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A brief presentation of English language certification


The importance of
education and

Prepared by: Mohammad Asif “Kamal”

Instructor: Javid Ahmad “Rizwan”

Name: Mohammad Asif “Kamal”

Father’s name: Mohammad Shafiq“Kamal”

Instructor: Javid Ahmad “Rizwan”

Phone Number: (0093)704087244


Monograph title: The importance of education and media.

Monograph submitted to: Administration of KIMS


As we all know the value of education and media in our life. Education is the foundation of
development in defining, quality, relevance and more…
Education develops human personality, thoughts, dealing with others and prepares people for
life experiences. It makes man the smartest creature on earth.
And Media has a unique identity in the society. Especially, media is an organized institution
which brings awareness in people, by providing information, education, knowledge,
motivation, surveillance and entertainment media creates awareness in people. So education
and media effects in our life, they have pros and cons in our life.
That’s why I have prepared my monograph under the title the importance of education and
media in Our Life.

Mohammad Asif “Kamal”


First of all I dedicated this monograph to my dear parents who always have been supporting
me in my life. They thought me the way how I go forward in my life. After my parents, I want
dedicated my monograph to my beloved teacher (Javid Ahmad Rizwan) who tirelessly gave me
a hand while being stuck and always inspired me by paving the ground in any condition, is
spite of having been busy.

Thank you Note

First of all I am really thankful of almighty Allah who gives me a good health and the
ability to get education. I thankfully show my love and gratefulness to my family and the
administration especially my beloved teachers “Javid Ahmad Rizwan and Sharifullah”
Who led me to be who I am today. All of them took me forward in every stage of life.

Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1
What is Education?....................................................................................................................................... 2
The Importance of Education....................................................................................................................... 4
Role of Education in Society......................................................................................................................... 7
Education in Islam ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Kinds of education...................................................................................................................................... 10
1. Islamic education: .............................................................................................................................. 10
2. Modern education:............................................................................................................................. 12
Difference between educated and uneducated person ........................................................................... 14
What is media? ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Media usage: .............................................................................................................................................. 21
How frequently people use social media: ................................................................................................. 22
Role of media in our society ...................................................................................................................... 23
Kinds of media ............................................................................................................................................ 25
1. Print media ......................................................................................................................................... 25
2. Broadcast Media ................................................................................................................................ 27
3. Social media:....................................................................................................................................... 29
Positive & Negative Effects Of Social Media On Education ...................................................................... 31
Advantages of media.................................................................................................................................. 34
Disadvantages of Media............................................................................................................................. 38
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 38


Education is the process of learning and knowing, which is not restricted to our school text-
books. It is a holistic process and continues through our life. Even the regular happenings and
events around us educate us, in one or the other way. It would not be an exaggeration to say
that the existence of human beings is fruitless without education. An educated person has the
ability to change the world, as he/she is brimming with confidence and assured of making the
right moves. It Makes Better Citizens, Ensures A Productive Future, Opens New Vistas, Spreads
Awareness, Helps In Decision-Making, Bolsters Confidence.

The term media is derived from Medium, which means carrier or mode. Media denotes an item
specifically designed to reach a large audience or viewers. The term was first used with the
advent of newspapers and magazines. However, with the passage of time, the term broadened
by the inventions of radio, TV, cinemas and Internet. In the world of today, media has become
almost as necessary as food and clothing. It is true that media is playing an outstanding role in
strengthening the society. Its duty is to inform, educate and entertain the people. It helps us to
know current situation around the world. The media has a strong social and cultural impact
upon society. Because of its inherent ability to reach large number of public, it is widely used to
convey message to build public opinion and awareness.

The role of media in education is evident today by the number of computer labs, television
sets and libraries that have become part of curriculum in most schools today. Media comes
in different forms and each form affects the way students learn and interpret information.
Media has brought the world closer (globalization) so that now students from different
universities in different parts of the world are connected through a mere internet
connection. Amidst the information revolution mass media has become such a massive part
of our lives.

What is Education?

Education is a significant tool that provides knowledge, skill, technique, information and enables
people to know their rights and duties towards their family, society and the nation. You can
expand your vision and outlook to see the world around us. It changes our perception of life.
Education builds up the ability to explore new things to enhance your creativity. Your creativity
is a tool to develop the nation.
Education is an important tool which is very useful in everybody’s life. Education is what
differentiates us from other living beings on earth. It makes man the smartest creature on earth.
It empowers humans and gets them ready to face challenges of life efficiently. With that being
said, education still remains a luxury and not a
necessity in our country. Educational
awareness needs to be spread through the
country to make education accessible. But this
remains incomplete without first analyzing the
importance of education. Only when the
people realize what significance it holds, can
they consider it a necessity for a good life.
To say Education is important is an
understatement. Education is a weapon to
improve one’s life. It is probably the most
important tool to change one’s life. Education
for a child begins at home. It is a lifelong
process that ends with death. Education
certainly determines the quality of an
individual’s life. Education improves one’s
knowledge, skills and develops the personality
and attitude. Most noteworthy, Education
affects the chances of employment for people. A highly educated individual is probably very likely
to get a good job. In this essay on importance of education, we will tell you about the value of
education in life and society.
First of all, Education teaches the ability to read and write. Reading and writing is the first step in
Education. Most information is done by writing. Hence, the lack of writing skill means missing out
on a lot of information. Consequently, Education makes people literate.
Above all, Education is extremely important for employment. It certainly is a great opportunity
to make a decent living. This is due to the skills of a high paying job that Education provides.
Uneducated people are probably at a huge disadvantage when it comes to jobs. It seems like
many poor people improve their lives with the help of Education.

Better Communication is yet another role in Education. Education improves and refines the
speech of a person. Furthermore, individuals also improve other means of communication with
Education makes an individual a better user of technology. Education certainly provides the
technical skills necessary for using technology. Hence, without Education, it would probably be
difficult to handle modern machines.

People become more mature with the help of Education. Sophistication enters the life of
educated people. Above all, Education teaches the value of discipline to individuals. Educated
people also realize the value of time much more. For educated people, time and money is equal.
Education is the medium that gives us the skills, techniques, information and knowledge to know,
understand and respect the duties we have towards our society, families and nation. Therefore,
the magnitude of the importance of in life is huge as well as multifold. The
importance of education in life is that It helps everyone develop a good perspective of looking at
the world and our society. Education helps us in getting new ideals and exploring new ideas.
Education helps in unravelling the mystery of nature. It enables us to understand and improve
the working of our society. It creates conditions for a better life. Education brings out the
capabilities to fight injustice happening in society. Every individual has the right to education.
Education makes us gain knowledge and learn ethics and values. It gives an intellectual dimension
to our thinking. It makes our decision more logical and rational. Education also makes an
individual independent and improves his lifestyle by helping him to earn a better livelihood for
himself and his family. Education not only helps to achieve success on an individual level, but it
also adds up to the economic growth of a country. It helps to build better citizens, a better
society, and a better nation by bringing us out of the darkness of ignorance and enlightening us
with knowledge.
Education is a basic human rights and forms a pillar sustainable development and equitable
growth. Schooling liberates people from ignorance and allows them to acquire the knowledge
and skills to reach their full social, economic and culture potential . Education has the means to
empower individual and impacts every aspect of life. It is the vehicle to how one develops and understands
the creates opportunities for decent work and higher income and is correlated to many other
companies which can enrich ones quality of life and contribute to happiness, health, mental, wellbeing,
civic engagement, home ownership and long term financial stability.

