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BENLAC Syllabus 2021

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Course Code Education 6- Building and Enhancing New Literacies across the Curriculum

and Title:
Term 1st Semester, 2021-2022 Class Schedule
BICOL UNIVERSITY Revision Date Co-Requisite/s None
Legazpi City Credit 3 Pre-Requisite/s None
Course Placement BECED, BEED, BCAEd and Type of course Lecture
BSEd 2nd year
College: Education Faculty Maria Cecilia Aguilar Consultation Hours Wednesdays 1:00-4:00 PM
Ma. Cienna Jaucian
Ma. Julita Obiles
Maria Joselyn Paje
Joan Sionicio
Department: Management and Professional Education Contact Details available in respective course Lorna M. Miña, Ph.D.
Program: BECED, BEED, BCAEd and BSEd Department Chair Maria Cecilia P. Aguilar,
A world-class university producing leaders and
Vision change agents for social transformation and Core Values Scholarship, Leadership, Character, Service
Give professional and technical training, and Bicol University commits to continually strive for excellence in instruction,
provide advanced and specialized instruction in research and extension by meeting the highest level of clientele satisfaction and
Mission literature, philosophy, the sciences, and arts Quality Policy adhering to quality standards and applicable statutory and regulatory
besides providing for the promotion of scientific and requirements
technological researches (RA5521, Section 3.0)

Institutional Learning Outcomes:

Every BU graduate should:
1. Demonstrate critical thinking and integrative skills to solve problems and to support lifelong learning;
2. Communicate effectively and appropriately orally and in writing for various purposes with the responsible use ICT tools;
3. Collaborate with diverse people ethically and with mastery of knowledge and skills in given disciplines; and
4. Create knowledge and innovation to promote inclusive development as well as globalization.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Graduates of the BSED/ BEED Program are teachers who:
1. demonstrate in-depth understanding of the development of adolescent/elementary learners;
2. exhibit comprehensive knowledge of various learning areas in the secondary/elementary curriculum;
3. create and utilize appropriate materials and assessment tools to enhance instruction and improve learning outcomes;

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4. practice ethical standards of the teaching profession;
5. exhibit willingness and capability to continue learning and render service to the community.

Course Description:

This course introduces the concepts of new literacies in the 21st century as evolving social phenomena and shared cultural practices across learning areas. The 21st
century literacies shall include (a) globalization and multi-cultural literacy, (b) social literacy, (c) media literacy, (d) financial literacy, (e) cyber literacy /digital literacy, (f) eco-
literacy and (g) arts and creativity literacy. Field based-interdisciplinary explorations (ex. observation in mathematics, Field Studies) and other teaching strategies shall be
used to develop PSTs’ teaching skills to promote learners’ literacy, and critical and creative thinking skills. Pre-service teachers shall develop skills in using appropriate
teaching strategies and resources, including the positive use of ICT, to address learning goals.

Course Learning Outcomes:

Course Learning Outcomes P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

[1] demonstrate content knowledge and its application within and/or across curriculum teaching I
[2] demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that promote literacy skills I
[3] apply teaching strategies that develop learners’ critical and creative thinking and /or other I
higher order thinking skills
[4] show skills in the selection, development and use of variety of teaching and learning resources, I
including ICT, to address learning goals
[5] demonstrate skills in the positive use of ICT I
Legend: I - Introduced concepts/principles; P - Practice with supervision; D - Demonstrated across different settings with minimal supervision

Course Outline:
Specific Learning Outcomes Learning Content Instructional Instructional Performance Assessment Time
Delivery Resources Standard Tasks/Outputs Allotment

I. Introduction, Orientation, Direct Instruction- Course Guide (e-copy) Explain the connection Recitation/ Response Week 1
● relate the general objectives of the and BUCE VMGO. Structured Overview between the course to questions or
course to the realization of the A. Review of the outcomes and the prompts:
VMGO ● How is the
Vision, Mission, Goal, and university’s VMGO
Interactive Learning course aligned
Objectives of the teacher education in relation to the (Synchronous or Share expectations on to BU’s
program course Asynchronous the Course VMGO?
B. Expectation LMS,FB messenger, e-
Discussion- Students ● What do you

