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Introducing Standardized "Readbacks" Patient Safety in Surgery A Prospective Survey in 92 Providers at A Public Safety-Net Hospital

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Prabhakar et al.

BMC Surgery 2012, 12:8


Introducing standardized “readbacks” to improve

patient safety in surgery: a prospective survey in
92 providers at a public safety-net hospital
Hari Prabhakar1, Jeffrey B Cooper2,1, Allison Sabel3, Sebastian Weckbach4, Philip S Mehler5 and Philip F Stahel4,6*

Background: Communication breakdowns represent the main root cause of preventable complications which lead
to harm to surgical patients. Standardized readbacks have been successfully implemented as a main pillar of
professional aviation safety for decades, to ensure a safe closed-loop communication between air traffic control and
individual pilots. The present study was designed to determine the perception of staff in perioperative services
regarding the role of standardized readbacks for improving patient safety in surgery at a single public safety-net
hospital and level 1 trauma center.
Methods: A 12-item questionnaire was sent to 180 providers in perioperative services at Denver Health Medical
Center. The survey was designed to determine the individual participants’ perception of (1) appropriateness of
current readback processes; (2) willingness to attend a future training module on this topic; (3) specific scenarios in
which readbacks may be effective; and (4) perceived major barriers to the implementation of standardized
readbacks. Survey results were compared between departments (surgery versus anesthesia) and between specific
staff roles (attending or midlevel provider, resident physician, nursing staff), using non-parametric tests.
Results: The response rate to the survey was 50.1 % (n = 92). Respondents overwhelmingly recognized the role of
readbacks in reducing communication errors and improving patient safety. There was a strong agreement among
respondents to support participation in a readbacks training program. There was no difference in the responses
between the surgery and anesthesia departments.
There was a statistically significant difference in the healthcare providers willingness to attend a short training
module on readbacks (p < 0.001). Resident physicians were less likely to endorse the importance of readbacks in
reducing communication errors (p = 0.01) and less willing to attend a short training module on readbacks
(p < 0.001), as compared to staff providers and nursing staff.
The main challenge for respondents, which emanated from their responses, appeared to relate to determining the
ideal scenarios in which readbacks may be most appropriately used. Overall, respondents strongly felt that
readbacks had an important role in patient handoffs, patient orders regarding critical results, counting and verifying
surgical instruments, and delegating multiple perioperative tasks.
Conclusion: The majority of all respondents appear to perceive standardized readbacks as an effective tool for
reducing and/or preventing adverse events in the care of surgical patients, derived from a breakdown in
communication among perioperative caregivers. Further work needs to be done to define the exact clinical
scenarios in which readbacks may be most efficiently implemented, including the definition of a uniform set of
scripted quotes and phrases, which should likely be standardized in concert with the aviation safety model.

* Correspondence:
Department of Orthopaedics, Denver Health, University of Colorado Denver,
School of Medicine, 777 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204, USA
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Department of Neurosurgery,
University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Denver Health Medical Center,
777 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2012 Prabhakar et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Prabhakar et al. BMC Surgery 2012, 12:8 Page 2 of 8

