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100 Days of Real World Spanish Vocabulary Words & Phrases For Come Fluent F

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100 Days


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Free Spanish Video Course
Spanish Alphabet
DAY 10
DAY 11
DAY 12
DAY 13
DAY 14
DAY 15
DAY 16
DAY 17
DAY 18
DAY 19
DAY 20
DAY 21
DAY 22
DAY 23
DAY 24
DAY 25
DAY 26
DAY 27
DAY 28
DAY 29
DAY 30
DAY 31
DAY 32
DAY 33
DAY 34
DAY 35
DAY 36
DAY 37
DAY 38
DAY 39
DAY 40
DAY 41
DAY 42
DAY 43
DAY 44
DAY 45
DAY 46
DAY 47
DAY 48
DAY 49
DAY 50
DAY 51
DAY 52
DAY 53
DAY 54
DAY 55
DAY 56
DAY 57
DAY 58
DAY 59
DAY 60
DAY 61
DAY 62
DAY 63
DAY 64
DAY 65
DAY 66
DAY 67
DAY 68
DAY 69
DAY 70
DAY 71
DAY 72
DAY 73
DAY 74
DAY 75
DAY 76
DAY 77
DAY 78
DAY 79
DAY 80
DAY 81
DAY 82
DAY 83
DAY 84
DAY 85
DAY 86
DAY 87
DAY 88
DAY 89
DAY 90
DAY 91
DAY 92
DAY 93
DAY 94
DAY 95
DAY 96
DAY 97
DAY 98
DAY 99
DAY 100
About the Author
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Free Spanish Video Course

So, you’re ready to learn Spanish? We think that’s just wonderful. There are many reasons
why you might want to learn Spanish; perhaps it’s due to a promising new career
opportunity; maybe you want to explore the world and experience cultures in a more
fulfilling way; for academics or simply because you’re curious and have a hunger for
knowledge. Whatever the case, you’ve made an excellent decision.
Did you know that Spanish is spoken in 21 countries around the world? A quick calculation
shows that’s roughly 437 million native speakers! Just imagine all of the people you will be
able to share experiences with once you have an understanding of some of the basic words
phrases. Truthfully, learning Spanish can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be that
In fact, you’re in luck because this book contains a daily list of 10 helpful vocabulary words
and phrases in English and Spanish to breakdown the communication barriers to get you
speaking fast!
By using this book as a guide we encourage learning just one real world phrase a day. This
alone will dramatically improve your Spanish comprehension and verbal capabilities.
One of the best ways to learn this material is through repetition, memorization and
conversation. By practicing these most common words and phrases you can expect to
jumpstart the learning curve and effectively communicate in Spanish today. You will find that
the words are also spelled out phonetically in a simple to read format making it easy for
beginners, children and adults to learn the Spanish pronunciation.
Again, we are so excited for your new journey. We think you’ll be amazed at how quickly
you will be able to build a strong foundation with this book
Now get out there and speak eloquently!

Good luck!
Spanish Alphabet

Alphabet "Name" of Letter In Words

A a casa, taza

B be bien, bebé

C ce casa, cine

CH che chico, leche

D de día, verdad

E e mesa, cine

F efe café, fruta

G ge jugo, general

H hache hola, hijo

I i iba, cita

J jota ojo, jugo

K* ka kilo, kiosko

L ele hola, leche

LL elle calle, llama

M eme mesa, mamá

N ene noche, antes

Ñ eñe señor, niño

O o sopa, hola

P pe papá, peso

Q cu queso, quién

R ere señor, fruta

Alphabet "Name" of Letter In Words

RR erre perro, carro

S ese casa, señor

T te taza, fruta

U u jugo, mucho

V ve vaso, vive

W* doble ve whiski

X equis México,
Y i griega ya, Yucatán

Z zeta taza, azúcar


1. abierto/a - (ah-bee-ehr-toh/tah)
Translation: open
English: The store is open all day.
Spanish: La tienda permanece abierta todo el día.

2. abogado/a - (ah-boh-gah-doh/dah)
Translation: lawyer
English: He dismissed his lawyer in the middle of the trial.
Spanish: Despidió a su abogado en el medio del juicio.

3. abrir - (ah-breer)
Translation: to open
English: I want to open a bottle of wine.
Spanish: Quiero abrir una botella de vino.

4. abuelo/a - (ah-bway-loh/lah)
Translation: grandfather/grandmother
English: My maternal grandfather is the wisest man I know.
Spanish: Mi abuelo materno es el hombre más sabio que conozco.

5. aburrido/a - (ah-boo-rree-doh/ah)
Translation: bored, boring
English: Are you bored? Then come with me to the movies.
Spanish: ¿Estás aburrido? Pues ven conmigo al cine.

6. acabar - (ah-kah-bar)
Translation: to end, to finish
English: I finish my classes in June.
Spanish: Yo acabo mis clases en junio.

7. aceite (m) - (ah-say-ee-tay)

Translation: oil
English: I prefer to cook with coconut oil.
Spanish: Prefiero cocinar con aceite de coco.

8. acompañar - (ah-kom-pahn-yar)
Translation: to go with, to accompany
English: Can I go with you to the store?
Spanish: ¿Te puedo acompañar a la tienda?

9. acordarse de - (ah-kor-dar-say day)

Translation: to remember to
English: Remember to turn off all the lights before you leave.
Spanish: Acuérdate de apagar todas las luces antes de salir.

10. actividad (f) - (ahk-tee-vee-dahd)

Translation: activity
English: What activities do you enjoy doing on the weekend?
Spanish: ¿Qué tipo de actividades te gusta hacer los fines de

11. tímpano del oído - (teem-pah-noh del oh-EE-doh)

Translation: eardrum
English: The eardrum separates the middle ear from the outer ear.
Spanish: El tímpano separa el oído medio del externo.

12. codo - (koh-doh)

Translation: elbow
English: Jaime can't bend his right arm because he's broken
his elbow.
Spanish: Jaime no puede doblar el brazo derecho porque se rompió
el codo.

13. ojo - (oh-ho)

Translation: eye
English: He doesn't see well through his right eye.
Spanish: No ve bien por el ojo derecho.

14. actor (m) - (ahk-tor)

Translation: actor
English: Guillermo became an actor at five years of age.
Spanish: Guillermo se hizo actor a los cinco años de edad.

15. adiós - (ah-dee-OHS)

Translation: goodbye
English: Goodbye, honey. Have a good day at work.
Spanish: Adios, amor. Qué te vaya bien en el trabajo.

16. adivinar - (ah-dee-vee-nar)

Translation: to guess
English: Can you guess the correct number?
Spanish: ¿Puedes adivinar el número correcto?

17. aduana - (ah-doo-ah-nah)

Translation: customs
English: My luggage was checked at customs.
Spanish: Revisaron mi equipaje en la aduana.

18. afeitarse - (ah-fay-tar-say)

Translation: to shave
English: I shave every other day.
Spanish: Me afeito un día sí un día no.

19. afirmativo/a - (ah-feer-mah-tee-voh)

Translation: affirmative, positive
English: I didn't expect my boss to give me a positive answer when
I asked for a pay rise.
Spanish: No esperaba una respuesta afirmativa de mi jefe cuando
le pedí el aumento.

20. afueras (pl) - (ah-fware-ahs)

Translation: outskirts
English: Many people live just on the outskirts of the city.
Spanish: Muchas personas viven justo en las afueras de la ciudad.
21. agosto - (ah-go-stoh)
Translation: August
English: My summer vacation ends in August.
Spanish: Mis vacaciones de verano terminarán en agosto.

22. agregar - (ah-greh-gar)

Translation: to add
English: Do you have anything to add to the conversation?
Spanish: ¿Tienes algo que agregar a la conversación?

23. agua - (ah-gwah)

Translation: water
English: The painter mixed water and red paint to create a salmon
Spanish: El pintor mezcló agua y pintura roja para crear un tono

24. ajo - (ah-ho)

Translation: garlic
English: The doctor told me that garlic is very good for the heart.
Spanish: El doctor me dijo que el ajo es bueno para el corazón.

25. alérgico/a a - (ah-LARE-hee-koh)

Translation: allergic to
English: Diego is allergic to peanuts and other nuts as well.
Spanish: Diego es alérgico al maní y a otras nueces también.

26. alfombra - (ahl-fohm-brah)

Translation: carpet, rug
English: We got a carpet here with some nice spaghetti stains.
Spanish: Una alfombra con manchas de fideos.

27. algo - (ahl-goh)

Translation: something
English: Give me something to eat.
Spanish: Dame algo de comer.

28. alimento - (ah-lee-men-toh)

Translation: food
English: Bread is a basic food.
Spanish: El pan es un alimento básico.

29. alojamiento - (ah-loh-ha-me-en-toh)

Translation: accommodation, lodging
English: We're looking for accommodations near the city center.
Spanish: Buscamos alojamiento cerca del centro de la ciudad.

30. alrededor (de) - (ahl-rey-day-dohr day)

Translation: around
English: The bathroom is around the corner and to the right.
Spanish: El lavabo está alrededor de la esquina y a la derecha.
H D Y L T B S F ?


31. averiguar - (ah-beh-ree-gwahr)
Translation: to find out
English: We must find out when the train arrives.
Spanish: Debemos averiguar cuándo llega el tren.

32. avión (m) - (ah-bee-OHN)

Translation: plane
English: The world looks so different from a plane.
Spanish: El mundo se ve tan distinto desde un avión.

33. apellido - (ah-pay-yee-doh)

Translation: surname, last name
English: Could you spell your last name, please?
Spanish: ¿Podría deletrearme su apellido, por favor?

34. aprender - (ah-pren-dare)

Translation: to learn
English: Nobody can force you to learn; you have to want to do it
Spanish: Nadie puede obligarte a aprender; tienes que querer
hacerlo tú mismo.

35. aquí - (ah-KEE)

Translation: here
English: I feel very calm here in the garden.
Spanish: Me siento muy tranquilo aquí en el jardín.

36. arquitecto/a - (ar-kee-tek-toh)

Translation: architect
English: When I worked as an architect, standards were a tool I
used in my work.
Spanish: Cuando yo trabajaba de arquitecta, las normas eran una
herramienta que yo utilizaba en mi trabajo.
37. ascensor (m) - (ah-sen-sohr)
Translation: lift, elevator
English: The elevator is out of service.
Spanish: El ascensor no funciona.

38. aunque - (ah-oon-kay)

Translation: although
English: Although there wasn't much time left, they finished the
Spanish: Aunque no quedaba mucho tiempo, terminaron la carrera.

39. bacón (m) - (bay-KOHN)

Translation: bacon
English: Place the bacon in a large, deep saucepan.
Spanish: Ponga el bacón en una sartén grande y honda.

40. bailar - (by-lahr)

Translation: to dance
English: She loves dancing to Caribbean beats.
Spanish: Le encanta bailar a los ritmos caribeños.

41. bastante - (bah-stahn-tay)

Translation: quite, rather, quite a lot
English: There is enough room for a party.
Spanish: Hay bastante espacio para una fiesta.

42. baño (m) - (bahn-yoh)

Translation: bath
English: I'm going to take a wonderful bubble bath tonight.
Spanish: Esta noche voy a darme un baño de espuma maravilloso.

43. barato/a - (bah-rah-toh/tah)

Translation: cheap
English: Fruit in Ecuador is good and cheap.
Spanish: En Ecuador la fruta es buena y barata.

44. biblioteca - (bib-lee-oh-tek-ah)

Translation: library
English: He has an extensive library of Spanish literature.
Spanish: Tiene una biblioteca extensa de literatura española.

45. bono - (boh-no)

Translation: voucher, bond, bonus
English: He received an end of the year bonus for perfect
Spanish: Recibió un bono de fin de año por asistencia perfecta.

46. broma - (bro-mah)

Translation: joke, trick
English: I can tell you it is no joke.
Spanish: Les aseguro que no es una broma.

47. cabello - (kah-bay-yoh)

Translation: hair
English: My blonde hair is my best feature.
Spanish: Mi cabello rubio es mi mejor rasgo.

48. cada - (kah-dah)

Translation: each, every
English: I have coffee with my friends every two weeks.
Spanish: Tomo café con mis amigas cada dos semanas.

49. cajón (m) - (ka-HOHN)

Translation: drawer
English: The pencil is in the drawer.
Spanish: El lápiz está en el cajón.

50. caliente - (kah-lee-en-tay)

Translation: hot
English: The bench was hot because it was in the sun.
Spanish: El banco estaba caliente por estar al sol.

51. calor (m), tener calor - (kah-lor)

Translation: heat, to be hot
English: It's a beautiful city but the heat is unbearable.
Spanish: La ciudad es bonita pero el calor es insoportable.

52. callarse - (kah-yar-say)

Translation: to shut up, be quiet
English: Can everyone be quiet for two seconds?
Spanish: ¿Pueden callarse por dos segundos?

53. cama - (kah-mah)

Translation: bed
English: The hospital only has 300 beds.
Spanish: El hospital cuenta únicamente con 300 camas.

54. camisa - (kah-mee-sah)

Translation: shirt
English: The tie doesn't go with your shirt.
Spanish: Tu corbata no combina con tu camisa.

55. cantante (m f) - (kahn-tahn-tay)

Translation: singer
English: The singer gave a recital that was a great success.
Spanish: El cantante dio un recital que fue un gran éxito.

56. carne (f) - (kar-nay)

Translation: meat, flesh
English: I'm on a diet so I can only eat white meat.
Spanish: Estoy a dieta, sólo puedo comer carne blanca.
57. caro/a - (kah-roh/rah)
Translation: expensive, high price
English: Everything is sold at a high price in those department
Spanish: En esos almacenes venden todo muy caro.

58. cebolla - (seh-boy-yah)

Translation: onion
English: He always puts chopped onions on his tacos.
Spanish: Siempre pone cebolla picada en sus tacos.

59. cenar (m) - (say-nar)

Translation: to have supper/dinner
English: I am finally going to have supper with him.
Spanish: Por fin voy a cenar con él.

60. cerca (de) - (sehr-kah)

Translation: near, close (to)
English: My office is not near any shops.
Spanish: Mi oficina no está cerca de ninguna tienda.

61. casarse - (kah-sar-say)

Translation: to get married
English: They got married in a civil ceremony at the town hall.
Spanish: Se casaron por lo civil en el ayuntamiento.

62. cerrar - (seh-rrar)

Translation: to close, shut
English: Close the door so the cold doesn't get in.
Spanish: Cierra la puerta para que no entre el frío.

63. cierto/a - (see-ehr-toh/tah)

Translation: certain, true
English: Is it true (certain) that your friend is getting divorced?
Spanish: ¿Es cierto que tu amiga se vaya a divorciar?

64. cine (m) - (see-nay)

Translation: cinema
English: I love the cinema much more than the theater.
Spanish: Me encanta el cine mucho más que el teatro.

65. ciudad (f) - (see-oo-dahd)

Translation: city
English: My grandparents live in a small city (town) near
Spanish: Mis abuelos viven en una ciudad pequeña cerca de

66. claro/a - (klah-roh)

Translation: light, clear
English: The water was so clear you could see the shells on the
Spanish: El agua estaba tan clara que se podían ver las conchas
en el fondo.
67. clima (m) - (klee-mah)
Translation: climate
English: The climate is changing, producing and increase in
temperature of the oceans' water.
Spanish: El clima está cambiando y produce el aumento de la
temperatura del agua del océano.

68. contestar - (kohn-tes-tar)

Translation: to reply, answer
English: Why don't you ever answer when I call you?
Spanish: ¿Porqué nunca contestas cuando te llamo?

69. copa - (koh-pa)

Translation: drink, glass
English: I have enough wine glasses for eight people.
Spanish: Tengo copas de vino suficiente para ocho personas.

70. correcto/a - (koh-rek-toh/tah)

Translation: correct, proper
English: I got 20 answers correct on the test. What about you?
Spanish: Tuve 20 respuestas correctas en el examen, ¿y tú?
71. contener - (kon-teh-nehr)
Translation: to contain
English: The bag contains four ounces of chocolate.
Spanish: La bolsa contiene cuatro onzas de chocolate.

72. corregir - (koh-rray-heer)

Translation: to correct
English: I like people to correct me when I speak English.
Spanish: Me gusta que me corrijan cuando hablo en inglés.

73. costar - (koh-star)

Translation: to cost
English: That treatment costs a fortune.
Spanish: Ese tratamiento cuesta una fortuna.

74. crimen (m) - (kree-men)

Translation: crime
English: They still haven't found the person responsible for the
crime against that tourist.
Spanish: Todavía no se encuentra al autor del crimen de aquella

75. cuadro - (kwah-droh)

Translation: picture, square
English: I hung some beautiful pictures in her room.
Spanish: Colgué unos cuadros preciosos en su habitación.

76. cuánto? - (kw-AHN-toh/tah)

Translation: how much?
English: How many presents did you get for Christmas?
Spanish: ¿Cuántos regalos les han dado en Navidad?

77. cuchara - (koo-cha-rah)

Translation: spoon
English: Place the spoon to the right of the knife.
Spanish: Coloque la cuchara a la derecha del cuchillo.

78. cuidado, tener cuidado - (kwee-dah-doh, teh-nehr kwee-dah-

Translation: care, to be careful
English: However, we really must take care not to mix up two
different things here.
Spanish: Sin embargo, tenemos que tener cuidado de no mezclar
dos cosas distintas.

79. cumpleaños (m) - (koom-pleh-ahn-yos)

Translation: birthday
English: My grandfather's birthday is tomorrow.
Spanish: El cumpleaños de mi abuelo es mañana.

80. charlar - (char-lahr)

Translation: to chat
English: I'm going to chat with the manager to find out the truth.
Spanish: Voy a charlar con el gerente para averiguar la verdad.
81. dar (irr.) - (dar)
Translation: to give
English: The player gave (handed) the ball to the referee.
Spanish: El jugador dio el balón al árbitro.

82. debajo (de) - (day-ba-ho day)

Translation: underneath
English: A poor old lady is living under the bridge.
Spanish: Una pobre anciana vive debajo del puente.

83. decir (irr) - (deh-seer)

Translation: to say, tell
English: He says he doesn't like modern music.
Spanish: Dice que no le gusta la música moderna.

84. dejar (m) - (deh-har)

Translation: to leave, allow
English: Leave the books on the table when you are finished
reading them.
Spanish: Deja los libros en la mesa cuando acabes de leerlos.

85. demasiado/a - (day-mah-see-ah-doh)

Translation: too much
English: It was too much food for me.
Spanish: Fue demasiada comida para mí.

86. dentista (m f) - (den-tee-sta)

Translation: dentist
English: The dentist removed my wisdom tooth.
Spanish: El dentista me sacó la muela del juicio.

87. depender de - (deh-pen-dehr day)

Translation: to depend on
English: Their choice may depend on what the world demands of
Spanish: Su opción puede depender de lo que el mundo exija de

88. derecho/a - (deh-ray-cho/cha)

Translation: right
English: The soccer player injured his right foot.
Spanish: El futbolista se lastimó el pie derecho.

89. desayuno (m) - (des-ah-yoo-noh)

Translation: breakfast
English: They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Spanish: Dicen que el desayuno es la comida más importante del

90. descuento - (des-kwen-toh)

Translation: discount
English: We're giving a 10% discount on all computers this
Spanish: Hacemos un descuento de 10% en todas las
computadoras este fin de semana.
DAY 10
91. desde - (des-day)
Translation: from
English: That picture was taken from my house.
Spanish: Esa foto se tomó desde mi casa.

92. desear - (deh-say-ahr)

Translation: to want, desire
English: I want a new car.
Spanish: Deseo un coche nuevo.

93. despedida - (des-pay-dee-dah)

Translation: farewell, good-bye
English: I want to give you a farewell tonight.
Spanish: Quiero celebrar tu despedida esta noche.

94. después (de) - (des-PWAYS)

Translation: afterwards, after
English: Someone should be available to pick you up after the
Spanish: Alguien debe recogerlo después del procedimiento.

95. desventaja - (des-ven-tah-ha)

Translation: disadvantage, downside
English: I'm finding it hard to see the downside.
Spanish: Encuentro difícil de ver la desventaja.

96. detrás (de) - (deh-TRAHS)

Translation: behind
English: Listen to me... I'll be right behind you
Spanish: Escúchame... estaré justo detrás tuyo.

97. devolver - (dey-vohl-vehr)

Translation: to give back, return
English: You have to go back and return some of the money.
Spanish: Tienes que devolver parte del dinero.
98. día (m) - (DEE-ah)
Translation: day
English: I can't wear the same old dress day after day.
Spanish: No puedo usar el mismo vestido viejo día tras día.

99. diario/a - (dee-ah-ree-oh/ah)

Translation: daily, everyday
English: I had to change my daily (everyday) routine when the
visitors came.
Spanish: Tuve que cambiar mi rutina diaria cuando vinieron las

100. dibujo - (dee-boo-ho)

Translation: drawing, sketch
English: Look at this drawing we found just today.
Spanish: Miren a este dibujo que hallamos hoy.
DAY 11
101. diciembre - (deh-see-ehm-bray)
Translation: December
English: I'll be finished with my doctorate by December.
Spanish: Habré terminado mi doctorado para diciembre.

102. diente (m) - (dee-en-tay)

Translation: tooth
English: I want to show him my shark's tooth.
Spanish: Quiero enseñarle mi diente de tiburón.

103. dieta - (dee-eh-tah)

Translation: diet
English: It's important to have a balanced diet.
Spanish: Es importante tener una dieta balanceada.

104. diferencia - (dee-feh-ren-see-ah)

Translation: difference
English: It took me quite some time to understand the difference.
Spanish: Me tomó bastante tiempo entender la diferencia.

105. dinero - (dee-neh-roh)

Translation: money
English: If you lend me some money, I'll pay it off as soon as I get a
Spanish: Si me prestas dinero te lo devolveré cuando tenga

106. dirección (f ) - (dee-rek-SYOHN)

Translation: address
English: I should have known that they could find this address.
Spanish: Debería haber sabido que podría encontrar
esta dirección.

107. directo/a - (dee-rek-toh/tah)

Translation: direct
English: I thought you were going straight to work.
Spanish: Pensé que irías directo al trabajo.

108. disfrutar de - (dees-froo-tahr day)

Translation: enjoy
English: Learn to enjoy these moments, take it easy.
Spanish: Aprende a disfrutar de estos momentos, tranquilo.

109. domingo - (doh-meen-goh)

Translation: Sunday
English: I am sorry to bother you on a Sunday.
Spanish: Perdone que le moleste en domingo.

