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23EE102 - Basics of Electrical Circuits Laboratory - Lab Manual - FINAL

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(Accredited by NAAC with A Grade)





ACADEMIC YEAR: 2023 – 2024


(Accredited by NAAC with A Grade)





ACADEMIC YEAR: 2023 – 2024

Basics of Electrical Circuits Laboratory End Semester Examination is held on


Internal Examiner External Examiner



To produce globally competitive Engineers with high ethical and social responsibilities.


Our mission is to impart highest quality of technical education providing impetus to

research and development, foster innovation in the technological growth, encourage
entrepreneurship and strive to solve problems of mankind. We also endeavor to embed the
greatest values of human life and inculcate the will to attain progress and prosperity in life in
socially accepted norms, to remain an asset to our nation and be a part of its pride and


To provide the students with high quality technical education in the field of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering enabling them to become competent and responsible engineers with
employability and entrepreneurial skills.


M1: Equip the students with adequate knowledge in the field of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering and professional skills necessary to face the future challenges with confidence
and courage.
M2: Engineer them to engage in research activities leading to innovative applications of
M3: Enable them to become responsible citizens of the country with a willingness to serve
the society.
Engineering Graduates will be able to

PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex electrical
engineering problems.
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze Complex
electrical engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles
of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex electrical engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with
appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations.
PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data,
and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex electrical
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and
need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give
and receive clear instructions.
PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological

After the successful completion of the B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering programme,
the students will be able to:
PSO1: Analyze basic scientific concepts and provide solutions to Electrical and Electronics
Engineering problems with a specific focus on emerging energy challenges.
PSO2: Use relevant software, apply current techniques for data processing problems in the field
of modern electronic systems for sustainable development.
PSO3: Develop products/software to cater to the societal & Industrial needs and adapt ethical
values so as to become successful electrical engineering professionals.


PEO1: Graduates will have successful career in industry that meets the needs of Indian and
Multinational companies.
PEO2: Graduates will have the ability to synthesize data and develop technical concepts for
application to product design and to solve contemporary problems.
PEO3: Graduates will work as part of teams on multidisciplinary projects with good technical,
communication and interpersonal skills.
PEO4: Graduates will fulfill the roles and responsibilities of professional electrical engineers in
their chosen career with an attitude to serve the industry and society.
PEO5: Graduates will undertake research, pursuing higher studies, thereby adopting life-long
learning, keeping pace with the technological developments and codes of professional
 Be punctual for your laboratory session.
 All students must observe the dress code while in the laboratory.
 Sandals or open-toed shoes are not allowed.
 Experiment must be completed within the given time.
 Workspace must be kept clean and tidy at all time.
 Handle all apparatus with care.
 All students are liable for any damage to equipment due to their own negligence.
 All equipment, apparatus, tools and components must be returned to their original place
after use.
 Students are strictly prohibited from taking out any items from the laboratory.
 Report immediately to the lab supervisor if any injury occurred.


 Place the stools under the lab bench.
 Turn off the power to all instruments.
 Turn off the main power switch to the lab bench.


 You should be punctual for your laboratory session and should not leave the lab without
the permission of the teacher.
 Each student is expected to have his/her own lab book where they will take notes on the
experiments as they are completed.
 The lab books will be checked at the end of each lab session. Lab notes are a primary
source from which you will write your lab reports.
 You and your batch mates will work closely on the experiments together. One partner
doing all the work will not be tolerated. All the batch mates should be able to explain the
purpose of the experiment and the underlying concepts.
 Please report immediately to the member of staff or lab assistant present in the laboratory,
if any equipment is faulty.


1 Estimation of voltage and current by KVL and

KCL in Electric Circuits

2 Determination of mesh current and node

voltage by Mesh and Nodal Analysis

3 Apply Superposition Theorem in Electrical


4 Apply Reciprocity Theorem in Electrical


5 Application of Thevenin’s theorem for

Maximum Power Transfer

Apply Norton’s Theorem in Electrical Circuits

7 Determination of series and parallel resonance

frequency response of circuits.

8 Determination of transient current in RL, RC

and RLC circuits

Verification of circuit analysis by simulation

Measurement of three phase power
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)
Accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade Kuniamuthur,
Coimbatore – 641008


Rubric for Evaluating Laboratory

Subject code: 23EE102

Lab name: Basics of Electrical Circuits Laboratory

Method: Lab reports and instructor observation

Outcomes Assessed:
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)
Accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade
Kuniamuthur, Coimbatore – 641008


Name of the Lab: 23EE102 / Basics of Electrical Circuits Laboratory
Reg. No.: Name of the Student:
Objectives Design/ Conduct Data Docume Total
& Circuit/ Experiment Analysis ntation (100)
Date Name of the Experiment Equipment Program & & (10)
required (20) Data Interpret
(10) Collection ation (20)
Estimation of voltage and current by KVL and KCL in
1 Electric Circuits
Determination of mesh current and node voltage by
2 Mesh and Nodal Analysis
3 Apply Superposition Theorem in Electrical Circuits