The Importance of Education

Education is an important issue in one’s life. It is the key to success in the future and to have
many opportunities in our life. Education has many advantages for people. For instance, it
illuminates a person’s mind and thinking. It helps students to plan for work or pursue a higher
education while graduating from university. Having education in an area helps people think, feel,
and behave in a way that contributes to their success, and improves not only their personal
satisfaction but also their community.
In addition, education develops human personality, thoughts, dealing with others and prepares
people for life experiences. It makes people have a special status in their own society and
everywhere they live in. I believe that everyone is entitled to have education ‘’from cradle to
grave’’. There are various benefits of having education such as having a good career, having a
good status in society, and having self-confidence.
First of all, education gives us the chance of having a good career in our life. We can have plenty
of chances to work at any workplace we wish. In other words, opportunities for a better
employment can be more and easy. The highly educated we are the better chance we get.
Moreover, education polishes our mind, reinforces our thoughts, and strengthens our character
and behaviors toward others. It equips us with information in various fields in general and our
specialization in particular; especially what we need to master in our job career. Therefore,
without education we may not survive properly nor have a decent profession.
Furthermore, education grants us a good status in society. As educated people, we are
considered as a valuable source of knowledge for our society. Having education helps us teach
others morals, manners and ethics in our society. For this reason, people deal with us in a
considerable and special way for being productive and resourceful. In addition, education makes
us a role model in society when our people need us to guide them to the right way or when they
want to take a decision. Thus, it is an honor for us to serve our community and contribute towards
its advancement.
In fact, being educated is an advantage to help our people and build a good society. Besides, it
is very well-known that having self-confidence is always generated from education. It is a great
blessing for us to have self-confidence which leads to many advantages and success in life. For
example, it helps us manage specific tasks, tackle life’s challenges and maintain positive stands.
Additionally, having self-confidence is typically based on proper education; paving the path for
us to success. Accordingly, self-confidence makes us aware of how well we perform a task or a
range of actions. In short, being educated is undoubtedly being self-confident and successful in
life. All in all, education is the process of acquiring knowledge and information that lead to a
successful future.

As discussed above, there are a lot of positive traits of having education; such as having a good
career, having a good status in society, and having self-confidence. Education makes us view
obstacles as challenges to overcome with no fear; facing new things. It is the main factor behind
successful people and the merit of developed countries. Therefore, education is deemed a real
success behind any future success.
The importance of education could be understood from the fact that a well-educated person is
highly respected and appreciated in society. Education brings us out of the darkness of ignorance
and widens our thinking and mental capability. A well-educated country will always have fewer
issues and will progress on the path of growth and development.

Education is also very important in our life in the following ways:

Taking Better Decisions
Education helps a person make better decisions in life and makes him analyze things more
intellectually. A better decision at the right time enhances the chances of success in life.

Better Lifestyle and Livelihood

A well-educated person will always have a better lifestyle and earn a decent livelihood as
compared to an individual who is not educated. Education helps to earn better career
opportunities and opens the way to success.

Improves Body Language and Communication

A well-educated person will always have better communication skills and body language. He
will be able to present himself in a more sophisticated and decent way in front of others and
make him understood by others better.

More Intellectual Maturity

Education brings intellectual maturity, makes people follow the right path in life, and helps to
stay away from all the evils of society. It makes him an individual with great ethics and values.

Makes a Person Independent

A well-qualified person can earn his livelihood anywhere without getting dependent on others.
It makes him self-reliant economically as well as emotionally by increasing his self-confidence.

Adds Value to the Nation

A country whose citizens are educated well will also support the country’s economy in various
ways. An educated voter will also choose a better leader for its country who will work for its
growth and development.

Modern Concept of Education
The modern concept of education mainly focuses on developing skills with education. It opposes
the conventional concept, which deals with only scoring marks and passing the exams. The
modern concept is the progressive way of imparting education that concentrates on a person’s
overall development. It prepares an individual to face the world’s challenges and aims at making
him independent and self-reliant.
Modern education uses technology and scientific developments and demonstrates the practical
use of the knowledge, thus enhancing the grasping ability of the children. It uses the internet,
computers, and audio video components to make children understand the basics of a concept
and prepare them for their future.

Education is the Key to Success

Education is one of the most important tools for success. It opens the door to new opportunities
and builds a path toward a better life. A person with a high qualifications could easily get better
job opportunities and meet the organization’s concerned job standards.
Education also changes our perspective
toward life and makes us more optimistic. The
vast ocean of knowledge gained through
education helps us solve bigger problems
rationally and positively, making the platform
for success in our respective professions.
Education also improves productivity and
makes you smarter to accomplish a task using
modern technology. It helps you learn the
skills required for a job and makes you ahead
in your field.

But education is not the only thing to achieve success in life; it is just a step toward success. You
also require hard work, strong determination, dedication, and sincerity to get success in life.
These things, along with your education, will unlock all the doors of success and help you achieve
your life’s aim.

Role of Education in Society

Education is the social institution through

which the society provides its members
with knowledge, facts, job skills and values.
One of the most important roles of
education is that it improves personal lives
and helps society to run smoothly. As
mentioned above, poverty can be
eradicated and every individual can
contribute towards the development of the
Education Creates a Better Society: An educated person is more likely to develop better moral
and ethical values as compared to an uneducated person. Education brings equal opportunity for
everyone and educated people will be able to create a better society.
Education is the Backbone of Society: Education is an integral part of human society. Lack of
education gives birth to numerous social problems like poor health, conflicts, and poor living
standards. Education helps people overcome all problems by finding better solutions.
Education Encourages Innovation and Creativity: Education leads to innovation. Innovation and
creativity can only occur when skilled people know how to advance with different technologies.
Educated people always can solve problems with the help of better techniques.
Education Creates a Better Human Being: Education is the most powerful weapon by which the
entire perspective of the world can be changed. Through education, a person can develop good
moral values. It helps us to become a better person in life.
Understanding the Responsibilities: As a social being, it becomes the responsibility of every
individual to give something back to society and make it a better place for our next generation.
An educated person is aware of his personal and social responsibilities.
Education helps in shaping the values of an individual. It helps individuals develop their moral
values, humbleness, sympathy and empathy towards society, etc.
Students or any individual learn to express their viewpoints by reading, writing, and learning. And
these qualities or skills are taught with the help of education and nothing else.

Education in Islam

Education in Islam has great significance. Islam is the religion of peace and stands out among the most
hallowed and dependable religions, giving us direction in each part of life. Islam gives us instruction with
learning which has no restrictions. The Holy Quran is the most secular book of Allah uncovered by
Prophet Muhammad (SAW). For the enlistment direction and enhanced messages to humanity.

Importance of Education in Islam in the light of the Quran

Education in Islam has been emphasized repeatedly in the Quran, the ultimate source of guidance for

First Divine Revelation

The first revelation on the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) at the cave of Hera demonstrates the importance
of Education in Islam; the verse began with the word “Iqra”, which means “read” in Arabic, which
implies the concept of learning and seeking knowledge.

َ‫ٱ ْق َرأْ ِبٱس ِْم َر ِبِّكَ ٱلَّذِى َخلَق‬

Recite in the name of your Lord who created –

‫علَق‬ ِ ْ َ‫َخلَق‬
َ َٰ ‫ٱْلن‬
َ ‫سنَ ِم ْن‬
Created the human being from a clinging substance.

‫ٱ ْق َرأْ َو َربُّكَ ْٱْل َ ْك َرم‬

Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous –

‫علَّ َم ِب ْٱلقَلَ ِم‬

َ ‫ٱلَّذِى‬
Who taught by the pen –

‫سنَ َما لَ ْم يَ ْعلَ ْم‬ ِ ْ ‫علَّ َم‬

َ َٰ ‫ٱْلن‬ َ
Taught the human being that which he knew not.
(AL Quran 96:1-5)

In the Quran, Allah raises the honor of the person among us who seek knowledge,

‫برفع الله الذين امنوا منكم والذين أوتوا العلم درجت والله بما تعملون خبير‬
Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge by
degrees. And Allah is acquainted with what you do.
(AL Quran 58:11)

The Quran addresses all the people and indicates that people will be judged by their knowledge
and understanding.

