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1.1 Background to the Study

Information has been seen as an essential commodity for development. As a

processed data to which meaning may be attached, information is useful for
planning, decision making and reduction of uncertainty. The present atmosphere of
information is influential and characterized by a number of information sources
made available in systems through both human and computer interfaces, a
multiplicity of methods for accessing information, and a redundancy of content
from multiple sources. There are several definitions for information. It has been
defined in term of its utility, as such that has value in decision making; reduces
uncertainties and ignorance; increases knowledge and literacy (Oluwaseye&
Michael (2017). It has also been defined in term of its characteristics as a tangible
commodity that increases rather than decreases the more it is consumed. In this
case, information is in no way of less value than other factors of production. It is
used for economic development. There were however, other positions on the
nature, importance and relevance of information. Adebayo &Salau (2014) stated
that the dynamism of information makes it relevant in every sphere of human
endeavors and activities. The whole world now depends on information because
this is information age. The value of information is high in decision making as well
as policy planning and implementation. They stressed further that information is an
important commodity which has become an essential companion that cannot be
compromised for anything.

Information seeking is a basic activity indulged in by all people and

manifested through a particular behavior. It has been argued that information
behavior encompasses direct communication with others, as well as the passive
reception of information without any intention to act on the information given
(Robinson, &Bawden (2012). To Ford (2015) information behavior include the act
of perceiving some information-related needs; coming into contact with
information potentially relevant to some needs; assessing the suitability of the
information in relation to some information-related need and; using such
information or knowledge for one’s own use.

It is also an aspect of scholarly work of most interest to academic librarians

who strive to develop collections, services, and organizational structures that
facilitate information seeking limits their basic perception of the universe of
knowledge available to them.As an action, information seeking behavior involves a
set of actions that an individual takes to express information needs, seek
information, evaluate and select information and finally use this information to
satisfy his or her information needs. Information seeking behavior from Nobert
and Lwoga (2012) is the purposive seeking for information as a consequence of a
need to satisfy some goal.

Ogba, (2013) defined information behavior as actions, sentiments, mood

swings and psychological reasoning carried out in the mood of information seeking
by individuals; before, during and after information seeking which determines the
environment of research, the information source, the information sourced and
taken, the ability to conclude research and the mode of using the information
sourced. Students sometimes use a subject–disciplinary method that leads them to
a specific list of sources on a particular subject. Information sources are the means
by which information is gotten to satisfy a particular information needs.

Undergraduates have a lot of information needs which prompted their

demand for information. When undergraduates are searching for information to
meet their needs, they use different sources of information. In Ogba (2013),
students used search engines, indigenous textbooks, libraries and phones to obtain
their information. Ogba (2013) continued that students preferred relating with law
librarians to library staff particularly the elderly ones due to fear and preferred
browsing shelves instead of using OPAC in looking for information. They also
observed that students’ information seeking behavior involves purposeful
information seeking as a result of the need to complete course assignments, prepare
for class discussions, seminars, workshops, and write final-year research papers.
Information seeking behavior remains a key research area; academic librarians
around the world strive to understand the information needs of undergraduate
students and ways of satisfy these needs.

1.2 Statement of Research Problem

Studies conducted among undergraduate students have shown that most of

them are inadequate in using libraries and are often frustrated when they are unable
to access certain of their information needs. Utilization of information resources in
the library is very important. Utilization of information might be practically
impossible if users are unable to retrieve the information resources in the library
(Tella and Odunola, 2020).
However, observation from previous studies revealed that undergradess do
not use library information resources. It was assumed that students could be
experiencing technical problems in accessing information resources; coupled with
lack of knowledge and awareness of the resources. The students’ poor information
seeking behavior was singled out as the biggest cause that needed investigation. It
is against this background that an attempt was made in this study to examine
information needs and information seeking behavior as factors influencing
utilization of library resources by undergraduate students in Ekiti State University,
Ekiti State, Nigeria.