4 Apply Reciprocity Theorem in Electrical Circuits

Application of Thevenin’s theorem for Maximum Power
5 Transfer

6 Apply Norton’s Theorem in Electrical Circuits

Determination of series and parallel resonance
7 frequency response of circuits.
Determination of transient current in RL, RC and RLC
8 circuits
9 Verification of circuit analysis by simulation

10 Measurement of three phase power


Staff Signature
Excellent Good Average Below average
4 (91-100) 3 (71 – 90) 2 (50 -70) 1 (Less than 50)
Objectives & Students may not have recognized the
Students effectively expressed the
Students expressed the objective Students satisfactorily expressed the objective of experiment and
Equipment objective of experiment and
of experiment and identification objective of experiment and identification of components; no
identification of components
required of components almost comletely identification of components weakly expression of understanding was
clearly and completely.
Circuit diagram were drawn
Circuit diagram were drawn with
neatly with all specifications and Only a few errors in circuit diagram
few errors in specifications and Several serious errors in circuit
Design/ Circuit / design calculations with formulas, and design calculation formulas were
design calculations with diagram, design calculation
Program if necessary. Programs were observed. Instructions were not clear
formulas, if necessary. Programs and programs were observed
written correctly for the given in the Programs.
were written with few errors.
problem statement.
Connections were perfect.
Connections were perfect. Several serious errors connection
Procedures were well planned Only a few errors in connection.
Conduct Procedures were well planned and Procedures were not well planned and
and were carried out in an Procedures were carried out well but
well executed. were carried out in a disorganized
Experiment & organized fashion. may have been slightly disorganized.
Data and observations were fashion.
Data and observations were Data and observations were recorded
Data Collection recorded accurately, Most data and observations were
recorded accurately, adequately, with only minor errors or
descriptively, and completely, recorded adequately, but with several
descriptively, and completely, omissions.
with no serious errors. significant errors or omissions
with only minor errors.
Calculations and data analyses
Calculations and data analyses were performed accurately, with Calculations and data analysis were
Calculations and data analysis were
were performed clearly, correct units and properly performed accurately, but minor
performed inaccurately, but correct
Data Analysis & concisely, and accurately, with worked-out calculations, but the errors were made both in calculations
units were used most of the time.
correct units. work may have been slightly and in applying correct units.
Interpretation unclear or disorganized.
Graphs, if necessary, were drawn
Graphs, if necessary, were drawn Graphs, if necessary, were drawn Graphs, if necessary, were drawn
accurately and neatly and were
accurately and neatly. adequately and neatly adequately.
clearly labeled.
Reasoning was occasionally Errors in logic were made in the
Reasoning was perfect in the Reasoning was generally weak
weak in the report, but only in a report. The report may have been
report, well organized and clear throughout the report.
few places. disorganized and unclear
Understands plagiarism.
Appreciate work ethics.
No idea of plagiarism. Does not
Combines well as team and
Documentation appreciate work ethics. Contradicting
resolves conflict smoothly.
opinions to the course instructor.
Submit records and observations -- --
Delayed submission of course work.
in time. Work is through and of
Work is patchy. Not aware of safety
good quality. Lab is carried out
with full attention to relevant
safety procedures & directions.

Register No.: Name of the Student: Name of the Lab: 23EE102 / Basics of Electrical Circuits Laboratory

Exp. No. & Date

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Score (1-4): Exemplary(4)/Good(3)/Developing(2)/Unsatisfactory(1)

Objectives & Equipment required

Design/ Circuit/ Program

Conduct Experiment & Data
Data Analysis & Interpretation


Staff Signature
Exp No:1 Verification of Kirchhoff’s Law Date :

1. Objective:
To verify experimentally
i) Kirchoff’s current Law
ii) Kirchoff’s voltage Law
2. Tools Required:

S.No Components Range/Type Quantity

1. Regulated power supply 0 – 30V 1
2. Ammeter (0 -30mA),mc 3
3. Voltmeter (0 – 15V),mc 3
4. Resistor 1K, 3.3K, 4.7K Each 1
5. Bread board - 1
6. Connecting Wires - Few

3. Pre Lab work

3.1 Definition:

a) Kirchoff’s current law

The algebraic sum of current flowing through a node is zero. At a junction or node,
the sum of incoming current equal to sum of outgoing current.

b) Kirchoff’s voltage law

In a closed circuit (or) mesh the algebraic sum of all emf and the voltage drop is
zero. (or) In a closed circuit the sum of voltage rise is equal to the sum of voltage drop.

3.2 Circuit Diagram:

Kirchoff’s Current Law

Kirchoff’s Voltage Law

3.3 Experimental Procedure:
1. Make the connection according to the circuit diagram
2. Set the three rheostats to their max value.
3. Switch on the power supply
4. Change the setting of the rheostats to get different readings in all the three
5. Measure the current in the three ammeters
6. Check that at every time current in the main branch is equal to the sum of currents
in the two branches. Repeat the setting of the rheostat
7. Switch off the power supply.
1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram
2. Switch on the power supply
3. Note down the readings of the voltmeters
4. Change the value of the rheostat and repeat the step several times and switch off
the power supply.

