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I Pu Model Papers 2023 - 2024

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I. Each question carries one mark. (20X1=20)

Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered)
1. Who is called the father of the computers?
A) John Napier B) Charles Babbage C) John Presper D) Blaise Pascal
2. Which of the following scanner is used to process cheque in banks?
3. Which of the following is non-impact printer?
A) Thermal B) Inkjet C) Laser D) All the above
4. Base(radius) of decimal number is__________
A) 2 B)S C)l0 D) 16
5. Process identifying and removing error is__________

A) Testing B) Checking C) Maintenance D) Debugging

6. Which of the following is known as two-way branch decision structure_______
A) Simple if B) Nested if C) if else D) switch
7. If a=l0ll, b=l00l the a & b is
A) 1001 B) 1011 C) 1000 D) 0110
8. Which of the following is a octal constant?
A) 058 B) 0xA78 C) 123 D) 047
9. Give the header files that hold setw and endl?
A) iostream.h B) iomanip.h C) conio.h D) ctype.h
10. Size of int a[ ]={8,7,6,5}; is____________
A) Null B) 2 C) 4 D)8
11. How the arguments should be separated?
A) by colon B) by semicolon C) by comma D) by underscore
12. What is the general form of return statement?

A) return(expression); B) return 0; C) returning(exp); D) return(arguments);
13. The text printed at the bottom of each page is ________
A) Header B) Title C) Foot note D) Footer
14. Which of the following software used to create mail merge?
A) MS Word B) MS Excel C) Notepad D) MS Power point
15. Using which operators, formula can be included in worksheet?
A) $ B) = C) ! D) @

Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word from those given in the brackets:
(calling function, main function, insertion, while, formal)
16. Every C++ program begins execution at _______
17. << is a operator.
18. is pre tested looping statement.
19. Arguments presents at function header is arguments.
20. A function calls another function is _______

II. Each question carries two marks. (4X2=8)

21. Explain the role of computer in Education.
22. Give any two output devices.
23. What is object code and source code?
24. Write any two advantages of structured program.
25. Write two applications of OOP.
26. Mention any two data types in C++.
27. Explain any two character manipulation functions.
28. Give any two advantages of Word Processors.
III. Each question carries three marks. (4X3=12)
29. Give the applications of OMR, OCR and MICR.
30. Mention the features of UNIX OS.
31. Convert DAD(16) =?(2)=?(8)=?(10)
32. Write an algorithm to find compound interest.
33. Explain type conversion with its types.
34. Explain the input operators in C++ with example.
35. Explain declaration and initialization of one-dimensional array with example.
36. What is structure? How do you define it? Give example.

IV. Each question carries five marks.

37. Discuss the characteristics of computer in detail. (6X5=30)
38. Subtract 54 from 87 using 1's and 2's complement method.
39. Explain while construct with an example.
40. Draw a flowchart to find sum of digits of a given number.
41. Explain structure of C++ with example.
42. Explain the working of switch statement with an example.
43. Write a note on jump statement used in C++.
44. Write a C++ program to read and display elements of two dimensional arrays.
45. 'What are the advantages of user defined functions?
46. Explain the use of built-in functions in electronic spreadsheets.
47. What is an email? What are the advantages of it.


I. Each question carries one mark. (20X1=20)

Select the correct answer from the choices given:(Repeated answers will not be considered)
1. was the first commercial computer produced by US.
2. The smallest dots displayed on monitor is
A) Pixel B) Resolution C) Aspect ratio D) Point
3. 1 GB=
A) 1024 KB B) 1024MB C) 1024 Bytes D) 1024 TB
4. The number which is represented by Hexa-decimal 'F' is
A) 10 B) 13 C)14 D)15
5. Input / Output in flowchart represented by
A) Oval B) Parallelogram C) Diamond D) Circle
6. One if statement inside another if is called
A) Simple if B) Nested if C) If-else-if D) If else
7. X= 5+3*5/2, then X=?
A) X=ll B) X= 12 C) X=20 D) X=25
8. __________header file holds objects endl and setw( ).
A) iostream.h B) conio.h C) iomanip.h D) ctype.h
9. Predict the output: for(i=2 ; i<=5 ; i++)
{ if(i==4)
cout<<i<<setw(5); }
A) 2 3 4 5 B) 2
C) 2 3 5 D) 2 3

