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Ans Sol JEEMain 2023 PH 2-10-04 2023 Morning Chemistry

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JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Morning

SECTION - A Sol. The secondary and tertiary protein are stabilised by
hydrogen bonds, disulphide linkages, Van Der
Multiple Choice Questions: This section contains 20
Waal’s and electrostatic forces of attraction.
multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices
4. Which of the following is diamagnetic with low spin?
(1), (2), (3) and (4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
(1) [Co(NH3)6]3+ (2) [CoF6]3–
Choose the correct answer:
(3) [CoCl6]3- (4) [Fe(H2O)6]3+
1. Select the correct option Answer (1)
2CO ( g) + O2 ( g) ⎯⎯
→ 2CO2 ( g ) H = – x kJ/mol Sol. Co3+ with NH3 will form low spin complex
n = 0 for [Co(NH3)6]3+
C ( graphite ) + O2 ( g) ⎯⎯→ CO2 ( g) H = –y kJ/mol
5. The compound which does not exist
Then H for (1) BeH2 (2) NaO2

1 (3) PbEt4 (4) (NH4)2BeF4

C ( graphite ) + O2 ( g) ⎯⎯
→ CO ( g)
2 Answer (2)

y x–2y Sol. Lithium forms oxide, sodium forms peroxide and the
(1) x– (2) K, Rb, Cs forms superoxide.
2 2
6. Number of molecules & moles in 2.8375 litre of O2
x + 2y x–y
(3) (4) in STP
2 2
(1) 1.505 × 1023 & 0.250
Answer (2)
(2) 7.625 × 1023 and 0.250
Sol. H for C(graphite) + O2 ( g) ⎯⎯
→ CO ( g) will be (3) 7.625 × 1022 and 0.126
(4) 7.527 × 1022 and 0.125
1 x –2y Answer (4)
–y + x or kJ/mol
2 2 2.8375
Sol. No. of moles =
2. Stabiliser used for concentration of sulphide ore is
= 0.125 moles
(1) Fatty acids (2) Pine oil
No. of molecules = 0.125 × 6.023 × 1023
(3) Cresol (4) Xanthates
= 0.7527 × 1023
Answer (3) 7. Enthalpy of adsorption and enthalpy of micelle
Sol. • Cresol and aniline is used as stabiliser. formation is respectively
(1) + + (2) + –
• Pine oils, fatty acids, xanthates are used as
(3) – + (4) – –
Answer (3)
3. That one which does not stabilise secondary and
Sol. Enthalpy of adsorption is (–ve) and Enthalpy of
tertiary protein?
micelle formation is (+ve)
(1) H–H linkage 8. Prolonged heating of Ferrous ammonium sulphate
(2) S–S linkage is avoided to prevent?

(3) Van Der Waal’s Force (1) Oxidation (2) Reduction

(3) Hydrolysis (4) Breaking
(4) Hydrogen bonding
Answer (1)
Answer (1)

JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Morning

Sol. Prolonged heating results in oxidation of Fe+2 to

Fe+3 ions. Sol. (1)
9. Read the following two statements
Statement I: Potassium dichromate is used in
volumetric analysis.
Statement II: K2Cr2O7 is more soluble in water than (2)
(1) Both statements I and II are correct
(2) Both statements I and II are incorrect
(3) Statement I is correct and II is incorrect
(4) Statement I is incorrect and II is correct
Answer (3)
Sol. Sodium dichromate is more soluble than K2Cr2O7.
10. Match the column
Column-I Column-II
(A) Dacron (P) Thermosetting (4)

(B) Urea (Q) Biodegradable

formaldehyde 12. Consider the following reaction
(C) Nylon-2, (R) Polyester
(D) Nylon-6, 6 (S) Used for
making bristles
of brushes The product P is
(1) A → R; B → P; C → S; D → Q
(2) A → P; B → R; C → Q; D → S
(3) A → R; B → P; C → Q; D → S (1)
(4) A → P; B → R; C → S; D → Q
Answer (3)
Sol. • Dacron is polyester.
• Urea formaldehyde resin is thermosetting.
• Nylon-2, Nylon-6 is biodegradable. (2)
• Nylon-6, 6 is used in making bristles for
11. The pair of compounds from the following pairs
having both the compounds with net zero dipole (3)
moment is
(1) CH2Cl2 ; CHCl3
(2) 1,4-dichlorobenzene;1,3,5-trichlorobenzene (4)
(3) Benzene; p-Anisidine
(4) Cis-dichloroethene; trans-dichloroethene Answer (3)
Answer (2) Sol. Oxidation of benzene ring towards left takes place.

JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Morning
Select the correct option
(1) Statement 1 and 2, both are correct
(2) Statement 1 and 2, both are incorrect
Value of Eo4 is close to
(3) Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is
(1) 1.00 V (2) 2.00 V
(3) 2.50 V (4) 0.50 V
(4) Statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2 is
Answer (2) correct
( 2.20  3 ) + ( 0.77  1) Answer (2)
Sol. Eo4 =
4 Sol. EMn3+ /Mn2+ = 1.57 V
1.84  2.0 V
EFe3+ /Fe2+ = 0.77 V
14. Mixture of A, B and C is added to column containing
Therefore statement 1 is incorrect
adsorbent for separation. Using solvent, A is eluted
first and B eluted last, then B has V2+ = d3  𝜇 = √3(3 + 2) 𝐵. 𝑀.

(1) High Rf, less adsorption = √15

(2) Low Rf, strongly adsorbed = 3.92 B.M.
(3) High Rf, strong adsorption Therefore statement 2 is incorrect
(4) Low Rf, weakly adsorbed Hence option (2) is the correct answer.

Answer (2) 17. Match column-I with Column-II.

Sol. Those substances which are strongly adsorbed Industry Waste/pollution

more slowly will be eluted late. (i) Cotton mills (a) Biodegradable waste

15. Solution of 0.1 Molal Weak Acid HA is present. (ii) Paper mills (b) Gypsum
(iii) Fertilizer (c) Non biodegradable
T1 : Freezing point of solution assuming no
dissociation of acid.
(iv) Thermal power (d) Fly ash
T2 : Freezing point of solution assuming degree
of dissociation () = 0.3
(1) i → c; ii → a, b; iii → c, iv → b
Find out |T1 – T2| if KF of water = 1.86 K kg/mole.
(2) i → a; ii → a; iii → b; iv → d
(1) 0.0324 (2) 0.0558
(3) i → a, c; ii → b; iii → b, iv → a
(3) 0.0257 (4) 0.8742
(4) i → c; ii → b, c; iii → b, c; iv → a
Answer (2) Answer (2)
Sol. T1 = (1) (1.86) (01) = 0.186 Sol. Cotton mills → Biodegradable waste
T2 = (1.3) (1.86) (01) = 0.2418 Paper mills → Biodegradable waste
(T1 – T2) = 0.0558 Fertilizer → Gypsum

16. Statement-1: Reduction potential M3+/M2+ is more Thermal power plants → Fly ash
for Fe than Mn 18.

Statement-2: V2+ has magnetic moment between 19.

4.4 – 5.2 B.M. 20.

JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Morning

SECTION - B Answer (30.00)

Numerical Value Type Questions: This section Sol. HA  H+ + A–
contains 10 questions. In Section B, attempt any five 1–  
questions out of 10. The answer to each question is a
NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the
correct numerical value (in decimal notation,  = 0.3
truncated/rounded-off to the second decimal place; i = 1.3
e.g., 06.25, 07.00, –00.33, –00.30, 30.27, –27.30) using (Tf)obs = 1.3 × kf × m
the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric keypad in
(Tf)cal = 1 × kf × m
the place designated to enter the answer.
( Tf )obs − ( Tf )cal 0.3
21. Sum of number of lone pairs in central atom in IF5  100 =  100 = 30%
and IF7 is ( Tf )cal 1
Answer (01.00) 25. Consider a reaction

Overall half-life of C is (in minutes):

22. How many of the following are bent in shape Answer (20)
SO2 , O3 , I3 , N3 ? 1 1 1 1 1 90
= + +
(t ) (t ) (t )
Sol. = =
Answer (02) 30 60 1800
1 1 1
2 C 2 A 2 B

 ( t ) = 20 minutes
1 1
( )
t 20 2 C
2 C

26. How many compounds can be easily prepared by

Gabriel pthalamide synthesis, which on reaction
with Hinsberg reagent produces a compound which
is soluble in KOH

23. The pressure value of a gas is 930.2 mm Hg. The

volume is then reduced to 40% of its initial value at
constant temperature then what is the final
pressure (in mm Hg)?
Answer (2325.5)
Sol. P1V1 = P2V2 Answer (02)
930.2 × 𝑉1 = 𝑃2 × (0.4)𝑉1 Sol. 1º aliphatic amines can be easily prepared by
930.2 Gabriel pthalamide synthesis and produce soluble
P2 = = 2325.5 mm Hg. adducts in KOH
24. The degree of dissociation of a monobasic acid is 27.
0.3. By what percent is the observed depression in 28.
freezing point greater than the calculated 29.
depression in freezing point?

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