3.4 Photo of the experimental setup:

Kirchoff’s Voltage and current law:

4. In lab work:
4.1 Safety Instructions:

1. Shoes must be worn at all times.

2. Remove all loose conductive jewelry and trinkets, including rings, which may come
in contact with exposed circuits. (Do not wear long loose ties, scarves, or other
loose clothing around machines.)
3. Consider all circuits to be "hot" unless proven otherwise.
4. When making measurements, form the habit of using only one hand at a time. No
part of a live circuit should be touched by the bare hand.
5. Keep the body, or any part of it, out of the circuit. Where interconnecting wires and
cables are involved, they should be arranged so people will not trip over them.
6. Be as neat a possible. Keep the work area and workbench clear of items not used in
the experiment.
7. Always check to see that the power switch is OFF before plugging into the outlet.
Also, turn instrument or equipment OFF before unplugging from the outlet.
8. When unplugging a power cord, pull on the plug, not on the cable.
9. When disassembling a circuit, first remove the source of power.
10. No ungrounded electrical or electronic apparatus is to be used in the laboratory
unless it is double insulated or battery operated.
11. Keep fluids, chemicals, and beat away from instruments and circuits.

4.2 Trouble shooting:

a. Wiring error (includes incorrect pinout, short circuits, and open circuits)
b. Incorrect polarity (includes power source, diodes, and electrolytic capacitors)
c. Incorrect component (includes incorrect resistor or capacitance value, or
improper capacitor selection)
d. Defective component
e. Incorrect shortcut or modification
f. Workmanship problems
g. Defective circuit

4.3 Tabulation:
Table 1: KCL law

Input Voltage =

Current Current Total current

S.N Resistance(Ω)
I1(mA) I2(mA) I (mA)
R1 R2 R3 Ical Iobs Ical Iobs Ical Iobs
1 1K 3.3K 4.7K

Table 2: KVL law

Input Voltage =

Voltage Voltage Voltage
Resistance(Ω) Voltage
S.N V1(V) V2(V) V3(V)
R1 R2 R3 Vcal Vobs Vcal Vobs Vcal Vobs Vcal Vobs

1 1K 3.3K 4.7K

4.4 Manual Calculations:

KCL law
Input Voltage (V) =
R2 R3
Total Resistance R = R1 + =
R2 + R3
Total Current I = =
By Current division rule,

I1 = I X =
R2 + R3

I2 = I X =
R2 + R3

KVL law

Input Voltage (V) =

Total Resistance R = R1 + R2 + R3 =
Total Current I = =
By Voltage division rule,

V1 = V X =
R1 + R2 + R3

V� = V X =
R1 + R2 + R3

V� = V X =
R1 + R2 + R3

5. Post Lab Work:

5.1 Result Analysis
Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws are verified experimentally by comparing the
calculated and the measured values.

Exp No:2 Verification of Mesh and Nodal Analysis Date :

1. Objectives:
To solve the given network for the values of current using mesh analysis and nodal
analysis method.

2. Tools Required :

S.No Components Range/Type Quantity

1. Regulated power supply (0 – 30V) 1
2. Ammeter (0-5)mA/MC 3
3. Voltmeter (0-30)V/ MC 2
4. Resistor 1,2.2,3.3,10 kΩ 1 each
5. Bread board - 1
6. Connecting Wires - Few

3. Pre Lab work:

3.1 Theory:

Mesh Current Method

Series, parallel circuit can be solved and its response can be determined using
ohm’s law and kirchoff’s laws. However these methods are time consuming if the circuit
contains more than two branches and more than one voltage source. In mesh method, a
distinct current is assumed in the loop and the polarities of drops in each element in the
loop is determined by the assumed direction of loop current for that loop. Kirchoff’s voltage
law is then applied around each closed loop and by solving these loop equations, the
branch currents are determined. The number of independent mesh equations needed is
m= b-(j-1), where b is the number of branches.

Nodal Analysis

The nodal analysis provides a direct procedure for finding voltage in any node by
using simultaneous equations. The first step is to identify the no of nodes in the original
circuit. The kirchoff’s current law is applied for the each node. Solving these equations we
can find out nodal voltages. The number of independent node-pair equations needed is

one less than the number of junctions in the network. If “n” denotes the number of
independent node equations and “j” the number of junctions, n=j-1.
To compare with mesh method, nodal method is advantageous when the network
has many parallel circuits; otherwise both the nodal and mesh methods offer equal
advantages. If m<n, the mesh method offers advantages while for m>n i.e., when the
number of parallel paths in the network is more, nodal method is preferred.

3.2 Circuit Diagram:

Mesh Analysis:

Nodal Analysis:

3.3 Experimental Procedure:

Mesh analysis

1. Connections are given as per the circuit diagram.

2. Switch on the regulated power supply unit and set the voltage required.

3. Note down the ammeter reading of mesh network.

4. Vary the supply voltage and observe the corresponding ammeter readings.

5. Compare the measured current values with calculated values.

Nodal analysis

1. Connections are given as per the circuit diagram.

2. Switch on the regulated power supply unit and set the voltage required.

3. Note down the voltmeter reading of nodal network.

4. Vary the supply voltage and observe the corresponding voltmeter readings.

5. Compare the measured voltage values with calculated values.

3.4 Photo of the experimental setup:

Mesh Analysis:

Nodal Analysis:

