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The Learning Process

Destiny Wetherell

● It is important to know a student's

learning style to be able to make
accommodations and
● Learning Style is the best way
that a student understands the
information presented
Learning Style ●
kinesthetically, visually, auditorily
My learning style is eclectic, and I
learn best by drawing from all the
learning styles and drawing
images or diagrams.
● The best way to teach me would
be to allow me to doodle on my
work as it helps me comprehend
what I’m learning
Direct Instruction- The teacher ● Direct instruction mostly happened in
presents the information to the class preschool, the teachers sang the ABC’s
and number songs to us
Cognitive Strategies of Instruction- ● Kindergarten was where I remember the
This includes repetition, and modeling most Cognitive Strategies Instruction
happening, I remember having to say
such as this is ‘A’... What letter is this?
the letters that spelled my name and
their sounds over and over in small
Sociocultural Instruction- Uses
groups sessions.
knowledge of things that students ● In third and fourth grade my teachers
already know, such as using culture had asked us who our favorite character
and language, as well as modeling to was and had incorporated those shows
make learning possible and characters into lessons
● Schema Instruction is what happened in
Schema Instruction- New knowledge high school and know, I draw upon the
builds upon previous organized information that I had learned in my
previous education classes to contribute
knowledge which is drawn upon to
to my education courses now
make inferences

Bloom’s ● Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy- A

classified system used to
Cognitive describe and distinguish the
different levels of human
Taxonomy cognition
● The importance of it is to make
sure the students are
understanding the subject
● Knowledge- the ability to pull and ● Knowledge- Starting in Kindergarten I was
recall previously learned information able to remember the ABC’s that I had
● Comprehension- the ability to somewhat learned in Pre-K
understand and interpret the ● Comprehension- I became better at this in
information and state them in their about 4th grade I could say back what my
teacher had taught me but in a manner that I
own words
could understand
● Application- applies what has been ● Application- This works in conjunction with
learned to a new situation evaluation, In math I would learn a new
● Analysis- the information is sorted concept and then have to show that I could
into categorized parts so that the do it in different settings
entirety can be understood ● Analysis- Since Pre-K I began developing
● Synthesis- the parts are formed as a Schemas and could draw upon them, like a
whole to form a pattern four legged animal was a dog or a cat
● Evaluation- judgments are made ● Synthesis- In 3rd grade I began to understand
that this leads to this, that sleep leads to more
based on the value of the ideas
● Evaluation- This happens at every stage of my
education since 1st grade starting with simple
tests to more complex tests and projects

● Declarative Knowledge- declarative

knowledge it the information that the
teacher is presenting to the students
● Procedural Knowledge- procedural
knowledge is the information that the
students are showing their
Marzano ●
understanding of
An example of declarative knowledge

Taxonomy would be the powerpoints the professors

use, and procedural knowledge is my
doing the PLO and GLO assignments
● Marzano focuses on two things learning
and implementing that knowledge.
Bloom breaks that down into smaller
areas where learning is an umbrella that
covers knowledge and comprehension.
Implementation is the umbrella for
application, analysis, synthesis and
Maslow’s ● Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs-

Hierarchy of the basic needs that individuals

need to have met. Having these

Needs needs met allows individuals to

comprehend knowledge better
and it affects one’s behaviour
when the needs are not met.

Physiological Needs- The strongest and ● Physiological needs affect every level
most basic biological needs. Considered to of my education K-12 those needs
be those necessary for survival: Food, needed to be met or I would
Water and Bodily needs accomplish nothing
● Safety played a huge role Pre-K to
Safety- Influenced by the necessity to feel about 1st grade those are the years I
safe and secure within an environment really needed to feel that school was
a safe place for me to be
Love/Belonging- The need to feel
● Love/Belonging hit in Middle School I
accepted by one's peers and the
wanted to be part of the “cool” kids
need/want to be part of the “in crowd”
and would wear name brand clothing
Esteem- The need to be respected, build to fit in with that crowd
confidence and is how an individual feels ● Esteem and Self-actualization hit
about themselves during my high school years when I
really came into myself and
Self-actualization- Doing what an individual developed my own beliefs on what
feels is important and the individual is at was important
peace with who they are
● Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive
Development- the theory that a
child has the capacity to
Piaget’s Stages understand a certain concept
based upon what

of Cognitive developmental stage the child

is in

Development ● Its importance to K-12 education

is that this allows teachers to
understand what students are
capable of doing and what is
above their level allow for
modifications to the lesson to
be made

The Sensorimotor Stage (birth to 2 yrs)- The ● When my sister was in the Sensorimotor
beginnings of understanding cause and effect stage nothing was safe I would leave
happen as well as exploration or the environment homework where I believed it would be
through motor activities like crawling and through safe and would come back to her
senses aka putting everything in the infant’s mouth chewing on it
The Preoperational Stage (2-7 yrs)- Better abilities
● I know that I personally had a slight
to communicate through speech appear. speech impediment at the
Everything is focused around themselves and is Preoperational stage but was very self
very egocentric. Though there is a difficulty focused and believed that the
understanding the difference between fantasy and powerpuff girls were real
reality ● During the Concrete Operational stage I
flourished in my abilities to do puzzles
The Concrete Operational Stage (7-11 yrs)- The something I still greatly enjoy doing
ability of abstract reasoning and thought flourishes
● I came up with several theories about
The Formal Operational Stage (12-15 yrs)- books and movies in the Formal
Individuals can form hypotheses as well as test Operational stage. I also pulled what I
them. They have the ability to organize information had learned on my own about different
into schemas and think along the lines of history topics into my history
hypothetical situations assignments in high school
Kohlberg’s The Importance of knowing

