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Unit 3 SDD

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A simple One Pass Compiler:

2.0 INTRODUCTION: In computer programming, a one-pass compiler is a compiler that

passes through the parts of each compilation unit only once, immediately translating each part
into its final machine code. This is in contrast to a multi-pass compiler which converts the
program into one or more intermediate representations in steps between source code and
machine code, and which reprocesses the entire compilation unit in each sequential pass.


• Language Definition
o Appearance of programming language :
Vocabulary : Regular expression
Syntax : Backus-Naur Form(BNF) or Context Free Form(CFG)
o Semantics : Informal language or some examples

• Fig 2.1. Structure of our compiler front end


• To specify the syntax of a language : CFG and BNF

o Example : if-else statement in C has the form of statement → if ( expression )
statement else statement
• An alphabet of a language is a set of symbols.
o Examples : {0,1} for a binary number system(language)={0,1,100,101,...}
{a,b,c} for language={a,b,c, ac,abcc..}
{if,(,),else ...} for a if statements={if(a==1)goto10, if--}
• A string over an alphabet
o is a sequence of zero or more symbols from the alphabet.
o Examples : 0,1,10,00,11,111,0202 ... strings for a alphabet {0,1}
o Null string is a string which does not have any symbol of alphabet.
• Language
o Is a subset of all the strings over a given alphabet.
o Alphabets Ai Languages Li for Ai
A0={0,1} L0={0,1,100,101,...}
A1={a,b,c} L1={a,b,c, ac, abcc..}
A2={all of C tokens} L2= {all sentences of C program }
• Example 2.1. Grammar for expressions consisting of digits and plus and minus
o Language of expressions L={9-5+2, 3-1, ...}
o The productions of grammar for this language L are:
list → list + digit
list → list - digit
list → digit
digit → 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
o list, digit : Grammar variables, Grammar symbols
o 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-,+ : Tokens, Terminal symbols
• Convention specifying grammar
o Terminal symbols : bold face string if, num, id
o Nonterminal symbol, grammar symbol : italicized names, list, digit ,A,B

• Grammar G=(N,T,P,S)
o N : a set of nonterminal symbols
o T : a set of terminal symbols, tokens
o P : a set of production rules
o S : a start symbol, S∈N
• Grammar G for a language L={9-5+2, 3-1, ...}
o G=(N,T,P,S)
P: list -> list + digit
list -> list - digit
list -> digit
digit -> 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9

• Some definitions for a language L and its grammar G

• Derivation :
A sequence of replacements S⇒α1⇒α2⇒…⇒αn is a derivation of αn.
Example, A derivation 1+9 from the grammar G
• left most derivation
list ⇒ list + digit ⇒ digit + digit ⇒ 1 + digit ⇒ 1 + 9
• right most derivation
list ⇒ list + digit ⇒ list + 9 ⇒ digit + 9 ⇒ 1 + 9
• Language of grammar L(G)
L(G) is a set of sentences that can be generated from the grammar G.
L(G)={x| S ⇒* x} where x ∈ a sequence of terminal symbols
• Example: Consider a grammar G=(N,T,P,S):
N={S} T={a,b}
S=S P ={S → aSb | ε }
• is aabb a sentecne of L(g)? (derivation of string aabb)
S⇒aSb⇒aaSbb⇒aaεbb⇒aabb(or S⇒* aabb) so, aabbεL(G)
• there is no derivation for aa, so aa∉L(G)
• note L(G)={anbn| n≧0} where anbn meas n a's followed by n b's.

• Parse Tree
A derivation can be conveniently represented by a derivation tree( parse tree).
o The root is labeled by the start symbol.
o Each leaf is labeled by a token or ε.
o Each interior none is labeled by a nonterminal symbol.
o When a production A→x1… xn is derived, nodes labeled by x1… xn are made as
nodes of node labeled by A.
• root : the start symbol
• internal nodes : nonterminal
• leaf nodes : terminal

o Example G:
list -> list + digit | list - digit | digit
digit -> 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
• left most derivation for 9-5+2,
list ⇒ list+digit ⇒ list-digit+digit ⇒ digit-digit+digit ⇒ 9-digit+digit
⇒ 9-5+digit ⇒ 9-5+2
• right most derivation for 9-5+2,
list ⇒ list+digit ⇒ list+2 ⇒ list-digit+2 ⇒ list-5+2
⇒ digit-5+2 ⇒ 9-5+2

parse tree for 9-5+2

Fig 2.2. Parse tree for 9-5+2 according to the grammar in Example

• A grammar is said to be ambiguous if the grammar has more than one parse tree for a
given string of tokens.
• Example 2.5. Suppose a grammar G that can not distinguish between lists and digits as in
Example 2.1.
• G : string → string + string | string - string |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
Fig 2.3. Two Parse tree for 9-5+2
• 1-5+2 has 2 parse trees => Grammar G is ambiguous.

