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eISSN: 2963-458X

Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction

2023, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-16

Online Collaborative Learning Platforms in Science: Their Influence

on Attitude, Achievement, and Experiences
Glitzy Hart A. Gonzales1, Kimberly B. Despe1, Larabel J. Iway1, Robie Jane S. Genon1, Jerel O. Intano1,
Joje Mar P. Sanchez1,2
Secondary Science Education Department, College of Teacher Education, Cebu
Normal University, Philippines
Institute for Research in Innovative Instructional Delivery, Cebu Normal University,

Abstract―This study investigates the influence of online collaborative learning

platforms on students’ attitudes, achievements, and experiences. Through a mixed-
methods research approach, 100 students from public and private higher education
institutes pursuing a Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Science responded to
the online survey. At the same time, ten of them participated in the online interviews.
This is an open access article Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-tests for independent samples,
under the Creative simple linear regression, and thematic analysis. Study findings revealed that the students
Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
were generally satisfied (µ=4.08) with the collaborative learning platforms, had positive
attitudes toward Science (µ=4.10), and got outstanding Science achievement (µ=1.85).
*Correspondence The students from public and private universities were comparable in terms of the use
Glitzy Hart A. Gonzales of collaborative learning platforms (p=.302) and students’ satisfaction (p=.868), science
glitzyhartgonzales570@gmail attitudes (p=.830), and achievement (p=.158). Moreover, the students were challenged
.com due to unequal participation, different perspectives, and lack of communication and self-
confidence. Nevertheless, they also experienced opportunities such as developing social
16 June 2023
and higher-order thinking skills and values inculcation. In conclusion, collaborative
Accepted: learning platforms have helped and challenged students in learning science.
28 August 2023
Published: Keywords: collaborative learning platforms, Science, attitude, achievement, challenges,
23 September 2023 opportunities
Citation: Sanchez, J. M. P.,
Despe, K. B., Iway, L. J.,
Genon, R. J. S., Intano, J.
Science-collaborative learning systems are becoming increasingly common in
O., & Sanchez, J. M. (2023).
Online Collaborative modern classrooms (Chen et al., 2021). Through technology, these platforms offer a
Learning Platforms in setting for students to collaborate on projects and tasks connected to Science. These
Science: Their Influence on platforms include online discussion boards, virtual classrooms, collaborative software,
Attitude, Achievement, and and electronic portfolios. By utilizing these platforms, educators hope to improve
Experiences. Journal of
student’s learning experiences and foster the growth of their communication and
Educational Technology and
Instruction, 2(2), 1–16. collaborative abilities (Hursen & Bas, 2019; Liu et al., 2020; Alam, 2022; Boholano et al.,
2022; Hermoso et al., 2022).
The use of collaborative learning platforms in scientific classrooms has been
examined in the read literature. These platforms were evaluated for their effectiveness
in collaborative learning strategies. Arevalo (2013) implemented wikis in a pilot study
consisting of 148 study participants. His results pointed out that students had a positive
perception toward using wiki activities, and academic scaffolding is needed to assist
students in using technology-based tools in the classroom. Hsu and Shieu (2018)
explored the influence of collaborative technology through Google Applications on
students’ perceptions of teaching, cognitive, and social presence. With the use of Google 1
eISSN: 2963-458X
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
2023, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-16

