soap and detergent items are contracted
out to one or several of the major soapers, such as Colgate-Palmolive,
Procter & Gamble, or Unilever. Large aerospace companies like Boeing
often contract out parts and components to smaller machine shops in the
United States and abroad.
32 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Many companies that contract some or all of their production abroad

are small, have limited technology, and have few if any legally registerable
or patentable intellectual assets in the form of patents, trade names,
trademarks, or copyrights. Contract manufacturing arrangements with
foreign producers for these type of companies can and do in fact provide
viable alternatives to making costly long-term investments.
Contract manufacturing arrangements are also used by large compa¬
nies as a means of limiting their wholly owned production units to the
manufacture of what they consider to be their core product lines. Spe¬
cifically, the large soapers produce detergents, soaps, toiletries, and cos¬
metics in their plants all over the world under their own respective
names and have their own powerhouse marketing and sales organiza¬
tions. But they also produce these same type of goods under contract for
other independent companies, small or large, that do not have the same
extensive production and technological resources. Independent bottling
companies that perform contract-filling operations for Coca-Cola, Pepsi,
and others also perform similar services for smaller and sometimes com¬
petitive beverage firms.
Companies enter into contract manufacturing (sometimes called con¬
tract-filling operations) when circumstances stop them from producing
the product or products reasonably close to their markets, when market
access is denied, or when their own costs are higher than having the
goods made by someone else.

Turnkey Systems
A turnkey project is an arrangement whereby a firm that specializes in
the design, construction, and start-up of a production facility contracts
with a foreign client to perform such service in exchange for a fee. Once
the firm has completed the project and trained the personnel to run it,
the new facility is then turned over to the client for full operation.
Turnkey projects are most common in the chemical, pharmaceutical,
petroleum, and metal-refining industries.
The main advantage of turnkey projects is that they are a way of
earning formidable returns on the asset of technological know-how with¬
out making a long-term investment. Another advantage is that in coun¬
tries where political and economic environments are often questionable,
a firm just constructs the facility, collects its money, and then leaves.
Therefore, it is not subject to any possible loss if the government and/
or economy undergoes adverse changes.
International Business Operations 33

The first disadvantage can potentially be caused by the second advan¬

tage above. Because the firm no longer has a vested interest in the facility
it created, it is cut out of any future profits in the event the foreign
country becomes a major market for the output of the process that has
just been introduced. The second disadvantage is that a contractor firm
that enters into a turnkey project with a foreign enterprise may inadvert¬
ently create a competitor. For example, many Western firms that sold oil¬
refining technology to firms in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait now find them¬
selves competing head to head with these firms in other world oil

International licensing is an arrangement whereby a foreign licensee buys
the rights to manufacture another firm’s product in its country for a
negotiated fee. This fee is usually a distributed through royalty payment
based on units sold. The licensee puts up most of the capital necessary
to get the overseas operation going.
The advantage of licensing is that a firm does not have to bear the
development costs and risks associated with opening up a foreign mar¬
ket. It is a very attractive option for firms that lack the capital to develop
operations overseas. Additionally, licensing is also attractive when a firm
is unwilling to commit substantial financial resources to an unfamiliar or
a politically volatile foreign market.
On the negative side, there are three serious drawbacks to this mode
of entry. First, it does not give a firm the kind of control over manufac¬
turing, marketing, and strategy that is required to realize experience
curve and location economies. Licensing typically involves each licensee
setting up its own manufacturing operations, which severely limits a
firm’s ability to realize experience curve and location economies by
manufacturing its product in a centralized location.
The second disadvantage is that competing in a global market may
require a firm to coordinate strategic moves across countries by using
profits earned in one country to support competitive attacks in another;
however, the very nature of licensing severely limits a firm’s ability to do
this. A third problem is the potential loss of control of technological
know-how to foreign companies. For example, RCA Corporation once
licensed its color television technology to a number of Japanese firms
that quickly assimilated the technology and used it to enter the U.S.
34 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Franchising is similar to licensing, although it tends to involve much
longer term commitments than licensing. Whereas licensing is pursued
primarily by manufacturing firms, franchising is employed primarily by
service firms, such as McDonald’s and Hilton International. A franchising
agreement involves a franchisor selling limited rights for the use of its
brand name to a franchisee in return for a lump sum payment and a
share of the franchise’s profits. In contrast to most licensing agreements,
the franchise agrees to abide by strict rules as to how it conducts busi¬
ness. For example, when McDonald’s enters into a franchising agreement
with a foreign firm, it expects that firm to run its restaurant in a manner
identical to all the other McDonald’s locations worldwide.
The advantages of franchising as an entry mode are very similar to
those of licensing. Specifically, a firm is relieved of the costs and risks
of opening up a foreign market on its own. Instead, the franchise typi¬
cally assumes those costs and risks. Thus, using a franchising strategy, a
service firm can build up a global presence quickly and at a low cost.
The disadvantages of franchising are not as apparent in comparison
to licensing. Since franchising is used by service companies, there is no
reason to consider the need for coordination of manufacturing to achieve
experience curve and location curve economies. On the other hand,
franchising may inhibit a firm’s ability to take profits from one country
to support competitive attacks in another.
Quality control and consistency are other factors to be considered. For
example, when visiting the Paris Plilton, one would expect the same level
of service as at the Hilton’s Waldorf Astoria in New York. This is not
always the case, however. One way in which companies have addressed
quality control and consistency issues has been to establish management
subsidiaries in each country or region targeted for expansion. These
subsidiaries assume the responsibility of establishing and sometimes
managing franchises throughout their designated territory with full com¬
pliance to prescribed standards. Consequently, the combination of close
proximity and the smaller number of franchises to oversee helps provide
quality assurance.

Strategic Alliances
These are intercorporate agreements between two or more companies
designed to achieve various degrees of vertical and horizontal integration.
International Business Operations 35

This vertical-horizontal integration is also possible with wholly owned

subsidiaries where expansion takes place through merger, acquisition,
and joint ventures.
The distinguishing feature of a strategic alliance lies in its informality.
Exchanges of debt and equity are rarely involved, as in the case of joint
venture arrangements. No formal mergers or acquisitions are involved.
The strategic alliance is a temporary marriage of key human and other
resources from the partnering firms to achieve certain synergies that
could not be realized as quickly were the individual partners to go it
alone. Once objectives are reached, it is normal for the alliance to end.

Foreign Direct Investments

Foreign direct investments (FDIs) are made by companies into foreign
markets for the purpose of owning or co-owning, controlling, and man¬
aging a business enterprise with market share and earnings objectives.
FDIs are made to achieve two objectives: vertical integration and horizon¬
tal integration.
The process of vertical integration establishes control over sources of
production (e.g., supplies, technology, financing, labor, and other re¬
sources). It can also be used to create control over distribution, market¬
ing, sales, and after-sales service. Strategic alliances between computer
software companies like Microsoft and hardware companies like IBM are
common in order to more productively link technology with information
systems to be marketed to end users. They are also common in the
aerospace system, where major contractors like Boeing continually coop¬
erate with primary vendors like United Technologies (Pratt & Whitney)
for engines and other components.
Horizontal integration is intended to achieve market control through
understandings or cooperation agreements designed to allocate and
maintain market share. Two or more companies selling in the same
market can therefore agree to share the same sales force, the same
marketing team, and pool their advertising and promotion funds in a
single budgeted campaign. This is commonly done by beverage compa¬
nies, restaurant chains, and the entertainment industry. Companies are
ready for a strategic alliance when they come to believe that a measure
of intercorporate cooperation may result in synergies that will more
quickly achieve mutual or reciprocating objectives.
FDIs themselves fall into two major categories: joint ventures and
wholly owned subsidiaries.
36 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Joint Ventures
Establishing a joint venture with a foreign firm has long been a popular
mode for entering new markets for two reasons. The first reason is that
many capital- and technology-intensive investment projects require the
resources of several different corporations in order to create the synergies
needed to make them successful. The second reason is that many host
nations encourage foreign investments to partner with local businesses in
an effort to guarantee partial ownership and full participation.
Typically, joint venture enterprises are formed as corporations whose
equity is divided among joint venture partners. They are, in a sense,
formally structured strategic alliances. Corporate partners share decision¬
making processes as well as the distribution of earnings.
There are two advantages to joint ventures. First, a firm is able to
benefit from a local partner’s knowledge of the host country operating
environment. For many U.S. firms investing abroad, their exposure has
generally involved providing technology and know-how, and some capi¬
tal, while the local partner has supplied the marketing expertise, knowl¬
edge, and business connections.
The second advantage is sharing the cost and risk, which are often
high when entering a new market. There are also instances where po¬
litical considerations make a joint venture the only feasible entiy mode.
For example, the only way American firms can set up operations in Japan
is if they can acquire a Japanese partner.
There are two major disadvantages to the use of joint ventures. First,
similar to licensing, a firm that enters into a joint venture risks losing
control of its technology to a joint venture partner. A second disadvan¬
tage is that a joint venture does not give a firm the tight and complete
control over operations that a subsidiary does. Hence, the completion of
experience curves, location economies, and economies of scale may take
longer. Nor does a joint venture give any specific partner the control that
might be needed to engage in coordinated global attacks against rivals.

Wholly Owned Subsidiaries

A wholly owned subsidiary is a corporation whose equity is almost or
entirely wholly owned by another corporation. The investing company
becomes known as the “parent,” and the subsidiary is colloquially called
the “sub.” A subsidiary company allows the parent more control over
International Business Operations 37

operations than other affiliate modes discussed above. However, absolute

control is often tempered by requirements of local laws, which usually
insist on an “arms-length” relationship between parent and sub in deci¬
sion-making processes.
Establishing a wholly owned subsidiary in a foreign market can be
done in two ways. A firm can either set up a completely new operation
in a country or it can acquire an established firm and use that firm to
expand operations.
There are two major advantages to using subsidiaries. First, when a
firm’s competitive advantage is based on technological competence, a
wholly owned subsidiary will reduce the risk of losing control over that
competence. Companies with technology-intensive goods and services
would normally prefer the wholly owned subsidiary route. Unfortunately,
they are too often either undercapitalized or focus on markets where host
governments mandate joint ventures.
Second, a wholly owned subsidiary offers maximum global control
over operations. This may be important if the parent has become geo¬
centric in developing and implementing strategies governing all aspects
of its business.
The major disadvantage of this type of entry mode is that it is the
most costly approach for achieving a presence in foreign markets. Com¬
panies seeking to form subsidiary corporations must bear the full costs
and risks of setting up and maintaining operations abroad.

Foreign Portfolio Investments

A foreign portfolio investment (FPI) is an investment in foreign-based
securities (stocks and bonds). The objective is to generate income through
interest, dividends, and capital gains. The larger portion of international
investment flows in the world today are FPIs.
Their movement is more volatile than that of FDIs. In 1995, FDIs into
other countries from the United States totaled $95.5 billion. U.S. FPIs
abroad amounted to $98.9 billion. FDIs into the United States for 1995
were $99-3 billion and FPIs were almost $155 billion.
The mobility of FPIs accounts for their volatility. Investment and
disinvestment decisions can be made and executed with surgical preci¬
sion instantly. Indeed, the gradual “securitization” of international invest¬
ments in the past decade is said to have contributed to the near eco¬
nomic collapse of countries such as Mexico in the mid-1990s.
38 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy


This chapter has merely skimmed the surface in describing the various
types of international business operations available to multinational cor¬
porations. The focus has been mainly on the overseas activities of manu¬
facturing companies whose major thrust is product production, sourcing,
and marketing. Banks, insurance companies, educational institutions, the
theater aits, museums, the entertainment industry in general, and the
travel and leisure industries have not been included because these indus¬
tries have international strategies that vary significantly from the more
orthodox approaches discussed in this chapter.


Contract manufacturing. Having another company manufacture one’s
products in accordance with prescribed specifications on a contract basis.

Direct exporting to end users. Exporters have several options in choosing

specific foreign entiy strategies. One is an international version of direct
marketing called direct end-user exporting. This approach involves devel¬
oping an end-user customer base through mailing lists and local tele¬
phone directories.

Exporting. The act of shipping goods outside the customs area of a

country. A shipment of goods from the United States to Brazil would be
classified as an export from the United States to Brazil. A shipment of
these same goods to Puerto Rico would be classified as a domestic
transaction because the latter is part of the United States.

Exporting through foreign import agents. An import agent generally

imports goods on consignment from an overseas principal and therefore
takes no title to merchandise. Title to goods held by an agent in the
seller’s name (principal) flows directly from seller to buyer (the import
agent’s customer).

Exporting through foreign import distributors. The standard approach for

exporting finished goods for small and large companies is to work with
local import distributors or dealers. These trade organizations are often
affiliates of the exporter (a licensee, joint venture partner, or wholly
owned subsidiary) or they can be unrelated. In general, an import dis¬
tributor buys goods from an exporter, takes title to the goods, and then
resells them in the local market.
International Business Operations 39

Export trading companies (ETCs). Very large firms that are basically in¬
ternational traders whose principal sources of income are derived from
import-export sales activities. They tend to specialize in given industries
and commodities and are highly knowledgeable in their markets as well
as in the intricacies of international trade.

Foreign direct investments (FDIs). Investments made by companies into

foreign markets for the purpose of owning or co-owning, controlling, and
managing a business enterprise with market share and earnings objec¬
tives. FDIs are made to achieve two objectives: vertical integration and
horizontal integration.

Foreign portfolio investments (FPIs). Investments into foreign-based se¬

curities (stocks and bonds). The objective is to generate income through
interest, dividends, and capital gains. The larger portion of international
investment flows in the world today are FPIs.

Franchising. Franchising is similar to licensing, although it tends to in¬

volve much longer term commitments than licensing. Whereas licensing
is pursued primarily by manufacturing firms, franchising is employed
primarily by service firms, such as McDonald’s and Hilton International.
A franchising agreement involves a franchisor selling limited rights for the
use of its brand name to a franchisee in return for a lump sum payment
and a share of the franchise’s profits.

Importing. The act of bringing into the customs area of a country goods
made in another nation. Goods made in Brazil and shipped to the United
States would be classified as an import from Brazil to the United States.
Import of these same goods from Puerto Rico to the mainland United
States would be classified as a domestic transaction because the former
is part of the United States.

Licensing. International licensing is an arrangement whereby a foreign

licensee buys the rights to manufacture another firm’s product in its
country for a negotiated fee or royalty. This fee is usually a distributed
royalty payment based on units sold. The licensee puts up most of the
capital necessary to get the overseas operation going.

Strategic alliance. Intercorporate agreement between two or more com¬

panies designed to achieve various degrees of vertical and horizontal
integration. This vertical-horizontal integration is also possible with wholly
owned subsidiaries where expansion takes place through merger, acqui¬
sition, and joint ventures.
40 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Turnkey system. A firm that specializes in the design, construction, and

start-up of a production facility contracts with a foreign client to perform
such service in exchange for a fee. Once the firm has completed the
project and trained the personnel to run it, the new facility is then turned
over to the client for full operation.

3.1 When would a company use an overseas (import) distributor and/
or dealer network? When would the use of import agents be appro¬
priate? What are some of the pitfalls in using either import distribu¬
tors or import agents? What are the alternatives when a company is
committed to exporting and not to manufacturing abroad?

3.2 Explain how smaller companies can gain by working through export
trading companies. Describe the advantages and disadvantages.

3.3 Your company is a small industrial solvent manufacturer with a

strong regional niche market in the United States. The company also
enjoys a good market in European Union (EU) countries through an
import distributor network. Restrictions against solvent imports are
rising and threaten to force you out of the market unless your
products are produced within the EU area. What is the solution and

3.4 Explain exactly how a company would set up and manage a contract
manufacturing arrangement in another country.

3.5 Describe and explain the similarities and differences between strate¬
gic alliances and joint venture agreements.

3.6 Describe the pros and cons of turnkey arrangements, wholly owned
subsidiaries, and joint ventures.
The Monetary System

The monetary system that influences trade, investments, and even daily
private and public sector operations can be traced back to the early
nineteenth century. It evolved from the monetization of gold as a nation’s
holder of value in due course and coincided with the increasing use of
paper currency in the late eighteenth century. The themes of this chapter
are to show how the current monetary system developed into its current
form, how it affects all aspects of a company’s global activities, and what
shape the monetary system may take in the future.


An Amalgamation of Many Loosely Coordinated Banks
There are over 200 independent nations today. Over 180 of these coun¬
tries are members of three interrelated organizations: the United Nations,
the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These and
other organizations are discussed in Part III of this book. Essentially, the
IMF and other related international and supranational financial institu¬
tions interact with a loose association of national and regional banks to
create the existing monetary environment that is euphemistically called
“the monetary system.”

42 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Two Hundred Independent National Banking Systems

with Separate Currencies
Almost every nation has its own banking system and individual currency
to serve the interests of specific resident constituencies. These include
individuals and groups that reflect the complex diversity of the entire
society: individuals, businesses, government agencies, banks, brokerage
firms, pension funds, civic groups, religious organizations, producers’
cooperatives, and indeed anyone who engages in international trade,
investments, or travel.
When any of these constituencies participates in an international activity,
which can be as mundane as a family from the United States taking a
trip to visit relatives in a foreign country, it trades the use of one currency
for another. Billions of dollars in cross-border currency trading takes
place daily. The level of foreign exchange transactions rises almost geo¬
metrically as the globalization of economic transactions accelerates.

Foreign Currencies Lead Their Own Lives

To further complicate matters, money and interest rates are increasingly

treated today by banks, traders, and investors like speculative commodi¬
ties. Hence, they are traded in pretty much the same way as pork bellies,
in addition to being considered mediums of economic exchange. This
means that foreign currency prices have a life and value of their own
apart from the demand for the goods and services whose supply and
demand variables they are supposed to reflect. It was an unpredictable
degree of wild currency price fluctuation in Asian monetary markets in
the late summer and early fall of 1997 that prompted Malaysian Prime
Minister Makathir Mohamed to complain that foreign exchange trading
“was immoral” and should be made “illegal” (Wall Street Journal, Septem¬
ber 23, 1997, p. C-13).

The Monetary System to the Rescue

The international monetary system as it exists today is an informal asso¬

ciation of public and private banks that function under a set of national
and international understandings (protocols), rules, regulations, proce¬
dures, and laws that serve to maintain some sort of discipline and order
m monetary markets. This is done by managing cross-border currency
flows, foreign exchange prices, and interest rates through the coordinated
The Monetary System 43

activities of central banks (government-owned banks like the U.S. Federal

Reserve System), the network of large private global banks, and the IMF.

Two Hundred Years of Scrip
With and Without Gold Backing
Before the Napoleonic wars, the general practice was for governments to
exchange gold and silver coins or bullion in exchange for goods and
services traded domestically and internationally. The so-called “coins of
the realm” were the monies minted by a ruling government and issued
sparingly to whoever provided goods and service to the reigning sover¬
eign. This practice helped establish the rule that the power to create and/
or mint money was a monopoly reserved for the central government.
This power is considered sacrosanct today by most nations as well as by
the United States.
Wariness concerning the use of gold as a medium of exchange to be
used directly in discharging financial obligations grew in the Napoleonic
era between 1800 and 1815 as continuing war made the movement of
monetary gold hazardous. Paper scrip (fiat money) backed by gold be¬
came a prudent alternative to the risky process of physically shipping the
precious metal across unsecure areas. These government-issued credit
notes, fully backed by gold held in government vaults, became legal
tender and gradually gained popular acceptance, eventually replacing
gold as the immediate holder of value in due course. For example, in
1821, the U.S. mint price was $20.67 per avoirdupois ounce. The British
pound, set at 53,17 shillings and 10.5 pence per troy ounce of gold, then
bought $4.87.

Backing Paper Money with Pure Gold

The current monetary system finds its roots in the gold standard, which
gained popularity among the world’s more powerful economies in the
early 1800s when they saw a need to cultivate a climate of stable ex¬
change rates for commonly traded currencies that were being printed on
paper. It was the first modern attempt by nations to create a universally
acceptable standard, namely gold, as backing for all major paper curren¬
cies in use at the time.
44 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

The gold standard turned into the gold exchange standard in 1934.
That arrangement lasted until 1971, when the floating rate exchange rate
system was introduced. The era of floating rates continues today.

The Gold Standard and Fixed Exchange Rate System

The gold standard was maintained by participating nations through a
system of fixed currency exchange rates in which relative currency prices
were based upon a nation’s monetary unit as defined by a given weight
and quantity of gold. A country’s money supply was limited in part to
the amount of monetary gold held by a national government’s central
bank. Gold standard countries generally agreed that all paper money
backed by gold could be redeemed for the metal on demand at the
tendered value shown on the paper certificates. Needless to say, in many
cases a government’s promise was not quite as good as gold!

The Central Banking System

International foreign exchange management was largely the domain of

government-owned banks called central banks. These banks were off¬
shoots of the exchequers who had been handling the treasuries and
finances of European monarchies since the Middle Ages. They replicated
quite successfully in many instances the financing abilities of wealthy
titled families (the Italian Medeci and the French Rothschilds) who had
previously funded state budgets consumed primarily by military conflicts.
By the early nineteenth centuiy, central governments found it cheaper
and more expedient to become their own bankers. This also made it
possible for them to put a muzzle on the emerging private banks, whose
unrestrained activities occasionally brought about economic collapse when
they failed. It was then that the concept of a central banking system came
into its own.
A notable exception is the United States, where the Federal Reserve
System was not formed until 1913. The creation of the Federal Reserve
was more a reaction to the eclectic banking practices of J.P. Morgan and
his clique of banker-financiers than an attempt to place private banks
under government authority. In actuality, the J.P. Morgan banking and
financial network helped reduce the economic severity of several crashes
and recessions through its clever manipulation of the money supply.
These tactics were eventually incorporated into the Federal Reserve’s
arsenal of monetary policy practices that have proven very effective in
more recent years.
The Monetary System 45

Privatization of Economic Enterprise

International commerce was only beginning to separate itself from state

ownership or franchise in the nineteenth century. Private traders and
investors were dependent upon the emerging central banks for licenses
with which to send and receive monies in payment for specific transac¬
tions or to fund investments.
European central banks still concerned themselves with the foreign
currency and monetary gold affairs of their respective governments, which
then accounted for the great majority of international transactions. But
they also expanded their jurisdiction to regulate the international financial
flows stemming from private sector transactions.

Exchange Control Authority

The power of a central bank to control international financial flows is

called its “exchange control” authority. This authority is still held by many
central banks. It means that the central bank has the right to allocate its
country’s foreign exchange reserves (stocks of foreign currencies) to
individuals and companies that wish to travel abroad, invest in other
countries, and/or import goods and services from abroad. It also has the
power to support its national currency or that of other nations by engag¬
ing in foreign exchange operations in international currency markets. The
U.S. Federal Reserve, which acts as a central bank in many respects, has
no exchange control authority.

How the Gold Standard Worked with Central Banking

A country’s money supply was determined by the central bank’s stock of

monetary gold. Because nations discharged their international financial
obligations with a transfer of monetary gold, a merchandise trade surplus
would result in a net gold inflow. This would allow the trade surplus
country to either print more money or up-value its currency. A trade
deficit country would be in a reverse position. It would lose monetary
gold and would have to reduce its money supply or devalue its currency.

Determining the Foreign Exchange Rate

Central banks controlled their nations’ money supply in much the same
manner they do today. Hence, if country X had 16 ounces of gold and
“printed” 16 francs and country Y had 8 ounces of gold and “printed” 16
guilders, it meant that, relative to the price of gold, 1 franc was worth
46 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

2 guilders. The foreign exchange rate or currency price of francs to guil¬

ders would be 1 franc per 2 guilders or, in reverse, 1 guilder per 0.5 franc.
In other words, a country that insisted on issuing as much currency
as another country but which had less monetary gold would possess the
cheaper currency.

Currency Price Changes and Commodity Price Changes

Given a cross-border environment (which does not always exist in real¬

ity) of price equality for all goods and services, a canned beverage that
cost a consumer 5 francs in country X would cost a consumer in country
Y 10 guilders.
If country Y accumulated some significant trade surpluses or engaged
in other international activities that would raise its monetary gold stock
to 16 ounces, it would have three options. The first option would be to
do nothing and maintain the existing foreign exchange rate with country
X, thereby raising its money supply to 32 guilders.
The second option might be to leave its money supply alone at 16
guilders and raise (up-value) the guilder price against the franc. In effect,
the franc would be devalued (floated down) against the guilder, or the
guilder would be up-valued (floated up) against the franc.
The third option would be for country Y to increase its money supply
to some intermediate level. Countries on the gold standard often adopted
a “split-the-difference” monetary policy, making only slight adjustments in
the money supply and in exchange rates in order to maintain long-term
monetaiy stability.

Central Bank Intervention and Monetary Stability

Cooperation among central banks to help preserve international currency

price stability started with the gold standard and has continued to the
present day. Central banks have found it mutually beneficial over the
years to develop a mutual support system that consists of purchasing
weaker currencies with stronger ones to maintain foreign exchange sta¬
bility. The feeling was, as it remains today, that inherently stable currency
prices are the key to preserving harmony in international monetary markets.
This support system continues to exist today and is called central
bank intervention, with order, stability, and predictability as its principal
objectives. This made it possible for trade and investments to grow with
The Monetary System 47

the economies of their respective nations. The monetary system created

a relatively secure atmosphere for the entire international trading and
investment community. Cross-currency prices (foreign exchange rates)
were fixed in the sense that they could not change without official
sanction from the central banking system. No daily foreign exchange rate
fluctuation was allowed; hence, currency speculation was kept to a

The Gold Exchange Standard and

the Variable Fixed-Exchange Rate System, 1934-71
This era is best understood in terms of two distinct historical phases. The
first phase was the Great Depression. The United States saw creating and
implementing a modified gold standard as a partial antidote to the eco¬
nomic ills of the time. This new standard was expanded after 1945 by
making the system of fixed exchange rates more flexible.

The Gold Exchange Standard

Most countries had discarded the gold standard by the early 1920s. World
trade and investments were growing so rapidly that the general sentiment
was that limiting economic growth and development to a state of nature
was no longer practical. The problem is that growth began to stagnate
in many parts of the world in the early 1920s. Growing protectionism
further hindered international cooperation to the point that, as the de¬
pression deepened after 1929, production, trade, and investments came
to a virtual standstill as prices fell precipitously on many goods and
services. Dwindling demand helped destroy the trading value of many
currencies that were no longer backed by gold, and there was a growing
perception that national monies had become debased.
The gold exchange standard started in 1934 with a unilateral decla¬
ration by the United States that it would buy back any U.S. dollars held
abroad by residents of other countries with gold at the officially posted
price of $35 per troy ounce. This was an effort by the United States to
shore up the dollar’s value by backing it directly with gold, thus giving
new life to the aging gold standard. The system was finally hammered
into place when the IMF was created in 1944.
The gold exchange standard preserved the traditional fixed exchange
rate system but made it more flexible. Exchange rates were now allowed
48 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

several percentage points of fluctuation around the fixed rate before

central bank intervention was called for.

The U.S. Dollar as Currency of Ultimate Redemption

This was the major change under the new system. The U.S. dollar be¬
came the currency of ultimate redemption and hence the world’s key
international reserve currency. The international understanding was that,
as the currency of ultimate redemption, the U.S. dollar was as good as
gold and could therefore be used as legal tender by the rest of the world.

Central Banks Coordinate Their Activities with the IMF

The central banks of countries that joined the IMF allowed their currency
support processes to become coordinated by the IMF and thus subject
to more oversight than in the past.
Finally, it was possible for foreign exchange rates to fluctuate freely
within prescribed bands of a fixed exchange rate. The exchange rate was
no longer an inflexible price unyieldingly maintained by a central bank
until there was no choice but to mandate a change. The official foreign
exchange rate became a target to be supported, allowing daily movement
in cross-border currency prices. Those changes came to be viewed as a
barometer of what was going on in the world of international commerce
and as a guideline for central bank monetary policy.
When a national currency showed signs of short-term weakening,
namely that its price was falling toward a preset “floor,” central banks
along with the IMF would intervene by buying up quantities of the
weaker currency with stronger ones to bolster its price in international
currency markets. If a national currency moved toward a similarly preset
ceiling, the same process would occur in reverse. Central banks would
sell off the currency at lower prices to bring the foreign exchange rate
back down to the official level.

The Floating Rate System, 1971 to Present

The gold exchange standard ended in 1971 amid speculation that the
United States might no longer be able to make good on its 1934 pledge.
There was also a feeling, especially among monetarists in decisional
power positions in the United States, that central banks had become
sufficiently skilled in monetary policy that paper money, if properly
The Monetary System 49

managed, could cariy its own intrinsic value in mirroring an economy’s

fundamental strength.

The End of Fixed Foreign Exchange Rates

The gold exchange standard, with its variable fixed-exchange rate system,
ended in 1971, leaving all currencies to seek their own price level based
on global supply and demand. This system, which continues through the
present day, is called the floating rate system. Stability in international
currency markets is still maintained by the IMF and its network of central
banks. The system receives ad hoc support from the large private finan¬
cial institutions and multinational corporations, all of which have strong
vested interests in also maintaining global monetary stability.

How Floating Rates Work

The use of gold as backing for currency is minimized under a floating

rate system. Indeed, monetary gold, or gold held as international reserve
assets by nations in the system, has been essentially demonitized since
the 1970s. Under a floating rate system, currency prices are determined
by the supply and demand for specific currencies based upon relative
inflation rates, current events, and changes in trade and investment

Hard Currencies and Soft Currencies

A country facing high domestic and international demand for its goods
and services and whose government practices sound fiscal and monetary
management will usually find itself with a currency that is universally
acceptable, basically stable, and freely convertible. Such countries are
often called “hard currency” states.
A country whose goods and services are not in high demand, whose
economy tends to be highly inflationary, and whose political and eco¬
nomic policies lead to instability and unrest will generally find itself with
a low-demand currency and may come to be known as a “soft currency”
nation. This constitutes the great majority of countries.

Pegged Currencies

Many countries have currencies “pegged” to those of stronger economies.

For example, the currencies of many Caribbean and West Indian nations
50 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

are pegged to either the U.S. dollar or the U.K’s pound sterling. The
Bahamian dollar is pegged to the U.S. dollar at a one-to-one ratio. This
means that the Bahamian dollar rises or falls along with the U.S. dollar
against all other currencies against which the latter floats.


What Countries Do to Pay Their International Obligations
Nations, just like people, have bills to pay. This involves creating a debit
on their financial assets in order to establish a credit against their so-
called accounts payables (i.e., what they owe to other nations). They
must thus hold a quantity of international liquidity, also known as inter¬
national reserve assets, that can be used to discharge official international

A Country's Checking Account

These international reserve assets can be compared to a personal or

business checking account. When the account is depleted, one’s liquidity
is gone. For nations, liquidity consists of monetaiy gold, special drawing
rights, reserve position with the IMF, and foreign exchange (foreign
currency) reserves. When a country’s international reserve assets are low,
it then becomes necessaiy to borrow from foreign official sources such
as other countries’ central banks.
If a nation has net surpluses in its international transactions, it can
increase its international liquidity and become a lender to other deficit

Borrowing and Lending Funds

Nations also engage in what are known as “official” borrowing and

lending operations. A country with depleted financial assets may then
borrow the necessaiy reserves from other nations. This increases its
international liquidity but at the same time raises its international indebt¬
edness. Surplus countries, to the contrary, pare down their debt or be¬
come lenders to other states.
The Monetary System 51

Monetary Gold

The use of monetary gold was widespread until the 1970s. Countries
rarely use gold today to settle international payments. The prevailing
attitude, supported by the United States, is that economic growth and
development on an international scale should not be held hostage to a
state of nature. The United States does not back its own currency with gold,
either domestically or internationally, and the feeling is that other nations
do not need to do so either. Gold has been largely demonetized, except
for occasional gold auctions held by the IMF, and efforts to restore a gold
or gold exchange standard have thus far been unsuccessful.

Special Drawing Rights

The supply of special drawing rights (SDRs) has remained unchanged

since the early 1980s. There are about 10 billion SDRs (US$15 billion) in
circulation. Originally conceived as a means of expanding the interna¬
tional liquidity of nations (they were to be used as a form of foreign
currency reserve), no new SDRs have been issued because of disagree¬
ment about the allocation formula. A country’s allocation of SDRs allows
it to debit that special account with the IMF to discharge its accounts
payables. In turn, countries owed money by other nations can also
accept payment in SDRs, banking them with the IMF for future use. It
should nevertheless be noted that the existing stocks of SDRs are in
widespread use and are considered an active international reserve asset.

Deposits with the IMF

Nominally classified as reserve assets, these funds are unavailable for

normal use. IMF deposits are initially made by countries joining the fund.
This makes it possible for them to borrow from the IMF against the
collateral created by their local currency deposit. Were a nation to draw
down its IMF deposit, it would also be reducing the total amount of fund
credit available to it.

Foreign Exchange

This is a countiy’s “quick cash.” In today’s floating rate system, a countiy’s

most important international reserve asset is its foreign exchange posi¬
tion, namely, the quantity of foreign currencies it possesses. These are
cash inventories against which a country can draw to discharge its inter-
52 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

national accounts payables, that is, to pay for its imports and other
international obligations. That stock can be compared to a personal
checking or short-term savings account used to pay current expenses.
These foreign exchange reserves are held by private banks, central banks,
and other financial institutions.
Foreign exchange reserves are not always located in the nation where
they are claimed as assets. For example, U.S. banks often hold their
foreign exchange in overseas banks to make it easier for foreign-based
exporters that ship their goods to the United States to be paid on time.
This enables them to quickly settle foreign claims by debiting local
currency accounts in overseas banks. The same is true insofar as U.S.
exporters are concerned. They too expect on-time payment. Therefore,
foreign banks maintain dollar (their foreign exchange) deposits with U.S.
banks that can be conveniently debited to pay for U.S. exports.


The current monetary system is in a constant state of flux as political
borders are rearranged, new nations come into existence, and old states
disappear. The miracle is that the system works. Perhaps it works be¬
cause the entire world population has a vested interest in seeing some
system—any system—work over the long term. One of the more popular
recommendations to simplify the complexities of dealing with a prolifera¬
tion of currencies is single-currency zones that cover specific geographic
This is the idea behind the attempt by Western Europeans to intro¬
duce the “Euro” in the next few years to replace the 15 different curren¬
cies currently in use by the European Union’s 15 member countries. The
reluctance of the individual states to move wholeheartedly to complete
creation of their European Monetary System and European Monetary
Union is understandable. A single regional system could entail shifting
authority for monetary policy away from the individual sovereign states
to a less nationally accountable supranational central bank. Many coun¬
tries are not yet ready to address this proposition.


Fixed exchange rate. The foreign exchange rate of a country’s currency
is determined by its stock of official monetary gold. The rate cannot
The Monetary System 53

fluctuate without an official central bank act of monetary devaluation or


Floating exchange rate. The current system. International currency prices

float freely based on the short-term demand for and supply of specific

Foreign exchange reserves. A country’s reserves of foreign currencies.

Commonly known as “quick cash,” they can be used immediately to
finance imports and other foreign payables.

Cold exchange standard. A modified gold standard stemming from a

pledge by the United States in 1934 that it would buy back U.S. dollars
held by foreign residents at US$35 per troy ounce of gold.

Gold standard. A monetary system whereby currency was directly backed

by a nation’s stock of gold officially held by a central government to
finance international transactions and control the quantity of money in
domestic circulation.

Flard currency country. A country facing high domestic and international

demand for its goods and services and whose government practices
sound fiscal and monetary management will usually find itself with a
currency that is universally acceptable, basically stable, and freely con¬
vertible. Such countries are often called “hard currency” states.

International liquidity. A country’s official gold reserves, reserve position

with the International Monetary Fund, special drawing rights, and foreign
exchange reserves. A countiy draws on this liquidity (usually its foreign
exchange reserves) to discharge its short-term international obligations
(accounts payables).

International monetary system. The system as it currently exists is an

amalgamation or loose association of national central banks working
through the International Monetary Fund to provide short- and long-term
exchange rate stability.

Pegged currencies. Many countries have currencies “pegged” to those of

stronger economies. For example, the currencies of many Caribbean and
West Indian nations are pegged to either the U.S. dollar or the U.K’s
pound sterling.

Soft currency country. A countiy whose goods and services are not in
high demand, whose economy tends to be highly inflationary, and whose
political and economic policies lead to instability and unrest will gen-
54 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

erally find itself with a low-demand currency and may come to be

known as a “soft currency” nation.

Variable fixed-exchange rate. A country’s foreign exchange rate is fixed

but can fluctuate within prescribed percentage points of the official rate.

4.1 Describe and explain how the monetary system much of the trading
world knew in 1800 evolved into the prevailing system today.

4.2 Describe and explain, using specific examples, what a central bank
is and what its exchange control authority means. What distinctions
might be made between the U.S. Federal Reserve System, the Inter¬
national Monetary Fund, and the Bank of England?

4.3 You are the finance minister of country X, which is faced with a
huge trade and services deficit. Incoming foreign investments are
few and tourism is way down. Name and justify some options you
might exercise. (Cooking the books and leaving the country is not
one of them.)

4.4 Discuss the possibility and probability of the North American Free
Trade Association developing a single currency to cover Canada,
Mexico, and the United States. What steps might be taken to move
in that direction?

4.5 Discuss the merits of returning to a gold standard. What steps might
be taken to move in that direction?

4.6 You are the treasurer of a large U.S.-based multinational corporation.

Discuss what type of monetary system would be best for your
The Balance of Payments

In this chapter, international trade, business, and investments are ana¬
lyzed from the perspective of the flow of cross-border exchange of
debits, credits, and payments among nations. These exchanges are re¬
corded in a country’s national accounts statistics, called “the balance of


A national balance-of-payments (BOP) statement in its entirety is prob¬
ably less important to a business executive than its separate parts for
making investment, trade, and financial decisions. Individual transactions
recorded within an overall BOP statement can be used as predictors of
what may happen to cross-border currency prices and interest rates in the
short term.


A country’s BOP can be defined as the systematic recording of all eco¬
nomic transactions between residents of one country and residents of
another countiy over a specified period of time. An accounting definition
can also be applied to the BOP: the structure of the BOP is based upon

56 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

double-entry bookkeeping. Therefore, all transactions must net out to

For example, should country A export $2 million worth of merchan¬
dise to the rest of the world in 1997 and import $1 million in merchan¬
dise in the same time frame, it would record a merchandise trade deficit
of $1 million. Assuming there were no other international transactions
that year, its BOP would show a “deficit” of $1 million resulting from the
debt created by the trade imbalance.
Country A could exercise one of two options (it could actually exer¬
cise both options) to handle its indebtedness. It could draw down its
international reserves in the amount of $1 million, or it could sell $1
million worth of government bonds to foreign central banks. It could also
settle the debt by executing both options (i.e., drawing down $500,000
of its own reserves and borrowing $500,000 from foreign central banks).
The result would be a “zero” balance in its BOP.
This explains why there are no “deficits” or “surpluses” in a country’s
BOP; there are only balancing and/or compensatoiy items to offset any
imbalances (disequilibrium) that occur in its economic transactions with
other countries.
This leads to a third definition of the BOP as a measure of the net
changes in a country’s official international reserve assets plus net changes
in claims by foreign official monetary authorities (central banks and the
International Monetary Fund) needed to make the country’s total debits
equal total credits.
In the case of countiy A, a $500,000 drawdown or sale of its monetary
assets (international reserves) would be recorded as a credit (+). The act
of borrowing $500,000 from foreign central banks through the sale of
government bonds would also be recorded as a credit (+), even though
it would simultaneously increase foreign official claims against country
A’s monetary assets.
The “credit” entiy is created because the immediate effect of the
transaction would be tantamount to generating a cash inflow for country
A. These two “credit” transactions, totaling $1 million, would offset the
net negative $1 million trade imbalance recorded as a “debit” in country
A’s international accounts. Its BOP, on an official settlements basis, would
be back in equilibrium, although the countiy would now have acquired
a new foreign debt in the amount of $500,000 and drawn down its
reserves by another $500,000.
The Balance of Payments 57


A country’s international economic transactions are broken down into
components for systematic classification in a formalized reporting struc¬
ture. The format used by the United States as reported annually by the
U.S. Department of Commerce in its publication “Survey of Current
Business” is reproduced in the Appendix at the end of this book.

Economic Transactions
Economists are interested in the notion of “equilibrium” wherein the
impact of given activities should be offset by the effects of others in order
to achieve and maintain harmony or a balance in international exchange.
They therefore tend to think of the BOP in terms of autonomous and
compensatory transactions. Autonomous transactions are those that occur
for market reasons (merchandise imports and exports and foreign invest¬
ments, shown on lines 2, 16, 43, and 56 of the Appendix) where players
have no idea of the economic ramifications of their actions. In country
A’s merchandise trade transactions (see preceding section), its export of
$2 million and import of $1 million would be called “autonomous.”
Indeed, all items from lines 1 through 32 of the Appendix are considered
autonomous in that sense.
Its $1 million merchandise trade deficit creates an economic imbal¬
ance (places it in a position of economic disequilibrium). The correction
of that imbalance takes place through a “compensatory” transaction that
somehow makes up for the deficit. When country A exercises some or
all of its options (see preceding section) in eliminating the transaction
disequilibrium, its economy (at least in terms of that singular activity) will
be back in balance. Hence, compensatory transactions are those that are
intended to restore equilibrium to a country’s BOP (see lines 34 and 49
of the Appendix). These compensatory activities may not cure deeper
rooted socioeconomic problems that lead to the initial disequilibrium like
country A’s merchandise trade deficit, but they will at least help in
“balancing the books.”
The fact that they actually do not fully bring the BOP back into a
bookkeeping equilibrium is due to errors and omissions. These creep
into the BOP’s computation for two reasons. First, it is still technically
impossible to capture all economic transactions that transpire among
nations. Second, central banks charged with the authority to participate
58 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

in the compensatory process do not have up-to-the-moment real-time

data and then create more confusion by often entering into foreign
currency transactions for their own account. A “plug” is thus needed.
That is provided by the “statistical discrepancy” row shown on line 63
of the Appendix which, as defined, is “the sum of the above items with
sign reversed.” The statistical discrepancy entry will supply the fill-in
figure to yield a “zero” balance when the addition of the autonomous
plus compensatory transactions does not.

Residency in a country is determined by physical domicile and not by
citizenship, although citizenship is often used by the governments of
many countries as prima facie evidence of residency. Residency refers to
an individual’s or a business’s physical domicile, or where one “lives” for
most of a calendar year. The term “most of the calendar year” is under¬
stood in many countries to mean more than 180 days or more than 270
days, depending on the type of tax treatment being sought. Hoffman
LaRoche (U.S.) is therefore a corporate resident of the United States
despite the fact that most of its voting stock is owned by its parent,
Hoffman LaRoche of Switzerland. A shipment from the U.S. subsidiary to
its Swiss parent would be treated as a merchandise export from the
United States on line 2 of the Appendix.

The Balance of Payments Is a Combination

Income Statement and Balance Sheet
The BOP, as suggested in the preceding section on economic transac¬
tions, can be compared to a corporate balance sheet that consists of
assets and liabilities. The equalizing entry in any balance sheet is the
“earned surplus,” which on occasion may also consist of a “plug” figure
to account for recording discrepancies and errors. Companies engage in
market-driven operations (sales, the purchase of inventories, etc.) which
can be called autonomous transactions. These activities must be financed
either internally by writing a check against some existing bank account
or by acquiring debt or selling equity. These latter acts can be considered
compensatory in nature because they are intended to support current and
future operations.
A nation functions internationally in much the same way. It engages
in autonomous transactions such as the foreign sale and purchase of
The Balance of Payments 59

goods and services. If there is an imbalance in its autonomous sector, it

then engages in compensatory activity to restore the balance. Any differ¬
ence between these two sets of transactions is offset by a “plug” entry.
The International Monetary Fund calls this “Net Errors and Omissions.”
The United States labels the entry “Statistical Discrepancy” (see line 63 of
the Appendix).

The Current Account

Business economists and finance executives who use the BOP as a tool
to determine a country’s sources and uses of funds will be more inter¬
ested in analyzing transactions from a cash flow or monetary perspective.
Instead of fitting economic activity among nations into autonomous and
compensatory headings, the designations current and capital accounts are
used. Lines 1 through 32 of the Appendix are included as part of a
country’s current account, and its credits and debits are reconciled under
“Memoranda” (line 70 of the Appendix). These transactions are under the
current account heading because they are treated as sales and purchases
in almost the same sense as they would be on a corporate income or
cash flow statement. All current account activity is also considered au¬
tonomous. A surplus in current account transactions represents a net
inflow of funds, while a deficit represents a net outflow of funds. Major
subsets of the U.S. current account position are listed below.

• Balance of merchandise trade. The merchandise trade balance

refers to the balance between exports and imports of physical
goods such as automobiles, machinery, and farm products. A positive
or favorable balance occurs when exports are greater than imports.
Merchandise exports and imports are the largest single component
of most countries’ international transactions (lines 2 and 16 of the
• Services. International trade involves exports and imports of both
goods and services. Services include such items as foreign military
expenditures, interest and dividends, travel and transportation, plus
fees and royalties (lines 3 and 17 and lines 11 and 25 of the
A country’s purchases of goods and services represent imports
and are recorded as debit (-) entries. A country’s sales of goods
and services to foreigners represent exports and are recorded as
credit (+) entries. The same rule is applied to remittances of fees,
60 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

royalties, dividends, and other forms of income. Inflows are shown

as credits and outflows are listed as debits.
• Unilateral transfers. Gifts, grants, pensions, and other private
annuities are included in a country’s unilateral transfer account.
Private gifts and grants include personal gifts of all kinds, philan¬
thropic activities, and shipments by relief organizations. For ex¬
ample, money sent abroad by immigrants to their families would
represent a private transfer of money. Any monies leaving a coun¬
try in this fashion would be considered a debit transaction, whereas
money coming in would be considered a credit. If a resident of
the United States moves to a foreign country upon retirement to
establish residency and has his or her social security checks, pen¬
sions, and other annuity income forwarded, these funds are also
recorded as unilateral transfers (line 29 of the Appendix).

The Capital Account

Activity in this account is divided between autonomous and compensa¬

tory transactions. Summarily, all foreign direct investments and all foreign
portfolio investments are considered autonomous transactions are in¬
cluded in the BOP’s current account.

• Foreign direct investments. These are investments into other coun¬

tries, with the objective of owning partially or entirely an eco¬
nomic enterprise for the purpose of establishing market share and
generating revenue and profits that can ultimately be transformed
into stockholders’ dividends. U.S. businesses invested $87.8 billion
in other countries in 1996, while foreign resident businesses in¬
vested $76.9 billion in the United States (lines 44 and 57 of the
• Foreign portfolio investments. These are investments into financial
instruments such as stocks and bonds, where the objective is not
to actively engage in business but instead to generate dividend
and/or interest income and capital gains. Foreign portfolio invest¬
ments by U.S. residents in 1996 were $98.9 billion (lines 45, 46,
and 47 of the Appendix), while foreign portfolio investments by
foreign residents into the United States that year were $348.2
billion (lines 58 through 6l of the Appendix).
• Compensatory capital transactions. Part of the capital account is
used to record those central bank activities that are intended to
The Balance of Payments 61

restore equilibrium to the BOP clue to any imbalances caused by

one or several autonomous transactions. These include changes in
a country’s official international reserve assets (international li¬
quidity) and changes in foreign official claims on those monetary
For example, autonomous transactions recorded lay the United
States in 1996 indicate that its current account position was a
negative (-) $148,184 billion. Outbound U.S. foreign direct and
foreign portfolio investments together were $358.4 billion, con¬
trasted against inbound investments totaling $425.2 billion, creating
a positive autonomous private capital account balance.
This positive autonomous capital account balance in the amount
of $66.8 billion offset the current account deficit of $148.1 billion,
leaving the United States with a net deficit in its BOP of $81.3
billion to be financed. This was done by drawing down U.S.
official reserve assets by $6,668 billion (line 34 of the Appendix)
and by borrowing $122,354 billion from foreign central banks. The
sell-off of U.S. liquidity assets plus the official central bank (Fed¬
eral Reserve) borrowings resulted in offsetting the deficit by $48,722
billion* ($130,022 billion less the deficit of $81.3 billion). The
statistical discrepancy figure was thus duly recorded in the amount
of (-) $48,927 billion to restore a “zero” balance.
The U.S. BOP position on an autonomous transactions basis was
therefore a negative (-) $131.1 billion. The financing of this deficit
was accomplished by allowing foreign official claims on U.S.
monetary assets to rise in the amount of $109-757 billion. How¬
ever, instead of the country also drawing down its own official
reserve assets (monetary gold, special drawing rights, reserve position
in the International Monetary Fund, and its stock of foreign cur¬
rencies), it actually increased those reserves by a net $9,841 billion,
offsetting the compensatory impact of the foreign-based financing.
• The statistical discrepancy account. The country’s statistical dis¬
crepancy account entry should have normally read a positive (+)
$21,707 billion to adjust for the difference between the autono¬
mous BOP deficit and the inadequate financing. Instead, it had to
be raised to a positive (+) $31,548 billion to reflect the increase in

* The difference between the two figures results from the author’s rounding.
62 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy


The BOP helps business managers and government officials to isolate
specific international economic pressure points that impact a country’s
global competitive position. An overall deficit or surplus of autonomous
transactions in any given year is relatively unimportant except in deter¬
mining the level of compensatory financing that might be required. A
long-term position of disequilibrium is probably of greater concern, es¬
pecially if the disequilibrium leads to a continuing depletion of reserve
assets and rising foreign public sector debt levels.