َ‫ق ْل ه َْل يَ ْست َ ِوى ٱلَّذِينَ يَ ْعلَمونَ َوٱلَّذِينَ ََل يَ ْعلَمون‬

“Are those who know equal to those who do not know?
(AL Quran 39:9)

Allah Almighty taught every aspect of education Islamic, Arts, and Science to the first Prophet, Hazart
Adam (AS).

‫علَّ َم َءا َد َم ْٱْل َ ْس َمآ َء كلَّ َها‬

َ ‫َو‬
And He taught Adam the names – all of them.
AL Quran (2:31)

In the above verse, the word “ASMA ‫ ”أ َ ْس َمآ َء‬means all the branches of education, including
science, arts and philosophy.

What is the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) according to education?

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) gave great importance to science and education. The importance
given to knowledge, learning, teaching, students, and teachers is often used in His activities and
words. There are a lot of Hadiths that encourage Muslims to gain an education.
Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said while describing the importance of education in Islam:
“If anyone travels on the road searching for knowledge, Allah will cause him to travel on one of the
roads of Paradise. The angels will lower their wings in their great pleasure with one who seeks
knowledge; the inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth and the fish in the deep waters will ask
forgiveness for the learned man. The superiority of the learned man over the devout is like that of the
moon, on the night when it is full, over the rest of the stars. The learned are the heirs of the Prophets,
and the Prophets leave neither dinar nor dirham, leaving only knowledge, and he who takes it takes an
abundant portion.”

The Prophet (SAW) did not just lecture about the significance of learning. He likewise gave
samples of advancing information about education in Islam.
In the Battle of Badr, a war between Muslims and Non-Muslims, Muslims stood victorious with
the grace of Allah, and almost 70 Non-Muslims were taken as prisoners of war. Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) said that only one condition would free the prisoner if they teach at least 10
Muslim children how to read and write.
Holy Prophet (SAW) advised His companions to seek knowledge even if they have to visit china
for it.

Kinds of education
1. Islamic education:
Islamic education is very important in our life because by Islamic education we can know Allah
and his messenger Mohammad (SAW).As we all of know we are coming to this world for
examining, Allah judge us, we are coming to this world for worshiping of Allah. Allah said in the
Holy Quran: I did not find human and jinn’s just for worshipping of me.
Islam has put greater emphasis on the importance of acquisition and dissemination of knowledge
(‘ilm)1 than any other human activities. In fact, it makes it compulsory (far) upon its adherents,
regardless of gender, to learn and disseminate knowledge. The obligation of seeking out
knowledge is binding upon every Muslim by the command of the Qur’an and Sunnah of the
Prophet (PBUH).
Education from Islamic perspective is often defined by Muslim scholars from three different
dimensions which are reflected in different concepts introduced, important among them are;
tarbiyyah – the process of education that gives emphasis on physical and intellectual
development of an individual; ta’dīb – the process of education that gives emphasis on nurturing
good human beings with noble codes of conduct/ethics approved by Islam, so that he may
conduct and position himself in society with justice; and ta līm – the process of education that is
based on teaching and learning. The concept of education in Islam must take into consideration
of all the dimensions stated above. No matter which one of the above concepts is preferable to
scholars, it should not be used as a pretext for controversy and intellectual acrimony among
scholars, because what does it matter is not the concept, but the practice, methodology and its
objectives. Education occupies a significant position in Islamic civilization.
The first revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Sūrah al‘Alaq (verses 1-4) is about the
divine instruction to “reading by the name of God”, thus underscores the taw īd philosophy that
education in its essence is not purely a mundane activity, but an integral part of faith. Recently,
the concept of education in Islam has been influenced by secularism since the time of
colonization and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, which consequently resulted in the failure
of the Muslim Ummah in its quest for nation building and development according to Islamic
perspective. The purpose of education in Islam is to produce a good human being who is capable
of delivering his/her duties as a servant of Allah (abdullāh) and His vicegerent (khalīfah) on earth.
This paper is aimed at highlighting the main features of Islamic education, its methodology and

The Arabic word ‘ilm translated into English as knowledge, has wider sense than contained in awareness,
consciousness and recognition or familiarity. There are ‘ilm that cannot be acquired by reason, thought or
contemplation such as Revelation. The root meanings of ‘ilm are “a mark, a sign like the country’s flag, or a
signpost, or a track-mark etc., with which they are distinguished or recognized. It means, therefore, to know
something in all details, to cognize, to perceive reality, to have faith, to realize, to have sure and definite

objectives in comparison with the current system of education, which is predominantly secular
in its philosophy and methodology.

Acquisition of knowledge (‘ilm) is emphasized in Islam as an important activity besides its

dissemination. It has been made compulsory (far�) upon its adherents, regardless of gender, to
learn and disseminate knowledge. The obligation of seeking out knowledge is binding upon every
Muslim by the command of the Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH),

‫طلب العلم فريضة على كل مسلم‬

Acquisition of knowledge is compulsory upon every Muslims
In the Qur’an, those who seek for knowledge are honored as the group of people who strive to
obtain understanding in religious matters. They are entrusted with the responsibility to
disseminate the knowledge and skills they knew to those who do not have the opportunity to
learn them.

‫طائِفَةٌ ِل َيتَفَقَّهوا فِي ال ِ ِّدي ِن َو ِلي ْنذِروا قَ ْو َمه ْم إِ َذا َر َجعوا إِلَ ْي ِه ْم لَعَلَّه ْم‬
َ ‫فَلَ ْو ََل نَفَ َر ِم ْن ك ِِّل فِ ْرقَة ِم ْنه ْم‬
َ‫يَ ْح َذرون‬
For there should separate from every division of them a group [remaining] to obtain
understanding in the religion and warn their people when they return to them that they might
be cautious In Islam, seeking out knowledge is part of the process of education that aims to
enlighten the human soul and enriches the treasures of knowledge that helps in knowing Allah
SWT, the Creator of all humankind and universe. This will instil the sense of responsibility to
worship the Creator and obey His command at all times and circumstances as well as to
accomplish the purpose of the creation of
mankind as stipulated in the Quran, that is, to
worship Allah,

ِ ‫س ِإ ََّل ِليَ ْعبد‬

‫ون‬ ِ ْ ‫َو َما َخلَ ْقت ْال ِج َّن َو‬
َ ‫اْل ْن‬
And I did not create the jinn and mankind
except to worship me.
Being the vicegerent of Allah, man is taught
about how to conduct his religious and
sociopolitical affairs on earth as means to
realize the purpose of his creation in
accordance with the absolute will the Creator. It occupies a significant position in Islamic
civilization. In Islam, knowledge that can only be learned through education is a prerequisite of
faith and development.

The first revelation to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in Surah al-‘Alaq (verses 1-4) is about the
divine instruction to “reading by the name of God”, thus underscores the taw�īd philosophy
that education in its essence is not purely a mundane activity, but an integral part of faith.