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● demonstrate knowledge of the Setting respond to questions mail, SMS (mobile phone) expect from
course’s content, its requirements C. Course posed by teacher depending on what is the course,
and rating criteria Orientation through varied modes) accessible to students the teacher,
and yourself?
II. Introduction of Key Concepts Determine and define Participation and Week 2-4
A. Definitions of traditional Independent Study- Module (online via LMS or the different traditional Responses to
● demonstrate content knowledge on literacies Modular Learning and 21st century Formative Tasks in the
offline downloadable e-
the different traditional and 21st 1. Traditional literacy copy) literacies. Module/ Worksheets;
century literacies and skills and its 2. Functional literacy Reflection on the
application within an/or across 3. Early importance of being
literacy/emergent literate in the 21st
curriculum teaching areas
literacy century
4. Basic literacy and
B. Definitions of the 21st
Century literacies

The 21st century literacies

and skills
1. globalization and
multi-cultural literacy
2. social literacy
3. media literacy
4. financial literacy
5. cyber/ digital literacy
6. eco-literacy
7. arts and creativity
literacy Interactive Learning LMS,FB messenger, e-
C. Features of 21st century (Asynchronous mail, SMS (mobile phone) Describe the features of
teaching and learning Discussion-Response to depending on what is 21st century teaching Output: Visual
D. Critical Attributes of the questions posed by accessible to students and learning. Summary/ Infographic
21st Century Education teacher through varied presenting key
1. Integrated and modes) Discuss the critical elements of 21st
interdisciplinary attributes of 21st century education
2. Technologies and century education
3. Global classrooms
4. Creating/ adapting to
constant personal
and social change,
and lifelong learning
5. Student-centered
III. 21st Century Literacies Demonstrate indicators Outputs on Formative Week 5-9
A. Globalization and of each of the 21st Tasks in the Module:
Multicultural literacy century literacies.

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The OECD GLOBAL ● globalization
Competence framework and multi-
1. Globalization cultural
2. Multiculturalism
research on a
3. Intercultural short class
communication activity based
B. Social Literacy on the
Social literacy student’s
1. Social cognition specialization
and social skills which
2. Emotional
intelligence m
3. People skills ● social literacy-
C. Media Literacy using polite
1. Advantages and language in
disadvantages of varied
Media and situations;
research on
nuances in
D. Financial literacy communicatio
1. Budgeting, n across
spending and cultures
investing ● media literacy-
2. Tips on being personal tips
in promoting
financially stable
positive use of
E. Cyber/Digital Literacy media
1. Cybercitizenship in ● financial
the digital age literacy-
F. Eco-Literacy weekly/monthl
1. Eco-literacy and y financial
sustainable plan (ipon
● cyber/ digital
2. Environmental literacy-
education screenshot of
G. Arts and Creativity one’s digital
Literacy footprint;
1. Visual literacy personal tips
2. Eye/hand/brain in engaging
3. Verbal creativity ● eco-literacy-
4. Visual creativity simple but
5. Aesthetics feasible and

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proposal to
solve and
● arts and
research on a
short class
activity or
based on the
principles of
arts and

Creation of a personal
checklist of indicators
of 21st century
IV. 21st Century literacy skills and Design age-appropriate Portfolio (traditional or Week 10-18
teaching resources Direct Instruction- Module (online uploaded instructional resources e-portfolio) with at least
● show skills in the selection, Structured Overview (conventional and/or 3 samples of
A. Basic strategies for via LMS or offline
development and use of age- developing literacy downloadable e-copy) ICT-based) that will instructional resources
appropriate instructional resources 1. making connections develop literacy, and and 3 semi-detailed
that will develop literacy, and higher- 2. visualizing higher-order and lesson plans
3. inferring creative thinking skills
order and creative thinking skills.
4. questioning
● demonstrate skills in the positive 5. determining Create lesson plans that
importance feature methods and
use of ICT strategies that promote
6. synthesizing
● design activities appropriate for the and develop 21st
B. 21st Century Skill century skills
development of literacy skills
● demonstrate teaching strategies that 1. Learning Skills
a. Critical thinking
promote the development of 21st
b. Creativity

