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Corpo Notes Part 4

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As to purpose (sec 13(b) of the RCC) extension may be made earlier than three (3)

years prior to the original or subsequent expiry

(b) The specific purpose or purposes for which date(s) unless there are justifiable reasons for
the corporation is being formed. Where a an earlier extension as may be determined by
corporation has more than one stated purpose, the Commission: Provided, further, That such
the articles of incorporation shall indicate the extension of the corporate term shall take
primary purpose and the secondary purpose or effect only on the day following the original or
purposes: Provided, that a nonstock subsequent expiry date(s).
corporation may not include a purpose which
would change or contradict its nature as such; A corporation whose term has expired may
apply for revival of its corporate existence,
together with all the rights and privileges under
Uy Siuliong vs Director its certificate of incorporation and subject to all
Facts of its duties, debts and liabilities existing prior
to its revival. Upon approval by the
Issue Commission, the corporation shall be deemed
revived and a certificate of revival of corporate
Ruling existence shall be issued, giving it perpetual
existence, unless its application for revival
provides otherwise.

As to principal office (sec. 13 (c) of the No application for revival of certificate of

RCC) incorporation of banks, banking and quasi-
banking institutions, preneed, insurance and
c) The place where the principal office of the trust companies, non-stock savings and loan
corporation is to be located, which must be associations (NSSLAs), pawnshops,
within the Philippines; corporations engaged in money service
business, and other financial intermediaries
shall be approved by the Commission unless
Clavecilla vs Antillon
accompanied by a favorable recommendation
Facts of the appropriate government agency.

Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette vs SEC


As to corporate term (sec 11 of the Ruling


Section 11. Corporate Term. - A corporation

Benguet Consolidated vs Pineda
shall have perpetual existence unless its
articles of incorporation provides otherwise. Facts
Corporations with certificates of incorporation
issued prior to the effectivity of this Code and
which continue to exist shall have perpetual
existence, unless the corporation, upon a vote
of its stockholders representing a majority of
its articles of incorporation: Provided, That any
change in the corporate right of dissenting As to Qualifications of Incorporators
stockholders in accordance with the (sec 10)
provisions of this Code.
Section 10. Number and Qualifications of
A corporate term for a specific period may be Incorporators. - Any person, partnership,
extended or shortened by amending the association or corporation, singly or jointly
articles of incorporation: Provided, That no with others but not more than fifteen (15) in
number, may organize a corporation for any (b) The amount of the increase or decrease of
lawful purpose or purposes: Provided, that the capital stock;
natural persons who are licensed to practice a
profession, and partnerships or associations (c) In case of an increase of the capital stock,
organized for the purpose of practicing a the amount of capital stock or number of
profession, shall not be allowed to organize as shares of no-par stock thereof actually
a corporation unless otherwise provided under subscribed, the names nationalities and
special laws. Incorporators who are natural addresses of the persons subscribing, the
persons must be of legal age. amount of capital stock or number of no-par
stock subscribed, the names, nationalities and
Each incorporator of a stock corporation must addresses of the persons subscribing, the
own or be a subscriber to at least one (1) share amount of capital stock or number of no-par
of the capital stock. stock subscribed by each, and the amount paid
by each on the subscription in cash or
A corporation with a single stockholder is property, or the amount of capital stock or
considered a One Person Corporation as number of shares of no-par stock allotted to
described in Title XIII, Chapter III of this Code. each stockholder if such increase is for the
purpose of making effective stock dividend
As to no minimum capitalization (sec therefor authorized;
12) (d) Any bonded indebtedness to be incurred,
Section 12. Minimum Capital Stock Not created ot increased;
Required of Stock Corporations. - Stock (e) The amount of stock represented at the
corporations shall not be required to have meeting; and
minimum capital stock, except as otherwise
specially provided by special law. (f) The vote authorizing the increase or
decrease of capital stock, or incurring, creating
or increasing of bonded indebtedness.
The 25-25 Rule (sec. 37)
Any increase or decrease in the capital stock
Section 37. Power to increase or Decrease or the incurring, creating or increasing of any
Capital Stock; Incur, Create or Increase bonded indebtedness shall require prior
Bonded Indebtedness. - No corporation shall approval of the Commission and where
increase or decrease its capital stock or incur, appropriate, of the Philippine Competition
create or increase any bonded indebtedness Commission. The application with the
unless approved by a majority vote of the Commission shall be made within six (6)
board of directors and by two-thirds (2/3) of the months from the date of approval of the board
outstanding capital stock at a stockholders' of directors and stockholders, which period
meeting duly called for the purpose. Written may be extended for justifiable reasons.
notice of the time and place of the
stockholders' meeting and the purpose for said Copies of the certificate shall be kept on file in
meeting must be sent to the stockholders at the office of the corporation and filed with the
their places of residence as shown in the Commission and attached to the original
books of the corporation served on the articles of incorporation. After approval by the
stockholders personally, or through electronic Commission and the issuance by the
means recognized in the corporation's bylaws Commission of its certificate of filing may
and/or the Commission's rules as a valid mode declare: Provided, That the Commission shall
for service of notices. not accept for filing any certificate of increase
of capital stock unless accompanied by a
A certificate must be signed by a majority of sworn statement of the treasurer of the
the directors of the corporation and corporation accompanied by a sworn
countersigned by the chairperson and statement of the treasurer of the corporation
secretary of the stockholders' meeting, setting lawfully holding office at the time of the filing
forth: of the certificate, showing that at least twenty-
(a) That the requirements of this section have five percent (25%) of the increase in capital
been complied with; stock has been subscribed and that at least
twenty-five percent (25%) of the amount
subscribed has been paid in actual cash to the and trust companies, NSSLAs, pawnshops and
corporation or that property, the valuation of other financial intermediaries shall be
which is equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of approved by the Commission unless
the subscription, has been transferred to the accompanied by a favorable recommendation
corporation: of the appropriate government agency to the
effect that such articles or amendment is in
Provided, further, That no decrease in capital accordance with law.
stock shall be approved by the Commission if
its effect shall prejudice the rights of corporate Asuncion vs De Yriate
Nonstock corporations may incur, create or
increase bonded indebtedness when approved Issue
by a majority of the board of trustees and of at
least two-thirds (2/3) of the members in a Ruling
meeting duly called for the purpose.

