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SIR KHAWAJA HASEEB-UR-REHMAN na sine : f PREPOSITIONS ww ed * COMPILED BY SIR HASEEB UR REHMAN (Teaching Since 2004) LIVE SESSION ON ZOOM \WHATSAPP: 03456081822-03102273564 Before you start 11_ Read the information in the article, Look at the highlighted grammar examples. 2 Now read the sentences. Choose the correct words in italics. The highlighted grammar examples will help you. 1 Our closest theatre festival takes place on / at / in Burnham. > Unit 18 2 Sometimes you can't get close / near / by the stage. > Unit 18 3. Some actors don't like to play opposite / behind / in front of a big crowd. > Unit 19 4 A lot of people go at / in / to the Burnham Theatre festival > Unit 20 5 The Burnham Theatre Festival starts in / on / at August. > Unit 21 6 Most summer festivals here are from July up / in / to September. > Unit 21 7 We try to see a play at the festival in every / on every / every week. > Unit 21 8 Festivals don’t usually take place while / during / from the winter. > Unit 22 9. Most people travel to the festival in / with / by car or train, > Unit 23 10 Tickets are usually fo sale / by sale / fer sale two months before the start, > Unit 24 3 Check your answers below. Then go to the unit for more information and practice. 18 Prepositions of place (1) This is Adnan here. Just a minute, there’s someone at the door. 1 Main uses There's someone at the door Adrian is standing below She's at her desk by 9.00 below _ the clock: at its) every day. © __Thecoats are in the cupboard Write your name at the top below the stairs. of the paper. The rubbish bin is under There are some books in Trae Gy the desk. Fe the cupboard. keep my old school books a ws There was no one in under the bed. the house The cupboard is excite ext to/bylbeside the desk. The computers on thedesk. by 0 ee on 63S He lives in the house epee eco tene beside “© next tolby/beside the school. There's a poster on the wall Adrian is standing near 5 above the desk. 0, thedoor foexe: He lives in the flat above Les © she works at the shop near the shop. the station. 2 Other uses We use at with « home and places of study/work: at home, at school, at university, at work, at the office ® other places in a town: at the doctor's, at the cinema, at the station We use in with © towns and countri in Milan, in Italy, A x Hive-atBuenos-Aires: J Live in Buenos Aires, 1 Europe Practice ‘1 Match the two parts of the sentences. © There were some really good bands A. on the desk in my office. 1 Your coats and scarves are B on the bedroom wall? 2 Who painted that lovely picture C inthe cupboard by the front door. 3. Can you put your old papers in the bin D at her best friend’s wedding. 4 You'll find the tickets E. under the sink? 5 At the moment Meral is living F at the festival last year, © Louisa met her husband G in Izmir, but she comes from Ankara, 2 Complete the conversation with the correct phrases from the box. Listen and check. beside the park in the office block in the park near the festival nearthe-station next to our house A How are you getting to the festival on Saturday? B I’m going by train. We live quite (0) .. near hse. ctatign... ~ it’s only about a fifteen-minute walk. A That's too far with luggage! B_No, I'll take a taxi to the station. The taxi office is (1) .... - A. That'll be expensive. Why don’t you drive here and we can go by bus? The bus stops (2) cosossctnannsnsesncsae FUSE Outside really. ‘Does it stop (3) cescstusene then? Quite near, it’s only about a five-minute walk. Why don’t we just drive? There's parking for the festival (5) , That's true! Let’s do that. B A B But the station is (4) soossiasenee YOU Can Walk straight into the festival. A B 3 Look at the picture. Complete the text with prepositions. Listen and check, Hi Melissa! About Saturday = let's meet at the station, You can't miss it = theres a huge clock (0) ico QMoccon the wall at the frone and theres a car park (1) occu the station, Ill meet you at the taxi stop (2) ... the station - it's just outside. There are some Mite Shops (B) ooo cocccccssnn Ae station and we can have lunch at the café (4) oo occccseee Be department store. The cinema is right (5) the store, 56 we Can gd straight there after lunch. Maggie can't meet us for lunch so shell just meet us (6)... the einerta at 2,30. See you then! Jackie 19 Prepositions of place (2) 11 in front of, behind, opposite, between Joanne is in front of Simon. ay a “Annie sts in front of me in the class. ; ‘Simon is behind Joanne. a A) There's a police car behind our car. ‘The snack bar i opposite the ticket office Peres) Miocene ie pesenice ‘Simon is between Joanne and Marilla ’ That's me in the photo ~ between mum and dad. Ax ¥ The snack bar is opposite the ticket office. 2 Describing a picture We use prepositions to describe where things are in a picture, ‘Read this description of the picture at the top of the page. “The picture shows the entrance to a festival, At the front we can see the ticket office. Three people are waiting for tickets. ‘Ther’ a festival stage at the back. The ticket office is on the left of the picture and the snacks are on the right. In the centre there's a group of people. At the top we can see the sky arud at tite bottom we can see some children. SKH ONLINE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Practice — Look at the plan below. Then choose the correct words in italics. SUED Listen and check. 0 Ais on the right /(lefijof B. SG is opposite / in front of C. 1 Cis opposite / between BandE. 6 Lis onthe right / left of H. 2 Dis in front of | behind E. 7 Eis behind / opposite. 3 Fis opposite / between AandB. 8 Cis on the right / left of E. 4 Gis between / in front of H. Now read the text. Write the correct places in the plan. ‘The biggest building in the shopping centre is the department store. It’s opposite the supermarket and a small hotel. The hotel is on the right of the supermarket. On the right of the hotel is a cinema, and opposite that is the café, which has a lot of tables and chairs in front of it. The café is on the left of the bus station, which is opposite the sports centre. That has a small area behind it with a tennis court. Look at the photo. Complete the text with the correct words from the box. Listen and check. back front left right top ‘The picture shows a scene from Chinese New Year in London. At the (0) .... fi... we can see people holding models of a dragon and a bird. There are some old buildings and shops on the (1) and (2) soon, OF the picture. It is a nice day because we can see blue sky at the @)... Behind all the people, at the 4) oo...» there are more colourful things that are part of the festival. Now look at a picture in the room you are in, or find a picture from this book. Write three sentences with prepositions to describe it. At the, front can. see 20 Prepositions of movement From the ticket office, you go through the main gate and along the path. Go past the toilets and follow the path to the food court. Then 0 round the fountain and across the bridge. The main stage isin front of you 1 afong, past, across, over, through, round, from, to along. §— > Wolk along the path round Go round the fountain, past Go past the toilets from Yeu go from the ticket office = Ee across Go across the bridge. Follow the path to the over 4 Go over the bridge 10; Oo (eipiala through saa Go through the main gate, We also use front in this way: Our English teacher comes/is from New Zealara, j= New Zealand is her country.) 