Background each category of perioperative personnel, on the appro-

Effective communication is a basic human necessity which priate use of readbacks to improve patient safety.
is particularly critical to assuring safety in high-reliability
industries including those involved in the medical and avi- Methods
ation sectors [1,2]. Hundreds of lives can be lost at a time This study was based at Denver Health Medical Center,
due to a minor error in communication, as demonstrated which is Colorado’s principal safety net institution and
by catastrophic experiences in civilian aviation. academic regional level 1 trauma center. The current
Several recent air disasters involving miscommunica- established patient safety protocols at Denver Health in-
tion between crewmembers and air traffic control clearly clude the Joint Commission’s Universal Protocol [9],
emphasize that – despite significant advances in civilian standardized “SBAR” communication modules, and the
aviation safety in recent decades – human errors in judg- WHO Surgical Safety Checklist [10]. At the time of the
ment and communication still occur, causing devastating study, readbacks were used exclusively for verification of
consequences. In contrast to the established communica- critical test results, in compliance with the Joint Com-
tion protocols in high risk industries, including commer- mission’s National Patient Safety Goals [4].
cial aviation, submarine and nuclear technology, surgical A 12-item questionnaire was designed to evaluate peri-
safety protocols still fall short of protecting patients from operative staff perception of the role of standardized
unintended and preventable harm, mainly based on readbacks to improve patient safety in surgery. The spe-
breakdowns in communication among health care cific questions and optional answers are shown in
providers. Table 1. A 5-point Likert scale was used for the majority
Notwithstanding these recent improvements in surgical of questions, ranging from “Strongly agree” to “Strongly
safety, a recent analysis by the American College of Sur- disagree”. The design of the questionnaire was broadly
geons’ closed claims database revealed that a significant based on the “Flight Management Attitudes Question-
source of surgical errors can still be attributed to a break- naire” used to assess risk factors in commercial flight
down in communication before, during, and after surgery. operations [11].
Breakdowns in verbal communication accounted for The modality of rolling out the survey consisted of
around 85 % of adverse events related to communication sending an e-mail to all staff in perioperative services
breakdown, with only 4 % of breakdowns attributed to (n = 180), including staff surgeons, staff anesthesiologists,
written communication [3]. As such, the patient safety residents, midlevel providers, and perioperative nursing
community has increasingly called for formal readback staff. The text of the invitation outlined the study hy-
orders among healthcare professionals who care for surgi- pothesis and concept in detail, and emphasized that
cal patients in order to reduce the high incidence of peri- study participation was anonymous and purely voluntary
operative complications related to verbal communication with no identifiable information collected. The invitation
breakdowns [1,2,4,5]. The Agency for Healthcare Research to complete the survey, including the subsequent remin-
and Quality (AHRQ) and the Joint Commission (JC) both ders, were sent from the office of the Director of Ortho-
recommend the implementation of readbacks in the paedic Surgery (PFS). No incentive or compensation for
healthcare setting, particularly during telephone medica- participation was offered or provided. The questionnaire
tion orders or verbal transfer of critical tests results [6,7]. was managed through a “SurveyMonkey™ Premium”
While hospitals nationwide have begun to implement software package, which was linked to the hospital’s se-
readbacks in many of their departments, the use of read- cure intranet system. Three consecutive e-mail remin-
backs is progressing slowly. Dr. Eddie Hoover eloquently ders were sent out to all 180 potential respondents, and
described the surgery industry’s reticence to engage in the survey was closed after three months. The study was
readbacks in a 2007 Archives of Surgery editorial when approved by the Colorado Multiple Institutional Review
he noted that “Getting surgeons to readback orders and Board (COMIRB No. 10–0859).
instructions will age you 10 years, yet the Navies of the Frequencies and percentages of specific answers were
world have demonstrated for eons that it improves effi- calculated to explore the usefulness of readbacks and the
ciency, promotes safety, and saves lives.” [8] barriers to implementation. For analysis of frequency,
In the past, few trials have been conducted to assess “strongly agree” and “agree” were considered as agree-
the feasibility and acceptability of surgical safety inter- ment, and “strongly disagree” and “disagree” were treated
ventions prior to the intervention itself. The purpose of as disagreement. Due to the ordinal nature of Likert-
the current study was to begin to understand the per- scaled items, medians and interquartile ranges were used
ceptions of and barriers to implementation of readbacks as measures of central tendency. For analysis, the attend-
from the point of view of personnel in perioperative ser- ing providers and midlevel providers, i.e. certified nurse
vices. These data would potentially be used to develop anesthetists (CRNAs), were aggregated into a single pro-
an acceptable and effective local training module, for vider category. In addition, the scrub technicians and
Prabhakar et al. BMC Surgery 2012, 12:8 Page 3 of 8

Table 1 Overall responses to the survey (n = 92)