The Issue of Long-Term Deficits

The United States has been sustaining long-term deficits in its autono¬
mous transactions, concentrated in its merchandise trade balances, since
1971. External financing through loans from foreign central banks, if
unliquidated, accumulates through an increase in official foreign debt
levels. This is not a problem for countries whose income growth meets
or exceeds increases in debt levels. The situation becomes more precari¬
ous for countries whose economic growth fails to keep pace with debt
Short-term impacts. If a country maintains a merchandise trade deficit
and runs short of foreign exchange reserves, there will be pressure on
its currency to float down (devalue) against others not pegged to it.
Floating down the currency is a mechanical adjustment process managed
by central banks and will not address any structural problem in the
economy that gave rise to trade imbalances in the first place.
A currency’s downward float may help increase exports if devalua¬
tion-related inflation does not erase the advantage of having a cheaper
currency. However, it will also raise the price of imports. Equally impor¬
tant, it will make foreign investments more expensive for residents of the
devaluating currency’s nation. Investments from other countries will be
attracted because foreign currencies can buy additional quantities of
foreign exchange for the same price.
Anticipating possible or probable currency price changes is an essen¬
tial facet of doing business internationally. Carrying out protective strat¬
egies to minimize foreign exchange risk is one of international business’s
daily chores. Hedging functions ranging from forward contracts to dab-
The Balance of Payments 63

bling in the more speculative currency futures market serve as effective

risk minimizers and help companies maintain predictability in their global
Long-term impacts. These are seen in a gradual realignment of major
currencies and in interest rates. For example, the yen price of U.S. dollars
in 1970 was 360 Japanese yen per U.S. dollar. The trading range today
is between 115 and 125 Japanese yen per U.S. dollar. In 1970, the special
drawing right (SDR) was priced at one SDR per U.S. dollar. Today, the
average exchange price is about US$1.35 per SDR. The U.S. dollar has
gently floated down against the SDR and its market basket of major
currencies since 1970, affecting every aspect of domestic and interna¬
tional commerce.


The adjustment process in bringing the BOP back to equilibrium or a
“zero” balance is mechanical in nature. It does not address situations in
a country’s economy that may have triggered the disequilibrium in the
first place. A country, through its central bank, can bring the BOP back
to an accounting equilibrium by either floating down or floating up its
currency if the source of the imbalance is a persistent current account
deficit or surplus without there being any offsets in its autonomous
capital transactions. In the event of a continuing deficit, floating down
(devaluing) one’s currency might have the effect of increasing exports
and decreasing imports by making exports less expensive for foreign
countries to buy and making imports more expensive for domestic cus¬
tomers to purchase.
Currency devaluation could also have the effect of attracting foreign
source investments due to the lower price for the host country’s currency.
It might at the same time reduce the attractiveness of making investments
overseas because of the higher cost of foreign currencies. The net result
of changing one’s currency price in international monetary markets can
bring the country’s BOP back to equilibrium, assuming conditions abroad
remain unchanged during the process, which unfortunately is not always
the case.
Another option available in the adjustment process is to draw down
one’s international reserves and/or to tap the SDR account (line 36 of the
64 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Appendix). This would be the same as dipping into one’s checking or

savings account to liquidate an accounts payable. This option would
minimize the need to change currency prices.
Borrowing or lending among central bank monetary authorities can
also be used for adjustment purposes (line 49 of the Appendix). Borrow¬
ing from the central banks of other countries has traditionally been the
way the United States has financed its BOP deficits on autonomous
transactions over the years.


An examination of the international BOP accounts of many countries
reveals varying levels of indebtedness resulting from annual deficits in
their autonomous transactions. The United States is no exception. The
United States is also typical of many countries whose deficits are attrib¬
utable to merchandise trade deficits. Whether large trade deficits or sur¬
pluses are intrinsically bad or good for a country is a matter of opinion
too often colored by political motive. A more appropriate approach to
the entire issue of deficits might be to inquire into a country’s debt
affordability and manageability. How much debt can a nation afford and
manage before there is a serious impact on its processes of economic
growth and development?


Adjustment process. A number of steps or options taken by governments
to bring their BOP back to equilibrium or a “zero” balance (e.g., devalu¬
ing one’s currency to make exports more competitively priced abroad).

Autonomous transactions. Transactions that occur for market reasons

where players have no idea of or concern about the economic ramifica¬
tions of their actions.

Balance of payments. The systematic recording of all economic transac¬

tions between residents of one country and residents of another country
over a specified period of time. An accounting definition can also be
applied to the BOP: the structure of the BOP is based upon double-entry
bookkeeping. Therefore, all transactions must net out to “zero.”

Compensatory transactions. Transactions intended to restore equilibrium

to a country’s balance of payments (see lines 34 and 49 of the Appendix).
The Balance of Payments 65

Foreign direct investments. Investments into other countries, with the

objective of owning partially or entirely an economic enterprise for the
purpose of establishing market share and generating revenue and profits.

Foreign portfolio investments. Investments into financial instruments such

as stocks and bonds, where the goal is not to actively engage in business
but to seek dividend and/or interest income and capital gains.

Residency. Residency in a country is determined by an individual’s or a

corporation’s physical domicile, or where one “lives” for most of a cal¬
endar year.

Statistical discrepancy. Normally a “plug” figure as on line 63 of the

Appendix which, as defined, is “the sum of the above items with sign
reversed.” The statistical discrepancy entry will supply the fill-in figure to
yield a “zero” balance when the addition of the autonomous plus com¬
pensatory transactions does not equal out to “zero” on their own.

5.1 You are the finance minister of a countiy with a BOP position that
indicates a huge net surplus of foreign portfolio investments. What
policy recommendations would you make and why?

5.2 The United States has sustained a continuing merchandise trade

deficit since 1971. Discuss how this deficit impacts the nation’s eco¬
nomic welfare. Explain how it impacts your personal economic

5.3 Discuss the BOP adjustment process to help bring it to a bookkeep¬

ing equilibrium.

5.4 Discuss the measures a country can consider to restore equilibrium

to its BOP over the long term.

5.5 Discuss with examples how monetaiy policy can be used to main¬
tain BOP equilibrium.

5.6 Discuss with examples how fiscal policy can be used to maintain
BOP equilibrium.
Foreign Exchange and
Foreign Exchange Management

The understanding and management of foreign exchange have become
a major preoccupation for multinational corporations. Essentially, foreign
exchange gains can mean extra profits for companies. Foreign exchange
losses can turn a profitable enterprise into a losing proposition.
Changes in cross-border currency prices occur continually throughout
the world. Some fluctuations are a result of rapid changes in the supply
and demand for specific currencies, such as U.S. dollars and Japanese
yen. Some currency price differentials are a function of time zone varia¬
tions. Sudden shifts in currency prices are often a consequence of un¬
certainty, fear, and speculation.
Over the long term, foreign exchange rates change as fundamental
economic relationships among countries change. The concept and opera¬
tion of the foreign exchange market and how companies manage their
foreign currency assets to minimize the risk of sustaining foreign ex¬
change losses are the focus of this chapter.


Foreign exchange is defined as another countiy’s currency or money.
Thus, the U.S. dollar would be foreign exchange to a resident of Ger-

68 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

many, and the deutsche mark would be foreign exchange to a resident of

the United States. As an example, the deutsche mark rate from the point
of view of a U.S. importer would be 1.50DM/U.S. dollar or 1.00DM/$0.75.
Foreign exchange as a term is synonymous with the expression for¬
eign currency or foreign money. The words “money” and “currency” may
seem to be synonymous, but they are not quite the same.
Money, in order to be an acceptable medium of international ex¬
change, must have currency. This means it must have three characteris¬
tics: it must be universally acceptable, it must be freely convertible, and
it must be inherently stable over the long term as a holder of value in
due course. In other words, money must have currency or validity in
order to be in demand as a medium of exchange.*

Hard and Soft Currencies

Bankers often make a distinction between “hard” and “soft” currencies.
A hard currency is one which has the three features that define a holder
of value in due course. It is a currency whose use is in global demand,
such as the Japanese yen. Soft currencies are in more limited demand.
They also tend not to be very stable.

Pegged Currencies
Some currencies which may tend to be “soft” are often “pegged” to hard
currencies to maintain their stability. A “pegged” currency, like the Ba¬
hamian dollar or the peso of the Dominican Republic, is linked to the
movement of a major “hard” currency, so that when the lead currency
floats up or down, the “pegged” money will also float in the same
direction in the same proportion. The problem is that “pegged” curren¬
cies often have little value in monetary markets outside of their link with
the lead currency.

Foreign Exchange Rates

A foreign exchange rate is the price of one currency stated in terms of
another. Traders occasionally use the expression “cross-border currency

* Foreign currency prices, cross rates, spot rates, and selected forward contracts and
currency futures are published in The Wall Street Journal. Currency prices for all
countries are published weekly in The Wall Street Journal. Currency prices are also
available in real-time quotes through the Internet.
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Exchange Management 69

prices.” Both mean the same. Two other terms often used are “spot rate”
and “forward rate.”

The Spot Rate

The spot rate for a currency is its foreign exchange price quoted for
immediate delivery. When one calls a bank’s currency trading desk for
a deutsche mark quote, the response will most likely be the spot price
(e.g., 1.50DM/U.S. dollar). This means that if no decision is made to trade
currencies (dollars for deutsche marks) at that time and the caller hangs
up and then tries an hour later, the foreign exchange rate may have
changed to 1.48DM/U.S. dollar. There would have been no commitment
by currency traders to execute an order at the old price.
Although it is defined as immediate, in practice, settlement actually
occurs two business days following the agreed-upon exchange date.
Thirty percent of all foreign exchange transactions are executed at the
spot rate.

The Forward Rate

The forward exchange rate is a foreign exchange rate quoted for future
delivery, which can be up to 180 days. Most forward rates rarely go
beyond 120 days. Using the deutsche mark example above, if the spot
rate is quoted at 1.50DM/U.S. dollar, then the 60-day forward rate might
hypothetically be quoted at 1.60DM/U.S. dollar.
Forward transactions come in two varieties: outright and swaps. For¬
ward outrights, are typically traded for the major volume currencies for
maturities of 30, 90, 120, 180, and 360 days. They represent 5% of all
foreign exchange transactions.
Forward swaps are the most common type of forward transaction,
comprising 60% of all foreign exchange transactions. In a swap transac¬
tion, two companies exchange currency immediately for an agreed-upon
length of time at an agreed exchange rate. At the end of the time period,
each company returns the currency to the former owner at the original
exchange rate with an adjustment for interest rate differences.
Forward contracts serve a variety of purposes, but their primary purpose
is to allow firms to lock in a rate of exchange on foreign currency funds
that may be needed in the future. This enables companies to avoid
potential foreign exchange losses on trades at times when prices on
desired currencies rise or fall.
70 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

The foreign exchange prices on trades taking place at spot and for¬
ward rates are published daily in the business press of most countries
and are also available through the Internet and other specialized comput¬
erized services.
The other 5% of forward transactions occur in currency futures mar¬
kets. These trades take place in specific locations like the Philadelphia
Stock Exchange.

The Spread

Currency buying and selling commissions and transactions that take place
across different time zones create an ever-changing spread between buying
and selling prices and also impact the basic foreign exchange rate, de¬
pending on where in the world the trade is to occur. This knowledge
becomes handy for those who feel that better currency prices may be
had in places other than where they reside. With today’s information
technology, it becomes as easy to be a global currency trader as it is to
buy and sell stocks and bonds with a computer.

Foreign Exchange Markets and How They Work

Foreign exchange markets, despite the presence of central banks and the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), which does a reasonably good job of
preventing chaos and panic during times of crisis, come closest to Adam
Smith’s concept of the “invisible hand” in an unregulated environment for
two reasons:

• Floating exchange rates. The world has been functioning on a

floating exchange rate system since 1971, with only reactive inter¬
vention by central banks and the IMF to maintain order.
• Technology renders government action obsolete. The mechanical
ease and speed with which cross-border financial transfers can be
undertaken make the presence of any national or international
regulatory or monitoring agency virtually obsolete. Hence, most
currency transactions today emerge more from the need to meet
specific open market objectives than a need to meet international
public policy goals.

The Exchange Rationale

In the simplest case scenario, before two companies, each in a different
country, can do business with one another, they or their intermediaries
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Exchange Management 71

must be able to exchange currencies. After all, a firm domiciled in the

United States that sells goods to Argentina would prefer being paid in
dollars to being paid in pesos. Importers that bring in products from
other countries must also first obtain the currency in which the product
is sold.
The United States, whose banking system has over $200 billion in
foreign exchange reserves, consisting mainly of hard currencies, has few
exchange control restrictions. Therefore, importers can readily buy for¬
eign currencies through their banks upon demand. However, it may be
worthwhile for an importer purchasing on an open account basis to look
into buying foreign exchange on a forward contract.
Both exporters and importers, as well as foreign investors, can also
enter into forward foreign exchange contracts or even play the currency
futures markets without restriction.

Forward Contract

A forward contract is an arrangement between two parties to trade

specified amounts of two currencies at some designated future due date
at an agreed price. More than a formal hedge against unforeseen changes
in currency prices, it guarantees certainty in the foreign exchange rate at
the contract’s delivery date.
A U.S. importer of textile machinery from Germany may have been
quoted a CIF (cost, insurance, and freight) price of DM150,000, which
would now cost the importer at spot US$100,000. However, the importer
knows that the equipment will not be shipped for over 2 months and that
the payment terms will be 30 days sight draft. If the importer believes
that, for a number of economic and political reasons, the deutsche mark
will float up against the dollar in the next few months, it might be worth
hedging against that probability.
A quick call to the importer’s bank or a look at the business press
might reveal a 90-day forward rate of 1.40DM/U.S. dollar. Should the spot
actually move to the forward rate to become the future spot rate, then
the importer’s $100,000 would only buy DM140,000, leaving a shortfall of
DM10,000, which would cost another $7,143. Doing nothing, and assum¬
ing that the rate moved as expected, would raise the importer’s CIF cost
from $100,000 to $107,143.
While finding someone to enter into a forward contract at the current
spot rate is unrealistic, it would be possible to locate a partner at perhaps
1.45DM/U.S. dollar. This might be a company looking to lock into a set
amount of dollars for use in the near future and thus avoid being subject
72 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

to market vagaries. Thus, the importer entering into a forward contract

for DM150,000 at 1.45DM/U.S. dollar for delivery in 90 days would pay
$103,449, which would guarantee or fix the CIF import cost at that amount.
Doing nothing may cost the importer more if the deutsche mark rises
as predicted, or the importer could gain if the currency stays unchanged
or even falls against the dollar. That is the gamble with a forward
contract. However, as stated at the outset, it does freeze the foreign
exchange rate for a particular transaction, creating certainty about costs
and making it possible for all parties to plan their financial needs. For¬
ward contracts are multinational corporations’ hedge of choice and are
estimated to cover over 70% of all cross-border currency transactions.

Currency Futures

These markets operate based on a concept similar to forward contracts.

The latter are bilateral agreements that can cover any quantity of currency
for execution at any agreed time. The former are commodity agreements
for large, specific quantities of foreign currencies where buyers and
sellers are not immediately known to one another. Currency futures are
traded in formal arenas, just like pork bellies. The oldest and still active
currency trading exchange in the United States is the Philadelphia Stock
Exchange, which has been in continuous operation since 1792.

International Liquidity and Reserve Assets

A country’s foreign exchange reserves (i.e., foreign currencies held by
domestic banks, central banks, and other financial institutions) form part
of its international liquidity position. The components of international
liquidity position are also called international reserve assets. These re¬
serve assets consist of the following:

• Foreign exchange reserves. The current U.S. position is over $270

billion. This stock of foreign currencies is “quick” cash that import¬
ers access through their banks in order to pay for goods purchased
from other countries.
• Currency reserves with the IMF. These are dollars and other cur¬
rencies on deposit with the IMF. These reserves are drawn down
mainly in times of financial crisis, when a country is forced to
bring its balance of payments back into equilibrium.
• Monetary gold reserves. These reserves still exist, but little or no
gold has been traded among nations since the early 1980s.
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Exchange Management 73

• Special drawing rights (SDRs). These special credits, created by the

IMF in 1969, were intended to expand the international liquidity
of IMF member countries. Flowever, members to date have dis¬
agreed on the allocation methodology. The result is that although
SDRs are officially called “active” reserve assets, no SDRs have
been issued since 1981.

While the composition of IMF reserves, gold reserves, and SDRs may
change from time to time, they have little immediate impact on interna¬
tional trade. A change in a country’s quantity of foreign exchange re¬
serves (especially reserves of hard currencies) will affect imports and
exports right away.
If the U.S. stock of hard currency reserves declines, their prices will
quickly rise, which means that the dollar will start floating (devaluing)
down rapidly. This will make imports more expensive and, of course,
will make forward contracts more popular. Exporters, however, may
seize a short-term advantage because foreign importers will be able to
buy dollars at a cheaper price.
If the U.S. inventory of hard currency reserves rises, their prices may
actually drop, which means that the dollar will start floating up (up¬
valuing). This will make imports less expensive. Exporters will end up
at a disadvantage because the dollar will now be more expensive in
other importing countries.
Scenarios do not always play out as indicated above because of a
number of other variables that affect short-term foreign exchange prices,
not the least of which are current political and economic events. Flow¬
ever, for international traders of any size, heightened sensitivity to foreign
exchange fluctuations is essential for business survival and growth.


In order to find the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for
another in the near future, the purchasing power of the two economies
in question must be analyzed. For example, if the price of a moderate
bottle of wine in the United States is $10.00, the precise exchange rate
would be that which exchanges $10.00 for the number of French francs
it would take to purchase a moderate bottle of wine in France. The
underlying assumptions are that the economic profile of a buyer of
specific goods would be globally uniform and that, after factoring away
74 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

logistics, taxes, and other exogenous factors, the only variable left would
be inflation, and that would be assumed to have a nationally simulta¬
neous impact on costs, prices, wages, and salaries.
Therefore, without inflation, if the price of a moderate bottle of wine
in France is 30 French francs (FFr), then the exchange rate that equalizes
the purchasing parity would be

FFr 300/US$1.00

In this example, each U.S. dollar is equal to three French francs

regardless of in which country the wine drinker is located. This is the
essence of the purchasing power parity theory. It can be used to help
predict short-term forward rates (up to 180 days). The purchasing power
parity exchange rate is simply the rate that equalizes the price of an
identical product or service in two different currencies.
The formula for the purchasing power parity theory is:

Fr = Sr x (Plfrl - PIfr2/PIusl - PIus2)

where Fr = forward rate of francs to dollars, Sr = spot rate of francs to

dollars, Plfrl = beginning year price index of France, PIfr2 = end year
price index of France, PIusl = beginning year price index of the United
States, and PIus2 = end year price index of the United States.
Assuming that the spot rate is two francs per dollar and that France’s
price index moved from 100 to 110 in one year while that of the United
States remained at 100 for the same period, the forward rate of francs to
dollars should move from Fr 3.00/US$1.00 to the future spot rate of Fr
3.30/US$1.00. In other words, the value of the French franc will have
devalued (depreciated) 10% or floated down against the U.S. dollar because
France’s inflation rate as reflected through its price index is 10% higher
than that of the United States.


The foreign exchange market is an international market that exchanges
financial instruments denominated in different currencies. The financial
instruments involved range from cash, drafts, checks, and wire and tele¬
phone transfers to contracts to buy and sell currency in the future.
The most common instrument of foreign exchange is the telephone
transfer among banks. It usually involves transactions in excess of $1
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Exchange Management 75

million. This part of the foreign exchange market is known as the inter¬
bank market. Brokers sometimes assist in the transfer of funds confiden¬
tially. The central banks of governments may participate in the foreign
exchange market in order to implement governmental policies regarding
the value of their currencies.
The market for foreign currencies is a worldwide market that is in¬
formal in structure. This means that there is no central pit, place, or floor.
The “market” is actually the thousands of telecommunications links be¬
tween financial institutions around the globe, and it is open 24 hours a
day. Although the foreign exchange market has no central location,
trading volume is concentrated in the United States, the United Kingdom,
and Japan.
The structure of the foreign currency market leads to some interesting
problems. Since there is no single exchange location or floor, there is no
one exchange rate.


Foreign exchange rates can be found in newspapers such as The Wall
Street Journal and The New York Times.
The exchange rate between the U.S dollar (USD) and the French franc
(FFr) can be expressed in either U.S. or European terminology.
U.S. terms. U.S. terms gives the price of a franc in relation to the U.S.
dollar or its U.S. dollar equivalent. For example, USD/FFr or $/FFr =
$0.1707 means that 1 French franc is equal to or would cost 0.17071 U.S.
dollar or slightly more than 17 U.S. cents.
European terms. European terms gives the price of a U.S. dollar in
relation to its French franc equivalent. For example, FFr/USD or FFr/$ =
5.8580 FFr means that 1 U.S. dollar is equal to or would cost 5.8580
French francs.
In the interbank market, almost all quotations are for sale or purchase
of U.S. dollars against a foreign currency using the FFr/USD form. These
two exchange rates are actually reciprocals of each other. Once one of
the rates is known, the other can be easily calculated. A reciprocal is any
number divided into one; thus, if the USD/FFr rate is 0.17071, the FFr/
USD can be calculated as follows:

--- = 5.8580
76 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Cross rates. Although it is common to quote foreign currencies against

the U.S. dollar, it is not necessary. Any currency’s value can be stated in
terms of any other currency. When the exchange rate for a currency is
stated without using the U.S. dollar as a reference, it is referred to as a
cross rate. For example, suppose the German mark and the Japanese yen
are both quoted in terms of the U.S. dollar: DM 17175/USD and yen
104.70/USD. If the yen/DM cross rates are needed, it is simply a matter
of division:

Yen 104.70/USD = Yen 60.96/DM

DM 1.7175/USD

This means that if would take 60.95 Japanese yen to purchase 1 German


Understanding and managing foreign currencies and foreign currency
markets is the key to effective financial control over international mar¬
kets. The general thrust of corporations, individuals, and even govern¬
ments is to avoid soft currency exposure by maximizing hard currency
holdings and to avoid foreign exchange fluctuation risk through forward
contracts and futures. This allows the financial planning process to go
forward multinationally in a world of many competing currencies.


Currency futures. These markets operate based on a concept similar to
forward contracts. The latter are bilateral agreements that can cover any
quantity of currency for execution at any agreed time. Currency futures
are traded in formal arenas, just like pork bellies. The oldest and still
active currency trading exchange in the United States is the Philadelphia
Stock Exchange, which has been in continuous operation since 1792.

Currency reserves with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Dollars

and other currencies on deposit with the IMF. These reserves are drawn
down mainly in times of financial crisis, when a country is forced to
bring its balance of payments back into equilibrium.
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Exchange Management 77

Foreign exchange. Another country’s currency or money. U.S. dollars

would be foreign exchange to a resident of Germany, and deutsche
marks would be foreign exchange to a resident of the United States.

Foreign exchange rate. The price of one currency stated in terms of

another. Traders occasionally use the expression “cross-border currency
prices.” Both mean the same. Two other terms often used are “spot rate”
and “forward rate.”

Foreign exchange reserves. The current U.S. position is over $270 billion.
This stock of foreign currencies is “quick” cash that importers access
through their banks in order to pay for goods purchased from other

Forward contract. An arrangement between two parties to trade specified

amounts of two currencies at some designated future due date at an
agreed price. More than a formal hedge against unforeseen changes in
currency prices, it guarantees certainty in the foreign exchange rate at the
contract’s delivery date.

Forward swap. The most common type of forward transaction, forward

swaps comprise 60% of all foreign exchange transactions. In a swap
transaction, two companies immediately exchange currency for an agreed-
upon length of time at an agreed exchange rate. At the end of the time
period, each company returns the currency to the former owner at the
original exchange rate with an adjustment for interest rate differences.

Hard and soft currencies. Bankers often make a distinction between

“hard” and “soft” currencies. A hard currency is one which has the three
features that define a holder of value in due course. It is a currency
whose use is in global demand, such as the Japanese yen. Soft currencies
are in more limited demand and tend not to be very stable.

International liquidity and reserve assets. A country’s foreign exchange

reserves (i.e., foreign currencies held by domestic banks, central banks,
and other financial institutions) form part of its international liquidity
position. The components of international liquidity position are also called
“international reserve assets.” These reserve assets consist of foreign
exchange reserves, currency reserves with the International Monetary
Fund, monetary gold reserves, and special drawing rights.

Monetary gold reserves. These reserves still exist, but little or no gold has
been traded among nations since the early 1980s.
78 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Money. This is currency. Money, in order to be a “holder of value in due

course” and an acceptable medium of international exchange, must have
“currency.” This means it must have three characteristics: it must be
universally acceptable, it must be freely convertible, and it must be
inherently stable over the long term as a holder of value in due course.

Pegged currencies. Some currencies which may tend to be “soft” are

often “pegged” to hard currencies to maintain their stability. A “pegged”
currency, like the Bahamian dollar or the peso of the Dominican Repub¬
lic, is linked to the movement of a major “hard” currency, so that when
the lead currency floats up or down, the “pegged” money will also float
in the same direction in the same proportion.

Purchasing power parity theory. The formula for the purchasing power
parity theory is

Fr = Sr x (Plfrl - PIfr2/PIusl - PIus2)

where Fr = forward rate of francs to dollars, Sr = spot rate of francs to

dollars, Plfrl = beginning year price index of France, PIfr2 = end year
price index of France, PIusl = beginning year price index of the United
States, and PIus2 = end year price index of the United States.

Special drawing rights (SDRs). These special credits, created by the In¬
ternational Monetary Fund in 1969, were intended to expand the inter¬
national liquidity of fund member countries. However, members to date
have disagreed on the allocation methodology. The result is that although
SDRs are officially called “active” reserve assets, no SDRs have been
issued since 1981.

Spot rate. The spot rate for a currency is its foreign exchange price
quoted for immediate delivery.

Spread. Currency buying and selling commissions and transactions that

take place across different time zones create an ever-changing spread
between buying and selling prices and also impact the basic foreign
exchange rate, depending on where in the world the trade is to occur.
This is known as the “spread.”

6.1 The current spot rate for German deutsche marks into U.S. dollars
is 2.00DM/U.S. dollar. This year’s inflation rate for the United States
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Exchange Management 79

is expected to run its price index up from 105 (January 1, 1997) to

110 by December 31, 1997. Germany’s inflation rate is expected to
run its price index up from 110 to 121. Suppose the treasurer of a
U.S.-based company is interested in entering into a forward contract
to purchase 2 million deutsche marks for delivery in 90 days. The
treasurer is assuming that both countries’ inflation rates will be evenly
distributed throughout the year, with no sudden seasonal or unfore¬
seen surges. Calculate the future or forward rate based upon this

6.2 Discuss the circumstances under which the purchasing power parity
theory might and might not work well. Give specific examples.

6.3 Describe and explain the similarities and differences between spot
rates, forward and future rates, and the future spot rate.

6.4 Describe and explain the differences between how forward markets
and currency futures function.

6.5 Describe and explain how fixed exchange rates vary from pegged
exchange rates.

6.6 Describe and explain the role of central banking and foreign ex¬
change in international trade transactions.
International Trade and
Business Operations
International Trade Practices:
The Parties

In this chapter, the parties involved in the practice of international trade
and how they interface to create and complete an import-export trans¬
action are reviewed. This chapter also scans the operating environment
of international trade, introduces the major parties in an import-export
transaction, and explains their roles. The major parties are the exporter,
the importer, the freight forwarder, the customs broker, the bank, the
common carrier, and the insurer. There are others, depending on the
type of transaction, but these are the primary movers.


According to the July 1996 issue of Survey of Current Business, the United
States exported $575-9 billion worth of goods and imported $749.3 bil¬
lion. This is the largest single set of international transactions recorded
in its balance-of-payments accounts (see the Appendix).
The export and import of services are growing rapidly for the United
States, but they remain far smaller than merchandise trade. In 1995,
$210.6 billion in services was exported in exchange for $142.2 billion in
services imported. Services trade should continue to expand in the future,
but so will merchandise trade. The globalization of corporate activities

84 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

accelerates the cross-border interaction market forces, leading to a greater

exchange of all goods and services in order to achieve optimum econo¬
mies of scale, minimize costs, and maximize revenues. This exchange
takes place through international trade.

The Operating Environment

Over 300 distinct political entities are engaged in trade throughout the
world. Each has its own rules and regulations to control the flow of
goods, services, and the payments that are generated by these flows.
While it is difficult for one company located in a particular area to be
familiar with trading customs the world over, there are practices that are
fairly common to all nations.
Vive la difference. The import-export environment differs from that
of domestic enterprises because all transactions are cross-border in nature
and are thus impacted by international laws and by the national laws and
politics of at least two countries that govern the conduct of sellers,
buyers, and all other related parties.
Confusion and conflict. Aside from a confusing assortment of some¬
times conflicting laws and regulations, there are logistical constraints on
the physical movement of goods. Energy utilization and adaptation speci¬
fications vary among countries. There are differences in banking proce¬
dures, currency prices, and just about everything else that affects inter¬
national trade.
Reliance on specialized services. Consequently, traders rely on ser¬
vices that specialize in given areas of international trade. These include,
in addition to those named above, cargo surveyors, marine insurers,
inspection and quality assurance firms, and government agencies, to
name a few. They all make sure that goods are properly handled and
documented and that all parties fully understand their rights and obli¬


The Exporter
The exporter is considered to be the seller and shipper of record. Were
one to export a compressor to a customer in Indonesia, the exporting
company’s name would appear as the shipper of record. This implies
that the exporting company is making the sale and has title to the unit
International Trade Practices: The Parties 85

until some agreement between the two parties indicates that title is to
be transferred from seller to buyer. The name of the foreign buyer
would be shown as the ultimate consignee, the party intended to receive
the goods and title to the compressor and from whom payment was
Most product manufacturers are also exporters. Multinational corpo¬
rations tend to export their output directly to a global network of affili¬
ates. These overseas companies may be dealers, distributors, or agents;
they can also be producers that buy for their own consumption and not
for resale.
When is an export an export? Whether the foreign customer is an
independent company, a wholly owned subsidiary, or something in
between is irrelevant to the import-export buyer/seller relationship. For
international trade transaction recording purposes, it is only important
that the exporter be a resident of one country and the importer be a
resident of another. An export sale is completed once title has passed
from exporter to importer, an invoice has been issued, an accounts
receivable established, and the transaction recorded in the international
accounts ledgers of the countries involved.
When is an export not an export? Consignment shipments are export
shipments with no title change from exporter to importer. There is only
a physical transfer of inventory from one country to another. A final
invoice is not cut, and no accounts receivable is created. Recording errors
frequently occur among nations because of mistakes made by the trading
community in appropriately labeling shipping documentation as either a
sale or a consignment.
Export trading company. An export trading company (ETC) is a
mercantile firm that buys from local supply sources and resells overseas.
These traders can be helpful to small manufacturing companies that are
not in a position to develop their own foreign markets. A U.S. company
that sells merchandise to an ETC is making a domestic sale. The ETC is
the exporter and shipper of record.

The Importer
The importer is the buyer or ultimate consignee. As stated above, its
name appears on all relevant documents which serve as evidence that an
export sale has taken place.
No strangers here. Exporters and importers are usually well known
to one another. This is especially true in the case of multinational com-
86 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

parties, where a U.S. exporter’s foreign customer can be its own subsid¬
iary or a joint venture partner. Even small businesses are familiar to one
another multinationally through a web of credit checks and financial
references that today are available on a global basis.
"Arms-length" rule of law. Under the “arms-length” rule of law in the
United States and in most countries, buyers and sellers are considered
“unrelated” persons or residents for transaction purposes. Hence, a U.S.
exporter like Allied-Signal that ships goods to its wholly owned subsid¬
iary in Indonesia, Allied-Signal Indonesia, will be shown as the seller and
shipper of record, and Allied-Signal Indonesia will be the buyer and
ultimate consignee.
Importers have different shapes. Parties importing directly from an
exporter are not always those that plan to use or consume the items
purchased. They may be distributors or dealers that resell to consumers
or end users. Exporters thus have some choices in their overseas mar¬
keting strategies. They can target end users, they can sell their goods to
import distributors, or they can try to sell through import agents, who
function as local sales representatives. When selling through import agents,
title will probably not flow from exporter to agent; it will flow to the
agent’s customer when a sale in the foreign market is finally consum¬
mated by the agent.

The Freight Forwarder

The freight forwarder is to the exporter what a travel agent is to a
traveler. The freight foiwarder’s function is to arrange for the transpor¬
tation of goods from the exporter’s warehouse to the importer’s port of
entry and/or warehouse destination. It is also the responsibility of the
freight forwarder to prepare all export and shipping documentation on
behalf of the exporter and to present the documents to an international
bank for collection.
Many forwarders tend to be small and concentrate on airfreight,
overland, or ocean freight shipments. Some are multinational in scope,
with offices in many countries, and will handle any form or combination
of shipment.

The Customs Broker

The customs broker’s function is to help clear imported merchandise
through local customs on behalf of the buyer. This includes the payment
International Trade Practices: The Parties 87

of all import taxes and charges and arranging for the transport of the
goods to the buyer’s facility.
The customs broker represents the importer in much the same way
as the freight forwarder represents the exporter. Large customs brokers
and freight forwarders tend to be part of the same multinational transport
and customs services companies.

International Banks
International banks are designed to facilitate trade by helping exporters
and importers expedite the flow of documents and payments. It is im¬
portant that both the seller’s and the buyer’s banks have correspondent
relationships. This means that each bank may represent the other in
specified transactions.
The correspondent relationship. In effect, the exporter’s bank should
have power of attorney to act on behalf of the importer’s financial
institution. If there is no correspondent relationship, extra expenses and
delays can be expected.
For example, if an importer in Indonesia banks at Standard Bank and
an exporter banks at Citibank in the United States and both insist on
using their respective banks, then Citibank and Standard Bank will act as
correspondent banks for one another for this transaction, assuming they
already enjoy such a relationship.
In fact, most multinational banks like Citibank and Standard Bank
maintain correspondent banking affiliations with most major banks through¬
out the world. It would nevertheless be more convenient, faster, and
more cost effective for the buyer and seller to agree to use only one of
the two banks, as Citibank and Standard Bank both have banking sub¬
sidiaries in both countries.
If a correspondent relationship between the two banks is not pos¬
sible, either bank will usually locate a third-party bank with which both
original banks have a correspondent arrangement. Again, this situation
should be avoided because it increases processing costs and can create

The Common Carrier

The common carrier is the transportation firm that hauls the freight.
Goods move via truck, airfreight, ocean freight, or through any combi¬
nation of these modes. Most shipments are now containerized or bulk/
88 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

tanker shipped. The traditional break-bulk (less than container load)

methods of shipment that prevailed in earlier generations exist mainly in
lesser developed areas where new materials management technologies
have not yet been introduced.
Individual pieces of equipment, unless they are too heavy or oversize,
are generally shipped airfreight despite what may appear to be a higher
initial cost. Greater speed and safety make airfreight a very attractive
alternative to ocean freight, which often involves time-consuming piggy¬
back transport modes.
Containerized ocean freight shipments are commonly used today when
airfreight is not an option. Slower than airfreight, they offer the advantage
of warehouse-to-warehouse transport under a single freight bill. In addi¬
tion, many containerization companies have their own in-house customs
brokers and freight forwarders, which eliminates the need to deal sepa¬
rately with such parties.

In-transit insurance is rarely legally required, but it makes good business
sense to have goods insured against loss and/or damage while moving
from one country to another. Further, many letters of credit specify that
marine insurance must be obtained and that a certificate of insurance
must be furnished along with other required documents before payment
can be made.
The general practice is to insure a shipment from the seller’s ware¬
house to the buyer’s warehouse. Either the exporter or the importer
should cover the goods with adequate insurance. This critical issue is
generally resolved during the negotiation stage of a sale.
Comprehensive and overall insurance coverage by the exporter will
lessen liability resulting from all sorts of unforeseen events, such as a
general average situation. This condition occurs when a vessel is dam¬
aged or lost at sea. Exporters, as charter parties, can become collectively
liable for repairs to or the replacement cost of the vessel unless it can
be shown that the goods were sold free on board (FOB factory), freight
along the outbound ship or vessel (FAS dock), or free on board vessel
(FOB vessel) “freight insurance collect,” with title changing before the
vessel left the port of embarkation.
Freight forwarders, customs brokers, carriers, and banks, in the inter¬
est of promoting trade and as a service to their clients, are usually in
an excellent position and more than willing to recommend reliable
International Trade Practices: The Parties 89


International trade is an arena in which small and large companies can
compete effectively. Modern information and communications technology
make it possible to enter the import-export lousiness with a home office
and a computer. All one needs is access to a marketable product line.
Trade is an indispensable part of a national economy. Society would
rapidly come to a standstill without trade. It is estimated that a full 20%
of the labor force in the United States is directly or indirectly employed
in the international trade sector.


Common carrier. The common carrier is the transportation firm that
hauls the freight. Goods move via truck, airfreight, ocean freight, or
through any combination of these modes. Most shipments are now con¬
tainerized or bulk/tanker shipped. The traditional break-bulk (less than
container load) methods of shipment that prevailed in earlier generations
exist mainly in lesser developed areas where new materials management
technologies have not yet been introduced.

Customs broker. The customs broker’s function is to help clear imported

merchandise through local customs on behalf of the buyer. This includes
the payment of all import taxes and charges and arranging for the
transport of the goods to the buyer’s facility.

Exporter. The exporter is considered to be the seller and shipper of

record. Were one to export a compressor to a customer in Indonesia, for
example, the exporting company’s name would appear as the shipper of

Freight forwarder. The freight forwarder is to the exporter what a travel

agent is to a traveler. The freight forwarder’s function is to arrange for
the transportation of goods from the exporter’s warehouse to the importer’s
port of entry and/or warehouse destination.

Importer. The importer is the buyer or ultimate consignee. Its name

appears on all relevant documents which serve as evidence that an
export sale has taken place. The importer would be responsible for
making payment on the goods shipped.

Insurance. In-transit insurance is rarely legally required, but it makes

good business sense to have goods insured against loss and/or damage
90 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

while moving from one country to another. Further, many letters of credit
specify that marine insurance must be obtained and that a certificate of
insurance must be furnished along with other required documents before
payment can be made.

International banks. International banks are designed to facilitate trade

by helping exporters and importers expedite the flow of documents and
payments. It is important that both the seller’s and the buyer’s banks
have correspondent relationships. This means that each bank may rep¬
resent the other in specified transactions.

Merchandise trade. According to the July 1996 issue of Survey of Current

Business, the United States exported $575-9 billion worth of goods and
imported $749.3 billion. This is the largest single set of international
transactions recorded in its balance-of-payments accounts. This fact also
holds true for most other countries. Indeed, the more investments in¬
crease internationally, the more cross-border trade increases.

Trade in services. The export and import of services are growing rapidly
for the United States, but they remain far smaller than merchandise trade.
In 1995, $210.6 billion in services was exported in exchange for $142.2
billion in services imported. Services trade should continue to expand in
the future, but so will merchandise trade. The globalization of corporate
activities accelerates the cross-border interaction market forces, leading to
a greater exchange of all goods and services in order to achieve optimum
economies of scale, minimize costs, and maximize revenues. This ex¬
change takes place through international trade.

7.1 Why is exporting more actively supported by the U.S. government
than importing?

7.2 Why are imports in large quantity that lead to a merchandise trade
deficit sometimes regarded as being against a nation’s economic and
national interests?

7.3 When exporting, should a company be concerned with insuring in¬

transit shipments?

7.4 What payment terms should be negotiated with foreign buyers?

7.5 What are the alternatives to exporting if the importing climate in

some countries becomes overwhelmingly restrictive?
The Legal Environment of
International Business

In this chapter, the legal environment of international business practices
is examined. Many questions concerning the rights and obligations of
those participating in cross-border transactions must be addressed before
committing time, energy, resources, and money to overseas ventures.
Important issues to consider are legal relationships created between buyers
and sellers through one-time-only transactions and ongoing distributor¬
ship and agency agreements, differences in the laws of individual nations
that affect commercial agreements, manufacturers’ rights and obligations
that emerge from product warranty and product liability claims, claims
relating to the protection of intellectual assets (i.e., patents, trademarks,
trade names, and copyrights), national employment protection laws, and
the protection of industrial property from seizure (expropriation).


The Concept of Residency and the Legal Persona
of the Foreign Affiliate
The laws of most countries seem to identify the residency of individuals,
businesses, and other organizations in terms of their physical domicile for

92 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

the better part of one year, usually defined as being at a location within
a national jurisdiction for longer than six months. There are exceptions
and variations to this general rule in many nations, and each jurisdiction
should be studied carefully by international taxation specialists and other
experts before committing a company to a course of action.

Wholly Owned Subsidiary

A wholly owned subsidiary located in the United States and owned by
a foreign parent is a U.S. “resident” for taxation and international trans¬
action recording purposes. Thus, the pharmaceutical firm Hoffman LaRoche,
located in the state of New Jersey, would be considered a resident of the
state of New Jersey and the United States under state and federal law and
under the laws of other nations that have tax treaties with the United
It just so happens that this corporation is wholly owned by its parent,
Hoffman LaRoche of Basel, Switzerland, which means that its outstanding
common shares (voting stock) are all owned by a foreign entity. Both
companies (the corporate parent and its subsidiary) are treated under the
laws of their respective countries and by most international tribunals and
mediation and arbitration groups as residents of the respective countries
where they are principally domiciled.

The Arm's-Length Concept

This implies that two companies, connected by financial equity and
related by culture, will be treated in many instances as if they were
independent of each other. This would be true if the parent corporation
was Company ABC of the United States and its foreign subsidiary was
Company XYZ of Indonesia.
Therefore, international commercial relations between the two affili¬
ates are almost always subject to an “arms-length” rule, namely, that the
actions they have undertaken together would also have normally been
undertaken with an unrelated company in a similar context. If not,
actions between the two firms may be suspected of some form of illegal
collusion by either or both national governments.
The logical extension of this rule suggests that buy-sell transactions
and all other agreements among affiliates can be scrutinized by authori¬
ties and subjected to legal tests of arm’s-length independence.
The Legal Environment of International Business 93

The Operational and De Jure Independence of

the Parties to a Transaction
In a practical sense, a U.S. multinational corporation, whether it is
dealing with a foreign subsidiary, an overseas joint venture partner, or
a totally and truly unrelated company, should consider all these firms as
independent entities within their countries of residence if only to avoid
the political onus of foreign domination of local economic affairs.
Local courts in host countries are frequently under pressure to rule
against foreign corporate parents and affiliates whenever it can be shown
that local business decisions were influenced by overseas owners and
managers. The issue of whether a company in Indonesia is an agent or
distributor of its American parent will be decided not so much by the
financial connection between the two companies as by the intent of the
parties in the transaction in question.
The same thinking applies to warranty, liability, patent, and other
intellectual asset infringement situations and even extends to questions of
taxation and nationalization. The earlier corporate attitude that a U.S.
company and its executives and other employees will not suffer judg¬
ments passed against them in foreign courts is invalid today. A resident
of Indonesia can now just as easily sue a resident of Florida or Indonesia.
Indeed, the Florida resident may be surprised to learn that foreign judg¬
ments can be enforced today as easily in the United States as abroad.

International Distributorship Arrangements

An international distributorship arrangement is a generic descriptor for a
buy-sell contract in which the exporter is selling to a foreign company
that plans on reselling the purchased items in the local market. These
import distributors may be large wholesalers or smaller dealers, working
individually or as part of an affiliated network. Orders placed by these
import distributors may involve single non-repeat business or a continu¬
ing relationship with repeat business over time. Orders negotiated on the
premise of non-repeat business in general expose exporters to less liabil¬
ity than those that form part of a longer term commercial relationship in
which various degrees of exclusivity are rightly or wrongly envisioned.

One-Time-Only Orders
Initial import-export transactions between sellers and buyers are often
accomplished on a one-time-only basis. These transactions are like trial
94 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

orders, where no enduring relationship is planned or where a probation¬

ary relationship between the exporter and the foreign distributor is in
order. This gives both parties an opportunity to evaluate their respective
organizations in terms of product quality, service, attitude, and anything
else they believe is necessary to establish a continuing relationship.

Longer Term Distributorship Agreements

Once a relationship has been established, buyers and sellers can start
considering a distributorship arrangement. This may expose the exporter
to certain risks that are more easily contained in one-time-only transac¬
tions. The seller will probably have to provide warranty services if needed
in any buy-sell situation. These warranty services and obligations be¬
come more urgent as the buy-sell relationship endures and the local
market grows.
The seller may also be exposed to product liability and to third-party
liability situations. One way in which sellers tiy to reduce these forms of
exposure is to build disclaimers into their buy-sell agreements. A prior
disclaimer statement before the sale will not eliminate a seller’s exposure,
but it will at least help reduce risk parameters. However, the success of
these disclaimer clauses, which are almost standard in most contracts,
during litigation in foreign courts has been mixed at best.
Even assuming that the terms of a disclaimer clause are acceptable to
the foreign buyer, who may be in a position to perform unassisted
warranty work and in fact carries product liability insurance, litigation
often results when the perceived damage is sufficiently large. Local courts
will often disallow contractual disclaimers as a violation of their national

Import Agents
Import agents are preferred by companies that consider maximum for¬
eign market control to be important. An agent (importer) functions in a
fiduciary relationship with a principal (the exporter). This means that the
importer may act based on the exporter’s express and/or implied instruc¬
tions. Goods imported on consignment through an agent means that
although the physical inventoiy has moved from the exporter’s ware¬
house to that of the import agent, title to the goods remains with the
exporter until the agent makes a sale. Title then passes directly from the
exporter to the agent’s customer. An export receivable is created at that
The Legal Environment of International Business 95

Advantages. The advantage of an import agency relationship lies in

the fact that because ownership of the goods remains with the exporter
until sold by the agent, the exporter can define the local market selling
price, the sales strategy, the sales territoiy, the payment terms, and
anything else considered to be of importance to the long-term market
success of the product or product line. Marketing control is thus maxi¬
mized and more easily maintained with an import agency agreement than
with a formal or informal distributorship arrangement.
There are instances when import agency arrangements are necessary.
Goods brought into free trade zones are often consigned to agents prior
to their final disposition. Participants at trade shows often consign goods
to agents if unsure of making a final sale. Some items are so large and
bulky or so great in weight, volume (e.g., tractors, earth movers, and
petrochemicals), or value (jewelry and works of art) that they are better
off being stored or bunkered fairly close to their final point of sale while
remaining in the physical custody of the exporter’s agent in the given
Disadvantages. The disadvantages of an agency arrangement to an
exporter are both financial and legal. Legally, exporters are vulnerable to
possible third-party liability lawsuits in which unrelated parties alleging
injury seek monetary damages.
Financially, exporters are saddled with higher costs and non-payment
risks. Goods warehoused overseas and owned by U.S. companies must
be insured, protected, and maintained as they would be back in the
home market. This invariably carries a high logistical cost. The exporter,
in all probability, will have at least prepaid all transport and insurance
charges from the United States to the foreign destination. Unsold inven¬
tory may have to be financed through loans or returned. Finally, the
longer goods remain unsold and/or unpaid for in a foreign market, the
greater the risk of financial loss.

Local Labor Law Conflicts

Another area of concern is the principal’s possible responsibility for local

employees hired by the agent to handle the new workload. Employment
laws in many South American countries provide lifetime job guarantees
once a probationary period is completed and mandate generous sever¬
ance packages when long-term employees are fired with or without
cause. The exporter can be accused of inducing the import agent to hire
more people in anticipation of new business and can be held responsible
for compensatory damages.
96 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Import Distributors
An import distributor, by definition, is an independent company that
buys and then resells goods for its own account. It assumes title to the
exporter’s goods on or before delivery of those goods to its warehouse.
As a general rule, title to the goods will pass to the buyer by the time
the goods clear customs.
Advantages. The advantages of an import distributorship are both
financial and legal. Once title passes from seller to buyer, a receivable
(a claim on the buyer’s assets) is established, and the clock starts ticking
toward the collection due date based on agreed-upon payment terms.
This title change removes the exporter from any liability regarding the
importer’s actions and behavior in the local market.
Another advantage is that distributorship arrangements can be on an
ad hoc basis without involving a term contract. Agency agreements normally
require a well-crafted document that spells out the understanding be¬
tween the parties. Distributorships that are not couched in a binding
contract can usually be terminated at will by either party, which is often
seen as an advantage by both parties.
Finally, a distributor, using its own finances, will be under greater
pressure to sell the exporter’s products than an agent that receives the
goods on a consignment basis and has made no financial commitment.
Disadvantages. These relate mainly to the exporter’s lack of marketing
and management control in view of the fact that the goods are now
owned by the distributor. Therefore, it is almost impossible for export
sellers to control distributor resale prices, even if clauses guaranteeing
that right are built into the distributorship agreement.
Where price is part of the overall product image, this can be a
problem. This disadvantage can be partially overcome if the exporter’s
product enjoys a high level of brand awareness among consumers or end
users through effective advertising and promotion in the local market.
While Coke, Pepsi, and GE may enjoy that curbside appeal, lesser names
may not enjoy the same reputation.

A Binding Contract or Just a Loose Arrangement?

just how good are formal distributorship contracts? The answer is that
they are only as good as the intent of the parties to seek a mutually
rewarding relationship. Few firms enter into a transaction with the goal
of “buying” a lawsuit. A written contract may be unnecessary from that
point of view.
The Legal Environment of International Business 97

However, if the exporter is suddenly doing business in a growing

number of overseas markets at once, formal contracts may be needed to
preserve a written record of the understandings the parties have reached
and under which they are operating. A distributorship contract will not
prevent a lawsuit, but it may at least help clarify the issues.


