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Mrs. Jincy Ealias Mr.

Binu Babu
M.Sc. (N) MBA, M.Sc. (N)
Asst. Professor Asst. Professor
The Neisseriae are Gram negative diplococci

Pathogens are:- N.Meningitidis

Neisseria Meningitidis
General characteristics
• Gram-negative, bean-shaped, diplococci
• Do not possess flagella or spores
• Capsulated and possess pili.
• Strict parasites, do not survive long outside of the
• Aerobic
• Oxidative metabolism
• Produce catalase and oxidase
• Pathogenic species require enriched complex
media and CO2
• Gram-negative, bean-shaped, diplococci
• Do not possess flagella or spores.
• Capsulated and possess pili.
• 0.8 x 0.6 µm in diameter.
Cultural characteristics
• Can grow in blood agar, Chocolate agar.
• Growth is improved by addition of blood or serum.
• Growth is also improved by incubation in the
presence of 2- 8 % CO2
• Growth temperature is 36-39⁰C and pH ranges of 6-8.
• Colonies are 1-2 mm in diameter, convex, grey and
transparent. No hemolysis in blood agar.
Biochemical properties
• Oxidase-positive; i.e., they possess the
enzyme cytochrome and produce
• N.Meningitidis is maltose fermenter.
• N.Meningitidis produces no beta
It has three important virulence factors:
1. Polysaccharride capsule. It is antiphagocytic
in nature.
2. The endotoxin of N. Meningitidis is a
lipopolysaccharide (LPS). It induces septic
shock by causing release of cytokines.
3. IgA protease. It cleaves the IgA antibodies
present in respiratory mucosa.
• Humans are the only natural hosts
• The organisms are transmitted by airborne
• Colonize the nasopharynx and become transient
flora of the upper respiratory tract.
• From the nasopharynx, the organism can enter the
bloodstream and spread to meninges and grow in
the cerebrospinal fluid.
• N. Meningitidis is the most common cause of
meningitis in persons between the ages of 2 and
18 years.
• Outbreaks of meningitis are most common in
winter and early spring, and favored by close
contact between individuals.
1. Meningitis
2. Meningococcemia (multiplication of bacteria in
the blood stream)
Laboratory diagnosis
• It is frequently isolated from samples such as
blood, CSF.
• Different methods for laboratory diagnosis
Gram staining
Oxidase test
Fermentation tests
Latex agglutination test
Gram staining
The diagnosis is suggested by the finding of
gram negative bacteria bean shaped capsular
The organism is cultured on blood agar or
chocolate agar incubated at 37°C in a 5% CO2
atmosphere. Colonies are 1-2 mm in diameter,
convex, grey and transparent. No hemolysis
Oxidase test: Determines the presence of cytochrome
oxidase. It is Positive in N.Meningitidis.
Grow the isolate(s) to be tested for 18-24 hours
on a blood agar plate at 35-37°C with ~5% CO2. Dispense
a few drops of Kovac's oxidase reagent. Tilt the plate and
observe colonies for a color change to purple. Positive
reactions will develop within 10 seconds in the form of a
purple color.
Manitol fermentation: N. Meningitidis ferment
Maltose fermentation: N. Meningitidis ferment
Latex agglutination test, which detects capsular
polysaccharide in the spinal fluid.
Treatment and Prevention
• Penicillin G or sulphonamides are the drugs of
• Cholramphenicol or third generation
cephalosporin such as cefotaxime or
ceftriaxone are recommended for patients
who are allergic to penicillin.
• Meningococcal vaccine, is available which
contains the capsular polysaccharide.
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
• N. Gonorrhoeae causes gonorrhea, neonatal
conjunctivitis (ophthalmia neonatorum) and
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
• Oval shaped
• Gram negative diplococci
• Size is 0.6 to 0.8 µm.
• Occurs in pair
• Non motile
• Capsulated and have pilli
Cultural characteristics
• Can grow in enriched media such as chocolate
• Growth is also improved by incubation in the
presence of 5- 10% CO2
• Growth temperature is 37⁰C and no growth if
the temperature is less than 25⁰C or more
than 38.5⁰C
• pH ranges of 7.2-7.6.
Biochemical properties
The virulence factors are.
1. Pili: Most important virulence factors.
Piliated gonococci are usually virulent, whereas
non piliated strains are avirulent.
2. Two virulence factors in the cell wall
a) Lipooligosaccharride (LOS) (a modified form of
endotoxin). Endotoxin of gonococci is weaker than
that of meningococci.
b) Outer membrane proteins(OMP) : OMP cause
attachment of bacteria to epithelial cells of the
urethra, rectum, cervix, pharynx, or conjunctiva, like
3. IgA protease
• The main host defenses against gonococci are
antibodies (IgA and IgG), complement, and
• IgA protease degrades one of these antibodies.
Other biochemical properties are;
• They ferment glucose
• They are oxidase positive
• Humans are only reservoir, not part of normal
• Causes disease only in humans.
• Transmitted sexually both in males and
• N. gonorrhea causes following infections.
1. Gonorrhea
2. Neonatal conjunctivitis (ophthalmia
3. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
Laboratory diagnosis
• It is frequently isolated from samples such
as blood, urethral discharge in men,
cervical discharge in females.
• Different methods for laboratory diagnosis
Gram staining
Oxidase test
Fermentation tests
Gram staining
The diagnosis is suggested by the finding of
gram negative bacteria bean shaped capsular
The organism is cultured on Thayar - Martin
Agar or Mueller-Hinton agar (chocolate Agar)
incubated at 37°C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere. Colonies
are 1-2 mm in diameter, grey and transparent. N.
gonorrhea grows rapidly producing small, No
Oxidase Test
• Test on filter paper or directly on plate
• Oxidase reagent =Dimethyl or tetramethyl
oxidase reagent
• Violet-purple color indicates a positive
Manitol fermentation: N. Gonorrhea ferment manitol.
Maltose fermentation: N. Gonorrhea do not ferment
Treatment and Prevention
• Penicillin
• Tetracycline if beta-lactamase positive
strain. Can also use cephalosporins and
• The prevention of gonorrhea involves the
use of safety measures and the immediate
treatment of symptomatic patients and their

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