2 into, out of, onto, off , Into is similar to in, but Met) Nef Veet so tna re lacie. Wwe use into for movement. out of ( Can you get my shoes out of the wardrobe? ‘onto The cat jumped onto the table. off The cat jumped off the table. in tor position/place > Unit 18 We get into/out of a car or taxt, but get on/off.a bus, plane, train, ship, bi Get into the car. We're ready to go. 1 felt ill when I got off the ship. BD & tgotinte-thetue / Lgot on the bus. dae) H I SSC MATRA CC] Uy Vc] Practice 1 ~GEMMELESS Read these directions to an arts festival. Then choose the correct words in italics. Listen and check. How to find us lfyou are comming by train, follow these directions from the station to the Arts Centre: When you leave the station, go (Oacrossy through the railway bridge. (1) To / From the bridge, turn right and walk (2) afong / past the path by the river for about 200 metres, then go (3) afong / through the small park on your left Go (4) across / round the statue in the middle and (5) from f past the patk café. Follow the path (6) to / along the main gate and go (7) across through the gate Go (8) along / across the main road and you'll see the Arts Centre in front of you, 2 Complete the sentences with prepositions. Listen and check. © You have to turn your lights on when you go. ##féwglt... the tunnel. 1 1 always walk oon the bridge to get to work, It's quicker. 2 ‘Is this Kew Gardens?’ ‘No. You need to get. the bus at the next stop.’ 3. The doors open at 6.00 p.m. and then people can 0 ............., the cinema, 4 Turn right and go... the post office ~ it's the next building on the right, 5 Walk the lake. The café is on the other side. 3 Complete the description below with prepositions. Use the map to help you. The parade starts at 10.30. We go (0)...2¢.¢f.. the station car park and walk (1)... . the path by the river, and ‘then 902)... .. the tunnel undler the ‘railway into the town centre. We walk @. the hospital (4). Main Street (closed to traffic for the day}. ‘Wego ) . the street and then, (oc ceccsn ssn the main square to the statue ~ ‘we divide into two groups to go (7) .. the statue, and finally, we walk up the steps and @. ... the stage at the other side of A Describe your route to school/work every day. J alwaye walk ¢0, work. 90 out of my apartment and tern left. I walk, aang the sereet.._ past some shops O 49 21 Prepositions of time (1) THEATRE! DANCE! MUSIC! COMEDY! Brighton eRe see ea ot Ca fe stiva | Reo neee Ucn sun ois eal Events at lunchtime on most days and in the evening every day. 1 atin, on The tran arrives at 6.00. eee The film starts at 9.00. ‘at-+ special days or occasions Lucy met an old friend at her sister's wedding. The concert is at lunchtime. times of meals andthe weekend Wingt are you doing at the weekend? There are events in the evening every da parts of the'day i cetera eons » IBS The festivals in May. months, seasons, years, centuries He wes bom in 1994 They built the castle in the eleventh century. The festival starts on 5 Me on dates and days Ni Tier bie Thu seep aRemoor A We say at night, NOT in the night: X Fhesupermarketisopen-itthe-night ¢ The supermarket is open at night, 2 No preposition We don’t use a preposition with © this (morning, week, etc,): What time did you have breakfast this morning? * last (month, year, etc,): The new theatre opemred last month. © next (week, year, etc.): My English course starts next week, sy (day, weekend, ete): There are special events every day. Bk Kevinivexcm-mas-ontast-Teesday: f Kevin's exam was last Tuesday. X Fhneera-festivabiore-in-every February, ¢ There's a festival here every February. 3 in, until, from ... tofuntil My birthday is in five days. (feve days from now) The festival continues until 12 May. (it ends on this date) 9 FESTIVAL The festival lasts from 9 May to/until 12 May. (from the beginning to the end of this time) Use of prepositions in American English > page 317 SKH ONLINE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Practice ‘1 Match the two parts of the sentences, Listen and check. 0 The first men walked on the moon in A 9 June, 1963. 1 Americans usually have family parties in B Saturdays. 2. World War Two lasted from © the moming. 3. People usually do their best work in D 1969. 4 Johnny Depp was born on E November. 5 Children don’t usually go to school on F 1939 until 1945. 2 Look at the notices. Complete the sentences below them. Use the correct prepositions. (EXT TRAIN TO. ee WINCHESTE! HOLIDAY [SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY| SORRY = WE'RE CLOSED “FOR ALL OF JULY 0. Knightley Manor is 1 The train to Winchester 2 The shop is closed only open to the arrives... s “ public 4, the. weekend and leaves . 3. The next term starts 4 The cinema tickets are 5 The next performance half price of the play will be 3 Complete/write the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use the words in brackets (). (EEE Listen and check. 0 Tusually go to the gym at 10.00, (in) [usually go ¢0 the ayn. in. dhe, morning, 1 I went to the gym at 10.30 today. (this) Twent 2. It's Monday 15 June now, I have a doctor's appointment for Monday 22 June, (next) I'm going - x " 3. At the moment I'm working from Monday to Sunday, (every) 4 It’s Monday. The report will be ready on Thursday. (in) S. The builders are starting on Wednesday and working until Saturday. (from ... to) 4 Complete the sentences about you. Use the information in brackets (). (year) I was born .., vt 1486. (year) Iwas born, . 0 1 2. (day, month) My birthday “ 3 (time) I usually get up so and go to bed std 4 5 (period) | usually work / study from (day) Loften take exercise / play a sport 22 Prepositions of time (2) 1 before, after We use before and after with © times: Let’s meet before 7.00. The film starts then. Train tickets are cheaper after 9.30 in the morning. © events/situations: There will be drinks before the film. Let's watch TV after dinner. My grandiother was born before the war. I cari meet you after work. before and after + -ing form > Unit 95.1 2 by, for, during We use by to mean ‘not later than’: Please give me your homework by Friday. (on or before Friday) The holiday will be cheaper if we book it by 30 April. (on or before 30 April) The meeting is on Wednesday so Ill finish the report by then. We use for + a period of time: for an hour, two days, three weeks It means ‘the whole time’: We waited for the bus for an hour. 4 ary & Neco tN clock We use during +an event or situation: — “5a aoug during the flight, the winter, the war Neil Brand plays the piano during the film. Uncle Andy called us during supper with some bad news. Compare during and for: Tonly slept for half an hour during the flight. It rained for two days during our holiday. AB. & tye to-ciasses stung three howrsin-the-afiemoon: ¥ I go to classes for three hours in the afterrioon. for with present perfect ® Unit 53.1 Practice 1 Look at the flight information board. Use the information below to complete it. DEPARTURES: ARRIUALS 68.55 (6). C218 Edinburgh. 09.05 LTG79_ FRANKFURT 09.18 ACIS2S MONTREAL (Dvn. APIGE® PARIS 315 A729 MADRID oS © 89.25 PAGED seen 09.30 BASISS JOHANNESBURG 03.35 L200 FRANKFURT 09.35 DA73S_MUNICH 83.45 OAISIG MILAN (89.55 AADIOT TANGIER 63.50 PASZIO MONTEVIDEO 18.18 tas SM... 18.20 Only ae fight leaves the aitporl belore9 o'eiock in the Two lights arrive froin Pars aller 9.00, BASE34 morning, the 8C218 to Ednburgh aves five minutes after the Air France fight. There are two fights for North America before 9.30, for There are two arrivals from the United States @A4242 Montreal and New York. fom Miami first at 10.10, then PA2190 from Dallas ‘Only two flights leave between 10.00 and 10.30, fifteen minutes after that. the AF1063 to Paris, and ten minutes before that the '5AS202 to Stockholm, 2 Choose the correct words in italies. isten and check. 