Strongly Disagree Neutral / Agree Strongly
Disagree Don’t Know Agree
Readbacks in the surgical setting would significantly reduce 1 (1.1 %) 3 (3.3 %) 11 (12.0 %) 25 (27.2 %) 52 (56.5 %)
verbal communication errors and improve patient safety
Readbacks are currently being used appropriately by the surgical staff in our hospital 4 (4.4 %) 11 (12.0 %) 17 (18.5 %) 47 (51.1 %) 13 (14.1 %)
I would personally be willing to attend a short training module on readbacks 7 (7.6 %) 8 (8.7 %) 15 (16.3 %) 24 (26.1 %) 38 (41.3 %)
should the concept be formally implemented at my institution
Readbacks would be helpful in reducing verbal communication errors when. . .
. . . a request is made to carry out an important task that has implications on 1 (1.1 %) 4 (4.4 %) 2 (2.2 %) 25 (27.2 %) 60 (65.2 %)
safety of the patient
. . . there is a handoff of a surgical patient from the care of one provider to another 2 (2.2 %) 2 (2.2 %) 12 (13.0 %) 30 (32.6 %) 46 (50.0 %)
. . . used to count and verify surgical instruments and other items 1 (1.1 %) 2 (2.2 %) 10 (10.9 %) 27 (29.4 %) 52 (56.5 %)
. . . there are multiple perioperative tasks 0 (0 %) 4 (4.4 %) 14 (15.2 %) 29 (31.5 %) 45 (48.9 %)
Significant barriers to implementation of readbacks in the perioperative setting include . . .
. . . the lack of a general “safety culture” in the surgical department 35 (38.0) 25 (27.2) 13 (14.1) 15 (16.3) 4 (4.4)
. . . the availability of time to perform readback statements 6 (6.5 %) 17 (18.5 %) 12 (13.0 %) 37 (40.2 %) 20 (21.7 %)
. . . general reluctance of parts of the surgical team to use readbacks 8 (8.7 %) 13 (14.1 %) 27 (29.4 %) 28 (30.4 %) 16 (17.4 %)
. . . the amount of training for staff that will be needed to implement readbacks 15 (16.3 %) 31 (33.7 %) 27 (29.4 %) 16 (17.4 %) 3 (3.3 %)

circulating nurses were collapsed into a nursing staff and improve patient safety. However,16.3 % of respondents
category. Survey results were compared between depart- declared that they would not be willing to attend a short
ments (surgery vs. anesthesia) by Wilcoxon Rank Sum training module on the concept of readbacks, prior to im-
tests, and between staff roles (MD provider, resident, nurs- plementation (16.3 %). A majority of participants (65.2 %)
ing staff), by Kruskal-Wallis tests. Data analysis was disagreed that there was a general lack of a “patient safety
performed using SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2 (SAS Institute, culture” within the surgical department.
Cary, NC). A P-value of less than 0.05 was considered sta- Table 3 shows the stratification of answers by anesthesia
tistically significant. department (n = 24) versus surgery (n = 68). There was no
statistically significant difference in the median scores for
any response between the two main services (P > 0.05).
Results However, significant discrepancies in the perception of the
Of the 180 perioperative healthcare providers invited to role for readbacks among the different healthcare provi-
participate in this study, 61 individuals responded after ders occurred when comparing staffing roles, as outlined
the first invitation, with an additional 31 providers in Table 4. On the basis of survey scoring, residents agreed
responding after two subsequent reminders. A total of that readbacks significantly reduce verbal communication
92 individuals (50.1 %) completed and returned the sur- errors and improve patient safety. Similarly, providers and
vey. Of these, 26 (28 %) were attending surgeons, 24 nursing staff strongly agreed with this statement
(26 %) were surgical residents, six each were anesthesia (p = 0.01). Perioperative nursing staff strongly agreed that
attendings (7 %) and anesthesia residents (7 %), 15 they would attend a short training module on readbacks,
(16 %) were circulating nurses, 12 (13 %) were CRNAs,
and three (3 %) were surgical scrub technicians. There
were no responses from scrub nurses or from registered Table 2 Survey responses rates stratified by perioperative
nurse assistants. Table 2 demonstrates the survey re- staff role#
sponse rate by perioperative staff role. Surgeons had the Perioperative Role Number Number Response
highest response rate of 70.4 %, with perioperative nurs- Queried Responded Rate
ing/scrub techs and anesthesiologists having response Anesthesiologists 32 12 37.5 %
rates of 40 % and 37.5 % respectively. Surgeons 71 50 70.4 %
The overall responses provided by the entire study popu-
Perioperative Nursing/ 75 30 40 %
lation (n = 92) are depicted in Table 1. In addition, the scrub techs
graph shown in Figure 1 depicts a box plot with interquar-
TOTALS 180 92 51.1 %
tile ranges of all survey responses, for better overview. The #
Response rates were calculated by provider type without sub-analysis in the
majority of participants (83.7 %) agreed that readbacks categories “anesthesiologists” and “surgeons”. The group of “perioperative
would significantly reduce verbal communication errors nursing/scrub techs” included CRNAs (certified registered nurse anesthetists).
Prabhakar et al. BMC Surgery 2012, 12:8 Page 4 of 8