4. In lab Work:
4.1. Safety Instructions:

1. Shoes must be worn at all times.

2. Remove all loose conductive jewelry and trinkets, including rings, which may
come in contact with exposed circuits. (Do not wear long loose ties, scarves, or
other loose clothing around machines.)
3. Consider all circuits to be "hot" unless proven otherwise.
4. When making measurements, form the habit of using only one hand at a time.
No part of a live circuit should be touched by the bare hand.
5. Keep the body, or any part of it, out of the circuit. Where interconnecting wires
and cables are involved, they should be arranged so people will not trip over
6. Be as neat a possible. Keep the work area and workbench clear of items not
used in the experiment.
7. Always check to see that the power switch is OFF before plugging into the outlet.
Also, turn instrument or equipment OFF before unplugging from the outlet.
8. When unplugging a power cord, pull on the plug, not on the cable.
9. When disassembling a circuit, first remove the source of power.
10. No ungrounded electrical or electronic apparatus is to be used in the laboratory
unless it is double insulated or battery operated.
11. Keep fluids, chemicals, and beat away from instruments and circuits.

4.2 Trouble shooting:

1. Wiring error (includes incorrect pinout, short circuits, and open circuits)
2. Incorrect polarity (includes power source, diodes, and electrolytic capacitors)
3. Incorrect component (includes incorrect resistor or capacitance value, or
improper capacitor selection)
4. Defective component
5. Incorrect shortcut or modification
6. Workmanship problems
7. Defective circuit

4.3 Tabulation:

Table1: Mesh Analysis

Supply Voltage Calculated Current Observed Current

S.No V1 V2 I1 I2 I3 I1 I2 I3
(Volt) (Volt) (mA) (mA) (mA) (mA) (mA) (mA)
1. 10 10

Table2: Nodal Analysis

Calculated Nodal Observed Nodal

Supply Voltage
Voltage Voltage
V1 V2
V1 (Volt) V2 (Volt) V1 (Volt) V2 (Volt)
(Volt) (Volt)
1 10 10

4.4 Manual Calculations:

5. Post Lab Work:

5.1 Result Analysis:

The given network is solved by using the mesh and nodal analysis and the
corresponding voltage and currents are calculated and compared with the measured

Ex. No . 3 Superposition Theorem Date:

1. Objective:
To verify experimentally, superposition theorem for the given electrical network.
2. Tools Required
S.No Component Range/Type Quantity
DC Regulated Power
1 (0-30V) 2
2 Power supply (0-30)V 1
3 Ammeter (0-100)mA/MC 1
4 Resistor (1,2.2,3.3,4.7,10)kΩ 1 each
5 Bread Board - 1
6 Connecting wires - Few

3. Pre Lab Work :

3.1 Theory:
Superposition theorem:
Superposition theorem states that “In any linear network containing two or more
sources, the response in any element is equal to the algebraic sum of response caused by
individual sources acting alone. While the other sources are non-operative i.e., While
considering the effect of individual sources, other ideal voltages sources and ideal current
sources in network are replaced by short circuit and open circuit across terminals”.

3.2 Circuit Diagram:

Current flow through particular resistor because of two voltage sources (V1 & V2)

Current flow through particular resistor because of one voltage source (V1)

Current flow through particular resistor because of one voltage source (V2)

3.3 Experimental Procedure :

1. The connections are given as per the circuit diagram.

2. Measure the current in the R5 when both the sources are present.
3. Measure the current in the R5 when only source-I is present and also the current
when only source-II is present.
4. Tabulate the readings.
5. Verify the tabulated readings with that of the theoretically calculated one.
6. Repeat the same procedure for various supply voltages.

3.4 Photo of Experimental Setup:

Superposition theorem:

4. In lab Work:
4.1. Safety Instructions:

1. Shoes must be worn at all times.

2. Remove all loose conductive jewelry and trinkets, including rings, which may come
in contact with exposed circuits. (Do not wear long loose ties, scarves, or other
loose clothing around machines.)
3. Consider all circuits to be "hot" unless proven otherwise.
4. When making measurements, form the habit of using only one hand at a time. No
part of a live circuit should be touched by the bare hand.
5. Keep the body, or any part of it, out of the circuit. Where interconnecting wires and
cables are involved, they should be arranged so people will not trip over them.
6. Be as neat a possible. Keep the work area and workbench clear of items not used in
the experiment.
7. Always check to see that the power switch is OFF before plugging into the outlet.
Also, turn instrument or equipment OFF before unplugging from the outlet.
8. When unplugging a power cord, pull on the plug, not on the cable.
9. When disassembling a circuit, first remove the source of power.
10. No ungrounded electrical or electronic apparatus is to be used in the laboratory
unless it is double insulated or battery operated.
11. Keep fluids, chemicals, and beat away from instruments and circuits.