Stages of Moral Kohlberg’s stages of Moral

Development in K-12 education is to

Development understand how individuals develop

and reason morally

Pre Moral Pre Moral

● Obedience and Punishment- Children of ● I always followed the rules as a child… Bedtime is
younger ages believe that rules are fixed this time, put your toys away before you do
and obey the rules in fear of punishment another thing
● Individualism, Instrumentalism and ● Then I began finding ways around certain things
exchange- Children begin to recognize my mother’s view was different than my aunt’s and
there is not only one right view of how grandmother’s
things are Conventional
Conventional ● I wanted to be good so that I would be praised or
● “Good boy/girl”- Children want to be good seen as a good child… When I was a small child I
was told to wake up my mother and refused
to be seen as good children
because I wanted to be good and not disturb her
○ They begin to take others thoughts
● I began to understand around 3rd grade that what
into consideration
society believed was very important and that I
● Law and Order- Individuals begin to
would have to follow what they believed
understand the larger views of society Post Conventional
Post-Conventional ● I began choosing what I believed in… I believed in
● Social Contract- the individual begins to Pro Life morally for myself but on a whole I believe
choose what moral principles they believe in in Pro Choice
● Principled Conscience- An individual ● The only thing I can think of is Ghandi and
develops their own moral guidelines and Mandela they developed their own principles and
obeys them followed them
○ Gandhi, Mandela, MLK Jr
● Erickson’s Eight Stages- at each
Erickson’s Eight stage of development
individuals learn to resolve a
Stage Theory of ●
different type of conflict
Its importance to K-12 education
identity and is that when a student has not
resolved a conflict, the
Psychosocial individual will struggle with it.
Thus teachers must know the
Development stages to better understand
students behavior

Identity vs. Role Confusion (12-18 yrs)-

Trust vs. Mistrust (Birth- 12 months)- Infants
Individuals struggle with discovering and
must understand that adults must be
developing their identity along with struggling
trusted and that they will meet their basic
with fitting in. At the same time they are
needs of survival (food, water)
developing a sense of morality

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (18 Intimacy and Solidarity vs. Isolation (18-35
months- 3 yrs)- Children must be allowed yrs)- Individuals are seeking love and
to explore their environment and have companionship within satisfying relationships
their interests fostered while moving away from the crowd

Initiative vs. Guilt (3-5 yrs)- Children Generational vs. Self Absorption (35-55/65
become independent and are intent upon yrs)- Individuals accept the responsibilities
doing things on their own while that come with becoming an adult as family
developing personal goals and career become the most important things

Industry vs. Inferiority (6-12 yrs)- Children Integrity vs. Despair (55/65- Death)-
have an eagerness to learn, they want to Reflection plays a big role as the individual
create new skills and knowledge and reflects upon experiences and begin asking if
become proficient in them the life they had lived was a meaningful life
● As an infant I learned to trust adults ● My grandparents always said that
because my family took good care of love and family were the most
important things and always
● I was always allowed to explore my
house to my heart's content and was made sure that the children’s
encouraged to draw/color, look at needs were met
books and attempt puzzles because ● My grandfather towards the end
those were my interests of his life was definitely debating
● I was extremely independent and was
if he lived a good and fulfilling
able to tie my shoes and always wanted
life, in the end he had decided
to dress myself
● I loved learning as a young child, I still that he did because he stopped
do. I learned how to draw, cheer, dance asking everyone if we thought he
● Middle school I struggled to figure out was a good man
who I was, was I preppy or a weirdo,
turns out I am a weirdo
● I am definitely not part of the crowd but I
have satisfying close friendships and am
looking for my significant other

● Gardner’s Multiple
Intelligences- There are more
intelligences than the three
common ones of linguistics,
Gardner’s ●
spatial, Mathematiques
Its importance in K-12 education
Multiple is that it changes how schools
are run and knowing the
Intelligences multiple intelligences presents
a teacher with the opportunity
to present lessons in a wide
variety of ways to give each
intelligence the opportunity to
learn in the best way possible.
Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence- is when Musical/ Rhythmic- Individuals who have a
individuals have a better grasp on verbal better grasp on using music and songs to
skills and words to express their express what they know
Interpersonal- Individuals who are better at
Logical/Mathematique- Individuals who using people skills and working in groups
have a better grasp on numbers and to express their knowledge
reasoning skills to express their
knowledge Intrapersonal- Individuals who are better at
working alone and need time to express
Visual/Spatial- Individuals who have a their knowledge
better grasp on using pictures to express
their knowledge Naturalistic- Individuals who are better at
using plants and nature to express their
Bodily/ Kinesthetic- Individuals who have a knowledge
better grasp on using movement as a way
to express their knowledge

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