2. Modern education:
Modern education is also very important in our life because by modern education we can help
our people by getting of this education someone become a Doctor, Engineer, Pilot and more…
By the helping of this education we can serving for our people, society, and our country. The
study of modern education is not conflict with Islamic education, if someone says that is in
conflict, it indicates weakness of that person.
Modern education is common obligation. Common obligation is that education which is learn for
the benefits of others and people need it. And also the scholars of Islam are agree about that
education that Islam needs is common obligation.
Modern education is the latest and contemporary version of education that is taught in schools
and in learning institution in the 21century.
Modern education doesn’t just only focus on prominent academic disciplines of Commerce,
Science and arts but also aims the foster critical thinking, life skills, value education, analytical
skills and decision making skills. modern education also makes use of the latest technology such
as; Mobile application, audio and video platform like YouTube, podcast, E-book, Movies and etc.
to educate learners and male the learning process more engaging and interesting.
We have all been educated in a teacher-centric classroom, a system where the teacher is in
upfront and the students are seated in nice neat rows, listening to the lecture and taking notes.
This system has been, and to some extent, still forms the core of our education system. Schools
have relied on it for decades, and have only recently undergone major changes. Living in the 21st
century, technology has become an integral part of our everyday lives. None of us can deny that
it has brought about nothing short of an overhaul of our world, and more importantly of our
educational system. From chalkboards to whiteboards and now to smart boards, technology has
become our main source of research, knowledge, and teaching. This blog is going to shed some
light on the modern education system and how it is replacing traditional methods of teaching.
Modern education is the education given by schools and instituted today. Modern education
includes current statistics and the latest study material. Since algorithms, strategies, and
methods constantly change, modern education keeps up with the changes.
Modern education develops the sense of learning essential life skills, analytic competencies,
decision-making skills, and critical thinking. This phase of education is not completely aloof from
contemporary education. Rather, it is a combination of traditional and modern approaches.

Modern education is the education given by schools and instituted today. Modern education
includes current statistics and the latest study material. Since algorithms, strategies, and
methods constantly change, modern education keeps up with the changes.
Modern education develops the sense of learning essential life skills, analytic competencies,
decision-making skills, and critical thinking. This phase of education is not completely aloof from
contemporary education. Rather, it is a combination of traditional and modern approaches.

The academic curriculum needs to be modernized not simply to keep up with the times, but also
to better educate students about the rapid breakthroughs in technology. Becoming flexible to
changing times, helps students become skilled at employing both conventional abilities and
technical competence with equal ease.
The existing educational system does ordinary people an injustice by limiting their potential,
making it impossible for them to handle the intricacies of both private and public life. Since there
are many different issues facing mankind in today’s competitive world, the educational system
must be made adaptable enough to educate pupils for this dynamic environment.
Modern education is the education given by schools and instituted today. Modern education
includes current statistics and the latest study material. Since algorithms, strategies, and
methods constantly change, modern education keeps up with the changes.
Modern education develops the sense of learning essential life skills, analytic competencies,
decision-making skills, and critical thinking. This phase of education is not completely aloof from
contemporary education. Rather, it is a combination of traditional and modern approaches.

Modern trends in Education

Today, education is no more confined to
classroom lessons as it has become a part
of growing-up process for students. With
the advent of modern technology,
educational institutes have tried to
introduce new methods and tools which
help in developing different skills among

Difference between educated and uneducated person

When it comes to discussing the differences between educated and uneducated individuals,
there are a variety of factors to consider. From the way they communicate to the opportunities
available to them, education plays a significant role in shaping people’s lives. In this article, we’ll
explore what it means to be educated versus uneducated and the impact it can have on
individuals and society as a whole.

We should define what we mean by “educated” and “uneducated.” While these terms may seem
straightforward, they can be somewhat subjective. Educated typically refers to someone who has
received formal instruction or training in a particular field or subject. This can include a high
school diploma, college degree, or professional certification. Uneducated, on the other hand,
generally refers to someone who has not received this type of formal education or training.

It’s important to note that being uneducated does not necessarily mean someone is unintelligent
or incapable of learning. Many successful individuals have achieved great things without formal
education. However, having a formal education can provide individuals with a broader range of
opportunities and resources, as well as a deeper understanding of the world around them.

In the following sections, we’ll explore some of the key differences between educated and
uneducated individuals, including their communication skills, job prospects, and overall quality
of life.

Define Educated:

Educated refers to an individual who has acquired knowledge and skills through formal or
informal education. It is a term that is often associated with academic achievement and
intellectual development. An educated person is someone who has undergone a process of
learning, which has equipped them with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate through
life’s challenges.

An educated person is not limited to academic qualifications or degrees. It is also about the
ability to think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, and adapt to new situations.

Education is a continuous process, and an educated person is someone who is always willing to
learn and improve themselves.

Define Uneducated:

Uneducated refers to an individual who lacks formal education or has not undergone any
process of learning. It is a term that is often used to describe individuals who have not
completed primary, secondary, or tertiary education. An uneducated person is someone who
has not had the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills through formal education.

However, being uneducated does not necessarily mean that an individual lacks intelligence or
the ability to learn. It is possible for someone to be self-taught and acquire knowledge through
life experiences and informal learning. Nevertheless, the lack of formal education can limit an
individual’s opportunities and hinder their ability to reach their full potential.

Explore New Knowledge

People become ‘educated people’ through knowledge. Knowledge means knowing things you
didn’t know before. But that knowledge should be useful for the future. Stupid people have a
certain mentality that they think they know everything. Therefore, they do not seek knowledge.

So when the person who does not have knowledge does not try to get more knowledge, their
knowledge deteriorates further. That is why, when educated people become more educated,
uneducated people become more and more uneducated.

Virtue and Discipline

Along with education and intelligence comes people with shyness and fear. It is not for anything
else but the shame and fear of doing wrong. They have self-respect, self-esteem, social status.
They are afraid to lose those things. They are ashamed to be subjected to social insults.

Therefore, educated people will live based on ethics and good habits. They have discipline, they
have values. But uneducated people do not care about these things. They don’t know how to
behave in society. They are not ashamed of anything.

Therefore, ignorant people engage in unethical and vile acts. Such behavior patterns are often
seen in them. But there are some uneducated people who lead very disciplined and civilized
lives. The reason is their intelligence and understanding.

So you can understand that when a man loses both education and intelligence, there is no
difference between that man and a wild animal.

Obedience to Rules and Regulations
Educated people obey the laws of the country, traffic laws, school laws, workplace laws. But
uneducated people do not obey the rules. They say that they are not afraid of laws, all laws are
under them. That is the mindset of uneducated people.

So such people do many anti-social acts. They are a great oppression and trouble to other units
of the society. Uneducated people don’t have good jobs. When there is no good job, they have
no money. When they run out of money, they commit various crimes such as theft, and

When people are uneducated, the negative impact on the society is very high. That is why,
every country gives more attention to the education sector.

Ability to Understand
It is easy for an educated person to understand something. Issues and problems can be
resolved by discussing with them. But solving problems with uneducated people is not easy.
They try to scream and show their physical strength in all those situations to frighten the other.

They resort to extreme measures even on the smallest issues. Maybe uneducated people solve
problems by killing people. That is their way. They are not ready to investigate and understand
anything. They think they are always right.

Saying that they know everything and thinking that they are always right are two main
characteristics of uneducated people.

Ease of Association
Comparing the reasons mentioned above, you realize how difficult it is to associate with an
uneducated person. But educated people are not like that. It is very easy to associate with
them. But it is not easy to associate with braggarts who think they are educated.

It is very easy to associate with people who are really educated, intelligent, humble, and have
social experience, and it is also a great relief for the mind.

Respect Others and Their Ideologies

Another valuable trait of truly educated people is to respect others and their ideologies. They
do not consider only their own opinions superior and the opinions of others inferior. They
respect everyone’s opinions and ideologies.

Respect does not mean acceptance. Respecting means not underestimating their views and
opinions. Also, educated and intelligent people listen to others. Uneducated people are not
ready to listen to other people’s opinions and ideologies. They think their way of thinking is
correct and superior.

