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Bluebook 21st ed.

Mike Keyser, The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, 12 J. TRANSNAT'l L. &
POL'y 287 (2003).

ALWD 7th ed.

Mike Keyser, The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, 12 J. Transnat'l L. &
Pol'y 287 (2003).

APA 7th ed.

Keyser, Mike. (2003). The council of europe convention on cybercrime. Journal of
Transnational Law & Policy, 12(2), 287-326.

Chicago 17th ed.

Mike Keyser, "The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime," Journal of
Transnational Law & Policy 12, no. 2 (Spring 2003): 287-326

McGill Guide 9th ed.

Mike Keyser, "The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime" (2003) 12:2 J
Transnat'l L & Pol'y 287.

AGLC 4th ed.

Mike Keyser, 'The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime' (2003) 12(2) Journal of
Transnational Law & Policy 287

MLA 9th ed.

Keyser, Mike. "The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime." Journal of
Transnational Law & Policy, vol. 12, no. 2, Spring 2003, pp. 287-326. HeinOnline.

OSCOLA 4th ed.

Mike Keyser, 'The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime' (2003) 12 J Transnat'l
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Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION ............................... 287

A. Crime on the "Net". ........................... 289
B. GreaterDependency on Technology ............... 290
C. What is a Cybercrime & Who Are
Cybercriminals? .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
D. Identity Theft .............................. 291
E. Taking a Bite Out of Crime,
Domestically Speaking ......................... 291
III. TAKING A BITE OUT OF CRIME ................. 294
A. The Internationalizationof Cybercrime ........... 294
B. The Council of Europe Cybercrime
Convention ................................... 296
IV. THE ROAD AHEAD ............................. 324
V. CONCLUSION ................................. 325

The Internet is often referred to as the new "Wild West."' This
maxim holds true, because the Internet is so similar to the turn of
the century Western Frontier.2 Like the Wild West, the Internet
has brought with it opportunity and millions of new jobs.3 The
Internet also brings with it very real dangers. Although the specific
dangers may be different from those faced on the American
Frontier, a web surfer's exposure to dangers which are new, difficult
to police, and difficult to prevent, is very similar.4 The only
significant difference may be that the Internet is a virtual society

* J.D. candidate, Seattle University School of Law (May 2003); B.A., Washington State
University (May 2000). The author would like to thank Bob Menanteaux, reference librarian
at Seattle University School of Law, for all of his help and guidance.
1. Henry E. Crawford, Internet Calling: FCC Jurisdiction over Internet Telephony, 5
COMM. L. CONSPECTUS 43, 43 (1997) (discussing the Internet and analogizing it to the Wild
2. Id.
3. Mohit Gogna, The World Wide Web Versus the Wild Wild West, at httpJ/ (last visited Dec. 4, 2002). For example, in 1996, 1.1 million
jobs were created. Id.
4. Id.

rather than a tactile one; a virtual society existing only in networks

and information packets.' However, the harms committed against
both individual citizens and businesses are very real.6 These
citizens are extremely vulnerable as criminal activity on the
Internet continues to run rampant.7
This article is intended to expand upon the existing wealth of
knowledge regarding cybercrimes. However, it takes the analysis
one step further. This is the first article to consider the impact of a
new, powerful, and timely piece of international legislation: The
Council of Europe's Convention on Cybercrime.' Section II of this
comment begins with a survey of the cyber-landscape. It illustrates
citizenry and critical infrastructures extremely vulnerable to
international, as well as domestic, cyber attacks. Section II ends
with a case example-the case of Raymond Torricelli and his
Internet exploits. Section III is an in-depth analysis of the newly
signed, but not yet ratified, Cybercrime Convention. Section III
examines the entire Convention, article by article, taking into
account critical opinion, as well as drafter intent. Select provisions
of importance are analyzed in greater depth by looking at their
improvements upon existing law, in addition to their pitfalls. The
fourth and final section concludes the comment by projecting toward
the future, forecasting some aspects of the Convention's impact
upon our lives as it enters into force, as well as the likely objections
individuals, businesses, and interest groups will have to treaty

5. Joginder S. Dhillon & Robert I. Smith, Defensive Information Operationsand Domestic

Law: Limitations on Governmental Investigative Techniques, 50 A.F. L. REV. 135, 138 (2001)
(explaining the composition of the Internet and how information is transferred).
6. Many ofthe crimes committed against individuals and businesses are legislated against
in the European Convention on Cybercrime, and include identity theft, child pornography, and
fraud, among others. Convention on Cybercrime, opened for signature Nov. 23, 2001, Europ.
T.S. No. 185 [hereinafter Convention], available at http'// Treaty/EN/
projets/FinalCybercrime.htm (last visited Dec. 4, 2002).
7. Aaron Craig, Gambling on the Internet, 1998 COMPUTER L. REV. & TECH. J. 61 (1998)
(discussing the seriousness of the effects of crime on the Internet), available at
8. Convention, supra note 6.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 289


A. Crime on the "Net"
The 2001 Computer Crime and Security Survey, conducted by
the Computer Security Institute and the FBI's San Francisco office,
is prime evidence of the extent of lawlessness on the Internet:

1. 47 percent of the companies surveyed had their

systems penetrated from the outside;9

2. 90 percent reported some form of electronic


3. 13 percent reported stolen transaction

information (meaning personal data and credit card
numbers). 1

This figure is daunting since only a small percentage of companies

responded, while hundreds of companies whose systems have been
compromised, and whose information has been stolen, remain in the
dark. 12 Numerous reasons exist which explain why businesses are
reluctant to report system intrusions. 3 Most commonly, this
reluctance is attributed to the fear that a public report would
compromise a competitive position in their respective market. 14 In
other words, they may lose business if the public perceives the
company as vulnerable to attack or unable to keep personal
identification secure. 5 The FBI estimates that the cost of electronic
crime exceeds ten billion dollars per year. 6
Cybercrimes are not limited to businesses. The Federal Trade
Commission reported that identity theft and bogus Internet scams
topped the list of consumer fraud complaints in 2001.'7 Identity
theft, arguably the most prevalent crime on the Internet, comprised
42 percent of the total complaints.'" With figures like these, it is no

9. John Galvin, Meet the World's Baddest Cyber Cops, ZIFF DAVIS SMART Bus. FOR THE
NEW ECON. (Oct. 1, 2001), at 78 (on file with the Journal of Transnational Law & Policy).
10. Id.
11. Id.
12. Id.
13. Dhillon & Smith, supranote 5, at 140 (discussing the reluctance of companies to report
intrusions on its systems).
14. Id.
15. Id.
16. Id. at 139.
17. Jay Lyman, ID Theft and Web Scams Top Consumer Complaints, NEWSFACTOR
NETWORK (Jan. 24, 2002), at http://www.newsfactor.con/perl/story/15965.html.
18. Id.

secret that cybercrimes pose an ongoing and significant threat to the

security of the United States and its citizens.1 9

B. GreaterDependency on Technology
As our lives become more advanced, we depend on computers
and technology to even greater degrees. For example, one should
consider the increasing trend of Internet sales. The convenience
and privacy of online consumer spending is leading towards a
growing use of the Internet as a consumer's primary purchasing
location. In the year 2000, online retail sales totaled $5 billion,
while total sales were $42.4 billion. 20 "Total U.S. spending on online
sales increased from $4.9 billion in November to $5.7 billion in
December" of 2001.21 Consumer online sales for the third quarter
of 2002 reached $17.9 billion, a 35 percent increase over the third
quarter of 2001.22 Online sales through the third quarter of 2002
totaled $52.5 billion.23 As online sales continue to increase, and
personal and credit card information is transferred over the
Internet, the American public also increases its chances that it will
become the victim of a "cybercrime."

C. What is a Cybercrime & Who are Cybercriminals?

"The Department of Justice ("DOJ") defines computer crimes as
'any violations of criminal law that involve a knowledge of computer
technology for their perpetration, investigation, or prosecution.' 2 4
The types of people who commit cybercrimes vary as much as the
multitude of crimes that can be committed. 25 "Computer criminals
can be youthful hackers, disgruntled employees and company
insiders, or international terrorists and spies."26 These criminals
become "cybercriminals" when their crimes involve the use of a
computer. "[A] computer may be the 'object' of a crime," or in other
words, "the criminal targets the computer itself."27 "[A] computer
may [also] be the 'subject' of a crime," or in other words, it "is the

19. Galvin, supra note 9.

20. CyberAtlas Staff, December Rakes in the E-Commerce Dough, at http'//cyberatlas.,,6061_961291,00.html (last visited Feb. 11, 2003).
21. Id.
22. Robyn Greenspan, Shoppers Gearing Up for Season, at http:/cyberatlas.internet.
com/markets/retailingarticle/0,,6061_1494231,00.html#table1 (last visited Feb. 11, 2003).
23. Id.
24. Sheri A. Dillon et al., Note, Computer Crimes, 35 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 503, 505 (1998)
(defining "computer crime") (quoting National Institute of Justice, U.S. Dep't of Justice,
Computer Crime: Criminal Justice Resource Manual 2 (1989)).
25. Dillon et al., supra note 24, at 506.
26. Id.
27. Id. at 507.
Spring, 20031 CYBERCRIME 291

physical site of the crime, or the source of, or reason for, unique
forms of asset loss. "2 Examples of this type of crime are viruses,
logic bombs, and sniffers.29 Finally, "a computer may be [the]
'instrument' used to commit traditional crimes."" For example, a
computer might be used to commit the most common type of
cybercrime to date-identity theft.31

