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Bomag BW 900-2 Operators and Maintenance Manual

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Operating instructions
Maintenance instructions

BW 900-2
S/N 901 800 00 ....> S/N 861 800 02 ....>

Tandem Vibratory Roller

Catalogue number
008 152 91 10/2002

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BOMAG machines are products from the wide You should only operate the machine if you are ful-
F oreword

range of BOMAG compaction equipment. ly acquainted with the contents of these instruc-
BOMAG's vast experience in connection with
Strictly observe the safety regulations.
state-of-the-art production and testing methods,
such as lifetime tests of all important components Please observe also the guidelines of the Civil En-
and highest quality demands guarantees maxi- gineering Liability Association "Safety Rules for
mum reliability of your machine. the Operation of Road Rollers and Soil Compac-
tors" and all relevant accident prevention regula-
The instructions comprise: tions.
l Safety regulations For your own personal safety you should only
l Operating instructions use original spare parts from BOMAG.
l Maintenance instructions In the course of technical development we re-
l Troubleshooting serve the right for technical modifications
without prior notification.
Using this manual will These operating and maintenance instructions are
l help you to become acquainted with the ma- also available in other languages.
chine. Furthermore, the spare parts catalogue is availa-
l avoid malfunctions caused by operating er- ble from your BOMAG dealer against the serial
rors. number of your machine.
Your BOMAG dealer will also supply you with in-
Compliance with the maintenance instructions will formation about the correct use of our machines in
l increase the reliability of the machine on the soil and asphalt construction.
construction site, The above notes do not constitute an extension of
l prolong the lifetime of the machine. the warranty and liability conditions specified in the
general terms of business of BOMAG.
l reduce repair costs and downtime.
We wish you successful work with your BOMAG
BOMAG will not assume liability for the function of machine.
the machine BOMAG GmbH & Co. OHG
l if it is handled in a way not complying with the Printed in Germany
usual modes of use, Copyright by BOMAG
l if it is used for purposes other than the ones it
is intended for (see safety regulations).

No warranty claims can be lodged in case of dam-

age resulting from
l operating errors,
l insufficient maintenance and
l wrong fuels and lubricants.

Please note!
This manual was written for operators and mainte-
nance personnel on construction sites.
Always keep this manual close at hand, e.g. in the
tool compartment of the machine or in a specially
provided container. These operating and mainte-
nance instructions are part of the machine.

BW 900-2 BOMAG 3

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Please fill in
Machine type (Fig. 1)
Serial No. (Fig. 1 and 2)
Engine type (Fig. 3)
Engine No. (Fig. 3)

i Note Fig. 1
Fill in the above listed data when receiving the ma-
Upon receipt of the machine our organization will
instruct you about correct operation and mainte-
Please observe strictly all safety regulations and
notes on potential dangers!

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

4 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Table of Contents

Technical Data 7
Safety regulations 11
Indicators and Controls 19
3.1 General notes 22
3.2 Description of indicators and control elements 22
Operation 29
4.1 General notes 30
4.2 Tests before starting to operate 30
4.3 Starting the engine 31
4.4 Starting with jump leads 33
4.5 Driving the machine 33
4.6 Stopping the machine, operating the parking brake 34
4.7 Switching the vibration on or off 35
4.8 Switching the gravity sprinkler system on or off 36
4.9 Stopping the engine/machine 36
4.10 Adjusting the driver's seat 37
4.11 Towing 38
4.12 Loading and transport 39
Maintenance 41
5.1 General notes on maintenance 42
5.2 Fuels and lubricants 43
5.3 Fuels, lubricants and filling capacities 44
5.4 Running-in instructions 45
5.5 Maintenance table 46
5.6 Checking the engine oil level 47
5.7 Checking the fuel level 47
5.8 Checking the hydraulic oil level 48
5.9 Checking the hydraulic oil filter element 48
5.10 Check the water level 49
5.11 Cleaning the scrapers 49
5.12 Cleaning the cooling air intake opening 50
5.13 Greasing the articulated joint 51
5.14 Checking, cleaning the dry air filter 51
5.15 Cleaning, checking the spark plug 53
5.16 Changing the engine oil 53
5.17 Changing the engine oil filter 55
5.18 Changing the fuel pre-filter 56
5.19 Cleaning the sprinkler system 56
5.20 Checking the condition of the battery, greasing the poles 58
5.21 Checking, adjusting the valve clearance 59
5.22 Cleaning, changing the dry air filter 61

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Table of Contents

5.23 Changing the hydraulic oil 63

5.24 Changing the hydraulic oil filter element 64
5.25 Water sprinkler system, maintenance in the event of frost 65
5.26 Tightening torques for screws with metric unified thread 65
5.27 Engine conservation 66
Trouble shooting 67
6.1 General notes 68
6.2 Engine faults 69

6 BOMAG BW 900-2

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1 Technical Data

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Technical Data

Fig. 4

Dimensions in A B C D H H2 K K2 L O1/O2 W
BW 900-2 1143 956 458 560 1620 2340 200 372 2080 28 900

* BW 900-2

Operating weight CECE kg 1326
Mean static linear load kg/cm 7,4

Working width mm 900

Travel characteristics
Travel speed (1) km/h 0 to 4
Travel speed (2) km/h 0 to 7,5
Max. gradability without/ % 40/30
with vibration (soil de-

8 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Technical Data

* BW 900-2

Engine manufacturer/type Honda GX 620
Cooling Air
Number of cylinders 2
Rated power ISO 9249 kW (PS) 14,9 (20,3)
Rated speed 1 rpm 3000
Battery V/AH 12/..
Drive system hydrostatic
Driven axles front + rear

Service brake hydrostatic
Parking brake hydro.-mechanical

Type of steering Oscill.-articul.
Steering operation hydrostatic
Steering/oscillation angle Degree 30/6

Vibration system
Vibrating drum front
Drive system hydrostatic
Frequency Hz 65
Amplitude mm 0,5
Centrifugal force kN 13,5

Water sprinkler system

Type of sprinkling Gravity feed

Filling capacities
Fuel, unleaded standard l 34
grade gasoline
Water l 189
Hydraulic oil l 15
* The right for technical modifications remains reserved

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Technical Data

10 BOMAG BW 900-2

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2 Safety regulations

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Safety regulations

General Unintended use

This BOMAG machine is built in accordance Dangers may, however, arise from the machine if
with the latest technical standard and the valid it is used by untrained personnel in an unprofes-
technical rules and regulations. There is, how- sional way or if it is used for purposes other than
ever, a risk of danger for persons and property those mentioned in these instructions.
if: Do not work with vibration on hard concrete, on a
cured concrete layer or heavily frozen ground.
l the machine is used for purposes other than
those it is intended for Starting and operation of the machine in an explo-
sive environment is prohibited.
l the machine is operated by untrained person-
Who is allowed to work with the ma-
l the machine is modified or converted in an un-
professional way
The machine must only be operated by trained
l the applicable safety regulations are not ob-
and authorized persons which are at least 18
years of age. The responsibilities for the operation
Each person involved in operation, mainte- of the machine must be clearly specified and com-
nance and repair of the machine must there- plied with.
fore read and apply these safety regulations. Persons under the influence of alcohol, medica-
This should be confirmed by obtaining the sig- tion or drugs must not operate, service or repair
natures of the customer, if necessary. the machine.
Furthermore the following regulations and instruc- Maintenance and repair tasks require specific
tions are obviously also valid: knowledge and must therefore only be carried out
l applicable accident prevention instructions by trained and qualified personnel.

l generally acknowledged safety and road traffic

regulations Conversions and alterations to the ma-
l country specific safety regulations. It is the
duty of the operator to know and observe Unauthorized conversions to the machine are pro-
these regulations. This applies also for local hibited for safety reasons.
regulations and the regulations for various Original parts and accessories have been special-
types of manual work. If the recommendations ly designed for this machine. We wish to make ex-
in this manual differ from the regulations valid pressly clear that we have not tested or authorized
in your country, you must strictly observe the any original parts or special equipment not sup-
regulations in your country. plied by us. The installation and/or use of such
products can impair the active and/or passive driv-
Intended use ing safety. The manufacturer expressly excludes
any liability for damage resulting from the use of
This machine must only be used for:
non-original parts or accessories.
l compaction of bituminous material, e.g. road
surface layers Safety notes in the operating and main-
l light compaction work in earth construction tenance instructions:
(road sub-bases)
l You should only operate the unit with fully Danger

functional safety equipment.

