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3.0 Research Methodology

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0 Research Methodology
3.1 Research Location
The location of this research is located in Yogyakarta. The reason for choosing
Yogyakarta is to make it easier doing this research.

3.2 Population and Sample Research

Population is defined as a group of people as the object that shares a common
characteristic as specified by the researcher’s sampling criteria. While, sample research is the
certain objects chosen to represent the whole population. The population in this research is
people who have experienced ordering food using mobile delivery apps during covid-19
pandemic in Yogyakarta. Moreover, the amount of research samples is 300 people.

3.3 Types and Data Collection Techniques

The data that was used in this research are primary data. Primary data is data obtained
directly from the object of research by using a measurement or data retrieval tool directly on
the subject as the source of the information sought. In this research, the data were collected
by using primary quantitative data collection to test the hypothesis. Moreover, it will be
distributed to 300 respondents. Whereas, the secondary data is collected from the supported
journal to assist this research. Further, the secondary data used in this research were collected
from previous literature reviews and relevant journals.
The questionnaire was measured by using Likert scale. This research using Six-point
Likert scale, where (1) indicates Strongly Disagree and (6) indicates Strongly Agree. The
underlying reason the researcher chose the Six-point Likert scale is to avoid a neutral answer.
The options consist of:
● Strongly Disagree (SD)
● Disagree (D)
● Rather Disagree (RD)
● Rather Agree (RA)
● Agree (A)
● Strongly Agree (SA)
3.4 Instrumentation
The method used to get primary data was collected by distributing questionnaires. The
questionnaire used 6 (six) variables and 13 (thirteen) question items. Those indicator items
were in correlation with subjective norms, perception of food safety, behavioral intention to
use mobile delivery apps, and continuance behavior. All indicator items were measured
within a six-likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (6).

3.5 Operational Definition of Variables and Measurement Research

This study consists of two independent variables which are subjective norms and
perception of food safety. Then, there is behavioral intention to use as the mediating
variables. The mediating variable influences one dependent variable which is continuance
behavior. Moreover, Six-Point Likert scale is used to measure those variables, where 1
shows Strongly Disagree and 6 indicates Strongly Agree.
1. Subjective Norms
According to Bagheri, A. (2019), a subjective norm is a perception of
social pressure to perform or not perform an action. This variable is measured
by the following indicators:
● During the COVID-19 pandemic, I suppose my friends and relatives are
acceptable with my ordering food through the food delivery apps.
● During the COVID-19 pandemic, my friends and family encourage my
decision to get food through the food delivery apps.
● During the physical distancing caused by COVID-19 pandemic, I suppose my
friends and relatives order food via food delivery apps.

2. Perception of Food Safety

Customers' perceived food safety directly related to the level of worry
about packaged food safety, food safety protocols, and food hygiene (Al Amin,
2021). This variable is measured by the following indicators:
● In the COVID-19 pandemic, I feel safe when ordering foods via food delivery
● In the COVID-19 pandemic, I feel sanitary (i.e., no viral infections) when
ordering foods via food delivery apps
● In the COVID-19 pandemic, I feel hygienic (i.e., no pathogens or mosquitoes)

3. Behavioral Intention to Use

Behavioral intention was originally described by Fishbein, M. (1980) as a
person's perceived likelihood of doing a specific behavior. This variable is
measured by the following indicators:
● I intend to recommend for my friends and relatives using the food delivery
apps in the future
● I intend to make every effort to use the food delivery apps in my daily life.
● I intend to utilize the food delivery apps on special events (birthday parties as
an example).

4. Continued Behavior
Lin et al. (2020) defined continued behavior as a customer's intention to
use it or stop using a system that is based on a previous approved result. This
variable is measured by the following indicators:
● If I had the chance, I will order food online
● I expect to continue using the meal delivery apps to place my orders.
● In the future, I will use the food delivery apps
● I maintain the food delivery apps on a regular basis.

3.6 Validity and Reliability Research Instruments

Test validity indicates the extent to which a measure
(indicator) can measure what you want measured (variable)
(Zikmund, et al., 2006). An indicator is said to be valid if it has a
value corrected item-total correlation ≥ 0.30. The reliability of
the instrument was ensured through acceptable values of
Cronbach‘s alpha with a minimum score 0.60. Therefore, the
questionnaires will be tested for validity and reliability using a
pilot test that contains 50 (fifty) respondents. These are the
following variables:
1. Subjective Norms have three indicators.
2. Perception of Food Safety has three indicators.
3. Behavioral Intention to Use has three indicators.
4. Continued Behavior has four indicators.

3.7 Analysis Technique

Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to examine the relationships among
the constructs in the model and its validity. The software AMOS was used to perform this
data analysis. From this path diagram, it can be observed that all the statistics for the model
fit were met at a good or even great degree: Chi-square = 367.445; df = 143; p-value = 0.00;
Chi-square/df = 2.570; GFI = 0.879; GFI = 0.879; CFI = 0.930; RMR = 0.106; RMSEA =
0.073). Normed X2/df was 1.374, indicating that the research model was successful (Yi and
Bagozzi, 1988).

3.7.1 Respondent’s Characteristics

The demographic characteristics of the respondents will be explained in this section of the
research. Age, gender, latest recent education, and oc. In addition, specific respondent’s
characteristics were domicile in Yogyakarta and having experiences ordering food using
mobile delivery apps during covid-19 pandemic.

3.7.2 Descriptive Analysis

A collection of brief descriptive coefficients that describes a particular set of data, which
might be a representation of the complete population or a sample, is known as descriptive
analysis. According to Setyosari (2010), descriptive research is a type of study which
attempts to explain or define a situation, event, or object by using both numbers and words to
explain or describe the situation, event, or object.

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