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Biotechnology 8 Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the questions below. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following describes a cell?

A. A cell is small organ in the body.
B. A cell is a kind of micro-organism that infects the host’s body.
C. A cell is a microscopic organism that inhabits another organism’s body.
D. A cell is the smallest unit of an organism’s body that is capable of performing life function.
2. Which major part of a cell is composed of jelly-like substance of mainly water as well as substances like dissolved
A. Nucleus B. Nucleolus C. Cytoplasm D. Cell membrane
3. Which of the following is the function of the cell’s nucleus?
A. It is the site for protein synthesis.
B. It keeps all the parts of the cell inside and act as a boundary.
C. It is the place within the cell where all cellular activities happen.
D. It controls and regulates all cell activities and it contains the cell's DNA.
4. How does the cell membrane of an animal cell works?
A. It holds the organelles in place.
B. It contains water and food for cell.
C. It directs the activity of the cell – for example, when it grows and divides.
D. It controls what enters and exits the cell such as water, nutrients and
waste and thereby protects and supports the cell.
5. Which organelle is responsible for the transport of undigested material to cell membrane for removal?
A. Centriole B. Chromosome C. Lysosome D. Peroxisome
6. Mitochondria is one of the important organelles in an animal cell and is essential for vital cellular activities to happen.
Why does the mitochondria known as the “powerhouse” of the cell?
A. It has a flagellum. B. It has double membrane structure.
C. It is one of the major organelles in the cell. D. It produces energy through chemical reactions.
7. In your homes there is a need to ensure that the food supplies are well-kept, stored and labelled for easy access and usage
and to avoid spoilage. In an animal cell there is also an organelle that functions the same way like your refrigerator at home.
Why is the Golgi apparatus similar to the refrigerator you have at home?
A. It moves materials around the cell. B. It clean up the cell’s waste products.
C. It breaks down food and release energy for the cell. D. It packages, stores, and secretes energy for the cell.
8. Where in the plant cell are organelles located?
A. Nucleus B. Cell Wall
C. Cytoplasm D. Cell Membrane
9. Which organelle is responsible for the movement of materials, substances and nutrients around and serves as the canal of
the cell?
A. Endoplasmic Reticulum B. Nucleolus C. Peroxisome D. Vesicle
10. To ensure that our homes are free from pathogens we make sure to use disinfectants. The animal cell has also an
organelle that serves like a disinfectant to ensure that cells are healthy and can proceed with growth and reproduction. Why
are lysosomes called as the “Lysol’s” of the cell?
A. They digest fatty acids and ethanol.
B. They clean up cells wastes products.
C. They are involved and active during cell division.
D. They carry food materials into the cell and wastes out products out.

Championing Human Aspirations with Respect, Modesty, Empathy and Dynamism -CHARMED MNHS

Managpi National High School

Calapan City Oriental Mindoro
0956-538-6689 / 0917-656-2178
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

11. How is cell wall compared to a perimeter fence?

A. It guards the activity of the cell.
B. It protects the entire part of the cell.
C. It helps the cell to check what goes in and goes out.
D. It defends the entire cell from any foreign bodies that will invade the
entire parts.
12. Why is DNA called to be the blueprint of an organism?
A. It contains direction that leads an organism.
B. It contains signals for normal functioning of an organism.
C. It contains instructions for traits and characteristics of an organism.
D. It contains nutrients and substances for the development of an organism
13. Which of the following are present in plant cell and are absent in animal cell?
A. Cell Wall and Chloroplast
B. Lysosomes and Ribosomes
C. Golgi Bodies and Mitochondria
D. Cell Membrane and Cytoplasm
14. How do the major parts or layers of the plant cell and animal cell differ?
A. Plant cells and animal cell have both four major parts.
B. Plant cells have six major parts while animal cells have four.
C. Plants cell have three major parts while animal cells have five.
D. Plants cells have five major parts while animal cells have three.
15. Which of the following is the external stiff and rigid additional support for plant cell that cannot be found in animal cell?
A. Cell Wall B. Chromoplast C. Plastid D. Vacuole
16. What do you think is most likely to happen if plants do not have cell wall and chloroplast?
A. Plant cells will undergo cell division and reproduce.
B. Plant cells will shrink in size and will be non-pigmented.
C. Plant cells will be more protected and can do photosynthesis.
D. Plant cells will be easily damaged and cannot do photosynthesis
17. Plant cell are larger than animal cells in size. Is the previous statement about the cell size TRUE?
A. No, because plants and animal cell have the same size.
B. No, because plants and animal cell have the same parts.
C. Yes, because plants have larger central vacuole that functions as storage.
D. Yes, because plant cell is rectangular in shape and animals are spherical
that makes it different.
18. What type of cell is a bacteria cell?
A. Animal Cell B. Plant Cell C. Prokaryotic Cell D. Eukaryotic Cell
19. Which of the following statements is True about Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell?
A. Prokaryotic Cells are bigger than Eukaryotic Cell
B. Eukaryotic Cells have nucleus;Prokaryotic cells do not have nucleus
C. Example of prokaryotes are animals ; Example of eukaryotes are bacteria
D. Eukaryotic cells are simple, prokaryotic cells are complex
20. Which of the following is not a difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells?
A. The age of the cell
B. The complexity of the cells
C. Having a nucleus
D. The size of the cells
21. A cell has circular DNA, is small and simple, and no nucleus or membrane bound organelles. What type of cell is this?
A. Plant Cell B. Animal Cell C. Prokaryotic Cell D. Eukaryotic Cell
22. Which of the following would be examples of Eukaryotic cells
A. Animals and bacteria B. Plants and animals C. Plants and Bacteria D. Prokaryotes and Animals

