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Short report

Public perceptions on pathology: a fundamental

J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jclinpath-2020-206873 on 23 October 2020. Downloaded from on November 5, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
change is required
Gabor Fischer ‍ ‍,1,2 Leslie Anderson,1 Marc Ranson,1 David Sellen,1 Eric McArthur3

Pathology, University of ABSTRACT also been made in medical education to main-
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Pathology has been mostly invisible for the public. tain a relevant role for pathology in the medical
Shared Health Diagnostic The missing recognition affects the pathologists’ curriculum through establishing exit competencies
Services, Winnipeg, Manitoba, reputation, and efforts with recruitment and advocacy. for medical students,2 using clinicopathological
Canada Our survey with 387 respondents confirms that the sessions as teaching tools3 4 and structuring robust
Pathology, Institute for Clinical public knowledge on the role of the pathologists has elective rotations.5 The long-­term impact of these
Evaluative Sciences, London,
not improved despite campaigns and advocacy efforts. initiatives remains to be seen.
Ontario, Canada
Pathology was identified as a medical specialty by We designed our study to investigate the public
Correspondence to 79.1% of the respondents. Only 34.8% assumed that it perceptions and knowledge of pathology with a
Dr Gabor Fischer, Pathology, takes more than 8 years of post-­high school training to focus on the nature of pathologist work, the educa-
University of Manitoba, become a pathologist. Most commonly, another medical tional requirements to become a pathologist, and
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, specialist was identified as the ultimate diagnostician on the pathologist’s reputation and role in patient
Canada; ​Gabor.​Fischer@​
Pap tests (gynaecologist), breast biopsies or malignant care. In addition, we intended to explore whether
surgical excisions (oncologist), gastrointestinal biopsies the analysis of the data suggests taking any specific
Received 22 June 2020 (gastroenterologist) or prostate biopsies (urologist). The direction to promote our specialty.
Revised 19 September 2020 experience gained by undergoing these procedures had
Accepted 7 October 2020 minimal impact on understanding the pathologists’ role,
since they were identified as ultimate diagnosis makers MATERIALS AND METHODS
by the minority of these patients (13.8%–36.4%). The A questionnaire was constructed as a survey tool to
integration of pathologist–interactions into patient investigate the respondents’ perception and under-
care may be a potential solution with benefits beyond standing of the field of pathology, and approved
improved perceptions. by the University of Manitoba Research Ethics
Board. The collected demographic data targeted
age, gender and occupation, other categories (race,
“If the surgeons were gracious enough to tell the pa- income, employment) were not collected. Invi-
tient ‘Our pathologist, Dr. Smith, has concluded that
tations were distributed online through Survey
this is…’, maybe they would at least know that there
is a pathologist in the hospital.”1 Monkey with a provided link to access the survey.
The targeted population was all adults (>18) within
Canada and USA. The survey distribution and
INTRODUCTION analysis had no restriction towards gender, age or
Pathologists play an integral part in delivering occupation.
quality care to patients; however, our specialty has The investigation focused on the perceptions
been affected by public misconceptions for ages. of anatomical pathologists, particularly surgical
Pathology has been largely invisible to the general pathologists; however, the questions used the term
population, only certain subspecialties receive ‘pathologist’ without any modifier. The respondents
appropriate media and public attention. While selected the answers from a provided list and they
forensic pathology has been highlighted in the were allowed to skip questions. A group of ques-
media extensively, the public knows very little about tions explored the public knowledge on different
what pathologists do in general. Our specialty is aspects of the pathologist’s profession, specifi-
often only noticed when something goes wrong and cally, whether respondents knew that pathology is
pathologists are not always considered physicians. a medical specialty, how familiar they were with
The missing recognition affects our reputation, what the pathologist’s job entails, their assumptions
makes recruiting very challenging and does not help on the length of training to become a pathologist
the pathologist community’s lobbying and advo- and their assessment on the reputation of pathol-
© Author(s) (or their cating efforts. To address this problem, a number of ogists. A distinct set of questions was developed to
employer(s)) 2020. Re-­use creative international, national and local campaigns identify what medical specialist makes a diagnosis
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No were initiated to make an impact on the recognition on various specimen types. The respondents were
commercial re-­use. See rights
and permissions. Published of pathology. The International Pathology Day has also asked if they had undergone the corresponding
by BMJ. been launched a few years ago with the intent of procedure to explore whether this was associated
organising local events to provide information to with responding correctly. Missing or unknown
To cite: Fischer G,
the public on the profession. The Canadian Asso- procedure status values were excluded from that
Anderson L, Ranson M, et al.
J Clin Pathol Epub ahead of ciation of Pathologists designed a website (​www.​ procedure’s analysis. We used Pearson’s χ2 test to
print: [please include Day mypathologist.​ca) with a similar mission, and the evaluate the association between a correct response
Month Year]. doi:10.1136/ College of American Pathologists tirelessly advo- and whether the respondent had previously under-
jclinpath-2020-206873 cates and lobbies for our profession. Efforts have gone that specific procedure.6 In the case where
Fischer G, et al. J Clin Pathol 2020;0:1–4. doi:10.1136/jclinpath-2020-206873    1
Short report