D. Identity Theft
Identity theft is now being called "the signature crime of the
digital era."32 "Identity theft is the illegal use of another's personal
identification numbers."3 3 Examples include a person using a stolen
"credit card, or social security number to purchase goods,"34
withdraw money, apply for loans, or rent apartments.3 5 While these
types of crimes have existed for a long time in the form of pick
pocketing, the Internet facilitates their frequency and ease.
Without faces or signatures, the only thing preventing a person from
posing as another is a password, which can be intercepted without
much difficulty by an experienced criminal.3"

E. Taking a Bite out of Crime, Domestically Speaking

In the United States, laws intended to combat cybercrimes are
already in place.3" Congress treats cybercrimes as distinct federal
offenses through a multitude of acts, most notably the Computer

28. Id.
29. Id.
30. Id.
31. See Lyman, supra note 17.
32. Michael McCutcheon, Identity Theft, Computer Fraud and 18 U.S.C. § 1030(G): A
Guide to Obtaining Jurisdiction in the United States for a Civil Suit Against a Foreign
National Defendant, 13 Loy. CONSUMER L. REV. 48, 48 (2001) (discussing identity theft).
33. Id.
34. Id.
35. Id.
36. Id.
37. Id. at 49.
38. See, e.g., 18 U.S.C. § 875 (2000) (originally enacted as Act of June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62
Stat. 741) (interstate communications: including threats, kidnapping, ransom, and extortion);
18 U.S.C. § 1029 (2000) (possession of access device); 18 U.S.C. § 1030 (2000) (fraud and
related activity in connection with computers); 18 U.S.C. § 1343 (2000) (originally enacted as
Act of July 16, 1952, ch. 879, § 18(a), 66 Stat. 722, and amended by Act of July 11, 1956, ch.
561, 70 Stat. 523) (fraud by wire, radio, or television); 18 U.S.C. § 1361 (2000) (based on Act
of Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, § 35, 35 Stat. 1095; Act of Oct. 23, 1918, ch. 194, 40 Stat. 1015; Act
of June 18, 1934, ch. 587, 48 Stat. 996; Act of Apr. 4, 1938, ch. 69, 52 Stat. 197) (injury to
government property or contracts); 18 U.S.C. § 1362 (2000) (based on Act of Mar. 4, 1909, ch.
321, § 60,35 Stat. 1099) (communication lines, stations, or systems); Economic Espionage Act
of 1996, 18 U.S.C. § 1831, et seq. (2000).

Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986"9 and the National Information

Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996.40 These laws are designed to
incriminate domestic hackers. A good example is the case of twenty-
year old Raymond Torricelli, known by the hacking code name,
,,rolex."4 '
Torricelli was the head of a notorious hacking group known as
"#conflict."42 Operating out of his New Rochelle, New York home,
Torricelli "used his personal computer to run programs designed to
search the Internet, and seek out computers which were vulnerable
to intrusion."43 Once a computer was "located, Torricelli's computer
obtained unauthorized access uploading a program known as
'rootkit.'"" When run on a foreign computer, rootkit "allows a
hacker to gain complete access to all of a computer's functions
without having been granted these privileges by the authorized
users of that computer."45
"One of the computers Torricelli accessed was used by NASA
[the National Aeronautics and Space Administration] to perform
satellite design and mission analysis concerning future space
missions. " 46 Another computer Torricelli accessed was used by
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory "as an e-mail and internal web
After gaining unauthorized access to these computers, Torricelli
"used many of the computers to host chat-room discussions."" "[Mn
these discussions, he invited other chat participants to visit a
website which enabled them to view pornographic images. " '
"Torricelli earned 18 cents for each visit a person made to that
website," ultimately netting $300-400 dollars per week from this
activity. 50
Torricelli's criminal activities were far from over. He also
intercepted "usernames and passwords [by] traversing the computer
networks" of San Jose State University.51 In addition, he stole

39. Pub. L. No. 99-474, § 2, 100 Stat. 1213 (1986) (amending 18 U.S.C. § 1030).
40. Pub. L. No. 104-294, tit. 2, § 201, 110 Stat. 3488, 3491-94 (1996) (amending 18 U.S.C.
§ 1030). For a discussion of laws currently in place, see Dillon et al., supra note 24, at 508.
41. Press Release, United States Dep't of Justice, Hacker Sentenced in New York City for
Hacking into Two NASA Jet Propulsion Lab Computers Located in Pasadena,California
(Sept. 5, 2001), availableat http'// torricellisent.htm.
42. Id.
43. Id.
44. Id.
45. Id.
46. Id.
47. Id.
48. Id.
49. Id.
50. Id.
51. Id.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 293

passwords and usernames from numerous other sources "which he

used to gain free Internet access, or to gain unauthorized access to
still more computers." 2 When Torricelli "obtained passwords which
were encrypted, he would use a password cracking 53
program known
as 'John-the-Ripper' to decrypt the passwords."
Torricelli was still not finished. He also obtained stolen credit
card numbers and "used one such credit card number to purchase
long distance telephone service. " "'

[M]uch of the evidence obtained against Torricelli

was obtained through a search of his personal
computer.... [In addition to thousands of stolen
passwords and numerous credit card numbers,
investigators found transcripts of chat-room
discussions in which Torricelli and members of
'#conflict' [his hacker group] discussed, among other
things, (1) breaking into other computers . . . (2)
obtaining credit card numbers belonging to other
persons and using those numbers to make
unauthorized purchases . . . and (3) using their
computers to electronically alter the results of the
annual MTV [Music Television] Movie Awards.5

52. Id.
53. Id.
54. Id.
55. Id.


A. The Internationalizationof Cybercrime
Due to the nature of cybercrimes and an undeveloped
international body of law on the topic, cybercrimes often occur
internationally. For example, perpetrators "across the United
States and Europe were indicted by a federal grand jury [in May,
20001 for allegedly conspiring to infringe the copyright of more than
5,000 computer software programs ... ."5 These programs were
"made available through a hidden Internet site located at a
university in Quebec, Canada."57
Some of the perpetrators:

allegedly were members . . . of an international

organization of software pirates known as "Pirates
with Attitudes," ["PWA"] an underground group that
disseminates stolen copies of software, including
programs that are not yet commercially available....
[Others] were employees of Intel Corp., four of whom
allegedly supplied computer hardware to the piracy
organization in exchange for obtaining access.., to
the group's pirated software, which had a retail value
in excess of $1 million.58

PWA is "one of the oldest and most sophisticated networks of

software pirates anywhere in the world."59 Officials are aware of
this because "previous software piracy investigations that have
focused on smaller sites have turned up numerous copyrighted
software files bearing annotations reflecting that the files were
supplied to the sites through PWA." °
International crime syndicates often communicate "in real time
on private Internet Relay Chat ["IRC"] channels," or in code via
open Internet chat rooms.6 "PWA allegedly maintained numerous
File Transfer Protocol ["FTP"] sites configured for the transfer of

56. Press Release, United States Dep't of Justice, U.S. Indicts 17 in Alleged International
Software Piracy Conspiracy (May 4, 2000), available at httpJ/
57. Id.
58. Id.
59. Id. (quoting Scott R. Lassar, United States Attorney for the Northern District of
60. Id.
61. Id.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 295

software files and stored libraries of pirated software on each of

these sites."62
PWA's website "was not accessible to the general public, but
instead was configured so that it was accessible only to" those
people who knew its Internet Protocol ("IP") address.6 3 In order for
users to maintain their ability to access the website and download
pirated software, they were required "to 'upload,' or provide files,
including copyrighted software files obtained from other sources
and, in return, were permitted to 'download'" pirated files provided
by other users." At one point, "more than 5,000 copyrighted
computer software programs were available for downloading...."6 5
Software pirates are often assigned different tasks, which
shields the overall organization from a governmental "bust."6 6 PWA
followed this organizational scheme assigning some members to the
role of "cracker," which are people who strip "away the copy
protection that is embedded in [the] . . . software."67 Others were
assigned as "couriers" whose job it was to transfer software to PWA,
or as "suppliers" who were funneling "programs from major software
companies to the group."6"
In this case, the United States had jurisdiction over those
nationals involved in the piracy scheme.69 But what about PWA
members that live outside U.S. borders in countries that do not have
an extradition treaty with the United States? It seems that United
States laws might not apply to those international criminals or
cannot reach their criminal actions. This problem poses a serious
concern for many government officials because many computer
systems can be easily accessed through a "global
telecommunications network from anywhere in the world.""
Furthermore, it becomes a roll of the dice as to whether the
criminal's host country has laws stringent enough to bring the
criminal to justice, or if the host country is even willing to cooperate
in the first place. 7 ' Thus, in order to successfully combat
cybercrime, it is clear that the world needs a better international
legal system in which to catch and convict cybercriminals.

62. Id.
63. Id.
64. Id.
65. Id.
66. Id.
67. Id.
68. Id.
69. Id.
70. Dillon et al., supra note 24, at 539 (discussing computer systems and ease of access).
71. Id.

