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Last Stand at Lang Son v0.1

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Hanoi, 22 September 1940, 1800 hours. supported with tanks, aircraft and artillery
After weeks of strained negotiations, the on the Japanese side and a hodgepodge of
beleaguered Vichy French authorities and colonial marines, Tonkinese rifles and
their Japanese interlocutors had just foreign legionnaires supported by a
reached an agreement in Hanoi, granting handful of obsolete tanks of WWI vintage
the Japanese basing and transit rights on the French side that makes for a very
through Indochina, four hours before the unlikely matchup.
ultimatum sent by ambassador Nishihara
Researching this particular episode proved
had run out. It seemed that war had been
to be both a source of joy and frustration. At
some points, the lack of good maps,
And yet, around midnight that very same complete orders of battle and the often-
day, firing broke out at the border post of contradictory sequences of events made it
Dong Dang. At 2355 hrs, the Japanese 5th feel like an exercise in futility; sometimes, it
division under Lieutenant general seems that the men who laid down their
Nakamura Aketo had crossed the border of lives in Indochina were indeed les oubliés
French Indochina at three points along a du bout du monde. And yet, despite the
70-kilometre front. As the fighting raged, difficulties involved, the rare occasions in
believing that negotiations were still which one managed to glean a precious bit
possible, Lieutenant colonel Louvet set out of information from the most unlikely
from Lang Son with part of a motorised sources made it all worthwhile.
detachment only to be gunned down by
In this regard, the series of 1 :100 000 scale
elements of the Japanese vanguard,
maps prepared under the direction of Lt.
making him perhaps the first French
colonel Friquegnon in the 1930s and the
casualty of the war in the Pacific. A four-day
1:400 000 scale road maps of Indochina
undeclared war, christened the “Lang Son
published by the Institut National
incident” in a classic example of Japanese
Géographique proved invaluable, though I
understatement, had begun in earnest.
had to complete the topographic
This pint-sized campaign covers the information they provided with the
fighting along the 4th colonial road as the excellent 1:50 000 maps of Vietnam
Japanese 5th division carries out a vast produced by the U.S. Army Map Service in
encirclement to trap Germain Mennerat’s the 1960s.
2nd Brigade of the Tonkin Division in the
It is my hope that this campaign will not only
railway hub of Lang Son, focusing
provide my fellow players with many hours
especially on the central and southern
of enjoyment, but also arouse interest in this
columns of the Japanese advance and the
obscure but fascinating episode.
hard-pressed Vichy French defenders who
stood in their way between the 22nd and the Michael E. Moss, August 2021
26th of September 1940. The forces
present are varied and colourful, with a
strong infantry division generously
Historical Background

Before we begin, it is worth paying entity. According to the French, who were
attention to the word “incident” (translated sympathetic towards China’s plight, the
from 事件, jiken, or 事変, jihen) which was absence of legal belligerents meant that it
used from the Meji restoration to the defeat was free to provide military support and
of the Empire of Japan to describe all sorts supplies to the Chinese government
of events ranging from riots to attempted through the port at Haiphong and up the
coups, from political struggles to large Tonkin-Yunnan railway. This policy of
battles such as Khalkhin-Gol. Indeed, the assistance had the effect of subverting the
roots of the Lang Son incident are to be strategy through which the Japanese
found in yet another “incident” a few years intended to win the war, and it was not long
earlier, namely, the Marco Polo Bridge before the Japanese government went on
incident of July 1937, which sparked a war the offensive, both overtly and covertly.
that would claim over 20 million lives over Covert operations took shape through
the course of the eight following years. intelligence and propaganda efforts
Many of these incidents were, in fact, among local populations, spurring locals to
sparks that Japanese imperial ambition rebel against western colonialism. Despite
hoped to fan into localised conflicts that the fact that Pan-Asianism was often hardly
would eventually allow Japan to achieve more than a propaganda slogan for the
dominance in East Asia step by step and Japanese, who placed themselves clearly
without having to face the prospect of at the top of the Asian racial totem pole, it
embargoes that would starve its war proved to be a useful propaganda tool, as
machine of oil and steel. the populations of South-East Asia were
The Japanese invasion of China was a vast sympathetic to the idea of the Asian man
undertaking. Despite their overwhelming defeating the hitherto seemingly invincible
military, industrial and technological European man. In Indochina, the Japanese
superiority, Chinese determination to fight secret service intensified its activity,
on despite losses and the vastness of their promoting anti-French and nationalist
territory turned the operation into a movements and cults, especially the
quagmire. Defeat on the battlefield at Caodaist religion, to the point of creating a
Changsha in 1939 led the Japanese to veritable “fifth column” in the colony.
reconsider their war plan. Victory would not
be achieved through decisive battle but
through attrition, and thus the Imperial
Japanese Navy extended its operations
southwards, implementing a blockade of
the Chinese coast that cut off all but three
of China’s links with the outside world: with
the USSR, through Turkistan, with the
British Empire, through Burma, and with
France, through Indochina.

When Japan invaded China in 1937, it did so

without a formal declaration of war, arguing
that the country, fractured by warlordism The Japanese as liberators of the “southern
and civil war, was no longer a valid political peoples”. Osaka Puck, December 1942.
Overtly, the Japanese government began events that would unfold in French
to apply diplomatic pressure on France as Indochina.
early as 1937, demanding the closure of the
Japan ramps up the pressure
border between Indochina and China and,
especially, the Haiphong-Kunming railway Even before the Konoe government was
line. At this point, however, France’s clout formed and its policy officially announced,
as a leading world power prevented the the Japanese authorities were quick to
Japanese from pushing their point any exploit the failure of allied arms in France to
further. The influential and independent- push their advantage by sending an
minded Kwantung Army had its sights set ultimatum to French ambassador in Tokyo
on expansion to the north, and this dictated Charles Arsène-Henry on 19 June 1940,
the focus of Japanese policy for most of the demanding that France suspend all
period; however, its defeat at the hands of movements of military equipment along the
the Soviet Union after its unauthorised Haiphong-Kunming railroad. Governor-
adventure in Khalkhin Gol would earn it the general of Indochina Georges Catroux was
displeasure of the government in Tokyo, aware of the weakness of his situation, as
leading Japan to consider another option, he could expect no support from the
namely, expansion to the south. This beleaguered metropolis or from Britain; the
attitude, which was favoured by the Americans, likewise, had no intention of
Imperial Japanese Navy, was propitiated going to war with Japan over French
by the fact that the captures of Hainan and Indochina. Thus, acting on initiative,
Nanning were some of the precious few Catroux pre-emptively cut off all shipments
successes achieved by Japanese arms in of fuel to China and admitted a Japanese
the summer and fall of 1939 amidst commission to verify compliance.
stiffening Chinese resistance and defeat at
Changsha, in Hunan, and Zhongshan, in the
Pearl River Delta. This, in turn, would draw
Japan’s attention towards its new,
unexpected neighbour: French Indochina.

