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Reimagining OT

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cybersecurity strategy
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Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

Introduction 4

Digital transformation of the energy 6

and industrial sector

IT-OT convergence – an enabler and enigma 8

Cyberattacks and the vulnerabilities of OT 10


Strategising for robust OT security 12

Conclusion 16

Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

Digital transformation has started making its way well into the energy and
industrial sector. Organisations are adopting newer technologies to improve
efficiencies, manage supply chains, and enable remote operations. While
technology has many merits in improving the time to market, it is also
instrumental in achieving the sustainability vision.

According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA)1, between 2018 and

2050, energy consumption is expected to increase by 50 percent globally. With the
industrial sector* holding the largest share in terms of end-use consumption, tools
and technologies (IoT, sensors, and advanced data analytics) have an imperative
towards supporting decarbonisation. This makes the technology-led revolution
almost inevitable.

However, alongside us observing the transformation, are cyber criminals, threat

actors, and state-sponsored hacktivists, who are targeting these sectors and
the whole gamut of critical infrastructure. Operational Technologies (OT) have
become a lucrative target for state and non-state actors, as attacking them can
disrupt operations, damage equipment, affect lives, and stall economies. Hence,
protecting these technologies and improving resilience have become a matter of
national security and safety.

This POV probes into why organisations need to reimagine and re-strategise
cybersecurity considerations for their OT environment as they embark on their
journey of digital transformation and the IT−OT integration.

*According to the US Energy Information Administration, the industrial sector includes refining, mining, manufacturing, agriculture, and construction.
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Reimagining OT cybersecurity
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Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

Digital transformation of the

energy and industrial sector
By 2025, ‘smart factories’ are likely to be the key driver of competition, highlighted
86 percent manufacturers in the US.2 (Deloitte Smart Manufacturing 2.0 series)

Digital transformation and Industry The sector is expected to drive growth Digital transformation and the
4.0 are no longer seen as merely new and garner strong focus under the adoption of the latest technologies in
buzzwords. They offer immense potential government’s ‘Make in India’ initiative the energy and industrial sector
to companies in the industrial and and its various Production-Linked (examples)
energy sectors. Whether automating Incentive (PLI) schemes. For example,
the factory floor, monitoring/operating INR 25,938 crore for the automotive and
systems remotely, or using predictive auto-component sector and INR 76,000 An oil and gas enterprise in 2019
insights for maintenance, newer use crore for semi-conductors and display signed MoUs with various start-ups
cases continue to emerge. Technologies, manufacturing, amongst many others. offering solutions such as intelligent
including automation, Internet of Things These schemes present an opportunity automation, industrial AI platform,
(IoT), mobility solutions, robotics, and for organisations to scale their operations AR/VR/3D simulation, and
Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality while leveraging digital transformation to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).
(VR), are being introduced into factory bring in efficiencies.
floors, in the supply chain and industrial
processes. Even industries such as power, oil
A moulded glass manufacturer in
and gas, and chemicals are priming to
India installed a new glass furnace
According to a NASSCOM 2021 report 3, embrace digital solutions. Last year,
during the pandemic using
60 percent manufacturing firms in the Cabinet approved the Revamped
technologies such as AR. It also
India reported increasing their digital Distribution Sector Scheme4. The
bolstered the infrastructure to
investments, compared with 63 percent scheme focuses on implementing smart
enable remote operation of its plant
globally. meters, along with promoting the use
in a week.
of Artificial Intelligence (AI), to analyse
data, forecast demand, reduce loses, and
While most organisations provide various predictive analysis. The
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, In 2022, an Indian telecom company
continue to invest in point India, published a digitisation roadmap5 using 5G standalone network did a
solutions, some are also for upstream processes in 2020. The trial run to integrate energy utilities.
roadmap highlights encouraging results
creating digital twins of of using technologies such as AI, IoT, and
their factory environment automation in upstream processes. In India, a manufacturer
to bring the cyber and The overall concept of smart cities
categorising itself in the SME
segment highlights that its Industry
physical worlds together requires real-time and remote monitoring 4.0 implementation is more than 60
of integrated systems, such as water
in a more systematic and management systems, electricity
percent complete.

meaningful way. consumption, urban mobility, and public

Source: News articles
The India imperative
The time is relevant and opportune for These necessitate the opening up and
the manufacturing sector in India, as it interaction with OT and Industrial Control
rallies from the impact of the pandemic. Systems (ICS).

Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

IT-OT convergence – an
enabler and enigma
According to Deloitte US’ 2022 If we look at cyber challenges, OT
manufacturing industry outlook6, more systems have traditionally worked in
than half of the organisations surveyed complete or a partial air gap, isolated
plan to enhance data integration for from the enterprise network and traffic.
supply-and-demand visibility and The transition from isolated industrial
planning. Even in India, the pandemic control systems to Industry 4.0, and
has established the need for end-to-end subsequently to a fully converged
supply chain visibility, which effectively environment, allows any existing cyber
means integrating data from operational threats in the IT environment to move
technologies to have a single laterally into the OT environment. Even a
consolidated view. malware from a third party can make its
way into OT systems and cause havoc.
For improved outcomes and productivity,
data must be harnessed from operational Even air gapping as a method has been
technologies and made available for challenged in the past, and malware has
enterprise usage, connected to enterprise been accidently introduced into the OT
software, and fed into analytics and AI environment during regular maintenance
engines. by third parties.

Similarly, COVID-19 also brought

into focus the need for remote
operation and maintenance, which
OT assets that are by and
necessitates connecting operational and large complex, still work
manufacturing systems to the IT network.
on obsolete versions of
In the overall quest to harness cloud and operating systems and
5G, and with the rise in the use of factory
tablets, robotics, and industrial IoT,
software, making the
convergence between the physical world OT environment even
of OT with IT is increasing.
more vulnerable when
While the IT−OT integration has several converged with IT.
benefits, it brings in engineering,
management, and cybersecurity

Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

Cyberattacks and the

vulnerabilities of OT systems
According to the Dragos/Ponemon observed to be the most prevalent type
Institute ‘State of Industrial Cybersecurity of attack against industries that have an On January 11 2022, a joint
Report 2021’ 7, close to two-thirds of those OT environment. Another recent survey advisory8 from CISA, FBI, and NSA
surveyed said they had witnessed an by CrowdStrike10 brings attention to the was released for critical
OT/ICS incident in the past two years. A rampant ransomware attacks in India − infrastructure for the US amidst
cybersecurity incident’s average cost was one of the highest in the APAC region. the rising geopolitical tensions.
calculated nearly US$3 million. The advisory mentioned the
In India, according to NCIIPC’s Responsible APT-style intrusion campaigns
There are rising instances of attacks on Vulnerability Disclosure Programme11, made by state-sponsored groups
organisations with OT systems – the in Q3 2021, 3,913 vulnerabilities were on the energy sector between
ransomware attack on a US pipeline reported in the country’s critical 2011 and 2018, and the
company, the espionage campaign information infrastructure; this included subsequent exfiltration of data.
in which organisations in critical click jacking, security misconfiguration,
infrastructure were targeted for a period and sensitive data exposure.
of time in a South East Asian country, or
the instances of cyberattacks on India’s Use of legacy systems; lack of proper network
load dispatch units. As the geopolitical
environment gets complex, these attacks
segmentation; absence of robust governance, security
continue to happen unabated, with policies, and monitoring; and unsecure remote access;
several instances of state-sponsored and
APT-style attacks.
are leading to increased cyber vulnerabilities.

The ransomware scare has also not spared

the industrial sector. Deloitte’s recent
As the life span of OT assets is high and some vulnerabilities
publication on “Ransomware in critical continue due to legacy issues, a different strategy is
infrastructure”9 directs to an analysis
that says that ransomware has been
required to secure and monitor these OT systems.

Top 10 vulnerabilities reported per NCIIPC’s

Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure Click jacking
Programme in Q3 2021:
Denial of service Security misconfiguration
10 2

Weak encryption 9 3 Sensitive data exposure

Version disclosure 8 4 Spoofing

Broken authentication 7 5 Cross-site scripting


Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

Strategising for robust

OT security
Before we embrace digital transformation within industrial systems, we need to fully
evaluate the scope and the need for the IT-OT integration, keeping cyber risks as one
of the deciding factors. In the broader Industry 4.0 strategy, an organisation must seek
clarity on ‘how much is too much.’ One can then put a roadmap in place to move from
isolated systems to integrated systems, again keeping cybersecurity at its core. The
complexities of OT render the traditional IT security strategy ineffective.