Championing Human Aspirations with Respect, Modesty, Empathy and Dynamism -CHARMED MNHS

Managpi National High School

Calapan City Oriental Mindoro
0956-538-6689 / 0917-656-2178
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

23. Which of the following involves Gap 1, gap 2, and synthesis stages of the cell cycle ?
A. interphase B. telophase C. cytokinesis D. mitosis
24. What does the cell make during the synthesis stage of the cell cycle?
A. more organelles B. a copy of DNA
C. daughter cells D. greater surface area
25. Multicellular organisms use mitosis for growth, development and _____________.
A. apoptosis B. repair C. reproduction D. interphase
26. Organize these steps in the order in which they would occur during cell division.
A. Anaphase, interphase, metaphase, prometaphase, prophase, telophase
B. Interphase, prophase, prometaphase, anaphase, metaphase, telophase
C. Interphase, prometaphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
D. Interphase, prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
27 Which phase of mitosis involves the separation of chromatids?
A. Metaphase B. Prometaphase C. Anaphase D. Prophase
28. Which of the following describes the process that releases energy by breaking down food molecules in the presence of
A. cellular respiration B. Krebs cycle C. electron transport chain D. Photosynthesis
29. Human gametes normally have _____ chromosomes.
A. 23 B. 46 C. a diploid number of
30. When cells break food into chemical energy, it undergoes three major processes: glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron
transport. Which of these processes provide the most number of ATP molecules?
A. Glycolysis B. Electron transport chain C. Krebs cycle D. none of these
31. Oxygen is essential in cellular respiration. What is the role of oxygen in the electron transport chain?
A. It forms water
B. It releases an electron
C. It serves as the final acceptor
D. It provides a high energy proton
32.Which of the following statements is true about mitosis in humans?
A. All cells of the body go through mitosis more or less constantly from conception until death.
B. Each cell undergoing mitosis divides into two completely new cells that are usually identical to the cell from which they
C. It takes roughly two weeks for a cell to go through all six phases of mitosis.
33. Which of the following are the products of cellular respiration?
A. Oxygen and glucose
B. Water, oxygen, and ATP
C. Carbon dioxide and water
D. Water, carbon dioxide, and ATP
34. Which of the following statements are TRUE about cellular respiration?
I. Cellular respiration is the process by which food molecules are broken down to release energy.
II. Most of the reactions of cellular respiration take place in the mitochondria of the cell.
III. The reactants of cellular respiration are water, carbon dioxide and energy.
IV. The products of cellular respiration are oxygen and glucose.
A. I only C. II and II only
B. II only D. III and IV only
35. Which of the following is the first step of cellular respiration?
A. Glycolysis B. Electron transport chain C. Krebs cycle D. none of these
36. When cells break food into chemical energy, it undergoes three major processes: glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron
transport. Which of these processes of aerobic respiration produces the most ATP?
A. Glycolysis B. Electron transport chain C. Krebs cycle D. none of these

Championing Human Aspirations with Respect, Modesty, Empathy and Dynamism -CHARMED MNHS

Managpi National High School

Calapan City Oriental Mindoro
0956-538-6689 / 0917-656-2178
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