Applications, social presence has predicted the students’ cognitive presence in online
collaboration; this finding suggested that collaborative applications can influence
students’ engagement online.
However, the use of these platforms has skyrocketed due to the constraints of the
pandemic. Al-Husban (2020) used online asynchronous discussion forums, assessed
students’ critical thinking skills using a content analysis design, and attributed their
acquisition of essential critical thinking skills to their engagement in online discussion
forums. Banat (2021) utilized Mendeley as a tool for collaborative learning and evaluated
its effectiveness through a qualitative research design. He revealed that Mendeley could
enhance collaboration between peers and teachers, positively impacting students’ skill
acquisition. Ansari and Khan (2020) explored the role of social media in online
collaborative learning through an empirical study analyzed using structural equation
modeling. Their study found that social media platforms can significantly impact
students’ interaction with their peers, teachers, and online sharing behavior. In a one-
group pretest-posttest experimental design, Dwikoranto et al. (2021) applied project-
based laboratory learning to increase students’ online collaboration and process skills.
They noted a significant improvement in students’ collaboration while a moderate
increase in their process skills.
Other studies did not specify platforms but investigated various aspects of
collaborative learning in online settings. Mustakim et al. (2020) explained the effects of
online collaborative learning using platforms, e.g., learning management systems and
videoconferencing applications, via a qualitative research method. Although these online
platforms were perceived to be less effective than face-to-face classes, these platforms
have promoted collaboration amidst remote learning in the first stage of the pandemic.
Using quantitative methods, Shonfeld (2021) examined student-teacher satisfaction with
online collaborative learning. Based on the results, satisfaction with online collaborative
learning was influenced by the students’ collaborative experience, positive experiences,
and openness, accounting for as much as 63% of the total variance. Similarly, using a
mixed-method design, Cheng et al. (2023) investigated the students’ satisfaction with
online collaborative learning. Their findings indicated a high cognitive load that lowered
students’ perceived usefulness of online platforms, leading to low satisfaction levels with
collaborative learning.
The researchers have firsthand experience with the advantages of implementing
collaborative learning systems in Science subjects. Students can ask questions, exchange
ideas and opinions, and collaborate on these platforms to find solutions. They also allow
to support students more individually and closely monitor their development.
Collaborative learning platforms in scientific classrooms can improve students’ and
teachers’ learning outcomes. Although collaborative learning platforms are becoming
increasingly common in scientific classrooms, more study still needs to be done on how
they affect students’ attitudes, achievements, challenges, and opportunities. While some
studies have looked at these issues (e.g., Shonfeld, 2021; Cheng et al., 2023), more
thorough research is required to examine the many variables affecting these platforms’
benefits. Moreover, the researchers’ personal experiences have emphasized the necessity
of examining the best methods for using these platforms in science classrooms and any
difficulties teachers might have in doing so.
The study aimed to address the research gap by investigating the influence of
collaborative learning platforms on student attitudes, achievements, challenges, and
opportunities in science classrooms in universities in Cebu City, Central Visayas,
Philippines. This study’s findings will significantly impact how scientific instructors and 2
eISSN: 2963-458X
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
2023, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-16

decision-makers approach their work. Educators may make better choices about
integrating collaborative learning platforms into their lessons by researching how they
affect students’ attitudes and academic performance. Additionally, policymakers can
create regulations encouraging the efficient use of collaborative learning platforms in
scientific classrooms by identifying the challenges and opportunities of implementing
these platforms. Overall, this study has the potential to support efforts to enhance
science instruction and get students ready for the 21st century.

2.1 Research Design
A mixed-methods research approach that included quantitative and qualitative
elements was adopted for the current investigation. A descriptive-regressional
methodology was used in the quantitative part of the study to collect quantifiable
information on how collaborative learning platforms affected students’ attitudes and
achievement in science classes. This method is suitable for this study because it enables
the researchers to quantify the relationship between the independent variable (i.e., use
of collaborative learning platforms) and the desired outcomes and to spot any significant
correlations (Stangor & Walinga, 2014). The study’s qualitative component used a
narrative inquiry design to gather and analyze data in the form of stories, narratives, and
personal experiences. The researchers can analyze the opinions and experiences of
students and teachers regarding the usage of collaborative learning platforms in science
classrooms. This design discovers themes or patterns from their accounts thanks to the
study’s proper design (Butina, 2015).

2.2 Participants
The study was conducted in public and private universities and colleges in Cebu
City, Philippines. These are well-known universities in the locality, including two public
universities (University 1 and 2) and three private institutions (University 3, 4, and 5).
University 1 houses the center of excellence of teacher education, while University 2
includes both teacher and technical education as a technological university. University 3
and University 4 are sectarian schools offering science education to deserving teachers-
to-be. Lastly, University 5 is a non-sectarian school with three other campuses in the
city. All these universities offer Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) in Science
programs, recognized by the higher education commission and accrediting bodies.
One hundred students taking up BSEd in Science participated in the study,
randomly selected from among the said higher education institutions during their online
learning classes. Most of these students are aged 20-25 (92%) and females (73%). Most
are in their third-year level (73%) and have a monthly household income of less than
Php 8,333.00 or approximately USD 155.00 (85%). Fifty percent comes from public
institutions and the other half from private ones. In addition, 20 students from the said
sample were interviewed for the narrative inquiry. They were chosen regardless of
gender and year level as long as they participated in the previous survey.