J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jclinpath-2020-206873 on 23 October 2020. Downloaded from on November 5, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1 The distribution of respondents’ choices to the question Table 2 The distributions of responses to the question investigating
of “Please indicate which professions below represent a medical the nature of the pathologist profession, the main job of the
specialty” pathologists and the length of training. The respondents were asked to
Which professions represent a medical specialty? Responses (n=368) select one answer for each question
Surgeon 322 (87.5%) Pathologists are: Responses (n=346)
Gynaecologist 320 (86.9%) Medical doctors 140 (40.5%)
Urologist 319 (87.0%) Laboratory technicians 59 (17.0%)
Gastroenterologist 318 (86.4%) Coroners 50 (14.5%)
Oncologist 313 (85.1%) Scientists 43 (12.4%)
Radiologist 311 (84.5%) Police detectives 8 (2.3%)
Podiatrist 292 (79.3%) Dental assistants 2 (0.6%)
Pathologist 291 (79.1%) Public servants 1 (0.3%)
Ophthalmologist 286 (77.7%) Lawyers 0 (0.0%)
Medical laboratory technologist 267 (72.5%) I do not know 43 (12.4%)
Anthropologist 63 (17.1%) The main job of most pathologists is to: Responses (n=344)
Hydrologist 43 (11.7%) Diagnose diseases in living patients 122 (35.5%)
Balneologist 41 (11.1%) Perform autopsies 90 (26.2%)
Run tests in the laboratory 58 (16.9%)
Do research in the laboratory 38 (11.0%)
7 Investigate murders 14 (4.1%)
cells in the 2×2 table were ≤10, we used Fisher’s exact test.
Study humankind 13 (3.8%)
Two-­sided p values <0.05 were considered statistically signifi-
Examine bones 4 (1.1%)
cant. R V.3.4.3 was used for all analyses.8
Convict criminals 4 (1.1%)
Examine patients' teeth before they see the dentist 1 (0.3%)

