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Ai Virtual Mouse-1

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Assistant Professor, Teegala Krishna Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad.
B,tech scholar, Teegala Krishna Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad.

Abstract frames with a list of gesture tip

combinations, where different combinations
This project promotes an approach for the
consists of different mouse functions. If the
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) where
current gesture combination found a match,
cursor movement can be controlled using a
the program will execute the mouse
real-time camera, it is an alternative to the
function, which will be translated into an
current methods including manual input of
actual mouse function to the users' machine.
buttons or changing the positions of a
physical computer mouse. Instead, it utilizes 1 . INTRODUCTION
a camera and computer vision technology to
control various mouse events and is capable With the development technologies in the
of performing every task that the physical areas of augmented reality and devices that
computer mouse can. we use in our daily life, these devices are
becoming compact in the form of Bluetooth
The Virtual Mouse Gesture recognition
or wireless technologies. This paper
program will constantly acquiring real-time
proposes an AI virtual mouse system that
images where the images will undergone a
makes use of the hand gestures and hand tip
series of filtration and conversion.
detection for performing mouse functions in
Whenever the process is complete, the
the computer using computer vision. The
program will apply the image processing
main objective of the proposed system is to
technique to obtain the coordinates of the
perform computer mouse cursor functions
targeted Hand gesture position from the
and scroll function using a web camera or a
converted frames. After that, it will proceed
built-in camera in the computer instead of
to compare the existing gesture within the
using a traditional mouse device. Hand the captured frames, recognizing various
gesture and hand tip detection by using hand gestures and hand tip gestures before
computer vision is used as a Human performing the specific mouse function.
Computer Interaction (HCI) with the
computer. With the use of the AI virtual Python programming language is used for
mouse system, we can track the fingertip of developing the AI virtual mouse system, and
the hand gesture by using a built-in camera also, OpenCV which is the library for
or web camera and perform the mouse computer vision is used in the AI virtual
cursor operations and scrolling function and mouse system the model makes use of the
also move the cursor with it. MediaPipe package for the tracking of the
While using a wireless or a Bluetooth hands and for tracking of the tip of the hands
mouse, some devices such as the mouse, the and PyAutoGUI packages were used for
dongle to connect to the PC, and also, a moving around the window screen of the
battery to power the mouse to operate are computer for performing functions such as
used, but in this paper, the user uses built-in left click, right click, and scrolling functions.
camera or a webcam and uses hand gestures
to control the computer mouse operations. In The results of the proposed model showed
the proposed system, the web camera very high accuracy level, and the proposed
captures and then processes the frames that model can work very well in real-world
have been captured and then recognizes the application with the use of a CPU without
various hand gestures and hand tip gestures the use of a GPU.
and then performs the particular mouse Objective
function. Some devices, such as the mouse, The main objective of the proposed AI
the dongle to connect to the PC, and a virtual mouse system is to develop an
battery to power the mouse to operate are alternative to the regular and traditional
used when using a wireless or Bluetooth mouse system to perform and control the
mouse, but in this paper, the user uses mouse functions, and this can be achieved
his/her built-in camera or a webcam and with the help of a web camera that captures
uses hand gestures to control the computer the hand gestures and hand tip and then
mouse operations. In the proposed system, processes these frames to perform the
the web camera captures and then processes
particular mouse function such as left click, The system's adaptability to diverse use
right click, and scrolling function. cases underscores its versatility. Whether in
Problem Description and Overview a crowded space, a medical setting, or in the
The proposed AI virtual mouse system hands of individuals with physical
emerges as a groundbreaking solution, limitations, the proposed AI virtual mouse
addressing a spectrum of real-world emerges as a viable and accessible solution,
challenges. One of its key advantages lies in reaffirming its potential to revolutionize the
its ability to navigate environments where way we interact with technology in the face
physical space constraints render the use of a of real-world challenges.
traditional mouse impractical. This Navigating the Digital Landscape
innovation extends its utility to scenarios Navigating the digital landscape takes on a
where individuals face difficulties in hand new dimension with the introduction of the
control, providing an inclusive solution for AI virtual mouse. This innovative concept
those with motor impairments. Moreover, transcends the conventional boundaries of
the system becomes particularly relevant in input devices, offering a paradigm shift in
the context of the ongoing COVID-19 how users interact with digital interfaces.
pandemic. In a time where minimizing Unlike traditional mice or touchpads, the AI
physical contact with devices is crucial to virtual mouse harnesses the power of
prevent the potential spread of the virus, the artificial intelligence to interpret and
AI virtual mouse stands out as a safer respond to user gestures, making the
alternative. navigation experience more intuitive and
By harnessing hand gesture and hand tip responsive. By leveraging advanced
detection through a webcam or built-in algorithms and computer vision, this
camera, users can interact with their devices technology recognizes hand or finger
without the need for direct physical contact. movements as input commands, eliminating
This not only addresses hygiene concerns the need for physical devices. It introduces a
but also aligns with the evolving norms of dynamic and adaptive approach to
touch-free interactions, contributing to a navigating through digital spaces, catering to
safer and more resilient technological a diverse range of user preferences and
landscape. behaviors. As we delve into the era of AI-
driven virtual mice, the digital landscape
becomes not just a space to be navigated but the promise of revolutionizing the way we
a dynamic canvas where users can interact with digital environments, offering a
seamlessly interact, opening new glimpse into a future where the fusion of
possibilities for a more efficient, inclusive, artificial intelligence and navigation systems
and user-centric computing experience. seamlessly integrates into our daily
computing experiences.
From Concept to Reality
Tracing the evolution of the AI virtual A literature survey on AI virtual mouse
mouse from its conceptual roots to its real- technology reveals a rich landscape of
world applications, The journey of the AI research and development in the field of
virtual mouse from concept to reality human-computer interaction and gesture
represents a remarkable evolution in the recogniton. Various studies have explored
realm of human-computer interaction. What the integration of artificial intelligence with
once existed as a conceptual idea, pushing virtual mouse systems, aiming to enhance
the boundaries of traditional input devices, user experiences and accessibility.
has now materialized into a tangible and Researchers have delved into computer
innovative technology. The realization of the vision techniques, machine learning
AI virtual mouse showcases the relentless algorithms, and gesture recognition to
pursuit of creating more intuitive and enable precise and intuitive control of virtual
efficient ways for users to interact with cursors. These investigations have sought to
digital interfaces. From the early stages of address challenges related to latency,
ideation to the development of sophisticated accuracy, and adaptability, with an emphasis
algorithms, this journey underscores the on real-time responsiveness for applications
commitment to enhancing accessibility and such as gaming and augmented reality.
user experiences in the digital landscape. Moreover, studies have highlighted the
The concept’s transition into reality reflects potential of AI virtual mouse systems to
not only advancements in artificial benefit individuals with physical disabilities
intelligence but also a profound shift in how by providing alternative input methods. As
we navigate and engage with computers. As AI continues to evolve, the literature
this technology continues to mature, it holds underscores the ongoing pursuit of
innovative solutions and improved user Gesture recognition technology is a dynamic
interfaces in the realm of virtual mice, and evolving field that enables computers to
contributing to more immersive and efficient interpret and respond to human gestures and
interactions in the digital landscape. movements. It encompasses a range of
applications, from touchless interfaces and
Human Computer Interaction
virtual reality to sign language recognition
Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a and gaming consoles. Advanced sensors,
multidisciplinary field that examines the such as depth cameras and accelerometers,
interaction between humans and computers. are often employed to capture and analyze
It focuses on designing and evaluating user gestures accurately. Machine learning
interfaces to optimize the user experience. algorithms play a central role in identifying
HCI researchers explore how users interact and interpreting gestures, making it possible
with software and hardware, striving to to recognize intricate hand movements or
create intuitive and efficient interfaces. This body poses. As gesture recognition
field encompasses various aspects, from technology continues to advance, it offers
usability testing to accessibility the promise of more intuitive and immersive
considerations, ensuring that technology is human-computer interactions, with
accessible to all users, regardless of abilities applications across various industries and
or disabilities. HCI plays a pivotal role in daily life.
shaping the design of websites, mobile apps,
2.2 Existing System
and software applications, seeking to
enhance user productivity and satisfaction. Physical Mouse (Wired): Wired mice use a
In an increasingly digital world, the study of cable to connect to the computer. They
HCI continues to evolve, driven by the goal respond quickly and are suitable for tasks
of creating technology that aligns seamlessly like gaming. They don't need batteries since
with human needs and behaviors. they use the computer's power.

