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SMG 10-001 Off-the-Job Safety 2021-12-23

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Saudi Aramco

Safety Management Guide

Off-the-Job Safety

Guide Number 10-001

Table of Contents

1. Purpose ................................................................................................ 1
2. Scope ................................................................................................... 1
3. Definitions............................................................................................. 1
4. Introduction ........................................................................................... 1
5. Responsibilities ..................................................................................... 1
6. Requirements ....................................................................................... 4
Supplement I – Off-the-Job Activities Analysis .............................................. 6
Supplement II – Recreational Activities, Hazards and Precautions ................ 7

Prepared by the Loss Prevention

December 23, 2021

Responsible SME: GSA&CD/Construction Safety Supervisor

Planned Next Revision: December, 2026

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Off-the-Job Safety Guide Issue Date: December 23, 2021


The purpose of this Safety Management Guide (SMG) is to provide Saudi Aramco departments with a
methodology to develop and implement an effective off-the-job safety program meeting the expectations of
Saudi Aramco Safety Management System (SMS), Element 10. It serves to encourage meaningful
communications between supervisors and employees related to adopting safe off-the-job behaviors for
employees and their families.


This SMG applies to all Saudi Aramco (SA) proponent organizations. Proponent organizations should develop
their own written program, or adopt a program from their Admin Area or Business Line.
(Note: Whether the program is self-developed or adopted, what matters is the time and energy invested, the
level of employee and management participation and engagement and the program’s health and outcomes).


Special Publications
A detailed and varied range of published safety literature (English and Arabic) related to on and off-the-job
topics, maintained and distributed (on request) by Loss Prevention.

Off-Job-Injury Case (OJI)

Any injury suffered by an employee that does not arise out of and in the course of employment and which
results in death or day(s) away from work.

Employee Participation
Management and employee participation should be visible and continuous through all levels of an
organization. By allowing employees to collaborate with management (in teams) in the off-the-job safety
program development and implementation, their feeling of empowerment, worth and benefit to the business
can lead to a rise in employee morale.


A successful off-the-job safety program aims to encourage our employees to mirror the safe behaviors adopted
in our work areas and follow them out of work (i.e., on the road, at home, and during off-the-job activities).

This can be achieved with management support in developing and implementing an effective off-the-job
safety program.

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Off-the-Job Safety Guide Issue Date: December 23, 2021


5.1 Proponent Management:

5.1.1 Ensure that the department’s Safety Management Committee [SMC], adopts a fixed agenda
item related to off-the-job topics. (Note: the department may establish an off-the-job sub-
committee that reports to the SMC).
5.1.2 Approve the written off-the-job safety program that identifies a purpose, objectives, owner or
champion, corporate SMS expectations, and assigns organizational responsibilities.
5.1.3 Approve the committee developed off-the-job plans (e.g., planned campaigns, safety calendar
schedules), and allocate resources.
5.1.4 Evaluate the off-the-job program outcomes and identify and support areas for improvement.
5.1.5 Recognize employees (individuals or teams) for proactive participation in the program, in line
with GI.5.007, Safety Recognition and Incentive Programs (SRIPs).
5.1.6 Ensure accountability is established that promotes adopting safe behaviors off-the-job
(including but not limited to, Off-the-Job Driving Safety in accordance with GI 6.030, Traffic
and Vehicle Safety).
5.1.7 Promote the reporting of all off-the-job injuries in line with GI 6.005, Reporting, Investigation
and Recording of Injuries/Occupational Illnesses.

5.2 Line Supervision

5.2.1 Engage in two way communication with employees, encouraging them to adopt safe behaviors
when participating in off-the-job activities.
5.2.2 Utilize publications (available on the LP webpages) to support constructive off-the-job dialog
with employees (Note: Supplements 1 and 2 of this guide may also be used to support
communication of off-the-job hazards).
5.2.3 On receipt of an off-the-job injury notification, communicate the information to the compliance
group leader and division head or higher (as appropriate).
5.2.4 Investigate off-the-job injuries. The primary method of investigation should be through
interview with the employee. The purpose of investigating off-the-job injuries is to learn from
these incidents to help prevent recurrence. It is recognized that employee privacy must be
protected and not intruded upon. Supervisors should encourage employees to share information
on off-the-job injuries, but must be sensitive when employees feel their privacy is being
5.2.5 Enters all required injury data from the incident into SAP EHSM as per GI 6.005, Reporting,
Investigation and Recording of Injuries/Occupational Illnesses.