The golden opportunity for Japanese

expansion to the south and the elimination
of one of China’s few remaining supply lines
would come with France’s disastrous
defeat at the hands of Germany in 1940 and
the resulting changes in the balance of General Georges Catroux
power. Wasting no time, on 1 August, under
The French government, which had
the slogan of “Asia for the Asians”, a new
relocated to Bordeaux and been reformed
cabinet led by Prime Minister Konoe
under Marshal Philippe Pétain, was critical
Fumimaro announced Japan’s new policy
of Catroux’s yielding attitude and firmly
to the press. Japan’s priorities were now to
opposed foreign meddling in French affairs.
drive the Westerners from their Far Eastern
Catroux, however, argued that the
colonies, to establish friendly local
authorities in France were unaware of the
governments under Tokyo united in a
situation in the Far East, and he continued
Greater Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, and
to seek a compromise with the Japanese
to put an end to the war in China. This, along
military authorities in his negotiations with
with an uneasy peace with the Soviet Union,
General Nishihara, a French-speaking
opened the way for Japan’s new
cavalry officer at the head of a diplomatic
southward drive and set the scene for the
mission in Hanoi. Catroux’s insubordination
and independence of action earned him to risk losing Indochina, we would rather lose
be sacked and replaced by Admiral Jean it by defending it than by betraying it”.
Decoux on the 25 June, but in a strange turn
of events, Catroux decided to ignore the
order and remained at his post until he
finally stepped down on 20 July and joined
De Gaulle’s Free France movement in

Admiral Jean Decoux

Tensions flare up

As soon as the agreement was signed on

30 August, general Tominaga Kyouji issued
an ultimatum to Admiral Decoux, urging
him to immediately allow Japanese troops
General Nishihara Issaku access to northern Indochina and to its
airfields, to which Decoux replied that he
In the meantime, the colonial government had not received instructions to that effect.
and Nishihara’s diplomatic mission When the general Tominaga threatened to
negotiated unsuccessfully, as the French move in by force, Admiral Decoux and
played for time and the Japanese upped General Martin, the overall commander of
their demands, requesting that they be the French forces in Indochina, mobilised
allowed to station troops in Tonkin and their forces.
make use of the ports and airfields in the
area to outflank the Chinese. Catroux’s
successor, Admiral Decoux, believed that
Indochina could and should be defended
and adopted a much more assertive
attitude. The failure of negotiations at the
local level led Tokyo to open negotiations
directly with the recently formed Vichy
government in August 1940, which, being
aware of its weakness in the region, strived
to save face while giving in to a number of General Nakamura Aketo
Japanese demands. Finally, after a month Fearing that Decoux’s disobedience would
of tense exchanges, an agreement was lead to open conflict, Vichy sent him a direct
signed in Tokyo on the 30th whereby the order signed by Pétain himself to open local
French would allow the Japanese to station negotiations with the Japanese. Decoux
troops in Tonkin in exchange for the accepted the order and scheduled
acknowledgement of French sovereignty negotiations to begin on 3 September
in Indochina. Decoux was vocal in his under General Martin, but general
opposition to the agreement: “I believe that Tominaga, meanwhile, had ordered his
the allegedly peaceful landing of these command to prepare for an invasion of
troops would destroy our last chance to Indochina and, on the 6th of September,
save the colony, and I insist that if we are to elements of the Japanese 21st infantry
regiment led by lieutenant-colonel
Morimoto Takuji violated the Indochinese after their defeat at the hands of the
border near Dong Dang. Regardless of Chinese at Kunlun Pass earlier in 1940;
whether this violation was intentional or these reports, however, proved to be
accidental, it provided Decoux with an misleading, as the Japanese 5th division had
excuse to break off negotiations, which been rebuilt into a strong fighting force by
only resumed on 14 September, after the August that year.
Japanese had apologised for the border
incident. Finally, on 19 September, the
Japanese foreign affairs minister stated
that his government’s patience was
exhausted and that, if no agreement was
reached by the 22nd, Japanese troops
would invade Tonkin by force.

