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'l41l ii4 :2017
SPU-05 -1iqi
Serial No.

(q9T fl1j jq
irqt 1i
WPT: 2.00 ti~ Time : 2.00 Hours
L'rT: 200 Maximum Marks : 200
M1 ftf i
1. -jici % 33 3 cb 9
2. ?4tM 11 4t q ur i tiçeq iatft i it qtrf
rft t MI1 nT
3. T3IiiiI
4. I%l4ff 3Tq fT 1 r-1i Wt-Wt , .q'ii i
i,qi t fi suiii qiI t I1 ft I
5. dilI i4 ¶T-1 (k) i i i1 i i * lithz M1
rt qufl ii1ifl I
6. 31- u100dlIi (3rr) i ir
c4 31N ZlI ii 3I19 ii1 ', -1r (uT ft)
3IR ii r ft 'i r iIIT/ftIT I
7. (3 ii)T IiI "IIll '1l1I.i 3T 3iT'T I'icII

8. 3TZtrI TU I1r1d t TtI1 41c11 IT Rf1T3i Ti UIIc-lcb IRfrI (Negative Marking) ifi
31'F1I4 '3tih i - ia- i i-r kl t
L 9t), tt
'tRII I <lY 1TT 4)41 cfç4 iisrnct i.tii u,jijj I
9. 3Tql 3R 3Wt 3W 1) 'i -** 3tIT b4) I UMla 3Ik ft j-q
3TT 'R r4F n-r TJ]E9 )4g
10. 'K- 9 9 f 4 f 9ft t 11I I q.ii It II9d

11. 9f11 IIrH 4Jd ilT t R-W 'iii ciki I

.12. T1 3111T 9 3t lt rd , 1i 3ft 11-
3TPFT 3ttT i: c4ir9d
t 31Tflt 9-lcl
rft1 chi 'tIdI I
13. (O.M.R. Answer Sheet) 1 i*f 3T 3ff9f 3TTTR
1z4T 'lI)4II I
14. -iii (Question Booklet) i-1 (O.M.R. Answer Sheet) r1i 'ici 't-*t
fii rk (A, B, C & D) T rHell.i 3TT I TI -ci 9-1iqi
NI-r.~1 1, l I 31T (Invigilator) 4kc1111 cbIctv. tlI'1 ft ql. i
I i41 1 r11- N. I
i t il1 1 f ii I
1fJq)., ft 4 '

SPU-05 D I 911I11II1IIIIIII IlUHhllil

') •:
..4.- ..


I. The value of multiplier is always equal to one in case of:

(a) Money multiplier (b) Simple multiplier
(c) Super multiplier (d) Balanced Budget Multiplier

2. Which of the following is more effective in controlling cyclical fluctuations in an economy?

(a) Monetary measures (b) Fiscal measures
(c) Direct controls (d) All the above to be taken together

3. Which one of the following does not cause a shift in aggregate demand?
(a) Consumption (b) Imports (c) Prices (d) Investment

4. Which one of the following is correct about Business cycles?

(a) The fluctuations are wave like movements.
(b) The fluctuations are recurrent in nature.
(c) The upswings and downswings are cumulative in their effects.
(d) The upswings and downswings are seasonal in nature.

5. According to Rational Expectation Theory, government's anticipated policy will

(a) fool some of the people all of the time.
(b) fool all of the people some of the time.
(c) Never fool anybody.
(d) Fool all of the people all of the time.

6. The difference between the GNP and GDP is because of

(a) Gross Foreign Investment (b) Exports and Imports
(c) Net factor Income from abroad (d) Both (a) and (b)

7. The Chairperson of GST council is

(a) Prime Minister (b) Union Finance Minister
(c) Chairman of Finance Commission (d) None of these

8. What is the maximum rate of tax in GST (Goods and Services Tax) in India?
(a) 22% (b) 24% (c) 26% (d) 28%

9. Which one of the following schemes has been abolished in the Union Budget 2017-18?
(a) Advance Authorization Scheme (b) Duty Free Import Authorization Scheme
(c) Special Economic Zone Scheme (d) Export Promotion Capital Goods Scheme

10. The Government of India has fixed the inflation target of 4 percent for the period of
(a) 2014-2019 (b) 2015-2020 (c) 2016-2021 (d) 2017-2022
Series-D 2 SPU-05
(a) (b) i[Ti (c) 3TUT (d) k1-cJj1ci c.T13T

2. 1c4, 3 cRIi pf4id b1 [;4 ct)1.i 'TII 1Ic1I41 ?