Sections marked like this point out possible
l Have the machine inspected by an expert dangers for persons.
once every year.

12 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Safety regulations

Towing the machine
Sections marked like this point out possible You should generally use a tow bar.
dangers for the machine or for parts of the ma- Max. towing speed 1 km/h (1.6 mph), max. towing
chine. distance 500 m (1640 ft.).
Before releasing the multi-disc brakes secure the
i Note machine properly against unintended rolling.
Sections marked like this provide technical infor-
mation concerning the optimal economical use of Checking the roll-over protection
the machine. structure (ROPS)
The machine frame must not be distorted, bent or
Environment cracked in the area of the ROPS structure.
Sections marked like this highlight activities The ROPS structure must not show any rust, dam-
for the safe and environmental disposal of fu- age, hairline cracks or open fractures.
els and lubricants as well as replaced parts.
The ROPS must not rattle about when driving the
Observe all environment protection regula- machine. This would mean that the fastening
tions. screws are insufficiently fastened. All screwed
connections must be tight and in accordance with
Information and safety stickers/decals the specifications (observe the tightening tor-
on the machine ques). Screws and nuts must not be damaged,
distorted or deformed.
Keep stickers/decals complete (see spare parts
No additional parts must be welded or bolted on
catalogue) and fully legible and observe their
and no holes must be drilled without the permis-
sion of the dealer, since this may impair the
Replace damaged or illegible stickers/decals im- strength of the structure.
Starting the machine
Loading the machine
Before starting
Always check the fastening of the central lifting
hook before attempting to lift the machine. Operation of the machine is only permitted when
sitting in the operator's seat.
Use only strong and stable loading ramps. The
ramp inclination must not exceed the gradability of Use only machines which have been properly
the machine. serviced at regular intervals.
Secure the machine against turning over or slip- Become acquainted with the equipment, the con-
ping off. trol elements, the working mode of the machine
and the area you will be working in.
Secure the machine on the transport vehicle
against rolling, sliding and tipping over. Use your personal protective outfit (hard hat, safe-
ty boots etc.).
Persons are highly endangered if
Check before mounting the machine if:
l they step or stand under loads being lifted
l there are persons or obstructions beside or
l they remain in the drive range of the machine
under the machine
during a demonstration or during loading.
l the machine is free of any oily and combustible
The machine must not swing about when lifted off
the ground.
l all handrails, steps and platforms are free of
Use only safe lifting gear of sufficient load bearing
grease, oils, fuels, dirt, snow and ice
Attach the lifting gear only to the specified lifting l the engine compartment hood is closed and
points. locked

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Safety regulations

To climb onto the machine use steps and hand- If necessary give warning signals. Stop work im-
rails. mediately if persons remain in the danger area de-
Check before starting, whether: spite the warning.
Do not step or stand in the articulation area of the
l the machine shows any obvious defects
machine when the engine is running. Risk of
l all protective devices are properly secured in squashing!
their place
l steering, brakes, control elements, lighting
and warning horn are in order In events of an emergency operate the emergency
stop switch immediately. Do not use the emergen-
l the seat is correctly adjusted cy stop switch as a service brake.
l the mirrors (if available) are clean and correct- Restart the machine only after the danger, that has
ly adjusted. caused the actuation of the emergency stop, has
Do not start the machine if any gauges, control been eliminated.
lights or controls are defective. If the machine has come in contact with high-volt-
Do not take any loose objects with you or fasten age power lines:
them to the machine. l do not leave the operator's stand
On machines with ROPS you should always wear l warn others from coming too close to the ma-
your seat belt! chine or touching it
Starting l if possible drive the machine out of the danger
Start and operate the machine only from the oper- zone
ator's seat l have the power shut off
For starting set all control levers to "neutral posi- Operate the machine only from the operator's
tion". seat.
Do not use any starting aids such as Start Pilot or Do not adjust the seat while driving.
Do not climb onto or off the machine while driving.
After starting check all gauges.
Change the travel direction only while the machine
Starting with jump leads is standing.
Connect plus with plus and minus with minus Do not use the machine to transport persons.
(ground cable) - always connect the ground cable Stop the machine if you notice unusual noises or
last and disconnect it first! Wrong connections the development of smoke. Investigate the cause
may cause severe damage in the electric system. and have the fault corrected.
Never start the engine by bridging the electrical Keep a sufficient distance to excavations and em-
connections on the starter, because the machine bankments and make sure that your work does not
would probably start to move immediately. impair the stability of the machine.
Starting in closed rooms Do not work with vibration on hard concrete, on a
cured bitumen surface or heavily frozen ground.
Exhaust gases are toxic! Always ensure an ade-
quate supply of fresh air when starting in closed When passing under flyovers, bridges, tunnels,
rooms! electric power lines etc. keep a sufficient distance.

Driving on slopes and gradients

Driving the machine
Do not drive up and down gradients, which exceed
Persons in the endangered area the max. gradability of the machine.
Before starting or resuming work and especially Always drive extremely carefully on slopes and al-
when reversing, check that there are not any per- ways straight up and down the slope. Change to
sons or obstructions in the endangered area. the lower speed range before approaching the

14 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Safety regulations

Wet and loose soils reduce the ground adhesion of Leaking fuel tanks can cause explosion. Ensure
the machine on gradients and slopes. Higher risk tight fit of the fuel tank lid, if necessary replace im-
of accident! mediately.

Behaviour in traffic Fire protection measures

Match the speed of the machine to the working Become acquainted with the location and the han-
conditions. dling of fire extinguishers. Observe all possibilities
Always allow loaded transport vehicles to pass. for fire alarm and fire fighting.

Switch the lights on when the visibility is poor.

Maintenance work
Keep clear of edges and embankments.
Comply with the maintenance work described in
Check the effect of vibration the operating and maintenance instructions, in-
When compacting with vibration check the effect cluding the information concerning the replace-
of the vibration on nearby buildings and under- ment of parts.
ground supply lines (gas, water, sewage, electric Maintenance work must only be performed by
power supply), stop vibratory compaction if neces- qualified and authorized persons.
sary. For overhead maintenance and assembly work
Do not activate the vibration on hard (frozen, con- use the access steps and working platforms pro-
crete) ground. Risk of bearing damage! vided or other secure means. Do not use machine
parts as access steps.
Parking the machine Keep unauthorized persons away from the ma-
Park the machine on level and firm ground. chine.