At the very last moment, an agreement was

signed in the afternoon of 22 September
whereby the Japanese would be allowed to
Japanese troops reach Dong Dang
station up to 6000 troops in northern
Indochina, make use of four airfields and Meanwhile, to the north, a Japanese
move up to 25000 troops through Tonkin detachment advanced on Bi Nhi and a
to Yunnan. It seemed that war had been southern column with cavalry and infantry
averted. overran a screening force at the Chi Ma
border post and began pushing towards
The Japanese invade regardless
Loc Binh, to the east of Lang Son.
Despite the fact that the agreement signed
The trap closes
between the French and Japanese
authorities had reached Tokyo by 6 PM, in On the morning of the 23rd, the Japanese
the night of the 22nd, general Nakamura infantry resumed its attack on the Dong
Aketo’s 5th division crossed the Dang outpost, this time with air support. As
Indochinese border at three points along a the civil authorities vainly attempted to
70-km front. Around midnight, French negotiate, the Japanese troops took
defenders at the outpost of Dong Dang, to advantage of any lulls in the fighting to
the north of the railway hub of Lang Son, infiltrate and improve their positions “with
opened fire on Nakamura’s central column, the utmost bad faith,” in the words of
as the firefight began to spread out to the Admiral Decoux.
neighbouring outposts. Fighting raged on
during the night as the authorities By the 24th, the outposts of Dong Dang, to
scrambled to contain the situation in vain. the north of Lang Son, and Loc Binh, to the
east, had been overrun; only the Na Cham
General Martin, who had been a staunch outpost, held by a single company of
proponent of defending Indochina by force marines under Commandant Carli, held out
of arms, was apparently surprised by the against desperate odds, and an attempted
quality and ferocity of the Japanese troops. counterattack by a battalion of Tonkinese
His confidence in his troops’ ability to resist Rifles failed when most of the native
the Japanese onslaught was largely based elements melted away, leaving only the
on reports from the Deuxième Bureau metropolitan soldiers. The attempted
(military intelligence agency) according to counterattack, however, was sufficient to
which the Japanese troops in southern make Nakamura worry about his flank at
China were demoralised and exhausted Dong Dang, where he had installed his
command post, as he prepared to attack blocking the way south to Haiphong at
Lang Son, which lay only 15 kilometres to Dong Mo, Na Dzuong and Diem He. The
the south, while the southern column “Lang Son incident” was over.
approached the city from the east.
Despite a few other “incidents” in which the
Sensing that the Japanese were moving to Imperial Japanese Navy landed troops at
cut him off from Hanoi, the French Do Son and Army bombers raided
commander of the Lang Son-Cao Bang Haiphong, killing a number of civilians, the
sector, general Mennerat, requested fighting had largely concluded. The
permission to withdraw to Dong Mo, to the Japanese issued a formal apology and
south, straddling the road to Hanoi; general released their prisoners on the 5th of
Martin, however, refused, ordering him to October.
hold Lang Son at all cost. To the southeast,
The consequences of this brief incident,
the Japanese southern column attacked
however, were manifold. For the French, it
the town of Mai Pha and the airfield on the
was a rude wake-up call as to the
outskirts of Lang Son; to the north, the
vulnerability of French Indochina and of the
Japanese vanguard pushed the French
inability of the forces defending it to wage a
defenders back to the bastion at Ky Lua, to
modern war. For the local population,
the north of the city.
whose dubious loyalty towards the French
was highlighted by the many instances of
desertion among the Tonkinese rifles and
looting by civilians, it symbolised the victory
of the “yellow” man over the “white” man.
But the fighting at Lang Son also proved
that the French were willing to shed blood
for Indochina, and indeed after the incident
the Japanese respected French
sovereignty in the area for the next five

For the Japanese, however, the occupation

Ky Lua bridge seen from the north
of northern Indochina was nothing but the
By the 25th, the French forces were trapped beginning of a fatal drive towards the south
in the city of Lang Son. The day began with that would drag it from a local war with
a Japanese assault against the Ky Lua China into a world war. In July 1941, the
district with heavy artillery preparation. Japanese would move into southern
Faced with an untenable situation, General Indochina, which they would use as a
Mennerat obtained permission from launchpad for their aggressive expansion
General Martin to sue for peace with the into Thailand and Malaya later that year,
Japanese and, after several hours’ followed by their invasions of Burma and
negotiation, all fighting ceased at 2002 Singapore, where the 5th division would
hours. consolidate its reputation as an elite
fighting force.
In an ironic twist of fate, furthermore, the
In the night of the 25th, the emperor of scenes of these tragic events would once
Japan personally ordered the army to again witness episodes of bloodshed
cease all hostilities in Lang Son. Although between the French and the Japanese in
Mennerat’s 2nd brigade had been largely 1945, but that is another story…
destroyed, fresh battalions were still
The Opposing Forces

Cambodia Division and the

Annam-Laos brigade. This
force, which was charged
with the defence of the
northern part of Indochina,
was particularly active in
the twenties and thirties,
both due to the anarchy in
neighbouring China and
local Vietnamese
nationalists. At the
outbreak of hostilities, the
Tonkin Division was
divided into three brigades
with their headquarters at
The French 2nd Brigade Haiphong, Hanoi and Dap Cau, respectively.
Among these, it is the 2nd Brigade under
The French Army of Indochina was a mixed General Mennerat that would bear the
force that essentially featured three types brunt of the fighting.
of regiments. The first type were the
metropolitan regiments, made up mainly All in all, the 2nd Brigade had approximately
from white Frenchmen, of which there 5 battalions of infantry from the 3rd
were only three units: the 9th, 10th and 11th Tonkinese Rifles, 9th Colonial Infantry
Colonial Infantry Regiments, which were Regiment and 5th Foreign Infantry
the descendants of the units that Regiment, as well as a motorised
participated in the French conquest of detachment, a group of tanks equipped
Indochina in 1884; to these prestigious with obsolete Renault FTs of WWI vintage
regiments we must add the 5th Foreign (of which only a few were still in running
Infantry Regiment, which constituted the order), a group of 75mm guns and a battery
elite of the forces in Indochina. The second of 155mm guns in the fortifications at Lang
category, native regiments, were the most Son, for a grand total of approximately
numerous and made up the bulk of the 5000 men.
French forces in the area. These regiments
were raised according to local ethnicities,
and in total there were six regiments of
Tonkinese, Annamite and Cambodian
tirailleurs. Finally, there were also two
mixed regiments, which had, at least in
theory, two native companies for every
metropolitan company.

The Division du Tonkin (Tonkin Division)

Renault FT tank captured at Dong Dang
was one of the three major units in French
Indochina along with the Cochinchina-
The 5th Infantry Division
distinguished itself
throughout the Second
Sino-Japanese War,
participating in Operation
Chahar, the Battle of
Taiyuan and the Battle of
Xuzhou, among others,
before it was assigned to
the Southern Chinese area.
Disaster struck when the 5th
Division’s elite unit, the 21st
brigade, was surrounded
by the Chinese and all but
wiped out at the battle of
Kunlun Pass. These severe
losses, which did not go
unnoticed among foreign
intelligence agencies, led the French to
The Japanese 5th Infantry Division underestimate the strength of the
Early in September 1940, the Japanese Japanese army in southern China.
Imperial Army organised the Indochina
Expeditionary Army out of elements of the
South China Area Army for the express
purpose of invading French Indochina. This
army corps included the recently created
22nd army, which boasted two infantry
divisions and two mixed brigades, and it
was furthermore supported by the 14th tank
regiment and an imperial guard infantry
regiment, army air force and elements of
the IJN 2nd fleet and navy air force.