(a) (b) I'1q'4I
(c) 1riiui (d)

3• 441 T1R,Id,?
(a) 3111 (b) 3TP11 (c) c4i. (d) frT

4. 414Iq,krc(1.i?
(a) cl1c (b) ci 1* I
(c) c4 ?f%TE clUcl i'ifl (d) clIc1 TT 4c1Ic4 I

5 fcflç aiw. etit 1cait1lc1 .1u1 11ft:

(c) fft
(d) ei1i ictd1

(a) ieii 1fl fii (b) 1131Wm
(c) 1kT 1TT 31W (d) clil (a) t (b)

7. '.iFkt ()11f) i 31t1T kti —

(a) i'i1 (b)
(c) r-317JT (d) -ii

8. (ii)
(a) 22% (b) 24% (c) 26% (d) 28%

. rrr1 ct1.i i1\*1I 1fl 4'k.-2O17-18 4 Htt 1T?

(a) (1)
(c) 41I' 31T1iF 4li.ii (d) iic1sul*ii.i '&i' ld

10. Th+14)RI— fTrebk1 31 r14Id i?

(a) 2014-2019 (b) 2015-2020 (c) 2016-2021 (d) 2017-2022
SPU-05 3 Series-D
11. The AM RUT Scheme was launched in India in June 201 5
(a) To improve basic urban infrastructure
(b) For holistic development of heritage cities
(c) To make the country clean
(d) None of these

12. When was National Agriculture Policy announced in India?

(a) July 2000 (b) August 2002 (c) July 2004 (d) April 2005

13. Total food grains in India excludes

(a) Rice (b) Pulses (c) Wheat (d) Soyabean

14. In India, Hindu Growth Rate is related to growth rate of

(a) Literacy (b) Population (c) Per Capita Income (d) GNP

15. Highest contribution to GDP in India is from

(a) Primary sector (h) Secondary sector

(c) Tertiary sector (d) None of the above

16. Rural / Urban population ratio in India as per Census 201 1 is:
(a) 72.85:27.14 b) 68.85: 31.14 (c) 66.85:33.14 (d) None of the above

17. What is the decadal growth rate of population in India as per Census 2011 ?
(a) 17.72 (b) 21.72 (c) 18.72 (d) 20.72

18. The apex institution of finance for small industries is


19. Net factor Income from abroad in estimation of GNP in India has been
(a) always negative
(b) always positive
(c) sometimes negative and sometimes positive
(d) Not known

Series-D 4 SPU-05

(a) 3rTT1 it 3T:4.1-iI WfR (b) T'wIf

(c) 14c1 .1I.11 (d) 1-t1

12. 4R?1 &i fk

(a) 'ii 2000 (b) 3TTI 2002 (c) 'ii 2004 (d) 3T 2005

13. R1d i ji.-'1 1fii 1:

(a) qii (b) k1 (c) t( (d) i4'i


(a) RWH (b) iiF (c) ift oi1i 31N (d) icbf kI1 dc4-1It

15. cl I T1IgI.l r1i*?

(a) S!TT1 (b) fcflicb (c) ccflici, (d) 1ctc1

16. 2011 t 31I( .u4lui—rt j.i.wii 311Id —

(a) 72.85:27.14 (b) 68.85 :31.14 (c) 66.85 :33.14 (d) 3'44ctd .i1

17. 2011 t 3M1R IRf 1-1k11I t çic1ii

(a) 17.72 (b) 21.72 (c) 18.72 (d) 20.72




(a) (b)

(c) (d) iiT

SPU-os 5 Series-D
20. The foreign trade multiplier (K1.) is equal to:
(a) K1. = (b) K1 = (c) Kf (d) Kf =