4.2 Trouble shooting:

1. Wiring error (includes incorrect pinout, short circuits, and open circuits)
2. Incorrect polarity (includes power source, diodes, and electrolytic capacitors)
3. Incorrect component (includes incorrect resistor or capacitance value, or improper
capacitor selection)
4. Defective component
5. Incorrect shortcut or modification
6. Workmanship problems
7. Defective circuit

4.3 Manual Calculations:

4.4 Tabulation
Superposition Theorem:

VOLTAGE When source II

When source I
volts alone When both source
alone present
present,current present current
current through
S. through middle through middle
middle branch
NO branch branch (I3) mA
V1 V2 (I1) mA
(I2) mA
Theoret Theoreti Theoreti
Practical Practical Practical
ical cal cal

1 V1 V2 - - - -

2 V1 - - - - -

3 - V2 - - - -

5. Post Lab Work:

5.1 Result Analysis:
The Superposition theorem is verified for the given electrical network by comparing
the theoretical values with the measured values.

Ex. No: 4 Reciprocity Theorem Date:

1. Objectives:
To verify experimentally, reciprocity theorem for the given electrical network.
2. Tools Required:
S.No Component Range/Type Quantity
DC Regulated Power
1 (0-30V) 1
2 Ammeter (0-5)mA/MC 1
3 Voltmeter (0-30)V/MC 1
4 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ digit 1
5 Resistor 1kΩ,2.2kΩ,3,3kΩ,4.7kΩ,10kΩ 1 each
6 Bread Board - 1
7 Connecting wires - Few

3. Pre Lab Work :

3.1 Theory:

Reciprocity theorem

In any linear network containing bilateral resistances and energy sources, the ratio
of voltage V introduced in one mesh to the current I in any second mesh is the same as the
ratio obtained if the position of V and I are interchanged, other voltage sources being

3.2 Circuit Diagram:

Reciprocity theorem:

3.3 Experimental Procedure :

Reciprocity Theorem

1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram.

2. Switch on the regulated power supply unit and set the voltage required and it is
given to one side of network.
3. Note down the ammeter reading.
4. Supply is given another side of the network and read ammeter reading on the
other side`
5. Compare the measured voltage values with calculated values.

4.In lab Work:

4.1. Safety Instructions:

1. Shoes must be worn at all times.

2. Remove all loose conductive jewelry and trinkets, including rings, which may come
in contact with exposed circuits. (Do not wear long loose ties, scarves, or other
loose clothing around machines.)
3. Consider all circuits to be "hot" unless proven otherwise.
4. When making measurements, form the habit of using only one hand at a time. No
part of a live circuit should be touched by the bare hand.
5. Keep the body, or any part of it, out of the circuit. Where interconnecting wires and
cables are involved, they should be arranged so people will not trip over them.
6. Be as neat a possible. Keep the work area and workbench clear of items not used
in the experiment.

7. Always check to see that the power switch is OFF before plugging into the outlet.
Also, turn instrument or equipment OFF before unplugging from the outlet.
8. When unplugging a power cord, pull on the plug, not on the cable.
9. When disassembling a circuit, first remove the source of power.
10. No ungrounded electrical or electronic apparatus is to be used in the laboratory
unless it is double insulated or battery operated.
11. Keep fluids, chemicals, and beat away from instruments and circuits.

4.2 Trouble shooting:

1. Wiring error (includes incorrect pinout, short circuits, and open circuits)
2. Incorrect polarity (includes power source, diodes, and electrolytic capacitors)
3. Incorrect component (includes incorrect resistor or capacitance value, or improper
capacitor selection)
4. Defective component
5. Incorrect shortcut or modification
6. Workmanship problems
7. Defective circuit

4.2 Tabulation:

Reciprocity Theorem


I1 (mA) I2(mA)
Practical Theoretical Practical Theoretical

5. Post Lab Work:
5.1 Result Analysis:
The Reciprocity theorem is verified for the given electrical network by comparing the
theoretical values with the measured values.

Ex. No: 5 Thevenin’s Theorem for Maximum Power Transfer Date:

1. Objectives:
To verify experimentally, Thevenin’s and Maximum Power transfer theorem for the
given electrical network
2. Tools Required:
S.No Component Range/Type Quantity
DC Regulated Power
1 (0-30V) 1
2 Ammeter (0-5)mA/MC 1
3 Voltmeter (0-30)V/MC 1
4 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ digit 1
5 Resistor 1kΩ,2.2kΩ,3.3kΩ,4.7kΩ,10kΩ 1 each
6 Bread Board - 1
7 Connecting wires - Few

3. Pre Lab Work :

3.1 Theory:

Thevenin’s theorem

Thevenin’s theorem states that “Any two terminal bilateral linear d.c. circuit can be
replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a voltage source and a series resistor”. Any
circuit having number of voltage source, resistor and open output can be replaced by a
single equivalent circuit consisting of a single voltage source in series with a resistor,
where the value of voltage source is equal to the open circuit voltage across the output
terminals and the resistance is equal to the resistance seen into the network across the
output terminals.
This theorem is possibly the most extensively used network theorem. It is applicable
where it is desired to determine the current through or voltage across any one element in a
network without going through the rigorous of solving a set of network equations.

Maximum Power transfer theorem:

Maximum Power transfer theorem states that the maximum power is transferred
from source to load when the load resistance (RL) is equal to the source resistance (Rs).
The maximum power transfer to the load is possible only if the source and load has
matched impedance. This situation arises in electronics, communication and control
Formula used:

Maximum power transferred, Pmax = Voc2 /4RL

3.2 Circuit Diagram:

Thevenin’s theorem:

Measurement of load current

Measurement of Thevenins’s equivalent voltage across output terminals, Vth

Measurement of Thevinin’s equivalent resistance across output terminals, Rth

3.3 Experimental Procedure :

Thevenin’s Theorem

1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram.