B. The Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention

The forty-one nation Council of Europe ("COE") drafted the
Cybercrime Convention7 2 after four years and twenty-seven drafts.7
It was adopted by the Committee of Ministers during the
Committee's 109th Session on November 8, 2001.' The Convention
was opened for signature in Budapest, on November 23, 2001."5
Thirty-five countries have signed the treaty, with Albania and
Croatia having ratified it as well.7 6 The Convention will come into
force when five states, three of which must be COE members, have
ratified it.7 7 The treaty is intended to create a common cross-border
"criminal policy aimed at the protection of society against
cybercrime ... by adopting appropriate legislation and fostering
international co-operation." 8

1. Importance
The COE's Convention on Cybercrime is important international
legislation because it binds countries in the same way as a treaty.
"An international convention, or treaty, is a legal agreement
between governments that spells out a code of conduct."7 Once a
large number of states have ratified a treaty, then it becomes
acceptable to treat it as general law. ° Treaties are the only
machinery that exist for adapting international law to new
conditions and strengthening the force of a rule of law between
states.8 ' Thus, it seems very important for an international regime
to be set up to combat these types of crimes in a growing and

72. Convention, supra note 6.

73. Peter Piazza, Cybercrime Treaty Opens Pandora'sBox, SECURITY MGMT. (Sept. 2001),
availableat httpJ/
74. Convention, supra note 6.
75. Id.
76. Council of Europe, Chart of Signatures and Ratifications, available at (last visited Dec. 6, 2002)
(signatories include: United States; Albania; Armenia; Austria; Belgium; Bulgaria; Canada;
Croatia; Cyprus; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy;
Japan; Malta; Moldova; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovenia; Spain;
Sweden; Switzerland; South Africa; Ukraine; United Kingdom; and the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia).
77. Wendy McAuliffe, Council of Europe Approves Cybercrime Treaty, ZDNET UK NEWS
(Sept. 21, 2001), at http'//,,t269-s2095796,00.html.
78. Convention, supra note 6, pmbl.
79. UNICEF, Laws and International Conventions, at http//
lawsLcd (last visited Feb. 11, 2003).
INTERNATIONAL LAW OF PEACE 57 (Humphrey Waldock ed., Oxford Univ. Press 6th ed. 1963)
81. Id.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 297

integrated global society, which is becoming ever more vulnerable

to cyber attacks.

2. Objectives
The Convention is intended to be the "first international treaty
on crimes committed via the Internet and other computer
networks." 2 Its provisions particularly deal with infringements of
copyrights, computer-related fraud, child pornography, and
violations of network security.83 Its main objective, set out in the
preamble, is to "pursue ... a common criminal policy aimed at the
protection of society against cybercrime... especially by adopting
appropriate legislation and fostering international co-operation."84

3. PartiesInvolved
The Convention is open to worldwide membership.
Instrumental in its drafting were the forty-one COE "countries,
which cover most of Central and Western Europe."8" In addition,
the United States, Canada, Japan, and South Africa also aided in its
drafting.87 As stated earlier, as of the date of this publication,
thirty-five countries have signed the treaty.8

4. Scope
The Convention is broken up into four main segments, with each
segment consisting of several articles. The first section outlines the
substantive criminal laws and the common legislation all ratifying
countries must adopt to prevent these offenses.89 The second section
delineates the prosecutorial and procedural requirements to which
individual countries must adhere.' The third section sets out
guidelines for international cooperation that most commonly involve
joint investigations of the criminal offenses set out in section one.9'
Finally, the fourth section contains the articles pertaining to the
signing of the Convention, territorial application of the Convention,

82. Convention, supra note 6, pmbl.

83. Id.
84. Id.
85. Lawrence Speer, Computer Crime: Council of Europe Cybercrime Treaty Attacked by
ISPs, Business at Hearing,6 COMPUTER TECH. L. REP. 100 (Mar. 16, 2001).
86. Robyn Blumner, Cyberfear Leading to InternationalInvasion of Privacy, MILWAUKEE
J. SENTINEL, June 6, 2000, at 17A.
87. Id.
88. Council of Europe, Chart of Signatures, supra note 76.
89. Convention, supra note 6.
90. Id.
91. Id.

declarations, amendments, withdrawals, and the ever-important,

federalism clause.

5. Convention Section 1 - Definitions and Criminal Offenses

Article 1 initially defines four terms vital to the treaty. 93 These
terms are vital because they are heavily relied upon throughout the
treaty. The treaty first defines "Computer system" as a device
consisting of hardware and software developed for automatic
processing of digital data.' For purposes of this Convention, the
second term, "computer data," holds a meaning different than that
of normal computer lingo. 95 The data must be "in such a form that
it can be directly processed by the computer system."96 In other
words, the data must be electronic or in some other directly
processable form.97
The third term, "service provider" includes a broad category of
entities that play particular roles "with regard to communication or
processing of data on computer systems." 9 This definition not only
includes public or private entities, but it also extends to include
"those entities that store or otherwise process data on behalf of"
public or private entities. 99
The fourth defined term is "traffic data," which has created some
controversy in this Convention. "Traffic data" is generated by
computers in a "chain of communication in order to route" that
communication from an origin to its destination. 1°' Thus, it is
auxiliary to the actual communication. 10 ' When a Convention party
investigates a criminal offense within this treaty, "traffic data" is
used to trace the source of the communication.0 2 "Traffic data" lasts
for only a short period of time and the Convention makes Internet
Service Providers ("ISPs") responsible for preservation of this
data.0 3 The increased costs placed upon ISPs as a result of the
Convention's stricter rules regarding preservation of "traffic data"
is one issue of concern for many ISPs. Another concern is the

92. Id.
93. Id. art. 1.
94. ExplanatoryReport of the Comm. of Ministers[of the Convention on Cybercrime], 109th
Sess. (adopted on Nov. 8, 2001), art. l(a), 23 [hereinafter ExplanatoryReport] (on file with
the Journal of Transnational Law & Policy).
95. Id. art. 1(b), 25.
96. Id.
97. Id.
98. Id. art. 1(c), IT 26, 27.
99. Id.
100. Id. art. l(d), 28-31.
101. Id.
102. Id.
103. Id.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 299

requirement of rapid disclosure of "traffic data" by ISPs.' °4 While

rapid disclosure may be necessary to discern the communication's
route, in order to collect further evidence or identify the suspect,
some civil libertarians express concern over its infringement upon
individual rights-namely the right to privacy.
The drafters intended that "Convention parties would not be
obliged to copy [the definitions] verbatim into their domestic
laws....""' It is only required that the respective domestic laws
contain concepts that are "consistent with the principles of the
Convention and offer an equivalent framework for its
implementation." °6
After defining the vital terms, Article 1 lays out the Convention's
substantive criminal laws. The purpose of these criminal laws is to
establish a common minimum standard of offenses for all
countries.0 7 Uniformity in domestic laws prevents abuses from
being shifted to a Convention party with a lower standard.' The
list of offenses is based upon the work of public and private
international organizations, such as the United Nations and the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.0 9
"All of the offenses contained in the Convention must be
committed 'intentionally' for criminal liability to apply." 10 In
certain cases, additional specific intentional elements form part of
the offense."' The drafters have agreed that the exact meaning of
"intentional" will be left to the Convention parties to interpret
individually."' A mens rea requirement is important to filter the
number of offenders and to distinguish between serious and minor
The criminal offenses in Articles 2 thru 6 were intended by the
drafters "to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of
computer systems or data."" 3 At the same time, however, the
drafters did not criminalize "legitimate and common activities
inherent in the design of networks, or legitimate... practices.""'

104. Convention, supra note 6, arts. 17, 30.

105. ExplanatoryReport, supra note 94, art. 1, 22.
106. Id.
107. Id. ch. 2, § 1, 9 33.
108. Id.
109. Id. ch. 2, § 1, 34.
110. Id. ch.2, §1, 39.
111. Id.
112. Id.
113. Id. tit. 1, 91
114. Id.
a. Article 2 - IllegalAccess
Article 2 relates to "illegal access," or access to a computer
system without right."6 Examples of unauthorized intrusions are
hacking, cracking, or computer trespassing; like those our friend
Raymond Torricelli had demonstrated earlier. Intrusions such as
these allow hackers to gain access to confidential data, such as
passwords and identification numbers."' "Access" deals with the
entering of any part of a computer system such as hardware
components and stored data, but it "does not include the mere
sending of an e-mail message" to a file system." 8 Convention
parties are granted great latitude with respect to the legislative
approach they take in criminalizing this action." 9 Parties can take
a wide approach, or a more narrow one, by attaching such qualifying
elements as infringing upon security measures, requiring specific
intent to obtain computer data, or requiring a dishonest intent
justifying criminal culpability. 2 °
The analogous United States law to this Article is the Computer
Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 ("CFAA")."2 l This Act makes it
unlawful to either knowingly access a computer without
authorization or to exceed authorization and obtain protected or
restricted data.'2 2 The case of United States v. Ivanov,'2 ' is an
example of the way in which courts would be able to utilize Article
2 in international prosecutions. Ivanov, a Russian computer hacker,
was "charged with conspiracy, computer fraud and related activity,
extortion, and possession of unauthorized access devices" after
hacking into a Connecticut e-commerce corporation's computer files
and stealing passwords and credit card information.'2 4 He then
1 25
threatened the corporation with extortion while he was in Russia.
Ivanov moved to dismiss the indictment "on the ground that court
lacked subject matterjurisdiction."'2 6 Essentially, Ivanov contended
that because he was in Russia, the laws of the United States did not
apply extraterritorially to him. The district court held that the
taking of the corporation's data occurred in Connecticut, the

115. Id.
116. Convention, supra note 6, art. 2.
117. ExplanatoryReport, supra note 94, art. 2, 47.
118. Id. art. 2, 46.
119. Id. art. 2, 9149.
120. Id. art. 2, 9150.
121. 18 U.S.C. § 1030 (2000).
122. 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(1).
123. 175 F. Supp. 2d 367 (D. Conn. 2001).
124. Id. at 368.
125. Id.
126. Id.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 301

violation of the CFAA occurred when his email was received in

Connecticut, and thus the CFAA applied to Ivanov.'27 It would
appear on its face that the CFAA is the United States equivalent to
this Article. However, the Convention improves upon the CFAA by
applying an across the board rule to all signatories thereby ensuring
compliance. For instance, in this case, Russia cooperated with
United States authorities in extraditing Ivanov to the United States
for trial. But if Russia was not so cooperative, Ivanov would have
broken a United States law, caused serious damage to a United
States corporation and hundreds of citizens, and would be a free
man living in another country. This is a situation in which the
Convention's global law enforcement network would succeed.