21. If the values of MPS = 0.3 and MPM = 0.2 then an increase in exports by 1,000 crores,
the raised national income through foreign trade multiplier will be:
(a) 2,000 crores (b) 3,000 crores (c) 4,000 crores (d) 5,000 crores

22. The production and consumption loss due to imposition of tariff is jointly called
(a) dead-weight loss (b) revenue loss
(c) balance of payments deficit (d) terms of trade loss

23. A tariff that maximises the difference between the terms of trade gain and the dead weight
loss is called
(a) Retaliatory tariff (b) Optimum tariff
(c) Countervailing tariff (d) Double-column tariff

24. Which one of the following is not a non-tariff barrier?

(a) Voluntary export restraint (b) Quota
(c) Advalorem tariff (d) Technical barriers

25. The EEC countries decided to limit the fluctuation in their currencies relative to each other
to a smaller band in 1973 is called
(a) Clean float (b) The snake in the tunnel
(c) Dirty float (d) Adjustable peg system

26. The Absorption Approach is developed by

(a) Sidney Alexander (b) Alfred Marshall
(c) A. Lerner (d) Jacob Viner

27. What is the period of new foreign trade policy of India?

(a) 2012-2017 (b) 2013-2018 (c) 2014-2019 (d) 20 15-2020

28. When accounting balance is produced with the help of accommodating transactions then it
is called
(a) Balance of Payment settlement (b) Balance of Payment adjustment
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above

Series-D 6 SPU-05
20. ffkT cIh1I&TuT (Kr.) iI cii :
(a) K= (b) Kf = (c) Kf = (d) Kf =

21. ii MPS = 0.3 3Th MPM = 0.2 *, 1kcil ! 1,000 ul 3T1 111
(a) 2,000 (b) 3,000 (c) ' 4,000 T1 (d) 5,000

22. dA3.IIl4UI c4'1'11 3IT l IcIc1

(a) 3f11 (b) tRctIl (c) Jll Hl.I(d)

23. cit4. oW1I. Tf FTT fT ¶1 R (dead weight) i1 41ri afrt )k(1I

ct,1i(1I L
(a) 1ici,iO (b) 1cPT 14
(c) 'i'iclifl (Countervailing) ctM. (d) f—ctv1H d4.

24. r —diIii*?
(a) Uc4, 11ci (b) 4k1
(c) iiIkc1c (d) I1T1T

25. (EEC)?RI 19733 *IT

4)iici (U1i:
(a) -4 (clean) fFTT (b) 'j,'i 1i1T (k 'i
(c) tc1t(dirty)lRTT (d)

26. 3c1lut I4J r411d fizn TII I

(a) r-n &cuk (b) i1 iTr1T
(c) 1:. i4 (d) •:h -

27. Th II3Nftr?
(a) 2012-2017 (b) 2013-2018 (c) 2014-2019 (d) 2015-2020

28. Ict4t uIi-11i (11 l II4dI I1ct 1iT tiir, b1IdF:

(a) 'ldt1 'i'i 1M (b) -!jIdI-I iiI'i-i
(c) q(a)a1P(b) (d) q;i-i
SPU-05 7 Series-D
29. A curve that goes through all the tangency points of an x and y isoquants in a Edgeworth-
Box is called
(a) Indifference curve (b) Trade indifference curve
(c) Offer curve (d) Contract curve

30. The optimum tariff rate for a tariff imposing country can be found by using the following
e-1 e 1 1
(a) (b) t-j (c) t= (d) t- -j

31. According to monetary approach of Balance of Payments, the demand for money is a
stable function of
(a) income, prices and rate of interest
(b) income and prices
(c) prices and rate of interest
(d) income, prices and foreign exchange reserves

32. Which one the following tenns of trade is considered by J.S. Mill in his trade theory?
(a) Gross barter terms of trade (b) Net barter terms of trade
(c) Income terms of trade (d) Utility terms of trade

33. The factor-intensity reversal takes place in case of Hecksher - Ohlin theorem when two
isoquants would
(a) cut each other only once (b) cut each other more than once
(c) not cut each other (d) All of the above

34. Which one of the following BRICS Summit theme was 'Building Responsive, Inclusive
and Collective Solution'?
(a) 6th Summit (b) 7th Summit (c) 8th Summit (d) 9th Summit