0 If you aren’t doing anything this evening, let’s go to the cinema during ‘The flight's at 8.00 a.m. so we'll have to get up after / before 6.00 to get to the airport. ‘The last date for your project is 25 March, Please give it to your teacher by / after then. Mike had a bad accident during / for his holiday and was in hospital during / for two weeks. Everything smells very fresh before / after rain. Please don''t talk for / during the exam. We'll send out the interview letters by / after the weekend, so you'll hear early next week. 3 Complete the text with the correct words from the box. {DEH Listen and check. after before by during during far for The Rocks Hotel has welcomed visitors (0) ., 25 years. The following information will help you to have an enjoyable stay: ‘+ The restaurant is open from 6.30 until 9.30 p.m. If you would like an evening meal ees .. this time, please call 135. * Breakfast is served between 6.30 and 9.00 a.m. If you would like breakfast in your foom, please hang the menu card on your door (2) .. 2.00.a.m. + Reception is closed from 11.30 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. If you need a doctor B) cecccrssecocssee the night, please call 100. + We ask guests to leave their rooms by 17.00 a.m. If you wish to keep your room later than this, please let us know (4)... i L SPRING OFFEF 23 Prepositions with other meanings ” x ‘ Last year | went-to the Hay-on-Wye book festa went eth my ovo Dest fend ‘and we went: by bus. It was great: — We went to a realy funny and interesting ‘alk by Charlie Higson. He wrote the Young James Bond books. 1 by We use by to talk about ‘© a way of travelling We went to Hay by bus. Dave goes to work by bike. ‘* a way of communicating: 1 keep in toucle with all my nds by email. ‘* a way of paying for something: | pay for my shopping by credit card. (But we pay for something in cash or by cash.) BA & Ananda zoos to-work-ly foot 7 Amanda goes to work on foot. We also use by to say who wrote or produced something ‘The ‘Young James Bond’ books are by Charlie Higson. “Guemica”is a famous painting by Pablo Picasso. The play ‘Macbeth’ was written by Shakespeare. by with passive form of verb > Unit 96.2 2 with We use with to mean ‘together went to Flay with my two best friends. [My parents are on holiday with my Brother at the moment. ‘We can also use with to say what we use to do something: He pushed the door open with his foot. 3 as, like ‘We use as for a person’s job, or to say what something is used for: ‘Martin works as a waiter in the evenings. You can use the side of a book as a ruler. ‘We use like when we mean ‘similar to’: Debbie's very beautiful - she looks like a model. (She isn’t a model.) This tastes like chocolate. (It isn’t chocolate.) BV We don’t use like when we talk about someane’s job. We use as: X Aeeworkstikes-builder o Alex works as a builder, This is his ob.) Practice 1 Match the sentences 1-5 with the meanings A-F. © That picture is by Karen, when she A She is a photographer. nyasat college B She walks to work. 1 That picture is of Karen, when she ~ was at college C She is in the picture. 2. Karen usually goes to work on foot. D She painted the picture. 3. Karen catches the bus if she's late. She tent 4. Karen works as a photographer. E She isn’t a photographer. 5 Karen looks like a photographer. F. She sometimes goes to work by bus. 2 Complete the conversation with the phrases A-H below. Listen and check, SUE Did you go to any festivals last year? AMY. Yes, we went to one~a film festival in Liverpool. SUE Really? Did you go (0) ..H...? wy Yes. We went toa wonderful talk (1) about Indian films. SUE How did you g0~ (2) ...0:? amy No, we didn’t drive. We went (3) But it was quite expensive — we had to pay for the train fares (4)... sue Mmm, but did you enjoy the festival? AMY Yes, it was great — but Justin fell and hurt his foot and he had to walk (5) for weeks afterwards! SUE Oh, no! Ishe OK now? AMY Yes. He got a book (6)......... with exercises in, and he did those. He's fine no SUE Good, Oh, I neatly forgot. When is the Ely festival this year? AMY Mmm, I've got the information at home. I'll send it to you (7) ‘Sue Great. Thanks. A byemail © by car E bya famous fitness teacher G_with a stick. B by train D by creditcard F byan Indian film director H-with-justin 3 Complete the sentences with as or like. Listen and check. 0 Robert spent years ...4¢... a carpenter before he became a teacher. 1 Your brother really looks ....... that footballer in Real Madrid. 2. Marina loves going to parties, most girls of her age. 3. You can use this sofa a bed. It’s really comfortable. 4 Mmm, your perfume smells roses. It's lovely. 5. The TV chef Gordon Ramsay trained a footballer when he was young. 1 Change the sentences so they are true for you. 0 [pay for most things by cheque. ,f pay for mace, things in.cashs, 1 Hook like my father. ... 2 I live with two other students. 3 4 Hove music by Mozart. always go to work by car. SKH ONLINE ENGLISH LANGUAGE 24 common phrases with prepositions 11 Phrases of place PHRASE EXAMPLE athome I’m usually at home in the evenings at atschool The children are at school next week so we can't come. at work Robert's at work now — why don't you call him there? in inbed Teenagers often stay in bed tll late. Where are you going on holiday this year? on 07 Polity Melissa's in Rome on business this week (working there) A We don't use to with home, here ot there X Fnetired-bantie-goto-homenow, f Unt tired, L want to g0 leone now. 2 Phrases of time PHRASE: (MEANING: EXAMPLE at first in the beginning At first was unhappy at college but now I really ike it at at ast after along time At last it stopped raining so we went outside. at once immediately The ambulance arrived almost at once. at thesame time together You can’t watch TV and study at the same time. ina hurry ae aquicky'62"'tttk now Ym na hurry in in theend finally We solved the problem in the end, after a lot of work. in time Soe ‘Make sure you get home in time for dinner. on ontime atthe right time Thepplanelleft on time. In time means ‘early enough for something’ I didn’t arrive at the station in time for the six o'clock train, so I had to wait for the next one. On time means ‘at the correct tim Last year 92 percent of South-East trains left on time. 3 Other common phrases PHRASE ‘MEANING ‘EXAMPLE by chance YOUST POET OF We found thi wonderful restaurant by chance by : ; : you did not intend —_/ sent that email by mistake ~/ didn't want you Pyimistoke) do toread it inkve loving someone ina My father says that he’s still in love with my romantic way. mother after twenty-five years! in in public WHE Fe everyone AN 195 very nervous the first time I spoke in public. see/hear where other people i inpriare | here ones Can we discuss your work in private? The motorway was closed because a car was on fire burning eae ‘on purpose deliberately J didn’t get wet on purpose | fell the water. for forsale ——_-you-can buyit The house at the end of the road is for sale. outof outoforder not working The lift is out of order. Weill have to use the stairs. Practice ‘1 Complete the sentences with prepositions, (DEE Listen and check. 0 Which languages do you study ...4¢... school in your country? 1 Can I talk to you private after the class? 2 It’s dangerous to drive and talk ona mobile phone ........ the same time, 3 Treally like the handbag in the window. Is it... sale? 4 The police found the money chance when they searched the apartment. 