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Ec3561 - Vlsi Laboratory

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COIMBATORE – 641 105


EC3561 - VLSI DESIGN LABORATORY (Regulation – 2021)


Prepared By

Mrs.R.Kiruthikaa AP/ECE

Mrs.M.Aiswarya AP/ECE
To produce technically competent and socially responsible Electronics and Communication Engineers to meet
industry needs.
1. Establishing state of art technology in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering and enriching
the knowledge of faculty through continuous improvement process.
2. Adopting innovative teaching learning practices and facilitating industry institute partnership for
professional development.
3. Inculcating ethical and social values through extension activities.


1. Graduates will exhibit conceptual, practical and analytical knowledge in the field of Electronics and
Communication Engineering.
2. Graduates will excel in their chosen technical profession in Electronics and Communication Engineering or
interdisciplinary areas.
3. Graduates will engage in life-long learning and team work with ethical values.

PO1 - Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of Mathematics, Science, Engineering fundamentals, and an
Engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2 - Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex Engineering problems
reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and Engineering sciences.
PO3 - Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex Engineering problems and design system
components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and
safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4 - Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research based knowledge and research methods including
design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid
PO5 - Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and
IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex Engineering activities with an understanding of the
PO6 - The Engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health,
safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional Engineering
PO7 - Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional Engineering solutions in societal
and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and the need for sustainable developments.
PO8 - Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
Engineering practice.
PO9 - Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams,
and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10 - Communication: Communicate effectively on complex Engineering activities with the Engineering
Community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11 - Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects
and in multi-disciplinary environments.
PO12 - Life -long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent
and life- long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


1. Analyze, Design, Simulate and Integrate Electronic Circuits and Systems for given specifications.
2. Apply the technical knowledge to solve issues in the areas like signal processing, Communication, VLSI
design and Embedded Systems

Formulated Course Outcome (CO)

 Students develop the ability to learn Hardware Descriptive Language(Verilog/VHDL)

 Students develop the ability to learn the fundamental principles of VLSI circuit design in digital
and analog domain
 Students have the ability to familiarize fusing of logical modules on FPGAs

 Students have the ability to provide hands on design experience with professional design (EDA)

CO No. Course Outcomes (COs) Knowledge Level

Examine the HDL code for basic as well as advanced digital integrated
C317.1 circuit K4

C317.2 Examine the logic modules into FPGA Boards. K4

C317.3 Examine to Place and Route the digital Ips K4

Analyze, Simulate and Extract the layouts of Digital & Analog IC Blocks
C317.4 K4
using EDA tools
C317.5 Analyze the Test and Verification of IC design. K4

Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes& Program Specific Outcomes :
CO No PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
C317.1 3 2 2 2 3 - - 1 1 1 - 3 2 3
C317.2 3 2 2 2 3 - - 1 1 1 - 3 2 3
C317.3 3 2 2 2 3 - - 1 1 1 - 3 2 3
C317.4 3 2 2 2 3 - - 1 1 1 - 3 2 3
C317.5 3 2 2 2 3 - - 1 1 1 - 3 2 3
C317 3 2 2 2 3 - - 1 1 1 - 3 2 3


0 0 4 2

● To learn Hardware Descriptive Language (Verilog/VHDL).
● To learn the fundamental principles of Digital System Desing using HDL and FPGA.
● To learn the fundamental principles of VLSI circuit design in digital domain
● To learn the fundamental principles of VLSI circuit design in analog domain
● To provide hands on design experience with EDA platforms

Part I: Digital System Design using HDL & FPGA (24 Periods)

1. Design of basic combinational and sequential (Flip-flops) circuits using HDL. Simulate it using Xilinx/Altera
Software and implement by Xilinx/Altera FPGA
2. Design an Adder ; Multiplier (Min 8 Bit) using HDL. Simulate it using Xilinx/Altera Software and implement by
Xilinx/Altera FPGA
3. Design and implement Universal Shift Register using HDL. Simulate it using Xilinx/Altera Software
4. Design Memories using HDL. Simulate it using Xilinx/Altera Software and implement by Xilinx/Altera FPGA
5. Design Finite State Machine (Moore/Mealy) using HDL. Simulate it using Xilinx/Altera Software and
implement by Xilinx/Altera FPGA
6. Design 3-bit synchronous up/down counter using HDL. Simulate it using Xilinx/Altera Software and implement
by Xilinx/Altera FPGA
7. Design 4-bit Asynchronous up/down counter using HDL. Simulate it using Xilinx/Altera Software and
implement by Xilinx/Altera FPGA
8. Design and simulate a CMOS Basic Gates & Flip-Flops. Generate Manual/Automatic Layout .
9. Design and simulate a 4-bit synchronous counter using a Flip-Flops. Generate Manual/Automatic Layout
10. Design and Simulate a CMOS Inverting Amplifier.
11. Design and Simulate basic Common Source, Common Gate and Common Drain Amplifiers.
12. Design and simulate simple 5 transistor differential amplifier.

Requirements: Cadence/Synopsis/ Mentor Graphics/Tanner/equivalent EDA Tools


S.No. Page
Date Name of the Experiment Marks Signature


1 Design of basic combinational and sequential (Flip-

flops) circuits using HDL.
2 Design an Adder ; Multiplier (Min 8 Bit) using HDL.

3 Design and implement Universal Shift Register

using HDL.

Design Memories using HDL (Single Port RAM)

5 Design Finite State Machine (Moore/Mealy) using


6 Design 3-bit synchronous up/down

counter using HDL.

7 Design 4-bit Asynchronous up/down counter using


8 Design and simulate a CMOS Basic Gates & Flip-


9 Design and simulate a 4-bit synchronous counter using

a Flip-Flops.

Design and Simulate a CMOS Inverting Amplifier.

11 Design and Simulate basic Common Source,

Common Gate and Common Drain Amplifiers.

12 Design and simulate simple 5 transistor differential



13 Design entry simulation and implementation of 4- bit

Ripple Carry Adder

14 Design entry simulation and implementation of 32-

to-1 multiplexer using 2-to-1 multiplexer
Exp: 1a Design of basic combinational circuits using HDL


To check the functionality of a design, we have to apply test vectors and simulate the circuit.

