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Christmas Around The World

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around the
jj world
Lucia.C, Cayetana.G, Julia.R
Christmas in 2 different
We have chosen the christmas in Switzerland
and Japan. We chose this countrys because
there are original an different than our typical
Christmas in Spain or United Stated.
We will talk about the origin of the christmas in
each country and the traditions, song and
typical activities to they do.
Christmas in Japan: Origins
In Japan, the Christmas celebrate have there origins in the decade of 1550 with
the first celebration registered for the Francis Xavier missionary. However during
the shogunate Tokugawa, the Christianity was banned so led to secret worship.
The banned got up in 1873, allowing free celebrations in the country. In the
Second Global war the Christmas came up in Japan, standing in the decade of
1980 with de population of the give a present for the simbol de status and
connection with the occidental culture.
Traditions: 1.1 typical
Typical dinner: Japanese Christmas tradition came
up in 1974 thanks to some tourists went to KFC to
dinner in Christmas eve, since that was the only
place where could find the closest thing to typical
roast turkey. KFC saw quickly the opportunity and
with a good marketing got that today is tradition
dinner roast turkey of KFC in Christmas Eve.

Typical dessert: the Japanese include in their

Christmas celebration a beautiful cake called “
Christmas cake”. It is too sweet cake of cream and
strawberry that is bought at christmas, 25th of
December, and it is very important between
Traditions: 1.2 lights
See the Christmas light: All the country becomes crazy with the Christmas
light. The shopping centre, restaurants, public zones have amazing light.
The places considered emblematic, for the lighting exhibition so beautiful,
for example in the central station of Tokio, in the capital, the Acuario
Osaka, Kaiyukan or the onsen Nabana no Sato.
Tradition: 1.3 Christmas
See the Christmas market: during the winter season, Japan it fills of the
typical Christmas markets. If you visit the country in this season you could
find of everything, from ornament to hot wine.
Cultural influence: Christmas in Switzerland is
influenced by the culture of each linguistic region
and by German, French and Italian traditions.

Religious aspect: Since Switzerland is religiously

diverse, the celebration of Christmas can vary
between Catholics and Protestants. Celebrations
often include religious activities and church services

Customs and typical things:

Adventskranz (Advent Wreath): As in other European
countries, Swiss families often have an Advent wreath
with candles. Every Sunday in Advent, a new candle is
lit until Christmas Eve.
Advent Calendar: Advent calendars are popular in
Switzerland, especially among children. Many have
windows that open to reveal a surprise or treat each
day until December 24.

Christmas markets: Switzerland is known for its

Christmas markets, where crafts, decorations, foods
and drinks typical of the season are sold. The
markets often feature live music and activities for
Traditional Food: Food plays an important role in
Christmas festivities. In the German-speaking region,
dishes such as "Raclette" and "Fondue" are common. In
the French-speaking region, there may be influence
of French dishes, and in the Italian-speaking region,
Italian specialties may be enjoyed.
Visits of Saint Nicholas and the Christkind: In some regions, Saint Nicholas visits
children on December 6, while in others, the Christkind (Baby Jesus) is the one who
brings gifts on Christmas Eve.
Carol singing: Carol singing is a common tradition in Swiss Christmas celebrations.
Local groups can go from house to house to sing Christmas carols and spread
Christmas cheer.

In Switzerland, Christmas is about family, tradition and food. The celebration usually
includes Christmas Eve dinner, festive decorations, music, gift exchange, and
attendance at masses or religious services for those who celebrate religiously.
Additionally, community spirit is valued with Christmas events and markets that bring
people together to share this special time.
Compare and contrast
The Christmas in Japan and in Switzerland are very differents. In Japan the celebration don’t have origins religious, it’s focus in
comercial aspect and in Switzerland is the other way around, it is focus in religion.
In Japan, the Christmas ornaments is very colorful and often their are relacionated with popular characters like Santa Claus, but the
celebration it is lifed directedly. In Switzerland, the ornaments sometimes are classic and the celebration is about the religion than in
The Christmas food is different: in japan, is common eat the Christmas menu of KFC during the season, while in Switzerland eat
traditional meals like fondue and raclette.
despite the differences, the both cultures share the spirit of Christmas and stay with the family during this season
The importance of Christmas varies depending on culture and personal beliefs,
but it usually focuses on family gathering, generosity, reflection and celebration.
For many, it represents a time of connection with loved ones, of sharing
affection through gifts and kind gestures, and of reflecting on the year that is
ending. In a broader context, Christmas symbolizes hope, peace and kindness
towards others, regardless of individual beliefs, being a time of togetherness and
joy for many people around the world.

Cayetana : Empezando por uno de los países , Suiza , ha buscado el origen y

el significado de la Navidad del país , las costumbres , las cosas típicas ,
curiosidades y ejemplos con fotos.
Cayetana: He seguido traduciendo la información de la navidad en Suiza y cuando
he terminado , lo he ido pasando a Canva , editándolo y distribuyendo todo en las
Lucia:He empezado a buscar información de la navidad en Japón, como sus
diapositivas y colocando las fotos correspondientes.
costumbres tradiciones y sus orígenes, también he buscado también fotos para
poner en trabajo.
Lucia He empezado el compara y contrasta y he ido traduciendo información de
Japón .
Julia: He hecho la introducción, ha buscado fotos para poner en la
introducción y he ayudado a Lucia en la información de Japón.
Julia: he recopilado toda la la información de las tradiciones de Japón y las he ido
traducido y copiamdo en el trabajo.
Y teníamos pensado en hacer China y Estados Unidos pero nos hemos dado
cuenta de que Estados Unidos era poco original y nos pareció mejor poner
Suiza ya que es un país de europeo que no tiene nada a ver con la navidad y
las costumbres de japón , que es el país con la navidad bastante original y
Cayetana : Hemos pensado que sería interesante hacer una conclusión en este
DIARIO 2 trabajo debido a que los países son muy diferentes y queríamos englobar lo
Cayetana : He separado la información de la navidad en Suiza obtenida por importante y lo más significativo de la navidad sea en el país que sea , y por eso en
ideas , como por ej “Customs and typical things:” , “Religious aspect “ , etc…. Y he la última clase he hecho la conclusion .
empezado a traducir toda esta información al inglés

Lucia : He buscado los origenes de la navidad en Japón y lo he traducido . Lucia: He terminado el compara y contrasta con Júlia y he buscado también
algunas fotos para poner en el trabajo

Julia : he buscado imformacion sobre las tradiciones en Japón en diferentes

páginas webs y las he ido apuntado en notas. Julia: he ayudado con el compara y contrasta y lo he traducido.

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