5 Ahmed travels to Switzerland every month ..... business. 6 After nearly an hour, our bus arrived , last! 2 (GEMLAEES complete the story with the correct words and phrases from the box. at first atonce home in-ahurry inthe end intime on fire We had a terrible experience a few weeks ago. One evening, a friend of ours had dinner with us, and we drove him to the station after our meal. We were quite late for his train so we left the house (0) .itt.4.Juerry., and | forgot to turn off the cooker, When we got (1) r from the station, the kitchen was (2) ..... au! We were shocked (3) cocoa but then we called the fire service, They arrived almost (4) , and put the fire out, We were lucky that they put the fire out (5) .......... to save our kitchen - there wasn't much damage, so everything was OK (6) 3 Write the sentences again. Replace the underlined words with a common phrase. 0 I'm really sorry I took your coat —1 didn’t do it deliberately. Ait cab, ROTA ROA. OI GON ok EAE MOH OM RMNROER, 1 The film seemed very boring in the beginning, but then it got better, 2 I’m going to be in Prague for work next week. 3. Please make sure that you arrive at the correct time for your appointment. 4 Ifyou hear the bell, go to your class immediately. 5 The coffee machine isn’t working again. 4 There are five more mistakes with prepositions in the conversation. Find and correct them. {SBEi0 Listen and check. A. Did you get tickets for Radiohead? A Well, I'm actually by holiday from work B Yes, I did. 1 had to phone the box office that day. I’ll meet you to there. about ten times but I got through B Can you meet me at 6.30? It starts at 8.00 &h the end. and I want to be there by time — at least an A That's great! hour before it starts. B I've got tickets for Friday 15th - I'll be A Yes, that’s fine. I'll drive and park nearby, on work that day, so I'll go straight from then I can drive you to home afterwards, the office to Wembley Stadium. B Thanks. That's great, Complete the sentences with one of the prepositions from the box. . When we met university it was love first sight. . Iwent home midnight because | was so tired. . They didn’t give her any alcohol because she was age. . |was so distracted that | put salt into my coffee accident. . There is no solution this problem. . John has a reputation being late all the time. . She hasn't got any money left. other words, she's broke. Could you call tomorrow? I'm not such a good mood today. 9. She took me the hand, and we walked along the beach. 10.1 washed his car exchange some pocket money. 11. This is my first visit Singapore. 12.1 had a lot of fun the summer camp and improved my English the same time. 13.1 studied history and geography university. 14. The bridge was closed the weekend because it was repair. 15,l always buyeggs__——_—sthe dozen. 16. His talent singing was impressive. 17.We had to learn all the poems heart. 18. The decision that the officials made is still review, 19.1 left him charge all the network servers. 20.1'm sorry but the book is of print at the moment. 21. We have to tidy up the house. It's such a mess, 23, general, | think that Americans are very friendly. 23.1 couldn't hide my love her any longer 24,1 try to buy fruit and vegetables that are season. 25. The question took him surprise. KEY 1. When we met at university it was love at first sight. . | went home at midnight because | was so tired. . They didn't give her any alcohol because she was under age. . |was so distracted that | put salt into my coffee by accident. . There is no solution to this problem. . John has a reputation for being late all the time. . She hasn't got any money left. In other words, she's broke. . Could you call tomorrow? I'm not in such a good mood today. pon nannw pwn . She took me by the hand, and we walked along the beach. 10.1 washed his car in exchange for some pocket money. 11.This is my first visit to Singapore. 12.1 had a lot of fun at the summer camp and improved my English at the same time. 13.1 studied history and geography at university. 14.The bridge was closed for/at the weekend because it was under repair. 15.1 always by eggs by the dozen. 16.His talent for singing was impressive. 17.We had to learn all the poems by heart. 18.The decision that the officials made is still under review. 19.1 left him in charge of all the network servers. 20.I'm sorry but the book is out of print at the moment. 21. We have to tidy up the house. It’s in such a mess. 22.In general, | think that Americans are very friendly. 23.1 couldn't hide my love for her any longer 24.1 try to buy fruit and vegetables that are in season. 25.The question took him by surprise. BEES across - at — by - during - for - from - in—into — of - on— through - to - towards — with - Halloween is celebrated the United States October 31. ‘Are you going away for the weekend? ~I don’t know. It depends the weather. Don't kiss the prince. He might turn a frog. He felt bad no reason at al Ihave been living here: ten years. Have you been the cinema recently? Yes | was there a few days ago. Ihappened to meet an old friend town. Have you read the article? ~ Itwas yesterday's newspapers. He always drives a tremendous speed because he’s always a hurry. He is very fond good food. He married the age of 28. . bought many things my stay in New York. According the guide there are three hotels town. Isaw him standing the queue but | don’t know if he got the bus. I want to post this letter a friend. I'm going Glasgow on Monday. Would you like to come with us? John has got a very strange taste clothes. . Mum sat the back of the car. . I'm interested basketball but I'm not very good playing it. , I'm returning Spain the end of the month, My parents met the war, in 1943, Isit true that your mother died cancer. It was embarrassing. | didn't have enough money pay for the meal. It was the radio yesterday morning. It’s a quick journey Manchester Leeds. . Jane goes to the office early Tuesdays. saw him sometime June. Meet me the station. The lights are moving us. My country is famous great musicians. . Who is that girl over there the red dress? Hive Sweden but every summer | travel Spain for my holidays. Turn right the end of the street and then it will be right in front of you . My sister has a beautiful apartment. She lives. the third floor. Please sit down. Mr. Brown will be you ina moment. Ihave to apologize being late. . She tried to prevent the children jumping into the water. . Sometimes | have to walk to work and sometimes | go bus. . Thank you coming to visit us. The boys met the corner of the street. The smallest room is located the left of the hall. We entered the building ‘entrance number 3. . There was a dark spot the ceiling. We arrived just time to see the Queen. We have to be at the airport 6pm. . We ran the doctor on our way to the bookshop. across - at — by - during - for - from -in— into—of -on— ‘through - to- towards — with - Halloween is celebrated in the United States on October 31. Are you going away for the weekend? ~| don’t know. It depends on the weather. Don’t kiss the prince. He might turn into a frog. He felt bad for no reason atall. have been living here for ten years. Have you been to the cinema recently? Yes | was there a few days ago. | happened to meet an old friend in town. Have you read the article? — It was in yesterday's newspapers. He always drives at a tremendous speed because he’s always in a hurry. |. He is very fond of good food. . He married at the age of 28. . | bought many things during my stay in New York. . According