110. dormir - (doh-meer)

Translation: to sleep
English: I can't sleep out on a school night (during the week).
Spanish: No puedo dormir fuera entre semana.
DAY 12
111. ducharse - (doo-char-say)
Translation: to have a shower
English: I let the guest shower first.
Spanish: Dejé ducharse primero a la huésped.

112. dueño/a - (doo-wayn-yoh)

Translation: owner, proprietress
English: Well, I just want to return it to the owner.
Spanish: Bien, solo quiero devolvérselo al dueño.

113. dulce (a) - (dool-say)

Translation: sweet, soft
English: You are so sweet to come to my rescue.
Spanish: Eres muy dulce viniendo a rescatarme.

114. duración (f) - (doo-rah-SYOHN)

Translation: duration
English: They will have a limited duration of 10 years.
Spanish: Tendrán una duración limitada de 10 años.

115. durante - (doo-rahn-tay)

Translation: during, whilst
English: Talking is forbidden during the exam.
Spanish: Está prohibido hablar durante el examen.

116. económico/a - (eh-koh-NOHM-ee-koh/kah)

Translation: economical, cheap
English: It's nice but I was looking for something cheaper.
Spanish: Es muy bonito pero yo buscaba algo más económico.

117. edad (f) - (eh-dahd)

Translation: age
English: What is your age?
Spanish: ¿Qué edad tienes?
118. ejemplo - (eh-hem-ploh)
Translation: example
English: The shark is an example of a predator.
Spanish: Un tiburón es un ejemplo de depredador.

119. elegir - (eh-leh-heer)

Translation: to choose
English: You can choose from our wide range of products.
Spanish: Puedes elegir entre nuestra amplia gama de productos.

120. ella - (ay-yah)

Translation: she
English: I'm going to talk to her and see if she can advise us.
Spanish: Voy a hablar con ella para ver si nos puede aconsejar.
DAY 13
121. empezar - (em-pay-sahr)
Translation: to begin, start
English: It's time to start the exam now.
Spanish: Ya es hora de empezar el examen.

122. empleado/a - (em-play-ah-doh)

Translation: employee
English: The company I work for has 500 employees.
Spanish: La empresa en la que trabajo tiene 500 empleados.

123. esperar - (es-peh-rar)

Translation: to wait, hope, expect
English: Wait for me, I'm coming too.
Spanish: Espérame que yo también voy.

124. espinaca - (es-pee-nah-kah)

Translation: spinach
English: Spinach is a rich source of many vitamins, especially iron.
Spanish: La espinaca es una rica fuente de vitaminas,
especialmente el hierro.

125. esquina - (es-kee-nah)

Translation: corner
English: You can put the boxes in the corner.
Spanish: Puedes poner las cajas en la esquina.

126. estación (f) - (eh-stah-SYOHN)

Translation: station, season
English: Can you tell me the way to the bus station?
Spanish: ¿Me dices cómo se llega a la estación de autobuses?

127. estante (m) - (es-tahn-tay)

Translation: book shelf
English: His library consists of several bookcases in his office.
Spanish: Su biblioteca se compone de varios estantes en su

128. estilo - (es-tee-loh)

Translation: style, type
English: I don't like that style of clothing.
Spanish: Ese estilo de ropa no me gusta.

129. estrecho/a - (es-treh-cho/cha)

Translation: narrow, tight
English: We went along a very narrow corridor that led us to a huge
Spanish: Seguimos un pasillo muy estrecho que nos condujo hasta
una sala enorme.

130. estudiante (m f) - (es-too-dee-ahn-tay)

Translation: student
English: The beginning of the school year is exciting for a student.
Spanish: El comienzo del año escolar es emocionante para un
DAY 14
131. estudiar - (es-too-dee-ahr)
Translation: to study
English: I studied the chemistry lesson carefully.
Spanish: Estudié la lección de química con detenimiento.

132. etapa - (eh-tah-pah)

Translation: stage, phase
English: I've reached the phase in my life where I want to have
Spanish: He llegado a la etapa de mi vida donde quiero tener hijos.

133. evitar - (eh-vee-tar)

Translation: to avoid
English: I want to avoid that risk.
Spanish: Quiero evitar ese riesgo.

134. expresión (f) - (ex-pres-SYOHN)

Translation: expression
English: I don't believe I'm familiar with that expression.
Spanish: No creo Yo estoy familiarizado con esa expresión.

135. falda - (fahl-dah)

Translation: skirt
English: You know, I used to wear that skirt when I went out with
your father.
Spanish: Usaba esa falda cuando salía con tu padre.

136. familia - (fah-mee-lee-ah)

Translation: family
English: We do need to stick together as a family on this.
Spanish: Tenemos que mantenernos unidos como familia.

137. famoso/a - (fah-moh-soh/sah)

Translation: famous
English: I'll give you my famous guided tour.
Spanish: I'II darle mi visita guiada famoso.

138. favorito/a - (fah-voh-ree-toh/tah)

Translation: favorite
English: I understand that this is your favorite sport.
Spanish: Entiendo que éste es su deporte favorito.

139. fecha - (fay-cha)

Translation: date, appointment
English: I've already got an appointment for my surgery.
Spanish: Ya tengo fecha para la cirugía.

140. feo/a - (fay-oh/ah)

Translation: ugly, foul
English: I'm not going to eat that cheese. It has a foul smell.
Spanish: No voy a comer ese queso. Tiene un olor feo.
DAY 15
141. ficha - (fee-cha)
Translation: index/record card
English: The patient record cards are kept under lock and key.
Spanish: Las fichas de los pacientes se guardan bajo llave.

142. filete (m) - (fee-leh-tay)

Translation: steak, fillet
English: How would you like your steak?
Spanish: ¿Cómo quieres tu filete?

143. filosofía - (fee-loh-soh-FEE-ah)

Translation: philosophy
English: My mom has a very positive philosophy of life.
Spanish: Mi mamá tiene una filosofía de vida muy positiva.

144. final (m) - (fee-nahl)

Translation: end
English: The construction of the building is in its final phase.
Spanish: La construcción del edificio está en su fase final.

145. física - (FEE-see-kah)

Translation: physics
English: My cousin is studying physics at college.
Spanish: Mi primo está estudiando física en la universidad.

146. físico - (FEE-see-koh)

Translation: appearance
English: His appearance changed after he did military.
Spanish: Su físico cambió cuando hizo el entrenamiento militar.

147. granja - (grahn-ha)

Translation: farm
English: My grandfather grew up on a farm outside of town.
Spanish: Mi abuelo se crió en una granja fuera del pueblo.
148. grupo - (groo-poh)
Translation: group
English: Llevo un mes asistiendo a un grupo de lectura.
Spanish: I've been attending a reading group for the last month.

149. guapo/a - (gwah-poh/pah)

Translation: attractive
English: Even in her old age that actress is very beautiful.
Spanish: Aún en su vejez esa actriz es muy guapa.

150. gustar - (goo-star)

Translation: to like
English: I like Mexican food.
Spanish: Me gusta la comida mexicana.
DAY 16
151. gusto - (goo-stoh)
con mucho gusto
Translation: pleasure, with great pleasure
English: It's a pleasure to work with you.
Spanish: Es un gusto trabajar contigo.

152. habitación (f) - (ah-bee-tah-SYOHN)

Translation: room, bedroom
English: The master bedroom has an ocean view.
Spanish: La habitación principal tiene vista al mar.

153. habitante (m) - (ah-bee-tahn-tay)

Translation: inhabitant
English: It is the city with the most inhabitants in the world.
Spanish: Es la ciudad con más habitantes del mundo.

154. hablar - (ah-blahr)

Translation: to speak
English: I came here to talk about the future.
Spanish: Vine aquí para hablar del futuro.

155. hacer (irr.) - (ah-sehr)

Translation: to do, make
English: There are some modifications that we need to do to it.
Spanish: Hay algunas modificaciones que necesitamos hacer.

156. hambre (f) - (ahm-bray)

tener hambre
Translation: hunger, to be hungry
English: I'm hungry but I don't know what I want to eat.
Spanish: Tengo hambre pero no sé lo que quiero comer.

157. hasta - (ah-stah)

Translation: until
English: I'm staying until tomorrow.
Spanish: Me quedo hasta mañana.

158. hay - (eye)

Translation: there is/are
English: There is a farm on the hill.
Spanish: Hay una granja en la colina.

159. helado - (eh-lah-doh)

Translation: ice cream
English: I would be delighted to sit and have an ice cream in the
Spanish: Me encantaría sentarme a tomar un helado en el parque.

160. hervido/a - (ehr-vee-doh/dah)

Translation: boiled
English: How do you want your fish, fried or boiled?
Spanish: ¿Cómo quieres el pescado, frito o hervido?
DAY 17
161. harina - (ah-ree-nah)
Translation: flour
English: I baked a delicious loaf of bread with whole grain flour.
Spanish: Preparé un rico pan de harina integral.

162. hijo/a - (ee-ho/ha)

Translation: son/daughter
English: How many dependent children do you have?
Spanish: ¿Cuántos hijos tiene a su cargo?

163. hoja - (oh-ha)

Translation: leaf, page
English: I love the fall when the leaves fall off the trees.
Spanish: Me encanta el otoño cuando caen las hojas de los

164. horno - (ohr-noh)

Translation: oven
English: Put the pizza in the oven at 425 degrees for 10 minutes.
Spanish: Pon la pizza en el horno a 425 grados durante 10

165. hoy - (oy)

Translation: today
English: I'm staying home today.
Spanish: Hoy me quedo en casa.

166. huevo - (way-voh)

Translation: egg
English: A Spanish omelet has egg, potato, onion, and a lot of olive
Spanish: Una tortilla española lleva huevo, papa, cebolla y mucho
aceite de oliva.

167. gafas (pl) - (gah-fahs)

Translation: glasses
English: Most people need glasses after forty.
Spanish: La mayoría de las personas necesitan gafas a partir de
los cuarenta.

168. galleta - (gah-yay-tah)

Translation: biscuit, cookie
English: Bring some cookies to have as an afternoon snack.
Spanish: Saca unas galletas para merendar.

169. gamba - (gahm-ba)

Translation: shrimp
English: I ordered a delicious shrimp cocktail.
Spanish: Pedí un delicioso cóctel de gambas.

170. tener ganas de - (teh-nehr gah-nahs day)

Translation: to feel like
English: I feel like eating something spicy.
Spanish: Tengo ganas de comer algo picante.
DAY 18
171. ganar - (gah-nahr)
Translation: to win, earn
English: I won the lottery twice by playing the same set of numbers.
Spanish: Gané la lotería dos veces jugando con los mismos

172. garaje (m) - (gah-rah-hay)

Translation: garage
English: It's free to park in the parking garage on Sunday.
Spanish: Es gratis estacionarse en el garaje los domingos.

173. gastar - (gahs-tar)

Translation: to spend, waste
English: I don't like to waste/spend my time pointlessly.
Spanish: No me gusta gastar mi tiempo inútilmente.

174. gastos (pl) - (gahs-tohs)

Translation: expenses
English: Gasoline is my biggest expense.
Spanish: La gasolina es mi mayor gasto.

175. gato - (ga-toh)

Translation: cat
English: I have a dog and also a cat.
Spanish: Tengo un perro y también un gato.

176. gemelo/a - (heh-meh-loh/lah)

Translation: twin
English: The twins came to visit from San Jose.
Spanish: Los gemelos llegaron de visita de San José.

177. género - (HEN-eh-roh)

Translation: gender
English: We don't care about gender nowadays. Everybody is
Spanish: En estos tiempos no nos interesa el género. Todos somos

178. gente (f) - (hen-tay)

Translation: people
English: For some reason, he enjoyes playing practical jokes
on people.
Spanish: Por alguna razón le gusta gastar bromas pesadas a
la gente.

179. geografía - (hay-oh-grah-FEE-ah)

Translation: geography
English: We're learning about bodies of water in
our geography class.
Spanish: Estamos estudiando los cuerpos de agua en la clase
de geografía.

180. gerente (m f) - (heh-ren-tay)

Translation: manager
English: Olivia is the purchasing manager.
Spanish: Olivia es la gerente de compras.
DAY 19
181. gigante (m) - (hee-gahn-tay)
Translation: giant, huge
English: The restaurant has a huge outside area.
Spanish: El restaurante tiene una terraza gigante.

182. gordo/a - (gor-doh/dah)

Translation: fat, thick
English: That cat is so fat it can't jump onto the couch.
Spanish: Ese gato está tan gordo que no alcanza saltar al sofá.

183. grabación (f) - (grah-bah-SYOHN)

Translation: recording
English: The live recording of this song is the best.
Spanish: La grabación en vivo de esta canción es la mejor.

184. gracias (pl) - (grah-see-ahs)

Translation: thanks
English: My most sincere thanks go to my boss for his support.
Spanish: Mis gracias más sinceras a mi jefe por su apoyo.

185. grande (m) - (grahn-day)

Translation: big, large
English: I come from a big family with many siblings and cousins.
Spanish: Vengo de una familia grande con muchos hermanos y

186. idea (f) - (ee-day-ah)

Translation: idea
English: Do you have any idea of how to get there?
Spanish: ¿Tienes idea de cómo llegar?

187. idioma (m) - (ee-dee-oh-mah)

Translation: language
English: My grandmother speaks three languages: Spanish,
English and French.
Spanish: Mi abuela habla tres idiomas: español, inglés y francés.

188. incluir (irr.) - (en-kloo-eer)

Translation: to include
English: The box includes the instructions and all the parts.
Spanish: La caja incluye las instrucciones y todas las partes.

189. información (f) - (en-for-mah-SYOHN)

Translation: information
English: Look at a map to see the location of
the information center.
Spanish: Mira un mapa para ver la ubicación del centro
de información.

190. informe (m) - (en-for-may)

Translation: report
English: The report of the Joint Group will be public.
Spanish: El informe del Grupo Conjunto será público.
DAY 20
191. leche (f) - (lay-chay)
Translation: milk
English: I prefer my coffee with almond milk rather than cow's milk.
Spanish: Prefiero el café con leche de almendras que leche de

192. lechuga - (leh-choo-gah)

Translation: lettuce
English: I bought lettuce at the market to make salad for dinner.
Spanish: Compré lechuga en el mercado para hacer ensalada para
la cena.

193. leer - (leh-ehr)

Translation: to read
English: You should read the complete works of Shakespeare.
Spanish: Deberías leer las obras completas de Shakespeare.

194. legumbre (f) - (lay-goom-bray)

Translation: legume, vegetable
English: Pedro grows vegetables in his garden to feed his rabbits.
Spanish: Pedro cultiva legumbres en su jardín para alimentar a sus

195. lejos (de) - (lay-hos)

Translation: far (from)
English: My house is far away from yours.
Spanish: Mi casa está lejos de la tuya.

196. lentillas (pl) - (len-tee-yahs)

Translation: contact lenses
English: Alejandra couldn't put her contact lenses in today
because her eyes are very irritated.
Spanish: Alejandra no se pudo poner las lentillas hoy porque tiene
los ojos muy irritados.
197. león (m) - (lay-OHN)
Translation: lion
English: We could hear the lions roar outside our tent in South
Spanish: Podíamos oír los leones rugir afuera de nuestra tienda de
campaña en Sudáfrica.

198. líquido - (LEE-kee-doh)

Translation: liquid
English: If you have a sore throat you should drink a lot of liquid.
Spanish: Si te duele la garganta conviene que tomes
mucho líquido.

199. liso/a - (lee-soh/sah)

Translation: smooth
English: Babies' skin is smooth and soft.
Spanish: La piel de los bebés es lisa y suave.

200. lista - (lee-stah)

Translation: list
English: Just buy what is on the list.
Spanish: Solo compra lo que está en la lista.
DAY 21
201. lupa - (loo-pah)
Translation: magnifying glass
English: My grandma doen't want to wear glasses and uses a
magnifying glass to read.
Spanish: Mi abuela no quiere ponerse gafas y utiliza una lupa para

202. lotería - (loh-tehr-EE-ah)

Translation: lottery
English: It was like I won the lotto.
Spanish: Fue como si hubiera ganado la lotería.

203. luchar - (loo-char)

Translation: struggle, fight
English: Funny he gave you up without even a struggle.
Spanish: Es raro que abandonara sin siquiera luchar.

204. luego - (loo-ay-goh)

Translation: then, next
English: He'll be by later with a photographer.
Spanish: Estará aquí luego con un fotógrafo.

205. lugar (m) - (loo-gahr)

Translation: place
English: Let's go find a safer place to sit down.
Spanish: Busquemos un lugar seguro para sentarnos.

206. lunes (m) - (loo-nes)

Translation: Monday
English: We need to get it in before Monday.
Spanish: Tenemos que completarlo antes del lunes.

207. llama - (yah-mah)

Translation: flame
English: When the theater burned down, you could see
the flames from the other end of town.
Spanish: Cuando ardió el teatro, se veían las llamas desde el otro
extremo de la ciudad.

208. llamar - (yah-mar)

Translation: to call
English: I have another person on the line. I'll have to call you in a
few minutes.
Spanish: Tengo otra persona en la línea. Tendré que llamarte en
unos minutos.

209. llave (f) - (yah-vay)

Translation: key
English: I forgot the key. We're going to have to call the locksmith.
Spanish: Se me olvidó la llave. Vamos a tener que llamar al

210. llegar - (yeh-gar)

Translation: to arrive, to come
English: I am going to arrive at the restaurant a little late.
Spanish: Voy a llegar al restaurante un poco atrasado.
DAY 22
211. llevar - (yeh-vahr)
Translation: to carry, wear, contain
English: My husband will carry the grocery bags.
Spanish: Mi marido llevará las bolsas de la compra.

212. llover - (yoh-vehr)

Translation: to rain
English: If it rains, we're going to have to buy an umbrella.
Spanish: Si llueve, vamos a tener que comprar un paraguas.

213. lluvia - (yoo-vee-ah)

Translation: rain
English: The rain falling on the roof woke me up.
Spanish: La lluvia cayendo sobre el techo me despertó.

214. ingeniero/a - (en-hen-ee-eh-roh)

Translation: engineer
English: Chuck is an engineer, but he isn't practicing.
Spanish: Chuck es un ingeniero, pero no ejerce.

215. inglés (m) - (een-GLES)

Translation: English (the language)
English: Everybody could speak English, so we did not need the
Spanish: Todos hablaban inglés, así que no necesitamos el

216. ingrediente (m) - (en-gree-dee-en-tay)

Translation: ingredient
English: What ingredients do I need for the dough? - Flour, water,
yeast, and salt.
Spanish: ¿Qué ingredientes necesito para la masa? - Harina,
agua, levadura y sal.

217. insomnio - (en-som-nee-oh)

Translation: insomnia
English: I'd better not drink coffee now; it's too late and it will give
me insomnia.
Spanish: Mejor no tomo café ahora; ya es muy tarde y me
producirá insomnio.

218. instrucción (f) - (in-struk-SYON)

Translation: instruction, education
English: The only way to learn how to use the new device is by
reading the instructions.
Spanish: La única manera de aprender a utilizar el nuevo aparato
es leerse las instrucciones.

219. inteligente - (en-tel-ee-hen-tay)

Translation: intelligent
English: It is said that dolphins are the most intelligent animals.
Spanish: Se dice que los delfines son los animales
más inteligentes.

220. interior, ropa interior - (en-tehr-ee-or)

Translation: interior, underwear
English: The interior walls are decorated with mosaics.
Spanish: Las paredes interiores están decoradas con mosaicos.
DAY 23
221. introducir - (en-troh-doo-seer)
Translation: to introduce, insert, put
English: Insert the card into the ATM to withdraw money.
Spanish: Introduce la tarjeta en el cajero para sacar dinero.

222. invierno - (en-vee-ehr-noh)

Translation: winter
English: Winter is my favorite season.
Spanish: El invierno es mi estación favorita.

223. invitado/a - (en-vee-tah-doh/dah)

Translation: guest
English: There were around 60 guests at Ana's wedding.
Spanish: En la boda de Ana, había alrededor de 60 invitados.

224. ir (irr.) - (eer)

Translation: to go
English: Dishes go in the cupboard.
Spanish: Los platos van en el armario.

225. irregular (a) - (ee-rreg-oo-lahr)

Translation: irregular, uneven
English: You can't build in this area because the land is uneven.
Spanish: En esta zona no se puede construir porque el terreno
es irregular.

226. izquierdo/a - (eez-kee-ehr-doh/dah)

Translation: left
English: My left foot has been hurting since yesterday's soccer
Spanish: El pie izquierdo me ha estado doliendo desde el partido
de fútbol ayer.

227. jamón (m) - (hah-MOHN)

Translation: ham
English: I ate a ham sandwich at school at lunchtime.
Spanish: Mi comí un sandwich de jamón en la escuela en el

228. jardín (m) - (har-DEEN)

Translation: garden
English: My dream is to live in a house with a big garden full of
Spanish: Mi sueño es vivir en una casa con un jardín grande
repleto de flores.

229. jarra - (hah-rrah)

Translation: jug, pitcher
English: I am so thirsty I could drink a whole pitcher of water by
Spanish: Tengo tanta sed que me tomaría una jarra entera de agua
yo solo.

230. jefe (m) - (hef-ay)

Translation: boss, leader
English: I think my boss is trying to make me quit my job.
Spanish: Creo que mi jefe intenta hacerme renunciar.
DAY 24
231. jueves (m) - (way-ves)
Translation: Thursday
English: She's going to visit her grandmother on Thursday.
Spanish: El jueves va a visitar a su abuela.

232. jugar (irr.) - (hoo-gar)

Translation: to play
English: Does anybody want to play tennis with me?
Spanish: ¿Alguien quiere jugar al tenis conmigo?

233. jugo (LAm) - (hoo-goh)

Translation: juice
English: I like orange juice with my breakfast.
Spanish: Me gusta tomar jugo de naranja en el desayuno.

234. julio - (hoo-lee-oh)

Translation: July
English: We always go on vacation during the last week in July.
Spanish: Siempre nos vamos de vacaciones durante la última
semana de julio.

235. junio - (hoo-nee-oh)

Translation: June
English: The last day of class will be June 17th.
Spanish: El último día de clases será el 17 de junio.

236. junto a - (hoon-toh ah)

Translation: next to
English: My house is next to a shopping center.
Spanish: Mi casa está junto a un centro comercial.

237. juvenil (a) - (hoo-veh-neel)

Translation: young, juvenile, youthful
English: Unfortunately, juvenile delinquency has become more
common in the last few years.
Spanish: Desgraciadamente, la delincuencia juvenil aumentó en
los últimos años.

238. lado - (lah-doh)

Translation: side
English: The instructions are on the other side of the paper.
Spanish: Las instrucciones están en el otro lado del papel.