2.1 Gesture Recognition

digital interfaces. This system leverages
artificial intelligence, machine learning, and
computer vision technologies to interpret
hand or finger movements as input
commands for controlling the virtual cursor
on a screen. By eliminating the need for
Fig 2.1: Wired mouse physical input devices, the AI virtual mouse
enhances convenience and flexibility,
Wireless Mouse (Bluetooth): Wireless mice
particularly in contexts where traditional
have no cables, allowing for free movement.
mice or touchpads may be impractical or
They require batteries or charging, so battery
management is necessary. There might be a
slight delay in response when moving them,
and other devices can interfere with their
signals. Wireless mice tend to be more
expensive due to their technology. They may
not work with all devices and the setup
process can be a bit tricky. Some models
have power-saving to extend battery life.
The technology can benefit individuals with
physical disabilities, offering an inclusive
and empowering alternative for interacting
with digital devices. With applications
extending to virtual reality, augmented
reality, the proposed system promises to
Fig 2.2: Wireless mouse revolutionize the way we interact with
technology. Ongoing development and
2.3 Proposed System
integration with emerging technologies hold
The proposed system for an AI virtual the potential for even more sophisticated and
mouse represents an innovative approach to natural user experiences.
human-computer interaction, offering a user-
friendly and accessible means of navigating
3 . SYSTEM DESIGN information, extreme care is taken to obtain
the pertinent information. The goal of
System design is the second phase of the
designing input data is to make data entry as
software life cycle. The system goes through
easy, logical and free from errors as
logical and physical state of development.
The user oriented performance specification
is extended into a design specification, while 3.2 Output Design

designing the needed system. The design

The output design phase of the system
phase begins when the Requirement
design is concerned with the conveyance of
Specification document for the software to
information to the end users in user-friendly
be developed is available. When the
manner. The output design should be
Requirement Specification activity is
efficient, intelligible so that the system
entirely in the problem domain, design is the
relationship with the end user is improved
first step to move from the problem domain
and thereby enhancing the process of
to the solution domain. Design is essentially
decision making. Efficient and well-defined
the bridge between the requirements
output design improves the relation of the
specification and the final solution for
system and the user. The primary
satisfying these requirements
considerations in the design of the output are