to the guide there are three hotels in town. . saw him standing in the queue but | don’t know if he got on the bus. . | want to post this letter to.a friend. . I'm going to Glasgow on Monday. Woulld you like to come with us? . John has got a very strange taste of clothes. . Mum sat dn the back of the car. . I'm interested in basketball but I’m not very good at playi |. I'm returning to Spain at the end of the month. . My parents met during the war, in 1943. . Isit true that your mother died of cancer. . It was embarrassing. | didn’t have enough money to pay for the meal. . [twas on the radio yesterday morning. . It’s a quick journey from Manchester to Leeds. . Jane goes to the office early on Tuesdays. . | saw him sometime in June. . Meet me at the station. |. The lights are moving towards us. ). My country is famous for great musicians. . Who is that girl over there in the red dress? git. | live in Sweden but every summer I travel to Spain for my holidays. . Turn right at the end of the street and then it will be right in front of you . My sister has a beautiful apartment, She lives on the third floor. . Please sit down. Mr. Brown will be with you in a moment. . | have to apologize for being late. . She tried to prevent the children from jumping into the water. . Sometimes | have to walk to work and sometimes | go by bus. . Thank you for coming to visit us. |. The boys met at the corner of the street. . The smallest room is located to the left of the hall. . We entered the building through entrance number 3. . There was a dark spot on the ceiling. . We arrived just in time to see the Queen. . We have to be at the airport by, at 6 p.m. . We ran across the doctor on our way to the bookshop. Fill in the correct prepositions! at - above - about - after- before - behind —by— down - during - for— from — in - in front of — of - on — out of - over - to- with 1. There were a thousand people at the concert. 2. You must be 18 in order to see the film. 3. Weare travelling the road. 4. He is suffering ‘an unknown illness, 5. I listened to the game the radio. 6. Howare you getting ‘at school? 7. Don't be impatient us, We are trying! 8 Could | speak Tom please? 9, We didn’t see the whole performance because weleft___—__the last act. 10, There were some beautiful pictures the walls, 11. The march started in the park. there we moved to City Hall. 12. Pessimism is bad your health 13, He asked his mother money. 14. | bought many things my stay in New York. 15. My country is famous historical sights. 16. I'm not a hurry. !can wait. 17. Have you ever been the theatre recently? 18. We arrived the airport time for the plane. 19. My grandfather died cancer. 20. The resort ies about 1,500 meters sea level. 21. His hands are his face. 22, there's a chair my desk 23. The thief jumped the window. 24. Both o my neighbors can take care the cat while you are gone. 25. I rarely think the weather. 26. They were always arguing silly things. 27. first | found the work very tiring but a few weeks | got used to it. 28. My house is the end of the road. 29, The article was yesterday's papers. 30, The classroo! the fourth floor 31. | applied a few jobs last week, but nobody wrote back. 32. He wants two seats the concert on Friday night. 33, You ought to be ashamed yourself, coming in with dirty boots. 34, There's no point going car if we can’t park near the theatre. 35, he started his training November 36, Whom did they vote ? 37. The bus stopped the corner of High Street and congress Avenue. 38. | love listening classical music. 39. He is Dallas, Texas but he was born in California. 40, She goes church every Sunday. 41. It's 7 a.m. We need to leave work at once or else we'll miss the bus. 42. | asked the policeman some information. 43. The great player hit the ball the net. 44. Can you find our holiday beach the map? 45, Please turn the volume of the radio. I'm getting deaf. Fill in the correct prepositions! at - above - about - after - before - behind — by— down - during - for— from ~in - in front of — of -on— out of -aver- to-with There were over a thousand people at the concert. You must be over 18 in order to see the film. We are travelling on the road. He is suffering from an unknown illness. listened to the game on the radio. How are you getting on at school? Don’t be impatient with us. We are trying! Could | speak to Tom please? We didn’t see the whole performance because we left before the last act. 10. There were some beautiful pictures on the walls. 11. The march started in the park. From there we moved to City Hall. 12. Pessimism is bad for your health 43. He asked his mother for money. 14. | bought many things during my stay in New York. 15. My country is famous for historical sights. 16. I'm not ina hurry. | can wait. 17. Have you ever been to the theatre recently? 18. We arrived af the airport in time for the plane. 19. My grandfather died of cancer. 20. The resort lies about 1,500 meters above sea level. 21. His hands are in front of his face. 22. there's a chair behind my desk 23. The thief jum ped out of the window. 24. Both o my neighbors can take care of the cat while you are gone. 25. I rarely think about the weather. 26. They were always arguing about silly things. 27. At first | found the work very tiring but after a few weeks | got used to it. 28. My house is at the end of the road. 29. The article was in yesterday's papers. 30. The classroom is on the fourth floor. 31. | applied fora few jobs last week, but nobody wrote back. 32. He wants two seats for the concert on Friday night. 33. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for coming in with dirty boots, 34, There’s no point in going by car if we can’t park near the theatre. 35. he started his training in November 36. Whom did they vote for? 37. The bus stopped at the corner of High Street and congress Avenue. 38. | love listening to classical music. 39. He is from Dallas, Texas but he was born in California. 40. She goes to church every Sunday. 41. It’s 7am. We need to leave for work at once or else we'll miss the bus. 42. | asked the policeman for some information. 43. The great player hit the ball over the net. 44. Can you find our holiday beach on the map? 45. Please turn down the volume of the radio. I'm getting deaf. POI AM bwhE Complete the sentences with one of the prepositions from the box. AT - BELOW - BETWEEN - BY - FOR- FROM - IN- NEAR - OF - ON - OVER - TO- UNDER - WITH 1. Where do you come ?- I'm American. 2. Our cat always lies the table when we have dinner. 3. They walked the bridge together. 4. He returned safely his expedition to the Antarctic. S. There's always a lot to see an airport. 6. Venice is always full tourists. 7. What was his reaction the news? 8. There has been an increase the number of cars on this road. 9, |amvery impressed your good language skills. 10. He was sitting the fire. 11.Could you take a picture me, please? 12.Although she’s 25 she still lives her parents. 13.He was in Tokyo yesterday but this morning he's left Beijing. 14.1'll meet you the corner. 15.The advantage having a car is that you don't have to rely public transport. 16. Everything can be explained. There's a reason everything. 17.She left school the age of 16. 18. Catherine is a good friend mine. 19.Who is responsible the noise that was made yesterday? 20.There are a few differences American and British English. 21.It was terribly cold outside. It must have been 25 ° zero. 22.Money isn't the solution every problem. 23.You could take a taxi but it’s better to go foot. 24. Civil servants are strike today. 