b. Article 3 - Illegal Interception

Article 3, "illegal interception," outlaws the interception, without
right, of nonpublic transmissions of computer data, whether it be by
telephone, fax, email, or file transfer.12 This provision is aimed at
protecting the right to privacy of data communication. 129 One
element of this offense is that the interception occur through
"technical means," which is the surveillance of communications
"through the use of electronic eavesdropping or tapping devices." 13
The offense also only applies to "nonpublic" transmissions of
computer data. 131 This qualification relates only to "the nature of
the transmission . . . and not the nature of the data" being
transferred. 132 In other words, the data being transmitted may be
publicly available, but the parties communicating may wish to
remain confidential. 3 3 This communication can take place from
computer to printer, between two computers, or from person to
computer (such as typing into a keyboard). 3 For example, the use
of common commercial practices, such as "cookies" used to track an
individual's surfing habits, are not intended to be criminalized
" 135
because they are considered be "with right.
This provision does not exhaustively define what sorts of
interception are lawful and which ones are unlawful. Therefore,
according to the DOJ cybercrime website, nothing in this provision

127. Id. at 374.

128. Convention, supra note 6, art. 3.
129. ExplanatoryReport, supra note 94, art. 3, 9151.
130. Id. art. 3, 1 53.
131. Convention, supra note 6, art. 3.
132. ExplanatoryReport, supra note 94, art. 3, 54.
133. Id.
134. Id. art. 3, 9155.
135. Id. art. 3, 1 58.

"would change the U.S. wiretap statute (18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(a)(I)),

which specifically allows monitoring by a service provider of traffic
on its own network undertaken to protect its rights and property." 3 6

c. Article 4 - DataInterference
Article 4, criminalizing the destruction of data, aims "to provide
computer data and computer programs with protection similar to
that enjoyed by" tangible objects against the intentional infliction
of damage.'3 7 The input of malicious codes, viruses, and Trojan
horses is thus covered under this criminal code. 13 Convention
parties are granted the freedom to require that "serious harm" be
committed when legislating this crime, in which the interpretation
of what constitutes
"serious harm" is left to the respective
government. 1
The United States' statutory equivalent is the Computer Fraud
and Abuse Act of 1986.140 This section prohibits a person from
knowingly transmitting"a program, information, code, or command,
and as a result of such conduct, intentionally" causing "damage
without authorization, to a protected computer."14 ' A "protected
computer" is defined as a computer "which is used in interstate or
foreign commerce or communication."' 42 Damage must also occur to
"one or more persons,"14 but courts have held that "one or more
persons" includes corporations. 4 4 In United States v. Middleton, a
disgruntled former employee obtained illegal access to his former
company's computer system, changed all the administrative
passwords, altered the computer's registry, deleted the entire billing
system (including programs that ran the billing software), and
deleted two internal databases. 4 5 In response, company employees
spent a considerable amount of time repairing the damage and
buying new software. 4 6 The former employee, arrested under
section 1030(a)(5)(A), moved to dismiss by alleging that the
company was not an "individual" for purposes of the statute.' 4 ' The

136. United States Dep't of Justice, Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About the
Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, at httpJ/
COEFAQs.htm (last visited Feb. 13, 2003) [hereinafter Frequently Asked Questions].
137. ExplanatoryReport, supra note 94, art. 4, 60.
138. Id. art. 4, 61.
139. Id. art. 4, [ 64.
140. Pub. L. No. 99-474, § 2, 100 Stat. 1213 (1986) (amending 18 U.S.C. § 1030).
141. 18 U.S.C. §1030(a)(5)(A).
142. Id. §1030(g)(e)(2)(B).
143. 18 U.S.C. § 1030(e)(8)(A).
144. United States v. Middleton, 231 F.3d 1207, 1210-1211 (9th Cir. 2000).
145. Id. at 1209.
146. Id.
147. Id.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 303

Court of Appeals disagreed, holding that Congress intended the

word "individual" to include corporations. 4 '

d. Article 5 - System Interference

Article 5, criminalizing "system interference," aims to prevent
"the intentional hindering of the lawful use of computer systems."4 9
"Hindering," as used in this Article, must be serious enough to rise
to the level of criminal conduct. 5 ° "The drafters considered as
'serious' the sending of data to a particular system in such a form,
size, or frequency that it has a significant detrimental effect on the
ability of the owner or operator to use the system, or to
communicate with other systems.. . ." ' A common example of a
hack criminalized under this section would be a "denial of service
attack," a malicious code, such as a virus, that prevents or
substantially slows the operation of a computer system leaving the
common web surfer unable to access a web page.' 52 A questionable
example is "spamming," a practice whereby a person or program
sends huge quantities of email to a voluminous amount of recipients
for two possible purposes: (1) to block the communicating function
of the system,'5 3 or (2) to over-expose enough consumers to
advertising that sales of a product are generated.5 4 It is arguable
that spamming could fall under Article 5 when it reaches the point
of computer sabotage in the slowing or shutting down of a computer
network or service provider. However, a violation under Article 5
must be committed intentionally, and whether a "spammer" who
merely mass advertises has the requisite mens rea will be an
important issue that the Council and individual countries will need
to resolve.' 55
Besides invoking Article 4 (Data Interference), the spreading of
a computer virus would fall under this Article as well. One should
consider, for example, the "Melissa" virus, which was launched in
1999 and ultimately caused eighty billion dollars in damage.' 5 6 The
virus was set to invade a person's address book and send up to fifty

148. Id. at 1211.

149. ExplanatoryReport, supra note 94, art. 5, 65.
150. Id. art. 5, $ 67.
151. Id.
152. Id.
153. Id.
154. Arosnet Policies, Newsgroup and Email Spamming: What is Spamming? at
http'// (last visited Feb. 12, 2003).
155. ExplanatoryReport, supra note 94, art. 5, 69.
156. Damien Whitworth & Dominic Kennedy, Author Could Escape Arm of the Law, TIMES
(LONDON), May 5, 2000, at Al, availableat 2000 WL 2888574.

e-mail messages to addresses stored on the computer." 7 With the

rapid spread of the virus and subsequent massive strings of e-mails
being sent and received by158
infected users, companies were forced to
shut down their servers.

e. Article 6 - Misuse of Devices

Article 6 establishes, as separate and independent offenses, the
intentional commission of illegal acts regarding certain devices that
are used in the commission of the named offenses of this
Convention.'5 9 In many cases, black markets are established to
facilitate the sale or trade of "hacker tools," or tools used by hackers
in the commission of cybercrimes. 16 ' By prohibiting the production,
sale, or distribution of these devices, this Article intends to combat
these black market activities.' 6 ' This Article not only covers
tangible transfers but also the creation or compilation of hyperlinks
facilitating hacker access to these devices. 1 62 A troubling issue arose
with regard to "dual-use devices," or devices that have both a good
and evil purpose.'6 3 In order for the dragnet not to sweep up devices
that serve a useful purpose, the drafters intended this Article to
relate to devices that "are objectively designed, or adapted,
primarily for the purpose of committing an offen[s]e."'6 4 Finally, in
order to avoid overcriminalization, the Article requires both a
general intent and also a "specific... intent that the device is used
for the purpose of committing any of the offen[s]es established in
Articles 2 [thrul 5 of the Convention." 65

f. Article 7- Computer-RelatedForgery
Article 7 outlaws computer-related forgery, or the intentional
"input, alteration, deletion, or suppression of computer data
resulting in inauthentic data with the intent that it be considered
or acted upon for legal purposes as if it were authentic .... The
purpose of this Article is to create a parallel offense to the forgery

157. Kelly Cesare, Prosecuting Computer Virus Authors: the Need for an Adequate and
Immediate InternationalSolution, 14 TRANSNAT'L LAw. 135,143 (2001) (discussing the impact
of the Melissa virus).
158. Id.
159. ExplanatoryReport, supra note 94, art. 6, 71.
160. Id.
161. Id. art. 6, [ 72.
162. Id.
163. Id. art. 6, [73.
164. Id.
165. Id. art. 6, 9176.
166. Convention, supra note 6, art. 7.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME

of tangible documents."'6 7 National concepts of forgery differ

greatly. 6 ' Some countries base forgery on the "authenticity as to
the author of the document," others base forgery on "truthfulness of
the statement contained in the document." 6 9 In either case, the
drafters intended that the minimum standard be the authenticity
of the issuer of the data, regardless of the correctness of the actual
data.'7 ° Convention parties are permitted to further define the
genuineness of the data if they so choose.' 7 '

g. Article 8 - Computer-RelatedFraud
Article 8 makes computer-related fraud illegal.'7 2 Computer-
related fraud is the intentional causing of a loss of property by
deletion or alteration of computer data, "interference with the
functioning of a computer system, with fraudulent or dishonest
intent of procuring without right, an economic benefit for oneself or
for another person."'7 3 Assets such as electronic funds, deposit
money, and credit card numbers have become the target of hackers,
who feed incorrect data into the computer with the intention of an
illegal transfer of property.'7 4 This Article is specifically intended
to criminalize a direct economic or possessory loss of property if the
"perpetrator acted with the intent of procuring an unlawful
economic gain.... ""' In addition to the general intent requirement,
this Article also "requires a specific fraudulent or other dishonest
intent to gain an economic or other benefit .. ,176 This specific
intent requirement is another effort by the drafters to filter serious
misconduct from minor crimes.
This Article is an international tool of legislation that is greatly
needed. Computer-related fraud in online auction houses, such as
eBay, is a growing business for many criminals. The Internet Fraud
Complaint Center ("IFCC"), a partnership between the Federal
Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") and the National White Collar
Crime Center ("NW3C"), reported that 1.3 million transactions per
day take place on Internet auction sites.' Auction fraud through