Figure 1 Box plot depicting the overall survey results. The length of the box represents the interquartile range (the distance between the
25th and 75th percentiles). The diamond in the box interior represents the mean score. The horizontal line in the box interior represents the
median score. The vertical lines (whiskers) issuing from the box extend to the minimum and maximum value.

and staff providers agreed they would attend this course, identity and correct surgical site, introduction of medical
while residents were neutral regarding the training mod- team training programs and of structured perioperative
ule (p < 0.001). Nursing staff strongly agreed that the briefings and surgical checklists [9,12,14-16]. Impressively,
availability of time to perform readback statements was a the simple use of perioperative briefings has been shown
significant barrier, compared to providers and resident to significantly reduce the incidence of wrong-site surgery
physicians who were less affirmative (p < 0.001). [17].
Sixty-five percent of the surgical staff felt that read- In addition to the landmark WHO Surgical Safety
backs were currently used appropriately, yet 67 % were Checklist, the Universal Protocol, endorsed by the Joint
willing to attend an additional training module on read- Commission, has also played an important role in
backs. Only three participants (3 %) perceived that read- addressing errors contributing to wrong-site procedures
backs would not help reduce errors related to surgical and wrong-patient surgery [9,14]. Medical errors con-
instrument counts. The most significant barrier to read- tinue to receive increasingly widespread attention, fueled
back implementation was the availability of time to per- in part by the intermittent and troubling occurrence of
form readback statements (62 %). highly publicized tragic outcomes ostensibly due to com-
munication errors [18,19]. Leading national organiza-
Discussion tions have thus exhorted health care providers to adopt
The influence of aviation practices on healthcare and pa- systems – engineering approaches – that have irrefutably
tient safety cannot be ignored, whether it be through de- improved safety in other high-risk industries, such as
velopment of novel surgical safety checklists, skills professional aviation and nuclear power technology
simulators, and team training. Studies such as those car- [4,20].
ried out by Gore and colleagues demonstrate the impact In a recent study, we reported that despite its wide-scale
of aviation personnel have had on helping to improve the implementation, the Universal Protocol has failed to elimin-
perioperative communication climate and the develop- ate the “never events” of wrong site and wrong patient
ment of aviation-based perioperative briefings [12]. In- errors [21]. In a review of nearly 150 wrong-patient and
deed, the analogy between aviation and surgery is wrong-site procedures, we found that 100 % of errors
certainly not new, and several initiatives have evolved to resulting in wrong-patient procedures, and nearly 50 % of
improve perioperative communication and reduce surgical wrong-site procedures, were the result of a communication
errors [5,13]. These include the implementation of a stan- breakdown [21]. Based on these disturbing findings, we
dardized surgical “time-out” to ensure correct patient made a strong case for the use of mandatory standardized
Prabhakar et al. BMC Surgery 2012, 12:8 Page 5 of 8

Table 3 Survey responses stratified by Department#

Anesthesia n = 24 Surgery n = 68 P-value
Readbacks would significantly reduce verbal communication errors and improve patient safety 5 (4–5) 5 (4–5) 0.10
Readbacks are currently being used appropriately by the surgical staff in our hospital 4 (3.5-4) 4 (3–4) 0.77
I would attend a short training module on readbacks should the concept be formally implemented 4 (3–5) 4 (3–5) 0.74
Readbacks would be helpful in reducing verbal communication errors when . . .
. . . a request is made to carry out an important task that has implications on safety of the patient 5 (4–5) 5 (4–5) 0.86
. . . there is a handoff of a surgical patient from the care of one provider to another 4.5 (4–5) 4.5 (4–5) 0.87
. . . used to count and verify surgical instruments and other items 5 (4–5) 5 (4–5) 0.07
. . . there are multiple perioperative tasks 4 (4–5) 4.5 (4–5) 0.86
Significant barriers to implementation of readbacks in the perioperative setting include . . .
. . . the lack of a general “safety culture” in the surgical department 2 (1–3) 2 (1–3) 0.84
. . . the availability of time to perform readback statements 4 (3–4) 4 (2–4) 0.54
. . . general reluctance of parts of the surgical team to use readbacks 4 (3–4) 3 (2–4) 0.07
. . . the amount of training for staff that will be needed to implement readbacks 2 (2–3) 3 (2–3) 0.13
. . . the difficulty in deciding what type of communication should constitute a readback 4 (2–4) 4 (2–4) 0.78
Data are shown as medians and interquartile ranges.
Survey scale:
1 = strongly disagree; 2 = somewhat disagree; 3 = neutral; 4 = somewhat agree; 5 = strongly agree.