Apparatus Required:

Xilinx ISE software, Spartan-3E FPGA, Personal computer


1) Open the file and ISE Design Suit. Click FILE and Select New Project. A dialog box will appear and give
the name of the file and select Next.
2) A Project Setting dialog box will appear, choose the Simulator as ISIM (VHDL / Verilog) & click Next. A
project Summary dialog box will appear in that Select Finish.
3) In the project toolbar, select New VHDL Source. Then Select the file type as Verilog module and give
name to the file.
4) A dialog boxy appears and assign the input and Output ports and click Ok. A programming window
will appear and write the required program and save it.
5) On the left side choose Synthesize XST. If the Synthesize is successful than we have to select Check
Syntax for checking the Syntax.
6) Then Select the Simulation Tool bar and select the file name of the program written. Click Isim
Simulator. It displays Behavioral Syntax and Simulate Behavioral.
7) Now Select the behavioral Syntax first and then the Simulate behavioral.
8) Now the output window will open the assigned input and output ports. Give the inputs to the ports
by selecting force Constant and click Run all to View the outputs.
9) After Simulation is over, select Implementation. Under Implementation select User Constraint and
then select input pin planning (Plan Ahead) - port - Synthesis.
10) Now connect the kit to the System.
11) After input pin planning – port Synthesis, new window will open, in that Select Scalar posts. Now
click Site and assign the input and output pin numbers that is present in the kit.
12) Select the check box for all the inputs and outputs and Save it.
13) Select Synthesize → View RTL → port. Click → Logic gates and then View technology scheme → pic
14) Now Select Summation ∑ and select Analysis → synthesis report.
15) Then Select Implement design that is present on the left side of the window. Under Implement
design click translate → map → place and route.
16) Select generate programming file and Switch ON FPGA kit.
17) In this Window click Configure target device → manage configure → Survey → No.
18) Click No. It shows the dialog box as Welcome to Impart, click OK and Select Yes Configure. Now give
the filename and Open → SPI or BPT Prom give number.
19) A Window will Open, click Device 1 → OK. Click Identify Succeed → IC. Right Click IC and Select
20) The program is successfully dumped into the kit and it displays as Program succeeded. The Inputs
are given using the switch in the kit and the corresponding output can be seen.

Combinational circuit
module o_gate_tb_v;

reg a; reg b;

wire z;

o_gate uut (





initial begin

a = 0;

b = 0;

// Wait 100 ns for global reset to

finish #100;

// Add stimulus here


End module

module o_gate_tb_v;
reg a; reg b;

wire z;

o_gate uut (





initial begin

a = 0;

b = 0;

//Wait 100 ns for global reset to

finish #100;

a = 0;

b = 1;

// Wait 100 ns for global reset to

finish #100;

a = 1;

b = 0;

// Wait 100 ns for global reset to

finish #100;

a = 1;

b = 1; // Wait 100 ns for global reset

to finish #100;




Thus the output module is checked in order to apply test vectors, a test bench file is written.
Exp: 1b Design of basic sequential (Flip-flops) circuits using HDL


To check the functionality of a design, we have to apply test vectors and simulate the circuit.

Apparatus Required:

Xilinx ISE software, Spartan-3E FPGA, Personal computer


1) Open the file and ISE Design Suit. Click FILE and Select New Project. A dialog box will appear and give
the name of the file and select Next.
2) Project Setting dialog box will appear, choose the Simulator as ISIM (VHDL / Verilog) & click Next. A
project Summary dialog box will appear in that Select Finish.
3) In the project toolbar, select New VHDL Source. Then Select the file type as Verilog module and give
name to the file.
4) A dialog boxy appears and assign the input and Output ports and click Ok. A programming window
will appear and write the required program and save it.
5) On the left side choose Synthesize XST. If the Synthesize is successful than we have to select Check
Syntax for checking the Syntax.
6) Then Select the Simulation Tool bar and select the file name of the program written. Click Isim
Simulator. It displays Behavioral Syntax and Simulate Behavioral.
7) Now Select the behavioral Syntax first and then the Simulate behavioral.
8) Now the output window will open the assigned input and output ports. Give the inputs to the ports
by selecting force Constant and click Run all to View the outputs.
9) After Simulation is over, select Implementation. Under Implementation select User Constraint and
then select input pin planning (Plan Ahead) - port - Synthesis.
10) Now connect the kit to the System.
11) After input pin planning – port Synthesis, new window will open, in that Select Scalar posts. Now
click Site and assign the input and output pin numbers that is present in the kit.
12) Select the check box for all the inputs and outputs and Save it.
13) Select Synthesize → View RTL → port. Click → Logic gates and then View technology scheme → pic (LUT).
14) Now Select Summation ∑ and select Analysis → synthesis report.
15) Then Select Implement design that is present on the left side of the window. Under Implement design
click translate → map → place and route.
16) Select generate programming file and Switch ON FPGA kit.
17) In this Window click Configure target device → manage configure → Survey → No.
18) Click No. It shows the dialog box as Welcome to Impart, click OK and Select Yes Configure. Now give the
filename and Open → SPI or BPT Prom give number.
19) A Window will Open, click Device 1 → OK. Click Identify Succeed → IC. Right Click IC and Select
20) The program is successfully dumped into the kit and it displays as Program succeeded. The Inputs
are given using the switch in the kit and the corresponding output can be seen.

A D-flip with asynchronous reset can be modeled as a Procedural block as follows

module dff_async (data, clock, reset, q); \

input data, clock, reset;

output q; reg q;

// logic begins here

always @(posedge clock or negedge reset)

if(reset == 1'b0)

q <= 1'b0;


q <= data;

A D-flip with synchronous reset can be modeled as a Procedural block as follows:

module dff_sync (data, clock, reset, q);

input data, clock, reset;

output q; reg q;

// logic begins here

always @(posedge clock)

if(reset == 1'b0)

q <= 1'b0;

else q <= data;


Simulation of sequential designs

module test_bench(clk)

output clk;

reg clk;

initial begin clk = 0;

forever begin

#5 clk = ~clk; //Time period of the clock is 10 time units.


// rest of the logic



Thus the output module is checked in order to apply test vectors, a test bench file is written.
Exp: 2a Design entry simulation and implementation of 8 bit adder


To design simulate and implement 8 bit adder in Spartan-3E FPGA

Apparatus Required:

Xilinx ISE software, Spartan-3E FPGA, Personal computer


1) Open the file and ISE Design Suit. Click FILE and Select New Project. A dialog box will appear and give
the name of the file and select Next.
2) A Project Setting dialog box will appear, choose the Simulator as ISIM (VHDL / Verilog) & click Next. A
project Summary dialog box will appear in that Select Finish.
3) In the project toolbar, select New VHDL Source. Then Select the file type as Verilog module and give
name to the file.
4) A dialog boxy appears and assign the input and Output ports and click Ok. A programming window
will appear and write the required program and save it.
5) On the left side choose Synthesize XST. If the Synthesize is successful than we have to select Check
Syntax for checking the Syntax.
6) Then Select the Simulation Tool bar and select the file name of the program written. Click Isim
Simulator. It displays Behavioral Syntax and Simulate Behavioral.
7) Now Select the behavioral Syntax first and then the Simulate behavioral.
8) Now the output window will open the assigned input and output ports. Give the inputs to the ports
by selecting force Constant and click Run all to View the outputs.
9) After Simulation is over, select Implementation. Under Implementation select User Constraint and
then select input pin planning (Plan Ahead) - port - Synthesis.
10) Now connect the kit to the System.
11) After input pin planning – port Synthesis, new window will open, in that Select Scalar posts. Now
click Site and assign the input and output pin numbers that is present in the kit.
12) Select the check box for all the inputs and outputs and Save it.
13) Select Synthesize → View RTL → port. Click → Logic gates and then View technology scheme → pic (LUT).
14) Now Select Summation ∑ and select Analysis → synthesis report.
15) Then Select Implement design that is present on the left side of the window. Under Implement design
click translate → map → place and route.
16) Select generate programming file and Switch ON FPGA kit.
17) In this Window click Configure target device → manage configure → Survey → No.
18) Click No. It shows the dialog box as Welcome to Impart, click OK and Select Yes Configure. Now give the
filename and Open → SPI or BPT Prom give number.
19) A Window will Open, click Device 1 → OK. Click Identify Succeed → IC. Right Click IC and Select
20) The program is successfully dumped into the kit and it displays as Program succeeded. The Inputs
are given using the switch in the kit and the corresponding output can be seen.