2.3 Research Instruments

The researchers adapted instruments from the available literature to obtain data
on four measures: collaborative learning platforms, satisfaction, and science attitudes.
The academic achievement was collected as part of the demographic profile sheet, while 3
eISSN: 2963-458X
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
2023, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-16

the experiences were gathered using a semi-structured interview guide. Table 1 presents
the different instruments employed in the study.

Table 1. Instruments of the study

Instrument Measure Reference
Profile Sheet Demographics, including Science grades Authors
Survey Frequency of the use of collaborative Muuru et al. (2014)
learning platforms
Students’ satisfaction Al-Rahmi et al. (2013).
Brush and So (2008)
Science attitudes Backer et al. (2018).
Interview Experiences (challenges and Authors
guide opportunities)

2.4 Procedures
The study underwent several data-gathering procedures. Before data gathering, the
research team secured an ethics certification (no. 789/2021-04) from the University
Research Ethics Office. After confirming this certification, the team asked permission
from the university heads and asked for informed consent from the student participants.
Once permitted, the researchers administered the online survey and, consequently, the
online interview.
Student participants with collaborative learning platform experience in science
classes received the online survey. A set of questions were used in the survey to elicit
information regarding their use, satisfaction, attitudes, and academic achievements, and
the respondents completed it at their convenient time.
Google Meet was used to conduct the interviews. The interviews aimed to gather
in-depth information about participants’ viewpoints and experiences using collaborative
learning platforms in science courses. The researchers interviewed the participants using
a semi-structured method, allowing them to tailor their questions and the complexity of
the responses they received.

2.5 Data Analysis

The collected data were managed in Microsoft Excel and analyzed using the
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 27. Specifically, the extent of the
use of collaborative learning platforms and students’ satisfaction, attitude, and
achievement levels in science courses were all summarized using descriptive statistics.
The effect of collaborative learning platforms on student attitudes and achievement in
science classes was examined using simple linear regression. Thematic analysis by Braun
and Clarke (2006) was also utilized to examine the interview data. This technique created
categories based on the similarities and differences between the interview data’s patterns
and themes. Through this analysis, the researchers were able to discover shared
experiences and opportunities using collaborative learning platforms in science

2.6 Ethical Considerations

The current investigation was carried out with ethical considerations in mind.
Before their involvement in the study, all individuals gave informed consent. Participants 4
eISSN: 2963-458X
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
2023, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-16

received assurances that they had the freedom to leave the study at any moment without
repercussions. Pseudonyms were used throughout the study to protect confidentiality
and anonymity, and data were stored safely. The information gathered was used
exclusively for the study’s objectives; no outside parties were given access. The study
was carried out per the research institution’s ethical standards and with all relevant laws
and regulations.

3.1 Use of and Satisfaction toward Science Collaborative Learning Platforms
The extent of the use of collaborative learning platforms in Science is presented in
Table 2.

Table 2. Extent of the use of collaborative learning platforms in Science

Platform Extent of Use (Mean) Description
Chats 4.69 Always used
Emails 4.48 Always used
Social Media 4.45 Always used
Google Docs 4.23 Always used
Video Conferences 3.96 Often used
Wikis 3.16 Sometimes used
Forums 3.11 Sometimes used
Workshops 2.82 Sometimes used
Phone 2.64 Sometimes used
Podcasts 2.55 Rarely used
Skype 2.10 Rarely used
Overall Extent of Use 3.47 Often used

Based on Table 2, the BSEd Science students always use chats, emails, social media,
and Google Docs because these are the usual avenues for collaboration during remote
learning settings, including online learning. In addition, they often use video
conferences, as evident in synchronous science sessions. They sometimes use wikis,
forums, workshops, and phones due to extra effort and time to explore and navigate
these platforms. Podcasts and Skype are rarely used because they are more specialized,
requiring technical knowledge to access them. Overall, the students often used
collaborative learning platforms (µ=3.47) to conduct online Science activities.
The level of student’s satisfaction with using collaborative learning platforms in
Science is shown in Table 3. 5
eISSN: 2963-458X
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
2023, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-16

Table 3. Level of students’ satisfaction towards the collaborative learning platforms