Before leaving the machine: Do not perform maintenance work while the ma-
chine is driving or the engine is running.
l return the travel lever to neutral position
Park the machine on horizontal, level and firm
l apply the parking brake ground.
l shut the engine down and pull the ignition key Pull the key out of the ignition switch.
Lock the articulated joint with the articulation lock.
l secure the machine against unauthorized use.
Working on hydraulic lines
Do not jump off the machine, use access steps
Always relieve the hydraulic pressures before
and hand rails.
working on hydraulic lines. Hydraulic oil escaping
Always secure parked machines, which could be under pressure can penetrate the skin and cause
in the way, with appropriate measures. severe injury. When being injured by hydraulic oil
consult a medical doctor immediately, as other-
Parking on slopes and gradients
wise this may cause severe infections.
Secure the machine against rolling, place metal
chocks in front of and behind the drums. Do not step in front of or behind the drums/wheels
when performing adjustment work in the hydraulic
Filling the fuel tank
Do not change the setting of high pressure relief
Do not inhale any fuel fumes. valves.
Refuel only with the engine stopped. Drain hydraulic oil at operating temperature - dan-
Do not refuel in closed rooms. ger of scalding!
No open fire, do not smoke. Catch hydraulic oil and dispose of environmental-
Do not spill any fuel. Catch running out fuel, do not ly.
let it seep into the ground. Always catch and dispose of biodegradable hy-
draulic oils separately.
Wipe off spilled fuel. Keep dirt and water away
from fuel.

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Safety regulations

Do not start the engine after draining the hydraulic Working on electrical equipment
oil. Before starting to work on electric parts of the ma-
After finishing work (with the system still depressu- chine disconnect the battery and cover it with insu-
rized!) check all connections and fittings for leaks. lating material.

Changing hydraulic hoses Do not use fuses with higher ampere ratings and
do not repair fuses with a piece of wire. Fire haz-
Hydraulic hoses must be inspected visually at reg- ard!
ular intervals.
Always disconnect the battery before starting
Hydraulic hoses must be immediately replaced if: welding work on the machine.
l the outer layer is damaged down to the inlay
Working on the battery
(e.g. chafing, cuts, cracks)
When working on the battery do not smoke, do not
l the outer layer is brittle (formation of cracks in
use open fire!
the hose material)
Do not let acid come in contact with hands or
l the hose shows deformations in pressurized clothes! When injured by acid flush off with clear
and depressurized condition, which do not water and seek medical advice.
comply with the genuine shape of the hydrau-
lic hose Metal objects (e.g. tools, rings, watch straps) must
not come in contact with the battery poles - danger
l the hose shows deformations in bends, e.g. of short circuit and burning!
squeezing, buckling, layer separation, forma-
tion of blisters When recharging maintenance-free batteries re-
move all plugs, to avoid the accumulation of explo-
l leakages. sive gases.
l installation faults. Observe the applicable instructions when starting
l separation of the hydraulic hose from the fit- with an auxiliary battery.
ting Dispose of old batteries environmentally.
l corrosion of the fitting impairing both function Switch off the charging current before removing
and strength. the charging clamps.
l Do not mix up hoses by mistake. Ensure sufficient ventilation, especially if the bat-
tery is to be charged in a closed room.
l damage or deformation of fittings impairing the
function and strength of the hose/hose con- Working on the fuel system
nection. Only genuine replacement hydraulic
Do not inhale any fuel fumes.
hoses from BOMAG ensure that the correct
hose type (pressure range) is used at the right No open fire, do not smoke, do not spill any fuel.
location. Catch fuel running out, do not let it seep into the
ground and dispose of environmentally.
Working on the engine
Shut the engine down before opening the engine Cleaning work
hood. Do not clean the machine while the engine is run-
Drain the engine oil at operating temperature - ning.
danger of scalding! Do not use gasoline or other inflammable sub-
Wipe off spilled oil, catch oil and dispose of envi- stances for cleaning.
ronmentally. When cleaning with steam cleaning equipment do
Store used filters and other oil contaminated ma- not subject electrical parts and insulation material
terials in a separate, specially marked container to the direct jet of water, or cover it beforehand.
and dispose of environmentally. l Do not guide the water jet into the exhaust and
Do not leave any tools or other objects, that could into the air filter.
cause damage, in the engine compartment.

16 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Safety regulations

After maintenance work

After completion of maintenance work reinstall all
guards and safety features.

Attach a warning tag to the steering wheel if the
machine is defective.
Repairs must only be performed by qualified per-
sons who have been instructed for this purpose.
Use our repair instructions.
Exhaust gases are highly dangerous! Always en-
sure an adequate supply of fresh air when starting
in closed rooms!

Depending on the type of application and the op-
erating conditions vibratory equipment has to be
examined by a specialist whenever required, but
at least once every year.

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Safety regulations

18 BOMAG BW 900-2

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3 Indicators and Controls

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Indicators and Controls

Fig. 5

20 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Indicators and Controls

1 Operating hour meter 9 Push button for warning horn

2 Emergency stop push button 10 Ignition switch
3 Engine oil pressure warning light 11 Push button for vibration
4 Parking brake warning light 12 Travel lever
5 Charge control light 13 Throttle lever
6 Warning light for seat contact switch* 14 Ball valve for water sprinkling system
7 Rotary switch for flashing beacon 15 Fuel level gauge
8 Rotary switch for working lights 16 Choke lever
17 Fuses
* Optional equipment

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Indicators and Controls

3.1 General notes 3.2 Description of indicators

and control elements
Please read this section thoroughly before operat-
ing this machine if you are not yet conversant with
the indicators and control elements. All functions
are described in detail hereunder.
Paragraph 4 Operation contains only concise de-
scriptions of the individual operating steps.

Fig. 6
No. 1 = Operating hour meter
counts the operating hours while the engine is run-
All service work must be carried out according to
the reading of the operating hour meter.

Fig. 7
No. 2 = Emergency stop switch Shuts the en-
gine down and closes the brake.

Danger of accident!
Actuate only in events of emergency during
operation, do not use as service brake.
Restart the machine only after the danger that
caused the actuation of the emergency stop
switch has been eliminated.

22 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Indicators and Controls

actuate = press the button completely lights = with the ignition switch in posi-
down, it will automatically lock tion "I" (test), with travel lever
in fully pressed position. in neutral position, parking
unlock = turn the button clockwise and brake closed.
release it. goes out = when the travel lever is moved
to drive = return the travel lever first to out of neutral position and the
braking position, then start the driver's seat is occupied*.
engine and actuate the travel Parking brake released.
lever again.
For safety reasons the machine can only start to
drive after returning the travel lever to braking po-

Fig. 10
No. 5 = Charge control light
lights up = when switching the ignition on
(test), in case of charging
Fig. 8 faults during operation.
No. 3 = Engine oil pressure warning light goes out = after starting the engine.
lights up = when switching the ignition on,
in case of an engine oil pres-
! Caution
sure drop, shut the engine
down immediately. If the control light lights up while the engine is
running, the battery is not being charged. Per-
goes out = after starting the engine. form trouble shooting and have the fault cor-

Fig. 9
No. 4 = Parking brake warning light Fig. 11
No. 6 = Warning light for seat contact switch*

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Indicators and Controls

lights = with the ignition switch in posi-

tion "I" (test), if the driver's seat
is not occupied and the park-
ing brake is closed, when actu-
ating the travel lever while the
driver's seat is not occupied.
goes out = when the driver's seat is occu-
pied and the travel lever is in
brake position.

Fig. 14
No. 9 = Rotary switch, working lights

Working light front, rear

Position "left" = Light off
Position "right" = Working lights on, with ignition
switch in position "I".

Fig. 12
No. 7 = Rotary switch for flashing beacon
Position "left" = Flashing beacon off
Position "right" = Flashing beacon on

Fig. 15
No. 10 = Ignition switch
Position "P"/"0" = ignition off, the key can be
pulled out, engine not running.
Position "I" = ignition on, the lights can be
switched on.
Fig. 13
No. 8 = Push button for warning horn i Note
The engine can only be started when the travel le-
ver is in braking position and the emergency stop
switch is unlocked.
The ignition switch is designed with a lock to pre-
vent repetitive starting. For a new starting attempt
the ignition key must first be turned back to posi-
tion "0".
* Optional equipment

24 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Indicators and Controls

Position "II" = turn further against spring Position "0" = service brake, the machine is
pressure, the engine starts, automatically braked by the
turn the ignition key back to hydrostatic drive.
position "I" once the engine Position direction
has started "I" = selection of travel speed for-
ward according to the travel le-
! Caution ver position.
Run the engine warm for a short while before Position direction
starting work. Do not allow the engine to run "II" = selection of travel speed re-
longer than 10 minutes with idle speed. verse according to the travel
lever position.
Do not shut the engine down all of the sudden
from full speed, but let it idle for a while for
temperature equalization.