3.1 Input Design the requirement of the information and the

objective of the end user.
Input design is the process of converting a
user-oriented description of the inputs to a 3.3 Data Flow Design

computer-based business system into a

programmer-oriented specification. The
design decision for handling input specify
how data are accepted for computer
processing. Input design is a part of overall
design that needs careful attention. The
collection of input data is considered to be
the most expensive part of the system
design. Since the inputs have to be planned
in such a way so as to get the relevant Fig 3.1: Data Flow Diagram
3.4 Unified Modeling Language (UML) Cursor is assigned to the midpoint of index
and middle fingertips. This gesture moves
3.4.1 Use Case Diagram
the cursor to the desired location. Speed of
the cursor movement is proportional to the
speed of hand.

Fig 4.2: Left Click Gesture for single left



Fig 3.2: Use Case Diagram


Fig 4.1: Cursor Movement Fig 4.3: Gesture for single right click

Fig 4.4: Gesture for Scrolling

Fig 4.6: Gesture for Brightness Control
Dynamic Gestures for horizontal and
vertical scroll. The speed of scroll is Dynamic Gestures for Brightness control.
proportional to the distance moved by pinch The rate of increase/decrease of brightness is
gesture from start point. Vertical and proportional to the distance moved by pinch
Horizontal scrolls are controlled by vertical gesture from start point.
and horizontal pinch movements
The main objective of the AI virtual mouse
system is to control the mouse cursor
functions by using the hand gestures instead
of using a physical mouse. The proposed
system can be achieved by using a webcam
or a built-in camera which detects the hand
gestures and hand tip and processes these
frames to perform the particular mouse

Fig 4.5: Drag and Drop From the results of the model, we can come
to a conclusion that the proposed AI virtual
Gesture for drag and drop functionality. Can
mouse system has performed very well and
be used to move/tranfer files from one
has a greater accuracy compared to the
directory to other.
existing models and also the model
overcomes most of the limitations of the functionalities along with the mouse
existing systems. Since the proposed model functionalities virtually which is another
has greater accuracy, the AI virtual mouse future scope of Human-Computer
can be used for real-world applications, and Interaction (HCI).
also, it can be used to reduce the spread of
COVID-19, since the proposed mouse
system can be used virtually using hand [1] Haria, A. Subramanian, N. Asokkumar,
gestures without using the traditional S. Poddar, and J. S. Nayak, “Hand
physical mouse. gesture recognition for human computer
interaction,” Procedia Computer
The model has some limitations such as
Science, vol. 115, pp. 367–374, 2017.
small decrease in accuracy in right click
mouse function and some difficulties in [2] J. Katona, “A review of human–
clicking and dragging to select the text. computer interaction and virtual reality
Hence, we will work next to overcome these research fields in cognitive
limitations by improving the finger tip InfoCommunications,” Applied
detection algorithm to produce more Sciences, vol. 11, no. 6, p. 2646, 2021.
accurate results.
[3] L. Thomas, “Virtual mouse using hand
6 . FUTURE ENHANCEMENT gesture,” International Research Journal
of Engineering and Technology (IRJET,
The proposed AI virtual mouse has some
vol. 5, no. 4, 2018.
limitations such as small decrease in
accuracy of the right click mouse function [4] J. T. Camillo Lugaresi, “MediaPipe: A
and also the model has some difficulties in Framework for Building Perception
executing clicking and dragging to select the Pipelines,” 2019,
text. These are some of the limitations of the
proposed AI virtual mouse system, and these
[5] D.-S. Tran, N.-H. Ho, H.-J. Yang, S.-H.
limitations will be overcome in our future
Kim, and G. S. Lee, “Real-time virtual
mouse system using RGB-D images and
Furthermore, the proposed method can be fingertip detection,” Multimedia Tools
developed to handle the keyboard and ApplicationsMultimedia Tools and
Applications, vol. 80, no. 7, pp. 10473–
10490, 2021.

[6] Haria, A. Subramanian, N. Asokkumar,

S. Poddar, and J. S. Nayak, “Hand
gesture recognition for human computer
interaction,” Procedia Computer
Science, vol. 115, pp. 367– 374, 2017.

[7] K. H. Shibly, S. Kumar Dey, M. A.

Islam, and S. Iftekhar Showrav, “Design
and development of hand gesture based
virtual mouse,” in Proceedings of the
2019 1st International Conference on
Advances in Science, Engineering and
Robotics Technology (ICASERT), pp.
1–5, Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 2019.

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