Indicators Mean Description
The satisfaction that working together can help me 4.19 Satisfied enough
gain a deeper understanding of my study.
I have benefitted from interacting with my teammates. 4.18 Satisfied enough
Overall, I am satisfied with my collaborative learning 4.17 Satisfied enough
experience in this course.
Interacting with the other members can increase my 4.14 Satisfied enough
motivation to learn.
I enjoy the experience of collaborative learning with 4.14 Satisfied enough
my teammates.
Collaborative learning in my group was adequate. 4.14 Satisfied enough
I actively exchanged my ideas with group members. 4.03 Satisfied enough
I feel satisfied with my peers’ and teachers’ interactions 3.97 Satisfied enough
within the group.
I like working in collaborative groups with my 3.96 Satisfied enough
I felt part of a learning community in my group. 3.91 Satisfied enough
Overall Level of Satisfaction 4.08 Satisfied enough

As presented in Table 3, the students were most satisfied with working with their
teammates using collaborative learning platforms. They were also satisfied with their
motivation, experience, effectiveness, and active learning when using these collaborative
platforms. They were satisfied as they felt they belonged in a community when peers
and their teacher interacted. The students were generally satisfied (µ=4.08) with the
collaborative learning platforms.

3.2 Science Attitudes and Achievement

The extent of students’ science attitudes is presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Extent of students’ science attitudes

Indicators Mean Description
Cooperative learning helps me to socialize more. 4.31 Very positive
Cooperative learning enhances good working 4.29 Very positive
relationships among students.
Cooperative learning enhances class participation. 4.22 Very positive
Group activities make the learning experience easier. 4.22 Very positive
Cooperative learning can improve my attitude toward 4.14 Positive
Creativity is facilitated in the group setting. 4.14 Positive
I willingly participate in cooperative learning activities. 4.02 Positive
Our members of the group associate with each other 3.98 Positive
outside of the assigned tasks.
During our group work, everyone participates. 3.88 Positive
When I work together, I achieve more than when I 3.76 Positive
work alone.
Overall Extent of Science Attitudes 4.10 Positive

As shown in Table 4, the students have very positive attitudes toward Science
because the collaborative learning platforms helped them socialize, work relationships, 6
eISSN: 2963-458X
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
2023, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-16

participate in class, and have a more effortless learning experience. They also got positive
attitudes due to the other effects of the platforms, such as improved working attitude
and group setting, participation in the group, and working together as a group. In a
capsule, the students have positive attitudes toward Science (µ=4.10).
The achievement of the students in Science is highlighted in Table 5.
Table 4. Extent of students’ science attitudes
Level (Percentage) Mean Description
Fair, 2.6-3.0 (5%) 1.85 Very Good
Good, 2.0-2.5 (28%)
Very Good, 1.4-1.9 (59%)
Excellent, 1.0-1.4 (8%)

As highlighted in Table 4, most students got a Very Good achievement in Science

(59%) and a Very Good mean achievement (µ=1.85).

3.3. Comparison of Use of Collaborative Learning Platforms, Students’

Satisfaction, Science Attitudes, and Achievement between Public and Private
The four measures in the previous sections were subjected to a t-test for
independent samples set at 95% confidence intervals. The results of this comparison are
showcased in Table 5.

Table 5. Comparison between collaboration, satisfaction, attitudes, and achievement

Variable Public Private Difference t-value p-value
Use of a collaborative 3.88 3.70 0.18 1.030ns .302
learning platform
Students’ satisfaction 4.09 4.07 0.02 0.167ns .868
Science attitudes 4.08 4.11 -0.20 -0.215ns .830
Science achievement 1.79 1.90 -0.11 -1.421ns .158

Table 5 results indicate no significant differences in the use of collaborative learning

platforms (p=.302) between public and private higher education institutions. In addition,
the students’ satisfaction (p=.868), science attitudes (p=.830), and achievement (p=.158)
do not have significant differences between public and private schools. This finding
suggests that both institutions have similar extents of using collaborative learning
platforms and allied variables such as satisfaction, attitudes, and achievement.