1.3 Research Objectives

The broad objective of this study is to investigate information needs and

information seeking behavior as factors influencing utilization of library resources
by undergraduate students in Ekiti State University, Ekiti State, Nigeria. However,
the specific objectives are to:
i. examine the information needs of the undergraduate students in Ekiti
State University;
ii. determine the sources through which undergraduate students in Ekiti
State University seeks information;
iii. asses the information seeking behavior of undergraduate students in Ekiti
State University; and
iv. evaluate the purposes for seeking information by the undergraduate
students in Ekiti State University;
v. determine the problems encountered by the undergraduate students in
Ekiti State University when seeking for information;
1.4 Research Questions

This study seeks to address the following questions:

i. What are the information needs of the undergraduate students in Ekiti
State University?
ii. What are the sources through which undergraduate students in Ekiti State
University seeks information?
iii. What is the information seeking behavior of undergraduate students in
Ekiti State University?
iv. What are the purposes for seeking information by the undergraduate
students in Ekiti State University?
v. What are the problems encountered by the undergraduate students in
Ekiti State University when seeking for information?

1.5 Scope of the Study

This study is to examine information needs and information seeking
behavior as factors influencing utilization of library resources by undergraduate
students in Ekiti State University, Ekiti State, Nigeria. Information needs,
information seeking behavior and sources of seeking information by undergraduate
students in Ekiti State University will be reviewed.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study will be of significance to the society because information is
essential for development and no society can function without information. It is
also significant for organization as when meaning is attached to a processed data;
information is useful for planning, decisionmaking and reduction of uncertainty.
So information can only be relevant when it gets to the right people at the right
time and in the right dosage. It is essential to librarians, administration students and
the entire society. This study will be of relevance to all domain of library users
especially undergraduates in all academic institutions, in managing and
maximizing utilization of library resources.

1.7 Operational Definition of Terms

Information:This is an essential commodity for development useful for planning,

decision making and reduction of uncertainty.

Information source: This is the materials or means through which information

can be found to meet a particular need.

Information seeking: This is a conscious effort to acquire information in response

to a need or gap in your knowledge.

Information seeking behavior: This is the study of how people need, seek, give
and use information in different contexts, including the workplace and everyday

Undergraduates: These are students in a university who have not yet received a

EKSU: Ekiti State University. This is a State owned institution situated at Ekiti
University: This is an institution of higher education.

Library: This is a repository of knowledge where forms of information are kept

and to provide access to users.


2.0 Introduction

Information is very indispensable in the development of any society. Olsen

and Diekema (2012) mentioned that studying the way students find information is
essential to understanding them as a user group, helping them find research more
effectively and efficiently, and developing resources for their use.

This chapter therefore reviews existing related literature on:

2.1.1 Information Needs

2.1.2 Classification of information Needs

2.1.3 Factors affecting Information Needs

2.1.4 Information Seeking Behavior

2.1.5 Factors Affecting Information Seeking Behavior

2.1.6 Ways of Seeking Information

2.1.7 Barriers Encountered In Seeking Information

2.1.8 Sources of Information

2.1.9 Classification of Information Sources

2.1.10 Classification of Information Sources by Their physical nature

2.1.11 Classification of Information Sources by the Originality of the

2.1.12 Classification of Information Sources by Format of Production

2.2 Empirical Review

2.1.1 Information Needs

Information need generally refers to the kind of information a particular library

user is looking for at a specific point in time. Information need come up when an

individual identifies a problem or information gap and develop a desire to solve the

problem or bridge the information gap. Yusuf (2012) asserted that information

needs are diverse and consistently changing and not agreeable to generalization.

Thus it varies among groups, individual and society. Similarly, Wilson asserted

that information need is influenced by a number of factors such as the range of

information sources available, the use, background, motivation, professional

orientation, etc. surrounding the users and consequences of information. The

principle needs and demand of users of information services really call into two

broad categories.

1 The need to locate and obtain a copy of a particular document for which the

author or title is known.

2 The need to locate document dealing with a particular subject or capable of

answering particular questions.

The former of these two may be referred to as a “known item need” while

later obviously may be referred to as a “subject need”. The ability of the

library to supply known items when needed is its document dealing


The ability of the library to retrieve document on a particular subject or provide the
answer to a specific question is its information retrieval capacity.Information
needs, as one of the challenges facing undergraduates, may not be well met, due to
poor information seeking behavior and wrong application of acquired information.
Also, in as much information may be preserved for knowledge, information found
that has the contents of problem stated above is capable of confusing the future
users, and thus result little or no reliability of such information. Other problems
associated with information needs, seeking behavior and use by undergraduates are
the following among others; complex information needs, lack of knowledge of
available sources, inability to evaluate sources of information, information
overloading (having too much information to cope with), insufficient search
knowledge and ability, poor information seeking behavior, and wrong information
application. It is also an aspect of scholarly work of most interest to academic
librarians who strive to develop collections, services and all structures that
facilitate information seeking. The information need is a factual situation in which,
there exists an inseparable interconnection with “information” and“need”,
information needs can therefore be said to be the amount of positive information an
individual or group of users need to have for their work, recreation and many other
like satisfaction (Okonoko, Njideka&Mazah, 2015).