It is common practice among market-oriented exporters and importers to
agree informally to resale prices. This practice is predicated on the propo¬
sition that both exporter and distributor share the same vested interest in
maximizing sales and profits.
It is also a fairly common practice not to have binding term and/or
territory-defining agreements. Many lasting relationships between export¬
ers and overseas distributors are based only on their successful track
records. Distributorship and agency agreements that imply a need for
formality between the parties may not be appropriate for all import-
export situations, especially for small start-up companies. Informal ar¬
rangements may be the better way to go.


Arm's-length concept. This implies that two companies, connected by
financial equity and related by culture, will be treated in many instances
as if they were independent of each other. This would be true if the
parent corporation was Company ABC of the United States and its foreign
subsidiary was Company XYZ of Indonesia.

Import agent. Preferred by companies that consider maximum foreign

market control to be important. An agent (importer) functions in a fidu¬
ciary relationship with a principal (the exporter). This means that the
importer may act based on the exporter’s express and/or implied instruc¬
tions. Goods imported on consignment through an agent means that al¬
though the physical inventory has moved from the exporter’s warehouse
to that of the import agent, title to the goods remains with the exporter
until the agent makes a sale. Title then passes directly from the exporter
to the agent’s customer. An export receivable is created at that point.

Import distributor. An import distributor, by definition, is an independent

company that buys and then resells goods for its own account. It assumes
98 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

title to the exporter’s goods on or before delivery of those goods to its

warehouse. As a general rule, title to the goods will pass to the buyer
by the time the goods clear customs.

Residency. The laws of most countries seem to identify the residency of

individuals, businesses, and other organizations in terms of their physical
domicile for the better part of one year, usually defined as being at a
location within a national jurisdiction for longer than six months. There
are exceptions and variations to this general rule in many nations, and
each jurisdiction should be studied carefully by international taxation
specialists and other experts before committing a company to a course
of action.

8.1 Describe and explain the characteristics, advantages, and disadvan¬
tages of an import distributorship.

8.2 Describe and explain the characteristics, advantages, and disadvan¬

tages of an import agency.

8.3 Discuss some of the problems that the concept of residency can
create for a U.S.-based company and its overseas affiliates.

8.4 Discuss some of the problems that the “arms-length relationship” concept
can create for a U.S.-based company and its overseas affiliates.
Product Warranty and
Product Liability Issues

It is generally recognized throughout the world today that a producer of
goods has an obligation to offer satisfaction on defective products through
a product warranty. It is also the manufacturer’s general obligation to
make sure that the handling and use of those products cause no harm.
This obligation is global and is not limited to a product’s country of
manufacture. The various aspects of a company’s rights and obligations
in terms of product warranty and liability are discussed in this chapter.

These are promises by a manufacturer that its products will perform as
stated in published literature. They can be explicit or implicit. Warranties
are explicit when a manufacturer includes a written statement describing
what guarantees it offers in the event of product performance failure and
for how long a period of time those guarantees are good.

Warranty Disclaimers
Warranty disclaimers (e.g., “goods sold as is,” etc.) should be in writing.
If written warranties are not offered and if there are no written disclaim-

100 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

ers, then courts in many countries usually hold producers liable under
the principle of implied warranty. This means that a full warranty is in
force for a “reasonable” time.
Disclaimers have limited value. Disclaimers are generally issued by
exporters and/or their manufacturers that sell in areas where a dealer
network with after-sales service facilities does not yet exist. They are a
popular approach to a difficult problem and are viewed dimly by local
courts. These disclaimers are usually discounted by local courts, which
may apply their own time-honored rules of implied warranty.
Every sale is a potential claim. It would be preferable for a manu¬
facturer to make sure, prior to closing a sale with a foreign buyer, that
warranty service can be supplied. Any export sale has a chance of
becoming a warranty claim, and it is incumbent upon the U.S. seller to
make sure that the foreign customer is as protected as a domestic
Be a broker if warranty service is impossible. It is possible for a
mercantile exporter (export trading company) to avoid warranty situa¬
tions altogether by expressly stating to all parties concerned that it is
functioning strictly in a brokerage capacity and not as part of the distri¬
bution chain.
Warranty breaches. This creates problems for exporters that do not
issue written warranty statements, especially if they are resellers. The
issue of what constitutes a “reasonable” time is always open to question,
thus exposing the maker of the product to litigation. It also opens the
exporter to the same lawsuit, as the latter would be considered to be part
of the producer’s global distribution chain.
In some areas, breach-of-warranty judgments are arbitrary, discrimina¬
tory, capricious, and rendered in absentia. They can lead to stiff fines and
even to prison sentences. In some cases, the exporter, which is often more
visible than the original manufacturer, will be held as the scapegoat.
Full warranty data should always be communicated. Complications
can arise when the manufacturer publishes a warranty but the warranty
documents and their contents are not forwarded and/or communicated
effectively to the foreign buyer and end user. This failure to make an
express warranty known to foreign customers forces local courts to treat
the case as if there were an implied warranty and perhaps even deceit
and fraud on the exporter’s part.
Advantages of express warranties. A well-detailed written warranty
statement by a seller defines the time frame within which the warranty
and warranty service are valid. It also defines the obligations of both the
Product Warranty and Product Liability Issues 101

seller and buyer, making it more difficult for foreign buyers and users to
lodge warranty claims long after products have been in use.
Importance of a warranty-competent overseas distributor or dealer
network. Manufacturers’ warranty statements should be conveyed to all
parties in the distribution chain, from the export resellers to the foreign
import distributors to the local dealers to the end users.
If no distributor or dealer network exists in a foreign country (often
a problem in developing areas), a decision not to sell may have to be
considered unless the manufacturer or the exporter is in a position to
provide on-site after-sales warranty services.
The need for a good foreign distributor/dealer network. The effective
execution of product warranty and more general after-sales service is the
key to overseas market survival and growth. This fact highlights the need
to build an experienced distributor network and a competent dealer
organization in foreign markets. The U.S. manufacturer, the U.S. exporter,
and the foreign customer will rely upon that network and organization
to provide a long-term mutually rewarding relationship.

This thorny issue comes up when someone has been injured or property
has been damaged by the direct or indirect use of a product. Sometimes
a product liability situation can arise out of a warranty problem. Many
times, it happens because of the incorrect use of a product; sometimes
it occurs because a product falls on someone or something or breaks up
or explodes and destroys property and injures people.

The Extent of Product Liability

Product liability exposure accompanies a product anywhere the product
goes. It is rarely successfully disclaimed. If an item is going to Mongolia,
its producer and anyone else connected with its sale, shipment, and
servicing will be legally exposed if it is found to have caused damage
to people and/or to property in Mongolia or on the way there.
Protection from product liability exposure. It is important for a manu¬
facturer to make sure that the installation, operating, and usage instruc¬
tions are fully understood by all parties concerned. A working familiarity
with the local language may be needed to that end. It is also essential
that a product destined for sale in overseas markets be covered by
adequate product liability insurance.
102 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Smaller exporters that serve as resellers may not normally be held

accountable in product liability situations as long as they have not altered
the merchandise being shipped. However, they should satisfy themselves
that their vendors have adequate liability insurance to provide worldwide
coverage and that they too may find shelter under that umbrella.
Small business exporters that are also manufacturers should consult
with legal counsel, who will probably recommend the purchase of a
product liability insurance policy before anything is shipped overseas.
Be a broker if no product liability insurance is available. Again, ex¬
porters that explicitly take a brokerage position, and can show that this
is their customary way of conducting business, should issue product
liability disclaimers on every transaction to all parties concerned, speci¬
fying their role in the transaction clearly and in writing.


It is important for business executives contemplating marketing their
goods and services in other countries to become familiar, through com¬
petent legal counsel, with the prevailing local legal environment. It is also
important to realize that it might be better not to sell in those areas
where it is difficult or impossible to offer warranty service and where
product liability insurance is either unavailable or very expensive.


Product liability. A manufacturer’s liability when someone has been in¬
jured or property has been damaged by the direct or indirect use of a
product. Sometimes a product liability situation can arise out of a war¬
ranty problem. Many times, it happens because of the incorrect use of
a product; sometimes it occurs because a product falls on someone or
something or breaks up or explodes and destroys property and injures

Product warranty. Promise by a manufacturer that its product will per¬

form as stated in published literature. Warranties can be explicit or im¬
plicit. They are explicit when a manufacturer includes a written statement
describing what guarantees it offers in the event of product performance
failure and for how long a period of time those guarantees are good.
Product Warranty and Product Liability Issues 103

9.1 Explain the differences between a warranty and a liability claim.

9.2 Explain the differences between an express warranty and an implied


9.3 Discuss the different ways in which an exporter can minimize war¬
ranty and liability exposure.
Protection of
Intellectual Assets

This chapter explores the nature of intellectual assets and their impor¬
tance to companies doing business internationally. The protection of
these assets is growing in importance as goods and services are being
produced, marketed, and traded on a global scale.


Intellectual Assets
Intellectual assets consist of patents, trade names, trademarks, and copy¬
rights, the sum of which identify a company’s goods and services as
belonging to it. They are duly granted and registered documents which
announce to all parties that assets consisting of specified inventions,
innovations, works of art, original writings, music, business names, product
names, corporate logos, and package designs and labels are proprietary
to their creators and may not be replicated without specific permission.

Intellectual Assets Are Intangible

Someone who breaks into a company’s offices and steals a computer or
telecommunications equipment robs their owner of a tangible and mea¬
surable asset, and the owner is often painfully aware of the loss. How-

106 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

ever, the theft of intellectual assets, though it may go undetected for a

long time, is far more injurious and costly to legitimate businesses.
Intellectual assets are, for many companies, their most valuable property.

Exclusivity and Infringement

As indicated above, patents, trademarks, trade names, and copyrights that
identify goods and services as belonging to a specific producer mean that
no one else in a given jurisdiction may replicate those intellectual assets
without the express permission of their owner. While infringements occur
routinely in the United States, they are often more flagrant in many other

Trade Name
This can be the name under which a business functions. The simple act
of initially registering a trade or business name at the city, county, or
state level for tax purposes protects the use of that name from infringe¬
ment by others without the consent of the business owner. However, this
protection is only statewide at best. Should the business ever contemplate
becoming a player in the national marketplace, the registration of its
trade name in Washington, D.C. would be appropriate. Once that is
done, trade name protection in other countries can be achieved through
a similar process.

These are the company and product logos and names that symbolically
describe a company’s goods and services, making them recognizable to
end users and consumers and distinguishable from those of the compe¬
tition. A trademark can be a word, symbol, drawing, or design or some
sort of combination of all these expressions which identify a product,
product line, service, or artistic creation as being proprietary to an indi¬
vidual or firm.
Trade names, once registered, can be considered in the same cat¬
egory as trademarks. Hence, the Coca-Cola Company is both a trade
name and trademark due to its unique shape and spelling. So too are
the words Coke and Diet Coke. The Coca-Cola Company and all its
products would not be where they are today were it not for the zeal and
jealousy with which corporate executives and their legal staffs guard
these assets globally.
Protection of Intellectual Assets 107

An unregistered trademark may be protected by common law in the

United States, but only in those few states that still subscribe to common
law. Common law usage is also declining in the United Kingdom as the
nation starts to harmonize its commercial practices with those of its
European Union (EU) partners.
In the United States, trademarks may be registered with the Federal
Patent and Trademark Office. Once issued, a trademark is valid for ten
years, after which it can be renewed. However, trademark owners must
file their intent to continue the use of their registered trademarks within
the first five years of trademark life.
In the past, U.S. companies that wished to legally protect their trade¬
marks from infringement by residents in other countries would have to
proceed on a nation-by-nation basis to register them. Unless a bilateral
treaty existed between the United States and the countiy in question, the
American finn would actually have to petition for a trademark as if it
were a first-time application.
This situation has improved over the years. The United States has
treaties with over 100 countries, allowing U.S residents to simply register
their trademarks in the countiy without contest if they are already in use
in the United States. The process is even more streamlined in the EU,
where since 1975 it has been only necessary to file with the EU govern¬
ment in Brussels, Belgium, in order to have coverage throughout the
Western European region. However, it should be noted that treaty vio¬
lations, especially in developing areas, are frequent.

These are the word, shape, and symbol combinations that appear on
labels and packaging. They can be protected from infringement nation¬
ally and internationally by registering them in all markets where a com¬
pany plans to operate. As in the case of trademarks, there has been
progress over the years in simplifying the process of arranging for copy¬
right protection abroad. A number of bilateral treaties between the United
States and other individual countries have largely done away with the
tedious, time-consuming, and expensive country-hopping process.

These are inventions and unique innovations that a company possesses
which distinguish its products from all others. The patent itself is a
108 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

temporary government grant that allows the patent holder to deny

everyone else the right to make, use, and/or sell the registered inven¬
tion. A patent is valid for a non-renewable period of 19 years, although
it may be extended for an additional number of years under some
Market-oriented companies like Coca-Cola, Nestle, and Disney do not
rely as much on patent protection as do technology-oriented firms such
as Westinghouse, IBM, and Hewlett-Packard. Crossover businesses such
as Microsoft depend on patent, trademark, trade name, and copyright
There are three types of patents: utility (product) patents, design
patents (good for a maximum of 14 years), and plant (process) patents.
A utility patent protects the invention. To qualify, it must be shown that
the item will serve a “useful” purpose and is significantly (patently)
different from anything else currently on the market.
Patents are thus also available for innovations that expand the use or
application of the original device. Hence, a four-legged seating device
with a backrest, the whole thing being called a “chair” and never having
been in evidence before, could be eligible for a utility patent. Additional
patents could be granted if arms or rockers were subsequently added.
The way or process by which the chair is made, if it is sufficiently
unique, might be eligible for a plant patent.
Plant patents are more important to protect than utility patents, mainly
because very often the process governs the invention. When the Polaroid
camera was developed, it was covered by more than 300 distinct process
patents that took Eastman Kodak over 25 years to decipher. When Kodak
finally caught up and introduced its own instant camera in time for the
U.S. bicentennial in 1976, it was clobbered by a paralyzing lawsuit that
resulted in a settlement of over $900 million to Edwin Land’s company
years later.
Design patents protect the uniqueness of a design, like that of a chair
or vehicle which may have ornamental and aesthetic purposes. Inter¬
esting desk lamps and computer icons are occasionally given design

The Importance of Protecting Technology, Know-How, and Name

The United States is a net exporter of technology. This technology is sold
in the form of intellectual properties (patents sold for a fee or rented as
part of a licensing agreement).
Protection of Intellectual Assets 109

Royalties and fees received by U.S. companies in 1995 were four

times greater than those paid out to foreign corporations. However, this
does not negate the fact that many intellectual properties of U.S. origin are
stolen without compensation by residents of other countries. Even where
licensing agreements have been negotiated, U.S. companies often find their
foreign licensees less than honest in reporting production and sales fig¬
ures. It has also been revealed that licensing arrangements have on oc¬
casion been sought by overseas residents primarily to acquire technology
and know-how without having any plan to compensate U.S. inventors.
Very often, governments encourage or at least do not discourage this
form of activity. The rights of U.S. citizens in trying to protect their
patents, trademarks, and copyrights from infringement in countries like
China and Brazil are usually ignored. The result has been a proliferation
in recent years of product piracy and counterfeiting, inflicting serious
market losses on U.S. companies.

Business executives normally think of assets in terms of cash, inventories,
accounts receivable, buildings, desks, motor vehicles, and a host of other
tangible items that have a purchase cost, a book value, and a discernible
market value. Business executives are also familiar with the notion of
goodwill as an asset, but small companies often tend to treat goodwill
in a casual manner, as if it is there but not worth much.
Goodwill can exist without intellectual assets. A company that has
survived for a number of years will have goodwill even if it holds no
registered patents, trademarks, trade names, or copyrights. This goodwill
is the accumulated appeal that a company enjoys with the trade, its
customers, and even with its competition.
Goodwill is a company's image. Corporate goodwill is encapsulated
in a corporate image and personality. Goodwill items are all those
attributes that give small and large companies recognition and appeal—
things to which companies can claim pride but no legal ownership.
These may include charitable acts and sponsorships, participation in
public works and education, and a reputation for fairness, prompt ser¬
vice, and product excellence, among many others. A company with a
high level of goodwill may find it easier to establish market share and
finance expansion. A company with limited goodwill may find market
access blocked and may experience difficulty obtaining necessary gov¬
ernment licenses and general acceptance of its goods and services.
110 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Goodwill as a marketable asset. Goodwill is especially marketable

when one wants to sell the business and when the enterprise is small and
local. However, goodwill alone becomes less marketable as a business
grows large and multinational. The problem is that no individual or firm
can legally claim exclusivity to goodwill. A company’s goodwill must
therefore be complemented by specific and legally protectable intellec¬
tual assets if the business is to remain intact.

The International Legal Environment

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, superseded today by the
World Trade Organization, the Paris Convention for the Protection of
Industrial Property, the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary
and Artistic Works, and a number of other international organizations,
has been addressing piracy and counterfeiting issues for many years.
The United States also has in place many treaties with other nations
that are supposed to protect the rights of U.S. patent, trademark, and
copyright holders. The only real progress has been with the EU, where
U.S. intellectual property is protected about as well as it is in the United
A poor record of protection. Patents, trademarks, and copyrights are
currently poorly protected in Brazil, China, India, Korea, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines, Taiwan, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, and
the United Arab Emirates. Product piracy and counterfeiting are ongoing
problems in all these areas and in many others as well.


There seems to be an obvious need for a more sincere global monitoring
of intellectual property rights. Companies with important technologies,
valuable know-how, and well-known product and process names rou¬
tinely investigate, at great expense, legal environments overseas before
making a sale or an investment in which they can end up losing their
intellectual assets to a local copycat competitor. The problem is that this
happens all too often, and lawsuits brought overseas are expensive and
their results do not always fall on the side of the presumably injured U.S.
Protection of Intellectual Assets 111

A question that should be pondered by an exporter before making that

first tempting sale is: Does the foreign buyer really want to purchase and
use the article, or is it seeking a prototype for its own local production?


Copyright. The word, shape, and symbol combinations that appear on
labels and packaging. They can be protected from infringement nation¬
ally and internationally by having them registered in all markets where
a company plans to operate.

Goodwill. The accumulated appeal that a company enjoys with the trade,
its customers, and even with its competition.

Intellectual assets. The patents, trade names, trademarks, and copyrights,

the sum of which identify a company’s goods and services as belonging
to it.

Patent. Inventions and unique innovations that a company possesses

which distinguish its products from all others. The patent itself is a
temporary government grant that allows the patent holder to deny every¬
one else the right to make, use, and/or sell the registered invention.

Trademark. Company and product logos and names that symboli¬

cally describe a company’s goods and services, making them recog¬
nizable to end users and consumers and distinguishable from those
of the competition.

Trade name. This can be the name under which a business functions.
The simple act of initially registering a trade or business name at the city,
county, or state level for tax purposes protects the use of that name from
infringement by others without the consent of the business owner.

10.1 Discuss the differences among the different types of patents for
which an inventor can apply.

10.2 Describe and explain, giving specific examples, the differences

between trademarks and copyrights.
112 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

10.3 Discuss some arguments in favor of considering inventions and

works of art and literature as proprietary in nature.

10.4 Discuss some arguments in favor of considering inventions and

works of art and literature as belonging to society at large.

10.5 Some argue that forcing poor countries to pay for technology that
has already made a profit for its owner is industrial piracy or
blackmail. Discuss this argument.

10.6 Discuss the efforts made to develop a global standard with regard
to the management of intellectual properties.
International Trade Logistics

The transportation environment is often ignored by business executives
in planning international business strategies for their companies. It is
frequently looked upon as a minor detail to be handled by freight
forwarders, banks, and customs agents and brokers. However, in-transit
shipping, insurance, documentation, and banking costs for moving goods
from one country to another can mean the difference between making
a profit and incurring a loss.
The specialized terminology used in international trade to define the
rights and obligations of all parties to a transaction is examined in this
chapter. In-transit insurance, without which the physical distribution of
goods internationally would be riskier than it is, is considered in detail.


The language used in defining and determining the time and place for
goods to change ownership from seller to buyer is reviewed in this
section. It is important to pinpoint this ownership change, or change of
title, for insurance purposes. It is also important in determining when a
sale has been completed for invoicing purposes.

A shipment cannot be invoiced without clear knowledge that title has
passed. Unless an invoice can be issued, a receivable on the exporter’s

114 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

books, creating a claim on the importer’s accounts payables, cannot be


Shipping/Selling Terms Define Shippers' Rights and Obligations

Equally important as pinpointing the change of title are shipping and

selling terms (FOB [free on board] factory, CIF [cost, insurance, and
freight] port of entry, etc.), which identify the respective rights and
obligations of exporters and importers while goods are in transit (on the
way from the seller’s facility to the importer’s receiving point).

Seller and Buyer Preferences

Sellers would like to unload title to their goods as soon as they leave
the loading dock, or at least once physical custody of the goods is
given up. Hence, they would prefer FOB factory selling terms be¬
cause in most instances that is where they lose physical control over
the merchandise.
Importers would naturally prefer to delay taking title until they actu¬
ally receive the goods, an excellent display of human nature. Somewhere
between the FOB factory selling point and the foreign buyer’s receiving
warehouse, both seller and buyer will agree on a point in place for
goods to change ownership. This point in place will be determined by
the shipping/selling terms in the seller’s invoice and other relevant docu¬
mentation. The payment terms, as spelled out in the drafts drawn by the
exporter, identify the time and place of payment but will have little to
do with merchandise title changes.

Shipping and Selling Terms Defined

The shipping and selling terms in this section are known in the trade as
INCOTERMS, or international rules for the interpretation of trade terms.
They are excerpted from the International Chamber of Commerce, which
periodically updates the data as trade practices evolve.
Ex works (ex factory, ex mill, ex plantation, ex warehouse, etc.). “Ex
works” means that the seller’s only responsibility is to make the goods
available at its premises (i.e., works or factory). In particular, the seller
is not responsible for loading the goods on the vehicle provided by the
buyer, unless otherwise agreed. The buyer bears the full cost and risk
International Trade Logistics 115

involved in bringing the goods from the seller’s premises to the stated
destination. This represents the seller’s minimum obligation.
FOR/FOT (named departure point, sometimes called FOB factory).
FOR (free on rail) and FOT (free on truck) are synonymous, because the
word “truck” relates to the railway cars. They should only be used when
goods are to be carried by rail. The seller’s responsibility ends when the
goods are loaded upon the outbound truck. FOB always means “free on
FAS (named port of shipment). FAS means “free alongside ship.”
Under this term, the seller’s obligations are fulfilled when the goods have
been placed alongside the ship on the quay (wharf) or in lighters. This
means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage
to the goods from that moment. It should be noted that, unlike FOB, this
term requires the buyer to clear the goods for export.
FOB (named port of shipment). FOB means “free on board.” The
goods are placed on board a ship by the seller at a port of shipment
named in the sales contract. The risk of loss of or damage to the goods
is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass the ship’s
C&F (named port of shipment). C&F means “cost and freight.” The
seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the
named destination, but the risk of loss of or damage to the goods, as well
as any cost increases, is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the
goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment.
CIF (named port of destination). CIF means “cost, insurance, and
freight.” This term is the same as C&F but with the addition that the seller
has to procure marine insurance against the risk of loss of or damage to
the goods during the carriage. The seller contracts with the insurer and
pays the insurance premium. The buyer should note that under this term,
unlike “freight/carriage and insurance paid to,” the seller is only required
to cover insurance on minimum conditions.
Ex ship (named port of destination). “Ex ship” means that the seller
will make the goods available to the buyer on board the ship at the
destination named in the sales contract. The seller has to bear the full
cost and risk involved in bringing the goods there.
Ex quay (duty paid...named port). “Ex quay” means that the seller
makes the goods available to the buyer on the quay at the destination
named in the sales contract. The seller has to bear the full cost and risk
involved in bringing the goods there.
116 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

There are two “ex quay” contracts in use: ex quay “duty paid” and ex
quay “duty (import taxes) on buyer’s account” in which the liability to
clear the goods for import is to be met by the buyer instead of the seller.
It is recommended that parties always use the full descriptions of
these terms (ex quay “duty paid” or ex quay “duty on buyer’s account”)
to avoid uncertainty as to who is to be responsible for the liability to
clear the goods for import.
If the parties decide that the seller should clear the goods for import
but that some of the costs payable upon the import of the goods should
be excluded, such as value-added taxes (VATs), the intent should be
made clear by adding words to this effect (e.g., “exclusive of VAT,” etc.).
Freight/carriage paid to... (named point of destination). Like C&F,
“freight/carriage paid to...” means that the seller pays the freight for the
carriage of the goods to the named destination. However, the risk of loss
of or damage to the goods, as well as any cost increases, is transferred
from the seller to the buyer when the goods have been delivered into
the custody of the first carrier and not at the ship’s rail.
This term can be used for all modes of transport, including multimodal
operations and container or “roll on-roll off” traffic by trailers and ferries.
When the seller has to furnish a bill of lading, waybill, or carrier’s receipt,
the seller duly fulfills this obligation by presenting such a document
issued by the person with whom the seller has contracted for carriage to
the named destination.
Freight/carriage and insurance paid to... (named point of destina¬
tion). This term is the same as “freight/carriage paid to...” but with the
addition that the seller has to procure transport insurance against the risk
of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage. The seller con¬
tracts with the insurer and pays the insurance premium
Delivered at frontier (named place of delivery at frontier). “Delivered
at frontier” means that the seller’s obligations are fulfilled when the goods
have arrived at the frontier but before arrival at the customs border of
the countiy named in the sales contract.
This term is primarily intended to be used when goods are to be
carried by rail or road, but it may be used irrespective of the mode of
To avoid misunderstandings, it is recommended that parties contract¬
ing according to this trade term qualify the word “frontier” by indicating
the two countries separated by that frontier and also the named place of
delivery (e.g., “delivered at Franco-Italian frontier [Modane]”).
International Trade Logistics 117

Delivered duty paid... (named place of destination in the country of

importation). While the term “ex work” signifies the seller’s minimum
obligation, the term “delivered duty paid,” when followed by words
naming the buyer’s premises, denotes the other extreme, the seller’s
maximum obligation. The term “delivered duty paid” may be used irre¬
spective of the mode of transport.
If the parties determine that the seller should clear the goods for
import but that some of the costs payable upon the import of the goods
should be excluded, such as VATs and/or other similar taxes, this should
be made clear by adding words to this effect (e.g., “exclusive of VAT
and/or taxes”).
FOB airport (named airport of departure). The rules set forth here¬
under for delivery on FOB terms for carriage of goods by air have been
carefully drafted to reflect the usages usually observed in trade. It should
be noted that the expression “FOB” (which means free on board) is not,
in relation to air transportation, to be taken literally but rather as an¬
nouncing that the next word (i.e., the airport named) constitutes the
point where the seller’s responsibility is to terminate.
FOB carrier (named point). This term has been designed to meet the
requirements of modern transport, in particular such multimodal transport
as container or “roll on-roll off” traffic by trailers and ferries.
It is based on the same basic principle as FOB except that the seller’s
obligation is fulfilled when the goods are delivered into the custody of
the carrier at the named point. If no precise point can be mentioned at
the time of the contract of sale, the parties should refer to the place or
range where the carrier should take charge of the goods. The risk of loss
of or damage to the goods is transferred from seller to buyer at that time
and not at the ship’s rail.

Agreement by Exporters and Importers

to Follow Prescribed Rules
Foreign trade definitions have been issued by organizations from many
countries with an almost infinite number of interpretations. It is important
that sellers and buyers agree that their contracts are subject to a set of
terms to which both parties, including their judicial systems, agree.
The above definitions, used alone on a formal offer of sale or on an
invoice, do not in themselves imply a change of title from exporter to
importer. The exact place where international traders intend for title to
118 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

goods to pass from one party to another should be expressly stated in

all shipping and banking documents.
International traders frequently rely on the INCOTERMS put out by
the International Chamber of Commerce. While adherence to any single
reference source is not mandatory, it is a good idea to consult with
independent authorities on the subject.
Some terms that sound alike are not the same. In addition to the
foreign trade terms listed above, other terms are used at times, such as
free harbor, CIF&C (cost, insurance, freight, and commission), CIFC&I
(cost, insurance, freight, commission, and interest), and CIF landed (cost,
insurance, freight landed), among others. None of these terms should be
used unless there is a definite understanding as to their exact meaning.
It is unwise to attempt to interpret other terms in light of the terms given
Abbreviations are unwise shortcuts. It is unwise to use in quotations
or in contracts abbreviations which might be subject to misunderstanding.
When giving quotations, the familiar terms “hundredweight” or “ton”
should be avoided. A hundredweight can be 100 pounds (of the short
ton) or 112 pounds (of the long ton), A ton can be a short ton (2,000
pounds), a metric ton (2,204.6 pounds), or a long ton (2,240 pounds).
The type of hundredweight or ton should be clearly stated in quotations
and in sales confirmations. These common-sense rules also apply to
terms that refer to quantity, weight, volume, length, or surface area.
Explicivity of detail is important. If inspection, or certificate of inspec¬
tion, is required, it should be agreed, in advance, whether the cost
thereof is for the account of seller or buyer. Unless otherwise agreed
upon, all expenses are for the account of seller up to the point at which
the buyer must handle the subsequent movement of goods.
Rules on "customary" practices. A number of elements in a contract
may not fall within the scope of the foreign trade definitions reviewed
above but are part of the customary relationship between parties or
within specific industries. These practices should also be set forth in
writing and defined before the start of transactions.

The thrust of this section is to discuss the importance of insurance in
international trade. Political and credit risk insurance is not at issue here.
International Trade Logistics 119

The concern is with hazard, casualty, and liability insurance which pro¬
tects both buyers and sellers in the event that something goes awry with
a shipment.
The general impression among many business executives is that if
their invoices read “FOB factory” or “freight and insurance collect,” they
have no responsibility for the goods beyond their warehouse loading
point. This view is misleading.

The Seller's Exposure

If the exporter, and not the importer, has booked passage for the goods
directly or through a freight forwarder, then the exporter has a “charter
party” relationship with the carrier. This means that the exporter, even
if a claim can be made that the goods belong to the importer, may suffer
some losses should something happen to the goods on board and even
should something happen to the vessel while the merchandise is on
Either the exporter or the importer must cover the goods with insur¬
ance. Practically all letters of credit specify that marine insurance must be
obtained and that a certificate of insurance must be furnished along with
other required documents before the money can become available to the
shipper. Many countries require the seller to cover shipments with ware-
house-to-warehouse insurance. This is especially the case when a foreign
government is the buyer or ultimate consumer. Brazil makes an excep¬
tion, allowing FOB quotations on most transactions with insurance to be
carried by the importer.

Insurance Coverage
Insurance coverage is generally offered on the basis of 110% of the CIF
value as indicated on the exporter’s invoices if the exporter is carrying
the insurance charges. The exporter prepays the insurance mainly on CIF
Many exporters purchase a covering policy, called an “open cargo
policy,” on all shipments. This provides coverage even when importers
expressly state that they are insuring the goods. This might seem like
redundant coverage, but it helps to remember that there is no absolute
guarantee to exporters, whatever statements are made to the contrary by
their foreign buyers, that a viable insurance policy covering a shipment
in question in fact exists.
120 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Protection from General Average Situations

A comprehensive open cargo policy covers all modes of transport and
is not limited to ocean freight. However, this type of policy will protect
shippers from liability that arises from a “general average” claim. This is
a situation limited to ocean freight carriers in which the vessel suffers
damage or is destroyed. More specifically, “general average” denotes a
loss, damage, or expense that is incurred while a vessel is in operation
(transit) for the general benefit of its charterers (those who have them¬
selves or their cargo on board).
A “particular average” is a partial loss or damage accidentally sus¬
tained by either cargo or vessel. In the case of a “particular average”
claim, the loss and damage to the cargo or the ship falls on its owner.
The effect of a “general average” assessment is that the shipping com¬
pany can expect contributions from cargo owners (exporters) to make
good on the vessel.
Thus, the shippers of record (exporters) become automatically liable
for the replacement costs of the damaged parts and/or the vessel itself,
unless it can be shown that the exporter shipped its goods FOB factoiy,
FAS, or FOB vessel, freight and insurance collect, with title changing
before the vessel left on its voyage.

Obligations of Common Carriers

The best approach in order to avoid any exposure is to have compre¬
hensive insurance coverage. Carriers do not normally provide any auto¬
matic insurance coverage to shippers beyond a standard “Carriage of
Goods by Sea Act” contract of affreightment, which provides little pro¬
tection. Carriers with consolidation and/or containerized services often
offer a group policy to exporters upon request.
This benefits small or occasional exporters that may be unable to
afford an open cargo policy. An alternative to the group policies is
policies offered by some large multinational freight forwarders and cus¬
toms brokers. These tend to be more inclusive and, of course, more
expensive, but they are still cheaper than an individual policy.

Liability by Ocean Carriers

The liability of ocean carriers in international commerce generally re¬
volves around the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of 1936, other laws
International Trade Logistics 121

passed since then, and whatever valid clauses may he contained in the
carrier’s contract of affreightment.
A carrier’s liability is limited under these circumstances to just an
obligation to move freight from one point to another and to be held
accountable for acts of gross negligence should that primary objective not
be achieved.

Group Insurance Coverage

This type of policy taken by carriers covers goods only while they are
in the care, custody, and control of the carrier and/or its agents or its
independent contract pickup and delivery carriers, except in very special
instances subject to advance negotiation. There are two principal types
of coverage available for general merchandise (not including war and
strikes, riots, and civil commotions insurance): marine risks (a generic
term that also applies to non-marine carriage) and all risks.
Marine risks. This is to insure the shipper against most of the causes
of loss for which the carrier cannot be held liable. Called “perils of the
sea,” these causes include:

• Fire and explosion

• Collision, stranding, and sinking
• Jettisons, assailing thieves, and battery
• Latent defects of the vessel
• Faults or errors in navigation and/or management of the vessel
• General average and salvage charges

Marine risk insurance also protects goods while on shore against the

• Fire, lightning, sprinkler leakage, and explosion

• Hail, flood, earthquake, and windstorm
• Landslide, volcanic eruption, and avalanche
• Subsidence of docks and structures

Goods are generally insured for their CIF value plus 10%. That value
must be declared by the shipper. The coverage is against physical loss
only and excludes any kind of “loss of market” claim or claims caused
by delay, regardless of what caused the delay. The coverage also ex¬
cludes losses due to war, strikes, riots, and civil commotions, although
such insurance can be obtained for an additional premium.
122 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Buying the complete insurance package. In order to get the complete

package, a shipper need only request in writing (on the bill of lading or
in a letter) “Insure against ‘Marine Risks’ for $_(+ War, S.R. & C.C.)”
plus “To cover against all risks of physical loss from any external cause

Riots and Civil Commotions Coverage

In addition to “loss of market” or other consequential loss and damage

due to delays (no matter what caused the delay), war and strikes, riots,
and civil commotions are usually excluded, according to the terms of the
American Institute of Marine Underwriters Warranties. These exclusions
are also found in all U.S. and British cargo insurance policies.
Shippers can request coverage, for an extra premium, by asking for
“Insure against ‘All Risks’ for $_ C.C. + War, S.R. & C.C.).”

Not All Goods Qualify for Full Coverage

The following merchandise is not accepted for “all risks” insurance, and
special contracts must be requested. It is recommended that the exporter
negotiate directly with the insurer.

• Aircraft, boats, automobiles, and other self-propelled craft and

• Animals, birds, cattle, livestock, and other living creatures
• Candy, confectioneiy
• Chilled, frozen, or otherwise refrigerated cargo (subject to special
• China, glass, enamelware, porcelain, and similar fragile articles or
• Dangerous chemicals
• Fresh fruits, vegetables, and other perishable foods (unless in
refrigerated containers subject to special conditions)
• Gold, platinum, silver, and other precious metals and bullion
• Grains, flour, and meal in bags or bulk
• Iron and steel angles, bars, girders, pipes, sheets, wire, tinplate,
and similar ferrous products
• Jewelry, watches, furs, and precious stones (cut and uncut)
• Liquid products in glass containers—unboxed
• Money, notes, securities, stock certificates, and other valuable papers
International Trade Logistics 123

• Nuclear fissionable, fusionable, and otherwise radioactive materials

• Paintings, statues, and other works of art
• Refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, and other major appliances
• Sugar
• Used and/or reconditioned machinery, household and personal
effects, and used goods and/or merchandise of any kind

Other Specialized Insurance

This coverage includes refrigerated goods to protect against the perils

listed in “marine risks” above, as well as partial losses payable only in
the event of sinking, stranding, fire, or collision. Coverage is also avail¬
able for deterioration losses caused by a vessel’s mechanical breakdown
or malfunction of its refrigeration machinery, provided the breakdown
lasts for 24 hours or more. Goods which are not in mechanically refrig¬
erated containers may not be insured against deterioration, however it
may have been caused. The shipper requests “Twenty-four-hour Reefer
Clauses (+ War, S.R. & C.C.).”

Insurance Policy Costs

Open cargo policies are relatively expensive. They are underwritten and
sold on the basis of annual premiums, which can be broken down into
quarterly and even monthly payments. The amount of the premium is
determined by the nature of the items to be shipped, the mode of
transportation, and the geographical area of destination.
It goes without saying that explosive materials shipped to a war zone
will be subject to a very high insurance premium. On average, an annu¬
alized open cargo insurance policy may cost the exporter from 2 to 5%
of invoice value. It is worth planning ahead to build these costs into a
company’s export selling price structure. Whatever the costs, it is not
worth making a shipment without knowing conclusively that the goods
are adequately insured.


According to U.S. balance-of-payments data, over $57 billion was spent
in 1995 on transporting merchandise in and out of the country. This did
not include freight forwarding, customs brokerage, bank charges, inland
124 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

freight and insurance, wharfage and handling, special packaging and

airfreight preparation, in-transit insurance, legal fees, and myriad other
costs connected with the physical movement of goods traded internation¬
ally. It is estimated that almost $100 billion is spent annually to logisti-
cally support U.S. exports and imports.


Marine insurance. A generic name for casualty and loss insurance cov¬
erage for freight moving internationally, whatever the means of convey¬
ance. Most policies offer warehouse-to-warehouse insurance coverage at
110% of the freight’s cost and freight invoice value.

Shipping and selling terms. The language used in defining and determin¬
ing the time and place for goods to change ownership from seller to
buyer. It is important to pinpoint this ownership change, or change of
title, for insurance purposes. It is also important in determining when a
sale has been consummated for invoicing purposes. The shipping and
selling terms also help establish exporters’ and importers’ respective
obligations while the goods are in transit and beyond their physical

11.1 Discuss the shipping/selling terms a company would use to relin¬
quish title as soon as possible and still pay the freight and insur¬
ance charges to a foreign customer’s point of receipt.

11.2 Discuss the shipping/selling terms a company would use to retain

title to a foreign customer’s point of receipt but not pay freight and
insurance charges beyond its FOB point.

11.3 Discuss how exporters shipping hazardous materials may avoid

becoming involved in a “general average” situation.
Financing Trade:
The Banking System

The international banking system and documentation that must be pre¬
pared by international traders as shipments proceed to their destination
are described in this chapter. The paperwork, which includes the seller’s
commercial invoices, is commonly called “documentation.” Its accurate
and timely preparation and distribution (the collection process) will enable
importers to receive their goods and make it easier for exporters to
receive on-time payment.

A typical set of export shipping documents might include:

• Commercial invoices
• Shipper’s Export Declaration
• Sight or time draft
• Bill of lading or other transport document
• Certificate of origin
• Insurance policies or certificates

These are legal documents describing the nature and value of a particular
shipment. They also identify the exporter and importer, along with the

126 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

carrier, insurer, banks, and all other parties participating in the transac¬
tion. Without the proper documentation, obviously shipments cannot be
completed and payment cannot be rendered.

Commercial Invoices

These are the standard invoices a seller would normally issue upon
making a shipment to a domestic customer. They will probably be more
detailed in the sense that a more elaborate description of the goods
shipped, along with a more complete explanation of the shipping/selling
and payment terms, may have to be included to satisfy local customs
authorities abroad and to meet letter-of-credit conditions, other financial
requirements, as well as U.S. Customs regulations.
In some cases, the invoicing will have to be in both English and the
local language and may also have to bear a qualifying stamp from the
countiy’s consulate in the exporter’s region. Invoices are normally pre¬
pared by the seller.

Shipper's Export Declaration

This is a U.S. government form that describes the merchandise exported

in accordance with official commodity definitions and commodity num¬
bers. The form also indicates the quantity and value of what the seller
exported. It is on the basis of the information supplied on this form that
the U.S. government is able to compile and record the country’s inter¬
national trade statistics. The Export Declaration does not usually follow
the rest of the documentation abroad; it is lodged with U.S. Customs. The
form is generally prepared by the freight forwarder.

The Draft

The draft, generically known as a bill of exchange, is the critical docu¬

ment without which payment by importer to exporter cannot be made,
whatever the payment terms may be. It is a written order by the drawer
(exporter) directing the drawee (importer) to make payment at sight or
at a determinable future date. Depending on the tenor of the draft
associated with a documentary collection, the collecting bank requests
either payment or acceptance of the draft before releasing the docu¬
ments. Without the documents, the importer may not be able to claim
the merchandise.
Financing Trade: The Banking System 127

The Bill of Lading or Other Transport Document

This is a receipt given by a common carrier (a transportation company

that uses trucks, planes, boats, or any other form of conveyance) to a
seller for goods physically consigned for shipment. The old axiom that
a bill of lading is a negotiable instrument is subject to much qualification
A bill of lading is essentially a contract between the exporter and the
common carrier or between the importer and the common carrier, de¬
pending upon who has title to the goods while they are in transit, along
with other factors.
It is therefore important to carefully review contractual provisions in
the bill of lading and then consult with legal counsel concerning rights
and obligations. Such counsel is helpful for container shipments that
involve a combination of truck—air or truck-ocean shipments with door-
to-door service provided by the carrier.
The only document that is considered negotiable is a “clean, on
board” ocean bill of lading. This means that only one seller’s goods are
covered by the document, that those goods have not been consolidated
with any others on the vessel, that they have been placed on board apart
from other shipments, that they have been entered separately on the
ship’s manifest (inventory list), and that their entry on the vessel has been
witnessed and signed by the skipper or a responsible agent (freight
If a bill of lading is negotiable, the transportation company will not
release goods to the foreign buyer without first having the document
surrendered back to the carrier. This lends credence to the collection
process, which otherwise may be meaningless to the exporter.
Without a negotiable bill of lading, an overseas customer does not
really have to accept any drafts presented by the local collecting bank
because there is no need to retrieve the bill of lading in order to claim
the merchandise lying at the pier, air cargo terminal, or container holding
“Thru-bills” issued “warehouse to warehouse” by containerization
companies are not normally negotiable. Neither are airline bills of lading.
Thus, exporters making shipments under which bills of lading are non-
negotiable might explore the option of consigning the goods to either the
carrier or the collecting bank. This would ensure that the merchandise
would not be released before the draft and the payment terms contained
therein have been accepted by the buyer. The problem is that not all
128 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

banks and carriers are interested in being physical consignees of goods

for collection purposes, especially to suit small business owners. Some
airlines offer a COD (collect on delivery) service, but only to a few
designated areas.

Certificate of Origin

This is not a special form and is not required by all countries. U.S. law
requires that commercial invoices and/or exporters’ declarations contain
a statement as to the origin of the goods. A few countries, however, do
have formal paperwork that must be completed to attest to the origin of
the goods and fair market prices.

Certificate of Insurance

This is written proof that goods being shipped internationally are insured
against theft, loss, or damage. Many orders covered by letter-of-credit
payment terms require the exporter to cover the shipment with insurance
while the goods are in transit. The requirement is waived in most other
cases. Some countries require the importer to buy insurance locally in
order to conserve scarce foreign exchange reserves.

The International Payments Collection Process

Exporters normally want to maintain control over goods until the im¬
porter either pays for the merchandise or provides a satisfactory promise
of payment in the future. The exporter’s bank-initiated collection (out¬
ward foreign collection) may help meet that goal, depending on its
structure. The amount of protection afforded the exporter, however,
depends on the conditions of the collection.
An international collection is the process by which a bank, known as
the remitting bank, acting upon the instructions of an exporter, presents
document(s) associated with a sales transaction to the importer. This is
done with the assistance of a second bank, known as the collecting bank.
The exporter’s bank (the remitting bank), acting upon the exporter’s
instructions, will present documents associated with a sales transaction to
the importer through the overseas correspondent bank (the collecting
bank). The collecting bank presents the documents to the importer and,
following stated instructions, obtains from the importer either a payment
Financing Trade: The Banking System 129

(sight draft) immediately upon “sight” of the documents or a trade accep¬

tance (time draft), which means that the importer will he obligated to pay
at some future specified date. An “acceptance” means the importer un¬
dertakes an obligation to make payment upon the maturity of a time draft
drawn on the account of the importer and accepted by the importer.

The Parties to the Collection Process

Drawer. The drawer (exporter) writes the draft, which becomes part of
the shipment’s documentation. The drawer is also called the principal.
Freight forwarder. The freight forwarder, as a broker-agent, will most
likely be the party preparing all the documentation on behalf of a small
business exporter and presenting same to the bank for collection.
Remitting bank. The remitting bank is the bank chosen by the ex¬
porter to forward the documents to the importer’s country for collection
through a collecting bank. This may be the exporter’s regular business
bank or a bank that specializes in international transactions and has a
network of correspondent banks abroad.
The remitting bank prepares an instruction letter. This letter sets forth
when and under what conditions the collecting bank should release the
documents to the importer, based on agreements reached earlier by the
exporter and importer.
Collecting bank. The collecting bank will usually be the importer’s
bank unless the parties agree to another financial institution. The collect¬
ing bank presents the draft and documents to the importer for either
immediate payment or payment in the future.
Drawee. The drawee (importer) is the party to whom the documents
are presented, in accordance with an instruction letter (sometimes re¬
ferred to as the transmittal letter). This letter defines when and under
what conditions the collecting bank should release the documents to the
importer, based on the terms previously agreed to by the exporter and

Types of International Collections

Collections fall under two general categories: “clean” and “documentary.”
Most export collections are of the latter type because they provide less
risk and difficulty for sellers, although they are costlier in terms of
documentation fees.
130 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Clean Collection

This is a collection that involves only “financial” documents, including a

draft (also referred to as a bill of exchange), promissory note, or check.
The most common financial document is a draft.
Under a clean collection, the commercial (or shipping) documents
relating to the draft may have been consigned and forwarded by the
exporter directly to the importer without processing by banks. When the
bill of lading or transport document is consigned directly to the importer,
the importer is in a position to claim the goods upon arrival without
paying or promising to pay for them.
Such transport documents are said to be “straight consigned.” The
endorsement of the shipper and/or the remitting bank and/or the collect¬
ing bank is not necessary. The role of the exporter’s bank is merely to
forward the draft to the bank in the importer’s country (collecting bank)
for payment or acceptance.
Clean collections are used among larger international corporate affili¬
ates where speed is of the essence and the manner of payment is not
an issue. They are not recommended for small business exporters unless
there is a clear understanding of the risks of non-payment.

Documentary Collection

In this form of collection, “commercial” (or shipping) documents are

transmitted. A financial document (draft) may be included as well. Under
a documentary collection, the exporter’s bank (remitting bank) forwards
the documents and its instruction letter, which contains the collection
instructions requested by the exporter, to the bank in the importer’s
country (the collecting bank). This letter defines when and under what
conditions the documents should be released to the importer. The im¬
porter receives the documents only after complying with the specified
Compared to a clean collection, a documentaiy collection can be safer
for the exporter if completion of the passage of title to the merchandise
can be protected on behalf of the seller until the buyer has complied
with the terms of the draft.
Title is protected when all original copies of the bill of lading or
transport document are foiwarded to the collecting bank and are con¬
signed to the order of the shipper blank endorsed or to the order of the
collecting bank. If consigned to the collecting bank, after the importer
satisfies the collection conditions, the collecting bank endorses the bill of
lading to the importer.
Financing Trade: The Banking System 131

Common Problems Faced by Exporters

Situations that may arise during the course of a collection transaction may
result in an increased financial burden as well as additional problems for
the exporter. The remitting bank should be requested to act as an adviser
to help the exporter anticipate and prevent problems. However, there is
no onus on the remitting bank to be helpful because it essentially acts
as an agent of the importer and the collecting bank.
Examples of common problems include:

1. The goods, if not claimed, may incur demurrage, warehousing,

insurance, and other related charges billable to the exporter until
such time as the importer wishes to pay for the collection or the
exporter makes other arrangements to sell the goods. The goods
may have to be reshipped at the exporter’s expense.
2. Insurance coverage by the seller or buyer may be inadequate. If
the merchandise is either damaged or lost, the importer would
probably refuse to honor the collection. To avoid this problem,
exporters should investigate “contingency” or “difference in condi¬
tions” insurance policies and consider protecting their financial
interests on all foreign shipments.
3. The exporter may have to wait an indeterminate length of time to
receive payment/acceptance. This is dependent on various factors,
such as the method by which payment is made (terminal-based
communication, SWIFT,* cable, or mail) and the availability of
foreign exchange in the country of the buyer.
4. The importer may not have a valid import license, which could
result in refusal to accept the goods or in a delay in payment or
acceptance of the draft. The exporter should always verify that the
importer has a valid license (if required) before shipping on a
collection basis.

A draft is a bill of exchange that is similar in many respects to a business
or personal check. It gives the banking system the necessary instructions
concerning who pays whom, how much, where, and when. A draft is a
written order by the drawer directing the drawee to make payment upon
sight of the instrument or at a determinable future date. Depending on

* Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.