167. ExplanatoryReport, supra note 94, art. 7, 81.

168. Id. art. 7, %82.
169. Id.
170. Id.
171. Id.
172. Convention, supra note 6, art. 8.
173. Id.
174. Explanatory Report, supra note 94, art. 8, I86.
175. Id. art. 8, 88.
176. Id. art. 8, 90.
AUCTION FRAUD, May 2001, at Report.pdf (last

the Internet ranks as the most prevalent type of fraud committed

over the Internet, and it comprises sixty-four percent of all fraud
reported. 7 ' This fraud results in a loss of almost four million
dollars per calendar year.'7 9 The creation of a uniform criminal
structure that outlaws the practice of fraud across the globe and
facilitates the cooperation of countries in policing and preventing
fraud in the sales of merchandise online, is a positive step toward
securing the Internet as a safe place to do business. This Article
will strengthen consumer confidence on the Internet and promote
greater usage and integration into our lives.

h. Article 9 - Offenses Related to Child Pornography

Article 9 seeks to strengthen protective measures against sexual
exploitation of children by modernizing current criminal law
provisions.' 0 Many countries, like the United States, already
criminalize the traditional production and distribution of child
pornography.' However, unlike the United States, some countries
fail to expand this prohibition to electronic transmissions. 8 ' The
treaty uses the term "minor" to refer to children under the age of
eighteen.'8 3 This is in accordance with the definition of child under
the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child."s
However, the drafters recognized that some countries have a lower
age for "minors" and allow Convention parties to set "a different
age-limit, provided it is not less than 16 years [of age]."'"
The United States already has a law on the books dealing with
child pornography." 6 The Protection of Children from Sexual
Predators Act makes it illegal to knowingly possess one or more
child pornographic images that have been transmitted in interstate
or foreign commerce, which includes possession of such images on
a computer.'87 If the treaty were to be ratified, it is likely the
defenses attempted by defendants to prosecution under United
States law would also be attempted in prosecutions under the
Convention. Defendants have argued, albeit unsuccessfully, that

visited Feb. 12, 2003).

178. Id.
179. Id.
180. Explanatory Report, supra note 94, art. 9, 9191.
181. Id. art. 9, 93.
182. Id.
183. Id. art. 9, 91104.
184. Id.
185. Id.
186. 18 U.S.C. § 2252 (2000), as amended by Protection of Children from Sexual Predators
Act of 1998, Pub. L. No. 105-314, § 203(a)(1), 112 Stat. 2977, 2978 (1998).
187. See id. § 2252(a)(4)(B).
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 307

computer files are not "visual depictions" as defined in the United

States Code.' 8 This apparently would not change, since the treaty
makes it a crime to possess child pornography on a computer
system, thus making any child pornographic image on a computer
a criminal offense."8 9 Defendants have also argued that the images
had been deleted, and thus, the images were not in their
"possession" within the meaning of section 2252.190 However, the
government can point to other sources of evidence to prove
possession, such as floppy disks, CD-Roms, and computer logs.' 9 '
Article 9 also makes virtual child pornography unlawful. Virtual
child pornography is similar to real child pornography in that it
appears to depict minors in sexually explicit situations, but it has
one significant difference: it is produced through means that do not
involve the use of children. 192 This can be accomplished through the
use of adult actors that look like children, through computer-
generated images, or through a process known as "morphing."19'
Morphing is the alteration of innocent pictures of children into
sexually explicit depictions. 194
The production, possession, and distribution of virtual child
pornography was unlawful under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2252 and 2256.
However, in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, the United States
Supreme Court held that two key provisions of § 2256 were
overbroad and unconstitutional. 195 This holding has tremendous
impact on any future ratification of the Convention into United
States law. Ashcroft held that the statute criminalized speech that
is protected under the First Amendment."9 The government, in
arguing in favor of criminalizing virtual child pornography, made
similar arguments to those of the drafters of the Convention.'9 7
First, the government argued that virtual child pornography can be
used to lure or seduce children into performing illegal acts. 98 The
Court found this argument unpersuasive because it was not the
least restrictive means necessary to accomplish the government's
objective. 199 The Court stated that many inherently innocent objects
could be used to seduce children, including candy and video games,

188. United States v. Hocking, 129 F.3d 1069, 1070 (9th Cir. 199 '7).
189. Convention, supra note 6, art. 9.
190. United States v. Lacy, 119 F.3d 742, 747 (9th Cir. 1997).
191. Id.
192. Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, 535 U.S. 234, 239 (2002).
193. Id. at 242.
194. Id.
195. Id. at 258 (holding 18 U.S.C. §§ 2256(8)(B), 2256(8)(D) uncor astitutional as overbroad).
196. Id. at 256-58.
197. ExplanatoryReport, supra note 94, art. 9, 93.
198. Ashcroft, 535 U.S. at 251.
199. Id. at 252-54.

and therefore it is axiomatic that the government cannot ban speech

intended for adults merely because it may fall into the hands of
children. 200 Next, like the Convention's drafters, the government
argued that virtual child pornography whets the appetites of
pedophiles and encourages them to engage in illegal conduct.2 °' The
Court responded that this is also not a justification for the statute,
because the government "cannot constitutionally premise legislation
on the desirability of controlling a person's private thoughts."2 °2
This is a cornerstone upon which the First Amendment was built. °3
The government next argued that virtual images are
indistinguishable from real ones, part of the same market, and often
exchanged. 2 4 The Court found this unpersuasive as well, stating
that virtual images cannot be "virtually indistinguishable," because
otherwise the illegal images would be driven from the market by the
indistinguishable substitutes. The Court reasoned that "few
pornographers would risk prosecution by abusing real children if
fictional, computerized images would suffice."2 °5
Finally, the government argued that the "possibility of producing
images by using computer imaging makes it... difficult ... to
prosecute those who produce pornography by using real children."2 °6
The government felt it would have difficulty in saying whether the
pictures were made by using real children or by using computer
imaging, and therefore the only solution is to prohibit both kinds of
images. The Court was unpersuaded by this argument as well,
holding that the government cannot 20
prohibit lawful speech as a
means to ensnare unlawful speech.
The application of the arguments made in Ashcroft are
extremely relevant to the justifications for Article 9, as their policy
justifications and prohibitions run parallel. As the situation
currently stands, with sections 2256(8)(B) and 2256(8)(D)
unconstitutional, the United States would be forced to take a limited
reservation to Article 9 should it decide to ratify the Convention.

200. Id.
201. Id. at 253.
202. Id. (quoting Stanley v. Georgia, 394 U.S. 557, 566 (1969)).
203. Ashcroft, 535 U.S. at 253.
204. Id. at 254.
205. Id.
206. Id.
207. Id.
208. Id.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 309

i. Article 10 - Offenses Related to the Infringements of Copyright

and Related Rights
Additionally, Article 10 relates to those offenses that"are among
the most commonly committed offen[sles on the Internet .... The
reproduction and dissemination on the Internet of protected works,
without the approval of the copyright holder, are extremely
frequent."219 Copyright offenses "must be committed 'willfully' for
criminal liability to apply."2 10 "Willfully" was substituted for
"intentionally," because this term is employed in the Agreement on
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ("TRIPS"),
which governs the obligations to criminalize copyright violations.2 '

j. Article 11 - Attempt and Aiding or Abetting

Article 11 establishes offenses related to attempting or aiding
and abetting "the commission of the offenses defined in the
Convention."2 2 Liability under this Article arises when "the person
who commits a crime established in the Convention is aided by
another who also intends that the crime be committed."2 3 For
example, the transmission of a virus is an act that triggers the
operation of a number of articles of the Convention. However,
transmission can only take place through an ISP. "A service
provider that does not have the requisite criminal intent cannot
incur liability under this section." 21 4 Therefore, there is no duty
under this section for an ISP to actively monitor content in order to
avoid criminal liability under this section.21 8

k. Article 12 - CorporateLiability
This Article "deals with the liability of legal persons."2 1 6 Four
conditions must be met in order to establish liability.1 7 First, a
described offense must have been committed.2 18 Second, it must
have been committed to benefit a legal person.2 19 Third, a person
who is in a "leading position" must be the one who committed the

209. ExplanatoryReport, supra note 94, art. 10, $ 107.

210. Id. art. 10, 91113.
211. Id.
212. Id. art. 11, %118.
213. Id. art. 11, 1 119.
214. Id.
215. Id.
216. Id. art. 12, 123.
217. Id. art. 12, T 124.
218. Id.
219. Id.

offense, which could include a director. 220 Finally, "the person who
has a leading position must have acted.. . within the scope of his or
her authority to engage the liability of the legal person."22 ' In the
case of an offense committed by an agent or employee of the
corporation, the offense must have been made possible by the
leading person's "failure to take appropriate and reasonable
measures to prevent employees or agents from committing criminal
activities on behalf of the [corporation].... 222 Appropriate and
reasonable measures are determined by examining the type of
business, its size, the standards or established business practices,
and other like factors.22' However,
liability of a corporation does not
exclude individual liability.