Among these troops, it is the 5th Infantry Japanese troops march into Indochina
Division, supported by the 14th tank alongside a Type 94 tankette
regiment, that would spearhead the
invasion. The 5th Infantry Division was a The invasion force that entered Tonkin in
square division made up of two brigades, late September 1940 numbered over
the 9th and the 21st, with two regiments each: 25000 men, with light and medium armour
the 11th and 41st infantry regiments and the and air support, far outmatching its French
21st and 42nd infantry regiments, opponents. After its strong performance in
respectively. The 21st infantry brigade, in Indochina, the 5th division would go on to
particular, had a reputation as an elite unit. distinguish itself in the Malayan campaign,
Furthermore, the division also had a where it overcame British, Indian and
mountain artillery regiment, a horse cavalry Australian resistance, and fight its way into
regiment, an engineer regiment and a Singapore.
transport and logistics regiment.
The Campaign

The organisation of this campaign differs The northern column’s advance will be
from others in that it is split into two covered by three odd-numbered scenarios,
different halves, covering the progress of namely tables 1, 3 and 5, whereas the
the Japanese central and southern southern column’s advance will be covered
columns. Since the campaign covers a by tables 2, 4 and 6. If the French manage
large number of different units across a to hold the Japanese long enough, they will
front approximately 50 km wide, casualties also have the option to attempt a
will only need to be tracked on a single counterattack which, while unlikely to stop
given table. As the French forces were the Japanese advance, may delay them
spread thinly across a string of outposts enough to throw them off schedule.
along the 4th Colonial Road (RC4, which
Throughout the campaign, the French
would become infamous for the deadly
player will have the chance to deploy
series of ambushes fought ten years later,
different types of platoons, all of which will
in 1950) they will usually not be able to call
be described below, based on the troop
on any kind of reinforcements beyond their
types that were historically present at the
starting platoons.
different engagements. The Japanese
The Japanese will be racing against time to player, on the other hand, will mostly lead a
attack the railway hub at Lang Son from standard infantry platoon, but will also have
both sides; the degree of victory or defeat the chance to choose a cavalry platoon
will depend on whether they can achieve a from the 5th division’s organic mounted
historical outcome, namely, the battalion in the southern column if he so
encirclement of Mennerat’s 2nd Brigade, wishes.
within 10 turns.
Below is a map of the first campaign ladder:
The first campaign ladder begins with the The French counterattack on table 3 bis is a
night attack against a lone platoon of Patrol scenario (Scenario 1 from the main
Tonkinese Rifles at the border post near rulebook).
Nam Quam (table 1), followed by the attack
The platoons available for each scenario of
against the Dong Dang outpost (table 3). If
the campaign are as follows:
the Japanese player fails to capture Dong
Dang in the first round, the next round will Table Japanese French
be fought in daylight and, if the French 1 Infantry 3e RTT
manage to resist during the next daytime 2 Infantry or 3e RTT
round, they will have the option to attempt cavalry
a counterattack (table 3 bis). Once Dong 3 Infantry 3e RTT
Dang has been overrun, the Japanese 3 bis Infantry 3e RTT
advance will move on to Ky Lua, on the 4 Infantry or 3e RTT, 5e REI
cavalry or 9e RIC
outskirts of Lang Son. Capturing this table
5 Infantry 3e RTT
will complete the northern part of the
6 Infantry or 5e REI or 9e
encirclement. cavalry RIC
As to the southern campaign, it covers the
attack against the border outpost at Chi Ma Casualties and reinforcements
(table 2), the capture of Loc Binh (table 4)
The Japanese enjoyed significant
and the enveloping attack against the
superiority in numbers and can deploy a
southern flank of Lang Son at Mai Pha
fresh platoon every time a scenario is
(table 6), as can be seen in the map below.
played. Casualties will, however, affect the
The scenarios are governed by the CO and men’s opinion as per the At the
following rules from the main rules and Sharp End supplement. Track these values
Blitzkrieg 1940 handbook: for the 5th Division as a whole.

No. Name Scenario The French get a fresh platoon the first time
1 Gates of China BK3 each table is played but may not obtain any
2 A Rude Awakening 2 reinforcements; however, on maps where
3 Dust-up at Dong Dang 3 several platoon types are available, they
4 Up the RC4 BK5 may switch to a different force to obtain a
5 Storming the Redoubt BK4 fresh platoon. Opinions may likewise be
6 Outflanked at Mai Pha 5 tracked for the 2nd Brigade as a whole.

Support is available as per the lists below.

This force represents the various platoons Tirailleurs Tonkinois Support List
from the 3rd Tonkinese Rifles in this List one
campaign. Tonkinese Rifle voltigeur teams Adjutant
can move 2d6 and adopt a tactical stance.
Two bouteilles incendiaires
Troop Type: Regular Medical orderly
Platoon Force Rating: -2 Barbed wire
Entrenchment for one team
Command Dice: 5
Additional V-B ammunition for one man
Force Morale Track
Anti-aircraft machineguns
Force Morale 1 2 3 4 5 6+ List two
Command Dice 2 3 4 5 Roadblock
Special J Sniper team
Renault FT MG with junior leader
Platoon Headquarters Renault FT 37mm with junior leader
Lieutenant, Senior Leader, Pistol List three
V-B Team Canon de 25mm L72 AT gun with five
crew and junior leader
V-B Caporal, Junior Leader, V-B
Launcher 60mm Brandt mortar team with junior
Three rifle grenadiers, rifles with V-B leader and four crew
launchers 37mm mle M1916 infantry gun with five
crew and junior leader
Pre-game barrage
Groupe de combat one to three List four
Sergeant, Junior Leader, Rifle Canon de 75mm M1897 with five crew
Demi-groupe de Demi-groupe de and junior leader
fusiliers voltigeurs Hotchkiss M1914 MMG team with five
FM 24/29 LMG Four riflemen crew
with two crew List five
Four riflemen Forward observer team with fixed line
telephone and 81mm mortar section
Groupe de combat with junior leader