Fig. 18
No. 13 = Throttle lever
Fig. 16 Position "MAX" = full speed position, operating
No. 11 = Push button for vibration position for driving and vibra-
depress = to switch the vibration on or off.
Position "MIN" = idle speed position

! Caution
Always drive and vibrate with max. engine
speed! Control the travel speed only with the
travel lever.

Fig. 17
No. 12 = Travel lever
press through po-
sition "0" to the
right = parking brale applied, starting
of engine possible.

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Indicators and Controls

Position "I" = choke open

Position "II" = choke closed

i Note
Always close the choke if the engine is cold or has
cooled down.
Always open the choke when the engine is warm.

Fig. 19
No. 14 = Cock valve for sprinkler system
Position "I" = permanent sprinkling
Position "II" = sprinkling off

Fig. 22
No. 17 = Fuses

! Danger
Fire hazard!
Do not use fuses with higher ampere ratings
and do not bridge fuses.
(A) 25A = (F103) Fuse potential 15
Fig. 20
(B) 25A = (F111) Regulator
No. 15 = Fuel level gauge
shows the fuel level in the fuel tank.

Fig. 23

Main fuse for battery

Fig. 21
30A = Main fuse for battery
No. 16 = Choke lever

26 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Indicators and Controls

Fig. 24
No. 18 = Water level gauge

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Indicators and Controls

28 BOMAG BW 900-2

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4 Operation

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4.1 General notes 4.2 Tests before starting to op-

Please read section 3 Indicators and Control Ele-
ments thoroughly before operating the machine if
The following inspections must be carried out be-
you are not yet fully familiar with the indicators and
fore each working day or before a longer working
control elements of the machine.
All indicators and control elements are described
in detail in this chapter.
! Danger
Danger of accident!
Please observe strictly the safety regulations
in chapter 2 of this instruction manual!
l Park the machine on ground as level as possi-

l fuel tank and fuel lines for leaks
l bolted connections for tight fit
l function of steering
l machine for cleanliness, damage
l availability of the appropriate operating and
maintenance instructions,
l check whether the machine has been properly
l engine oil drain hose plug tight

i Note
For a description of the following tasks refer to the
chapter "maintenance every 10 operating hours".
l Engine oil level
l Hydraulic oil level, if necessary fill up
l Hydraulic oil filter contamination indicator

! Danger
Fire hazard!
Do not refuel in closed rooms.
l Fuel level, if necessary fill up.
l Water level in sprinkler system, if necessary fill
l Scrapers, if necessary adjust.

30 BOMAG BW 900-2

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4.3 Starting the engine

! Danger
Danger of accident!
Always wear your seat belt.
Start the engine only from the operator's seat.

Fig. 27

l Check, whether the travel lever (Fig. 27) is

locked to the right in braking position.

Fig. 25

l Put your seat belt on (Fig. 25).

Fig. 28

l Shift the throttle lever (Fig. 28) to position


Fig. 26

l Close the choke (Fig. 26).

i Note
Always close the choke if the engine is cold or has
cooled down.
Always open the choke when the engine is warm.
Fig. 29

l Check, whether the emergency stop switch

(Fig. 29) is unlocked.

BW 900-2 BOMAG 31

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Fig. 30 Fig. 32

l Turn the ignition key (Fig. 30) to position "I". l If the vibration starts to run after starting the
engine, press the vibration push button (Fig.
32) immediately to switch the vibration off.
Do not attempt to start for longer than 20 sec-
onds without interruption, but interrupt the
starting process for a minute.
If the engine has not started after two attempts
perform troubleshooting.

Fig. 33

l Open the choke (Fig. 33) slowly.

Run the engine warm for a short while, but do
Fig. 31 not run with idle speed for more than 10 min-
l Turn the ignition key (Fig. 31) to position "II",
the starter will crank the engine.
l As soon as the engine ignites return the igni-
tion key to position "I".

32 BOMAG BW 900-2

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4.4 Starting with jump leads 4.5 Driving the machine

!Caution ! Danger
Wrong connection will cause severe damage Danger of accident!
to the electrical system.
Wet and loose soils considerably reduce the
ground adhesion of the machine on inclina-
tions and slopes.
Soil conditions and weather influences impair
the gradability of the machine.
Do not drive up and down inclinations exceed-
ing the maximum gradability of the machine
(see technical data).
Never drive without fastening your seat belt.
Always give way to loaded transport vehicles!
Before starting to drive make sure that the
drive range is free of dangers.
Drive and operate the machine only from the
Fig. 34
driver's seat.
l When starting with an external battery connect
both plus poles (Fig. 34) first and both minus
poles (earth cable) after.
l Perform all steps as described in the previous
l After starting disconnect the minus poles
(earth cable) first and the plus poles after.

Fig. 35

l Shift the throttle lever (Fig. 35) to position


i Note
During operation the throttle lever must always be
maintained in full engine speed position.
Control the travel speed only with the travel lever.

BW 900-2 BOMAG 33

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4.6 Stopping the machine, op-

erating the parking brake

Fig. 36

! Caution
When reversing the travel direction hold the
travel lever for a moment in "0"-position, until Fig. 37
the machine has come to a halt, then shift to
l Move the travel lever (Fig. 37) to position '0'.
the new direction.
The machine is automatically braked by the
l Unlock the travel lever (Fig. 36) by shifting it to hydrostatic drive.
the left out of braking position and move it
slowly to the desired travel direction.
Position "I" = max. speed in forward
Position "II" = max. speed in reverse

Fig. 38

l Push the travel lever (Fig. 38) to the right into

parking brake position.

34 BOMAG BW 900-2

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4.7 Switching the vibration on

or off

! Danger
Danger of damage!
When compacting with vibration you must al-
ways check the effect of vibration on nearby
buildings and underground supply lines (gas,
water, sewage, electric power) and stop com-
paction work with vibration, if necessary.
Fig. 40

! l Move the travel lever (Fig. 40) slowly to the de-
Risk of bearing damage! sired travel direction.

Do not switch the vibration on on hard (frozen,

concrete) ground.

i Note
Switch the vibration on when the engine is running
with full speed.
Vibration at standstill leaves transverse marks in
the asphalt, therefore:
l only switch the vibration on after shifting the
travel lever to the desired travel direction.
l switch the vibration off before stopping the ma-
chine. Fig. 41

l Actuate the vibration push button (Fig. 41).

Switching the vibration on
Switching the vibration off

Fig. 39

l Always shift the throttle lever (Fig. 39) to posi- Fig. 42

tion "MAX".
l Actuate the vibration push button (Fig. 42)

BW 900-2 BOMAG 35

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4.8 Switching the gravity sprin- 4.9 Stopping the engine/ma-

kler system on or off chine

Fig. 43 Fig. 45

l Switch the cock valve to position "I" (Fig. 43). l Move the travel lever (Fig. 45) to position '0'.
The gravity sprinkler system is switched on. The machine is automatically braked by the
hydrostatic drive.

Fig. 44
Fig. 46
l Switch the cock valve to position "II" (Fig. 44).
The gravity sprinkler system is switched off. l Push the travel lever (Fig. 46) to the right into
parking brake position.

36 BOMAG BW 900-2

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4.10 Adjusting the driver's seat

! Danger
Danger of accident!
Never adjust the seat while driving.