module adder(s,cout,a,b,cin);


output cout;


input cin;

wire c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7;

fulladd fa0(s[0],c1,a[0],b[0],cin);

fulladd fa1(s[1],c2,a[1],b[1],c1);

fulladd fa2(s[2],c3,a[2],b[2],c2);

fulladd fa3(s[3],c4,a[3],b[3],c3);

fulladd fa4(s[4],c5,a[4],b[4],c4);

fulladd fa5(s[5],c6,a[5],b[5],c5);

fulladd fa6(s[6],c7,a[6],b[6],c6);

fulladd fa7(s[7],cout,a[7],b[7],c7);


module fulladd(s,cout,a,b,cin);
output s,cout;

input a,b,cin;


assign cout = ((a & b )|(b& cin)|( a & cin)) ;




Thus the 8 bit adder was successfully designed using verilog HDL and implemented in Spartan-3E FPGA.
Exp: 2b Design entry simulation and implementation of 4 bit multiplier


To design simulate and implement 4 bit multiplier in Spartan-3E FPGA

Apparatus Required:

Xilinx ISE software, Spartan-3E FPGA, Personal computer


1) Open the file and ISE Design Suit. Click FILE and Select New Project. A dialog box will appear and give
the name of the file and select Next.
2) A Project Setting dialog box will appear, choose the Simulator as ISIM (VHDL / Verilog) & click Next. A
project Summary dialog box will appear in that Select Finish.
3) In the project toolbar, select New VHDL Source. Then Select the file type as Verilog module and give
name to the file.
4) A dialog boxy appears and assign the input and Output ports and click Ok. A programming window
will appear and write the required program and save it.
5) On the left side choose Synthesize XST. If the Synthesize is successful than we have to select Check
Syntax for checking the Syntax.
6) Then Select the Simulation Tool bar and select the file name of the program written. Click Isim
Simulator. It displays Behavioral Syntax and Simulate Behavioral.
7) Now Select the behavioral Syntax first and then the Simulate behavioral.
8) Now the output window will open the assigned input and output ports. Give the inputs to the ports
by selecting force Constant and click Run all to View the outputs.
9) After Simulation is over, select Implementation. Under Implementation select User Constraint and
then select input pin planning (Plan Ahead) - port - Synthesis.
10) Now connect the kit to the System.
11) After input pin planning – port Synthesis, new window will open, in that Select Scalar posts. Now
click Site and assign the input and output pin numbers that is present in the kit.
12) Select the check box for all the inputs and outputs and Save it.
13) Select Synthesize → View RTL → port. Click → Logic gates and then View technology scheme → pic
14) Now Select Summation ∑ and select Analysis → synthesis report.
15) Then Select Implement design that is present on the left side of the window. Under Implement
design click translate → map → place and route.
16) Select generate programming file and Switch ON FPGA kit.
17) In this Window click Configure target device → manage configure → Survey → No.
18) Click No. It shows the dialog box as Welcome to Impart, click OK and Select Yes Configure. Now give
the filename and Open → SPI or BPT Prom give number.
19) A Window will Open, click Device 1 → OK. Click Identify Succeed → IC. Right Click IC and Select
20) The program is successfully dumped into the kit and it displays as Program succeeded. The
Inputs are given using the switch in the kit and the corresponding output can be seen.

module fourbitmulti(m,a,b);























half ha1(s[1],c[1],p[1],p[2]);
half ha2(s[2],c[2],p[4],p[3]);

half ha3(s[3],c[3],p[7],p[6]);

full fa4(s[4],c[4],p[11],p[10],c[3]);

full fa5(s[5],c[5],p[14],p[13],c[4]);

full fa6(s[6],c[6],p[5],s[2],c[1]);

full fa7(s[7],c[7],p[8],s[3],c[2]);

full fa8(s[8],c[8],p[12],s[4],c[7]);

full fa9(s[9],c[9],p[9],s[7],c[6]);

half ha10(s[10],c[10],s[8],c[9]);

full fa11(s[11],c[11],s[5],c[8],c[10]);

full fa12(s[12],c[12],p[15],s[5],c[11]);

buf (m[0],p[0]);

buf (m[1],s[1]);

buf (m[2],s[6]);

buf (m[3],s[9]);

buf (m[4],s[10]);

buf (m[5],s[11]);

buf (m[6],s[12]);

buf (m[7],c[12]);


module half (s,c0,x,y);

input x,y;

output s,c0;



module full(s,c0,x,y,cin);

input x,y,cin;

output s,c0;

wire s1,d1,d2;

half ha_1(s1,d1,x,y);

half ha_2(s,d2,s1,cin);

or or_gate(c0,d2,d1);




Thus the 4 bit multiplier was successfully designed using verilog HDL and implemented in Spartan FPGA.
Exp: 3 Design entry simulation and implementation of Universal Shift Register


To design simulate and implement a Universal Shift Register in Spartan-3E FPGA

Apparatus Required:

Xilinx ISE software, Spartan-3E FPGA, Personal computer


1) Open the file and ISE Design Suit. Click FILE and Select New Project. A dialog box will appear and give
the name of the file and select Next.
2) A Project Setting dialog box will appear, choose the Simulator as ISIM (VHDL / Verilog) & click Next. A
project Summary dialog box will appear in that Select Finish.
3) In the project toolbar, select New VHDL Source. Then Select the file type as Verilog module and give
name to the file.
4) A dialog boxy appears and assign the input and Output ports and click Ok. A programming window
will appear and write the required program and save it.
5) On the left side choose Synthesize XST. If the Synthesize is successful than we have to select Check
Syntax for checking the Syntax.
6) Then Select the Simulation Tool bar and select the file name of the program written. Click Isim
Simulator. It displays Behavioral Syntax and Simulate Behavioral.
7) Now Select the behavioral Syntax first and then the Simulate behavioral.
8) Now the output window will open the assigned input and output ports. Give the inputs to the ports
by selecting force Constant and click Run all to View the outputs.
9) After Simulation is over, select Implementation. Under Implementation select User Constraint and
then select input pin planning (Plan Ahead) - port - Synthesis.
10) Now connect the kit to the System.
11) After input pin planning – port Synthesis, new window will open, in that Select Scalar posts. Now
click Site and assign the input and output pin numbers that is present in the kit.
12) Select the check box for all the inputs and outputs and Save it.
13) Select Synthesize → View RTL → port. Click → Logic gates and then View technology scheme → pic
14) Now Select Summation ∑ and select Analysis → synthesis report.
15) Then Select Implement design that is present on the left side of the window. Under Implement
design click translate → map → place and route.
16) Select generate programming file and Switch ON FPGA kit.
17) In this Window click Configure target device → manage configure → Survey → No.
18) Click No. It shows the dialog box as Welcome to Impart, click OK and Select Yes Configure. Now give
the filename and Open → SPI or BPT Prom give number.
19) A Window will Open, click Device 1 → OK. Click Identify Succeed → IC. Right Click IC and Select
20) The program is successfully dumped into the kit and it displays as Program succeeded. The Inputs
are given using the switch in the kit and the corresponding output can be seen.