readbacks, briefings/debriefings, and surgical checklists, in with great success, the demands placed on verbal com-
addition to the strict adherence to the Universal Protocol munication in aviation leave much room for improve-
[9,21]. In response to our study, Adelman and Chelcun ment. Within the framework of readbacks, several issues
noted that the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist and the con- still present themselves in flight safety trend analysis.
cept of medical team training are important adjuncts to the Specifically, recurring errors include: (1) incorrect read-
Universal Protocol [22]. backs by pilots and lack of correction by Air Traffic
While the implementation of readbacks over the span Control; (2) a correct readback followed by an incorrect
of many decades into standard flight operations has met action in the cockpit; and (3) a correct readback by the

Table 4 Survey responses by perioperative staff role#

Provider Resident Nursing StaffP-
n = 44 n = 30 n = 18 value
Readbacks significantly reduce verbal communication errors and improve patient safety 5 (4–5) 4 (4–5) 5 (5–5) 0.01
Readbacks are currently being used appropriately by the surgical staff in our hospital 4 (3–4) 4 (3–4) 4 (3–5) 0.42
I would attend a short training module on readbacks 4 (4–5) 3 (2–4) 5 (5–5) <0.001
Readbacks would be helpful in reducing verbal communication errors when . . .
. . . a request is made to carry out an important task that has implications on safety of the 5 (4–5) 5 (4–5) 5 (5–5) 0.01
. . . there is a handoff of a surgical patient from the care of one provider to another 4 (4–5) 4 (4–5) 5 (5–5) 0.12
. . . used to count and verify surgical instruments and other items 5 (4–5) 4 (3–5) 5 (4–5) 0.08
. . . there are multiple perioperative tasks 5 (4–5) 4 (4–5) 5 (4–5) 0.41
Significant barriers to implementation of readbacks in the perioperative setting include . . .
. . . the lack of a general “safety culture” in the surgical department 2 (1–3) 2 (1–3) 3 (1–4) 0.14
. . . the availability of time to perform readback statements 4 (2–4) 4 (2–4) 5 (4–5) <0.001
. . . general reluctance of parts of the surgical team to use readbacks 3 (2.5-4) 3 (3–4) 4 (3–5) 0.04
. . . the amount of training for staff that will be needed to implement readbacks 3 (2–3) 2 (2–3) 3 (2–4) 0.15
. . . the difficulty in deciding what type of communication should constitute a readback 4 (2–4) 3 (2–4) 4 (3–5) 0.27
The “provider” group includes attending physicians and mid-level providers (CRNAs). The “resident” group refers to physicians in training, while “nursing staff”
includes circulating nurses and scrub technicians. Data are shown as medians and interquartile ranges.
Prabhakar et al. BMC Surgery 2012, 12:8 Page 6 of 8