Associativity of operator
A operator is said to be left associative if an operand with operators on both sides of it is
taken by the operator to its left.
eg) 9+5+2≡(9+5)+2, a=b=c≡a=(b=c)
• Left Associative Grammar :
list → list + digit | list - digit
digit →0|1|…|9
• Right Associative Grammar :
right → letter = right | letter
letter → a|b|…|z

Fig 2.4. Parse tree left- and right-associative operators.

Precedence of operators
We say that a operator(*) has higher precedence than other operator(+) if the operator(*) takes
operands before other operator(+) does.
• ex. 9+5*2≡9+(5*2), 9*5+2≡(9*5)+2
• left associative operators : + , - , * , /
• right associative operators : = , **
• Syntax of full expressions
operator associative precedence

+,- left 1 low

*,/ left 2 heigh

• expr → expr + term | expr - term | term

term → term * factor | term / factor | factor
factor → digit | ( expr )
digit → 0 | 1 | … | 9

• Syntax of statements
o stmt → id = expr ;
| if ( expr ) stmt ;
| if ( expr ) stmt else stmt ;
| while ( expr ) stmt ;
expr → expr + term | expr - term | term
term → term * factor | term / factor | factor
factor → digit | ( expr )
digit → 0 | 1 | … | 9
A formalism for specifying translations for programming language constructs.
( attributes of a construct: type, string, location, etc)
• Syntax directed definition(SDD) for the translation of constructs
• Syntax directed translation scheme(SDTS) for specifying translation
Postfix notation for an expression E
• If E is a variable or constant, then the postfix nation for E is E itself ( E.t≡E ).
• if E is an expression of the form E1 op E2 where op is a binary operator
o E1' is the postfix of E1,
o E2' is the postfix of E2
o then E1' E2' op is the postfix for E1 op E2
• if E is (E1), and E1' is a postfix
then E1' is the postfix for E

eg) 9-5+2⇒95-2+

9 - (5 + 2) ⇒ 9 5 2 + -

Syntax-Directed Definition(SDD) for translation

• SDD is a set of semantic rules predefined for each productions respectively for
• A translation is an input-output mapping procedure for translation of an input X,
o construct a parse tree for X.
o synthesize attributes over the parse tree.
 Suppose a node n in parse tree is labeled by X and X.a denotes the value
of attribute a of X at that node.
 compute X's attributes X.a using the semantic rules associated with X.

Example 2.6. SDD for infix to postfix translation

Fig 2.5. Syntax-directed definition for infix to postfix translation.

An example of synthesized attributes for input X=9-5+2

Fig 2.6. Attribute values at nodes in a parse tree.

Syntax-directed Translation Schemes(SDTS)

• A translation scheme is a context-free grammar in which program fragments called
translation actions are embedded within the right sides of the production.
productions(postfix) SDD for postfix to SDTS
infix notation
list → list + term list.t = list.t || term.t || "+" list → list + term

• {print("+");} : translation(semantic) action.

• SDTS generates an output for each sentence x generated by underlying grammar by
executing actions in the order they appear during depth-first traversal of a parse tree for x.
1. Design translation schemes(SDTS) for translation
2. Translate :
a) parse the input string x and
b) emit the action result encountered during the depth-first traversal of parse tree.

Fig 2.7. Example of a depth-first traversal of a tree. Fig 2.8. An extra leaf is constructed for a semantic action.

Example 2.8.
• SDD vs. SDTS for infix to postfix translation.

productions SDD SDTS

expr → list + term expr.t = list.t || term.t || "+" expr → list + term
expr → list + term expr.t = list.t || term.t || "-" printf{"+")}
expr → term expr.t = term.t expr → list + term printf{"-")}
term → 0 term.t = "0" expr → term
term → 1 term.t = "1" term → 0 printf{"0")}
… … term → 1 printf{"1")}
term → 9 term.t = "9" …
term → 9 printf{"0")}

• Action translating for input 9-5+2

Fig 2.9. Actions translating 9-5+2 into 95-2+.

1) Parse.
2) Translate.
Do we have to maintain the whole parse tree ?
No, Semantic actions are performed during parsing, and we don't need the nodes (whose
semantic actions done).

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