5.3 All Employees:

5.3.1 Follow the safe behaviors adopted in our work areas and mirror them while outside of work.

5.3.2 Act as a role models for families and friends in demonstrating safe behaviors outside of work.
5.3.3 Report all off-job-injuries (OJIs) that may impact their ability to report for work, immediately
to his/her supervisor.

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Off-the-Job Safety Guide Issue Date: December 23, 2021

5.3.4 Assist in off-the-job injury investigations as necessary.

5.3.5 Communicate off-the-job good practices and near misses to their supervisor.

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Off-the-Job Safety Guide Issue Date: December 23, 2021


An effective off-the-job safety program should incorporate the following elements of the safety management

6.1 Leadership and Accountability – Managers should use the program to communicate their vision for
off-the-job safety. Their involvement and support are key to a successful off-the-job safety program.
Managers should support the development of local off-the-job safety initiatives, ensure the off-the-job
program is supported by a cross-section of their organization, as well as reward and recognize its
achievements. In addition, all employees should be reminded of their responsibility to participate in off-
the-job initiatives, such as training and campaigns.

6.2 Establish Expectations – Identify potential off-the-job injury exposures and their required health and
safety precautions.
6.2.1 Identify off-the-job exposures (this may require surveying your employees to determine the
range of activities undertaken, and reviewing organizational off-the-job injury statistics from
previous years).
6.2.2 List the activities/associated risks and the recommended safeguards for the identified off-the-
job activities, considering relevant safety manuals and/or manufacturer’s instructions (see
Supplement 1, Off-the-Job Activities Analysis as an example).
6.2.3 Once activities/associated risks and recommended safeguards are identified and listed, develop
a thorough hazard identification and the recommended health and safety precautions document
(see Supplement 2, Recreational Activities, Hazards and Precautions, as an example).

6.3 Communicate Expectations – Educate and train employees on the identified health and safety
precautions related to off-the-job activities. This may involve developing in-house training specific to
organizational off-the-job injury data or identified exposures. Also, the distribution of newly developed
and existing off-the-job safety literature, should be used to train/educate employees regarding off-the-
job safe practices.

Note: A large amount of off-the job safety literature is available through the Loss Prevention Webpage,
(Loss Prevention – Education – Safety Campaigns – LP Publications – Special Publications).

Common off-the-job topics widely covered in Special Publications include, Traffic and Vehicle Safety,
Recreational Safety, Fire Safety, Home Safety, Children safety and an Off-the-Job safety booklet.

The development of a safety calendar to plan off-the-job safety events is a good practice for having a
structured approach, and specific off-the-job safety campaigns may be developed to train and educate
employees in focused off-the-job topics.

(Note: Varying the type and methodology of training and communicating off-the-job safety topics will
support the programs overall effectiveness. Different methods include – safety talks and meetings –
publications - E-mails – and specifically developed safety campaigns).

6.4 Review and Enhance - To measure the effectiveness of the off-the-job safety program, do not limit the
review to the off-the-job injury trends and statistics. Other factors to consider should include;
➢ How many off-the-job safety meetings are held with employees,

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Off-the-Job Safety Guide Issue Date: December 23, 2021

➢ Are the meetings of good quality,

➢ Are the meetings being monitored or attended by management,
➢ Are attendance levels at meetings and campaigns what management expect,
➢ Are distributed off-the-job materials (e.g., booklets and pamphlets), of good quality and relevant,
➢ Are surveys conducted to determine the quality of the program and level of employee engagement,
➢ Are off-the-job injuries being reported in a timely manner,
➢ Are off-the-job injuries being investigated to determine root causes,
➢ Are lesson learned being communicated, and are they understood by the employees,
➢ Look for good news. Are there any reports of off-the-job incident near misses that could be used to
educate employees,
➢ Are good/best practices being developed and highlighted to employees?

6.5 Continuous Improvement - The off-the-job safety program requires continuous review and update to
remain fresh and relevant. Build on successes, and closely examine failures during the review process
(Management commitment to the program and its continual improvement is critical to its success).