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century literacy skills in a particular c. Collaboration
subject area. d. Communication
2. Literacy Skills Interactive Instruction- Videoconferencing
● apply teaching strategies that a. Information Cooperative Learning platform, messenger, e-
promote learners’ creative thinking literacy mail or text messaging for
b. Media literacy synchronous and
c. Technology asynchronous discussions
literacy depending on what is
3. Life Skills accessible to students
a. Flexibility
b. Leadership Samples of Teaching
c. Initiative Independent Study- Resources Integrating
d. Productivity Projects 21st century skills and
e. Social skills literacies
C. Teaching Resources
1. Student-led learning
(Cooperative learning)
2. Inquiry-based
classroom environment
3. Collaborative activities
4. HOTS activities
5. Creative learning
(Faculty may replace or remove or add entries in the table considering the needs and abilities of the learners and in adherence to existing administrative orders and

Course Requirements:
Type of Requirements Specific Requirements Modality of Submission Due Date
Tests and Examinations Midterm Examination Online (via LMS) Oct. 09, 2021
Final Examination Online (via LMS) Dec. 15, 2021
Outputs Worksheets in the Module Online (via LMS) check course guide
for specific dates
Class Participation Responses during synchronous and asynchronous discussions LMS,FB messenger, e-mail, SMS check course guide
(mobile phone) depending on what for specific dates
is accessible to students
Portfolio Instructional Resources (Traditional or ICT-based Materials and Semi-Detailed Online (via LMS)
Dec. 04, 2021
Lesson Plans)
(Faculty may replace or remove or add entries in the table considering the needs and abilities of the learners and in adherence to existing administrative orders and

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Course Assessment:
BU Grading System (To include performance standards)

Course Requirements:
Class Participation
Worksheet Outputs
Major Examinations
System of Computing Grades
Worksheet Outputs 20%
Class Participation 20%
Portfolio 30%
Midterm and Final Examinations 30%
Final Rating= 1/3 Midterm Grade + 2/3 Tentative Final Grade
Printed Materials:

Bachrach, B. (2006). Values-Based Financial Planning. Aim High Publishing: California

Borado, Milagros L. (2012). What Skills Do You Need for the 21st Century. Vol. 1. Q.C. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
Carreon, Myrna L. (2012). Safeguarding the Environment, Our Earth, Our Home (Lets Go Green) Vol. 1. Q. C. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
Far Eastern University (2008). The Art of Teaching Best Practices. Manila: FEU Publications
Friess, E. (2013). Bring the newbie into the fold: Politeness strategies of newcomers and existing group members within workplace meetings. Technical Communication
Quarterly, 22 pp. 304-322
Hollinger, A. (2005). Politeness in business letters. Synergy
Llagas, A.T. Corpuz, B. & Bilbao, P. (2016). Becoming a 21st Century Educational Leader
Locher, M. (2006). Polite behavior within relational work: The discursive approach to politeness
Lucido, Paz I. (2013). Ethical Issues in Cyberspace. Vol 4. Q.C. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
Lucido, Paz I. (2012). Teaching New Literacy in a Digital Environment. Vol 1. Q.C. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
Miller, S. & Bruce, D. (2017). Welcome to the 21st century: New literacies stances to support student learning with digital video composing. English Journal. National
Council of Teachers of English. 106.3, pp. 14-18
Morales, Kathleen M. (2012). Multicultural Education Vol. 2. Q. C. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
Nacino, S. (2014). Money and Me. Write Conversations: Manila
Pacia, C. G. (2003). Personalized Education. Manila: Center for Educators Formation Publication
UNESCO (2013). Media Information Literacy: Policy, and Strategy Guidelines. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Vega, V., Prieto, N. & Carreon, M. (2015). Social dimensions of education. Cubao, Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
Villareal, Noemi M. (2012). Information Literacy: The Defining Paradigm of Modern Education. Vol. 3. Q. C. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
Wilson, C. et. al (2011). Media and Information Literacy: Curriculum for Teachers. UNESCO: France

