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Biological Classification

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Chapter 2: Biological Classification

Grade: XI

Subject: Biology

1. Discuss how classification system has undergone changes over a period of time?

Ans Linnaeus developed a two kingdom system of classification -Plantae and Animalia
which classified all organisms into these two kingdom but this type of classification was
inadequate as:
i)There are many organisms which cant be classified as plants or animals
ii)This classification did not distinguish between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, unicellular and
multicellular organisms, photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic organisms
Whittaker proposed a five kingdom classification based on – cell structure,nature of cell
wall,mode of nutrition, mode of reproduction,evolutionary relationships
The understanding of which groups to be included under Kingdom Animalia and Plantae has
been changing over time,even the nature of other kingdoms has been studied differently by
different scientists over time

2. State two economically important uses of :

a) heterotrophic bacteria b) Archaebacteria

Ans: a) Heterotrophic bacteria – They help in making curd from milk

Yield Antibiotics,Fixes nitrogen and increases soil fertility,Many are decomposers and
help in nutrient cycling and waste disposal

b) Archaebacteria – Methanogens are responsible for biogas production from dung of

ruminant animals
Methanogens present in the gut of ruminants help in their nutrition
Thermophiles’ DNA polymerase enzymes are used for Recombinant DNA Technology

3.What is the nature of cell wall in Diatom?

Ans: Cell wall is made up of cellulose and impregnated with silica,which makes their cell
wall indestructible
Cell wall occurs in the form of two overlapping halves which fit together as in a soap case
4. Find out what the algal bloom and red tide signify?

Ans: Algal bloom refers to the excess growth of algae especially Cyanobacteria in water
polluted with inorganic nutrients;it depletes the dissolved oxygen content of the water body
Red tides are caused by Dinoflagellates like Gonyaulax which undergo rapid multiplication
that the sea appears red.The toxin secreted can kill the marine animals like fish
5. How are viroids different from viruses.

Viroids Viruses
They are smaller than viruses Comparatively larger

They lack a protein coat They have a surface protein coat called
They are short segments of free RNA which
are infectious Their genetic material is DNA or RNA

RNA is of low molecular wt

RNA is of higher molecular wt

6.Describe briefly the four major groups of Protozoa

Ans: The four groups of protozoans are :

i) Amoeboid Protozoan- they do locomotion and food capture by the help of pseudopodia eg
Amoeba(free living) and Entamoeba (parasitic)
ii) Flagellated protozoan- has flagella for locomotion eg Trypanosoma
iii) Ciliated Protozoan – has cilia for locomotion eg Paramoecium
iii) Sporozoans – parasitic and have spores like stages in their life cycle eg Plasmodium

7. Plants are autotrophic. Can you think of some plants which are partially heterotrophic?
Insectivorous plants like Venus Flytrap are autotrophs but supplement their nitrogen
requirement by capturing and digesting insects. They normally grow in nitrogen deficient
Parasitic plants like Cuscuta are also heterotrophic in nature
8. What do the terms phycobiont and mycobiont signify?
Ans: Lichen is a symbiotic association between algae and fungi.The algal component is
called phycobiont and the fungal component is called the mycobiont .The phycobiont is the
autotrophic partner preparing food whereas the fungi(heterotrophic) provide shelter and
absorb nutrients and water for its partner
9.Give a comparative account of the classes of Kingdom Fungi under the following:
a) Mode of nutrition b) Mode of reproduction

Phycomycetes Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes Deuteromycetes

Mode of They are Saprophytic, They grow as Some are saprophytic

nutrition saprotrophs decomposers, parasitic decomposers on or parasitic but largely
growing on or coprophilous. eg logs or tree decomposers eg
decaying organic Aspergillus , stumps and as Alternaria,Trichoderma
matter Penicillium,Neurospora parasites in
(Mucor,Rhizopus) plants - rusts
and smuts
Or Parasitic

Mode of Asexual reproduction Vegetative

Asexual is by conidia which Asexual mode of
reproduction reproduction by reproduction by
reproduction by are produced fragmentation
zoospores (motile) exogenously on the conidia
or by aplanospores conidiophores Asexual spores
(non-motile). generally not
Spores are Sexual reproduction found Sexual reproduction
produced results in ascospores either absent or not
endogenously in but are produced Sexual known, once perfect
sporangium. within asci which are reproduction is stages found they are
Sexual arranged in fruiting by plasmogamy moved to
reproduction: bodies called or somatogamy Ascomycetes or
Zygotes can be ascocarps (fusion of two Basidiomycetes
similar in somatic cells of
morphology different strains
(isogamous) or or genotype –
dissimilar sex organs are
(anisogamous or absent). The
oogamous). resultant
structure is
dikaryotic which
gives rise to
Karyogamy and
meiosis occurs in
the basidium
resulting in four
The basidia are
arranged in
fruiting bodies
10. What are the characteristic features of Euglenoids?
They are flagellates and unicellular
Mostly found in fresh water – stagnant water
Cell wall is absent, they have a protein rich layer called pellicle which gives flexibility to the
They have two flagella – one short and the other long
They are photosynthetic in presence of sunlight, possess photosynthetic pigments identical
to higher plants
They behave like heterotrophs (predating on other smaller organisms) in absence of
Asexual mode of reproduction by longitudinal binary fission
Eg: Euglena
11.Give a brief account of viruses with respect to their structure and nature of genetic
material. Also name four common viral diseases
Viruses are obligate intra cellular parasites
They are nucleoprotein with a protein coat protecting the nucleic acid
The protein coat is called capsid made of small subunits called capsomeres which are
arranged in helical, polyhedral or geometric forms
The genetic material may be single stranded or double stranded DNA or RNA
Tobacco mosaic and cauliflower mosaic are the viral diseases in plants
Chicken pox, AIDS, Covid and Measles are common diseases in human

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