2. The input voltage is adjusted to the given values
3. Note down the current in the load resistance.
4. The load terminal is open circuited and open circuited voltage (Vth) is found across
the load terminals.
5. The source is open circuited (current source) or short circuited (Voltage source)
and thevenin’s resistance is measured across the load terminals.
6. Draw the thevenin’s equivalent circuit.
7. Calculate the current through the load resistance and compare the value with
observed value.
Maximum Power Transfer Theorem:

1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram.

2. The input voltage is adjusted to the given values
3. The load terminal is open circuited and open circuited voltage (Vth) is found across
the load terminals.
4. The source is open circuited (current source) or short circuited (Voltage source)
and thevenin’s resistance is measured across the load terminals.
5. Draw the thevenin’s equivalent circuit. Calculate the maximum value of power.

3.4 Photo of the experimental setup :
Thevenins theorem:

Maximum power transfer theorem:

4. In lab Work:
4.1. Safety Instructions:

1. Shoes must be worn at all times.

2. Remove all loose conductive jewelry and trinkets, including rings, which may come
in contact with exposed circuits. (Do not wear long loose ties, scarves, or other
loose clothing around machines.)
3. Consider all circuits to be "hot" unless proven otherwise.
4. When making measurements, form the habit of using only one hand at a time. No
part of a live circuit should be touched by the bare hand.
5. Keep the body, or any part of it, out of the circuit. Where interconnecting wires and
cables are involved, they should be arranged so people will not trip over them.

6. Be as neat a possible. Keep the work area and workbench clear of items not used
in the experiment.
7. Always check to see that the power switch is OFF before plugging into the outlet.
Also, turn instrument or equipment OFF before unplugging from the outlet.
8. When unplugging a power cord, pull on the plug, not on the cable.
9. When disassembling a circuit, first remove the source of power.
10. No ungrounded electrical or electronic apparatus is to be used in the laboratory
unless it is double insulated or battery operated.
11. Keep fluids, chemicals, and beat away from instruments and circuits.

4.2 Trouble shooting:

1. Wiring error (includes incorrect pinout, short circuits, and open circuits)
2. Incorrect polarity (includes power source, diodes, and electrolytic capacitors)
3. Incorrect component (includes incorrect resistor or capacitance value, or improper
capacitor selection)
4. Defective component
5. Incorrect shortcut or modification
6. Workmanship problems
7. Defective circuit

4.3 Tabulation: Thevenin’s Theorem

Thevenins’s Thevinin’s
Load Current
equivalent voltage, equivalent
VOC (Volt) resistance, Rth (K)
Theoretical value

Maximum power transfer theorem:

Thevenin’s voltage Pmax
(Vth) (W)
resistance, Rth (K)

5. Post Lab Work:


Thevenin’s theorem is verified experimentally and the following Thevenin’s

equivalent circuit parameters are determined for the given network.

Thevenins’s equivalent voltage across output terminals, Voc =

Thevenin’s equivalent resistance across output terminals, Rth =

The Thevenin’s Equivalent Circuit is drawn.

Thevenin’s Equivalent Circuit

Maximum power transferred, Pmax =

Ex. No: 6 Norton’s Theorem in Electrical Circuits Date:

1. Objectives:

To verify experimentally, Norton’s theorem for the given electrical network.

2. Tools Required:
S.No Component Range/Type Quantity
1 DC Regulated Power Supply (0-30) V 1
2 Ammeter (0-5) mA 1
3 Digital Multimeter - 1
4 Resistor -
5 Bread Board - 1
6 Connecting wires - Few

3. Pre Lab Work :

3.1 Theory:
Norton’s Theorem Statement :

Norton’s theorem states that “Any two terminal bilateral linear d.c. circuit can be
replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a current source and a parallel resistor”.
Any circuit having number of voltage source, resistor and open output can be
replaced by a single equivalent circuit consisting of a single current source in parallel with
a resistor, where the value of current source is equal to the short circuit current in the
output terminals and the resistance is equal to the resistance seen into the network across
the output terminals. This theorem is possibly the most extensively used network theorem.
It is applicable where it is desired to determine the current through or voltage across any
one element in a network without going through the rigorous of solving a set of network