pilot, but an incorrect recording of the readback by the and exposure to patient safety initiatives, as compared
controller, leading to subsequent errors [23,24]. As such, with staff nurses, technicians, and providers. A recent
the aviation community has continued to push for un- study that reviewed resident engagement in quality im-
ambiguous phraseology, the insistence of complete and provement initiatives noted several barriers to participa-
accurate readbacks by pilots, and the monitoring of all tion [30]. These barriers included academic medical
readbacks by air traffic control [23,24]. centers placing a higher value on individual autonomy
While situational differences exist between the flight rather than on commitment to total quality improve-
deck and the operating room, there is an obvious benefit ment, “resistance to process standardization, and low re-
of adopting communication principles of aviation to im- gard for systems thinking” [30]. The authors also noted
prove patient safety in surgery [25-28]. As such, the results that academic centers do not value quality improvement
of this preliminary study demonstrate several important as an academic discipline to the same extent that labora-
factors in developing a formal program for perioperative tory or clinical research is valued in career development
readback implementation. First and foremost, there [30]. As such, residents may be less inclined to commit
appears to be a strong agreement among perioperative to quality improvement initiatives.
staff that readbacks indeed represent an important com- A recent paper describing a “patient safety curriculum
munication tool in improving perioperative safety. Staff for medical residents” found that residents were fre-
were also overwhelmingly willing to take part in a short quently not aware of the risks associated with the proce-
training course to implement readbacks seamlessly and ef- dures they carried out and were often unclear on their
fectively. Interestingly, however, a majority of the respon- role in improving patient safety [31]. Indeed, these find-
dents believed that readbacks were already being used ings further bolster the need for resident-specific educa-
appropriately in the hospital. tional programs and opportunities for involvement in
Respondents believed that both the training needed to critical patient safety initiatives. Another recent study
integrate readbacks as well as the potential reluctance of documented that resident-attending intraoperative com-
the surgical staff to use readbacks were minor barriers to munication can play a valuable role in preventing ad-
implementation. The difficulty in implementation seems verse patient events further reinforces the importance of
to revolve around determining what kind of communica- securing resident support in the deployment of peri-
tion would be appropriate given the time constraints. operative readbacks [32]. Moreover, previous work has
Broadly speaking, respondents believed that readbacks raised a concerning skepticism that exists among physi-
had an important role in patient handoffs, critical patient cians about the value of certain interventions to improve
orders, counting and verifying surgical instruments, and patient safety [33].
delegating multiple perioperative tasks. While concerns An assessment of the “patient safety climate” in 92
that the use of readbacks may cause excessive periopera- hospitals found significant differences in attitudes and
tive delays are understandable, a variety of studies have perceptions of patient safety and patient safety initiatives
demonstrated that communication safety strategies may amongst different hospital work areas and disciplines,
actually prevent unexpected delays and communication particularly between nurses and physicians [34]. These
failures. A previous report investigated the use of pre- findings underscore the importance of developing pa-
operative briefings, and found that the briefings were tient safety educational modules that take into account
associated with a 31 % reduction in unexpected delays the baseline differences in safety climate between differ-
and a 19 % reduction in communication breakdowns ent members of the perioperative staff. Unbridled
leading to delays [29]. As such, in further bolstering the skepticism will perniciously impede the adoption of new
communication process, readbacks may further reduce patient safety interventions and thus needs to be investi-
the incidence of unexpected delays. gated and addressed [35].
Of interest is the statistically significant difference in In a landmark article, Dunn and colleagues reported
the strength of agreement on the potential for readbacks the successful implementation of a “Medical Team
to improve patient safety between residents, providers, Training Program” derived from the concept of crew re-
and nursing staff. Just as important is the significant dif- source management in professional aviation [36]. The
ference in the healthcare provider willingness to attend a study outlined the program’s benefit outside of the oper-
short training module on readbacks, with the strongest ating room, e.g. in the settings of critical care interdis-
support for attending a training course coming from the ciplinary rounds, and clinical unit administrative
nursing staff. The lower strength of agreement by resi- briefings. Most importantly, the authors emphasized the
dents on the patient safety benefits of readbacks and the importance of institutional leadership support for
lower willingness to attend a training module on read- achieving a “critical mass” of staff attendance for training
backs may be due to a variety of factors. The training sessions and successful program implementation [36].
demands placed on residents may limit their emphasis Impressively, Neily and colleagues demonstrated in a
Prabhakar et al. BMC Surgery 2012, 12:8 Page 7 of 8