Options in red are only available on tables 3,

5 and 6.
Options in blue are not available on tables 1
and 2.
Options in green are only available on
tables 5 and 6.
This force represents the various platoons Colonial Infantry Support List
from the 9th Colonial Infantry Regiment in List one
this campaign. They may choose not to Satchel charge
make one force morale roll per game, and
they are rated as Stubborn.
Two bouteilles incendiaires
Troop Type: Regular Medical orderly
Platoon Force Rating: +1 Barbed wire
Command Dice: 5 Entrenchment for one team
Additional V-B ammunition for one man
Force Morale Track
Anti-aircraft machineguns
Force Morale 1 2 3 4 5+ List two
Command Dice 2 3 4 5 Escouade de fusiliers motocyclistes
Special J
Sniper team
Platoon Headquarters Renault FT MG with junior leader
Lieutenant, Senior Leader, Pistol Renault FT 37mm with junior leader
Sergent-chef, Inferior Senior Leader,
White-Laffly AMD 50 with junior leader
List three
V-B Team
Canon de 25mm L72 AT gun with five
V-B Caporal, Junior Leader, V-B
crew and junior leader
Three rifle grenadiers, rifles with V-B 60mm Brandt mortar team with junior
launchers leader and four crew
37mm mle M1916 infantry gun with five
crew and junior leader
Groupe de combat one to three
Pre-game barrage
Sergeant, Junior Leader, Rifle
List four
Demi-groupe de Demi-groupe de
fusiliers voltigeurs Canon de 75mm M1897 with five crew
and junior leader
FM 24/29 LMG Four riflemen
with two crew Hotchkiss M1914 MMG team with five
Four riflemen crew
List five
Forward observer team with fixed line
telephone and 81mm mortar section
Groupe de combat with junior leader

Options in green are only available on table

This force represents the various platoons Colonial Infantry Support List
from the 5th Foreign Infantry Regiment in List one
this campaign. They may ignore one force Satchel charge
morale roll after it is made, and they are
rated as Stubborn.
Two bouteilles incendiaires
Troop Type: Regular Medical orderly
Platoon Force Rating: +2 Barbed wire
Command Dice: 5 Entrenchment for one team
Additional V-B ammunition for one man
Force Morale Track
Anti-aircraft machineguns
Force Morale 1 2 3 4 5+ 6+ List two
Command Dice 2 3 4 5 5 Roadblock
Special J
Sniper team
Red die
Platoon Headquarters Renault FT MG with junior leader
Lieutenant, Senior Leader, Pistol Renault FT 37mm with junior leader
Sergent-chef, Senior Leader, Rifle
List three
V-B Team
Canon de 25mm L72 AT gun with five
V-B Caporal, Junior Leader, V-B crew and junior leader
60mm Brandt mortar team with junior
Three rifle grenadiers, rifles with V-B
leader and four crew
37mm mle M1916 infantry gun with five
crew and junior leader
Groupe de combat one to three
Pre-game barrage
Sergeant, Junior Leader, Rifle
List four
Demi-groupe de Demi-groupe de
Canon de 75mm M1897 with five crew
fusiliers voltigeurs
and junior leader
FM 24/29 LMG Four riflemen
Hotchkiss M1914 MMG team with five
with two crew
Four riflemen
List five
Forward observer team with fixed line
telephone and 81mm mortar section
Groupe de combat with junior leader

Options in green are only available on table


Descriptions for most of the support The French player may select any number
options in the French list may be found in of field defences on tables 1, 2 and 3. On
the Blitzkrieg 1940 handbook. Below are tables 4, 5 and 6, entrenchments may only
some clarifications regarding the be selected from the second time the
limitations placed on the availability of scenario is played onwards.
some support options:
Grenade availability
Armoured support
French groups de combat have three hand
The French had little armour in the region grenades and one smoke grenade. They
other than a handful of old Renault FT tanks are held by the demi-groupe de voltigeurs.
and the armoured cars.
Furthermore, the 9 RIC also has

White-Laffly AMD 50 armoured cars

available from its motorised
detachment’s reconnaissance
platoon. The French may only AFVs
as support on tables 3, 5 and 6.

White-Laffly armoured cars on reconnaissance.

French Arsenal Table


Vehicle Armour A.P. H.E. Speed Secondary Notes

Renault FT MG 2 - MG Slow None Small, Low Profile,

Renault FT 37mm 2 3 3 Slow None Small, Low Profile,
1MT, Unreliable
Armoured cars

White-Laffly AMD 50 1 3 3 Wheeled MG Rear-facing turret

Anti-tank and infantry guns

Weapon A.P. H.E. Weight

Canon de 25mm L/72 5 2 Light

37mm mle M1916 3 3 Light

Canon de 75mm M1897 5 6 Heavy

This force represents the various platoons Japanese Infantry Support List
from the 5th Division in this campaign. List one
Troop Type: Regular Engineer wire cutting team, 3 men
Engineer mine clearance team, 3 men
Platoon Force Rating: +2
Satchel charge
Command Dice: 5
Force Morale Track Type 100 rifle grenade launcher
Force Morale 1 2 3 4 5+ List two
Command Dice 2 3 4 5 Marksman
Special J Red die
Tank killer team, 2 men
Platoon Headquarters
Pre-game barrage
Rikugun Shoui, Senior Leader, Pistol and
sword Asia for the Asians!
Gunsou, Senior Leader, Rifle Type 94 Te Ke with junior leader
Grenade discharger squad List three
Gochou, Junior Leader, Rifle Type 92 MMG on tripod
Three Type 89 grenade dischargers, 20mm type 97 AT rifle team, 3 men
twelve crew 37mm Type 11 infantry gun with five crew
and junior leader
Engineer flamethrower team, 3 men
Squads one to three
Kawasaki Ki-48 bombardment
Gochou, Junior Leader, Rifle
Type 95 Ha Go with junior leader
LMG Squad
List four
One LMG with two crew, ten riflemen
Engineer section with junior leader
Infantry section with junior leader
7cm Type 92 infantry gun with junior
leader and five crew
3.7cm Type 94 AT gun with junior leader
and five crew
Type 97 Te Ke with junior leader
Type 89 Chi Ro with junior leader

Options in red are only available on tables 1,

3, 3b and 5.

Options in green are not available at night.

This force represents the various platoons Squads one to three
from the 5th cavalry regiment in this Gochou, Junior Leader, Rifle
campaign. They normally begin LMG Squad
dismounted but can be deployed mounted
One LMG with two crew, eight riflemen
at no additional cost. Please refer to the
Blitzkrieg 1940 handbook for rules on
mounted troops. Japanese Cavalry Support List
Troop Type: Regular List one
Platoon Force Rating: +0
Type 100 rifle grenade launcher
Command Dice: 5
List two
Force Morale Track Marksman
Force Morale 1 2 3 4 5+ Tank killer team, 2 men
Command Dice 2 3 4 5 Ruse
Special J Pre-game barrage
Asia for the Asians!
List three
Platoon Headquarters
Type 92 MMG on tripod
Rikugun Shoui, Senior Leader, Pistol and
sword 20mm type 97 AT rifle team, 3 men
Gunsou, Senior Leader, Rifle Kawasaki Ki-48 bombardment
Grenade discharger squad List four
Gochou, Junior Leader, Rifle Cavalry section with junior leader
Two type 89 grenade launchers, seven 3.7cm Type 94 AT gun with junior leader
crew and five crew

Options in green are not available at night.