239. al lado de - (ahl lah-doh day)

Translation: beside, next to
English: Wait for me at the restaurant that is next to the subway.
Spanish: Espérame en el restaurante que está al lado del metro.

240. lana - (lah-nah)

Translation: wool
English: I have a wool sweater, but it makes me too itchy.
Spanish: Tengo un suéter de lana, pero me hace picar demasiado.
DAY 25
241. largo/a - (lar-goh/gah)
Translation: long
English: The class seemed very long today.
Spanish: La clase se me hizo muy larga hoy.

242. lata - (lah-tah)

Translation: tin
English: Do you have a tin of sardines?
Spanish: ¿Tienes una lata de sardinas?

243. lavadora - (lah-vah-dor-ah)

Translation: washing machine
English: Does that apartment have a washer machine inside?
Spanish: Ese apartamento, ¿tiene una lavadora adentro?

244. maestro/a - (mah-ay-stroh/strah)

Translation: teacher
English: My cousin is a teacher in Valencia.
Spanish: Mi prima es maestra en Valencia.

245. maíz (m) - (mah-EES)

Translation: maize, corn
English: A lot of corn is grown in Ohio.
Spanish: Se cultiva mucho maíz en el estado de Ohio.

246. mancha - (mahn-cha)

Translation: stain, spot
English: She had to change clothes because there was a stain on
her blouse.
Spanish: Ella tuvo que cambiarse de ropa porque había
una mancha en su blusa.

247. mantequilla - (mahn-teh-kee-yah)

Translation: butter
English: You only need to add a little bit of butter to the mixture.
Spanish: Sólo necesitas añadir un poco de mantequilla a la

248. manzana - (mahn-zah-nah)

Translation: apple
English: The evil queen gave Snow White a poisoned apple.
Spanish: La reina malvada le dio una manzana envenenada a

249. mapa (m) - (mah-pah)

Translation: map
English: Follow the path marked on the map to not get lost in the
Spanish: Sigue el sendero marcado en el mapa para no perderte
en el bosque.

250. margarina - (mar-gah-ree-nah)

Translation: margarine
English: I had the feeling that they thought I was offering
them margarine instead of butter.”
Spanish: Tuve la sensación de que creían que les estaba
ofreciendo margarina en lugar de manteca.
DAY 26
251. marrón (a) - (mah-RROHN)
Translation: brown
English: I like brown and blue for the baby's room.
Spanish: Me gusta el marrón y el azul para el cuarto del bebé.

252. martes (m) - (mar-tez)

Translation: Tuesday
English: We're going to a basketball game on Tuesday.
Spanish: El martes vamos a un partido de baloncesto.

253. marzo - (mar-zoh)

Translation: March
English: My grandfather's birthday is in March.
Spanish: El cumpleaños de mi abuelo es en marzo.

254. más - (MAHs)

Translation: more
English: Don't worry any more. I'll take care of everything.
Spanish: No te preocupes más. Yo me encargaré de todo.

255. matrimonio - (mah-tree-moh-nee-oh)

Translation: married couple
English: I saw an old married couple kissing like teenagers on the
Spanish: Vi un matrimonio viejo besándose en el autobús como

256. mayo - (my-oh)

Translation: May
English: May is the fifth month of the year.
Spanish: Mayo es el quinto mes del año.

257. mayonesa - (my-oh-nay-sah)

Translation: mayonnaise, mayo
English: I'd like mustard and mayo on my burger, please.
Spanish: Yo quiero mostaza y mayonesa para la hamburguesa, por

258. mayor (a) - (my-ohr)

Translation: greater, bigger / greatest
English: We have bought a bigger house.
Spanish: Nos hemos comprado una casa mayor.

259. mayoría - (my-oh-REE-ah)

Translation: majority
English: The opinion of the majority is not always right.
Spanish: La opinión de la mayoría no es siempre la correcta.

260. mediano/a - (may-dee-ah-noh/nah)

Translation: medium
English: Medium-sized businesses cannot compete with the low
prices offered by larger companies.
Spanish: Las medianas empresas no pueden competir con los
bajos precios de las grandes.
DAY 27
261. medianoche (f) - (meh-dee-ah-no-chay)
Translation: midnight
English: The party starts at midnight.
Spanish: La fiesta empieza a la medianoche.

262. medio/a - (meh-dee-oh/ah)

Translation: half
English: Give me half a watermelon, please.
Spanish: Dame media sandía, por favor.

263. mediodía (m) - (meh-dee-oh-DEE-ah)

Translation: half past three
English: My lecture finishes at midday, so we can have lunch
together afterwards.
Spanish: Mi clase acaba a mediodía así que podemos almorzar
juntos después.

264. medir - (meh-deer)

Translation: to measure
English: I have to measure my room before buying the furniture.
Spanish: Tengo que medir la habitación antes de comprar los

265. mejicano/a - (meh-hee-kah-noh/nah)

Translation: Mexican
English: I have Mexican relatives on my mother's side.
Spanish: Tengo parientes mejicanos por parte de mi familia

266. mejor (a) - (may-hor)

Translation: better/best
English: I feel better than yesterday.
Spanish: Me siento mejor que ayer.

267. mencionar - (men-see-oh-nahr)

Translation: to mention
English: I wanted to mention two other points in my contribution.
Spanish: Yo quería mencionar otros dos puntos en mi contribución.

268. mendigar - (men-dee-gar)

Translation: to beg for, to beg
English: I will beg or starve, but I will never steal.
Spanish: Voy a mendigar o a pasar hambre, pero jamás robaré.

269. mendigo/a - (men-dee-goh/gah)

Translation: beggar
English: That man has been a beggar ever since I was little.
Spanish: Ese señor ha sido mendigo desde que yo era pequeño.

270. menor (a) - (may-nohr)

Translation: less, smaller / smallest
English: I need a shoe one size smaller; these are very big for me.
Spanish: Necesito una talla de zapatos menor, estos me están muy
DAY 28
271. menos - (meh-nohs)
Translation: less
English: Pears cost less in the other grocery store.
Spanish: Las peras cuestan menos en el otro supermercado.

272. mensaje (m) - (men-sah-hay)

Translation: message
English: Every time I try to open the file an error message flashes
up on the screen.
Spanish: Cada vez que trato de abrir el archivo aparece
un mensaje de error en el monitor.

273. mentir - (men-teer)

Translation: to lie
English: You lied to me. It's not true that she doesn't want to come.
Spanish: Me has mentido. No es cierto que ella no haya querido

274. mentira - (men-teer-ah)

Translation: lie
English: I found out everything was a lie.
Spanish: Descubrí que todo era mentira.

275. menú (m) - (meh-NU)

Translation: menu
English: I'll have today's menu and she'll have a hot chocolate.
Spanish: Para mí el menú del día y para ella un chocolate caliente.

276. merendar - (mehr-en-dahr)

Translation: to have an afternoon snack
English: Do you feel like having an afternoon snack?
Spanish: ¿Te apetece algo para merendar?

277. mermelada - (mehr-meh-lah-dah)

Translation: jam, marmalade
English: I'll have toast with strawberry jam for breakfast.
Spanish: Voy a desayunar pan tostado con mermelada de fresa.

278. mes (m) - (mehs)

Translation: month
English: May is the fifth month of the year.
Spanish: Mayo es el quinto mes del año.

279. mesa - (may-sah)

Translation: table
English: Help me to move the table a bit.
Spanish: Ayúdame a mover la mesa un poco.

280. miedo - (mee-ay-doh)

Translation: fear, frightened
English: I was frightened to go back to my apartment.
Spanish: Me daba miedo volver a mi apartamento.
DAY 29
281. tener miedo - (teh-nehr mee-ay-doh)
Translation: to be afraid
English: Many say that they are afraid of losing their jobs.
Spanish: Muchos dicen tener miedo de perder sus empleos.

282. miembro - (mee-em-bro)

Translation: member
English: He is a member of the chess club in his school.
Spanish: Él es un miembro del club de ajedrez en su escuela.

283. mientras - (mee-en-trahs)

Translation: while, whilst
English: I tripped and twisted my ankle while playing soccer.
Spanish: Me tropecé y me torcí el tobillo mientras jugaba al fútbol.

284. miércoles (m) - (mee-EHR-koh-les)

Translation: Wednesday
English: It's Wednesday so remember to take out the trash.
Spanish: Acuérdate de sacar la basura que es miércoles.

285. mineral (a) - (mee-nehr-ahl)

Translation: mineral
English: Many people in Europe take vitamins
and mineral supplements.
Spanish: Numerosos ciudadanos europeos consumen vitaminas y
complementos minerales.

286. minuto - (mee-nu-toh)

Translation: minute
English: There are sixty seconds in a minute.
Spanish: Hay sesenta segundos en un minuto.

287. mirar - (mee-rahr)

Translation: to look at
English: I promise I will never look at you with scorn again.
Spanish: Te prometo que no te vuelvo a mirar con desprecio.

288. mismo/a - (mees-moh/mah)

Translation: same
English: My two younger brothers sleep in the same bedroom.
Spanish: Mis dos hermanos menores duermen en
el mismo dormitorio.

289. mitad (f) - (me-tahd)

Translation: half
English: Half of the class didn't show up this morning.
Spanish: La mitad de la clase no vino esta mañana.

290. moda - (moh-dah)

Translation: fashion
English: It's a fashionable neighborhood with lots of bars and
Spanish: Es un barrio de moda con muchos bares y restaurantes.
DAY 30
291. modelo - (moh-del-oh)
Translation: model
English: They often mistook her for a famous model.
Spanish: A menudo la confundían con una modelo famosa.

292. mojarse - (moh-har-say)

Translation: to get wet
English: He splashed himself while washing the dishes and his
shirt got wet.
Spanish: Se salpicó al fregar los platos y se mojó la camisa.

293. molestar - (moh-les-tar)

Translation: to bother
English: His knee bothers him when he goes down the stairs.
Spanish: Le molesta la rodilla al bajar las escaleras.

294. montaña - (mohn-tahn-yah)

Translation: mountain
English: Everest is the highest mountain on Earth.
Spanish: El Everest es la montaña más alta de la Tierra.

295. montones (de) - (mohn-tohn-es)

Translation: lots, tons
English: We have lots of problems with the boss.
Spanish: Tenemos montones de problemas con el jefe.

296. morder - (mor-dehr)

Translation: to bite
English: Teresa bit her tongue when she tripped and fell.
Spanish: Teresa se mordió la lengua al tropezar y caerse.

297. morir - (moh-reer)

Translation: to die
English: My dog died of old age.
Spanish: Mi perro murió de viejo.
298. mostrar - (moh-strahr)
Translation: to show
English: The young boy showed the toy to his friends.
Spanish: El niño mostró el juguete a sus amigos.

299. moto(cicleta) (f) - (moh-toh)

Translation: motor bike
English: They said the pizza will arrive by motorcycle in 30
Spanish: Dijeron que la pizza llegará por moto en 30 minutos.

300. mucho/a - (moo-cho/cha)

Translation: much, a lot of
English: I feel much better today than yesterday.
Spanish: Me siento mucho mejor hoy que ayer.
DAY 31
301. muebles (m pl) - (mway-blehs)
Translation: furniture
English: The furniture in their house is very modern.
Spanish: Los muebles en su casa son muy modernos.

302. mundo - (moon-doh)

Translation: world
English: The world looks so different from a plane.
Spanish: El mundo se ve tan distinto desde un avión.

303. todo el mundo - (toh-doh el moon-doh)

Translation: everyone
English: Almost everyone knows the capital of France.
Spanish: Casi todo el mundo sabe cuál es la capital de Francia.

304. museo - (moo-say-oh)

Translation: museum
English: We went to the Natural Science Museum to see the
embalmed animals.
Spanish: Fuimos al Museo de Ciencias Naturales a ver los
animales embalsamados.

305. música - (moo-see-kah)

Translation: music
English: Ambient music made the place a bit more welcoming.
Spanish: La música ambiental hacía el local más acogedor.

306. muy - (mu-ee)

Translation: to bite
English: He is very tall, he's almost 2 meters tall.
Spanish: Es muy alto, mide casi dos metros.

307. nacionalidad (f) - (nah-see-oh-nahl-ee-dahd)

Translation: nationality
English: He has the right to residency but not to nationality.
Spanish: Tiene derecho a residencia pero no la nacionalidad.

308. nada - (nah-dah)

Translation: nothing
English: That is the price you pay for saying nothing.
Spanish: Ese es el precio que pagas por no decir nada.

309. no tengo nada - (no ten-goh nah-dah)

Translation: I have nothing
English: I was invited to a wedding this weekend, but I have
nothing to wear.
Spanish: Me invitaron a un matrimonio este fin de semana, pero no
tengo nadaque ponerme.

310. nadar - (nah-dahr)

Translation: to swim
English: I could not swim when I was a child.
Spanish: No podía nadar cuando era una niña.
DAY 32
311. nadie - (nah-dee-ay)
Translation: no one
English: My vote is a secret and I don't have to share it with anyone.
Spanish: Mi voto es un secreto y no lo tengo que compartir
con nadie.

312. naranja - (nah-rahn-ha)

Translation: orange
English: Orange juice is a good source of vitamin C.
Spanish: El jugo de naranja es una buena fuente de vitamina C.

313. natación (f) - (nah-tah-SYOHN)

Translation: swimming
English: Swimming is my favorite sport at the Olympics.
Spanish: La natación es mi deporte favorito en las Olimpiadas.

314. natural (a) - (nah-too-rahl)

Translation: natural
English: La presidenta de la compañía tiene un talento natural para
el liderazgo.
Spanish: The president of the company has a natural talent for

315. necesitar - (neh-seh-see-tar)

Translation: to need
English: That's a nasty cut on your foot. You're going to
need stitches.
Spanish: Esa herida en tu pie está fea. Vas a necesitar puntos.

316. negocios - (neh-goh-see-ohs)

Translation: business
English: We need to sign a formal contract before we can
do business with you.
Spanish: Necesitamos firmar un contrato oficial antes de
hacer negocios con ustedes.
317. hombre de negocios - (ohm-bray day neh-goh-see-ohs)
Translation: businessman
English: As you can expect from any businessman, he's always
very busy.
Spanish: Como buen hombre de negocios, está siempre muy

318. negro/a - (neh-gro/grah)

Translation: black
English: Do you prefer the red dress or the black dress?
Spanish: ¿Prefieres el vestido rojo o el negro?

319. nervioso/a - (nehr-vee-oh-soh)

Translation: nervous
English: I was so nervous for the test that I was even shaking.
Spanish: Estaba tan nervioso por el examen que temblaba y todo.

320. nevar - (neh-var)

Translation: to snow
English: It snowed a lot last winter.
Spanish: El invierno pasado nevó mucho.
DAY 33
321. nevera - (neh-veh-rah)
Translation: refrigerator
English: You should keep the milk in the refrigerator after you open
Spanish: Debes guardar la leche en la nevera después de abrirla.

322. otro/a - (oh-troh/trah)

Translation: other, another
English: Pass me another napkin.
Spanish: Pásame otra servilleta.

323. otra vez - (oh-trah vehs)

Translation: again
English: My car broke down again.
Spanish: Otra vez se me echó a perder el carro.

324. oveja - (oh-vay-ha)

Translation: sheep
English: We sheered a hundred sheep.
Spanish: Esquilamos cien ovejas.

325. niebla - (nee-eh-blah)

Translation: mist, fog
English: The mist settled to the ground like a heavy blanket.
Spanish: La niebla se asentó sobre la tierra como una manta

326. nieto/a - (nee-eh-toh/tah)

Translation: grandson/granddaughter
English: I'm really excited because my grandson is coming to visit
Spanish: Estoy muy emocionada porque mi nieto me viene a visitar

327. ninguno/a - (neen-goo-noh/nah)

Translation: no one, none
English: No one can sing like she does.
Spanish: Ninguno puede cantar como ella.

328. niñez (f) - (neen-yez)

Translation: childhood
English: The taste of my mom's soup takes me back to
my childhood.
Spanish: El sabor de la sopa de mi mamá me hace recordar
mi niñez.

329. Nochebuena - (noh-chay bway-nah)

Translation: Christmas Eve
English: We always have dinner with our whole family
on Christmas Eve.
Spanish: Siempre cenamos con toda la familia en Nochebuena.

330. Nochevieja - (noh-chay vee-ay-ha)

Translation: New Year’s Eve
English: Have you bought the champagne and grapes for New
Year's Eve?
Spanish: ¿Compraste el champán y las uvas para Nochevieja?
DAY 34
331. nombre (m) - (nohm-bray)
Translation: name
English: My first name is Ricardo and my last name is García.
Spanish: Mi nombre es Ricardo y mi apellido es García.

332. nos - (nohs)

Translation: us
English: They took us to the stadium.
Spanish: Nos llevaron al estadio.

333. noticias (pl) - (noh-tee-see-ahs)

Translation: news
English: I read the news in the paper every morning before work.
Spanish: Leo las noticias en el periódico cada mañana antes del

334. novela rosa - (noh-vel-ah roh-sah)

Translation: romantic novel
English: It's like a romance novel.
Spanish: Es como una novela rosa.

335. noveno/a - (noh-ven-oh/ah)

Translation: ninth
English: I never have a beer until the ninth hole.
Spanish: Nunca tomo cerveza antes del noveno hoyo.

336. noviembre (m) - (noh-vee-ehm-bray)

Translation: November
English: We didn't even know about this until November.
Spanish: Ni siquiera sabíamos de esto hasta noviembre.

337. novio/a - (noh-vee-oh/ah)

Translation: boyfriend/girlfriend, groom/bride
English: He could be there having fun with his girlfriend.
Spanish: Estará por ahí divirtiéndose con su novia.
338. nuestro/a - (noo-eh-stroh/strah)
Translation: our
English: It's important that you and I keep our little secret.
Spanish: Es importante mantengamos nuestro pequeño secreto.

339. nuez (m) - (noo-ehs)

Translation: walnut
English: Now, open it again and put a walnut in there.
Spanish: Ahora, vuelve a abrirla y pon ahí una nuez.

340. nunca - (noon-kah)

Translation: never
English: This was wonderful, I'm never going to regret that.
Spanish: Esto fue maravilloso, nunca me voy a arrepentir de eso.
DAY 35
341. obediente (a) - (oh-bay-dee-en-tay)
Translation: obedient
English: Lucas's son is very obedient and very well-mannered.
Spanish: El hijo de Lucas es muy obediente y muy bien educado.

342. obtener - (ohb-teh-nehr)

Translation: to get, to obtain
English: The restaurant is trying to get three Michelin stars.
Spanish: El restaurante está tratando de obtener tres estrellas

343. octavo/a - (ahk-tah-voh/vah)

Translation: eighth
English: Miguel was given a bike for his eighth birthday.
Spanish: A Miguel le regalaron una bici por su octavo cumpleaños.

344. octubre - (ahk-too-bray)

Translation: October
English: I can't wait for October 31st, I want to put on the costume I
made now!
Spanish: No puedo esperar hasta el 31 de octubre, ya quiero
ponerme el disfraz que hice!

345. odiar - (oh-dee-ar)

Translation: to hate
English: I hate getting up early on the weekend!
Spanish: ¡Odio levantarme temprano los fines de semana!

346. oferta - (oh-fehr-tah)

Translation: offer
English: We have received your offer to buy our company.
Spanish: Hemos recibido su oferta de comprar nuestra empresa.

347. oír (irr.) - (oh-EEr)

Translation: to hear
English: The walls are so thin I can hear the neighbors talking.
Spanish: Las paredes son tan finas que oigo a los vecinos hablar.

348. oliva - (oh-lee-vah)

Translation: olive
English: Because they are very bitter, olives aren't eaten raw.
Spanish: Porque son muy amargas, las olivas no se comen crudas.

349. olvidar - (ohl-vee-dar)

Translation: to forget
English: Don't forget the umbrella. I think it's going to rain today.
Spanish: No olvides el paraguas. Creo que va a llover hoy.

350. oportunidad (f) - (op-or-too-nee-dahd)

Translation: opportunity, chance
English: If you have the opportunity to go to Europe, do it.
Spanish: Si tienes la oportunidad de viajar a Europa, hazlo.
DAY 36
351. optimista (a) - (op-tee-mee-stah)
Translation: optimistic
English: I'm optimistic that the party will be a big success.
Spanish: Soy optimista que la fiesta va a ser un gran éxito.

352. orden (m) - (or-den)

Translation: order
English: I'll devote the morning to putting my documents in order.
Spanish: Voy a dedicar la mañana a poner mis papeles en orden.

353. orégano - (oh-RAY-gah-noh)

Translation: oregano
English: I have oregano, basil, and mint planted in my garden.
Spanish: Tengo orégano, albahaca y menta sembrados en el

354. oro - (oh-roh)

Translation: gold
English: My grandfather spent years looking for gold, but never
found it.
Spanish: Mi abuelo pasó años buscando oro, pero nunca lo

355. oscuro/a - (os-koo-roh/rah)

Translation: dark
English: I hate walking through dark places because I am afraid I'll
fall down.
Spanish: Odio andar por sitios oscuros porque me da miedo

356. oso - (oh-soh)

Translation: bear
English: There are brown bears on those mountains, but we didn't
see any.
Spanish: Hay osos pardos en aquellas montañas, pero no vimos

357. otoño - (oh-tohn-yoh)

Translation: autumn
English: In the fall, deciduous trees lose their leaves.
Spanish: En otoño, los árboles de hoja caduca pierden sus hojas.

358. padecer - (pah-day-sehr)

Translation: to suffer from, to endure
English: It is a shame that there are still people who suffer from
hunger in this world.
Spanish: Es una lástima que todavía haya gente
que padezca hambre en este mundo.

359. pagar - (pah-gar)

Translation: to pay
English: It takes five years to pay back the loan on the car.
Spanish: Toma cinco años pagar el préstamo del carro.

360. país (m) - (pah-EES)

Translation: country
English: China is the world's most populous country.
Spanish: China es el país más poblado del mundo.
DAY 37
361. paisaje (m) - (p-eye-sah-hay)
Translation: landscape
English: I saw the landscape stretch for miles from the top of the
Spanish: Vi el paisaje extenderse por millas desde la cima de la

362. palabra - (pah-lah-bra)

Translation: word
English: I'm looking for a five-letter word.
Spanish: Estoy buscando una palabra de cinco letras.

363. pan (m) - (pahn)

Translation: bread
English: I learned to make bread at cooking school.
Spanish: Aprendí a hacer pan en la escuela de cocina.

364. pantalón (m) - (pahn-tah-LOHN)

Translation: pants, trousers
English: Sami always wears black pants and a white shirt.
Spanish: Sami siempre lleva puesto un pantalón negro con una
camisa blanca.