Along with this reason, uneducated people also hold back a bit to respect others. They think
that it is not compatible with their social status, it is a disadvantage for them. Because
uneducated and unintelligent people live with false pride.

Social Acceptance
Educated people are accepted and praised by the society. Uneducated people don’t like that.
They try to insult even respectable people and tarnish their reputation. They get the most
disgusting pleasure out of it.

Uneducated people cannot prevent educated people from receiving praise and social respect. All
they can do is envy it. Educated and intelligent people are very important to the society. Their
intervention is very valuable to maintain the social mechanism well.

Being Silent
There is a saying, “still water is deep”. Educated people are like that. They are naturally quiet.
And, they don’t panic. They always work very quietly and patiently. Like deep water. They are not
violent, they live very quietly.

But uneducated people are very violent, rowdy and stubborn. All their strength is in their mouths.
Because their brains are empty. So the biggest thing they know is to shout loudly. That is, their
greatest asset and ability.

No matter how loudly they shout, not a single word of theirs carries any meaning. Uneducated
people only know how to shout using words that have no meaning and many harsh words.
Educated people show silence, which is a very high human quality, even when such rude-ignorant
people shout loudly.

Because educated people know that arguing with them is futile. Because, it is not easy to fight
bulls and win, the best thing is to avoid them.

Talking About Valuable Things

Educated people always try to engage in meaningful and valuable conversation. They often speak
based on information and data. An uneducated person can become an educated person if only
by talking with such educated people.

But people who are neither educated nor intelligent do not listen to the lectures of educated
people. Because their mentality is that ‘they know everything’ and ‘no one can teach them’. But
when such uneducated people start talking, they don’t even know what they are talking about.

Their brain shuts down when they open their mouths. Even if the brain is involved, it doesn’t
matter to an uneducated person. Because their brains are empty. So they speak empty words.
Meaningful and valuable stories cannot be heard from them.

Minimization of Social Problems
Considering all these facts, you understand very well that many problems in society arise because
of uneducated people. In a society with less uneducated people, there is maximum peace and
minimum crime.

Also, educated people are an asset to a country. Many useful and effective things are given to
the country and society by them. It is very important that more educated people are born to build
a good society based on new designs and new policies.

How an Educated person is better than the uneducated person?

A society is a body of individuals of a species, generally seen as a community or a group. Human
societies are characterized by patterns of relationships between individuals that share a
distinctive culture or institutions. But not every individual is same or have similar characteristics
while living in the same society. One of the major elements that differentiate people living in the
same society is “Education”. As Allah says in Quran.

"Are those who have knowledge equal to those who do not have knowledge?”
The above verse clearly mentioned that those who have knowledge can’t be equal to those who
do not have the knowledge. An educated person is far better than the uneducated one. He may
well aware of the complexities of life, taking right decisions at the right time, how to talk in a
variety of contexts, how to behave in different social gatherings, and most importantly he knows
his personal and social identities which help him to introspect his personality that ultimately leads
to the maturity in his character in terms of intellect and cognition. An educated person is one
who knows how to be a good human being, how to live in society, how to make this world a
better place to live.

Allah says in Quran in Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse: 164:

“Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of the night and the day,
and the [great] ships which sail through the sea with that which benefits people, and what Allah
has sent down from the heavens of rain, giving life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness and
dispersing therein every [kind of] moving creature, and [His] directing of the winds and the clouds
controlled between the heaven and the earth are signs for a people who use reason”.

The above verse shows that there are multiple signs in this universe for the people who have
knowledge. Islam has always given a great emphasis on Education.

What is media?

Media is one of the medium of communications that have brought the world into one single unit.
As the word media derives from the Latin medium that means in the middle. Media simply refers
to a vehicle or means of message delivery system to carry an ad message to a targeted audience.
Media like TV, Radio, Print, Outdoor and Internet are instruments to convey an advertising
message to the public. The media refers to traditional mass communication system and content
generators as well as other technologies for mediated human speech. This would include
definition of Media is one of the medium of communications that have brought the world into
one single unit. As the word media derives from the Latin medium that means in the middle. The
media refers to traditional mass communication system and content generators as well as other
technologies for mediated human speech. This
would include traditional publishing
(newspapers, periodicals, or books), traditional
electronic media (broadcasting, broadband,
cable, or satellite), motion pictures, video
gaming, recorded music, advertising, and
adaptations of the Internet for any of these
media (Hoag 2008). Information and messages
are transferred from the sender to the receiver
through a certain channel, known as media. In
the form of a spoken, written, or printed word or
any sign, medium is what conveys a meaning.
These could be coded in the form of electronic message. Besides this scientific understanding of
the concept of media, there is a current common parlance of it, as a process or instrument
designed to reach a large number of consumers as audience, readers, or viewers. In the common
parlance, “media” and “mass media” are used almost interchangeably. The term “media” was
first used with the advent of newspapers and magazines.
The media works as the tools that publicize information and entertainment to a large and vast
number of populations. A number of Internet based newspapers, journals, and periodicals have
already made their presence felt (Kumar 2008). The web newspapers are becoming increasingly
popular. And the net editions of almost all the major newspapers are as popular as their print
editions. Mass media have helped in creating social awareness and have also provided people
with an easy way of living life. Thus, media refers various means of communication, its aim to
reach a very large population, such as the entire population of country. Media is the backbone of

Media as a Source of Information:
In the contemporary world, media plays an important role as a source of information about
everything including human rights, as for most people television, radio, and newspapers are
their only source of information. Media possess a power to select issues and events in the
world we got to know about, they decide what constitute news, they filter and frame issues,
they contextualize the problem, they set the political agenda, and they create both the
consciousness and on matters that include human rights (International Council on Human
Rights Policy 2002). In a democracy, public opinion formation is critical in making and breaking
governments and can influence the policy decisions drastically. This large consumer base
coupled with the right to freedom of press – the mother of all freedoms – makes media a very
powerful entity in a country. It can make and unmake individuals and institutions. It can also
build and break societies. Over the last 20 years media have made great changes. Accessibility
of media is one of the revolutions of our times. Availability of news on computers and mobiles
empowers people with updates on-the-go. Press and electronic media are also easily accessible
due to their association with the Internet that helps people to connect anywhere in the world
at any time (Kant 2012). The role of any media new or old is to effectively deliver information. It
means providing the right information to the right people at the right time. New
communication opportunities can keep individuals to be more informative and sensible for
their own rights and duties as well. The new communication technology can create a media
literate public. The media are generators and source of information: out here reporters gather,
process, and present most of the information we receive about everything including human
rights. In addition to just processing information, the media are political and moral agents,
deciding to highlight a particular story, taking clear editorial positions, and calling for something
to be done. Media are the carriers of information generated by human rights organizations like
NGOs, national human right commissions, etc.: they act as the most powerful gatekeepers
between these organizations and the wider public. Whether mounting a campaign on a
particular issue or publishing a report about a particular country or appealing for fund,
organizations channel their information through the selective filter of the media (International
Council on Human Rights Policy 2002, p. 36). Media has proved the power it holds in building up
public opinion on different subject matters. The pen is mightier than the sword goes an old
proverb which has been proved since the advent of writing and development of media.

Media usage:

Mass media inform and educate the people through various and educational channels. It imparts
the basic skills into the people. It disseminates the knowledge among the audience through its
various mediums. People use media according to the availability and their interest.
According to the survey it is found that 42% people use social media to entertain and update
themselves, 35% users are of Television in that the ratio of children are higher and they are
attaining obesity. 13% users are of Newspaper, they read it frequently, and the rest 10%
respondents use Radio to live in their imagination and the programs on radio are very soothing
to ears. There are several uses of mass media tools to attract the tourists and to gain the attention
of mass audience to visit the places, historical sites, to enjoy different cultures, variety of foods
and much more, which boost the Indian Economy and increase the earning of society members.