1. Article 13 - Sanctionsand Measures

Article 13 completes Section 1 of the Convention by requiring
Convention parties to provide criminal sanctions that are "effective,
proportionate, and dissuasive" and "include the possibility of
imposing prison sentences."22 The drafters intended that this
Article leave discretionary power to Convention parties "to create a
system of criminal offences and sanctions" that are compatible with
their existing national legal systems.226

6. Convention Section 2 - Prosecutorial and Procedural

The articles in this section describe procedural measures that
Convention parties must take "at the national level for the purpose
of criminal investigation of the offences established in Section 1.,227
This section is intended to overcome some of the challenges
associated with policing the ever-expanding information highway.228
Some of those challenges are: (1) the difficulty in identifying the
perpetrator, (2) the difficulty in determining "the extent and impact
of the criminal act," (3) the difficulty in dealing with the volatility
of electronic data, and (4) the difficulty in maintaining the speed
and secrecy vital in the success of a cybercrime investigation.229

220. Id.
221. Id.
222. Id. art. 12, 125.
223. Id.
224. Id. art. 12, 127.
225. Id. art. 13, 128.
226. Id. art. 13, 130.
227. Id. art. 13, § 2, 131.
228. Id. art. 13, § 2, 132.
229. Id. art. 13, § 2, 133.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 311

These challenges pose major problems for investigators since

electronic data can be altered, moved, or deleted within seconds,
which may very well be the only evidence in a criminal
investigation.23 °
One way in which the Convention overcomes these problems is
by adapting traditional procedures, like search and seizure, to an
ever-changing technological landscape.2 3 ' However, in order to
make these traditional crime investigation methods effective, new
measures have been created.2 32 Examples ofthose measures include
the expedited preservation of data, "[the] real-time 233
collection of
traffic data, and the interception of content data."

a. Article 15 - Conditionsand Safeguards

Article 15 establishes minimum safeguards upon the procedures
instituted within Convention party legal systems, which may be
provided constitutionally, legislatively, or judicially.2 34 Parties are
to ensure that their safeguards provide for the adequate protection
of human rights and liberties.2 3 5 However, the Convention only
refers to parties who have human rights obligations under
previously signed treaties. 236 The Convention seemingly leaves the
point moot for parties that have not signed any international human
rights treaties.2 3 7 Opponents to the Convention argue that the
treaty infringes upon basic human rights and liberties, most notably
the right to privacy.

b. Article 16 - Expedited Preservationof Stored Computer Data

Article 16 relates to the expedited preservation of stored
computer data, a new measure implemented in order to facilitate
the investigation of cybercrimes. 23' This Article applies only to data
that has already been collected and retained by ISPs. 239 One must
not confuse "data preservation" with "data retention." 24 0 For
purposes of this Article, data retention merely relates to the
protection from deterioration of data already existing in stored

230. Id.
231. Id. art. 13, § 2, 91134.
232. Id.
233. Id.
234. Id. art. 15, 91145.
235. Id.
236. Convention, supra note 6, art. 15.
237. Id.
238. Id. art. 16.
239. Explanatory Report, supra note 94, tit. 2, J 149.
240. Id. art. 15, tit. 2, %151.

form.2 4 ' On the other hand, data retention, or the process of storing
and compiling data, does not apply under this Article.2 42 The
concept of "data preservation" is a new legal power in many
domestic laws, brought about by because of the ability for computer
data to be destroyed or lost through careless handling and storage
processes.24 3 The statute operates in one of two ways: (1) the
competent authorities in the Convention party country simply
access, seize and secure the relevant data, or (2) where a reputable
business is involved, competent authorities can issue an order to
preserve the relevant data.244 Convention parties are thus required
to introduce a power that would enable law enforcement authorities
to order the preservation of data for a particular period of time not
exceeding 90 days. 245 Data such as this is frequently stored only for
short periods of time, since these laws are designated to protect
privacy and because the costs are high when preserving this type of
data. 4 6

c. Article 17 - Expedited Preservationand PartialDisclosureof

Traffic Data
Article 17 establishes specific obligations with respect to the
preservation of "traffic data" under Article 16. In addition, it
provides for quick disclosure of some "traffic data," so authorities
can identify the person or persons who have distributed such things
as child pornography or computer viruses.2 47 Recall that "traffic
data" merely indicates where and how a virus or email was
transmitted, but not who transmitted it or what it contained.2 4 8
This section is most important when considering the following
example. Often, more than one service provider is

involved in the transmission of a communication.

Each service provider may possess some 'traffic data'
related to the transmission of the specified
communication, which either has been generated and
retained by that service provider in relation to the

241. Id.
242. Id. art. 15, tit. 2, 1I 151, 152.
243. Id. art. 15, tit. 2, 155.
244. Id.
245. Id. tit. 2, 156.
246. Id. art. 17, $ 166.
247. Id. art. 17, 9191165, 166.
248. Id. art. 1(d), 191 28-31.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 313

[actual] passage of the communication through its

system or has been provided [by] other [ISPs] .249

For commercial, security or technical purposes, sometimes "traffic

data" is shared among the service providers involved.2 5 °

In such a case, any one of the service providers may

possess the crucial traffic data that is needed to
determine the source or destination of the
communication. Often, however, no single service
provider possesses enough of the [important 'traffic
data'] to be able to determine the actual source or
destination of the communication. Each possesses
one part of the puzzle, and each of these parts needs
to be examined in order to identify the source or
destination.2 5 '

The preferred method for accomplishing the expedited

preservation and partial disclosure of "traffic data" is to enact
legislation enabling authorities to obtain a single order, the scope of
which would apply to all ISPs involved in a communication and
"[t]his comprehensive order could be served
sequentially on each
service provider identified in the order."

d. Article 18- ProductionOrder

Article 18 relates to production orders, which specifically allow
"competent authorities to compel a person in its territory to provide
specified stored computer data" or to compel an ISP to provide
subscriber information.25 3 This Article strictly relates to production
of stored or existing data, not "traffic data" or "content data related
to future communications."2 4 Production orders precede search and
seizure as a means of obtaining specific data.2 5

e. Article 19 - Search and Seizure of Stored Computer Data

Article 19, which relates to search and seizure, aims at
modernizing and harmonizing differing domestic laws.2 5 In many

249. Id. art. 17, 167.

250. Id.
251. Id.
252. Id. art. 17, 168.
253. Id. art. 18, 170.
254. Id.
255. Id. art. 18, 175.
256. Id. art. 19, 184.

countries, stored computer data is not considered a tangible object,

and thus, cannot be searched and seized in the same manner as a
tangible object. 257 This Article aims to establish an equivalent
search and seizure power ranging from tangible objects to stored
computer data. 25 ' The preconditions required to search and seize
property, such as probable cause, will remain the
However, additional procedural provisions are necessary "to
ensure that computer data can be obtained in a manner.., equally
effective to a search and seizure [for] a tangible data carrier."2 6 °
There are a number of reasons for this:

[F]irst, the data is in intangible form.... Second,

while the data may be read with the use of computer
equipment, it cannot be seized and taken away in the
same sense as [tangible goods].... Third, due to
[interconnected networks], data may not be stored in
the particular computer that is searched, but such
data may be readily accessible to that system.26 1

In the second case, either the physical medium on which the

intangible data is stored must be seized or taken away, or a copy of
the data must be made in either tangible form, such as a computer
printout, or in intangible form, such as a diskette, before the
tangible or intangible medium containing the copy can be seized and
taken away. 262

f. Article 20 -Real-Time Collection of Traffic Data

Article 20 takes into account the importance of collecting "traffic
data" to determine the source or destination of the cybercrime being
committed. 263 "Like real-time interception of content data, real-time
collection of 'traffic data' is only effective if undertaken without the
knowledge" of the suspect. 264 Therefore, ISPs knowledgeable about
the interception must be required to maintain complete secrecy in
order for this to be successful.2 65 One way to achieve the necessary

257. Id.
258. Id.
259. Id. art. 19, 186.
260. Id. art. 19, 187.
261. Id.
262. Id.
263. Id. art. 20, 216.
264. Id. art. 20, 225.
265. Id.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 315

secrecy is by relieving the service provider of any contractual or

legal obligation to notify its customers about the data being
collected.26 6 This can be accomplished through a law requiring
confidentiality, or by threatening an obstruction of justice charge
against the ISP should it fail.

g. Article 21 -Interception of Content Data

Article 21, "interception of content data," has traditionally been
carried out through governmental monitoring of telephone
conversations.2 6 7 However, recently, the rising popularity of
communication through the Internet has made "tapping the net" a
priority for law enforcement officials. The fact that computers are
capable of transmitting not only words but also visual images and
sounds makes it even easier for crimes to be committed.2 6 "Content
data refers to the communication content of the communication," or
in other words, the gist of the message.26 9

h. Article 22 - Jurisdiction
Article 22 simply establishes that member countries must enact
laws enabling them to have jurisdiction over all the previous crimes
described above should they occur in any one of four places: (1) in
the member country's territory, (2) on board a ship flying the flag of
that country, (3) on board an aircraft registered under the laws of
that country, or (4) outside the territory of the country but
committed by one of its nationals. 27 0 A party would establish
territorial jurisdiction if the person attacking the computer system
and the victim were located within the country, or where the victim
was inside the territory but the attacker was not.2 7 ' The remaining
jurisdictional sections are rather self-explanatory.