25.The workers demanded a rise pay. Fill in the blanks with the correct phrases of the preposition ON ! “ontelevision on adiet ~ on the whole on occasions n loar on board _ on guard ona cruise 1. The owner of the hotel is @ qualified chef, but he rarely cooks himself nowadays. However, ___ he helps the head chef in the kitchen if the restaurantis busy. 2. I do have a few suggestions that should improve your presentation, but I think it was an excellent speech. 3. We went to Paris for a day on the train and saw the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral. 4, She is supposed to be studying for her exam but whenever | go to her room she is chatting to her friends. 5. We bought a stereo music center that was because it was in the display window. 6. All the roads that led to the town centre were closed because of the flood so it was only possible toreach the main square 3 7. Ahuman heart beats 72 times per minute 8 Atthe beginning of the 16°” century, of the South American jungles, Balboa became the first European to look at the Pacific Ocean. 9. The warders who are at the Tower of London to protect valuable jewels are also known as “Beefeaters’ 10. The film “JFK” is being shown ‘on Monday night at 9 p.m. on Channel 4. 11. 150 passengers an Alpine train in Kaprun died when the train caught, fire inside a tunnel. 12. Whilewe were our ship anchored at Istanbul, where we visited the Grand Bazaar and Topkapi Palace. 43. Barcelona’s centre is a maze of narrow streets and medieval buildings, in contrast to the modern apartment buildings of the city. 14. | am afraid the book “Little House of the Prairie at the moment. Would you like to reserve it? 15. Do you pass a newsagent to work? If you do, would you mind picking me up the Times? 16. | don't think the baby dropped it. | think she threw it to the ground in order to gain our attention. 17. How long have you been ?—For three weeks now, but | can’t resist a little chocolate so | haven't lost much weight yet. 18. Two days after the bombing, we could still see the flames from the building from the library 19. In 1984, the British coal miners went for almost a year. 20. The number of European and American companies investing in underdeveloped countries is as they take advantage of lower wages. Fill in the blanks with the correct phrases of the preposition ON 10. 11. 2. 23. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18, 19. 20. ‘on television onan expedition “on the whole conoccasions _on average 1 “on the increase ona cruise The owner of the hotel is a qualified chef, but he rarely cooks himself nowadays. However, on occasions he helps the head chef in the kitchen if the restaurants busy. I do have a few suggestions that should improve your presentation, but on the whole I think it was an excellent speech. We went on a trip to Paris for a day on the train and saw the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral. She is supposed to be studying for her exam but whenever | go to her room she is on the phone chatting to her friends. We bought a stereo music center that was an sale because it was in the display window. All the roads that led to the town centre were closed because of the fload so it was only possible to reach the main square on foot. ‘A human heart beats 72 times per minute on average. At the beginning of the 16” century, on an expedition of the South American jungles, Balboa became the first European to look at the Pacific Ocean. The warders who are on guard at the Tower of London to protect valuable jewels are also known as “Beefeaters”. The film “JFK” is being shown on television on Monday night at 9 p.m. on Channel 4, 150 passengers on board an Alpine train in Kaprun died when the train caught fire inside a tunnel. While we were on a cruise our ship anchored at Istanbul, where we visited the Grand Bazaar and Topkapi Palace. Barcelona's centre is a maze of narrow streets and medieval buildings, in contrast to the modern apartment buildings on the outskirts of the city. am afraid the book “Little House of the Prairie” is on loan from the library at the moment. Would you like to reserve it? Do you pass @ newsagent on your way to work? If you do, would you mind picking me up the Times? Idon’t think the baby dropped it. | think she threw it to the ground on purpose in order to gain our attention. How long have you been ona diet? ~For three weeks now, but I can’t resist eating a little chocolate so | haven’tlost much weight yet. Two days after the bombing, we could still see the flames from the building on fire. In 1984, the British coal miners went on strike for almost a year. The number of European and American companies investing in underdeveloped countries is on the increase as they take advantage of lower wages. 1. We are very excited our trip to Spain next week. (AT, WITH, ABOUT, OVER) 2. lam very fond drinking green tea. (FOR, OF, ABOUT, AT) 3. Almost all politicians were involved the scandal. (IN, AT, WITH, FROM) 4, 1am looking forward having a meeting with you next week. (WITH, AT, TO, FROM) 5, Atthe moment, she is recovering her injuries. (AT, OF, FROM, WITH) 6. I'm dreaming becoming a famous scientist one day (FOR, WITH, ABOUT, INTO) 7, My cousin is married a famous American (WITH, FOR, TO, FROM) 8. lam responsible training the new recruits. (AT, ABOUT, WITH, FOR) 9. Many people took advantage the low prices offered by the new shop (OF, FOR, WITH, TO) 10.1 was not quite satisfied the exam results. (AT, FOR, WITH, ABOUT) 11. The president was thankful everyone who helped in the campaign (TO, WITH, FOR, AT) 12.Everyone in this town will benefit the new hospital (FROM, WITH, AT, INTO) 13.For two full days, the man was fighting his life. (UB, WITH, AT, FOR) 14.My dad shouted me because | didn’t do what he said (7O, AT, WITH, TOWARDS) 15,She insisted helping me with the dishes, (ON, WITH, FOR, ABOUT) 16.Almost all car companies care the environment (FOR, AT, ABOUT, WITH) 17.Wearing a seat belt can protect you being killed in a car. (WITH, OF, ABOUT, FROM) 18.Ten people were killed when a bus collided a car (INTO, WITH, AT, TOWARDS) 19.The customers came to the shop to complain their service (ABOUT, AT, ON, FOR) 20.Our atmosphere consists oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide (INTO, OF, WITH, FOR) 21.We decided buying the new car. (AGAINST, WITH, AT, OF) 22.Many children depend their parents for money. (ON, AT, WITH, TO) 23.He graduated Oxford university (ON, FROM, OUT OF, WITH) 24.The advertising campaign resulted hundreds of new customers for the company. (TO, FOR, UP, IN) 25.As a scientist, | specialize marine biology (AT, IN, FOR, WITH) ‘omplete the sentence with the correct preposition from the choices given. . We are very excited about our trip to Spain next week. (AT, WITH, ABOUT, OVER) . Lam very fond of drinking green tea. (FOR, OF, ABOUT, AT) Almost all politicians were involved in the scandal. (IN, AT, WITH, FROM) . 1am looking forward to having a meeting with you next week. (WITH, AT, TO, FROM) . At the moment, she is recovering from her injuries. (AT, OF, FROM, WITH) . 