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English 5 Q3 W2

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School: Taloto Elementary School Grade Level: V

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Rodilyn A. Sab Learning Area: ENGLISH

Teaching Dates and Time: FEBRUARY 20-24, 2023 (WEEK 2) Quarter:


A. KNOWLEDGE Distinguish Text- Types According Distinguish Text- Types Enumerate the causes why Identify time connectives used in Enumerate the ways in writing an
to Purpose and Features: According to Purpose and something happens. explaining how something explanation text.
Explanation. Features: Explanation. happens.
B. SKILLS Use explanation text-type to Use explanation text-type to Use explanation text-type to give Use a flow chart to explain how Write sentences that explains.
explain why and how something explain why and how something reasons why things happen. something happens.
happens. happens.
C. ATTITUDE Show eagerness during the Show eagerness during the Display cooperation in working Display cooperation in working Show patience and diligence in
lesson by participating actively lesson by participating actively with others especially in group with others especially in group writing activities during the lesson.
especially in answering and doing especially in answering and activities. activities.
other activities. doing other activities.
D. VALUES Value the importance of learning Value the importance of Appreciate the importance of Value the importance of being in Appreciate the value of being
how to explain things that learning how to explain things explaining things well to be order in explaining events in life. patient and diligent in everything
happen in our daily lives. that happen in our daily lives. understood. we do.
A. SUBJECT MATTER Distinguish Text- Types Distinguish Text- Types Distinguish Text- Types Distinguish Text- Types Distinguish Text- Types
According to Purpose and According to Purpose and According to Purpose and According to Purpose and According to Purpose and
Features: Explanation Features: Explanation Features: Explanation Features: Explanation Features: Explanation
B. REFERENCE Grade 5 - 3rd Q – M1-L2 pp.1- Grade 5 - 3rd Q – M1-L2 pp.1- Grade 5 - 3rd Q – M1-L1 pp.1-14 Grade 5 - 3rd Q – M1-L1 pp.1-14 Grade 5 - 3rd Q – M1-L1 pp.1-14
14 14
A. INTRODUCTION / 1. Spelling 1. What was our lesson 1. What was our lesson 1. Spelling 1. Spelling
PREPARATION 2. What was our lesson yesterday? yesterday? 2. What did we discuss 2. What did we discuss
last meeting? 2. What do you see in the yesterday? yesterday?
3. Motivation picture? 3. What are time What are the time
Have you seen a connectives? connectives used to
volcano? When do we use time explain how something
How will you describe connectives? happens?
a volcano?
Unlocking of difficulties:
 Core - is the very hot, very 3. What is a tsunami?
dense center of our 4. What is a concept
planet. map?
 Magma - molten rock that
is underground
4. Motive Questions:

How does volcano cones


B. TEACHING / Read the paragraph below. An explanation tells or explores Read the passage. Read the passage below. Read each text-type. Write YES if it
MODELING how things work or how they gives explanation and NO if it does
Heat deep in the core of the came to be. It presents a series A tsunami is a large ocean not.
ANALYSIS Earth continually escapes toward of events that relate to time, or wave usually caused by an
the surface. As the heat rises, it cause, or both. underwater earthquake or a
1. You’ll never get me up in
warns rock, which begins to rise volcanic explosion. Tsunamis are
slowly. This molten rock or Identify which sentence DOES generated by any large, impulsive one of those things; said Mandy,
magma, usually cools within. NOT explain the importance of displacement of the sea level. The eyeing the huge hot air balloon.
Sometimes, however, magma planting trees. most common cause of a tsunami Then she took another picture.
continues to push upward. It is sea floor uplift associated with
absorbs water in the ground and a) Trees help prevent an earthquake. Tsunamis are also What is the passage all about? 2. Unfortunately, many
heats it to produce steam or gas. flood and soil erosion. triggered by landslides into or How does seeds grow? species of bats are endangered or
Gas- filled magma is lighter and b) Trees give shelter. under the water surface, and can What are the time connectives
can rise through a series of c) Trees give-off carbon be generated by volcanic activity already extinct. It is vital that we
used in the text?
channels toward the surface. dioxide. and meteorite impacts. join forces to protect the bats that
When it reaches a vent or d) Trees purify air. remain. Bats feed on harmful
opening in the surface, it spews e) Trees provide lumber. Explanation text provides insect pests. They are also
out. Magma that erupts from a descriptions to looking at things responsible for up to 95% of the
vent is called lava, reaching like causes and reasons. They residing of the tropical rain
temperatures of more than 1000 What is a tsunami? move beyond retelling of what forests. Without those forests our
degrees centigrade. When cooled Why tsunami happens? happened, such as in a simple
the lava and other materials, delicate balance of oxygen and
report, to address the why and
such as ash and rocks, build up to Causes of Tsunami moisture could be destroyed.
how of what happened.
form the cones of a volcano.
Explanatory texts usually tell how
Answer the given questions: or why things occur with a general
1. What do you call this material statement that introduces the
that continues to melt as the topic to be explored Time
earth continues to produce heat connectives used such as first,
deep in the core? after, then, next, and finally.
2. How does magma produce
steam or gas?
3. What happens if this gas-filled
magma rises through a series of
channels to the surface?
4. What do you call a magma
that erupts from a vent?
5. How are volcanic cones
Using the concept map, write the
What type of text is the
causes of tsunami.
paragraph above?
A concept map is a diagram or
Read these sentences and
graphical tool that visually
analyse what it tells us.
represents relationships between
concepts and ideas.
Heat deep in the core of the
Earth continually escapes toward
the surface. As the heat rises, it
warns rock, which begins to rise
slowly. This molten rock or
magma, usually cools within.