132 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

the tenor of the draft associated with a documentary collection, the

collecting bank requests either payment or acceptance of the draft before
releasing the documents.

Documentary Drafts
These fall into two categories: sight drafts and time drafts. Both types are
used extensively in international trade. Sight drafts generally result in
faster payment and less risk to exporters. Time drafts give importers more
time to pay and therefore present more risk to exporters.

Sight Draft

If the draft is drawn at sight, the documents are released to the buyer
(drawee) upon payment of the draft. This term of settlement is referred
to as D/P (documents against payment) or CAD (cash against documents).

Time Draft (or Usance Draft)

If the draft is a time draft (drawn to be payable 30, 60, 90, etc. days after
sight or date), the documents are released to the buyer upon acceptance
of the draft. This term of settlement is referred to as D/A (documents
against acceptance). Payment is to be made, at maturity of the draft, by
the acceptor of the draft. The accepted draft is called a trade acceptance.
Terms of settlement based on a time draft imply trust on the part of
the exporter. By agreeing to draw a time draft, the exporter is granting
credit terms to the importer. After the draft is accepted by the importer,
the exporter has only the importer’s promise to pay at the maturity date.
The collecting bank is not responsible for the payment at maturity of the

Advantages and Disadvantages

As a method of obtaining payment, the risks involved in a collection fall
between open account (which favors the importer) and cash in advance
(which favors the exporter).
Advantages to the exporter. One advantage is reduced risk of prema¬
ture release of goods. Under a documentary collection, the exporter may
guard against the release of goods until the importer has paid or ac¬
cepted a draft.
Financing Trade: The Banking System 133

Although a collection provides less security to the exporter than cash

in advance or a letter of credit, if the exporter judges that the commercial
and political risks of a particular transaction do not require fuller protec¬
tion, or that immediate payment is not necessary, a collection may he an
excellent settlement method. A collection is less costly and burdensome
to arrange than a letter of credit. Therefore, the exporter may he able to
sell at a lower price, enhancing its ability to compete for business. The
same can be said for the exporter’s agreement to accept payment on a
time draft basis. The underlying credit extension from exporter to im¬
porter, while increasing the exporter’s risk, improves its competitive
Disadvantages to the exporter. One disadvantage is delays in or slow
payment. If, for example, the importer is required to obtain an import
license but has not yet done so, the exporter must wait until the license
is approved and issued to obtain payment. Also, due to the slow way in
which some countries process collections, payment may be delayed.
Another disadvantage is additional costs due to non-payment or non-
acceptance by the importer. Should the importer refuse to pay or accept
the draft, the bank is not responsible and has no legal basis for enforcing
the collection. The result may be additional demurrage, storage, insur¬
ance, and other costs to the exporter.
Advantages to the importer. Buying on a collection basis means the
importer avoids the detailed requirements of opening a letter of credit.
This means a lower cost of importing. The importer also avoids the costs
of an import letter of credit and may benefit from a lower purchase price
as well, as the exporter may be able to pass along certain savings. This
deferred payment collection method favors the importer in the timing of
payment. Generally, payment or acceptances may be deferred until the
goods arrive or often after their arrival.
Disadvantages to the importer. There can be damage to the importer’s
reputation if non-payment or non-acceptance is claimed. If the importer
is unable to pay or accept the draft for some reason or chooses not to,
the exporter may provide specific instructions to “protest” on its behalf.
In many countries, protest is a formal, legal complaint registered to
provide a basis for possible legal action later.
There is, therefore, greater reliance upon the use of negotiable and
financial instruments as collection tools, unless the exporter is shipping
abroad on an open account basis. An almost universally accepted lan¬
guage and code of procedures has evolved over time to make sure that
all parties to an international transaction fully understand the essence and
substance of their intentions and actions.
134 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Despite the fact that many exporters persist in making open account
shipments, either on a freight collect or freight prepaid basis, this is not
a recommended practice. It is true that both buyer and seller may be in
frequent contact with one another, but the fact remains that they are
doing business across national borders. This can create difficulties, espe¬
cially when the importer is in a soft currency country which imposes
restrictions on the convertibility of local currency into dollars for trans¬
mittance back to the exporter.
On an open account shipment, the exporter might have to accept
payment in the importer’s currency or nothing at all. Operating through
a bank, the exporter will at least know that its collection documents will
be duly processed by the importing country’s central bank and that
payment will be made as dollars become available in the importing
countiy’s banking system. Thus, the great advantage of utilizing a formal
system of export documentation and routing it through a bank lies in a
fairly high assurance of payment.
Once the importer accepts the documents from its own correspondent
bank, even if the payment terms are for an extended time period, the
international banking channels through which the transaction has taken
place automatically seek to make a collection on behalf of the exporter.
This means that if the importer has funds deposited with its bank, its
account may be debited to satisfy the amount outstanding owed to the
exporter. If the funds on deposit are insufficient, the bank will press the
importer for the collection on behalf of the exporter.


Banks dealing in international transactions may have a somewhat ex¬
posed position, particularly if they are advancing funds to either the
importer or the exporter. By the same token, the positions of other
intermediaries to an import-export transaction are almost equally ex¬
posed. Hence, banks, insurers, common carriers, forwarding agents,
customs brokers, and even customs officials look to the documentation
as prima facie evidence of performance in good faith by both buyer and
The significance of this reliance upon the documentation means that
there should be no discrepancies between statements and figures shown
on the exporter’s invoices and those on the bills of lading, bank drafts,
and all other negotiable and/or financial instruments. Unless all the
Financing Trade: The Banking System 135

documents agree with one another, the exporter may not get paid and/
or the importer may not receive its goods.


Bill of lading (or other transport document). A receipt given by a com¬
mon carrier (a transportation company that uses trucks, planes, boats, or
any other form of conveyance) to a seller for goods physically consigned
for shipment. The old axiom that a bill of lading is a negotiable instru¬
ment is subject to much qualification today.

Certificate of insurance. Written proof that goods being shipped interna¬

tionally are insured against theft, loss, or damage. Many orders covered
by letter-of-credit payment terms require the exporter to cover the ship¬
ment with insurance while the goods are in transit. The requirement is
waived in most other cases. Some countries require the importer to buy
insurance locally in order to conserve scarce foreign exchange reserves.

Certificate of origin. This is not a special form, and it is not required by

all countries. U.S. law requires that commercial invoices and/or exporters’
declarations contain a statement as to the origin of the goods. A few
countries, however, do have formal paperwork that must be completed
to attest to the origin of the goods and fair market prices.

Clean collection. Collection involving only “financial” documents, includ¬

ing a draft (also referred to as a bill of exchange), promissory note, or
check. The most common financial document is a draft.

Commercial invoices. The standard invoices a seller would normally

issue upon making a shipment to a domestic customer. Their context
may vary from country to country, depending on U.S. export control
regulations and local legal requirements.

Documentary collection. A form of collection that transmits “commercial”

(or shipping) documents. A financial document (draft) may be included
as well.

Documentation. Legal documents that describe the nature and value of

a particular shipment. They also identify the exporter and importer, along
with the carrier, insurer, banks, and all other parties participating in a
transaction. Without the proper documentation, obviously shipments cannot
be completed and payment cannot be rendered.
136 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Draft. Known generically as a bill of exchange, it is the critical document

without which payment by importer to exporter cannot be made, what¬
ever the payment terms may be. It is a written order by the drawer
(exporter) directing the drawee (importer) to make payment at sight or
at a determinable future date.

Shipper's Export Declaration. A U.S. government form that describes the

merchandise exported in accordance with official commodity definitions
and commodity numbers. The form also indicates the quantity and value
of what the seller exported.

Shipping documentation. A typical set of export shipping documents

might include commercial invoices, shipper’s Export Declaration, a sight
or time draft, a bill of lading or other transport document, certificate of
origin, and insurance policies or certificates.

12.1 Describe the nature and purpose of an import license.

12.2 Discuss the pros and cons of clean collections and documentary

12.3 International banks often claim that their primary responsibility is

to importers. Discuss this statement.
Financing Trade:
Payments and Collections

This chapter focuses on the more popular payment terms used by com¬
panies in the export business. It also looks more closely at the role
played by the international banking system in providing an operating
environment that makes it easier for exporters to receive on-time pay¬
ment for their shipments.
There are risks with all payment terms except prepaid. There are even
risks with letter-of-credit transactions, as will be seen in the next chapter.
However, an interesting point to consider is that bad debts from interna¬
tional trade worldwide are much less than those from domestic sales,
despite the fact that most export sales involve the extension of trade
credit through extended payment terms.

Payment terms do not normally determine when and where title to goods
changes hands. Payment terms establish who owes whom, how much,
when payment is to be made and received, through which intermediaries
(banks) payment is to be made, what currency is acceptable, and where
(which country, city, and bank) the payment is to be made. Where and
when a title change takes place is largely determined by the selling
terms, sometimes called shipping terms.

138 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Establishing Payment Terms

The definition of payment terms for specific overseas customers is more
complex than establishing terms for domestic buyers. In addition to
determining a foreign buyer’s credit worthiness and financial viability, it
becomes essential to evaluate the foreign country’s financial, economic,
and political environment, along with its relationship with the exporter’s
home country, where payment may be sent.
Investigating a foreign buyer's credit. In a domestic sale, a customer
credit check through banks, Dun & Bradstreet, vendors, and creditors is
enough to determine payment terms (i.e., open account or COD). It
makes good sense to engage in the same precautionary credit checks
with overseas customers. The domestic credit services that operate locally
also operate overseas.
The foreign customer's country environment. In addition to clarifying
the foreign customer’s credit standing, an awareness of conditions within
the importer’s country is necessary before deciding on payment terms.
Such questions as political stability, steadiness of the monetary system,
ability of the country’s banking and other monetary institutions to pay the
country’s bills on time, and import restrictions must be addressed and
answered. This is where the international banking system comes into play.

The International Banking System

Most countries, including the United States, have their own individual
monetary system and their own currency managed by a central bank
similar in many ways to the U.S. Federal Reserve. The local currency is
not legal tender in the United States, which means that it must first be
converted into dollars before an American exporter selling goods into the
area can be paid in dollars.
Currency convertibility problems. Difficulty experienced by the inter¬
national banking community in converting a foreign currency into dollars
or any other foreign exchange may be an indication that the overseas
countiy’s monetary system may be short of foreign exchange reserves.
While such shortfalls are not unusual in international trade and tend to
be temporary, they do create payment bottlenecks. The exporter’s bank
will know if such situations exist overseas and will convey that informa¬
tion to the exporter before any payment terms are established.
Banks are payment facilitators. The international banking system will
help facilitate the payment function by handling all the documentation
Financing Trade: Payments and Collections 139

necessary to move funds from the importer’s bank to the exporter’s bank
and have those funds converted into dollars in the process.

Selecting Appropriate Payment Terms

All payment terms carry risk unless payment is rendered well before
shipment. Low risk to an exporter means high risk to an importer and
vice versa. Cash-in-advance payment to the exporter means that the
importer stands the chance of not receiving merchandise ordered and
paid for. Based solely on this possibility, the importer might never send
an order and there will be no sale.
The other extreme may be equally painful for the exporter. If the
exporter grants open account payment terms, there is a high risk of not
getting paid at all. It is thus entirely reasonable for an exporter to inquire:
If cash in advance is 100% guaranteed, why bother with any other
payment terms? There are three possible answers: an exporter may never
get an order because of such inflexibility, most buyers resist paying for
goods not yet received, and advance payments may be in violation of
some foreign governments’ currency control laws.
Buyers and sellers need a quid pro quo that will encourage all parties
to assume an acceptable level of risk. Payment terms finally selected will
often reflect a compromise between cash up front and open account.

Caveats About the Exporter's Favorite International Bank

A company selling overseas may believe that it has a “special” relation¬
ship with its bank, especially if it has been using the bank’s services for
several years. The company may believe that the bank will protect its
interest as an exporter in dealing with an overseas bank and customer.
In fact, the exporter’s bank is an agent of the overseas buyer’s bank
because of its correspondent relationship. It is only when the exporter
becomes an importer that its local bank will act as a good-faith agent for
the U.S. company.
The exporter's bank acts as a facilitator. The exporter’s bank does not
pay or routinely advance any funds to the exporter on the basis of an
import—export transaction, unless it has specific instructions from the
importer’s bank. Even then, no payments will be made by the exporter’s
bank if it has reason to suspect it will not be reimbursed by the foreign
bank in a timely manner.
140 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Exporter's credit with the remitting bank. An exporter may be able

to borrow money from a U.S. bank, but that loan will have to stand on
the merits of the exporter’s credit rating and will have little to do with
the export transaction per se.
External credit and political risk insurance. Exceptions exist if the
exporter has purchased political and credit risk insurance covering non¬
payment of export receivables through the Export-Import Bank of the
United States. Some exporters have such coverage and are then able to
discount or even to sell their receivables outright without recourse to

What the Exporter's Bank Does

The exporter’s bank is officially the remitting bank. It is a conduit for the
flow of paperwork (the routing of drafts and other documentation) and
for the flow of funds resulting from the transaction. It plays a more active
role only when letter-of-credit transactions are involved, but then only as
a representative for the overseas bank.

The Collection Process

When an exporter makes a shipment where payment terms are other

than “prepaid,” a process called a “collection” is set in motion. The
submission of export documentation (invoices, drafts, bills of lading, etc.)
by the exporter or freight forwarder to the bank is “presentation for
collection.” The exporter’s bank passes those documents on to the
importer’s bank, making its own “presentation for collection.” The exporter’s
bank thus provides a processing service which will help the exporter
secure either payment (sight draft) or a payment promise (time draft).

Data Verification

The two correspondent banks (the exporter’s and the importer’s) are
responsible for verifying that certain conditions specified in the documen¬
tation as previously agreed upon by the selling and buying parties are
met before the release of those documents. According to Chemical Bank,
the banks (and certainly not the exporters) are not responsible for:

• Verifying the quantity or quality of the merchandise being shipped

against the documents. Banks deal in documents alone, ensuring
only that documents specified in the transmittal letter are provided
Financing Trade: Payments and Collections 141

to them by the exporter for presentation to the importer. Banks

have no further obligation to examine the documents.
• Guaranteeing payment in the event of non-payment or non-accep¬
tance of the draft. Banks are required to release documents only
if specified conditions are met by the importer, usually including
payment or acceptance of a draft.

Payment Terms
Without a draft, generically known as a bill of exchange, payment by
importer to exporter cannot be made, whatever the payment terms may
be. The draft contains all the instructions to the exporter’s bank and the
importer’s bank as to who pays whom, how much, where, and when.
Essentially, a draft is similar to a seller writing a check on behalf of
a buyer who has run out of checks. In lieu of the exporter executing a
draft, the importer would write a check in the local currency and send
it to the exporter in the United States.
This would result in a convoluted process in which the exporter
would have to submit the draft to the U.S. corespondent bank for collec¬
tion. The U.S. correspondent bank would route the draft back overseas
for conversion into dollars before being able to make a deposit to the
exporter’s account. This can create difficulties in the importer’s country,
because if no dollar (foreign exchange) has been set aside for the trans¬
action, the check in the local currency cannot legally be redeemed in
An exporter would not as a matter of routine policy make a shipment
and have a draft issued unless guaranteed that the foreign exchange
(dollars) has been made available for the transaction.

Sight Draft
If a draft is drawn at sight, the documents are released to the buyer
(drawee) upon payment of the draft. This term of payment is often called
D/P (documents against payment) or CAD (cash against documents). It
means that the collecting bank will not release the shipping documents
to the importer until payment has been rendered.

Time Draft
Under these terms (a draft drawn to be payable 30, 60, 90, etc. days after
sight or date), the documents are released to the buyer upon acceptance
142 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

(signing) of the draft. This term of settlement is referred to as D/A

(documents against acceptance). Payment is to be made, at maturity of
the draft, by the acceptor of the draft. The accepted draft is called a
“trade acceptance.”
Terms of settlement based on a time draft imply trust on the part of
the exporter. By agreeing to a time draft, the exporter is giving the
importer trade credit and has only a signed promise of payment at
maturity. The collecting bank is not responsible for the importer’s pos¬
sible non-payment.
Time drafts as payment terms should probably be avoided by small
business exporters unless they hold a paid-up credit and political risk
insurance policy from the Export-Import Bank of the United States. Sight
draft transactions can also be difficult to collect on unless both exporter
and importer are well known to one another and can arrange for an
alternative payment method if a problem occurs. The saving grace is that,
in most instances, exporters want to sell, importers truly want to buy and
to pay, and the international banking system sincerely wants to facilitate

Types of Collection
Clean Collection
This is a collection that involves only “financial” documents, including a
draft (also referred to as a bill of exchange), promissory note, or check.
The most common financial document is a draft. (See Chapter 12 for a
more detailed explanation.)

Documentary Collection
In a documentary collection, “commercial” (or shipping) documents are
transmitted. A financial document (draft) may be included as well. Under
a documentary collection, the exporter’s bank (remitting bank) foiwards
the documents and its instruction letter, which contains collection instruc¬
tions requested by the exporter, to the bank in the importer’s country
(the collecting bank). (See Chapter 12 for a more detailed explanation.)

Common Problems Faced by Exporters

Situations that may arise during the course of a collection transaction may
result in an increased financial burden as well as additional problems for
Financing Trade: Payments and Collections 143

the exporter. The remitting bank should be requested to act as an adviser

to help the exporter anticipate and prevent problems. Examples of com¬
mon problems include:

1. The goods, if not claimed by the importer, may incur demurrage,

warehousing, insurance, and other related charges billable to the
exporter until such time as the importer wishes to pay for the
collection or the exporter makes other arrangements to sell the
goods. The goods may have to be reshipped at the exporter’s
2. Insurance coverage by the seller or buyer may be inadequate. If
the merchandise is either damaged or lost, the importer would
probably refuse to honor the collection. To avoid this problem,
exporters should investigate “contingency” or “difference in condi¬
tions” insurance policies and consider protecting their financial
interests on all foreign shipments.
3. The exporter might have to wait an indeterminate length of time
to receive payment/acceptance. This is dependent on various fac¬
tors, such as the method by which payment is made (terminal-
based communication, SWIFT,* cable, or mail) and on availability
of foreign exchange in the country of the buyer.
4. The importer may not have a valid import license, which could
result in refusal to accept the goods or delay in payment or
acceptance of the draft. The exporter should always verify that the
importer has a valid license (if required) before shipping on a
collection basis.


International collections are usually governed in their treatment by the
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Uniform Rules for Collections.
The general provisions and definitions of this ICC publication are binding
on all parties to a collection unless otherwise expressly agreed or unless
contrary to the provisions of a national, state, or local law and/or regu¬
lation from which no departure may be made. Trading partners are
encouraged, when operating under collection terms, to state in their sales
agreement that the Uniform Rules for Collections published by the ICC
apply. Domestic collections in the United States may be governed by the

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.

144 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Uniform Commercial Code. Exporters and importers should be knowl¬

edgeable about these rules.


Collection process. When an exporter makes a shipment where payment
terms are other than prepaid, a process called a “collection” is set in

Draft. A bill of exchange. Without this critical document, payment by

importer to exporter cannot be made, whatever the payment terms may
be. The draft contains all the instructions to the exporter’s bank and the
importer’s bank as to who pays whom, how much, where, and when.

International banking system. Most countries, including the United States,

have their own individual monetary system and their own currency
managed by a central bank, similar in many ways to the U.S. Federal
Reserve. The local currency is not legal tender in the United States, which
means that it must first be converted into dollars before an American
exporter selling goods into the area can be paid in dollars.

Payment terms. Payment terms do not normally determine when and

where title to goods changes hands. Payment terms establish who owes
whom, how much, when payment is to be made and received, through
which intermediaries (banks) payment is to be made, what currency is
acceptable, and where (which country, city, and bank) the payment is to
be made. Where and when a title change takes place are largely deter¬
mined by the selling terms, sometimes called shipping terms.

Sight draft. If a draft is drawn at sight, the documents are released to the
buyer (drawee) upon payment of the draft. This term of payment is often
called D/P (documents against payment) or CAD (cash against docu¬
ments). It means that the collecting bank will not release the shipping
documents to the importer until payment has been rendered.

Time draft. Under these terms (a draft drawn to be payable 30, 60, 90,
etc. days after sight or date), the documents are released to the buyer
upon acceptance (signing) of the draft. This term of settlement is referred
to as D/A (documents against acceptance). Payment is to be made, at
maturity of the draft, by the acceptor of the draft. The accepted draft is
called a “trade acceptance.”
Financing Trade: Payments and Collections 145

13.1 Discuss the circumstances under which exporters would sell to
overseas customers on a time draft basis rather than offering sight
draft payment terms.

13.2 Explain, with examples, the differences in purpose between selling/

shipping terms and payment terms.

13.3 Discuss how factors other than the overseas customer’s credit may
impact the exporter’s payment terms.

13.4 Describe and explain, with examples, the international banking

system’s obligation to importers and exporters.

13.5 Discuss the nature and purpose of a central bank’s import licensing
/ V
International Letters of Credit

This chapter is about minimizing payment risk through the use of letters
of credit. It will also be shown that these documents can be used to
finance international trade.


The Letter of Credit
A letter of credit (L/C) is an issuing or opening bank’s promise to pay
a certain amount of money to a beneficiary subject to specific perfor¬
mance by that beneficiary within a given period of time. The issuing
bank is the importer’s bank, called the remitting bank in Chapter 13. Its
correspondent bank will usually be the exporter’s bank, called the col¬
lecting bank.
The process. When an L/C is opened by an importer’s bank, it is
routed to the beneficiary (exporter) via the correspondent bank, which
appends to it a “letter of advice” setting forth the role it is prepared to
play should the exporter opt to act under the terms of the L/C.
Whose promise to pay? In an L/C-backed transaction, the promise to
pay as drawn on a draft by the exporter is transferred from the buyer-
importer to the issuing bank, which opens the L/C based upon the
importer’s instructions.

148 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Types of Letters of Credit

Standard Letter of Credit
Standard revocable L/Cs are most often used as personal L/Cs by indi¬
viduals traveling around the world who need large amounts of cash on
certain occasions. For example, a mountain climber from Kansas seeking
to conquer Mt. Everest in Nepal may need $1 million in local currency
to hire the sherpa crews and to buy food and gear in Katmandu, Nepal’s
capital and the starting point of the expedition.
The climber could go to Citibank in New York, assuming it had a
correspondent affiliate in Katmandu, buy a $1 million L/C, cash it before
its expiration date at Citibank in Nepal, and get the local currency
equivalent. The L/C might require the climber to show a valid passport
or driver’s license to Citibank in Nepal, which would not be a problem
because the L/C’s beneficiary in this case is also the party that asked the
opening bank in New York to issue the document in the first place.
Of course, today this form of personal L/C has been rendered partially
obsolete by the introduction of wire transfers. Nevertheless, a revocable
L/C is revocable by the issuing bank or by the party making the request
of the bank at any time before documents are presented for collection.
As far as an exporter is concerned, an order cancellation faxed to either
the issuing or correspondent bank voids the transaction as long as the
shipping documents have not yet reached the exporter’s bank.
An importer that instructs the issuing bank to open a revocable L/C
is in the position of being able to cancel an order up to the veiy last
minute (i.e., a few days past the time of shipment) as long as the
documentation showing evidence of shipment has not yet landed inside
the door of the correspondent bank in the United States. This creates for
the exporter the unpleasant prospect of having to pay round-trip freight
for the goods or trying to have them sold at a customs auction in the
importer’s country.

Irrevocable Letter of Credit

Most L/Cs that involve single orders with no contracted repeat business
are of this variety. The L/C is irrevocable by the issuing bank. This means
that neither the buyer nor the opening bank can cancel the commitments
made under the documents as long as the seller (exporter) performs as
specified in the L/C.
International Letters of Credit 149

An irrevocable L/C is sent by the opening bank to its correspondent

bank (hopefully the exporter’s bank, to save time and money), which
then forwards the document with a letter of advice to the beneficiary
(exporter). The letter of advice indicates that the covering text is “merely
advice and conveys no engagement by the bank.” This or similar wording
is standard in such letters.
This is a good time to recall that, as stated several times earlier, the
exporter’s bank (the collecting bank) functions as a representative of its
overseas corespondent bank and the importer buying the merchandise.
It does not represent the exporter, even in an L/C transaction. Here
again, it is possible that the importer’s bank, or the entire banking system
with which it is affiliated, may suddenly run aground. This would leave
correspondent banks in the United States, with whom the foreign bank
had opened dollar accounts to cover such L/C transactions, with insuf¬
ficient funds to cover exporters’ and other claims. True, an import license
might have been issued by the importer’s central bank, but the foreign
exchange (dollars in this case) might have simply evaporated.
Other reasons for a U.S. correspondent bank not to honor a foreign
bank’s irrevocable L/C are political risk and fraud. On the political risk
side, disputes among nations may bring retaliation by the U.S. govern¬
ment in the form of “freezing” foreign-owned bank accounts in the
United States. Often, this also puts a lock on the U.S. dollar accounts of
foreign banks. Until the dispute is put to rest, innocent exporters cannot
ship and be paid, and innocent importers may not receive their mer¬
chandise even though they may have already paid for it in their local
On the fraud side, an increasing number of fictitious L/Cs have been
issued by overseas individuals and groups masquerading as banks. Con¬
sequently, a U.S. bank may receive an L/C and be suspicious of its origin.
Experienced exporters will always call their stateside bank upon re¬
ceiving an irrevocable L/C from an overseas opening bank and ask if the
U.S. bank will honor the document on presentation, assuming all the
documentation is in order. In the majority of cases, the exporter’s bank
will agree over the telephone.
L/Cs from large international banks in Western Europe, Japan, Hong
Kong, Singapore, and many other established markets and hard currency
areas present few problems other than the usual headaches of careful
order processing. Problems with L/Cs center around some developing
areas with unsound central banking systems and unstable currencies.
150 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Irrevocable Confirmed Letter of Credit

This type of L/C represents the least risk for an exporter, but it commits
the foreign buyer to see the transaction through to its end. Up to this
point, the promise to pay has been on the part of the issuing bank based
upon the instructions of the importer. Now, the promise to pay shifts
from overseas to the U.S. correspondent bank that confirms the document.
In other words, when the exporter’s bank (again, assuming it is the
correspondent bank) receives an irrevocable L/C from abroad, it sends it
on to the exporter with the same covering “letter of advice,” but in this
case notes that it will “honor the L/C and all documents submitted with
it.” The exporter now has a solid guarantee of payment by its bank as
long as performance meets the requirements of the L/C.
Charges are imposed by both opening and correspondent banks when
L/Cs are created and processed. Confirmation of an irrevocable L/C by
a correspondent bank imposes another add-on charge of up to two and
three percentage points on top of the face value of the invoice on which
the L/C is based. From a cost perspective, confirmation should therefore
be avoided whenever possible.
In addition to being used by importers and exporters in cases where
an air of uncertainty prevails, L/Cs are also used as third-party contracts
(with the issuing and confirming banks as the third party) to complement
the original buy/sell agreement between importer and exporter. Transac¬
tions that are very complex and take months or even years to consum¬
mate are often executed under L/C arrangements.
In general, L/Cs help increase trade by providing a bank’s guarantee
of “quick cash” to the exporter when shipment is made as called for. An
L/C also guarantees to the importer that payments will not be made
unless the exporter has performed as stated in the L/C.
Domestic L/Cs operate in the same manner as international L/Cs
except that both buyer and seller are located in the United States and
confirmation of an L/C is rare.


The purpose of this section is to acquaint importers with the nature of
and the steps in applying for and obtaining an import L/C. In a sense,
the term “import L/C” is somewhat of a misnomer because just about all
L/Cs, except for personal L/Cs, are applied for by importers.
International Letters of Credit 151

Definition and Nature of the Import Letter of Credit

The same definition given in the previous chapter applies here. In part,
an import L/C is a bank’s promise to pay a certain amount of money to
a beneficiary (the exporter), subject to specific performance by that
beneficiary (ship and show proof of shipment). It appears at first blush
that the importer has committed funds to the transaction from the mo¬
ment the opening bank issues the L/C, and that is true to an extent.
Importer needs no front money. In fact, the importer generally puts
up no front money at all and merely signs a promissory note with the
opening bank, so that the buyer’s account will not be debited before the
exporter is paid on the L/C. However, in reality in an L/C transaction,
the goods will be paid for before the importer receives them.
Red tape. The general observation that the L/C application process
can be tedious, annoying, and expensive is also correct. On the positive
side, the importer’s promise to pay is taken over by the bank, which will
take all measures to make sure that payments are made to the seller
without first knowing that the goods ordered by the buyer have indeed
been shipped.

The Letter-of-Credit Application Process

The L/C application process is fairly standard no matter which bank is
the issuing or opening bank (the remitting bank). An up-to-date set of
financial statements usually accompanies new applications. This condi¬
tion may be waived for repeat business.
Letter-of-credit terms vary considerably. The conditions are adjusted to
fit the requirements of each individual transaction. However, all irrevo¬
cable L/Cs have certain characteristics in common. The seller of the goods
is authorized to draw on the issuing bank, with the latter’s understanding
that the draft will be paid (if a sight L/C) or accepted for payment by
the bank at a later date (if a time L/C), provided all documents presented
are as stipulated in the L/C. In other words, the bank places the security
of its name behind the buyer. Where irrevocable L/Cs are concerned, this
security cannot be removed except by mutual consent of both the seller
and the buyer.
By means of an L/C, merchants can set in motion the machinery that
will make possible the shipment of goods from exporting countries (e.g.,
machinery from Germany, cotton from Egypt, wool from New Zealand,
and many other types of goods which may be available in other parts
of the world).
152 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

The Letter of Credit and the Draft

Most import and domestic L/Cs call for drafts to be drawn on the exporter’s
bank at sight. This means that when the bank receives the documents
accompanying the draft, they must be checked to determine that they
conform to the requirements of the L/C.
Banks pay only against documents. This accounts for the fact that
banks will not pay sellers unless all their pertinent shipping papers are
in good order. If an examination shows that the documents agree with
the L/C provisions, the bank will then render payment and forward the
documents so that foreign buyers can clear the goods through their own
customs without delay. Banks will invariably hold back payment if the
shipping documentation is not in order.
Prior financing arrangements. In the event arrangements for refinanc¬
ing have been made (prior to opening documentary sight L/Cs), the
shipping documents will be released to the importer upon its signing a
financing agreement. The foreign buyer thus gives the banking system
permission to pay the seller even though the documents may be flawed.
The L/C is no longer the operative instrument in this case. The operative
instrument is the draft, with the buyer receiving a loan from the bank to
pay the exporter.
Time letters of credit. These credits have refinancing built into them.
Instead of the importer’s bank making immediate payment when docu¬
ments are presented by the exporter through its bank, it will “accept” the
draft calling for payment at a later date (possibly 30, 60, or 90 days but
not over 180 days). The draft then becomes known as a “banker’s
acceptance,” and the holder presents it for payment at maturity. The
importer’s account is debited at that time.
Banker's acceptance. Bankers’ acceptances bear no interest because
they are purchased by investors at face value, less the “discount” for the
number of days the acceptance has to run to maturity. The “discount” is
ordinarily for the shipper’s account. The original L/C application should
indicate those instances where importers agree to absorb the discount.


Export L/Cs are issued by U.S. banks on behalf of foreign correspondents
for the accounts of their customers (to whom these are import L/Cs, as
previously described). The U.S. banks directly advise the U.S. exporter
beneficiary, unless otherwise directed by the overseas banking affiliate.
International Letters of Credit 153

Inasmuch as export L/Cs originate outside the United States, there is

usually little that can be done in terms of which U.S. bank should advise
or confirm. However, many shippers ask their customers to have their
banks open L/Cs at a specific U.S. bank with which the exporter already
has a relationship.


Letters of credit, in and of themselves, do not constitute acceptable
collateral security for obtaining bank credit. Under certain circumstances,
however, they do make requests for bank credit more attractive. There¬
fore, if financing is needed in order to obtain merchandise from the
supplier and the L/C is not transferable (formerly called “assignable”),
banks may be able to work out a back-to-back or bridged L/C for an
exporting customer.
If it is not possible to extend such credit, the supplier may be willing
to accept an assignment of proceeds, a courtesy often extended to re¬
sponsible shippers.
An L/C is not “money in the bank.” It may contain stipulations that
make it difficult or impossible to control the transaction for which it was
issued, due to circumstances such as inability to obtain space prior to the
shipping date, strikes, consul’s office not open or consularization other¬
wise refused, embargo by the government, etc. An L/C becomes “money
in the bank” only when a bank finally pays the exporter the document’s
face value.
Beneficiaries should check L/Cs carefully immediately upon receipt, to
see that they conform with the sales contract or the customer’s purchase
order. If there is any discrepancy, the buyer and the banks involved
should be advised immediately, without waiting until the shipment is
ready or has already been made.
Exporters sometimes find that drafts and documents presented for
payment are turned down because of discrepancies found when' checked
against the requirements in the L/C. Under certain circumstances, the
paying bank may be willing to accept the beneficiary’s guarantee to
indemnify the bank should the foreign buyer (through the opening bank
abroad) refuse to accept the documents because of such discrepancies.
Many exporters freely offer such guarantees, but others will not,
inasmuch as final settlement then rests with the buyer, and it is possible
that the buyer (particularly in a declining market) may decide it is to its
154 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

advantage not to accept the documents as presented. To avoid this

situation, which would offset the benefits of having an L/C, some export¬
ers request the paying bank to cable the opening bank abroad for
authority to pay against the documents as submitted.


Irrevocable confirmed letter of credit. This type of L/C represents the
least risk for an exporter, but it commits the foreign buyer to see the
transaction through to its end. The promise to pay shifts from the issuing
bank to the U.S. correspondent bank that confirms the document.

Irrevocable letter of credit. Most L/Cs that involve single orders with no
contracted repeat business are of this variety. The L/C is irrevocable by
the issuing bank. This means that neither the buyer nor the opening bank
can cancel the commitments made under the documents as long as the
seller (exporter) performs as specified in the L/C.

Letter of credit. An issuing or opening bank’s promise to pay a certain

amount of money to a beneficiary, subject to specific performance by
that beneficiary within a given period of time. The issuing bank is the
importer’s bank, also known as the remitting bank. Its correspondent
bank is usually the exporter’s bank, also called the collecting bank.

14.1 An exporter wants to ship a million-dollar piece of equipment to
a customer in Turkey and would like to give the customer 120-day
payment terms. The exporter would also like to be paid in U.S.
dollars as rapidly as possible. Using a specific example, explain
how a letter-of-credit arrangement might benefit both exporter and

14.2 Not all letters of credit are the same. Explain, using specific ex¬
amples, the differences among the various forms of letters of credit
available today.

14.3 Explain the ways in which letters of credit can be used to finance
an exporter’s transaction.

14.4 “A letter of credit is not money in the bank.” Explain this statement.
Foreign Manufacturing
and Assembly

This chapter discusses the use of turnkey systems, management contracts,
and contract manufacturing agreements as means of introducing high-
technology systems and/or goods produced in other countries expedi¬
ently and without long-term foreign direct investments.

Turnkey agreements are most commonly used in emerging markets during
the design, procurement, assembly, and construction phases of a capital
project. Companies that have the critical skills needed to coordinate the
building of large capital projects (e.g., steel mills, petrochemical refining
and processing facilities, resort and housing developments, commercial
air terminals, etc.) become known as turnkey contractors.

How They Work

The process starts when a turnkey contractor responds to a bid invitation
from a party in an emerging nation that lacks the resources and skills to
successfully execute given industrial projects on its own. Bid awards are

156 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

not necessarily made on the basis of price competitiveness. The criteria

for winning a turnkey contract are usually couched in a company’s
demonstrated ability to effectively execute the project and sometimes to
also provide financing for the project if funding has not already been

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages. There are three main advantages to turnkey projects. One
advantage to contractors is that they are a way of earning returns on
technological assets and know-how that might otherwise remain idle.
Another advantage is that the turnkey contractor merely constructs the
facility, collects its money (usually on a percentage-of-completion basis),
and then leaves. It is not subject to possible losses if the government
and/or economy undergoes adverse changes.
A third advantage, this time to the recipients of turnkey projects
situated in politically sensitive areas where investments from industrial
countries are routinely suspect, is that the foreign contractor maintains a
temporary presence and is then gone.
Disadvantages. The first disadvantage can be derived from the second
advantage above. Because the firm no longer has a vested interest in the
facility it created, it is cut out of any future profits in the event the foreign
country becomes a major market for the output of the process that has
been exported.
The second disadvantage is that a firm that enters into a turnkey
project with a foreign enterprise may inadvertently create a competitor.
For example, many Western firms that sold oil-refining technology to
firms in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait now find themselves competing head
to head with these firms in other world oil markets.

Management contracts are often instituted toward the last phase of a
turnkey agreement. The new facility has been turned over to the new
owner-operators, who find themselves temporarily without the experi¬
ence required to manage the project. A professional management com¬
pany may then be called in to operate, manage, and maintain the facility
and to train the local work force, until it becomes self-sustaining.
Foreign Manufacturing and Assembly 157

Many companies that contract some or all of their production abroad are
small, have limited technology, and have few if any registerable or
patentable intellectual assets such as trade names, copyrights, and inven¬
tions. For these types of companies, contract manufacturing arrangements
with foreign producers can and do in fact provide viable alternatives to
making costly long-term investments.
However, contract manufacturing arrangements are also used by large
companies as a means of limiting their wholly owned production units
to the manufacture of what they consider to be their core product lines.

Contract Manufacturing Defined

The best definition is by way of example. Cosmetics companies often offer
specialty soaps and facial cleansers as extensions to their lines of per¬
fume products. Many of these items are contracted out to one or several
of the major soapers, such as Colgate-Palmolive, Procter & Gamble, and
Unilever. Large aerospace companies like Boeing often contract out parts
and components to smaller machine shops in the United States and abroad.
Specifically, the large soapers produce detergents, soaps, toiletries,
and cosmetics in their plants all over the world under their respective
names and have their own powerhouse marketing and sales organiza¬
tions. However, they also produce these same type of goods under
contract for other independent companies, small or large, that do not
have the same extensive production and technological resources. Inde¬
pendent bottling companies that perform contract-filling operations for
Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and other beverage companies also perform similar
Many well-known cosmetics companies routinely use Procter &
Gamble’s facilities for the production of expensive soap products sold
under the cosmetics firm’s logo and label. The same holds true in the
beverage industry, the machine and appliance business—in just about
every industry.
Companies enter into contract manufacturing (sometimes called con¬
tract-filling operations) when circumstances stop them from producing
their products reasonably close to their markets, when market access is
denied, or when their own costs are higher than having the goods made
by someone else.
158 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

How Contract Manufacturing Agreements Work

The typical arrangement calls for a contract manufacturer to produce a
fixed amount of inventory from given specifications at a negotiated total
cost. A 50% prepayment of the total cost is often required; the balance
is payable upon completion of the production run. Contract manufactur¬
ers can agree to warehouse and sometimes distribute the finished run
upon receipt of shipping instructions from the contracting firm. These
agreements are generally paid separately by the contracting firm.

Contract Manufacturing as an Advantage to Exporters

Small companies that enjoy niche markets overseas with non-branded
products and for whom patent protection is not important may find
contract manufacturing effective in helping them maintain and even in¬
crease market share. Any number of overseas contract manufacturers in
almost all industries offer their production facilities to American compa¬
nies. They generally have no interest in establishing themselves as com¬
petitors and are seeking instead to supplement their own production
A U.S. equipment manufacturer that exports machines to Western
European countries and is faced with a declining market share because
of protective European Union (EU) tariffs can turn to a contract manu¬
facturer in Belgium, for example, that could produce enough inventory
to meet EU market needs. The U.S. company, rather than selling a high-
tariff “made-in-the-USA” product, would instead be selling a Belgian-
made product duty-free throughout EU markets.
The U.S. company could continue to book orders directly from its
customer base or dealer organization in individual European countries.
The difference is that the equipment would be shipped from Belgium
and invoiced in Belgian francs. Initial remittances from a German cus¬
tomer, for instance, would be in deutsche marks and converted into
Belgian francs for deposit in a commercial account in Belgium.
These funds, after expenses, would be subject to Belgian income
taxes as well as Belgian remittance taxes should the U.S. firm decide to
convert its profits into dollars for remittance back to the United States.
Because Belgium and the United States have bilateral treaties against
double taxation, all income and remittance taxes paid to the Belgian
government on taxable earnings would be eligible for U.S. foreign tax
Foreign Manufacturing and Assembly 159

credit. Thus, the amount of tax paid to Belgium would not have to he
paid again to the United States.

Establishing a Foreign Branch Office

to Manage the Local Market
It would ultimately be preferable for the U.S. company to establish a
more permanent presence in the EU, especially once market share in¬
creases. A simple branch office, managed by a local national (a sales
manager type) with assistance from a home office representative, might
initially suffice. The company’s EU office would then coordinate relations
with the contract manufacturer, manage the daily administrative tasks of
billing and collections, handle banking, and in general manage all field
operations, including sales and marketing.

Tax Ramifications
The disadvantage of the branch office concept for a small firm is mainly
financial by virtue of the branch office’s affiliation with the parent orga¬
nization. It is not separated from the parent and/or U.S. tax law. There¬
fore, its Belgian income is treated in the United States as part of the
parent’s worldwide income and is subject to federal income taxes. The
foreign tax credit helps reduce the tax burden a little, assuming a tax
treaty exists (there is one with Belgium), but some taxes may neverthe¬
less have to be paid.
Further, a branch office in many countries is not treated under the
same tax laws that apply to corporations and can have the effect of
creating needless additional tax burdens for the branch office in the
foreign market.

Business Incorporation Abroad

Rather than establishing a branch office, the U.S. company would be
better off (and it would prove no more expensive) forming a subsidiary
corporation in the overseas country. The subsidiary would be treated
under the same laws as other locally chartered corporations. In Belgium,
and many other (but not all) countries, the foreign parent would be
allowed to own 100% of the subsidiary’s shares, which would give it legal
and operational control.
160 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

The tax ramifications of owning a foreign “sub,” as overseas subsid¬

iaries are often called, would be to separate its earnings from the parent’s
worldwide income. This happens because the sub would be considered
under U.S., Belgian, and international law as an independent legal entity
or “persona,” with the right and obligation to have its own set of financial
documents (i.e., balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements,
and annual reports).
Corporate income taxes in Belgium are generally lower than those on
branch offices, which are taxed as unincorporated businesses at the
personal tax rate. Belgian corporate income taxes would not be picked
up for U.S. federal income tax purposes. Remittances consisting of divi¬
dends and other earnings would be subject to the foreign tax credit.
However, no remittance tax would be imposed by the host government
as long as no remittances are made.

Sourcing U.S. Production with

Foreign Contract Manufacturers
The utilization of foreign-based, low-cost, and high-quality production by
U.S. companies has long been a cornerstone of the strategy of both big
and small businesses. It long ago stimulated the Mexican-American
Macquiladora program, which eventually led to the creation and expan¬
sion of the North American Free Trade Association. It is probably safe to
say that most imports to the United States are the output of carefully
designed and produced products manufactured to U.S. standards prima¬
rily to meet U.S. market needs and wants.
The U.S. equipment company that went contract manufacturing shop¬
ping in Europe in order to remain competitive there might have to do
the same thing in order to survive in the United States, given the amount
of excellent and low-cost foreign competition. A contract manufacturer in
Mexico, perhaps an existing dealer or distributor, might offer to do the
U.S. company’s production in Mexico on contract, first to better penetrate
the Mexican market and second to sell back in the United States.


Turnkey agreements and management contracts are often used on behalf
of foreign clients by companies that specialize in the design and con¬
struction of complex facilities by weaving together skills and resources
Foreign Manufacturing and Assembly 161

from a number of different industries spread around the world. Turnkey

contractors typically are involved in the construction of hotels, airports,
and petrochemical plants, which require a marriage of many different
technologies. Once the contractor completes the project and trains the
personnel to run it, the new facility is turned over to the foreign client
for operation.
Contract manufacturing agreements are used by companies as a quick
and ready means of accessing foreign markets without making a fixed
asset investment in plant and equipment. Exporters that enjoy comfort¬
able overseas market niches may be suddenly awakened by the fact that
their favorite markets have formed a trade bloc with high import restric¬
tions against their goods. Other companies that traditionally produce all
their products within the United States for domestic sale may suddenly
discover that rising labor, material, and overhead costs are pricing them
out of their home markets. They may contract with a manufacturer in a
lower cost country to produce goods there for export to and final sale
in the United States.
A manufacturing company that begins to supplement its domestic
operations by exporting or importing and then goes on to develop
alternative approaches to maintaining its operations will find that it has
gone international, whether or not it planned to. It has evolved into a
business whose functions and parts have become highly interdependent
with companies outside the United States.
At some point in the company’s ongoing growth, it will notice that
even a number of well-placed contract manufacturing arrangements will
not provide an effective answer to emerging issues such as the protection
of intellectual property, warranty and liability obligations, research and
development, new product growth, and long-term market expansion and
It will then become necessary to consider more alternative strategies.
In the meantime, contract manufacturing may be viewed as a low-cost,
low-risk first step to test the waters prior to making a major foreign


Contract manufacturing agreement. The typical arrangement calls for a
contract manufacturer to produce a fixed amount of inventoiy from given
specifications at a negotiated total cost. A 50% prepayment of the total
cost is often required; the balance is payable on completion of the
162 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

production run. Contract manufacturers can agree to warehouse and

sometimes distribute the finished run upon receipt of shipping instruc¬
tions from the contracting firm.

Turnkey agreement. Commonly used in emerging markets during the

design, procurement, assembly, and construction phases of a capital
project. They are also widely used for complex industrial projects through¬
out the world. Companies that have the critical skills needed to coordi¬
nate the building of large capital projects (e.g., steel mills, petrochemical
refining and processing facilities, resort and housing developments, com¬
mercial air terminals, etc.) become known as turnkey contractors.

15.1 A small New Jersey manufacturer of industrial solvents that has
been successfully selling its products in Western Europe through
import distributors in the region’s major cities is about to be priced
out of the market by rising transport costs and high import taxes.
Discuss the following:
a. The main points to be negotiated between the New Jersey
company and a local contract filler somewhere in Western
b. The organizational structure of the contract manufacturing ar¬
rangement in terms of the New Jersey company’s European
production and warehousing, its distribution, and the flow of
funds from transactions.

15.2 Describe and explain the nature, purpose, and structure of a turn¬
key project. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages for all parties
to the transaction.
International Licensing
and Franchising

In this chapter, the international transfer of technology and know-how
through arrangements called licensing and franchising agreements is
explored. These agreements are contracts by which owners of intellectual
property such as patents, trademarks, trade names, and copyrights are
able to temporarily rent, through a lease or license, their rights to those
assets to a licensee in return for a fee or royalty.


Business executives normally think of assets as cash, inventories, ac¬
counts receivables, buildings, desks, motor vehicles, and a host of other
tangible items that have a known purchase cost and a book value for
accounting purposes. They are also familiar with the notion of “goodwill”
as an asset. A company’s goodwill is part of its intangible asset base, an
amorphous mass of “intellectual properties” that is the real stuff that
makes the business’s tangible assets works. Any company that has sur¬
vived for a number of years will have marketable and protectable “intel¬
lectual properties” or intangible assets. In the case of high-profile brands
like Coke, protecting the company’s intellectual properties can be more
important than safeguarding its tangible assets from theft and vandalism.

164 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

The Corporate "Goodwill" Basket

These “goodwill” assets, or intellectual properties as they are more aptly
called, consist mainly of patents, trademarks, trade names, copyrights,
know-how, and so-called “curbside” recognition and appeal to which
companies can claim ownership.
Once a business owner recognizes that the fruit of hard labor is a
steady cash flow based on achieving hard-won market share, maintaining
that market position, in part by legally protecting that “goodwill” basket,
becomes a more important concern.

Intellectual Assets
As stated above, these are the patents, trademarks, trade names, and
copyrights that encompass a company’s technology, know-how, and
position in the market.

Business Name
The mere act of initially registering a trade or business name at the city,
county, or state level for tax purposes also protects against the infringe¬
ment of that name without the consent of the business owner. Should
a business ever contemplate becoming a player in the national market¬
place, trade name registration in Washington, D.C. would be appropriate.
Once that is done, it is possible to obtain trade name protection in other
countries through a similar process.

Company/Product Logos and Names

Similar to the overall business name are the symbols and derived names
that are used as identifiers for a company and its specific products.
Sometimes referred to as trade names, they are usually called trademarks.
Hence, the Coca-Cola Company is a trade name and a trademark,
because of its unique shape and spelling. So too are the words Coke and
Diet Coke. The Coca-Cola Company and all its products would not be
where they are today were it not for the zeal with which corporate
executives and their legal staff guard these assets globally.

These are the word, shape, and symbol combinations that appear on
labels and packaging. They should be protected against infringement
International Licensing and Franchising 165

nationally and internationally by registering them in all areas where the

company plans to enter markets.

These are the inventions and unique innovations that a company pos¬
sesses which distinguish its products from all others. Market-oriented
companies like Coca-Cola, Nestle, and Disney do not rely as much on
patent protection as do product- and technology-oriented companies
such as Westinghouse, IBM, and Hewlett-Packard. Crossover businesses
like Microsoft depend on patent, trademark, trade name, and copyright
There are three types of patents: utility (product) patents, design
patents, and process patents. A product patent protects an invention and
the idea(s) behind the invention. Patents are also available for innova¬
tions that expand the use or application of the original device. Hence,
a four-legged seating element with a backrest, the whole thing being
called a “chair” and never having been in evidence before, could be
eligible for a product patent. Additional patents could be granted if arms
or rockers are subsequently added. The process by which the chair is
made, if sufficiently unique, might be eligible for a process patent.
It is more important to protect process patients than product patents,
mainly because the process governs the invention. When the Polaroid
camera was developed, it was covered by more than 300 distinct process
patents that took Eastman Kodak over 25 years to decipher. When Kodak
finally succeeded and introduced its own instant camera in time for the
U.S. bicentennial in 1976, it was saddled with a lawsuit that years later
cost it over $900 million, not including legal fees, to settle.