3.4 Effect of the Use of Collaborative Learning Platforms the Students’ Science
Attitude and Achievement
Three measures were subjected to two simple regression analyses, using
collaborative learning platforms as independent variables, while science attitudes and
achievement are the two different dependent variables. The results of these analyses are
shown in Table 6. 7
eISSN: 2963-458X
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
2023, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-16

Table 6. Results of simple regression analyses

Variable B t-value, p-value
Science Attitude 0.120 1.883ns, .063
Science Achievement 0.009 0.200ns, .842

Table 6 shows that collaborative learning platforms do not significantly affect the
students’ science attitudes (p=.063) and achievement (p=.842). These results suggest that
the said platforms may only sometimes lead to higher levels of attitude and achievement.

3.5 Students’ Challenges in the Use of Collaborative Learning Platforms

With all 20 students as participants, 34 formulated meanings, and 54 significant
statements were derived. These formulated meanings can be narrowed into three

3.5.1 Unequal Participation

The students said that they experienced a challenge regarding uncooperative group
members and unequal contributions from the said members. Other anecdotes include
having members as burdens of the group. One participant mentioned, “Mostly would be
the burden of handling almost all the task of my members. It is not about the trust, but most of the
times there are members that are irresponsible and undisciplined” (P10). Another participant said,
“The challenges I encounter during collaborative learning activities are unequal participation within the
group and some misbehavior.” (P20).
This unequal participation could be due to avoidance, other responsibilities, and
lack of teamwork, primarily since these collaborative activities were conducted online.

3.5.2 Conflicting Perspectives

Different perspectives can be a challenge among students in collaborative
platforms. The participants opined that they sometimes have overlapping ideas,
overloading choices, different working styles, and a varied pace. Two participants
opened, “Deciding on the ideas. Everyone has many ideas, which makes it hard to choose which idea
would be suitable enough for that specific task” (P2). “According to my own experience, difficulties in
group work include the reliance on the group by some members; the intricacy of the concepts; mismatched
working styles; different individual working speeds; and the discomfort with sharing ideas.” (P11)
As students have diverse ideas and opinions, sometimes conflicting perspectives
occur in online collaborative learning platforms.

3.5.3 Lack of Communication and Self-Confidence

As students learn online, there are times that they have difficulties communicating
with one another. Some members must answer texts or calls, making collaborative work
less effective. Aside from this, they were also afraid and sounded stupid in front of their
groupmates; in short, they lacked self-confidence when they faced their peers. A leader
participant shared, “Since I am mostly assigned as a leader, with the current setup, I find it
challenging to reach out to my members because not every time is everyone online. So they cannot respond
on time whenever I have clarifications or problems.” (P17). Another participant expressed, “Well,
the challenge that I always encounter is expressing or sharing my ideas with the group because I am
afraid to sound stupid in front of other people, but sometimes I still end up saying stupid things anyway.”
(P3). 8
eISSN: 2963-458X
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
2023, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-16

Students attribute the communication concerns to Internet connectivity issues.

They also relate their lack of self-confidence to the fewer interactions they had with their
classmates due to the constraints of physical interaction.

3.6 Students’ Opportunities on the Use of Collaborative Learning Platforms

With all 20 students as participants, 17 formulated meanings, and 51 significant
statements were derived. These formulated meanings can be narrowed into three

3.6.1 Social Skills Development

Although the participants experienced several challenges, they had opportunities to
develop different aspects of themselves. Most of them revealed that they improved their
social skills through online collaboration, while others enhanced their communication
and leadership skills. Two participants mentioned, “You will know how to socialize and
understand the uniqueness of everyone that surrounds you.” (P16). “I was able to develop time
management and leadership skills. Third, it helped me know how to communicate and use appropriate
words.” (P10).
The participants have enhanced their social skills with online collaborative learning
platforms, including communication, leadership, and mentoring.

3.6.2 Higher Order Thinking Skills Development

Some participants might say that they cannot reach their teammates. However, this
situation led them to develop higher-order thinking skills as they could attain lacking
information, work on parts they were not assigned to, and learn from others. Three
participants argued, “It also generates higher order thinking skills and fills in my information gaps
towards the content or subject.” (P18). “Allowing me to learn from the group, get the different sources
of information, and I have learned in different means.” (P9). “The opportunities in collaborative
learning have given me is that it provides experiences that develop both good learning skills and social
skills.” (P20).
Higher-order thinking skills include developing critical thinking skills as they work
on different viewpoints or perspectives whenever they lack information due to the non-
cooperation of their peers.