Use Of media








Social media TV Newspaper Radio

How frequently people use social media:
There are so many social media platforms available today like Facebook, Twitter, Google+,
YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram and WhatsApp. Nearly 86% people uses social media once per
day. Half of social media users prefer to use it through mobile phones. People use Pinterest to
get creative and new ideas. Now social media become the part of everybody’s routine life it is
an easy way to communicate with people, to do online shopping, find other things to do and to
get updates. Facebook is most popular among other social media platforms as it is the oldest
and most preferred networking site. The recurrence of using social sites depends on the
accessibility and the reach of online platforms.

Online Platforms people use at least in 6



Instagram 53%

Youtube 75%


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Percentage %

Role of media in our society

The concept that media has an effective role in social change is a complex question in itself.
However, as the media is directly connected with lives of people, it is necessary to focus on this
subject-area. This study has been presented on the basis of the ground of mass communication
and principles of the media and review- analysis of previous studies in this sector. Media content
and messages have a deep impact on the mood of readers, sources and viewers. Consequently,
the person's concept, perspective and field of thought are affected. Eventually, because of this
the individual's behavior will change and in overall scenes of change appear in the society. In the
past few years, the number of media in Afghanistan has been growing exponentially, and our
society is not immune to the changes caused by the influence of media.
Media has a unique identity in the society.
Especially, media is an organized institution
which brings awareness in people. By
providing information, education, knowledge,
motivation, surveillance and entertainment
media creates awareness in people. Media has
got a special recognition in the society for its
continuous work in favor of awareness.
However, media is not of course different
from the society. Media is an important aspect
as well as a part of the society (Mc Quail,
2010). All over the world media is considered
as the fourth estate of the Nation. Three other
major organs of the state are Executive,
Legislature and Judiciary respectively. In the
state, their role with constitutional and legal status has been determined. But, here, like the
Executive, Judiciary and Legislature, the media is not a determined organ of the state. However,
just like a citizen, the media is such an organ which bears the right to deal with and monitor all
aspects of the state in a freeway. The media has been developing in this status since the 18th

Media as the Source of Knowledge:
In general, media refers to means of mass communication. It consists of Traditional Media,
Modern Media and Online Media. If it is to say more specifically, current digital and social
networks based on computers and the internet are all media, from the way of mockery, mocking,
pointing, shouting, to newspapers, magazines, movies, radio, television and computers and the
internet that is also depicted as a means of mass communication.
Media sector has extended along with exploration and development occurred in the field of
science and information technology. Before 1455 there was no Printing Technology in the world.
After, a German, Jones Gutenburg invented the printing machine the mass communication sector
got a significant achievement. After that, modernity, uniqueness and diversity were gradually
noticed in the printing sector. Radio communication developed after 1920s and television
broadcasting after 1926s.
Not only this, after the development of the Internet in 1970s, a remarkable leap has been created
in the enhancement of the media field. In fact, the development in the field of communication
technology has made the media sector easier, accessible, recordable, less expensive and most
widespread. Especially after the 20 the century, the scope of media use has grown significantly.
Media itself is an organized institution that creates, distributes and displays content and
Here, the relationship between inter objects and messages is related information and knowledge.
In fact, the media has created the basis for the flow of knowledge by communicating messages,
content, ideas, perceptions and perspectives. In this sense, the media itself is a source of
knowledge. Here knowledge is the information about the truth. To get informed about the facts.
Media plays a special role in letting people know about truths and facts.
As the media is the basis of acquiring knowledge, it helps in the psychological, cognitive and
intellectual development of people. Especially based on the work performed by the media, it has
established itself as a source of knowledge. The key function of the media is to see for
information, produce messages, communicate information, educate, entertain and inspire.

Kinds of media

Media is divided in three kinds:

1. Print media
Print media: print media is that media which is printed on the paper. It includes:
Newspaper, magazine and more…

Newspaper is a major source of information for a large number of readers. It may be National
or local, daily or weekly newspaper. Newspapers allow presentation of detailed messages
which can be read at reader’s conveyance. It allows prompt delivery of detailed coverage of
news and other information with interesting features for readers. It is a high involvement
media as readers are required to devote some effort in reading the message. It is available to
masses at a very low cost.

 Flexibility, Geographic and
language selectivity
 Widespread coverage
 Offers penetration
 High repetitive value and
quick response


 Poor Presentation and Quality

 Short life span
 Limited selectivity with regard to lifestyles
 Hard to reach illiterate and poor people

A Magazine is a specialized advertising media that serves educational, Informational,
entertainment and other specialized needs of consumers, businesses, And industries.
• A Magazine allows presentation of a detailed ad message along with photos, Illustrations, colors
•It is a high involvement media as readers pay a premium price for it and magazines are not
dumped after reading.
•Magazines can be classified into Local/Regional/National or Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly

Types of Magazines
 Consumer magazines – Magazines bought by general public for information and
 Entertainment. It can be used to reach a specific target
 Audience.
 General Interest Magazine
 Glamour Magazine
 Film Magazine
 Special Interest Magazine

2. Broadcast Media
Broadcasting media: is that media which publish the information from the several
broadcasts. This media requires the user to utilize an electric connection to access it. It is
also known as electronic media. It includes television, radio, and telephones, etc. The
invention of electronic media was a turning point in the history of communication process

Television: The terms of television is taken from two words tele and vision it means to see
from a distance.TV is a principal source of information and entertainment for people exposed
to mass media. It is believed to be the most authoritative, influential, exciting medium for
reaching very large audience. It combines visual images, sound, motion and color to achieve
viewer’s empathy. It allows development of creative and imaginative ad messages in a unique
way. It is considered intrusive in nature as the audience have no control over the nature and
pace of advertisements.

Advantages OF television
 Powerful audio-visual media
 Wide coverage with effective cost
 Attention – intrusive in nature
 High selectivity and flexibility
 Entertainment
 Community building
 Advertising
 Increase knowledge
Disadvantages of television

 High cost
 Effect on health
 Wastage the time
 Limited instruction
 Negative influences
 Short lived message
 Limited attention by viewer

Radio is a premier mass medium for users and advertisers. It has a wide spread reach. It delivers
the ad message to a large number of people across the length and breadth of a country.
Commercial broadcasting is undertaken in major cities even rural areas. It is one of the most
personal medium and offers selectivity, cost efficiency and flexibility advantages over other
media. Efficiency of a radio ad depends upon the precision of script, accompanying sounds and
level of distortion.

 Wide coverage
 Helps to reach lower income people, illiterate people
 Mental imagery – encourages audience
to use imagination
 Offers high selectivity
 Cost efficient
 Flexible
 Trusted
 New source
 Awareness from the news
 Understanding new things

 Lack of visual elements
 Audience fragmentation
 Limited research data
 Clutter – Too many ad messages
 Signal issues
 Restricted research date
 Restricted listener attention

3. Social media:

Now a day social media becomes the most important part of our life. Now a day millions people
use social media. By the help of this media we can get different kinds of information and also we
awareness the news and what happened in the world.
The emergence of Internet and mobile technology, a new way of news dissemination, started
taking place. Today there are a number of social media sites in the form of blogs, social networks,
microblogs, forums, wikis, photos, audio and video sharing. Hjarvard (2013) opines that due to
the advancement in technology, it is not only the journalists who become the news distributers.