37. Which of the following should you NOT do while using the microscope?
A. Use low power objectives lens first.
B. Use stage clips to hold the slide in place.
C. Use direct sunlight when mirror is the light source.
D. Use fine adjustment only under the high-power objective.
38. Which of the following is NOT a proper method for handling microscopes?
A. Carry the microscope with one hand.
B. Always use fine adjustment when using high power.
C. Remove the slide before putting the microscope away.
D. Never clean the objectives with anything but lens paper.
39. Andy is using a compound microscope which has three objective lenses and has coarse adjustment knob and fine
adjustment knob. Is it correct to use the coarse adjustment knob when changing objectives lenses?
A. Yes, because it helps you to work faster.
B. No, because coarse adjustment knob is for the tilting of the microscope.
C. Yes, because coarse adjustment knob is responsible in changing the lenses.
D. No, because coarse adjustment knob is for the fast movement of the body tube and it might damage the glass slide.
40. Jose just finished using the microscope after his science class. He cleans the materials he used. In cleaning the slides, is
it advisable to use rough fabric?
A. No, because it can create a scratch on the glass slide.
B. No, because it can spread the color of the fabric to the glass slide.
C. Yes, because if you only use a soft fabric it cannot get the stain from the glass slide.
D. Yes, because rough fabrics are made for cleaning the stains and maintaining the shape of the glass slides.
41. Which part of the compound microscope helps in gathering and focusing light rays on the specimen to be viewed?
A. Eyepiece lens B. Objective lens C. Condenser lens D. Magnifying lens
42. On the microscope stage, what is used to hold the glass slide in place and prevent it from moving?
A. Stage B. Stage clip C. Condenser D. Fine adjustment knob
43. Which of the types of microscopes is used for dissection of specimens and viewing and qualitatively analyzing the
dissected samples?
A. Compound microscope . Electron microscope C. Dissecting Microscope D. Scanning probe microscope.
44. Which of the following is NOT a proper techniques in Handling a Pipette?
A. When using a pipette, always use a rubber suction bulb to protect you from chemical and the liquids from contamination.
B. Rinse it with the liquid to be measured before using.
C. After rinsing, add small amount of liquid to the beaker.
D. Remove the excess liquid. Hold the pipette vertically.
45. Which of the following laboratory apparatus uses steam under pressure to kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and
spores on items that are placed inside a pressure vessel?
A. Triple Beam Balance B. Autoclave C. Compund Microscope D Pipette
46. Which of the following instrument is used in measuring accurate volumes of liquids to be delivered into reaction flask?
A. Autoclave B. Pippete C. Compund Microscope D. Burette
47. How can you make sure that the burette is free from any contaminants ?
A. Use solutions to be used for rinsing the burette
B. Check and read the discharged volume at eye level
C. Refill the burette with titrant free of air bubbles
48. Quality steam is vital to a successful autoclave sterilization process. Which of the following is NOt included in the
A. Conditioning Phase B. Exposure Phase C. Exhaust Phase D. Contact Phase
49. Which of the following is NOT included in the parts of Triple Beam Balance?
A. Base B. Adjustment Knob C. Eyepiece C. Pointer

Championing Human Aspirations with Respect, Modesty, Empathy and Dynamism -CHARMED MNHS

Managpi National High School

Calapan City Oriental Mindoro
0956-538-6689 / 0917-656-2178
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

50. What is the first thing to do to make sure that your triple beam balance will show accurate mass?
A. Place the object on the pan and adjust the counterweights until the pointer is balanced at the zero line.
B. Place the object on the pan and adjust the counterweights until the pointer is at 5 grams.
C. Place the object on the pan and adjust the counterweights until the pointer is at 10 grams.
D. Place the object on the pan and adjust the counterweights until the pointer is at 20 grams.
51. What will you do to control access to areas where hazardous materials are used and stored?
A. Close and lock laboratory doors when no one is present
B. Report any missing inventory.
C. Train laboratory staff on procedures
D. Provide emergency responders with information on serious hazards.
52. Which of the following is not included in the guidelines to reduce the risk for unauthorized removal of hazardous
materials from your laboratory?
A. Know what materials are being brought into your lab
B. Know what materials are being removed from your lab.
C. Have a protocol for reporting security incidents
D. Leave hazardous materials unattended
53. Which of the following is NOT included in handling flammable chemicals?
A. Heat these reagents always .
B. Never in the presence of a flame or source of a spark.
C. In general, only open containers in fume hoods.
D. When storing more than 10 gallons of flammable liquids, a special explosion proof storage cabinet is required
54. Which of the following is NOT included in handling Reactive chemicals?
A. Wear PPE such as lab coats, goggles and gloves, and
B. Know the reactive properties of the chemical.
C. Always store oxidizing chemicals near the flammable materials.
55. Which of the following is a well developed method used to specific chemical constituents within the cells by
differentiating a specific part from other parts with a specific stain or dye?
A. Autoradiography B. Cytochemical Methods C. Paper Chromatography D. Spectrophotometry
56 . Which of the following is used as a heat source in the absence of flammable materials?
A. Beaker B. Bunsen burner C. Tripod D. Mortar and pestle
57. Which of the following is used to transfer liquids or fine- grained materials into containers with small openings; used for
A. Beaker B. Evaporating dish C. Funnel D. Test tube
58.Which of the followng is used to support and hold various flasks, beakers and other glassware when not in use and also
during experiments?
A. Beaker B. Bunsen burner C. Tripod D. Mortar and pestle
59. Which of the following is used to take and handle small quantities of solid chemicals ; used for scooping material out of
the container?
A. Iron clamp B. Test tube holder C. Spatula D. Watch glass
60. Which of the following is used to hold different things such as flasks, crucibles, and evaporating dishes when they are
A. Iron clamp B. Test tube holder C. Tongs D. Stirring rod

Championing Human Aspirations with Respect, Modesty, Empathy and Dynamism -CHARMED MNHS

Managpi National High School

Calapan City Oriental Mindoro
0956-538-6689 / 0917-656-2178

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