RESULTS After high school how long do you think the training Responses (n=345)
takes to be a pathologist?
The survey was filled out by 387 respondents. Their age ranged
More than 8 years 120 (34.8%)
from 18 to 75 years or older. Of these respondents, 57.6% were
4–8 years 153 (44.3%)
45 years or older, and 63.6% of them were female. From the
3 years 18 (5.2%)
list of more than 20 different occupations, options ‘education,
2 years 5 (1.5%)
training and library’ represented the highest number of respon-
No further training required 1 (0.3%)
dents (10.1%).
I do not know 48 (13.9%)
Pathology was identified as a medical specialty by 79.1% of
the respondents. This was the second lowest proportion of the
eight listed medical specialties (table 1). Only 40.5% thought
that pathologists are medical doctors and a combined 43.9%
The answers provide substantial support for the contention that
assumed that the term pathologist is used for other occupations the public lacks understanding of pathology as a profession. Only
related to medicine, laboratory or science (coroner, laboratory ophthalmology was identified as a medical specialty by fewer
technician or scientist). Slightly more than one-­ third of the respondents than pathology, perhaps because the boundaries
answers indicated that diagnosing diseases in living patients is between the roles of optometrists, opticians and ophthalmolo-
the pathologists’ main job, while 58.2% of the responses selected gists are not very clear to the public. While many respondents
an answer at least somewhat related to pathology (performing link pathology to the medical world, they do not necessarily
autopsies, laboratory tests, research or investigating murders). think that a medical degree is required to become a pathologist,
The majority of the interviewees (65.2%) underestimated the let alone residency training. The answers to the reputation ques-
length of the required training to become a pathologist, although tion seem to indicate that while the role of pathologists is not
this inaccuracy may apply for other medical specialties also. Only clear for the population, most of them at least do not associate
a minority (34.8%) thought that it would take more than 8 years the profession with negative labels.
after high school graduation (table 2). The pathologists do not Undergoing a diagnostic procedure as a patient has a remark-
have a reputation for making many errors or being sued often, ably disappointing impact on the recognition of the pathologist’s
and they are viewed as good investigators (table 3). crucial importance in making the final diagnosis. Going through
The majority of the respondents did not know that samples a breast biopsy, endoscopy with gastrointestinal biopsies, prostate
removed through screening tests, biopsies and surgical excisions
are diagnosed by pathologists. In all categories, clinical special-
ists were chosen most commonly as diagnostic decision makers Table 3 The respondents’ choices for the statement “Pathologists
(gynaecologists for Pap test, gastroenterologists for gastrointes- have a reputation for”. The respondents had a chance to select as
tinal biopsies, oncologists for breast biopsies and surgical exci- many answers as applied
sions for malignant diseases, and urologists for prostate biopsies)
Pathologists have a reputation for: Responses (n=349)
(table 4). Undergoing any of the examined procedures did not
Being good investigators 255 (73.1%)
increase the likelihood of understanding the pathologist’s role
Having high level of intellectual curiosity 227 (65.0%)
significantly, with the exception of prostate biopsies and surgical
Being good decision makers 185 (53.0%)
excisions. The number of patients who identified the pathologist
Making many errors 26 (7.4%)
as the ultimate decision maker remained consistently low for all
Being sued often 21 (5.9%)
procedures (13.8%–36.4%) (table 5).
2 Fischer G, et al. J Clin Pathol 2020;0:1–4. doi:10.1136/jclinpath-2020-206873
Short report