Anyone can publish news and opinions on the Internet and on the social networking media.
Social media use web and mobile technologies to make communication as an interactive dialogue
(Mathur 2012). It allows the people with little knowledge about the technology to create and
share content (Dar 2011). Social media are a group of web-based applications that enable people
to create and exchange information, pictures, videos, and social booking. Social media is one area
of communication that allows one to share views and opinions. A major point of difference
between social media and conventional media is that the former allows instant responses, which
is critical in moments of conflict. However, uncontrolled and irresponsible usage of this media is
a great danger to the society. It includes Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat,
Google, YouTube, Viber, Tiktok And more…

Facebook is the largest social networking site, with nearly 3 billion people using it monthly. This means
roughly 37% of the world’s population are Facebook users. More than 200 million businesses (mostly small
businesses) use Facebook tools, and more than seven
million advertisers actively promote their business on
Facebook, which makes it a pretty safe bet if you want
to have a presence on social media. It’s easy to get
started on Facebook because almost all content
formats work great on Facebook — text, images, video
content, and Stories. But the Facebook
algorithm prioritizes content that sparks conversations
and meaningful interactions between people,
especially those from family and friends.


Is a video-sharing platform where users watch a billion hours of videos daily. Besides being the
second largest social media site, YouTube is often called the second largest search engine after
Google, its parent company. So if you use video to promote your business, then you definitely
need to add YouTube to your marketing strategy. To get started, here’s how to create a YouTube
channel for your brand. And to help your videos get discovered by more people, we recommend
reading up on YouTube SEO or considering advertising on YouTube to increase your reach.


Whatsapp is a messaging app used by people in over 180 countries. Initially, people originally
used WhatsApp to send text messages to their family and friends. Gradually, people started
communicating with businesses via WhatsApp. WhatsApp’s business platform allows
businesses to provide customer support and share updates with customers about their
purchases. For small businesses, there’s the WhatsApp Business app, while enterprise
businesses can use the WhatsApp Business API.As the most widely used messaging platform,
WhatsApp can be a great customer service channel for your business.


Instagram is a social media platform that has become an integral part of the way we
communicate and consume media. The platform offers a range of features that make it an
attractive platform for users, and it has had a significant impact on society, particularly on the
way we perceive beauty and engage in political activism. As Instagram continues to evolve and
adapt to the changing needs of its users, it is likely to remain a key player in the social media
landscape for years to come.


Tiktok is a short-form video-sharing app. Despite only launching in 2017, it’s one of the fastest
growing apps in the world and recently overtook Google as the most visited internet site.
TikTok allows users to create and share videos between 15 and 60 seconds long, and the app
has a vast catalog of sound effects, music snippets, and filters to enhance the videos and make
them more appealing. You can find videos relating to almost all interests, ranging from lip-
syncs, dancing, and challenges to DIY tricks and make-up tutorials.

Positive & Negative Effects of Social Media on Education

Nowadays, in the world of connecting learning, the impact of social media on education is
becoming a driving factor. The world is becoming smaller, and by the use of technology such as
social media, the way we get an education is changing.
Social media and education can complement one another if used effectively. Social media is
continually developing new educational possibilities for students. Social media has many
positive effects on education. But the same has some negative effects.
Here know the many positive and negative effects of social media on education.
Social Media has become a vital part of a student’s social life. It is now regarded as a learning
platform that enhances student engagement and capabilities in many schools. These platforms
offer school children the opportunity to connect, get in touch, access information and research.
Social media is the strongest medium of communication which helps people to connect from
far places. Social media’s acceptance in daily life is one of the driving forces behind these
depending prospects and how social media is changing education.

Positive Effect of Social Media Education

1. Motivate Online Learning

With the use of social media platforms in school,
the students get motivated and fostered to learn.
Educational videos on YouTube, easy access to e-
books, online notes, and learning via video calls
are major aspects that contribute to educational
Distance learning is one of the best ways to learn
from reputed organizations by being at any
location what social media has made possible.

2. Improve Creative Element

Social Media helps boost creative skills in students by permitting them to learn and later execute
the same by doing it themselves. Quite frequently, a student’s hidden talent is revealed when
he/she starts to take pictures and use online editing skills to make it took aesthetically appealing.
Plenty of students have interesting hobbies that they post online via videos and photographers,
which helps them realize their potential for making it a career.

3. Boost Academic Performance

Another vital impact of social media is
boosting student academic performance
and increasing their knowledge through
data and information gathering. When
students are assigned projects in schools,
they go through several online platforms to
collect information so as to find solutions to
their assignments.

Negative Effect of Social Media on Education

1. Causes Distraction
Social Media platforms are a significant factor that is commencing to distress and obstacle of
mind. These days students tend to lose their concentrate from studying and instead enjoy
browsing on social media. All of this conveys to wastage of time without getting anything from
Students are often incapable of submitting their work in the specified time frame because they
are more concentrated on applying social media platforms.

2. Reduces Learning and Research Capability

With the extensive use of social media, students these days are varying more on such platforms
to gain information and knowledge instead of looking out for the same in books, journals, or
notes. Because it is straightforward to obtain data online, students’ reading habits and their
learning and research skills are diminishing.

3. Impact on Health
Adoption of social media sites with slight carelessness can have mental and also physical effects
on one’s health. Students do not take their meals on time, do not take proper rest, and
continuously being on a phone or laptop can also have adverse effects on their eyes.
Such actions make students slow and
unambitious to study or even go out and
meet people. It is advisable for parents and
also schools to keep an eye on what their
children are doing when using the internet.
Too much use of social media can have
adverse effects on students’ minds, and they
may also be exposed to bad posture, eye
strain, and physical and mental stress.

Advantages of media

1. Connect with friends and stay in touch with people:

One of the main advantages of social media for students is that it can be a useful tool for
connecting with friends and staying in touch with people. With social media, students can easily
send messages, share updates, and stay up to date on what their friends are doing. This can be
especially helpful for students who live far away from their friends or who have busy schedules
that make it difficult to see each other in person.
There are many social media platforms and apps that students can use to connect with friends,
such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. Each platform has its own features and benefits, so
students can choose the one that best meets their needs and preferences. By using social media
to connect with friends, students can maintain and strengthen their social connections, which
can be important for their overall well-being and happiness. However, it’s important for students
to use social media in moderation and be mindful of the time they spend on these platforms to
ensure that it doesn’t interfere with their academic responsibilities or other important activities.

2. Access a wide range of information and resources:

Another advantage of social media for students is that it can provide access to a wide range of
information and resources. With social media, students can easily find and share articles, videos,
and other content related to their interests and academic pursuits.
For example, students can use social media to stay up to date on current events and news, or to
find articles and resources related to their field of study. They can also use social media to
connect with experts and professionals in their field and learn from their experiences and
In addition to providing access to information and resources, social media can also be a platform
for students to share their own knowledge and insights with others. For example, students can
create their own blog or use social media to share their writing, research, or other projects with
a wider audience.
By using social media to access a wide range of information and resources, students can stay
informed and engaged with the world around them, and can also contribute their own ideas and
perspectives to the conversation. However, it’s important for students to be critical consumers
of information and to verify the accuracy and reliability of the sources they encounter on social

3. Keep up with current events and news:
Social media can be a useful tool for students to stay up to date on current events and news.
With social media, students can follow news outlets, journalists, and other sources of information
to get updates on what’s happening in the world.
There are many ways that students can use social media to keep up with current events and
news. For example, they can follow news outlets on Twitter to get real-time updates on breaking
news. They can also join online groups or communities focused on specific topics or issues to
discuss current events and share information and resources.
In addition to following traditional news sources, students can also use social media to get
perspectives and voices that might not be represented in mainstream media. For example, they
can follow accounts or hashtags that highlight underrepresented communities or issues, or use
social media to discover alternative sources of news and information. By using social media to
keep up with current events and news, students can stay informed and engaged with the world
around them. However, it’s important for students to be critical consumers of information and
to verify the accuracy and reliability of the sources they encounter on social media.