10. Data type of array index is ____________

A) int B) float C) char D) string
11. Declaration of function is
A) Function call B) Calling function C) Function prototype D) Function definition

12. Arguments present in the function call is called _________

A) Local arguments B) Actual arguments C) Formal arguments D) Global arguments
13. Short cut key used for cut is_______

14. Intersection of rows and columns in a worksheet is called _

A) Cell B) Table C) Cell address D) Workbook

15. Extension of spreadsheet file is________
A) .doc B) .docx C) .xls D) .excel

Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word from the brackets.
(Escape sequencers, Called function, Continue, Stream, Recursive)
16. Special string constant used to control output on the monitor is
17. ______ is an object where program either insert/extract characters to/from it.
18. forces next iteration to takes place by skipping any code in between.
19. function that calls itself.
20. Function that receives call and arguments from another function is

II. Each question carries TWO marks. (4X2=8)

21. How are computers important in Travel?
22. What do you mean by soft copy and Hard copy?
23. Define operating system. Give an example.
24. Write an algorithm to find simple interest.
25. Define class and object.
26. Mention the features of 'int' data type.
27. Write the difference between strcmp() and strcmpi( ).
28. Give the comparison for 'copy' and 'paste' and 'cut' and 'paste'.

Ill Each question carries THREE marks. (4X3=12)

29. Briefly explain hard disk.
30. Write difference between compiler and interpreter.
48. Convert 55(10)=?(2)=?(8)=?(16)
31. Write a flowchart to find area and circumference of circle.
32. Explain logical operators with example.
33. Explain if-else-if ladder with its syntax.
34. What are manipulators? Explain any two of it.

35. Define two dimensional array. Write the memory representation of two dimensional array.
36. How are the elements of structure accessed? Give an Example.

IV. Each question carries FIVE marks.

37. Explain the functional units of computer with neat block diagram.
38. Subtract 51 from 34 using 1 's and 2's complement method.
39. Briefly explain the stages involved in problem solving.
40. Summaries the rules for naming identifiers.
41. Explain if else constructs with suitable program segment.
42. Write the general form of 'for' iterative statement and explain.
43. Write a C++ program to read and display elements of two dimensional arrays.
44. Explain the general form of user defined functions with example. (6X5=30)
45. Write the functions of the following shortcut keys in MS word.
a. Ctrl+N b. Ctrl+P c. Ctrl+A d. Ctrl+Z e. Ctrl+C
46. Give the usage of any five statistical functions in Excel.
47. Explain the general structure of HTML with example.


I. Each question carries one mark. (20X1=20)

Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered)
1. Which of the following is not considered hardware?
A) Operating system B) CPU C) Keyboard D) Hard disk
2. The following is not an output device.
A) Scanner B) VDU C) Speaker D) Printer
3. What is smallest unit of the information?
A) A bit B) A byte C) A block D) A nibble
4. Which of the following is not an Octal number?
A) 145 B)178 C) 111 D) 100
5. What is the first step in solving a problem?
A) Analysis B) Solution C) Coding D) Problem definition

6. is step by step finite sequence of instructions to solve a given problem.

A) Algorithm B) Flowchart C) Coding D) Testing
7. Which of the following is a keyword?
A) Person B) Variable C) Identifier D) For
8. Give the header file that holds log(x), sqrt(x) is:
A) <math.h> B) <string.h> C) <iostream.h> D) <iomanip.h>
9. The following is a selection statement:
A) if B) if-else C) switch() D) all the above
10. What is the subscript data type of an array?
A) Integer B) float C) double D) string

11. Select how user defined functions are invoked/called, from the following:
A) function header B) function call C) function prototype D) break statement
12. What does the keyword void represent?
A) returns many values B) no return value C) returns a single value D) returns int value
13. Which item is printed at the top of each page.
A) Header B) Top Note C) Title D) Footer
14. Which of the following application software is used for making a resume?
A) MS Excel B) MS Word C) C++ D) Java
15. What is the intersection of a row and column in a worksheet called?
A) Column B) Value C) Address D) Cell
Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets.