365. papa (LAm) - (pah-pah)

Translation: potato
English: Today we are eating stuffed potatoes with refried beans.
Spanish: Hoy para comer tenemos papas rellenas con frijoles fritos.

366. papel (m) - (pah-pel)

Translation: paper, role
English: Can you please lend me a sheet of paper?
Spanish: ¿Me prestas un papel, por favor?

367. para - (pah-rah)

Translation: for, in order to
English: I did it for you.
Spanish: Lo hice para ti.

368. parabrisas (m) - (pah-rah-bree-sahs)

Translation: windscreen
English: I don't know what hit the windshield, but now it has a
Spanish: No sé lo que le pegó al parabrisas, pero ahora tiene una

369. parada - (pah-rah-dah)

Translation: stop
English: We will make stops in several different countries during
our tour of Europe.
Spanish: Haremos paradas en distintos países durante nuestro
recorrido por Europa.

370. paraguas (m s) - (pah-rah-gwahs)

Translation: umbrella
English: He took the umbrella because it's raining.
Spanish: Se llevó el paraguas porque está lloviendo.
DAY 38
371. parar - (pah-rahr)
Translation: to stop
English: Stop the traffic! Someone's lying in the road.
Spanish: ¡Paren el tráfico! Alguien está tirado en la calle.

372. parecer - (pah-ray-sehr)

Translation: to appear, seem
English: You seem tired. Did you sleep well last night?
Spanish: Pareces cansado. ¿Dormiste bien anoche?

373. parecido/a (a) - (pah-ray-see-doh/dah)

Translation: similar to
English: My car is similar to this one.
Spanish: Mi coche es parecido a este.

374. pariente (m f) - (par-ee-en-tay)

Translation: relative
English: That woman is a distant relative of mine.
Spanish: Esa mujer es parienta lejana mía.

375. parque (m) - (par-kay)

Translation: park
English: There are wild animals living in that park.
Spanish: En ese parque hay animales salvajes.

376. parrilla - (pah-ree-yah)

Translation: grill
English: We'll cook the steaks on the grill.
Spanish: Asaremos los filetes en la parrilla.

377. parte (f) - (par-tay)

Translation: part
English: A large part of our success is due to the simplicity of our
Spanish: Una gran parte de nuestro éxito se debe a la simplicidad
de nuestra idea.

378. pasar - (pah-sahr)

Translation: to pass, spend (time), go in, to happen
English: Fortunately nothing bad happened.
Spanish: Afortunadamente no pasó nada malo.

379. pasear - (pah-seh-ar)

Translation: to go for a walk
English: I love going for a walk on the beach.
Spanish: Me encanta ir a pasear por la playa.

380. pasillo - (pah-see-yoh)

Translation: corridor, passage, hall, aisle
English: The bathroom is at the end of the hall to the right.
Spanish: El baño está al final del pasillo a la derecha.
DAY 39
381. pasivo/a - (pah-see-voh/vah)
Translation: passive
English: I never take a passive attitude towards discrimination.
Spanish: Yo nunca asumo una actitud pasiva frente a la

382. patata - (pah-tah-tah)

Translation: potato
English: I'm baking potatoes, carrots, and pumpkins for dinner.
Spanish: Estoy horneando patatas, zanahorias y zapallos para la

383. pavo - (pah-voh)

Translation: turkey
English: My mother made a delicious turkey for Thanksgiving..
Spanish: Mi madre hizo un pavo exquisito para el día de acción de

384. peca - (peh-kah)

Translation: freckle
English: A red-haired girl with freckles was sitting at one of the
Spanish: En una de las mesas estaba sentada una chica pelirroja
con pecas.

385. pechuga - (pay-choo-gah)

Translation: (chicken) breast
English: Dice the chicken breast and marinate with oil and mustard.
Spanish: Corta la pechuga de pollo en cubos y ponlos a marinar en
aceite y mostaza.

386. pedir - (peh-deer)

Translation: to ask for, to order
English: He called to ask for more money.
Spanish: Llamó para pedir más dinero.
387. peinarse - (pay-nar-say)
Translation: to do one’s hair (comb)
English: Comb your hair a bit before going out.
Spanish: Péinate un poco antes de salir.

388. peluche (m) - (pay-loo-chay)

Translation: soft toy, stuffed toy/animals
English: You have so many stuffed animals on your bed that
there's no room left to sleep.
Spanish: Tienes tantos peluches en tu cama que no queda espacio
para dormir.

389. pena - (pay-nah)

Translation: sadness, pity
English: What a pity you haven't met him!
Spanish: ¡Qué pena que no lo conozcas!

390. pendiente (m pl) - (pen-dee-en-teh)

Translation: pending, slope
English: We still have many issues pending.
Spanish: Todavía tenemos muchos asuntos pendientes.
DAY 40
391. pensar - (pen-sar)
Translation: to think
English: I think he should be home by now.
Spanish: Pienso que ya debería estar en casa.

392. precio - (pray-see-oh)

Translation: price
English: The price of the Japanese course seems really expensive
to me.
Spanish: El precio del curso de japonés se me hace muy caro.

393. preferencia - (preh-fehr-en-see-ah)

Translation: preference
English: My grandfather always showed a preference for my
Spanish: El abuelo siempre demostró preferencia por mis primos.

394. preferir - (preh-fehr-reer)

Translation: to prefer
English: Do you prefer to work in a team or independently?
Spanish: ¿Prefieres trabajar en grupo o solo?

395. pregunta - (pray-goon-tah)

Translation: question
English: She always asks interesting questions in class.
Spanish: Siempre hace preguntas interesantes en clase.

396. preocupar - (pray-ah-koo-par)

Translation: to worry
English: I'm worried that I haven't heard from your brother in a
Spanish: Me preocupa que no haya escuchado de tu hermano en
una semana.

397. preposición (f) - (pray-poh-sih-SYOHN)

Translation: preposition
English: In the phrase "I am crazy for you," the preposition is the
word "for".
Spanish: En la frase "estoy loco por ti" la preposición es la palabra

398. presentación (f) - (pres-en-tah-SYOHN)

Translation: presentation, introduction
English: A number of doubts were raised during the presentation of
the annual report.
Spanish: Surgieron muchas dudas durante la presentación del
informe anual.

399. presentar - (pres-en-tar)

Translation: introduce
English: My boss introduced me to her husband last week.
Spanish: Mi jefa me presentó a su marido la semana pasada.

400. presente (a) - (preh-sen-tay)

Translation: present
English: Live in the present and let the past go.
Spanish: Vive en el presente y deja ir el pasado.
DAY 41
401. pensión (f) - (pen-SYOHN)
Translation: guest house, accommodations
English: I'm looking for accommodations for me and my ten-year-
old daughter.
Spanish: Busco pensión para mí y mi hija de 10 años.

402. pensión completa - (pen-SYOHN com-play-tah)

Translation: full board
English: We don't want full board. We'd like to try the local
Spanish: No queremos pensión completa, nos gustaría probar los

403. perder - (pehr-dehr)

Translation: to lose
English: How many times have you lost your cellphone?
Spanish: ¿Cuántas veces has perdido tu celular?

404. pero - (peh-roh)

Translation: but
English: But I don't want to go home!
Spanish: Pero no quiero irme a casa!

405. perro - (peh-rroh)

Translation: dog
English: I walk the dog three times a day.
Spanish: Saco al perro tres veces al día.

406. persona - (pehr-soh-nah)

Translation: person
English: There were hundreds of people at the concert.
Spanish: Había cientos de personas en el concierto.

407. personaje (m f) - (pehr-soh-nah-hay)

Translation: character, important person
English: The main character of the story is a wizard named
Spanish: El personaje principal del cuento es un mago llamado

408. personal (a) - (pehr-soh-nahl)

Translation: personal
English: This is a personal matter between him and me, so don't
Spanish: Este es un asunto personal entre él y yo, así que no te

409. pescado - (pes-kah-doh)

Translation: fish
English: I know many recipes for cooking fish.
Spanish: Sé muchas recetas para preparar pescado.

410. pie (m) - (pee-ay)

Translation: foot
English: I sprained my right foot playing soccer.
Spanish: Me hice un esguince en el pie derecho mientras jugar
DAY 42
411. al pie de - (pen-SYOHN)
Translation: at the foot of
English: There is a small pond at the foot of the hill.
Spanish: Hay una balsa pequeña al pie de la colina.

412. piedra - (pee-ay-drah)

Translation: stone
English: Granite is a type of hard stone.
Spanish: El granito es un tipo de piedra dura.

413. piel (f) - (pee-ehl)

Translation: skin, leather
English: Her skin tanned at the beach.
Spanish: Su piel se bronceó en la playa.

414. pimienta - (pee-mee-en-tah)

Translation: pepper
English: She refuses to eat vegetables without loading them with
salt and pepper.
Spanish: Ella se niega a comer verduras sin cargarlas con sal
y pimienta.

415. pintura - (peen-too-rah)

Translation: painting
English: The painting that is hanging in his office is one of
Picasso's works.
Spanish: La pintura que cuelga en su oficina es una obra de

416. piña - (peen-yah)

Translation: pineapple
English: Ripe pineapple is very sweet.
Spanish: La piña madura es muy dulce.

417. piso - (pee-soh)

Translation: floor, flat/apartment
English: The restaurant is on the third floor.
Spanish: El restaurante está en el tercer piso.

418. plancha - (plahn-cha)

Translation: iron, griddle
English: Use the iron to take the creases out of your blouse.
Spanish: Usa la plancha para quitarle las arrugas a tu blusa.

419. planear - (plah-nay-ar)

Translation: to plan
English: We're planning to go to the beach in August.
Spanish: Tenemos planeado ir a la playa en agosto.

420. planeta (m) - (plah-neh-tah)

Translation: planet
English: Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system
after Jupiter.
Spanish: Saturno es el segundo planeta más grande del sistema
solar después de Júpiter.
DAY 43
421. pimiento - (pee-mee-en-toh)
Translation: pepper, capsicum
English: Escalivada is a Catalan dish that has red pepper and
eggplant in it.
Spanish: La escalivada es un plato catalán que tiene pimiento rojo
y berenjena.

422. plata - (plah-tah)

Translation: silver
English: In certain regions, silver is more valuable than gold.
Spanish: En algunas regiones, la plata tiene más valor que el oro.

423. plátano - (PLAH-tah-noh)

Translation: plantain
English: I'm going to have plantains with rice and beans for lunch.
Spanish: Voy a almorzar plátano con arroz y frijoles.

424. platillo - (plah-tee-yoh)

Translation: saucer
English: The cup of coffee stuck to the saucer.
Spanish: La taza de café se quedó pegada al platillo.

425. plato - (plah-toh)

Translation: plate, dish, course
English: They bought paper plates for the party.
Spanish: Compraron platos de papel para la fiesta.

426. playa - (ply-ah)

Translation: beach
English: Yesterday we went for a walk on the beach at sunrise.
Spanish: Ayer fuimos a dar un paseo por la playa al amanecer.

427. plaza - (plah-zah)

Translation: square, plaza
English: They met at the town square.
Spanish: Se conocieron en la plaza del pueblo.

428. plural (a) - (plur-ahl)

Translation: plural
English: Write it in the plural because the text refers to several.
Spanish: Escríbelo en plural porque el texto se refiere a varios.

429. población (f) - (poh-blah-SYOHN)

Translation: population, town
English: Mexico City has a population of more than twenty million
Spanish: La Ciudad de México tiene una población de más de
veinte millones de personas.

430. pobreza - (poh-bray-zah)

Translation: poverty
English: She was struck by the extreme poverty of the village.
Spanish: La extrema pobreza de la aldea la dejó pasmada.
DAY 44
431. poco/a - (poh-coh/cah)
Translation: little
English: There's little wine left for the guests.
Spanish: Queda poco vino para los invitados.

432. poder - (poh-dehr)

Translation: to be able to, power
English: My girlfriend can dance salsa.
Spanish: Mi novia puede bailar salsa.

433. policía (m f) - (poh-lee-SEE-ah)

Translation: police officer
English: Someone called the police from the place where the
kidnapping occurred.
Spanish: Alguien llamó a la policía desde el lugar del secuestro.

434. pollo - (poy-yo)

Translation: chicken
English: There is a chicken farm near our house.
Spanish: Hay una granja de pollos cerca de nuestra casa.

435. poner - (poh-nehr)

Translation: to place, put
English: Where do you put the keys?
Spanish: ¿Dónde pones las llaves?

436. playa - (ply-ah)

Translation: beach
English: Yesterday we went for a walk on the beach at sunrise.
Spanish: Ayer fuimos a dar un paseo por la playa al amanecer.

437. por - (pohr)

Translation: by, through, because of
English: Come by my house if you want.
Spanish: Pásate por mi casa si quieres.
438. postre (m) - (poh-stray)
Translation: dessert, pudding
English: Ice cream is probably my favorite dessert.
Spanish: El helado puede que sea mi postre favorito.

439. práctica - (PRAHK-tee-kah)

Translation: practice
English: I can play the sonata by heart, but I need more practice.
Spanish: Puedo tocar la sonata de memoria pero necesito
más práctica.

440. prado - (prah-doh)

Translation: meadow, field
English: We had a picnic in a meadow full of flowers.
Spanish: Hicimos un picnic en un prado lleno de flores.
DAY 45
441. prestar - (pres-tar)
Translation: to lend
English: I will lend you some of my brother's books.
Spanish: Te prestaré algunos de los libros de mi hermano.

442. primavera - (pree-mah-veh-rah)

Translation: spring
English: It rains a lot here in the spring.
Spanish: Aquí llueve mucho en primavera.

443. primero/a - (pree-meh-roh/rah)

Translation: first
English: The countries are listed in the first row of the table.
Spanish: Los países se enumeran en la primera fila de la tabla.

444. primo/a - (pree-moh/mah)

Translation: cousin
English: My little cousin lives in Buenos Aires.
Spanish: Mi primo pequeño vive en Buenos Aires.

445. prisa - (pree-sah)

Translation: hurry, rush
English: What's the rush?
Spanish: ¿Cuál es la prisa?

446. probador (m) - (proh-bah-dor)

Translation: changing room
English: I'll be in the changing room trying on these clothes.
Spanish: Voy a estar en el probador con esta ropa.

447. probar - (proh-bar)

Translation: to prove, taste, try
English: That proves I was right.
Spanish: Eso prueba que tenía razón.
448. prestar atención - (pres-tar ah-ten-SYOHN)
Translation: to pay attention
English: It's important to pay attention to what we eat and to the
calories we consume.
Spanish: Es importante prestar atención a lo que comemos y a las
calorías que consumimos.

449. probarse - (proh-bar-say)

Translation: to try on
English: Why don't you try on the dress before buying it?
Spanish: ¿Por qué no te pruebas el vestido antes de comprarlo?

450. problema (m) - (proh-bleh-mah)

Translation: problem, trouble
English: The trouble with being rich is that you don't know who your
real friends are.
Spanish: El problema de ser rico es que no sabes quiénes son tus
verdaderos amigos.
DAY 46
451. profesión (f ) - (pro-feh-SYOHN)
Translation: job, profession, occupation
English: What is your occupation? - I'm an architect.
Spanish: ¿Cuál es su profesión? - Soy arquitecto.

452. profesor/a - (proh-feh-sor/sora)

Translation: teacher, instructor
English: He hired a ski instructor to improve his abilities.
Spanish: Contrató una profesora de esquí para mejorar sus

453. pronto - (pron-toh)

Translation: soon, quick
English: Your grandparents are arriving from Cuba soon.
Spanish: Pronto llegan tus abuelos de Cuba.

454. proponer - (proh-poh-nehr)

Translation: to propose, suggest
English: The agent suggested a trip down the Nile.
Spanish: El vendedor nos propuso un viaje por el Nilo.

455. propuesta - (proh-pwes-tah)

Translation: proposal
English: The council approved the proposal to build a new park.
Spanish: El consejo aprobó la propuesta para construir un nuevo

456. próximo/a - (PROX-ee-moh/mah)

Translation: next
English: The next time you tell me how to drive, I'm stopping the
Spanish: La próxima vez que me digas cómo manejar, paro el

457. prueba - (proo-eh-bah)

Translation: test, proof
English: The letter was proof that her story was true.
Spanish: La carta fue la prueba de que su historia era cierta.

458. puerco - (pwehr-koh)

Translation: pig
English: Pigs are smarter than many people think.
Spanish: Los puercos son más inteligentes de lo que muchos

459. punto - (poon-toh)

Translation: dot, period
English: You're missing the period at the end of this sentence.
Spanish: Te falta el punto al final de esta oración.

460. quedar - (kay-dar)

Translation: to remain, left
English: Are there any seats left for us?
Spanish: ¿Quedan asientos para nosotros?
DAY 47
461. quedar con - (kay-dar kohn)
Translation: to arrange to meet
English: I've arranged to meet Juan several times.
Spanish: He quedado con Juan varias veces.

462. quedarse - (kay-dar-say)

Translation: to stay
English: Our cousins stayed with us during Christmas.
Spanish: Nuestros primos se quedaron con nosotros durante la

463. querer (r.c.) - (keh-rehr)

Translation: to love, want
English: She still loves you deeply.
Spanish: Ella todavía te quiere profundamente.

464. queso - (kay-soh)

Translation: cheese
English: I love pizza with lots of cheese.
Spanish: Me encanta la pizza con mucho queso.

465. química - (KEE-mee-kah)

Translation: chemistry
English: Chemistry is the study of the composition of chemicals
and molecules.
Spanish: La química es el estudio de la composición de químicos y

466. quitar - (kee-tar)

Translation: to remove, take away
English: I could not remove the stain from the tablecloth.
Spanish: No pude quitar la mancha del mantel.

467. radiador (m) - (rah-dee-ah-dor)

Translation: radiator
English: It is freezing in the living room because there is
no radiator.
Spanish: Hace mucho frío en el salón porque no tiene
ningún radiador.

468. rallar - (rah-yar)

Translation: to grate
English: You need to finely grate one cup of carrots for the salad.
Spanish: Necesitas rallar finamente una taza de zanahorias para la

469. rascacielos (m) - (rah-skah-see-eh-lohs)

Translation: sky scraper
English: The sky scraper did not fall during the earthquake thanks
to its strong foundation.
Spanish: El rascacielos no se cayó en el temblor gracias a sus
fuertes cimientos.

470. rato - (rah-toh)

Translation: while
English: we were talking for quite a while.
Spanish: Estuvimos hablando mucho rato.
DAY 48
471. razón (f) - (rah-SOHN)
Translation: reason
English: You are the reason why I came to Spain.
Spanish: Tú eres la razón por la que vine a España.

472. realizar - (ray-ah-lee-sar)

Translation: to carry out
English: They carried out all the tests without touching a single
Spanish: Realizaron los experimentos sin tocar ningún animal.

473. rebaja - (ray-bah-ha)

Translation: sale, price reduction, discount
English: At the restaurant where we work, there is a
special discount for employees.
Spanish: En el restaurante donde trabajamos, hay
una rebaja especial para empleados.

474. recalentar - (ray-kah-len-tar)

Translation: to overheat, to warm up
English: The lack of antifreeze overheated my car's engine.
Spanish: La falta de anticongelante recalentó el motor de mi auto.

475. receta - (ray-seh-tah)

Translation: recipe
English: I have a recipe for lentils with sausage.
Spanish: Tengo una receta para lentejas con chorizo.

476. recibir - (reh-see-beer)

Translation: to receive
English: The victim received a strong blow to the side of the head.
Spanish: La víctima recibió un fuerte golpe al lado de la cabeza.

477. recto - (rek-toh)

Translation: straight on
English: When you get to the first light, continue straight.
Spanish: Cuando llegues al primer semáforo, sigue recto.

478. recuerdo - (reh-kwehr-doh)

Translation: memory, souvenir
English: Before leaving the city, we should stop by
the souvenir shop.
Spanish: Antes de salir de la ciudad, deberíamos pasar por la
tienda de recuerdos.

479. referirse (a) - (ref-ehr-eer-say)

Translation: to refer to
English: If you're referring to what happened last night, I wanted to
apologize for my behavior.
Spanish: Si te refieres a lo que pasó anoche, quería pedirte perdón
por mi comportamiento.

480. refresco - (ray-fres-koh)

Translation: soft drink
English: we were talking for quite a while.
Spanish: Estuvimos hablando mucho rato.
DAY 49
481. regalo - (ray-gah-loh)
Translation: present
English: I got many birthday presents this year.
Spanish: Este año recibí muchos regalos de cumpleaños.

482. región (f) - (ray-hee-OHN)

Translation: region
English: This region has the highest unemployment rate in the city.
Spanish: Esta región tiene la mayor tasa de desempleo en el país.

483. regular (a) - (ray-goo-lahr)

Translation: regular, so-so
English: The courses are organized on a regular basis.
Spanish: Los cursos se organizan de manera regular.

484. reírse - (ray-EER-say)

Translation: to laugh
English: We had a great time and we laughed like crazy.
Spanish: Nos lo pasamos muy bien y nos reímos como locos.

485. reloj (m) - (ray-loh)

Translation: watch, clock
English: He looked down at his watch and ran off.
Spanish: Miró su reloj y se echó a correr.

486. rellenito/a - (ray-yeh-nee-toh/tah)

Translation: plump
English: I'm plumper after the holidays.
Spanish: Estoy más rellenita después de las vacaciones.

487. repasar - (ray-pah-sar)

Translation: to revise, to go over, to check
English: We need to go over the budget before we present it at the
general assembly.
Spanish: Tenemos que repasar el presupuesto antes de
presentarlo en la asamblea general.

488. repetir - (reh-peh-teer)

Translation: to repeat, to do again
English: The dog ate my homework and now I have to do it again.
Spanish: El perro se comió mis deberes y ahora tengo
que repetirlos.

489. reportero/a - (reh-por-tehr-oh/ah)

Translation: reporter
English: The newspaper sent several reporters to cover the event.
Spanish: El periódico envió a varios reporteros para cubrir el

490. representar - (reh-pres-en-tar)

Translation: to act, to represent
English: This represents a 20% increase in our salaries.
Spanish: Esto representa un aumento del 20% en nuestros
DAY 50
491. reproducir (irr.) - (reh-pro-doo-seer)
Translation: to reproduce
English: The scientists reproduced the experiment, but didn't
obtain the same results.
Spanish: Los científicos reprodujeron el experimento pero no
lograron el mismo resultado.

492. responsable (a) - (res-pohn-sah-blay)

Translation: responsible, in charge
English: Can I speak with the person in charge of the store?
Spanish: ¿Puedo hablar con la persona responsable de la tienda?

493. respuesta - (res-pwes-tah)

Translation: reply, response
English: I don't think that's a question that merits a response.
Spanish: No creo que eso sea una pregunta que merezca
una respuesta.