2.1.2 Classification of Information Needs

Information needs have been classified into different levels by different authors.
Below are some classifications of information needs;
Igwe (2012) categorized the information needs into the following.

(1) Educational and academics information needs.

(2) Political information needs
(3) Job opportunities and business information needs.
(4) Economic information needs
(5) Social and entertainment (arts) information needs.
(6) Agricultural, geographical and environmental information needs.
(7) Medical and health information needs.
(8) Scientific and technological information needs
(9) Religious and cultural information needs.
(10)Legal and human rights information needs.
(11) International and global information needs.

Borah (2020) identified four levels of information needs as stated in ‘Information

Gathering Habit’ surveys as:
a) Current Information Need,
b) Exhaustive Information Need,
c) Every day Information Need, and
d) Catching-up or Brushing-up Information Need
Thammanna (2017) classified information needs into the following categories:
a) Social or Pragmatic Information Needs Information needed in carrying out day
to day life activities.
b) Recreation Information Needs: Information satisfying the recreational and
cultural interests of an individual.
c) Professional Information Needs Information required for business and
professional environment.
d) Educational Information Needs Information required for satisfying academic
e) Need to be expressed by the user; or
f) Need that a user cannot express; or
g) Present or immediate need; or
h) Future or deferred or potential need.

2.1.3 Factors Affecting Information Needs

Information needs can be affected by factors such as social factors, individual
characteristic and family factors (Chen and Lu, 2019). The information need s of
an individual can be affected by the following factors namely
1. Age: The age range of an individual determines the information need of such a
person. A child who is 10 year will not desire information on how to write an
undergraduate thesis. Gender,

2. Educational qualification: Your educational exposure affects the type of

information needs you will desire.

3. Social, political and economic system: The social, political and economic
system surrounding and the positions of an individual in the society affect s the
person’s information needs. A farmer needs information on agriculture while
politicians are more interested in politics.

4.Teaching and research experience: Market women will not have information
need on how to pass accreditation of courses in higher institution learning but
Lecturers/ faculty and authorities in the higher institution will need such
5. Family background, motivation, professional orientation: These also affect
the type of information needs.

6. Range of information sources available: also affects your information needs.

2.1.4 Information Seeking Behavior

Information seeking behavior which results from the recognition of some need
shows that Information seeking begins when someone perceives that the current
state of possessed knowledge is less than that needed to deal with the problem at
stake. According to Sultana, Ayesha (2016) the term Information seeking behavior
involves a set of actions like information needs, seek information, evaluate and
select information and finally use this information. Case (2012, p. 5), proposed that
information behavior ‘encompasses information seeking, as well as the totality of
other unintentional or passive behaviors (such as glimpsing or encountering
information), as well as purposive behaviors that do not involve seeking, such as
actively avoiding information’.
This is a way people seek and search for information. It was also observed that
students’ information seeking behavior involves purposeful information seeking as
a result of the need to complete course assignments, prepare for class discussions,
seminars, workshops, and write final-year research papers. Information seeking
behavior remains a key research area; academic librarians around the world strive
to understand the information needs of undergraduate students and ways of
satisfying these needs. Ossai-onah, (2013) posit that though there seems to exist
many reasons and sources of information to the information user, the university
library occupies a central position in the information seeking process of
undergraduate students in Nigerian universities. Undergraduate students’
information seeking behaviour was considered the biggest problem to be
investigated. Most undergraduate students find it difficult to locate the right
sources of information to meet their needs and without adequate information
succeeding academically would be a great challenge. It should also be noted that
information seeking behaviour is influenced by user’s age, occupation, level of
literacy, sex, level of enlightenment and culture. Similarly, Wilson asserted that
information seeking behaviour is indulged by all people and manifested through a
particular behaviour and in the course of this individual interaction with different
sources of information.
Over the period of four decades a number of information seeking behavior models
have been propounded by many researchers globally (Sawant, 2015). Robson and
Robinson (2015) reveal that Model presents practical vision into the information
seeking behavior of users and the factors that influence them.
In an attempt to define information seeking behavior, Doraswamy (2017)
enumerated all that it entails as follows:
1 Information Behaviour: Totality of human behavior in relation to sources
and channels of information.
2 Information Seeking Behaviour: Information seeking behavior is the
purposive seeking for information as a consequence of a need to
complete some goal.
3 Information Search Behaviour: The micro-level behavior employed by
the information searcher in interacting with information system of all
4 Information Use Behaviour; this is comprises of mental and physical acts
involved in incorporating information to existing knowledge base of a
2.1.5 Factors Affecting Information Seeking Behaviour
Chatter (2017) listed the factors that can affect information seeking behavior as
i. Availability of information sources in the library/information center
ii. Out datedness of information sources;
iii. Lack of awareness about the available information sources;
iv. Search strategies/individual information seeking styles;
v. Information scattering in too many sources;
vi. Lack of knowledge about information retrieving techniques;
vii. Non-supportive behavior of library/information center staff;
viii. Lack of infrastructure like computers, Internet connection, etc.;
ix. Negative outcome of information seeking process;
x. Time available to conduct a search;
xi. The task or objective for which information is required.