This is the magic that makes a company live and prosper. It is the most
difficult of all intellectual properties to protect because it describes a
company’s valued human resources. Short of bringing back slavery, it is
virtually impossible to keep people from moving from company to com¬
pany, even in a small business environment.
All forms of employment contracts exist to keep valuable employees
from leaving with trade and technological secrets, and all leave much to
be desired. The situation becomes even murkier internationally, and
adding the extra element of industrial espionage to the problem defies
166 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy


International licensing is an arrangement whereby a foreign company,
called the licensee, leases from a U.S. company (the licensor) the tem¬
porary right to use its intellectual properties for the purpose of manufac¬
turing and sometimes selling its products in the foreign country. In return
for the license, a fee or royalty is paid to the licensor, distributed throughout
the life of the agreement.

Advantages of Licensing Agreements to Licensors

1. The licensor does not have to pay for production start-up costs
and bear the risks associated with opening up a new market. The
licensee puts up most of the capital necessary to get the overseas
operation going.
2. It is an attractive option for smaller undercapitalized firms that lack
the resources to finance extensive international investments.
3. It is an equally attractive option for small technology-intensive
companies that may be left in a vulnerable position by contract
manufacturing arrangements.
4. Licensing is often used in politically unstable areas where investors
are unwilling to commit substantial financial resources to a volatile
environment. Licensing agreements in such cases are usually on an
up-front fee basis.

Disadvantages of Licensing Agreements to Licensors

1. A licensing agreement, especially if with an independent firm
overseas, does not give the licensor control over production and
marketing. This can be a problem when high quality standards
must be maintained and a specific market image must be upheld.
2. The only source of income is a fee or royalty, usually paid over
the life of the licensing agreement. This cash flow nowhere ap¬
proaches the bottom line earnings that would normally be gener¬
ated through a direct foreign investment.
3. There is the potential of losing know-how to the foreign licensee,
which is in a position to absorb the licensor’s technology. For
example, the RCA Corporation once licensed its color video tech¬
nology to a number of Japanese companies that quickly assimi¬
lated the technology, improved upon it, and then used it to enter
the U.S. market.
International Licensing and Franchising 167

The Perilous Nature of Licensing Agreements

Licensing agreements have been called “marriages of convenience.” They
can be temporarily helpful in gaining quick entry into foreign markets for
technology-intensive or brand-sensitive companies that are not ready to
make the expensive jump into a direct investment.
They are ideally suited for companies whose technology or brand
awareness (that curbside appeal alluded to before) is so unique and so
powerful that the licensor can unilaterally set the terms of the contract,
front-loading it with such a heavy initial payment by the licensee that any
breach would be useless.
U.S. companies transferring technology abroad to their wholly owned
subsidiaries and other affiliates sometimes feel that licensing agreements
can be avoided because they are engaging in a series of “in-house”
transactions, the purpose of which is not to create royalty income but
bottom line profits from operations. The lack of a licensing agreement in
such instances creates a high level of vulnerability.
Thus, if a U.S. company owns a foreign subsidiary in Belgium that
wants to produce its products for the European Union (EU) market, a
licensing contract would still be in order. It would also make good sense
for those intellectual assets to be registered in the EU, not in the name
of the subsidiary (even if it is wholly owned by the parent) but by the
parent in its own name.
The license, even among affiliates, defines the legal relationship be¬
tween licensor and licensee insofar as it concerns ownership of the
intellectual assets. It also helps determine how royalty revenue is to be
treated by the tax authorities in the licensor’s country and in the licensee’s
The foreign subsidiary could be sold off, or it could be nationalized
in short order. If the registration of the licensor’s intellectual properties
was made in the licensee’s (sub’s) name, those assets would go with the
sub to its new owner, and the U.S. company could lose all rights to the
use of those properties wherever the former subsidiary had been doing
International licensing can be an important component of doing business
in other countries. Many business executives may believe that there is no
need to guard their intellectual properties when simply selling finished
goods overseas from a U.S. manufacturing base. Empirical evidence dic¬
tates otherwise. Negative experiences chronicled by U.S. embassies and
courts of law in the United States and abroad attest to infringement of
168 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

designs and products by foreign companies that started an innocent

relationship with an American company as a mere import distributor.
Consultation with competent legal counsel on the subject of intellectual
property protection is recommended before embarking on any interna¬
tional selling adventure.

Franchising is similar to licensing, although it tends to involve much
longer term commitments. Licensing is pursued primarily by manufactur¬
ing firms, whereas franchising is used more by more service-oriented
companies such as McDonald’s, Hertz, and hotel chains. Trade names,
trademarks, and copyrights are more often at issue than patents.
In a franchising agreement, a franchisor sells or leases limited rights
for the use of its name, know-how, and international advertising to a
franchisee in return for a lump sum payment, a royalty, and a share of
the franchise profits.
In contrast to many licensing agreements, the franchisee agrees to
abide by strict rules in the conduct of its business. When McDonald’s
enters into a franchising agreement with a foreign firm, it expects that
firm to run its restaurant in a manner that replicates the global corporate
image, beginning with its logo and extending to its menu and customer
service methodology. Small service companies will probably find fran¬
chise contracts more appropriate to their needs than straight licensing
Advantages. The advantages of franchising as an entiy mode are very
similar to those of licensing. Specifically, a firm is relieved of the costs
and risks of opening up a foreign market on its own. Instead, the
franchisee typically assumes those costs and risks. Thus, by using a
franchising strategy, a service firm can build up a global presence quickly
and at a low cost.
Disadvantages. The disadvantages of franchising are not as apparent
in comparison to licensing. Because franchising is used mainly by non¬
manufacturing companies, not as much attention is paid to establishing
and maintaining quality and image standards on a universal level. Only
the largest franchises seriously consider the need for coordination of
manufacturing and services to achieve experience curve and location
curve economies.
International Licensing and Franchising 169


The United States is a net exporter of technology sold as intellectual
property. Royalties and fees received from foreigners have been, on
average, almost four times those paid out to foreigners by U.S. firms for
access to their technology.
Japan is the largest consumer of U.S. technology sold in this manner.
While sales of technological know-how contribute positively to the bal¬
ance sheets of U.S. firms and the U.S. economy in the short term, there
has been ongoing controversy regarding the long-term consequences.
The United States has a long-standing tradition of protecting the in¬
tellectual property of its citizens. Its courts extend the same due process
to the intellectual property claims of most foreign residents litigating
claims in the United States. Such equal protection is not offered in many
countries. The patents, trademarks, and copyrights of U.S. citizens are at
times ignored in other nations, and piracy, product and design counter¬
feiting, and below-standard replication result in a considerable loss of
revenues for American companies and sometimes lead to dangerous
quality assurance problems. These problems are worsening despite in¬
creased multinational adherence to ISO standards.
Genuine efforts have been made over the years by the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and its successor organization, the
World Trade Organization, by the Paris Convention for the Protection of
Industrial Property, and by the Berne Convention for the Protection of
Literary and Artistic Works to develop a multinationally enforceable
judicial mechanism to deal with the infringement and theft of intellectual
assets. To date, there is no uniform protection available to an individual
whose invention, music, art, literary work, or computer software might be
replicated and sold in many countries without compensation to the
Property protection in a foreign country frequently is dependent upon
the owner meeting the registration requirements of the individual coun¬
try. Individual applications for patent protection, for example, must be
filed in each country in which the patent owner desires protection, unless
the country conforms to an international agreement. A foreign patent
agent or attorney is usually needed to file an application in another
More recent treaties, such as the Patent Cooperation Treaty, allow
applicants from member countries to file one standardized international
170 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

application for use in member countries in which intellectual property

protection is desired.
The U.S. Patent Office makes available a list of countries where
intellectual property protection is inadequate.

1. Copyrights are inadequately protected in Brazil, China, India, Korea,

Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Saudi Arabia.
2. Patents are unprotected or inadequately protected in Indonesia,
Mexico, Thailand, Brazil, India, Korea, the Philippines, Singapore,
Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, China, and United Arab Emirates.
3. Trademarks are inadequately protected in Brazil, India, Indonesia,
the Philippines, and Thailand.
4. Product piracy and counterfeiting are recurring problems in Tai¬
wan, especially with audiovisual material.


Business name. The mere act of initially registering a trade or business
name at the city, county, or state level for tax purposes also protects
against the infringement of that name without the consent of the business

Company/product logos and names. Similar to the overall business name

are the symbols and derived names that are used as identifiers for a
company and its specific products. Sometimes referred to as trade names,
they are usually called trademarks.

Copyrights. The word, shape, and symbol combinations that appear on

labels and packaging. They should be protected against infringement
nationally and internationally by registering them in all areas where a
company plans to enter markets.

Corporate "goodwill" basket. These “goodwill” assets, or intellectual

properties as they are more aptly called, consist mainly of patents, trade¬
marks, trade names, copyrights, know-how, and so-called “curbside”
recognition and appeal to which firms can claim ownership.

Franchising agreement. A franchisor sells or leases limited rights for the

use of its name, know-how, and international advertising to a franchisee
in return for a lump sum payment, a royalty, and a share of the franchise
International Licensing and Franchising 171

Intellectual assets. The patents, trademarks, trade names, and copyrights

that encompass a company’s technology, know-how, and position in the

International licensing. An arrangement whereby a foreign company,

called the licensee, leases from a U.S. company (the licensor) the tem¬
porary right to use its intellectual properties for the purpose of manufac¬
turing and sometimes selling its products in the foreign country. In return
for the license, a fee or royalty is paid to the licensor, distributed throughout
the life of the agreement.

Know-how. The magic that makes a company live and prosper. It is the
most difficult of all intellectual properties to protect because it describes
a company’s valued human resources. Short of bringing back slavery, it
is virtually impossible to keep people from moving from company to
company, even in a small business environment.

Patents. The inventions and unique innovations that a company pos¬

sesses which distinguish its products from all others. Market-oriented
companies like Coca-Cola, Nestle, and Disney do not rely as much on
patent protection as do product- and technology-oriented companies
such as Westinghouse, IBM, and Hewlett-Packard. Crossover businesses
like Microsoft depend on patent, trademark, trade name, and copyright

16.1 Discuss how technology licensing agreements differ from fast-food

16.2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of licensing agreements

from the point of view of licensors and licensees.

16.3 Discuss the approaches a high-technology company might take in

protecting itself in markets known for pirating intellectual properties.

16.4 Discuss the steps a company like Walt Disney might take to protect
its intellectual assets in countries like China.

Strategic Alliances

This chapter illustrates how businesses can use strategic alliances in an
international environment to mutual advantage.


Strategic alliances are intercorporate agreements between two or more
companies designed to achieve various degrees of vertical and horizontal
integration. This vertical-horizontal integration is also possible with wholly
owned subsidiaries where expansion takes place through merger, acqui¬
sition, and joint ventures.
The distinguishing feature of a strategic alliance lies in its informality.
Exchanges of debt and equity are rarely involved, as is the case in joint
venture arrangements. Companies are not merged, nor are they ac¬
quired. The strategic alliance is a temporary marriage of key human and
other resources from the partnering firms to achieve certain synergies
that could not occur as quickly were the individual partners to go it
alone. Once the objectives have been met, it is normal for the alliance
to end.

Vertical Integration
The process of vertical integration establishes control over sources of
production (e.g., supplies, technology, financing, labor, and other re-

174 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

sources). It can also be used to establish control over distribution, mar¬

keting, sales, and after-sales service. Strategic alliances between computer
software companies like Microsoft and hardware companies like IBM are
common in order to more effectively link technology with information
systems to be marketed to end users. They are also common in the
aerospace industry, where major contractors like Boeing continually
cooperate with primary vendors like United Technologies (Pratt & Whitney)
for engines and other components.

Horizontal Integration
This process is intended to achieve market control through understand¬
ings or cooperation agreements designed to allocate and maintain market
share. Two or more companies that sell in the same market can therefore
agree to share the same sales force, the same marketing team, and pool
their advertising and promotion funds into a single budgeted campaign.
This is commonly done by beverage companies, restaurant chains, and
the entertainment industry. Companies are ready for a strategic alliance
when they come to believe that a measure of intercorporate cooperation
may result in synergies that will more quickly achieve mutual or recip¬
rocating objectives.

Strategic Alliances Are Not for Everyone

There are successful and unsuccessful strategic alliances. A business
executive might first want to answer a few questions before entering into
such an arrangement.

1. Is the goal being sought attainable without help from others?

2. Is the goal so important to the business that it is worth possibly
compromising its future by dealing with outside partners even in
a limited environment?

Strategic Alliance Formats

The simple one-time-only import/export transaction is an example of a
strategic alliance between a seller in one country and a buyer in another
country. There is a mutual objective, some sort of synergy will result, and
the alliance will end once all goals have been achieved. The relationship
between the two firms might start up again in the future and a new
Strategic Alliances 175

strategic alliance of short duration may be formed, or there may be no

further contact.
Strategic alliances are generally of longer duration than a one-time
transaction, but they are not intended to be long-term affairs. They are
“marriages of convenience.” All good strategic alliances have a “divorce
clause” in the body of the contract.
Distributorship agreements are strategic alliances, as are licensing, fran¬
chise, and contract manufacturing arrangements. Two or more companies
sharing in the capitalization of an investment project through corporate
joint ventures would be an example of a longer term strategic alliance.
A mutual agreement to merge two enterprises can also be called a
strategic alliance of sorts, as was the 1995 merger between Disney and
ABC. However, that might be more appropriately described as an out¬
right takeover in which ABC, as a subsidiary, would ultimately be ab¬
sorbed as an integral part of the parent organization. By rather arbitrary
definition, strategic alliances are not supposed to be of long duration.

Making Alliances Work

Four characteristics seem to govern successful strategic alliances: selec¬
tion of the strategic alliance partner, the organizational structure of the
alliance, management style, and harmonization of competing corporate

Selection of the Strategic Alliance Partner

It is important that prospective partners share a similar vision of what
they want to achieve. If two firms approach an alliance with radically
different agendas, chances are the relationship will not be harmonious,
will not flourish, and will end in discord and litigation.
Strategic alliance parties should contribute equal portions to the re¬
source pool that will produce the synergies that can make the entire
joint enterprise successful. Partner inequality in terms of strengths or
weaknesses may be fatal to any alliance. In other words, each participant
must have valued capabilities that the other not only lacks but also
A good strategic alliance partner is unlikely to exploit the alliance for
its own ends, using the other’s know-how while giving away little in
return. In this respect, firms with a reputation for “fair play” probably
make the best allies.
176 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

To select an appropriate partner, a firm needs to conduct some

comprehensive research on potential alliance partners that can meet at
least most of the criteria identified.
To increase the probability of selecting a good partner, a firm should:

1. Collect as much pertinent information on potential allies as pos¬

2. Collect data from informed third parties, including firms that have
had alliances with the potential partners, banks, shipping compa¬
nies, government officials, and former employees.
3. Get to know the potential partner before making a binding com¬
mitment. This should include face-to-face meetings over a period
of time to make sure that interests on both sides are indeed

Organizational Structure
Having selected a partner, the alliance should be structured so that the
risk of losing technology and know-how to the other partner(s) is kept
to a minimum.
Alliances can be designed to limit technology transfers to those ex¬
clusively specified in protocol agreements. No transfers should be al¬
lowed unless they are formally included in licensing arrangements and
in fee-paid technical service contracts.
Contractual safeguards can be written into an alliance in the form of
restrictive covenants for employees in order to minimize “inside” raids on
intellectual properties such as patents, trademarks, trade names, copy¬
rights, and other “goodwill” assets by partners.
All partners to an alliance can agree in advance to exchange specified
skills and technologies in a mutual “open-house” atmosphere for a given
time frame.
The risk of malfeasance by an alliance partner can be reduced if a
firm extracts a significant credible commitment (cash in an escrow ac¬
count) from partners in advance.
Strategic alliance agreements will eventually be couched in any num¬
ber of structured and legally binding contracts, such as jointly financed
and/or managed research and development projects, contract manufac¬
turing, licensing and franchise arrangements, and protocol agreements
that provide the umbrellas for broad-based and long-term joint ventures.
Strategic Alliances 177

Management Style
Once a partner has been selected and an appropriate alliance strucftire
agreed upon, the task facing a firm is to maximize its benefits from the
alliance. As in all international business deals, an important factor is
sensitivity to cultural differences.
Many differences in management style are due to cultural differences.
Business executives, working closely with their counterparts in other
countries, need to make allowances and be flexible if cross-cultural
relationships are going to work for the mutual benefit of all parties
concerned. It goes without saying that a U.S. company can learn as much
if not more from a foreign affiliate than the overseas partner can learn
from its so-called American “mentor.”
The challenge of managing an international alliance successfully seems
to be building interpersonal relationships between the firms’ owners,
managers, and workers. The resulting friendships and collegiality help
build trust and create harmonious relations between the two firms.
Moreover, personal relationships foster an informal and often impor¬
tant line of communication between the partners by establishing a “par¬
allel” or unofficial management network. This network can be used to
address problems which may be difficult to express in a more formal

Disputes occur in all human associations, and they invariably sprout up
in strategic alliances. The issue of whether one or another party is right
or wrong is irrelevant, and pursuing it to a conclusion too often results
in a “lose-lose” scenario for everyone, dooming the alliance to a prema¬
ture end.
It is unimportant for an intra-alliance dispute to have winners or
losers. It is more important to compromise the vested interests of the
alliance partners through some process of harmonization.
Binding arbitration by mutually agreed upon third parties is the usual
way in which arguments are handled in such situations. Internal commit¬
tees can also be established through a selection methodology that guar¬
antees impartiality in decision making. Whatever harmonization process
is jointly selected, it should be built into the basic agreement that sets
up the strategic alliance.
178 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Advantages of Strategic Alliances

Strategic alliances can facilitate entry into a foreign market because the
local partner will usually be familiar with the environment. Also, signifi¬
cant cost savings and increased profits can be realized once international
synergies are established, as in the case of contract manufacturing and
licensing agreements. Finally, a strategic alliance is a way to bring to¬
gether complementary skills and assets that one of the partners lacks.

Disadvantages of Strategic Alliances

The major and possibly only disadvantage of strategic alliances lies in the
vulnerability of a high-technology company to piracy by alliance partners
during the course of collaborating on specific projects. It is difficult if not
impossible for companies to determine beforehand whether alliance
partners have joined forces to genuinely achieve joint objectives or whether
the arrangement is merely a smoke screen for the theft of intellectual
properties and know-how.


While the advantages of pursuing a strategic alliance may outweigh the
disadvantages, there are some serious concerns. The minority view that
strategic alliances give competitors low-cost and below-the-belt access to
new technology and markets is not without merit. For example, it has
been argued that Japanese successes in the machine tool, semiconductor,
and video industries were a consequence of strategic alliances with unwary
and overly trusting U.S. companies that initially developed the know-how
and technology, only to let them slip into foreign hands through some
carelessly negotiated strategic alliances.


Horizontal integration. This process is intended to achieve market con¬
trol through understandings or cooperation agreements designed to allo¬
cate and maintain market share.

Strategic alliance. An intercorporate agreement between two or more

companies designed to achieve various degrees of vertical and horizontal
Strategic Alliances 179

integration. This vertical-horizontal integration is also possible with wholly

owned subsidiaries, where expansion takes place through merger, acqui¬
sition, and joint ventures.

Vertical integration. The process of vertical integration establishes con¬

trol over sources of production (e.g., supplies, technology, financing,
labor, and other resources). It can also be used to establish control over
distribution, marketing, sales, and after-sales service.

17.1 Discuss the use of strategic alliances within the environment of
antitrust activity by governments to maintain open and competitive

17.2 Describe and explain, with specific examples, what horizontal in¬
tegration is.

1 7.3 Describe and explain, with specific examples, what vertical integra¬
tion is.

Foreign Investments

In this chapter, foreign direct investments in the form of joint ventures
and wholly owned subsidiaries (foreign subs) are examined. The objec¬
tive is to explore the decision-making process a company should con¬
sider before making an often irreversible long-term commitment in an¬
other country.


Foreign direct investments are investments into other countries with the
objective of owning partially or entirely an economic enterprise for the
purpose of establishing market share and generating revenue and profits
that can ultimately be transformed into stockholders’ dividends. They
differ from foreign portfolio investments, which are investments into
financial instruments such as stocks and bonds where the objective is not
to engage in business but to generate dividend income, interest income,
and capital gains.

A Matter of Choice
Any company considering a direct foreign investment in which the plan
is to own an equity interest (voting common stock) in a foreign enter¬
prise will be faced with the choice of owning either all (wholly owned

182 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

subsidiary) or some of the outstanding shares, with the balance being

held by another corporation. Joint venture companies and wholly owned
subsidiaries involve a permanent commitment by a parent to a local
business environment. They cannot be as readily terminated as a strategic
alliance, which has defined but limited objectives.
In general, companies seeking to capitalize on temporary marketing
opportunities, which can evaporate quickly as trends, tastes, and technol¬
ogy change, may be better off with a short-term strategic alliance. Com¬
panies that are more fixed asset oriented (pharmaceuticals, chemicals,
plastics, paper, petroleum, steel, automobiles, etc.) seem to prefer the
more structured joint venture and wholly owned subsidiary routes.

A More Complex Formative Process

The legal process of forming a joint venture or a foreign subsidiary can
vaiy among countries, but it is no more complicated than the act of
incorporation might be in any state in the United States. What is more
difficult is the decision-making process that must be endured before
allocating corporate resources to a foreign direct investment, which by its
nature involves a veiy long-term relationship and commitment.

Host Country Attitudes Toward Joint Ventures

and Foreign Subsidiaries
Most industrial countries make few if any distinctions in their preference
for one form of investment over another. Japan, Singapore, and a few
other developed nations prefer incoming investments to go the joint
venture route, with the foreign investor having a minority interest.
This course is followed by a number of emerging economies that
restrict foreign investments to a minority interest. This leaves the joint
venture as the only way to make a foreign direct investment in many
countries today.
The prevailing attitude against wholly owned subsidiaries in many
societies is based on the desire to neutralize any possibility of foreign
economic domination that might reincarnate their colonial experience. In
many of these societies, most of which are former colonies, the general
feeling is that unrestricted foreign investments of a wholly owned nature,
without participation of local partners, are tantamount to neocolonialism
or foreign corporate imperialism.
This host government view of non-national businesses should not
Foreign Investments 183

deter one from making a minority investment in a country. Many nations

aggressively court U.S. foreign investments and have signed non-expro¬
priation treaties with the United States which are duly enforced in inter¬
national tribunals. These treaties also make the U.S. company’s foreign
direct investment, even if it only involves a minority interest, eligible for
political risk insurance by the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
Recent history (Chile under Salvador Allende in 1973 and Iran under
the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1980) indicates that countries that have vio¬
lated treaties with the United States have lost judicial decisions in inter¬
national courts. Censure in these courts often leads to economic sanc¬
tions, starting with freezing overseas bank accounts.
It is also not a hard and fast rule that all developing areas discourage
wholly owned subsidiaries. Each country must be investigated on its own
merits. Many smaller nations, like those in the Caribbean and Central
America, are eager for foreign investments and welcome subsidiary op¬
erations with lavish tax holidays.


A joint venture is a highly structured and formal strategic alliance that
involves two or more partners. Sometimes the alliance is strictly volun¬
tary, but often it is mandated by the laws of the host country.
Many governments still insist on owning part of an enterprise that is
funded by a foreign-based investment. In China in particular, most manu¬
facturing plants are owned by the central government; hence, a joint
venture relationship with the Chinese government is unavoidable. The
Beijing government has created special offices throughout China, charg¬
ing them with the mission of helping foreign companies of all sizes jump-
start their enterprises in the countiy. Governments of many other coun¬
tries provide similar services, even where joint ventures are not required.

Equity Distribution
Joint ventures vaiy in their flexibility and participation by the stockholding
partners. There can be two principal partners, each owning 50% of the
voting common stock, or there can be several partners. The protocol joint
venture agreement can require an equal sharing of the enterprise’s capi¬
talization, or the partners may agree to another formula (e.g., one party
provides technology and scarce resources and the other(s) supplies labor,
management, land, and other needed assets).
184 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Earnings Distribution
Earnings distribution among the joint venture partners is generally but
not always determined by each participant’s contribution. As in owner¬
ship breakdown, distribution formulas vary. Two important factors which
influence dividend policy and distribution are local restrictions on remit¬
tances (more of a problem in developing areas, where foreign exchange
reserves may be limited) and issues of international taxation, not the least
of which is the impact of income tax holidays granted by host govern¬
ments to foreign direct investors.

Joint Ventures and Small Business

Smaller companies that already enjoy a successful distributorship arrange¬
ment with a local company overseas will often share a new investment
with the distributor, perhaps to take the business to new enterprises or
perhaps to jointly participate in building a manufacturing facility in the
distributor’s market. It is also not unusual for a U.S. company, in order
to protect sources being supplied by an overseas contract manufacturer,
to invest in the existing foreign business and become a joint venture
partner in the process.
This has been the growth experience of Crate & Barrel, a large chain
retailer of housewares made mostly in foreign countries. Starting as a
single-store outlet in Chicago over 25 years ago, Crate & Barrel has
grown into a $500 million global business with franchises all over the
world. It controls its supply sources by turning many of its foreign
vendors into strategic alliances via the joint venture route.

Advantages of Joint Ventures

There are numerous advantages to establishing joint ventures. A company
is able to marshal the joint venture partner’s knowledge of the host
country’s culture, language, and political and business system. When
McDonald’s decided to expand to Japan, it selected as a joint venture
partner a local real estate developer that was also well connected in
Japan’s food industry. A few years later, when Toys-R-Us followed
McDonald’s to Japan, it selected the same developer as a partner to give
it access to the country’s more desirable shopping areas.
The Mennen Company, back in the 1960s, when it was still a minor
player in the toiletries industry, turned an import distributorship agree¬
ment with a much larger French company called Loreal into a joint
Foreign Investments 185

venture in France for the purpose of producing and selling Skin Bracer
and Speed Stick deodorant in European markets.
The Mennen Company also parlayed initial import/export agreements
with distributors in Venezuela, Colombia, and elsewhere in Latin America
and the Caribbean first into licensing agreements and then into joint
venaire arrangements, many of which lasted until the 1994 acquisition of
Mennen by Colgate-Palmolive.

Disadvantages of Joint Ventures

There are two major disadvantages concerning the use of joint ventures.
First, there is always the risk of losing control of assets dedicated to the
investment project to the joint venture partner. This is a fundamental
problem with all strategic alliances. Control over dedicated assets, poli¬
cies, and programs is never as absolute, as in the case of a wholly owned
Second, joint ventures do not always give the joint venture partner the
flexibility necessary to wage global commercial wars with other major
competitors because the decision-making process to allocate financial
resources to specific R&D and marketing targets has to be shared with
other partners that may not share the same global objectives.


In some instances, an international business owner would prefer to have
full equity participation. It may seem that a wholly owned subsidiary
would involve too much of a challenge for a small business, but it may,
in fact, represent a more viable alternative as a foreign market entiy
mode than a strategic alliance.
Small retail/wholesale shops that market reproduction antiques and
fine art often own their foreign sources of production outright. It gives
them the advantage of controlling their own supply sources in a more
absolute fashion. It also gives them the advantage of being able to
market the services of the foreign “atelier,” as it may be called on a
contract manufacturing basis, to other clients.
The machine shop industry is a highly segmented part of the U.S.
economy that is dominated by large numbers of small companies doing
subcontract work for major accounts like Boeing or General Electric.
More frequently than ever, the design and prototype work is done by the
186 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

machine shop in the United States and then farmed out to small subs
abroad where labor and overhead costs are less and skills are high.
Yacht-chartering companies that maintain fleets of vessels in warm-
climate countries for the use of their clients from cold-weather locations
are generally small companies incorporated in Eastern Seaboard states.
Most of their offshore fleets are managed by foreign subsidiaries located
in any number of Caribbean or South Pacific countries.
The retail/wholesale outlets that market reproduction antiques and
fine art, the machine shops, and the yacht-chartering firms have five
qualities in common: they tend to be small, they must keep costs down
in order to survive, they serve niche markets in the United States and
abroad, quality control is critical, and superior service is of the essence.
If a small company is dependent on all five characteristics, the wholly
owned subsidiary route may be not merely a viable alternative—it may
be the only way to go.

Foreign Subsidiaries and How They Work

A wholly owned subsidiary abroad comes into existence when a business
in Germany, Grenada, the Bahamas, or anywhere else is incorporated in
that countiy, with all of its shares owned by residents (U.S.) domiciled
(living) outside the nation of incorporation.
Thus, a U.S. company that owns 100% of the stock of a company in
Grenada has a “sub” in that country. The U.S. company takes on the
colloquial moniker of “parent.” The creation of a foreign sub can be from
start-up (e.g., registering and capitalizing a new company in a countiy).
A U.S. firm can also acquire an existing company and use it as a base
of operations.

Advantages of a Wholly Owned Subsidiary

There are two major advantages to using wholly owned subsidiaries as
an entry mode. First, it preserves and transfers a firm’s comparative
technological advantage to the foreign area that can offer expanded
revenue opportunities by catering simultaneously to its own market as
well as to several larger markets through its own export sale of goods
and services. Second, a sub gives the parent the tight control over
operations in different countries that is necessaiy in many industries
dominated by small businesses.
Foreign Investments 187

Disadvantages of a Wholly Owned Subsidiary

The first disadvantage of wholly owned subsidiaries is that the parent
must bear the total cost of the sub enterprise. The second is a human
resource challenge. Someone has to be selected to manage the local sub,
and employees must be hired.


Large corporations have a natural preference for foreign direct invest¬
ments in the form of wholly owned subsidiaries. The subsidiary route
offers maximum equity ownership and management control in overseas
markets. However, certain investments are so large and so complex that
they require an association of several companies in order to realize
required synergies. Formalized joint venture arrangements are necessaiy
in these cases.
As investments into countries where governments own and operate
economic enterprise increase, the joint venture route is the principal
alternative to creating a wholly owned subsidiary in such a political
environment. Many countries that experienced a negative colonial history
wish to avoid what they commonly call a “neocolonial” relationship with
foreign investors that might be locally construed as replacing their former
colonial overloads. In such cases, a joint venture arrangement with local
corporate partners is one way to minimize the onus of possible foreign


Foreign direct investment and foreign portfolio investment. An invest¬
ment into another country with the objective of owning partially or
entirely an economic enterprise for the purpose of establishing market
share and generating revenue and profits that can ultimately be trans¬
formed into stockholders’ dividends. Foreign direct investments differ
from foreign portfolio investments, which are investments into financial
instruments such as stocks and bonds, where the objective is not to
engage in business but to generate dividend income, interest income, and
capital gains.
188 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Joint venture. A highly structured and formal strategic alliance that in¬
volves two or more partners. Sometimes the alliance is strictly voluntary,
but often it is mandated by the laws of the host country.

Wholly owned subsidiary. A wholly owned subsidiary abroad comes into

existence when a business in Germany, Grenada, the Bahamas, or any¬
where else is incorporated in that country with all (better than 75%) of
its shares owned by residents (U.S.) domiciled (living) outside the nation
of incorporation. Thus, a U.S. company that owns 100% of the stock of
a company in Grenada has a “sub” in that country. The U.S. company
becomes popularly known as the “parent” and the overseas entity be¬
comes called the “sub.” The creation of a foreign sub can be from start¬
up (e.g., registering and capitalizing a new company in a country). A U.S.
firm can also acquire an existing company and use it as a base of

18.1 A large U.S.-based telecommunications company wants to become
a key player in China’s growing markets. It is interested in manu¬
facturing equipment for use in China as well as for export to other
countries. It also wants to offer general telecommunication services
to individuals, business, and government clients in China. Discuss
the possible entry strategies the company should consider.

18.2 A large U.S.-based pharmaceutical company wants to become a key

player in China’s growing markets. It is interested in producing
over-the-counter and prescription pharmaceuticals for consumption
in China and other countries. Discuss the possible entiy strategies
it should consider.

18.3 A major industrial design and engineering company wants to estab¬

lish itself in Indonesia to gain better access to the markets of South¬
east Asia. Discuss the possible entry strategies it should consider.
Policy and Institutions
Trade Regulation
and Restrictions

In this chapter, the regulatory environment of international trade and its
impact on the conduct of international business transactions are examined.
It is generally accepted that national governments have a responsibil¬
ity to guard their countries’ borders. They also have an obligation to raise
revenues in the form of taxes to fund their roles as governing bodies.
Finally, governments, in promoting and maintaining the common good of
the national communities they serve, participate in the regulation and
management of economic enterprise.
Large and small companies venturing out into business relationships
abroad that are unaware of these laws and government policies impact¬
ing trade and investments can suffer significant losses.

Restrictions fall into three categories: export taxes, export quotas, and
national security restrictions. The United States is among the few coun¬
tries that impose a minimum of export restrictions.
Exporters are thus often caught by surprise when informed that there
may be a problem with the goods they wish to sell overseas. Unfortu¬
nately, they are sometimes brought to task only after the items have been
shipped and paid for.

192 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

National Security Restrictions

National security restrictions are restrictions and/or general prohibitions
on exports of goods whose use abroad is contrary to U.S. policy interests.
For example, a general prohibition by the U.S. government against the
export sale of RIBS (rigid inflatable boats—small inflatable vessels with
hard fiberglass bottoms used by most people as pleasure craft and yacht
tenders) is intended to prevent their use for terrorist or military purposes
by consumers in designated countries.
The government therefore classifies RIBS as dual-purpose products,
and exporters are required to apply for specific export permits from the
U.S. Departments of State, Commerce, and Defense. A point of interest
is that these three agencies do not always agree with one another. The
result is that while one or two departments may approve a sale, the third
might not, creating a bureaucratic nightmare and snafu for exporters.
Other government agencies, such as the Department of Agriculture
and the Food and Drug Administration, may be called on to rule on
certain food and pharmaceutical products whose exportation may be in
violation of U.S. laws designed to ration exports of merchandise consid¬
ered to be in short supply.
The U.S. government also imposes general prohibitions on exports to
specific countries, such as Syria, Cuba, and North Korea, to mention a
few. An updated list of restricted countries is usually available from any
U.S. Department of Commerce district office.
Export controls are randomly and only occasionally exercised by the
U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Customs at the country’s various
departure points. It is, therefore, the exporter’s obligation to determine
ahead of time, through freight forwarders, carriers, and direct prior con¬
tact with the appropriate government authority, the need for specific
export permits or licenses.

Export Quotas
Export quotas are restrictions on the quantity of product that can be
exported out of a country. The purpose of these quotas is to conserve
scarce resources by ensuring that enough stocks or inventories are re¬
tained to meet domestic needs before meeting foreign demand. The
United States imposes relatively few export quotas. Most are found levied
on costly and one-of-a-kind specialty products manufactured by the
chemical-processing industry for particular uses and customers, where
the intent was not to produce and sell for a general global market.
Trade Regulation and Restrictions 193

The more general use of an export quota is to allocate supplies of

scarce commodities in the global marketplace. Some of these emerge as
production quotas, similar to those periodically attempted by the oil-
producing countries through OPEC. Others take the shape of voluntary
restraints (VOLs), bilateral agreements to restrain exports of certain prod¬
ucts between two trading countries. Informal agreements between the
United States and Japan in the early 1990s to limit Japanese automobile
exports to the United States could be categorized as VOLs.

Export Taxes
Governments do not as a rule tax their own exports, because that re¬
duces their competitiveness in world markety U.S. taxes on exports have
not been an issue because of their rarity. There is also no internationally
accepted protocol for the creation and classification of export taxes, as
there is for import taxes (import tariffs or duties). In general, export taxes
are imposed by governments on an ad hoc basis not so much to prevent
exports but to generate revenue or to encourage value-adding changes
to a product before exportation.
Brazilian export taxes on coffee exports are a case in point. The
Brazilian government imposes low export taxes on many of its exports
merely as a mild revenue-producing medium to defray the costs of
maintaining port facilities.
However, the tax on green (unroasted) coffee exports is higher than
the tax on semi-roasted coffee beans. The intent is to encourage Brazilian
exporters to install processing facilities (to dry off and slightly roast the
beans before shipment) in distressed parts of port cities. The desired
result is to generate economic enterprise in economically depressed ar¬
eas, where unemployment is traditionally high.

Import restrictions fall into three general categories: taxes, quotas, and
restrictions based on product standards or specifications. Taxes on im¬
ports are commonly known as import duties or import tariffs and are
“value-added” or “price-plus” almost by definition. Import quotas are a
restriction on the quantity of product that may be brought into a country.
Restrictions based on industiy-prescribed and government-sanctioned
standards and specifications can actually prevent any quantity of product
subject to such scrutiny from being imported.
194 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Import Taxes
Taxes on imports are value-added excise taxes and exist in three formats:
a percentage-based value-added tariff, a fixed-rate tariff, and a combina¬
tion percentage and fixed-rate tariff. The emphasis in the United States
is mostly on the first and second formats.

Ad-Valorem (Value-Added) Import Taxes

A percentage-based value-added tax is imposed as a given percentage
over either the FOB (free on board) port-of-embarkation selling price of
the imported merchandise or the CIF (cost, insurance, and freight) port-
of-entry price. The United States generally levies import taxes on the FOB
vessel selling price. Most other countries impose their tariffs on the CIF
selling price.
If an item has an FOB Vessel, Bremen, Germany/price equivalent of
US$100,000 and the United States imposes a 10% import tax, then the tax
would amount to $10,000, payable by the importer. If the basis for the
duty assessment is CIF New York (FOB Vessel, Bremen plus freight and
insurance costs to move the goods from Bremen to New York, assuming
these costs amount to $10,000), a 10% import tax on $110,000 CIF New
York would be $11,000, payable by the importer. The landed cost (CIF
duty paid cost) to the importer would increase from $110,000 in the first
case to $111,000 in the second case.

Fixed-Rate Import Taxes

A fixed-rate tariff is a tax imposed on the weight, measure, or volume of
the item being brought in. Imported lumber in log, strip, or panel form
is usually taxed on a linear foot basis (e.g., $0.10 per foot). Imported
fruits and vegetables tend to be taxed on a weight basis (so much per
pound or kilo), whereas liquids are usually taxed based on their volume
(so much per liter or gallon). In general, low-value goods are taxed on
a fixed-rate basis, whereas higher value merchandise (automobiles and
computers) are subject to an ad-valorem percentage tax.

Combination Ad-Valorem-Fixed-Rate Import Taxes

These taxes are generally imposed by governments of countries with a
low internal or domestic tax base. Import tax revenues are counted on to
significantly widen a country’s narrow income tax base. Some jurisdictions
Trade Regulation and Restrictions 195

impose an “either-or” tax, whichever brings in the most tax revenue.

Other jurisdictions impose the two taxes simultaneously (i.e., a tax on the
weight, measure, or volume of the item plus a tax on its stated value).

Import Tax Systems

There are three basic import tax structures in the world today: single¬
column, double-column, and triple-column systems. These allow countries
to impose different taxes on an import depending on its point of origin.
They also permit countries to extend most favored nation (MFN) status
to trading partners with which they enjoy friendly economic and political

Single-Column Tariffs

These are now a rarity. A country with a single-column structure imposes

a flat tax on an import irrespective of its point of origin. Such a country
would have no preferential agreements with other countries or groups of

Double-Column Tariffs

The United States, until its entry into the North American Free Trade
Association (NAFTA), was basically a double-column tariff country. It
imposed a “general” or “non-preferential” rate on imports originating in
countries with which it had no particularly special relationship (“Column
One”). It then placed a lower or a “preferential” rate on imports origi¬
nating in areas with which it enjoyed a “special” or MFN status (“Column
Hence, if product X originated in a “Column One” country, it might
be subject to a 30% import levy; if that same product originated in a
“Column Two” nation with MFN status, like the United Kingdom, it might
hypothetically be subject to a 10% tax.

Triple-Column Tariffs

The United States, and many other industrial and industrializing countries
that have formed trade blocs such as NAFTA, MERCOSUR, and the
European Union (EU), operate under triple-column tariff systems. Some
can even be said to have four-column systems.
196 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Triple-column tariff countries still maintain a non-preferential column

(highest duties); they also have a preferential column (lower duties) for
friendly, non-trade-bloc nations, and they extend the lowest or some¬
times zero taxes on goods produced by other trade bloc member coun¬
tries. In addition, these countries may extend special duty-free status to
many products made in politically friendly Third World countries, thus
bringing to life a “fourth” column.
Different bilateral and multilateral tariff agreements, along with
globalization of manufacturing, provide importers with opportunities to
select foreign suppliers on the basis of lowest cost, lowest import restric¬
tions, highest quality, and best service. For example, the U.S. machinery
importer discussed above, bringing in a piece of equipment from Germany
at an FOB Bremen price of $100,000, which would be subject to a pref¬
erential 10% import tax ($10,000) upon entry into the United States, could
consider importing the equipment from the German company’s affiliate in
Mexico. Because Mexico, the United States, and Canada are all members of
NAFTA, no U.S. import tax would apply on the Mexican-made machineiy.
Similarly, a U.S. textile goods manufacturer might have trouble export¬
ing to EU countries like France, which impose relatively high import
taxes on non-member goods. However, the company could shift produc¬
tion through a contract manufacturing arrangement with a specialty tex¬
tile producer in an AGP (African-Caribbean-Pacific) Conference country
(whose members have duty-free access to EU markets) like Senegal,
Barbados, or Sri Lanka. The American company would probably benefit
from a lower cost production platform in Senegal and would see that
lower cost output enter European markets duty-free, thereby enhancing
its competitiveness.

Import Quotas
These restrictions on the quantity of product that can be imported from
overseas often create great difficulties for importers that depend entirely
on offshore sources for their supplies. The rationale for import quotas
stems from a desire to protect domestic producers from being over¬
whelmed by foreign competition. This is accomplished by dividing mar¬
ket share on an allocation basis.
The U.S. cotton quota imposes quantity limits on foreign cotton¬
growing countries to protect domestic growers and to allocate market
shares as fairly as possible to overseas producers. A problem arises when
countries export cotton-polyester blends to U.S. importers. All cotton and
Trade Regulation and Restrictions 197

cotton blend imports come to a temporary but troublesome halt when

cotton quota limits are unintentionally breached.
It is alleged by some commodity-dependent (coffee, cocoa, etc.) ex¬
porting countries that import quotas levied by industrial nations are often
punitive. Even if not punitive, they have the same effect by severely
limiting open market access. Such issues have been repeatedly addressed
by organizations like the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
and its successor, the World Trade Organization (WTO), with few tangible

Technical Restrictions
Technical restrictions are restrictions imposed by governments on imports
that allegedly do not meet local standards. Some are legitimately intended
to maintain high quality standards, but many are used as a means of
restricting imports, even when the superiority of the imported item can
be demonstrated. Europeans have historically made market entiy difficult
for U.S. telecommunications companies by insisting on technical specifi¬
cations that can be impossible to meet.
Restrictions based on a product’s standards and/or technical specifi¬
cations are used principally by competing industrial countries.


Considerable work has been done over the years by GATT and its
successor organization, the WTO, to reduce trade restrictions among
nations. This has resulted in an approximately 50% lowering of import
levies throughout the world. The two major obstacles to barrier-free trade
today remain non-tariff restrictions such as quotas and the formation of
regional trade groups like the EU, MERCOSUR, and NAFTA, which often
erect common tariff walls against imports from non-member countries. A
key objective for multilateral trade negotiations in the future may be to
reconcile the regional interests of trade blocs with the broader goals of
trade without barriers on a global scale.


Export quotas. Restrictions on the quantity of product that can be ex¬
ported from a country. The purpose of these quotas is to conserve scarce
198 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

resources by ensuring that enough stocks or inventories are retained to

meet domestic needs before meeting foreign demand.

Export taxes. Imposed on an ad hoc basis by governments not so much

to prevent exports but to generate revenue or encourage value-adding
changes to a product before it is exported.

Import quotas. Restrictions on the quantity of product that can be im¬

ported from overseas. They often create great difficulties for importers
that depend entirely on offshore sources for their supplies. The rationale
for import quotas stems from a desire to protect domestic producers from
being overwhelmed by foreign competition. This is accomplished by
dividing market share on an allocation basis.

Import taxes. Value-added excise taxes. They exist in three formats: a

percentage-based value-added tariff, a fixed-rate tariff, and a combination
percentage and fixed-rate tariff. The emphasis in the United States is
mostly on the first and second formats.

Technical restrictions. Restrictions imposed by governments on imports

that allegedly do not meet local standards. Some are legitimately intended
to maintain high quality standards, but many are used as a means of
restricting imports, even when the superiority of the imported item can
be demonstrated.

19.1 Discuss, with specific examples, the arguments for and against
import taxes.

19.2 Explain how import quotas function and how they can be used to
restrain trade among nations.

19.3 Explain, with examples, how import quotas can be used by high-
income countries as a political tool to control lower income trading

19.4 Describe and explain, with examples, the structure and rationale of
multiple-column tariff systems.

19.5 Describe and explain, with examples, the purpose of export quotas.
19.6 Describe and explain, with examples, the purpose of export taxes.
Investment Restrictions

In this chapter, the regulatory environment of international investments
and its impact on the conduct of international business transactions are
examined. Beyond governments’ responsibility to regulate trade is said to
lie an obligation to guide investments into areas of economic activity
seen necessary to promote economic growth and development. Govern¬
ments fulfill this obligation through a mix of fiscal (tax) and monetary
(interest rate and exchange control manipulation) policy.

Today, countries impose restrictions on both outgoing and incoming
investments. They impose restrictions on the types of investments that
can be made, as well as investments made by overseas affiliates in third-
party nations. Both foreign direct investments and foreign portfolio in¬
vestments are impacted by government restrictions, many of which con¬
flict with one another.

When Political Relations Sour

A sudden deterioration in bilateral political relations often leads to one
country’s nationalization without compensation of locally based assets
owned or controlled by residents of the adversarial nation. Thus, when

200 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Bayer of Germany had its assets in the United States seized by federal
marshals in World War I, it lost its right to the use of the name “Bayer”
in the United States. It was not until 1995 that Bayer’s control and
ownership of the name were firmly re-established.
The U.S. assets of the General Analine & Film Corporation (GAF),
another German company, were expropriated at the outset of World War
II and never returned. Its equity was subsequently sold by the U.S.
government to American residents.
Expropriation or nationalization of foreign-owned assets such as plant
and equipment, inventories, accounts receivables, intellectual properties,
bank accounts, and private residences is common practice throughout the
world when nations begin dueling internationally. Properties may occa¬
sionally be restored, but most of the time they are not. The probability
of nationalization is one of the more important risk factors to be weighed
when engaging in cross-border enterprises.

Regulating Outgoing Investments

Governments tend to classify other countries as either “friendly” or “un¬
friendly” and “low risk” or “high risk.” The United States in particular
prohibits investments in countries such as Libya and Cuba, which it
regards as definitely “unfriendly.”

"Friendly High-Risk" Countries

The United States encourages investments into China, despite the fact that
the latter is not particularly “friendly” and carries out policies that often
appear at odds with U.S. domestic and foreign policy. Its contradictory
posture with China is probably explainable in the sense that long-term
U.S. foreign policy objectives seek to preserve a global balance of power
by helping China’s economy develop and somehow turn that country
into an ally.
The United States also encourages investments into Mexico, a practice
that started with the Macquiladora program and is now gathering steam
under the North American Free Trade Association. The geographical
proximity of Mexico makes it important for the United States to partially
sponsor Mexico’s economic growth and development through industrial¬
ization, even though the political risk of doing business may be high,
given the unrest and corruption that exist there.
U.S. investments are encouraged in a number of African and Asian
Investment Restrictions 201

countries (Zaire, the Republic of South Africa, and Indonesia), again

because the development of these areas is considered important to
maintaining long-term political stability in a larger geographic region. U.S.
investments are not restricted, even with the prior knowledge that the
countries can be easily destabilized.
The same prevailing attitude governs the flow of private investments
from the United States to the emerging markets of the former Soviet
Union and Eastern Europe. Their economic growth and development are
seen as a means of preserving regional peace and stability.

"Friendly Low-Risk" Countries

These include the more mature industrial and post-industrial countries

(e.g., the members of the European Union, Canada, Japan, Australia, New
Zealand, and a small handful of other nations). No government incentives
are needed for these countries, where political risk is generally low (at
least since 1945), and, of course, that is where the majority of new
investments go each year.

"Unfriendly High-Risk" Countries

These nations include Iran, Iraq, and Libya, with which trade and invest¬
ments, except under severely circumscribed instances, are prohibited by
the U.S. government. A persistent antagonistic relationship with these
states makes economic cooperation difficult and hazardous.

"Unfriendly Low-Risk" Countries

Some countries, such as Cuba and Nicaragua, have maintained an

adversarial relationship with the United States but do not constitute a
significant military or political threat. Investments by U.S. residents into
these countries are either prohibited or severely restricted.

Regulating Incoming Investments

The United States imposes little federal regulation on investments from
abroad except to issue somewhat ambiguous definitions of what consti¬
tutes a “made-in-the-USA” product as opposed to a “foreign-made” prod¬
uct. There have also been attempts to define by statute an “American”
company as opposed to an “American subsidiary” of a foreign-based
corporation. The general attitude seems to be “live and let live” as long
202 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

as the incoming investment creates a net economic benefit for the im¬
pacted region.