3.6.3 Values Inculcation

The participants mentioned that they developed knowledge, skills, values, and
attitudes. Their collaborations on online platforms make them more open-minded,
respectful, and courteous. One participant shared, “I still tend to get nervous or awkward
around different people, but I could say that I have improved.” (P3). Another participant said, “I
also had the opportunity to share what I can do and offer, which enables me to trust my skills and
capabilities.” (P17).
Collaboration among students can lead to the development of desirable traits like
open-mindedness, patience, and even confidence.

The students often used collaborative learning platforms (µ=3.47) to conduct
online Science activities. These online platforms include chats, emails, social media, 9
eISSN: 2963-458X
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
2023, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-16

Google Docs, and video conferencing, which are frequently used in science education.
These platforms enable real-time communication, collaboration, and resource sharing
among students who may be geographically dispersed (Coman et al., 2020). These
platforms enable asynchronous communication and cooperation, which is advantageous
for students from different hometowns who learn remotely. Online collaborative
learning systems can also improve student engagement, create students’ sense of
community, and encourage critical thinking and problem-solving abilities (Ajayi & Ajayi,
The students were generally satisfied (µ=4.08) with the collaborative learning
platforms. Science education students were satisfied because these online learning
collaborative platforms offer flexibility, convenience, and chances for active engagement
and collaboration. These platforms make it simple for students to communicate and
share resources, which can improve their learning opportunities and help them succeed
in school (Mahmood, 2021).
Moreover, the students had positive attitudes (µ=4.10) and outstanding
achievement in Science (µ=1.85), indicating that students responded positively to their
Science subject. This finding could be attributed to the collaborative learning
environments that encourage students to participate in their education actively (Qureshi
et al., 2021), which can increase their motivation, engagement, and interest in Science
(Opona et al., 2022). Aside from this, the interactive learning environments let students
work together and connect with their classmates, which can encourage a more profound
comprehension of scientific topics and the sharing of ideas and opinions (Quadir et al.,
2022). Moreover, collaborative learning environments allow students to get peer
assessment, which can help them develop their scientific knowledge and abilities
(Männistö et al., 2020). In addition, collaborative learning platforms make access to
various resources, including multimedia content, information and communications
technology, and online databases, possible (Lebenicnik et al., 2015; Sanchez et al., 2023).
These resources can help students learn and improve their performance. Collaborative
learning platforms can generate learning environments conducive to student
accomplishment and attitudes toward Science.
There was no significant difference in the use of collaborative learning platforms
(p=.302), and the students’ satisfaction (p=.868), science attitudes (p=.830), and
achievement (p=.158) between the public and private universities. One explanation
could be that access to technology and internet connectivity is comparable at public and
private higher education institutions (Selvanathan et al., 2023), making it easier to use
platforms for collaborative learning. Online learning may be subject to equivalent
standards and requirements at public and private higher education institutions (Xu &
Xu, 2019), resulting in comparable student engagement and satisfaction levels.
Additionally, the nature of the subject matter, which may necessitate a high level of
collaboration and interaction among students, may be the driving force behind the usage
of collaborative learning platforms in Science (Onyema et al., 2019). The similar results
of collaborative learning platforms in Science, student satisfaction, attitudes toward
Science, and science achievement across public and private higher education institutions
may indicate how well these platforms improve students’ educational experiences in
various institutional contexts.
However, collaborative learning platforms have had no significant effects on the
students’ science attitudes (p=.063) and achievements (p=.842). The lack of a significant
impact of collaborative learning platforms on students’ attitudes toward and
performance in Science could be attributable to the fact that other factors, such as prior 10
eISSN: 2963-458X
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
2023, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-16