Mode control
Register Operation
S1 S0
0 0 No operation
0 1 Shift Right
1 0 Shift Left
1 1 Parallel Load

module USR(A,g,clk,SLin,SRin,mode);



input clk;

input SLin,SRin;

output [3:0]A;

mux4_1 M0(w[0],A[0],A[1],SLin,g[0],mode);

mux4_1 M1(w[1],A[1],A[2],A[0],g[1],mode);

mux4_1 M2(w[2],A[2],A[3],A[1],g[2],mode);

mux4_1 M3(w[3],A[3],SRin,A[2],g[3],mode);

dfff D0(A[0],w[0],clk);

dfff D1(A[1],w[1],clk);

dfff D2(A[2],w[2],clk);

dfff D3(A[3],w[3],clk);


module mux4_1(y,i0,i1,i2,i3,mode);

input i0,i1,i2,i3;

input [1:0]mode;

output reg y;










module dfff(q,d,clk);

input d,clk;

output reg q;

always@(posedge clk)




Input : g=1010 (Decimal Value:10) sLin=1, sRin=1

Mode (S1,S0)
Operation S1 S0 Output
No operation 0 0 0000
Shift Right 0 1 1000
Shift Left 1 0 0001
Parallel Load 1 1 1010


Thus the 4 bit universal shift register was successfully designed and implemented in FPGA
Exp: 3 Design Memories using HDL (Single Port RAM)


To design simulate and implement a Single Port RAM in Spartan-3E FPGA

Apparatus Required:

Xilinx ISE software, Spartan-3E FPGA, Personal computer


1) Open the file and ISE Design Suit. Click FILE and Select New Project. A dialog box will appear and give
the name of the file and select Next.
2) A Project Setting dialog box will appear, choose the Simulator as ISIM (VHDL / Verilog) & click Next. A
project Summary dialog box will appear in that Select Finish.
3) In the project toolbar, select New VHDL Source. Then Select the file type as Verilog module and give
name to the file.
4) A dialog boxy appears and assign the input and Output ports and click Ok. A programming window
will appear and write the required program and save it.
5) On the left side choose Synthesize XST. If the Synthesize is successful than we have to select Check
Syntax for checking the Syntax.
6) Then Select the Simulation Tool bar and select the file name of the program written. Click Isim
Simulator. It displays Behavioral Syntax and Simulate Behavioral.
7) Now Select the behavioral Syntax first and then the Simulate behavioral.
8) Now the output window will open the assigned input and output ports. Give the inputs to the ports
by selecting force Constant and click Run all to View the outputs.
9) After Simulation is over, select Implementation. Under Implementation select User Constraint and
then select input pin planning (Plan Ahead) - port - Synthesis.
10) Now connect the kit to the System.
11) After input pin planning – port Synthesis, new window will open, in that Select Scalar posts. Now
click Site and assign the input and output pin numbers that is present in the kit.
12) Select the check box for all the inputs and outputs and Save it.
13) Select Synthesize → View RTL → port. Click → Logic gates and then View technology scheme → pic (LUT).
14) Now Select Summation ∑ and select Analysis → synthesis report.
15) Then Select Implement design that is present on the left side of the window. Under Implement design
click translate → map → place and route.
16) Select generate programming file and Switch ON FPGA kit.
17) In this Window click Configure target device → manage configure → Survey → No.
18) Click No. It shows the dialog box as Welcome to Impart, click OK and Select Yes Configure. Now give the
filename and Open → SPI or BPT Prom give number.
19) A Window will Open, click Device 1 → OK. Click Identify Succeed → IC. Right Click IC and Select
20) The program is successfully dumped into the kit and it displays as Program succeeded. The
Inputs are given using the switch in the kit and the corresponding output can be seen.


Circuit Diagram
RTL Design Verilog Code for Single Port RAM

timescale 1ns / 1ps

module single_port_ram(data_in , ram_address,write_enable,clk,data_out);

input [7:0]data_in;

input [5:0] ram_address;

input write_enable;

input clk;

output [7:0]data_out;

reg [7:0] ram_memory[31:0];

// a 32 byte ( 32*8 bit) RAM

reg [5:0] address_register;

always @(posedge clk)


if (write_enable)

// write operation

ram_memory[ram_address] <= data_in;

else address_register <= ram_address;

end assign data_out = ram_memory[address_register];



Test Bench Code for Single Port RAM

timescale 1ns / 1ps

module single_port_ram_testbench;

reg [7:0]data_in;

reg [5:0] ram_address;

reg write_enable;
reg clk;

wire [7:0]data_out;

single_port_ram ram1(data_in , ram_address,write_enable,clk,data_out);

initial begin // clock initialization

clk =1'b1;

forever #10 clk=~clk;




// writing data into the memory

write_enable =1'b1;



data_in = 8'h10;



data_in = 8'h11;



data_in = 8'haf;


//reading data from the memory

write_enable = 1'b0;










The output of the Test bench simulation ( waveform) is as follow :


Thus the design simulate and implement a Single Port RAM in Spartan-3E FPGA is verified Successfully
Exp: 5 Design entry simulation and implementation of Finite State Machine


To design simulate and implement a finite state machine in Spartan-3E FPGA

Apparatus Required:

Xilinx ISE software, Spartan-3E FPGA, Personal computer


1) Open the file and ISE Design Suit. Click FILE and Select New Project. A dialog box will appear and give
the name of the file and select Next.
2) A Project Setting dialog box will appear, choose the Simulator as ISIM (VHDL / Verilog) & click Next. A
project Summary dialog box will appear in that Select Finish.
3) In the project toolbar, select New VHDL Source. Then Select the file type as Verilog module and give
name to the file.
4) A dialog boxy appears and assign the input and Output ports and click Ok. A programming window
will appear and write the required program and save it.
5) On the left side choose Synthesize XST. If the Synthesize is successful than we have to select Check
Syntax for checking the Syntax.
6) Then Select the Simulation Tool bar and select the file name of the program written. Click Isim
Simulator. It displays Behavioral Syntax and Simulate Behavioral.
7) Now Select the behavioral Syntax first and then the Simulate behavioral.
8) Now the output window will open the assigned input and output ports. Give the inputs to the ports
by selecting force Constant and click Run all to View the outputs.
9) After Simulation is over, select Implementation. Under Implementation select User Constraint and
then select input pin planning (Plan Ahead) - port - Synthesis.
10) Now connect the kit to the System.
11) After input pin planning – port Synthesis, new window will open, in that Select Scalar posts. Now
click Site and assign the input and output pin numbers that is present in the kit.
12) Select the check box for all the inputs and outputs and Save it.
13) Select Synthesize → View RTL → port. Click → Logic gates and then View technology scheme → pic
14) Now Select Summation ∑ and select Analysis → synthesis report.
15) Then Select Implement design that is present on the left side of the window. Under Implement
design click translate → map → place and route.
16) Select generate programming file and Switch ON FPGA kit.
17) In this Window click Configure target device → manage configure → Survey → No.
18) Click No. It shows the dialog box as Welcome to Impart, click OK and Select Yes Configure. Now give
the filename and Open → SPI or BPT Prom give number.
19) A Window will Open, click Device 1 → OK. Click Identify Succeed → IC. Right Click IC and Select
20) The program is successfully dumped into the kit and it displays as Program succeeded. The
Inputs are given using the switch in the kit and the corresponding output can be seen.