Investment Incentives

Individual states often offer attractive incentives to foreign investors to

establish facilities in their locales. These practices lured foreign automo¬
bile companies, for example, to build manufacturing plants in the United
States, contributing to the economic growth of specific regions.
Investment incentive strategies in the form of tax abatements and
holidays are not unique to the United States. They are practiced by most
countries. They range from import quota and import tax exemptions on
imported raw materials to tax holidays that spare new companies from
paying income taxes for a number of years.

Regulation of Profits and Dividends

These are often regulated for the purpose of encouraging investors to

plow the fruits of investments back into the local economy. Most coun¬
tries, including the United States, impose exit taxes on earnings taken out
of the host countiy and remitted back to foreign stockholders, joint
venture partners, and licensors. These taxes vary with the nature of the
local income earned.
Many countries impose restrictions that impact the exchange rate used
to convert a local currency back into the investor’s home exchange.
These exchange control regulations are most common in countries faced
with chronic shortages of hard convertible currencies.

Regulating Portfolio Investments

There are few restrictions on incoming portfolio investments. Naturally,
most countries are anxious to receive funding in one form or another.
Most of the restrictions are on the repatriation of dividend and interest
income and on capital.
High-income countries. Most industrialized countries impose few re¬
strictions on remittances, except for revenue taxes. More stringent restric¬
tions may be imposed when a country experiences temporary foreign
currency shortages.
Lower income countries. Lower income countries that are eager to
retain the proceeds of portfolio investments within their borders arm
Investment Restrictions 203

themselves with elaborate exchange control restrictions by limiting the

amount of money that can be taken out of the country. These restrictions
also serve to limit capital flight during a financial panic or period of high

The Multinational Reach of National Laws

All countries attempt to control the overseas activities of their resident
corporations as well as those of their private residents. Larger, more pow¬
erful nations like the United States are better positioned to influence the
foreign activities of their residents than are smaller, less powerful states.
The practice of cariying the legal weight of U.S. laws beyond national
borders goes back to the early days of the republic. In more recent years,
it has been reflected in the passage and implementation of a number of
laws specifically designed to curtail trade and investments by U.S. com¬
panies and their overseas affiliates in areas specifically prohibited by U.S.
law. Laws have also been passed to mandate codes of corporate conduct
in a variety of practices, ranging from human rights to bribery and
environmental degradation.

"Trading with the Enemy" Prohibitions

A 1996 law passed by the U.S. Congress tightened the general embargo
on doing business with Cuba. It is the latest in a series of laws enacted
by the government to prevent not only American-based companies but
all companies throughout the world from doing business with Cuba.
Many countries have protested that the law is arbitrary, capricious,
and discriminatory, as well as a possible violation of international law.
It is currently being contested within the World Trade Organization. A
ruling by that body is expected before the end of 1997.
It should be noted, however, that, viewed from the broader perspec¬
tive of international affairs over time, the law is no better or no worse
than the infamous “Arab embargo” against companies doing business
with Israel. The embargo had little effect and has proven over the years
to be an embarrassment.

Trade Retaliation Laws

The “Tariff of Abominations” (passed by the U.S. Congress in the 1830s),

the Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1932, and a number of other acts affirm the
204 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

de-facto right of the United States to retaliate economically against its

commercial neighbors. Again, this is a right exercised by all countries that
can afford to do so without worrying about retaliation.
The right of retaliation was reaffirmed through the Omnibus Trade
and Competitiveness Act of 1988, which was renewed by executive order
in March 1994. Briefly, the law mandates economic retaliation against
countries that, after negotiation, continue to maintain “unwarranted” trade
surpluses with the United States.

"Conduct Unbecoming..."

The United States, like many countries, also attempts to legislate morality
and ethics. This was the intent of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
(FCPA), passed by the Congress in 1977 in the aftermath of the Watergate
The FCPA, in amended form, remains on the books today. While it
condones “grease” payments by American executives to foreign function¬
aries to accelerate cargo clearance procedures and other clerical chores,
it imposes high criminal and civil penalties on the time-honored practice
of bribing foreign government officials in order to obtain a favorable
business decision.
Comments about the FCPA by international businesses have been
generally negative. The law has been accused of costing U.S. companies
billions of dollars in potential revenues due to prospects lost because of
an inability to bribe foreign government officials.
It is difficult to determine how much of this commentaiy is quanti¬
fiable fact and how much is hyperbole. In all fairness, attempts by foreign
residents to influence government decisions in the United States through
bribeiy would at the very least generate scandal, if not an official inquiry
followed by high-profile court action. The FCPA’s theme can best be
summarized as follows: Do not do abroad that which ought not to be
done at home!


Foreign direct and foreign portfolio investments, along with the interna¬
tional trade of goods and services, are the principal vehicles of economic
growth and trade. Their movement also has important political and social
consequences apart from their economic ramifications. Therefore, their
Investment Restrictions 205

control by governments is a cardinal feature of the foreign and domestic

policies of nations. In general, U.S. foreign policy has been to use
commerce as a means of enhancing national power beyond U.S. borders
and minimizing foreign influence within U.S. borders. While this posture
may betray an overzealous ethnocentric bent, it does seem to fall within
a country’s right to pursue its own self-interest to maximize its national


Expropriation/nationalization. A takeover of ownership of foreign-owned
assets (such as plant and equipment, inventories, accounts receivables,
intellectual properties, bank accounts, and private residences) by a host

Regulating incoming investments. The United States imposes little federal

regulation on investments from abroad except to issue somewhat am¬
biguous definitions of what constitutes a “made-in-the-USA” product as
opposed to a “foreign-made” product. There have also been attempts to
define by statute an “American” company as opposed to an “American
subsidiary” of a foreign-based firm.

Regulating outgoing investments. Governments tend to classify all other

countries as either “friendly” or “unfriendly” and “low risk” or “high risk.”
The United States in particular prohibits investments in countries such as
Libya and Cuba, which it regards as definitely “unfriendly.”

20.1 The manager of the foreign subsidiary of a U.S.-based company
makes a sizable contribution to the election campaign of a local
politician in the host country. Discuss the situation in terms of a
possible violation of local law as well as the Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act.

20.2 Discuss the protection a U.S.-owned foreign investment may have

in a country that suddenly nationalizes all industries.

20.3 Discuss how realistic an objective a company’s globalization efforts

may be in view of individual nations seeking to control trade and
investments to meet their own particular ends.
U.S. Policies:
Taxation and Related Programs

U.S. trade and investment policies have tended to encourage the nation
to export, import, invest overseas, and invite investments from abroad.
The general official attitude has been, since the country’s beginnings, that
trade and investments are good for the economy in an overall long-term
sense. This chapter analyzes U.S. government policies and programs
embodied in a number of tax laws that specifically support private sector
involvement in international trade and investments.

Corporate residents of a country, like private residents, pay income taxes
and a number of other types of taxes, ranging from use and sales taxes
to property taxes. How much in total taxes is paid and to whom the taxes
are paid depend largely on where the business is located and where a
specific transaction takes place.

The Concept of Residency

Who pays taxes to whom is determined by the concept of residency. The
expression “resident” in the United States has nothing to do with citizen-

208 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

ship, although citizenship is used in courts as prima facie evidence to

establish one’s residency. Residency refers to an individual’s or a business’s
physical domicile, or where one “lives” for most of a calendar year. The
term “most of the calendar year” is understood in many countries to
mean more than 180 days or more than 270 days, depending on the type
of tax treatment being sought.

The U.S. Worldwide Income Rule

Under U.S. law, a resident of the United States must pay taxes on all
income earned in the United States and in other countries. In other words,
a U.S. resident must pay federal income taxes on worldwide income.
A U.S.-based company that consummates an export sale to a cus¬
tomer in a foreign country will pay, with exception allowed by law, the
same tax is if the sale were made to a customer located in the United
States. Therefore, Hoffman LaRoche, a pharmaceutical company in New
Jersey and a wholly owned subsidiary of its Swiss parent, would pay
the same income taxes on a sale to its parent as Johnson & Johnson,
an American-owned company, would if it sold something to Hoffman
LaRoche in Switzerland. Both Hoffman LaRoche and Johnson & Johnson
are residents of the United States, and their shipments to Switzerland
are recorded as exports from the United States to Switzerland. Profits
on these sales are normally subject to payment of U.S. federal income

Taxation of Foreign Branch Offices

Companies often open unincorporated offices, called branch offices,
overseas before capitalizing a formal subsidiary or joint venture corpo¬
ration. While these offices may be taxed by the host government as a
local resident, they are nevertheless treated as part of the U.S. company’s
American persona. This means that the foreign branch’s income is sub¬
ject to U.S. federal income taxation, just as it would be in the foreign
A foreign branch that is merely an unincorporated business abroad
is considered in the same manner as an unincorporated business in the
United States, either as a sole proprietorship or a partnership. It has no
separate identity from that of its owner. It merely fills out a tax form
(Schedule C for proprietorships) which is appended to the owner’s
U.S. Policies: Taxation and Related Programs 209

personal 1040 income tax return. Different forms are needed to report
taxable foreign branch income, but the net effect is the same. Foreign
branch operating revenues are taxed as part of the U.S. company’s
worldwide earnings. If the U.S. company is a corporation, its foreign
branch earnings become part of its U.S. corporate tax return.

Taxation of Foreign Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures

The formation of a foreign subsidiary, or a joint venture, in a foreign
country creates an entirely different taxation scenario for a U.S. company.
A new legal persona in another country has “come to life,” so to speak. It
bears no relationship to the U.S. parent or joint venture partner except
through equity participation and perhaps through the lease of intellectual
A U.S. firm’s worldwide income in the case of its foreign direct
investments in overseas subsidiaries and joint ventures takes the form of
dividends, royalties, service and franchise fees, etc. This foreign source
income is, of course, subject to U.S. taxation. However, the operating
revenues of the local enterprise are taxed only by the host government,
which may also impose a special remittance tax on those cash flows
claimed by the U.S. owners or partners for repatriation back home.

Tax Treaties and Double Taxation

It is useful to remember that all firms doing business in other countries
are vulnerable to double taxation unless a bilateral tax treaty is in place.
Foreign branch offices are most obviously affected because their taxable
income could be payable twice, in the host country and again in the
United States.
Thus, an American branch office in Belgium can pay a 30% income
tax there, not to mention a remittance tax on repatriated after-tax earn¬
ings, and then find its earnings also subject to taxation by the U.S.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Fortunately, Belgium and the United
States have a bilateral tax treaty in place. This allows the U.S. company
to apply for a foreign tax credit to offset the taxes paid in Belgium. With
some luck and creative accounting, the company’s final and total tax bill
might be no higher than if it were doing business only in the United
210 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Tax Treaties
The U.S. government does not have tax treaties in place with all coun¬
tries. Further, each tax treaty is individually tailored as opposed to crafted
from a general template. Consequently, it is necessary for companies and
their tax specialists to have a working knowledge of the particulars of a
foreign countiy’s tax laws and the international taxation relations that
exist between that nation and the United States.

Tax Incentive Programs

There are both direct tax incentives and indirect tax incentives to encour¬
age U.S. firms to engage in international business. Direct incentives are
intended to promote increased U.S. exports and are couched in the
Foreign Sales Corporation Act of 1983-
Indirect incentives impact both U.S. exports and foreign direct invest¬
ments and are more in the form of tax-subsidized programs designed to
reduce international business risk than in the form of discounts on in¬
come tax rates.
The United States Agency for International Development program, for
instance, makes it possible for smaller companies to export to developing
areas that are friendly to the United States without having to worry about
non-payment, because all monies are fully funded through congressional
The Export-Import Bank of the United States offers small business
exporters political and credit risk insurance on their shipments to over¬
seas customers. It also provides at or below market loans to specific
direct foreign investments.
The Small Business Administration arranges for low-cost loans to small
businesses to help them finance export inventories and foreign receivables.
The Overseas Private Investment Corporation enables small compa¬
nies with foreign assets committed to wholly owned subsidiaries, joint
ventures, and other strategic alliances to insure those assets against ex¬
propriation by a host government.
In addition, many countries offer individualized tax incentive pro¬
grams to attract and keep foreign investments. Many of the smaller
developing nations offer corporate income tax holidays of up to 25
years, along with duty-free status for materials that must be imported to
fuel an investment.
U.S. Policies: Taxation and Related Programs 211

Foreign Tax Havens

As the saying goes, “There is no free lunch.” Many small countries, like
the Bahamas, position themselves as tax havens. Summarily, they offer
tax-free status to individuals and businesses that invest and take up
residency there. The theory is that by establishing subsidiaries in foreign
tax havens, U.S. companies can conduct tax-free business through their
subs. In practice, it is taken to the extent that the subs often receive and
process income from affiliates elsewhere that would otherwise remit
funds directly back to the U.S. parent.
The IRS does not recognize tax havens per se. Furthermore, tax
havens usually have no tax treaty with the United States, which creates
a double problem for a U.S. firm opening a sub in a tax haven.
The first problem occurs when a company is unable to unequivocally
answer the following question: Is the reason for the incorporation in the
tax haven to conduct a legitimate revenue-generating economic enter¬
prise there, or is it to avoid or evade U.S. taxes? The position of the IRS
is that it will not tax income generated by U.S. subs in tax havens if they
are conducting legitimate business.
Consequently, foreign direct investments in businesses like hotels,
tourism, finance, banking, restaurants, yacht chartering, retail-wholesale
trade, franchises, car rentals, etc. are treated as any other foreign-source
income generated by overseas subs or joint ventures. The income is
treated as income from any foreign sub, and only stockholder remittances
are subject to U.S. taxation.
The IRS will seek to capture a sub’s total income for taxation if the
sub and/or its parent cannot show any local economic activity except for
some office functions designed to launder funds.
The second problem is twofold and occurs because of the absence of
a tax treaty with the United States. Tax havens tend to hold and manage
Euro-currency accounts, which must be invested if they are not to turn
stale (generate no income).
Interest paid on loans made to a resident U.S. company from an
offshore tax haven that enjoys no tax treaty with the United States is
subject to a flat tax of 30% before it is remitted from the United States.
Use and excise taxes in tax havens are high, acting as proxies for the
missing income taxes. When sufficiently high, parent companies try to
offset the cost by applying for U.S. foreign tax credit in order to deduct
these charges from their U.S. income taxes. The tax credit may not be
212 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

available, however, if no tax treaty exists between the tax haven and the
United States.

Taxation of Foreign-Earned Income Subject

to Currency Changes
U.S. companies earning income from the use of their assets and invest¬
ments abroad report their transactions as follows: Income statement items
are calculated at the average foreign exchange rate for the fiscal year.
Balance sheet items are calculated at the end-year foreign exchange rate.
Companies therefore suffer foreign exchange transaction losses and gains,
even with the best forward contract hedges. These gains and/or losses
must be reported even though no physical remittance is made.
Whether or not taxes must be paid on foreign exchange gains, or
deductions taken for losses, is a subject for discussion and negotiation
between a company and the IRS. The rule is that all earnings that have
been scheduled for remittance back to the United States in accordance
with a company’s stated financial plan must be shown on all relevant tax
documents, as they are subject to taxation. The issue of whether the
unremitted earnings (perhaps kept in the host country due to foreign
exchange problems) will be taxed or tax deferred is separate from the
issue of full disclosure and accounting.

Frequent Changes in Law Mandate Ongoing Consultation

This section is not intended as a primer for all businesses engaged in the
various enterprises of international trade and investments. It is intended
to provide a brief overview of the general issues of international taxation
that must be considered as a cost of doing business in any form with
other countries. The discussion is not a substitute for consultation with
international tax experts when doing business overseas.


Free trade zones, or FTZs as they are commonly called, have been in
existence for thousands of years. They were used by the Greeks and
Egyptians in pre-biblical times. FTZs can be found in many countries,
including the United States, and are used to reduce, defer, or eliminate
U.S. Policies: Taxation and Related Programs 213

the payment of import taxes. They are used by small and large compa¬
nies to maintain a competitive cost and price advantage in U.S. and
overseas markets. This section examines FTZs, along with duty-free or in-
bond facilities, which exist to help importers and exporters reduce their
international transaction costs.

Free Trade Zones Defined

An FTZ is described as a geographical enclosure within the customs area
of a country (that is to say, within the United States) into which goods
may be imported without the payment of import taxes.
Once in this “zone,” goods may be stored, processed, and/or trans¬
formed so as to change their nature and description. The appropriate
import tax is levied on the final character of the item as it leaves the FTZ.
If this same merchandise is shipped out of the zone directly to an¬
other country, without ever entering the customs authority of the United
States, it is exempted from U.S. customs duties and other ordinarily
applicable excise taxes. The import restrictions of the country of ultimate
destination would apply instead.

What Companies Can Do in a Free Trade Zone

FTZs in the United States allow companies that utilize the facilities to
engage in a number of activities, such as re-export, warehouse, test and
examine, salvage, relabel, repackage, demonstrate, display/sell, repair,
destroy, assemble, and manufacture. These are a few of the functions that
can be carried out in an FTZ. In principle, any function that a company
may perform at its factoiy may be performed in an FTZ. In fact, however,
FTZs in the United States are used mainly for storage and processing.
For example, the major automobile importers routinely bring their
vehicles into large designated FTZs for warehousing prior to final distri¬
bution to area dealers. This serves to defer payment of import taxes until
a dealer delivery is imminent.
Food importers also avail themselves of FTZs. A prime example would
be an importer of Brazil nuts and fruit. The import taxes on these items
are levied on a weight basis (i.e., so much per 100 kilos). Thus, if these
items were to be imported directly into the United States (and assuming
a tariff of $ 1.00/kilo), a 200-kilo bag of the nuts and faiits would be
subject to a $200 tax. Nut importers install diying ovens in FTZs, thereby
reducing the weight of their imports by as much as 50%. The duty cost
214 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

of the product is hence reduced by half, which is a substantial savings

to importers.

Free Trade Zones and Their Origins in the United States

Congressional legislation on FTZs extends back to 1896. The first compre¬
hensive law, the Foreign Trade Zones Act, was passed by Congress in
1934. It was designed to boost employment in major port cities.
The act has been amended several times and has been expanded and
liberalized in the process. There are presently about 196 general-purpose
zones and 259 subzones in the United States. The customs value of goods
passing through U.S. FTZs in 1995 was over $130 billion. Most U.S. FTZs
are privately operated and are accessible to all interested users. A freight
forwarder or customs broker can easily handle all application details on
behalf of a client.

Free Trade Zones in Other Countries

Most countries have FTZs in one form or another. Sometimes they are
called free trade areas or free ports. In all cases, they describe a geo¬
graphical area in which goods may be kept, and even business trans¬
acted, in a tax-free environment.
The largest FTZ in the Western Flemisphere is the Panama Free Trade
Zone in the city of Colon at the Atlantic end of the Panama Canal. Almost
600 companies, of which about 500 are American, have warehousing and
processing facilities located in the Panama FTZ. Over 90% of the goods
enter the FTZ by ocean freight, and 95% leave via airfreight, a testament
to the magnitude of the processing and manufacturing activity that takes

Alternatives to Free Trade Zones in the United States

FTZ operators frequently complain that their facilities are underappreciated
and underutilized. Indeed, FTZs are used principally by importers of
motor vehicles and agricultural products. One of the reasons often cited
is lack of awareness that FTZs exist. Another reason is the distance
between a company’s main facility and an FTZ.
The real reason may be that under many new laws passed by Con¬
gress in recent years, companies are allowed to import goods directly
into their own warehouses without paying customs duties if the merchan-
U.S. Policies: Taxation and Related Programs 215

dise is intended for re-export, or they can pay all customs charges and
then apply for a refund of the taxes paid if the same goods are subse¬
quently re-exported. This process is known as a duty drawback. Finally,
the global trend toward import tax reduction under the continuing Gen¬
eral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)/World Trade Organization
(WTO) accords is gradually rendering the FTZ concept obsolete.

The In-Bond Warehouse Concept

Under U.S. law, a company may obtain permission from U.S. Customs to
bring imported merchandise into its own facilities without paying duties
if those goods are not intended for domestic consumption and are in¬
tended for eventual shipment to another country.
This practice is followed by many companies in chemical-processing
industries, pharmaceutical/healthcare industries, and textiles. It is also
practiced by some machineiy and equipment manufacturers that source
their components globally, assemble in the United States, and then export
some of their finished goods overseas. No import taxes are levied as long
as the imported merchandise is eventually shipped abroad.

Duty Drawbacks
It is also possible to apply for a refund of customs charges levied if the
imported merchandise is eventually re-exported. Companies often import
goods that are not originally intended for re-export, but as time passes,
the goods may ultimately be shipped to an overseas affiliate or customer.
Under existing law, companies have the right to apply for a “drawback”
or refund of the customs duties paid. The amount refunded is about 90
to 95% of the monies paid out, including customs brokerage fees.

Reduced Import Restrictions

The governments of most countries are beginning to take the view that
many tariffs, quotas, and other types of import restrictions hinder eco¬
nomic growth and development in the long term. Trade bloc agreements
notwithstanding, countries have thus generally cooperated with one another
and with the GATT and its successor organization, the WTO, to gradually
ease trade restrictions.
Tariffs and other restrictions that remain tend to surround entire trade
bloc areas and are designed more to redirect trade than to stifle it.
Automobiles imported into the United States are a case in point.
216 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Import taxes on European- and Japanese-made vehicles were once as

high as 25%, shrinking to between 5 and 10% in the 1960s and 1970s.
Today, they are 2%. However, a long-term North American Free Trade
Association (NAFTA) objective is to establish a protective tariff on motor
vehicles that are not produced within the NAFTA region with at least 70%
local content. The result is that foreign vehicle producers have been
rushing to establish production facilities in North America.
Goods originating in Third World countries are another example. The
output of most developing areas enjoys duty-free or reduced duty access
to the markets of industrial nations through either bilateral trade agree¬
ments or multilateral treaties negotiated through the former GATT. Even
when import taxes are imposed, they tend to be low and non-restrictive.

The Future of Free Trade Zones

It is probable that FTZs as they exist today may change in the early pait
of the next century. Concepts of international logistics involving trans¬
port, distribution, and materials management and handling are rapidly
moving from port-to-port to warehouse-to-warehouse structures. The trans¬
portation industry’s vision of the future is trade and commerce without
borders, where government policing and revenue gathering will be reor¬
ganized closer to corporate shipping and receiving centers. Many of these
centers are situated away from sea and air ports of entiy.


The United States, like many other countries, has sought for many years
to provide tax subsidies for the exporting community. These efforts over
the past 50 years have resulted in the passage of a number of tax laws
that were originally intended to benefit small business. Many of these
laws were found to be either unconstitutional or in violation of interna¬
tional agreements. However, the Foreign Sales Corporation Act (FSCA),
passed by the U.S. Congress in 1983, is still on the books and active. It
offers small business exporters some significant tax advantages.

Origins of the Foreign Sales Corporation

The United States has been involved in an ongoing dispute with its
trading partners concerning its periodic attempts to artificially stimulate
U.S. Policies: Taxation and Related Programs 217

corporate exports by enhancing their profitability through income tax

reduction on bottom line earnings. These disputes go back to the 1950s,
when the government passed the Western Hemisphere Trading Corpora¬
tion Act, and continued throughout the 1970s, when the law was re¬
placed by the Domestic International Sales Corporation Act in 1971,
which in turn was replaced by the FSCA in 1983.

The Western Hemisphere Trading Corporation

In the 1950s, the U.S. Congress passed a law known as the Western
Hemisphere Trading Corporation (WHTC) Act. It allowed U.S. corpora¬
tions to deduct from federal taxation a portion of export earnings on
revenues generated from sales made outside the United States but within
the Western Hemisphere (North and South America and the Caribbean).
The law was awkward, as it forced companies to first make a “paper”
sale to a change-of-title point somewhere offshore (like Bermuda or the
Cayman Islands), with the “transfer agent” in that location making the
final sale, including title transfer to the “ultimate consignee” (importer) at
the goods’ final destination. The U.S.-based exporter would therefore
ship to the transfer point at cost plus a veiy low markup to the transfer
agent, who would resell the goods at a higher markup to the real buyer
at the final destination. Federal income taxes would be assessed on the
transfer agent’s export earnings, with a deep incentive discount applied
as called for under the law.

The Domestic International Sales Corporation

The WHTC approach was replaced in 1971 by the Domestic International
Sales Corporation (DISC). This allowed a U.S. company to establish a
corporate subsidiary (it could use the parent’s location and address)
whose worldwide export sales would be eligible for a 50% tax deferral
on bottom-line export earnings. This deferral became a write-off if the
taxable earnings were spent in the next fiscal period on export promo¬
tion and/or other export-related activities.
The DISC law also allowed a DISC subsidiary to make loans back to
the parent (called producers’ loans) ostensibly for the purpose of increas¬
ing export inventories. It remains unclear at this time if there was ever
a binding requirement for the parent to repay those obligations, many of
which remained on the books until the law was changed in 1983.
The legality of the DISC, from the point of view of international
218 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

trading agreements between the United States and major trading partners
like Canada and the GATT nations, was bitterly contested from the start.
The argument was that a DISC constituted an export subsidy prohibited
under the GATT.
In August of 1983, after much pressure from the GATT Council, the
administration submitted a proposal to replace the DISC with an offshore
entity known as a foreign sales corporation (FSC). Congress passed the
proposal in June 1984, and it was signed into law in July 1984. The first
major provision of the FSCA was to forgive the taxes on previously tax-
deferred DISC income, laying to rest forever the issue of the unrepaid
producers’ loans, along with all other unpaid taxes on now permanently
tax-deferred income,

The Foreign Sales Corporation

The question as to whether WHTC and DISC provisions constituted a
prohibited export subsidy under GATT has not been resolved.

How the Foreign Sales Corporation Works

In order to conform with the requirements of the FSCA, a U.S. exporter
must be a stockholder of a business entity that is incorporated outside
the United States but in a territory of the countiy (the U.S. Virgin Islands,
but not Puerto Rico). This office must be managed outside the United
States and perform certain economic processes (meeting selling activity
and direct cost test requirements) outside the United States. It must
specifically elect to be an FSC (have a corporate charter statement to that
effect) and must meet the basic foreign presence requirements defined
in the FSCA.
This means an FSC must prove that it is an active business in the
territory where it is incorporated. Finally, its stockholders must be in¬
volved in exporting and/or export-related activities. If all these conditions
are met, a portion of the FSC’s earnings from the sale of exports will be
exempt from U.S. tax.

Location of Foreign Sales Corporation Offices

An FSC must be created and maintain an office outside the United States,
such as in a U.S. possession or countiy that has an acceptable “exchange
of information” agreement with the United States. The list of qualifying
areas includes Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the North-
U.S. Policies: Taxation and Related Programs 219

ern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Puerto Rico is not
included because of its special commonwealth status with the mainland.

Management of Offices Outside of the United States

All board of directors and shareholder meetings must take place outside
the United States in the territory of the FSC. It may have no more than
25 shareholders at any given time during the taxable year, nor may it issue
or have preferred stock outstanding at any time during the taxable year.
An FSC must have at least one member of the board who is not a
resident of the United States. The principal bank account of the FSC must
be maintained outside the United States at all times during the taxable
year, and a permanent set of books must reside in the foreign location.
Also, all disbursements, such as legal fees, dividends, officer salaries, etc.,
must be drawn from the account that is maintained outside the United

Performance of Economic Processes

There are two categories of foreign economic process requirements that
must be satisfied. Both may be performed by an FSC or on its behalf by
Selling. The first category encompasses selling activities. An FSC is
required to solicit, negotiate, and engage in activities that produce foreign
trading revenue. In other words, it must not only be credited with the
sale of goods and services for export outside of its territory, but it must
show that it is actively involved in the solicitation, negotiation, and
processing of those sales.
The "direct cost" test. The second category involves a direct cost test
where an FSC must demonstrate for each transaction that generated
foreign trade income that 50% or more of the total cost incurred by the
FSC for advertising and sales, order processing and delivery, issuing in¬
voices and receiving payment, and assuming credit risk is attributable to
activities performed by the FSC outside of the United States.

Taxation of Foreign Sales Corporations

In an attempt to persuade FSCs to utilize the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam,
the Northern Mariana Islands, or American Samoa, the FSC legislation
contains a provision that prohibits the governments of these possessions
from imposing any tax on FSC foreign trading income.
220 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

However, this inducement can be misleading. For example, FSCs in

the U.S. Virgin Islands are not subject to local income taxes. However, they
are subject to a Virgin Islands 10% withholding tax on distributions of
Virgin Islands source income. On a positive note, there are many cases
where an FSC’s foreign trade income would not be considered predomi¬
nantly of Virgin Islands source; therefore, the dividends the FSC pays to
its shareholders could and very often do avoid the Virgin Islands withhold¬
ing tax.

Tax-Exempt Portion of Foreign Trading Income

of Foreign Sales Corporations
A total of 34% of foreign trading income generated by an FSC is today
exempt from federal income taxes. This exemption is due to the foreign
trade income being classified as foreign-source income, which is not
connected to business in the United States and, therefore, not subject to
federal tax.

Pricing Rules
Two pricing rules are used to determine the exempt income amount:

1. If the amount of income is based on the transfer price (or com¬

mission) actually charged but subject to the “arm’s-length” pricing
rules under Section 482 of the FCPA, then 34% of the income
derived from the foreign trade will be exempt from U.S. federal
income tax.
2. If the income of the FSC is derived using special administrative
pricing rules, then the exempt foreign trade income is 17/23 of its
23% of combined profits. This latter alternative allows an FSC to
utilize “safe-haven rules” if it performs all of the activities man¬
dated in the foreign economic process requirements. This means
that, as distinguished from the economic process test, some func¬
tions (like solicitation of foreign sales) may be performed from the
“safe-haven” (partially tax-exempt) office in the United States.

U.S. Taxation of Non-Exempt Foreign Trading Income

of a Foreign Sales Corporation
The non-exempt portion of income that utilized the “arm’s-length” method
is not specifically covered in the FSC rules and therefore will be taxed
U.S. Policies: Taxation and Related Programs 221

according to the rules that apply to foreign corporations with U.S. activi¬
ties. The portion of income from an FSC that utilized the safe-haven rules
will be subject to U.S. tax. The new rules treat this income as U.S. source
income connected with trade or business conducted through permanent
establishment of an FSC within the United States. By classifying the
income in this manner, it is subject to U.S. tax as normal business

Distributions to Shareholders/Dividends Received

from a Foreign Sales Corporation
Distributions to shareholders must be made out of foreign trade income
first (not, for example, out of investment income). Any distribution that
is made from foreign trade income is considered to be connected to trade
or business conducted through an establishment of the shareholders
within the United States. These distributions, therefore, are generally
subject to federal income tax.
A 100% dividends-received deduction is allowed to domestic corpo¬
rations with regard to amounts distributed from an FSC out of earnings
and profits. In essence, there would be no corporate-level tax on exempt
foreign trade income and only a single-level corporate tax (at the FSC
level) on foreign trade income not considered exempt.

Implications for Multinational Corporations

The existing FSC legislation allows business the choice of operating
under an FSC umbrella while maintaining a measure of control from
stateside offices under the so-called “safe-haven” rules discussed above.
Major companies like AT&T have taken advantage of FSC law in recent
It seems clear that the FSC offers some very definite tax advantages.
A number of banking and corporate groups have formed FSCs in the past
and reserve equity positions for new exporter-stockholders from time to
time as permitted under FSC stockholder rules. These FSCs have offices
and staff in place and offer marketing and selling services which a small
business exporter may not have developed yet.

Forming a Foreign Sales Corporation

An election must be filed with the IRS in order for a business in the U.S.
Virgin Islands, for example, that is incorporated to operate as an FSC to
222 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

be treated as one for tax purposes. This election may be filed at any time
at least 90 days before the beginning of a new tax year. The election
requires the written consent of all stockholders, as they are all deemed
to have a vested interest in the management of the FSC.

Comparing FSCs with DISCs and a Future Glimpse

There is little doubt that DISC was a cleaner act in terms of its intent and
application. In some ways, FSCs are a throwback to the old WHTCs,
which were indeed clumsy to manage from both an administrative and
accounting viewpoint. An FSCs tax-exempting benefits are somewhat
better than those of a DISC, because they provide a permanent tax
deduction and not merely a temporary deferral of taxes due, which often
required creative accounting to make them permanent.
In any case, FSCs have now survived longer than DISCs and have not
yet been challenged by U.S. trading partners through the WTO, which
absorbed GATT in 1996.


Consultation with tax specialists as part of the preparation for doing
business in other countries can make the difference between losing and
making money from international operations. There are as many tax
codes as there are nations, each with its own particular impact on
business transactions. Therefore, conflicts in the interpretation of these
codes are inevitable, even when tax treaties exist.
A few corporate executives aggressively seek low-tax areas or so-
called tax havens in which to base their companies’ higher profit busi¬
nesses. This practice is known as “treaty shopping” and is looked upon
with increasing disfavor by the tax authorities of many countries. Gov¬
ernments generally encourage economic enterprise to seek profitable
activities that increase the tax base and are more reluctant than ever to
sanction businesses whose main goal may be tax avoidance or outright
tax evasion.


Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-lm Bank). This quasi-gov¬
ernment bank offers large and small business exporters political and
U.S. Policies: Taxation and Related Programs 223

credit risk insurance on their shipments to overseas customers. It also

provides at or below market loans to specific direct foreign investments.

Foreign Sales Corporation Act of 1983. This U.S. law provides a tax
incentive to corporations that conduct export operations from offices
based in offshore possessions such as the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam.

Foreign tax haven. A country or region offering an income-tax-free en¬


Free trade zone (FTZ). A geographical enclosure within the customs area
of a country (that is to say, within the United States) into which goods
may be imported without the payment of import taxes.

Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC). A government-char¬

tered insurance company that enables companies with foreign assets
committed to wholly owned subsidiaries, joint ventures, and other stra¬
tegic alliances to insure those assets against expropriation by a host

Residency. Who pays taxes to whom is determined by the concept of

residency. The term “resident” in the United States has nothing to do with
one’s citizenship. Residency refers to an individual’s or a business’s physical
presence in an area for a prescribed time period.

Small Business Administration (SBA). This government agency arranges

for low-cost loans to small business to help them finance export inven¬
tories and foreign receivables.

Tax treaties and double taxation. All firms doing business in other coun¬
tries are vulnerable to double taxation unless a bilateral tax treaty is in
place. Foreign branch offices are most obviously affected because their
taxable income could be payable twice, in the host country and again in
the United States.

United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The USAID

program makes it possible for smaller companies to export to develop¬
ing areas that are friendly to the United States without having to worry
about non-payment, as all monies are fully funded through congres¬
sional appropriations.

U.S. worldwide income rule. Under U.S. law, a resident of the United
States must pay taxes on all income earned in the United States and in
other countries. In other words, a U.S. resident must pay federal income
taxes on worldwide income.
224 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

21.1 A large U.S.-based corporation is contemplating a long-term foreign
direct investment in the European Union region. Carefully plot the
organizational structure it should pursue in terms of the impact of
taxes on its activities.

21.2 Describe and explain, with examples, the nature of international tax
treaties and how they might affect a U.S. corporation doing busi¬
ness in many countries.

21.3 Describe and explain how a U.S. corporation might organize itself
to take advantage of the Foreign Sales Corporation Act.

21.4 Discuss how the concept of residency and the worldwide income
rule can impact the multinational organizational structure of U.S.
U.S. Trade and Investment
Support Organizations

In this chapter, the roles played by key U.S. government organizations
in assisting business in doing business overseas are examined. The focus
is on four support groups: the Overseas Private Investment Corporation,
the Export-Import Bank of the United States, the Small Business Admin¬
istration, and the United States Agency for International Development.


What It Is and How It Started
The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) was created by
Congress in 1969 as a quasi-private-public corporation. Its mission was
to insure the foreign direct investments of U.S.-based corporations against
losses from host government acts of property expropriation (nationaliza¬
tion). The level of insurance is on 80% of the book value of assets at the
time of expropriation. OPIC insurance covers political events such as the
inability to convert local currency into dollars; expropriation, nationaliza¬
tion or confiscation by a foreign government; or political violence (war,
revolution, civil strife, or insurrection).
Additionally, from Argentina to Poland to Zimbabwe, OPIC offers
valuable assistance to U.S. firms planning projects around the world.

226 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

OPIC has assisted U.S. investors in making profitable investments in over

100 developing countries. It encourages investment projects that will help
the social and economic development of these countries. At the same
time, it assists the U.S. balance-of-payments equilibrium through the
generation of profits returned to the United States as well as the creation
of U.S. jobs and exports.
The organization was established by Congress in 1969 and began
operations in 1971 as a self-sustaining government agency. Starting with
funding of $106 million, OPIC’s reserves have grown to more than $1.5
billion, which it uses primarily for two purposes: to provide financing for
U.S. investments and projects through direct loans, loan guarantees, and
equity investments and to provide U.S. firms with investment insurance
against political risks.

Eligible enterprises include processing, manufacturing, storage, mining,
forestry, fishing, agricultural production, energy development, tourism,
hotel construction, equipment maintenance, and distributorship facilities.
OPIC generally does not provide financing for projects that involve housing
or infrastructure development.

OPIC Programs
OPIC’s direct loan and guarantee programs provide medium- and long¬
term funding and permanent capital to international investment projects
that involve significant equity and management participation by U.S.
companies. OPIC’s award of financing is based upon the economic,
technical, and financial soundness of a project. Project sponsors must
show an adequate cash flow to cover operational costs, to service all
debts, and to provide a return on investment.
Direct loans. Through direct loans, U.S. investors may obtain financing
for smaller projects. Loans for such projects typically range from $500,000
to a maximum of $6 million. Direct loans may only be used to finance
projects sponsored by or which significantly involve small businesses.
Loan guarantees. OPIC offers loan guarantees for larger projects, which
can involve small companies or major corporations. Loan guarantees
range from $2 million to as large as $50 million. Terms of direct loans
and loan guarantees generally provide for a final maturity of 5 to 12 years
following an appropriate grace period, during which only interest is
U.S. Trade and Investment Support Organizations 227

payable. The length of the grace period depends upon the time required
for the project to generate a positive cash flow.
Seed capital. OPIC may also provide capital for a project through
stock investments and the purchase of a project’s debentures convertible
to stock. These investments increase a project’s capital base, which helps
project sponsors obtain more debt capital to finance the project. OPIC’s
equity investments typically range from $250,000 up to $2 million, but
may be larger depending upon the particular project. U.S. companies of
any size are eligible to receive financial assistance under the equity invest¬
ment program. However, because equity investments usually involve greater
risk, OPIC is very careful in selecting which projects it will finance.
Coverage. OPIC policies can cover up to 90% of the investment in an
eligible project. It is OPIC’s policy to offer insurance only for new
investments that involve the expansion or modernization of an existing
plant or equipment or the acquisition of additional working capital to
expand an existing project. Eligible investors are citizens of the United
States; corporations, partnerships, and/or other organizations founded
under U.S. laws (and substantially owned by U.S. citizens); any state or
territoiy of the United States; or foreign businesses which are at least 95%
owned by sponsors eligible under the above requirements.
Pre-investment services. OPIC also offers pre-investment services to
assist U.S. companies in assessing foreign market potential. In 1996, OPIC
agreed to provide political risk insurance to a U.S. financial management
firm that intends to invest in a number of Soviet enterprises.

OPIC's Current Economic Involvement

OPIC is often seen as a governmental agency that places a drain on the
U.S. economy. In actuality, OPIC is a highly profitable entity with earn¬
ings over $100 million per year. During its history, OPIC has accumulated
earnings of over $1.2 billion and has enough reserves to cover 20% of
all of its potential liabilities as an insurer.
Risk. OPIC does what no private risk insurer is willing to do: finance
and/or insure high-risk foreign investments. By insuring American foreign
investments for up to 20 years, OPIC gives these long-term projects the
security needed to generate meaningful economic development in emerg¬
ing areas. As a point of reference, most of OPIC’s projects are located
in some of the poorest developing countries in the world.
While many people may agree that the U.S. government needs to be
involved in assisting U.S. businesses to compete overseas, some are
228 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

worried about the procedures that are in place. The loan requirements
used by OPIC are very similar to those of any bank doing business within
the United States.
The problem arises when a borrower defaults on a OPIC loan. Be¬
cause OPIC is a governmental agency, the taxpayers must suffer the loss.
Therefore, OPIC has come under much scrutiny for its risky loan practices.
Problems. One such investigation found that a huge shipment of
Israeli arms that ended up in the hands of the Medellin drug cartel was
apparently financed with $1.3 million in loans secured through OPIC.
The investigation showed that an alleged Antiguan melon farmer and
former Israeli soldier secured these funds supposedly for his melon farm,
but instead engineered an arms deal.


The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) is a quasi-
independent U.S. government agency that aids in financing and insuring
the foreign sale of U.S. goods and services.

The Ex-Im Bank was established in 1934 by presidential order and was
reorganized in 1945. Its mission has changed over the years from sup¬
porting U.S. foreign-aid-financed exports through a system of credit and
political insurance programs to supporting private sector exports that
benefit the domestic economy.
The use of Ex-Im Bank financing has been influential in helping U.S.
firms to boost exports, especially to developing nations. At the same time,
its mission is to work with U.S. businesses in identifying, insuring, and
financing foreign direct investment projects that will both create jobs and
foster economic growth in the United States. In other words, an impor¬
tant criterion for Ex-Im Bank involvement is that a project must benefit
both the overseas country as well as the U.S. economy.

The Ex-Im Bank’s mission is to create jobs through exports. It has several
programs available to assist both small and large U.S. companies engaged
U.S. Trade and Investment Support Organizations 229

in international trade and investments. These programs include a Work¬

ing Capital Guarantee Program, export credit insurance to protect foreign
receivables, and medium-term and long-term direct loans and guarantees
to finance capital goods and service exports which may require long
repayment terms. The Ex-Im Bank gives priority to small and medium¬
sized businesses so that they can maximize their involvement in foreign
The bank complements and does not compete with private banks. It
does so by taking on risks not ordinarily accepted by private sector
banks and insurance companies. For example, it will provide political
risk insurance coverage for investments in and shipments to politically
unstable countries where the enterprise is seen as beneficial to both the
impacted area and the United States. It will also assume a measure of
the credit risk if it is satisfied that there is reasonable assurance of

General Ex-Im Bank Programs

The Ex-Im Bank has a number of direct loan programs for exporters,
with terms that are intended to compete with and counter the export
trade subsidies provided by other governments.
Direct financing. It provides direct financing to creditworthy foreign
buyers when private financing is unavailable.
Insurance. It may offer credit and political-risk-based non-payment
insurance (payment guarantees) on individual investment projects and
export transactions as incentives to private sector banks to extend short-,
medium-, or long-term financing.
Export support. The bank supports U.S. export sales worldwide. Its
focus is nevertheless on those developing nations with rapidly growing
economies. It also concentrates, often in concert with the World Bank,
on investment projects in some of the poorest and neediest countries that
share common foreign policy objectives with the United States.
Export financing. The bank will finance the export of all types of
goods and services, including commodities and consumables. It does not
finance the sale of military and/or military-related goods and services.
Qualifications. The product or the service must be at least 50% of U.S.
content to qualify for Ex-Im Bank support. Two current goals are to
increase the export of environmental goods and services and to expand
the number of small businesses using Ex-Im Bank programs.
230 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Financial Assistance without Foreign Aid

The Ex-Im Bank does not dispense foreign aid; nor is it an economic
development agency. However, its programs often help U.S. exporters
participate in development projects. The Ex-Im Bank will co-finance or
provide payment guarantees on projects in conjunction with the United
States Agency for International Development and the World Bank, as
indicated above.

Specific Programs
The Ex-Im Bank provides financing support for U.S. exporters through
working capital guarantees, export credit insurance, loan guarantees, and
direct loans.

Working Capital Guarantee Program

The Export Trading Act of 1982 allowed the Ex-Im Bank to establish a
financing program to guarantee loans to U.S exporters. This became
known as the Working Capital Guarantee Program.
Over 100 working capital guarantees are extended to small and medium¬
sized companies each year by the Ex-Im Bank. Products that have been
shipped under the program include semiconductor test equipment, wood
products, agricultural products, and metal-processing equipment.
In general, many small business exporters tend to be highly leveraged.
Even with a proven ability to sell and ship goods against letters of credit
from overseas buyers, many exporters find it difficult to obtain credit.
This lack of collateral and the perceived risks of foreign business by
lenders reduce an exporter’s ability to borrow money. This makes it more
difficult for the exporter to finance inventories and extend trade credit to
foreign customers.
Ex-Im Bank’s Working Capital Guarantee Program addresses this prob¬
lem by reducing a lender’s risk through the bank’s loan repayment
guarantee to the lender if the exporter (borrower) ends up being unable
to repay the obligation. With sufficient working capital, exporters are in
a better position to take advantage of vendor discounts, shipment con¬
solidations, and other benefits that come from being sufficiently capital¬
ized. The final result is improved operating margins and the ability to
extend credit to customers abroad.
The guarantee covers 90% of the principal and interest on commercial
loans to creditworthy companies that need funds to buy or produce U.S.
U.S. Trade and Investment Support Organizations 231

goods and services for export. The Ex-Im Bank will process loan requests
for $833,334 and above. The Small Business Administration processes
loans for lesser amounts on behalf of small businesses.
The loan repayment guarantee transaction may be approved for a
single sale or a series of sales under a revolving line of credit. Its terms
are typically 12 months, but may be extended for a total of 2 years. Ex-
Im Bank requires that the borrower’s assets be secured, usually in the
form of inventory of exportable goods and/or accounts receivables on
goods or services already exported or other forms of collateral.
There is an up-front $100 application fee. The bank then charges the
guaranteed lender an up-front facility fee of 0.5% on the loan amount
and a quarterly usage fee of 0.25% on the disbursed amount.
The total cost of the loan is similar to the cost of a regular commercial
loan. This is because the funds are disbursed to the exporter not by the
Ex-Im Bank but by the private bank with which the exporter normally
deals. These Ex-Im Bank guaranteed loans are usually priced at the prime
rate plus 1 to 3% or more, depending upon the exporter’s credit rating.

Export Credit Insurance

Export credit insurance policies protect exporters and their lenders against
both the political and commercial (credit) risks of a foreign buyer default¬
ing on payments. This program was begun in I960 by an association
known as the Foreign Credit Insurance Association (FCIA), created as a
joint venture between the Ex-Im Bank and private insurance companies.
The FCIA was dissolved some years back, and its functions were ab¬
sorbed by the Ex-Im Bank.
Political-risk loss categories include war, currency inconvertibility, central
bank failure, blocked currency accounts, import license revocation, acts
of terrorism, etc. Credit risk categories include non-payment by the buyer
due to insolvency or default. With export credit insurance, exporters are
in a better position to extend payment terms to their foreign customers.
Insurance policies are available for single or multiple transactions.
They can also be obtained for equipment leases. The political risk side
of the policy can cover up to 100% of an exporter’s invoice value. The
credit or commercial risk side of the policy may cover up to 90% of an
exporter’s invoice value.
These insurance policies are generally of a short-term nature and
enable exporters to grant payment terms to foreign customers for up to
180 days on sales of consumer goods, raw materials, equipment, and
232 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

spare parts. Insurance policies on hulk commodities, consumer durables,

and capital goods enable exporters to offer payment terms of up to one
year to their foreign customers.

Capital Goods Insurance

Capital goods transactions that are large (over $1 million) may be insured
for up to five years under Ex-Im Bank’s medium-term policy. Insurance
coverage for longer periods of time and/or for very large transactions is
available by special negotiation.
Ex-Im Bank uses the same country risk classifications adopted by the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. These classi¬
fications are the basis for determining the Ex-Im Bank’s maximum accept¬
able exposure on each transaction or set of transactions to individual
countries. Ex-Im Bank loan guarantee and risk insurance coverage pro¬
grams have thus far stayed within the ten-year range.

Commercial Bank Medium-Term Guarantees

These loan repayment guarantees are available directly to exporters, their
foreign customers, and/or their banks. The guarantees cover loans of up
to five years and are usually in excess of $1 million. In actuality, Ex-Im
Bank prefers to be involved in transactions over $10 million.
This guarantee program to U.S. exporters and to foreign buyers of
U.S. goods and services covers 100% of principal and interest against
political and commercial risks of non-payment. It covers the sale of
capital items such as truck and construction equipment, scientific appara¬
tus and medical equipment, food-processing machinery, project-related
services including industrial and architectural design and building plans,
and goods (computers) related to the performance of project-related
services. It can also be used to extend medium-term credit to buyers of
U.S. capital goods and services through banks in certain foreign markets.

Direct Loans
Direct loans provide foreign buyers with competitive fixed-rate financing
for their purchases in the United States. Ex-Im Bank’s loans and guaran¬
tees cover 85% of the contract price, with 100% of that portion financed.
The foreign buyer is required to make a 15% cash payment. The fees
charged by the Ex-Im Bank for its programs are based on the risk
U.S. Trade and Investment Support Organizations 233

assessment of the foreign buyer or guarantor, the buyer’s country, and

term of the credit. Ex-Im Bank’s fees are highly competitive with those
charged by the export credit agencies of other exporting countries.

The Application Process

The Ex-Im Bank conducts an in-depth credit review which takes approxi¬
mately two months. This cycle may be shorter or longer depending on
how complete a submitted application is and Ex-Im Bank’s backlog.
Information required is similar to that requested by most banks. An
applicant, whether domestic or foreign, is usually asked to submit three
years of financial statements, resumes, credit references, and business
plans with the completed application form.
When reviewing an application, the Ex-Im Bank considers three fac¬
tors: the viability of the transaction itself, the ability of the applicant to
perform, and the reliability of the source of payment.
A company may apply directly to obtain a preliminary commitment
for a guarantee from the Ex-Im Bank and then use it to shop for the
lender that offers the best terms, or the applicant’s bank may obtain the
guarantee. Certain lenders, experienced in dealing with the Ex-Im Bank,
have the enabling authority to make commitments on behalf of the Ex-
Im Bank.