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Web Materials:

Bermingham, S. (2018 May 08). ‘Three new literacies for today’s classroom. National geographic learning: In focus. Retrieved July 9, 2019 from
Hammett, R. (n.d.). “Digital technologies, new literacies and 21st century skills.” Retrieved on November 27, 2018 from
Miners, Z. & Pascopella, A. (2019). “The new literacies.” Retrieved on November 28, 2018 from
National Finance Educators Council (2018). “What is financial literacy?” Retrieved July 16, 2019 from
“New literacies and 21st century technologies.” (May 2009). Retrieved on November 25, 2018 from
“Personal finance education” (2019). Retrieved July 16, 2019 from
Shaw, A. (2015). The arts and creativity as literacies. “Multiple literacies of the 21 st century.” Retrieved July 9, 2019 from www.21stcentury
The College Reading Association (2006). Multiple literacies in the 21st century. Retrieved on December 05, 2018 from
The Commission on Higher Education [CHED] & Philippine Normal University [PNU] (2016).Teaching guide for senior high school: Media and information literacy. Retrieved
The K to 12 Curriculum. Retrieved at
The new literacies (n.d.) Retrieved on July 09, 2019 from www.
75352 Paris 07 SP, France Communication and Information Sector 21st century literacies 21st century skills categories - critical attributes of 21st century education

Course Policies:

These policies aim to guide the students in achieving the learning outcomes in this course and in becoming more responsible and accountable for their learning. These can
be adjusted depending on the health and pertinent educational protocols as well as individual contexts of students.

Ethical Policies:
Proper decorum, whether in online or offline modes, is expected from students. For more information on netiquette, please visit

Academic Integrity Policy:

Honesty is a highly valued principle in the teaching and learning process. Cheating, plagiarism or any other form of academic dishonesty shall strictly and promptly
be dealt with based on the BU student handbook. For more information on how to build academic integrity and avoid dishonesty, please visit

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Policies on Absences and Tardiness:
Student’s attendance will be checked based on scheduled participation in their preferred modality. Students who confirmed engagement via synchronous,
asynchronous or in special arrangements, limited face to face modality are expected to participate based on agreed schedules. An absence will be marked if the student
fails to follow given schedules of participation.

Language of Instruction:
Students are expected to use English as the formal medium of communication during interactions. Filipino and/or the regional language, Bikol, may be allowed by
the teacher depending on the need.

Use of the Learning Management System:

The LMS recommended by the university will be used.

Use of Mobile Phones and Gadgets:

Gadgets like mobile phones, tablets, laptops and others are necessary to facilitate distance and flexible learning, so they shall be maximized provided they are
utilized for the purposes of teaching and learning.

Special/Make-Up Quiz/Examinations/Work:
Concerns regarding examinations and other requirements should be discussed with the teacher as soon as they arise so that possible adjustments can be made,
but these adjustments will be subject to the careful and principled consideration of the teacher.

Dress and Grooming Codes:

Students participating in synchronous classes are expected to wear decent attire and apply proper grooming so that their appearance is appropriate and non-
distracting online.

Concerns regarding any aspect of the course must be communicated directly to the teacher for possible consideration.

Statement on Student Wellness:

The outcomes, topics and requirements have been determined considering the many possible circumstances the students are in given the global health crisis that is
why several modes are provided in achieving them. The students’ well-being is a top priority in the implementation of the course and this will constantly be balanced with
the emphasis on achievement.

Advising and Support:

Students who are in need of assistance or support in this course are encouraged to communicate with their teacher. Regular consultations and varied modes of
communication will be offered.

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Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:




JOAN SIONICIO (Signature Over Printed Names) (Signature Over Printed Name)

(Signature/s Over Printed Name/s)

Course Professors Dept. Chairperson Dean
(Position) Committee on Syllabi Review (Position)

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