35. Producers' surplus is equal to the difference between

(a) Price and Marginal cost curve (b) Price and Marginal utility curve
(c) Average cost and Marginal cost (d) Total cost and Marginal cost

36. A demand curve is considered as Rectangular Hyperbola when:

(a) e> I (b) e 1 at all points (c) e < 1 (d) e0

37. When cost of production is zero, monopoly equilibrium will be established at a level where
elasticity of demand curve is:
(a) Greater than one (b) Equal to one
(c) Less than one (d) infinity
Series-D 8 SPU-05
29. IcfHxandy1HF 41IdI*:
(a) 31PThT c4 b (I,) oq I
(c) 1c4cIi (d) 1Ic4b

30. cks4 .3IIcl cbl c4I I 1Hf1ftc1 1 1 W1 1Id fl Icbcfl

e-1 e I I
(a) t (b) t= (c) t= (d) t—
e e-1 e e-1

31. IciH iii 41i cjlui it i

(a) 31T,c M (b) 341
(c) 4I'.i1 aTh cit (d) 3TiT, cG1 3k rn

32. i-i1iRici i4 cb1.i o1ILR fi Rl t1T?

(a) k1cbi -11i oI'IR (b) I4PH c.1It4Ik
(c) 31R1 iiLii. i4 (d) i'Pcti oir.Il. IcI

33. M TT_1I.ic1I 11k1dI

(a) 1i (b)
(c) (d) ctiflf

34. f 4-1R1RM cb r (BRICS) w-ki.i T M1 1i k11I11 aIk 'i'tf*

N1Rf1Ur' 11?
(a) ó1 iki.i (b) (licic4l H1-kH (c) 3fli 11-4kii (d) rT

35 c'Icb 1 3.1Fdkcl, 1v&b •4ti 3•: i kI1k 1dE ?

(a) 4lH1 l fl1frcI iI1id c4 (b) 4 -IcI fli qu1'I1I ,
(c) 3ThT1 lI1Ri i fl -ii-ci ciItct (d) i wici 1 fl'-ii-ci 1I1Icf

36. 4, TPT 1b 31I1dI4R 11'i ?E 11* :

(a) e> 1 (b) e=imfftii
(e) e< 1 (d) e0

37. içi 1IId It'P II I1TT ctc4

(a) V3T (b)
(c) (d) 3TTt

SPU-05 9 Series-D
38. The price of a commodity X in perfect competition is 25. What will be the marginal
revenue of selling 200w unit?
(a) 25 (b) 5,000 (c) 80 (d) 225

39. If the total production in an economy for a product is produced by a few big firms, then
this market is known as:
(a) Monopolistic Competition (b) Oligopoly
(c) Duopoly (d) Discriminating Monopoly

40. Natural Monopoly" is the monopoly

(a) which is provided by nature.
(b) which needs large amount of capital.
(c) when there is only one producer.
(d) when average costs declines with increase in output.

41. In case of a Giffen good:

(a) Positive income effect is stronger than the negative substitution effect.
(b) Negative income effect is weaker than the positive substitution effect.
(c) Negative income effect is stronger than the positive substitution effect.
(d) Positive income effect is weaker than the negative substitution effect.

42. A Pareto optimal organisation is one in which

(a) Economic efficiency prevails.
(b) Any reorganisation keeps the utility of all individuals unchanged.
(c) Any reorganisation that augments the utility of an individual necessarily reduces
utility of another.
(d) both(a)and(b).

43. The burden of a tax on the consumer will be greater than producer if
(a) Demand is more elastic (b) Demand is more inelastic
(c) Supply is more elastic (d) None of the above

44. When average cost is increasing, marginal cost is

(a) Equal to average cost (b) Less than average cost
(c) Greater than average cost (d) Uncertain

45. A firm should cease production in the short run if

(a) Price is less than average fixed cost (b) Price is less than average cost
(c) Profits are negative (d) Price is less than average variable cost
Series-D 10 SPU-05
38. i1)[iiii X 1Hd 25 I 200iTt fk fi1-Hc1 3WT'r1 )'ii?
(a) 25 (h) 5,000 (c) 80 (d) 225