The Japanese soldier was drilled in bayonet fighting more than any other nation, it being
seen as the deciding weapon in combat. Japanese tactics were to pin a target with part
of their force while other units moved to their flanks to deliver an unstoppable charge.
To reflect this training, the Japanese are always considered Aggressive in close combat.

Grenade discharger squad they enter the table. If this would cause a
team or squad to cease to exist, roll as
The Type 89 grenade discharger is treated
normal on the Bad Things Happen table.
like a rifle grenade on the Master Arsenal
The Japanese player may purchase this
Table, but has a minimum range of 12” and
option up to three times. This support
no maximum range. They may target any
option has no effect on European
unit which can be seen by friendly troops
regiments (9e RIC and 5e REI).
but count any targets which they can see as
being in close range and any they cannot Ruse
see as being at effective range. If an enemy
Admiral Decoux noted how the Japanese
is within 12” the crew may use their rifles to
took advantage of any lulls in the fighting
engage the enemy. Type 89 grenade
caused by attempts to negotiate to infiltrate
dischargers have unlimited HE but are
and improve their positions “with the
limited to one smoke shell each.
utmost bad faith”. The Japanese player
Japanese LMG may purchase a Ruse in order to either
deploy one unit an additional 6” further
The Japanese light machine guns all
from a Jump-Off point than would normally
suffered issues with jamming and as such
be the case (12” for infantry, 15” for cavalry)
they fire with 5D6. They are, however,
OR to move a jump-off point up to 18” in any
equipped with a sling and bayonet for use
direction, so long as it is further than 12”
in the assault and are consequently treated
away from any enemy troops or jump-off
as an SMG in close combat.
Satchel charge and tank killer teams
Asia for the Asians!
The satchel charge is shown on table seven,
Under this slogan, the Japanese Hand-held anti-tank weapons, as are the
announced their intention of breaking the Molotov cocktails used by tank killer teams
Western grip on the colonies of the Far East, in this period, which are listed there as
a prospect that was not entirely petrol bombs. Unless issued to a specific
unappealing to the local population. This anti-tank team or section, the satchel
certainly seems to have been the case charge may be used once by any section on
among many of the men in the 3e Régiment the table when commanded by the senior
de Tirailleurs Tonkinois, which lost up to leader commanding the platoon.
1000 men to desertion during the fighting
Kawasaki Ki-48 bombardment
around Lang Son. This option allows the
Japanese player to force his French This bombardment works like a pre-game
opponent to roll a die when attempting to barrage, with the added effect of
deploy a Tonkinese Rifles section, which destroying buildings like a Stuka
will lose that many men to desertion before bombardment, as described in the
Blitzkrieg 1940 handbook. It does not,
however, inflict shock on troops attempting
to enter the table. If anti-aircraft
machineguns were selected as a support
option, troops attempting to enter the table
may add +1 to their roll.


Less emphasis was placed on the

development of trained snipers in the
Imperial Japanese Army than in Allied
forces. As a result, a Japanese marksman
operates like a sniper but with the following
amendments: he hits at close range on 3 to
6, at effective range on 4 to 6. He does not
increase the chance of hitting a Leader
within the target group.

Japanese Arsenal Table


Vehicle Armour A.P. H.E. Speed Secondary Notes

Type 94 Te Ke 1 - MG Average None Small, Low profile

Type 97 Te Ke 3 3 3 Average None Small, Low profile, 1MT

Type 95 Ha Go 2 3 3 Average MG Rear-facing turret MG.

Type 89 Chi-Ro 3 5 4 Slow MG Rear-facing turret MG.

Anti-tank and infantry guns

Weapon A.P. H.E. Weight

37mm Type 94 Anti-Tank gun 4 3 Light

37mm Type 11 infantry gun 3 3 Light

70mm Type 92 infantry gun 3 5 Light

Type 97 AT rifle 3 1 Man-portable

Infantry weapons

Weapon Firepower Close Effective Notes

Type 92 MMG 9 0-24” Over 24” Lose two firepower when crew reduced
to one man.
Type 11 and Type 96 5 0-18” Over 18” Lose three firepower dice when reduced
LMG to one man. Treat as SMG in close combat.
The scenarios in this campaign have not Pacific theatre. The Lang Son region has a
been designed to be balanced on an transitional climate between the
individual level; historically, the Japanese subtropical and warm temperate climates,
enjoyed a huge advantage in numbers, and it has four clearly demarcated seasons.
equipment and air power, and the French Moist deciduous forests grow on the steep
player may sometimes feel like he is having slopes of the dramatic Karst landscapes,
a hard time. The campaign, however, has and the valleys along which the roads run
been designed to be balanced as a whole, were mostly given over to rice paddies.
as the Japanese can afford few delays if Thus, vegetation should be lush and
they are to tighten the noose on the diverse, but not a primeval rainforest. As for
defenders at Lang Son by turn 10. rice paddies, September is harvesting
season and so they may be modelled with
Since players will sometimes have the fully-grown plants.
choice of which platoon they wish to field,
support points for the scenarios must be Most traditional rural buildings were mud-
worked out according to the rules in the and-brick houses similar to the ones in
main book and any specific rules provided southern China, with thatched or tiled roofs.
in the scenario. To these we must add French colonial
buildings, usually made of masonry, with
Notes on terrain more modern examples being made from
concrete. There were also some wooden
Although it might be tempting to break out
buildings, which will be pointed out on the
the reed huts and aquarium plant foliage, it
maps. Most buildings in the smaller villages
is worth keeping in mind that northern
will have one or two storeys, whereas
Vietnam is not like the typical jungles we
larger buildings will mostly be found in the
often imagine when thinking about the
city of Lang Son itself.