(array, cout, comments, subprogram, break)

16. are the non-executable statements.
17. The result will be displayed using_, in C++.
18. Is a control statement.
19. To store many values in the same variable is used.

20. User defined function is known as________

Each question carries TWO marks. (4X2=8)

21. Briefly explain ENIAC.
22. What is impact printer? Mention any two impact printers.
23. Write any two functions of operating system.
24. Write two advantages of top-down approach.
25. Write any two advantages of OOP.
26. Explain float data type with example.
27. Compare and !Q3m O
28. Write the short cut keys for copy and paste?

III. Each question carries THREE marks.

29. Explain any three characteristics of impact printer.
30. Explain any three computer codes.
31. Give any three differences between CUI and GUI.
32. Explain the types of errors.
33. Explain ternary operator with example.

34. Explain cascading of input/output operator with examples. (4X3=12)
35. What is two-dimensional array? Write syntax and example.
36. Explain nested structure with example.
IV. Each question carries FIVE marks.
37. Briefly explain the history of computer.
38. Convert FACE(16)=?(2)=?(8)=?(10)
39. Write a flowchart to find area of triangle when three sides are given.
40. What is an Expression? Explain types of expression.
41. Explain nested if statement with syntax and example.
42. Explain the working of do-while loop with example. (6X5=30)
43. Explain any five string handling functions.
44. What is user defined function? Explain function with arguments with return value.
45. Write any five advantage of MS Excel.
46. Explain any five mathematical functions in MS Excel
47. Explain any five text formatting tags in HTML.


I. Each question carries one mark. (20X1=20)

Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered)
1. Which is the earliest computing machine?
A) Napier's Bone B) ENIAC C) Abacus D) Slide rule
2. Ll Cache located at ---
A) CPU B) Mother Board C) RAM D) ROM
3. Which of the following is not input device?
4. Octal number of 83c10Jis _
A) 120 B) 178 C) 123 D) 83
5. Which of the following is not a type of error?
A) Syntax Error B) Coding Error C) Logical Error D) Runtime Error
6. What type of value can be taken as case labels in switch?
A) int B) char C) Boolean D) all the above
7. Which of the following is not example for escape sequencers?
A) '\n' B) '\m' C)'\O' D,) \t'
8. Another name output operator is _

A) Insertion operator B) Extraction operator C) Logical operator D) Cascading operator

9. Which of the following is a jump statement?
A) break B) for C) switch D) skip
10. Which is the return type used when function doesn't return value?
A) int B) void C) double D) no return type
11. Using which method, we can change values of actual arguments in the calling function?
A) call by value B) pass by value C) pass by references D) can't be changed
12. Short cut key used for copy is _____
13. ESS stands for ______
A) Electric Spread Sheet B) Electronic Spread Sheet C) Electronic style sheet D) Electric Style Sheet
15. Each cell is identified by unique alphanumeric address is called
A) Row address B) Cell address C) Column address D) Cell pointer

Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word from those given in the brackets:
(Cascading, break, token, global, actual, formal)
16. The smallest individual unit in a program is_____
17. Multiple use of input or output operator in a single statement is called
18. _______terminates the execution of loop in between.
19. Arguments presents at function header are ______arguments.
20. Variable present before the main functions are variables.

II. Each question carries TWO marks. (4X2=8)

21. Write any two features of III generation computer.

22. Compare SRAM and DRAM.
23. Write the features of LINUX OS.
24. Define a. Testing b. debugging.
25. Mention any two dis-advantages of OOP.
26. What are modifiers? Mention any two modifiers.
27. Which header file is used for character and string functions.
28. Explain Find and Replace in MS-Word.

III. Each question carries THREE marks. (4X3=12)

29. Write the characteristics of non-impact printers.
30. Convert (110111.11)2 = (?)8=(?)16
31. Mention the features of MS-Windows.
32. Write a flowchart to find average of four numbers.
33. What is precedence of operator in C++? Evaluate P=10+5* (37%5) - 2
34. What is cascading? Give example for input and output cascading.
35. Explain various types of arrays.
36. Explain declaration and initialization of structure with example.