2.1.6 Ways of seeking Information

Library users seek information in different circumstances using various sources.
Information. Researches reveal that with the emergence of web resources, the
information seeking behavior of students are changing rapidly all over the world
(Moly, 2014). Olsen and Diekema (2012) mentioned that studying the way
students find information is essential to understanding them as a user group,
helping them find research more effectively and efficiently, and developing
resources for their use. They also reported that most used sources of information
by students are Google, Wikipedia, news websites, friends and family members,
class notes, lecturers and selected subscription databases. Few students made use
of physical libraries, librarians and information professionals, experts, books,
magazines etc.Newton (2019) asserts that to some extent, students‟ information
seeking behaviour in terms of emergence of ICT has shifted their preferences of
information forms from print to electronic. In their own vein Mahmood and Saeed
(2014) expressed that the pursuit of knowledge has been revolutionized mainly
through the vast expansion of data accessible via the Internet, undergraduates now
employ a set of coping strategies in their search for information to fulfill their
assignment requirements and as they prepare for examinations.
Lawal (2012) highlights ways in which students seek information, which includes
colleagues, library, friends, family members, internet etc. In the 2012 survey, over
three quarters (76%) of the scholarly readings were obtained through electronic
means and just over half (51%) of readings were read on a screen rather than from
a print source or being printed out.

2.1.7 Barriers Encountered in Seeking Information

Barriers to information seeking are the difficulties or obstacles faced when seeking
information. It hinders efficient access to information and leaves the users
Some of these barriers are the inability to handle information systems using several
search tools, too much of information retrieved. However there are other barriers
which hampers availability of resources and lack of certain facilities that should
not waste the time of the users.
Other barriers are improper shelving of library materials, Out datedness of
materials etc. Omeluzor et al. (2013) revealed that “library resources are not easily
accessible to the students due to inadequacies emanating from out-datedness of
resources, ineffective bibliographic organization and ineffective library services’’.

2.1.8 Sources of Information

Chinnasamy (2016) defined information as the knowledge of the human in action.
It may be ideas, facts data and imaginative works of the human mind which may
be communicated formally or informally in any format. An information source is
any source which communicates formally or informally ideas, facts, data of human
activities and events witnessed or heard from a person about the existence of
something or provide knowledge about it to another person or group of persons.
Information sources are the means for generating information. The information
sources are classified in many ways by different authors as you can see below.

2.1.9 Classification of Information Sources

The information has been classified into various categories based on nature,
originality sometimes the frequency of their production by information specialists
and professionals (Ahmad and Khazer, 2015).
Information sources are classified under the following categories;
1. According to their physical nature
2. Based on the originality of the information
3. Based on their format of production

2.1.10 Classification of Information Sources by their Physical Nature

Information sources can be classified according to their physical nature namely;
documentary and non-documentary.
1. Documentary sources: There are records of thoughts which are produced on
paper or recorded on other materials for present and future use by anybody seeking
such information. These are examples of documentary sources books, periodicals,
microforms, tape records and photographs.
2. Non-documentary Sources: These are unrecorded sources of information
which include live chats with colleagues, visitors, the participant’s in seminars,
conference, information centers; government establishments, departments etc.