J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jclinpath-2020-206873 on 23 October 2020. Downloaded from on November 5, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
proper education of patients about the diagnostic procedures.
Table 4 The most commonly selected medical specialists by the
Since the general population’s understanding of the patholo-
respondents as diagnostic decision makers on samples from the
gist’s work is minimal, very few students would seek admission
corresponding procedures. This analysis is not restricted to gender or
to medical school in order to be a pathologist. Once they are
history of the relevant procedure
admitted, the medical students do not get enough exposure to
Most commonly identified specialist as pathology to make the specialty a competitive career choice for
Procedure type diagnosis maker
their residency.9 And the clinical colleagues may not have the
Pap test Gynaecologist: 44.7% (160/358) drive or motivation to educate the patients on the importance
Breast biopsy Oncologist: 19.2% (68/355) of the pathologist’s role and contribute to changing the public
Prostate biopsy Urologist: 22.5% (80/356) perceptions in their rushed clinical services.
Gastrointestinal biopsy Gastroenterologist: 40.7% (143/351) The dilemma of how to make improvements needs to be
Surgery for malignant disease Oncologist: 27.9% (97/347) answered because we have not made significant progress in the
last decades.10 Since the encouraging sporadic attempts and
campaigns have not delivered a dramatic improvement in our
biopsy, Pap test or surgical excision for a malignant disease did recognition up to this point, we have to think about a funda-
not have a significant impact on the likelihood of understanding mental change in positioning our specialty. When the clinician–
the pathologist’s role, the changes were only significant in pros- patient interactions do not lead to a proper understanding of
tate biopsies and surgical excisions. the roles of pathologists in diagnostic decision-­making, the inte-
Even with the potential benefit of getting more educated on gration of pathologist–patient interactions into patient care may
the diagnostic process by the visits to physicians’ offices, clinics be a potential solution. Pathologists should have the opportu-
and hospitals and the discussions with various members of the nity to take ownership of the task of explaining their findings
healthcare team, only the minority of the patients identified the to the patients themselves. This has been suggested by multiple
pathologist as the ultimate decision maker (13.8%–36.4%). The authors and the results are promising in settings where the
numbers were even worse among the respondents who have not pathologists stepped up to this role.11–13 Including this contact
undergone these procedures. time into the sequence of events and visits related to patient care
These results raise questions about the communications to would have the potential of making a much bigger impact on the
patients prior to and after the selected diagnostic procedures. public perceptions of our profession than all the other attempts
The busy and rushed clinical services may not allow sufficient combined. The potential benefit may go well beyond improving
time for the healthcare teams to educate the patients appropri- the public perceptions. Pathologists would gain more visibility
ately on the diagnostic decision-­making, even when the will- by stepping out from behind the ‘paraffin curtain’,14 earn more
ingness to inform them would be present. Consequently, most respect in the healthcare system among clinicians, residents,
patients do not realise that the samples removed from their medical students, administrators and patients, and be in a better
bodies are sent away for analysis and the final diagnosis is made position to recruit and lobby for their goals with the broader
by a pathologist. recognition.
It is incredibly difficult to break through the circle formed by Of course, not every pathology report or clinicopathological
the limited public knowledge, marginalisation of pathology in scenario would require patient–pathologist conversations. The
the medical school curriculum, limited exposure to pathology discussion of the expected pathological findings on routine
in the clinical postgraduate training programmes and lack of minor procedures (simple cholecystectomies, appendectomies,
gynaecologic, genitourinary, gastrointestinal, skin biopsies and
other trivial routine samples) may be a waste of time for both
Table 5 Responses selecting pathologists as ultimate diagnostic the patients and the pathologists. However, the pathologists
decision makers of samples between respondents who underwent the can play an important role in explaining the histological find-
corresponding procedures versus not ings of excisions of malignant lesions, selected biopsies, major
Thinks diagnosis is made by a unexpected findings or pathological diagnoses contradicting the
clinical and radiological impression.
Procedure status No Yes P value Different methods have been suggested to expand the role
Underwent Pap test* 0.65 of pathologists by providing an explanation of the pathology
 No 49 (89.1%) 6 (10.9%) report to the patients including written explanatory materials15
 Yes 150 (86.2%) 24 (13.8%) or participation in social media patient group discussions,16 and
Underwent breast biopsy* 0.26 were well received by the patients. However, face-­to-­face meet-
 No 157 (81.8%) 35 (18.2%) ings with the patients have the biggest potential to put an end to
 Yes 27 (73.0%) 10 (27.0%) the pathologists’ invisibility in the healthcare system. Patholo-
Underwent prostate biopsy† 0.047 gists can develop a pathology explanatory clinic and may focus
 No 98 (88.3%) 13 (11.7%) on the pathology findings, or they may choose to embed their
 Yes 7 (63.6%) 4 (36.4%) discussions with the patient in a multidisciplinary setting along
Underwent GI biopsy 0.24 with other specialists (oncologist, radiologist, surgeon or other
 No 217 (88.2%) 29 (11.8%) clinicians).17 18
 Yes 87 (82.9%) 18 (17.1%) Pathologists should be aware of the limitations of their roles
Underwent cancer procedure 0.046 and respect the boundaries of other specialists’ territory. Some
 No 232 (80.6%) 56 (19.4%) clinicians have been encouraging pathologists to meet the
 Yes 40 (67.8%) 19 (32.2%)
patients, although this mostly applies to scenarios of commu-
nicating diagnostic errors.19 However, the introduction of
*Analysis restricted to females only.
†Analysis restricted to males only. patient–pathologist interactions may not be received enthu-
GI, gastrointestinal. siastically by certain clinicians and the territories of practices
Fischer G, et al. J Clin Pathol 2020;0:1–4. doi:10.1136/jclinpath-2020-206873 3
Short report

J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jclinpath-2020-206873 on 23 October 2020. Downloaded from on November 5, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
should be respected mutually. Some pathologists may not feel Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
ready to interact with patients either and this may be due to the Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
lack of training opportunities in communication with patients. Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-­NC 4.0) license, which
To address this concern, the development of a specific training permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-­commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
route was suggested for the pathologists interested to become properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use
Certified Pathology Navigators.17 Another important consid- is non-­commercial. See: http://​creativecommons.​org/​licenses/​by-​nc/​4.​0/.
eration is the time the meetings and the necessary preparation
require, since this process is currently not factored in to the ORCID iD
Gabor Fischer http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0002-​9382-​5815
pathologist’s workload, daily routine and billing.
Since the process of implementing patient–pathologist discus-
sions would certainly improve the quality of patient care, help
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Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any 2018;5:237428951875630.
funding agency in the public, commercial or not-­for-­profit sectors. 18 Fiscella J. Introducing patients to their pathology reports. CAP Today 2014;28:54–5.
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Competing interests None declared.
and how to say "sorry" after committing a medical error. Int J Surg Pathol
Patient consent for publication Not required. 2014;22:242–6.

4 Fischer G, et al. J Clin Pathol 2020;0:1–4. doi:10.1136/jclinpath-2020-206873

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