39. f~ afITitI 1 IT irfn iiir't iii

(a) TftcbRlc1.Icb )I'IdI (b) 3TTftTEfT
(c) i1TT (d) fr rip

40. "ThII4chWfTR" -

(a) (b)
(c) '.it cii Lcb I41cbdI' I (d) c-liq'i 131FIcitlZ?ft I

41. 1'I1b.1 1:
(a) %4.flç1 3114 1uIlrHcflR1 1.1I ' 11

(b) ftIcHh 3T1T lciit I

(c) c1I3 11IcHrHRW
(d) Ic1-Il, 3TP1T -Nl( T1it * 3J u c11cb%1I.fl4.1 I

42. cftat 3IdH k1Id4 IIk1

(b) f~t r4 ofi qf1t ci1i cfi
(c) fft ti1T&i ft I6ciI i1ii '

(d) (a) 3t (b) 1.)

43. I T TR 3tflFT 11 aiTh iii, if

(a) 1ffT 3TfT d'kR I (b) 11113T1T 11qR I
(e) J3 1'kR I (d) 4 1JI

44. 3I1 cWId c1t Th-II-cI 1lld:

(a) 1I1 Icfk' I (b) I
(c) 3iifaT1TI (d) 3.1IIl1*I

45. tft 3cbftl i1 clI1L i1:

(a) C)Hd 31I-P c1I1Id I (b) 41i1d 3krT c'ilId
(c) 1UIIc I (d) c4çf3 FicIii)ci

SPU-O5 11 Series..D
46. Engels curve illustrates the relationship between
(a) Consumption and Utility (b) Production and Productivity
(c) Income and Consumption (d) Income and Production

47. If total revenue rises when price falls, the demand curve is
(a) Elastic (b) Unitary elastic (c) Inelastic (d) None of the above

48. A movement along the supply curve can be caused by a change in

(a) Technology (b) Factor prices
(c) The price of the good (d) All of these

49. An indifference curve indicates

(a) No choice among goods (b) No need of any good
(c) Disinterested in acceptance of goods (d) One combination is preferred to another

50. According to W.W. Rostow, the stages of economic growth are:

(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2

51. Second Five Year Plan was based on the model developed by
(a) A.K. Sen (b) C.H. Hanumantha Rao
(c) P.C. Mahalnobis (d) K.N. Raj

52. Vicious circle of poverty should be broken for economic development. This fact has been
emphasised by:
(a) Ragnar Nurkse (b) Lewis (c) Rosenstein (d) Singer

53. 'Wage Fund Theory' has been given by

(a) Adam Smith (b) Maithus (c) Ricardo (d) J.S. Mill

54. The credit of developing the concept of modem economic growth goes to
(a) Gunnar Myrdal (b) Adam Smith (c) Simon Kuznets (d) Todaro

55. Who is the founder of Human Development Index?

(a) Dr. ManMohan Singh (b) Mahboob-ul-Haq
(c) Adam Smith (d) Rajeev Gandhi

56. Disguised unemployment exists mainly in

(a) Underdeveloped countries (b) Developed countries
(c) Socialist countries (d) None of these

57. Unbalanced Theory of Growth was propounded by

(a) Singer (b) Hirschman (c) W.W. Rostow (d) Kindleberger

Series-D 12 SPU-05
(a) IIdi (b) dc'1I4 Ic4'x11

(c) 33T (d)

(a) 1'kcR (b) iil'i (c) 11R (d)

48. 1411 IH 1,I4Ui'I 1cii :

(a) 11fI4 (b) 1TTt 41H (c) 3T cjt cHd (d) '4141 Thf

(a) IT3T (b) 1~hfI 31Tc1cbdt çr

(c) (d)

50. 31 1 R 3lT 3TIT :

(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2

51. 1cfl .iic(1i 1lI b1ri RF rr

(a) 1 (b) i.çjjc4 (c) iftf • i1i(d)

52. "3ITf 14q,I1 iO1 ' d1.11 fi1 i1t?

(a) ll1R 1ct1 (b) c1rcl1 (c) 'c11 (d) rPtk

53. 'H1 ct rii' RTT1TT?

(a) s14 mTt (b) TW (c) Fkci1 (d) 1i

54. cI,HIdE?