2.1.11 Classification of Information Sources by the Originality of the

Information sources can be classified based on the originality of the information
such as primary, secondary and tertiary information sources.
1. Primary Sources: These are first-hand information or original materials which
have not been interpreted, summarized, analyzed or evaluated by a second party or
person. Some of the examples of primary sources are interviews, a report by
somebody who witnessed an event; letters, periodicals, conference proceedings
diaries and research work by a person.
2. Secondary Sources: A secondary source is information that is derived or gotten
from the primary or original information. The secondary information source is a
modified, summarized, reported information from an original or a witnessed source
(person) for a defined purpose or audience. Some of the examples of secondary
information sources are textbooks, reviewed articles, bibliography to a primary
source and indexes use inlocating a primary source of information.
3. Tertiary: These consist of information derived from the collection of primary
and secondary sources of information. These information sources sometimes are
summaries of information derived from primary and secondary sources. Examples
of tertiary sources of information are abstracts, handbooks, bibliographies,
encyclopedias, almanacs, indexes etc.
2.1.12 Classification of Information Sources by Format of Production
Information sources can also be classified based on their format of production
namely print and electronic sources (Non- Printed) sources. The electronic or non-
printed sources can also be referred to as soft copies of information sources.
1. Print Sources: The sources of information which appear in print format are
known as print sources. These sources are printed using computers, printers and
typewriters to produce these hard copies (print sources) examples are textbooks,
newspapers, reference books, journals and diaries, etc.

2. Electronic Sources: are online, electric or digital media sources which contain
information that can be accessed, read and viewed with the help of information
communication technology devices. Some examples of electronic sources are
databases, websites, electronic journals, electronic books, magnetic tapes, CD-

2.2 Empirical Review

Oluwaseye, Akanni, and Busuyi (2017) investigated information needs and seeking
behaviour of medical students at College of Medicine, University of Ibadan,
Nigeria. Descriptive Survey design was used: five research questions were raised
to achieve the five specific objectives stated. The findings from this study revealed
that information needs of medical students of the University of Ibadan have many
facets. The first on the list being medical information, followed by assignment and
academic projects, these were the main purposes students seek for information.
The Internet was mostly used by medical students out of other sources when
seeking for Information.
Gardner (2017) explored the information-seeking behaviors of nurses when
delivering patient care on medical-surgical units to inform the development of
clinical decision support systems for medical-surgical acute care nurses. Findings
revealed that nurses most often search for information in order to support a
patient’s treatment and the provision of a patient’s care. Information regarding
current and new orders and the schedule of a patient’s care were the most
frequently accessed types of information. Nurses in the study most often accessed
electronic sources and utilized information in a computerized format.

El-Maamiry (2017), the Information-Seeking Behaviour of Students: A Case of

University of Dubai. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The
population comprised students of University of Dubai, College of Business
Administration and few from College of Information Technology. Ten students
and a reference librarian were used to pre-test the questionnaire. Based on their
feedback, the questionnaire was revised to the final form. Respondents were asked
to fill the questionnaire, which includes three parts. First, demographic
information; secondly, information resources use; and third barriers to use
electronic resources. Participants of this study were randomly chosen amongst
students of the University. Respondents were asked to express their opinions
regarding the difficulties they face in using electronic resources. They mentioned
that barriers of information seeking, mainly cited that they are facing difficulties in
choosing databases (20%), lack of searching skills (18%), identifying reliable
articles (12.8%) of search results and 4% cited lack of qualified staff. 45.2% cited
that they are not facing any problem at all.



In this study, the survey research method was used. This method is very

useful in studying a group of people by collecting and analyzing data from sample

population and few documents which is also considered to be representative of the

entire group. Data to be used for the study was collected through the distribution of

carefully designed questionnaires to the respondent.


This study will be carried out in Ekiti State University (EKSU). EKSU is the

oldest among the three Universities currently operating in Ekiti state. It is a state

owned institution that was created in 1982. The University has ten faculties with a

total undergraduate student’s population of 23,000. There is provision of

accommodation for limited number of students inside the campus and a large

number of private hostels off-campus adjacent to the University.


The population of the study consists of the undergraduates’ students of Ekiti
State University, Ado, Ekiti State, Nigeria with a population of 23,000 (Wikipedia,


The sample size of the study is 377. This was derived from Krejcie
Morgan sample size table where N is 20,000. Simple random technique will be
used to select units for the study.