The Dong Dang railway station in the 1930s. This is the railway line through which supplies were
sent to China and which ran south towards Lang Son parallel to the RC4.
Most of the RC4 was metalled at the time. At any point during a night battle, a player
Provincial roads were mostly unmetalled. may expend three pips from his Chain of
Command die to launch an illumination flare.
The border post at Chi Ma (Scenario 2) has This removes all night combat penalties
a simple stone wall that provides hard during the player’s current phase.
cover. The front part with the gate is a
major obstacle and the sides are medium Air support is not available during night
obstacles. battles.

Railway tracks are raised and provide light

cover to troops lined up against them
except where the roads cross the tracks.

Night fighting rules

Some scenarios in this campaign must be

fought at night. Night fighting has the
following effects:
- All “to hit” rolls suffer a -1 penalty.
Thus, a regular target at close range
will only be hit on a 5, and a regular
target at effective range will only be
hit on a 6. Roll for effect as normal.
- Close combat dice are halved after
each side’s close combat score has
been calculated.
- Leaders’ command ranges are

Renault FT tank and Indochinese infantry on manoeuvres in a rice paddy, 1920s.

Scenario one: The Gates of China
2355 hrs, 22 September 1940. General Nakamura’s central column has crossed the Chinese
border at the old gate at Zhennan Pass (current-day Youyi Pass, or Friendship Pass) and has
begun to advance south towards Dong Dang. On the way there they encounter a single platoon
of Tonkinese Rifles guarding the road. Hopelessly outnumbered, the French colonial force
must hold on as much as it can until support can arrive.

Patrol phase deployment Victory conditions

The Japanese player rolls a D6. On a 1 to 3, The Japanese player must capture all of the
all four of their Patrol Markers start on the French Jump-Off Points or reduce their
point indicated by red arrow 1. On 4 to 6 Force Morale to zero. The French must
they are placed at red arrow 2. retain at least one Jump-Off Point to win.

The French player places all four Patrol Special rules

Markers at a single point within the shaded
Night fighting rules are in effect.
area. The Patrol Phase begins with the
player with the higher Force Morale taking
the first move.

Force support

Both sides have 2D6+6 support points

available, modified by the platoon force
ratings. The Defender will not be able to
deploy any of their support choices (other
than fixed defences) until Turn 2, when they
will be able to deploy as normal.
Scenario two: A Rude Awakening
Further south, opposite the Chinese town of Aidian, lies the tiny Chi Ma border post. This is
where the southern column of the Japanese 5th division has crossed on its way to Loc Binh,
surprising a small force of Tonkinese Rifles in the dead of night.

Patrol phase deployment are taken. At the end of the Patrol Phase
both players will place three Jump-Off
The French player deploys four Patrol
Points on the table.
Markers within 12” of his own table edge
and at least within 12” of at least one other Force support
friendly Patrol Marker. The Japanese
The attacker has 1d6 support points, and
player enters at a single entry point of his
the defender has half that amount,
choosing along his own table edge,
rounding down any odd number and
stacking all three or four Patrol Markers,
adjusted for force rating.
whichever he prefers, at that one point.
Victory conditions
The Japanese player
rolls 1D6 before the The Japanese player
Patrol Phase. On a roll must one Team to the
of 1 or 2, the attacker French base line to
takes two moves with win.
his Patrol Markers. On
a roll of 3 or 4, three Special rules
moves are taken and Night fighting rules
on 5 or 6, four moves are in effect.
Scenario three: Dust-up at Dong Dang
After overrunning the Tonkinese platoon near Nam Quan, the Japanese have reached the city
of Dong Dang. With its military outpost and railway station this is a key position in the sector, as
taking it will open the road to Lang Son only 15 kilometres to the south.

Patrol phase deployment Victory conditions

The French player four Patrol Markers Either side must force his opponent to
within 18” of his own table edge and within withdraw from the table, either voluntarily
12” of at least one other friendly Patrol or due to a reduction in his Force Morale,
Marker. The Japanese player enters whilst keeping his own Force Morale at 3 or
anywhere on his table edge with four Patrol greater. Any other result is a draw. The side
Markers. Before the patrol phase begins, with the higher Force Morale begins as
the Japanese rolls 1D6 and takes that many active player.
free moves with his Patrol Markers. At the
Special rules
end of the Patrol Phase both players place
three Jump-Off Points on the table. Night fighting rules are in effect the first
time this scenario is played, after which the
Force support
scenario will be played in daytime. The
The Japanese player receives 2D6 support French may attempt a counterattack
points up to a maximum of 10. The French (scenario 3B) if they hold out for two rounds.
player receives half that amount, rounded
down. Support points are then adjusted for The rice fields provide soft cover to any
force ratings. stationary infantry inside.
Scenario three bis: The 3e RTT counterattacks
Hoping to relieve the Dong Dang outpost, the French have moved up elements of IV/3e RTT
from Diem He up Provincial Road 32. To their surprise, however, they ran into a Japanese
column that was moving westwards to outflank Lang Son from Khanh Khe.

Patrol phase deployment whilst keeping his own Force Morale at 3 or

greater. Any other result is a draw. The side
Both sides enter the table at one single
with the higher Force Morale begins as
point, rolling 1D3 to see which of their three
active player.
entry points they use. Each player chooses
whether to start with three or four patrol If the counterattack is successful, the
markers, and at the end of the patrol phase campaign progresses one turn to reflect
both players place three Jump-Off Points Japanese concerns about their flanks.
on the table.
Special rules
Force support
The rice fields provide soft cover to any
Roll 1D3; both sides get this many support stationary infantry inside.
points, adjusted for force ratings. Neither
side may select entrenchments, static
defences, preliminary barrage or air
support as their choices.

Victory conditions

Either side must force his opponent to

withdraw from the table, either voluntarily
or due to a reduction in his Force Morale,
Scenario four: Up the RC4
After crossing the border at Chi Ma, the Japanese southern column has marched 14km town
provincial road 146 towards the town of Loc Binh in the hopes of gaining access to Colonial
Road 4 and marching northwest to encircle the city of Lang Son. The Loc Binh military outpost
is manned by elements of the 3e RTT, reinforced by elements of the 9e RIC and 5e REI.