(a) '1R 14ci (b) i fT (c) HiHi 1ci (d) 1&

55. '1Hcl rK4)I cIicI' T '*ici et1.i ?

(a) i. (b) —3T—ct (c) i&sl.fmFT (d) thsflcl Trrfi

56. 3IT 1II sict: if '1l(fi ?

(a) 31rChrd (b) trji

(c) (d)

57. icbIk1 T 311-c1cI I1.IcI r4HIU SI?1'.1tIc1 i4i 1TT?

(a) 1!( (b)
(c) (d) 1IIk

SPU-05 13 Series-I)
58. Big Push Theory lays emphasis on
(a) Big Investment Sector (b) Agricultural sector
(c) Technical sector (d) None of these

59. The concept of GoIden Age' is related to

(a) 1-larrod (b) Domar (c) Ricardo (d) Joan Robinson

60. Input — Output technique was invented by

(a) Lewis (b) Hicks (c) Todaro (d) Leontief

61. Solow's model of Economic Growth in India is

(a) Fully applicable (b) Not applicable
(c) Partially applicable (d) None of these

62. Kaldor's model of Economic Growth is not applicable in:

(a) Undeveloped countries (b) Developing countries
(c) Backward countries (d) Developed countries

63. "Rise of population is an obstacle to economic development." This statement was given by
(a) Maithus (b) Singer (c) Nurkse (d) Meiers

64. The idea of Economic planning in its present form, for the first time came in:
(a) 1920 (b) 1928 (c) 1934 (d) 1937

65. Which average is affected niost by extreme observations?

(a) Mode (b) Median (c) Arithmetic mean (d) Geometric mean

66. In which distribution mean and variance are equal?

(a) Binomial• (b) Normal (c) Poisson (d) None of these

67. When the population under investigation is perishable, we should use the
(a) Census method (b) Sample method
(c) Both Census and Sample (d) Neither Census nor Sample

68. The calculated value of Chi-Square is

(a) Always positive (b) Always negative
(c) Either positive or negative (d) None of the above

69. The Geometric Mean of two numbers 8 and 18 shall be

(a) 8 (b) 11 (c) 12 (d) 14
Series-D 14 SPU-OS
58. Ri iii?
(a) (b) (c) icbflc P (d) c .i1

(a) (b) (c) (d) I4JI+H

(a) 11i (b) fffl (c) il (d)

61. ThT T 31T ¶1 Hl:

(a) 1 f?r: iiij)cii I (b) iii.1 )dI * I
(c) 3iFcb Jtc1ft (d) c4.i1

62. 3Tr ?
(a) 4IdU (b)
(c) 1i 1Jbç (d) bfld U

63. "*i rT n

(a) TtT (b) 1Pi (c) 1c (d)

64. 311ffE 11) i i I (, cIc fri (-CI 4 1T'?N 3fl:

(a) 1920 (b) 1928 (c) 1934 (d) 1937

(a) cicl (b) (c) iIlTT (d) urEtT

66. k1 ?
(a) f'i (b) iirii.- (c) 'i1ii-i (d)

67. 3T 1ii iiii CI*1I 'clI1V,.

(a) 4JIuHi (lrci (b) Mrd1r
(c) i1 WIUHE (d) 1 (lllufrll, 1 M11T

68. bI— i1ii dI *:

(a) II tI.1Ic1c (1) ii
(c) IiulIcHct (d)

69. ?
(a) 8 (b) ii (c) 12 (d) 14

SPU-05 15 Series-D
70. If the MPC is zero, the value of multiplier will be
(a) 0 (b) 2 (c) (d) 4

71. The roots of quadratic equation x2 + 3x — 18 = 0 are

(a) 6,3 (b) —6,3 (c) —6, —3 (d) 6, —3

72. The probability of getting at least two heads in a simultaneous throw of three coins is
(a) 1/4 (b) 1/2 (c) 1/8 (d) 1/3

73. In case of two variables there will be only one regression line if
(a) r=0 (b) r+l (c) r=-1 (d) r=±l

74. Two events A and B are mutually exclusive : P(A) 1/5 and P(B) 1/3, then, probability
that neither A nor B will occur would be
(a) 9/15 (b) 8/15 (c) 7115 (d) 6/15