Fig. 47

l Shift the throttle lever (Fig. 47) back to position


i Note
Do not shut the engine down all of the sudden from
full speed, but let it idle for a while for temperature
Fig. 49

l To adjust the seat in longitudinal direction

push the lever 1 (Fig. 49) outwards.
l Adjust the inclination of the backrest by turning
the rotary knob (2).

Fig. 48

l Turn the ignition key (Fig. 48) to position "0" to

shut the engine down.

! Danger
Fig. 50
Danger of accident!
l Operate lever 3 (Fig. 50) to adjust the seat to
Secure the machine against unauthorized use, the weight of the operator.
pull the ignition key off.
l Mark machines, which could be in the way,
with a clearly visible sign.

BW 900-2 BOMAG 37

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Towing the machine

4.11 Towing

! Danger
Danger of accident!
Secure the machine against unintended roll-

Releasing the brake

Fig. 53

! Caution
You should generally use a tow bar, max. tow-
ing speed 1 km/h (1.6 mph), max. towing dis-
tance 500 m (1640 ft.).
l Tow the machine by the front or rear towing
hitches (Fig. 53).

Fig. 51
After towing
l Unscrew the two plugs (Fig. 51).


The machine must only be started with the me-

chanical brake releasing device deactivated.
l Loosen both screws completely (Fig. 52) to
apply the brake.
l Turn both plugs back in (Fig. 51).

Fig. 52

l Push both screws (Fig. 52) in against the

l Tighten both screws alternately and step by
step to 35 Nm (25.7 ftlb).

38 BOMAG BW 900-2

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4.12 Loading and transport

! Danger
Mortal danger!
Use only strong and stable loading ramps of
sufficient load bearing capacity. Make sure
that persons are not endangered by the ma-
chine tipping or sliding off.
Tie the machine down, so that it is secured
against rolling, sliding and turning over.
Do not stand or step under loads being lifted. Fig. 55

Always use shackles on the lifting points for l Tie the machine to the transport vehicle, at-
loading, tying or lifting the machine. tach the tying gear (Fig. 55) to the front and
rear frame.
Check the fastening of the central lifting hook
before each lifting process.

Fig. 56

Fig. 54 l Always lift the machine by the central lifting fa-

cility (Fig. 56).
l After driving the machine on the transport ve-
hicle swing the articulation lock 1 (Fig. 54) out
of its receptacle to the front. Insert the pin (2)
and secure it with the cotter pin (3).

BW 900-2 BOMAG 39

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Loading weight: See technical data

After transport

Fig. 57

l After transport release the articulation lock

again and store it in the receptacle.

40 BOMAG BW 900-2

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5 Maintenance

BW 900-2 BOMAG 41

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l Do not draw off fuel from near the bottom of

5.1 General notes on mainte- the drum.
nance l Fuel left in the drum is not suitable for the en-
gine and should only be used for cleaning pur-
When performing maintenance work always com- poses.
ply with the appropriate safety regulations.
Thorough maintenance of the machine guaran- Notes on the engine performance
tees far longer safe function of the machine and Combustion air and fuel calibration rates of the en-
prolongs the lifetime of important components. gine have been carefully adjusted and determine
The effort needed for this work is only little com- the engine's performance and temperature level
pared with the problems that may arise when not as well as the quality of the exhaust gas.
observing this rule.
If your machine has to work permanently in "thin
The terms right/left correspond with travel direc- air" (at high altitudes) and with full power, you
tion forward. should consult the after sales service of BOMAG
l Always clean machine and engine thoroughly or the service department of the engine manufac-
before starting maintenance work. turer.
l For maintenance work stand the machine on
level ground. Notes on the hydraulic system
l Perform maintenance work generally with the Cleanliness is of utmost importance when servic-
engine stopped. ing hydraulic systems. Make sure that no dirt or
other contaminating substances enter into the sys-
l Relieve hydraulic pressures before working on tem. Small particles can flute valves, cause pumps
hydraulic lines. to seize and block restrictors and pilot bores,
l Before working on electric parts of the ma- thereby causing costly repairs.
chine disconnect the battery and cover it with l If, during the daily inspection of the oil level the
insulation material. hydraulic oil level is found to have dropped,
l When working in the area of the articulated check all lines, hoses and components for
joint attach the articulation lock (transport leaks.
lock). l Seal external leaks immediately. If necessary
l During maintenance work catch all oils and fu- inform the after sales service of BOMAG.
els and do not let them seep into the ground or l Do not store drums with hydraulic oil outside,
into the sewage system. Dispose of oils and or store them at least under a cover. With
fuels environmentally. changing weather water can penetrate
through the bunghole.
Notes on the fuel system l Always use the filling and filtering unit
The lifetime of your engine depends to a great ex- (BOMAG part-no. 007 610 01) to fill the hy-
tent on the cleanliness of the fuel. draulic system. This unit is fitted with a fine fil-
ter, which cleans the hydraulic oil and thereby
l Keep fuel free of contaminants and water,
prolongs the lifetime of the system filter.
since this could destroy the engine.
l Clean fittings, filler caps and their immediate
l Internally zinc coated drums are not suitable
surrounding area before removing them, so
for storing fuel.
that no dirt can fall in.
l The fuel drum should rest for quite some time
l Do not leave the tank opening unnecessarily
before drawing off fuel.
open, cover it so that no dirt can fall in.
l Do not stir up the slurry at the bottom of the
drum with the suction hose.

42 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Oil quality
5.2 Fuels and lubricants
Lubrication oils are classified according to their
performance and quality class. Specifications ac-
Engine oil cording to API (American Petroleum Institute) and
CCMC (Committee of Common Market Automo-
Tto ensure perfect cold starting it is import to bile Constructors) are commonly used.
choose the viscosity (SAE-class) of the engine oil
with respect to the ambient temperature. Permitted API-oils

Lubrication oil change intervals

SF/SG = 125 operating hours

Use only commercial brand unleaded gasoline
with a pump octane rating of 86 or higher.

Hydraulic oil
Fig. 58 The hydraulic system works with hydraulic oil
HV 32 (ISO) with a kinem. viscosity of 32 mm2/s at
Lubrication oil with a too high viscosity index caus-
40°C. For topping up or for oil changes use only
es starting difficulties. The temperature when
high-quality hydraulic oil, type HVLP according to
starting the engine is therefore of highest impor-
DIN 51524, part 3, or hydraulic oils type HV ac-
tance when choosing the viscosity of engine oil for
cording to ISO 6743/3. The viscosity index (VI)
winter operation.
should be at least 150 (observe information of
Oil viscosity
Since the viscosity of lubrication oil changes with Lubrication grease
the temperature, the ambient temperature at the
For lubrication use only EP-high pressure grease,
engine's operating location determines the viscos-
lithium saponified (penetration 2).
ity class (SAE-grade) to be chosen (see diagram).
Occasional falling short of the temperature limit
(e.g. use of SAE 10W/30 down to -15 °C) may ef-
fect the cold starting ability of the engine, but will
not cause any engine damage.
Temperature related lubrication oil changes can
be avoided by using multi-purpose oils. The follow-
ing oil change intervals apply also when using mul-
ti-purpose oils.

Regular lubrication oil changes

The longest permissible time a lubrication oil
should remain in an engine is 1 months. If the fol-
lowing oil change intervals are not reached over a
period of 1 months, the oil change should be per-
formed at least every 3 months, irrespective of the
operating hours reached.

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5.3 Fuels, lubricants and filling


Assemblies Fuels, Lubricants Approx. quantity

Summer Winter Attention

Observe level marks

Engine Engine oil API: SF/SG 1.5 l (0.4 USgal)

up to dipstick mark max.