Recent Ex-Im Bank Activities

Recent Ex-Im Bank efforts have included loan guarantees for a large
computer sale to Russia in 1992. This involved $32 million in loan
guarantees for six large mainframe computers intended to improve safety
at Russia’s nuclear power plants. The exporter was Control Data Systems
of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Ex-Im Bank also provided loan guarantees for the completion of a
nuclear power reactor in the Czech Republic in 1994. This transaction
was somewhat controversial, as the loan guarantees were intended to
allow Westinghouse Electric Company to complete a Soviet-designed
nuclear power plant.
Opponents of the loan guarantee cited nuclear safety and environ¬
mental concerns as reasons to oppose the deal. However, the export
market is the only market for U.S. manufacturers of nuclear power equip¬
ment because no nuclear power plants have been constructed in the
234 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

United States since 1978. Westinghouse was to supply $334 million in

instruments, nuclear fuel, and control equipment.

The Ex-lm Bank's Future

The U.S. Congress has been threatening to abolish the Ex-lm Bank since
the 1980s. It was earmarked for extinction in 1981 as part of a federal
budget-cutting process and continues to survive similar threats today.
Congressional funding of Ex-lm Bank activities in 1994 was $1 billion.
It fell to $800 million in 1995, and its budget remained more or less
unchanged in 1996 and 1997. With the current interest in smaller gov¬
ernment through privatization, plans for the bank’s extinction as a public
sector institution are continually being discussed by the Congress.


What It Is and How It Works
The Small Business Administration (SBA) was created in 1953 as a federal
agency to help small businesses raise operating capital. Over the years,
it has become the government’s major source of support for small busi¬
ness and small business issues.
The SBA today offers existing and prospective small businesses two
financing channels. The first is through a direct lending program in which
the SBA makes a direct loan to a firm. The second is through a guar¬
anteed loan program in which the SBA provides loan repayment guar¬
antees to financial institutions that make loans to small business.

SBA and Ex-lm Bank Cooperation

According to the Ex-lm Bank, small businesses account for 96% of all
U.S. exporters but only 30% of the dollar volume of the nation’s exports.
These small companies have export growth potential but need working
The SBA is tiying to meet those financing needs with its own Work¬
ing Capital Program in coordination with the Ex-lm Bank. The SBA and
Ex-lm Bank have divided the support finance market, with the SBA
handling the smaller loans so that the Ex-lm Bank can focus on the
larger transactions. Hence, the Ex-lm Bank handles transactions over
U.S. Trade and Investment Support Organizations 235

$833,333, which represents the largest loan amount the SBA can cover
with a 90% guarantee.

The SBA Loan Guarantee Program for Exporters

The guaranteed loan program is specifically intended to provide financ¬
ing to small businesses. The program helps reduce the risk taken on by
the primary lender (the exporter’s bank) and also allows the SBA to
leverage its congressionally appropriated funds.
Known as the SBA 7(a) Loan Guaranty Program, it is of long-term
assistance to small businesses when other funding sources are unavail¬
able on reasonable terms through normal lending channels. Private lend¬
ers, usually banks or large corporate financing companies, make loans
that are guaranteed up to 90% by the SBA.
The borrower then makes loan payments to the lender, which feels
more secure with a government repayment guarantee in hand. This
program promotes small business formation and growth. Many small
business loans made by private lenders are arranged in this manner, and
the financial services branches of major corporations like AT&T have
become important sources of funding for small business.

Small Business Loan Objectives

Most SBA loans made under the 7(a) Loan Guaranty Program are to meet
small business porter needs as listed below:

• Purchase inventory and material

• Purchase furniture, fixtures, machinery, and equipment
• Purchase or construct business premises
• Construct leasehold improvements
• Purchase a business
• Repay existing trade payables or other debt
• Provide working capital
• Provide receivables financing

The SBA can guarantee up to $833,000 or up to 70 to 90% of a loan.

There is one exception, which needs Ex-Im Bank concurrence. Export
sales that generate loan guarantees can be as high as $1,250,000. Interest
rates on SBA-guaranteed loans generally do not exceed 2.75% over the
prime lending rate.
236 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

The Contract Loan Program

In addition to its regular programs, the SBA has designed specialized
programs to meet specific needs of the small business community. The
Contract Loan Program helps small businesses in the short-term financing
of labor and material costs of specific assignable contracts. Each contract
loan finances one contract. Eligible businesses are small construction,
manufacturing, and service contractors that provide a specific product or
service. Exporters can avail themselves of this program if they are en¬
gaged in building or fabricating one-of-a-kind tailor-made machinery,
devices, or equipment for overseas customers. For example, this program
would be well suited for machinists.

Seasonal Lines of Credit

The Seasonal Line of Credit Program helps small businesses to finance
increased receivables and inventory needs that result from seasonal
upswings in business activity. Small businesses that have seasonal loan
requirements are eligible. Small business exporters can be ideal candi¬
dates for this program.

The Small General Contractor Loan Program

This program is intended for financing the construction or renovation of
residential and commercial buildings for sale. Construction contractors
and home builders are eligible. Contractors that specialize in smaller
construction projects in foreign countries, particularly if the projects in¬
volve low-cost housing developments, would be suitable for the contrac¬
tor loan program.

The Export Working Capital Program

This is an export-specific program to assist small business in financing
the manufacture or purchase of goods and services for the export or
development of a foreign market. Lenders often consider export working
capital loan requests too small and risky compared to longer term domes¬
tic loans. The Export Working Capital Program (EWCP) replaces the
SBA’s Export Revolving Line of Credit and can support single transactions
or multiple sales.
Under the program, the SBA guarantees up to 90% (as high as $750,000)
of a private sector loan. Guarantees can be extended for pre-shipment
U.S. Trade and Investment Support Organizations 237

working capital, post-shipment capital, or a combination of the two. A

pre-shipment guarantee is used to finance the production or acquisition
of goods or services for export; a post-shipment guarantee is used to
finance receivables resulting from export sales. EWCP loans are generally
for a 12-month term but may be renewed twice, up to a total of 36
months. Collateral can include export inventory, foreign receivables,
assignments of contract or letter-of-credit proceeds, domestic receivables,
and in some cases personal guarantees.
When reviewing an EWCP application, the SBA considers the viability
of each transaction, the reliability of the payment sources, and the exporter’s
ability to perform. The applicant must have been in business for at least
one year. The loans cannot be used to expand overseas, to acquire fixed
assets, or to pay existing debt. The program is mainly designed to help
small companies that have not yet established a long-term banking rela¬
tionship with lenders or a track record as an exporter.
The program in large was modeled after California’s export finance
program. It also works with the Ex-Im Bank to eliminate confusion and
duplication and to simplify the application process. As a result, the SBA
and Ex-Im Bank have divided the export finance market. The SBA now
extends guarantees of $833,000 or less and the Ex-Im Bank handles all
guarantees over that amount. The two agencies have developed a joint
export loan application form and coordinated other program elements
such as fee and interest rate policies.
An advantage of the EWCP is that a business can apply directly to the
SBA for a preliminary commitment. Under the old system, only lenders
could request an SBA guarantee. With a preliminary commitment in
hand, a small business owner is in a better position to find a lender
willing to extend credit.

Other SBA Programs

• The International Trade Loan Program. Assists small companies
engaged in or preparing to engage in international trade and small
businesses adversely affected by competition from imports. This
program is useful for importers as well as exporters.
• The Qualified Employee Trust Program. Designed to allow a trust
to relend funds to its employer firm or to permit employees to buy
the employer concern.
• The Pollution Control Loan Program. Designed for the purpose of
planning, designing, or installing a pollution control facility for the
238 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

applicant’s own business. It can also be used to fund pollution

control equipment sales to foreign countries.
• The Low Documentation Loan Program (Low-Doc). Involves loan
requests of $100,00 or less. The one-page application used in this
program relies heavily on the strength of a small company’s credit
history. This is an excellent program for a tiny start-up firm.
• The Creen Line Program. Used for short-term working capital
needs of small businesses. This program uses inventories and
receivables to collateralize loans.
• The Vietnam-Era and Disabled Veterans Loan Program. Allows
U.S. war veterans to apply for direct loans to establish a small
business or expand an existing small business. The ceiling for
these direct loans is $150,000.
• The Handicapped Assistance Loan Program. Enables disabled and
handicapped businessmen to finance their business activities.
• The Women's Loan Program. Specifically targets female business

In all the above cases, the SBA provides liquidity so that the guaranteed
portion of the loan can be traded in the secondaiy markets (i.e., between
investment banks and finance companies).

In order to be eligible for SBA assistance, firms must be for-profit orga¬
nized and fall within a standard size, based on the average number of
employees over the previous 12 months of operation or based on sales
averaged over a 3-year period. In manufacturing, a company is consid¬
ered a small business if it has less than 1,500 employees. (The usual
maximum for eligibility is 500 employees.) In the wholesale trades, a
small business is defined as having fewer than 100 employees. In ser¬
vices, average annual receipts may not exceed $14.5 million, depending
on the specific industry. In retailing, average annual receipts may not
exceed $21 million, again depending on the specific industry. In con¬
struction, average annual receipts may not exceed $17 million, depending
on the type of industry. In agriculture, average annual receipts may not
exceed $7 million, depending on the specific industry.
Loan terms depend on the use for which the proceeds are intended
and the ability of the business to repay. Working capital loans have
maturities of up to ten years. Fixed asset financing (i.e., purchase or
U.S. Trade and Investment Support Organizations 239

major renovation) can he for up to 25 years. Most SBA-guaranteed loans

are for up to five years. Direct loans made by the SBA are for five years.


What It Is and How It Started
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) was
created by Congress in 1961 and charged with the mission of combating
communism by promoting economic development. USAID’s initial mis¬
sion was to provide loans and grants to developing areas that were
friendly to the United States. During the Cold War, the feeling was that
economic aid could help stem the expansion of communism by promot¬
ing democracy through economic growth. The communist threat a la the
Soviet Union is long gone, but the fundamental mission of USAID re¬
mains largely unchanged. It is still to provide loans to friendly developing
areas to encourage economic growth.
Today, it administers U.S. foreign economic and humanitarian assis¬
tance programs in more than 100 countries in the developing world,
including Central and Eastern Europe and the newly independent states
of the former Soviet Union. It is the federal government’s lead agency in
providing foreign aid. Congress appropriated about $4 billion in 1995.
The administration requested $4.2 billion for USAID for fiscal 1996. USAID
currently employs 3,500 people worldwide. At the end of the Vietnam
War, it employed 17,000 personnel, more than half of whom were sta¬
tioned in Asia (which contains more than half of the world’s poor).

Five USAID Objectives for the 1990s

1. Protecting the environment
2. Building democracy
3. Stabilizing world population growth
4. Encouraging broad-based economic development
5. Providing humanitarian assistance

Protecting the environment and controlling population growth are new

USAID targets. The pursuit of democracy and general development have
been goals of the agency since its inception.
240 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Protecting the environment. USAID environmental programs support

two strategic goals: reducing long-term threats to the global environment,
in particular, loss of biodiversity and climate change, and promoting and
sustaining economic growth locally, nationally, and regionally by ad¬
dressing environmental, economic, and development practices that im¬
pede development.
Globally, USAID programs focus on reducing the sources of green¬
house gas emissions and on promoting innovative approaches to the
conservation and sustainable use of the planet’s biological diversity. The
approach to national environmental problems differs on a country-by-
country basis, depending upon a particular country’s environmental pri¬
orities. Country strategies may include improving agricultural, industrial,
and natural resource management practices that play a central role in
environmental degradation; strengthening public policies and institutions
to protect the environment; holding dialogues with country governments
on environmental issues and with international agencies on the environ¬
mental impact of lending practices and the design and implementation of
innovative mechanisms to support environmental work; and environmen¬
tal research and education.
Building democracy. The agency’s strategic objective in this area is
to help countries make the transition to democracy. Programs focus on
some of the following problems: human rights abuses; misperceptions of
democracy and free market capitalism; lack of experience with demo¬
cratic institutions; the absence or weakness of intermediary organiza¬
tions; non-existent, ineffectual, or undemocratic political parties; disen¬
franchisement of women, indigenous peoples, and minorities; failure to
implement national charter documents; powerless or poorly defined
democratic institutions; tainted elections; and the inability to resolve
conflicts peacefully.
Stabilizing world population growth. USAID contributes to a coopera¬
tive global effort to stabilize world population growth and to support
women’s reproductive rights. These programs vary with the particular
needs of individual countries and the kinds of approaches that local
communities initiate and support. Most USAID resources are directed to
the following areas: support for voluntary family planning systems, repro¬
ductive healthcare, needs of adolescents and young adults, infant and
child health, and education for girls and women.
Encouraging broad-based economic development. USAID promotes
broad-based economic growth by addressing the factors that enhance the
capacity for growth and by working to remove the obstacles that stand
U.S. Trade and Investment Support Organizations 241

in the way of individual opportunity. In this context, programs concen¬

trate on strengthening market economies, expanding economic opportu¬
nities for the disadvantaged in developing areas, and building human
skills and capacities to facilitate broad-based participation.
Providing humanitarian assistance. USAID provides humanitarian as¬
sistance that saves lives, reduces suffering, assists victims in returning to
self-sufficiency, and reinforces democracy. Programs focus on disaster
prevention, preparedness, and mitigation; timely delivery of disaster relief
and short-term rehabilitation equipment, supplies, and services; preser¬
vation of basic institutions of civil governance during disaster crises;
support for democratic institutions during periods of national transition;
and raising local capabilities to anticipate and manage disasters and their

How USAID Works

USAID offices are usually located at American embassies in designated
countries where joint U.S. and local programs are already under way to
bring about change within USAID’s objectives. The local USAID office
generally functions under the auspices of the American embassy but
reports to the USAID assistant administrators for one of the four geo¬
graphic bureaus (Africa, Asia and Near East, Europe and the New Inde¬
pendent States, and Latin America and the Caribbean). These bureaus are
housed in the U.S. Department of State, of which USAID is part.
USAID has three functional groupings: AID missions, representative
AID offices, and AID sections of the embassy. The missions are located
in countries in which the U.S. economic assistance program is major,
continuing, and usually involves multiple types of aid in several sectors.
Each mission is headed by a mission director, who has been delegated
program planning, implementation, and representation authority.
Offices of the AID representative are located in countries where the
economic assistance program is moderate, declining, or has limited ob¬
jectives. The offices are usually headed by an AID representative, who
also has been delegated authority for program implementation and rep¬
AID sections of the embassy are located in countries where the as¬
sistance program is nominal or is being phased out. Program planning
and implementation authorities are delegated to the chief U.S. diplomatic
representative, who is assisted by the AID affairs officer.
Overseas program activities that involve more than one country are
242 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

administered by regional offices. These offices may also perform country

organizational responsibilities for assigned countries. Generally, the of¬
fices are headed by a regional development officer.
Development Assistance Coordination and Representative offices pro¬
vide liaison with various international organizations and represent U.S.
interests in development assistance matters. Such offices may be only
partially staffed by agency personnel and may be headed by employees
of other federal agencies.

Importance to Business
Implementation of USAID programs is required by law to give priority to
small businesses, known in USAID parlance as “contractors.” Almost all
USAID programs involve the export of goods and services to developing
areas where U.S. economic assistance funds have been committed.
Once a development project has been articulated in the form of an
action plan with an approved budget (a low-cost housing and shopping
complex, for example), the entire program is put out for competitive
bids, with interested businesses invited to tender offers. The bidding
format is announced through government publications and SBA mailings
that circulate among small businesses, as it is government policy to give
preference to small and minority-owned firms. The payment terms on
these USAID contracts, once awarded, are always against an irrevocable
confirmed letter of credit. Payment can be made at the end of contract
performance, but veiy often is made on a percentage of completion

Financial and Political Issues

What is interesting about the program is that USAID-appropriated funds
rarely leave the United States. Payment for goods bought by foreign
importers and financed by USAID loans is generally made directly to
exporters. Loan repayment must be made by the foreign importer to
USAID either in U.S. dollars or in another acceptable currency.
The net result of the overall USAID program is that it helps meet three
federal government objectives: it contributes to the economic develop¬
ment of countries friendly to the United States, it helps meet U.S. foreign
policy goals for specific regions in the world, and it helps increase U.S.
U.S. Trade and Investment Support Organizations 243


U.S. government programs designed to stimulate exports and investments
through the use of public funds loaned or granted to foreign countries
have come under increasing scrutiny and criticism in recent years. USAID
in particular has been attacked by the Congress. Originally created as a
temporary government agency, it is believed by many to have outlived
its usefulness. At the very least, suggestions have been advanced for its
In recent years, a series of scandals have emanated from USAID.
There are many diverse opinions about what should be done with the
agency. Many people criticize the agency’s goals and objectives, includ¬
ing those who run it. Many also criticize the agency’s lack of a verifica¬
tion system to ensure that the funds provided to countries are actually
used to fulfill their real requirements.
Many feel that USAID is important symbolically for the United States
but that its contribution to the economic growth of other countries is at
best marginal. This leads many American citizens to wonder whether
investing abroad is worth it when there are so many problems at home.
There are two diverse opinions as to the purpose of foreign aid. The
first is that many see foreign aid as a noble undertaking for humanitarian
reasons to help the poorest countries grow and become industrialized
societies. The opposing argument is that foreign aid is a way of buying
the allegiance of strategically located countries such as Israel and Egypt,
which are located near oil-producing countries. It is interesting to note
that about half of all USAID funding each year goes to Egypt and Israel.


Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-lm Bank). A quasi-indepen-
dent U.S. government agency that aids in financing and insuring the
foreign sale of U.S. goods and services. The Ex-lm Bank was established
in 1934 by presidential order and remains active today.

Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC). This insurance and

investment financing company was created by Congress in 1969 as a
quasi-private-public corporation. Its mission was to insure the foreign
direct investments of U.S.-based corporations against losses from host
government acts of property expropriation (nationalization).
244 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This agency

was created by Congress in 1961 and charged with the mission of com¬
bating communism by promoting economic development. USAID’s initial
mission was to provide loans and grants to developing areas that were
friendly to the United States. During the Cold War, the feeling was that
economic aid could help stem the expansion of communism by promot¬
ing democracy through economic growth. The communist threat a la the
Soviet Union is long gone, but the fundamental mission of USAID re¬
mains largely unchanged. It is still to provide loans to friendly developing
areas to encourage economic growth.

U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The SBA was created in 1953
as a federal agency to help small businesses raise operating capital. Over
the years, it has become the government’s major source of support for
small business and small business issues.

22.1 Describe and explain the functions of the Overseas Private Invest¬
ment Corporation, which has been around since 1969- Is it serving
any useful purpose today? Is it self-supporting? Should it be changed?
If so, to what? Should it be discontinued? If discontinued, should
something else take its place? If so, what?

22.2 Describe and explain the functions of the United States Agency for
International Development, which has been around since 1961. Is
it serving any useful purpose today? Is it self-supporting? Should it
be changed? If so, to what? Should it be discontinued? If discon¬
tinued, should something else take its place? If so, what?

22.3 Describe and explain the functions of the Export-Import Bank of

the United States, which has been around since 1934. Is it serving
any useful purpose today? Is it self-supporting? Should it be changed?
If so, to what? Should it be discontinued? If discontinued, should
something else take its place? If so, what?
International Systems
and Organizations

The trend toward international economic cooperation through the cre¬
ation of trade blocs, euphemistically called the “regionalization” of trade
and investments, is reviewed in this chapter. The roles played by inter¬
national organizations, such as the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund, in assisting nations to grow their economies through
international trade and investments are also examined.

An awareness of the problems and opportunities presented by nations
forming trade blocs can go a long way in helping international businesses
to globally maximize market share and earnings. Nations often create
new and larger trading areas that are easier to penetrate than the tradi¬
tional single-nation market. An overview of trade blocs, how they work,
and how they are used to advantage by importers and exporters is
provided in this section.

The Trade Bloc as a Working Concept

A trade bloc can be loosely defined as a group of two or more nations
that agree to a common policy with regard to goods imported from

246 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

outside the member countries. A common policy may also be established

with regard to goods produced within the region. Today, most trade
blocs are partial rather than comprehensive. That is to say, they do not
cover all goods and services produced outside or inside the trade bloc
The ultimate objective of any trade bloc is to achieve a measure of
economic integration (i.e., to achieve resource, production, and market
synergies, which many economic and political scholars and leaders be¬
lieve might not be possible otherwise). The more limited goal, which
some trade blocs have gone a long way toward meeting, is trade without

Economic Integration
The idea of economic integration is to merge the economic activities of
member countries to accelerate the processes of growth and develop¬
ment by maximizing market size, production capacity, and technological
advancement. Trade blocs are often seen as a stepping-stone on the path
toward economic integration. Trade blocs are also formed to protect
countries from what they may perceive as overwhelming foreign influ¬
ence and competition.

The Stepping-Stones of Economic Integration

The oldest surviving trade bloc in the twentieth century is the European
Union (EU). Its origins can be traced to the Belgium-Luxembourg Free
Trade Association, formed in the early 1920s. This free trade group
expanded in 1949 with the entry of the Netherlands to become a cus¬
toms union called Benelux, which in 1957 was absorbed into the Euro¬
pean Economic Community (EEC), or European Common Market as it
was known in the United States. The EEC started with 6 member coun¬
tries and has expanded to include 13 nations in its present form as the
The EU reveals the stepping-stones upon which it has built its influ¬
ence, power, and survivability. It began as a free trade association, grew
into a customs union, and evolved into a larger and relatively compre¬
hensive economic union. This procedural outline has been used as a
basis for trade bloc agreements elsewhere in the world with varying
degrees of success.
International Systems and Organizations 247

Free Trade Association

A free trade association (FTA), based on the Belgium-Luxembourg model,
is an association of two or more countries that agree to engage in duty¬
free or borderless trade for goods produced within the association area.
The member nations, however, maintain their own customs regulations
and specific tariff structures against non-member imports.
Thus, if product X of U.S. origin is imported into Luxembourg, it might
be subject to a 20% import tax. If the same product from the same source
is imported by Belgium, it might only be subject to a 10% import tax.

Customs Union (The Benelux Model)

A customs union incorporates the concept of an FTA as indicated above.
In addition, member countries agree to a common tariff structure against
non-members. In the Benelux model, which added the Netherlands to
the Belgium-Luxembourg association, all three countries would hypo¬
thetically set or “harmonize” their duties on product X of U.S. origin at
perhaps 15%.

Economic Cooperation Agreements

A unique characteristic of those Western European countries that even¬
tually formed the EEC was their creation of two parallel agreements prior
to creation of the EEC. The first was the Schumman Plan or European
Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) of 1949- The ECSC’s mission was to
encourage its members to pool resources and cooperate in the mutual
development of their iron and steel industries. The second was the
European Atomic Energy Community of 1954 (EURATOM). Its mission
was to help member countries develop nuclear energy for peaceful
purposes. For a while, the EEC, the ECSC, and EURATOM maintained
separate structures and were known as the “communities.” They were
merged into the EEC in the 1970s.

Economic Integration Association or Common Market

A common market, as in the case of the EEC, incorporates all the features
of an FTA and a customs union. It also allows for the free mobility of
production factors such as labor, capital, and technology. These targets
have been at least partially reached by the European member countries.
248 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Economic Regionalism Today

There are a number of functional regional trade blocs in the world today
that are moving to integrate their economies beyond the point of just
forming a customs union. The oldest in existence is the EU.

The European Union

The EU is the expansion of the original EEC that came to life with the
Treaty of Rome in March 1957. The old EEC had six members: Belgium,
France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.
These countries were also members of the ECSC and EURATOM. A
few years later, these three “communities,” as they were called, were
merged into the EEC, which by that time had become known as the
European Community.
Membership increased in 1973 to nine countries with the addition of
Denmark, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. Greece joined in 1980, and
Spain and Portugal followed in 1985. The EC changed its name in 1992
to the European Union. Austria joined in 1995, followed by Sweden and
Finland. More nations are expected to join within the next few years.

Caribbean Common Market

The Caribbean Common Market (CARICOM), which consists of the En¬
glish-speaking West Indian nations, was formed in 1974 and is an out¬
growth of the Caribbean Free Trade Association of 1965. It. is, despite its
name, a modified FTA. Not all products produced within the region are
covered by the treaty.

North American Free Trade Association

The North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA) came into existence
in 1993 as a free trade association among three countries: Canada, Mexico,
and the United States. Maligned as a source of future unemployment and
economic distress for the United States, it has in fact led to increased
trade and investments for the three participants. Further, the rising un¬
employment that was predicted never materialized. NAFTA remains a free
trade association at this time, with plans for becoming a customs union
by the end of the century.
Other Latin American countries have expressed interest in joining
NAFTA. It should be noted that the United States has been the more
International Systems and Organizations 249

reluctant partner in expanding NAFTA. Chile in particular has been seek¬

ing entry into NAFTA almost from its inception. In late 1996, it finally
signed a bilateral trade treaty with Canada, in a way bypassing the United

MERCOSUR (MERCOSUL in Brazilian Portuguese) is the South American
term for the “Southern Cone Common Market.” It is actually a free trade
association consisting of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Chile,
Bolivia, and a few other South American countries have expressed inter¬
est in joining MERCOSUR, which is probably one of the few trade
association success stories in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The region has had a long histoiy with FTAs. Two FTAs were formed
in I960: the Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA) and the
Central American Common Market (CACM). LAFTA included ten South
American nations (all the countries in the area with the exception of
Guyana, Surinam, and French Guyana) plus Mexico.
The CACM included all the Central American countries with the ex¬
ception of Belize and Panama. It discontinued operations in 1969- LAFTA
developed several subgroups, the most noteworthy of which was the
“Andean Six,” which included Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile,
and Bolivia. LAFTA was reconstituted in the 1980s as the Latin American
Integration Association (LALA). This ten-member group included the original
LAFTA countries except for Mexico.
The early shortcomings experienced by Latin American countries may
be due to the fact that their integration plans were too ambitious.
MERCOSUR appears to be successful because it follows a go-slow pattern
of development, with the more limited goal becoming an effective free
trade association before becoming a customs union and eventually a
common market.
Operating on the same premise as MERCOSUR are the relatively new
free trade accords negotiated between Venezuela and Colombia. The
goal there is also to grow into an FTA before considering the more
difficult processes of creating a customs union or common market.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was formed with the
mission of creating an FTA for its members, which consist of Brunei,
Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore. The mem-
250 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

her countries have consulted and met repeatedly over the years. Other
area nations have expressed interest in seeing ASEAN expand, but it has
still to realize its original objective of becoming a fully operational FTA.

Using Trade Blocs to One's Advantage

Trade blocs are important to the international trading community. In
general, trade blocs offer the advantage of enlarging market size for
outside suppliers once a workable entry strategy can be devised. They
also offer greater flexibility by expanding sourcing horizons for compa¬
nies that depend on materials from a number of different countries in
order to manufacture their final products.
Germany, for example, is a source for textile machinery, supplies, and
chemical raw materials for almost all wearing apparel producers in the
world. Germany exports machinery to the United States, but German
companies also produce the same machinery through international affili¬
ates in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico.
A U.S. apparel manufacturer can now shift its equipment sourcing
from Germany to, say, Mexico, a NAFTA member. Indeed, there would
probably be a decisive cost advantage in terms of freight and insurance
charges and import tax reductions if the textile equipment and related
materials could be brought in from Mexico instead of from Germany.
A U.S. garment manufacturer, now purchasing textile equipment from
Mexico, may also have been eyeing EU finished goods markets with envy
and with some bitterness about the high protective trade bloc tariffs.
However, some concerted research would indicate several opportunities.
A contract manufacturing arrangement with a European company (often
used by small companies) would enable the U.S. company to leapfrog
into the EU without having to contemplate an expensive licensing agree¬
ment or investment. All sourcing can then be done in the European
theater, and all customers would be supplied from a European source.
The U.S. firm would become a Euro “player,” bypassing the EU’s protec¬
tive tariffs.
Another approach for the same U.S. garment manufacturer, and one
which would provide even greater advantages, would be to enter into a
similar production contract with a fabricator in a Third World country that
has duty-free access to EU and U.S. markets. Such a nation could be the
Ivory Coast, one of about 70 nations which, as former European colonies
and members of the African-Caribbean-Pacific (AGP) Conference, have
been granted duty-free access to European markets. Most ACP members
International Systems and Organizations 251

also have duty-free access to U.S. markets. An Ivory Coast source of

textile production would gain market entry into Europe as well as the
United States.
Should the U.S. firm decide to make a modest foreign direct invest¬
ment in the Ivory Coast, perhaps forming some sort of strategic alliance
with the local contract manufacturer, it would probably find increased
profits in the form of income tax holidays, offered by many developing
countries to attract entrepreneurial investments.
Finally, a small U.S. equipment manufacturer would probably discover
considerable cost and market size advantages by relocating some of its
production to Mexico, a NAFTA member along with the United States
and Canada. This would make it possible for that same equipment, now
made in Mexico, to be sold in the United States and Canada duty-free,
as well as in the growing Mexican market.
It is interesting to note that often the immediate beneficiaries of trade
blocs are not the huge multinational corporations but the smaller and
more agile companies that target niches in the global marketplace.


The World Bank is well known among large multinational firms through¬
out the world. They follow its activities closely because, whatever their
own political and economic convictions, World Bank funding activities in
developing areas average US$10 billion each year, representing lucrative
supply and performance contracts to the business communities of many
countries. This section details the mission and operation of the World
Bank and how it can be of importance to the business community.

While the mission of the World Bank is to lend monies to Third World
countries for economic development purposes, and although the World
Bank is dependent on high-income countries for its capitalization, the
fact remains that the allocation of these funds to specific projects means
business with a guaranteed payment structure to companies selected as
corporate vendors and contractors. This reality does not escape the eyes
of business.
Indeed, as pait of the World Bank effort to stimulate growth by
encouraging the development of small business enterprises (cottage in-
252 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

clustries) in many areas, it also seeks vendor/contractor participation

among small businesses located in high-income countries, Hence, smaller
companies have just as good a chance of being selected through a
bidding process to take part in a World Bank-financed project as does
a much larger multinational corporation.

Composition of the World Bank

The World Bank group includes the International Bank for Reconstruc¬
tion and Development (IBRD), the International Development Association
(IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Invest¬
ment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Commission for
Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
The main lending arm of the World Bank is the IBRD. It is also the
bank’s executive center and houses all its major administrative and de¬
cision-making offices. The IDA is the World Bank affiliate that makes
loans to the world’s poorest countries. The mission of the IFC is to help
finance private sector projects through a combination of loans and pri¬
vate sector equity investments. The role of MIGA is to provide investment
guarantees to the private sector on their loans and equity investments
which have been approved by the World Bank for specific projects in
individual nations. MIGA also offers investment policy advice and pro¬
vides consulting services to economic planning officials and to private
investors crafting investment projects in coordination with officials in
those country. The ICSID offers mediation, arbitration, and conciliation
services between private sector investors and their national government
counterparts when disagreements among the parties occur.

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

The IBRD is the World Bank’s nerve and operations center. It is “owned”
by member countries. Each member makes an annual monetary contri¬
bution in its own currency, based on its relative economic standing
among all other member nations. Thus, high-income countries like the
United States and Japan contribute a larger percentage of the IBRD’s
capital than do poorer countries like Mozambique and Bangladesh. About
180 countries are now members of the World Bank group.
This initial annual capitalization is augmented by a pledge to the bank
of additional sums known as “callable” capital. The bank then uses the
combination of its “paid-in” and “callable” capital as guaranteed collateral
International Systems and Organizations 253

for more funds that are obtained by selling bonds through bond markets.
The buyers of these bonds can be private sector investors and/or various
national government agencies that may wish to hold IBRD paper to
attractively fringe a “politically correct” portfolio.
The IBRD has a governance presided over by a president, who is
selected by the bank’s major contributors. The president, to date, has
always been a resident of the United States. The major role of the IBRD
is to manage the finances of the World Bank group, to develop and
establish overall policy and direction, to coordinate political and eco¬
nomic relations with member countries, to coordinate the policies and
programs of other World Bank affiliates charged with more specific
missions, and to make direct loans on approved industry development

The International Finance Corporation

The IFC was established in 1956 to further economic growth in its
developing member countries by promoting private sector investment. It
is all too commonly referred to as the World Bank’s “hard loan” window,
a bit of a misnomer because the IFC makes equity investments in addi¬
tion to maintaining a direct loan portfolio.
Although the IFC is part of the World Bank, it functions autono¬
mously, with its own articles of agreement, shareholders, staff, and finan¬
cial structure. Capital is provided by its member states, who determine
IFC policies and activities. The majority of funds used for its lending
activities are sourced through “triple-A”-rated bond issues in international
financial markets throughout the world.
IFC goals call for encouraging what it feels are sound private sector
projects in Third World areas. Its approach is to raise a combination of
debt and equity financing on behalf of private entrepreneurial companies
seeking to take advantage of market opportunities in given countries. It
also provides consulting and technical assistance to businesses and gov¬
ernments. The IFC will also make direct loans to public-sector-owned
enterprises if it is clear that the intent is to privatize the venture as soon
as possible. Finally, the IFC serves as a clearinghouse, bringing together
investment opportunities, foreign and domestic private capital, and expe¬
rienced management.
The IFC is unique among international lending institutions in that it
makes equity as well as loan investments and is permitted to make
commitments without government guarantees. Loans issued by the IFC
254 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

are made at the market rate of interest. Debt maturities conform with
project requirements, which range from 5 to 15 years. Loans can be
denominated in a client’s currency of choice. In most cases, however,
loans are denominated in hard (convertible) currencies like the dollar,
yen, or deutsche mark.
The IFC is presently beginning to move away from direct loans in
favor of equity investments. It is placing more emphasis on quasi-equicy
investments such as subordinated loans, convertible debentures, and
preferred stock. It is also expanding into the arena of small business
development programs by encouraging smaller scale equity investments
in rural communities.

The International Development Association

The IDA was created in I960. Countiy members of the IDA are also
members of the World Bank. The IDA is often called the World Bank’s
“soft loan window” because of its long-term loans made at very low or
nominal rates of interest to the poorest of developing countries. These
loans have highly flexible repayment arrangements and are provided for
the purpose of stimulating investment and economic development and
encouraging foreign trade.
The IDA does not have its own staff, officers, or buildings. The staff
and officials of the IDA are the staff and officials of the IBRD. The IDA
is simply a “window” of the bank. It is essentially “legal fiction,” a
separate account and set of books within the IBRD and not a different
institution. The elaborate emphasis on the separate nature of the IDA is
said to be necessary to assure the capital markets from which the IBRD
borrows that their funds would not be endangered by the soft loans
made by the IDA.
Much of the IDA’s activity is concentrated on infrastructure develop¬
ment (e.g., road construction and transport facilities; health and educa¬
tional facilities; energy, power, and light generation; telecommunications;
Although the IBRD and the IDA finance the same type of projects and
select countries according to the same standards, there are some differ¬
ences between the two. The IBRD and IDA transfer resources to different
groups of countries (some are called “blend” countries because they
receive a blend of IBRD loans and IDA credits).
The IBRD would more likely concentrate its resources in a country
International Systems and Organizations 255

like Brazil, bankrolling projects leading to industrialization, capital stock

expansion, employment, and income generation in the country’s de¬
pressed northeast. The IDA would instead focus on building roads and
healthcare delivery centers in Bolivia.

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

MIGA, a relatively new affiliate, opened its doors in 1988. It is a form

of international insurance agency. Its purpose is to guarantee investments
recommended and backed by the World Bank against failure for credit
and political risk reasons. It is similar in this regard to the thrust of the
Export-Import Bank of the United States. The intent of a MIGA invest¬
ment guarantee is to help make projects in Third World areas attractive
to private sector investors. A MIGA guarantee can also make it easier for
a private company to secure financing without working under the IFC
Specifically, MIGA insures investments made by foreign investors against
losses caused by political risks. This guarantee program protects investors
from currency transfer difficulties, expropriation, war and civil distur¬
bance, and investment-related breaches of contract by host governments.
In addition to new projects, the agency can cover expansion invest¬
ments, privatization acquisitions, and the financial restructuring of exist¬
ing projects already registered with MIGA. No minimum investment is
required for MIGA coverage. This is attractive to smaller businesses seek¬
ing to plant more modest investments in developing areas and makes the
MIGA guarantee program a viable alternative to using USAID and Ex-Im
Bank facilities.
MIGA also provides promotional and advisory services to assist mem¬
ber countries in creating a responsive investment climate to attract private
investments. To acquaint the international business community with spe¬
cific opportunities that exist in developing countries, the Policy and
Advisory Services (PAS) department organizes periodic investment-pro-
motion conferences that promote dialogue among interested private in¬
vestors, local business managers, and policymakers. The advisory services
of the PAS are carried out through the Foreign Investment Advisory
Services (FIAS) coordinating group, which provides member governments
with advice on laws, policies, regulations, programs, and institutions that
affect investment flows. The FIAS is jointly operated by MIGA and the
256 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

The International Commission for Settlement

of Investment Disputes
Misunderstandings and disputes between vendors, investors, host gov¬
ernments, and the World Bank institutions are channeled through the
ICSID. The smallest World Bank affiliate, it operates through special com¬
mittees that consist of representatives from the other World Bank group
The ICSID seeks to encourage greater flows of international invest¬
ment by providing facilities for the conciliation and arbitration of disputes
between governments and foreign investors. To further its investment-
promotion objectives, the ICSID also carries out a range of research and
publication activities in the field of foreign investment law.

Some Observations
Of all the national and international organizations involved in giving
motive and direction to international trade and investments, the World
Bank group appears to be the best organized and has the best and most
comprehensive programs. It also seems to be in the best position to live
up to its potential as the premier institution qualified to mobilize and
allocate financial, human, technical, and material resources to bring about
economic growth and development in Third World areas. This involve¬
ment means an ever-expanding number of trade and investment oppor¬
tunities for big and small business.


The purpose of this section is to explain the influence of the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) on trade and investments. Successfully guessing
and second-guessing the short-term movement of foreign exchange rates
very often depends on how one interprets and forecasts not only the
foreign currency trading activities of central banks but also IMF partici¬
pation in stabilizing exchange rates.
International traders and business executives sometimes confuse the
IMF with the World Bank because both have their origins in the forma¬
tion of the United Nations in 1944. In many ways, the IMF has a more
immediate impact on trade and investments than does the World Bank,
International Systems and Organizations 257

which is primarily a funding organization. How IMF operations can affect

day-to-day market decisions in international business and trade is the
focus of this section.

History and Objectives

The framework of the IMF was laid down at the Bretton Woods Confer¬
ence in July 1944. The IMF was established in December 1945 to promote
international monetary cooperation, to facilitate the expansion and bal¬
anced growth of international trade, and to promote stability in foreign
exchange. IMF objectives as set out in its Articles of Agreement are:

1. To promote international monetary cooperation

2. To facilitate the balanced growth of international trade
3. To promote stable exchange rates
4. To eliminate cross-border currency restrictions
5. To create standby currency reserves

How the IMF Works

The IMF is modeled after the U.S. Federal Reserve. In the United States,
a bank may join the “Fed” by opening an “account.” This account is a
deposit with the Federal Reserve that permits the new member bank to
borrow from the Fed at a specified rate of interest, called the “discount”
rate, or from other member banks within the system at the “federal funds
The procedure for joining the IMF is similar. A country joins the IMF
through its central bank by opening up a deposit in its own currency.
Based upon the size of its deposit and its borrowing limit, a member
country may now borrow short term from the IMF in any available
Funds borrowed from the IMF are repaid; repayment arrangements
vary from country to countiy and from situation to situation. In general,
funds may be used for any purpose stated within the IMF mission
The IMF permits deficit members to buy with their local currencies
some of its holdings of convertible exchange. These deficit countries are
expected to buy back, with gold or other acceptable securities, the local
currencies originally sold to the IMF. This buy-back provision requires
258 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

IMF consent, which is given only after a country is able to demonstrate

that it has resolved its balance-of-payments problems.

How a Country Joins the IMF

A country applies for membership by providing full financial disclosure
about its national accounts statistics. Many countries have been able to
do this without difficulty. Other nations, especially those with previously
closed economies, like the republics of the former Soviet Union, have
experienced disclosure problems mainly due to the fact that complete
and accurate data had never been gathered.
The deposit or “subscription” by a member country can be in the
home currency or in a mix of reserve currencies. It can also be denomi¬
nated in monetary gold (this now rarely occurs). This deposit gives the
member country the right to borrow (draw) at its discretion up to 200%
of its “subscription.” The funds borrowed may be denominated in any
currency available to the IMF. This is known as a drawing right or 200%
quota. Additional funds may be borrowed by separate petition.
IMF members borrow by exchanging their own currencies for convert¬
ible currencies of other member countries. A member country may draw
100% of its quota from the IMF at any time. This is called a reserve
tranche. It can also borrow up to another 100% of its quota. This is called
a credit tranche. Thus, a member countiy can conceivably borrow on a
no-questions-asked basis (with minor exceptions) up to 200% of a given
quota in convertible currencies. IMF member countiy quotas are re¬
viewed every five years to determine whether they should be increased
to accommodate the growth of the world economy.

Special Drawing Rights

An interesting feature of the IMF is its special drawing rights (SDRs),
created in 1969- SDRs were created as an add-on artificial reserve asset
for IMF member countries. SDRs expanded a countiy’s international re¬
serve assets by the amount of its annual allocation. The total allocation
of SDRs was treated the same as currency credits among central banks
to aid a countiy in financing temporary balance-of-payments deficits.
The value of the SDR was originally equal to one U.S. dollar when
the first units were issued in 1970. In mid-1995, a single SDR bought
$1.50. This underscores the downward drift of the U.S. dollar in interna¬
tional monetary markets in the past 25 years.
International Systems and Organizations 259

Achieving Currency Stability and

Balance-of-Payments Equilibrium
Achieving and maintaining cross-border currency price stability is a cor¬
nerstone objective of the IMF. Its focus is on those countries with ongo¬
ing merchandise trade deficits, general current account deficits, and overall
balance-of-payments deficits. Each and all of these conditions contribute
to exchange rate instability.
A continuing merchandise trade deficit will generate short-term pres¬
sure upon a currency to devalue or float downward, because a nation
may experience more demand for foreign currencies than it experiences
for its own.
A country’s current account includes a host of other international
transactions, such as foreign travel, transportation, services, returns on
investment and other business and royalty income, some military expen¬
ditures, and transfer payments, along with the merchandise trade balance.
When the current account is in deficit over the long term, it usually
means that there will be continuing pressure upon a currency to devalue.
A countiy’s overall balance-of-payments position includes all current
account transactions plus so-called autonomous capital account transac¬
tions. These consist of the net of foreign direct investments, foreign
portfolio investments, and selected government-to-government loans, grants,
and currency swap arrangements.
When a nation’s overall balance-of-payments position is in long-term
deficit, and if that deficit is large relative to the size of the economy, its
currency may experience a very long-term negative float that can run for
decades. The United States has been in this position since 1970.
What this means is that a country’s balance of payments can run the
gamut from partial to total disequilibrium. The role of the IMF is to help
bring a nation’s balance of payments back to an equilibrium or balanced
position where there will be no enduring strains upon its currency.
For example, if the root problem is a temporary trade deficit, then no
action other than having a country borrow foreign currencies within its
automatic quota may be necessary to maintain exchange rate stability. If
the problem centers around the current account balance, some longer
term (standby) arrangements may be called for to help sustain the cur¬
rency. However, if the problem covers a range of economic activities that
affect all parts of the balance of payments, then even longer term and
deeper financial involvement by the IMF, in participation with its more
stable members, will be required, as was recently the case in Russia and
260 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Importance of the IMF to

the International Business Community
History clearly indicates that individual nations, in an era of business
globalization, cannot easily cope alone with the tasks of maintaining
exchange rate stability. Unless cross-border currency prices remain pre¬
dictable and stable over the long term, it becomes unnecessarily complex
and clumsy for exporters to figure out how to price their offerings, how
much to collect, where and when to collect, and what currency to accept.
The same problems exists for importers but in reverse. Without a
stable exchange rate, calculating one’s landed cost (CIF duty-paid cost)
can turn into a recurring nightmare.
IMF activities in helping countries maintain exchange rate stability are
highly public events in the daily press. Companies that do business or
plan to do business in areas impacted by IMF policies can reasonably
expect their currencies to remain stable at least for the duration of those
programs and can consequently adjust payment and shipping/selling
terms accordingly.

There are approximately 172 members. Each member contributes to the
IMF’s general resources according to its quota, which is generally based
on its relative economic and financial importance in the world economy.
The highest authority of the IMF is exercised by the Board of Gov¬
ernors. Each member countiy is represented on the board by a governor
and an alternate governor. Normally, the Board of Governors meets once
a year, but the governors may vote by mail or other means between
annual meetings. The Board of Governors has delegated many of its
powers to the executive directors. However, the conditions governing the
admission of new members, adjustment of quotas, election of executive
directors, as well as certain other important powers remain the sole
responsibility of the Board of Governors. The voting power of each
member of the Board of Governors is related to its quota in the IMF.
The 24-member Board of Executive Directors, which is responsible for
the day-to-day operations of the fund, is in continuous session in Wash¬
ington, D.C. under the chairmanship of the fund’s managing director
(currently Michael Camdessus). Similar to the Board of Governors, the
voting power of each member is related to its quota in the fund, but in
practice the executive directors normally operate by consensus.
International Systems and Organizations 261

Maintaining Stability in a Multiple-Currency

Floating Rate System
Perhaps the toughest job of the IMF was overseeing the international
exchange rate system. Until 1971, all exchange rates were set in contract
with the IMF and could not be altered until a meeting of the board. At
that time, a country could argue for a change in existing rates.
Even after several of the major currencies started using various float¬
ing rate systems, there were still major debates over how the fund would
treat these rates. Members were pursuing a variety of exchange rate
arrangements, but the majority did not have a floating rate.
The major problem at the time was that members frequently changed
their exchange rate arrangements; without the (contractual) obligation to
inform the IMF of their latest arrangements, it was difficult for the IMF
to even keep abreast of the arrangements being followed, let alone
consider their fairness.
By 1976, most of the exchange rate issues had been solved. The
provisions of Article II of the Second Amendment of the Articles of
Agreement resolved the question of members notifying the IMF of their
exchange arrangements by obliging them to do so. The matter of having
the IMF classify exchange rate arrangements also became less sensitive.
By this time, member governments had more or less decided how they
were going to respond to the new regime of floating rates and were
making changes to their exchange arrangements less frequently.
With 1994 marking the fiftieth anniversary of Bretton Woods and the
creation of the IMF, it was a good time to look at the future of the IMF.
The disappearance of the fixed exchange rate system between 1971 and
1976 deprived the IMF of its major role as the monitor of international
exchange. Since that time, it has struggled to develop a new identity and
role in international financial markets.


SDRs were created as a reserve asset by the IMF in 1970. It is the right
of a country holding SDRs to access resources from the IMF equivalent
to its book entries. The origins of the SDR arose during the crisis in the
international monetary system that began to emerge in the 1960s, when
the volume of trade expanded much faster than production of gold.
Under the Bretton Woods Agreement, countries could hold reserves in
the form of either gold or U.S. dollars. The fear was that the United States
262 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

would not be able to sustain and manage large deficits, and a serious
liquidity crisis could result. SDRs were therefore created as an additional
reserve asset to complement existing reserves of U.S. dollars and gold
and to expand the international community’s liquidity.
SDRs are the unit of accounting for all transactions between the IMF
and its members, as well as an international reserve asset. Also, SDRs are
used to settle international transactions between the central banks of
member countries of the IMF.
SDRs were allocated to member countries on the same quota basis as
membership. Holding SDRs gives the bearer the option and the flexibility
to acquire foreign exchange from other members of the IMF.
The value of the SDR was originally fixed in terms of gold, with one
fine ounce of gold equivalent to 35 SDRs (or US$1 = 1 SDR). In 1974,
this valuation was replaced by a system that utilized a weighted average
of 16 international currencies, commonly referred to as a “basket.” This
“basket” was made up of the currencies of the 16 IMF members whose
share of world exports of goods and seivices exceeded 1% between 1967
and 1972. Changes were made in this “basket” to reflect the changing
proportions of world trade. This arrangement, which lasted until 1980,
calculated the SDR on a daily basis.
Despite daily recalculation, this valuation system suffered from many
problems. In particular, many of the currencies in the “basket” were not
traded actively in the international market, which made actual weighting
extremely difficult. In an attempt to remedy this situation, a new “basket”
was introduced in 1980. The new “basket” consisted of the currencies of
the five countries (U.S. dollars, German marks, Japanese yen, French
francs, and British pounds) with the largest share of world exports of
goods and seivices. Today, the value of the SDR is determined by the
prevailing market value of the currencies adjusted according to their
basket weights. Since the 1980 valuation, the basket weights of the
deutsche mark and the yen have increased, while the weight of the U.S.
dollar has decreased.
The basic objective of creating SDRs was for Third World countries
and other impoverished nations to benefit the most from their distribu¬
tion. They were to be used as a mechanism to finance aid to meet the
needs of developing countries. However, many of these nations contend
that SDRs should be linked not to quotas but rather to the actual needs
of the IMF member countries.
The majority of the industrialized nations, including the United States,
feel that the SDR’s primary function is to create international reserves and
International Systems and Organizations 263

liquidity. These wealthier nations believe the use of SDRs as an aid¬

financing mechanism would result in excess liquidity in the worldwide
economy. An additional concern is that aid would be extremely difficult
to monitor if it were channeled through the SDR mechanism.
Although SDRs were intended to be a major reserve asset, they com¬
prise less than 10% of the world’s international financial resources. In
fact, no SDRs have been allocated since the 1980s. This means that access
to SDRs has become increasingly restricted as IMF membership has swelled
to include all the new nations that have joined in the past 20 years.