75. What kind of public revenue is fees?

(a) Tax Revenue (b) Non Tax Revenue
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above

76. Transfer of Tax burden from one person to second person is called
(a) Tax Impact (b) Tax Shifting (c) Tax Incidence (d) None of the above

77. The principle of Maximum Social Advantage is related to

(a) Public Expenditure (b) Public Revenue
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above

78. Which one of the following is not a tool of fiscal policy?

(a) Deficit financing (b) Public Debt policy
(c) Interest rate policy (d) Tax policy

79. Deficit financing leads to

(a) Price rise (b) Price fall (c) Price control (d) None of the above

80. Zero base budgeting was adopted in India in the year

(a) 1957-58 (b) 1967-68 (c) 1977-78 (d) 1987-88

81. Who propounded the concept of functional finance?

(a) A.P. Lemer (b) Keynes (c) Musgrave (d) Smith

82. Indian Tax System is

(a) Proportional (b) Progressive (c) Regressive (d) Degressive

Series-D 16 SNJ-05
70. UT
(a) 0 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 4

(a) 6,3 (b) —6,3 (c) —6,-3 (d) 6, —3
72. d
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4 2

(a) r=0 (b) r+1 (c) r-1 (d) r=±1

74. t A 111 B '4W4k 3I'sff t: P(A) 12-TF P(B) = !, , ?t A 1T1 B

MIf1cbcll -

(a) -- (b) -- (c) .2.. (d)

75. bi 3Tfl?
(a) 31T (b) 3UT (c) hiI(a) 31 (b) (d)

76. t oqI -

(a) 4kRflc1 (b) 5dcic1.i (c) ti'.iii (d) q;1.i1

77. 31Tm +t ii I1i rI ' -

(a) i4 (b) icb 3TPW (c) l-i (a) 3 (b) (d) 4k cR

78. IIH 91-1 W i ' 4 -fl1 T cMuI R1 ?

(a) ~I11T (b) I1b UI

(c) If?-nr (d) FPt

(a) 4id ¶r., (b) 41Hd l'RIc1 (c) g11Iiui (d)

80. a1R?T ii 3111R *i 3iiiii TP1T?

(a) 1957-1958 (b) 1967-1968 (c) 1977-1978 (d) 1987-1988
81. IIcicI Ii 1Wfl 1I1 1&IId ?
(a) 1.tfL c1Ik (b) n*f (c) +W1ci (d) fTT
82. RcII1 iuiifl -

(a) 31IJ,4III* (b) iifi1k (e) 1tii-fl (d) 3411II4

SPU-05 17 Series-D
83. VAT system was first initiated in
(a) India (b) France (c) Germany (d) Italy

84. Which one of the following is not a regular source of public revenue?
(a) Commercial revenue (b) Administrative revenue
(c) Taxation (d) Gifts and Grants

85. Who propounded the principle of minimum sacrifice?

(a) J.K. Mehta (b) Edgeworth (c) Taylor (d) Dalton

86. Peacock — Weisman Hypothesis relates to

(a) increasing public expenditure (b) decreasing public expenditure
(c) constant public expenditure (d) Allof the above

87. Which expenditure is not included in Income — Expenditure statement?

(a) Expenditure on salaries
(b) Expenditure on grants
(c) Expenditure on public enterprises investment
(d) Expenditure on interest payment on borrowings

88. The Diffusion theory in Taxation was given by

(a) Adam Smith (b) Seligman
(c) Findlay Shirras (d) Mansfield and Canard

89. If per unit tax is imposed, then which curve will shift upward?
(a) Average cost curve (b) Marginal cost curve
(c) Fixed cost curve (d) Both (a) and (b)

90. The Ratchet Effect is given by

(a) Milton Friedman (b) J.M. Keynes
(c) Robert Lucas (d) Duesenberry

91. Transmission Mechanism of Money Supply in Tobin's "Q" theory is through

(a) Rate of interest (b) Direct purchasing
(c) Share prices (d) Consumption effect

92. Chicago School of Economics believes that

(a) Money supply should be stabilised
(b) Fiscal policy is more important
(c) Discriminatory monetary policy should be used
(d) Economy should be regulated by government

Series-D 18 SFU-05
(a) eUR?E (b) MRi (c) 5r4f (d) f1

84. 1.iii ivb (Ic I1cb 3ThTWT P1fid iIci-ii?