The paragraph above is an

example of Text type that
Explain. It explains how or why
something happens.

What is explanation?
Explanation text type is a factual
text that explains how or why
something happens.

How do we explain?
1. It begins with the topic and
describes the topic in order.
2. Explains how these items
related to each other.
3. It ends with conclusion.
4. The text type is written in the
present tense.

C. GUIDED Directions: Read the story, “What Directions: Match Column A Group Activity Let’s try to write one explanation
Read the passage below then
PRACTICE/ABSTRA Makes a Rainbow”. Write the with the explanations in Column arrange the sequence of events text.
CTION WITH letter of the phrase that best B. Write your answer on a how frogs developed. Write
completes each sentence. separate paper. numbers 1-9. 1. Explain the causes of
climate change
When the sun pops back out Column Column B
during a rain shower, you run A
outdoors. Turn your back to the
1. The A. We depend on Remember:
human them for our timber 1. It begins with the topic and
sun. If you’re lucky, you might brain is and products. They describes the topic in order.
see a rainbow. When the sun like a provide raw
2. Explains how these items
comes out of the clouds, it shines powerfu materials for houses
l and furniture, related to each other.
on the distant raindrops. Sunlight compute buildings, railroads 3. It ends with conclusion.
looks clear, but it is made up of r. and ships. They 4. The text type is written in the
all the different colors. Raindrops provide the pulp for present tense.
our books, and
are curved shapes. The curved
newspapers and the
shapes of the raindrops bend fiber for our ____1. Later, they grow two front
light waves from the sun’s rays. clothing. Most of legs.
When the light waves are bent in our foods and ____2. During this time, they grow
medicines come gills to help them breathe.
different ways, they reflect
from them. ____3. First, the mother frog lays
different colors. When you look 2. Our B. They have long her eggs in the water.
away from the sun toward the forests memories. This ____4. Then, they grow two back
rain, you see reflected light. All are memory serves the legs.
among mothers well during
the colors together form a ____5. Next, the eggs hatched to
our the dry seasons
rainbow. country’ when they need to
tiny tadpoles.
s guide their herds to ____6. Now, it is a frog.
importa even distant ____7. Finally, a froglet loses its
nt watering holes that tail.
natural they remember ____8. Afterwards, the tadpole
resource from the past. They looks like a frog but it has a tail.
s. also display signs of This is called a froglet.
grief, joy, anger,
and play.
3. The C. It stores our
1. Rainbow are caused by _____ . word memory and
2. Raindrops __________. global controls how we
refers to think and read. It
3. The curved shape of a raindrop
the land, controls our
__________. sea, and thoughts, our
4. Because sunlight is made up of atmosph movements,
all colors, __________ . ere of decisions, dreams
the and ambitions.
5. Because each raindrop bends planet D. Global warming
light a little differently, earth. is the result of the
__________ . sun’s radiation
being absorbed by
gases in the
Why do we need to learn to atmosphere. These
explain? gases are known as
greenhouse gases.
Changes in the
temperature of the
atmosphere affect
the movement of
the air around the
4. The E. Erosion, the
elephant washing away of
s are soil due to floods,
extremel illegal logging,
y “kaingin” is very
intellige harmful to the
nt environment.