'm dreaming about becoming a famous scientist one day (FOR, WITH, ABOUT, INTO) '. My cousin is married to a famous American (WITH, FOR, TO, FROM) . Lam responsible for training the new recruits. (AT, ABOUT, WITH, FOR) . Many people took advantage of the low prices offered by the new shop (OF, FOR, WITH, TO) 10.1 was not quite satisfied with the exam results. (AJ, FOR, WITH, ABOUT) 11.The president was thankful for everyone who helped in the campaign (TO, WITH, FOR, AT) 12. Everyone in this town will benefit frorn the new hospital (FROM, WITH, AT, INTO) 13.For two full days, the man was fighting for his life. (UP, WITH, AT, FOR) 14.My dad shouted at me because | didn’t do what he said (TO, AT, WITH, TOWARDS) 15.She insisted on helping me with the dishes. (ON, WITH, FOR, ABOUT) 16.Almost all car companies care about the environment (FOR, AT, ABOUT, WITH) 17. Wearing a seat belt can protect you from being killed in a car. (WITH, OF, ABOUT, FROM) 18.Ten people were killed when a bus collided with a car (INTO, WITH, AT, TOWARDS) 19.The customers came to the shop to complain about their service (ABOUT, AT, ON, FOR) 20.Our atmosphere consists of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide (INTO, OF, WITH, FOR) 21,We decided against buying the new car. (AGAINST, WITH, AT, OF) 22.Many children depend on their parents for money. (ON, AT, WITH, TO) 23.He graduated from Oxford university (ON, FROM, OUT OF, WITH) 24, The advertising campaign resulted in hundreds of new customers for the company. (TO, FOi UP, IN) 25.As a scientist, | specialize in marine biology (AT, IN, FOR, WITH) Pp OnanRwn ‘omplete the sentence with the correct preposition from the choices given. . We are very excited about our trip to Spain next week. (AT, WITH, ABOUT, OVER) . Lam very fond of drinking green tea. (FOR, OF, ABOUT, AT) Almost all politicians were involved in the scandal. (IN, AT, WITH, FROM) . 1am looking forward to having a meeting with you next week. (WITH, AT, TO, FROM) . At the moment, she is recovering from her injuries. (AT, OF, FROM, WITH) . 'm dreaming about becoming a famous scientist one day (FOR, WITH, ABOUT, INTO) '. My cousin is married to a famous American (WITH, FOR, TO, FROM) . Lam responsible for training the new recruits. (AT, ABOUT, WITH, FOR) . Many people took advantage of the low prices offered by the new shop (OF, FOR, WITH, TO) 10.1 was not quite satisfied with the exam results. (AJ, FOR, WITH, ABOUT) 11.The president was thankful for everyone who helped in the campaign (TO, WITH, FOR, AT) 12. Everyone in this town will benefit frorn the new hospital (FROM, WITH, AT, INTO) 13.For two full days, the man was fighting for his life. (UP, WITH, AT, FOR) 14.My dad shouted at me because | didn’t do what he said (TO, AT, WITH, TOWARDS) 15.She insisted on helping me with the dishes. (ON, WITH, FOR, ABOUT) 16.Almost all car companies care about the environment (FOR, AT, ABOUT, WITH) 17. Wearing a seat belt can protect you from being killed in a car. (WITH, OF, ABOUT, FROM) 18.Ten people were killed when a bus collided with a car (INTO, WITH, AT, TOWARDS) 19.The customers came to the shop to complain about their service (ABOUT, AT, ON, FOR) 20.Our atmosphere consists of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide (INTO, OF, WITH, FOR) 21,We decided against buying the new car. (AGAINST, WITH, AT, OF) 22.Many children depend on their parents for money. (ON, AT, WITH, TO) 23.He graduated from Oxford university (ON, FROM, OUT OF, WITH) 24, The advertising campaign resulted in hundreds of new customers for the company. (TO, FOi UP, IN) 25.As a scientist, | specialize in marine biology (AT, IN, FOR, WITH) Pp OnanRwn complete the sentences with one of the prepositions from the box. ABOUT - AGAINST - AT-FOR - FROM -IN- INTO - OF - ON - TO- WITH 1. lalmost never agree him, but this time we shared the same opinion. 2. He subscribed the weekly magazine. 3. She blamed the incident my carelessness. 4. The convict escaped a high security prison. 5. The young woman smiled me and | smiled back. 6. Students are protesting increasing tuition fees at universities. 7. Small children believe Father Christmas or Santa Claus. 8. After the accident the ambulance took him to the hospital where he fell a coma. 9. Catharine's parents disapproved her marriage to the wealthy banker. 10. Rugby is often associated being a brutal sport. 11. She cares her mother a lot and always comes to visit her. 12. After graduating he applied a job at a local book shop. 13.She insisted taking me out to dinner on my birthday. 14.1 always shop my Christmas presents during the summer holidays. 15. After studying at university, she developed a great scientist. 16. He invested all his money real estate. 17. The dog barked the delivery man when he came through the gate. 18. Dad always tries to protect me bad influences. 19.We must sympathize those who have lost relatives in the conflict. 20. The drug addict died an overdose of heroin. 21. In August 1945 the Japanese surrendered the Americans. 22. It took him a long time to recover the accident he had last year. 23.My neighbour complained the noise on the streets. 24. The farmers in the region hoped rain because the drought was destroying all the crops. 25. She gazed me in astonishment. 1. Lalmost never agree with him, but this time we shared the same opinion. . He subscribed to the weekly magazine. . She blamed the incident om my carelessness. . The convict escaped from a high security prison. . The young woman smiled at me and | smiled back. . Students are protesting against increasing tuition fees at universities. . Small children believe in Father Christmas or Santa Claus. oN AAR WHD . After the accident the ambulance took him to the hospital where he fell into a coma. 9. Catharine's parents disapproved of her marriage to the wealthy banker. 10. Rugby is often associated with being a brutal sport. 11.She cares about her mother a lot and always comes to visit her. 12. After graduating he applied for a job at a local book shop. 13, She insisted on taking me out to dinner on my birthday. 44.1 always shop for my Christmas presents during the summer holidays. 15. After studying at university, she developed into a great scientist. 16.He invested all his money in real estate. 17.The dog barked at the delivery man when he came through the gate. 18. Dad always tries to protect me from bad influences. 19.We must sympathize with those who have lost relatives in the conflict. 20.The drug addict died of an overdose of heroin, 21.In August 1945 the Japanese surrendered to the Americans. 22.It took him a long time to recover from the accident he had last year. 23.My neighbour complained about the noise on the streets. 24.The farmers in the region hoped for rain because the drought was destroying all the crops. 25.She gazed at me in astonishment. Complete the sentences with one of the prepositions from the box. ACROSS - BESIDES - BETWEEN - BY - DOWN - DURING - FOR- FROM -IN - INTO ~ OFF - ON - OVER - THROUGH - TO - UNDER - UNTIL - UP - WITH - WITHOUT . As time went on, the boy changed aman. . She works at night and sleeps the day. . He is very arrogant and alwayslooks___—— saat ss. . We went the stairs to get our gym clothes. . She couldn't talk to me because she was a hurry. . He was so tired that he slept the whole night . » You can't drive over that bridge because it is repair at the moment. On anpwn a . We shared the money we received us. 9. She was able to solve the difficult math test ease. 10.She prefers volleyball basketball. 11,You can't leave any money. You'll need some for your ticket. 12. Teachers have gone strike in the past, so this situation is not unusual. 13.1t took an hour for the technicians to restore electricity to the village. 14, now on you will report to me whenever something happens. 15.He will remain in the office a successor is found. 16. The boy was very clever his age. 17.You must hand in your thesis next week, at the latest. 18.Do you speak any other languages English? 19. The boy walked the field to the house, 20. There's a sign that says, "Keep the grass!" 