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Off-the-Job Safety Guide Issue Date: December 23, 2021

Supplement I – Off-the-Job Activities Analysis

Activities & Associated Risks Generic Safeguards

Driving accidents – Driver training (e.g., following set speed limits)

– Driver and passengers wear seatbelts
– Well maintained vehicle
– Avoid driver fatigue (journey management)
Recreational Activities – sports injuries – Know the potential hazards
– Use appropriate protective equipment
– Don’t over exert yourself
– Drink water – stay hydrated
Slips and trips at home, especially in hallways – Slip-resistant tiles
and bathrooms. – Skid-proof floor coverings
– Clean up spills
Exposure to hazardous chemicals and – Read and follow safety instructions
medicines – Store in cool and safe location
– Keep out of reach of children
Ill-Health (e.g., poisoning) from food and – Use clean utensils
water – Pre-use validity/condition check
– Store perishables in cool location
Children’s susceptibility to accidents – Education
– Parental control/guidance
Electrical/mechanical appliances faults – Read and follow the safety instructions
– Avoid overloading
– Use approved (UL/FM listed) items
Tool related injuries – Ensure tools are in good condition
– Learn the correct way of using them
– Wear personal protective equipment (PPE)
Faulty electrical wires and multi-socket – Use certified/qualified electricians for electrical
connections work
– Avoid overloading connections
– Safe routing of wires
Obstructions at emergency exits – Regular inspection
Fires – Never leave cooking unattended
– Install and regularly test smoke detectors
– Practice family fire drills

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Off-the-Job Safety Guide Issue Date: December 23, 2021

Supplement II - Recreational Activities, Hazards and Precautions: (ENSURE PROPER WARM UP


The below analysis represents examples of hazards associated with recreational activities. It is advisable to
carry out further analysis to the activities that the employee will be involved in to identify all applicable
hazards and safety precautions.
Recreational Activity Hazards Health and Safety Precautions
1. SOCCER / Exhaustion Do not over exert yourself. Know your limitations.
FOOTBALL Pulled Warm up well, and avoid long exposure to hot weather
Muscles/cramps and drink enough fluids.
Broken bones / Wear the correct footwear (cleats / football boots) and
sprained ankles shin guards.
2. SWIMMING Drowning Be aware of proper swimming techniques. Do not swim
alone without a lifeguard.
Slips & falls around Caution while walking on wet floors, clean up spills
Diving board or Avoid diving in shallow water, be aware of others in the
platform pool
Exhaustion Do not over exert yourself. Know your limitations.
Heat exhaustion Avoid long exposure to hot weather and drink enough
Pulled Avoid long exposure to hot weather and drink enough
Muscles/cramps fluids.
3. CAMPING/DESERT Sandstorms Do not operate vehicle
DRIVING Vehicle Inspect vehicle before traveling. Travel with a group.
failure/stuck Learn desert driving techniques. Tell someone about
your travel plan before leaving. Keep adequate tools,
and supplies of food & drink. Never leave the vehicle.
Becoming lost Plan your trip well. Never leave your vehicle. Keep
maps, compasses, GPS etc.
Hypothermia Keep warm clothing. Stay dry.
Heat Stay in the shade and drink more fluids.
Fire Plan fires away from vehicles and tents, Consider
changes in wind direction.
Injuries/illness Have adequate first aid supplies and any needed
Flash floods Do not drive into flooded areas. Avoid camping in areas
subject to frequent flooding as in “Wadis”. Stay in your
vehicle if caught in a flash flood.

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Off-the-Job Safety Guide Issue Date: December 23, 2021

4. JOGGING/WALKING Trips, slips and fall Avoid jogging/walking in uneven or slippery ground.
injuries Warm up before jogging. Wear appropriate footwear.
Struck by an Walk on the walking paths or sidewalks. Wear reflective
object/vehicle colored clothing at night.
5. PAINTING/ART Toxicity Avoid breathing toxic vapors. Wash hands after
SKILLS painting. Discard rags carefully.
Fire Keep all ignition sources away from paint/solvents.
Maintain adequate ventilation.
6. CYCLING Fall injuries Follow road rules, wear bright clothing and a cycling
Ensure your bicycle is well maintained with good
Back pain, muscle Adjust the seat to the most comfortable position. Take frequent
strains breaks and always maintain proper postures.
7. MACHINE/HOBBY SHOP Equipment injuries Use PPE (safety glasses, shields, gloves, etc.). Ensure that tools are in
WORK good working condition and guards are in place. Also, Learn to
operate equipment properly.
Electric shock Check wiring and electrical grounding before using portable power
Hot parts Exercise extra caution while working around hot surfaces. Wear
proper clothing.
8. TENNIS, SQUASH, Tennis elbow Always learn the correct techniques. Stop playing if you are injured
RACQUET-BALL or feel pain.
Cramped muscle & Warm up before playing. Wear proper shoes.
Sprained ankle
Fall injuries Maintain balance during the game.

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

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