The finite state machine is a mathematical model of computation. It is an abstract machine that
can be in exactly one of a finite number of states at any given time. The finite state machine can change
from one state to another in response to some inputs. The change from one state to another is called a
transition. There are two types of finite state machines that generate output. They are Mealy state and
Moore state machine. In Moore state machine the output depends only on the current state. The
advantages of the Moore model are a simplification of the behavior. In Mealy state machine, the output
depends on both current state and input.


module seqckt(y,x,clk,rst);

input x,clk,rst;

output y;

reg y;


always@(posedge clk or posedge rst)








































































Thus the sequence detector using Moore state machine for the sequence 1001 was successfully
designed using verilog HDL and implemented in cyclone II FPGA
Exp: 6 Design 8-bit synchronous up/down counter using HDL.


To design and implement an 8bit Up/Down Counter with enable input and synchronous clear

Apparatus Required:

Xilinx ISE software, Spartan-3E FPGA, Personal computer


1) Open the file and ISE Design Suit. Click FILE and Select New Project. A dialog box will appear and give
the name of the file and select Next.
2) A Project Setting dialog box will appear, choose the Simulator as ISIM (VHDL / Verilog) & click Next. A
project Summary dialog box will appear in that Select Finish.
3) In the project toolbar, select New VHDL Source. Then Select the file type as Verilog module and give
name to the file.
4) A dialog boxy appears and assign the input and Output ports and click Ok. A programming window
will appear and write the required program and save it.
5) On the left side choose Synthesize XST. If the Synthesize is successful than we have to select Check
Syntax for checking the Syntax.
6) Then Select the Simulation Tool bar and select the file name of the program written. Click Isim
Simulator. It displays Behavioral Syntax and Simulate Behavioral.
7) Now Select the behavioral Syntax first and then the Simulate behavioral.
8) Now the output window will open the assigned input and output ports. Give the inputs to the ports
by selecting force Constant and click Run all to View the outputs.
9) After Simulation is over, select Implementation. Under Implementation select User Constraint and
then select input pin planning (Plan Ahead) - port - Synthesis.
10) Now connect the kit to the System.
11) After input pin planning – port Synthesis, new window will open, in that Select Scalar posts. Now
click Site and assign the input and output pin numbers that is present in the kit.
12) Select the check box for all the inputs and outputs and Save it.
13) Select Synthesize → View RTL → port. Click → Logic gates and then View technology scheme → pic (LUT).
14) Now Select Summation ∑ and select Analysis → synthesis report.
15) Then Select Implement design that is present on the left side of the window. Under Implement design
click translate → map → place and route.
16) Select generate programming file and Switch ON FPGA kit.
17) In this Window click Configure target device → manage configure → Survey → No.
18) Click No. It shows the dialog box as Welcome to Impart, click OK and Select Yes Configure. Now give the
filename and Open → SPI or BPT Prom give number.
19) A Window will Open, click Device 1 → OK. Click Identify Succeed → IC. Right Click IC and Select
20) The program is successfully dumped into the kit and it displays as Program succeeded. The Inputsare given using
the switch in the kit and the corresponding output can be seen.

These types of counters fall under the category of synchronous controller counter. Here the mode control input is
used to decide whether which sequence will be generated by the counter.In this case, mode control input is used
to decide whether the counter will perform up counting or down counting. Designing of such a counter is the same
as designing a synchronous counter but the extra combinational logic for mode control input is required.


module UpDownCounter(clk,enable,reset,mode,count,tc);
input clk,enable,reset,mode;
output reg [7:0]count;
output reg tc;
always @(posedge clk)


Thus the design and implementation of an 8bit Up/Down Counter with enable input and synchronous was verified
Exp: 7 Design 8-bit Asynchronous up/down counter using HDL.


To design and implement an 8bit Up/Down Counter with enable input and asynchronous clear

Apparatus Required:

Xilinx ISE software, Spartan-3E FPGA, Personal computer


1) Open the file and ISE Design Suit. Click FILE and Select New Project. A dialog box will appear and give
the name of the file and select Next.
2) A Project Setting dialog box will appear, choose the Simulator as ISIM (VHDL / Verilog) & click Next. A
project Summary dialog box will appear in that Select Finish.
3) In the project toolbar, select New VHDL Source. Then Select the file type as Verilog module and give
name to the file.
4) A dialog boxy appears and assign the input and Output ports and click Ok. A programming window
will appear and write the required program and save it.
5) On the left side choose Synthesize XST. If the Synthesize is successful than we have to select Check
Syntax for checking the Syntax.
6) Then Select the Simulation Tool bar and select the file name of the program written. Click Isim
Simulator. It displays Behavioral Syntax and Simulate Behavioral.
7) Now Select the behavioral Syntax first and then the Simulate behavioral.
8) Now the output window will open the assigned input and output ports. Give the inputs to the ports
by selecting force Constant and click Run all to View the outputs.
9) After Simulation is over, select Implementation. Under Implementation select User Constraint and
then select input pin planning (Plan Ahead) - port - Synthesis.
10) Now connect the kit to the System.
11) After input pin planning – port Synthesis, new window will open, in that Select Scalar posts. Now
click Site and assign the input and output pin numbers that is present in the kit.
12) Select the check box for all the inputs and outputs and Save it.
13) Select Synthesize → View RTL → port. Click → Logic gates and then View technology scheme → pic (LUT).
14) Now Select Summation ∑ and select Analysis → synthesis report.
15) Then Select Implement design that is present on the left side of the window. Under Implement design
click translate → map → place and route.
16) Select generate programming file and Switch ON FPGA kit.
17) In this Window click Configure target device → manage configure → Survey → No.
18) Click No. It shows the dialog box as Welcome to Impart, click OK and Select Yes Configure. Now give the
filename and Open → SPI or BPT Prom give number.
19) A Window will Open, click Device 1 → OK. Click Identify Succeed → IC. Right Click IC and Select
20) The program is successfully dumped into the kit and it displays as Program succeeded. The
Inputs are given using the switch in the kit and the corresponding output can be seen.