SAE 10W/30 (-15 °C to +40 °C)


unleaded standard grade gasoline 30 litres (8 USgal)

Hydraulic system hydraulic oil (ISO), HV32, kinematic viscosity to middleof dipstick

32 mm2/s at 40 °C approx. 15 litres (4 USgal)

(tank capacity)

Sprinkler system water anti-freeze mixture as required

water** 180 litres (48 USgal)

Oscillating articulated joint high pressure grease (lithium saponified) as required

**Mix water an anti-freeze agent according to the

specifications of the manufacturer

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5.4 Running-in instructions

Maintenance after 20 operating hours

The following work should be generally be carried
out on new or overhauled engines:
l Change engine oil
l Check engine for leaks
l Retighten the fastening screws on air filter, ex-
haust and other attachments.

Maintenance up to 200 operating hours

l New engines normally have a higher fuel con-
sumption. We recommend to check the oil lev-
el twice every day during the running-in period.
l After the running-in period it is sufficient to
check the oil level only once every day.
l Check bolted connections on the machine,
retighten if necessary.
l Check for leaks.

BW 900-2 BOMAG 45

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5.5 Maintenance table

With all maintenance intervals perform also

the work for shorter preceding service inter-

Pos. Description Note

Every 10 operating hours

5.6 Checking the engine oil level
5.7 Checking the fuel level
5.8 Checking the hydraulic oil level to middle of dipstick mark
5.9 Checking the hydraulic oil filter element Contamination indicator
5.10 Checking the water level in the sprinkler system Summer: Water Winter: Anti-freeze mixture
5.11 Checking, cleaning the scrapers
5.12 Cleaning the cooling air intake openings
Every 125 operating hours
5.13 Lubricating the articulated joint High pressure grease
5.14 Cleaning the air filter
5.15 Cleaning, checking or changing the spark plugs
5.16 Changing the engine oil (at least 1x per year) to top dipstick mark
Every 250 operating hours
5.17 Changing the engine oil filter
5.18 Cleaning the sprinkler system
Every 500 operating hours
5.19 Changing the fuel pre-filter
5.20 Servicing the battery greasing the poles
5.21 Checking, adjusting the valve clearance
5.22 Changing the air filter
Every 2000 operating hours
5.23 Changing the hydraulic oil* at least every 2 years
5.24 Changing the hydraulic oil filter* at least every 2 years
As required
5.25 Water sprinkler system, maintenance in case of frost
5.26 Tightening torques for screws with metric unified
5.27 Engine conservation

*Also in case of repairs in the hydraulic system.

46 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Every 10 operating hours

Every 10 operating hou rs

5.6 Checking the engine oil lev- 5.7 Checking the fuel level
! Danger
i Note Fire hazard!
Park the machine on level ground so that the en- Do not inhale any fuel fumes.
gine is in horizontal position.
When working on the fuel system do not use
open fire, do not smoke.
Do not refuel in closed rooms.

! Caution
Contaminated fuel can cause malfunction or
even damage of the engine.
If necessary fill in fuel through a screen filter or
use a fuel gun.

Fig. 59

l Shut the engine down.

l Pull the dipstick (Fig. 59) out, wipe it off with a
lint-free, clean cloth and reinsert it until it bot-
l Pull the dipstick back out.
l The oil level must reach the top mark.
l If the oil is below this level top up oil immedi-
ately. Fig. 60

For quality and quantity of oil refer to the table l Check the fuel level in the fuel gauge (Fig. 60).
of "fuels and lubricants". l Clean the area around the fuel filler neck.
l Check the oil level again after running the en- l Open the filler cap on the fuel tank.
gine for approx. 1 minute.
l If necessary fill in fuel.

For quality of fuel refer to the table of fuels and


BW 900-2 BOMAG 47

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Every 10 operating hours

5.8 Checking the hydraulic oil 5.9 Checking the hydraulic oil
level filter element

Fig. 61 Fig. 62

l Clean the area around the fuel filler neck. l Check the hydraulic oil filter contamination in-
dicator at operating temperature and at maxi-
l Remove the filler cap.
mum engine speed.
l Check the hydraulic oil level on the dipstick.
l I)f the optical display (Fig. 62) shows red, the
The oil level must be between the 'MIN' and
hydraulic oil filter element must be changed.
'Max' marks.
l If the oil is below this level fill in hydraulic oil.
i Note
For quality and quantity of oil refer to the table After changing the dirty filter the optical display ap-
of "fuels and lubricants". pears green.

i Note
If, during the daily inspection of the oil level the hy-
draulic oil level is found to have dropped, check all
lines, hoses and components for leaks.

48 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Every 10 operating hours

5.10 Check the water level 5.11 Cleaning the scrapers

Fig. 63 Fig. 65
l Check the water level (Fig. 63). l Fold the scrapers up and clean them (Fig. 65).
This is of particular importance before com-
pacting asphalt surfaces.

Fig. 64

l Open the lid (Fig. 64) and fill in as much water

as is required, close the lid.

i Note
If there is a risk of frost observe the special service
instructions under "water sprinkler system, main-
tenance in case of frost".
Make sure that the ventilation bore in the filler cap
is free.

BW 900-2 BOMAG 49

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Every 10 operating hours

5.12 Cleaning the cooling air in-

take opening

Fig. 66

i Note
Dirt in the cooling air intake openings reduces the
cooling effect.
l Clean the cooling air intake openings (Fig. 66).

50 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Every 125 operating hours

Every 125 oper ating hours

5.13 Greasing the articulated 5.14 Checking, cleaning the dry

joint air filter

! Caution
A dirty dry air filter cartridge can be noticed by
excessive exhaust smoke.
A dry air filter cartridge with a damaged filter
element or seal ring must be replaced in any
case. It is therefore recommended to keep at
least one cartridge in stock.
The dry air filter cartridge must be changed af-
ter 500 operating hours, but at the latest after 1
Cleaning does not make sense if the air filter
Fig. 67 element is covered with a sooty deposit. Use a
new filter cartridge.
l Clean the grease nipples (Fig. 67) and lubri-
cate with approx. 5 strokes from the grease Incorrectly handled filter cartridges may be in-
gun. effective if damaged (e.g. cracks) and cause
damage to the engine.
For quality of oil refer to the section about fu-
Always replace the filter cartridge if it is soiled
els, lubricants and filling capacities.
with wet or oily dirt.
Do not use gasoline or any hot fluids to clean
the filter cartridge.

Fig. 68

l Remove the cover and take the air filter car-

tridge with foam insert (Fig. 68) out of the air fil-
ter housing cover.

BW 900-2 BOMAG 51

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Every 125 operating hours

Wet cleaning:

Fig. 69

l Clean the air filter housing with a clean cloth

Fig. 71
(Fig. 69).
l Clean the foam filter by moving it to and fro in
luke-warm water containing commercial deter-
gent. Then rinse it thoroughly in clear water,
Do not blow the filter housing out with com- shake all water off and let it dry properly (Fig.
pressed air. 71).

! Caution
Do not use gasoline or any hot fluids to clean
the filter cartridge.
l Before inserting the cartridge check the seal-
ing faces on the dry air filter.

Fig. 70


Eye injury!
Wear goggles.
l Blow the dry air filter (Fig. 70) out with clean
and dry compressed air with a pressure of Fig. 72
max. 2.1 bar. l Lay the foam insert into the air filter cartridge
into the air filter housing cover and then install
the air filter cartridge (Fig. 72).
! Caution
Do not hold the pressure air nozzle closer than l Attach the air filter housing cover to the air filter
3 cm to the filter housing and lock it with the hooks.

l Always blow along the inside creases.

l Replace a damaged dry air filter immediately.

52 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Every 125 operating hours

5.15 Cleaning, checking the 5.16 Changing the engine oil

spark plug

! Danger Drain the engine oil only when the engine is

Danger of burning on the hot engine!

! Danger
Danger of scalding!
When draining hot oil.

Catch old oil and dispose of environmentally.