1. As time went on, the boy changed into aman. . She works at night and sleeps during the day. . He is very arrogant and always looks dewn at us. |. We went up/down the stairs to get our gym clothes. . She couldn't talk to me because she was ina hurry. . He was so tired that he slept the whole night through. . You can't drive over that bridge because it is under repair at the moment. . We shared the money we received between us. wp eonannwn ). She was able to solve the difficult math test with ease. 10.She prefers volleyball to basketball. 11.You can't leave without any money. You'll need some for your ticket. 12.Teachers have gone on strike in the past, so this situation is not unusual. 13.It took over/under an hour for the technicians to restore electricity to the village. 14.From now on you will report to me whenever something happens. 15.He will remain in the office until a successor is found. 16.The boy was very clever for his age. 17.You must hand in your thesis by next week, at the latest. 18.Do you speak any other languages besides English? 19, The boy walked across/through the field to the house. 20.There's a sign that says, "Keep off the grass!" Complete the sentences with one of the prepositions from the box. ABOUT - ACROSS - ALONG - BEHIND - BELOW - BY - FOR-FROM - NEAR - OF - OFF - ON - OVER - THROUGH - THROUGHOUT - TO- UNDER - UP- WITH 1, The police prevented the protesters entering the building. 2. Could you please take your feet the table? 3. According the latest report, the virus is spreading very quickly. 4, About a third of the Netherlands is sea level. 5. The cat jumped the wall into my neighbour's garden. 6. | have been living my parents for along time. It's hard to leave them. & the club rules, we are not allowed to let non-members play. 8. Today, scientists know that there is no water the moon. 9. The school is the post office. 10.The match has been cancelled because the bad weather. 11.We have been a lot lately. | hope things will get better soon. 12.He ran the hill until he was out of breath. 13.1 don't know where the place is. It's not any map I've seen. 14.There is a police car us. | think they want us to pull over, 15.1 have just read an interesting book JFK's assassination. 16.He worked the day and most of the evening. 17.Gun powder was invented the Chinese, 18.Everyone was at the meeting, except Jane, She was ill. 19, The dog ran the road and hid the tree. 20,We walked the beach for at least a mile before we saw the first house, 1. The police prevented the protesters from entering the building. 2. Could you please take your feet off/from the table? 3. According to the latest report, the virus is spreading very quickly. 4. Abouta third of the Netherlands is below sea level. 5. The cat jumped over the wall into my neighbour's garden. 6. | have been living with my parents for a long time. It's hard to leave them. 7. Under the club rules, we are not allowed to let non-members play. 8. Today, scientists know that there is no water on the moon. 9. The school is near/behind the post office. 10.The match has been cancelled because of the bad weather. 11.We have been through a lot lately. | hope things will get better soon. 12.He ran up the hill until he was out of breath. 13.1 don't know where the place is. It's not on any map I've seen. 14. There is a police car behind us. | think they want us to pull over. 15.1 have just read an interesting book about JFK's assassination. 16,He worked throughout the day and most of the evening. 17.Gun powder was invented by the Chinese. 18.Everyone was at the meeting, except for Jane. She was ill. 19. The dog ran across the road and hid behind the tree. Complete the sentences with one of the prepositions from the box. 1. She was university when she heard about the death of her father. 2. We usually go on holidays plane but this year we are going to Italy car. . Let's go a walk. The weather is so great! |. The train was travelling a speed of over 150 km an hour. . She got the bus at Oxford Street and got off five stops later. . Despite the bad weather all trains are running time. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. Bats are mammals that are highly active night. 8. This village isn't even the map. It's so small. 9. We usually go to dance class on Mondays. 10., nightfall over 10 inches of snow had fallen. 11. Doctors hope that the spread of the virus will slow down the summer. 12. Dad always reads his daughter bedtime stories the evening. 13.Let’s meet noon. We can have lunch and sort things out. 14.The cat was playing with a ball the corner of Michael's room. 15,.She has been a member of the committee 6 years. 16,What are we having dinner today? 7. average, the unemployment rate has been going up 1 per centa year. 18.Take a seat. I'll be with you aminute. 19.We decided to meet the station. 20.The boss would like to have the report the end of the day at the latest. 1. She was at university when she heard about the death of her father. . We usually go on holidays by plane but this year we are going to Italy by car. . Let's go for a walk. The weather is so great! . The train was travelling at a speed of over 150 km an hour. . She got on the bus at Oxford Street and got off five stops later. . Despite the bad weather all trains are running on time. NOwmpRWDn . Bats are mammals that are highly active at night. 8 9. We usually go to dance class on Mondays. This village isn't even on the map. It's so small. 10. By nightfall over 10 inches of snow had fallen. 11. Doctors hope that the spread of the virus will slow down in the summer. 12. Dad always reads his daughter bedtime stories in the evening. 13.Let's meet at noon. We can have lunch and sort things out. 14. The cat was playing with a ball in the corner of Michael's room. 15.She has been a member of the committee for 6 years. 16,What are we having for dinner today? 17, On average, the unemployment rate has been going up 1 per cent a year. 18. Take a seat. I'll be with you in a minute. 19, We decided to meet at the station. 20.The boss would like to have the report by the end of the day at the latest. Complete the sentences with one of the prepositions from the box. AT-FOR - FROM-ON-TO 1. My mother begged me to listen her. 2. The stranger stared me in surprise. 3. They saved me certain death. 4. Inthe last election | voted the Green Party. 5. After | heard what had happened, | apologised him. 6. | borrowed the car keys my best friend. 7. We agreed attending the meeting separately. 8. She applied a job at the local newspaper office. 9. We added a few shots of rum the drink to make it tastier. 10.The hunter aimed the deer and killed it with one shot. 11.Dad suffered Parkinson's disease during his final years. 12.1 pray my family every day. 13.My brothers congratulated me winning the school finals. 14.Mary and a few other girls headed the new restaurant at the far end of town. 15,The president had to resign office after the scandal became public. 16.We arrived the station ten minutes early. 17.The bank robber was able to hide the police for a few days. 18.Jack depends his father to give him the money he needs for his new company. 19.1 would not like to comment what | heard on TV. 20.John admires her her bravery. 21.She separated her husband five years ago. 22.Frank is my best friend. | know | can rely him. 23.The attractive woman smiled me. | think she liked me. 24.1 am not doing what you asked me because | don't work you anymore. 25.We had to adapt the cold weather so we brought a few warm clothes with us.

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