4. Share ideas and experiences with a large audience:

Social media can be a platform for students to share their ideas and experiences with a large audience.
With social media, students can easily publish their writing, artwork, or other projects and share them
with a wide audience.

There are many social media platforms and apps that students can use to share their work and ideas, such
as blogs, YouTube, and Instagram. Each platform has its own features and benefits, so students can choose
the one that best meets their needs and preferences.

By sharing their work and ideas on social media, students can gain visibility and reach a larger audience
than they might be able to through traditional channels. This can be especially valuable for students who
are looking to build their portfolios or showcase their skills and abilities to potential employers or schools.

In addition to sharing their own work and ideas, students can also use social media to engage with others
and participate in online communities and groups. By interacting with others and sharing their
experiences and perspectives, students can learn from others and broaden their understanding of the

However, it’s important for students to be mindful of their online presence and to consider the potential
consequences of sharing their work and ideas on social media. They should also respect the intellectual
property of others and give credit where credit is due.

5. Participate in Online Communities and Groups:
Social media can be a platform for students to participate in online communities and groups
focused on their interests and passions. With social media, students can join groups and forums
related to their field of study, hobbies, or other interests and connect with others who share their
passions. There are many social media platforms and apps that offer groups and communities for
students to join, such as Facebook, and LinkedIn. By joining these groups, students can connect
with others who share their interests and participate in discussions, share resources, and
collaborate on projects. Participating in online communities and groups can be a valuable
experience for students. It can provide a sense of belonging and connection, and can also be a
source of support and encouragement. In addition, participating in online communities and
groups can be a way for students to learn from others and broaden their understanding of their
field or interest. However, it’s important for students to be mindful of their online interactions
and to respect the rules and norms of the groups and communities they join. They should also
be aware of the potential risks of sharing personal information online and take steps to protect
their privacy.

6. Connect with potential employers or networking opportunities

Social media can be a valuable tool for students to connect with potential employers or
networking opportunities. With social media, students can showcase their skills and
experiences, and build relationships with professionals in their field of interest.
There are many social media platforms and apps that students can use to connect with
potential employers and networking opportunities, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.
Each platform has its own features and benefits, so students can choose the one that best
meets their needs and preferences.
By using social media to connect with potential employers and networking opportunities,
students can showcase their talents and accomplishments, and build relationships with
professionals in their field. They can also learn about job openings and internships, and get
advice and guidance from professionals. To make the most of social media for networking and
job searching, students should be proactive and use these platforms to build and maintain
relationships with professionals in their field. They should also be mindful of their online
presence and use social media to present themselves in a positive and professional manner.

7. Promote your work or projects

Social media can be a useful tool for students to promote their work or projects. With social
media, students can easily share their writing, artwork, or other projects with a wide audience
and get feedback and support from others. There are many social media platforms and apps
that students can use to promote their work, such as blogs, YouTube, and Instagram. By using
these platforms, students can share their work with a larger audience than they might be able

to through traditional channels. This can be especially valuable for students who are looking to
build their portfolio or showcase their skills and abilities to potential employers or schools. To
make the most of social media for promoting their work, students should be proactive and use
these platforms to share their projects and engage with others. They should also be mindful of
their online presence and use social media to present themselves and their work in a positive
and professional manner. It’s Important for students to be aware of the potential risks of
sharing their work on social media, such as the risk of copyright infringement or the loss of
control over their work. They should also be mindful of their online privacy and consider the
potential consequences of sharing their work and personal information online.

8. Keep track of important dates and events

Social media can be a useful tool for students to keep track of important dates and events. Many
social media platforms and apps offer calendar and scheduling tools that students can use to
organize their schedules and stay on top of their responsibilities. For example, students can use
social media to create a calendar or schedule of their classes, assignments, exams, and other
commitments. They can also use social media to set reminders for themselves or to share their
schedule with others.
In addition to calendar and scheduling tools, students can also use social media to stay informed
about events and activities happening on campus or in their community. Many schools and
organizations use social media to promote events and activities, and students can use these
platforms to discover new opportunities and get involved.
By using social media to keep track of important dates and events, students can stay organized
and on top of their responsibilities. However, it’s important for students to be mindful of the time
they spend on social media and to use these tools in moderation to ensure that they don’t
interfere with their academic responsibilities or other important activities.

9. Stay organized with calendars and scheduling tools

Social media can be a useful tool for students to stay organized with calendars and scheduling
tools. Many social media platforms and apps offer calendar and scheduling features that students
can use to manage their time and stay on top of their responsibilities. For example, students can
use social media to create a calendar or schedule of their classes, assignments, exams, and other
commitments. They can also use social media to set reminders for themselves or to share their
schedule with others.
In addition to calendar and scheduling tools, students can also use social media to stay informed
about events and activities happening on campus or in their community. Many schools and
organizations use social media to promote events and activities, and students can use these
platforms to discover new opportunities and get involved.

Disadvantages of Media

Here is a list of 30 disadvantages of social media:

 Addiction or excessive use
 Cyberbullying and online dangers
 Loss of privacy
 Misinformation and fake news
 Negative effects on mental health
 Time-waster
 Compromise of personal safety and security
 Comparison and a negative self-image
 Distraction and reduced productivity
 Isolation and loneliness
 Loss of face-to-face communication skills
 Plagiarism and academic dishonesty
 Negative impact on relationships and
 Decreased attention span and memory retention
 Negative impact on physical health
 Increased risk of cyber stalking and online
 Increased risk of identity theft
 Increased risk of online scams and fraud
 Decreased job productivity
 Decreased real-life social skills
 Decreased focus and concentration
 Increased risk of cyberbullying and online harassment
 Negative impact on sleep quality
 Increased risk of online addiction
 Decreased physical activity
 Negative impact on academic performance
 Decreased ability to multitask


The word education comes from Latin root “educo” which means to educe and draw out. As such
education is concerned not only with acquiring knowledge but also about transferring the
personality of a person and making him fit for living in real sense. The transformation process
implies on understanding of human nature and its proper cultivation so that the individual attains
the potential which is present in him.

Education is also very important in our life in the following ways: Taking Better Decisions, Better
Lifestyle and Livelihood, More Intellectual Maturity, Education is the Key to Success and Adds
Value to the Nation. Education has two kinds: Islamic education and modern education.
Media is one of the medium of communications that have brought the world into one single unit.
As the word media derives from the Latin medium that means in the middle. Media simply refers
to a vehicle or means of message delivery system to carry an ad message to a targeted audience.

Media is divided in three kinds:

Print media: print media is that media which is printed on the paper. It includes: Newspaper,
magazine and more…

Broadcasting media: is that media which publish the information from the several
broadcasts. This media requires the user to utilize an electric connection to access it.

Social media: Now a day social media becomes the most important part of our life. Now a
day millions people use social media. By the help of this media we can get different kinds of
information and also we awareness the news and what happened in the world.

Pros of media: Connect with friends and stay in touch with people, access a wide range of
information and resources, keep up with current events and news, share ideas and experiences
with a large audience, connect with potential employers or networking opportunities,
promote your work or projects and Communicate with teachers and classmates.

Cons of media: Addiction or excessive use, cyberbullying and online dangers, loss of privacy,
effect on health misinformation and fake news, negative effects on mental health, time-waster,
compromise of personal safety and security, comparison and a negative self-image, distraction
and reduced productivity, isolation and loneliness, loss of face-to-face communication skills,
plagiarism and academic dishonesty, negative impact on relationships and communication.


















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