7. Convention Section 3 - InternationalCooperation

This section contains a series of provisions relating to the
mutual legal assistance member countries must afford each other
under the Convention.2 7 2 This section causes grave concern for
2 3
many United States businesses and interest groupsY. This concern

266. Id. art. 20, 226.

267. Id. art. 21, 228.
268. Id.
269. Id. art. 21, 229.
270. Convention, supra note 6, art. 22.
271. Explanatory Report, supra note 94, art. 22, 233.
272. Id. ch. 3, 240.
273. See Mike Godwin, International Treaty on Cybercrime Poses Burden on High Tech

stems from the fact that although it may not be such a big deal to
have the United States government wield greater power, the same
new powers will also be given to member countries that may not
"have a strong tradition of checks and balances on police power."27 4
United States companies do not want foreign investigators
searching through domestic computer systems based on a warrant
issued under the Convention. 5
The following example illustrates why United States companies
should have cause for concern. Suppose a Seattle University law
student, while researching a potential research topic, corresponds
by e-mail with an Al-Qaeda member in Italy. A few days later the
unknowing student finds federal agents examining the files on his
home computer. The agents also visit the student's ISP, Seattle
University, to retrieve records of the student's computer usage. The
agents are basing their authority on a warrant that was issued by
Italian authorities, which allows them to search for Al Qaeda
locations and documents. Italian officials framed their warrant in
terms of "suspected terrorist activity." Maybe the student should
have anticipated this scenario, given the vigor with which the world
is cracking down on Al-Qaeda members. Even if the law student is
willing to run the risk, and bear the burden, of this kind of search,
should Seattle University?
Larger ISPs, such as America Online, get dozens of search
warrants and subpoenas every month. This treaty would change
everything by not only requiring them to respond to those submitted
by United States law enforcement officials, they would also have to
respond to warrants and court orders from dozens of nations. All
ISPs, phone companies, and other businesses would be forced into
cooperating with investigations. This equates to higher storage,
investigative and retrieval costs for this extra data. These higher
costs would likely be passed down to the consumer in the form of
higher monthly service rates.
The opposing argument is plausible, however; ISPs should
expect this sort of intrusion as a cost of doing business in the
Internet era. The problem again lies in the fact that these added
costs will be passed down to the consumer. Additionally, if two
companies have cabled together two computers, the second company
could be forced to comply with investigations of other ISPs, which
would cause even more problems.

Companies, IP WORLDWIDE, Apr. 4, 2001, at http'/

274. Id.
275. Id.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 317

a. Article 23 - General Principles Relating to International

Article 23 begins this section by outlining "general principles" of
mutual legal assistance. Cooperation is to be extended for all
crimes described above, as well as for the collection of data and
evidence in electronic form for the criminal offense. 6

b. Article 24 - Extradition
Article 24 deals with extradition of criminals between member
countries. "The obligation to extradite applies only to" those crimes
committed in Articles 2 thru 11.2 7 A threshold penalty also exists
to minimize the massive extradition of criminals.2 78 Under certain
offenses, like illegal access (Article 2) and data interference (Article
4), member countries are permitted to impose short periods of
incarceration. 279 Accordingly, extradition can only be sought where
the maximum penalty is at least one year in jail.2 8 °
Important policy considerations are furthered by adding an
extradition provision. By all the countries prosecuting the same
crimes and sending criminals from one jurisdiction to another,
criminals effectively cannot hide from the law when committing a
crime within the Convention's jurisdiction. Because the deterrence
of crime is an important policy goal of any criminal law statute, as
well as this Convention, the extradition provision strengthens the
entire Convention. In fact, extradition laws governing computer
crimes are "hopelessly outdated and therefore, lagging behind the
forces they are trying to regulate." 281' This lack of uniformity results
in lax treatment of cybercriminals, allowing them to escape law
enforcement officials by fleeing to countries unwilling to extradite
a suspected criminal. This Convention provision is an important
step in harmonizing extradition laws between member countries
and bringing reluctant countries up to date.

276. Explanatory Report, supra note 94, art. 23, 243.

277. Id. art. 24, 245.
278. Id.
279. Id.
280. Id.
281. Cesare, supra note 157, at 153 (quotingJohn T. Soma et. al., TransnationalExtradition
for Computer Crimes: Are New Treatises and Laws Needed? 34 HARV. J. ON LEGIS. 317,317-

c. Article 25 - General PrinciplesRelating to MutualAssistance

Article 25 requires mutual assistance "to the widest extent
possible."28 2 Provisions from this Article include communications
which are made through email and other means. For the most part,
this treaty section is considered harmless, and therefore this section
is uncontested by civil libertarians.

d. Article 26 - Spontaneous Information

Article 26 discusses "spontaneous information" and refers to
those times when a member country obtains vital information to a
case that it believes may assist another member country in a
criminal investigation or proceeding. 8 3 In these situations, the
member country that does not have the data may not even know it
exists, and thus will never generate a request for such data. This
section empowers the country with the "spontaneous information" 28 4
to forward it to applicable foreign officials without a prior request.
While this might seem obvious and needless to a United States
citizen, this provision is very useful in an multilateral treaty such
as this, because under the laws of some member states, "a positive
grant of legal authority is needed in 28order 5
to" effectuate the
provision of assistance absent a request.

e. Article 27 - Procedures Pertaining to Mutual Assistance

Requests In the Absence of Applicable InternationalAgreements
Article 27 relates to mutual assistance in the absence of
applicable international agreements. In other words, it establishes
a mutual set of rules when parties are not already obliged under the
European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
and its Protocol, or other similar treaties. 286 The terms of applicable
agreements can be supplemental to the Convention as long as
member countries continue to also apply the terms of this
provision. 2187 Parties must establish a central authority "responsible
for sending and answering requests for [assistance]. " '2 This is
particularly helpful in expediting the rapid transmission 219
information in combating and prosecuting cybercrimes.

282. Explanatory Report, supra note 94, art. 25, 1 253.

283. Id. art. 26, T$9260, 261.
284. Id. art. 26, 91260.
285. Id.
286. Id. art. 27, 262.
287. Id. art. 27, T 263.
288. Convention, supra note 6, art. 27.
289. Explanatory Report, supra note 94, art. 27, T 265.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 319

One important objective of this section "is to ensure that its

domestic laws governing the admissibility of evidence are fulfilled,"
so that the evidence can be used before the court. 29" To ensure that
this result is accomplished, member countries are required to
"execute requests in accordance with procedures specified by the
requesting party" so its domestic laws are not infringed. 291 This is
required, unless the request violates the host country's domestic
laws, then the county is not obliged to follow. 292 For example, a
procedural requirement of one party may be that a witness
statement be given under oath. "Even if the requested party does
not" have this requirement,
29 3
"it should honur [sic] the requesting
party's request."

f Article 28 - Confidentiality and Limitation on Use

Article 28 specifically provides for confidentiality and limitations
on use of information in order to preserve sensitive materials of a
host country. This Article only applies when no mutual assistance
treaty exists.294 When such a treaty already exists, its provision
apply in lieu of this provision, unless the countries agree
otherwise.29 5 Two types of confidentiality requests can be made by
member countries. First, a party "may request that the information
or material furnished be kept confidential where the request could
not be complied with in the absence of such condition."296 "Second,
the requested party may make furnishing of the information or
material dependent upon the condition that it not be used for
29 7
or proceedings other than those stated in the

g. Article 29 - Expedited Preservationof Stored Computer Data

Article 29, mutual assistance related to the expedited
preservation of stored computer data, is in most respects identical
to Article 16, except that it relates to international cooperation.
Drafters agreed that a mechanism needed to be in place to ensure
the availability of this type of data when a lengthier and more
involved process of a mutual assistance request is handled.298

290. Id. art. 27, 267.

291. Id.
292. Id.
293. Id.
294. Id. art. 28, 276.
295. Id.
296. Id. art. 28, 277.
297. Id. art. 28, 278.
298. Id. art. 29, 282.

h. Article 30 - Expedited Disclosure of Preserved Traffic Data

Likewise, Article 30, mutual assistance related to the expedited
disclosure of preserved "traffic data," is the mutual assistance arm
of Article 17.299 Therefore, it needs little discussion.

i. Article 31 - Mutual Assistance RegardingAccessing of Stored

Computer Data
Article 31 requires that each member country have the ability to
search, access, or seize "data stored by means of a computer system
located within its territory" for the benefit of another member
country. °° Paragraph one authorizes a member country to request
this type of assistance, and paragraph two requires the host country
30 1
to provide it.

j. Article 32 - Trans-BorderAccess to Stored Computer Data

With Consent or Where Publicly Available
Article 32 deals with "[tirans border access to stored computer
data with consent or where publicly available," which merely makes
it permissible for a publicly available source of data to be available
to a member country unilaterally and without a mutual assistance
request, while at the same time, not preparing a comprehensive,
legally binding system. °2

k. Article 33 - Mutual Assistance Regarding the Real-Time

Collection of Traffic Data
Article 33 makes it law that each party is obliged to collect real
time "traffic data" for another member country."' °

1. Article 34 - Mutual Assistance Regarding the Interception of

Content Data
Article 34 is another hot button issue in this treaty because it
discusses the cooperation and sharing of information obtained
through means such as eavesdropping and wiretapping. In
addition, it relates to the mutual assistance regarding the
interception of content data.3 °4
0 The assistance provided in this

299. Id. art. 30, $1290.

300. Id. art. 31, 91292.
301. Id.
302. Id. art. 32, T 293.
303. Id. art. 33, 91295.
304. Id. art. 34, 91297.
Spring, 20031 CYBERCRIME 321

provision is limited by the mutual assistance regimes already in

place and the domestic laws already enacted. 0 5

m. Article 35 - 24 / 7 Network
Article 35 is a very interesting provision. The "24/7 network" is
a way to effectively combat crimes committed through the use of
computer systems when those crimes require a rapid response. This
Article obligates each country to designate a point of contact that is
available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.30 6 This Article was
considered by the drafters to be one of the most important means of
effectively responding
to law enforcement challenges posed by