It has been suggested that the IMF and the World Bank should either be
dissolved or returned to their original purposes. However, the volatility
in foreign exchange markets and the development needs of many nations
seem to suggest that these organizations still have important roles to play.
The IMF is still needed to provide exchange rate stability, and the World
Bank continues to route funding to the neediest societies.
The future shape and power of the IMF may depend in many ways
on how successful it will be in settling the current impasse regarding the
continued creation and distribution of SDRs. Greater use of SDRs would
go a long way toward addressing the urgent financing needs of much
of the world. In fact, the IMF’s managing director, Michael Camdessus,
is currently lobbying the membership for a new allocation of SDRs, as
well as an increase in the maximum amount a member nation can


Customs union (the Benelux model). A customs union incorporates the
concept of a free trade association. In addition, member countries agree
to a common tariff structure against non-members.

Economic integration. The idea of economic integration is to merge the

economic activities of member countries to accelerate the processes of
growth and development by maximizing market size, production capac¬
ity, and technological advancement. Trade blocs are often seen as a
stepping-stone on the path toward economic integration.
264 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Economic integration association or common market. A common market,

as in the case of the European Economic Community, incorporates all the
features of a free trade association and a customs union. It also allows
for the free mobility of production factors such as labor, capital, and

Free trade association (FTA). An FTA, based on the Belgium-Luxembourg

model, is an association of two or more countries that agree to engage
in duty-free or borderless trade for goods produced within the associa¬
tion area. The member nations, however, maintain their own customs
regulations and specific tariff structures against non-member imports.

International Monetary Fund (IMF). Its charter was laid down at the
Bretton Woods Conference in July of 1944. The fund itself was estab¬
lished in December 1945 to promote international monetary cooperation,
to facilitate the expansion and balanced growth of international trade,
and to promote stability in foreign exchange.

Special drawing rights (SDRs). These were created as a reserve asset by

the International Monetaiy Fund in 1970. It is the right of a country
holding SDRs to access resources from the fund equivalent to its book

Trade bloc. A trade bloc can be loosely defined as a group of two or

more nations that agree to a common policy with regard to goods
imported from outside the member countries. A common policy may also
be established with regard to goods produced within the region.

World Bank. The mission of the World Bank is to lend funds to Third
World countries for economic development purposes. Although the World
Bank is dependent on high-income countries for its capitalization, the
fact remains that the allocation of these funds to specific projects means
business with a guaranteed payment structure to companies selected as
corporate vendors and contractors.

23.1 Describe and explain the operation of the World Bank. Discuss
how it can be used by multinational companies seeking overseas
business opportunities.
International Systems and Organizations 265

23.2 Describe and explain the operation of the International Monetary

Fund. Discuss how it can be used by multinational companies in
planning trade and investment strategies.

23.3 Define and then discuss the differences between a free trade zone,
a free trade association, a customs union, and a common market.

23.4 Discuss the objectives of the European Union. Will they be met? If
so, by when?

23.5 Discuss the similarities and differences between NAFTA and


23.6 Some regional associations have failed, while others are still in
existence. Discuss the reasons why.


Accounts receivable. Business assets consisting of financial obligations due

from others (e.g., an exporter’s invoiced sale to a foreign buyer).

Ad-valorem tax (also known as a value-added tax [VAT]). An excise tax on

the selling price of goods and services. All sales taxes are by definition VATs.
The European Union has among the highest VATs in the world. Import taxes
based on a percentage of an item’s invoiced value are also called VATs.

A11-risk insurance. Insurance that provides warehouse-to-warehouse coverage

on shipments moving from an exporter’s facility to that of a foreign buyer
(importer). This type of policy can cover both ocean freight and airfreight
shipments, as well as most defined risks, including general average risks.

ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). A limited free trade associa¬

tion that consists of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore,
and Thailand. Not all products produced within the area are traded free of
all import restrictions. Other Southeast Asian countries have recently applied
for membership.

Balance of payments (BOP). A systematic recording of all international trans¬

actions that occur between residents of one nation and residents of all other
nations. A nation’s balance-of-payments position is the annual change in its
international reserve assets and/or the annual change in foreign official claims
on its own monetary assets (international reserves).

Bill of exchange. A draft, written as a check on behalf of a foreign buyer

(importer) by a seller (exporter). The draft contains all the instructions to the
exporter’s and the importer’s banks as to who pays whom, how much, where,
and when. When the draft is signed by the foreign buyer upon its bank’s
receipt of the shipping documentation, the buyer accepts an obligation to pay
for the goods on the date specified in the draft.

268 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Bill of lading. A common carrier’s receipt for goods placed on board an

outbound vessel.

Charter party. The party that owns a particular cargo while it is on board an
ocean vessel in transit between the exporter and importer.

Clean collection. Shipping documents that include only a bill of lading, draft,
and/or invoice sent by an exporter directly to a foreign buyer, bypassing the
international banking collection system.

Clean, on board ocean bill of lading. A common carrier’s specific receipt for
an exporter’s invoiced goods placed on board an outbound vessel. These
receipts cover no other goods, as might be the case with consolidation

Consignment import. Goods shipped by an exporter to an import agent

where title stays with the exporter.

Copyright. Proprietary rights granted by a government to writers, artists, and

other creators of original written, musical, oral, cinematic, video, and com¬
puter-designed works.

Correspondent relationship. An arrangement between two banks in which

one agrees to represent the other for specific types of transactions. In inter¬
national trade, the exporter’s bank is often a correspondent of the importer’s
bank. The exporter’s bank becomes known as the remitting bank because
it has the obligation of sending the exporter’s documentation to the importer’s
bank for collection. Hence, the importer’s bank becomes known as the
collecting bank. The documentary collection process would be almost im¬
possible to implement if international banks did not have correspondent

Customs broker. Represents the importer in clearing imported merchandise

through local customs at the importing port of entry. It also arranges for the
payment of all import tariffs and charges and the transport of the goods to
the buyer’s facility. The customs broker represents the importer in much the
same way as a freight forwarder represents an exporter. Large customs bro¬
kers and freight forwarders tend to be part of the same multinational transport
and customs service companies.

Dirty float. A process in international monetary markets in which foreign

currency prices change relative to one another directly as a result of central
bank intervention.

Documentary collection. As distinguished from a clean collection, all ship¬

ping documents (bill of lading, draft, invoice, etc.) become part of the inter¬
national banking collection process.
Glossary 269

Draft. A bill of exchange, written as a check on behalf of a foreign buyer

(importer) by a seller (exporter). A draft contains all the instructions to the
exporter’s and the importer’s banks as to who pays whom, how much, where,
and when. When the draft is signed by the foreign buyer upon its bank’s
receipt of the shipping documentation, the buyer accepts an obligation to pay
for the goods on the date specified on the draft.

Dual-purpose product. A product that can be used for military as well as

peaceful purposes. Such products usually require specific export licenses by
both the U.S. Departments of Commerce and Defense.

European Union (EU). A free trade association of 15 nations that functions as

a customs union and as a single borderless integrated economic community
with its own supranational government. The member countries are Austria,
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxem¬
bourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
Most other European countries, plus Russia and Turkey, have petitioned for

Explicit warranty. A warranty is explicit when a manufacturer includes a

written statement describing what guarantees it offers in the event of product
performance failure and for how long a period of time those guarantees are
good. Any warranty disclaimers (e.g., “goods sold as is,” etc.) should always
be in writing.

Export letter of credit. The flip side of an importer’s letter of credit. When
a letter of credit is opened by an importer in favor of an exporter and
received by the beneficiary exporter, it becomes an export letter of credit.

Fixed rate tariff. An import tax on the weight, measure, or volume of product
imported (e.g., $1.00 per pound on bulk items, $0.50 per foot on lumber, or
$10.00 per gallon of alcohol).

Floating exchange rate. A process in international monetary markets in which

foreign currency prices change relative to one another, free of central bank
intervention and subject only to the global supply of and demand for specific
currencies. Many countries, including the United States, have had their cur¬
rencies on the “float” since 1971.

Foreign direct investment (FDI). A U.S. investment into other countries, with
the objective of owning partially or entirely an economic enterprise for the
purpose of establishing market share and generating revenue and profits that
can ultimately be transformed into stockholders’ dividends. Summarily, they
are made to grow a business.

Foreign-earned income. Income earned from an individual’s or a company’s

exports to other countries. It may or may not be treated as regular or foreign-
270 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

source income for taxation purposes, depending on the application of the

foreign sales corporation tax and other incentives offered by the U.S.

Foreign exchange rate. Also called the foreign currency price and the cross-
border exchange rate, it is the price of one currency stated in terms of

Foreign portfolio investment. Investment into financial instalments such as

stocks and bonds in which the objective is not to engage in business but to
merely generate dividend income and capital gains.

Foreign Sales Corporation Act (FSCA). A federal law that allows U.S. export¬
ers to exempt part of their export earnings from income taxes if their sales
are made by an FSCA-approved subsidiary located in an offshore possession
of the United States.

Foreign-source income. Income earned in foreign countries by U.S. residents

(individuals and corporations). It is usually subject to U.S. federal income

Forward foreign exchange rate. The price of a foreign currency quoted for
delivery at a future date.

Free float. A process in international monetary markets in which foreign

currency prices change relative to one another, free of central bank interven¬
tion and subject only to the global supply of and demand for specific cur¬
rencies. Not many countries, including the United States, have their currencies
on a free float. The currencies of most industrial countries are on a “managed

Free trade area. A geographic area within the customs jurisdiction of a

country in which goods may be bought and sold free of all import duties
(taxes) and other restrictions.

Free trade association (FTA). An association of two or more countries in

which the member nations agree to engage in free trade for goods produced
within the association region.

Free trade zone (FTZ). A geographic area within the customs jurisdiction of
a country in which goods may be imported, warehoused, and processed.
Import taxes are levied on the final nature and description of the goods as
they leave the zone.

Freight forwarder. A broker who is to an exporter what a travel agent is to

a traveler. The freight forwarder’s function is to arrange for the transportation
of goods from the exporter’s warehouse to the importer’s port of entry and/
or warehouse destination. It is also the responsibility of the freight forwarder
Glossary 271

to prepare all export and shipping documentation on behalf of the exporter

and then to present the documents to an international bank for collection.

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). See World Trade Organization.
General average claim. A claim by a common carrier (ocean) against all
charter parties (shippers) on a specific voyage resulting from damage to the
vessel or from its loss.

Goodwill. A marketable asset, especially when one wants to sell a business

and when the enterprise is small and local. Goodwill alone becomes less
marketable when an enterprise grows large. The problem is that no individual
or firm can legally claim exclusivity to goodwill. A company’s goodwill must
therefore be complemented by specific and legally protectable intellectual
assets such as patents, trademarks, trade names, and copyrights.

Hard currency. Money, in order to be an acceptable medium of international

exchange, must have “currency.” This means it must have three characteris¬
tics: it must be universally acceptable, it must be freely convertible, and it
must be stable over the long term. These features make it a hard currency,
such as the Japanese yen, the Dutch guilder, the Swiss franc, or the German
deutsche mark.

Horizontal integration. A process intended to establish control over the

competition via strategic alliance, joint venture, merger, and acquisition.

Implicit (implied) warranty. If no written warranty is offered and if there is

no written disclaimer, then courts in many countries usually hold the manu¬
facturer liable on the principle of implied warranty, which means that a full
warranty is in force for a “reasonable” time. See also Explicit warranty.

Import letter of credit. A bank’s written promise to pay a fixed sum of money
on behalf of a company (foreign importer) to a beneficiaiy (an exporter) by
a certain date, subject to specific performance (show proof of shipment) by
the beneficiary. The importer’s bank (collecting bank) sends the letter of
credit to its correspondent bank (the exporter’s remitting bank), which then
forwards it to the exporter. Any letter of credit opened by an issuing bank
on behalf of an import buyer can be considered an import letter of credit.

Intangible assets. All the intellectual assets that protect a company’s goodwill
as reflected in the image and personality the firm conveys to the trade,
competitors, and customers. See also Goodwill; Intellectual assets.

Intellectual assets. The patents, trademarks, trade names, and copyrights that
identify goods and services as originating with a specific producer. This
means that no one else in a given jurisdiction may copy those intellectual
assets without the express permission of the owner. While infringements
272 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

occur routinely in the United States, they are often more flagrant in many
other countries.

International collection. A bank collection made by the international banking

system on behalf of a seller (exporter). The exporter’s bank becomes the
remitting bank, and the buyer’s (importer’s) bank becomes the collecting

International liquidity position. A country’s “quick cash” position, which

consists of foreign exchange (currency) reserves and reserves on deposit with
the International Monetary Fund. These are the funds immediately available
to a country, allowing it to discharge its international payables.

International Monetary Fund (IMF). An international bank owned by over

180 member countries whose objective is to assist member countries in
achieving and maintaining exchange rate stability and balance-of-payments

International reserve assets. Assets owned by countries which consist of

foreign exchange reseives, reserve positions with the International Monetaiy
Fund, monetaiy gold stocks (not normally used today), and special drawing
rights (also not widely used today).

Inventory. A business’s assets, which consist of its stock of raw materials,

orders in the works, and finished goods waiting to be sold and turned into
accounts receivables.

Irrevocable confirmed letter of credit. Has the same features as an irrevo¬

cable letter of credit with the additional condition that payment to the ex¬
porter will also be guaranteed (confirmed) by the exporter’s bank.

Irrevocable letter of credit. An issuing bank’s written promise (guarantee of

payment) to pay a fixed sum of money on behalf of a company (foreign
importer) to a beneficiary (an exporter) by a certain date, subject to specific
performance (proof of shipment) by the beneficiary. The importer’s bank
(collecting bank) sends the letter of credit to its correspondent bank (the
exporter’s remitting bank), which then foiwards it to the exporter. This letter
of credit cannot be canceled by the issuing bank prior to its indicated expi¬
ration date as long as the exporter (beneficiary) complies with its terms. The
word “irrevocable” must appear on the document.

Joint venture. A highly structured and formal strategic alliance involving two
or more partners. Joint ventures vaiy in their flexibility and participation by
the stockholding partners. There can be two principal partners, each owning
50% of the voting common stock, or there can be several partners. The
protocol joint venture agreement can require an equal sharing of the enterprise’s
capitalization, or the partners may agree to another formula (e.g., one party
Glossary 273

provides technology and scarce resources, and the other(s) supplies labor,
management, land, and other assets).

Letter of advice. The remitting (exporter’s) bank’s covering letter accompa¬

nying an original letter of credit forwarded by same to the exporter for action.
Letter of credit (L/C). A bank’s written promise to pay a fixed sum of money
on behalf of a company (foreign importer) to a beneficiary (an exporter) by
a certain date, subject to specific performance (proof of shipment) by the
beneficiary. The importer’s bank (collecting bank) sends the letter of credit
to its correspondent bank (the exporter’s remitting bank), which then for¬
wards it to the exporter.

Licensing agreement. Written contract in which the owner (licensor) of an

intellectual asset such as a patent, trademark, trade name, or copyright gives
permission to another party (licensee) to use that asset to produce and/or
market the licensor’s prescribed goods and services in a given area for a
stated period of time. The licensee in return pays the licensor an amount of
money, known as a royalty.
Managed float. A process in international monetary markets in which foreign
currency prices change relative to one another, subject to the global supply
of and demand for specific currencies and subject to some central bank
intervention to limit volatility in short-term foreign exchange rate fluctuations.
Most industrial countries, including the United States, engage in a managed
Marine risk insurance. Insurance that provides warehouse-to-warehouse cov¬
erage on shipments moving from an exporter’s facility to that of a foreign
buyer (importer). The can cover both ocean freight and airfreight shipments.
MERCOSUR (Southern Cone Common Market). A free trade association that
consists of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay and may soon include
Chile. It is gradually transforming itself into a customs union.
North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA). A limited free trade asso¬
ciation that consists of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. As of February
1996, not all goods produced within the area are traded free of import duties
or other restrictions.
Open cargo policy. A marine risk insurance policy that covers an approximate
number of shipments to a number of different destinations over an annual
Particular average claim. A claim by a common carrier (ocean) against a
charter party (shipper) resulting from damage to the vessel or from its loss
that the carrier believes may have been due to the negligence of the shipper.
274 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Patent. A written covenant issued by the United States government and by

many other governments to the inventor of a unique device or invention. The
covenant restricts all other residents in a given national jurisdiction from
replicating the unique device without the inventor’s express permission for a
specific period of time.
Process patent. A patent that protects the process(es) used to create a product
from infringement. Process patents can be more important than product
patents to inventors. The Polaroid Land camera owes its market survival in
its long struggle with Kodak to the strength of its process patents.

Product liability. Liability incurred by a manufacturer and its agents when its
product causes damage to people and property when in use in the United
States or any other country.

Product patent. A patent that protects an invention from infringement.

Product warranty. A manufacturer’s guarantee that its product will perform
as claimed anywhere it is used for a reasonable period of time.

Purchasing power parity theory. Based on Say’s law of “one price,” it sug¬
gests that differences in inflation rates among nations will impact currency
exchange rates. Summarily, between two trading partners, the one with the
higher relative rate of inflation will see its currency drop in value in the short
term against that of its trading partner.

Receivables. See Accounts receivable.

Revenue forecasting. A sales forecast, usually for a full operating year, based
on estimated billings or invoices. Reported revenues are the basis upon which
income taxes are levied.

Revocable letter of credit. A letter of credit that can be revoked by an

importer and/or the importer’s bank at any time before the exporter’s docu¬
ments are submitted to the remitting bank for payment. Revocable letters of
credit are rarely used today in international trade.

Shipper of record/exporter. The export seller in an import-export transaction

whose name appears on all documentation as the party transferring title to
merchandise shipped to the foreign buyer or ultimate consignee/importer.

Sight draft. In a sight draft shipment, shipping documents are released to the
buyer (drawee) upon payment of the draft. This term of payment is often
called D/P (documents against payment) or CAD (cash against documents).
It means that the importer’s bank will not release the shipping documents to
the importer until payment has been rendered.

Soft currency. This type of currency is in low demand and tends to be

unstable. Its softness can be camouflaged by pegging it to a hard currency
Glossary 275

to maintain exchange stability. It then moves in tandem with the harder

currency with which it is linked. Thus, the Dominican Republic peso is said
to float in the same direction as the U.S. dollar and would be an example of
a soft but pegged currency. Countries like Brazil and Mexico are considered
to be soft currency countries.

Special drawing rights (SDRs). Created in 1969 and first circulated in 1970 by
the International Monetary Fund, they were intended to increase the liquidity
of trading nations. Inability of IMF member countries to agree on the alloca¬
tion system has prevented expansion in the use of SDRs.

Spot foreign exchange rate. The price of one currency stated in terms of
another quoted for immediate delivery.

Strategic alliance. An agreement between two or more companies to com¬

bine complementary resources in order to achieve economies of scale and
market synergies. The agreement can be formal or informal and generally
involves processes of vertical and horizontal integration. Vertical integration
establishes control over resources, production, and distribution. Horizontal
integration provides control over the competition. Two or more companies
are ready for a strategic alliance when they believe that cooperation may
more quickly achieve mutual or reciprocating objectives.

Time draft. In a time draft shipment, shipping documents are released to the
buyer (drawee) upon the importer’s promise to pay the draft on a designated
future date. That date is stated on the face of the draft. This means that the
importer’s bank will release the shipping documents to the importer once the
draft has been accepted.

Time letter of credit. A letter of credit, usually irrevocable and confirmed,

whose proceeds are payable to a beneficiary (exporter) at a specified future
date, generally several weeks or months after shipment has been made.

Trade bloc. A generic term for a free trade association or a customs union
through which member countries agree to establish a common tariff wall or
other restrictions against imports originating outside the trade bloc area.
MERCOSUR and the European Union are examples of successful emerging
trade blocs.
Trans-shipments. A practice by international carriers that involves off-loading
and reloading goods from a ship or airplane before it reaches its final

Treaty shopping. A practice used by individuals and businesses to establish

residency outside of the United States in national jurisdictions that have no
income taxes or whose taxes are significantly lower than those in the United
States. Once a popular practice, it is now in disfavor with the Internal Rev-
276 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

enue Service. The IRS’s current position seems to be that if the main reason
an individual or company establishes residency overseas is to take advantage
of a tax haven environment, its income generated through that jurisdiction
will be taxed as regular U.S. income under the worldwide income rule.

Ultimate consignee/importer. The importer and foreign buyer to whom

exported goods are invoiced and whose name and address appear on all
import-export shipping documentation.

Unconfirmed letter of credit. An issuing bank’s written promise to pay a fixed

sum of money to a beneficiary (an exporter) on behalf of a foreign importer
by a certain date, subject to specific performance (proof of shipment) by the
beneficiary. While the document may be irrevocable by the issuing bank, it
places no obligation on the exporter’s bank to pay the exporter.

Value-added tax (VAT). An excise tax on the selling price of goods and
services. All sales taxes are by definition VATs. European Union countries
have among the highest VATs in the world. Import taxes based on a percent¬
age of an item’s invoiced value are sometimes also called VATs.

Vertical integration. A process intended to establish control over resources,

production, and distribution via strategic alliance, joint venture, merger, and

Warranty. A promise by the issuer that certain actions will result in other
predictable events (e.g., that a sewing machine will sew cloth, etc.). A product
warranty is a promise by a manufacturer that its product will perform as stated
in published literature. A warranty can be explicit or implicit (implied).

World Bank. Also known as the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development, the World Bank is an international bank owned by its members
(about 180 nations), whose mission is to make long-term loans to developing
countries for economic development purposes.

World Trade Organization (WTO). The successor to the General Agreement

on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The mission of the WTO is to promote eco¬
nomic growth and development through non-discriminatory international trade
and investments. While GATT could pass resolutions against member coun¬
tries, it had limited sanctioning power. Judgments made by special WTO
panels against individual members must now be implemented or disposed of
by appeal to the entire WTO within 18 months. The WTO’s dispute settlement
panel, at its maiden 1996 meeting in January, declared that U.S. gasoline
standards were discriminatory because more reformulation time was given to
U.S. producers than to foreign competitors such as Venezuela and Brazil (the
two countries that made the initial complaint) to meet U.S. environmental
Glossary 2 77

Worldwide income rule. Under U.S. law, a resident of the United States must
pay U.S. federal income taxes on income earned in the United States as well
as on income earned anywhere else in the world, unless exceptions are
allowed by law or by international treaty.

Yaounde Conference. The original name for a group of about 70 countries,

formerly colonies of European nations, that have associate membership in the
European Union, which gives them duty-free access to its markets. The name
was subsequently changed to the Lome Conference and finally to the African-
Caribbean-Pacific (ACP) nations.
■1 \

Abbreviations and Acronyms

ACP African-Caribbean-Pacific Conference

ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Benelux Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg Customs Union
BOP Balance of payments
CACM Central American Common Market
CAD Cash against documents
C&F Cost and freight
CARICOM Caribbean Common Market
CIF Cost, insurance, and freight
COD Collect on delivery
D/A Documents against acceptance
DISC Domestic International Sales Corporation
DM Deutsche mark
D/P Documents against payment
ECSC European Coal and Steel Community
EEC European Economic Community
EMS European Monetary System
EMU European Monetary Union
ETC Export trading company
EU European Union
EURATOM European Atomic Energy Community
Ex-Im Bank Export-Import Bank of the United States
FAS Free alongside ship or vessel
FCIA Foreign Credit Insurance Association
FCPA Foreign Coraipt Practices Act
FDI Foreign direct investment

280 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

FOB Free on board

FOR/FOT Free on rail/free on taick
FPI Foreign portfolio investment
FSC Foreign sales corporation
FSCA Foreign Sales Corporation Act
FTA Free trade association
FTZ Free trade zone
FX Foreign exchange
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GDP Gross domestic product
GNP Gross national product
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ICC International Chamber of Commerce
ICSID International Commission for Settlement of Investment
IDA International Development Association
IFC International Finance Corporation
IMF International Monetary Fund
LAFTA Latin American Free Trade Association
LAIA Latin American Integration Association
L/C Letter of credit
MERCOSUR Southern Cone Common Market
MFN Most favored nation
MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
NAFTA North American Free Trade Association
OPIC Overseas Private Investment Corporation
SBA Small Business Administration
SDR Special drawing right
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
USAID United States Agency for International Development
VAT Value-added tax
VOL Voluntary restraint
WHTC Western Hemisphere Trading Corporation
WTO World Trade Organization
The U.S. Balance of Payments
282 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

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285 885 8888 8 353
Appendix 283

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284 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

- “"S =22? ssts 2RR RES KSRR 8 RSR

„ 85* MS I 2 r 3s eE3 SrS 5e§2 2 §§§

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0 W « ioo> 0 fjr^. u5w*>rt qso*o n ri 0*0 cVv\— *>r>o> "Jaiclo *0 *3 — cd.

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«, 3 R SR 5SS SES Sgt?,g &■* 2«a §§§ »$S2 i 5§S
§ § g o‘<* 8"2 28 K3£ rt cf N 0»(4>
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771(11 1 • l
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cm W *r- ort O—.O •£> *j »o 07 cn — to rt f-.-to. O) r- Nft3 V <D.— <\ 0 oo^n-
S »-‘ T- 3’cv 04004 (ON rt 03
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8V S' 5 IfS 272 ‘77 ^"7'7'E 2 777

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§ S SR S5S ass 83 cd rt r— rt cd rt rj. q or CMO— 03 03 — rf) -M cXi -— •«
0 m cm rt 0 rt rt rt own rt — rtrt K D. -0 03 r)(DN r-CDC\| U) rt fM rt r*> -q COO
S' 3 V f-* cn 0 cs —" r-T rt CM K CM- CM r> 03 — 0 O 0? —■* 1 CM-7 CM*op—* cm' CO iftW*
" 3 a 3 - - " ^ 17 7^7 11 7 '7 7 “ 3 , ,

» S
—_ •*» rt
ss SS
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^ $!'
*M — 0>
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O rt CD
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0? rt 03 5 g ^7^’ 77 7 n

s O
a O
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sgp ass VO
O MS_h-_rt CO O —-O? -3 CD —
2Eg S2gs s ags
lO O rt €\ C— rt K *0 rt rt

I § 2 "" "■* a as-' r s S7 777' 7't 2777 7 77 '

*“ • *? T * *
Appendix 285

3 3SS£S R3s3 33 5? 33 3 SSsaRSS S£8S SJ 3 3 352S£ 8E2

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ABC, 175 financing trade, 125-136

Accounting, 20, 22, 24 international, 138-139, 144
Accounting equilibrium, 63 Banks, 42
ACP, see African-Caribbean-Pacific international, 87, 88, 90
Conference Bayer, 200
Acquisition, 35 Behavioral ideologies, 3-4
Adjustment process, 63-64 Benelux, 246, 247, 263
Ad-valorem taxes, 194, 195 Berne Convention for the Protection of
African-Caribbean-Pacific Conference, 196, Literary and Artistic Works, 110, 169
250 Best-source purchasing, 21
After-sales service, 30, 35 Big business, 5
Airfreight, 88 Bill of exchange, 130, 141, 142, 144
Annuities, 60 Bill of lading, 127-128, 135, 130
Arm’s-length concept, 86, 92, 97 BMW, 30
ASEAN, see Association of Southeast Board of directors, 17, 25
Asian Nations Boeing, 31, 35, 174
Assembly, 155-162 Bonds, 37, 39, 181
Association of Southeast Asian Nations, BOP, see Balance of payments
249-250 Borrowing, 50
Autonomous transaction, 57, 58, 61, 63, Branch office, 159, 208-209
64 Brand name, 34
Bretton Woods Conference, 257
Balance of merchandise trade, 59 Bullion, 43
Balance of payments, 55-65, 83, 259,
281-285 C&F, 115
adjustment and restoring equilibrium, Capital account, 59, 60-61
63-64 Capital gains, 37, 39, 181
components of, 57-61 Capital goods insurance, 232
defined, 55-56 Capitalism, 16, 17, 25
importance of, 62-63 Caribbean Common Market, 248
significance of, 55 Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 120
Balance sheet, 58-61 Cash against documents, 132, 141, 144
Banking, 11 Cash in advance, 139
Banking system, 42 Central American Common Market, 249

288 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Central banks, 43, 44, 45, 49, 53, 56, 57, Currency, 42, 49, 52, 53, 262
70 changes, 212
coordination with IMF, 48 convertibility, 138
monetary stability and, 46—47 defined, 67-73
Certificate of insurance, 128, 135 devaluation, 63
Certificate of origin, 128, 135 price changes, 46
Changes, 3 reserves, 72, 76
Check, 130, 142 stability, 259
CIF, 115, 121, 194 Currency futures, 72, 76
Clean collection, 129, 130, 135, 142 Currency of ultimate redemption, 48
Coca-Cola Company, 32, 106, 108, 157, Current account, 59-60, 259
164 Customs, 126, 212
“Coins of the realm," 43 Customs broker, 86-87, 88, 89
Colgate-Palmolive, 21, 31, 157 Customs union, 247, 263
Collecting bank, 128, 129, 130, 142, 144,
147, 149 Data verification, 140-141
Collection, 128-131 Dealer, 30, 31, 38, 101
types of, 142 Debt, 56
Collection process, 140, 144 Deficit, 57, 62-63
Commercial invoice, 126, 135 Delivered at frontier, 116
Commodity price changes, 46 Delivered duty paid, 117
Common carrier, 87-88, 89, 120, 127 Democracy, building, 239, 240
Common market, 246, 247, 264 Demographics, 3, 6-8
Communications, 11, 13 Design patent, 108, 164
Communism, 16, 25 Developed country, 13
Community, obligation to, 9-10 Developing country, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13
Compensation, 9 Direct exporting, 29-30, 38
Compensatory transaction, 57, 64, 65 Direct financing, 229
Consistency, 34 Direct loans, 226
Contract-filling operation, 32, 157 DISC, see Domestic international sales
Contract Loan Program, 236 corporation
Contract manufacturing, 20, 31-32, 38, Disclaimer, warranty, 99-101
157-160, 161 Disney, 108, 175
Contractual safeguards, 176 Distribution, 35
Copyright, 105, 106, 107, 110, 111, 163, Distributor, 20, 31-31, 38
164-165, 170 import, 96, 97
Corporate challenges, 12-13 warranty and, 101
Corporate responsibility, 9-10 Distributorship
Corporations agreement, 175
international business operations, see international, 93-94
International business operations Dividends, 37, 39, 181, 202, 221
organization and philosophy, 17-24 Documentary collection, 129, 130, 135, 142
Correspondent bank, 128, 129, 147, 149 Documentary draft, 132
Correspondent relationship, 87 Documentation, 125-128, 130, 135, 140,
Counterfeiting, 170 152, 148
Crate & Barrel, 184 Documents against acceptance, 132, 144
Credit, 11, 50, 138 Documents against payment, 132, 141, 144
Credit risk, 231 Dollar, U.S., see U.S. dollar
Cross-border currency prices, 67, 68 Domestic international sales corporation,
Cross rates, 76 217-218, 222
Index 289

Double-column tariff, 195 Export credit insurance, 229, 231-232

Double taxation, 209, 223 Export Declaration, 126, 136
Draft, 126, 130, 131-134, 136, 141, 142, Exporter, 84-85, 89, 94, 127
144, 152 agreement to follow prescribed rules,
Drawee, 129, 132 117-118
Drawer, 129 collection problems, 131, 142-143
Duty drawbacks, 215 contract manufacturing, 158-159
Duty-free customs areas, 212 drafts and, 133-134
insurance, 119
Earnings distribution, 184 loan guarantees for, 235
Eastman Kodak, 165 payment terms, 139-140
Economic cooperation agreements, 247 Export financing, 229
Economic development, 239, 240-241 Export-Import Bank of the United States,
Economic growth, 4, 7, 11, 16 142, 210, 222-223, 228-234, 243, 255
Economic integration, 246-248, 263-264 Small Business Administration and,
Economic regionalism, 248-250 234-235
Economic transactions, 57-58 Exporting, 28-31, 38, 59, 83
ECSC, see European Coal and Steel direct, 29-30, 38
Community restrictions, 191-193
Education, 10, 13 Export letter of credit, 152-153
Employees, obligation to, 9 Export quotas, 191, 192-193, 197-198
Employment, 11, 13 Export support, 229
Energy, 10, 13 Export taxes, 191, 193, 198
Engels, Friedrich, 16 Export trading company, 29, 39, 85
Entrepreneurs, 4 Export Working Capital Program, 236-237
Environmental responsibility, 9-10, 12, Express warranty, 100
15, 239, 240 Expropriation, 200, 205
Equilibrium, 57, 63-64, 76, 259 Ex quay, 115
Equity distribution, 183 Ex ship, 115
ETC, see Export trading company Ex works, 114—115
Ethnocentric corporation, 17-20, 25
EU, see European Union FAS, 115
EURATOM, see European Atomic Energy dock, 88
Community FCIA, see Foreign Credit Insurance
European Atomic Energy Community, 247 Association
European Coal and Steel Community, 247 FCPA, see Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
European Common Market, 246, 247 FDI, see Foreign direct investment
European Economic Community, 246, 247 Federal Reserve, 43, 138, 144, 257
European Monetary System, 52 Finance, 11, 20, 22, 24
European Monetary Union, 52 Financial assistance, 230
European terms, 75 Financial institutions, 5
European Union, 107, 110, 158, 167, 195, Fixed exchange rate, 44-47, 52
196, 197, 201, 246, 248, 250 variable, 47-48
Exchange control authority, 45 Fixed foreign exchange rates, 49
Exchange rate, 74 Fixed-rate import tax, 194, 195
Excise tax, 211 Flagler, Henry, 9
Exclusivity, 106 Floating exchange rates, 53, 70
Expatriates, 18 Floating rate system, 48-50, 261
Experience curve, 28, 33, 168 FOB, 115
Explicit warranty, 99, 101 airport, 117
290 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

carrier, 117 FSC, see Foreign sales corporation

factory, 88 FTZ, see Free trade zone
vessel, 88, 194
Food, 10, 13 GATT, see General Agreement on Tariffs
FOR/FOT, 115 and Trade
Foreign branch office, 159 General Accepted Accounting Procedures,
taxation of, 208-209 20
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 204 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,
Foreign Credit Insurance Association, 231 110, 169, 197, 215, 218
Foreign currency, 42 General Analine & Film Corporation, 200
Foreign direct investment (FDD, 35-37, General average, 120
39, 60, 65, 181-183, 187, 199 Geocentric corporation, 22-24, 25
Foreign-earned income, taxation of, 22 Gifts, 60
Foreign exchange, 42, 51-52, 67-68, 262 Global challenges, 9-13
defined, 67-73 Globalization, 13-14, 83
purchasing power parity theory, 73-74 Global sourcing, 5, 21
rate quotations and terminology, 75-76 Global vision, 4, 5-6
Foreign exchange markets, 70, 74-76 Gold, 43, 45, 47, 49, 50, 262
Foreign exchange rates, 45—46, 47, 48, monetary, 51, 52
52, 67, 68-70, 75, 77 reserves, 72, 73, 77
Foreign exchange reserves, 50, 52, 53, Gold exchange standard, 47—4&, 49, 53
72, 77 Gold standard, 43—47, 53
Foreign import agent, 31, 38 Goods, 59, 83, 90
Foreign import distributor, 30-31, 38 Goodwill, 109-110, 111, 163, 164, 170,
Foreign Investment Advisory Services, 255 176
Foreign investments, 181-188 Government responsibility, 5, 17
Foreign portfolio investment (FPI), 37, 39, Grants, 60
60, 65, 181, 187, 199 Green Line Program, 238
Foreign sales corporation, 216-222 Group insurance, 121
Foreign Sales Corporation Act of 1983, Growth, 5-6, 7, 11, 16
210, 216-222, 223
Foreign-source income, 20, 22, 211 Handicapped Assistance Loan Program,
Foreign sourcing, 160 238
Foreign subsidiary, 182-183, 186, 209 Hard currency, 49, 53, 68, 77
Foreign tax havens, 211-212, 223 Harmonization, 177
Foreign Trade Zones Act, 214 Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1932, 203
Forward contract, 71-72, 77 Healthcare, 10-11
Forward exchange rate, 69 Hewlett-Packard, 108
Forward rate, 69-70, 74, 78 High-income countries, 202
Forward swap, 69, 77 Hilton International, 34, 39
Forward transaction, 69-70 Hoffman LaRoche, 58, 92, 208
FPI, see Foreign portfolio investment Home country nationals, 23
Franchising, 5, 34, 39, 163, 168, 170 Horizontal integration, 34-35, 39, 174, 178
Free trade association, 247, 248, 249, 264 Host country, 182-183
Free trade zone, 31, 95, 212-216, 223 Host country nationals, 21, 23
Freight/carriage and insurance, 116 Humanitarian assistance, 239, 241
Freight/carriage paid, 116 Human resources
Freight forwarder, 86, 88, 89, 129 development and management of, 18,
“Friendly high-risk” countries, 200-201 21, 22-23
“Friendly low-risk” countries, 201 obligation to, 9
Index 291

IBM, 35, 108, 174 exporting, 28-31

IBRD, see International Bank for foreign direct investment, 35-37
Reconstruction and Development foreign portfolio investment, 37
ICSID, see International Commission for franchising, 34
Settlement of Investment Disputes licensing, 33
IDA, see International Development strategic alliance, 34-35
Association turnkey system, 32-33
IFC, see International Finance Corporation International Chamber of Commerce, 143
IMF, see International Monetary Fund International Commission for Settlement
Import agent, 20, 31, 38, 94-95, 97 of Investment Disputes, 252, 256
Import distributor, 20, 30-31, 96, 97 International Development Association,
Importer, 85-86, 89, 94, 127 252, 254-255
agreement to follow prescribed rules, International distributorship, 93-94
117-118 International Finance Corporation, 252,
drafts and, 133-134 253-254
insurance, 119 International liquidity, 50-52, 53, 72-73,
Import letter of credit, 150-152 77
Import quotas, 193, 196-197, 198 International Monetary Fund (IMF), 41,
Import restrictions, reduced, 215-216 43, 49, 50, 53, 56, 70, 256-261, 264
Imports, 39, 59, 83 coordination with central banks, 48
restrictions, 193-197 currency reserves, 72, 76
Import taxes, 193, 194-196, 198, 213 deposits with, 51
In-bond warehouse, 215 special drawing rights, see Special
Income, 11 drawing rights
Income gap, 8-9 International monetary system, 41—43, 53,
Income statement, 58-61 see also Monetary system
Income taxes, 159, 160 International payments and collection
Incoming investments, 201-202, 205 process, 128-131
Incorporation abroad, 159-160 International reserves, 50, 63
INCOTERMS, 114, 118 International taxation, 207-212
Infrastructure, 7, 15 International trade
Infringement, 106 logistics, 113-124
Insurance, 88, 89, 118-123, 227, 229, practices, 89-90
231-232 International Trade Loan Program, 237
Intellectual assets, 105-111, 163-165, 171, Investment, 11
see also specific assets Investment incentives, 202
Interbank market 75 Investment restrictions, 199-205
Interest, 37, 39 Invoice, commercial, 126, 135
Interest income, 181 Irrevocable confirmed letter of credit,
Interest rates, 42 150, 154
Internal Revenue Service, 209, 211 Irrevocable letter of credit, 148-149, 154
International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development, 252-253, 254 Joint venture, 20, 30, 35, 36, 38, 176,
International banking system, 138-139, 144 182, 183-185, 188, 211
International banks, 87, 88, 90 taxation of, 209
International business, legal environment,
91-98 Keynes, John, 16
International business operations, see also Know-how, 14, 19, 165, 171, 175
specific topics protecting, 108-109
contract manufacturing, 31-32 transfer of, 163
292 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

Labor laws, 95 historical background, 43-50

Latin American Free Trade Association, international liquidity, reserve assets
249 and settlement of obligations, 50-52
Legal environment, 91-98 Money, 11, 67, 78, see also Currency
Lending, 50 Morgan, J.P., 44
Letter of credit, 140, 147-154 Most favored nation status, 195
Liability, 99, 101-102 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency,
Liability insurance, 119 252, 255
Licensing, 5, 20, 30, 33, 36, 38, 39, 163, Multinational corporations, 4, 14
166-168 challenges for, 11-12
Lines of credit, 236 exporting, 28
Liquidity, 50, 72-73, 77 foreign sales corporation and, 221
Loans, 229, 235-238 international business operations, see
direct, 226, 230, 232-233 International business operations
guarantees, 226-227, 230, 232, 235 organization and philosophy, 17-24
Location economies, 28, 33, 168 responsibilities of, 9-12
Logistics, 113-124
Logo, 164, 168, 170 NAFTA, see North American Free Trade
Long-term deficit, 62-63 Association
Loreal, 184 National Cash Register Company, 22
Low Documentation Loan Program, 238 Nationalization, 200, 205
Lower income countries, 202-203 National security restrictions, 191, 192
Nestle, 108
Malthus, Thomas, 16 North American Free Trade Association,
Management contract, 156 160, 195, 196, 197, 200, 216, 248-249,
Management style, 177 250, 251
Manufacturing, 33, 155-162
contract, see Contract manufacturing Ocean carrier, 120
Marine risk, 121 Ocean freight, 88
Market access through exporting, 28-29 Open account payment, 139
Market demand, 28 Open account shipments, 134
Marketing, 4, 20, 22, 23-24, 33 OPIC, see Overseas Private Investment
Market share, 23, 35 Corporation
Marx, Karl, 16 Outgoing investments, 200-201, 205
McDonald’s, 34, 39, 168 Overseas Private Investment Corporation,
Mennen Company, 184-185 210, 223, 225-228, 243
Merchandise, 59, 83, 90
MERCOSUR, 195, 197, 249 Paper money, 43^4, 48
Merger, 35 Parent, 36-37, 186, 211
Microsoft, 35, 174 Paris Convention for the Protection of
MIGA, see Multilateral Investment Industrial Property, 110, 169
Guarantee Agency Partnership, 208
Mill, John Stuart, 16 Patent, 105, 106, 107-108, 110, 111, 163,
Mixed economy, 16-17, 25 164, 165, 170, 171
Monetary gold, 51, 52 Patent and Trademark Office, 107
reserves, 72, 73, 77 Patent Cooperation Treaty, 169
Monetary stability, 46-47 Patent Office, 170
Monetary system, 41-54 Payment, 128-131
defined, 41-43 Payment terms, 137-144
Index 293

Pegged currency, 49-50, 53, 68, 78 Rockefeller, John, 9

Pensions, 60 Royal Dutch Shell, 20
Pepsi, 32, 157 Royalty, 33, 109, 163, 166, 167, 169
Philadelphia Stock Exchange, 72, 76
Piracy, 170 Sales, 20, 22, 23-24, 35
Policy and Advisory Services, 255 S13A, see Small Business Administration
Political relations, 199-200 Schumann Plan, 247
Political risk insurance, 140 Scrip, 43
Political risk loss, 231 SDRs, see Special drawing rights
Political stability, 13 Seasonal Line of Credit Program, 236
Pollution Control Loan Program, 237-238 Seed capital, 227
Polycentric corporation, 20-22, 25 Services, 34, 59-60, 83, 90, 160
Population, 6-7, 239, 240 Shareholders, 221
Portfolio investments, 202-203 Shelter, 11, 13
Pratt & Whitney, 35, 174 Shipper’s Export Declaration, 126, 136
Pre-investment services, 227 Shipping and selling terms, 113-118, 124
Private enterprise, 4 Shipping documentation, 125-131, 136
Private ownership, 5, 14, 25 Shipping documents, 130
Private sector, 17 Shipping terms, 137
Privatization, 5, 14, 45 Sight draft, 129, 132, 140, 141, 142, 144
Process patent, 108, 165 Sight letter of credit, 151
Procter & Gamble, 18, 31, 157 Silver, 43
Product liability, 99, 101-102 Single-column tariff, 195
Product patent, 108, 165 Small business, 184
Product warranty, 99-101, 102 Small Business Administration, 210, 223,
Production, 4, 5, 19, 21, 35 234-239, 244
Profits, 202 Small General Contractor Loan Program,
Promissory note, 130, 142 236
Proprietorship, 208 Smith, Adam, 16, 70
Purchasing, 19, 21 Socialism, 16
Purchasing power parity theory, 73-74, 78 Social services, 12
Soft currency, 49, 53, 68, 77
Qualified Employee Trust Program, 237 Sole proprietorship, 208
Quality control, 34 Sourcing, 5, 21, 160
Special drawing rights, 50, 51, 63, 78,
RCA Corporation, 33, 166 258, 261-263, 264
Regulations, 191-198 Spot rate, 69, 74, 78
Remitting bank, 128, 129, 140, 142, 147 Spread, 70, 78
Research and development, 18, 21, 23 Statistical discrepancy, 58, 65
Reserve assets, 72-73, 77 Statistical discrepancy account, 6l
Residency, 58, 65, 91-93, 98, 207-208, 223 Stockholders, 5, 17, 25, 181
Resources, 12-13, 19 obligation to, 9
development and allocation, 4, 6, 7 Stocks, 37, 39, 181
Restrictions, 29 Strategic alliance, 34-35, 36, 39, 173-179
investment, 199-205 Subsidiary, 35, 36-37, 167, 182, 186, 211
trade, 191-198 taxation of, 209
Return on investment, 9 wholly owned, see Wholly owned
Ricardo, David, 16 subsidiary
Riots and civil commotions, 122 SWIFT, 131, 143
294 International Business and Trade: Theory, Practice, and Policy

“Tariff of Abominations,” 203 United Technologies, 35, 174

Taxation, 159, 160 USAID, see United States Agency for
foreign sales corporation, 219-222 International Development
U.S. policies, see U.S. policies Usance draft, see Time draft
Tax havens, 211-212, 223 U.S. balance of payments, 281-285
Tax holidays, 210 U.S. Customs, 126
Tax incentive programs, 210 U.S. dollar, 48, 67
Tax treaties, 209-210, 211, 223 U.S. policies, taxation and related
Technical restrictions, 197 programs, 207-223
Technology, 4, 11, 12-13, 14, 18, 19, 21, Foreign Sales Corporation Act, 216-222
23, 37 free trade zones and duty-free customs
foreign exchange and, 70 areas, 212-216
protecting, 108-109 international taxation, 207-212
transfer of, 163 U.S. terms, 75
Telephone transfer, 74 U.S. worldwide income rule, 208, 223
Three-cornered hat concept, 9-10, 14 Use tax, 211
Time draft, 129, 132, 140, 141-142, 144
Time letter of credit, 151, 152 Value-added tax, 116, 194
Title, 94, 137 Variable fixed-exchange rate, 47^48, 49,
Trade acceptance, 142, 144 54
Trade blocs, 245-251, 264 VAT, see Value-added tax
Trade deficit, 57, 62-63 Vertical integration, 34-35, 39, 173-174,
Trademark, 105, 106-107, 110, 111, 163, 179
164, 170 Vietnam-Era and Disabled Veterans Loan
Trade name, 105, 106, 111, 163, 164 Program, 238
Trade practices, 83-90 VOLs, see Voluntary restraints
Trade regulation and restrictions, 29, Voluntary restraints, 193
Trade retaliation laws, 203-204 Warranty, 99-101, 102
“Trading with the enemy,” 203 Warranty breach, 100
Transportation, 11, 13, see also Logistics Warranty disclaimer, 99-101
Transport costs, 29 Welfare, 12
Transport documents, 130, see also Western hemisphere trading corporation,
Documentation 217
Triple-column tariff, 195 Westinghouse, 108
Turnkey system, 32-33, 40, 155-156, Wholly owned subsidiary, 20, 30, 35,
160-161, 162 36-37, 38, 92, 167, 182, 185-187,
Unemployment, 11, 13 Williamson, Gilbert, 22
“Unfriendly high-risk” countries, 201 Women’s Loan Program, 238
“Unfriendly low-risk” countries, 201 Working Capital Guarantee Program, 229,
Uniform Rules for Collections, 143 230-231, 234
Unilateral transfers, 60 World Bank, 41, 230, 251-256, 264
Unilever, 20, 31 World population, 6-7, 239, 240
United Nations, 41, 256 World Trade Organization, 110, 169, 197,
United States Agency for International 203, 215, 222
Development, 210, 223-230, 239-243, Worldwide income rule, 208, 223
244 WTO, see World Trade Organization
International Business
and Trade
Theory, Practice, and Policy

The formation of "multinational" and "transnational"

companies, coupled with the accelerating pace of
technology, has changed the way the world practices
business. International Business and Trade: Theory,
Practice, and Policy addresses the challenges that face
large, worldwide businesses today and in the 21 st
century. This textbook introduces business executives
and students to current issues and practices in
international business. It analyzes the conceptual nature
and operational aspects of multinational enterprise
and international trade practices.

Key Features
• Complete chapter-by-chapter summary at the
beginning of the book previews the topics covered
• Focus is on the practical aspects of conducting
global business
• Each chapter contains Summary and Conclusions,
Key Terms and Concepts, and Question and Answer
sections that complement and reinforce the concepts
discussed in the text
• Glossary of commonly used terms and expressions
helps readers with unfamiliar jargon
• Table of abbreviations and acronyms provides
quick reference

ISBN 1-57444-155~fl

2016 02 0913:17
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