494. restaurante (m) - (res-tao-rahn-tay)

Translation: restaurant
English: The new Mexican restaurant in our neighborhood is really
Spanish: El nuevo restaurante mexicano en nuestro vecindario
está riquísimo.

495. reunión (f) - (ray-oon-YOHN)

Translation: meeting
English: The organizing committee will have a meeting on
Wednesday at 8 pm.
Spanish: El comité organizador tendrá una reunión el miércoles a
las 8 pm.

496. reunirse (con) - (ray-oo-neer-say)

Translation: to meet with
English: Yesterday, we met with our architect to discuss the budget
he had prepared.
Spanish: Ayer nos reunimos con nuestro arquitecto para analizar
el presupuesto que preparó.

497. revista - (ray-bee-stah)

Translation: magazine
English: Sally doesn't like women's magazines.
Spanish: A Sally no le gustan las revistas de mujeres.

498. huevos revueltos - (way-vohs ray-vwell-tohs)

Translation: scrambled eggs
English: We had scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast at the
Spanish: En el hotel desayunamos huevos revueltos con tocino.

499. rey (m) - (ray)

Translation: king
English: The king and queen of Spain are visiting Bogota this week.
Spanish: Los reyes de España están de visita en Bogotá esta

500. rizado/a - (ree-sah-doh/dah)

Translation: curly
English: Her curly hair fell to her shoulders like the waves of the
Spanish: Su pelo rizado caía sobre sus hombros como las olas del
DAY 51
501. rodeado/a - (roh-day-ah-doh/dah)
Translation: surrounded
English: He was startled to see that he was surrounded by sharks.
Spanish: Se asustó al ver que estaba rodeado de tiburones.

502. rojo/a - (roh-ho)

Translation: red
English: El cielo se tornó rojo al atardecer.
Spanish: The sky turned red at sundown.

503. romano/a - (ro-mah-no/na)

Translation: Roman
English: The Romans conquered many territories in Europe.
Spanish: Los romanos conquistaron muchos territorios de Europa.

504. rompecabezas (m s) - (rohm-pay-kah-bay-sahs)

Translation: puzzle, jigsaw puzzle
English: Melanie likes to put together jigsaw puzzles.
Spanish: A Melanie le gusta armar rompecabezas.

505. ropa - (roh-pah)

Translation: clothes, clothing
English: I need to buy new clothes for our trip.
Spanish: Necesito comprar ropa nueva para el viaje.

506. rosa - (roh-sah)

Translation: rose
English: My husband bought me a big bunch of red roses for our
Spanish: Mi marido me compró un gran ramo de rosas rojas para
nuestro aniversario.

507. rosado - (roh-sah-doh)

Translation: pink, rosy
English: I just bought myself the prettiest pink sweater.
Spanish: Me acabo de comprar un jersey rosado muy lindo.

508. rubio/a - (roo-bee-oh/ah)

Translation: fair-haired, blond
English: All of the men in my family are blond.
Spanish: Todos los hombres en mi familia son rubios.

509. ruido - (roo-ee-doh)

Translation: noise
English: You can hear the noise of the party from here.
Spanish: Desde aquí se escuchan los ruidos de la fiesta.

510. rutina - (roo-tee-nah)

Translation: routine
English: Drinking coffee is part of my morning routine.
Spanish: Parte de mi rutina de todas las mañanas es tomar café.
DAY 52
511. ruidoso/a - (roo-ee-doh-soh/sah)
Translation: noisy
English: My neighbor's car is very noisy.
Spanish: El coche de mi vecino es muy ruidoso.

512. sábado - (SAH-bah-doh)

Translation: Saturday
English: Saturday is the best day of the week because there's no
Spanish: El sábado es el mejor día de la semana porque no hay

513. saber (irr.) - (sah-behr)

Translation: to know, to taste
English: I know that the capital of the Dominican Republic is Santo
Spanish: Yo sé que la capital de la República Dominicana es Santo

514. sabor (m) - (sah-bohr)

Translation: taste
English: The dessert has an exquisite flavor.
Spanish: El postre tiene un sabor exquisito.

515. saborear - (sah-bor-ee-ar)

Translation: to savor/savour, enjoy
English: Eat more slowly so that you can properly savor the meal.
Spanish: Come más despacio para que puedas saborear la comida

516. sabroso/a - (sah-bro-soh/sah)

Translation: tasty
English: That duck breast was so tasty.
Spanish: Esa pechuga de pato estuvo tan sabrosa.
517. sacar - (sah-kar)
Translation: to take out
English: At that restaurant they take out the trash five times a day.
Spanish: En ese restaurante, sacan la basura cinco veces al día.

518. saco (LAm) - (sah-koh)

Translation: jacket
English: He looked very good that night in his formal jacket.
Spanish: Se veía muy bien esa noche con su saco formal.

519. sal (f) - (sahl)

Translation: salt
English: This food is bland. It needs salt.
Spanish: Esta comida esta sosa. Le falta sal.

520. salchicha - (sahl-chee-cha)

Translation: sausage
English: We ate some Polish sausage with our breakfast.
Spanish: Comimos un poco de salchicha polaca con nuestro
DAY 53
521. salir (de) (irr.) - (sah-leer)
Translation: to go out, to leave
English: Take the elevator to go out.
Spanish: Usa el ascensor para salir.

522. salón (m) - (sah-LOHN)

Translation: sitting room, parlor, lounge
English: After dinner, we can have a drink in the sitting room.
Spanish: Tras la cena, podemos tomar una copa en el salón.

523. salsa - (sahl-sah)

Translation: sauce
English: I put a little peppermint in the chocolate sauce.
Spanish: Puse un poco de yerbabuena en la salsa de chocolate.

524. salud (f) - (sah-looh)

Translation: health, cheers, bless you
English: He's ninety, but he enjoys good health.
Spanish: Tiene noventa años, pero goza de buena salud.

525. saludar - (sah-loo-dar)

Translation: to greet, say hi to
English: I saw you in the mall yesterday but you didn't say hi to me.
Spanish: Te vi en el centro comercial ayer pero no me saludaste.

526. saludo - (sah-loo-doh)

Translation: greeting
English: Sonia and Carlos exchanged greetings when they ran into
each other at the market.
Spanish: Sonia y Carlos intercambiaron saludos al encontrarse en
el mercado.

527. septiembre (m) - (sep-tee-ehm-bray)

Translation: September
English: In the northern hemisphere, September marks the end of
summer and the beginning of fall.
Spanish: En el hemisferio norte, septiembre marca el fin del verano
y el comienzo del otoño.

528. secadora - (sek-ah-dor-ah)

Translation: spin drier
English: I can't hang the laundry outside because it's raining, so I'll
use the dryer.
Spanish: No puedo tender la ropa afuera porque está lloviendo, así
que usaré la secadora.

529. secretario/a - (seh-kray-tah-ree-oh/ah)

Translation: secretary, Secretary of State
English: My secretary will call you to confirm the date of the
Spanish: Mi secretario te llamará para confirmar la fecha de la

530. sed (f) - (sehd)

Translation: thirst
English: The vampire has a deadly thirst for blood.
Spanish: El vampiro tiene una sed de sangre mortal.
DAY 54
531. tener sed - (teh-nehr sehd)
Translation: to be thirsty
English: Would you give me a glass of water? I'm really thirsty.
Spanish: ¿Me darías un vaso de agua? Tengo mucha sed.

532. seguir - (seh-geer)

Translation: to follow
English: Follow me and I will show you the way home.
Spanish: Sígueme y te enseño el camino a casa.

533. según - (seh-GOON)

Translation: according to
English: According to the principal, there's no class on Friday.
Spanish: Según la directora, no hay clases este viernes.

534. segundo/a - (seh-goon-doh/dah)

Translation: second
English: The second time I traveled to Spain, I ended up staying for
three years.
Spanish: La segunda vez que viajé a España, terminé
quedándome por tres años.

535. seis - (sehs)

Translation: six
English: I'll bet you can't eat six tacos.
Spanish: Apuesto a que no puedes comer seis tacos.

536. selva - (sel-vah)

Translation: forest, jungle
English: There are jaguars and sloths in this jungle.
Spanish: Hay jaguares y perezosos en esta selva.

537. sello - (seh-yoh)

Translation: stamp
English: This letter requires three stamps because of its weight.
Spanish: Esta carta requiere que pongas tres sellos por su peso.

538. semana - (seh-mah-nah)

Translation: week
English: I'm not free for dinner until next week.
Spanish: No estoy libre para cenar hasta la semana que viene.

539. sensato/a - (sen-sah-toh/tah)

Translation: sensible
English: It isn't sensible to trust those who have already deceived
Spanish: No es sensato confiar en los que ya te hayan engañado.

540. sensible (a) - (sen-see-blay)

Translation: sensitive
English: Don't be too hard on him; he's a very sensitive boy.
Spanish: No seas muy dura con él; es un chico muy sensible.
DAY 55
541. sentir (r.c.) - (sen-teer)
Translation: to feel, to smell, to taste
English: I can feel my heartbeat in my fingers.
Spanish: Puedo sentir el latido de mi corazón en los dedos.

542. señalar - (sen-yah-lahr)

Translation: to point out, to mark, to show
English: The guide showed us the route that leads to the secret
Spanish: El guía nos señaló la ruta que lleva a la cascada secreta.

543. señor/a - (sen-yohr/yohr-ah)

Translation: gentleman/lady
English: Who is that woman you were talking to?
Spanish: ¿Quién es esa señora con quien estabas hablando?

544. séptimo/a - (SEHP-tee-moh/mah)

Translation: seventh
English: My grandfather was the seventh of ten siblings.
Spanish: Mi abuelo era el séptimo de diez hermanos.

545. sequía - (seh-KEE-ah)

Translation: dry season, drought
English: The harvest was affected by the drought.
Spanish: La cosecha se vio afectada por la sequía.

546. ser (irr.) - (sehr)

Translation: to be
English: Her eyes are blue.
Spanish: Sus ojos son azules.

547. serio/a - (seh-ree-oh/ah)

Translation: serious
English: I could tell by the doctor's serious tone that the results
weren't good.
Spanish: Por el tono de voz serio del doctor, supe que los
resultados no eran buenos.

548. servicio - (sehr-vee-see-oh)

Translation: service
English: Our law firm offers free service to elderly people.
Spanish: Nuestro estudio jurídico brinda servicios gratis a adultos

549. servilleta - (sehr-vee-yeh-tah)

Translation: napkin, serviette
English: It's good manners to place a napkin on your lap.
Spanish: Los buenos modales dicen que debes ponerte
la servilleta en el regazo.

550. servir - (sehr-veer)

Translation: to serve
English: They're going to serve pork loin at the wedding.
Spanish: Van a servir lomo de puerco en la boda.
DAY 56
551. sexto/a - (sex-toh/tah)
Translation: sixth
English: This is the sixth case of chickenpox that we see this
Spanish: Es el sexto caso de varicela que vemos en este mes.

552. si - (see)
Translation: if
English: If it rains tomorrow, we will cancel the picnic.
Spanish: Si llueve mañana, cancelaremos el picnic.

553. siempre - (see-ehm-pray)

Translation: always
English: She always wears blue.
Spanish: Siempre va de ropa azul.

554. siglo - (see-gloh)

Translation: century
English: Julio Cortázar was one of the greatest writers of the
20th century.
Spanish: Julio Cortázar fue uno de los autores más importantes
del siglo XX.

555. significado - (sig-nif-ee-kah-doh)

Translation: meaning
English: The meaning of life cannot be found in a dictionary.
Spanish: El significado de la vida no se puede encontrar en un

556. sí - (SEE)
Translation: yes
English: Do you want to go to the movies? - Yes, but let's eat first.
Spanish: ¿Quieres ir al cine? - Sí, pero primero hay que comer.

557. significar - (sig-nif-ee-kar)

Translation: to mean
English: I've heard that word thousands of times but I still can't
remember what it means.
Spanish: He oído esa palabra miles de veces pero aún no me
acuerdo de qué significa.

558. siguiente (a) - (see-gee-ehn-tay)

Translation: next, following
English: You'll find the answer in the following paragraph.
Spanish: Encontrarás la respuesta en el siguiente párrafo.

559. servilleta - (sehr-vee-yeh-tah)

Translation: napkin, serviette
English: It's good manners to place a napkin on your lap.
Spanish: Los buenos modales dicen que debes ponerte
la servilleta en el regazo.

560. sillón (m) - (see-YOHN)

Translation: armchair
English: My grandfather used to sit in that armchair to tell us
Spanish: Mi abuelo solía sentarse en ese sillón para contarnos
DAY 57
561. simpático/a - (sim-PAH-tee-koh/kah)
Translation: pleasant, nice
English: It has been a pleasure to meet such a nice girl.
Spanish: Ha sido un placer conocer a una chica tan simpática.

562. sin - (seen)

Translation: without
English: I am not buying it without a discount.
Spanish: No voy a comprarlo sin un descuento.

563. singular (a) - (seen-goo-lahr)

Translation: singular
English: Write the following plural nouns in the singular.
Spanish: Escribe los siguientes sustantivos plurales en singular.

564. situar - (sih-too-ahr)

Translation: to site, locate
English: It was not until the last day that Marina was able to
locate the hotel on the map.
Spanish: Hasta el último día Marina no fue capaz de situar el hotel
en el plano.

565. socialismo - (soh-see-ahl-ees-moh)

Translation: socialism
English: I'm a capitalist, so I reject socialism and Communism.
Spanish: Yo soy capitalista, por lo que rechazo el socialismo y el

566. soleado/a - (sol-ay-ah-doh/dah)

Translation: sunny
English: The morning is totally sunny. There's not a single cloud in
the sky.
Spanish: La mañana está completamente soleada. No hay ni una
sola nube en el cielo.
567. soler - (soh-lehr)
Translation: to usually (do something), to use to, to tend to
English: We used to go on vacation to San Sebastian.
Spanish: Solíamos irnos de vacaciones a San Sebastián.

568. sólo - (SOH-loh)

Translation: only
English: It only hurts when I'm breathing.
Spanish: Sólo me duele al respirar.

569. soltero/a - (sol-tehr-oh/ah)

Translation: unmarried
English: Do you know if there will be any singles at the party?
Spanish: ¿Sabes si habrá solteros en la fiesta?

570. solución (f) - (soh-loo-see-YOHN)

Translation: solution, answer
English: Many people think that money would be the answer to all
their problems.
Spanish: Muchos creen que el dinero sería la solución a todos sus
DAY 58
571. escasez - (ehs-kah-ses)
Translation: shortage
English: Every Sunday we have a shortage of water in our
Spanish: Cada domingo tenemos una escasez de agua en nuestra

572. sonar - (soh-nar)

Translation: to sound, to ring
English: The telephone was ringing all morning long.
Spanish: El teléfono estuvo sonando toda la mañana.

573. sopa - (soh-pah)

Translation: soup
English: The best soup they serve is broccoli cheddar.
Spanish: La mejor sopa que sirven es de brócoli y queso cheddar.

574. soñar - (sohn-yar)

Translation: to dream
English: Last night I dreamed I was having coffee with Einstein.
Spanish: Anoche soñé que estaba tomando café con Einstein.

575. subrayar - (soo-brah-yahr)

Translation: to underline, emphasize, stress
English: We need to underline the first sentence in each
Spanish: Tenemos que subrayar la primera frase de cada párrafo.

576. subterráneo - (soob-teh-RRAH-nay-oh)

Translation: underground
English: The thieves kept the money in an underground hiding
Spanish: Los ladrones guardaban el dinero en un
escondite subterráneo.
577. sucio/a - (soo-see-oh/ah)
Translation: to usually (do something), to use to, to tend to
English: Are these all of the the dirty clothes we have to take to the
Spanish: ¿Esta es toda la ropa sucia que hay que llevar a la

578. suegro/a - (soo-eh-groh/grah)

Translation: father/mother-in-law
English: My father-in-law couldn't come to our wedding.
Spanish: Mi suegro no pudo venir a nuestra boda.

579. sueño - (sway-nyoh)

Translation: dream, sleep
English: In my dream, dinosaurs still roamed the Earth.
Spanish: En mi sueño, los dinosaurios todavía vagaban por la

580. sufrimiento - (soo-free-mee-ehn-toh)

Translation: suffering
English: Wars have caused so much suffering, pain, and death.
Spanish: Las guerras han causado mucho sufrimiento, dolor y
DAY 59
581. tener sueño - (teh-nehr sway-nyoh)
Translation: to be sleepy
English: I'm sleepy, I'm going to bed.
Spanish: Tengo sueño, me voy a acostar.

582. supermercado - (soo-pehr-mehr-kah-doh)

Translation: supermarket
English: Go to the supermarket and buy pasta, meat, and wine for
tonight's dinner.
Spanish: Ve al supermercado y compra pasta, carne y vino para la
cena de esta noche.

583. talla - (tye-yah)

Translation: size (clothes)
English: Edna wears a size six dress and size seven shoes.
Spanish: Edna usa una talla seis de vestidos y una talla siete de

584. también - (tahm-bee-EHN)

Translation: also
English: Paris is also known as the fashion capital of the world.
Spanish: París también es conocida como capital del mundo de la

585. tan grande - (tahn grahn-day)

Translation: so big
English: They sell a pizza so big that you can't finish it on your own.
Spanish: Venden una pizza tan grande que no puedes terminarla

586. tanto/a - (tahn-toh/tah)

Translation: so much/many
English: I love you so much.
Spanish: Te quiero tanto.
587. tapa - (tah-pah)
Translation: snack, lid, top
English: We shared some tapas and wine at the Plaza Mayor.
Spanish: Compartimos unas tapas y vino en la Plaza Mayor.

588. tardar (en hacer algo) - (tar-dar)

Translation: to take time (in doing something)
English: What a long time you take! Hurry up already!
Spanish: ¡Cómo te tardas! ¡Apúrate ya!

589. tan - (tahn)

Translation: so
English: My son was so tired when we arrived, he fell asleep
Spanish: Mi hijo estaba tan cansado cuando llegó que se durmió

590. tarde (a) - (tar-day)

Translation: late
English: Hurry up, we are going to be late.
Spanish: Date prisa, vamos a llegar tarde.
DAY 60
591. tarea - (tah-ray-ah)
Translation: task, homework
English: I have so many urgent tasks that I don't know where to
Spanish: Tengo tantas tareas urgentes que no sé por cuál empezar.

592. tarde (f) - (tar-day)

Translation: afternoon, early evening
English: This afternoon I am going shopping with my friends.
Spanish: Esta tarde me voy de compras con mis amigas.

593. tarjeta - (tar-hay-tah)

Translation: card
English: Can I pay with my debit card?
Spanish: ¿Puedo pagar con mi tarjeta de débito?

594. taza - (tah-sah)

Translation: cup
English: They invited us to have a cup of tea.
Spanish: Nos invitaron a tomar una taza de té.

595. tarjeta postal - (tar-hay-tah pohs-tahl)

Translation: postcard
English: Roberto and Elena sent us a postcard from Acapulco
while they were on their honeymoon.
Spanish: Roberto y Elena nos mandaron una tarjeta postal desde
Acapulco cuando estuvieron de viaje de novios.

596. té (m) - (TAY)

Translation: tea
English: Do you want green tea or coffee?
Spanish: ¿Quieres té verde o café?

597. teatro - (tay-ah-troh)

Translation: theatre
English: He's been interested in theater ever since he was a boy.
Spanish: Le interesa el teatro desde que era niño.

598. teléfono - (teh-LAY-foh-noh)

Translation: telephone
English: That new phone is too complicated for me.
Spanish: Ese nuevo teléfono es demasiado complicado para mí.

599. televisión (f) - (teh-lay-vee-SYOHN)

Translation: television
English: Turn off the television if you're not going to be watching it.
Spanish: Apaga la televisión si no la vas a estar viendo.

600. tenedor (m) - (ten-ay-eh-dohr)

Translation: fork
English: I prefer to eat cake with a fork and not a spoon.
Spanish: Prefiero comer el pastel con un tenedor y no una cuchara.
DAY 61
601. tener (irr.) - (teh-nehr)
Translation: to have, got
English: Mary's got a house in the country.
Spanish: Mary tiene una casa en el campo.

602. tenis (m) - (teh-nees)

Translation: tennis
English: The boys are playing tennis on the third grass-court.
Spanish: Los muchachos están jugando al tenis en la tercera
cancha de hierba.

603. tener ganas de - (teh-nehr gah-nahs day)

Translation: to feel like
English: Do you want to go out? - No, I don't feel like it.
Spanish: ¿Quieres salir? - No, no tengo ganas.

604. terminar - (tehr-mee-nar)

Translation: to end, to finish
English: There are only two episodes left before the season ends.
Spanish: Solo quedan dos episodios para que termine la

605. ternera (f) - (tehr-nehr-ah)

Translation: veal, beef
English: We were served veal with a mushroom sauce.
Spanish: Nos sirvieron ternera con una salsa de champiñones.

606. terraza - (teh-rrah-sah)

Translation: terrace, balcony, roof
English: They had a barbecue out on the terrace.
Spanish: Hicieron una parrillada en la terraza.

607. texto - (tex-toh)

Translation: text
English: The text we have to translate is a fable.
Spanish: El texto que tenemos que traducir es una fábula.

608. tiempo - (tee-ehm-poh)

Translation: weather, time
English: What's the weather like in your country?
Spanish: ¿Qué tiempo hace en tu país?

609. tímido/a - (TEEM-ee-doh/dah)

Translation: shy, timid
English: My brother's not shy, he's just really reserved.
Spanish: Mi hermano no es tímido, solamente es muy reservado.

610. tinta - (teen-tah)

Translation: ink
English: The octopus disappeared in a cloud of its own ink.
Spanish: El pulpo desapareció en una nube de su propia tinta.
DAY 62
611. tinto - (teen-toh)
Translation: red wine
English: All the guests raised their glasses of red wine to toast to
the health of the bride and groom.
Spanish: Todos los invitados levantaron sus copas de tinto para
brindar a la salud del novio y de la novia.

612. tío/a uncle/aunt - (TEE-oh/ah)

Translation: tennis
English: We are going to visit my aunt Elena this afternoon.
Spanish: Vamos a visitar a mi tía Elena esta tarde.

613. típico/a - (TEE-pee-koh/kah)

Translation: typical, traditional
English: Fever and sweating are typical symptoms of malaria.
Spanish: La fiebre y el sudor son síntomas típicos de la malaria.

614. tocar - (toh-kar)

Translation: to touch, play (piano), correspond
English: That car is touching mine.
Spanish: Ese coche está tocando el mío.

615. todo/a - (toh-doh/dah)

Translation: all, every
English: All my friends have come.
Spanish: Han venido todos mis amigos.