Bonds issued by a corporatison shall be

registered with the Commission, which shall 2. Commencement of Corporate existence
have the authority to determine the sufficiency (sec. 18)
of the terms thereof.
Section 18. Registration, Incorporation and
Commencement of Corporation Existence. - A
1. Grounds for Disapproval (sec 16) person or group of persons desiring to
incorporate shall submit the intended
Section 16. Grounds When Articles of corporate name to the Commission for
Incorporation or Amendment May be verification. If the Commission finds that the
Disapproved. The Commission may disapprove name is distinguishable from a name already
the articles of incorporation or any amendment reserved or registered for the use of another
thereto if the same is not compliant with the corporation, not protected by law and is not
requirements of this Code: Provided, That the contrary to law, rules and regulation, the name
Commission shall give the incorporators, shall be reserved in favor of the incorporators.
directors, trustees, or officers as reasonable The incorporators shall then submit their
time from receipt of the disapproval within articles of incorporation and bylaws to the
which to modify the objectionable portions of Commission.
the articles or amendment. The following are
ground for such disapproval: If the Commission finds that the submitted
document s and information are fully compliant
(a) The articles of incorporation or any with the requirements of this Code, other
amendment thereto is not substantially in relevant laws, rules and regulations, the
accordance with the form prescribed herein; Commission shall issue the certificate of
(b) The purpose or purposes of the corporation
are patently unconstitutional, illegal, immoral A private corporation organized under this
or contrary to government rules and Code commences its corporate existence and
regulations; juridical personality from the date the
Commission issues the certificate of
(c) The certification concerning the amount of
incorporation under its official seal thereupon
capital stock subscribed and/or paid is false;
the incorporators, stockholders/members and
their successors shall constitute a body
(d) The required percentage of Filipino corporate under the name stated in the articles
ownership of the capital stock under existing of incorporation for the period of time
laws or the Constitution has not been complied mentioned therein, unless said period is
with. extended or the corporation is sooner
dissolved in accordance with law.
No articles of incorporation or amendment to
articles of incorporation of banks, banking and
quasi-banking institutions, preneed, insurance a. By-laws
Loyola Grand Villas vs CA certification that the bylaws are in accordance
with this Code.
The Commission shall not accept for filing the
Issue bylaws or any amendment thereto of any bank,
banking institution, building and loan
Ruling association, trust company, insurance
company, public utility, educational institution,
or any other corporations governed by special
laws, unless accompanied by a certificate of
PMI Colleges vs NLRC
the appropriate government agency to the
Facts effect that such by laws or amendments are in
accordance with law.
b. Contents (sec 46)
Section 46. Contents of Bylaws. - A private
corporation may provide the following in its
Pena vs CA bylaws;

Facts (a) The time, place and manner of calling and

conducting regular or special meetings of the
Issue directors or trustees;

(b) The time and manner of calling and

Ruling conducting regular or special meetings and
mode of notifying the stockholders or
members thereof;
a. Adoption Procedure (sec 45)
(c) The required quorum in meetings of
Section 45. Adoption of Bylaws. - For the stockholders or members and the manner of
adoption of bylaws by the corporation, the voting therein;
affirmative vote of the stockholders
(d) The modes by which a stockholder,
representing at least a majority of the
member, director or trustees may attend
outstanding capital stock, or of at least a
meetings and cast their votes;
majority of the members in case on nonstock
corporations, shall be necessary. The bylaws (e) The form for proxies of stockholders and
shall be signed by the stockholders or members and the manner of voting them;
members voting for them and shall be kept in
the principal office of the corporation, subject (f) The directors' or trustees' qualifications,
to the inspection of the stockholders or duties and responsibilities, the guidelines for
members during office hours. A copy thereof, setting the compensation of directors or
duly certified by a majority of the directors or trustees and officers, and the maximum
trustees and countersigned by the secretary of number of other board representations that an
the corporation, shall be filed with the independent director or trustee may have
Commission and attached to the original which shall, in no case, be more than the
articles of incorporation. number prescribed by the Commission;