more recent follow-up study that the participation in the in everyday clinical care [37]. The ease of applicability
same Medical Team Training program was associated and reliability of the scale makes it a useful prospective
with lower surgical mortality rates [16]. The authors validation tool for evaluation of the quality of a future
showed that – for every quarter of the training program readback program [37].
– a reduction of 0.5 deaths per 1,000 surgical procedures
was achieved [16]. Conclusions
Limitations of this preliminary study include the mod- While an expanded sample size for the survey study
erate survey return rate of 50.1 %, leading to a relatively would be beneficial in detecting greater response varia-
small sample size of n = 92. The limited sample size may tions in attitudes towards readbacks as a function of
be one of the contributing factors to the difficulty in de- provider and institutional type, this preliminary study
termining respondent trends as a function of their peri- provides some support for the development of readback
operative role. Additionally, the distribution of training programs to improve closed-loop communica-
perioperative staff was heavily skewed towards surgical tion and patient safety. However, much work needs to
residents and attending surgeons, with fewer respon- be done in determining an appropriate list of specific
dents coming from the anesthesia and nursing depart- tasks and scenarios where readbacks would be most
ments. As such, broadening the sample size to include a helpful in preventing communication errors. Addition-
greater number of respondents from the latter two ally, department-specific focus groups would be of bene-
departments and combining data from other institutions fit in further querying reasons why certain parts of the
will increase the generalizability of the results. Further surgical team would be reluctant to integrate readbacks
enquiries may also be conducted through observing re- into their communication strategy. It is encouraging to
sponse patterns as a function of whether the respon- know, however, that perioperative providers recognize
dents work at an academic or community hospital. the usefulness of this aviation-based communication
Indeed, observing and appreciating attitudinal pattern strategy, and moreover, are willing to actively participate
variability would be critical in developing tailored read- in its implementation. Beyond a doubt, the implementa-
back programs that would be acceptable to different tion of such a proactive new protocol can only be
departments in terms of content delivery and didactics. accomplished with unlimited institutional leadership
To assure greater participation from low responding support.
provider types, it may beneficial to approach department
Competing interests
heads and request that they disseminate the survey to The authors declare no competing interests related to this study.
their staff and strongly encourage them to complete the
survey. This may provide more incentive and be more Author details
Harvard Medical School, 107 Ave Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
beneficial that sending the survey to staff members from 2
Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine, Massachusetts
a centralized and non-affiliated research group. General Hospital, & Center for Medical Simulation, 65 Landsdowne St.,
In terms of improving the survey in future studies, it Cambridge, MA 20139, USA. 3Department of Biostatistics and Informatics and
Department of Patient Safety and Quality, Denver Health, University of
may be beneficial to provide more detailed scenarios to Colorado Denver, Colorado School of Public Health, 777 Bannock Street,
the respondent where the perceived utility of readbacks Denver, CO 80204, USA. 4Department of Orthopaedics, Denver Health,
could be queried. Furthermore, in order to determine University of Colorado Denver, School of Medicine, 777 Bannock Street,
Denver, CO 80204, USA. 5Department of Patient Safety and Quality, and
the baseline use of readbacks, respondents could be Department of Internal Medicine, Denver Health, University of Colorado
queried on 1) whether they believe that they are using Denver, School of Medicine, 777 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204, USA.
readbacks appropriately, and 2) whether other periopera- Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Department of Neurosurgery,
University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Denver Health Medical Center,
tive staff are using readbacks appropriately. This may 777 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204, USA.
provide provider-specific baseline data on readback use
as well as further perceptions on teamwork between Authors’ contributions
HP, JC and PFS designed the study protocol and the survey questionnaire.
perioperative staff categories. PFS and PSM implemented the survey at Denver Health, and assisted with
Most importantly, developing a list of specific items analysis of the data and interpretation of the results. AS performed the
and scenarios where readbacks would confer the most statistical analysis of the data. HP wrote the first draft of the manuscript. AS,
PFS, SW, and JC revised the manuscript into final form. All authors
benefit is critical to the development of a training mod- contributed to revisions to the manuscript, and read and approved the final
ule. As demonstrated in the results, the difficulty in de- version.
termining what is appropriate to be read back in all
Received: 7 February 2012 Accepted: 19 June 2012
perioperative settings stands as one of the greatest chal- Published: 19 June 2012
lenges in the development and implementation of a spe-
cific curriculum. In this regard, Guise and colleagues References
1. d'Agincourt-Canning LG, Kissoon N, Singal M, Pitfield AF: Culture,
developed a “Clinical Teamwork Scale” to evaluate clin- communication and safety: lessons from the airline industry. Indian J
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Prabhakar et al. BMC Surgery 2012, 12:8 Page 8 of 8

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