(a) t1i' 3TPT (b) MIlI1I1b 3ITT1 (c) cbkI)9ui (d) 1R 3f 3JH

85. rcMt1I1df1T?
(a) *T (b) (c) (d) si

86. L 1b—c4I4i 4fk.1I

(a) cfl o*4 (b) R?1Th O-14 (c) cik oi (d) 3414d

(a) 1Ro (b)
(c) (d)

88. l,i'NuIiRuI I1.Ic1 EflTTP1T ?

(a) H (b) fIII1.I (c) (d) wc)c rrr +ii

89. 'k1i i'1 4i IT '4 3ill'1frd1k1 iii?

(a) 1lId cç4 (b) flrd (11hld c4ç4

(c) fr1t 4 R1cic (d) il(a)fl(b)

90. dt(RatchetEffect)1P1fflPtt?
(a) )i (b) -1 (c) ii bI1 (d)

91. ufi 'ct[ ('Q) f4.frd z1WI i1i r1 Rl

(a) (b) hiU Rl (c) Kc4,n1HdlRI (d) TrlTRI

(b) (1
(c) lfl '1 i14 I
(d) RcbR I*I 3&1EF1T if41 'ki c1l{t

SPU-05 19 Series-D
93. Under classical assumptions the aggregate supply curve of an economy is
(a) Upward sloping (b) Downward sloping
(c) Horizontal line (d) Vertical line

94. Okun's Jaw shows the relationship between the following:

(a) Unemployment and Growth (b) Employment and Growth
(c) Tax rate and Tax revenue (d) Inflation and Employment

95. Milton Friedman gave emphasis in his quantity theory of money on

(a) Production and Income (b) Price level
(c) Supply of Money (d) Demand for Money

96. A Deflator is a technique of

(a) Adjusting for changes in commodities
(b) Accounting for increase in GNP
(c) Accounting for decrease in .GNP
(d) Adjusting for changes in price level

97. Under Keynesian Liquidity Trap conditions an increase in money supply will
(a) Reduce the rate of interest
(b) Increase investment spending
(c) Have no effect on interest rate, investment and employment
(d) Increase the level of employment

98. High powered Money consists of

(a) currency in circulation and bankers' deposit with Central bank.
(b) Currency with public and demand deposits with banks.
(c) Fixed deposits minus demand deposits.
(d) Money created by Commercial banks.

99. Out the odd:

(a) Bank Rate (b) Cash Reserve Ratio
(c) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (d) Call Money Rate

100. Money is said to be neutral if

(a) it affects the real variables of the economy.
(b) it does not affect the real variables of the economy.
(c) it affects only the production.
(d) it affects both production & employment.

Series-D 20 SPU-05
93 HI IaI1 311R c4 3ffT 11Tj
(a) 4k31Y (b) -3tc1c4I
(c) (d) c4dI

94. 3TIIRsic ciicit:

(a) 1lftO iicr (b) IRr IçIç
(c) kI*4 (d) ji I&111IR

95. IIc4 4i &ti I lflu 1iti 1tI fiE?

(a) cqIc1 1T &1T (b) 41ici 'd4.
(c) (d) ticiti

96. Ich Vcb dcb1lcht:

(a) c ç3 4fkclCl.1 1HI11d I (b) GNP cf T f I
(c) GNP t4) I (d) 4 4c1 T41I41'*1 ftI

97. -*1 dc1dI '1Ic1 T1I I9i c{j 1i:

(c) ii"i, 1
(d) I

(b) i 1t kfl u iT ITI1

(a) (b) lt4iicI
(c) .4IIch d(cldl 3.Ij4Id (d) I(

(c) citç.iTTf?T't I
(d) 4I13I11II. TI1

SPU-05 21 Series-D
Space For Rough Work

Series-D 22 SPU-05
Space For Rough Work /4TJ

SPU-05 23 Series-D

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