616. te toca a ti - (tay toh-kah ah tee)

Translation: it’s your turn
English: Come quick, Julia! It's your turn to speak to grandma and
Spanish: ¡Julia, corre, que te toca a ti hablar con los abuelitos!

617. tomar - (toh-mar)

Translation: to take, drink
English: He took the money and put it into his pocket.
Spanish: Tomó el dinero y se lo metió en el bolsillo.

618. tomate (m) - (toh-mah-tay)

Translation: tomato
English: The sauce is made from tomatoes picked directly from the
Spanish: La salsa está hecha de tomates recogidos directamente
de la vid.

619. torre (f) - (toh-rray)

Translation: tower
English: The tower can be seen from all parts of the city.
Spanish: La torre se puede ver desde todas partes de la cuidad.

620. trabajador/a - (trah-bah-ha-dohr/doh-ra)

Translation: hard-working
English: She's very hard-working and committed to achieving her
professional goals.
Spanish: Ella es muy trabajadora y está comprometida a lograr sus
metas profesionales.
DAY 63
621. trabajar - (trah-bah-har)
Translation: to work
English: He works from nine to five.
Spanish: Trabaja de nueve a cinco.

622. traductor/a - (trah-dook-tohr/tohr-ah)

Translation: translator
English: I work as a translator for the government.
Spanish: Trabajo de traductor para el gobierno.

623. traer (irr.) - (trah-ehr)

Translation: to bring
English: Bring me the keys, please.
Spanish: Tráeme las llaves, por favor.

624. traje (m) - (trah-hay)

Translation: suit
English: Wear your dark suit to the funeral.
Spanish: Ponte el traje oscuro para ir al funeral.

625. tratar de - (trah-tar day)

Translation: to try to
English: I'm not trying to hide anything.
Spanish: No trato de ocultar nada.

626. travieso/a - (trah-vee-ehs-oh/ah)

Translation: naughty
English: You've been a naughty boy, go to your room.
Spanish: Has sido un chico travieso, ve a tu habitación.

627. tren (m) - (trehn)

Translation: train
English: The train is about to leave the station.
Spanish: El tren está a punto de salir de la estación.
628. tres - (trehs)
Translation: three
English: I bought three new books at the bookstore.
Spanish: Compré tres libros nuevos en la librería.

629. trucha - (troo-cha)

Translation: trout
English: Every weekend, my father would take us to fish for trout at
the lake.
Spanish: Todos los fines de semana, mi padre nos llevaba a
pescar truchas al lago.

630. turismo - (toor-ees-moh)

Translation: tourism
English: While I enjoy cultural tourism, other people find it
somewhat boring.
Spanish: Aunque me gusta el turismo cultural, otras personas lo
encuentran un poco aburrido.
DAY 64
631. turista (m f) - (toor-ee-stah)
Translation: tourist
English: The architecture of the city attracts many tourists.
Spanish: La arquitectura de la ciudad atrae a muchos turistas.

632. turno - (toor-noh)

Translation: turn
English: Be patient and wait for your turn on the swing.
Spanish: Ten paciencia y espera tu turno en el columpio.

633. ubicación (f) - (oo-bee-kah-see-YOHN)

Translation: location, position
English: Look at a map to see the location of the information
Spanish: Mira un mapa para ver la ubicación del centro de

634. unidad (f) - (oo-nee-dahd)

Translation: unit, unity
English: We cannot win the election if we lack unity.
Spanish: No podemos ganar las elecciones si no tenemos unidad.

635. unir - (oo-neer)

Translation: join, unite
English: She joined the cables so they reached the stage.
Spanish: Unió los cables para que alcanzaran hasta el escenario.

636. universidad (f) - (oo-nee-vehr-see-dahd)

Translation: university
English: At what university did your sister study?
Spanish: ¿En cuál universidad estudió tu hermana?

637. uno/a - (oo-noh/nah)

Translation: one
English: I've only got one candy left.
Spanish: Me queda solo un dulce.

638. usar - (oo-sahr)

Translation: to use
English: You can use my old phone if you can't manage to find
Spanish: Puedes usar mi teléfono viejo si no logras encontrar el

639. utensilio - (oo-ten-see-lee-oh)

Translation: utensil, tool
English: The knife knife, peeler, and the rest of the the
cooking utensils are in the top drawer.
Spanish: La cuchilla, el mondador y el resto de los utensilios de
cocina están en el primer cajón.

640. utilizar - (oo-tee-lee-sahr)

Translation: to use, to utilize
English: Use this socket wrench to replace that flat tire.
Spanish: Utiliza la llave de rueda para reemplazar esa llanta
DAY 65
641. uva - (oo-vah)
Translation: grape
English: Let's buy some tomatoes, and a bunch of grapes.
Spanish: Vamos a comprar unos tomates y un racimo de uvas.

642. vacación (usually pl) - (vah-kah-see-YOHN)

Translation: holiday
English: I desperately need a vacation! This semester is really
Spanish: ¡Me urge una vacación! Este semestre está bien pesado.

643. vago/a - (vah-goh)

Translation: lazy, vague
English: It is difficult to work with lazy people.
Spanish: Es difícil trabajar con gente vaga.

644. vainilla - (bai-nee-yah)

Translation: vanilla
English: Open a vanilla bean and add the grains and a stick of
cinnamon to the cream.
Spanish: Abre una vaina de vainilla y añádele los granos y una
rama de canela a la crema.

645. vajilla - (bah-hee-yah)

Translation: crockery, dishes
English: They placed the crockery on the table and called the dinner
Spanish: Ellos dispusieron la vajilla en la mesa y llamaron a los

646. vale - (bah-lay)

Translation: ticket, okay
English: They gave us a voucher for a free breakfast.
Spanish: Nos dieron un vale para un desayuno gratuito.
647. valer (irr.) - (bah-lehr)
Translation: to be worth
English: This first edition is worth a fortune.
Spanish: Esta primera edición vale una fortuna.

648. vapor - (vah-pohr)

Translation: steam
English: The water is boiling. Can't you see the steam coming out
of the kettle?
Spanish: El agua está hirviendo. ¿No ves el vapor saliendo de la

649. vaqueros (pl) - (bah-kay-rohs)

Translation: jeans
English: We bought some original Levi's jeans in San Francisco,
Spanish: Compramos unos vaqueros Levi's originales en San
Francisco, California.

650. variado/a - (vah-ree-ah-doh/dah)

Translation: varied
English: The cruise offers varied and fun activities for the children.
Spanish: En el crucero tienen actividades variadas y divertidas
para los niños.
DAY 66
651. varios (pl) - (var-ee-ohs)
Translation: various
English: Several of my friends are married or have children.
Spanish: Varios de mis amigos están casados o tienen hijos.

652. vasco/a - (vahs-koh/kah)

Translation: Basque
English: We found a Basque restaurant that does an excellent cod
Spanish: Descubrimos un restaurante vasco que prepara un
bacalao excelente.

653. vaso - (vah-soh)

Translation: glass
English: Get a glass from the shelf if you're thirsty.
Spanish: Toma un vaso del estante si tienes sed.

654. vegetal (m) - (veh-hay-tahl)

Translation: vegetable
English: All the vegetables we eat come from our garden.
Spanish: Todos los vegetales que comemos son de nuestro jardín.

655. vegetariano/a - (veh-hay-tah-ree-ah-noh/nah)

Translation: vegetarian
English: I know some vegetarians who eat fish.
Spanish: Yo conozco a algunos vegetarianos que comen pescado.

656. vender - (ven-dehr)

Translation: to sell
English: The girl was selling oranges in the market.
Spanish: La chica estaba vendiendo naranjas en el mercado.

657. venir (irr. r.c.) - (veh-neer)

Translation: to come
English: The train comes from Andalusia.
Spanish: El tren viene de Andalucía.

658. ventaja - (ven-tah-ha)

Translation: advantage
English: What advantage is there to leasing a car than buying one?
Spanish: ¿Qué ventaja tiene arrendar un carro que comprarlo?

659. ver (irr.) - (vehr)

Translation: to see
English: Do you want to see my new car?
Spanish: ¿Quieres ver mi carro nuevo?

660. verano - (veh-rah-noh)

Translation: summer
English: Let's go to the beach next summer.
Spanish: Vayamos a la playa el próximo verano.
DAY 67
661. arrendar - (ah-rren-dar)
Translation: to rent
English: The owner wishes to rent or sell his condo.
Spanish: El propietario desea arrendar o vender su apartamento.

662. verbo - (vehr-boh)

Translation: verb
English: Most English verbs are regular.
Spanish: La mayoría de los verbos ingleses son regulares.

663. verdad (f) - (vehr-dahd)

Translation: truth
English: I'm telling you the truth and nothing but the truth.
Spanish: Te estoy diciendo la verdad y nada más que la verdad.

664. verde (a) - (vehr-day)

Translation: green
English: I bought a green blouse with a flower print.
Spanish: Me compré una blusa verde con un estampado de flores.

665. verdura - (vehr-doo-rah)

Translation: greenery, greens
English: I want greens with my fish instead of potatoes.
Spanish: Quiero verduras con mi pescado en vez de papas.

666. vergüenza - (vehr-gwen-sah)

Translation: embarrassment, shame
English: I have never felt such embarrassment before. Please hide
Spanish: Nunca he sentido tanta vergüenza antes. Por favor,

667. verter (r.c.) - (vehr-tehr)

Translation: to pour, to spill
English: Can you pour some wine in my glass?
Spanish: ¿Puedes verter un poco de vino en mi copa?

668. vestirse (r.c.) - (ves-teer-say)

Translation: to get dressed
English: It only takes my husband half an hour to get dressed.
Spanish: A mi esposo solo le toma media hora vestirse.

669. vez (f) - (ves)

Translation: occasion, time
English: That was the last time I saw him.
Spanish: Esa fue la última vez que lo vi.

670. viajero/a - (vee-ah-hehr-oh/ah)

Translation: traveller
English: Some travelers rush to arrive, while others enjoy the
Spanish: Algunos viajeros se apresuran a llegar, mientras otros
disfrutan del viaje.
DAY 68
671. vidrio - (vee-dree-oh)
Translation: glass
English: Be careful with that pitcher, it's made of glass.
Spanish: Ten cuidado con esa jarra, es de vidrio.

672. viernes (m) - (vee-ehr-nes)

Translation: Friday
English: From now on you can wear casual clothes to work
every Friday.
Spanish: A partir de ahora, se puede llevar ropa informal en el
trabajo los viernes.

673. vinagreta - (veen-ah-gret-ah)

Translation: vinaigrette
English: My mom's specialty is artichokes with vinaigrette.
Spanish: La especialidad de mi mamá son las alcachofas
con vinagreta.

674. vino - (vee-noh)

Translation: wine
English: Do you want red wine or white wine?
Spanish: ¿Quieres vino tinto o vino blanco?

675. visita (f) - (vee-see-tah)

Translation: visit, guest
English: The butler welcomed the visitors and ushered them into
the living room.
Spanish: El mayordomo recibió a las visitas y las condujo a la sala
de estar.

676. visitar - (vee-see-tahr)

Translation: to visit
English: Are you going to visit your friend tonight?
Spanish: ¿Vas a ir a visitar a tu amigo esta noche?
677. vivienda - (vee-vee-en-dah)
Translation: dwelling, house
English: My grandparents have another house in Monterrey.
Spanish: Mis abuelos tienen otra vivienda en Monterrey.

678. vista - (vee-stah)

Translation: view, sight
English: Our hotel room has a spectacular view of the sea.
Spanish: Nuestra habitación del hotel tiene una vista espectacular
del mar.

679. vivir - (vee-veer)

Translation: to live
English: Nothing lives on Mars.
Spanish: En Marte, no vive nada.

680. volar - (boh-lahr)

Translation: to fly
English: The eagle spread its wings majestically and flew through
the air.
Spanish: El águila extendió majestuosamente sus alas y voló por el
DAY 69
681. zanahoria - (sah-nah-or-ree-ah)
Translation: carrot
English: They say that eating carrots is good for your vision.
Spanish: Se dice que comer zanahorias es bueno para la visión.

682. zapatero - (sah-pah-tehr-oh)

Translation: cobbler, shoemaker
English: Italian shoemakers have already launched their spring
Spanish: Los zapateros italianos han lanzado ya sus colecciones
de primavera.

683. zapato - (sah-pah-toh)

Translation: shoe
English: I'm going to the mall to buy a pair of shoes for work.
Spanish: Voy al centro comercial para comprar un par
de zapatos para el trabajo.

684. zumo - (soo-moh)

Translation: juice
English: I love fresh orange juice.
Spanish: Me encanta el zumo de naranja natural.

685. contabilidad - (kohn-tah-bee-lee-dahd)

Translation: accounting
English: Fernanda works at an accounting firm.
Spanish: Fernanda trabaja en una empresa de contabilidad.

686. álgebra - (AHL-hay-brah)

Translation: algebra
English: My favorite subject is linear algebra.
Spanish: Mi materia favorita es el álgebra lineal.

687. biología - (bee-oh-loh-HEE-ah)

Translation: biology
English: What are you going to study in college? - Biology or
Spanish: ¿Qué vas a estudiar en la universdad? - Biología o

688. negocio - (neh-goh-see-oh)

Translation: business
English: Sophie runs her business from home.
Spanish: Sophie maneja el negocio desde su casa.

689. informática - (een-for-MAH-tee-kah)

Translation: computer science, computing
English: My brother works in computing as a programmer.
Spanish: Mi hermano trabaja en informática como programador.

690. aeropuerto - (ehr-oh-pwehr-toh)

Translation: airport
English: My plane will be landing at 4 pm at Montevideo's airport.
Spanish: Mi avión aterrizará a las 4 pm en el aeropuerto de
DAY 70
691. panadería - (pahn-ah-deh-REE-ah)
Translation: bakery
English: There's a bakery that sells incredible cookies on that
Spanish: Hay una panadería que vende galletas buenísimas en
esa esquina.

692. banco - (bahn-koh)

Translation: bench, bank
English: The park benches are freshly painted.
Spanish: Los bancos del parque están recién pintados.

693. café - (kah-FAY)

Translation: cafe
English: I always drink coffee in the morning.
Spanish: Siempre tomo café en la mañana.

694. iglesia - (ee-glay-see-ah)

Translation: church
English: Let's go to the church, mass starts soon.
Spanish: Vámonos a la iglesia que la misa comienza pronto.

695. fábrica - (FAH-bree-kah)

Translation: factory
English: My dad works in a car factory.
Spanish: Mi papá trabaja en una fábrica de autos.

696. jardín - (har-DEEN)

Translation: garden
English: My dream is to live in a house with a big garden full of
Spanish: Mi sueño es vivir en una casa con un jardín grande
repleto de flores.

697. almacén - (ahl-mah-SEN)

Translation: grocery store, warehouse, store
English: I'm going to the store. Do you need anything?
Spanish: Voy al almacén. ¿Necesitas algo?

698. escuela - (es-kway-lah)

Translation: school
English: My kids' school is near our house.
Spanish: La escuela de mis hijos está cerca de la casa.

699. estudiar - (ehs-too-dee-ahr)

Translation: to study
English: I studied the chemistry lesson carefully.
Spanish: Estudié la lección de química con detenimiento.

700. farmácia - (far-MAH-see-ah)

Translation: pharmacy
English: Yolanda went to the pharmacy to get the prescription filled.
Spanish: Yolanda fue a la farmacia para que le surtieran la receta.
DAY 71
701. bicicleta - (bee-see-cleh-tah)
Translation: bicycle
English: Voy en bicicleta al trabajo todos los días.
Spanish: I ride my bicycle to work every day.

702. piscina - (pee-see-nah)

Translation: pool
English: I train at the indoor swimming pool three times a week.
Spanish: Voy a la piscina cubierta a entrenar tres veces a la

703. estadio - (ehs-tah-dee-oh)

Translation: stadium
English: It was the first match played in that stadium since it was
Spanish: Es el primer partido que se juega en ese estadio desde
su remodelación.

704. tienda - (tee-ehn-dah)

Translation: store
English: There is a new grocery store two blocks from my house.
Spanish: Hay una tienda de comestibles nueva a dos cuadras de
mi casa.

705. cine - (see-nay)

Translation: cinema, movie theater
English: The movie theater in our town is right next to the post
Spanish: El cine de nuestro pueblo está justo al lado de la oficina
de correos.

706. oficina - (oh-fee-see-nah)

Translation: office
English: She wants to replace the shelves and the desk in
her office.
Spanish: Quiere reemplazar los estantes y el escritorio de
su oficina.

707. ciudad - (see-oo-dahd)

Translation: city
English: Esmeralda says that her favorite city is Paris.
Spanish: Esmeralda dice que su ciudad preferida es París.

708. renta - (ren-tah)

Translation: the rent
English: Oh no, my landlord just raised my rent by 20%!
Spanish: Oh no, mi casero ha subido la renta de mi apartamento en
un 20%!

709. impuesto - (em-pwes-toh)

Translation: tax
English: The value added tax in Mexico is 16%.
Spanish: El impuesto sobre el valor agregado en México es del

710. cuesta - (kwes-tah)

Translation: cost
English: It can be arranged but it costs money.
Spanish: Se puede arreglar pero cuesta dinero.
DAY 72
711. précio - (PRAY-see-oh)
Translation: price
English: The price of the Japanese course seems really expensive
to me.
Spanish: El precio del curso de japonés se me hace muy caro.

712. detenimiento - (deh-ten-ee-mee-en-toh)

Translation: detail
English: We decided to analyze the proposal in more detail before
giving a final answer..
Spanish: Hemos decidido analizar la propuesta con
mayor detenimiento antes de dar una respuesta definitiva.

713. estimación - (ehs-tee-mah-see-YOHN)

Translation: estimate, esteem
English: According to my manager's estimate, I'll have to pay more
taxes this year.
Spanish: Según la estimación del gestor, este año tendré que
pagar más impuestos.

714. cheque - (cheh-kay)

Translation: check
English: Should I make the check out to you?
Spanish: ¿Hago el cheque a tu nombre?

715. passaporte - (pah-sah-por-tay)

Translation: passport
English: She has traveled so much that her passport is out of
empty pages.
Spanish: Ha hecho tantos viajes que su pasaporte ya no tiene
páginas disponibles.

716. equipaje - (eh-kee-pah-hay)

Translation: luggage/baggage
English: My luggage was lost at the airport.
Spanish: Se perdió mi equipaje en el aeropuerto.

717. cambio de moneda (m) - (kahm-bee-oh day moh-nay-dah)

Translation: currency exchange
English: Nuestra primera parada en nuestro viaje a Inglaterra fue
al cambio de moneda.
Spanish: Our first stop during our trip to England was the currency

718. aduanas - (ah-doo-ah-nahs)

Translation: customs
English: My luggage was checked at customs.
Spanish: Revisaron mi equipaje en la aduana.

719. entrada - (en-trah-dah)

Translation: entry, entrance
English: This is the museum's main entrance.
Spanish: Esta es la entrada principal al museo.

720. salida - (sah-lee-dah)

Translation: exit
English: An emergency exit provides a faster evacuation of the
Spanish: Una salida de emergencia facilita la rápida evacuación del
DAY 73

721. en avión - (en ah-vee-OHN)

Translation: by airplane
English: We're going from Paris to Moscow by plane.
Spanish: Vamos a Moscú desde París en avión.

722. en barco - (en bar-koh)

Translation: by boat
English: Entire Irish families traveled by boat to Ellis Island, in New
Spanish: Familias enteras de irlandeses viajaban en barco hasta la
isla de Ellis, en Nueva York.

723. en bus - (en boos)

Translation: by bus
English: My friend comes later and then we go by bus to Torquay.
Spanish: Mi amiga vendrá después y luego iremos en bus a

724. a pie - (ah pee-ay)

Translation: on foot
English: Looks like they must have gone on foot from here.
Spanish: Desde aquí habrán seguido a pie.

725. en motocicleta - (en moh-toh-see-cleh-tah)

Translation: by motorcycle
English: You shouldn't chase cars on a motorcycle.
Spanish: Y tú no deberías perseguir autos en motocicleta.

726. en subterráneo - (en soob-teh-RRAH-nay-oh)

Translation: by subway
English: How was your trip on the subway?
Spanish: ¿Cómo estuvo el viaje en subterráneo?
727. en taxi - (en tak-see)
Translation: by taxi
English: It will take 4 minutes by taxi.
Spanish: Te llevaría 4 minutos en taxi.

728. los direcciones - (lohs dee-rek-see-ohn-es)

Translation: directions, addresses
English: I have a list of all the names and addresses of the
Spanish: Tengo los nombres y direcciones de los Thunderbirds.

729. retardarse - (reh-tar-dar-say)

Translation: to break, to be delayed
English: Due to a worker strike, the construction of the bridge was
Spanish: La construcción del puente se retardó debido a una
huelga de obreros.

730. parar - (pah-rahr)

Translation: to stop
English: Please stop singing! Can't you see I'm studying?
Spanish: ¡Por favor para de cantar! ¿No ves que estoy estudiando?
DAY 74
House and Furniture - Casa y Muebles

731. casa - (kah-sah)

Translation: house
English: We live in a house with a big garden.
Spanish: Vivimos en una casa con un gran jardín.

732. apartamento - (ah-par-tah-men-toh)

Translation: apartment
English: My apartment is just around the corner.
Spanish: Mi apartamento está a la vuelta de la esquina.

733. cuarto - (kwar-toh)

Translation: fourth, room
English: The house has four rooms.
Spanish: La casa tiene cuatro cuartos.

734. (la) sala - (lah sah-lah)

Translation: living room
English: We bought a new sofa for the living room.
Spanish: Compramos un sofá nuevo para la sala.

735. (la) cocina - (lah koh-see-nah)

Translation: kitchen
English: We often have dinner in the kitchen.
Spanish: Cenamos en la cocina a menudo.

736. el comedor - (coh-meh-dohr)

Translation: dining room
English: Permítame mostrarle el comedor, donde almorzará.
Spanish: Let me show you the dining room.

737. pasillo - (pah-see-yoh)

Translation: hallway, hall, aisle
English: The bathroom is at the end of the hall to the right.
Spanish: El baño está al final del pasillo a la derecha.

738. escaleras - (es-kah-lehr-ahs)

Translation: stairs
English: We had to go up the stairs.
Spanish: Tuvimos que subir por las escaleras.

739. bañera - (bahn-yehr-ah)

Translation: bathtub
English: The perfect ending to a difficult week is a warm bubble bath
in the bathtub.
Spanish: El final perfecto para una semana difícil es un baño de
espumas caliente en la bañera.