Patrol phase deployment Victory conditions

The Japanese player places three Patrol The Japanese player must exit two units
Markers at any single point on the red from the French player’s table edge to
arrow. The French player places four claim victory. To win, the French player
patrols anywhere on the blue arrow, either must play two full Chain of Command dice.
together or within 12” of another Patrol However, the Japanese player may use one
Marker. of his own Chain of Command dice at any
moment to reduce the French player’s
The Japanese takes 1D3 free moves before
Chain of Command point total by three
the Patrol Phase. The player with the higher
Force Morale then takes the first move.
Special rules
Force support
The rice fields provide soft cover to any
The Japanese player obtains 2D6+6
stationary infantry inside. The terraces
support points; the French player has half
count as minor obstacles for movement
that amount, rounded down.
Scenario five: Storming the Redoubt
Lang Son is in sight! As the Japanese march south from Dong Dang, the French set up their last
line of defence at the Ky Lua redoubt, one kilometre away from Lang Son on the other side of
the Song Ky Cung. Forcing the French out of Ky Lua will force them to withdraw into the citadel,
where they can be bombarded into submission. Victory hangs in the balance!

Patrol phase deployment he must clear two of the three 2’ by 2’ areas

on the French player’s side of the table.
The French player rolls two D6, placing two
patrol markers on point 1 for every 1-3 and Special rules
two patrol markers on point 2 for every 4-6.
The circular building on the edge of the
The Japanese player then places three or
camp is a simple stone blockhouse that
four patrol markers anywhere along his
provides bunker-level cover. The walls
table edge, none of which must be more
count as hard cover and major obstacles.
than 12” from any other. The Japanese
begin the Patrol Phase.
Force support
Lieutenant Alain Babey de Montigny of the
The French player has 2D6 support points; 3e RTT was killed in action in the defence of
the Japanese player adds a further 6 to this Lang Son on 25 September 1940.
amount. Results are adjusted for force Sometime after the fighting, a small fort
ratings. near the area depicted was built and
named in his honour. That same fort would
Victory conditions
become the scene of a desperate defence
To win, the Japanese player must exit a unit by the men of the 3e RTT during the
off the French player’s table edge. Likewise, Japanese coup of 1945.
Scenario six: Outflanked at Mai Pha
Passing the bombed-out airfield to the right, the southern Japanese column is now
approaching the city of Lang Son from the southeast. If they can force the French out of Mai
Pha, the encirclement of the city of Lang Son will be complete.

Patrol phase deployment The French player places three jump-off

points, plus a fourth one anywhere within
The French player’s deployment is limited
the shaded quarter of the table.
to a quarter of the table as shown by the
white square above. The French player Force support
places three patrol markers within that area,
The Japanese player receives 2D6 support
all within 12” of at least one other friendly
points up to a maximum of ten. The French
patrol marker.
player receives half that amount, rounded
The Japanese player places two separate down.
groups of three patrol markers along the
Victory conditions
two edges indicated by the red arrows, all
within 12” of at least one other friendly To win, the Japanese player must force the
patrol marker in their group. These groups French player to withdraw from the table
move separately of each other. while keeping his own force morale at 3 or
more. If he fails, the French will win.
The Japanese player takes 1D3+1 free
moves before the patrol phase begins. Special rules
Once the patrol phase ends, the attacker
may place four jump-off points using any of The pond on the bottom left is impassable
the six patrol markers present. terrain. The pagoda is made of wood and
brick and provides light cover.
UMPIRE’S NOTES The following notes are added for the
benefit of anyone who might be curious
Due to the non-linear nature of the
about the current condition of the
campaign, the Japanese player may prefer
battlefields depicted in this campaign:
to focus on one of the two columns. Thus,
for instance, if they were defeated in Scenario 1
scenario 4, they could choose to move on
Nothing remains of the old China Gate, of
to scenario 5, continuing the central
the road and the outposts. The entire area
column’s progress, rather than insisting on
has been paved over and developed
the capture of Loc Binh. They will not be
significantly, and it currently features one of
able to move on to table 6, however, until
the border stations between China and
they capture table 4.
Scenario 2
This campaign re-creates a gamble taken
The Chi Ma military outpost has
by the Japanese authorities: an
disappeared completely and can only be
“unauthorised” incursion by “unruly soldiers”
reconstructed from a few photographs.
that could either be localised or allowed to
The entire area has been paved over and
go on by the authorities based on how
developed significantly, and it currently
events unfolded. After the war, several key
features another of the border stations
Japanese actors testified that they had, in
between China and Vietnam.
fact, been given two sets of orders to
deliver to the Japanese troops on the Scenario 3
ground: one in case the fighting was
favourable to the Japanese, and one in The Vietnamese have preserved much of
case it was not. Thus, even though the the old French railway line and currently
Japanese enjoy overwhelming superiority, use it for trade with China; the station is a
the entire coup de force was reliant on how new building, but some elements of the old
much their troops could achieve before station still remain. Nothing remains of the
diplomatic “normality” was restored. French outpost (not pictured), but the ruins
of a concrete fort, fort Van Vollenhoven,
Therefore, if the Japanese take both tables which was built by the French between
5 and 6 before turn 10 of the campaign, 1942 and 1945, still remain on the heights.
they will have achieved a major victory, with The fort is in very poor condition due to
the capture of Lang Son and its garrison. having been blown up by Nationalist
Chinese troops in 1946.
If the Japanese only control table 5 or 6 by
the end of the campaign, they will have Scenario 3b
achieved a minor victory.
Provincial Road 32 is now National Route 1B;
The French will achieve a major victory if it is now metalled, but other than that the
they hold both tables 3 and 4 by the end of area remains scarcely populated, the road
the campaign, and a minor victory if they being lined by a few houses, with rice
hold both tables 5 and 6. paddies on the slopes.
Any other result is a draw. Scenario 4
THE BATTLEFIELDS TODAY Loc Binh has developed significantly, but
the layout of the roads is still very similar. A
triangular public park has been built at the FRANCHINI, Philippe, Les Guerres
approximate location of the intersection d'Indochine: Tome 1: De la conquête
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force, Cannes, Imprimerie Aegitna, 1963.
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remained in place in the 1960s. They were MACRI, Franco David, Clash of Empires in
most likely destroyed during the Sino- South China: The Allied Nations’ Proxy War
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Scenario 6 MICHELIN, Franck, “Décider et agir.

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française (juin 1940)”, Vingtième Siècle.
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and Galliéni, also in Lang Son, also exist in
MONTAGNON, Pierre, L'Indochine Française,
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