Notwithstanding the provisions of the (g) The time for holding the annual election of
preceding paragraph, bylaws maybe adopted directors or trustees and the mode or manner
and filed prior to incorporation; in such case, of giving notice thereof;
such bylaws shall be approved and signed by (h)The manner of election or appointment and
all incorporators and submitted to the the term of officers other than directors or
Commission, together with the articles of trustees;
(i) The penalties for violation of the bylaws;
In all cases, bylaws shall be effective only
upon the issuance by the Commission of a
(j) In the case of stock corporations, the Facts
manner of issuing stock certificates; and
(k) Such other matters as may be necessary for
the proper or convenient transaction of its Ruling
corporate affairs for the promotion of good
governance and anti-graft and corruption
measures. Stockholder of F. Guanzon vs. Register,
6 SCRA 373 (1962)
An arbitration agreement maybe provided in
the bylaws pursuant to Section 181 of this Facts
c. Amendments (sec 47)
Section 47. Amendment to Bylaws. - A majority
of the board of directors or trustees, and the
owners of at least a majority of the outstanding Manila Gas vs. CIR, 62 PHIL 895 (1936)
capital stock, or at least a majority of the
members of a nonstock corporation, at a
regular or special meeting duly called for the Issue
purpose, may amend or repeal the bylaws or
adopt new bylaws. The owner of two-thirds Ruling
(2/3) of the outstanding capital stock or two-
third (2/3) of the members in a nonstock
corporation mat delegate to the board of Magsaysay-Labrador vs. CA, 180 SCRA
directors or trustees the power to amend or 266 (1989)
repeal the bylaws or adopt new bylaws:
Provided, That any power delegated to the Facts
board of directors or trustee to amend or
repeal the bylaws or adopt new bylaws shall be Issue
considered as revoke whenever stockholders
owning or representing a majority of the Ruling
outstanding capital stock or majority of the
members shall so vote at a regular or special
meeting. Good Earth vs. CA, 194 SCRA 544
Whenever the bylaws are amended or new
bylaws are adopted, the corporation shall file Facts
with the Commission such amended or new
bylaws and, if applicable, the stockholders' or Issue
members' resolution authorizing the delegation
of the power to amend and/or adopt new Ruling
bylaws, duly certified under oath by the
corporate secretary and majority of the
2. Defective Incorporation
directors or trustees.
a. De jure
The amended or new bylaws shall only be b. De Facto (Section 19 of the RCC)
effective upon the issuance by the
Section 19. De facto Corporations. - The due
Commission of certification that the same is in
incorporation of any corporation claiming in
accordance with this Code and other relevant
good faith to be a corporation under this Code,
and its right to exercise corporate powers,
C. Recognition and Disregard of Corporateness shall not be required into collaterally in any
private suit to which such corporation may be
1. Separate Juridical Personality a party. Such inquiry may be made by the
Santos vs NLRC Solicitor General in a quo warranto proceeding.
i. Rationale for the doctrine Asia Banking vs. Standard Products, 46 PHIL
144 (1924)
Tayko vs. Capistrano, 53 PHIL 866 (1928)

ii. Requisites Issue

Fernandez vs. Cuerva, 21 SCRA 1095 (1967)

Issue Vda. De Salvatierra vs. Garlitos, 103 PHIL 757


Hall vs. Piccio, 86 PHIL 603 (1950)

Facts Ruling


Albert vs. University Publishing, 13 SCRA 84
Benguet Consolidated vs. Pineda, 98 PHIL 711 Facts

Lim vs. Philippine Fishing Gear (G.R. No.
136448 [1999])
c. Corporation by estoppel (Section 20 Facts
of the RCC)
Section 20. Corporation by Estoppel. - All
persons who assume to act as a corporation
knowing it to be without the authority to do so
shall be liable as general partners for all debts,
liabilities and damages incurred or arising as a
result thereof: Provided, however, That when 3. Piercing the veil of corporate fiction
any such ostensible corporation is sued on
any transaction entered by its as a corporation Umali vs. CA, 189 SCRA 529 (1990)
or on any tort committed by it as such, it shall Facts
not be allowed to use on any its lack of
corporate personality as a defense. Anyone Issue
who assumes an obligation to an ostensible
corporation as such cannot resist performance Ruling
thereof on the ground that there was in fact no

i. Rationale for the Doctrine Koppel (Phil) vs. Yatco, 77 PHIL 496 (1946)



Tantongco vs. Kaisahan, 106 PHIL 199 (1959)




Robledo vs. NLRC, 238 SCRA 52 [1994]




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