knowledge, motivation, and engagement, can also have an impact on students’ attitudes
and performance (Uz Bilgin & Gul, 2020). Not all students may benefit from
collaborative learning platforms due to individual differences in learning preferences,
talents, and learning methods (Silalahi & Hutauruk, 2020). More research is required to
understand better the conditions under which these platforms are most effective and
how they can be used in conjunction with other teaching strategies to improve students’
attitudes toward and achievement in Science. This instance is proper even though using
collaborative learning platforms in Science can benefit students’ learning.
The participants encountered challenges as they used the collaborative platforms
while they learned online, including unequal participation, conflicting perspectives, and
lack of communication and self-confidence. Some group members may dominate the
conversation during uneven participation or shoulder a more significant portion of the
task. In contrast, others contribute less or less (Struß & Rummel, 2021). Students may
become frustrated and disengaged, and the group’s work may suffer. Sometimes,
conflicting perspectives can cause arguments or make it harder to reach a consensus
when students have various viewpoints or methods for completing a work (Vanderheide
et al., 2021). Science presents significant difficulties because facts or outcomes may have
several legitimate interpretations. Lastly, a lack of communication and self-confidence
can also hinder productive collaboration because students may feel awkward sharing
their thoughts or cannot do so in a group context (Medaille & Usinger, 2019; Picardal
& Sanchez, 2022). To overcome these obstacles, it is vital to carefully plan and facilitate
cooperative activities and offer assistance and resources to aid students in gaining the
abilities and self-assurance needed to work productively in groups.
Aside from the challenges, the students also encountered learning opportunities
using online collaborative platforms, such as social skills development, higher-order
thinking skills development, and values inculcation. One such potential is the
development of social skills, as students discover how to interact with others
successfully, listen intently, and cooperate (Halimah & Sukmayadi, 2019). Additionally,
collaborative learning offers chances to build higher-order thinking abilities, including
creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking (Hu et al., 2022). These abilities are
crucial in Science, where students must examine data, draw conclusions, and devise
experiments. Furthermore, collaborative learning can instill crucial values like
accountability, empathy, and respect for others (Luthfiyah et al., 2022). Students can
understand many points of view, a sense of shared responsibility, and a supportive
learning environment by cooperating with their peers. In general, collaborative learning
environments offer students a rich and dynamic setting to develop the abilities,
understandings, and moral principles necessary to excel in Science and life.
Based on the discussion above, future research may be conducted to determine
the factors that could affect the students’ satisfaction and science attitudes through
appropriate regression analysis and moderating factors influencing the said variables
using the structural equation modeling. Aside from this, comparative studies could be
done to test the effectiveness of different online collaborative platforms in specific
topics in biology, chemistry, earth science, and physics. Lastly, qualitative studies on the
roles of teachers and students and between them and the content and platform could be
explored to derive perspectives of the platforms from addressing possible challenges.

This study sought to ascertain how collaborative learning platforms affected
students’ attitudes toward Science and their successes, problems, and prospects. The 11
eISSN: 2963-458X
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
2023, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-16

results of this study show that Science Education students in public and private higher
education institutions frequently use and are satisfied with online collaborative learning
platforms like chats, emails, social media, and video conferences. The study also found
that students’ attitudes toward and performance in Science were unaffected significantly
by using collaborative learning platforms. This situation indicates that collaborative
learning environments present numerous opportunities for students to acquire critical
abilities and values, including social skills, higher-order thinking abilities, and inculcation.
However, they also pose difficulties like unequal participation, conflicting viewpoints,
lack of communication, and low self-confidence. Overall, this study shows how
important it is for teachers to carefully examine the use of collaborative learning
platforms in science education and give students the assistance and direction they need
to overcome any obstacles they may face in this learning environment.
As pedagogical recommendations, the researchers suggest that Science teachers
adopt collaborative and individual activities to have a well-balanced approach to learning
Science. When using online collaborative platforms, teachers must have open lines for
communication so that students ask for guidance and express themselves, promoting
active participation while using the platforms. Aside from this, teachers must foster
independent learning while they ensure that higher-order thinking skills are applied
during learning activities. Ultimately, teachers must have opportunities for professional
development to enhance their capabilities as online teachers who foster collaboration,
critical thinking, and creativity.

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Glizty Hart A. Pre-service Teacher
GONZALES College of Teacher Education, Cebu Normal University
Kimberly B. Pre-service Teacher
DESPE College of Teacher Education, Cebu Normal University
Larabel J. IWAY Pre-service Teacher
College of Teacher Education, Cebu Normal University
Robie Jane S. Pre-service Teacher
GENON College of Teacher Education, Cebu Normal University
Jerel O. INTANO Pre-service Teacher
College of Teacher Education, Cebu Normal University
Joje Mar P. Assistant Professor
SANCHEZ College of Teacher Education, Cebu Normal University

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