Fig. 73

l Pull the spark plug socket off and unscrew the

spark plug (Fig. 73).

Fig. 75

l Remove the cover from the oil filler opening

(Fig. 75).

Fig. 74

l Check the spark plug and clean if necessary

(Fig. 74).

i Note
In case of excessive combustion residuals or
burned off electrodes replace the spark plug, en-
sure correct heat value of the spark plug.
l Check the electrode gap with a feeler gauge, if
necessary adjust the gap to 0,7 to 0,8 mm (.03
to .032 in).

BW 900-2 BOMAG 53

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Every 125 operating hours

Fig. 76 Fig. 78

l Unscrew oil drain plug (Fig. 76) from the drain l Check the oil level on the dipstick (Fig. 78) af-
hose and catch the old oil. ter a short test run. The oil level must reach the
l Screw the drain plug back in with a new seal top mark, fill in oil if necessary.

Fig. 77

l Fill in new engine oil (Fig. 77).

For quality and quantity of oil refer to the table

of "fuels and lubricants".
l Screw the cap on the oil filler neck.

54 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Every 250 operating hours

Every 250 oper ating hours

5.17 Changing the engine oil fil-


! Danger
Danger of burning!
Danger of scalding by hot oil when changing
the engine oil filter.

Environmental damage Fig. 81
Catch the oil and dispose of environmentally l Turn the new filter cartridge on and tighten it
together with the engine oil filter cartridge. hand tight (Fig. 81).
l Perform a short test run and check for leaks, if
necessary fill up oil.

Fig. 79

l Loosen the engine oil filter cartridge (Fig. 79)

with a suitable filter wrench and unscrew it.
l Wipe the sealing face on the engine clean.

Fig. 80

l Apply some clean oil to the rubber seal of the

new filter cartridge (Fig. 80).

BW 900-2 BOMAG 55

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Every 250 operating hours

5.18 Changing the fuel pre-filter 5.19 Cleaning the sprinkler sys-
! Danger
Fire hazard! i Note
When working on the fuel system do not use In the event of frost observe the special service
open fire, do not smoke. notes "water sprinkler system, maintenance in
case of frost".
Do not spill any fuel.
l Empty the water tank.
! Caution
Environmental damage!
Catch running out fuel, do not let it seep into
the ground.

Fig. 84

l Unscrew the spigot nut from the hose (Fig.

l Unscrew and clean the water filter.
Fig. 82 l Flush the water tank thoroughly.
l Loosen the hose clamps (Fig. 82). l Reinstall the water filter, tighten the spigot nut.
l Pull the fuel filter out of the top and bottom

Fig. 83

l Install the new fuel filter and observe the flow

direction (Fig. 83).

56 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Every 250 operating hours

Right hand side

Fig. 85

l Pull the cap a (Fig. 85) off the sprinkler tube.

l Loosen (b) the hose clamp (1) and pull the
hose off the sprinkler tube (2).

Left hand side

Fig. 86

l Pull the cap a (Fig. 86) off the sprinkler tube.

l Loosen (b) the hose clamp (1) and pull the
hose of the sprinkler tube (2).
l Pull the sprinkler tubes out and flush them
l Insert the sprinkler tubes and fill the water

BW 900-2 BOMAG 57

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Every 500 operating hours

Every 500 operating h ours

5.20 Checking the condition of !

Use only distilled water to fill up missing fluid.

the battery, greasing the
l Open the plugs and check the acid level, if
poles necessary fill up with distilled water.

With control inserts

l The acid level must reach the bottom of the
Causticization, danger of explosion! control inserts.
When working on the battery do not use open Without control inserts
fire, do not smoke.
l The acid level must be 10 to 15 mm above the
Do not let acid come in contact with hands or upper edge of the lead plate.
Wear goggles!
i Note
Do not lay any tools on the battery! Measure the acid level with a clean wooden stick.
For recharging remove the plugs from the bat-
tery to avoid the accumulation of highly explo- With transparent battery housing
sive gases. l The acid level must reach the top mark on the
Environment l Clean battery poles and terminal clamps and
Dispose of old batteries environmentally. grease them with pole grease (Vaseline).
l Tighten the terminal clamps.
l Check the fastening of the battery.

i Note
When using Delco batteries check the function by
visual inspection on the integrated hydrometer.

Fig. 87

l Remove the cover in the foot area (Fig. 87).

Maintenance-free batteries:
l Clean battery and battery compartment.
l Clean battery poles and terminal clamps and
grease them with pole grease (Vaseline).
l Tighten the terminal clamps.
l Check the fastening of the battery.

Serviceable batteries:
l Clean battery and battery compartment.

58 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Every 500 operating hours

5.21 Checking, adjusting the

valve clearance

i Note
Check and adjust only when the engine is cold.

Fig. 90

l Unscrew the fastening screws for the cylinder

head cover and take both cylinder head covers
off (Fig. 90).

Fig. 88

l Open the engine compartment flap and re-

move the back wall (Fig. 88).

Fig. 91

l Turn the flywheel with the cooling fan in clock-

wise direction (Fig. 91).


Do not turn by the fan blades.

Fig. 89 l The T-marks on cooling fan and on the right
l Remove the grid (Fig. 89). hand side of the fan cover (cylinder 1) must be

i Note
The piston of cylinder 1 is in top dead center posi-
The T-mark on the right hand side of the fan cover
is only of relevance for cylinder 1.
l Check the valves marked black, adjust if nec-

BW 900-2 BOMAG 59

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Every 500 operating hours

l After inspection and possible adjustment in-

stall the cylinder head covers with new gas-
l Tighten the cylinder head cover fastening
screws with 9 Nm.

i Note
After a short test run check the engine for leaks.

Fig. 92

Valve clearance
in. = intake valve 0.15 mm (.006 in)
ex. = exhaust valve 0.20 mm (.008 in)
l Check the gap between valve shaft and rocker
arm with a feeler gauge 3 (Fig. 92).
l To adjust the valve clearance loosen the jour-
nal adjustment nut (2) and turn the rocker arm
journal (1).
l After the adjustment tighten the journal adjust-
ment nut with 9 Nm.

Fig. 93

l Turn the flywheel 270° in clockwise direction

(Fig. 93).
l The T-marks on cooling fan and on the left
hand side of the fan cover (cylinder 2) must be
l Check the valves marked black, adjust if nec-

60 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Every 500 operating hours

5.22 Cleaning, changing the dry

air filter

! Caution
A dirty dry air filter cartridge can be noticed by
excessive exhaust smoke.
A dry air filter cartridge with a damaged filter
element or seal ring must be replaced in any
case. It is therefore recommended to keep at
least one cartridge in stock.
The dry air filter cartridge must be changed af- Fig. 95
ter 500 operating hours, but at the latest after 1 l Clean the air filter housing with a clean cloth
year. (Fig. 95).
Cleaning does not make sense if the air filter
element is covered with a sooty deposit. Use a Caution
new filter cartridge.
Do not blow the filter housing out with com-
Incorrectly handled filter cartridges may be in- pressed air.
effective if damaged (e.g. cracks) and cause
damage to the engine. l Replace a damaged dry air filter immediately.

Always replace the filter cartridge if it is soiled Wet cleaning:

with wet or oily dirt.
Do not use gasoline or any hot fluids to clean
the filter cartridge.

Fig. 96

l Clean the foam filter by moving it to and fro in

luke-warm water containing commercial deter-
Fig. 94 gent. Then rinse it thoroughly in clear water,
l Remove the cover and take the air filter car- shake all water off and let it dry properly (Fig.
tridge with foam insert (Fig. 94) out of the air fil- 96).
ter housing cover.
Do not use gasoline or any hot fluids to clean
the filter cartridge.
l Before inserting the cartridge check the seal-
ing faces on the dry air filter.