Asynchronous counters can be easily designed by T flip flop or D flip flop. These are also called as Ripple
counters, and are used in low speed circuits. They are used as Divide by- n counters, which divide the input by n,
where n is an integer. Asynchronous counters are also used as Truncated counters


module upordown_counter(Clk,reset,UpOrDown,Count);
//input ports and their sizes
input Clk,reset,UpOrDown;
//output ports and their size
output [3 : 0] Count;
//Internal variables
reg [3 : 0] Count = 0;
always @(posedge(Clk) or posedge(reset))
if(reset == 1)
Count <= 0;
if( UpOrDown == //Up mode selected
if(Count == 15)
Count <= 0;

Count<= Count + 1; //Incremend Counter
else //Down mode selected
if(Count == 0)
Count <= 15;
Count <= Count - 1; //Decrement counter


Testbench for counter:

module tb_counter;

// Inputs
reg Clk;
reg reset;
reg UpOrDown;

// Outputs
wire [3:0] Count;

// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)

upordown_counter (

//Generate clock with 10 ns clk period.

initial Clk = 0;
always #5 Clk = ~Clk;

initial begin
// Apply Inputs
reset = 0;
UpOrDown = 0;
UpOrDown = 1;
reset = 1;
UpOrDown = 0;
reset = 0;


Thus the design and implementation of an 8bit Up/Down Counter with enable input and synchronous was verified
Exp. No.8 Design and simulate CMOS Basic gates and Flipflops


To design and simulate a CMOS basic logic gates (NAND and NOR) and flipflops (D,T, JK flipflops) using
Dsch2 and microwind tools and perform the prelayout and post layout simulations.

Apparatus Required:

Dsch2 and microwind


NAND gate: A NAND gate can be implemented using four MOS transistors i.e. two pmos and
two nmos as the inputs of the gate is two. pmos are connected in parallel while nmos are connected in
series, Vdd is supplied to the parallel combination of pmos while the series combination of nmos is
grounded. Inputs a & b are applied to the gate terminals of all FETs, and the output f is obtained from
the common junction of these series and parallel combinations as illustrated in NAND circuit.

NOR gate: The two-input NOR gate shown on the left is built from four transistors. The parallel
connection of the two n-channel transistors between GND and the gate-output ensures that the
gateoutput is driven low (logical 0) when either gate input A or B is high (logical 1). The complementary
series-connection of the two transistors between VCC and gate-output means that the gate-output is
driven high (logical 1) when both gate inputs are low (logical 0).


1) Opening Dsch3 file.

2) Selecting the nNMOS transistor from Symbol Library on top right and dragging it to the
main screen.
3) Selecting the nNMOS transistor from Symbol Library on top right and dragging it to the
main screen.
4) Similarly selecting supply and ground symbols from Symbol Library and dragging them to
the main screen.
5) Connecting all symbols as shown in the figure.
6) Use add a line command to connect different nodes of these symbols
7) Adding a Button Symbol to the input and Light symbol to the output of the circuit from
Symbols library and completes the schematic diagram. Then save as the file using a particular
8) Then go to simulate tab and click start simulation. After few seconds stop the simulation
and click on timing diagram to view the outputs.
9) Go to file and click on make verilog file and save it
10) Open the microwind file. Choose Compile verilog file option and select the respective file
from dsch2 folder. Compile it and back to editor to view the automatic genrated layout.
11) Finally simulate the file and get the final output


D Flip flop Schematic

Layout of D flip flop


Thus the CMOS basic gates and flipflops were designed and simulated successfully.
Exp: 9 Design and simulate a 4 bit synchronous counter using Flip flops


To design and simulate a 4 bit synchronous counter using flip flop with the tools Dsch2 and


In this circuit, the single clock signal is directly connected to all flipflops, so that all flipflops
change state at the same time. The result of this synchronization is that all the individual output bits
changing state at exactly the same time in response to the common clock signal with no ripple effect
and therefore, no propagation delay. Obviously, this counter consists of four identical stages with a D-
type flipflop, an XOR-gate, and a two-input AND-gate each. The XOR-gate in front of the D input of the
flipflop basically converts the D-type flipflop into a toggle (T-type) flipflop. Synchronous counters are
sometimes called parallel counters as the clock is fed in parallel to all flip-flops. The inherent memory
circuit keeps track of the counters present state. The count sequence is controlled using logic gates.
Overall faster operation may be achieved compared to Asynchronous counters.


 Opening Dsch3 file.

 Selecting the D flipflop from Symbol Library on top right and dragging it to the main screen.
 Selecting the XOR, AND gate from Symbol Library on top right and dragging it to the
main screen.
 Similarly selecting supply and ground symbols from Symbol Library and dragging them to
the main screen. Select the digit symbol to display the output.
 Connecting all the symbols as shown in the figure.
 Use add a line command to connect different nodes of these symbols
 Adding a Button Symbol to the input and Light symbol to the output of the circuit from
Symbols library and completes the schematic diagram. Then save as the file using a particular
 Then go to simulate tab and click start simulation. After few seconds stop the simulation
and click on timing diagram to view the outputs.
 Go to file and click on make verilog file and save it
 Open the microwind file. Choose Compile verilog file option and select the respective file from
dsch2 folder. Compile it and back to editor to view the automatic generated layout.
 Finally simulate the file and get the final output.
Schematic of 4 bit synchronous counter
Layout of 4 bit synchronous counter


Thus the 4 bit synchronous counter using flipflop was designed and simulated successfully.
Exp: 10 Design a CMOS inverting amplifier circuit


To design and simulate the simple five transistor differential amplifier circuit and measure the
parameters using Tanner EDA tools.

Apparatus Required:

PC with windows, Tanner EDA tools v13.0


1. Click on the S-Edit 13.0. In the window select the file

2. Create new design by Click file →New→ New Design

3. Enter the design name and select the path to save the design.

4. Create new cell view→ Cell→ new view→ Select the parameters and give ok.

5. Click add available in library window and select the library file.

6. Select devices in the library drag required PMOS and NMOS components from the symbol
browser and design five transistor differential amplifier circuit.

7. Common mode Inputs are applied to the circuit.

8. To open T spice window click Tools→ T- Spice.

9. Insert technology file and required comments using insert comment option in T- Spice.

10. Run the simulation by clicking simulation→Run simulation.

11. Output waveform is viewed in the waveform viewer (W-edit) now verify the result.

12. Input and output voltages are measured and tabulated for common mode.

13. Step 7 to step 12 is repeated for the differential mode.

14. Now calculate the gain, ICMR, and CMRR.


CMOS inverter act as an inverting linear amplifier with a characteristics of Vout =-AVin where A
is the stage gain. Near the input threshold voltage the, the CMOS inverter acts as an inverting linear
amplifier. It should be noted that the CMOS inverter when used as a logic element is in reality an analog
amplifier operated under saturating condition. It can also be viewed as an nMOS common source
amplifier driving a pMOS common source amplifier.. For amplifiers operating at very low supply
voltages, the inverting amplifier stages should be applied. This circuits display an output voltage range
that is nearly equal to the supply voltage and can operate on supply voltages.


Thus CMOS inverting amplifier circuit was designed and simulated successfully using Tanner EDA tool.
Exp: 11 Design a CMOS Common Source, Common Drain and Common Gate Amplifier circuits


To design and simulate the Common source, drain and common gate amplifier circuit using
Tanner EDA tools.