740. ducha - (doo-cha)

Translation: shower
English: This shower has excellent pressure.
Spanish: Esta ducha tiene excelente presión.
DAY 75
House and Furniture - Casa y Muebles

741. lavabo - (lah-bah-boh)

Translation: sink
English: Don't touch the sink. I just cleaned it with bleach.
Spanish: No toquen el lavabo, lo acabo de limpiar con lejía.

742. azotea - (ah-soh-tay-ah)

Translation: roof
English: My cat likes to hunt lizards on the flat roof.
Spanish: A mi gato le gusta cazar lagartos en la azotea.

743. armario - (ar-mar-ee-oh)

Translation: closet, wardrobe
English: Hang those clothes in the closet.
Spanish: Cuelga esa ropa en el armario.

744. ventana - (ven-tah-nah)

Translation: window
English: She opened the window to ventilate the room.
Spanish: Abrió la ventana para ventilar la habitación.

745. (la) pared - (lah pah-rehd)

Translation: wall
English: We hung the family photo on the wall.
Spanish: Colgamos la foto de la familia en la pared.

746. manta - (mahn-tah)

Translation: blanket
English: At least let me get you another blanket.
Spanish: Al menos déjame traerte otra manta.

747. el rádio - (RAH-dee-oh)

Translation: radio
English: The car radio is broken and we can't hear anything.
Spanish: El radio del carro está roto y no se puede escuchar nada.

748. estufa - (ehs-too-fah)

Translation: stove
English: Look, the pot of water on the stove is boiling.
Spanish: Mira, la olla de agua en la estufa está hirviendo.

749. el horno - (ehl or-noh)

Translation: oven
English: Put the pizza in the oven at 425 degrees for 10 minutes.
Spanish: Pon la pizza en el horno a 425 grados durante 10

750. basura - (bah-soo-rah)

Translation: garbage
English: I forgot to take out the trash before going to work.
Spanish: Se me olvidó sacar la basura antes de irme a trabajar.
DAY 76

751. cabeza - (kah-bay-sah)

Translation: head
English: The dog stuck his head out of the car window.
Spanish: El perro sacó la cabeza por la ventana del coche.

752. cerebro - (seh-ray-bro)

Translation: brain
English: Your brain uses about 12 watts of power.
Spanish: El cerebro consume unos 12 vatios.

753. pelo - (pay-loh)

Translation: hair
English: My cousin has natural ash blonde hair.
Spanish: Mi prima tiene el pelo rubio ceniza natural.

754. cara - (ka-rah)

Translation: face
English: He caressed her face sweetly to wake her up.
Spanish: Le acarició la cara dulcemente para despertarla.

755. oreja - (oh-ray-ha)

Translation: ear
English: Maria has pierced ears.
Spanish: María tiene las orejas perforadas.

756. ojo - (oh-hoh)

Translation: eye
English: Her eyes were red from crying.
Spanish: Tenía los ojos rojos de llorar.

757. boca - (boh-kah)

Translation: mouth
English: That woman has a lovely mouth with full lips and white
Spanish: Esa mujer tiene una boca preciosa de labios sensuales y
dientes blancos.

758. naríz - (nahr-EES)

Translation: nose
English: Your nose turned red from the cold.
Spanish: Se te puso la nariz roja por el frío.

759. cuello - (kway-yoh)

Translation: neck
English: She has a long neck so wearing her hair up suits her.
Spanish: Tiene un cuello largo y le sienta bien el pelo recogido.

760. hombro - (ohm-bro)

Translation: shoulder
English: He's a tall man with broad shoulders.
Spanish: Es un hombre alto con hombros amplios.
DAY 77

761. cabeza - (kah-bay-sah)

Translation: head
English: The dog stuck his head out of the car window.
Spanish: El perro sacó la cabeza por la ventana del coche.

762. pecho - (pay-cho)

Translation: chest
English: I was just... Getting it off my chest.
Spanish: Solo estaba... sacandomelo del pecho.

763. estómago - (ehs-TOH-mah-goh)

Translation: stomach
English: I put on those glasses and I get sick to my stomach.
Spanish: Ponerse esas gafas y me enferma el estómago.

764. cintura - (seen-too-rah)

Translation: waist
English: My waist measures eight inches less than my hips do.
Spanish: Mi cintura mide ocho pulgadas menos que mis caderas.

765. espalda - (es-pahl-dah)

Translation: back
English: I hurt my back moving heavy furniture.
Spanish: Me lastimé la espalda moviendo un mueble pesado.

766. corazón - (koh-rah-SOHN)

Translation: heart
English: I can hear my heart beating.
Spanish: Puedo oír el latido de mi corazón.

767. brazo - (brah-soh)

Translation: arm
English: Even though she lost an arm in the war, she's still training.
Spanish: Aunque perdió un brazo en la guerra, sigue entrenando.

768. codo - (koh-doh)

Translation: elbow
English: Ouch! I banged my elbow on my way out of the house.
Spanish: ¡Ay! Me pegué en el codo al salir de casa.

769. mano - (mah-noh)

Translation: hand
English: Please, wash your hands before dinner.
Spanish: Por favor, lávense las manos antes de cenar.

770. dedo - (deh-doh)

Translation: finger, toe
English: I cut my finger making dinner.
Spanish: Me corté el dedo haciendo la cena.
DAY 78

771. sombrero - (sohm-bray-roh)

Translation: hat
English: I took my hat off when I entered the church.
Spanish: Me quité el sombrero al entrar a la iglesia.

772. camisa - (kah-mee-sah)

Translation: shirt
English: I have the black shirt.
Spanish: Tengo la camisa negra.

773. blusa - (bloo-sah)

Translation: blouse
English: I accidentally spilled coffee on my white blouse.
Spanish: Sin querer derramé café en mi blusa blanca.

774. falda - (fahl-dah)

Translation: skirt
English: She decided to wear a blue skirt with white polka dots to
the party.
Spanish: Ella decidió llevar una falda azul con lunares blancos a la

775. calcetines - (kahl-seh-tee-nes)

Translation: socks
English: I can't find my blue socks.
Spanish: No encuentro mis calcetines azules.

776. traje de bañar - (trah-hay day bahn-yar)

Translation: swimsuit
English: Me gusta el verano, pero no me gusta que la gente me vea
en traje de baño.
Spanish: I like summer, but I don't like people to see me in
my swimming suit.
777. ropa interior - (roh-pah en-tehr-ee-or)
Translation: underwear
English: I packed a change of underwear in my bag before going to
the gym.
Spanish: Metí una muda de ropa interior en mi bolsa antes de ir al

778. guantes - (wahn-tes)

Translation: gloves
English: It was so cold I had to put on my woolen gloves.
Spanish: Hacía tanto frío que me tuve que poner los guantes de

779. anillo - (ah-nee-yoh)

Translation: ring
English: When I turned fifteen I was given a golden ring.
Spanish: Cuando cumplí quince me regalaron un anillo de oro.

780. muñeca - (moon-yeh-kah)

Translation: wrist, doll
English: The tennis player got his wrist injured during the match.
Spanish: El tenista se lesionó la muñeca durante el partido.
DAY 79
781. perro/a - (peh-rroh/rrah)
Translation: dog
English: I walk the dog three times a day.
Spanish: Saco al perro tres veces al día.

782. gato/a - (gah-toh/tah)

Translation: cat
English: My cat meows when he is hungry.
Spanish: Mi gato maúlla cuando tiene hambre.

783. ratón - (rah-TOHN)

Translation: mouse
English: A mouse got in the house and gnawed through the
television cable.
Spanish: Un ratón se metió a la casa y royó el cable de la

784. ave - (ah-vay)

Translation: bird
English: This is the bird of freedom we're talking about here.
Spanish: Estamos hablando del ave de la libertad.

785. gallina/gallo - (gah-yee-nah/gah-yoh)

Translation: chicken/rooster, hen
English: Julie's hens lay an egg a day.
Spanish: Las gallinas de Julie ponen un huevo por día.

786. vaca - (bah-kah)

Translation: cow
English: Those cows have black and white spots.
Spanish: Esas vacas tienen manchas blancas y negras.

787. pato/a - (pah-toh/tah)

Translation: duck
English: This park is full of retired people that feed the ducks.
Spanish: Este parque se llena de jubilados que dan de comer a
los patos.

788. cabra - (kah-brah)

Translation: goat
English: They saw goats while climbing the mountain.
Spanish: Vieron cabras mientras escalaron la montaña.

789. caballo - (kah-bah-yoh)

Translation: horse
English: We have two horses on the farm.
Spanish: Tenemos dos caballos en la granja.

790. cerdo/a - (sehr-doh/dah)

Translation: pig, pork
English: The pig was happily munching on a corncob.
Spanish: El cerdo estaba felizmente comiéndose un elote.
DAY 80

791. león - (leh-OHN)

Translation: lion
English: You're not allowed to pet the lion.
Spanish: No te dejan acariciar al león.

792. tigre - (tee-gray)

Translation: tiger
English: I'm a tiger ready to pounce
Spanish: Soy un tigre preparado para saltar.

793. oso - (oh-soh)

Translation: bear
English: There was a bear with her cubs at the zoo.
Spanish: Había una osa con sus oseznos en el zoo.

794. lobo - (loh-boh)

Translation: wolf
English: The lone wolf stood on the peak of the hill and howled.
Spanish: El lobo solitario se paró sobre la cumbre del cerro y aulló.

795. elefante - (ehl-eh-fahn-tay)

Translation: elephant
English: I'm looking for a one-eyed elephant named Bruno.
Spanish: Busco a un elefante tuerto llamado Bruno.

796. mono - (moh-noh)

Translation: monkey
English: There you are, still playing with your monkey.
Spanish: Ahí estás todavía jugando con tu mono.

797. mofeta - (moh-fay-tah)

Translation: skunk
English: The simplest way to mask the odor of a skunk is to use
tomato juice
Spanish: La manera más sencilla de tapar el hedor de la mofeta es
usar jugo de tomate.

798. pez - (pehs)

Translation: fish
English: A small fish today is a huge one tomorrow.
Spanish: Un pez pequeño hoy es enorme mañana.

799. ballena - (bah-yeh-nah)

Translation: whale
English: Some whale species are endangered.
Spanish: Algunas especies de ballenas están en peligro de

800. ratel - (rah-tel)

Translation: honey badger
English: The honey badger is one of the most fearless animals in
the world.
Spanish: El ratel es uno de los animales más valientes del mundo.
DAY 81

801. bosque - (bohs-kay)

Translation: forest
English: Beech trees are some of the tallest trees in the forest.
Spanish: El haya es uno de los árboles más altos del bosque.

802. árboles - (AR-boh-les)

Translation: trees
English: The Californian redwood is one of the tallest trees in the
Spanish: La secoya de California es uno de los árboles más altos
del país.

803. planta - (plahn-tah)

Translation: plant
English: My house is full of plants.
Spanish: Tengo la casa llena de plantas.

804. flor - (flohr)

Translation: flower
English: I only want to give you this beautiful flower.
Spanish: Deseo apenas ofrecerte esta linda flor.

805. selva - (sehl-bah)

Translation: jungle
English: That's why they call it the jungle, sweetheart.
Spanish: Por eso lo llaman selva querida.

806. océano - (oh-SAY-ah-no)

Translation: ocean
English: There are plenty of fish in the ocean.
Spanish: Hay abundantes peces en el océano.

807. río - (REE-oh)

Translation: river
English: Right by the river you'll find our treasure.
Spanish: Junto al río encontrarás nuestro tesoro.

808. charca - (char-kah)

Translation: pond
English: There was a pond where we used to live in the country.
Spanish: Había una charca en donde vivíamos.

809. lago - (lah-goh)

Translation: lake
English: I learned to swim out on the lake.
Spanish: Aprendí a nadar en el lago.

810. colina - (koh-lee-nah)

Translation: hill
English: Come visit us on the hill whenever you like.
Spanish: Visítenos en la colina cuando le apetezca.
DAY 82

811. cascada - (kahs-kah-dah)

Translation: waterfall
English: I remember seeing a waterfall as we went down.
Spanish: Recuerdo ver una cascada mientras caíamos.

812. arco iris - (ar-koh eer-ees)

Translation: rainbow
English: It's like seeing a double rainbow.
Spanish: Es como ver un un doble arco iris.

813. cielo - (see-eh-loh)

Translation: sky
English: With a clear sky we set off on our journey.
Spanish: Con un cielo despejado emprendimos nuestro viaje.

814. niebla - (nee-eh-blah)

Translation: fog
English: There is no map of any use in fog.
Spanish: Ningún mapa servirá en la niebla.

815. lluvia - (yoo-vee-ah)

Translation: rain
English: The rain falling on the roof woke me up.
Spanish: La lluvia cayendo sobre el techo me despertó.

816. nieve - (nee-ay-vay)

Translation: snow
English: In this snow it could take a while.
Spanish: Podría demorar mucho con esta nieve.

817. granizo - (grah-nee-soh)

Translation: hail
English: The hail we had last year destroyed the whole harvest.
Spanish: El granizo del año pasado nos dejó sin cosecha.

818. campo - (kam-poh)

Translation: field/meadow
English: Just leave everything out there on the field.
Spanish: Simplemente dejen todo en el campo.

819. relámpago - (ray-LAHM-pah-goh)

Translation: lightning
English: There was a lot of lightning last night during the storm.
Spanish: Hubo muchos relámpagos anoche durante la tormenta.

820. arroyo - (ah-rroy-oh)

Translation: stream
English: Just over that ridge (mountain) there's a stream.
Spanish: Cruzando esa montaña hay un arroyo.
DAY 83

821. ángel - (AHN-hel)

Translation: angel
English: I am glowing like an angel over here.
Spanish: Estoy radiante como un ángel aquí.

822. bautismo - (bah-oo-tees-moh)

Translation: baptism
English: I'd like to go with you to your baptism.
Spanish: Me gustaría acompañarte a tu bautismo.

823. biblia - (bee-blee-ah)

Translation: Bible
English: Mom, we don't even have a Bible.
Spanish: Mama, ni siquiera tenemos una biblia.

824. obispo - (oh-bees-poh)

Translation: bishop
English: Tell him the bishop will call him back.
Spanish: Dígale que el obispo llamará después.

825. buddismo - (boo-dees-moh)

Translation: Buddhism
English: Later I went to Tibet and I studied Buddhism.
Spanish: Después fui al Tibet y estudié budismo.

826. catedral - (kah-teh-drahl)

Translation: cathedral
English: You might find him next to the cathedral.
Spanish: Quizás lo encuentre junto a la catedral.

827. iglesia - (ee-glay-see-ah)

Translation: church
English: Let's go to the church mass starts soon.
Spanish: Vámonos a la iglesia que la misa comienza pronto.

828. la fe - (lah fay)

Translation: faith
English: The Muslim faith is practiced all over the world.
Spanish: La fe musulmana se practica en todo el mundo.

829. Diós - (dee-OHS)

Translation: God
English: According to the Bible, God created the world in seven
Spanish: Según la Biblia, Dios creó el mundo en siete días.

830. el cielo - (see-ay-loh)

Translation: heaven
English: This is just heaven. Why can't we live in the Caribbean?
Spanish: Esto es como estar en el cielo. ¿Por qué no podemos
vivir en el Caribe?
DAY 84

831. judaismo - (hoo-dye-ees-moh)

Translation: Judaism
English: I'm making a movie about Judaism.
Spanish: Hago una película sobre el judaismo.

832. monasterio - (mohn-ahs-tehr-ee-oh)

Translation: monastery
English: I think we should go back to the monastery.
Spanish: Creo que debemos volver al monasterio.

833. el Pápa - (ehl PAH-pah)

Translation: Pope
English: A new pope has been elected.
Spanish: Se ha elegido un nuevo Pápa.

834. profeta - (pro-fay-tah)

Translation: prophet
English: I'll tell you about my favorite prophet.
Spanish: Dejame hablarte sobre mi profeta favorito...

835. protestante - (pro-tehs-tahn-tay)

Translation: Protestant
English: Unlike their Catholic counterparts, Protestant pastors can
get married.
Spanish: A diferencia de su contraparte cristiana, los
pastores protestantespueden casarse.

836. sermón - (sehr-MOHN)

Translation: sermon
English: I go to hear his sermon every Sunday.
Spanish: Oigo su sermón todos los domingos.

837. templo - (tem-ploh)

Translation: temple
English: Tomorrow we'll go to the temple bright and early.
Spanish: Mañana iremos al templo bien temprano.

838. cantar - (kahn-tar)

Translation: to sing
English: I kind of just wanted to sing about the way I feel.
Spanish: Quería cantar sobre lo que siento.

839. adorar - (ah-doh-rahr)

Translation: to worship, adore
English: You know, I used to adore that kid.
Spanish: Sabes, solía adorar ese chico.

840. orar - (oh-rahr)

Translation: to pray
English: I'm sure you want a few minutes to pray before dinner.
Spanish: Seguramente querrán orar antes de cenar.
DAY 85
841. madera - (mah-dehr-ah)
Translation: wood
English: The table is made of wood.
Spanish: La mesa es de madera.

842. maravilloso - (mar-ah-vee-yoh-soh)

Translation: wonderful, marvelous
English: The story of Cinderella is a marvelous fairy tale.
Spanish: La historia de Cenicientas es un cuento de
hadas maravilloso.

843. mago - (mah-goh)

Translation: wizard, magician
English: The wizard waved his magic wand and turned the knight
into a donkey.
Spanish: El mago agitó su varita mágica y convirtió al caballero en

844. bruja - (broo-hah)

Translation: witch
English: The witch cast a spell on the boy and turned him into an
Spanish: La bruja hechizó al niño y lo convirtió en ogro.

845. ganador - (gahn-ah-dor)

Translation: winner
English: Looks like we do have ourselves a winner.
Spanish: Parece que efectivamente tenemos un ganador.

846. dar cuerda a - (dahr kwehr-dah ah)

Translation: wind
English: I used to wind the clocks.
Spanish: Solía dar cuerda a los relojes.

847. amarillo - (ah-mah-ree-yoh)

Translation: yellow
English: She's wearing white jeans and a yellow jersey.
Spanish: Lleva vaqueros blancos y un jersey amarillo.

848. camioneta - (kah-mee-oh-neh-tah)

Translation: van
English: I'll teach you to drive the van.
Spanish: Te enseñaré a conducir la camioneta.

849. esposa - (es-poh-sah)

Translation: to worship, adore
English: My wife is a superb auto mechanic.
Spanish: Mi esposa es una excelente mecánica automotriz.

850. rueda - (roo-ay-dah)

Translation: wheel
English: The front wheel of the bike is broken.
Spanish: La rueda delantera de la bicicleta está rota.
DAY 86
851. incómodo - (een-KOH-moh-doh/dah)
Translation: uncomfortable
English: It is uncomfortable having your face covered up.
Spanish: Es incómodo tener la cara tapada.

852. riqueza - (ree-KAY-sah)

Translation: wealth
English: I think we should share the wealth.
Spanish: Creo que debemos compartir la riqueza.

853. guerrero - (geh-rreh-roh)

Translation: warrior
English: You proved that you are a brave and skillful warrior.
Spanish: Probaste que eres un guerrero valiente y habilidoso.

854. baúl - (bah-OOHL)

Translation: trunk
English: Everything will be in the trunk.
Spanish: Todo va a estar en el baúl.

855. tesoro - (teh-sohr-oh)

Translation: treasure
English: You got half an hour to find the treasure.
Spanish: Tienen media hora para encontrar el tesoro.

856. juicio - (wee-see-oh)

Translation: trial
English: The trial is scheduled to continue in May.
Spanish: El juicio deberá continuar en mayo.

857. trágico - (TRAH-hee-koh)

Translation: tragic
English: In tragic theater, the hero almost always dies.
Spanish: En el teatro trágico, el héroe casi siempre muere.
858. toalla - (toh-ay-yah)
Translation: towel
English: I guess I should get you a towel.
Spanish: Supongo que debería traerte una toalla.

859. víctima - (VEEK-tee-mah)

Translation: victim
English: It turns out that it belonged to the victim.
Spanish: Resulta que pertenecía a la víctima.

860. vecindad - (ves-een-dahd)

Translation: vicinity
English: There are no public hospitals in the vicinity.
Spanish: No hay hospitales públicos en la vecindad.
DAY 87
861. mil - (meel)
Translation: thousand
English: The price of the car is thirty thousand euro.
Spanish: El precio del coche es treinta mil euros.

862. girasol - (hee-rah-sohl)

Translation: sunflowers
English: They planted a row of sunflowers along the edge of the
Spanish: Plantaron una hilera de girasoles al borde del sendero.

863. delgado - (del-gah-doh)

Translation: thin
English: It's more polite to say thin than skinny.
Spanish: Es más cortés decir delgado que flaco.

864. adolescente - (ah-dohl-sen-tay)

Translation: teenager
English: Teens don't want their parents to treat them like kids.
Spanish: Los adolescentes no quieren que sus padres los traten
como a niños.

865. raya - (rye-ah)

Translation: stripe
English: I think this dress with vertical stripes looks better on you.
Spanish: Creo que te queda mejor este vestido
con rayas verticales.

866. tatuaje - (tat-too-ah-hay)

Translation: tattoo
English: You will not be getting a tattoo for Christmas.
Spanish: No recibirás un tatuaje para Navidad.

867. cinta - (seen-tah)

Translation: ribbon, tape
English: She tied her hair with a ribbon.
Spanish: Se recogió el pelo con una cinta.

868. estrella de cine - (eh-stray-ah)

Translation: movie star
English: Gisela is convinced that one day she'll be a movie star.
Spanish: Gisela está convencida de que algún día será una estrella
de cine.

869. espía - (es-PEE-ah)

Translation: spy
English: You know, for a spy, you're not exactly inconspicuous.
Spanish: Para una espía, no eres exactamente discreta.

870. nave - (nah-vay)

Translation: spaceship
English: Hope that spaceship has an oven.
Spanish: Espero que esa nave espacial tenga un horno.
DAY 88
871. soldado - (sol-dah-doh)
Translation: soldier
English: The soldier did three tours of duty in Iraq.
Spanish: El soldado cumplió tres períodos de servicio en Irak.

872. egoísta - (eh-goh-EE-stah)

Translation: selfish
English: All right, now you're being selfish.
Spanish: Vale, ahora estás siendo egoísta.

873. fútbol - (FOOT-bohl)

Translation: football/soccer
English: Football is basically a religion in Italy.
Spanish: El fútbol es prácticamente una religión en Italia.

874. semilla - (seh-mee-yah)

Translation: seed
English: The seed develops into a plant.
Spanish: La semilla se desarrolla y se convierte en planta.

875. escena - (eh-say-nah)

Translation: scene
English: The Inspector found a clue at the crime scene.
Spanish: El inspector encontró una pista en la escena del crimen.