8. Convention Section 4 - FinalProvisions

a. Article 36 - Signature and Entry Into Force
Article 36, entitled "Signature and entry into force," allows non-
COE states to become signatories, in addition to COE states who
had participated in drafting the Convention.0" The Convention does
not enter into force until five countries have ratified it, three of
which must be COE states.0 9

b. Article 37-Accession to the Convention

Article 37 deals with those states which have not participated in
the drafting but, nevertheless, are interested in signing and
ratifying the treaty. 310 A formal procedure is required "to invite a
non-member State to accede" which requires a two-thirds majority
to be present in addition to a "unanimous vote of the representatives
of the contracting parties" in order for the state to accede.31 1

c. Article 38 - TerritorialApplication
Article 38, "territorial application," simply provides that a
member country must express to which territories it intends the
Convention to apply upon signature and ratification.3 2

305. Id.
306. Id. art. 35, 1298.
307. Id.
308. Id. art. 36, 304.
309. Id. art. 36, 305.
310. Id. art. 37, 306.
311. Id.
312. Convention, supra note 6, art. 38(1).

d. Article 39 - Effects of Convention

Article 39 relates to the Convention's relationship with other
international agreements, particularly how pre-existing conventions
of the COE should relate to each other or to other treaties concluded
outside the COE.313 In particular, member countries should adhere
to "the rule of interpretation lex specialis derogat legi generali," or
in other words, precedent should be given to the rules contained in
this Convention. 1 4

e. Article 40 -- Declarations
Article 40, "[d]eclarations," refers to certain articles contained
within the Convention that permit parties to include specific
" 31
"additional elements which modify the scope of the provisions. 1
Also, these elements were added to accommodate certain legal
differences between member countries. 31 6 These "should be
distinguished from 'reservations,' which permit a party to exclude
or modify the legal effect of certain obligations set forth in the
Convention."3 17

f Article 41 - Federalism Clause

Article 41 is another important clause added to the Convention.
The "federalism clause" allows for a special kind of declaration that
is intended to accommodate the difficulties certain countries might
face with regimes that distribute power between central and
regional authorities.3 " The Convention was originally crafted with
countries that had non-federalist governmental regimes in mind. In
other words, the Convention was crafted with European countries
in mind, which have one single police power. Countries such as the
United States that have federal-as well as state-laws, would have
been unable to sign the treaty without a federalism clause.3 19 The
reason is that some computer crimes committed wholly within a
state would be considered state crimes, even though the federal
government could ratify the treaty. Additionally, if the individual
states did not consent to the Convention application, or consent to
the new federal law, then the treaty would not extend to all

313. ExplanatoryReport, supra note 94, art. 39, T 308.

314. Id. art. 39, 309.
315. Id. art. 40, 315.
316. Id.
317. Id.
318. Id. art. 41, 316.
319. Id. art. 41, 317.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 323

territories within a state. 32" The COE added this clause so

countries, such as the United States, would ratify this agreement.
This clause is a source of controversy for many non-federalist
countries because they are skeptical of the extent to which non-
federalist countries can convince their constituent state
governments to adhere to the treaty provisions.

g. Articles 42 & 43 - Reservations and Status and Withdrawal

of Reservations
Articles 42 and 43 allow certain reservations to be made at the
time of signature or ratification for those allowable reservations
enumerated within the Convention.3 2 1

h. Article 44 -- Amendments
Article 44 allows for amendments to be made to the
Convention. 2 Any amendments adopted would come into force only
when all of the member countries "have informed the Secretary
General of their acceptance."3 23

i. Article 45 - Settlement of Disputes

Article 45 "provides that the European Committee on Crime
Problems ("CDPC") should be kept informed about the
interpretation and application of the provisions of the
Convention."3 2 4 Three means of dispute resolution are provided
within this section, which are the CDPC,325"an arbitral tribunal or the
International Court of Justice" ("ICJ").

j. Article 46 - Consultationof the Parties

Article 46 creates a framework for the Parties to consult
regarding implementation of the Convention, the effect of significant
legal, policy or technological developments pertaining to the subject
of computer or computer related crime and the collection of evidence
in electronic form, and the possibility of supplementing or amending
the Convention.32 6

320. See id.

321. Id. art. 42, 320, 321.
322. Convention, supranote 6, art. 44.
323. Explanatory Report, supranote 94, art. 44, %325.
324. Id. art. 45, 1 326.
325. Id. art. 45, 91327.
326. Id. art. 46, %328.

k. Article 47 -- Denunciation
Article 47 permits a member country to denounce the
Convention. 3 v A country's denunciation would "become effective on
the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of
three months after the date of receipt" and notification by the
Secretary General.328

1. Article 48 - Notification
Article 48 requires notification to member countries of
signatories and ratifications when they occur.3 29

m. Secret "Second Protocol"

Additionally, the COE may add a secret 'Second Protocol' to the
treaty, which would cover the decoding of terrorist messages on the
Internet.33 ° It is certain that this new addition will come under
heavy attack, particularly since privacy groups and civil libertarians
have strongly voiced their opposition to the "existing cybercrime
treaty for the last two years."331


Before ratification by the United States, the Convention will face
a myriad of oppositional forces. Those opposing the Convention
make a number of compelling arguments: (1) the Convention
curtails freedom of expression online, (2) the Convention
overextends the investigative powers of police and governmental
organizations, (3) the Convention demands too much of companies
and individuals by requiring them to provide law enforcement with
far greater information than is now the norm under most
telecommunications laws, and (4) the Convention infringes upon
citizen civil liberties.
The second argument made by those opposed to the Convention
is that the government is granted an excessive amount of
investigatory power, which is best illustrated in the example of call
data vs. "traffic data." Presently, law enforcement agencies are
allowed to seek call related data, which includes the phone numbers
that are dialed and the duration of the calls. However, under the

327. Convention, supra note 6, art. 47(1).

328. Id. art. 47(2).
329. Id. art. 48.
330. Council of Europe-Treaty Change May Allow Greater Surveillance of Terrorists,
PERISCOPE-DAILY DEF. NEWS CAPSULES, Feb. 21, 2002, available at 2002 WL 5970273.
331. Id.
Spring, 2003] CYBERCRIME 325

Convention, law enforcement authorities would have the right to

wide-ranging "traffic data," which includes the source, destination,
and duration of calls, as well as the type of traffic or the sort of
services consulted. Such a request could force an ISP to inform law
enforcement agencies that a client visited a particular website for
thirty minutes, downloaded ten images, and then sent emails to
three specific addresses. Whether this is a violation of a person's
right to privacy is an issue hotly contested.
The third argument touches upon the corporate opponents'
Convention concerns. ISPs and other related businesses are
reluctant to divulge their confidential client records, known as
"subscriber data," at the whim of an investigating governmental
agency. Companies are also concerned with the increased costs
associated with retaining and preserving data should an order be
served upon the company to do so. In all likelihood, however, these
costs will be passed along to the consumer in the form of higher
connection and subscriber fees. Thus, it is ultimately the consumer
that will need to weigh the importance of policing cybercrime with
the increased cost associated with Internet access when deciding
whether to support the Convention.
The fourth argument, that civil liberties will be infringed,
appears to be an unfounded concern. Article 15 requires member
countries "to establish conditions and safeguards to be applied to
the" governmental powers established in Articles 16 thru 2 1.332
Those conditions and safeguards are required "to protect human
rights and liberties."33 Article 15 in fact "lists some specific
safeguards, such as requiring judicial supervision, that should be
applied where appropriate in light of the power or procedure

Cybercrimes are not confined within national borders. A
criminal armed with a computer and a connection has the capability
to victimize people, businesses, and governments anywhere in the
world. The criminal can commit violent crimes, participate in
international terrorism, sell drugs, commit identity theft, send
viruses, distribute child pornography, steal intellectual property and
trade secrets, and illegally access private and commercial computer
systems. These criminals can hide their tracks by weaving their
communications through numerous ISPs.

332. FrequentlyAsked Questions, supra note 136.

333. Id.
334. Id.

For example, consider a computer hacker in Vancouver, British

Columbia, who disrupts a corporation's communications network in
Seattle, Washington. Before accessing the corporation's computer,
he routes his communication through ISPs in Japan, Italy, and
Australia. In such a case, Canadian law enforcement would need
assistance from authorities in Tokyo, Rome and Sydney before
discovering that the criminal is right in their own backyard.
International crimes such as these have impeded law
enforcement efforts in ways never before contemplated. While the
Internet is borderless for criminals, law enforcement agencies must
respect the sovereignty of other nations. Thus, cooperation with
foreign law enforcement agencies in fighting cybercrimes is
paramount to any effort to catch these criminals. Unfortunately,
differing legal systems and disparities in the law often present
major obstacles. This article is intended to be the first inclusive
survey and analysis of the Council of Europe's Convention on
Cybercrime; the first international legislation designed to
harmonize legal systems and those disparities in the law that make
combating cybercrime so difficult. This article analyzed critical
opinion as well as the drafters' intent regarding specific Convention
provisions, while also explaining the purpose of the different
articles. It also examined a select number of provisions in depth,
determining their impact upon existing United States cybercrime
laws. Finally, the author of this article has intended to remain
neutral on the topic of whether the Convention is ultimately a
positive or negative step forward for both the United States and the
world, with the intent that the reader can form his or her own
educated opinion upon weighing some of the issues raised in this

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