3.2 Circuit Diagram
Measurement of load current

Measurement of Norton’s current in the Short circuited terminals, IN

Measurement of Thevinin’s equivalent resistance across output terminals, Rth

3.3 Tabulation

Norton’s equivalent Thevinin’s equivalent Load Current

current, IN (mA) resistance, Rth (K ) IL(mA)
Theoretical value

Experimental value

3.4 Procedure
1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram.
2. The input voltage is adjusted to the given values
3. Note down the current in the load resistance.
4. The load terminal is short circuited and short circuited current (IN) is
found in the load terminals.
5. The source is open circuited (current source) or short circuited
(Voltage source) and thevenin’s resistance is measured across the
load terminals.
6. Draw the Norton’s equivalent circuit.
7. Calculate the current through the load resistance and compare the value with
observed value.
4. In lab Work:
4.1. Safety Instructions:
1. Shoes must be worn at all times.
2. Remove all loose conductive jewelry and trinkets, including rings, which may come
in contact with exposed circuits. (Do not wear long loose ties, scarves, or other
loose clothing around machines.)
3. Consider all circuits to be "hot" unless proven otherwise.
4. When making measurements, form the habit of using only one hand at a time. No
part of a live circuit should be touched by the bare hand.
5. Keep the body, or any part of it, out of the circuit. Where interconnecting wires and
cables are involved, they should be arranged so people will not trip over them.
6. Be as neat a possible. Keep the work area and workbench clear of items not used
in the experiment.
7. Always check to see that the power switch is OFF before plugging into the outlet.
Also, turn instrument or equipment OFF before unplugging from the outlet.
8. When unplugging a power cord, pull on the plug, not on the cable.
9. When disassembling a circuit, first remove the source of power.
10. No ungrounded electrical or electronic apparatus is to be used in the laboratory
unless it is double insulated or battery operated.
11. Keep fluids, chemicals, and beat away from instruments and circuits.

4.2 Trouble shooting:

1. Wiring error (includes incorrect pinout, short circuits, and open circuits)
2. Incorrect polarity (includes power source, diodes, and electrolytic capacitors)
3. Incorrect component (includes incorrect resistor or capacitance value, or improper
capacitor selection)
4. Defective component
5. Incorrect shortcut or modification
6. Workmanship problems
7. Defective circuit

5. Post Lab Work:

5.1 Result:

Ex. No: 7 Series and Parallel Resonance Frequency Response Date:

1. Objectives:
To find the resonant frequency, quality factor and band width of a given series and
parallel resonant circuits.
2. Tools Required:

S.No Name of the Equipment Range Quantity

1 Bread Board - 1
2 Resistor 1KΩ 1
3 Inductor 50mH 1
4 Capacitor 0.1μF 1
5 CRO - 1
6 Function Generator - 1
7 Ammeter 0-20mA 1
8 Connecting wires - Required

3. Pre Lab Work :

3.1 Theory:
Resonance is a particular type of phenomenon inherently found normally in every
kind of system, electrical, mechanical, optical, Acoustical and even atomic. There are
several definitions of resonance. But, the most frequently used definition of resonance in
electrical system is studied state operation of a circuit or system at that frequency for
which the resultant response is in time phase with the forcing function.


A circuit is said to be under resonance, when the applied voltage „V‟ and current
are in phase. Thus a series RLC circuit, under resonance behaves like a pure resistance
network and the reactance of the circuit should be zero. Since V & I are in phase, the

power factor is unity at resonance. The frequency at which the resonance will occur is
known as resonant frequency. Resonant frequency,
�� =
2� ��
Thus at resonance the impedance Z is minimum. Since I = V/Z. The current is
maximum So that current amplification takes place. Quality factor is the ratio of reactance
power inductor (or) capacitor to its resistance.


In the circuit (parallel RLC circuit) shown in figure.2, the condition for resonance
occurs when the susceptance part is zero. The frequency at which the resonance will
occur is known as resonant frequency. Resonant frequency,
�� =
2� ��
Thus, at resonance the admittance(Y) is Minimum and voltage is Maximum.
However, the performance of such a circuit is of interest in the general subject of
resonance. Lower cut- off frequency is above the resonant frequency at which the current
is reduced to 1/√2 times of its minimum value. Upper cut-off frequency is above. Quality
factor is the ratio of resistance to reactance of inductor (or) capacitor. Selectivity is the
reciprocal of the quality factors.

3.2 Circuit Diagram




For Series Resonance circuit:

For Parallel Resonance circuit:


1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure.

2. Set the voltage of the signal from function generator to 5V.
3. Vary the frequency of the signal over a wide range in steps and note down the
corresponding ammeter readings.
4. Observe that the current first increases & then decreases in case ofseries resonant
circuit & the value of frequency corresponding to maximum current is equal to
resonant frequency.
5. Observe that the current first decreases & then increases in case of parallel resonant
circuit & the value of frequency corresponding to minimum current is equal to
resonant frequency.
6. Draw a graph between frequency and current & calculate the values of bandwidth &
quality factor.


Series Resonance:

S.No. Frequency (Hz) Current (mA)

Parallel Resonance:

S.No. Frequency (Hz) Current (mA)


f1= lower cutoff frequency

f2 = upper cutoff frequency

fr = Resonant Frequency

4. In Lab Work


1. Initially keep the RPS output voltage knob in zero volt position.
2. Avoid loose connections.
3. Avoid short circuit of RPS output terminals.

5.Post Lab Work

5.1 Result :

Value of Series RLC circuit Parallel RLC circuit

Resonant frequency
Quality factor

Ex. No: 8 Transient Current in RL, RC and RLC Circuits Date:

1. Objectives:
To draw the time response of first order RL and RC networks for periodic non
sinusoidal functions and determination of time constant.
2. Tools Required:

S.No Name of the Equipment Range Quantity

1 Bread Board - 1
2 Resistor 10KΩ 1
3 Inductor 50mH 1
4 Capacitor 0.1μF 1
5 CRO - 1
6 Function Generator - 1
7 Connecting wires - Required

3. Procedure:
1. Make connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. Give 2V peak to peak square wave as input through function generator with suitable
3. Take output across inductor in RL circuit and across capacitor in RC circuit.
4. Draw the graph between the output voltage and time observed from the CRO.
5. Calculate the time constant from the graph.