Krejcie Morgan sample size table


150 108 750 254 15000 375

160 113 800 260 20000 377

170 118 850 265 30000 379

180 123 900 269 40000 380

190 127 950 274 50000 381

200 132 1000 278 75000 382

210 136 1100 285 1000000 384

Note.—N is population size

S is sample size
Extracted from Krejcie Morgan sample size table


Primary source of data will be used in this study. This will be carried out via
structured questionnaire. Statistical method of analyzing collected data will also be
used with the aid of percentage count and tables of frequencies.


To test validity of the study, both face and content validity will be used. The
face validity of the instrument will be established by showing it to my supervisor
and other experts in the field of management whose inputs will be used to improve
and restructure the instrument. The corrections of the experts together with the
supervisor will be subjected to content validity in order to determine the relevance
of the item.


4.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the results of the data analysis of the study. The order of presentation was

the demographic variables of the respondents, distribution of questionnaire, response rate and

research questions.

4.2 Demographic Variables Distribution of the Respondents

A total of 377 copies of questionnaires were administered to undergraduate students in Ekiti

State University Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. A total of 337 copies were retrieved, given a
response rate of 89.4%.
Table 4.1: Distribution of the Respondents by Demographic Variables

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 201 59.6
Female 136 40.4
Total 337 100.0
Age (Range in Years) Frequency Percent
16 – 20 204 60.5
21 – 25 88 26.1
26 – 30 23 6.8
31 – 35 22 6.5
Total 337 100.0
Level of Study Frequency Percent
100 136 40.4
200 68 20.2
300 67 19.9
400 66 19.6
Total 337 100.0

Table 4.1 shows the distribution of the respondents by demographic variables. Majority, 201
(59.6%) respondents were males, while 136 (40.4%) respondents were females, 204 (60.5%)
respondents were between the ages of 16 and 20 years, and 136 (40.4%) respondents were in 100
level in the university.
4.3 Presentation of Research Questions: Four research questions were presented for this
study. These are:

4.3.1 Research Question One: What are the information needs of the undergraduate students
in Ekiti State University?

Table 4.2: Information Needs of the Undergraduate Students in Ekiti State University
1 Entertainment information constitute my information needs 3.54 0.801

2 Health information propels my information needs 3.53 0.500

3 Information for personal development forms my information needs 3.47 0.500

4 Sports information comprises my information needs 3.45 0.751

5 Global information constitute my information needs 3.33 0.700

6 Political information add up to my information needs 3.27 0.768

7 Academic information constitute my information needs 3.07 0.849

8 Security information form the basis for my information needs 3.07 0.678

Criterion Mean 3.34 0.693

Table 4.2 shows information needs of the undergraduate students in Ekiti State University, Ado
Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. The respondents agreed that their information needs were
entertainment information constitute my information needs (mean = 3.54, SD = 0.801), health
information propels my information needs (Mean = 3.53, SD = 0.500), information for personal
development forms my information needs (Mean = 3.47, SD = 0.500) and sports information
comprises my information needs (Mean = 3.45, SD = 0.751).
4.3.2 Research Question Two: What are the sources through which undergraduate students in
Ekiti State University seek information?

Table 4.3: Sources through which Undergraduate Students in Ekiti State University Seek
1 I search for information through the Internet 3.60 0.49
2 Television is one of my sources of information 3.47 0.50
3 Friends are one of my sources of information 3.34 0.47
4 Lecturers is one of my sources of 3.33 0.47
5 Radio is one of my sources of information 3.27 0.57
6 I visits the School Library whenever I seek for Information 3.20 0.40
7 Newspaper is one of my sources of information 3.20 0.65
8 Personal note is one of my sources of information 3.13 0.95
Criterion Mean 3.34 0.56

Table 4.3 shows the sources through which the undergraduate students in the university seek
information. The respondents agreed that the sources through which they sought information
were they search for information through the Internet (Mean = 3.60, SD = 0.490), television is
one of their sources of information (Mean = 3.47, SD = 0.500) and friends are one of their
sources of information (Mean = 3.34, SD = 0.473).
4.3.3 Research Question Three: What is the information seeking behavior of undergraduate
students in Ekiti State University?