D. INDEPENDENT Read the passage below. Directions: Read each text-type. Using the explanation writing Read the paragraph below and Write one explanation
PRACTICE/APPLIC Write YES if it gives explanation frame, give the reasons why arrange the series of events why sentence/phrase/statement/parag
Wind and the Weather and NO if it does not. and how the rain forms by writing raph.
ATION people need to take care of the number 1-5 in the space provided
environment. before the number.
Have you ever wondered what 1. The wonder of cellular
causes the wind? The answer is technology has truly made
air pressure. Air pressure is the communication among people
amount of force with which the easier, faster and more
air presses down on the Earth’s constant. Even in the absence
surface. The amount of force of a face-to-face encounter,
depends on the weight of the air. people seem to be closer to
Different amounts of pressure each other despite distance.
create different wind speeds and ___1. As it reaches the sky, the
wind motions. These wind 2. A country inspector came water cools and condenses into
differences cause different kinds over to check on the mechanical rain or snow.
of weather. A meteorologist uses teacher. This teacher had been ___2. Water from these sources
information to help predict the giving the students test after evaporate because of the sun’s
weather. A barometer measures test in Geography, and they had
___3. When all the water gets
the air pressure. If the readings been doing badly in their scores. heavy enough, it starts falling back
on a barometer are falling into the earth in the form of rain.
quickly, then a storm can be 3. Joshua is doing his ___4. At first, we have a very huge
body of water from the oceans,
expected soon. If the readings on assignment due next day.
seas, rivers, and lakes.
a barometer are rising, the Suddenly, a power shortage ___5. The rainwater is then
weather should be fair. occurs. So, Joshua sleep early collected at the rivers and oceans,
Directions: Complete the chart and wake up early to finish his and the cycle starts again.
below by writing a short assignment.
explanation about the phrase
given in the first column. 4. We breathe in oxygen and
breathe out carbon dioxide to
Directions: Complete the chart live. Oxygen is necessary for
below by writing a short people and animals to live. The
explanation about the phrase carbon dioxide that people and
given in the first column. animals breathe out are taken in
by plants. Truly, oxygen and
carbon dioxide are very
important gases that make life
possible on earth.

Directions: Write TRUE if the Read the text below. Directions: Answer the question Look at the diagram on the life A. Directions: Using the fact given
paragraph is an explanation and How do you explain a healthy below. cycle of a butterfly. below. Write a text type
FALSE if not. Write your answer person? Write your answers explanation with at least five
Why do children need to learn sentences.
on the space provided. inside the box.
how to read? Explain your answers
______ 1. “Why do rain? Warm in 4 sentences. “100 days of COVID-19 in the
air turns the water from the Being healthy does not only Philippines: How WHO
river, lakes, and oceans into mean physically well nor being supported the Philippine
water vapor that rises into the free from bodily diseases or Response”
air. The water vapor forms illnesses. It means being
clouds, which contain small mentally and emotionally stable 9 May 2020
Exactly 100 days have passed
drops of water or ice crystals as well. More importantly, it is
Using a flow chart, write at least 4 since the first confirmed COVID-19
(depending on how high the having a positive attitude or sentences explaining the Life Cycle case was announced in the
cloud is and how cold it is). As disposition toward stress. It is of a Butterfly. Philippines on 30 January 2020,
clouds rise higher and higher, the feeling good about oneself. with a 38-year old female from
air gets colder and colder. When Wuhan testing positive for the
the water vapor in the clouds novel coronavirus. On the same
becomes too heavy. It falls back day, on the other side of the world
to the ground as rain or snow.” at the WHO headquarters in
Geneva, WHO activated the
______2. “There was once an old
highest level of alert by declaring
farmer who owned a very COVID-19 as a public health
stubborn donkey. One evening, emergency of international
the farmer was trying to put his concern.
donkey into its shed. The farmer
pushed the donkey, but the The Philippine government
donkey wouldn’t move. The mounted a multi-sectoral
response to the COVID19, through
farmer pulled the donkey , but
the Interagency Task Force (IATF)
the donkey still wouldn’t move… on Emerging Infectious Diseases
as soon as the cat scratched the chaired by the Department of
dog, the dog began to bark. The Health (DOH). Through the
barking dog frighted the donkey National Action Plan (NAP)
who jump immediately into on COVID-19, the government
sheds”. aims to contain the spread of
COVID-19 and mitigate
its socioeconomic impacts.

The Philippines implemented

various actions including a
community quarantine in Metro
Manila which expanded to Luzon
as well as other parts of the
country; expanded its testing
capacity from one national
reference laboratory with the
Research Institute of Tropical
Medicine (RITM) to 23 licensed
testing labs across the country;
worked towards ensuring that its
health care system can handle
surge capacity, including for
financing of services and
management of cases needing
isolation, quarantine and
hospitalization; and addressed the
social and economic
impact to the community including
by providing social amelioration to
low income families.
The World Health Organization
(WHO) has been working with
Ministries of Health worldwide to
prepare and respond to COVID-19.
In the Philippines, WHO country
office in the Philippines and its
partners had been working with
the Department of Health and
subnational authorities to respond
to the pandemic. The country level
response is done with support
from the WHO regional office and

Short Explanation
(see attach file for rubrics)
Write an explanation text why Write explanation
we need to wear face mask. sentences/phrases/paragraphs.
Rubrics for writing

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