4. Circuit Diagram:
RL Circuit:

RC Circuit:

Input - RL & RC circuits:

Output - RL circuit:

Output - RC circuit:

5. Observation Table:

Supply Voltage =

Time constant Time constant

Type of
Voltage Time period Theoretical Practical
(sec) (sec)

RL ‫ = ז‬L/R =

RC ‫ = ז‬RC =

Model Calculations:





Charging Voltage = 0.632* supply voltage =

Discharging Voltage = 0.368 * supply voltage =

For RL circuit,

Time constant (τ) = Time taken to reach charging voltage =

For RC circuit,

Time constant (τ) = Time taken to reach discharging voltage =

6 .Result:

Thus the transient response of RL and RC circuit was observed. Also the time
constants are measured and compared.

Ex. No: 9 Verification of Circuit Analysis by Simulation Date:

1. Objectives:

To verify Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem and reciprocity theorem by

simulating the circuit in Multisim.


Tools Required:

 Two DC variable voltage power supply

 One ammeter (0-100mA)
 Resistors (1K, 2.2K, 3.3K, 10K, 4.7K, 100K)

Simulation Circuit Diagram

Case 1: 10V&8V Case2:10V

Case3: 8V


1. Build the circuit diagram in Multisim workbench as shown in the figure.

2. Set V1 and V2 and measure the current in ammeter for case 1.
3. Set V1 alone and measure the current in ammeter for case 2.
4. Set V2 alone and measure the current in ammeter for case 3.
5. Tabulate the readings and add the result of case 2 and case 3 to verify
superposition theorem.


Observed Current in
Supply Voltage Calculated Current
V1 (Volt) V2 (Volt) I (mA) I (mA)


Tools Required:

 Two DC variable voltage power supply

 One ammeter (0-100mA)
 One voltmeter
 One multimeter
 Resistors (1K, 2.2K, 3.3K, 10K, 4.7K, 100K)

Simulation Circuit Diagram


1. Build the circuit diagram in Multisim workbench as shown in the figure.

2. Set V1 and V2 and measure the load current in ammeter for the first circuit.
3. Remove the load resistor and measure the open circuit voltage in voltmeter by
setting V1 and V2.
4. Measure the thevenin’s resistance using multimeter.
5. Tabulate the readings and verify thevenin’s theorem with the theoretical values.


Thevinin’s equivalent Load Current
equivalent voltage,
resistance, Rth (Ω) IL(mA)
Vth (Volt)

Theoretical value

Experimental value


Tools Required:

 One DC variable voltage power supply

 One ammeter (0-100mA)
 One multimeter
 Resistors (1K, 2.2K, 3.3K, 10K, 4.7K, 100K)

Simulation Circui Diagram:


 Build the circuit diagram in Multisim workbench as shown in the figure.

 Set V1 and measure the load current in ammeter in the first loop of first circuit.
 Interchange the position of ammeter and voltage source in the second circuit
and measure the current in third loop.
 Tabulate the readings and verify reciprocity theorem with the theoretical values.

I1 (mA) I2(mA)

Theoretical value

Experimental value


Ex. No: 10 Measurement of Three Phase Power Date:

1. Objectives:

To measure the active, reactive power and power factor in three phase circuit

2. Tools required:

S.No. Apparatus Range/Type Quantity

1. Auto transformer Three phase 1
Dynamometer type,
2. Wattmeter 2
600V,50 Hz, 5A, UPF
3. Ammeter (0-5)A/MI 1
4. Voltmeter (0-60)V/MI 1
5. Load Three phase 1
6. Connecting wires - few

3. Pre Lab Work:


Two wattmeter method can be employed to measure power in a 3 phase 3

wire star or delta connected balanced or unbalanced load. In this method the
current coils of the wattmeter are connected in any two lines, say R and Y and
potential coil of each wattmeter are joined across the third line, B. Then the sum of
the powers measured by two wattmeters W1 and W2 is equal to the power
absorbed by the three phase load.

Formula used:

Real power,P=W1+W2* multiplication factor

Reactive power,Q= 3 * (W1+W2) * multiplication factor

Power factor, Cosɸ =(W1+W2)*multiplication factor/ 3 * V1* I1

4. Circuit Diagram:

5. Experimental procedure:
1. Connect the voltmeter, ammeter and wattmeter load through three phase
auto transformer as given in the circuit diagram.
2. Switch ON the three phase AC supply and adjust the auto transformer till a suitable
3. Note down the readings.
4. Vary the voltage and note down the readings.
5. Switch OFF and disconnect the equipment.


reading (W)
Reactive power,
Power factor,
Voltmeter Ammeter Total power, P Q=
Cosɸ =
readings readings = (W1+W2)* 3*(W1+W2) W1+W2/
(V) (A) W1 W2 M.F *M.F

6. Result:


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