Table 4.4: Information Seeking Behavior of Undergraduate Students in Ekiti State

1 I usually feel frustrated when consulting a source and not finding 3.47 0.61
what I need
2 If I did not get the information I need in a particular information 3.46 0.49
material, I will continue searching for information until I am satisfied
3 I first identify the information I need before I begin to consult the 3.40 0.49
information sources
4 I am always anxious whenever I need information 3.40 0.61
5 I usually feel overwhelmed when trying to satisfy my information 3.27 0.85
need due to the volume of information available
6 I am usually curious about new information when the need arises 3.27 0.85
7 I usually feel frustrated when consulting a source and not finding 3.20 0.98
what I need 1
8 I always search about trending information 3.13 0.95
Criterion Mean 3.33 0.73
Table 4.4 shows the information seeking behavior of undergraduate students in Ekiti State
University Ado Ekiti. The respondents agreed that their information seeking behaviours were
that they usually feel frustrated when consulting a source and not finding what they needed
(Mean = 3.47, SD = 0.617), if they did not get the information they need in a particular
information material, they will continue searching for information until they were satisfied
(Mean = 3.46, SD = 0.499), they first identify the information they needed before they began to
consult the information sources (Mean = 3.40, SD = 0.490) and they always anxious whenever
they need information (Mean = 3.40, SD = 0.610).

4.3.4 Research Question Four: What are the purposes for seeking information by the
undergraduate students in Ekiti State University?

Table 4.5: Purposes for Seeking Information by the Undergraduate Students in Ekiti State
1 I seek information in order to prepare for examination 3.40 0.490

2 I seek information to update my knowledge 3.40 0.490

3 I seek for information for assignment and academic research 3.39 0.614
4 I seek information for personal career development 3.34 0.473

5 I seek information for writing conference papers 3.34 0.473

6 I seek information for preparing for seminar presentation 3.33 0.472

7 I seek information for doing any given assignment 3.33 0.600

8 I seek information whenever I want to make decision 3.20 0.545

Criterion Mean 3.34 0.520

Table 4.5 shows the purposes for seeking information by the undergraduate students in Ekiti
State University. The respondents indicated that the purpose of seeking information were that
they sought information in order to prepare for examination (Mean = 3.40, SD = 0.490), they
sought information to update their knowledge (Mean = 3.40, SD = 0.490), they sought for
information for assignment and academic research (Mean = 3.39, SD = 0.614), they sought
information for personal career development (Mean = 3.34, SD = 0.473) and they sought
information for writing conference papers (Mean = 3.34, SD = 0.473).



Dear Respondent,

This questionnaire intents to facilitate the study on “Information needs and

information seeking behaviour as factors influencing utilization of library
resources by undergraduate students in Ekiti State University, Ekiti State, Nigeria”.
The questionnaire will be used mainly for academic purpose and all information
supplied shall be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Sunday Ifeoluwa A.

Please tick or mark where applicable

Gender: Male ( ) Female ( )

Age distribution: 16 - 20 years ( ) 21 - 25 years ( ) 26 – 30 years ( ) 31 – 35

years ( )

Level: 100 Level ( ) 200 Level ( ) 300 Level ( ) 400 Level ( ) 500 Level ( )

Please tick according to your level of agreement or disagreement with the

statement below.

SA = Strongly Agree, A = Agree, U = Undecided, D = Disagree, SD = Strongly





1 Global information constitute my information needs
2 Academic information constitute my information
3 Sports information comprises my information needs
4 Security information form the basis for my information
5 Political information add up to my information needs
6 Health information propels my information needs
7 Information for personal development forms my
information needs
8 Entertainment information constitute my information



1 I visits the School Library whenever I seek for
2 I search for information through the Internet
3 Personal note is one of my sources of information
4 Newspaper is one of my sources of information
5 Lecturers is one of my sources of
6 Friends are one of my sources of information
7 Radio is one of my sources of information
8 Television is one of my sources of information



1 I first identify the information I need before I begin to
consult the information sources
2 I usually feel frustrated when consulting a source and
not finding what I need
3 I am always anxious whenever I need information
4 If I did not get the information I need in a particular
material, I will continue searching for information
until I am satisfied
5 I usually feel frustrated when consulting a source and
not finding
what I need
6 I usually feel overwhelmed when trying to satisfy my
need due to the volume of information available
7 I am usually curious about new information when the
need arises
8 I always search about trending information



1 I seek for information for assignment and academic
2 I seek information in order to prepare for examination
3 I seek information to update my knowledge
4 I seek information for personal career development
5 I seek information for writing conference papers
6 I seek information for preparing for seminar
7 I seek information for doing any given assignment
8 I seek information whenever I want to make decision

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