Apparatus Required:

PC with windows, Tanner EDA tools v13.0


1. Click on the S-Edit 13.0. In the window select the file

2. Create new design by Click file → New → New Design

3. Enter the design name and select the path to save the design.

4. Create new cell view → Cell → new view → Select the parameters and give ok.

5. Click add available in library window and select the library file.

6. Select devices in the library drag required PMOS and NMOS components from the symbol
browser and design five transistor differential amplifier circuit.

7. Common mode Inputs are applied to the circuit.

8. To open T spice window click Tools → T- Spice.

9. Insert technology file and required comments using insert comment option in T- Spice.

10. Run the simulation by clicking simulation → Run simulation.

11. Output waveform is viewed in the waveform viewer (W-edit) now verify the result.

12. Input and output voltages are measured and tabulated for common mode.


Common Drain Amplifier (Source Follower):

The common drain amplifier figure shows the source follower circuit in which drain terminal of
the device is common. In this circuit the drain terminal is directly connected to VDD. In CS amplifier
analysis we have seen that in order to achieve the high voltage gain the load impedance should be as
high as possible. Therefore for low impedance load the buffer must be placed after the amplifier to drive
the load with negligible loss of the signal level. The source follower thus worked as a buffer stage. The
source follower is also called as the common drain amplifier. In this circuit, the signal at the gate is
sensed and drives the load at the source which allows the source potential to follow the gate voltage.
The drawback of source follower is nonlinearity due to body effect and poor driving capability of the
input signal.

Common Source Amplifier:

In this circuit the MOSFET converts variations in the gate-source voltage into a small signal drain
current which passes through a resistive load and generates the amplified voltage across the load
resistor. the voltage gain of CS amplifier is depends upon the transconductance gm, the linear resistor ro
and load. In order to increase the gain we have to increase the gm. Inturn we have to increase the ratio.

Common Gate amplifier:

In common source amplifier and source follower circuits, the input signal are applied to the gate
of a MOSFET. It is also possible to apply the input signal to the source terminal by keeping common gate
terminal. This type of amplifier is called as common gate amplifier. The CG amplifier in which the input
signal is sensed at the source terminal and the output is produced at the drain terminal. The gate
terminal is connected to VB i.e. dc potential which will maintain the proper operating conditions.

Circuit Diagram:

Common Source:

Common Gate:

Common Source:


Thus the common source, drain and gate amplifier circuit was design and simulated successfully
using tanner EDA tool.
Exp:12 Design a 5 transistor differential amplifier circuit


To design and simulate the simple five transistor differential amplifier circuit and measure the
parameters using Tanner EDA tools.

Apparatus Required:

PC with windows, Tanner EDA tools v13.0


1. Click on the S-Edit 13.0. In the window select the file

2. Create new design by Click file → New → New Design

3. Enter the design name and select the path to save the design.

4. Create new cell view → Cell → new view → Select the parameters and give ok.

5. Click add available in library window and select the library file.

6. Select devices in the library drag required PMOS and NMOS components from the symbol
browser and design five transistor differential amplifier circuit.

7. Common mode Inputs are applied to the circuit.

8. To open T spice window click Tools → T- Spice.

9. Insert technology file and required comments using insert comment option in T- Spice.

10. Run the simulation by clicking simulation → Run simulation.

11. Output waveform is viewed in the waveform viewer (W-edit) now verify the result.

12. Input and output voltages are measured and tabulated for common mode.

13. Step 7 to step 12 is repeated for the differential mode.

14. Now calculate the gain, ICMR, and CMRR.


The differential amplifier is a form of amplifier that strengthens the difference between two
voltages in a circuit. In electronic designs, we use a differential amplifier to produce high voltage gain
and high CMRR. Its main characteristics include very low bias current input, very high impedance input,
and very low offset voltage. The essential benefit of differential mode from common mode is its higher
immunity to noise. Also, differential amplifiers provide better immunity to environmental noise,
improve linearity, and more upper signal swing. It may operate in two modes: common mode and
differential mode. The common method produces a zero voltage output result while the differential
mode produces a high voltage output result. Given this, the differential amplifier generally has high
CMRR. If the two input voltages are of similar value, the amp provides an output voltage value that is
almost zero. When the two input voltages are unequal, the amplifier produces a high voltage output.
The remarkable advantage of differential operation over common mode operation is its higher immunity
to noise.

Circuit Diagram:

Differential Mode
Common mode:


Thus the simple five transistor differential amplifier was simulated and gain, ICMR, and CMRR
are calculated using Tanner EDA tools
Exp: 13 Design entry simulation and implementation of 4 bit Ripple Carry Adder

To design simulate and implement 4- bit Ripple Carry Adder in Spartan-3E FPGA

Apparatus Required:

Xilinx ISE software, Spartan-3E FPGA, Personal computer

1) Open the file and ISE Design Suit. Click FILE and Select New Project. A dialog box will appear and give
the name of the file and select Next.
2) A Project Setting dialog box will appear, choose the Simulator as ISIM (VHDL / Verilog) & click Next. A
project Summary dialog box will appear in that Select Finish.
3) In the project toolbar, select New VHDL Source. Then Select the file type as Verilog module and give
name to the file.
4) A dialog boxy appears and assign the input and Output ports and click Ok. A programming window
will appear and write the required program and save it.
5) On the left side choose Synthesize XST. If the Synthesize is successful than we have to select Check
Syntax for checking the Syntax.
6) Then Select the Simulation Tool bar and select the file name of the program written. Click Isim
Simulator. It displays Behavioral Syntax and Simulate Behavioral.
7) Now Select the behavioral Syntax first and then the Simulate behavioral.
8) Now the output window will open the assigned input and output ports. Give the inputs to the ports
by selecting force Constant and click Run all to View the outputs.
9) After Simulation is over, select Implementation. Under Implementation select User Constraint and
then select input pin planning (Plan Ahead) - port - Synthesis.
10) Now connect the kit to the System.
11) After input pin planning – port Synthesis, new window will open, in that Select Scalar posts. Now
click Site and assign the input and output pin numbers that is present in the kit.
12) Select the check box for all the inputs and outputs and Save it.
13) Select Synthesize → View RTL → port. Click → Logic gates and then View technology scheme → pic
14) Now Select Summation ∑ and select Analysis → synthesis report.
15) Then Select Implement design that is present on the left side of the window. Under Implement
design click translate → map → place and route.
16) Select generate programming file and Switch ON FPGA kit.
17) In this Window click Configure target device → manage configure → Survey → No.
18) Click No. It shows the dialog box as Welcome to Impart, click OK and Select Yes Configure. Now give
the filename and Open → SPI or BPT Prom give number.
19) A Window will Open, click Device 1 → OK. Click Identify Succeed → IC. Right Click IC and Select
20) The program is successfully dumped into the kit and it displays as Program succeeded. The Inputs
are given using the switch in the kit and the corresponding output can be seen.



module fulladder(X, Y, Ci, S, Co);
input X, Y, Ci;
output S, Co;
wire w1,w2,w3;
//Structural code for one bit full adder
xor G1(w1, X, Y);
xor G2(S, w1, Ci);
and G3(w2, w1, Ci);
and G4(w3, X, Y);
or G5(Co, w2,
w3); endmodule

module rippe_adder(X, Y, S, Co);

input [3:0] X, Y;// Two 4-bit inputs
output [3:0] S;
output Co;
wire w1, w2, w3;
// instantiating 4 1-bit full adders in Verilog
fulladder u1(X[0], Y[0], 1'b0, S[0], w1);
fulladder u2(X[1], Y[1], w1, S[1], w2);
fulladder u3(X[2], Y[2], w2, S[2], w3);
fulladder u4(X[3], Y[3], w3, S[3], Co);