876. espantapájaros - (es-pahn-tah-PAH-hah-rohs)

Translation: scarecrow
English: I pretended to be a scarecrow in a field.
Spanish: Fingí ser un espantapájaros en un campo.

877. arena - (ah-ray-nah)

Translation: sand
English: We will be like footprints in the sand.
Spanish: Seremos como huellas en la arena.
878. tristeza - (tree-stay-sah)
Translation: sadness
English: Don't let the sadness of your past ruin the happiness of
your present.
Spanish: No permitas que la tristeza de tu pasado arruine la
felicidad de tu presente.

879. navaja - (nah-vah-ha)

Translation: razor
English: It 's very dangerous to shave with a dull razor.
Spanish: Es muy peligroso afeitarse con una navaja desafilada.

880. conejo - (koh-nay-ho)

Translation: rabbit
English: The rabbit jumped from one side of the lawn to the other.
Spanish: El conejo brincó de un lado del césped al otro.
DAY 89
881. príncipe - (PREEN-see-pay)
Translation: prince
English: The prince became king after the death of his father.
Spanish: El príncipe se hizo rey tras la muerte de su padre.

882. desempeño - (des-em-payn-yoh)

Translation: performance
English: She hopes that a good performance during her internship
will lead to a job offer.
Spanish: Ella espera que un buen desempeño durante su pasantía
resultará en una oferta de trabajo.

883. paz - (pahs)

Translation: peace
English: The president promised peace across the country.
Spanish: El presidente prometió paz en todo el país.

884. cacahuate - (kah-kah-wah-tay)

Translation: peanut
English: My mom found out she was allergic to peanut oil.
Spanish: Mi mamá descubrió que era alérgica al aceite
de cacahuate.

885. folleto - (foh-yeh-toh)

Translation: leaflet, brochure, pamphlet
English: We have to fold all of these pamphlets for the rally
Spanish: Tenemos que doblar todos estos folletos para el mitin

886. corbata - (kor-bah-tah)

Translation: necktie, tie
English: The groom tied his tie and combed his hair.
Spanish: El novio se anudó la corbata y se peinó.
887. ordenado - (or-day-nah-doh)
Translation: neat, tidy, well-organized
English: His desk was well-organized.
Spanish: Su escritorio estaba ordenado.

888. a propósito - (ah pro-POH-see-toh)

Translation: on purpose
English: I didn't hurt your feelings on purpose.
Spanish: No herí tus sentimientos a propósito.

889. barro - (bah-rroh)

Translation: mud
English: I was running when I slipped and fell in the mud.
Spanish: Estaba corriendo cuando me resbalé y me caí en el barro.

890. olimpiadas - (oh-leem-pee-ah-dahs)

Translation: Olympics
English: The 2016 Olympics took place in Brazil.
Spanish: Las Olimpiadas de 2016 se celebraron en Brasil.
DAY 90
891. hipoteca - (ee-poh-tek-ah)
Translation: mortgage
English: You can advise me on my mortgage later on.
Spanish: Puedes asesorarme sobre mi hipoteca luego.

892. monumento - (mohn-oo-men-toh)

Translation: monument
English: It was declared a national monument in 1978.
Spanish: Se declaró monumento nacional en 1978.

893. pesadilla - (pes-ah-dee-yah)

Translation: nightmare, bad dream
English: You were just having a bad dream, honey.
Spanish: Estabas teniendo una pesadilla, cariño.

894. método - (MEH-toh-doh)

Translation: method
English: This may be the most simple and effective method.
Spanish: Sería el método más simple y efectivo.

895. botiquín - (boh-tee-KEEN)

Translation: first-aid kit, medicine cabinet
English: The teacher went for the first-aid kit to heal the child's
Spanish: La profesora fue a buscar el botiquín para curar la herida
de un niño.

896. mentiroso - (men-tee-roh-soh)

Translation: liar
English: It's because you're a big liar, that's why.
Spanish: Es porque eres un gran mentiroso.

897. criada - (kree-ah-dah)

Translation: maid
English: When he was a kid, we had a maid.
Spanish: Cuando era niño, tuvimos una criada.

898. cortacésped - (kor-tah-SEHS-ped)

Translation: lawnmower
English: Guess I'll have to buy a new lawnmower.
Spanish: Supongo tendré que comprar otro cortacésped.

899. tierra - (tee-eh-rrah)

Translation: land, soil
English: A plant needs soil, water, and light for growth.
Spanish: Una planta necesita tierra, agua y luz para el crecimiento.

900. Caperucita Roja - (kah-peh-roo-see-tah roh-ha)

Translation: Little Red Riding Hood
English: She was so happy when Little Red Riding Hood came
over with pancakes.
Spanish: Así que cuando Caperucita Roja llegaba con pasteles se
alegraba mucho.
DAY 91
901. estar de rodillas - (es-tahr day roh-dee-yahs)
Translation: to kneel
English: He should be on his hands and knees thanking you.
Spanish: Él debería estar de rodillas dándote las gracias.

902. guardar un secreto - (gwar-dar oon seh-kreh-toh)

Translation: to keep a secret
English: Some people will do anything to keep a secret.
Spanish: Alguna gente haría cualquier cosa para guardar un

903. jurado - (hoo-rah-doh)

Translation: jury
English: The jury looked at it three separate times while
Spanish: El jurado la vio tres veces mientras deliberaban.

904. cárcel - (KAR-sel)

Translation: jail, prison
English: But he was in prison when it happened.
Spanish: Estaba en la cárcel cuando sucedió.

905. joya - (hoy-ah)

Translation: jewel
English: The jewel she had on her neck was worth a lot of money.
Spanish: La joya que llevaba al cuello valía mucho dinero.

906. embrujado - (em-broo-hah-doh)

Translation: haunted
English: I swear my house is haunted.
Spanish: Te juro que mi casa está embrujada.

907. arpa - (ar-pah)

Translation: harp
English: Julia learned to play the harp when she was a girl.
Spanish: Julia aprendió a tocar el arpa cuando era niña.

908. pulgada - (pool-gah-dah)

Translation: inch
English: I bought a television with a 32-inch screen.
Spanish: Compré un televisor con una pantalla de 32 pulgadas.

909. pañuelo - (pahn-way-loh)

Translation: handkerchief
English: Paper tissues come in all colors.
Spanish: Hay pañuelos de papel de todos los colores.

910. concurso - (kohn-koor-soh)

Translation: game show, competition, contest
English: He took part in an Elvis Presley impersonators contest and
won it.
Spanish: Se presentó a un concurso de imitadores de Elvis
Presley y lo ganó.
DAY 92
911. engordar - (en-gor-dar)
Translation: to gain weight
English: Adrian has gained weight since his accident.
Spanish: Adrián ha engordado desde su accidente.

912. amistoso - (ah-mee-stoh-soh)

Translation: friendly
English: Your boyfriend is handsome, funny, and friendly.
Spanish: Tu novio es lindo, divertido y amistoso.

913. nieto - (nee-eh-toh)

Translation: jury
English: My grandmother has ten grandchildren.
Spanish: Mi abuela tiene diez nietos.

914. fantasma - (fahn-tahs-mah)

Translation: ghost
English: It is said that the queen's ghost still haunts the castle.
Spanish: Se dice que el fantasma de la reina todavía ronda el

915. multa - (mool-tah)

Translation: fine
English: I got a fine for driving without a license.
Spanish: Me pusieron una multa por conducir sin licencia.

916. entero - (en-tehr-oh)

Translation: entire, whole
English: The entire community came out to the streets to celebrate.
Spanish: La comunidad entera salió a la calle a celebrar.

917. grifo - (gree-foh)

Translation: faucet
English: She turned on the faucet but no water came out.
Spanish: Abrió el grifo pero no salía agua.
918. malvado - (mahl-vah-doh)
Translation: evil, villain
English: The gang worked secretly to keep anyone from discovering
their evilplan.
Spanish: La pandilla trabajó en secreto para que nadie descubriera
su malvadoplan.

919. acusado - (ah-koo-sah-doh)

Translation: defendant, accused, pronounced
English: The defendants maintain they are innocent but everything
points to their guilt.
Spanish: Los acusados insisten en su inocencia, pero todo indica
que son culpables.

920. defectuoso - (deh-fek-too-oh-soh)

Translation: defective
English: If you receive a defective product, you can exchange it for
a new one or get a refund.
Spanish: Si te llega un producto defectuoso, puedes cambiarlo por
uno nuevo o pedir un reembolso.
DAY 93
921. reembolso - (ray-em-bohl-soh)
Translation: refund, reimbursement
English: In order to get a reimbursement for the expenses, you
need to submit the receipts.
Spanish: Para obtener el reembolso de los gastos, es necesario
presentar los recibos.

922. de quita y pon - (day kee-tah ee pohn)

Translation: detachable
English: These are removable moustaches.
Spanish: Estos bigotes son de quita y pon.

923. damas - (dah-mahs)

Translation: checkers
English: We were just enjoying a game of checkers.
Spanish: Estábamos disfrutando un juego de damas.

924. brebaje - (bray-bah-hay)

Translation: concoction
English: Marty made a tequila-based concoction.
Spanish: Marty hizo un brebaje a base de tequila.

925. payaso (m f) - (pye-ah-soh)

Translation: clown
English: The clown at the party was very funny.
Spanish: El payaso en la fiesta fue muy cómico.

926. mariposa - (mahr-ee-poh-sah)

Translation: butterfly
English: She had this bag with a butterfly on it.
Spanish: Tenía una cartera con una mariposa.

927. caja - (kah-ha)

Translation: box
English: I have a whole box of it in the pantry.
Spanish: Tengo una caja completa en la despensa.

928. despertador - (des-pehr-tah-dor)

Translation: alarm clock
English: I'm interested to know what sort of alarm clock she's got.
Spanish: Estoy interesado en saber qué tipo de despertador tiene.

929. de cualquier forma - (day kwahl-keer for-mah)

Translation: anyway
English: I would appreciate it very much if you were able to assist
us in any wayin this matter.
Spanish: Le quedaría muy agradecido si pudiera ayudarnos de
cualquier formaen este asunto.

930. desván - (des-VAHN)

Translation: attic
English: He's talking to himself in the attic.
Spanish: Está hablando solo en el desván.
DAY 94
931. tomar el pelo
Translation: to pull someone’s leg
English: You’re pulling my leg.
Spanish: Me estás tomando el pelo.

932. ser pan comido

Translation: to be a piece of cake
English: The job is a piece of cake.
Spanish: El trabajo es pan comido.

933. estar como una cabra

Translation: to be a little crazy
English: Tonight you are a little crazy.
Spanish: Esta noche estás como una cabra.

934. no tener pelos en la lengua

Translation: to tell how it is
English: My friend tells it how it is.
Spanish: Mi amigo no tiene pelos en la lengua.

935. a contrapelo - (ah kon-trah-pay-loh)

Translation: wrong way, backwards, backassed
English: I notice you shave against the grain.
Spanish: Veo que se afeita a contrapelo.

936. a disgusto - (ah dees-goo-stoh)

Translation: reluctantly
English: I had difficulty doing so, and it was done reluctantly and
against my instincts.
Spanish: Lo he hecho con dificultades, a disgusto, en contra de
mis criterios.

937. a la vuelta - (ah lah bwell-tah)

Translation: on the way back
English: I'll buy souvenirs on the way back.
Spanish: Compraré souvenirs a la vuelta.

938. al revés - (ahl ray-VEHS)

Translation: backwards, the other way around, the opposite
English: He was reciting the alphabet backwards.
Spanish: Estaba recitando el alfabeto al revés.

939. ahora mismo - (ah-or-ah mees-moh)

Translation: right now, this minute
English: I could probably take his blood right now.
Spanish: Probablemente podría sacarle sangre ahora mismo.

940. a tráves de - (ah TRAH-ves day)

Translation: through
English: Pass the thread through the eye of the needle.
Spanish: Pasa el hilo a través del ojo de la aguja.
DAY 95
941. al azar - (ahl ah-sar)
Translation: at random, randomly
English: Choose three cards from the deck at random.
Spanish: Escoge tres cartas del mazo al azar.

942. al menos - (ahl may-nohs)

Translation: at least
English: I didn't get an A, but at least I passed.
Spanish: No saqué un sobresaliente, pero al menos aprobé.

943. alma gemela - (ahl-mah hay-mel-ah)

Translation: soul mate
English: I knew Lucio was my soulmate since I first met him.
Spanish: Supe que Lucio era mi alma gemela desde que lo conocí.

944. al cabo de - (ahl kah-boh day)

Translation: after, since
English: The suspect walked out of the interrogation room after two
Spanish: El sospechoso salió de la sala de interrogatorio al cabo
de dos horas.

945. así que - (ah-SEE kay)

Translation: so that, which means that
English: I was very stressed, so I decided to go to the spa to
recharge my batteries.
Spanish: Estaba muy estresado, así que decidí ir al spa para
recargar las pilas.

946. cariño/a - (kah-reen-yoh/yah)

Translation: honey, sweetie
English: Give me a kiss, honey.
Spanish: Dame un beso, cariño.

947. imagen - (ee-mah-hen)

Translation: picture, image
English: In the image you can see the condition the house was in
after the fire.
Spanish: En la imagen puede verse el estado en que quedó la casa
tras el incendio.

948. ronda - (rohn-dah)

Translation: round
English: The candidate fainted during the fourth round of questions.
Spanish: La candidata se desmayó en la cuarta ronda de

949. frase - (frah-say)

Translation: sentence, phrase
English: I don't understand this sentence.
Spanish: No entiendo esta frase.

950. ser distinto - (sehr dee-steen-toh)

Translation: differ
English: Why should now be any different?
Spanish: ¿Por qué debería ser distinto ahora?
DAY 96
951. movimiento - (moh-vee-mee-ehn-toh)
Translation: movement
English: You should not be restricting movement, but encouraging
Spanish: No deberían limitar el movimiento, sino fomentarlo.

952. acerca de - (ah-sehr-kah day)

Translation: about
English: You didn't say anything about the shoes.
Spanish: No dijiste nada acerca de zapatos.

953. aliviar - (ah-lee-vee-ar)

Translation: to ease, alleviate
English: I wanted so badly to ease her pain and loneliness.
Spanish: Ansiaba desesperadamente aliviar su dolor y su soledad.

954. por encima de - (pohr en-see-mah day)

Translation: above, over
English: They need me to watch over them.
Spanish: Necesitan que mire por encima de ellos.

955. charla - (char-lah)

Translation: talk
English: I think we ought to have a talk.
Spanish: Creo que deberíamos mantener una charla.

956. profundo/a - (pro-foon-doh/dah)

Translation: deep
English: There is something deep and intense going on here.
Spanish: Hay algo profundo e intensa pasando aquí.

957. neumático - (neh-oo-MAH-tee-koh)

Translation: tire
English: I went to the gas station to put some air in my tires.
Spanish: Fui a la gasolinera a inflar los neumáticos de mi auto.
958. belleza - (beh-yay-sah)
Translation: beauty
English: The sunrise over Machu Picchu is of incomparable beauty.
Spanish: El amanecer en Machu Picchu tiene
una belleza incomparable.

959. oeste - (oh-es-tay)

Translation: west, western
English: According to the map, the mountains lie to the west.
Spanish: Según el mapa, las montañas quedan al oeste.

960. sur - (soohr)

Translation: south, southern
English: That mountain that you see in the distance lies to
the south.
Spanish: Esa montaña que se ve en la distancia queda hacia
el sur.
DAY 97
961. norte - (nohr-tay)
Translation: north, northern
English: If we continue walking to the north, we will eventually
reach a river.
Spanish: Si seguimos caminando hacia el norte, al final
encontraremos un río.

962. este - (es-tay)

Translation: east
English: The window of our bedroom opened to the east.
Spanish: La ventana de nuestra habitación daba hacia el este.

963. de repente - (day reh-pen-tay)

Translation: suddenly
English: I was walking to school when suddenly it started to rain.
Spanish: Estaba caminando a la escuela cuando de
repente comenzó a llover.

964. longitud - (lohn-hee-tood)

Translation: length, longitude
English: The carpenter measured the length of the board with a
measuring tape.
Spanish: El carpintero midió la longitud de la tabla de madera con
un metro.

965. satélite - (sah-TEL-ee-tay)

Translation: satellite
English: Jupiter has several satellites and the Earth only has one.
Spanish: Júpiter tiene varios satélites y la Tierra solo uno.

966. escrito - (es-kree-toh)

Translation: written
English: I need something written to document the agreement.
Spanish: Necesito algo escrito para documentar el acuerdo.
967. borde - (bohr-day)
Translation: edge
English: Please, move the wine glass away from the edge of the
Spanish: Por favor, quita la copa de vino del borde de la mesa.

968. soportar - (soh-por-tar)

Translation: to stand, to bear, to support
English: Her husband left her because he couldn't stand her lies.
Spanish: Su marido la dejó porque no podía soportar sus mentiras.

969. alambre - (ah-lahm-bray)

Translation: wire
English: Hay alambre de púas alrededor de la prisión.
Spanish: There is barbed wire surrounding the prison.

970. auriculares - (aw-ree-koo-lahr-es)

Translation: headphones
English: If the volume on your headphones is high, you won't hear
external sounds.
Spanish: Si el volumen de los auriculares es alto, no oirás los
sonidos del exterior.
DAY 98
971. parlantes - (par-lahn-tehs)
Translation: talking, speaker
English: You should connect the speakers to the computer.
Spanish: Hay que conectar los parlantes a la computadora.

972. grabar - (grah-bahr)

Translation: to record
English: The singer recorded her first album this past summer.
Spanish: La cantante grabó su primer álbum este verano pasado.

973. regatear - (ray-gah-tay-ahr)

Translation: to haggle
English: In many countries, you have to haggle in order to reach
the best price.
Spanish: En muchos países, hay que regatear para llegar al mejor

974. velocidad - (veh-lohs-ee-dahd)

Translation: speed
English: We reduced our speed because it started to rain.
Spanish: Redujimos la velocidad porque comenzó a llover.

975. órgano - (OR-gah-noh)

Translation: organ
English: I got some information about organ donation at the
Spanish: En el hospital me informé sobre la donación de órganos.

976. fresco - (fres-koh)

Translation: cool
English: In the evenings there was a cool breeze coming from the
Spanish: Por las noches soplaba una brisa fresca que venía del
977. palillo de dientes - (pah-lee-loh day dee-ehn-tes)
Translation: toothpick
English: Ask the waiter for some toothpicks, please.
Spanish: Pídele al mesero unos palillos, por favor.

978. veinte - (vayn-tay)

Translation: twenty
English: He has twenty marbles inside his bag.
Spanish: Tiene veinte canicas dentro de la bolsa.

979. silencio - (see-lehn-see-oh)

Translation: silent
English: I prefer the silence of the country to the noise of the city.
Spanish: Prefiero el silencio del campo al ruido de la ciudad.

980. batir - (bah-teer)

Translation: beat
English: She is beating some eggs to make an omelette.
Spanish: Está batiendo los huevos para hacer un omelet.
DAY 99
981. canicas - (kahn-ee-kahs)
Translation: marbles
English: The boy always carried around a bag of marbles.
Spanish: Ese chico siempre llevaba una bolsa de canicas.

982. latir - (lah-teer)

Translation: to beat
English: I was really nervous and my heart was beating very fast.
Spanish: Estaba muy nervioso y el corazón me latía muy rápido.

983. proteger - (pro-tay-hare)

Translation: to protect
English: Our mission is to protect and serve.
Spanish: Nuestra misión es proteger y servir.

984. suministro - (soo-mee-nee-stroh)

Translation: supply, supplying
English: The government stopped the supply of arms to a number
of countries.
Spanish: El gobierno detuvo el suministro de armas a varios

985. cuya - (koo-yah)

Translation: whose, of which
English: This is the dog whose owner lives next to my cousin.
Spanish: Este es el perro cuyo dueño vive al lado de mi primo.

986. átomo - (AH-toh-moh)

Translation: atom, ounce
English: Describe the molecule and the atoms that form it.
Spanish: Describe la molécula y los átomos que la componen.

987. ferrocarril - (feh-rroh-kah-rreel)

Translation: railroad, train
English: The railroad enabled economic expansion in the U.S. in
the nineteenth century.
Spanish: El ferrocarril habilitó la expansión económica de los
EEUU en el siglo XIX.

988. triángulo - (tree-AHN-goo-loh)

Translation: triangle
English: I used to play the triangle in our high school band a long
time ago.
Spanish: Tocaba el triángulo en la orquesta del colegio.

989. mina - (mee-nah)

Translation: mine
English: Looks like an abandoned mine tunnel to me.
Spanish: Parece un túnel de mina abandonado.

990. empate - (em-pah-tay)

Translation: tie
English: Let me tell you, it was a tie.
Spanish: Dejame decirte, fue un empate.
DAY 100
991. búsqueda - (BOOS-kay-dah)
Translation: search
English: I'm going to continue the search until the last possible
Spanish: Voy a continuar la búsqueda hasta el último momento

992. orilla - (oh-ree-yah)

Translation: shore
English: The children played along the shore of Lake Michigan.
Spanish: Los niños jugaron por la orilla del lago Michigan.

993. acorde - (ah-kor-day)

Translation: chords
English: The song is played using only three major chords.
Spanish: La canción tiene solamente tres acordes mayores.

994. grasa - (grah-sah)

Translation: fat, grease
English: She's following a low-fat diet.
Spanish: Está siguiendo una dieta baja en grasa.

995. el plazo - (ehl plah-soh)

Translation: installment
English: You can pay the bill as a lump sum or in 12
monthly installments.
Spanish: Puedes pagar la factura en un solo pago o en
12 plazos mensuales.

996. adecuada - (ah-day-kwah-dah)

Translation: proper, appropriate
English: The president is working on an appropriate response to
the attack.
Spanish: El presidente está trabajando en una
respuesta adecuada al ataque.

997. instantánea - (een-stahn-TAH-nay-ah)

Translation: instant
English: Well, we don't have instant replay.
Spanish: Pues, no tenemos repetición instantánea.

998. habilidad - (ah-BEE-lee-dahd)

Translation: skill, ability
English: I have confidence in his ability as a warrior.
Spanish: Confío en su habilidad como guerrero.

999. imán - (ee-MAHN)

Translation: magnet
English: I used a magnet to find the needle that fell on the floor.
Spanish: Usé un imán para encontrar la aguja que se cayó al piso.

1000. propagación - (pro-pah-gah-see-YOHN)

Translation: spreading
English: The firefighters could not avoid the spreading of the
flames because of the wind.
Spanish: Los bomberos no pudieron evitar la propagación de las
llamas por culpa del viento.



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