Hence, the first step towards the right OT cybersecurity strategy is to acknowledge the following:

The trend of the IT-OT

convergence, dissolving air
gap, and the rise in attacks
(targeted or otherwise)

The fact that air gapping provides a false

Irrespective of the industry, the sense of security, and cybersecurity
human element is the weakest awareness and measures are equally
link. Hence, the focus on training critical even if OT assets and network are
and awareness should be higher. completely isolated

OT security is a cross-functional Due to interdependencies building up

responsibility. Setting the with hyper-convergence and digitisation,
right governance structure, even an attack on enterprise IT can
and establishing roles and affect operations. Hence, complete
responsibilities are important. This visibility and monitoring of devices
helps determine the right balance and network within the IT, OT, and IoT
of risk and reward. environment, is needed.

As service availability is Any attack in the supply chain

crucial, a strong focus can laterally move into the OT
on cyber resilience and system. Therefore, security
business continuity is considerations in any external
needed. collaboration are must.

Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

Setting the right governance is key

A joint governance with
Establishing a governance model is
key. It enhances accountability and the senior leadership of IT,
collaboration amongst the IT security and security, engineering, and
OT teams, along with balancing risks and
rewards. Simple tasks such as system management can provide
upgrading and patching are complex. the appropriate attention
They require revisiting the technology
stack and necessitating intervention of and security to OT
manufacturing teams. systems. It can also help
OT environments and systems have better correlate and assess
traditionally been under the purview of the impact of cyber risks
manufacturing or engineering teams,
with the IT function monitoring network on business operations.
at some of the IT-OT interface and laying
out protocols/standards for technology
use and implementation. As the scope The need for specialised
of technology, associated vulnerabilities OT cybersecurity teams,
and threats increase, the governance
of OT security needs further thought mapped to the CISO
and elevation at the management and function, is also emerging.
board levels.
This will encourage better
Just like IT, OT cybersecurity teams measures, controls, and
require specialists for governance, risk,
and compliance; security design and monitoring.
engineering; monitoring and assessment;
and respond and recover. With challenges
around talent availability, organisations
are also considering managed security
service providers to establish their
satellite OT security teams.

Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

Best practices and controls to secure the OT environment

• In line with the evolving threat landscape, the Indian government in 2021 released guidelines for cybersecurity in the
power sector (see Appendix).

• The joint advisory8 from CISA, FBI, and NSA for critical infrastructure (amidst the rising state-sponsored attacks)
recommends patching systems (amongst other requirements). It also suggests implementing multi-factor authentication
(MFA), robust log collection and retention, behavioural detection, and proactive threat hunting, alongside formulating an
incident response and resilience plan, and a plan for continuity of operations.

Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

To secure their OT environment, organisations can consider a six-point framework:

In-depth security assessment to establish the security posture

Amidst greenfield or brownfield digital projects, a comprehensive security assessment helps understand
security maturity levels and existing gaps. Moreover, it provides visibility on asset inventory across levels – field
devices, process controls, supervisory, and enterprise IT network. This helps understand the current security
levels and put the right OT security process and roadmap in place.

Security processes, protocols, and controls

Following IEC 62443 standards (Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems) across policies, management,
industrial IT, products, and components, is important.

Security considerations include, but are not limited to, designing a secured network segmentation model and
secured remote access, as well as managing privileged access, data backup, and passive monitoring for visibility
of networked assets and activity.12

Any digital programme or third-party collaboration must have a “security-by-design” and “resilient-by-design”
approach to be able to successfully mitigate risks. For products, systems, and the development lifecycle, third-
party assurance certifications complying with standards such as IEC 62443-4 are imperative.

Periodical risk and vulnerability assessments and audits can help take the right step towards bolstering security,
while providing the required security assurance.

24x7 monitoring via a robust next-gen IT-OT security operations centre (SOC)/threat intelligence centre

As both the environments integrate, it is pragmatic to have a common IT-OT SOC, using specialised OT security
solutions that help in asset identification, visibility, anomaly detection, and monitoring. Having custom OT-
specific playbooks, use cases, and a common SOC empowers security teams to effectively join the dots and
respond faster to threats.

Incident response and cyber crisis management plan for the OT environment

Formulating a cyber incident response and cyber crisis management plan is imperative. The plan must undergo
regular reviews of the board and others. The plan should address various scenarios affecting OT systems,
including emerging threats and attacks such as ransomware. Industries should also focus on having table-top
exercises for executives to prepare them towards various scenarios.