Thus the 4- bit Ripple Carry Adder was successfully designed using verilog HDL and implemented in
Spartan FPGA.
Exp: 14 Design entry simulation and implementation of 32 to 1 multiplexer using 2 to 1 multiplexer

To design simulate and implement 32-to-1 multiplexer using 2-to-1 multiplexer in Spartan-3E FPGA

Apparatus Required:

Xilinx ISE software, Spartan-3E FPGA, Personal computer

1) Open the file and ISE Design Suit. Click FILE and Select New Project. A dialog box will appear and give
the name of the file and select Next.
2) A Project Setting dialog box will appear, choose the Simulator as ISIM (VHDL / Verilog) & click Next. A
project Summary dialog box will appear in that Select Finish.
3) In the project toolbar, select New VHDL Source. Then Select the file type as Verilog module and give
name to the file.
4) A dialog boxy appears and assign the input and Output ports and click Ok. A programming window
will appear and write the required program and save it.
5) On the left side choose Synthesize XST. If the Synthesize is successful than we have to select Check
Syntax for checking the Syntax.
6) Then Select the Simulation Tool bar and select the file name of the program written. Click Isim
Simulator. It displays Behavioral Syntax and Simulate Behavioral.
7) Now Select the behavioral Syntax first and then the Simulate behavioral.
8) Now the output window will open the assigned input and output ports. Give the inputs to the ports
by selecting force Constant and click Run all to View the outputs.
9) After Simulation is over, select Implementation. Under Implementation select User Constraint and
then select input pin planning (Plan Ahead) - port - Synthesis.
10) Now connect the kit to the System.
11) After input pin planning – port Synthesis, new window will open, in that Select Scalar posts. Now
click Site and assign the input and output pin numbers that is present in the kit.
12) Select the check box for all the inputs and outputs and Save it.
13) Select Synthesize → View RTL → port. Click → Logic gates and then View technology scheme → pic
14) Now Select Summation ∑ and select Analysis → synthesis report.
15) Then Select Implement design that is present on the left side of the window. Under Implement
design click translate → map → place and route.
16) Select generate programming file and Switch ON FPGA kit.
17) In this Window click Configure target device → manage configure → Survey → No.
18) Click No. It shows the dialog box as Welcome to Impart, click OK and Select Yes Configure. Now give
the filename and Open → SPI or BPT Prom give number.
19) A Window will Open, click Device 1 → OK. Click Identify Succeed → IC. Right Click IC and Select
20) The program is successfully dumped into the kit and it displays as Program succeeded. The Inputs
are given using the switch in the kit and the corresponding output can be seen.



module mux2x32to32( DataOut,Data0, Data1, Select);
output [31:0] DataOut; // Data Out
input [31:0] Data0, Data1; // Data In 1 and
2 input Select;
// if Select = 0, DataOut = Data0
// otherwise, DataOut = Data1

mux2_1 mux0(DataOut[0],Data0[0],Data1[0],Select);
mux2_1 mux1(DataOut[1],Data0[1],Data1[1],Select);
mux2_1 mux2(DataOut[2],Data0[2],Data1[2],Select);
mux2_1 mux3(DataOut[3],Data0[3],Data1[3],Select);
mux2_1 mux4(DataOut[4],Data0[4],Data1[4],Select);
mux2_1 mux5(DataOut[5],Data0[5],Data1[5],Select);
mux2_1 mux6(DataOut[6],Data0[6],Data1[6],Select);
mux2_1 mux7(DataOut[7],Data0[7],Data1[7],Select);
mux2_1 mux8(DataOut[8],Data0[8],Data1[8],Select);
mux2_1 mux9(DataOut[9],Data0[9],Data1[9],Select);
mux2_1 mux10(DataOut[10],Data0[10],Data1[10],Select);
mux2_1 mux11(DataOut[11],Data0[11],Data1[11],Select);
mux2_1 mux12(DataOut[12],Data0[12],Data1[12],Select);
mux2_1 mux13(DataOut[13],Data0[13],Data1[13],Select);
mux2_1 mux14(DataOut[14],Data0[14],Data1[14],Select);
mux2_1 mux15(DataOut[15],Data0[15],Data1[15],Select);
mux2_1 mux16(DataOut[16],Data0[16],Data1[16],Select);
mux2_1 mux17(DataOut[17],Data0[17],Data1[17],Select);
mux2_1 mux18(DataOut[18],Data0[18],Data1[18],Select);
mux2_1 mux19(DataOut[19],Data0[19],Data1[19],Select);
mux2_1 mux20(DataOut[20],Data0[20],Data1[20],Select);
mux2_1 mux21(DataOut[21],Data0[21],Data1[21],Select);
mux2_1 mux22(DataOut[22],Data0[22],Data1[22],Select);
mux2_1 mux23(DataOut[23],Data0[23],Data1[23],Select);
mux2_1 mux24(DataOut[24],Data0[24],Data1[24],Select);
mux2_1 mux25(DataOut[25],Data0[25],Data1[25],Select);
mux2_1 mux26(DataOut[26],Data0[26],Data1[26],Select);
mux2_1 mux27(DataOut[27],Data0[27],Data1[27],Select);
mux2_1 mux28(DataOut[28],Data0[28],Data1[28],Select);
mux2_1 mux29(DataOut[29],Data0[29],Data1[29],Select);
mux2_1 mux30(DataOut[30],Data0[30],Data1[30],Select);
mux2_1 mux31(DataOut[31],Data0[31],Data1[31],Select);
// FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog project: Verilog code for Multiplexer
// Verilog code for 2x5-to-5 Multiplexer
module mux2x5to5( AddrOut,Addr0, Addr1, Select);
output [4:0] AddrOut; // Address Out
input [4:0] Addr0, Addr1; // Address In 1 and
2 input Select;
mux2_1 mux0(AddrOut[0],Addr0[0],Addr1[0],Select);
mux2_1 mux1(AddrOut[1],Addr0[1],Addr1[1],Select);
mux2_1 mux2(AddrOut[2],Addr0[2],Addr1[2],Select);
mux2_1 mux3(AddrOut[3],Addr0[3],Addr1[3],Select);
mux2_1 mux4(AddrOut[4],Addr0[4],Addr1[4],Select);
// FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog project: Verilog code for Multiplexer
// Verilog code for 2-to-1 Multiplexer
module mux2_1(O,A,B,sel);
// if sel = 0, O = A
// if sel = 1, O =B
output O;
input A,B,sel;
not #(50) not1(nsel,sel);
and #(50) and1(O1,A,nsel);
and #(50) and2(O2,B,sel);
or #(50) or2(O,O1,O2);


Thus the 4- bit Ripple Carry Adder was successfully designed using verilog HDL and implemented in
Spartan FPGA.

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