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Every 500 operating hours

Fig. 97

l Lay the foam insert into the air filter cartridge

into the air filter housing cover and then install
the air filter cartridge (Fig. 97).
l Attach the air filter housing cover to the air filter
housing and lock it with the hooks.

62 BOMAG BW 900-2

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Every 2000 operating hours

Every 2000 operating hours

5.23 Changing the hydraulic oil

! Danger
Danger of scalding!
Danger of scalding by hot hydraulic oil.

! Caution
Do not start the engine after draining the hy-
draulic oil. Never run pumps without oil.

Fig. 99
Environmental damage
i Note
Catch and dispose of old oil environmentally. We recommend to use a filtering unit with fine filter
to fill in hydraulic oil.
i Note For quality and quantity of oil refer to the table
Apart from the normal oil change intervals, the hy- of "fuels and lubricants".
draulic oil must also be changed after major re-
l Fill in new hydraulic oil (Fig. 99).
pairs in the hydraulic system.
l Do not remove the screen filter during this
Change the hydraulic oil filter with every hydraulic process.
oil change (see next chapter).
l Attach the filler cap.
See also chapter 5.1 "Notes on the hydraulic sys-
tem". l Check the hydraulic oil level on the dipstick.
l Drive the machine until the hydraulic oil has l Perform a test run and check the system for
reached operating temperature. leaks.
l Clean the area around the fuel filler neck.
Bleeding the hydraulic system
l Remove the filler cap.
l Run the engine max. 3 minutes with low
speed, the hydraulic system will be bled during
this time.

Fig. 98

l Unscrew the leak oil line from the vibration mo-

tor and catch the old oil (Fig. 98).
l Connect the leak oil hose again.

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Every 2000 operating hours

l Take the old filter insert out and dispose of en-

5.24 Changing the hydraulic oil vironmentally.
filter element l Clean the filter bowl.
l Insert the filter element with the opening up-
wards and screw the filter bowl on, observe
! Danger the condition of the seal ring.
Danger of scalding!
Danger of scalding by hot hydraulic oil.


Do not reuse the oil in the filter.

Environmental damage
Catch running out oil and dispose of environ-

i Note
If the hydraulic oil filter contamination indicator on
the filter shows "red" when the engine is running
and at operating temperature, change the filter el-
With a clean oil filter the hydraulic oil filter contam-
ination indicator will show "green".
The filter element must be changed with every hy-
draulic oil change and after major repairs in the hy-
draulic system.
If the filter has to be changed together with the hy-
draulic oil, the filter must only be changed after the
oil change and after the test run.

Fig. 100

l Unscrew the filter bowl (Fig. 100) from the filter


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As required

As r equired

5.25 Water sprinkler system, 5.26 Tightening torques for

maintenance in the event of screws with metric unified
frost thread


In the event of frost the water sprinkler system

must be drained or filled with an anti-freeze
mixture respectively.
l Drain all water off.
l Switch the water sprinkler system on and let all
remaining water run out.
l Fill the water tank with approx. 5 l of anti-
freeze mixture (water and anti-freeze agent,
e.g. glycol).
Fig. 101
l Run the sprinkler system, until the anti-freeze * Strength classes for screws with untreated, non-
mixture starts to run out from the sprinkler lubricated surface. The quality designation of the
tubes. screws is stamped on the screw heads.
8.8 = 8G
10.9 = 10K
12.9 = 12K
The values result in a 90%ige utilization of the
screws yield point, at a coefficient of friction of tot.
= 0,14.
The compliance with the specified tightening tor-
ques is checked with torque wrenches.
The specified tightening torques do not apply
when using a MoS 2 lubricant.

i Note
Self locking nuts must always be replaced after
they have been unscrewed.

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As required

5.27 Engine conservation

A machine with conserved engine must be
clearly marked by attaching a clear warning la-

i Note
Depending on weather conditions these conserva-
tion measures will protect the machine for approx.
6 to 12 months.
Before taking the machine back into service you
must drain off the conservation oil and replace it
with engine oil (see table of fuels and lubricants)
according to API-(MIL-) classification.
Anti-corrosion oils are all oils which comply with
the specification MIL-L-21260 B or TL 9150-037/2
o Nato Code C640/642.
If the engine is to be shut down for a longer period
of time (e.g. over winter), we recommend the fol-
lowing measures to avoid corrosion:
l Clean engine and cooling system: With cold
cleansing agent and water jet or, even better,
with steam cleaning equipment.
l Run the engine warm and shut it down.
l Drain the still warm engine oil and fill in anti-
corrosion engine oil.
l Drain the fuel from the fuel tank.
l Remove the cylinder head covers, spray the
rocker chambers with anti-corrosion oil. Then
fasten the covers again.
l Unscrew both spark plugs and spray anti-cor-
rosion oil through the spark plug openings.
Crank the engine several times and install the
spark plugs again.
l Close air intake on air filter and exhaust open-
ing tightly.

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6 Trouble shooting

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Trouble shooting

6.1 General notes

The following work must only be carried out by

qualified and trained personnel or by the
BOMAG sales service.

Please observe strictly the safety regulations

in chapter 2 of these operating and mainte-
nance instructions.
Malfunctions are frequently caused by incorrect
operation of the machine or insufficient mainte-
nance. Whenever a fault occurs you should there-
fore thoroughly read these instruction on correct
operation and maintenance. If you cannot locate
the cause of a fault or rectify it yourself by following
the trouble shooting chart, you should contact the
service departments at our branch offices or deal-
On the following pages you will find a selection of
fault remedies. It goes without saying that not all
possible reasons for faults could be listed.

! Danger
Danger of injury!
Do not touch rotating parts of the engine.

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Trouble shooting

6.2 Engine faults

Faults Possible cause Remedy

Engine not start- Fuel tank empty Fill fuel tank

Fuel filter clogged Change the filter

Fuel lines leaking Check the line connections for leaks and
tighten the fittings.

Travel lever not in 0-position Return the travel lever to 0-position

Battery not charged or not connected Charge battery, check terminal clamps

Operating error see section 'Starting the engine'

Incorrect valve clearance Adjust the valve clearance

Lack of oil Fill up engine oil

Poor starting of Insufficient battery power Have the battery checked

engine or en-
gine works irreg- Terminal clamps loose or oxidized caus- Clean, tighten the terminal clamps and
ularly with poor ing the starter to turn too slow cover with acid-free grease
power Especially during winter: use of too vis- Use engine oil appropriate for the outside
cous engine oil temperature

Insufficient fuel supply, fuel system Change the fuel filter. Check the line con-
clogged nections for leaks and tighten the fittings.

Valve clearance not as specified Adjust the valve clearance

Carburettor defective Have checked by a specialist

Air filter dirty clean, replace if necessary

Excessive play in throttle cable Adjust the throttle cable, replace if neces-

Drop in engine Engine oil level too high Drain the engine oil down to the top dip-
power and stick mark
speed, exces-
sive exhaust Poor fuel quality Use specified fuel
smoke Air filter dirty clean, replace if necessary

Poor compression due to burned or bro- Have compression rings and pistons
ken piston rings or incorrect valve clear- checked by a specialist, adjust the valve
ance clearance

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Trouble shooting

Faults Possible cause Remedy

Engine over- Cooling air inlets excessively soiled clean

heating, engine
must be shut Engine oil level too low Fill up engine oil to the top dipstick mark
down immedi- Lack of cooling air on cooling fan Clear the cooling air duct
Air filter dirty clean, replace if necessary

Too low engine Leaks in the lubrication oil system, engine Check fittings on oil lines, lubrication oil fil-
oil pressure, en- oil level too low ter for leaks, if necessary tighten all fit-
gine must be tings. Fill up lubrication oil to the top mark
shut down im- on the oil dipstick.
Engine oil of wrong SAE-class Change engine oil

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