Awareness and training

Training and awareness is one of the crucial aspects of OT cybersecurity strategy. It helps create an in-house team
of OT security specialists (for example, with expertise in PLC testing and infrastructure testing) or provide awareness
and hygiene training to employees that operate systems. Training is also important to create a security-first mindset
to ensure that cybersecurity remains a key tenet of Industry 4.0 implementation within an organisation. This can
also help prevent Shadow IT, which becomes a pain point in the effective management of security.

Red teaming

Red teaming is essential to test resistance and resiliency of OT environments to stay ahead of malicious threat
actors. A robust mechanism should also be set in place to incorporate leanings, plug-in gaps, and enhance

Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

While the industrial sector was The geopolitical environment will
gearing up and strategising for digital continue to rapidly evolve, making the
transformation, the pandemic provided security considerations for OT not only
an opportunity to test the waters, even an organisational mandate, but also a
for the most reluctant organisations. This country-wide imperative. The road to a
helped place the spotlight on possibilities safer, secured, and resilient industrial
and opportunities, and at the same time, ecosystem must include removing silos,
brought awareness about various risks. collaborating to synergise intelligence
There is, perhaps, no turning back. Driven and proactively dealing with syndicated
by the changing business priorities, attacks.
regulatory environment, and the threat
landscape, organisations with OT must There is no better time than now
look at embracing a cybersecurity to prioritise and streamline OT
strategy that puts OT security into cybersecurity.

Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

1. “EIA projects nearly 50% increase in world energy usage by 2050, led by growth in Asia”, US Energy Information Administration
(EIA) (

2. Smart Manufacturing 2.0 series, Implementing the smart factory - New perspectives for driving value, Deloitte (https://www2.

3. Reimagining Indian Enterprises' Tech Landscape In A Digital-First World – A New Order Out Of Chaos, NASSCOM analysis

4. “Cabinet approves Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme: A Reforms based and Results linked Scheme”, Press Information
Bureau (

5. Digitalization Roadmap for Indian Exploration and Production (E&P) Industry, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas http://

6. 2022 manufacturing industry outlook, Deloitte US (


7. 2021 State of Industrial Cybersecurity, Dragos-Ponemon Institute (


8. Understanding and Mitigating Russian State-Sponsored Cyber Threats to U.S. Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) (

9. Ten key questions and actions to tackle ransomware in critical infrastructure, Deloitte (

10. Indian businesses hit by more ransomware attacks than Australia, Japan and Singapore reveals new survey, Business Insider

11. Newsletter, October 2021, National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIIPC) (

12. Cybersecurity for smart factories, Deloitte and the Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation, 2020 (https://www2.

Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

Central Electricity Authority (Cybersecurity in power sector) guidelines, 2021
In line with the evolving threat landscape, the Indian government has also come up with cybersecurity guidelines for the power
sector. These guidelines lay emphasis on certain key aspects (amongst others):

• Having an Information Security Division, headed by a CISO

• Receiving ISO/IEC 27001 certification, along with other certifications

• Formulating a cybersecurity policy that should be reviewed annually

• Making cybersecurity issues a part of the board agenda, taken up every quarter

• Identifying and declaring ‘critical information infrastructure’

• Defining electronic security perimeter, with conducting vulnerability assessment of access points at least once in six months

• Ensuring round-the-clock monitoring, with adequate resource support

• Devising a cyber risk assessment and mitigation plan, with quarterly reviews

• Phasing out legacy systems

• Conducting security and testing of cyber assets, and external audit of IT and OT systems at least once in six months

• The CISO is expected to report any anomalous activity caused by the sabotage of critical systems within 24 hours of occurrence.
For not reporting any identified sabotage, CISO to be held responsible.

• Ensuring cyber supply chain risk management with assurance certification for embedded device security, system security, and
security development lifecycle (in line with IEC 62443-4 standards)

• Putting in place cybersecurity incident response and cyber crisis management plans

• Conducting annual cybersecurity training for employees having access to critical systems (either cyber or physical access)

• For IT and OT professionals, providing training to introduce various standards, such as ISO/IEC:15408, ISO/IEC:24748-1, ISO:
27001, ISO: 27002, ISO 27019, IS 16335, and IEC/ISO:62443

Reimagining OT cybersecurity strategy

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Rohit Mahajan Gaurav Shukla Santosh Jinugu

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