IV. Each question carries THREE marks. (6X5=30)

37. Explain the classification of computers.
38. Subtract 67(10) - 88(10) using 1's complement method.
39. Write the characteristics of algorithm.
40. Explain characteristics of C++ .
41. Draw a flowchart to find factorial of a given number.
42. Write the difference between while and do while loop.
43. Explain recursive function with example.
44. Write the program segment to read and display two-dimensional array.
45. Explain any five MS-Excel built-in functions with syntax and example.
46. Write any five applications of ESS.
47. Explain basic tags in web designing.


I. Answer all the following questions. (20X1=20)

1. was the first all- electronic computer.
2. Which of the following statement is not a characteristic of impact printer?
A) It does not support transparencies B) Measured in dots per inches

C) These are very noisy D) It is ideal for printing multiple copies

3. Which of the following statement is not related to ROM?
A) It is a non-volatile in nature B) It is the main memory of the computer
C) Data written into ROM can't be erased D) It stores the programs that boot the computer
4. What is the BCD equivalent of 47c10) is _
B) 00101111 B) 01000111 C) 01001010 D) 101111
5. The grammatical mistakes in the statements of program is
B) Syntax error B) Logical error C) Semantic error D) Run-time error
6. Which of the following is statement usage is not allowed in structured programming?
A) Selection statements B) Looping statements
C) Jump statements D) Structured subroutines calls
7. If a=10, b=20 then C=++a + b++?
B) C=30 B) C=31 C) C=32 D) Can't be determined
8. header file holds objects endl and setw( ).
B) iostream.h B) conio.h C) iomanip.h D) ctype.h
9. Predict the output: for(i=8 ; i>4 ; i--)
{ cout<<i<<setw(S); }

A) 8 7 6 5 4 B) 8 7 6 5
C) 4 5 6 7 8 D) Infinite loop

10. Which of the following is used to access elements of array?

A) Data type B) Array name C) Index D) Position
11. By default return type specifier is ______
A) int B) void C) double D) null
12. Default values can be assigned only in _______

A) Function call B) Function prototype C) Function header D) Function body
13. Short cut key used for undo is _______
14. In ESS each column is identified by ______
A) Numbers B) Alphabets C) Cell address D) Alphanumeric character
15. Which of the following is an example for spreadsheet package?

A) MS word B) MS Excel C) Note pad D) Word pad

Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word from those given in the brackets:
(goto, break, continues , keywords, Manipulators)
16. Predefined words are _
17. Special operators used with stream insertion operators to modify output are
18. transfers control from one part of the program to another part.
19. Array elements are stored in a memory locations.
20. Variables at function call are called variables.

II. Each question carries TWO marks. (4X2=8)

21. Briefly explain EDVAC.
22. What do you mean by soft copy and hard copy?
23. What is application software? Give an example.
24. Write two advantages of modular programming.
25. Write any two characteristics of OOP.
26. What is variable? How do you declare variables?
27. Name any two functions of library functions.
28. Write the difference between save and save as.

IIL Each question carries THREE marks. (4X3=12)

29. Write the difference between RAM and ROM.
30. Perform binary addition of the following (77)10 + (65)10 ='=2)2
31. Write the functions of operating systems.
32. Explain sequence construct with example.
33. Briefly explain different relational operators used in C++.
34. Explain output operator with example.
35. Write a programming segment to read and print one dimensional array.
36. Explain array of structures with example.

IV. Each question carries FIVE marks.

37. Explain the features of! and II generation computers.
38. Convert (56.25)10= (?)2 = (?)s = (?)16 (6X5=30)
39. What is Flowchart? Explain various symbols used in flowchart.
40. Explain various types of tokens.
41. Explain simple if with syntax and example.

42. What is pre-tested looping structure? Discuss with syntax, Flowchart and suitable ex.ample.
43. Write a program to find position of element of in the array.
44. 'What is user defined function? Explain function with arguments without return value.
45. Explain any five statistical functions in MS Excel.
46. Explain any five charts in spread sheet.
47. Explain any five services of internet.


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